#sci-fi g/t
andtheyreonfire · 7 months
mm thinking about giants playing nice. be it a giant alien, an experimentee with a new size, or even just like your average 100' cryptid. watching as tiny humans crawl across their hands, dutifully keeping them still as they poke and prod at the flesh. humoring demands to be measured, or to sit, or to pick up a car and hear a chorus of amazement around them. trying not to look bored at how toy-sized everything is, to pluck the tiny human(s) out of the crowd they thought looked genuinely entertaining. keeping silent as some leader or another prattles off threats and demands. they don't point out how the weapons surrounding them would hurt little more than a tickle, but they do "accidentally" knock over one of the bigger ones with a "careless" movement. they'll comply, play fetch, whatever...until they find a more amusing option, of course.
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olivexing · 3 months
More storyboards:
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It’s about the mortifying ordeal of being known.
Claustrophobic, gigantic, humiliatingly too large for the space around you…and just when you think it can’t get any worse, your friend SEES you.
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I always see this pretty common g/t horror trope (and sci fi trope in general) about something Big and Scary coming to a colony of Littles (usually humans) and subsequently using them as a farm source for food despite having to eat like 50 people for a single meal or whatever
But what about the reverse?
Depending on the size, a giant could easily feed an entire city of tinies, never mind the fact that if they only take chunks at a time then their meat source could continually regenerate. 5-10 giants could sustain a full country whereas hundreds of tinies would only fill up on giant for a couple days. Remember those gnarly movies where a character would get swarmed by insects and be cleaned down to the bone in a matter of minutes?
"well the giant could easily kill the tinies--" sure, initially, yeah. But you get locked in a room with 500 hungry rats, your chances aren't great even if you reduce it down to 300 before you give out because of their constant attacks.
Can you imagine the horror of realizing you're about to become a living food source, continually and painfully harvested by little chunks at a time to ensure your meat stays fresh and you can heal parts of it back? Being kept alive by the bare minimum, helpless and restrained in some foreign place, kept in the most inhumane conditions because you're nothing more than a supersized livestock? Given injections and specialized feed that are only meant to make you tastier, regardless of how they actually affect your health?
Unsure of the day you'll finally be slaughtered by something smaller than your fist, losing parts of yourself down to the bone, having less and less hope that you'll be rescued while hearing the consumption of your friends just a few bays away. And that's only if you're being used in an intelligent society that can keep you locked up for manufactured processing. There's very much a chance you could simply be held down and devoured bite by bite by a colony of tiny things in either 20 minutes or 20 hours.
At least in that case, you could hope that after a few days of open wounds, your meat would spoil enough that they'd stop eating whatever is left of you and grant you the mercy of escape. If you don't succumb to the infections.
Oh and that's just being eaten like nibbling on a chicken wing. Do I even need to mention being eaten from the inside out?
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gt-daboss · 11 months
Random GT Thoughts #2
Ok so we all know about Scientists in GT right? Evil doers, I mean just the worst of the worst, but what if, and here me out, they were good? I've been thinking about a specific story in mind where tiny (shrunken human) has been experimented on for so long, but one day they finally get a chance to escape, only they are "caught" by the head scientist, the one who developed the shrinking serum used on them. Thinking its over for them and they're about to be forced back into more testing only for the scientist to have NEVER EVEN KNOWN about tiny, (they thought their science was only being used for shrinking cancer cells or something, THEY THOUGHT THATS ALL IT COULD DO)
So now they have a whole shivering tiny on their hands, people misusing THEIR science behind their back, and a scientific breakthrough, all within the span of 30 seconds.
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Anyways, they quickly and calmly (as much as they can, 'shrinking PEOPLE is possible', science brain giving them mixed feelings about that) explain the situation at hand, while they were the one to create the science, they are NOT here to harm tiny. yadda yadda angst story somebody write this and tag me I'd love you forever
(also I drew her twice cuz I can)
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coffehbeans · 8 months
Capture this, you're in the middle of a city evacuation. Something catasthropic has hit the Earth, people are running left and right, edifices are toppling down all around you. You run desperately, but a building starts falling towards your direction. You see there's no way to outrun it, so you cover your head in fear, waiting for the impact until -
Something holds the building up, making it groan loudly. You open your eyes and look above you, and what you see leaves you speechless: a giant is holding the construction, tons of concrete halting under their strength, all so that you and the other humans can escape. The giant yells with a loud voice, "Run, quickly!", as people take the opportunity and flee, not sparing a glance towards their massive savior.
Meanwhile you're just laying there mesmerized like -
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aceouttatime · 1 year
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My newest disaster man. This one’s sci-fi flavored and inspired by the idea that humans are microfauna in scale comparison to the rest of the universe! (More info below the cut!)
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Species: Human
Age: 32
Height: 72’ (6’2 without suit)
Pronouns: he/him/his
Planet of Origin: Unknown
Occupation: Starship First Captain (Currently employed by the Alliance Research Collective)
Captain of the Starship Neoma-03R, Tyr’Vaughn is a rather mysterious man. No one, his crew included, has seen his face, nor do they know much of anything about his past. He speaks Common eloquently, but he speaks his native tongue, an unidentified language, when talking only to himself—it’s a nasty habit he’d developed over the years. Vaughn is courteous but curt, professional in a distant manner with a repressed, but fiery, temper.
Vaughn has access to technology that has since been lost to time; his mech suit allows him to grow to a size and scale proportionate to the rest of the sentient, organized universe. Humans in general are uncommon and are either overlooked due to their size, viewed as nothing more than a peculiar, exotic species or actively sought out by those who know how best to use their size against them. Typically, humans only take part in organized space travel via becoming mechanics or, even more rarely, engineers, as their innovativeness, creativity, and size lend well to those lines of work.
Tyr’Vaughn finds the treatment of himself and those like him deplorable and thus is on a personal mission to: A. become the first human to rise in the Alliance’s space force, exploring the galaxy to his heart’s content and B. find answers about the suit’s tech in hopes of bringing opportunity and power to the last few like himself.
He just can’t let anyone see him suitless, lest he be found out for being human. And small. Because who’s ever heard of humans being treated with even a modicum of respect?
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imber-rose · 8 months
GtWAC day two: Post a prompt / scenario you wish you saw more often.
Honestly anything with platonic relationships. Romance is good and dandy but I need more friendships, found family and platonic affections
As far as scenarios.
I’m a sucker for scientist ends up in the fae wilds or abducted by aliens or such. Flip side is fae or alien getting discovered by a scientist (but not like the cold movie scientist like the actual field scientist who get way to excited over tree core samples and tiny frogs and the like)
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cybersoldier82 · 6 months
Have this art i did for a friend on discord featuring Halcyon and her oc Juno :3
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willow-and-morel · 8 months
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orion and the girly pop jaz again- why? because they are my main gt characters rn lol.
sooo I didn't feel like making a background but imagine an alien city there. Orion is most definitely NOT from this planet, he also doesn't mean any harm besides the fact he's about 70-80 ft tall and has fully plated armor on covered in sigils that even orion doesn't know what they are. I'm not really sure how to set up how they meet but its probably gonna be in a forest because I am biased and I love a good on ominous giant lurking through the forest. *He fell, can't remember wtf is going on and is trying to find out where he is, meanwhile, jaz is just minding her business and hears some creature stomping thru the forest*
do they speak the same language? yes
does that make any sense? no
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A Pair Of Oddities (1)
Words: 2,608
TW's: Angst, Fear, Mentions of Bile, Needles/Syringes, Dehumanization, Referring to a Person as an "It", Mentions of Selling/Buying People, Mentions of Suffocation, Mild Violence
Characters: C!Tommyinnit
Summary: A pixie finds himself in a strange new world full of people who aren't quite...real
Aka: I putted pixies and robots into a blender :)
I accidentally posted the unrevised version so surprise reupload with some really tiny changes (no pun intended)
“How do we even know this thing is safe?”
“We don’t. That’s why we’re putting this in first.”
Blinding light flooded through the glass and Tommy blinked hard to clear the purple spots from his sight. Warped faces stared down at him from beyond rounded walls. If it were the first time he was on display, he might’ve bothered to tell them off. He’d learned the hard way that within the confines of that jar, he’d only hurt his own ears trying something like that. All he could do was glower up at them with the fury of a thousand suns and throw silent promises of bloodshed whenever he was given the opportunity.
The pixie had begun developing a list. It was the only thing that kept him sane most nights he spent there. Once he got a little bigger and a little meaner, he’d pay everyone who wronged him a visit to return the favor tenfold. Of course, the list had grown impossible to keep track of as the days crawled on. Even if he could’ve somehow written it down, he would’ve been just as likely to run out of ink as he was space on the page.
“How do we get it back after?”
“We don’t. We just watch through its eyes.”
Tommy had been pretty lost through the whole conversation but that part was what really threw him for a loop. What exactly were they planning? The lid was hastily unscrewed overtop him and tossed onto the table. He went limp as a doll when he felt rough fingers seize his waist. The tiny bite marks littering the offending digits served as a testament to his every attempt at rebellion.
Tommy’s stomach lurched as he was lifted up far too close to the man’s face for comfort.
“Per oculos creaturae.”
By the time the realization of the warlock’s intentions dawned on Tommy, it was already too late. The man’s irises lit up a sickly yellow. His magic was cold, unyielding no matter how hard Tommy’s biological defenses pushed against it. A yellow haze blurred the edges of his vision.
“There. Now I can see everything it does,” the magician announced. When the pale light faded from the man’s eyes, so did the fog around Tommy’s. A surveillance spell. Of course. They'd already pinned his wings and locked him away in a jar. Why not strip him of the only part of himself that was still his own?
“What if it closes its eyes?”
The warlock paused to glare at his companion.
“Yes, I’m sure that it’ll just keep its eyes shut the whole time it’s in another dimension because who would possibly want to look around in a place like that?”
Alright, alright. I was just asking,” the warlock’s elven companion insisted.
“Just light the candles,” the other snapped.
Another dimension? This was bad. Really bad. Tommy had been all over the lands, though most of his travels took place against his own volition. But this? This was a whole new animal. A world that could’ve been made completely out of lava, for all anyone knew. He’d be so far from the place he grew up in. So…far…
The flurry of panic in Tommy’s mind dissolved all at once like candy floss in water.
He’d be so far from this place.
A whole other world where nobody from the old one could reach him. Hell, if it was just a world of fire, it would still be a step up from the fantastical wasteland he’d grown up in. The pieces of a terrible plan were slowly falling into place.
Tommy was haphazardly dropped onto the table as the rest of the preparations were made around him. They had no reason to keep such a close eye on him. He was just a dumb pixie that they’d snuffed the spirit from. What could he possibly get up to? He scanned the desktop for anything useful. Since the place was a mess, it wasn’t difficult to find a myriad of different objects. Enchanted items, spell tomes, potions, gryphon claws, phoenix feathers, and-
Tommy fought a smirk.
An unattended glass of milk. The cure-all for nearly every spell, enchantment, and curse alike. He wasn’t the type to count his hippogriff eggs before they hatched but this…well, it would take more skill to mess it up than succeed. He glanced over his shoulder. The men scrambled about the study, neither one paying an inkling of attention to him.
With a final breath to steel his nerves, he scrambled up to his feet. He staggered, immediately tripping his own feet to land right back where he started. Walking was apparently a task easier said than done with the clothespin weighing down his wings. Alright. Scooching it was.
His eyes were fixated on the pair of busybodies still rummaging about the drawer, slowly sliding backwards. He nearly flinched when he bumped against something solid. It wobbled as he nudged it and he could only cringe and pray it wouldn’t spill.
He rose to shaky feet, barely using the glass to support his weight. He dared to turn around only for a split second to hoist himself up over the cup’s rim. The glass trembled beneath him. He only needed a little. A desperate hand reached for the drink a tantalizing distance away, the other hand braced against the cup to keep him steady. He dipped his fingers into the lukewarm liquid, hastily smearing it across his tongue. It was a drop but it was enough. More than enough.
His very veins flushed, cleansed of the unwelcome spell that had previously permeated through them.
He fought a sigh of relief as he scrambled to return to his previous position on the table just as the men returned.
“Ready?” the magician asked.
“Ready,” the elf replied.
The elf kissed his fingertips, pressing them to each of the wicks of the candles in the enchanted circle. Warm flames gradually flickered to life. Tears of black wax spilled down onto the finished wood below. The warlock picked up a knife and slashed a clean line across his palm, shallow and long. Crimson liquid dribbled onto the lead rune.
Beams of violet light had already sprung to life before the warlocks had even begun his enchantment. His eyes were screwed shut as the slew of nonsense spilled from his lips straight into the circle of symbols. A jittery current rippled through the desk beneath Tommy.
One by one, the red flames blinked violet. The thrum of magic in the air was so heavy that Tommy could feel it in his chest. The objects littering the desk shook as the power grew focused and concentrated, draining into the waiting runes.
The light was blinding. A swirling vortex of purple and pink flashed like strobes, forming a hole in the center of the table. A hole with no perceivable bottom. Tommy had never been more tempted to throw himself straight into something. But he had to wait. Just a little longer.
“Holy Fates! It’s working!” the elf exclaimed.
The warlock's hands weakly dropped onto the table. He panted like he’d just run a mile.
“Unclip it and drop it in,” the exhausted man instructed.
A hand reached for Tommy.
The elf’s fingers fell just short of the pix. The warlock’s face grew tense, eyelids fluttering in strain.
“The spell’s not working,” he said, paling in realization. His attention snapped to Tommy. That was all the motivation the pixie needed.
He heaved his body backwards, launching himself into the swirling void of color. A hand lashed out towards him. The massive fist closed around the air mere inches away from him. He laughed hysterically as he shot up double middle fingers at the two men gawking down at him.
“Later, dickheads!” he shouted. And, in all honesty, he didn’t care what he found or didn’t find on the other side of that portal because just seeing the looks on their faces made the entire risk worthwhile.
The world unraveled around him, sealing him away in the mass of colors. The constant strobes made it hard to keep his eyes open. The haphazard motion of his body being jostled about was nearly enough to give him whiplash. There was no end to the tangle of colors. The same, repeating pattern of hues went on for what very well could’ve been miles. Tommy was never much of a gymnast but the amount of backflips he did in that moment would’ve put any acrobat to shame.
All at once, it went still.
Well, all except Tommy.
His stomach dropped into his feet as he plummeted through the air. He flailed about wildly in a desperate attempt to steady himself. It was all futile as he was stuck in a constant state of tumbling. He probably screamed. In all honesty, he couldn’t hear a thing over the roar of the wind in his ears.
The first thing he registered was the wetness. The thing that finally broke his fall was wet. And freezing. And suffocating. Between the iron clothespin threatening to drag himself further into the depths and the residual vertigo from the fall, he didn’t stand a chance of finding the surface. By sheer luck, his feet hit something solid. He didn’t hesitate to use it as a launchpad. As soon as his face breached the water, he swallowed down a much needed gulp of air.
He threw himself onto the solid rim he found surrounding him, arms gelatin beneath him. He hacked so hard he could’ve sworn he’d sprained a lung-if that was even possible. All the water he’d stolen returned to its source and then some. Residual bile burned at the back of his throat. Between the erratic rise and fall of his chest, Tommy managed a single phrase.
“Holy shit.”
He slouched against the porcelain edge. The world around him was…bizarre. A normal enough blue sky with normal enough clouds and green grass below but that was about where the similarities between their worlds ended.
A deep red building was incongruous with the green lawn and white flora.He couldn’t even tell what material the thing was made of. Fashioned into sharp, rectangular shapes, the wall was adorned with panels that were almost a bizarre imitation of wood.
He sure would’ve loved to get a closer look. He glowered at the clothespin holding his wings captive, reaching at it with desperate fingers to no avail. He huffed. Maybe he could convince some local to take it off for him but finding someone would probably involve actually getting to the ground-a task easier said than done given that whatever dish of water he’d landed in was cradled in a pillar just tall enough to make a drop from that height lethal.
He was officially stranded.
Tommy’s ears twitched at the sound of a door opening. When he looked up, he found the glass door on the side of the building was all wrong. It didn’t pull in or push out. It slid. The pixie’s mouth fell open in utter shock. The person who stepped outside was wrong, too. Though they looked like your average common elf-sans the pointed ears-they didn’t move right.
Swathed in a ridiculous monochrome outfit, the woman made a b-line for him with feet that walked in a perfectly straight line. Her arms swung ever so slightly with every step, flawless face adorned with a smile that looked like it had been plastered right on there when she was born and hadn’t been removed since. The eerie grin left ehr full set of polished white teeth on full display.
Tommy froze.
He should’ve run. Definitely should’ve.
But he couldn’t.
Even if he wasn’t stuck suspended high up in the air, he was petrified by the unsettling woman before him. She stopped a few feet short of Tommy and bent down at the waist. Even the angle of her posture was too perfect. Was this thing even a person? It sure did look like one but Tommy could’ve sworn her chest wasn’t even moving.
Like she wasn’t breathing.
He was looking at her chest for scientific purposes, of course.
“Source of motion in custom name ‘birdbath’ identified,” she announced. Tommy’s eyes darted about the yard in search of who she was talking to only to find it entirely vacant beyond the two of them. “Scanning.”
Tommy went rigid as brown eyes lit up an icy blue. She looked him up and down. The gesture was probably the most familiar thing he had yet to experience in that place. It was like they were sizing him up to buy him.
“Scan complete. Organic lifeform not found in database. Blood sample required for further analysis.”
Did she say blood?
His stomach twisted in knots as she held up her hand. A narrow, metal needle emerged from the tip of her index finger, glinting menacingly in the sunlight.
Tommy ducked just in time to evade the needle that cut through the air above him. No way the people around here had weapons built into their skin! How unfair was that?
He dragged himself up further onto the very ledge of the porcelain dish. Though his body was made even heavier by the addition of extra water, he managed to hoist himself up onto the back of her hand. He shuddered at the feeling of skin too smooth and unmalleable to belong to something living.
She didn’t even have veins. What exactly was this thing?
He didn’t have much time to stand around and wonder. She reached for him with her opposite hand. He raced straight up her arm, hardly finding enough traction to run. His saving grace was her sleeve. He twisted the sleek fabric in his fists with every intention of gracefully descending until the woman bucked like a montaur.
In an instant, he was on the ground. He couldn’t even remember the fall. Every fleeting thought of clarity in his muddled mind scrambled at him to run so that was what he did. The dirt beneath his feet shook with the woman’s every step as she started after him.
Unfortunately for her, evasion was quite possibly the only skill he’d retained throughout his whole life. Granted, it had failed him in the past, but that made him stronger. Smarter. He narrowly escaped her swiping hands. Her fingers grazed the clothespin restraining his wings as he dove through the hole in the picket fence.
Tommy half expected her to barrel through the wooden fence but she didn’t. He peered through the slit between pickets only to watch her stop dead in her tracks, turn around, and simply walk right back into her home.
He let out a sigh of relief.
“Organic lifeform not found in database. Blood sample required for further analysis.”
The voice hit him like a stone to the teeth. He forced himself to move, turning to find a man in the exact same uniform as the woman.
The creature…whatever it was-be it a mimic or duplication spell gone wrong-walked towards him with that bone chilling gait. Tommy was catching on to the way of this world very quickly. He would just have to keep moving. Running, hiding, sleeping with one eye open if he ever got to sleep at all. And maybe in that sense, it all felt nostalgic.
A grim reminder that no matter what world he escaped to, he was condemned to the very same fate spent fleeing and scavenging. A pest across every universe. And if he ever got a moment’s peace, it could only mean that something was terribly, terribly wrong.
Sorry again about reupload but I got it all figured out this time...maybe >:)
@da3dm @i-am-beckyu
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clumsiestgiantess · 11 months
Finishing off The Restoration Program by @kendsleyauthor & @marydublinauthor and I’m left speechless (unless you want to count the sound of my tears) Seriously though, this is some of the most emotionally invoking writing I’ve read. Ever.
I’m drawing away the trauma.  Have this little comic-y thing.  MAJOR spoilers for the book so I’ll put it under a cut
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The poetic irony that she was killed by the same person who brought her back from death…
(I thought about doing another panel with her laying limp and dead on the floor but it was looking kinda gruesome so I decided against it)
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arrow-gt-ace · 1 year
person meets time traveler!jack and says "oh, you're the giant i saw on TV the other day" Jack: ":3 ????? what's TV"
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olivexing · 4 months
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Would you let a giant spiky robot give you the gentlest of smooches? (should he go for it?) 😳
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littlest-world · 10 months
The worst best? most thing about being into g/t is that every non-g/t idea that I have very quickly becomes a g/t one.
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obwjam · 1 year
Opinion on mando g/t?
my opinion is that din djarin would be the best giant ever and the star wars universe is the absolute best place for borrower aus imo. like there are so many possibilities: feral/wild tinies, full-fledge tiny planets/societies, tinies on the black market, tinies as scavengers, tinies as fully integrated into many societies… like it’s just endless. personally my fave mando g/t scenario is just grogu’s story but for a tiny: he has to deliver them as bounty but ends up becoming protective, etc etc. it’s perfection
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mcdead11 · 1 year
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Looming kaiju.
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