#season 1 part three
abitcaughtinthemiddle · 4 months
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I mean, he’s not wrong
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somedayillbepeterpan · 4 months
God bless you, Luke, for kneeling for however long it took to film the carriage scene.
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sophfandoms53 · 2 months
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An insane sequence of events im still losing my mind that this happened
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glitterfairy-21225 · 4 months
I know some people do freeze up in near death experiences, it’s just such a frustrating trope in fiction.
But apparently, Penelope didn’t move out of that balloon’s way bc Colin looked hot and my respect for her in that moment has tripled.
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mantequillabooks · 3 months
Listen, to each their own, however, I just wanted to talk about one of the few things I enjoyed (while it lasted) in season 3 of Bridgerton.
I absolutely adored Francesca’s character in Season 3 part 1. The level of introverted-ness and anxiety relating towards meeting new people and just interacting with others in general is the most relatable thing I’ve seen on Bridgerton and on screen. Her sole interest in piano forte and that being the only answer she had to most questions she was asked…again RELATABLE.
Then they added her quiet romance with John and I just ADORED her and them even more. I absolutely loved that the point they were trying to make with that was how not every love has to be loud and boisterous. Just because someone isn’t being Bold and declarative with their feelings, it doesn’t negate what they feel and it doesn’t mean their love isn’t as strong. It can be expressed differently and still be something so worth while. I felt like this was such a beautiful point to make and wish they allowed that to sit with the audience a little longer. I haven’t read the books so personally I don’t have much to add in the Michael vs Michaela debate going on, however, what was the point in them going out of their way to state how not all love has to be instant and all consuming to be considered real love and then they just kind of negate that by having Fran have love at first sight and fall for someone else in the same season?
To each their own I guess.
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secretinasecret · 3 months
Brıdigeton Season 3 WAS BAD!
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Mf you have been watching the exact same plot for the past four years with different tropes 😭 This season wasn't amazing, but it wasn't horrible.
I would have changed a lot of things, but unfortunately, I am not the showrunner 😞!
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dorkybooktrash · 4 months
I haven’t finished season 3 part 1 yet because personal things got in the way but so far it is the best season and the one closest to the book. Also the funniest one. This is truly a delight and I will watch it again and again
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swan2swan · 4 months
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Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
"The Last Stand"
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yeahiguess3232 · 1 year
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First time drawing the season 1 kids! They were forced into a group/family picture^^
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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thelassoway · 1 year
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Ted Lasso S01E06 Two Aces || Ted Lasso S03E06 Sunflowers
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abitcaughtinthemiddle · 4 months
I don’t know what the fuck they put in this season so far, but I swear to god, I’ve been hypnotized because there has not been a single day since part 1 release that I have known peace.
There is not a corner of the internet I can travel to far enough away to free me from this torment.
I have not been able to sleep, not been able to eat. I can barely speak these days.
It is a feeling that is like torture but one which I cannot, will not, do not want to give up
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somedayillbepeterpan · 4 months
The magic of the carriage scene wasnt the steamy bits but that it started with this heartbreaking confession of a deranged man who finally found what he was looking for and a hopeless romantic who thought she could ever give up the man she’s always been in love with finally letting her heart speak for her for the first time
And that they both laughed at the whole thing in the end.
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marve2014 · 2 years
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No Time Like the Present
Wednesday Addams x fem!reader 
Part Three
Summary: Aftermath of Part Two
Warnings: Minor mention of violence, kidnapping.
Minors DNI
Word Count:3.1k
Authors Note: All characters aged up to 18.
Coming too everything is hazy feeling like you just woke up from a bad nap. You can’t really make out any distinct voices, you just hear a bunch of beeping; your attempt to sit up and open your eyes goes terribly wrong and ends up causing you to feel lightheaded so you lay back down. You take in your surroundings slowly, recognizing you’re in a hospital room but can’t remember what you did to get placed here. You notice the only pain you have is in your head and you don’t seem to have any wounds anywhere. You press the call button next to your bed that rings the nurses’ station, and you wait for someone to come in. Instead of being greeted by a nurse, your mother comes rushing in and smiles widely seeing you awake. She brings you a cup of water and sits next to you on the hospital bed  
“Oh, my sweet girl, you gave me quite the scare.” Your mother says as she runs her fingers through your hair and gently cups your face with both hands “Never do that to me again.”
“I’ll try not to.” You smile back at her “What exactly happened? My head is pounding.”
” I’ll grab some medicine for that and be right back to answer any questions. You have a visitor though; I’ll send them in while I’m gone.” As your mother leaves you adjust the bed and try to get more comfortable; hearing the door open you look up and find Tyler standing there holding some flowers and a stuffed bear. “Glad to see you alive, I don’t think I could handle training another person on the espresso machine.” He laughs and sits down in the chair next to your bed. Taking the stuffed bear, you cuddle it and then pull Tyler into a hug. “Thank you, for the gifts and coming to see me.”
“Well, it’s not every day a normie gets caught in the middle of Nevermore problems you’re the talk of the town.”
“On great. Can’t wait to read about myself in the paper.” You gently laugh. “Tyler… I know I’m going to sound crazy, but A monster killed that kid. All I remember is him holding Wednesday in the air and then dropping her as the monster attacked him. Wednesday! On my god! Is Wednesday okay?!” 
"Wednesday is perfectly fine. Apparently, your scream scared off whatever it was before it could turn to you or her.” Tyler explains. 
“Oh, okay. Well good. Good, good, good.” You fiddle with your hands refusing to make eye contact with Tyler. “Has, um, she asked about me? You know what never-mind. I don’t want to know.” 
“Well actually, she has been by every hour, on the dot. You have about 7 minutes until she walks through the door again”
“Are you serious? On God, I look like crap. She can’t see me like this!” you squeal and pull the covers over your head  
“Yeah, you don’t really have a choice. T-minus five minutes until darkness walks through the doors.” Tyler laughs and pulls you from the blanket and pats your fizzy hair down
“Have you spoken to her?…” 
“Nothing too serious. Just checking up on you and her constantly asking if I saw anything strange, that kid lived though- “Tyler is cut off by your room door opening to reveal a stoic looking Wednesday Addams. 
“Leave us Tyler.” Wednesday demands not taking her eyes off you. 
“I mean it’s not like I was here first or anything, but sure I’ll leave. I’ll come back right after my shift, okay y/n? Text me until then. “Tyler hugs you and waves bye too Wednesday as he closes your door.
“Hello Wednesday, fancy seeing you here. How ya been?’ You joke trying to take some of the tension out of the air. Wednesday doesn’t say anything she just stares at you and then moves to take the chair Tyler was previously sitting in.
“As much as I enjoy hospitals and the pain they bring people, I would much rather not see you inside its walls.” Wednesday States as she pulls a black dahlia stuffed figure from her purse and throws it on your bed. “Tyler said sick people like gifts, so there.” 
“Well thanks, considering you think I’m a nuisance and all.” You mumble and pick up the stuffed flower 
“That is what I wanted to explain. I can’t bring myself to say the words, so I wrote it down. Please read this.” she demands as she hands you a letter looks like it was written on an old timely typewriter. ” I’ll wait here for you to finish it. “
“Okay then.” You begin to read the letter: y/n, when I called you a nuisance, it is not what I actually meant. I find you very nice to look at and sitting with you was not terrible. You are not abysmal at crowd control and make a very good espresso. You also called me pretty, which no one has ever done, I didn’t hate it, your smile made me blush and that has never happened either. You make me feel sick in the best way possible. Please forgive me for the way I spoke of you to Tyler. Also, if you ever show anyone this, I will deny it and have to kill you. Regretfully, Wednesday Addams.
You glance up at Wednesday and see her eyes coldly staring at you waiting for a response.
“You have to buy me an iced coffee every time I see you for the next two weeks. Only then will I forgive you” you say as you smile up at her.
 “I suppose that’s fine.”  she agrees.
“Now that, that is out of the way! What the hell happened last night and what was that thing?” you question.
“I think it would be best if you stayed out of it and stayed out of the woods. Also, don’t chase after anymore random boys going into a dark forest alone.” Wednesday says as she starts to stand up. 
"Wednesday, nice try but not even someone as cute as you can keep me from the truth.” You smugly state. “I guess I’ll have to figure it out on my own. “
“This isn’t a joke y/n. You could get hurt if you go searching for answers alone.”
“Guess you’ll have to let me help then. Plus, the sheriff and my mom are friends and the coroner’s office is here in the basement if you haven’t noticed.”.
“This isn’t some Nancy drew situation. That kid Rowan is dead even if no one believes me.  The monster destroyed him. You could have already been killed by him. Do you not understand that?” Wednesday begins to raise her voice just the slightest as you sit up in bed more and look her directly in the eyes. 
“You may be used to people not caring about what you do or the dangers of it, but I was there to. I am fully aware of what could have happened.
Your intense stare off with Wednesday is interrupted by your mother walking in the room with the medicine for your head.
“Hello dear you must be Wednesday; Tyler told me you had been stopping by to see our y/n.” 
She walks over and inserts a syringe into your I.V. as she looks back and forth between you and Wednesdays heated stares. “Am I interrupting something?" your mother asks awkwardly.
“No, you weren’t I was just leaving. I must get ready and meet Enid for the Poe Cup.” Wednesday abruptly stands and walks to the door turning back to you. “I will use Enid’s phone and text you; this conversation is not over.” Walking out without another word. 
“Well, she’s just a delight.” Your mother chuckles and runs a hand over your forehead and into your hair
“Laugh all you want mother; I’m going to marry that girl.” You smirk as you feel the drowsiness from the medication taking over.” Gonna marry her mom, just you watch.” 
Your mother laughs at you and presses a kiss to your forehead watching you drift off to sleep. “Whatever you say sweet girl, whatever you say.” 
You wake up a few hours later to two voices arguing back and forth you immediately recognize one as your mothers and the other as Sheriff Galpin’s. 
“I don’t care if you’re the sheriff. You’re not taking to her until she has no medication in her system, and she’s discharged! “ 
“I need to corroborate the Addams girl’s story. The sooner I do that, the closer we can get to finding some answers.” 
“And you can get those answers when she has no narcotics in her system.” 
“Fine. I’ll wait. But the second she’s clear, I’m talking to her.”
“That’s fine. But don’t you dare ask Tyler to get information out of her or so help me, it won’t be some bear that’ll be your problem; it’ll be me.” 
You hear your door being pushed all the way open and lean up to see your mother walking through.
“How are you feeling sweet girl?” She asks as she grabs you another glass of water and a straw.
“I feel better, the pain is more of a dull ache, not as bad as it was earlier.” You smile and take the water from her. “Was that Tyler’s dad you were arguing with?” you ask.
“I was hoping you didn’t hear that, but yes. He’s being a real pain about talking to you. You need your rest before talking to anyone about what happened. If you want to tell me about it, that’s fine. But that stays between us. I don’t care how friendly me, and the sheriff are.” 
“Thank you, I still don’t even know how to process everything, let alone try and remember it all.” You sigh and start to try and move. “When do you think they’re going to let me out of here?”
“If you’re feeling fine, we can head home once the discharge papers are ready. You don’t have a concussion or anything, you’re only here because I insisted. Let me go see if I can find a nurse. I’ll be right back.”
“Thank you, mom.”
“You’re welcome sweet girl.” She gives you another kiss on the forehead as you feel your phone begin vibrating. Looking down you see a text from Tyler
Best Coffee Maker in the World: How much longer they keeping you hostage? Work sucks without you here. I’m so bored.
Y/n: I get to leave once the papers are readyyyyyyy. Come to my house when you’re off, not the hospital lol. 
Best Coffee Maker in the World: Okayyy. Gonna need to know how the talk with Wednesday went. I’ll bring snacks! 
You read Tyler’s last message to you and start getting your stuff ready to leave, picking up the stuffed black dahlia from Wednesday and bringing it closer to you, cuddling it to your chest and smiling you wonder how the Poe cup is currently going  
Finally, back at home, you’re relaxing when Tyler walks in the open doorway
“Glad to see you home how is your head feeling? Tyler asks as he makes his way to your chair.
“Head feels fine just want to curl up in a ball under my blanket though” you laugh and get under the covers  
“So now did your talk with Wednesday go?” 
“Good, for her I suppose. I do however think she is going to learn the hard way that I don’t listen well to being told what to do. “You smirk.
‘Okay then ma’am only one of you is allowed to look like a killer and that smile is giving off major serial killer vibes. So, tone it down you weirdo.” Tyler laughs as he hits you gently with a pillow. 
You were about to tell Tyler bout Wednesday’s letter when you feel your phone ring and unknown number comes up. You answer and are surprised to hear Wednesday on the other end. 
“Meet me at the gates of Nevermore at 8pm sharp. Don’t be late “
The line went dead right after, and you look at Tyler to make sure you didn’t just imagine the phone call.
“You heard her as well, correct?” 
‘’Yes y/n, I heard her as well. So, is this a date? A friendly meet up? Did she say anything else?” He questions.
“Tyler... you heard the same things I did. Does it sound like she asked anything else?” You reply rhetorically and roll your eyes.
“Okay, geeze, you’re so testy sometimes.” He moans. “I’m heading out, tell me how tonight goes. If I don’t see you at work tomorrow, I’ll see you the following day. Okay?” He hugs you and walks out of the room,
You decide to go downstairs and make some food to pass the time until you had to leave and go to Nevermore. Heating up some leftovers from your mom you contemplate what Wednesday has in store for the both of you. Thirty minutes before you need to leave you change into some black leggings and a black cable knit sweater that way you can still be comfortable. 
Debating on what to shoes to wear, you settle on black doc martens to truly complete the all black look that you hope would make Wednesday Addams proud. You notice that it is time to leave, you leave a note on the counter for your mother as well as send her a text letting her know that you were going to see Wednesday. The drive to school is uneventful and you arrive at 7:55p.m. You pull to the side of the gate and put the car in park looking around to see if you can locate Wednesday anywhere. Suddenly, the passenger door opens and Wednesday hops in.  
“Thank you for coming. I think I found something useful. That night in the woods... Rowan showed me this photo his mother drew 25 years ago before she died.” Wednesday unfolds the photo and shows you a drawing of herself. “Apparently she told him that if this girl ever showed up at Nevermore, she would be its demise, that he needed to kill her.” 
“So, you think that you’re the demise of Nevermore?” You quietly ask as Wednesday stares out the front window.
“I’m not sure, but there’s a watermark on the photo that is related to an old secret society, The Nightshades. Mrs. Thornhill says they were disbanded, but I think I know where their library is.” 
“And you called me because?” 
“You said I couldn’t keep you from the truth, and two pairs of eyes is better than one. So, let’s go. We don’t have all night.” Wednesday states as she begins to get out of the car. 
“Yes ma’am.” You grumble and follow her.
You both make your way through the dark halls coming upon a statue of Edgar Allan Poe. There is a book at the base of the statue with 10 weird sentences. You look over them before speaking aloud. 
“They’re riddles. Each line. 
The opposite of Moon – Sun
A world between Ours – Nether
Two months before June- April 
A Self Seeding Flower- Pansy
One more than one- Two 
It’s leaves weep to the ground- Willow
It melts in the sun- Ice 
It’s beginning and end never found- Circle
Ever Rule has one- Exception.
The answer will give a sharp cracking sound. ‘’ you say as Wednesday is writing down each answer.
“Snap Twice” Wednesday snaps twice and the statue shifts, revealing a staircase. You both head down into what seems to be a large room lined with rows of books, photos on all the walls of young-looking students. You notice Wednesday stopping and staring at one photo in particular. The names on it are Mortician Frump and Gomez Addams. You put two and two together realizing that they are her parents.
“Did you know that they were a part of The Nightshades?” You ask as you see her looking at some of the books.
“No.” She answers coldly, you see her stick a book under her jacket before you feel fabric being placed over your head. You scream for Wednesday as you are placed in a chair and ropes are tied around your wrists. You hear Wednesday speaking with someone she calls Bianca before the cloth bag is removed from your head. 
“What the hell is going on and why was I just kidnapped?!” You scream at the group around you. You look at Wednesday who seems to be cool as a cucumber.
“Really Wednesday, a normie?” The girl you assume to be Bianca says.
“Just untie us and let us go. I don’t even go here; I could care less. I’m here for Wednesday, I don’t even know any of you. Well, besides tall, dark, and broody over there.” Nodding towards Xavier. “I don’t go to the normie school, I’m homeschooled. So, there is literally no one for me to tell.”
“We could always initiate Wednesday.” Xavier says as he stands behind both you and Wednesday. 
“I would rather die. Xavier, untie Y/n. Now.” Wednesday reveals that her wrists have been unbound for the last 5 minutes while Xavier undoes your ropes. Wednesday grabs your hand and makes her way to the stairs before turning around and scowling at the group “It’s people like you who give kidnapping a bad name.” Wednesday pulls you up the stairs not once letting go of your hand. You can feel the blush starting to spread across your face from the simple act of hand holding so you keep your head down and let Wednesday take the lead. 
“Well, that was fun.’’ Wednesday states as you both make it back to your car.
“It kind of was. Also, I saw you steal that book. I expect more information tomorrow while you’re buying me coffee.” You laugh as you go to open the car door. You notice Wednesday look hesitant as she still has a hold of your hand. 
“I’ve never held someone’s hand before. I don’t hate holding yours.”
“Well, that’s good to know.” You joke.
“This was a date if you didn’t know, it went quite well. I will be leaving you now. I need to complete my writing time. Goodbye y/n. I will see you tomorrow.” Wednesday lets go of your hand and immediately walks away leaving you dumbfounded. You get in the car and start it, heading back home thinking about the way her hand felt in yours. You arrive home to an empty house, your mother still a work. Heading to bed you receive a text from what you now know is Enid’s phone number wishing you goodnight. You can’t wait to tell Tyler about this tomorrow at work. 
Getting to work, you and Tyler talk before the Nevermore kids come for outreach day. You tell him everything that happened last night from the kidnapping, to the holding hands, and what Wednesday said to you. Tyler looks up at you smiling
“You do realize that you’re now dating THE Wednesday Addams, correct?”
Taglist: @deadpool-in-a-snood @wednesdayiswoe @lixeira @laurenmusic17 @antilost @donnabenevientosbitch @greygsworld @yukiunoo @dumb-ass2 @athenablack1959 @futurepiratekingluffy @cupiocalamity
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glitterfairy-21225 · 3 months
I will protect Michaela Stirling with my life, but I swear to god, if they fumble Francesca x John, I'm going to commit a crime. The show is a lot different from the books, as it should be, but they do not need to undermine the love Fran has for John. The literal point is that falling in love a second time does not discount the love Francesca had for John. That's beautiful. That resonates even today 20 years after the novel's release. That does not need to be changed.
I think they still could have had the 'forget my own name' thing, but with Francesca introducing herself as Francesca Bridgerton before remembering her married name. It would have been subtle without discounting the fact that Frannie literally just married the love of her life and she's thrilled.
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stunticonbreakdown · 6 months
Fun Breakdown Fact of the Day: In one episode he shares a voice actor with Papa Smurf
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tv-moments · 7 months
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Season 1, “Part Three: Time to Fly”
Director: Steph Green
DoP: Quyen Tran
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