#season 14 episode 21
liar-or-lawyer · 1 year
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Wels: Is Etho Pearl's minion? I suppose so.
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dominicvail · 1 year
i love* imdb episode ratings bc u can tell which ones are Sam centric by how low they’re rated 
*by love i mean hate
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buzzsaw-burne · 9 months
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buzzsaw wanting friends but failing to recognize he probably doesnt have them because he brandishes axes in their face and yells way too much like i dunno what else to tell you my guy
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planetary · 8 months
1. POKEMON - ash is in a coma and the show is he's dreaming
2. RUGRATS - the babies are on drugs
3. edd edd eddy - they died in 1962 (tuberculosis)
4. scoopy doo - theyre on drugs too and the dog cant really talk :(
5. rugrats - angela is in a coma and the show is her dream
6. spongbob - songebob is in a coma and the show is his dream
7. spongebob - spongebob and his friends are the christian hell sins
8. spoinegbob - squidward is heroin?
9. COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG - it was real it was all real none of that was a dream or a nightmare everything you remember is real
10. rugarts - angela is on drugs and all the other ones are dead
11. jimmy neutraon - jimmy is weird because he is gay
12. fairly oddparsnts - timmy is in a coma and the show is his dream
13. spongebob - sandy is taxidermy
14. higgly town heroes - higgly town is all cannibals and they eat other people and thats why they do that . how could they do that..? my heroes..
15. max & ruby - they are bunny rabbits and thast because thrre was. an apocalypse and max is a real human little boy but there was an apocalypse and his parents died and he's with ruby but he got hit on the head with a steel pipe because of the apocalypse so now he's in a coma and the show is his dream
16. disney aladdin movie - the tiger head cave is really really scary
17. danny phantom died - this one really happened they tell you in the theme song and you can see it happen in blood and gorey detail if you watch that one scary episode that only comes on at 3am. does anyone else remember that episode
18. dora the explorer - dora is on crack
19. faaiely odd parents - the fairies are drugs and timmy takes drugs and maybe goes into a coma for this reason and maybe has a dream that they're his magic fairies
20. caillou - hes bald. this theoru explains that cailiu has no hair because he is bald. and perhaps his parents are nice to him because he is bald. this could also explain why he has no hair (because hes bald)
21. courage the cowarsly dog - courage is a dog and he's in a coma and
22. the magic schoolbus - its magic because the bus was on drugs and then it blew up (becasue it was high) and they all went to purgatory and clones took their place
23. tom and jerry - tom should have been allowed to cook and eat that baby chick. and its fucked up that the show didnt allow him to. me and my friends watched it and we were all clapping and cheering for him to cook and eat it and we were so excited but of course the writers pussied out and didnt let him do it
24. finding nemo - that thing in the beginning didnt even happen but the dad made that story up so people would feel bad for him
25. sponegbob - in the latest season patrick says "Ok boomer!" to mermaid man and barancle boy
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noneorother · 1 month
I bought Aziraphale's Bible so you don't have to.
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Am I insane? Yes. Was it worth it? Maybe. In most* of both season 1 and season 2 of GO, there's a very specific Bible on a bookstand next to Aziraphale's desk. It's a vintage illustrated plate book by Harold Copping, known as the Harold Copping Bible, published by the religious tract society in London in 1910. It features some of the most well known Old Testament stories, summarized and annotated by the Bishop of Durham at the time, and illustrated by Copping, who was freshly returned from a sojourn in the middle east. Ironically, It was meant as a lay-person's version of a comic book, short, exciting by use of exotic illustrations, and easy to read.
But my (expensive) gain is now your gain! As I've collected here every visible page in both seasons for your reading and viewing pleasure.
Season 1: All episodes Adam & Eve Genesis iii (1:3) / HCB page 10
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Season 2: Episode 1 Joseph known to his brethren Genesis xlv (1:45) / HCB Page 28
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S2E1 14:21, S2E1 17:41, S2E1 39:45
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Season 2: Episode 2 Jacob's vow Genesis xxviii (1:28) / HCB Page 22
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S2E2 5:49
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Season 2: Episode 2 Joseph known to his brethren Genesis xlv (1:45) / HCB Page 28
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S2E2 13:38 (see S2E1 above)
Season 2: Episode 2 The Brazen Serpent Numbers xxi (4:21) / HCB page 36
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S2E2 16:12, 43:40
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Season 2: Episode 2* Bible on the desk, Magazine on the stand Annuel L'art Pour Tous, Cover (1861-1880 most likely)
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S2E2 22:10
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The French L'art pour tous industrial design periodical will have to be a story for another post. For now, just enjoy this 1880 edition copperplate of cherubs discovering a microscope...
Season 2: Episode 2 Imaginary page from HCB, Job KJV Job (18:1) / HCB N/A
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S2E2 22:29, S2E2 40:05 Obviously, the plate illustrations and text look different here than in the real bible, because they were created for the show. But there are a few more particularities here. For one, this layout with the thin grid around the text, as well as the paragraph symbol next to the first title, indicate that this would have been a printer's proof copy, not a finished book. It shows you the layout grid and can be annotated for changes. Second, there seems to be a war going on between fonts. Where the "chapter" of Job begins, we get a font and a style similar to the original bible, which gets rudely interrupted by a dropped capital (from the real book) and a Gothic-style font/verse numbers like in the original King James version of the printed Bible.
Season 2: Episode 3 The Brazen Serpent NUMBERS xxi (4:21) / HCB page 36
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S2E3 1:18 (see episode 2)
Season 2: Episode 5 By the Rivers of Babylon Pslam cxxxvii (19:137) / HCB page 52
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S2E5 21:20
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Season 2: Episode 6 Bible missing, L'art pour Tous on the stand Annuel L'art Pour Tous, Cover (1861-1880 most likely)
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S2E6 10:21, 17:21, 18:15, 34:28 (see episode 2)
Season 2: Episode 6 Closed HCB, L'art pour Tous on the stand behind HCB page 0
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S2E6 37:58, 44:20, 48:08
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lix-ables · 9 months
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NOW PLAYING : SEASON ONE : KINKTOBER. for this collection, each episode (thirst) will be released featuring your favourite actor (idol). thank you for booking the premiere tickets !!
NOTE. please keep in mind that this season features SKZ. the actors may or may not change during the follow up season. warnings will be added to each episode.
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taglist : @oo-li @lovemollywho @telesvng @savedbystay @unsteady-trashcan @zaddywilk @comet-falls @end0rchans
© lix-ables. translating and/or reposting is not allowed.
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(coming soon)
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dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist by @dianawinchester03
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In this rewrite of CW's hit TV Show 'Supernatural'.
Y/N L/N is a longtime friend of the notorious Winchester Brothers, coming from a long line of hunters herself. Growing up with them, their fathers had a goal of avenging their wives deaths. Currently on her own hunting, much to her own fathers demise, she gets a call from her childhood crush, Dean Winchester. Notifying her of his fathers disappearance, will she join the brothers on the hunt to find their father? And will she resolve her relationship with her own?
Season One (Complete!)
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Prologue - Enter Y/N L/N
Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot
Season 1, Episode 2 - Wendigo
Season 1, Episode 3 - Dead in Water
Season 1, Episode 4 - Phantom Traveler
Season 1, Episode 5 - Bloody Mary
Season 1, Episode 6 - Skin
Season 1, Episode 7 - Hook Man
Season 1, Episode 8 - Bugs
Season 1, Episode 9 - Home
Season 1, Episode 10 - Asylum
Season 1, Episode 11 - Scarecrow
Season 1, Episode 12 - Faith
Season 1, Episode 13 - Route 666
Season 1, Episode 14 - Nightmare
Season 1, Episode 15 - The Benders
Season 1, Episode 16 - Shadow
Season 1, Episode 17 - Hell House
Season 1, Episode 18 - Something Wicked
Season 1, Episode 19 - Provenance
Season 1, Episode 20 - Dead Man’s Blood
Season 1, Episode 21 - Salvation
Season 1, Episode 22 - Devil’s Trap
Season 1 - Gag Reel
Season Two (Ongoing)
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Season 2, Episode 1 - In My Time Of Dying
Season 2, Episode 2 - Everybody Loves A Clown
Season 2, Episode 3 - Bloodlust
Season 2, Episode 4 - Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things
Season 2, Episode 5 - Simon Said (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 6 - No Exit (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 7 - The Usual Suspects (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 8 - Crossroad Blues (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 9 - Croatoan (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 10 - Hunted (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 11 - Playthings (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 12 - Nightshifter (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 13 - Houses of the Holy (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 14 - Born Under A Bad Sign (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 15 - Tall Tales (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 16 - Roadkill (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 17 - Heart (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 18 - Hollywood Babylon (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 19 - Folsom Prison Blues (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 20 - What Is and What Should Never Be (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 21 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 22 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 (coming soon)
Season 2 Gag Reel (coming soon)
Also available on:
📖; ao3
📖; wattpad
Authors Note: I finally learnt how to do a Masterlist! Hallelujah now life will be easier for you guys. Hope you check out my book and enjoy🫶I’ll update the list after each chapter release
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 4 months
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The Good Omens Season 2 Soundtrack! 😍❤🎵
The Soundtrack CD has wonderful cover and pics and look at the brilliant booklet! :D When you open it it looks like a box with a fly! :D
Options :):
(best to use the local store of course :), the Silva Screen page is thewebpage of the recording company)
Silva Screen 15.99 €
Amazon.co.uk £10.99
Amazon.com $30.79
Silva Screen 39.99 €
Amazon.com $53.99
Silva Screen 10.99 €
More digital listening options :) (some free)
Episode description and Track Listing :):
CHAPTER 1: THE ARRIVAL - Retired angel Aziraphale and retired demon Crowley's lives are upended when a visitor arrives on the doorstep of Aziraphale's bookshop, bringing chaos. Local shopkeepers Maggie and Nina get locked in to Nina's coffee shop when Crowley loses his temper. Heaven and Hell are suspicious, and Crowley and Aziraphale have a disagreement.
1. Before the Beginning 2. Good Omens 2 Opening Title 3. Into Soho 4. Something Terrible 5. To The Bookshop 6. Maggie and Nina 7. He’s Smoking 8. Tiny Miracle 9. Heavenly Alarm Bells
CHAPTER 2: THE CLUE featuring the minisode A COMPANION TO OWLS - Heaven and Hell are determined to find the missing angel. An overheard song provides Aziraphale with a Clue. Crowley and Aziraphale visit the pub to discuss ways that humans fall in love. While almost 5,000 years ago Crowley is sent to inflict punishments on the righteous Job, God's favourite person, as Aziraphale learns at first hand about temptation, and what Gabriel will and won't believe.
10. Avaunt! 11. The Song is the Clue 12. It’s What God Wants 13. A Mighty Wind 14. Whales 15. Gabriel Returns 16. His New Children 17. Am I Awful Now? 18. Fallen Angel
CHAPTER 3: I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING featuring the minisode THE RESURRECTIONISTS - Heaven sends the angel Muriel in disguise to spy on Aziraphale and Crowley. Aziraphale drives to Edinburgh in pursuit of his Clue, and learns a little about a lot. The couple's visit to Edinburgh in 1827 involves graverobbery, a statue and an unfortunate encounter with a vial of laudanum. In the present, Crowley is in charge of the bookshop, and is disappointed by human beings and the weather.
19. Police Arrive 20. Scotland 21. We’re Going to Hell 22. People Get a Choice 23. My Car is Not Yellow 24. Beelzebub in Hell 25. The Book 26. The Fly 27. Mr. Dalrymple 28. We Need to Cut 29. I’m Going to Save Her 30. Crowley Goes Large 31. Not Kind 32. Beelzebub Isn’t Happy
CHAPTER 4: THE HITCHHIKER featuring the minisode NAZI ZOMBIE FLESHEATERS - Aziraphale's good deed of picking up a hitchhiker on his way back to Soho proves to be a serious mistake. In 1941 Crowley and Aziraphale encounter some surprising adversaries, old and new, as the Nazi spies who almost entrapped Aziraphale return as zombies from the dead, intent on preventing him from attempting a bullet catch on the West End stage.
33. Hell-O 34. Nazi Zombies 35. March of the Nazi Zombies 36. Crowley Pep Talk 37. The Magic Shop 38. Catch The Bullet 39. Zombies in the Dressing Room
CHAPTER 5: THE BALL - Aziraphale tries to bring Maggie and Nina together by organising a meeting of the Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Street Traders Association. In Hell, Shax is determined to launch a full scale attack on the bookshop, with a legion of demons at her command. Nina's heart is broken, as is a bookshop window. Gabriel has a close encounter with Mrs Sandwich and a small plate of cakes.
40. I’ll Let You Have It 41. We’re Storming a Book Shop 42. Monsieur Azirophale 43. The Candelabra 44. Here Comes Hell 45. Gabriel Gives Himself Up 46. Shax 47. The Circle
CHAPTER 6: EVERY DAY - Crowley becomes a Heavenly bee and learns the truth about the Armageddon sequel. Aziraphale defends his bookshop from Shax's army and reveals his halo, Maggie and Nina become warriors, and Jim the assistant bookseller gets some hot chocolate. Crowley and Aziraphale get to the bottom of the mystery of the Matchbox. The Metatron brings an oat milk latte, along with a final offer.
48. Bin Through the Window 49. Gabriel Leaving Heaven 50. The Halo 51. Gabriel Revealed 52. Gabriel’s Love Story 53. Leaving The Bookshop 54. Gabriel and Beelzebub 55. Crowley and Muriel 56. I Forgive You 57. Don’t Bother 58. The Biggest Decision 59. The End?
The vinyl should look like this :) (damn, it gorgeous toooo! :D):
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thealieninhiding · 22 days
The Katie McGrath Archives (WIP)
A repository of my ongoing digital archeology & archival work please contact me if you have anything to contribute and buy me a coffee if you value my content
message me if you want a link to her complete filmography 🤫
(last updated 2024-05-24)
2017 Katie McGrath interview [CW|KMcGsource]
2017 Supergirl Season 3 Sweet dreams (are made of this) Music Video
2017 CW SDCC Promo Supergirl and Arrow
2019-01-01 The CW Promo Open To All
2021-04-25 Supergirl Season 6 Katie McGrath Lena Luthor
2021-09-15 Supergirl Season 6 Katie McGrath Reflecting on Supergirl
Interview - 2009-07-17 Katie McGrath Mr Media interview
Interview - 2009-10-15 Geek Syndicate Merlin BTS special
BTS - 2008-10-08 Blue Peter Merlin BTS
Events - 2009 TV Choice Awards Digital Spy interview
Events - Getty Videos of 2009 TV Choice Awards, 2010 Merlin Series 3 launch, 2011 W.E. premiere, 2017 King Arthur Premiere
Archived interviews
2008-12-07 Tribune Magazine - What Katie Did
2011-10-14 What's on TV - Merlin's Katie McGrath- 'Bad girls have more fun!'
2012-12-03 Fanhattan Blog - Colin Morgan, Katie McGrath and Bradley James on Season 5 and The Series Finale
2018-08-01 The TV Junkies - Supergirl SDCC 2018 Interviews- Lena’s Impractical Lab Outfits, the Return of Reporter Kara and a More Grounded Season 4
HHush samples
Interview - 2009-2011 Sci-fi Talk rewind merlin the series specials episode 1
Interview - 2011? Merlin S4 Sci-fi talk byte katie mcgrath on morgana
Interview - 2013 BBC Radio 1xtra part 1 & part 2
Narration - While You Were Dreaming (Un-Likeminded)
Narration - Irish folklore (Trees a crowd podcast)
Magazine scans
2008-09-20 Radio Times
2009-06-08 TV Week (Aus)
2010-09-05 Sunday Express
2010-09-30 Totally Merlin Magazine
2011-12 Total Film
2012-03-14 Sci-Fi Now
2012-10-06 Radio Times
2013-04-06 Irish independent
2013-09-02 Marie-Claire (UK)
2013-12 Instyle
2013-12 Total Film
Fans - 2012-04-16 Merlin4 [carlospyrrhus]
Fans - 2017-08-30 Supergirl cast together on set [Joyce Law]
Interview - 2009-09-?? Merlin S2 audio interview with Katie McGrath [BJsRealm] part 1
Interview - 2010-09-06 Merlin Series 3 - BBC Radio 1xtra Interview with Angel Coulby & Katie McGrath [BJsrealm]
Interview - 2011-10-14 Merlin S4 Colin Morgan, Eoin Macken Katie McGrath on The Late Late Show
Interview - 2012-07-15 Colin Morgan and Katie McGrath at SDCC 2012 - innerSPACE [merlinnetwork2]
Interview - 2012-07-18 Katie McGrath Talks Merlin At Comic Con 2012 [ThinkHeroTV]
Interview - 2012-10-25 BBC Radio 1 Breakfast - Colin & Katie part 1 & part 2 [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2012-12-03 Merlin S5 Katie McGrath interview international press day [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2012-12-03 Colin, Bradley, Katie phone interview [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2013-11-09 Katie McGrath on BBC One Saturday Kitchen [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2019-07-22 ENTREVISTA SUPERGIRL Elenco fala sobre a nova temporada [Warner Channel Brasil]
Interview - 2019-07-23 Melissa Benoist Teases Directing An Episode Of 'Supergirl' [ET Canada]
Interview - 2020-02-21 ‘Supergirl’ Celebrates 100th Episode [ET Canada]
Panels - 2011-07-28 Merlin Comic Con 2011 Panel [ThinkHeroTV]
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sabertoothwalrus · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Episode Breakdown Predictions
I know people have done this before but I didn’t feel like looking them up so I typed up my own
13. Thistle
14. Orcs
15. Dryads
16. Kabru
17. Laios learns magic/cockatrice
18. Shuro & Kabru’s party reach Laios’s party
20. chimera falin pt 2 Laios Gets Punched
21. Shapeshifter (BARK BOY BARK!!!)
23. Marcille’s nightmare
24. Ice golem & barometz
the nightmare seems like it’d be a better place to end the season, so maybe they’ll change the chronology of those last two eps?
Season 2
25. Canaries arrive/Golden Kingdom
26. Griffin
27. Changelings
28. Canaries enter the dungeon/giant mushroom/thistle & falin/kabru & mithrun fall
29. Changelings pt 2/ BICORN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
30. Dullahan
31. Succubus
32. Kabru & Mithrun
33. Phoenix
34. Rabbits
35. Curry
36. Thistle pt 1
37. Thistle pt 2
38. Canaries interrogation
39. Marcille dungeon lord & THAT GAYASS KABRU SCENE
40. That bit where they pretend to be parasites in the familiar to reach marcille
41. Doppelganger
42. Cunty Black Dress
43. Rescue Marcille
44. Lion stuff
45. Laios becomes a monster
46. Final battle
47. Help Me Eat My Sister :)
48. Dinnar
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bluebelleisabelle · 1 year
Free G3 Monster High Episodes (to be continued)
1. The Monstering or option 2 (for those who may not have access to the Nick website)
2. Food Fight or option 2 (for those who may not have access to the YouTube channel)
3. Unfinished Brain-ness or option 2 (for those who may not have access to the YouTube channel)
4. Case of the Moondays or option 2
5. Portrait of a Monster or option 2
6. Witch Hitch
7. Part of the Pack
8. That Thing You Deuce or option 2 (preferred option, as it’s through an official medium)
9. Werewolf Weekend or option 2 (same information as #8)
10. Paw-zzle Pieces or option 2 (same information as #8)
11. Nightmare Nightmore or option 2 (same information as #8)
12. Out of Step or option 2 (same information as #8)
13. Pyramid Scheme or option 2 (same information as #8)
14. What’s Up, Watzie?
15. So Familiar
16. Crushed
17. Over Bro-tective
18. Horoscare
19. Flaunt Your Skeleton
20. Creepover Party
21. Creature Clash
22. Monster Movie
23. Earworm
24. Spell the Beans
25. Growing Ghoulia
26. Casketball Jinx (same link as above)
27. Cleo in the Kitchen
28. Case of the Missing Squeak (same link as above)
29. Pet Problems
30. License to Rock (same link as above)
31. Power Heist
32. Monster Midterms
33. Fur-mergency
34. Boogey Nightmare (same link as above)
35. Best Fiends
36: Scareer Day (same link as above)
37. Stone Alone
38. Horsin’ Around (same link as above)
39. Moonlit Fieldtrip
40. A Little Boost (same link as above)
41. Fresh Waters Run Deep
42. Sew Fierce
43. Witchful Thinking
44. Monster Match
45. The Monster Way
1. Rule School
2. New Witch in Town
3. Play It Again, Clawd (same link as above)
4. Mummy in the Mirror (part of the beginning is missing; the first few minutes can be found in this video)
5. How to Scare a Banshee (same link as above)
6. So Chill
7. Mixed Up Meowlody
8. The Haunted Sand Castle Caper
9. Fangs for the Memories
10. Two-Riffic
11. Monster High-Jinks
12. Vamps Just Wanna Have Fun (same link as above)
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idlerin · 1 year
a suna rintarou social media au
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pairing. suna rintarou x f!reader
synopsis. cupid! calling cupid! as the resident matchmaker slash hopeless romantic of tokyo university, you are the person people look for to get love advice or to set them up with the love of their lives. when suna rintarou comes to you asking for the opposite, to help fend people away from trying to get with him, to the extremes of even asking to fake date you, you couldn't refuse! mostly because you did owe him since he was on the receiving end of a bunch of your clients’ unsuccessful love efforts (hey, you do warn them your matchmaking only has a 62.3% success rate).
tags. social media au, college au, fake dating, matchmaker, romance, crack, humor, fluff!
warnings. time stamps are irrelevant !!, foul language (aka cursing), drinking/alcohol
status. on-going (02/15/24 —)
— playlist.
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[name]’s reading list | suna’s playlist | [name]’s in trouble !
ppl who think love sucks + [name] | inarizaki dogs
episodes !
chapter names may be subjected to change as the fic goes along.
( ❥ ) — has narrative parts
01. romance 101 w [l/n] [name] !
02. aren’t you like, cupid
03. absolutely insane
04. sweetest girlfriend
05. it’s all cliché and full of obvious red flags ( ❥ )
06. passion is a passing thing
07. keep your eyes on me
08. i’m just a girl
09. im a matchmaker not a mathematician
10. ur like an exothermic reaction
11. a witch! she's a witch!
12. my dearest,
13. lol didn’t think u were mine
14. who cares if he’s a bit psychotic (he’s hot)
15. the grumpy x sunshine trope
16. shitty romance books
17. will they won’t they
18. season of hearts
19. touch some grass
20. and the world stills
21. being with you is ecstasy
22. will they/won’t they
23. you hate me? so enemies to lovers?
24. dead, shattered, devastated
tba !
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taglist is OPEN !
to be added to the taglist you can just send in an ask or comment :)
notes. hi so this was like supposed to be posted on valentines but i got impatient and hey its still the month of love so whatever ehe will not start till i finish nonsense since i need to learn how to do stuff one at a time! but yeah super excited to make this bc i love fake dating and i love suna rintarou hohoho thank you guys sm for 400 followers i love you all <3
icons used as pfps are not mine but the content of this smau is. please do not repost this on any other platform. © idlerin 2023
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landofanimes · 5 months
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Spy x Family
Season 1 Episode Posters (2nd Cour)
Mission 13: Project Apple
Mission 14: Disarm The Time Bomb
Mission 15: A New Family Member
Mission 16: Yor's Kitchen / The Informant's Great Romance Plan
Mission 17: Carry out the Griffin Plan / Fullmetal Lady / Omelet Rice ♡
Mission 18: Uncle The Private Tutor / Daybreak
Mission 19: A Revenge Plot Against Desmond / Mama Becomes the Wind
Mission 20: Ivestigate the General Hospital / Decipher the Perplexing Code
Mission 21: Nightfall / First Fit of Jealousy
Mission 22: The Underground Tennis Tournament: The Campbelldon
Mission 23: The Unwavering Path
Mission 24: The Role of a Mother and Wife / Shopping with Friends
Mission 25: First Contact
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campbenji · 1 month
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fellow campers, i'm glad to announce that the jwct countdown is happening this month!!!
the countdown will take place from may 10th to may 24th, with two-day-long prompts about the show. you can submit fanart, gifsets, fics, moodboards, metas, pretty much anything!
may 10 - 11 -> favorite character
may 12 - 13 -> favorite friendship/duo
may 14 - 15 -> favorite ship
may 16 - 17 -> post-nublar shenanigans
may 18 - 19 -> roadtrips
may 20 - 21 -> favorite jwcc season/episode
may 22 - 23 -> camp fam
may 24 -> free day + jwct release day!!!
remember that the prompts are outlines for the event. if you have an idea that strays away from these prompts, you're free to submit it!
please tag your creations with #jwctcountdown so we can all track down each other's works! (you can also tag my blog @campbenji if you want)
for any other questions, you can check the FAQ, or if you still have doubts, my inbox is always open!
hope everyone's as excited as i am for this! reblog to spread the word and i'll see you all on may 10th, have fun!! 🦕
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1 Masterlist
Status: Complete!
Synopsis: Captain Man never thought he'd grow old. For years, he fought to keep Swellview safe from monsters and villains, but one day, he realised he couldn't do it forever. Enter Henry Hart, a thirteen-year-old boy needing an after-school job, but he never expected an indestructible superhero to hire him as his sidekick.
Now, they blow bubbles and fight crime with (y/n), Ray's best friend of many years, keeping them in check. He swears he's not in love with her, but Henry doesn't buy it. Will they ever confess?
This story is mature in places with adult themes and language. It uses she/her pronouns for a female reader, but anyone is free to read and enjoy :)
Main masterlist
Episode 1: The Danger Begins Pt.1
Episode 2: The Danger Begins Pt.2
Episode 3: Mo' Danger, Mo' Problems 
Episode 4: The Secret Gets Out 
Episode 5: Tears of the Jolly Beetle 
Episode 6: Substitute Teacher 
Episode 7: Jasper Danger 
Episode 8: The Space Rock 
Episode 9: Birthday Girl Down 
Episode 10: Too Much Game 
Episode 11: Henry the Man-Beast 
Episode 12: Invisible Brad 
Episode 13: Spoiler Alert 
Episode 14: Let's Make a Steal 
Episode 15: Super Volcano 
Episode 16: My Phony Valentine 
Episode 17: Caved In 
Episode 18: Elevator Kiss 
Episode 19: Man of the House 
Episode 20: Dream Busters 
Episode 21: Kid Grounded 
Episode 22: Captain Jerk 
Episode 23: The Bucket Trap 
Episode 24: Henry & the Bad Girl Pt. 1 
Episode 25: Henry & the Bad Girl Pt. 2 
Episode 26: Jasper's Real Girlfriend 
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