#season one episode three
archinomaly · 7 months
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Ep. 3 - Potage
Hello again,
I hope that as I move through this project, I will be able to see my art grow and change.
I hope that you will tag along through it.
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harringtonstilinski · 10 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly
Author:@harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) (eventually) Word Count: 3,368 Warnings: lil’ bit of angst, lil’ bit of fluff, flashback Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! I'm sorry this is late! All is explained in A/N2. If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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I couldn’t tell you when I fell asleep, but what I could tell you was that I had woken up to a tapping sensation on my arm, my name being quietly called.
“Olivia, can you take me home now?” Nancy asked.
Sitting up, I stretched some and nodded my head. She had asked me where Barb was, but I didn’t have a clue, telling Nancy that she might’ve just walked home, at seeing me sleeping.
When I got home after taking Nancy home, I tried not to make any noise to wake my mom up, but I wasn’t anticipating her being up. So, when I saw her sitting in her chair with our cat, Mews, I jumped out of my skin. “Jesus, Mom. You scared me.”
“Livvie, where have you been?” she asked, petting the cat.
There’s no sense in lying. “I went to Steve’s.”
“I thought you went–”
“To Steve’s. Not the assembly.”
“Was Nancy there?”
Lie. “No. I dropped her off at the assembly before going alone. I’m sorry. I should’ve called.” I walked over to her, hearing her take a deep breath.
“Why do you smell like chlorine?” she asked.
“Steve pushed me in the pool,” I explained. “It’s late. Can I sleep? I swear, I’ll explain everything in the morning.”
“Are you two friends again?”
I sighed. “Not exactly.”
The next morning, Dustin asked that I follow him to the Wheeler house. I guess they had some explaining to do with El. When we got there, Mike launched into his explanation about how El knows Will is in what they’re calling the Upside Down. Dustin, Lucas and Mike all three explained to me that El took their D&D board, flipped it over to show the blackside, or bottom, of the board and put the Demogorgon character piece on it.
“So, Will is in the Upside Down, and he’s running or hiding from the Demogorgon?” I questioned.
“Yes,” El answered.
“We have a plan,” Mike said. “We tell our parents that we have AV club after school. That’ll give us at least a few hours for Operation Mirkwood.”
“You seriously think that the weirdo knows where Will is?” Lucas asked.
“Just trust me on this,” Mike said, looking at Lucas. “Did you get the supplies?”
Lucas reached into his bag, pulling out different items and naming them off as he did. “Binoculars… from ‘Nam. Army knife… also from ‘Nam. Hammer, camouflage bandana… and the wrist rocket.”
“You’re gonna take out the Demogorgon with a slingshot?” Dustin asked.
“First of all, it’s a wrist rocket. And second of all, the Demogorgon’s not real. It’s made up. But if there is something out there, I’m gonna shoot it in the eye… and blind it.”
“Dustin, what did you get?” Mike asked my brother.
He took his backpack and dumped out a bunch of snacks.
I gasped. “You little shit! You took my Pringles!” I grabbed the can from the table, opening the can to take a crisp out. Popping it into my mouth, I sighed happily.
“We got Nutty Bars–” Dustin started.
“Thank you,” I interrupted, grabbing the pack of Nutty Bars.
“Bazooka, Pez, Smarties, Nilla Wafers, apple, banana and trail mix.”
“Seriously?” Lucas deadpanned.
“We need energy for our travels, for stamina.”
“And why do you need all these weapons anyway?” I asked, popping another crisp into my mouth.
“We have her,” Dustin added, gesturing towards El.
“She shut one door!” Lucas said.
“With her mind!” Dustin and I answered.
“Are you kidding me?” Dustin continued. “That’s insane!”
“Imagine all the other cool stuff she could do,” I smiled.
Dustin went over to the chair that was sitting beside the couch that El was leaning in. Pulling back a blanket to reveal a Millennium Falcon toy, he said, “I bet she can make this fly!” He picked it up, turning to face the preteen girl. Holding it out, he told her to concentrate before letting go of it, the toy falling straight to the floor. Picking it back up, he wanted to try again, but to no avail.
Running to pick up the toy, Mike told Dustin that El isn’t a dog before Mrs. Wheeler called for the boys, telling them it was time for school. Lucas, Dustin and I raced upstairs while Mike stayed down in the basement with El for a few more moments. When he came outside, we all got on our bikes and pedaled our way to school.
I was standing at my locker when I noticed Nancy walking up from the corner of my eye. When she reached her own locker, she opened it and went to put her things into it when Steve showed up out of seemingly nowhere, slamming her door the rest of the way open.
“Hey,” he said, smiling. Doing a double take, he looked back at me, smiling. “Hey, Liv.”
Nancy said her hello’s back, albeit with a semi-nervous tone to her voice. I looked at her confused as Steve asked, “Everything okay?” “Yeah!” she answered. “Yeah, totally. I just…” She looked off to the side, looking at everyone as she voiced, “I feel like everyone’s… staring at me.”
“Oh, I didn’t…” Steve said, looking back at me before looking back at Nance. “We didn’t tell anyone.”
“I don’t even know what happened,” I said, grabbing a book from my locker.
“I know,” Nancy said. “I know. Of course not. But what about, like, Tommy and Carol and them?”
“You’re being paranoid,” Steve said. 
Looking at Nancy from behind Steve, I said, “I’ll take care of those assholes if they did. Don’t worry about them.”
Nancy looked in between Steve and I for a few seconds before her eyes locked on Steve’s as she said, “I’m sorry.”
“No. No, it’s cute,” Steve said. “Hey. I had a good time.”
“Yeah,” Nance said. “Yeah, me too.”
Steve leaned in towards her and that’s when I checked out for a moment before feeling a couple of taps on my shoulder. I turned my head and watched as Steve walked off to his first class… which, coincidentally, was the same class that I had.
Three classes drug on before it was lunch, and I was hungry! I sat on Steve’s left and started to pick at my meal as Tommy was talking about something I wasn’t paying attention to, but just couldn’t help but listen to.
“That’s why science doesn’t make any damn sense to me,” he said. 
“No, I swear, look at this,” Carol said. “It’s totally frostbite.”
“Can’t be,” I said. “You’d have to be in the straight cold with no warmth whatsoever. It was a heated pool.”
She rolled her eyes at me, but I just smiled at her, knowing I was fully correct… maybe.
“Well, then, if it’s not frostbite, then what is it, oh smart one?” she asked.
“I don’t care what it is, it’s disgusting, get it off the table, we’re eating here,” Steve said.
I pushed my tray away, not having an appetite anymore before I noticed Steve pushed his tray closer to me. Even though we weren’t as close as we once were, it was nice that he still remembered certain things. Like, offering some of his lunch because my mom would forget to pack lunch for me or give me lunch money.
“Hey, Tommy,” Nancy said. “When you left, did you see Barb?”
“What?” he asked.
“Barbra,” Nance informed. “She’s not here today.”
“I seriously have no idea who you’re talking about.”
“Don’t be an ass,” I said, agitated with him. “Did you see her leave or not?”
He gave me a death glare, but I held my own as he eyed Steve before replying, “No, she was gone when we left.”
“Probably couldn’t stand listening to all that moaning,” Carol said, her and Tommy faking sexual moans of Steve’s name.
I stood up and grabbed my stuff, saying, “Is there any serious situation that you two don’t reference sex to?” I walked away from the table, and out of the cafeteria, going straight for my locker. I opened it, angrily grabbing at a cigarette before a hand stopped me.
“When did you start smoking?” 
I sighed and closed my eyes. “Don’t you have your little minions to tend to?” I looked up at Steve, seeing concern written in his eyes. I sighed again, this time through my nose. “I’m fine. It’s just… hard hearing all that.”
He looked around, before leaning a little closer to me. “You don’t–”
“No, I remember,” I said, my eyes dancing between his own hazel orbs. Vividly. It was something I thought about all the time. I really wished I didn’t, but the memories from that night just wouldn’t stop coming back every time I closed my eyes. “I’ll see you after school, okay?”
I walked away from Steve, cigarette in hand. I went to his car and sat on the hood like I always did and lit the stick. I took a couple puffs, deciding that smoking wasn’t my thing. I guess I had sat out here for longer than I had anticipated because the next thing I knew, everyone was coming out of the school, laughter and chatter filling the air. 
I watched as Steve made his way towards me, leaning against the front end of his car and sighed.
“If you’re gonna sit on my car–”
“I have to ask first, I know,” I sighed. I messed with my pants leg for a moment, not wanting to ruin anything.
After a couple of minutes of silence, Steve said, “You don’t have to ask. Just… don’t scuff it.”
We locked eyes for a moment before we both started snickering. Nicole made her way towards us, nervously telling Steve something about Jonathan that put me on high alert. Steve asked me to come with them, so I did, sitting behind Steve on Jonathan’s trunk.
When the oldest Byers boy walked up his car, he looked at Steve, myself, the horndogs Tommy and Carol, and Nicole.
“What’s going on?” Jonathan asked, everyone but me moving towards him.
“Nicole here was telling us about your work,” Steve said. 
“We’ve heard great things,” Carol said.
“Yeah, sounds cool,” Tommy said.
Steve looked back at me, but I just shook my head and looked ahead, not liking where this was going. Turning back to Jonathan, he said, “We’d just love to take a look. Ya’know, as… connoisseurs of art.”
I scoffed and looked at my shoes, already knowing where this was headed. But how far was it heading? I couldn’t tell you that.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jonathan said, trying to get to his car.
Tommy quickly snatched his backpack from him, basically being a seventh grade bully. 
“Please, give me my bag,” Jonathan pleaded as Tommy tossed the bag to Steve.
Steve turned to face me, saying, “He’s totally trembling. He must really have something to hide.” I had to quickly move my arms out of the way as Steve put the bag on my lap, rummaging through it to find some black and white pictures. He moved to lean on the car so that I could see over his shoulder at the pictures.
What I saw shocked me to my core; all of us. Last night at Steve’s. I looked at Jonathan, who had an almost sad look to his face. I never thought of Jonathan as a creepy stalker. I guess it’s always the quiet ones.
“This isn’t creepy at all,” Carol said.
Jonathan looked me dead in the face and said, “I was looking for my brother.”
My heart softened a little at his words before Steve said, “No. No, this is called stalking.”
A few seconds later, Nancy showed up, asking, “What’s going on?”
“Here’s the starring lady,” Tommy said.
“Don’t you have a shower to go take or something?” I said, animosity to my tone.
“What?” Nancy asked.
“This creep was spying on us last night,” Carol informed. “He was probably gonna save this one for later.” She handed Nancy a photo that I quickly saw a glimpse of; Nancy with her back to the camera, taking off her shirt.
Tapping my knee, Steve said, “See, you can tell that he knows it was wrong, but… that’s the thing about perverts.” He moved closer to Jonathan, fixing his collar. “It’s hardwired into ‘em. Ya’know, they just can’t help themselves.” He ripped up the photo in his hands before tossing the pieces up in Jonathan’s face. “So, you just have to take away his toy.”
“Steve,” I muttered. “Don’t.”
“No, please, not the camera,” Jonathan begged.
Steve looked me in the eyes as Jonathan spoke. I didn’t want to, but the look in his eyes was pleading with me to play along. I knew Steve wasn’t like this; a bully. He was just putting on an act for Tommy and Carol.
I relented and gave him the camera as Tommy moved toward Jonathan to stop him from trying to get his camera from Steve.
“No, no, wait, wait… Tommy, Tommy,” Steve said, handing the camera out to the Byers boy. “Here ya go, man.” 
When Jonathan reached out for his camera, Steve dropped it, breaking it. I hopped off the car and shoved his arm back while exclaiming his name. We locked eyes for a moment before I could see the instant regret in his eyes.
“Come on, the game’s about to start.” Steve walked away, the other three following behind as Nancy and I stood in our spots before she bent down to help Jonathan. I started walking towards the group, wanting to get on my bike and ride home.
When I made it to Steve he put his hand on my shoulder, stopping me. “I know you’re angry, but please stay.”
“Angry isn’t the word I’d use,” I said, quietly.
“What word–”
“Disappointed,” I said, looking him in the eyes. “This isn’t the Steve I know, the Steve I grew up with. Where’s that Steve? How do I get him back?” Our eyes danced around each other for a moment before he snapped back to his own version of reality, calling out Nancy’s name.
I rolled my eyes and walked inside, sitting in front of my locker.
“So, I told Mr. Mundy, the solution of ten plus y equals… blow me,” Carol explained.
“I guess you’re not doing well in math,” I said as Tommy laughed at her.
“If you did that, you’d be in detention right now,” Steve said.
“Saturday,” Carol said.
“I bet Mr. Mundy’s still a virgin,” Tommy voiced.
I was looking down at the paper in my lap when I quietly said, “You sure you’re not still a virgin?” Well, I thought I said it quietly when a pen was launched in my direction. I grabbed it from the ground and smiled. “Sweet. Mine was getting low on ink.”
Nancy walked in front of me, so I followed her with my eyes as Steve said, “Nance, where you going?” Making up a lie on the spot, she stammered, “I totally forgot. I told my mom I would, uhm… I would do something with her.”
Standing, Steve said, “What do you mean? The game’s about to start.”
Not turning back, she said, “I’m sorry.” Turning to face Tommy and Carol before facing me, Steve sighed and asked, “What the hell’s wrong with her?” I shrugged. “Dunno. Haven’t really talked to her much.”
“Maybe she freaked out when you all psycho on the psycho,” Tommy said, laughing.
“Ah, give me a break,” Steve said.
I scoffed, packing up my bag. Standing, I said, “Well, what the hell did you expect, dating Miss Perfect?”
We almost had a little bit of a standoff, Steve and I. But, before it could actually get to that point, I chuckled, looking away for a moment before I started to walk away. I turned back around, looking back at Steve. “Ya’know what? I’m done. When you find my best friend, drop me a line.”
I was on my way home when I heard sirens, and I immediately thought about Dustin. So, in my haste to try and find him, I started with covering the places I knew he’d probably be at, and when he wasn’t at the Wheeler’s, the Sinclair’s, or our house, I checked one more place; the Byers.
Jonathan wasn’t home, which I couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I really wanted to apologize on Steve’s behalf for what he’d done to his camera. When I heard leaves ruffling to my left, I was high alert.
“Oh, my god,” I breathed. Running to my little brother, I gave him a hug, squeezing him. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
“Where were you?” Mike asked. “I thought you were coming with us after school?”
“Sorry, something came up. Wait, why are you here?” I looked at all the kids, the last one I spotted being El.
“Here,” she said.
“Yeah, this is the Byers’ house,” I said, crossing my arms.
“No, no, this is where he lives,” Mike said. “He’s missing from here. Understand?”
“El,” I said, gaining the girl's attention. “Sweetie, what are you doing here?”
“She said he’s hid–” “Thank you, Michael,” I said, looking at him with wide eyes.
“I swear, if we walked all the way out here for nothing–” Dustin said.
“That’s exactly what we did!” Lucas exclaimed. “I told you she didn’t know what the hell she was talking about!” Pointing to Dustin and Lucas, I said, “Both of you can calm the hell down.” Looking back at El, I gently asked, “El, why did you bring them here?”
“Liv, don’t waste your time with her,” Lucas said. 
“What do you want to do then?” I asked. 
“Call the cops–”
“We’re not  calling the cops! I promised Hopper I’d keep you guys from going out last night. We can’t call them!”
“Hey, guys,” Dustin said. I looked behind me, faintly hearing the sirens.
Lucas was going on about something when Dustin yelled, “Guys!” before the cops and ambulances drove by. We all quickly got on our bikes and followed the cars to the quarry. The five of us watched as they turned a body over in the water, the clothes the same exact ones that Will was wearing three nights ago when he went missing.
Tears sprang to my eyes as I put my hand over my mouth. I grabbed Dustin, giving him the tightest hug. I didn’t know what I was going to say to Jonathan in the morning when this all got out.
Mike voiced his opinion on the body not being Will’s and that it couldn’t be until Lucas confirmed that it really was Will. El tried saying Mike’s name, but he freaked out on her, saying that she was supposed to help them find Will alive. In his heartbreak, Mike quickly got on his bike and went back home, leaving El behind.
I told Dustin and Lucas to make sure she got home safely before my little brother asked where I was going. I told him I needed to take care of something before I went home and to not wait up for me.
Setting my bike down at my destination, I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell before taking a moment to breathe. 
The doors opened, followed by a very confused voice saying my name. “What are you–?”
“They just found his body,” I cried.
“Whose body?” Steve asked.
“Will, the kid that’s missing. They found him in the quarry,” I sobbed. Before I could fall to my knees, Steve put his arms around me, guiding me inside his house. I didn’t say any information he didn’t already know, which was what everyone else knew.
He offered me some water and a blanket, but I just shook my head at him, wiping my tears away.
Steve understood and led me upstairs to his room, where we both laid together in his bed as I cried like I used to.
In this moment, I really felt like I had my best friend back, but only time will tell.steve harrington x olovia henderson
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! so, reason for the late upload is because my daughter needed to go to the doctors 'cause she was with her aunt, who said that she was having some drainage. turns out, she has strep. so, because of me having to do that, i never edited and uploaded this chapter. but, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Note: i know that some of y’all are waiting to see your requests, and i promise i’ll get to them. the writer’s block hit really bad with them. atb is the only thing i have motivation to write/post for at the moment.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on November 22, 2023
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oscarwetnwilde · 11 months
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Crocodile Shoes: Episode 3- The Deal
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wandering-words · 11 months
Briefly emerging back on tumblr to announce that I have begun a Doctor Who (2005) rewatch and damn… there are quite a few episodes I forgot about
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clarasghosts · 2 months
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Evil - intro threats (seasons three & four)
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akariss · 1 year
A mother’s pain truly is such a heartbreaking thing bc Camila didn’t even see Luz crumble away but still felt she lost a child and mourned her “death” despite being locked away in her puppet like state, unable to have any control over her own body
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aloekat · 5 months
cannot believe the ghost steak from season ONE first episode actually had narrative potential.
did we all forget about the ghost steak…
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laurrelise · 2 months
i’ve done another silly little doodle :3
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jessmalia · 5 months
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Mal's Avatar: The Last Airbender rewatch: The Crossroads of Destiny 2.20
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dndadsepisodecovers · 5 months
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Ep.09.02- Debate Me, Cowards!
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foolishlyzephyrus · 3 months
i feel like it’s so integral to have at least one “at home” episode for every companion. so much character to be revealed in the premise of aliens interfering with everyday life once they are back on earth
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sskk-manifesto · 1 year
People weren't kidding btw they did unapologetically use all of this season budget on the old men yaoi
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
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I keep seeing people say buck has never gotten a breakdown moment and every time I have to reply well what's all this then
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mikimeiko · 5 months
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The Expanse | Season 4 (2019), Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby
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emiko-matsui · 2 months
the face of a man who just got made so hard by an impression of himself
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#hand jumper#webtoon#sayeon lee#heron#ig??? BRUH..................#these fireworks are going to SET ME ON FIRE!!!!#but that's alr i guess!!!!!!!!!#because charcoal grilled prawn literally solves all my problems#before thinking about killing people i need everyone to sit down and think of their favourite food#and manifest the version of them that has it!!!!!!!!#maybe then all compulsions and intrusions of the mind can just go away#what if we all just pictured better versions of ourselves and just did it!!!#if we all stretched out our hands and tried we can at least live in the world knowing we did try!!#and it's better than not trying!!!!! AND BEING USELESS PIECES OF ROTTING GARBAGE!!!!!!#idk i've had a shit three years man i don't think i can take this any longer#IGNORE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#AND INSTEAD NOW LET'S THINK OF THE GOODIES YOU'RE GONNA GET IN TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#or now if you offer up your wallet to OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR sleepacross#and for the SMALL price of 5USD that's right 5USD!!!! this is to the people with credit/debit cards ofc#YOU CAN ACCESS THE GOATACROSS QNA BECAUSE IT IS PEAK!!!!!!#but just because the juninators[on here in case they aren't in the server] need to hear this so we can all sing happy birthday to her#INSTEAD OF MISSING IT FOR TWO YEARS#AND HAVING A WHOLE WINTER/CHRISTMAS COMPETITION IN DISCORD WITH MEMES AND ALL WITHOUT THIS CRUCIAL INFORMATION!!!!!!!#I THINK BECAUSE I KEEP THESE IN TAGS IT'S SAFE TO SAY THAT HER BIRTHDAY IS DEC 24TH AND WE SHOULD ALL SAY HAPPY LATE/HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY#TO OUR BELOVED QUEEN JUNI CHANG#BECAUSE NOW I JUST SHAFTED A 40K WIP I NEVER FINISHED FOR LAST YEAR'S WINTER SEASON FOR THE CHRISTMAS EPISODE OF 2024 IN THE RECYCLE BIN!!#BUT NOW WE CAN GIVE HER QUINTICE THE AMOUNT OF GIFTS THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! SO LET'S DO THAT INSTEAD!!!!#ONE FOR HER BIRTHDAY!!!! ONE FOR CHRISLER!!! ONE FOR CIVIL SERVICE APPRECIATION DAY!!!!!#ANOTHER FOR BEING PEAK MENTOR!!!!! AND ANOTHER ONE FOR BEING GOD'S SILLIEST SOLDIER!!!![in our hearts!!]#APOLOGIES AS ALWAYS IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR HERE!!!! AND A GOOD EVENING TO YOU ALL!!!!
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