#scott parnell
goddessofwisdom18 · 1 year
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Long live the Hush, Hush era :')
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wingsthatshimmer · 2 years
A Post-Finale Summer Afternoon
In this version, Scott never died fighting Dante. He is still very much alive and still in a relationship with Vee. The setting is a post-Finale World.
Set in the Summer after Nora and Vee finish high school.
This is a post-Finale world. The War between Nephilim and Fallen Angels is over but tensions between the two groups are beginning to rise again as new Fallen angels are being created. Of course, because she is a Nephilim leader, this worries Nora.
The Archangels have created and formed a new realm. This new realm is called by many names including: the "Third Realm", the "New World", "The Realm of Tutela" (meaning Realm of Protection) or "Tutela" for short. It is where the Fallen and Nephilim species can live together in peace and away from the dangers of the Human worlds which require them to live in hiding. In this Wolrd, it is forbidden for the Fallen to exploit Nephilim. In fact, the Fallen have been designated by the Archangels to protect the Nephilim as Guardians and rule over them to keep them safe. In return, the Fallen can keep their wings. Humans related to the Nephilim are allowed to migrate to this new world. However, anybody who does migrate, whether it be Fallen, Nephilim or Human, is allowed to go back to their realm of origin.
Scott and Vee want to migrate to this new world but Nora remains sceptical.
Apart from Marcie’s death, the summer after high school was one of Nora’s few happy memories of her life in the old realm. She had been accepted into an English and Law double degree at Harvard. And of course, Vee and Scott were as in love and care-free as ever. The only thing keeping them from moving to the New World was Nora. They spent the whole Summer trying to persuade her to leave with them.
“Seven billion people in the world and I’m stuck with a best friend who’s content to be easy pickings for incoming fallen angels.” Vee sighed as she snuggled closer next to Scott on their shared beach towel.
“You promised no migration talk today. Or excessive PDA!” I rolled my eyes and threw an empty plastic bottle at Scott who was busy tapping along to Stevie Wonder’s Superstition on Vee’s butt.
“This isn’t PDA. It’s essential practice for the gig on Friday. The one that you promised to attend and support me at.” Without looking up or missing a beat, Scott had managed to duck and avoid the plastic bottle which had disappeared somewhere in the trees that lined the entrance to the beach.
I was in the middle of weighing up whether I should go after it when a familiar voice broke my stream of thoughts.
Tsk, tsk. Littering on the beach Angel? They have fines for that.  
I shot up and spun around to face him. Excitement shot through my whole body. Patch stood in front of me holding my sand covered drink bottle in one hand. With his free hand, he grabbed the waistband of my linen shorts and pulled me into his arms for a kiss. At once, all my worries about the New World, new fallen angels, and plans for the future had vanished. The smell of fresh mint and the feel of his strong arms consumed my senses.
I pulled away slightly and responded. I’m sure my husband can take care of it.
“Are you sure it was us who should’ve promised no PDA?” Vee yelled.
I was too dizzy from the kiss to think of a response. Instead, I curled up into patch’s arms as he knelt down onto the picnic blanket.
“It’s nice to see you too Vee.” Patch said without taking his eyes off me.
“You two are worse than thirteen-year-olds.” 
“At least this isn’t your everyday experience.” I said only half-jokingly.
“Ouch. It almost sounds like you don’t enjoy our company.”
“My sincerest apologies. How could I not enjoy watching you two eat each other’s faces off all day long.”
“Sigh. Some people don’t appreciate the passionate nature of young love.”
“Some people don’t appreciate public decency.”
“Didn’t you have sex on a playground last night?”
At that, I chocked on a lemonade Patch had bought for me. Scott pretended to gasp dramatically and patch chuckled next to me. Vee looked proud with herself. She shot a smug smile my way that said, Check mate. I looked away and made a mental note to share fewer details of my personal life with her.
Still looking away, I attempted to salvage some of my pride, “I said next to a playground. We were having a picnic!”
“Oh! Please excuse me. Picnic sex is a much more appropriate form of public sex. You really are an authentic advocate for public decency.” Vee grinned triumphantly at me while Scott snickered beside her.
I rolled my eyes at both of them and sought refuge next to Patch. He pulled me into his big arms and whispered, “I think I’m starting to like Vee.”
I groaned, Not you too.
Sorry Angel, I’ll make it up to you with another late-night picnic. I could feel his smile on my neck as he peppered me with kisses. Without meaning to, I leaned into him. His hands moved under my top to rest under my bikini top. He held me gently, I closed my eyes and breathed in the salt air. I could hear Vee and Scott’s laughter in the background while they wrestled over the last of the cold beer. I realised then that I hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. I let myself doze off while relishing in the ease and comfort of that sweet summer afternoon.
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David Corn at Mother Jones:
It is hardly surprising that a political movement that has as its godhead a convicted felon and inveterate liar who attempted to overturn an election and incited a violent assault on the US Capitol to retain power would within nanoseconds exploit the assassination attempt at a Donald Trump rally that left one attendee dead. But the utter brazenness of this effort has been stunning. Before crucial details were known—who’s the shooter? why did he do this?—MAGA was out in full-force to blame President Joe Biden, Democrats, and progressives for this shooting by stirring up anti-Trump sentiment. Leading the way in unhinged right-wing responses, Rep. Mike Collins (R-Ga.) called for Biden to be arrested for “inciting an assassination.” Even after it emerged that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the alleged shooter, was a registered Republican (who apparently made a $15 donation to a liberal political action committee in 2021), the crap kept coming. Sean Parnell, a right-wing commentator who in 2021 suspended his Senate campaign in Pennsylvania after his wife accused him of spousal and child abuse, tweeted at Biden: “It happened because of this sort of BS rhetoric from you & the rest of your party. It’s sickening. It needs to stop.”
At this point, there was not yet any indication the shooter had been influenced by anything any politician had stated. J.D. Vance, the ultra-thirsty Republican senator from Ohio who is angling to be Trump’s veep pick and who once compared Trump to Hitler, said the same: “Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.” On CNN, GOP consultant Scott Jennings remarked, “The rhetoric around him over the last few weeks, that if he wins an election our country will end, our democracy will end, it’s the last election our we’ll ever have. These things have consequences.”
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) quickly proclaimed that Biden “is responsible” for the shooting. She then went further than blaming the Ds for their anti-Trump rhetoric and retweeted a post from a MAGA activist who explicitly accused the Democrats of being behind the shooting: “The Dems realized it’s too late to switch out their candidate so they attempted to kill ours instead.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene voiced the same dastardly message: “Democrats wanted this to happen. They’ve wanted Trump gone for years and they’re prepared to do anything to make that happen.” Greene’s remark suggested the Democrats were somehow involved in this attempted assassination. These comments from the Republicans and MAGA extremists were reckless and absurd. For years, Trump has been pushing an ugly narrative: Joe Biden and the Democrats are in league with antifa, Black radicals, and communists to destroy the nation. Trump has said this zillions of times. In both the 2020 and 2024 campaigns, he has exclaimed that if Biden is elected “we may not have a country anymore.” He has repeatedly preached an apocalyptic sermon casting his political rivals as bent on annihilating the United States. He has depicted Biden and his allies as an existential threat to America.
And, of course, Trump has repeatedly encouraged violence—most infamously on January 6. But with this shooting his MAGA allies quickly spotted an opportunity for a rubber-glue propaganda campaign to characterize the Dems as the true threat to democracy and civility and concoct a massive deflection. One of Biden’s chief lines of attack on Trump is that he presents a danger to the republic. Now the Trump crew had a chance to turn the tables and they eagerly grabbed it. Ultimately, the MAGA crowd doesn’t have to win the argument that Biden endangers democracy. They merely need to use it to muddy the waters and undercut the Democrats’ main case against Trump. [...] The attempted assassination of Trump was a horrific event that claimed the life of one person and further traumatized American politics. It also triggered a flood of bullshit. The MAGA world rushed to take advantage of the shooting to remake Trump, who has essentially condoned political violence by vowing to pardon January 6 rioters, into a martyr of political violence and to portray Democrats as the perpetrators of such violence. It is a foul act but a true reflection of the black-is-white reality-denialism of Trump and and his MAGA following.
The attempted assassination of Donald Trump brought out a boatload of bad faith claims from right-wing media pundits and GOP politicians such as J.D. Vance, Mike Collins, Scott Jennings, and MTG falsely blaming the Democratic Party, progressives, President Biden, and/or the media for the attempted assassination.
See Also:
Lucid: MAGA Narratives about the Trump Assassination Attempt
Mediaite: Rep. Lauren Boebert Flat Out Declares ‘I Do Believe Joe Biden is Responsible for the Shooting’ in Stunning Interview
HuffPost: After Assassination Attempt, Republicans Say It’s Out Of Bounds To Call Donald Trump A Threat To Democracy
Vox: Heated rhetoric is dangerous, but honest disagreement is necessary for democracy
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anqael · 3 months
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nora grey, featuring : scott parnell
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burygods · 3 months
nesta archeron : your hair looks really nice like that.
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scott was not a steady sleeper. he tossed and turned, and it has a lot to do with the handprint on his body that constantly felt like it was burning a hole into deeper his soul and the less than stellar dreams that accompanied his slumber. so yes, he had a bit of a bedhead going on ... and he's not ashamed for it in the slightest.
" i know you're taking the piss outta me, " scott pushes himself up onto his elbows with a light grunt. " but i don't care. i know i look good. " a little bit of cocky flair, a smirk tugging at his lips as he peers over at @wandyrlust. " you can't tell me i don't look good right now, nesta. "
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fanbun · 2 years
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LMAO they’re trolling so hard. Twitter is absolutely quaking.
But yeah I have no idea why people think the Space Beths thing is incestuous rather than it being about narcissism and/or self love.
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oceanusborealis · 11 months
TV Review – Rick and Morty: How Poopy Got His Poop Back  
TL;DR – While not a revolutionary episode, it wisely knew that bringing the gang back was the right thing to do as we step back into this universe. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Disclosure – I paid for the Netflix subscription that viewed this episode. Rick and Morty Review – We have a new season of Rick and Morty, a show I have both loved and become frustrated with in almost equal measures.…
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devorment · 1 year
@lustwandyred → FROM NESTA TO SCOTT : prompt ↳ " [ KNEES ] : sender lowers themselves to their knees. "
scott was a man enamoured, completely enthralled with a woman that could run rings around him ... and has, many times. nesta was a woman built of fire and scott was happy enough to get burned by her --- if that was the way he'd go, let the flames of her lick at his skin.
all while her eyes remained on him she guided him to a chair, pushing him down upon it and like a ragdoll he did it. no questions asked, her obedient servant. nephilim watched as she slowly and agonizingly lowered herself to her knees before him, his tongue darting out to wetten his lips in sheer anticipation. her flames were heating his skin and the warmth felt incredible.
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scott never took his eyes off her, not as long as she looked that good on her knees, not as long as her fingers made quick work of his belt and the unbuttoning of his jeans. placing both hands on the seat of the chair he assisted her in wriggling the fabric free off his skin, snaking them around his ankles. the whole show had him bulging in his boxers, his manhood practically begging to be freed, to let her do what he enjoyed her mouth doing. that same mouth could bring him pain and pleasure in equal measure --- but he loved the pleasure more, could one blame him ? ❛ ❛ fuck nesta. ❜ ❜ scott murmured, using every bit of energy in him not to take his boxers off himself and let himself bounce loose, wanting her to have absolute complete control of him ... but fuck, she hasn't even touched him yet and he's already begging for her.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 2 years
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1500-1599 Recap Part 51:
The younger children became toddlers, Catherine died then the plague hit. 
Not that many of the family was hit in this plague and this plague had a lot more deaths overall in the save. I was actually surprised by how many of the family members lived. But yeah plenty died including Solomon which cemented that the heir of the legacy was going to be an heiress. I mentioned in one of my Extras that Adrian’s daughters mostly took after him as children so it was hard to choose an heir out of his spellcaster daughters. 
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disneytva · 1 year
Disney Branded Television Lists Futurustic June 8th Premiere For Hailey’s On It! With Digital Album For June 9th And Disney+ Release Alongside Shorts For Summer.
Don't worry! Hailey's On It! She's here to save the world and the final task of the the list to save the future depends in one kiss! 📓✅🌴
“Hailey’s On It!,” an original animated comedy-adventure series from Disney Branded Television & Disney Television Animation, will premiere Thursday, June 8 (8:00 p.m. EDT/PDT), on Disney Channel, Disney XD and next day on Disney+. 
From creators and executive producers Devin Bunje and Nick Stanton (”Phineas And Ferb”,”Shorty McShort Shorts: Mascot Prep”), the series, set in Oceanside, California, follows Hailey as she is pushed outside her comfort zone to discover the greatness that lies within. Whether she’s tackling every ride at the county fair, performing in a musical, reuniting a singing duo, or facing her ever-growing and complicated feelings toward her best friend Scott, Hailey is always encountering new challenges ― and more opportunities to conquer her fears.
Auli’i Cravalho (Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Moana”) stars in the title role as Hailey, a risk-averse but resourceful teenager on a mission to complete every item on her long list of challenging — and sometimes impractical — tasks in order to save the world. Starring alongside Cravalho is Manny Jacinto (“The Good Place”) as the voice of Scott, Hailey’s best friend, and Gary Anthony Williams (“Marvel Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur”) as the voice of Beta, an artificially intelligent operating system from the future. The series’ trailer was also released today.
Joining the cast in recurring roles are the following:
Cooper Andrews (“DC Shazam Fury Of Gods”) as Hailey’s dad, Kai
Julie Bowen (”DuckTales 2017”) as Hailey’s mom, Patricia
Josh Brener (“DuckTales 2017”,”101 Dalmatian Street”) as Hailey’s academic rival, A.C.
Sarah Chalke (Netflix Animation “Dogs In Space”) as high-energy scientist from the future The Professor
Nik Dodani (Walt Disney Animation Studios “Strange World”,Disney “The Owl House”) as Hailey’s classmate Thad
Judy Alice Lee (“He-Man and the Masters of the Universe”) as Scott’s younger sister, Becker
Amanda Leighton (”Amphibia Franchise”) as the most popular girl in school, Kristine
Joy Osmanski (The CW “Stargirl”) as Scott’s mom, Sunny
Nico Santos (“Tuca and Bertie”) as Hailey’s classmate, Jonathan
The star-studded guest cast includes Brian Jordan Alvarez (Univeral Studios “M3GAN”), Blake Anderson (“Dreamworks Animation Television Voltron: Legendary Defender”),Mick Foley (WWE World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Famer),Jo Koy (”Live from the LA Forum”),Jack McBrayer (“Amphibia Franchise”,Wander Over Yonder”), Bebe Neuwirth (“Tick, Tick... Boom!”,Cartoon Network Studios “Over The Garden Wall”), Chris Parnell (“21st Jump Street”,“Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers”), Tim Robinson (“Big City Greens Franchise” “Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers”), Natasha Rothwell (Paramount Pictures “Sonic The Hedgedog Franchise”), Brandon Mychal Smith (Nickelodeon Animation Studios “Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”), Martin Starr (Marvel Studios “Spiderman” Franchise) and Weird Al Yankovic (”Milo Murphy’s Law”).
Additionally, several “Theme Song Takeover,” “Broken Karaoke”,”How NOT To Draw” and “Chibi Tiny Tales” shorts featuring characters from the series will begin rolling out in July on Disney Channel, Disney Channel YouTube, and DisneyNOW. Hailey,Scott & Beta will make apperances on Chibiverse Season slated for Fall 2023.
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“Hailey’s On It!” features music from a cross-section of popular genres, from K-Pop to musical theater to pop-rock to EDM. A digital soundtrack with six original songs is set for release on June 9 on Walt Disney Records. Matthew Tishler (“High School Musical: The Musical: The Series”) and Emmy Award-nominated Andrew Underberg (Nickelodeon Movies “The J Team”) are the series’ songwriters and composers.
Hailey’s On It! joins the ranks of DuckTales 2017,Big City Greens,Amphibia,The Ghost And Molly McGee,Hamster and Gretel,Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur & Kiff in getting official albums by Walt Disney Records.
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kwebtv · 9 months
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My Adventures With Superman - Adult Swim - July 7, 2023 - Present
Animated / Superhero (10 epidodes to date)
Running time: 22 minutes
Voice Stars:
Jack Quaid as Clark Kent / Superman
Alice Lee as Lois Lane
Ishmel Sahid as Jimmy Olsen
Darrell Brown as Perry White
Kari Wahlgren as Martha Kent, young Clark Kent
Reid Scott as Jonathan Kent
Jason Marnocha as Jor-El
Zehra Fazal as Leslie Willis / Livewire
Azuri Hardy-Jones as Flip Johnson
Chris Parnell as Slade Wilson
Debra Wilson as Amanda Waller
Joel de la Fuente as General Sam Lane
Catherine Taber as Siobhan McDougal / Silver Banshee
Lucas Grabeel as Kyle / Mist
Vincent Tong as Albert / Rough House, Steve Lombard
Jake Green as Anthony Ivo / Parasite
Laila Berzins as Rory / Heat Wave
Melanie Minichino as Cat Grant
Kenna Ramsey as Ronnie Troupe
Jesse Inocalla as Brain
André Sogliuzzo as Monsieur Mallah
David Errigo Jr. as Mister Mxyzptlk
Andromeda Dunker as Vicki Vale
Michael Emerson as Brainiac
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moviespostsycitas · 2 years
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-Nora Grey & Scott Parnell
By: Becca Fitzpatrick.
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harrystormauthor · 10 days
254 757-5000 ASK FOR Scott Felton’s office, leave NO as your messge. Thanks. H CALLING ALL HARRY READERS TO STOP KING FELTON FROM MAKING THAT IDIOT GAWDDAMNED CODY BLOSSMAN OUR NEXT SHERIFF………………………. Notice how easily they’re going on without Parnell, who we suspect has been DROPPED by Cody and the Commissioners. They see the writing on the wall and that more than likely Forensic Audit the…
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playlistsbybunny · 28 days
writer academia
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the french library - franz gordon
the mercy of the wind - million eyes
la fille sans larmes - lo mimieux
river flows in you - yiruma
once upon a dream - invadable harmony
the english affair - howard harper-barnes
growing tall - etienne roussel
old letter - imaginary poet
a window to the past - john williams
la valse d’amélie - yann tiersen
valina - ton doux
into the unknown - yuko kimura
vesper - comet blue
traitor - olivia rodrigo
fake - lauv
born2run - penelope scott
ghost of you - 5 seconds of summer
wildfire - mia vaile
black mambo - glass animals
assassin - au/ra
this mess - lucy parnell
never say die - neoni
vices & virtues - reinaeiry
devil on my shoulder - faith marie
rise - katy perry
deja vu - uki violeta
empty pages - halfy & winks
hand me my shovel, i’m going in! - will wood and the tapeworms
rule #21 - fish in a birdcage
walkin’ through - emilie mover
link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3JVCF2Clfe8Lza11jW57rK?si=a300f574b71e462b&pt=f9e6d54a1503686c0987663f6ad322ec
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screamingforyears · 1 month
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The review template of choice for the TL;DR Tribe…
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‘STRANGE BURDEN’ (@acrophaserecords) is the debut LP from @font.band & it finds the Austin-based quintet of Thom Waddill, Jack Owens, Anthony Lawrence, Roman Parnell & Logan Wagne relentlessly surging across 7 tracks that flex their darkened dancefloor take on hypnotically art_rocking PostPunk as witnessed on the spazzily murmured “It."
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‘GRIM ICONIC…(SADISTIC MANTRA)' is the latest LP from @j_r_c_g & it finds Justin R. Cruz Gallego’s Tacoma-based project going deeper into the rhythms while steadfastly making “a musical statement” across 9 genre antagonistic tracks that pull from the psychedelically swirled, low-end anchored & anxiously cooled PostPostPunk well as heard on the gloriously grooved “34.”
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‘CONFRERE’ (@relapserecords) is the latest album from @poisonruin & it finds the Philadelphia-based outfit further solidifying their aesthetically apt brand of Punk across a 7-track spread chockfull of murkily majestic, stoically sludge’d & death_rawking flavor as evidenced on the old skool vibe of “Sanctuary.”
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‘SOFT NO’ (@abandoneverythingrecords) is the self-titled debut EP from @softnophl & it finds the Philly-based quintet of Allison Lannutti (bass/vocals), Austin Lotz (guitar/vocals), Scott Signorino (guitar), Kate Lowe (keys) & Jonathan Martello (drums) soft_grunging across 5 tracks that make the most of their crunchily spaced & Alt_rawking ways as heard on the quietly/loud “Descender.”
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
When her mother falls for a wealthy man, Lina Cruz must move in with her new stepfather and transfer from an urban East Los Angeles public high school to an exclusive prep school in Malibu, where she struggles to fit in with her affluent new peers. After snooty cheerleading captain Avery blocks Lina from varsity, Lina recruits her best friends from her old school to help her whip the pathetic junior varsity cheerleading squad — the Sea Lions — into fighting shape. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Lina: Christina Milian Evan: Cody Longo Avery: Rachele Brooke Smith Sky: Holland Roden Isabel: Laura Cerón Henry: David Starzyk Christina: Nikki SooHoo Treyvonetta: Gabrielle Dennis Kayla: Meagan Holder Gloria: Vanessa Born East LA Girl #2: Janelle Martinez East LA Girl #1: Jessica Martinez Victor: Brandon Gonzales Cholo: Christopher Martinez Whitney: Brittany Sarkisian Hot Guy: Carlos Diaz Shoe-vite Girl: Julia Lehman Rich Girl: Megan Hubbell Eavesdropper #1 / Sea Lion: Alexander McCarthy Eavesdropper #2 / Sea Lion: Kyle McCarthy Announcer: Lisa Arturo Self: Джулиана Ранчич All Star Jaguars Dancer: Eric Butts All Star Jaguars Dancer: Greg Farkas All Star Jaguars Dancer / Dancer: Janelle Ginestra All Star Jaguars Dancer / Dancer: Lauren Gottlieb All Star Jaguars Dancer: Danielle E. Hawkins All Star Jaguars Dancer: Theresa June-Tao All Star Jaguars Dancer: Devin Jamieson All Star Jaguars Dancer: Jordan Johnson All Star Jaguars Dancer: Michael Lim All Star Jaguars Dancer: Bryan Marsh All Star Jaguars Dancer: Andrea McQueen All Star Jaguars Dancer: Brittany Anne Pirtle All Star Jaguars Dancer / Dancer: Liz Porter All Star Jaguars Dancer: Kristy Rios All Star Jaguars Dancer: Brian Schulze All Star Jaguars Dancer: Bailey Stump All Star Jaguars Dancer / Dancer: Devin Walker All Star Jaguars Dancer: Brad Weber All Star Jaguars Dancer: Tori Wirgler All Star Jaguars Dancer: John Witters All Star Jaguars Dancer: Elle Young All Star Jaguars Dancer: Chris Zuehlke East L.A. Squad Dancer: Daniel Altman East L.A. Squad Dancer: David Carmon East L.A. Squad Dancer: John Cronin East L.A. Squad Dancer: Neda Emamjomeh East L.A. Squad Dancer: David Ezell East L.A. Squad Dancer: Leon Henderson East L.A. Squad Dancer: Megan Honore East L.A. Squad Dancer: Dominique Kelley East L.A. Squad Dancer: Chanel Malvar East L.A. Squad Dancer: Carissa Martin East L.A. Squad Dancer: Candace Montez East L.A. Squad Dancer: Nicole Niestemski East L.A. Squad Dancer: Carina Olis East L.A. Squad Dancer: Sean Patrick Parnell East L.A. Squad Dancer: Daniel Pera East L.A. Squad Dancer: John Rames East L.A. Squad Dancer: Marquita Scott East L.A. Squad Dancer: Allysa Shorte East L.A. Squad Dancer: Monica Soto East L.A. Squad Dancer: Isaac Tualaulelei East L.A. Squad Dancer: Julianne Waters Sea Lion: Jeffrey Alarcon Sea Lion: Paulette Azizian Sea Lion: Shaylene Benson Sea Lion: Britton Bickel Sea Lion: Mike Burns Sea Lion: William Caldwell Sea Lion: Kassie Cook Sea Lion: Marty Dew Sea Lion: Aisha Jamila Francis Sea Lion: Rebekah Giles Sea Lion: Erin Yvonne Sea Lion: Jeremy Hudson Sea Lion / Dancer: Chris Moss Sea Lion / Dancer: Katrina Norman Sea Lion: Shannon Pape Sea Lion: Jonathan Rice Sea Lion / Dancer: Jenny Robinson Sea Lion: Gina Starbuck Sea Lion: Dollar Tan Sea Lion: Jordan Wentz Cholo Squad Dancer: Noel Bajandas Cholo Squad Dancer: Kenny Harlow Cholo Squad Dancer: Oren Michaeli Cholo Squad Dancer: Oscar Orosco Cholo Squad Dancer: Jonathan ‘Legacy’ Perez Cholo Squad Dancer: Michael Vargas Cholo Squad Dancer: Roman Vasquez Cholo Squad Dancer: Ivan ‘Flipz’ Velez Dancer: Ryan Adams Dancer: Brandon Henschel Film Crew: Editor: Richard Halsey Costume Designer: Ruth E. Carter Editor: Michael Jablow Hairstylist: Sheryl Blum Writer: Alyson Fouse Executive Producer: Armyan Bernstein Executive Producer: Charlie Lyons Original Music Composer: Andrew Gross Director: Bille Woodruff Writer: Elena Song Producer: Sean McNamara Makeup Artist: Martha Callender Supervising Sound Editor: Charles Maynes Stunt Coordinator: Julius LeFlore Assistant Editor: ...
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