#sea spiders
antiqueanimals · 8 months
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The Entomologist's Text Book. Written and illustrated by John Obadiah Westwood. 1838.
Internet Archive
IDs via Wikimedia;
Goneplax rhomboides (syn:Goneplax angulata). Astacilla longicornis (syn:Arcturus longicornis). Limnoria lignorum (syn:Limnoria terebrans). Pycnogonum litorale (syn:Pycnogonum balaenarum). Julus terrestris (Common millipede) Dysdera erythrina Petrobius maritimus (Sea or Shore bristletail) Haematopinus suis (Hog louse)
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a-book-of-creatures · 11 months
Trick or treat! Is there any lil skelly lookin guys to match my costume?
Would you accept one (1) Stylopallene cheilorhynchus sea spider?
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mixotrophics · 2 months
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(from esmoi_ucn on instagram , Centro Cientifico ESMOI)
Pycnogonids are so weird. They're called "sea spiders" and that's not a terrible misnomer cause theyre in subphylum chelicerata which does also include spiders.
their bodies are so tiny that usual Body Jobs are outsourced to the legs. they respire thru the surface area of the legs. part of their digestive tract is in the legs. You know how people respond to women being drawn way too skinny w/ "where are her organs?"
turns out theyre stored in the legs...
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nat-stimmy · 2 years
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Arctic ocean inhabitants (SOURCE)
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taxonomytournament · 8 months
Taxonomy Tournament: Arthropods
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Xiphosura. This order is made up of horseshoe crabs, marine arthropods whose bodies are covered by a hard carapace. They mainly feed on worms and molluscs on the ocean floor. The blood of some species is harvested for LAL, which is used to detect and quantify bacterial toxins
Pantopoda. This order is known as sea spiders, marine predators/scavengers that walk along the sea floor or swim just above it
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mindblowingscience · 2 years
Sea spiders can regrow body parts after amputation and not just limbs, according to a study released on Monday that may pave the way for further scientific research into regeneration.
"Nobody had expected this," said Gerhard Scholtz of Humboldt University in Berlin, senior author of the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "We were the first to show that this is possible."
It is well documented that many different types of arthropods such as centipedes, spiders, and other insects can regrow limbs after a loss.
"Crabs can even automatically get rid of their limbs if they are attacked," Scholtz said. "They replace it by a new limb."
What the researchers discovered with their experiments with the tiny eight-legged sea spiders is that they are able to regenerate body parts other than limbs.
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netmassimo · 1 year
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An article published in the journal "Papers in Palaeontology" reports the results of an examination of rare fossils of so-called sea spiders dating back to about 160 million years ago, during the Jurassic period. A team of researchers examined these fossils of marine arthropods which technically belong to the class of Pycnogonids (Pycnogonida). Fossils of these arthropods are rare and among them are some of the so-called fauna of La Voulte-sur-Rhône, a deposit in southwestern France known for its excellent conservation and abundance of fossils. This study led to the identification of three species of sea spiders which were named Palaeopycnogonides gracilis, Colossopantopodus boissinensis, and Palaeoendeis elmii. Their resemblance to the current species of Pycnogonids leads to the conclusion that their diversification began right in the Jurassic.
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scolop98 · 2 years
VOTE FOR SEA SPIDERS IN THE @weirdanimal-tournament
Jerboa may be cute but y’know what else they are? Basic. Jumping rodents have independently evolved at least five other times, and jerboa’s ain’t even the only bipedal ones. I would also argue that they ain’t even the weirdest looking ones (looking at you, springhaas)
On the other hand, sea spiders are next-level bizarre. They’re bodies are so small that their digestive organs are stuffed into their legs. Since their legs are full of organ, some small species only have a single muscle cell in each leg. They don’t have a goddamn respiratory system, they just absorb oxygen via their legs and spread it through the body via diffusion. A sea spider’s heart is so small that it can’t actually pump blood into the legs, so it uses wave-like contractions of the digestive tract instead.
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And despite the fact that they seem to have min-maxed their bodyplan to be as Leg™️ as physically possible, their larvae don’t even start out with any proper legs!! And apparently larvae are parasitic as well? The fact that these creatures are even remotely functional is mind-boggling to me. As of the time of writing, sea spiders are losing the polls and the fact that this absolute mess of a not-spider is losing to a perfectly functional rodent in the first round is a travesty. VOTE SEA SPIDER SO THEY MAY RETAIN THEIR RIGHTFUL PLACE IN THE WIERD ANIMAL TOURNAMENT
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catgirl-or-furry · 2 years
Thinking about sea spiders. Why does nobody talk about sea spiders?
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herpsandbirds · 4 months
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Sea Spider (Stylopallene tubirostris), male with eggs, family Callipallenidae, order Pantopoda, Tasman Sea, NSW, Australia
These creatures are not true spiders, but are in a closely related group, that are completely marine (living in the sea/salt water).
photograph by emikok
Thanks to @ruthlesslistener for the correction. The males carry the eggs!
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mbari-blog · 8 months
You’ve heard of the itsy bitsy spider, now meet the giant sea spider. 🕷️
Like spiders on land, sea spiders—also known as pycnogonids—come in a range of sizes and appearances. They’re widespread and occur across a variety of ocean environments. The deep sea is home to the giant sea spider (Colossendeis sp.), which can grow larger than a dinner plate. This spindly spider lumbers along the seafloor on jointed, stilt-like legs.
Instead of spinning a delicate web of silk to trap prey, a giant sea spider uses an elongate, tube-like proboscis to slurp up its prey. While studying the unique communities that form around decomposing whale carcasses on the deep seafloor, MBARI researchers observed a giant sea spider crouched over and clinging to the fleshy tentacle of a pom-pom anemone (Liponema brevicorne). Upon closer inspection, the sea spider was actually sucking out the juices inside the tentacle. Another sea spider was even observed clipping a couple of tentacles and taking its dinner to go!
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vii-spider · 2 years
shoutout to sea spiders. they have no reason to look as absurd as they do but they do anyway. and i love them for it so much
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nat-stimmy · 2 years
did yall know that sea spiders arent actually spiders? (its debated on whether or not theyre even arachnids!) theyre pycnogonids and theyre super weird (in a great way)
they’re like 90% leg, their organs are stored in their legs and the middle part is just a connector for the legs and a place for them to put their proboscis (like a butterfly has!) and a place to put their egg sacs (which they hold using specialized legs called ovigers)
usually sea spiders are pretty small, like at biggest they’ll get the size of your hand, but antarctic sea spiders get HUGE and are mesmerizing to watch walk
they can both walk on the sea floor using their long legs, or swim freely in the water with this weird... idk even know how to explain it just look
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look at them!! wtf are u doing king. i love you so much
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stark4stark · 4 months
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Amidst the destruction in Gaza City, five-year-old Ibrahim Miqdad from North Gaza hasn't lost his childhood innocence and hope. As the war intensified in Northern Gaza, Ibrahim imagined his favorite hero, Spider-Man, swinging between the destroyed houses, carrying the worries of the children of Gaza
With the spirit of a child, Ibrahim says,
"I'm Spider-Man. I will protect the children of Gaza from the bombings”
From the series "Children of the City" by Hanin Salem-Untold Palestine Collective
Anyone can be under the mask…
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goldenstrwbrry · 6 months
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Kinitopet discord magmas are always so fun!!!! Drew more of my Sentient AU and some other designs belonging to @lunonehz @fadv4mpz and oc design by @divineruins00 !!!!
I see you….
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pleaktale · 5 months
Who wants a sneak peek? 🫣
Edit: you can see it finished here!
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I've been having waaaay too much fun drawing him, hihihi. Sorry not sorry.
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