#scp 597
zombified-queer · 2 years
Sometimes the Sexy SCPs and the Very Unsexy SCPs overlap in nature.
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tlatia-the-radiant · 10 months
J mother, a document came in from the Iron Warriors. Something about a Daemoncubala? I haven’t read it yet
"Thank you, Aurin. I'll read it over in a moment—need to deal with the latest performative outrage Imperial governors are cooking up about our efforts."
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justdreamsandmusic · 7 months
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''49’x20’ all cleftv facing house plan''
Dr. Alto Clef's Personnel File & SCP 166 inspired. SCP 0166, 001, 017, 033, 048, 055, 073, 076, 105, 106, 140, 144, 148, 169, 173, 182, 184, 231, 239, 336, 343, 370, 397, 407, 416, 423, 439, 469, 478, 529, 557, 571, 575, 579, 581 (Eponnai), 582, 595, 597, 598, 600, 603, 604, 606, 614, 616, 631, 633, 646, 655, 658, 659, 660, 666, 668, 669, 671, 678, 682, 686, 688, 700, 701, 703, 705, 709, 710, 712, 722, 732, 734, 738, 748, 750, 752, 757, 762, 763, 789, 795, 835, 993, 1000, 1050, 1609, 1795, 2000, 2003, 2317, 3000, 4000, 4166, 4231 all in mind, etc
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syggwolf · 2 months
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What the FUCK is happening with the SCPs??? 😭😭
SCP 597 - Mother Of Them All is actually one of the OG SCP's! It was one of the original fairly controversial ones and was argued about as being fetish fuel for a long time, but everyone eventually realized that horror and fetish are separated only by the width of a human hair and so it survived! I recommend giving it a read as it's incredibly disturbing what happens when you take the concept of regression and oedipal complexes WAY TOO FAR :3 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-597
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laura-the-locust · 1 year
I really like how brazen SCP-597 is. The author fully went "I have breastfeeding kink, age regression kink, and mommy kink, and I'm gonna make this everyone else's problem." Respect.
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cogzandsprings · 2 years
I had had a nickel for every for every SCP I’ve read that involves a pile of meat, milk, and the bastardization of a parent/child relationship I’d have TWO nickels.
I wish I didn’t have two nickels
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legendsgates · 5 years
Underrated SCP List
I’ve decided to create an updated list of my favorite relatively-unknown skips, as well as other articles I think more people should know about. I’m leaving out the more popular ones like 682 or 049, since it’s easy to find and get info about those. These are SCPs that, tragically, tend to get overlooked.
Normal SCPs
SCP-001 (Dr Mann’s Proposal) The real juicy stuff here isn’t in the file itself, it’s in the attached O5-clearance document. And good lord, the implications give me chills.
SCP-001 (S Andrew Swann’s Proposal) It’s us.
SCP-370 (A Key) Don’t look. Don’t look. DON’T LOOK.
SCP-408 (Illusory Butterflies) The booooterflies! Kondraki’s best friends :3
SCP-413 (Endless Garage) SCPs can play pranks too.
SCP-447 (Ball of Green Slime) Could also be named ‘Too Bad We Can’t Market This’. I would recommend reading the experiment log.
SCP-504 (Critical Tomatoes) You know the trope where bad actors and comedians get tomatoes thrown at them? Well...
SCP-507 (Reluctant Dimension Hopper) Poor 507! He hasn’t been the same since he came back from 99P-UT1-24J. Or 952-7YD-ABBA, for that matter. Read the log!
SCP-597 (The Mother of Them All) This one is either incredibly unsettling, weirdly soothing to think about, or a godawful mixture of both.
SCP-632 (Intrusive Arachnid Thoughts) Arachnophobe’s Worst Nightmare. Don’t read if you’re scared of spiders.
SCP-743 (A Chocolate Fountain) …At least they get a good meal first?
SCP-939 (With Many Voices) Thorough and creepy. Especially 939-101! I can’t tell whether I should be scared or pitying. Do not read if people getting eaten freaks you out, and don’t read the ‘scp-939 reproduction’ page if decapitation (or internal parasites, possibly) is a squick.
SCP-1155 (Predatory Street Art) I would like to see who would win between this and 173.
SCP-1171 (Humans Go Home) To borrow the words of tumblr user @arctic-chameleonus​... my thembro Beauremont got fucking catfished.
SCP-1459 (The Puppy Machine) Once you get past the inherent horror of the scenario, the test log is actually pretty damn funny. Or maybe I’m just nuts.
SCP-1545 (Larry the Loving Llama) Guys, stop calling him by all those different names - his name’s Larry.
SCP-1730 (What Happened to Site-13?) This one is a long, horrifying read - and it’s absolutely breathtaking. If you have time to kill and a taste for human corruption at its worst, come take a look!
SCP-2316 (Field Trip) You do not recognize the bodies in the water.
SCP-2357 (The Perfect SCP) The resignation letter of a Foundation employee... who specialized in memes and infohazards. If you’re not familiar with the Foundation-standard usage of those words, this is an easy and fun article to get a taste.
SCP-2662 (cthulhu f'UCK OFF!) I feel so bad for them, they just want to be left a l o n e
SCP-2703 (For a Good Time Call) She’s so friendly and helpful, stop screaming when she appears! You were the one who called her and she just wants to help you have a good time!
SCP-3008 (A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA) It’s an IKEA - a totally normal, nonanomalous one. Not sure why it’s on the site.
SCP-3636 (World's Greatest Jukebox) Please screen the title and lyrics very closely before you try to play anything. And don’t even touch anything on the blacklist.
Joke SCPs
SCP-006-J / SCP-006-CU-EX (WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING / Cuddly Cwawies) BUGS! Read that in whatever inflection you desire.
SCP-048-J (Negative Probability Phrase) I swear, if you jinx us-
SCP-076-J (IN OWN WORDS) Totally not Able, fellow meat-slaves!
SCP-666-J (Dr. Gerald's Driving Skills) OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH FUCK OH GOD OH GO
SCP-900-J (Modern Major Keter-Class) i’m sorry I can’t do this one justice
SCP-1543-J (The Sun Launcher) When in doubt, toss it into the sun.
Group-of-Interest Format
The Serpent’s Hand
A Love Letter to a Lady Mantis - and its sequel, A Wedding Gift for a Lady Mantis! An adorable romance. Don’t read if you’re scared of bugs.
Hello, I am an Eldritch Horror - You'll want to familiarize yourself with SCP-426 (I am a Toaster) first, but this adds a whole new depth to the SCP’s lore.
KoI Format - God is a fish.
Shark-Punching Center
SPC-001, Uncle Nicolini's Proposal... Maybe. (It's Lonely At The Top, says the article third from the top.) Once something becomes too easy it’s not even worth doing anymore, right?
SPC-172-J (”Sword Sharks?!”, Never Bring a Fist to a Spear Fight) Y’all need to update your shark-identification guide, stat. And maybe don’t punch it right where the horn is. However, I must say I like your style of protocol naming.
A Lesson in Power - Broken Masquerade canon. A gun is only so intimidating when you work with SCPs.
Ethical? - Broken Masquerade canon. There’s going to be a change in the Foundation’s hierarchy, now that they’re forced into the light.
Ethics Committee Orientation - Isn’t the Ethics Committee, like, a myth?
Tales of the Ethics Committee: The Foundation Eats Babies - How do you choose who lives and who dies? To quote Agent Strauss, “We’re a bit beyond trolley problems here.”
Termination_Order - How to execute someone who can turn you into spaghetti with a thought. This one gets dark - warning for rape mentions.
Transcript of Dr. Clef's seminar, "Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't." - Fucking Clef. That asshole.
Exceptional Cases Which Do Not Quite Fit Into Any Of The Aforementioned Categories
Abundance - this story is actually on the Wanderer’s Library site and doesn’t mention the foundation, but the slowly-growing unease turning to gradual horrified and/or disgusted understanding would make some scp articles proud.
The Ship In A Bottle Hub - Please. Please read it. At least the intro - it will show exactly what to expect.
[Edit: most recent addition to this post can be found here]
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bandtrees · 4 years
i don’t trust anyone who hates 173 or thinks it needs to be overhauled
he’s literally just a peanut leave him bE
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zombified-queer · 4 months
SCP Smash or Pass tourney but it's never anything normal and all the matchups are like 610 vs 597.
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charlesoberonn · 4 years
What's, in your opinion, the worst scp? For me, it's either the Pegasus with no wings or 597
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littlestarlost · 6 years
Please find below a ranked list of SCP Wiki entries personally favoured by Researcher LLS. It is recommended that all readers heed content warnings and follow any instructions given about reading supplemental materials. All entries carry a general content warning for violence, gore, and body horror elements.
SCP 835: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-835 Content Warnings: None Special Instructions: Read both versions of the description and the after-action report; redacted first and then unredacted after. 
SCP 093: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-093 Content Warnings: Brief mentions of suicide Special Instructions: Read all color-coded tests in order.
SCP 1981: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-1981 Content Warnings: None Special Instructions: None
SCP 087: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-087 Content Warnings: None Special Instructions: None
SCP 1875: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-1875 Content Warnings: Allusions to child murder, an actual literary jump scare Special Instructions: Just...know that there’s something at the bottom of the page. You probably still aren’t ready.
SCP 294: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-294 Content Warnings: None Special Instructions: None
SCP 1165: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1165 Content Warnings: Suicide Special Instructions: Survey logs are required reading
SCP 290: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-290 Content Warnings: None Special Instructions: None
SCP 597: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-597 Content Warnings: Mention of sexual assault Special Instructions: None
SCP 1227: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-1227 Content Warnings: Mention of rape, abortion, animal death Special Instructions: None
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foundationsecured · 6 years
quick question! are there any SCPs you absolutely Won't write for, or would feel uncomfortable doing so?
Hm. There’s just so many SCP that I haven’t read yet that it would be hard predicting. I know for certain that I won’t write SCP-597. Mostly, I’ll decline an SCP ask if the SCP itself is poorly written.
‘Poorly written’ usually includes: not adhering to Foundation principles, having strange containment protocols, or using an ick factor for shock value.
But there’s also always exceptions to this rule! So if you’re unsure about an SCP, submit it anyway. The worst that could happen is that it doesn’t get answered.
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cathasdepression · 4 years
I hate SCP 597 so much
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thesnadger · 7 years
What is the best way to read the scp foundation stuff? Because whenever I look into it, it looks overwhelming and I say I'll look later but then don't.
Don’t look at it as something you’re planning to read in its entirety. Think of it more like Wikipedia. It’s got a bunch of pages. You’ll probably never read them all. You can click around and read them in whatever order you want. Some are more interesting than others If you’re reading one and it bores you, pick another. 
I’d suggest starting in Series I, just because those are older, there are a bunch of classics in there and they’re less likely to have references to other SCPs. You can just scroll down the list and click on whatever one has a title you find interesting. Some of them are very creepy. Some are silly. Some are just kind of meh. The variety is part of the appeal for some people (me.)
You can also check out the Top Rated Pages as a starting point. (Note that anything with a -J at the end is a non-cannon joke entry.)
Here’s a few of my personal favorites:
SCP-087 - The Stairwell (A very popular one, one of the first I ever read.)
SCP-261 - Pan-Dimensional Vending (Another one of the most popular, a fun one that’s not really scary)
SCP-342 - A Ticket To Ride
SCP-1733 - Season Opener
SCP-426 - I Am A Toaster
SCP-507 - Reluctant Dimension Hopper
SCP-241 - Good Home Cooking
SCP-288 - Stepford Wedding Rings
SCP-2809 - /john/
SCP-272 - An Old Iron Nail
SCP-316 - Color Stealing Light
SCP-1782 - Tabula Rasa 
SCP-362 - A Cool T-Shirt
SCP-1425 - Star Signals
SCP-1282 - Reverse Were-Rabbits
SCP-1904 - Play Tubes
SCP-2852 - Cousin Johnny
SCP-2006 - Too Spooky
SCP-3001 - Red Reality
SCP-2737 - A Dead Lamprey
SCP-303 - The Doorman
SCP-597 - The Mother Of Them All (Particularly squicky)
SCP-604 - The Cannibal’s Banquet (Kind of squicky as well, but more funny than scary, in admittedly messed-up sort of way)
SCP-1000 - Bigfoot
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super-metroid · 7 years
scp 597
is this scp basically just a giant boob
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bandtrees · 4 years
I read 597 bc hey, I like critiquing horrible stories, but now I'm going to be haunted for the rest of my life by the Mother Mary Great Tiddy. Also I don't mean to drag other horrific fetishistic story into this but is it just me or is the way it's written reminiscent of the fucking Smurfs nursery thing
OH MY GOD I DIDNT SEE THIS ASK UNTIL NOW ANDREAS IM SO SORRY both for the lateness AND for subjecting you to 597. mother mary great titty indeed... it haunts me too. maybe that’s the true mind control aspect of this thing
can’t believe smurf in hand later made a living writing scps. terrifying. honestly though i can see it - this is more graphic but also graphic-ness is pretty par for the course for scps, especially those early ones, so it’s probably not out of place if you read it without knowing of the undertones... eugh. nasty shit.
im glad at least that both this and smurf in hand’s recent readers have caught onto the blatant fetish aspect of it, we really don’t need people getting pretty much groomed by this bc they think its “just a smurf comic” or “just a scary scp” though sadly i doubt 597 is the last fetish fuel scp out there...
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