#hush hush series
bramblrose · 22 days
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“Guard your body.” His smile tipped higher. “I take my job seriously, which means I’m going to need to get acquainted with the subject matter on a personal level.”
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obsessed-vampire · 9 months
Reading Hunger Games, Hush Hush series, and the Twilight Saga all at the same time is definitely an experience.
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wingsthatshimmer · 1 year
The Night After the Battle
Takes place right after the battle in Finale. This is Nora's first time sleeping with Patch. I wanted to make it romantic, playful, and light. Let me know what you think!
It was about 4:00pm when we finally reached a secluded double story house near Delphic. I dwelt on the evergrowing to-do list in my mind with gathering dread. Of course, I had a lot to answer for. Patch had made a stop at my school to prevent them from recording my absence and notifying my mother. I was against the idea of using mind control powers for personal gain, but I reasoned that there wasn’t much else I could do in this instance. Besides, how many more times would I have to take a day off school to lead an army of Nephilim into a holy war? Hopefully, just once.
I tried to draw my attention back to the problem at hand. Ok. No pressure, you’re just spending the night with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend who can now feel your touch. Every time the thought of spending the night with Patch crossed my mind my whole body became warm with excitement.
Patch opened the car door for me. “Welcome home, Angel”.
He laughed when he saw my expression. I was staring, wide eyed, jaw dropped, at the most beautiful house I’d ever seen. Initially, I hadn’t noticed how magnificent it was due to the fence that circled the property. The house was surrounded by a lush garden that beamed with colourful flowers, hanging vines and a small water fountain at its centre. The house itself, although modern, was clearly cottage inspired with large windows and a cream-coloured exterior. The jewel of the house was its wide balcony. The iron railings were meticulously crafted with a lace design. Red flowers hung over the railing and contrasted beautifully against the crème paint. I was in awe.
Patch held my hand and walked me towards the house. Without his guidance, I would’ve remained glued in place by shock.
“Tell me this isn’t yours.”
“It’s not mine. It’s ours. I’ve kept it hidden and ready in the hopes that one day, after the war, we could have a place to call home.”
“I don’t know what to say. It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. You wouldn’t happen to have a whole property portfolio dedicated to magical looking real estate, would you?”
He laughed as we reached the door, “Not yet. But if that’s a requirement for you, I’m sure I can work something out.”
We entered the house and somehow, the interior was even more impressive. The rooms were enormous yet there was a cosy quality about them. Rows upon rows of bookshelves adorned the walls of the room to my left while the room to my right appeared to be a dining area. Patch and I were standing in the hallway which looked as though it ended at a wooden staircase near the back of the house. The afternoon light beamed through the windows and lit up the whole house. For me, this home was a paradise of peace.
I turned to Patch, “This is perfect. Thank you.”
He drew me into his arms and kissed me, “Just wait ‘till you see the shower.” He stopped and smirked, “You know, soap, shampoo, hot water…”
I laughed at the shared memory, “Naked. I know the drill.”
I now stood in the empty hall; before me was the bedroom door, and I stopped, slightly intimidated by the prospect of what might happen and feverishly trembling from the cold. I glanced down to study myself. I was fresh out of the shower and the towel I was wearing did an absurdly poor job of covering my body. It wasn’t exactly my idea of sexy, but it wasn’t as though I had another option. Well. This is as good as it’s going to get. I took a deep breath, rolled my shoulders back and opened the door. The room was dark: a large candle burnt on the table: Patch stood at the foot of the bed, shirtless.
He turned to face me when I walked in. For a moment he looked at me with what I guessed was astonishment. His lips parted as he looked over me and I felt my cheeks flush. For the first time, he looked truly undone.
“Do you feel as if you should sleep, Angel?” asked Patch rather softly.
My blood ran warm. I looked down, aware of how ridiculous I must’ve looked to him.
“No, not really.” I said under my breath. Still looking away from him, a singular notion dawned upon me: I had no idea what to do. I had often thought about how my first time would play out and it excited me. Now, however, the excitement was drowned out by fear; I was firmly in the grips of ignorance and discomfort.
I let my eyes roam over his body. He was lithe, almost wiry yet muscular. He was perfect. I flushed when I met his gaze and realised that he was staring at me.
I looked away, “Sorry,” I stammered. “I’m not really sure what to say. Or what to do.” I tugged nervously on the hem of my towel.
“Let me help you…” he began coyly. “You could always start by listing all the things you find sexy about me.”
As he laughed, my breath left my chest in a grateful rush at the sound. “Is this a test? Or does your ego just need stroking?” I replied.
He took a step closer, and then I was gliding into the circle of his arms. His embrace was like a sanctuary. It was Patch, I trusted him.
“You’re trembling, Angel” Patch stepped back and looked at me with concern. Seeing him like this, uncertain and worried – it nearly made my heart shatter into pieces.
“No thanks to your horrible taste in towels.” I replied only half-jokingly.
He laughed and drew me back safely into his arms, “My apologies. From now on, you can be in charge of all matters towel related.”
As soon as he held me close, the fear melted away – for both of us. His hands travelled up and down soothingly over my back. I closed my eyes and leaned into him, “Fine. But my towel expertise is highly coveted and valuable. I’ll have to bill you for my services.”
I could feel him laugh at that. “I am perfectly happy to oblige. Please advise me on what form of payment you prefer most.”
I looked up at him to respond but my attention strayed to his lips and stayed there. I was barely able to get my reply out, “A kiss would do for now”.
Patch tensed against me. Desire flashed across his face. He placed a light kiss on my forehead and grinned wildly. There, I’ve paid my due.
I returned his smile; you’re going to have to do better than that.
His grin widened.
Instead of replying, Patch lifted me into his arms and walked me to the bed before laying me down gently. As soon as my body hit the mattress, I let out a sigh of bliss and sunk into the comfort of the silk sheets. “You might be lousy at towels but your taste in bed sheets has always been immaculate.”
Patch chuckled as he sat down beside me and pulled me into his lap, “I remember how happy you were the first time you slept over at my place. You loved the sheets. I wanted to make sure you were just as comfortable here.”
“Mission accomplished. I’m never leaving.” I suddenly became aware that I was in my boyfriend’s bed wearing nothing but a towel. My insecurities flared up again. I sought out his shoulder and rested my head against it for a sense of comfort. As though he could tell how I was feeling, Patch drew my body closer to his and wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace. He held me; more tenderly than I had ever been held. As before, the nerves dissolved.
Hooking one finger under my chin, he lifted my mouth towards his lips and whispered under his breath, “I love you, Nora”. Before I had the chance to respond, his mouth was on mine. I immediately sunk into him, taking in his familiar scent of fresh mint. His lips were soft, and the kiss was slow and gentle. It was the kind of kiss that was filled with adoration. His gentle kisses told me I was loved, they told me I was safe.
Slowly, I let go of the towel. Patch stopped me and whispered under his breath, “Angel, are you sure this is what you want?”
I nodded, “I trust you.” And even though I meant it, my voice came out slightly shaky.
A look of worry flashed across his face, “We’ll take it slow. If you feel even the slightest bit unsure, we’ll stop.” And then he let my towel fall off my body. I felt my temperature soar as his eyes raked me. His gaze shifted over my body and back to my face. I could see the hesitation in his eyes, the concern he had for me.
“I’m ok.” I said firmly, taking his hands into mine. “Kiss me.”
He pulled me underneath him and sheltered my body with his own. I wrapped my legs around his hips. When I tightened my grip, I felt his body get hot and his breath ragged. Slowly, he started placing kisses all over my body as I gasped, moaned, and twisted under him. He kissed my lips, down my throat, over my breasts and my stomach; they were tender kisses that told me I was loved; passionate kisses that told me I was desired; soft kisses that told me I was cherished. Both of us pressed as hard as we could to get closer.
Every time he removed an article of clothing from his body, he would stop and ask if it was ok. When there was nothing separating us except skin, he leaned over me slowly and when our bodies finally made contact, I felt him suck in his breath. As if it was too much for him, he leaned back. His hands slid over my hips and landed on the inside of my thighs. I shuddered at the contact. He looked up at me as I stretched my body out. His eyes darkened at the sight. They were filled with hunger – hot and devouring - as he stared at me. I let myself fully take in the sight of his body for the first time. Although I had seen him shirtless many times, I was still in awe of his body: the build of his shoulders, the curve of his biceps, the muscles that lined his abdomen…and, when I shifted my gaze lower, there was something else; an unfamiliar sight. Without meaning to, I started to giggle. I quickly stopped; my own reaction startled me.
Patch laughed at this, “If you’re trying to humble me, it’s working.”
“No! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh. You look great.” I said trying and failing to bury a chuckle.
“You don’t sound too convincing, Angel. Maybe I’ll stop.” His feigned sadness made me laugh harder. I placed my arms around his shoulders and pulled him hard against me. As our bodies scraped together, I could feel his pulse jump. He laughed, a low, dark rasp before pressing another kiss to my lips.
Every time he pressed his lips against mine, I felt explosions going off inside my body. His soft kisses gradually became the hard, hot, driving kind. We were glued together, a heady mix of damp skin and body heat. I felt inexpressible relief, a soothing conviction of protection and security, each time he would stop and look up at me with the question of is this ok?
“Are you ready?” He asked, breathlessly.
“Yes but - ” I said, and broke off. “Do you want me to stay still? Or, I don’t know, change my position?” My voice came out shy and unsteady.
I could see a smile curling his lips, “That is the very last thing I’d have you do. I want to see you. Is that ok?”
I nodded my reply.
He aligned his body with mine before whispering, “I’ll be gentle.”
I flinched as the pain flooded through me.
He pressed a soft kiss to my lips, “should I stop?”
“No,” I gasped. “It’s not as bad as I thought it would be.”
A look of worry flashed across his face as he paused.
“You’re tense, Angel.” He whispered, concerned. “We’ll stop until your body adjusts and relaxes.”
“Great idea.” I gasped.
I looked up to find him staring at me with awe, “I just want to look at you forever.” He mused.
I laughed underneath him.
“Am I not allowed to admire you?” Patch replied with a light chuckle. He was tracing his fingers through my hair.
“Fine. I’ll allow it for now. Just while we’re waiting for my body to adjust and relax.” I said, making fun of him.
“I’ll admit, out of all the ways I thought you’d react to our first time together, making jokes was at the bottom of my list of predictions.”
“Me too. But as it turns out, there’s plenty of material to poke fun at.”
“Angel, please leave the poking to me.” He smiled coyly.
“Only if you leave the jokes to me.” I replied. We were both laughing by this point.
We stayed like that, laughing and kissing for a while until I felt comfortable to continue. Each time the pain became too much, we would stop to rest. Patch continued to plant soft kisses all over my body while making me moan, laugh and writhe beneath him. His hands were quick and skilled on my body, light touches that made me want more and more while I pressed him to go on. I wrapped myself around his body and didn’t let him go.
When it was over, we lay side by side in each other’s arms. Moonlight streamed into the room and subtly illuminated Patch’s face, at peace and staring back at me with adoration.
“I love you,” he said, his hands in my hair. “I love you.”
I buried my face in his neck and whispered, “I love you too.”
I fell asleep in his arms.
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kcthescreamqueen · 5 months
Have you read the hush hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick ?
No, I haven't read the hush hush series, though after looking at your request it sounds interesting! I might look into the series when I go to the library next time since I'm a broke bitch 😂 Thank you for the recommendation!
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eatingfloorboards · 3 months
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Chat definitely heard nothing... we heard absolutely nothing... /j (the double take in which i did while watching this part of today's VOD, what is in the water this season /hj)
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He held her clutched to his heart..he was just too scared to lose her.
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jar-of-maise · 1 year
incorrect quotes with my new fav trio
starring wriothesley, clorinde and neuvillette bc i said so
Wriothesley: What do you think Neuvillette will do for a distraction? Clorinde: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. *Building explodes and several car alarms go off* Clorinde: ... or he could do that.
Wriothesley: How's the sexiest person here~? Neuvillette: I don't know, how are they~? Wriothesley: I- Clorinde, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
Clorinde: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Wriothesley? Wriothesley: … No. Neuvillette: I do! Clorinde: I know, Neuvillette. Neuvillette: I’m sad! Wriothesley: We know, Neuvillette
Neuvillette, to Wriothesley and Clorinde: *holding knife out in front of them* Are you or are you not an enemy of the people?! Wriothesley: ... Clorinde: ... Wriothesley: That is such an open-ended question. Clorinde: Yeah, it really depends on a lot of different factors-
Wriothesley: We need a diversion. I say Neuvillette gets naked. Neuvillette: No. Clorinde: Who are we trying to distract again?
Clorinde, at Neuvillette: Would you like to stay for dinner? Wriothesley, from the kitchen: Would you like to stay forever!?!
Clorinde: Ooh, somebody has a crush Wriothesley: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Neuvillette I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them. *Later that night* Wriothesley, very much awake: Uh oh.
Neuvillette: There's no way they like me back. Clorinde: Wriothesley would throw himself in front of a moving car for you. Neuvillette: Wriothesley would throw himself in front of a moving car for fun.
Neuvillette: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed. Clorinde: Clorinde: I'm gonna tell them. Wriothesley: Don't you dare.
Wriothesley: Is there a cactus where your heart should be? Clorinde: What’s up your ass this morning! Neuvillette: *walks in* ...Hey. Clorinde: Hmm… nevermind. Wriothesley: WAIT NO!
Wriothesley: Do you cook? Neuvillette: I made a cake once. Clorinde: Yeah, it was good. Neuvillette: Really? Clorinde: Don’t make me lie twice, Neuvillette.
Neuvillette: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming? Clorinde: Can everyone in this godforsaken group please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"? Wriothesley: Ya know... it might be.
Clorinde: Did Wriothesley just tell me he loved me for the first time? Neuvillette: Yeah, he did. Clorinde: And did I just do finger guns back? Neuvillette: Yeah, you did.
Wriothesley: Where are my fucking keys? Clorinde: Wriothesley, Neuvillette is around, can you say it a little nicer? Wriothesley: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING KEYS?!
*Neuvillette dies in a game with ships* Wriothesley: This ship is no longer a ship of love, it's a ship of vengeance, a gavel of justice against all that is wrong in the world, showing no mercy, as no mercy was shown to us. Wriothesley: The spark of love will now fuel the fires of destructive glory as I wage my war across the world with righteous fury. Clorinde: Legend has it that Neuvillette still haunts the ship, stealing my fucking drinks. Neuvillette: Of course I do.
Wriothesley: How do you tell someone that you wanna have sex with them in a polite way? Neuvillette: Excuse me [insert name]. Would you give me the honours of indulging in sexual activities with you? Clorinde: What the fuck is wrong with you two?
Clorinde: Hey, no, you stay out of this, this is between me and Wriothesley! Neuvillette: So Wriothesley knows about this? Clorinde, walking away: No, this is between me and me!
Neuvillette: *is wearing silk pants* How does this look? Wriothesley: Like its slips on and off really easily. Neuvillette: Wriothesley: No, I didn't mean it like that- Clorinde: We know what you meant.
Clorinde: What have you done with Neuvillette? Wriothesley: Nothing. Why, do you think I should?
Neuvillette, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe? Wriothesley: Yeah, sure. *A few minutes later* Wriothesley: Here you go. Neuvillette: Wriothesley: Clorinde: Why am I here?
Wriothesley: I’m this close to falling in love with Neuvillette. Clorinde: Your fingertips are touching. Wriothesley: Exactly.
Neuvillette: Would you take a bullet for me? Wriothesley: ...yes? *Clorinde angrily burst into the room* Neuvillette: *running away* Great, thanks!
guys i love them a healthy amount i swear. NOW DIE ON THIS HILL WITH ME
PART II is now up!
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cienie-isengardu · 9 months
Ghost Anakin
Can we please take a moment and appreciate that Legends and Disney-Canon's Force Ghost Anakin confronted member of his family (Cade Skywalker) and/or friend (Ahsoka) when they were in trouble and he decided to show up to them as a Jedi to pass the warning/advice
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but when they weren't willing to listen, he changed into Vader
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to trash them as the Sith Lord
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I don’t know why he is like that but I bow respectfully to his ghost’s communication skills.
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andr0nap · 1 year
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i miss the days when he went feral :((( let him go stupid go crazy
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wingsthatshimmer · 2 years
A Post-Finale Summer Afternoon
In this version, Scott never died fighting Dante. He is still very much alive and still in a relationship with Vee. The setting is a post-Finale World.
Set in the Summer after Nora and Vee finish high school.
This is a post-Finale world. The War between Nephilim and Fallen Angels is over but tensions between the two groups are beginning to rise again as new Fallen angels are being created. Of course, because she is a Nephilim leader, this worries Nora.
The Archangels have created and formed a new realm. This new realm is called by many names including: the "Third Realm", the "New World", "The Realm of Tutela" (meaning Realm of Protection) or "Tutela" for short. It is where the Fallen and Nephilim species can live together in peace and away from the dangers of the Human worlds which require them to live in hiding. In this Wolrd, it is forbidden for the Fallen to exploit Nephilim. In fact, the Fallen have been designated by the Archangels to protect the Nephilim as Guardians and rule over them to keep them safe. In return, the Fallen can keep their wings. Humans related to the Nephilim are allowed to migrate to this new world. However, anybody who does migrate, whether it be Fallen, Nephilim or Human, is allowed to go back to their realm of origin.
Scott and Vee want to migrate to this new world but Nora remains sceptical.
Apart from Marcie’s death, the summer after high school was one of Nora’s few happy memories of her life in the old realm. She had been accepted into an English and Law double degree at Harvard. And of course, Vee and Scott were as in love and care-free as ever. The only thing keeping them from moving to the New World was Nora. They spent the whole Summer trying to persuade her to leave with them.
“Seven billion people in the world and I’m stuck with a best friend who’s content to be easy pickings for incoming fallen angels.” Vee sighed as she snuggled closer next to Scott on their shared beach towel.
“You promised no migration talk today. Or excessive PDA!” I rolled my eyes and threw an empty plastic bottle at Scott who was busy tapping along to Stevie Wonder’s Superstition on Vee’s butt.
“This isn’t PDA. It’s essential practice for the gig on Friday. The one that you promised to attend and support me at.” Without looking up or missing a beat, Scott had managed to duck and avoid the plastic bottle which had disappeared somewhere in the trees that lined the entrance to the beach.
I was in the middle of weighing up whether I should go after it when a familiar voice broke my stream of thoughts.
Tsk, tsk. Littering on the beach Angel? They have fines for that.  
I shot up and spun around to face him. Excitement shot through my whole body. Patch stood in front of me holding my sand covered drink bottle in one hand. With his free hand, he grabbed the waistband of my linen shorts and pulled me into his arms for a kiss. At once, all my worries about the New World, new fallen angels, and plans for the future had vanished. The smell of fresh mint and the feel of his strong arms consumed my senses.
I pulled away slightly and responded. I’m sure my husband can take care of it.
“Are you sure it was us who should’ve promised no PDA?” Vee yelled.
I was too dizzy from the kiss to think of a response. Instead, I curled up into patch’s arms as he knelt down onto the picnic blanket.
“It’s nice to see you too Vee.” Patch said without taking his eyes off me.
“You two are worse than thirteen-year-olds.” 
“At least this isn’t your everyday experience.” I said only half-jokingly.
“Ouch. It almost sounds like you don’t enjoy our company.”
“My sincerest apologies. How could I not enjoy watching you two eat each other’s faces off all day long.”
“Sigh. Some people don’t appreciate the passionate nature of young love.”
“Some people don’t appreciate public decency.”
“Didn’t you have sex on a playground last night?”
At that, I chocked on a lemonade Patch had bought for me. Scott pretended to gasp dramatically and patch chuckled next to me. Vee looked proud with herself. She shot a smug smile my way that said, Check mate. I looked away and made a mental note to share fewer details of my personal life with her.
Still looking away, I attempted to salvage some of my pride, “I said next to a playground. We were having a picnic!”
“Oh! Please excuse me. Picnic sex is a much more appropriate form of public sex. You really are an authentic advocate for public decency.” Vee grinned triumphantly at me while Scott snickered beside her.
I rolled my eyes at both of them and sought refuge next to Patch. He pulled me into his big arms and whispered, “I think I’m starting to like Vee.”
I groaned, Not you too.
Sorry Angel, I’ll make it up to you with another late-night picnic. I could feel his smile on my neck as he peppered me with kisses. Without meaning to, I leaned into him. His hands moved under my top to rest under my bikini top. He held me gently, I closed my eyes and breathed in the salt air. I could hear Vee and Scott’s laughter in the background while they wrestled over the last of the cold beer. I realised then that I hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. I let myself doze off while relishing in the ease and comfort of that sweet summer afternoon.
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writer-room · 1 year
You ever just see people talk about the Percy Jackson books and know somewhere, deep in your heart, that none of these people have understood that this is a series made for middle schoolers. And that fandom will very frequently lie to them like, all the time. No, that character probably isn’t ooc, you’re just thinking of what the fandom turned them into. No, this book isn’t a horrible stain next to the others before it, literally all of them were like this. It’s Percy Jackson. It’s cheesy and occasionally makes a very questionable writing decision.
You gotta be in this for the long haul or jump ship my guys. Be cringe and free or be gone
#percy jackson#tsats#solangelo book#rick riordan#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo#the sun and the star#text post#yall are astounding me in ways i didnt know was possible god bless#also this was mostly written by mark not rick. like yes he signed off on it but still this is mostly mark#but its still Fine??? its fine?????? besties a book abt our favorite gays not being perfect is not the end of the world#did i cringe? hell yes. but was i free? tremendously. and i had a lot of fun i think#'bianca is in elysium but she was reincarnated??' yeah thats odd. anyway that scene was cute wasnt it#'everything is so on the nose' yeah its for middle schoolers and percy jackson isnt known for subtlety. its very rare#'will was ooc' weve literally barely gotten anything on him and no povs until now this IS establishing his character#'the puffs remove nicos whole trauma' no it doesnt. its a fantasy way to sort of explain that nicos trauma is now open instead of repressed#do i wish it wasnt sometimes explained as 'now the trauma is gone'? yes. but i think its moreso meant to be a way of nico dealing with them#he still HAS that trauma fellas. hes still going to be living with it. its just gonna be easier now. thats part of healing besties#also we dont know how these puffs are gonna act in the future so like. hush. shhhhhhhhhh. shut. it was literally never going to be perfect#its pjo. i love this series to death but. its pjo. it is. in fact. sometimes badly written. as it has been many times before in books before#and what else??????? it may not be written the greatest but its MY series that isnt written the greatest square up
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trashfactorysstuff · 1 year
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Drawing I did in class days ago lmao
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astral-lights · 10 months
Howdy y'all, it's been a hot second but uh there are more important matters to discuss like-
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xanyiaz · 4 months
dude i desperately need someone to explain what order to watch all the redacted audio lore stuff PLEASE 🙏 i am in need of direction!!!! also if you answer this thank you so much i kiss the land you walk upon
HI HELLO UHHH well i feel like the order in which i listened (but slightly adjusted) was a good way to listen to everything- i'd say the first redacted 101 video about magic is very useful in explaining the basics so probably that first and then:
- freelancer season 1
- sadism's hold (ivan) you could listen at the same time as freelancer s1 bc it takes place at the same time
- freelancer season 2
- inversion
- freelancer season 3
- sovereign state (avior)
- project meridian ^^ with avior and project meridian you could switch their positions and listen either way
- hush
- carpe deus (vega)
- the balance ^^ again you could switch the positions of vega and the balance but just know they're both veryvery heavy lore wise so i'd recommend listening to last. i also recommend listening to hush and vega at the same time
these are just for the narrative/lore focused playlists ^^ as for the character playlists, you can listen in whichever order you want- i'd already listened to a lot of vincent before the freelancer series and i listened to milo just whenever- i finished listening to david, asher and sam last just bc they're not my kinda guys tbh 💀 the werewolves (david, asher and milo) and the vampires (vincent and sam) do also all appear in inversion and some people might recommend listening to them all first before inversion but i didn't and it was all fine- i could still figure out what was going on and could tell them apart easily but then again, if you do listen before, you'll understand inversion more and will have all the context so it's just up to you‼️i haven't listed all the character playlists btw, just the ones who appear in the narrative/plot-focused ones but there are others too like porter and morgan <3
and then there's other random characters like guy, ollie and geordi and stuff lol which aren't too involved in anything but they're veryvery cool and nice to listen to when recovering from angst 😃👍
oh and then there's the imperium au- which i'm actually still listening to (i keep procrastinating it lol). it's an alternate universe so just don't even go near that until you've listened to everything else 😭‼️
hope this helps & happy listening !! 🫶
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countesspetofi · 9 months
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More from the Department of Before They Were Star Trek Stars: DeForest Kelley in "The Decision," episode 12 of the second season of BONANZA (original air date December 16, 1962).
Kelley plays gruff, wisecracking Dr. Jons (typecasting!), the only doctor in a remote trail town, who's been falsely convicted of murder after accidentally killing a man in self-defense. The deceased had been threatening Mrs. Jons, and although there was eyewitness testimony to the accidental death, both the judge and sheriff had personal grudges with the doctor. (The judge's wife had died on the operating table after he delayed getting treatment for her until it was too late, and the sheriff was left with a limp after a broken leg.) Ben Cartwright arranges for a temporary parole so he can treat a gravely injured Hoss, and then persuades the judge to reconsider and overturn the conviction.
When Ben first meets Jons, he asks if he's the doctor, and Jons replies, "Not a doctor, a condemned murderer." It's the old switcheroo!
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riddle-me-ri · 7 months
Idk why but I LOVE the idea of the riddlers Having a dog that is there best friend and major weakness (I imagine most of there dynamics would be similar to Holt and cheddar from Brooklyn 99) but what do you think? How would the riddlers be with a pet dog?
a/n: ohh a few of them would be so happy…some…not so much lmao, you’ll see
Content Warning: none really, I don't think lol
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The Riddlers with a Pet Dog Headcanons
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
- No, nope, absolutely not!
- He hasn't the time or a means for a…filthy reckless dog!
- Edward can't waste time to train it or feed it or play with it (he barely feeds himself)
- He also doesn't want some mangy mutt messing with his tools or making a mess in his shop.
- That isn't to say he's never wanted to have one, ever…every little boy dreams of owning a pet, or especially a dog.
- But like many other things…Edward has just grown to be too good for certain things.
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler:
- I can see Edward easily getting overwhelmed…
- Even if the dog has a calming demeanor…just to have another living breathing thing in his vicinity (other than his rats, of course)
- Edward knows the bare minimum of taking care of a dog…but he's just unsure of the dog's personality at first. 
- If Ed isn't all in on his plan yet, with time and patience, he does become very grateful to have a loving and loyal companion. 
- The dog often protects Ed when they go out on walks and scares muggers away. 
- He doubted he would ever come to own a dog like most proper children do…but better late than never it seems. 
Gotham Riddler: 
- Most likely to adopt/gain his pet dog from picking him up off the street. 
- Not without some arguments from his inner self about how the last thing they need to worry about is a dog. 
- Ed does all the research. What type of breed it could be, mannerisms, how to care, what to feed them, etc. 
- Of course, he also teaches the dog all sorts of tricks--he's gotta be the smartest dog in Gotham. 
- (Definitely wants his dog to be smarter than Oswald's)
- (Also tries to refrain from naming the dog Oz)
- (If he does, he'll insist its for the the Wizard from the Wizard of Oz)
BTAS Riddler: 
- Much like Gotham Riddler, he'll definitely have fun training the dog and teaching it various tricks. 
- Also most likely to build obstacle courses for the pupper as well!
- Has debated entering his dog into dog shows (likely will if he wasn't…a wanted criminal)
- Ed loves his doggo and has always wondered what it would be like to have one. 
- He's probably one of the better dog dads out of all the Riddlers
- Definitely one of those people that dogs just love automatically (and no it's not just me showing favoritism shhh)
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler: 
- At first, he is likely against owning one..
- Eddie can't be bothered to take care of something that doesn't revolve around him or benefit him. 
- Plus, like Arkham Riddler, he just doesn't want to waste his time tending to a dog. 
- If he did have any, he would likely only train them as a means of protection or to use as a distraction. 
- Ed will do the most bare minimum of care for the dogs, again likely to just use them for some overall plan. 
Gotham City Sirens Riddler:
- He's the dad that says he doesn’t want a dog, but becomes best friends with the dog. 
- Eddie will definitely train the dog to search and hunt for clues like a loyal basset hound. 
- He treats his dog much, much better than he does most people (which may not say a whole lot but…you know what I mean)
- One of those dog owners were the owner, and the dog started looking like each other and mimicking each other.
- He likely takes his dog with him everywhere, not just for the sake of clues but because he trusts no one else with them. 
Telltale Riddler: 
- Edward feels he's much too old to take care of a dog.
- However, I imagine he does have fond memories of owning dogs in his youth. 
- I can see him appreciating a dog's intelligence and loyalty to their owners. 
- His dogs were always the most well-behaved but also curious like their owner. 
- Every now and again, he does miss a couple of his dogs, especially in the rare moments he feels really lonely. 
- Edward is glad he was able to give them a decent life before he became…what he is now.
Young Justice Riddler: 
- Somewhat like Dano Riddler, he's a little overwhelmed. 
- But Eddie is also super ecstatic.
- Assuming this, Ed also had an abusive dad (or parents), he's living out a childhood dream finally having a dog. 
- Eddie doesn't let them out of his sight and definitely takes a ton of pictures. 
- He enjoys training and teaching the dog tricks like other Riddlers. Of course, his dog has to be brilliant! 
- Lives up to being a proud Dog Dad
Hush (DCAU) Riddler: 
- Didn't want a dog but became the dog's favorite 2.0
- Like Gotham, his dog is likely a stray that followed him home after walking back to his lair after a run-in with Batman. 
- Ed does take care of the stray, and a bond does surely develop. 
- The dog even sometimes comes up and tries to protect him from Batman, much to Batman and Edward's surprise. 
- When this happens, Eddie gives the doggo a big reward. 
- It just feels nice to have someone he can depend on and not judge him.
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