#sean x charmaine
2offayyo-kzt · 4 months
late night confession with the Rinaldis
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antiqua-lugar · 1 year
something something about the way love it's portrayed in wwdits. it's not epic, it's not tragic, it doesn't have any big moments. it's stable and meaningful and a collection of small things. it's honest and mundane and gross and funny and flawed and always there
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your-mums-nuts · 5 months
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Like commission I did for the lovely @2offayyo-kzt !!
Sean and Charmaine wedding in classic Sean and Charmaine style!
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spookymultimedia · 2 years
Laszlo's beauty
Sean finds Laszlo's playing on his harp and confesses something personal to him
Takes place sometime after this fic
CW: the usual amount of sexual innuendos that are connected to Laszlo
        Laszlo's harp sat untouched next to his piano gathering dust. The truth was Laszlo had completely forgotten about the thing. He would sit for hours on end strumming the harp with his skilled gentle hands that caused Nadja so much joy in private intimacy. He had found other hobbies to entertain his insatiable mind and had simply forgotten all about it until one night.
  Laszlo walked the halls searching for something to distract him from the insolent demons in his mind that reminded him of the strange child he had lost. He had been reunited with his love whom he presumed to be deceased but at the cost of a child who he grew fond and protective over. He was relieved, yes, but tormented by the hurricane of emotions inside him. He found it harder than usual to concentrate and the nightmares became more and more frequent. Colin assured him his emotions were valid and real and the parental bond was very very real but yet he felt stupid. It was then he found himself looking at the harp that brought him comfort centuries ago. He brushed the harp and listened to the hum of noise it brought. He sat down and clumsily attempted to play the strings. The noise wasn't exactly a pretty one. It took him a minute or two to adjust and find the muscle memory his hands once held. Once he found his rhythm he closed his eyes and let his hands strum aimlessly on the strings, allowing it to silence his mind. Unbeknownst to Laszlo, Charmaine and Sean had payed a friendly visit to the mansion, which wasn't uncommon due to Nadja's amorous relationship to Sean's good lady wife. They had known their vampire status for quite awhile now and were quite calm about the information to everyone's surprise. Sean passed through the hallway behind Charmaine and Nadja as they talked and stopped when he heard the sound of a harp. It was quite a unique tune and Sean couldn't help his curiosity. The two ladies didn't even notice Sean had stopped. He followed the noise and found Laszlo seated at his harp. To a lover of music the sound was odd and not the most beautiful symphony but to Sean's amateur ears, it was wonderful. Laszlo was so lost in his own music that he didn't notice Sean stepping closer to him. Sean stood in awe at Laszlo and stared at his hands. He never noticed how nice his hands were. The shape, his rings and his polish was full of character and charm. His hands moved so effortlessly as if he was a wizard conjuring the tune with a spell. Laszlo's face was stern with concentration. Hair fell into his face making him look mysterious. His hair looked so soft. Sean wondered how nice it would feel to run his fingers through that raven hair. He wondered if King David looked this beautiful as he played his holy psalms on his harp as Laszlo did when he played. He felt glued to the spot, as if Laszlo's spell was keeping him grounded there. 
"Holy shit," Sean breathed out. The sudden noise startled Laszlo, causing him to let out a short yelp and stiffen his shoulders. Sean backed away, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He let out a soft giggle. Laszlo relaxed and sighed. 
"You're something else Laz."
Laszlo blinked up at him, "what?"
Sean stared back, blushing. A flood of words and desires filled his head, it felt impossible to say how he felt.
"You're beautiful," he said with a wistful smile. It was all he could say. Laszlo's jaw fell in shock. 
"How- how you move your hands like that- it's fancy stuff," He smiled wider and stood behind Laszlo, close enough that the vampire could feel his breath on his neck which was doing wonders to his penis. 
"Th- th- thank you," Laszlo stumbled on his words. It astonished Laszlo how easily he could take his breath away when it had left him centuries ago. 
"Laszlo, I need to tell you something," he touched his cheek and moved his chin to face him. Laszlo grew limp and looked up at his best friend. He could hear his pal's heart racing.
"I think I'm in love with you," Sean with each word Sean grew more calm and giddy. Laszlo's jaw fell wider, "Really?"
"Yes. I'm sorry I was just so scared to say anything. I'm so sorry. You're precious to me. You know that don't you?"
Laszlo sat there stunned. Laszlo moved towards his face before becoming coy. He closed the gap and pecked Laszlo's lips. He grinned and looked at Laszlo's face. A huge smile crept on his face, he let out a gay chuckle before he suddenly dashed up into the air becoming a bat. He flew around in circles as Sean laughed at his ecstacy. He landed back in regular form and fell onto the couch. Sean ran up to him and hugged him. 
"I love you!" Laszlo cried, "I love you so much. I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you, " he pulled Sean close and Sean ran his hands through his hair while kissing his forehead. Charmaine and Nadja looked at the two. 
"FUCKING FINALLY!" they said at the same time and laughed at themselves.
"Wait you knew!!??" Nadja asked wide eyed.
"Obviously. He told me he had a crush. Poor Seanie is so shy about these things," Charmaine giggled.
"You're not upset?"
"No, I want them to date!" Charmaine scoffed. Charmaine walked up Sean and gave the couple a huge hug. Laszlo couldn't stop grinning. 
Colin walked into the room, "What's going on in here?"
"Me and Sean are dating now!" Laszlo cried out. 
"Well its about damn time," Colin cried back and shook his head and moved along. "Now it's Nandor's turn to confess."
Nadja looked at him, "What?"
"Oh nothing." Colin sang out as he left. Charmaine returned to her beloved's side and kissed her cheek, Nadja smirked down at her. Nadja felt so happy to see Laszlo happy with his favorite little guy. The two left Laszlo and Sean to be alone. Sean was resting over Laszlo's chest, feeling at his hair. "I'm sorry, am I too hands-y? I can stop."
"No, don't stop. "
Sean stroked his hair and breathed in his shoulder. They stayed cuddled like that for hours and once more was Laszlo's harp forgotten.
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sizzling-eggs · 1 year
Sean and charmaine giving the biggest ‘theyre a little confused, but they got the spirit” vibes and Im here for it.
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constablequodo · 1 year
Do you think that during the year between seasons 3 and 4, Sean and Laszlo started to talk to eachother alot more?
Do you think they ended up going to eachothers houses for "guy nights" ?
Do you think they forced each other to watch shows and movies they liked? Laszlo would make Sean watch go flip yourself, and in turn, Sean would make him watch oceans 11 & 12 once every 2 weeks.
Do you think they started to realise they had alot more in common than they thought?
Do you think they both made comments all throughout whatever they were watching and ended up having full conversations about it?
Do you think they both sat there and talked about their wives and how nice it was to have "guy time" whilst baby Colin slept next to them?
Do you think they had little arguments about their opinions on every house renovation in go flip yourself?
Do you think they ended up talking till the sun started to rise?
Do you think Sean had to look at his watch to see that it was super early in the morning because they both spent the night in one of the rooms with boarded up windows?
Do you think Sean ever had to leave quietly because Laszlo fell asleep?
Do you think they ever fell asleep together?
Do you think Colin ever referred to Sean as his other dad, causing Laszlo to get kind of flustered and for Sean to tell him he's just a family friend but was flattered?
Do you think Sean ever got concerned about the state of the house and offered for Laszlo and Colin to stay at his for a while?
Do you think Laszlo had to hesitantly decline?
Do you think that when Nadja came back, she was confused as to why her husband was suddenly even closer to their stupid human neighbour?
Do you think she ever questioned why he talked so much about Sean?
Do you think Charmaine ever commented on how much Sean talked about Laszlo?
Do you think Nadja connected the dots eventually and had to watch as her stupid husband kept avoiding his feelings via hypnotising Sean?
Do you think she ever said, "I don't care if you're in love with our human neighbour, Sean, but if you are, could you PLEASE just go and fuck him already so I don't have to watch you pine after him like its a little schoolyard crush?"
Do you think Charmaine ever realised her husband had a crush on their "Freaky European neighbours"?
Do you think she knows that her husband would genuinely die for another man?
Of course she would support him, but do you think she knows Sean is deep in denial?
Do you think she'd bring it up with Nadja?
Do you think THEY'D get close?
Do you think the pining would ever stop? Would Charmaine get invited to girls' nights where her and Nadja would complain to Marwa about their stupid husbands who are so obviously in love?
Do you think Sean and Laszlo would ever kiss? Hug? Hold hands?
Do you think they know they're so fucking obvious?
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teagballs · 9 months
hi, lovely! i saw you’re taking requests and would love to request a nandor x reader from wwdits! 💞 maybe the house gets a new neighbor and she goes over there one night for cookies to introduce herself and it’s like a love at first sight for him? i would love to see what you come up with! :)
love at first sight - nandor the relentless
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authors note: HIIII loved this request so much oh my god it was so fun to write tysm. i love nandor sm. KEEP SENDING REQUESTS!! im free to write more over the christmas break. i hope u guys have an amazing christmas, love yall.
cw: none! sweetsweet fluff. gender neutral reader. -------------------------------------------------------
You had recently moved into your new home. A comfortable house in a quiet area of Staten Island. It was a lovely place to live. Not too lonely yet not too popular - just how you liked it. After a couple days of moving your belongings into your new home and shuffling them around, you decided it would be best to introduce yourself to the neighbours. Everyone seemed friendly, some smiled on the street as they watched you gracelessly drag your new furniture into the house. You wanted to be involved in the community, make a friend of your acquaintances. So far, you have been successful. Your method? Bringing freshly baked goods to your neighbours. The way into peoples hearts was their stomachs.
After next introducing yourself to the neighbours opposite you - inhabited by a quirky couple named Sean and Charmaine - you were encouraged to talk to the residence on their right.
"Yeah, they're a strange bunch, but some of my best pals! European or somethin'." Sean explained.
According to the pair, there was a group of 5 neighbouring them. They spoke highly of them.
Charmaine cut in, "Oh, but y'know what? I never see them out during the day. They must all work bad hours, I think. You'd be better going in the evening time." Strange, you thought, but only for a moment. This actually worked out better. It gave you more time to prepare some confectionery.
By the time you approached the house, the sky had already faded to an amber and rose colour. The house had an overbearing presence. It was like something out of a book. On the walk to the door, you were greeted with bushes; trimmed and perfected into intricate shapes. Some of animals, some of what looked to be... genitalia? Huh. European. You note the cobble stairs leading up the entry, supported by two pillars. A deep tangerine colour shot from the stained glass windows onto the grass, it didnt seem like it was providing much light in the house as it dimmed and died on the lawn. The whole building seemed to be almost secretive. It was dark, like it was trying to hide away. You took a deep breath, holding your tupperware of cookies close to your chest. You rapped on the door.
After striking the surface of the door, you were met with silence. Then what sounded like a groan? Then a word. Maybe someone's name? You awkwardly shuffle in place as you wait. Finally, you could make out a shape approaching the door. You straightened your posture. The door creaks open, quietly.
"Hi, um, who are you?" The stranger asks in the politest way possible. From what you can make out from the dim lights of the house, he appears to be a shorter, stout man. He's wearing circular glasses and a sweater that reminds you of something your grandfather would wear. It's an overall comforting appearance. Judging the exterior of the house, you were worried someone evil and dark lived there. But that was not the case, it seemed.
You give the man your name, "I just moved in a couple days ago, I'm trying to get to know all the neighbours, I brought these," You awkwardly gesture to the tub of cookies in your hands. The man smiles at you kindly.
"How sweet, I'm Guillermo." He tells you. But before the pleasantries can continue, you are interrupted. The sound of heavy, heavy boots fills your ears. Striding down the hallway.
"Guillermo! Who is it that is at the door! They have awoken me from my slumber far too early!" A gorgeous man with long dark hair stands behind Guillermo now. He looks sleepy, his hair disgruntled. He's wearing some strange attire, nothing like you had ever seen before.
Guillermo gestures towards you, "Our new neighbour came over to introduce themself."
Nandor snaps, "A new neighbour!? Who gives a fuck about..." Oh? Oh.
It was only now that Nandor took notice of who was standing at the door. And how beautiful they were. He tugs on his clothing, trying to make him look presentable.
He clears his throat, "And your name is?" He asks. You note his accent, which makes every word spoken from his mouth seem more lavish and captivates you further. You meet his gaze and tell him your name. You have to pull away, however, fearing that you could get lost in his umber orbs forever and ever. He's fidgeting his hands, you notice. It's adorable. His fingers are looped with an assortment of rings.
"A beautiful name," he remarks, almost to himself. Flustered, it was your turn to fidget now, as you massaged the fabric of your jeans. Guillermo rolls his eyes. He knows.
"I'm Nandor the Relentless," The long haired man tells you. Strange title, but you are too wound up to notice. He could say the most absurd thing, and you will still be enamoured, it seemed.
"I, um, brought cookies!" You exclaimed, snapping out of your trance but a little too excited over some baked goods. Nandor the Relentless matches this excitement, however.
"How wonderful. I will enjoy these later, I imagine they are delicious!" He muses.
Gulliermo mutters to Nandor, "Nandor, you can't even eat human food." And Nandor quickly snaps back, "Shut up," all out of earshot to you, however.
You're dazed. So is Nandor. Even with his 36 wives, he had never felt such a connection. With this, you both found it hard to reach your next sentence. You stammered out, "Sorry if I uh, woke you up, your neighbour said you worked a late shift? So I thought coming in the evening would be better." You smiled.
"Late shift? No, I was slumbering-!" Gulliermo lightly shoves Nandor, to shut him up.
"That's right! Nandor was sleeping, just about to wake up for work." He smiled, covering for him.
Nandor catches on, "Oh! Yes! I have just awoken to start work at my normal human job. At the railroad."
You giggle at his manner of speaking. A railroad worker works late shifts? You had never figured.
"Oh! Cool! Well, yeah, I just wanted to introduce myself to all the neighbours and bring a little gift." You gesture to the cookies again, Nandor takes them finally. Maybe he was a little reluctant to take them from your hands as he worried you would disappear after. Your fingers lightly grazed his, a touch that lasted a little longer than average for such an exchange, but you still wish it continued.
Although you didn't want to leave and it felt like you were being pulled to stay, you decided it would be best not to intrude any longer. Especially if Nandor had to start work soon. "Yeah! So um, I hope to see you 'round. Have a good evening." You flashed another big smile and thumbs up.
"Yes! I do hope to see you around!" Nandor held an even bigger smile at you. It made your heart warm.
You turned on your heel and walked back to your house. It was only then when you were filled with dread. 'Why the fuck did I give him the thumbs up!?" You externally cursed. You were going to overthink this whole exchange all night. God you hoped to see Nandor again. In your heart you knew you would.
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beansprean · 7 months
*definition: low on fan content, but too well-known or referenced to be a true rarepair. Canon ships like Colin x Evie or Sean x Charmaine not included.
Rarepair Poll - Threatenedpair Poll
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
What We Do in the Land of Ooo
🧛‍♂️ What We Do in the Shadows x Adventure Time crossover AU! ⚔
Finn Mertens in place of Guillermo de la Cruz
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Marceline Abadeer in place of Nadja of Antipaxos
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Bonnibel Bubblegum in place of Laszlo Cravensworth
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Jake the dog in place of Colin Robinson
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Vampire King in place of Nandor The Relentless
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Betty Grof in place of The Guide
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The Lich in place of Baron Afanas
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Peppermint Butler in place of Wallace the Necromacer
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Simon Petrikov in place of Derek
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BMO in place of Nadja Doll (her old consciousness uploaded or something was an idea I had)
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Marshall Lee & Gary Gumball/Prince in place of Sean & Charmaine
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#I want to clarify that I don't have any plans to write this out as some sort of fanfic.#I also don't have any plans to draw actual redesigns for any of these characters.#this is all an indefinite WIP; anyone who wants to make content about the idea please tag me please I'd to see it!#also want to mention that this was somewhat inspired by recent fionna and cake content!#I suppose this AU could take place in the land of Ooo or it could take place on staten island but I was thinking land of Ooo#up to yall though if you wanna sketch any ideas from this lol#I was just trying to find images that somewhat fit the character they're in place of if you're curious as to why I chose the images I did!#also this isn't going with the nandermo stuff to clarify before people are like hey this is gross; no read the tags first; read my rambles!#these aren't 1-to-1 character crossovers; obviously I'd want to take some liberties with each of them if I were to put more effort into it!#vampire bonnie bubblegum would be cool to see! it doesn't need to make sense; we're having fun with it here! Vampire Betty Grof too!#Finn could also be an adult here if y'all want; I wasn't thinking too hard about this; just popped into my head & wanted to jot stuff down!#I'd also be curious to hear what adventure time characters you'd put in the roles of the wwdits ones; replacing mine or ones#that i didn't end up listing! I'd love to see a vampire Simon Petrikov & Finn Mertens though if anyone wants to draw that. anyway thats it!#mine#op#wwdits#what we do in the shadows#adventure time#adventure time fionna and cake#fionna and cake#adventure time spoilers
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
after a rollercoaster of a week for me y'all have NO IDEA how happy this makes me to say but
THE TRAILER FOR SEASON 5 IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and that means looking far too much into it!!!!! :D
OK so I have A LOT of thoughts so I'm going to do bullet points
right off the bat (hehehhe bat) nandor never fucking change XD love how he thought that would work
oh yeah speaking of nandor we have a scary lack of him in the trailer or at least what he's going to do this season (mom pick me up I'm scared for my cringefail)
to say what's on everyone's mind OH MY FUCKING GOD FINALLY LET'S GOOOOOOO
well at some point? by the looks of it we're kinda getting a have your cake and eat it too when it comes to guillermo being a vampire and ngl kinda upset about it if it's going how I think it's going
I swear if he's practically normal until the very fucking end I will raise HELL
also I love how chaotic his turning is XD
colin for office babyyyyyyyy
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also (DON'T QUOTE ME ON THIS) I think this is the first time we're seeing colin flirt/do anything remotely romantic or whatever to a dude in the show (which confirms that every main character is queer but we already knew that lol)
the scene with the microphone woke me up (well so did vamp guillermo but the mic REALLY woke me up)
so the guy in the promo WAS nandor huh
love how outdated laszlo's medical stuff is
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d-did nandor bring guillermo to a basketball game out of jealousy?
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nadja pouring coffee on her date's plate XD
ayyyy the sire!
ok I'm assuming part of nadja's and colin's plots will revolve around getting a date??????
I'm assuming the store nandor is at is a hot topic/spencer's stand in
if it is PLZ LET THERE BE A LOOKING AT THE BACK OF SPENCER'S SCENE (for those who have never step foot in a spencer's it's basically a common mall store that has edgy shit and the back is known for having sex toys and other nsfw shit in it think of it as the edgy older brother of hot topic)
"that's how we all learn" UHHH TF!??!
glad to see laszlo accept guillermo and help him learn how to vampire :) (let's hope the others will)
by the looks of it nadja and colin's plots will at some point involve dating??????
AWWWWWW charmaine is supportive of sean
this has been said a million times but NANDOR IS FUCKING CUTE IN HIS SEAN COMING OUT OUTFIT!!!!!! THE LITTLE BELLY!!!!!!!
if I remember correctly (AND I REALLY HOPE I'M WRONG) but the last time we saw nandor THIS happy was during the wellness canter cluster fuck so I'm REALLY glad he's going to be happy this season
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YOOOO SEASON 4.5?????? (1 I know it was a talk show in 4.5 2 yeah I made this joke already XD)
theory: whatever happened the guide is happening to nadja
the only thing to back it up: they both be blonde
THE GUIDEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I MEAN SURE I GUESS???????????????
I'm assuming that what he said is in reaction to him being told he's a dhampir or he's immune or something like that
hUh weird but ok????
and finally WHAT'S WITH THE MOON SHIT?????
theory: guillermo only shows signs of being a vampire at night which is why he can go out during the day without being burnt to a crisp
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2offayyo-kzt · 2 months
sleepover at the Rinaldis'
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mulderscully · 1 year
Do you think Guillermo and Nandor will ever kiss? I'm starting to feel like i'm watching a slow burn like the x files or something haha
i talked about this yesterday here.
long story short, i do think we might see them kiss but you have to keep in mind we never see the other vampires kiss either. the only kisses we have seen are charmaine and sean and the freddies, which are all side characters & played as a joke. the show doesn't function that way, really.
the deepest most intimate scenes between laszlo and nadja, who are MARRIED, are spoken and then moved past like it's nothing which is similar to nandermo.
so yes, i think we'll see them kiss probably next season just so the audience fully understands their relationship is romantic but there is also the chance that the camera will just barge in on them in bed and that's it lol
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spookymultimedia · 2 years
The coziest cuddle puddle
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Oh my God.
I'm rewatching The Casino and while Sean was giving his Toast I realized that he and Charmaine are wearing like, a modern version of Nazlos matching outfits.
Charmaines wearing that cute leopard print dress and Sean's button down is a the same print.
You can't tell me that Nadja and Laszlo wouldn't wear something similar if they wanted to look really Modern.
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gonzo-rella · 2 years
Headcanons: Being Laszlo Cravensworth and Nadja of Antipaxos’ Human S/O
Relationship(s): Laszlo Cravensworth x Nadja of Antipaxos x gn!human!reader (romantic)
Warnings: Nothing you wouldn’t see in gay vampire show. (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: Let’s start off with some shameless self-promotion for my Nandermo drabble. Sponsorship over. So, I had a jolly old time writing a Blackbonnet x reader fic not long ago, so I figured I’d write another poly thing, this time for my good time boy Laszlo and his good lady wife Nadja. At this point, my blog’s slowly being taken over by gay pirate show and gay vampire show, not that anyone’s complaining (aside from the people whose requests I haven’t written even after it’s been over a year- whoopsie). This is unrelated but I’ve added Marwa, the Guide and the Djinn (my beloveds) to my writing list. [Insert obligatory begging for WWDITS requests, especially poly Laszlo and Nadja, but I love all of my gay vampires and non-vampires])
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It’s not too common that these two will be attracted to the same person, and, if they are, it’s typically purely sexual.
So, when they both find themselves attracted to you, it’s a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
It’s clear that they both adore you.
It’s not like they declare it multiple times a day in multiple ways.
They’re both incredibly affectionate, verbally and physically.
They’re very generous with kisses and cuddles.
Nadja loves kissing your cheek and lips, while Laszlo’s more partial to your hand and forehead.
So. Many. Pet. Names.
They gush about you a lot, especially in the early stages of your relationship.
Nandor and Guillermo are sick of hearing about how wonderful you are, even if they’re supportive of your relationship.
The most supportive of your relationship is definitely Sean- he’s as happy about your relationship as Laszlo and Nadja are, if not happier.
If you’re nice to him, Colin/the Boy will definitely approve of your relationship.
You become part of their group/family quite quickly.
You probably connect with Guillermo and Marwa because of your humanity among vampires.
Sean and Charmaine treat you like an old friend.
I can imagine that, at first, Laszlo and Nadja inadvertently insult and patronise you because you’re a human (if you’ve read my platonic!WWDITS 2014 x human!reader set of headcanons, it’s a lot like that)
“Ugh- stupid humans. Not you, darling!”
Eventually, they’ll manage to stop themselves from doing it (I feel like Guillermo would be the one who tells them to cut it out).
Very random headcanon: Nadja loves holding your face in her hands.
I feel like they’ll be far less critical of you as they are of each other, and they’re less likely to argue with you than they argue with each other.
After all, they’ve been married for longer than you’ve been alive.
So, they’re sort of in a honeymoon phase with you (it’d last far longer than it would in a regular human relationship though, since vampire time feels different to human time).
God they're so cute when it comes to you.
They’re very protective over you.
They think the world of you, but Nadja’s also referred to you as her ‘sweet, feeble little human’, so...
Nadja’s more feral when it comes to protecting you.
At best, she’ll incessantly berate the other person.
At worst, she’ll tear their throat out (unless you beg her not to).
Isn’t that romantic?
Laszlo’s more likely to make an indignant remark and drag you away (more than likely while your feral lady wife is on the attack).
They love taking night time walks with you and holding your hand(s) (you usually end up in the middle).
That said, they cherish any time that they spend with you no matter where it’s spent.
The idea of turning you wouldn’t crop up for a while.
Nadja would be the one to bring it up and plead with you to consider it.
Of course, you know they’d respect whatever decision you made, even though they both hope you’ll agree.
If you do, they’ll be overjoyed.
After all, they love the idea of spending eternity with you.
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constablequodo · 1 year
WWDITS Height hcs!!
Now I know they have canon heights and whatnot, but this is just personally how I imagine them in my head.
To be honest, I'd have to say i imagine Nandor to be around 7 feet without his boots on. I dont know why, but I see him as being so tall that he has to duck whenever he goes through most doorways.
I imagine Nadja to be around 5'10 - 6 feet tall. She's probably the second tallest in the house. The shoes she wears probably make her around 6'2 on average, though. She gives me very tall lady energy, and I have no idea why. She likes to rest her chin on Laszlo's head, and he both loves and hates it.
Laszlo is around 5'7 in my eyes. He absolutely despises the fact that he's so short compared to most of his housemates, considering the fact he was probably one of the taller kids growing up (before he stopped growing and everyone overtook him). He often gets teased for it by Nandor, to which Laszlo remarks that "at least I dont hit my head trying to enter rooms."
Guillermo is 5'6. He's probably one of the shorter ones in his family, but this doesn't really bother him as much as it would others. Being around Nandor a lot makes him forget how tall people usually are on average, so whenever he meets anyone who's even a similar height to him, it surprises him quite a bit. He tried one of Nandor's cloaks on once, and the thing was so long on him that it literally trailed behind him.
Colin Robinson
He's 5'9, but he says he's 5'8 and a half to annoy 5'8 guys who swear on their life that they're much taller than they are. 5'9 is a very average height, and he's a pretty average guy (on the outside), so it fits.
Sean is 5'8-5'9. Again, it is a pretty average height, but it annoys the fuck out of Laszlo. Being Just Some Guy™️, Sean doesn't really think much about his height but admittedly finds it kind of funny that Laszlo is so annoyed at the small difference between them. Charmaine is definitely taller than him, and he doesn't really mind it because he's too much of a "i love my wife" kind of guy.
Sean does eventually think Laszlo being shorter is kind of cute, though.
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