#scottish sweat genes!
hannahhook7744 · 2 months
tell me about Artie and Morgie's relationship ?
Tulip is optional for this!
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Morgie meets Artie when the younger boy is fourteen years old and he, himself, is around fifty (though he, like Hades, Uliana, and Maleficent, looks good for his age due to his fae genes and he doesn't feel it either) after the barrier is brought down.
This is to say that Morgie is somewhat more mature that he was in Rise of Red, and, is smarter (though I doubt he was ever truly dumb given he may have ADHD and modern English, as pointed out by @leftbehindtorot and @isleofdarkness , probably isn't his first language).
Which means that Artie's reckless little ass stresses him out to the point that he wishes he was thirty-six years younger so that he could smack some sense into the idiot (though, as his friends like to point out, if he was thirty-six years younger, he would actually join in on the shenanigans).
Morgie has somehow become the go-to babysitter of Artie and his friends because for some reason he's the only one the kids even remotely listen to and he can heal or outright prevent any injuries the kids would otherwise get due to their recklessness (something Merlin is absolutely not even the slightest bit salty about).
His friends all find this funny—even lizard Maleficent laughs at him when she eventually makes her way to him during one of her escapes.
Artie was not pleased when he realized that Exacilabar was in Merlin's office even when Morgie was in school and threw the fit of a life time (something he hadn't done since he was a little kid).
Artie's friend and Merlin's son, Dragonet, was somehow even less pleased than Artie was to find that out.
Of course, once those two found out, all of their friends found out—and since all of Artie's friends like Morgie...well, it wasn't a fun day for Merlin. Or the Merlin Academy staff, for that matter (luckily for the Auradon Prep staff, Sir Kay's daughter, Kelemon, had graduated by that point).
Merlin looked to Arthur and the round table for help but found enough.
Artie loves Morgie's snake tattoo and his magical tattoo, and even wants one of his own when he's older (much to Arthur/Wart's horror).
Morgie gets along well enough with Arthur/Wart and Hazel/Guinevere.
Merlin walks in on Morgie trying to teach Dragonet, Artie, and the rest of the kids magic and has a heart attack. An actual heart attack. He lives (Morgie privately thinks he's dramatic and his friends all agree, even lizard Maleficent).
Morgie's full name is actually Morgar Yvain le Fay and Artie's full name is actually Artorius Gaius Pendragon. Both of them find their nicknames, Morgie and Artie, more appealing coincidentally (Merlin is sweating about their similarities).
Artie looks up to Morgie a lot.
Morgie is actually older than Arthur thanks to the great big magical mishap that was the timeline mashup that led to Auradon's existence (yes, it gives them a headache too).
Also, because of the various myths that exist in modern name, neither Morgie or Arthur are actually sure who they're related/not related to, other than themselves and Artie. Something everyone likes to joke about.
Morgie jokingly calls Artie a copycat because the blonde copies little behaviors of his.
Merlin and Morgie have been caught glaring at one another when Artie wasn't looking several times.
Merlin is extremely suspicious of Morgie and is convinced him spending time with Artie and the others is some kind of evil ploy (and, if you count Morgie being amused by the stress it causes Merlin, it kind of it. But not at the same time).
Artie steals Morgie's scarves when he's bored because he thinks it's funny.
Artie and his girlfriend, Tulip, and their friend, Dragonet, taught Morgie how to make a Jack O'Lantern.
Artie has picked up bits of Ancient Greek, Atlantean, French, Fey Speak, hiss speak, and Scottish Gaelic from Morgie.
Morgie once told Artie of the time he and his friends set fire to their school and got away with it (and immediately regretted it because Artie then tried it. Which no one knows about because Tulip and Dragonet snitched to Morgie before it spread). His friends all thought it was very funny. Morgie did not.
Both Artie and Morgie, if presented with an intergalactic portal, would enter it without question.
Artie stole a lollipop at a fair when he was five and still feels guilty about it, which Morgie finds hilarious.
Morgie regularly uses his magic to pick Artie up by the scruff of his shirt to stop him from doing reckless things.
One time when Morgie was teaching the kids magic, they accidentally turned him into a snake and he was like that for a week before they figured out how to turn him back (which they had to track down Uliana to do).
Morgie is very clumsy yet still does parkour: he's even taught Artie some moves.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
hiya!! i know you’re probably SWAMPED with pairing requests right now, so if you can’t get to this please do not sweat it ^^. i just binged all of pharmacist!reader and i’m obsessed lmao.
personality !!
get ready for this to read like a crappy tinder bio ahshdgd. i’m definitely an extrovert, with my personality type thing being enfp! although, i used to be /painfully/ shy so i feel for people who hate social situations. apparently i come off as flirty? i think i’ve just got an offbeat sense of humour— courtesy of growing up in scotland— and i tend to just show a lot of affection to anyone, even if it’s simply platonic. 
interests ?!
i love to make things, like writing and illustration (which is what i’m working on a degree for)! i’m currently working part time at a florist store though haha, i got my certification in high school instead of studying for math. i try to embrace the small things and leave crappy little post-it poems and silly doodles at my friends’ places. my main attitude towards what i do is very punk? if that makes sense? apart from the fact that i love punk and heavier music (xray spex, death, pinkshift, big joanie, etc.), i’m a big believer in being relentlessly loving of yourself and others- self love and supporting your friends is the ultimate rebellion!! :D. 
appearance ?? (if it matters)
i’m on the taller side, about 5’11. damn my genes for perpetuating scottish stereotypes, but i’ve got green eyes, freckles, and a propensity to sunburn. i’ve got black hair with sections of it dyed really light blonde (this has reminded me to go fix my roots later whoops), and it’s a sort of veronica sawyer type bob? my hair is really thick so i’m struggling in the summer heat lmao.
thank you again <333
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish (a/n anon you're living out my dream like I WOULD love to drop out of pharmacy school and work at a florist shop! so happy you enjoyed my pharmacist series though!)
How you met: Civilian Working in a florist shop in a busy part of the UK meant you had a good flow of customers. From old grandmas to boyfriends making up for forgotten anniversaries, you've seen it all. You were finishing up on a large bridal order when a young man walked in. He made sure to shake off his umbrella before entering. "It's pitchin it douwn 'ard out 'ere" he said as he approached the counter and you could see it was monsooning outside. Before he could translate, you replied to his exclamation. "A fellow Scot!" you said enthusiastically and his face beamed. "I'd recognize that accent anywhere," he responded and you soon fell into a conversation about growing up in the Scottish countryside and missing home in the rainy London climate. "So what are you here for?" you laughed as you set your elbows on the counter. "A houseplant, bonnie," he responded, "thought this was the right place." "Well Johnny, I have a fair share of options, but I think," you began to say as you walked around the counter and towards your collection of houseplants. You finally found the perfect one, a medium sized fiddle-leaf fig plant. "I think this wee lad is your new best friend," you smiled and handed him the potted plant. "How much do I owe ye?" he asked before you shook your head. "It's on the house, pleasure to make you a new plant owner," you replied. He smiled widely before exiting into the pouring rain. "Hope to see you again!" he waved and you hoped he kept his promise.
A peek into your relationship: "I don't think I'm doing this correctly," Johnny said as you felt the cold hair dye coat your scalp. "You're doing a better job than I could, babe," you joked underneath the pile of your hair. Having a boyfriend meant you didn't have to struggle bleaching and dying pieces of your hair when it needed a touchup. You couldn't even imagine how you used to do this. "You should just cut if off," he joked and you pretended to be shocked. "And have an ugly mohawk? I would never," you responded and you could hear him chuckle behind you. "Careful now, I might just dye your neck," he countered and you knew his threat was an empty one. "I'll kill your darling houseplant if you do, Mactavish, don't push me," you replied and that shut him up. After a few more minutes, he finally finished applying the dye to your bleached roots. You lifted your head to see his smiling face, hands coated with the bleach and his ratty shirt adorned with plenty of stains. "Thank you," you smiled happily and kissed his stubbled cheek. His ears tinged pink at your actions. "Now just have to wash this off in the shower," you said as you walked over to the bathroom. "Can I join?" he enthusiastically asked as your laughter filled your flat and he followed you like a puppy.
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catsnuggler · 1 year
The "ick"post really grinds my gears.
I'm not the tallest man on earth. I'm not the heaviest man on earth.
I'm also over 6 feet tall, if only by a bit. I'm also a little over 200 lbs.
Regular ocean waves *won't* bowl me over. But why would a shorter, lighter man be worth less as a human being, simply for being somewhat more susceptible to ocean waves? Is he going to spend his whole life in those waves? Is he always going to be bowled over by waves? Is that all he is? Someone bowled over by the waves?
That said, I am not the man, though I feel pity and solidarity for him. No, I'm the man who would carry a water bottle.
Remember: I am over 6 feet tall, and I am over 200 lbs - about 205, 210 last I checked. I have significant body mass, and I have a large surface area. The heat affects me tremendously. If I have to stay out in the heat for a long time, and I have water, I might go through bottle after bottle of water, sweating and sweating it all out, and I may not have to urinate, for hours, because the water comes out in the form of sweat before it could ever possibly pool in my bladder enough that I'd have to pee. I also need lots of electrolytes, because I sweat so much that, good as water is, I get heat migraines from electrolyte loss unless I supplement my water with electrolytes, and drink a lot. It wasn't my choice to live in the desert, and my body is certainly not made for desert survival (thank you, Scottish genes, for preparing me to live in the Scottish uplands, when, aside from my dad's brief stay in the UK for a few years as a kid, my family hasn't been anywhere in Europe for centuries, too busy being damn colonizers on a land that deserves better than this, and had the bright idea of moving to hotter and drier places that aren't bad places, but are places we physically do not do well in). Nonetheless, I am in the desert, and I must deal with the heat as best I can, when exposed to the elements.
Yet adapting to circumstance is... "ick". What is this "ick"? "Disgusting"? "Weak"? "Inferior"? "Unattractive"? "Embarrassing?"
I am sure my dry, bloated, rotting body, dead from heat and dehydration, would, on the contrary, be ruggedly handsome, masculine, and sexy. Huh? Don't you want to fuck the dead body of a man who died from the heat, because he valued his masculinity enough not to carry a water bottle?
Disgusting. Such judgment is the true "ick".
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rickmandowneyjr · 3 years
Can I request a snape x reader. With the trope of hidden family but humor fluff. See I love any fic where Minerva helps snape get into a relationship but the trope of 'your married and didn't tell me?!!!' will always hold a special place in my heart. Could you imagine the look of slight fear in his face when the reader makes an appearance at an ootp meeting because now things will go to shit and he knows he's fucked (insert I'm in danger meme) . Lmaoo
'yeah so severus told me for like the first 5 months he worked alone and had 0 colleagues. And before you ask :yes I would have loved to have you for the wedding but someone told me you were probably to busy'
'darling your making this so much worse,,, what happened to the vow to protect one another'
'yeah no offense severus but the angry Scottish lady might fulfill the' death do us apart right now'
And Minerva is just like :I'm not talking to you severus 😠😔😔😠, to you (reader) however 🥰🥰🥰💓💓💓you may tell me everything.
(he gets her catnip to apologize)
I'm Sorry... His What?!
Fluff Pairing: Severus Snape x Wife!Reader Warning: implied smut(?), established relationship, Sev might be too cute to handle Word count: 2250 A/N: I loved writing this although it took me some time. I loved the lines you gave me and wanted to work them into the story naturally. I scrapped a lot of different drafts before finally writing this, so I hope you enjoy it, anon! :)
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"Minerva, for the millionth time... I. Am not. Interested," Severus declared, walking through the door of Grimmauld Place. "What are you doing here, anyway? You hardly ever attend meetings."
"But why not?" She pouted. This was the third woman that Severus had rejected... this month. "As for your question, Albus said we have a new member joining the Order. A young witch, apparently," she answered.
"Wonderful," he rolled his eyes. "The young ones are always a little too enthusiastic for my liking," he scoffed, "It's like they've joined a club for afterschool activities."
They entered the meeting room which was already full of the Order members. Taking a seat, Minerva continued her attempts at persuading Severus to at least meet the woman before rejecting her.
"I'm not looking for someone," he informed. "I'm quite content as I am, thank you."
Just as she was about to speak, Dumbledore entered and Severus thought, 'Thank, Merlin. I've never been happier to see the man.'
Dumbledore spoke, talking about the newest witch to join them and Severus simply stirred his tea, uninterested in the introduction. As he took a sip, Dumbledore said, "Please welcome, [Y/N] Snape," and Severus spit out the tea, hitting the back of Sirius' head with it. Everybody turned to face him and he sunk lower in his chair, covering his face with one of his hands.
As you walked in, everyone turned back in your direction and Sirius asked, "Is she a distant relative, Snivellus?" He turned back to him and teased, "Because if she's a sibling, I might actually feel sorry for you since all the good-looking genes went to her."
Sirius Black. You'd heard all about the man from Severus but wanted to form an impression for yourself. Considering the fact that the first sentence he'd said in front of you had been to insult your husband, it wasn't a good one. With a clearly forced smile, you spoke up.
"His wife, actually," you said, and Sirius snapped his head toward you so quickly that you worried he might have injured himself.
"I'm sorry," he said, looking absolutely shocked, "-his what?!"
You furrowed your brows, wondering why he was so shocked. You'd never met any of them, but they were practically acting like they didn't know Severus was married. It took a moment, but it hit you as you observed the look on everyone's faces. You looked at Severus who was sweating profusely, refusing to look his left, where a woman - who you guessed was Minerva - was glaring at him.
His eyes finally met yours, a small smile appearing on his face even though he knew he was royally screwed. He could practically feel Minerva's stare burning into his skin, but when he saw you, it all just disappeared. You offered him a sheepish smile, mouthing an oops. Suppressing a blush at how adorable you were, he sighed before finally facing Minerva, and said, "Well now you know why I keep saying I'm not interested."
You walked over to Severus who didn't actually have an empty seat next to him since he wasn't keen on the chirpy, new recruit sitting next to him. That was before he knew it was you, though. He immediately shifted his chair and pulled a chair between McGonnagal and himself, simultaneously using you as a shield. Minerva's face softened as you sat between the two, looking extremely tense. You turned to face her and offered her an awkward yet warm smile which she kindly returned.
The others were giving Snape a confused look, but he didn't care enough to explain. The only person he did care to explain to, didn't look like she'd listen right then. So, he decided that he'd wait it out. The meeting commenced, and Dumbledore had a very pleased smile, knowing what he had done.
Through the course of the meeting, Minerva stopped glaring at Severus, her gaze studying you instead. She started off by asking you if you felt comfortable or needed anything. You were a little nervous considering how mad she was, but she assured you that it was Severus who she was cross with, not you. As the meeting went on, you felt more comfortable around her even though you hadn't actually conversed.
With the meeting finally coming to an end, Minerva immediately chirped with excitement over getting to know you. You giggled softly as the adorable woman poured you another cup of tea (she poured you the first one during the meeting). As you took a sip, she asked, "So, [Y/N], tell me about yourself."
Severus put his hand on the small of your back as you drank and said, "Well, she's-"
"You had more than enough time to tell me about her but you didn't, so keep that mouth shut while I talk to her, now!"
Severus' mouth closed instantly and you choked back a laugh at his reaction. He sank in his chair, fiddling with his wand as he eyed you. He mumbled so softly that even you could only barely hear it, even though you were seated right next to him. "It's like I'm back in school all over again. She's scolding me like a teacher," he complained, and you giggled.
"Well, I'm from Ilvermorny. I was only here on some work four years ago when I met Severus."
"Oh. So, how did you two end up together," she enquired.
"Well, we spent some time together - and I mean I pestered Severus to show me around - and a friendship developed. A year later, I asked him out and he said yes. And six months into the relationship, he proposed, to which, I said yes." A smile had appeared on your face as you told the story, which was mirrored on Minerva's face. It slowly faded as a realisation dawned upon her. She quickly shifted her gaze to Severus, giving him a deathly stare as she asked you, "Did you just say that you've been together for over three years?"
"Yes, nearly four actually. Our third marriage anniversary was last month," you informed.
"Merlin! It's just struck me that there was a wedding!" She said as her eyes found yours again. "I missed Severus' wedding!"
"Well, even though I learned of your existence only a month before our wedding - he had me convinced that he had no colleagues at work, which, given his tendency to not mingle, didn't seem unbelievable till I saw a letter from you, actually - I really wanted you to be there since he told me all about you," you said fondly. "He told me you were busy, though now I realise he never asked."
Severus finally sat up straight, leaning in close to your ear as he murmured, "[Y/N], my dear, the love of my life, you're making this so much worse. Whatever happened to our vow to protect each other?" He reminded, sounding frantic as he hid behind you.
You found this situation quite hilarious and joked, "No offence, darling, but Minerva looks livid, and I think she'll be fulfilling the 'till death do us part' clause of our vows."
Minerva let out a laugh at that and the two of you continued chatting as you told her various stories of your time with Severus. He, however, was not given the opportunity to speak since Minerva was mad at him right up until the two of you took your leave, excusing yourself for the evening.
As you entered your home at Spinner's End, Severus took off his robes, leaving him in his dress shirt and slacks as he said, "You know, I love you, but I'm very mad at you."
"What did I do? I didn't think people didn't know you were married. If anything, I should be the one mad at you," you mumbled.
You were standing in front of the mirror, readying yourself for bed when he walked up behind you. "I just assumed everyone knew since Dumbledore did," you said as you eyed him in the mirror.
"He didn't know," he stated, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt.
"Well, he deserves an award for that acting, then," you said, recalling your conversation with the elder wizard.
"You never even mentioned the Order to me," he said, prompting you to tell Severus the whole exchange:
Sitting in the headmaster's office, you were sucking on a lemon drop as he said, "[Y/N]... Snape, you say?"
"That's correct. I realise we've never met but Severus has told me about you. Of course, I also knew of you before that," you chuckled awkwardly. "He's told me how you mentored him and it truly is an honour to meet you."
The man looked a little confused as he narrowed his eyes at you. "I would've loved to have you and Miss McGonnagal at the wedding, but Sev said you were busy. I understand, of course," you rambled nervously.
There was a twinkle in the man's eyes as he heard that and said, "Ah, yes. I've been waiting for Severus to introduce us. Why don't you come to the Order meeting tomorrow."
You nodded happily and he added, "Don't tell Severus. I'm sure he'd enjoy the surprise."
As you finished retelling the incident to him, Severus sighed and mumbled, "That sly old bastard," and you chuckled.
"It's not that bad to be associated with me, is it?" You teased.
"You know that's not it at all," he assured you even though he knew you weren't being serious.
"I don't see the problem, then. You don't have to hide it anymore. That must be a little relieving, right?"
"Yes, but then now that everyone knows, I'm going to have to share you," he said as he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you back into his chest. "I liked having you and all your time.." He placed a kiss on your shoulders and up your neck, speaking in between kisses as he said, "All. To. Myself."
You giggled as he lifted you and carried you off to the bedroom, showering you with kisses as he did.
It was the next week and Minerva was still cross with Severus about having kept your relationship a secret. That morning, you had spoken to Severus and he was sure he would win Minerva over, today.
He knocked on her office door, entering when she asked him to come in. She rolled her eyes on seeing him and said, "I'm still upset. Try again tomorrow, maybe."
"I understand that I've upset you but I feel like I should explain why I did it." He took a deep breath and continued, "Every good thing in my life has been taken away. I guess, in a way, I was trying to prevent that. It's silly, but I just thought-" He sighed, "I thought if I didn't officially declare that I was happy, the universe wouldn't take it away from me."
Minerva's gaze softened as she looked at him sympathetically while he stared at the floor. Before she could say something, he looked up and spoke.
"I have something for you as an apology," he said, pulling a bag of catnip from behind him to lighten the mood. He didn't miss the hint of a smile that Minerva let slip accidentally before returning to her frown.
"Do you really think this makes up for lying to me for three years?" She asked. She was no longer mad at him, but she wouldn't let him know just yet. Especially with him joking, she knew he was fine.
"No. Which is why-" he said revealing another bag, "I have this." He smirked as Minerva cracked a smile, feeling a little relieved.
"Though amusing, it still doesn't make up for it," she said, shifting her attention to the papers she was grading.
"I thought as much," he sighed, setting the bags down on a chair. "Thankfully, I have one last thing. I saved the best for last, so if this doesn't work, I'm at your mercy."
Severus stepped closer to her desk, his hands gripping the edge of the desk nervously as he spoke. "I received some rather good news this morning," he started.
"Did you now?" Minerva asked in an amused tone, not looking up from the papers she was grading.
"Yes," he continued. "[Y/N] and I," he paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, "We're pregnant, and I wanted you to be the first to know..."
Minerva's hand stopped writing and she was absolutely still as her eyes shot up to meet Severus'. When she realised he was being serious, she jumped up and pulled him into an embrace, holding him tight as she said, "I'm so happy for you Severus. Good Godric, I'm going to be an auntie!" She squealed with excitement.
"Well, not quite... I want you to be the child's godmother," he said, a faint blush creeping on his cheeks as Minerva pulled away from him, giving him a shocked look before smiling the widest smile he had probably ever seen.
"Yes! Yes yes yes! Merlin, a little Snape! Aaahhh!!" She was visibly vibrating with excitement as she hugged him once again.
"I take it I'm forgiven then?" He asked, knowing what the answer would be.
"Yes, you dunderhead! I stopped being mad at you the moment you explained yourself but there's no way I could've stayed mad after hearing that."
He finally wrapped his arms around her and sighed, glad to have his friend back.
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imalifegen89 · 3 years
A Legacy Left Behind - Chapter - 5 - The Gemmond Incident
Part 5 - Final
Stargate Command, Cheyenne Mountain - Colorado
As promised, Lieutenant Colonel Cameron Mitchell had shown up with SG-1, which had included himself, Teal'c, Vala Mal Doran, and Dr. Daniel Jackson. Sam Carter had not been available since she had been called away to the Daedalus for an urgent matter. Dr. Rodney McKay and Dr. Radek Zelenka had both shown up in her place to specifically study the two downed crafts and find a solution to free the trapped Gemmondians. SG-3, SG-8, and SG-9 had accompanied the Colonel in order to disperse around the city and help with the clean-up and whatever other tasks the citizens were in need of help with. Dr. Sandy Van Denson and Dr. Ian Carmichael along with three other medical staff had also shown up, bringing along the promised medical assistance for the traumatized Gemmondians.
Sheppard and the team had been upgraded to local celebrity levels and almost all of the people there in the city had wanted to catch a glimpse of the Tau'ri who had managed to successfully wipe out the Wraith. The locals had insisted on the feast they had somehow managed to prepare despite everything and made the SG-11 the guests of honor. The team had stayed for a few minutes, enjoyed a few local cuisines, and taken their leave in quiet relief when Mitchell and the other teams had finally shown up to take over.
"Fucking hell! Hearing about all this crap in the briefing and looking at nasty photos is one thing. But this, man - this is something else." Danny's voice was equal parts awe, fear, and incredulity.
"So, this telepathic attack basically had a domino effect on these creatures. Powerful as they are when they are mentally connected to each other, it can also be a major weakness. Too bad only the ATA gene carriers have this ability," Adam Noshimuri sounded wistful. He was fascinated by the footage they were all now going through of the day's operation.
SEALs always went on ops with recording apparatus as a part of their standard kit. SG-11 had permission to keep this particular Special-Operator-trait for their operations, in keeping with the Navy standards, and it came in handy. They could always study the ops footage later to get more information and also it could be used to educate other teams whenever they went through something like this. Only a few of the team had body cams that day since they had been going to a party. But they had managed to team up to maximize the coverage and now they had mostly complete footage of the entire operation.
They had all gone for their post-Gate-Hop medical checkups once they had returned to the mountain. As promised, Colonel Mitchell had retrieved the rest of the SG-11 from the village near the jungle and they had returned to the mountain about 20 minutes later. They all had reunited in the infirmary during their medical checkups. Sheppard, Lorne, and Danny had garnered extra attention - the first two because of their dealings with the Wraith and Danny for getting partially stunned. But they had all been cleared without needing to spend the day in the infirmary once the doctors had been satisfied. They had all had early dinners in the mess hall and the two pilots had retired to the quarters since they had both been still suffering from headaches. The rest of the team had gathered in one of the smaller recreational rooms to go through the footage and get their AARs (After Action Reports) done for the debriefing the next day. They had already gone through the cam feeds from Steve, Bates, and Vega and now knew what each team had faced. They had exchanged praises, criticisms, and good-natured ribbing while watching different areas of footage with fascination. Now they were all at the part from the cam Lorne had been wearing.
"Yeah, that's the thing. These guys are rare enough as it is. When the Wraith find out about this, they’re going to start hunting them. The gene carriers are a real threat to Wraith. All they have to do is ask the Goa'uld to take care of the gene carriers while they deal with the non-gene carriers. We’re going to have to try and keep this stuff under wraps as long as we can," said Vega, after they had all finished watching the feed.
"Keep what under wraps?" asked Sheppard at the end of a huge yawn. He was leaning against the door of the rec room and was wearing a black t-shirt, loose sweats, and a pair of slippers. He still looked half asleep and Steve wondered what had made the man wake up and come looking for them.
"Ah, sleeping beauty, come take a seat. We were just talking about your horror show," said Danny, with his usual lack of tact.
They were using the TV screen in the room to watch the feeds and a few laptops and PDAs were scattered on the stool in front of them. Steve, Adam, and Kono were sitting on the long couch, Danny, Bates, and Vega had claimed sofas and Cadman was settled between Higgins' stretched-out legs on the floor. Sheppard pushed off from the door frame and walked into the room eyeing the seating arrangement. Then he huffed and went to settle on Steve's lap, who let out a quiet laugh and moved to accommodate the burden. John wriggled and shifted until he was sitting comfortably, resting sideways on Steve's chest with his head on Steve's shoulder, and let his long legs dangle off the armrest of their side of the couch. Steve wrapped his arms around the sleep-warmed body on his lap and closed his eyes. Then John looked at Danny expectantly. Danny keyed a few commands on the laptop closest to him and started the feed from Lorne's cam for John to have a look.
Steve felt him tensing up the moment John saw himself on the screen. It occurred to Steve then, that this was the first time John had seen himself going through the 'online experience.' The other time he had been alone and when he was discovered, he was already back to normal. Steve rubbed his back, offering silent comfort.
"Wow! That's... um... disturbing. My eyes - they look creepy - I look creepy..." said John. He was thoroughly disturbed at witnessing his physical transformation.
"I don't know brah, I was once involved in a raid at a meth factory. I've seen creepier-looking dudes running around, believe me," said Kono matter-of-factly from the middle of the sofa.
"And I know for a fact that you are a complete lunatic. One, because I've seen you fly and have had the misfortune to fly with you several times. Two, you are dating the other lunatic you are sitting on. So this little drama is nothing. I wasn't even that surprised," said Danny, his hand slicing away at the space in front of him, emphasizing his point. John and Steve both sent identical glares at Danny who just upped the wattage of his shit-eating grin.
John could clearly see the easy acceptance from his team of his rather weird ability, and That made it much easier for him to accept the fact himself. (He did remember how Lorne had looked during the change. Okay - he had looked like he was high on something - but not a full-on-mutant like John, though.)
"So the point we were discussing was, to keep this bit of intel from falling into the claws of the Wraith because that would lead to those fuckers declaring open-season on gene-carriers," said Bates, with a grimace. The others nodded in response.
"Dr. Carson is working on artificial gene therapy. He says his serum would have a 75% chance at activating junk DNA in a non-gene carrier to become ATA positive. I actually helped him to find some information he needed from the Alteran archives back in Antarctica. The way things are going, we are going to need him to deliver soon, so that we'll have enough people to deal with these assholes," said John thoughtfully, his mind drifting back to discussions he had with the Scottish doctor during his visits to the Defense Outpost in Antarctica.
"Yeah, and let's not forget the Snake-Heads. At least we have some sort of warning system against the Wraith. But the Goa'uld - do we even have a way of identifying them in advance?” The question was from Steve. he still had his eyes closed, enjoying the proximity to John.
"There are some medical scans that can spot them. Other than that, the Jaffa and some of the previous hosts, like Vala and Carter can sense them. Of course, the Tok'ra would know. But that's about it I think," said Cadman, remembering the facts from Daniel Jackson's lectures.
"Yeah, they've been quiet enough on earth for what, closer to two months now? But busy stirring trouble in other worlds? Whatever they are planning, we are not going to like it much when it happens. I really can do without these times of suspense, you know?" said Vega.
"I know it's tempting fate, but I do agree. By the way, did you guys hear? The word is, that the big boss is going to show up tomorrow. Probably for our briefing. He usually shows up when things are really going to get sent up the creek without paddles," informed Cadman conspiratorially.
"What big boss?" asked Sheppard at the same time Steve asked, "Where do you even hear this stuff from anyway, hah?"
"Oh, I've got my sources, Mr. Major, Mr. Lieutenant Commander," said Cadman, grinning from ear to ear.
"Awesome. Better get our paperwork and shit together then, yeah?" suggested Bates and grabbed the PDA closest to him.
Sheppard slid off the comfortable lap he was sitting on and settled on the floor between the Commander’s legs, then grabbed two PDAs - one for himself and one for Steve. They all then got busy with their respective reports on the day's events.
Early next morning, Sheppard was sitting inside the Jumper helping the Air Force Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter to extract the data pertaining to their jaunt in Gemmond. He was transferring the flight records, blueprints of the Darts and Wraith Dart Carrier, all details about hull compositions, weapons, and other data, the scans and the footage the Jumper had managed to capture to Carter's PDA. When the data transfer finished, Samantha Carter went away, letting Sheppard know that they'd be called in for the debrief later on.
He knew that Kono and Steve had also prepared a comprehensible version from all the cam feeds they had on themselves during the mission as well. They had all submitted their detailed AARs to the SGC server already and were now waiting to be called to the briefing room for a Q&A session with the General and whoever else was present.
The summons came via Sergeant Harriman who came to fetch the SG-11 team leaders, Sheppard and McGarrett, into the main Briefing Room just after breakfast.
Briefing Room, SGC, Cheyenne Mountain - Colorado
Entering the Briefing Room, Sheppard experienced a feeling of déjà vu, since the atmosphere held the same intensity as his first briefing at the same place, several weeks ago.
This time there were more participants. Even in his BDUs, the bald Major General had an imposing presence. Brigadier General Jack O'Neill was sitting to his right and Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell was to his left. Next to O'Neill were Dr. Daniel Jackson and Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter with Teal'c sitting beside Mitchell. Dr. Rodney McKay was also present, busily typing on the laptop in front of him while munching on what looked like a blueberry muffin. Dr. Zelenka was sitting next to him trying hard to look like he had absolutely no association with McKay. SG-11 leaders had the seats on the opposite side of the big conference table, facing everyone, completing the assembly. There were two projector screens, on opposite sides, so no one had to twist their necks to see the feeds or any other data that was projected onto the screens. They also had their own PDAs or laptops with them, so they had ready access to anything they needed at any moment.
"General, you wanted to meet the trouble magnets. Well, here they are. The team leaders of SG-11." General O'Neill made an unorthodox introduction as they both entered the room and gathered in front of the conference table.
"You shouldn't complain much O'Neill, when you were the one who was bugging me for a group of special operators in your ranks. Now you've got some, and if they’re bringing extra workload for you, well, you've got no one else to blame," said General Hammond pleasantly.
"You know, it was more like Marshall's wish, come to think of it," O'Neill informed General Hammond. Colonel Marshall Sumner who was at the Earth Alpha site on an inspection, was not there to defend himself.
General Hammond shook his head in amusement, already much used to General O'Neill's eccentric ways, and turned to address SG-11." Anyway, gentlemen, it's a pleasure to finally meet you two. I have seen your personal files and the files of everyone in your team, of course, but I always like to meet trouble magnets in person, whenever I can manage. Please sit and make yourselves comfortable. We’re going to be here for a while," he informed the Major and the Lt. Commander.
"Major Sheppard, if you can please give a brief report of what took place in Gemmond?" he looked to Sheppard once they were seated.
Sheppard recounted the mission as ordered. He started from the point where they had to force the connection to Gemmond via the Jumper's DHD and detailed their entry to the hot zone. Then he briefly described the recon they conducted and the subsequent entry to the Wraith Carrier. Then he recounted the rescue operations and the entanglement with Wraith. He then summarized blowing up the ship, how they split up to accompany the Gemmondians and how the rest of them returned to the gate to report back to SGC, followed by the handover to Lt. Colonel Mitchell who showed up to take over the clean up. Once he finished, General Hammond turned to Mitchell.
"Lt. Colonel Mitchell, will you tell us what happened next?"
"Yes Sir. I went to Gemmond with SG-1, SG-3, SG-8, and SG-9. SG-3 was sent with the medical staff to the city to provide medical help and SG-8 went with them to help with the clean-up. I dropped off the Doctors McKay and Zelenka at the Dart crash sites along with Teal'c and SG-9 and took the Jumper to orbit to run a scan in near space. There were no other Wraith Spaceships in the vicinity. Then I returned to the city and stayed there to coordinate with the city council. I also spoke to some of those travelers who were taking refuge in Gemmond. They were from Holdus, Aegis, some even from Charos. They all had similar stories about this 'Culling', as they called it. It seems that this started about two weeks ago and there seem to be few other worlds targeted as well. So far they've been avoiding the technologically advanced planets though," continued Mitchell. "Then I took a trip to the village near the jungle where the rescued Gemmondians gathered with a couple of medical staff. They were all okay and being taken care of by the Nasyans. We spent the whole day in the city and the clean-up was rather quick, seeing as SG-11 got there pretty quickly and the Wraith didn't have much time for a larger attack. Then I collected the Doctors from where they were camping near crash sites and returned to the mountain for the debrief."
The General then turned his attention towards the two scientists;
"So Dr. McKay, Dr. Zelenka - any luck extracting the people stuck in those Darts?" he asked.
"Hmm, we've scanned those two Wraith Darts and found a way to connect with their interfaces. Basically, we’ve gone over the controls that dematerialize people, store their information, and then rematerialize them again when commanded to. It's a very complex process and requires a lot of power. Now, the Dart I scanned has five life signs and Radek's one has eight life signs. But according to the power readings we've got, those darts don't have enough power to rematerialize people on their own. But we can hook up a Naquadah generator into each of them and give a bit of extra oomph to restart the controls and activate the beam. Sort of like jump-starting a car battery." Rodney looked quite proud at having managed a properly dumbed-down report for the academically challenged.
"Ano, Rodney, we discussed this. There is a chance that those generators might not be the best way to restart those controls. You mustn't forget the biological components in those Darts - they are not like normal batteries that we can jump-start." Dr. Radek Zelenka pushed his spectacles further up his nose and reminded Rodney.
"I know, but if we regulate the levels and write a subroutine to abort if it gets over the power levels we need, it'd be fine." Rodney turned to face the Czech scientist and gestured with his muffin.
"A subroutine that we need to translate to match the coding on the interface. Yes, yes! It might work. But then we need..." Zelenka had already started typing something fast and McKay was leaning over to watch his screen.
"Ah, wait, there," he interrupted and the Czech said something unintelligible in his own language, still typing away. Now Rodney had abandoned his muffin and was also busy on his PDA while talking to Zelenka about code.
The two scientists had forgotten about the rest of the assembly and were completely immersed in their planning, typing, and conversing in increasingly complex scientific jargon. General Hammond let it continue for a while and then decided to interrupt when the scientists showed no signs of returning to the briefing. Out of all of them, only Carter seemed to be able to follow the dialog between them with an amused look on her face.
"As riveting as it is to be listening to you two gentlemen, can you please tell us whether this venture is possible or not? We really don't need to know the exact process," Hammond asked them both with great patience.
"Yes, General. We can do this. Maybe by tomorrow evening, we should be done. We will need a Naquadah generator though," said McKay, without looking up or without stopping his typing.
"Jack, can you accommodate that?" asked the Major General.
"Yeah, I'm sure we have one or two of those lying around here, somewhere," General Jack O'Neil replied, looking pointedly at Sergeant Harriman who confirmed with a firm nod.
"Well, then," started General Hammond, but was interrupted by Dr. Zelenka. "Can we be excused? We need to clean this up and get a proper program before we need to return to the planet."
"Yes, please. You may both take your leaves, doctors." A rather relieved General excused the pair without further delay. They both got up with their PDAs and left the room, bickering about the code and power levels.
"Commander, I was informed you have the footage of the entire operation?" he then inquired of McGarrett, who confirmed. "Now, Jack, I think this is something we should get all our Gate teams to start practicing. There is always one team or another who runs into something unexpected whenever they conduct Gate operations." He turned to the General.
"Yeah, I agree. But there is a concern, you know? What with the IOA and all their crap about respecting the privacy of the natives and such. SG-11 has a bit of leeway on this because they are a joint ops team and we had agreed to keep up their SEAL standards. So all their Gate missions go under Special-Operations per that agreement with the Navy. I think it's about time we took a long hard look at those pesky civilian regulations, especially since it's starting to look like trouble's brewing," said Jack O'Neill, for once looking completely serious.
"Hmm, I have a meeting with the IOA in a few days. I'll speak to the President as well before I meet with them. The chances are that we are going to have to raise the threat levels and will have to change some protocols accordingly, very soon," replied the General. He was already thinking about reaching out to the other races with advanced technologies and capabilities the earth had connections with; about this latest threat and ways to defend against it.
He then turned to Samantha Carter. "Carter, I'd like to review that footage now please."
Lt. Colonel Carter projected the video onto the screens on either side while Harriman dimmed the lights in the conference room. For the next 90 minutes or so, the entire conference room was quiet except for the sounds coming from the footage of the mission.
General O'Neill took it upon himself to break the thick silence that had descended in the Briefing Room at the end of the mission footage. "You know, I remember I sent SG-6 last year to Gemmond for the harvest celebrations. They brought back cake - really nice cake - and even nicer wine," he said wistfully, and then turned to where Sergeant Harriman was seated. "Walter, remind me next year when the time comes around, yeah?"
"Of course, General," the Sergeant replied with an equally serious air.
"That was an excellent bit of soldiering. My compliments to your team. Well done." General Hammond said. He was extremely impressed with the way the team handled the situation. He had harbored some concerns about how well they could mesh a SEAL team with an SGC team and this incident proved that it could be done quite seamlessly. He could see that each and every member brought a unique and impressive skill set to the team.
"Jack, I need a copy of this footage and all other data collected in a summarized report so I can present this to the president and the IOA. I might call an extra-planetary meeting to discuss this too. So be ready. And keep me posted if you get news from other planets on any encounters like this," He informed O'Neill. "So far, is there anything on the surveillance on those satellites and the Goa'uld activity?" he inquired.
"Nothing, but I believe this explains why they are waiting for the Wraith to stock up on supplies before starting whatever they are planning on. I have a feeling this might include an armada or two of alien fleets by the way things are going," said Jack O'Neill thoughtfully.
"The work on Prometheus is nearly completed. She will undergo her space trials in the next month, bringing our fleet to six. We shall see if we can persuade our allies to contribute as well. This information might just be what we need to apply that persuasion," General Hammond reflected. "All right people, thank you for your time. I will be in touch." He stood up, bringing the briefing to an end.
With that, everyone stood up as General George Hammond took his leave.
It had been two days since the meeting with Major General George Hammond and SG-11 had just returned from a training session at the Alpha site, off-world. They had completed the medical checkups, cleaned themselves up, and were seated around a long table enjoying their dinner in the mess hall when Steve's phone started ringing.
The call came from a landline bearing a Hawaiian prefix. "Is this Mr. Steven McGarrett?" The voice was female. Steve winced at the 'Mr.' involuntarily, not used to being addressed as such.
"Yes, that's me. Who is this?" he asked.
"Sir, my name is Diana Curtis and I'm calling from Honolulu General Hospital. You’re listed as the next of kin for Captain John McGarrett. He was admitted to the hospital yesterday when he suffered a heart attack. Sir, his condition is stable for now. But we'd like you to be here and visit him if it is at all possible?” The professional no-nonsense voice delivered the news in such a calm manner, it took Steve a few seconds to register what the woman was saying and the seriousness of the situation.
"WHAT?" he barked into the phone, when he had recovered from the shock. The team sitting around him all stopped what they were doing and stared at Steve.
"Mr. McGarrett, please calm down. Your father's condition is stable for the moment. He was brought to the hospital on time. Are you able to make it here safely as soon as possible? Is there anyone who could bring you here?" The hospital admin on the line tried to placate the very agitated SEAL.
"Uh? Yes, yes. I'm not in Hawaii at the moment. But yes, I'll be there as soon as I can. Thank you for calling and letting me know," Steve collected himself enough to reply. His mind was still reeling at the shocking news he had just received. He had called his old man only two days ago and he had sounded fine on the phone - even happier at the fact that Steve was stationed somewhere in the mainland and could call home more or less on a regular basis.
"You’re welcome sir," the voice said crisply and disconnected the call. Steve stared at the phone in his hand dumbly, his mind refusing to cooperate and start being useful for the moment.
"Steve, what was that all about?" The touch on his arm and the concerned face of John - which was quite close to his - brought him back from the stupor he had got lost in. Steve stared at him for a moment and then found the words to reply.
"That was the Honolulu General. My dad, he's in the hospital, he had a heart attack," Steve said in a dull tone, still not able to believe that it was real. He felt John's grip tighten around his arm at the revelation.
"What? When? How?" Questions bombarded him incredulously. Steve took a couple of deep breaths in an attempt to bring his turbulent mind into some semblance of control and deal with the situation.
"I don't know, but I need to go there now," he said decisively, standing up.
"Hey, Steve, hey, they didn't say it's bad, did they? Just don't go by yourself." John was also standing with him and he realized John was holding him by the shoulders, shaking him slightly. He grabbed onto John automatically, his presence so close to him, helping Steve to ground himself. He concentrated on what John was saying to him and could hear the regret in his voice at not being able to go with Steve. They were the team leaders of SG-11 and one had to be at the mountain if the other was going to be unavailable.
"Don't worry man, I'll go with him," Danny was also standing up and looking worried. He also looked determined to follow the SEAL home no matter what Steve had to say about it.
"I need to go pack a bag, and yeah, Danny, you can come with," said Steve, starting to mentally list the things he needed to do in order to get moving.
"I'll help," Kono volunteered.
"Let me talk to Walter and contact Peterson AFB - there might be a transport or something going that way. It'd be quicker," Sheppard suggested, and was already moving towards the elevator to go to level 27. "I'll come back and see you in your quarters," he threw back over his shoulder as he entered the elevator.
"Shit, I need to apply for leave," said Steve, watching John disappear into the lift.
"Don't stress Commander, we'll take care of it." Bates patted him on the back and Cadman nodded along. "We will apply on behalf of you two. This is an emergency. So it'll be fine," said Vega. Then she and Bates both took off towards the HR offices to handle the paperwork for their Commander's emergency leave.
"Thanks, guys," Steve shouted after them. And then he hurried towards his own quarters with the rest of his team tagging along. He already had a duffel packed for emergencies and only needed to add a few more things. He tried calling his dad’s friend but the call went to voicemail. He figured that he could try contacting them once he reached the hospital. He wouldn't even think about calling his sister until he had the chance to see his father and knew more about his condition.
Within 20 minutes, Steve and Danny were both waiting by the exit at Cheyenne mountain for the vehicle that had been signed off for them to be delivered to Peterson AFB. Walter had made the arrangements. There was an army cargo plane making a training run to Hickam and he had managed to arrange transport for the two SEALs with it. They'd make their own way back after the visit to the hospital.
"Steve, listen, it's gonna be alright. You hear me? It'll be fine! Your dad's a tough guy, he'll be fine." Sheppard was holding his face in his hands and Steve found himself nodding along to the assurances pouring out of his boyfriend. Then John kissed him softly on the lips and Steve sighed, leaning into the comfort. He rested his forehead on John's and wished with all his heart to wake up and realize that this was all just a bad dream.
"And don't forget to call, yeah?" John implored as he straightened and very reluctantly let go of Steve.
"Sure John, I'll call," He promised as the SUV came to a stop in front of them. He and Danny both got in and seated themselves. He then gave a short wave to John who was still standing there by the exit watching them leave. Steve hoped what John had told him would be true, that his dad would be able to make it through. He was not ready to lose his only remaining parent. ‘God please, not again! Not so soon...' His mind was repeating the mantra as Steve let out a weary sigh and closed his eyes.
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stronglyobsessed · 6 years
College AU prompt: Merlahad
For: @dravni
Merlin sat in biology lecture. Mr. Banner was drowning on about genes and DNA. He really didn’t need this class, but needed the credits to graduate.
The door to the lecture hall opened and a disheveled man stumbled in. His curly brown hair was a mess on his head and he was wearing sweats and a cardigan.
“Late again, Mr. Hart,” Mr. Banner said and the man muttered an apology.
Merlin saw him searching for an empty seat. Glancing to his left he groaned when the only available seat was next to him.
This Mr. Hart walked up the steps and sat beside Merlin.
“Hi,” He said softly and smiled shyly at Merlin.
Harry leaned back shocked, “Your accent...” He began and Merlin interrupted him.
“Is Scottish I know. Ye dinnae need to say anything that anyone else has said since I moved here.”
“I was going to say it sounds lovely,” Harry said and saw a light blush creep over the other man’s face. “I’m Harry by the way. Harry Hart,” He offered.
Merlin looked at him for a moment, “Angus McKurdy, but ye can call me Merlin.”
“Aye it is a nickname my Da gave me,” Merlin smiled.
“Not the worst nickname I have heard.”
Lecture went on for another hour before they were all dismissed.
“What is your next class?” Harry asked while gathering his books.
“I have a break for the next 2 hours.”
“Me too!” Harry smiled brightly. “Would you be interested in joining me for a cuppa out in the courtyard?”
Merlin tilted his head to the side and thought it over, “Sure.”
They ended biology lecture like that for the next 2 months of the course.
Finally mustering up the nerve Merlin had something to ask Harry, “Would ye perhaps like to go out with me, on a date?”
Harry blinked back at him in surprise, “I rather thought that was what these were?” His face fell a little.
“Oh,” Merlin said in surprise. “Aye well I suppose, but -“ He was cut short by Harry’s lips pressed against his.
“Uh,” He blinked a few times and looked at Harry whose face was bright red. “Boyfriends?” Merlin asked and was rewarded with another kiss.
“Thought you’d never ask,” Harry said after he pulled away.
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The Struggles of a Male Veela (Part 1 - Of Veela Blood)
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Louis Weasley x Soulmate!OC
Length: 2658 words
Warnings: not really. This is a soulmate!au, ive altered the ages of many of the next gen!, also the logic of what a veela is but whatevs. I pictured a young Hunter Parrish as Louis, but there’s like no gifs of him???, not a reader insert the OC will have a name and is female
Part 1 of ‘The Struggles of a Male Veela’ Series | Masterlist | Part 2 |
Louis Weasley was of veela blood.
The gene ran through the blood of his mother’s family. Various members of the line had been veelas, some marrying into the family, others being born so. Louis’ own mother, Fleur Weasley nee Delacour, had been only one quarter veela, stemming from her grandmother.
Louis was lucky, or unlucky, that his father’s blood was tainted. Not in the way many old pureblood families will claim, but rather through an experience he faced. Whilst not a true werewolf (as he was not bitten on the full moon), Bill Weasley did hold the slight changes of were-kind, none more obvious than in his veins. The mix of bloods that pulsed through Louis’ veins meant that he inherited the full-veela gene.
As well as all the problems that included.
His changing happened not long after his fifteenth birthday. The school term was to end in three days, and Louis had just been leaving the OWL examination room (he had taken his Defence Against the Dark Arts OWL) when he collapsed. He’d been feeling weird all morning, slightly feverish and he had a headache, one that only increased during the exam.
Teddy Lupin, current head-boy, and godson of Harry Potter, called over to his ‘cousin’, “Louis?” When there was no response, or movement, he ran over. “Mate?” Teddy himself had just come from a NEWT examination (Transfiguration), just down the hall. Carefully, Teddy lifted the younger boy into his arms, barely straining at all. “Out the way!” He shouted to the small crowd that formed around the two, before heading off to the hospital ward, his normally bright blue hair turning a concerning red. “Madame Bones!” He’d pushed into the room, and quickly manoeuvred his younger ‘cousin’ onto the closest bed.
The nurse ran over, spotting that the boy was unconscious, and that Teddy Lupin was beginning to worry. “What’s happened?”
“Nothing Miss, he just collapsed!” Teddy explained, “He came out of his exam, and he just toppled over!”
Madame Bones pressed her hand to the boy’s forehead, then his neck, and felt that he was burning up. “He’s feverish,” She checked his pulse next, “And his pulse is racing.” Conjuring up a cold, wet towel, she pressed it to the handsome young man’s forehead. “Mr. Lupin, please go fetch the Headmistress, and any of your relatives you find on the way.”
“Yes, Miss.” Teddy nodded, and gave a glance towards the now sweating young boy, before rushing out.
Whilst he was gone, Madame Bones got to work, pulling out several bottles, and a quick quill, which composed a letter to Bill and Fleur Weasley, explaining that their son was sick, and that he was in her care. After the war, it became obvious to many of the teachers that those involved in said war were much more attentive, and worrisome, than parents had been in the past. It was well known how Ginny Potter, and Andromeda Tonks, had burst into the hospital ward in Teddy’s first year, both fretting over his fall in flying class, nearly starting a fight with Madame Bones over his care. Not long after the nurse replaced the cold compress on Louis’ forehead, did several of his family members come running into the ward, frantic looks on their faces.
Out of the entire Weasley/Potter brood, Louis was one of the most tame, non-clumsy, and non-accident prone. For him to be laying on that bed unconscious, it meant whatever was going on was very serious.
The first into the room was Victoire Weasley, twin sister to the Gryffindor on the bed. The Ravenclaw fifth-year rushed to the side of her brother, her blonde hair flying out behind her, tears gathering in her eyes at the sight of her twin. “Louis! Madame Bones, what’s going on?” She began running her hands over her brothers face, feeling the intense heat behind his skin, and pulling her hands away in shock.
Before the nurse could answer, third-year Gryffindor James Sirius Potter was running into the room, followed by fellow third-year Gryffindor’s’ Roxanne and Fred (II) Weasley. The second set of twins in the family were the son and daughter of George and Angelina Weasley. “What’s wrong?” All three panted out, having run from several floors away, at top speed, after Teddy had run past shouting that Louis was sick.
“Louis’s ill!” Victoire cried out, her face screwed up in fear, “He’s unconscious, and really warm!” As she explained to her cousins, they came closer, careful to stay behind Victoire, on one side of the bed, and out of Madame Bones’ way.
“What’s up?” Albus Severus Potter (first-year Slytherin), the calmest of all the Weasley/Potter brood, strolled into the large room. With him, was a concerned Rose Weasley (first-year Gryffindor, daughter to Ron and Hermione Weasley), and a frantic Dominique Weasley (second-year Hufflepuff, and youngest sibling to Victoire and Louis).
As these members of the crew joined the others, Victoire and James filling them all in on what they’d figured out, the powerful and tall figure of Professor McGonagall, headmistress of Hogwarts, entered the room. Behind her was Professor Longbottom, Herbology professor, long-time friend to the Weasley/Potter brood, and head of Gryffindor. Teddy Lupin was bringing up the rear, with the last members of the family (whom attended Hogwarts), Molly Weasley II; a sixth-year Gryffindor, and Lucy Weasley; a second-year Ravenclaw. Both were the daughters to former Hogwarts head-boy, Percy Weasley.
“Madame Bones,” the Scottish brogue of the headmistress began, “What seems to be the issue here?” The woman had known the Potters’ and Weasleys’ for nearly her entire teaching career, and even before that as Charlus Potter had been a prefect when she was in her first year of Hogwarts, and thus she was concerned.
“Did you send word to the parents?” Professor Longbottom, or Uncle Neville to most of these children, questioned, knowing very well the temperament of Fleur Weasley.
“I sent an owl, almost fifteen minutes ago.” Madame Bones answered. “However, I have a feeling that we may need the input of those at St. Mungo’s on this case.” The woman shared a significant look with the headmistress, silently telling her that this issue was serious. Turning to the Weasley brood, her eyes focussed on the siblings of Louis, she asked a question that hushed the children, “Does your family have a history with veelas?”
The English answer came from the two young girls, who stood at the bedside of their brother. The French affirmative had come from the mouth of Fleur Weasley nee Delacour, who’d flooed into the castle, via the fireplace in the very ward they all stood in.
“We ‘ave a long ‘istory of veelas. The Delacour’s’ ‘ave always been part veela, I myself am one quarter veela.” The woman swept over to her son’s side, the children parting to let her through. “Oh, ma cherie!” Fleur cried out, finally seeing her son. Her blonde hair was now greying slightly, and her face showed the faintest signs of aging – yet she only looked aged in her eyes, which were slightly dull as she looked at the pain her Louis was in.
“That means the last full veela was one of your grandparents?” Madame Bones questioned carefully, knowing well the anger and pain that any mother feels could cause them to lash out.
Professor McGonagall was confused at where the nurse was going with her questioning, “What are you trying to say?”
Madame Bones sighed, “I’ve seen a few cases like this, when I was training in France.” She looked at Fleur, making sure their eyes were locked, “Mr. Weasley seems to be going through the ‘changing’.”
Those who knew what this meant, gasped.
“’zat iz not possible.” Fleur whispered, her shock making her accent thicker. “’zere ‘as not been a male veela for ‘undred of years!” She stroked the side of her son’s face, knowing deep down the woman was right. “’ow did ‘e inherit, though?”
“Yeah, Louis and I should be less than one quarter veela!” Victoire commented, knowing what was being suggested.
Albus Potter, still the calmest in the room, drawled out, “Perhaps it has to do with Uncle Bill’s bite?”
Professor McGonagall contemplated this fact, “Louis is the eldest twin, perhaps his blood took all of the inheritance?”
“We need to get him to St. Mungo’s, and have him put into an isolated ward, just in case.” Madame Bones commented, preparing to wheel the bed towards the floo, first placing some papers and vials on the bed. They would be needed, to get him admitted. “Mrs. Weasley, please follow me.” The two women, plus the young man on the bed, were flooed to the wizarding hospital, after Madame Bones cried out, “St. Mungo’s!”
“Children, please return to class. After dinner come to my office, and you will all be informed on the health of the young Mr Weasley.” Professor McGonagall, with the help of Professor Longbottom, ushered out all the children. “No complaining now, don’t dilly-dally either. I know that this is worrying, but we know what is going on, so the Healers at St. Mungo’s will be able to heal him faster.”
“He’ll be on the mend now.” Neville told them, a small smile on his face, telling them not to panic. “Come on Potter, Weasley, you’re supposed to be in my class now, anyway.” He pushed Albus Potter in front of him, along with Rose Weasley, as both were supposed to be in his Herbology class at that very minute.
As people turned the corner, the small voice of Dominique called out to her older sister, “Victoire? Will Louis be okay?”
Before Victoire could speak, Teddy Lupin walked over, pulling the young girl into his arms, comforting her. “Of course, Louis’s going to be okay, Dom! You know him, he’s always alright, isn’t he? You Weasleys’ are always bouncing back, no matter what.”
Smiling thankfully at him, Victoire spoke, “Teddy’s right.” She pressed a kiss to her younger sister crown, before smoothing down her blonde hair, just like her mother did. “Besides, you heard the teachers, Louis is on the mend now. Everything will be back to normal before we know it!”
That summer had been difficult for the Weasley/Potter clan.
It went exactly how it usually did, with the children spending most of their time at Molly and Arthur Weasley’s (now empty) house, due to their parents working most of the time. The difference, though, was people had to be careful around Louis now. As with all young veelas, Louis was vastly over-protective of his family, his younger sisters’ especially. Often, at the beginning of summer, he was seen flying into a rage, and turning into his full-veela form, at the smallest thing – such as Dominique, his youngest sister, being accidentally pushed over by James. Even though he moved out of this phase, no longer being so temperamental after a few weeks adjusting to his inheritance, it wasn’t completely safe to be around Louis. Despite being one of the loveliest people to walk the Earth; a young, unmated veela (especially a male one, who has the need to protect those he loves) was always dangerous to affiliate with – at least until they mated.
Bill and Fleur had warned all family members, before Louis had finally finished his changing and returned from St. Mungo’s, that they had to be careful around him, that they had to look after him now. Also, she vaguely mentioned, not to be too ‘freaked out’ by his sudden change.
The veela-form was odd, they’d discovered during his first change. It was tall, taller than Hagrid, and had large, bird-like wings that extended from the top of his back, the very tips reaching his ankles. The wings were a vibrant, iridescent, purple-blue, and they were powerful enough to launch him into the air at vast speeds. Louis’s eyes changed colours too, in this form, from their normal colour, to ones that matched his wings, and were just as vibrant as them too. Other than those obvious changes, were the subtle ones – such as his incredible strength, his heightened senses, his newfound ability to know how people were feeling, and his ability to manipulate people using the typical veela appeal. The last had been used to achieve more of his grandmother’s pie one evening, and had meant he’d walked away with the entire dish – much to his mother’s anger.
By the end of that summer, though, Louis felt confident that he had complete control of himself. He was able control his shifts into the other form, and (with the help of his family) he’d conquered his abilities. He no longer accidentally crushed his cups, felt people’s emotions, or forced people to do his bidding. Everything was going to be okay.
September first came around faster than anyone would have liked. While every student did love Hogwarts, it was still school, and therefore they kind of hated it too.
Like every year, the entirety of the Weasley/Potter clan was stood on Platform 9¾, well those who could make it. George and Percy Weasley weren’t there, as the two were at Weasley Wizard Wheezes, working.
Percy had joined George after the war, helping out a little around the shop, and eventually stayed because he genuinely enjoyed the work. Generally, he was always doing the more clerical things, like the accounts and checking inventory, but every now and then he himself invented something interesting. The self-replenishing ink-well was his idea, as was the idea for other ink wells filled with wacky colours and glitter. Bless him, though, Percy tried his best.
As usual, the station was hustling with students and parents, it was as hectic as every year was. It was easy to determine who were new kids (as they tended to stare) and who weren’t. The same went for their parents. That didn’t matter to the Weasley/Potter clan, though – they’d been doing this for too long to get caught up in the looks and whispers that surrounded them.
“Louis, be careful this year!” Mrs Weasley (Molly the first) was beginning yet another speech on how Louis should be careful at Hogwarts, and not pull a ‘Harry Potter’ at school (as something bad always happened to him, although not usually his fault). “Do not start a fight with anyone, and watch your surroundings when you shift! Merlin knows those wings can take someone’s eye out…”
Just as she was about to continue her rant about how the Weasleys’ need to ‘calm down’, and ‘have a normal school experience’ – bang. Louis Weasley, the one closest to the wall they had all literally just come through, was violently knocked over by the small figure that landed on top of him, her dark hair spilling over his shoulders and getting in his face (and a little in his mouth too).
“Oh, I’m sorry!” The girl scrambled to get up, flailing slightly due to embarrassment, and accidentally kneeing the poor boy in his gut in her haste. “Oh, Merlin! I’m- I’m sorry, I was in such a rush, my mums went ahead with my cart, I thought I was going to be late! Ugh, I’m such a-” The girl had managed to get to her feet, and was now pulling Louis up onto his, desperate to right her small ‘wrong’. She’d just dragged him onto his feet, his grasping her arm to steady himself, when he’d locked eyes with her.
Suddenly, nothing else was visible to him, apart from her beautiful, shining eyes. Something inside Louis clicked into place, his new veela body singing at the sight of this girl’s face. Whilst she was shorter than him, she looked about his age, and vaguely Louis wondered if the two shared classes together… If so, he needed to be her partner for all of them. Her mouth was perfectly curved into a smile, and her dark eyes spoke of a future, their future – together.
@iamwarrenspeace, @itsnotnormalteen
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sidknee23 · 10 years
la reina de sudor!
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honeyshack replied to your photo “so, this is happening… 25-plus years in boston… and the silverback...”
Come now, this last summer was not so bad. Much more bearable here in the mountains. Oh, you'll see!
sweetie-dahlink, you know what a sweatbug i am! let's not kid ourselves! these scottish genes - plus - menopause! hah! i am sure it is better in the mountains - as you promise... but there's still gonna be a lot of sweat happening! and - no, i don't "glow" or "perspire"... i fucking sweat! hint, hint... one remedy is cool water... just sayin' we should make the most of the natural resources in the area! :o)
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