#sebastian stan rares
oldxenomorph · 2 months
i downloaded zenless zone zero because i saw a picture of rina on my instagram explore page and i was like "i have to have her....."
i have her. 😎
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Rare photo of sebastian 🥵❤.
(Let me know where this photo was from lovely followers)
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greenfleeze · 2 years
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Winterwitch AU: James and Wanda are villains. James is cocky and likes to cause trouble, while Wanda is more practical and relaxed. There’s an immediate attraction between them. Of course, he makes the first move because that’s his style, and she plays hard to get since it’s fun to tease him.🔥
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granatkoroleva · 1 year
There’s not a wrong answer, trust me. All answers are appreciated loves 💕
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mrs-stans · 3 days
Sebastian Stan Tells All: Becoming Donald Trump, Gaining 15 Pounds and Starring in 2024’s Most Controversial Movie
By Daniel D'Addario
Sebastian Stan Variety Cover Story
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It started with the most famous voice on the planet, the one that just won’t shut up.
Sebastian Stan, in real life, sounds very little like Donald Trump, whom he’s playing in the new film “The Apprentice.” Sure, they share a tristate accent — Stan has lived in the city for years and attended Rutgers University before launching his career — but he speaks with none of Trump’s emphasis on his own greatness. Trump dwells, Stan skitters. Trump attempts to draw topics together over lengthy stem-winders (what he recently called “the weave”), while Stan has a certain unwillingness to be pinned down, a desire to keep moving. It takes some coaxing to bring Stan, a man with the upright bearing and square jaw of a matinee idol, to speak about his own process — how hard he worked to conjure a sense Trump, and how he sought to bring out new insights about America’s most scrutinized politician.
“I think he’s a lot smarter than people want to say about him,” Stan says, “because he repeats things consistently, and he’s given you a brand.” Stan would know: He watched videos of Trump on a loop while preparing for “The Apprentice.” In the film, out on Oct. 11, Stan plays Trump as he moves from insecure, aspiring real estate developer to still insecure but established member of the New York celebrity firmament.
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We’re sitting over coffee in Manhattan. Stan is dressed down in a black chore coat and black tee, yet he’s anything but a casual conversation partner. He rarely breaks eye contact, doing so only on the occasions when he has something he wants to show me on his iPhone (cracked screen, no case). In this instance, it’s folders of photos and videos labeled “DT” and “DT PHYSICALITY.”
“I had 130 videos on his physicality on my phone,” Stan says. “And 562 videos that I had pulled with pictures from different time periods — from the ’70s all the way to today — so I could pull out his speech patterns and try to improvise like him.” Stan, deep in character, would ad-lib entire scenes at director Ali Abbasi’s urging, drawing on the details he’d learned from watching Trump and reading interviews to understand precisely how to react in each moment.
“Ali could come in on the second take and say, ‘Why don’t you talk a little bit about the taxes and how you don’t want to pay?’ So I had to know what charities they were going to in 1983. Every night I would go home and try not only to prepare for the day that was coming, but also to prepare for where Ali was going to take this.”
Looking at Stan’s phone, among the endless pictures of Trump, I glimpse thumbnails of Stan’s own face perched in a Trumpian pout and videos of the actor’s preparation just aching to be clicked — or to be stored in the Trump Presidential Library when this is all over in a few months, or in 2029, or beyond.
“I started to realize that I needed to start speaking with my lips in a different way,” Stan says. “A lot of that came from the consonants. If I’m talking, I’m moving forward.” On film, Stan shapes his mouth like he can’t wait to get the plosives out, puckering without quite tipping into parody. “The consonants naturally forced your lips forward.”
“If he did 10% more of what he did, it would become ‘Saturday Night Live,’” Abbasi says. “If he did 10% less, then he’s not conjuring that person. But here’s the thing about Sebastian: He’s very inspired by reality, by research. And that’s also the way I work; if you want to go to strange places, you need to get your baseline reality covered very well.”
A little later, Stan passes me the phone again to show me a selfie of him posing shirtless and revealing two sagging pecs and a bit of a gut. He’s pouting into a mirror. If his expression looks exaggerated, consider that he was in Marvel-movie shape before stepping into the role of the former president; the body transformation happened rapidly and jarringly. Trump’s size is a part of the film’s plot — as Trump’s sense of self inflates, so does he. In a rush to meet the shooting deadline for “The Apprentice,” Abbasi asked Stan, “How much weight can you gain?”
“You’d be surprised,” Stan tells me. “You can gain a lot of weight in two months.” (Fifteen pounds, to be exact.)
Now he’s back in fighting form, but the character has stayed with him. After years of playing second-fiddle agents of chaos — goofball husbands to Margot Robbie’s and Lily James’ characters in “I, Tonya” and Hulu’s “Pam & Tommy,” surly frenemy to Chris Evans’ Captain America in the Marvel franchise — Stan plunged into the id of the man whose appetites have reshaped our world. He had to have a polished enough sense of Trump that he could improvise in character, and enough respect for him to play him as a human being, not a monster.
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It’s one of two transformations this year for Stan — and one that might give a talented actor that most elusive thing: a brand of his own. He’s long been adjacent enough to star power that he could feel its glow, but he hasn’t been the marquee performer. While his co-stars have found themselves defined by the projects he’s been in — from “Captain America” and “I, Tonya” back to his start on “Gossip Girl” — he’s spent more than a decade in the public eye while evading being defined at all.
This fall promises to be the season that changes all that: Stan is pulling double duty with “The Apprentice” and “A Different Man” (in theaters Sept. 20), in which he plays a man afflicted with a disfiguring tumor disorder who — even when presented with a fantastical treatment that makes him look like, well, Sebastian Stan — can’t be cured of ailments of the soul. For “A Different Man,” Stan won the top acting prize at the Berlin Film Festival; for “The Apprentice,” the sky’s the limit, if it can manage to get seen. (More on that later.)
One reason Stan has largely evaded being defined is that he’s never the same twice, often willing to get loopy or go dark in pursuit of his characters’ truths. That’s all the more true this year: In “The Apprentice,” he’s under the carapace of Trumpiness; in “A Different Man,” his face is hidden behind extensive prosthetics.
“In my book, if you’re the good-looking, sensitive guy 20 movies in a row, that’s not a star for me,” says Abbasi, who compares Stan to Marlon Brando — an actor eager to play against his looks. “You’re just one of the many in the factory of the Ken dolls.”
This fall represents Stan’s chance to break out of the toy store once and for all. His Winter Soldier brought a jolt of evil into Captain America’s world, and his Jeff Gillooly was the devil sitting on Tonya Harding’s shoulder. Now Stan is at the center of the frame, playing one of the most divisive characters imaginable. So he’s showing us where he can go. The spotlight is his, and so is the risk that comes with it.
Why take such a risk?
The script for “The Apprentice,” which Stan first received in 2019, but which took years to come together, made him consider the American dream, the one that Trump achieved and is redefining.
Stan emigrated with his mother, a pianist, from communist Romania as a child. “I was raised always aware of the American dream: America being the land of opportunity, where dreams come true, where you can make something of yourself.” He pushes the wings of his hair back to frame his face, a gold signet ring glinting in the late-summer sunlight, and, briefly, I can hear a hint of Trump’s directness of approach. “You can become whoever you want, if you just have a good idea.” Stan’s good idea has been to play the lead in movies while dodging the formulaic identity of a leading man, and this year will prove just how far he can take it.
“The Apprentice” seemed like it would never come together before suddenly it did. This time last year, Stan was sure it was dead in the water, and he was OK with that. “If this movie is not happening, it’s because it’s not meant to happen,” he recalls thinking. “It will not be because I’m too scared and walk away.”
Called in on short notice and filming from November 2023 to January of this year (ahead of a May premiere in Cannes), Stan lent heft and attitude to a character arc that takes Trump from local real estate developer in the 1970s to national celebrity in the 1980s. He learns the rough-and-tumble game of power from the ruthless and hedonistic political fixer Roy Cohn (Jeremy Strong), eventually cutting the closeted Cohn loose as he dies of AIDS and alienating his wife Ivana (Maria Bakalova) in the process. (In a shocking scene, Donald sexually assaults Ivana in their Trump Tower apartment.) For all its edginess, the film is about Trump’s personality — and the way it calcified into a persona — rather than his present-day politics. (Despite its title, it’s set well before the 2004 launch of the reality show that finally made Trump the superstar he longed to be.)
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And despite the fact that Trump has kept America rapt since he announced his run for president in 2015, Hollywood has been terrified of “The Apprentice.” The film didn’t sell for months after Cannes, an unusual result for a major English-language competition film, partly because Trump’s legal team sent a cease-and-desist letter attempting to block the film’s release in the U.S. while the fest was still ongoing. When it finally sold, it was to Briarcliff Entertainment, a distributor so small that the production has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money so that it will be able to stay in theaters.
Yes, Hollywood may vote blue, but it’s not the same town that released “Fahrenheit 9/11” or even “W.,” let alone a film that depicts the once (and possibly future) president raping his wife. (The filmmakers stand behind that story. “The script is 100% backed by my own interviews and historical research,” says Gabriel Sherman, the screenwriter and a journalist who covers Trump and the American conservative movement. “And it’s important to note that it is not a documentary. It’s a work of fiction that’s inspired by history.”) Entertainment corporations from Netflix to Disney would be severely inconvenienced if the next president came into office with a grudge against them.
“I am quite shocked, to be honest,” Abbasi says. “This is not a political piece. It’s not a hit piece; it’s not a hatchet job; it’s not propaganda. The fact that it’s been so challenging is shocking.” Abbasi, born in Iran, was condemned by his government over his last film, “Holy Spider,” and cannot safely return. He sees a parallel in the response to “The Apprentice.” “OK, that’s Iran — that is unfortunately expected. But I wasn’t expecting this.”
“Everything with this film has been one day at a time,” Stan says. The actor chalks up the film’s divisiveness to a siloed online environment. “There are a lot of people who love reading the [film’s] Wikipedia page and throwing out their opinions,” he says, an edge entering his voice. “But they don’t actually know what they’re talking about. That’s a popular sport now online, apparently.”
Unprompted, Stan brings up the idea that Trump is so widely known that some might think a biographical film about him serves no purpose. “When someone says, ‘Why do we need this movie? We know all this,’ I’ll say, ‘Maybe you do, but you haven’t experienced it. The experience of those two hours is visceral. It’s something you can hopefully feel — if you still have feelings.’”
After graduating from Rutgers in 2005, Stan found his first substantial role on “Gossip Girl,” playing troubled rich kid Carter Baizen. Like teen soaps since time immemorial, “Gossip Girl” was a star-making machine. “It was the first time I was in serious love with somebody,” he says. (He dated the series’ star, Leighton Meester, from 2008 to 2010.) He feels nostalgic for that moment: “Walking around the city, seeing these same buildings and streets — life seemed simpler.”
Stan followed his “Gossip Girl” gig with roles on the 2009 NBC drama “Kings,” playing a devious gay prince in an alternate-reality modern world governed by a monarchy, and the 2012 USA miniseries “Political Animals,” playing a black-sheep prince (and once again a gay man) of a different sort — the son of a philandering former president and an ambitious former first lady.
When I ask him what lane he envisioned himself in as a young actor, he shrugs off the question. “I grew up with a single mom, and I didn’t have a lot of male role models. I was always trying to figure out what I wanted to be. And at some point, I was like, I could just be a bunch of things.”
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Which might seem challenging when one is booked to play the same character, Bucky Barnes, in Marvel movie after Marvel movie. Bucky’s adventures have been wide-ranging — he’s been brainwashed and turned evil and then brought back to the home team again, all since his debut in 2011’s “Captain America: The First Avenger.” Next year, he’ll anchor the summer movie “Thunderbolts,” as the leader of a squad of quirky heroes played by, among others, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Florence Pugh. It’s easy to wonder if this has come to feel like a cage of sorts.
Not so, says Stan. His new Marvel film “was kind of like ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ — a guy coming into this group that was chaotic and degenerate, and somehow finding a way to unite them.”
Lately, knives have been out for Marvel movies as some have disappointed at the box office, and “Thunderbolts,” which endured strike delays and last-minute cast changes, has been under scrutiny.
“It’s become really convenient to pick on [Marvel films],” Stan says. “And that’s fine. Everyone’s got an opinion. But they’re a big part of what contributes to this business and allows us to have smaller movies as well. This is an artery traveling through the system of this entire machinery that’s Hollywood. It feeds in so many more ways than people acknowledge.” He adds, “Sometimes I get protective of it because the intention is really fucking good. It’s just fucking hard to make a good movie over and over again.”
Which may account for an eagerness to try something new. “In the last couple of years,” he says, “I’ve gotten much more aggressive about pursuing things that I want, and I’m constantly looking for different ways of challenging myself.”
The challenge continued throughout the shoot of “The Apprentice,” as Stan pushed the material. “One of the most creatively rewarding parts of the process was how open Sebastian was to giving notes on the script but also wanting to go beyond the script,” says Sherman, the screenwriter. “If he was interested in a certain aspect of a scene, he was like, Can you find me a quote?” he recalls.
Building a dynamic through improvised scenes, Stan and Strong stayed in character throughout the “Apprentice” shoot. “I was doing an Ibsen play on Broadway,” says Strong, who won a Tony in June for his performance in “An Enemy of the People,” “and he came backstage afterwards. And it was like — I’d never really met Sebastian, and I don’t think he’d ever met me. So it was nice to meet him.”
Before the pair began acting together, they didn’t rehearse much — “I’m not a fan of rehearsals,” Strong says. “I think actors are best left in their cocoon, doing their work, and then trusted to walk on set and be ready.” The two didn’t touch the script together until cameras went up — though they spent a preproduction day, Strong says, playing games in character as Donald and Roy.
After filming, both have kept memories of the hold their characters had on them. They shared a flight back from Telluride — a famously bumpy trip out of the mountains. “He’s a nervous flyer, and I’m a nervous flyer,” Stan says. Both marveled at the fact that they’d contained their nerves on the first day of shooting “The Apprentice,” when their characters traveled together via helicopter. “We both go, ‘Yeah — but there was a camera.’”
Stan’s aggressive approach to research came in handy on “A Different Man,” which shot before “The Apprentice.” His character’s disorder, neurofibromatosis, is caused by a genetic mutation and presents as benign tumors growing in the nervous system. After being healed, he feels a growing envy for a fellow sufferer who seems unbothered by his disability.
Stan’s co-star, Adam Pearson, was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis in early childhood. Stan found the experience challenging to render faithfully. “I said many times, I can do all the research in the world, but am I ever going to come close to this?” Stan says. “How am I going to ever do this justice?”
Plus, he had precious little time to prepare: “He was fully on board, and the film was being made weeks later,” director Aaron Schimberg says. “Zero to 60 in a matter of weeks.”
The actor grappled for something to hold on to, and Pearson sug gested he refer to his own experience of fame. “Adam said to me, ‘You know what it’s like to be public property,’” Stan says.
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Pearson recalls describing the experience to Stan this way: “While you don’t understand the invasiveness and the staring and the pointing that I’ve grown up with, you do know what it’s like to have the world think you owe them something.”
That sense of alienation becomes universal through the film’s storytelling: “A Different Man” takes its premise as the jumping-off point for a deep and often mordant investigation of who we all are underneath the skin.
The film was shot in 22 days in a New York City heat wave, and there was, Schimberg says, “no room for error. I would get four or five takes, however many I could squeeze out, but there’s no coverage.”
Through it all, Stan’s performance is utterly poised — Schimberg and Stan discussed Buster Keaton as a reference for his ability to be “completely stone-faced” amid chaos, the director says. And the days were particularly long because Oscar-nominated prosthetics artist Michael Marino was only able to apply Stan’s makeup in the early morning, before going to his job on the set of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.”
“Even though I wasn’t shooting until 11 a.m., I would go at like 5 in the morning to his studio, or his apartment,” Stan recalls. The hidden advantage was that Stan had hours to kill while made up like his character, the kind of person the world looks past. “I wanted to walk around the city and see what happened,” Stan says. “On Broadway, one of the busiest streets in New York, no one’s looking at me. It’s as if I’m not even there.” The other reaction was worse: “Somebody would immediately stop and very blatantly hit their friend, point, take a picture.”
It was a study in empathy that flowed into the character. Stan had spoken to Pearson’s mother, who watched her son develop neurofibromatosis before growing into a disability advocate and, eventually, an actor. “She said to me, ‘All I ever wanted was for someone to walk in his shoes for a day,’” Stan recalls. “And I guess that was the closest I had ever come.”
“The Apprentice” forced Stan, and forces the viewer, to do the same with a figure that some 50% of the electorate would sooner forget entirely. And that lends the film its controversy. Those on the right, presupposing that the movie is an anti-Trump document, have railed against it. In a statement provided to Variety, a Trump campaign spokesman said, “This ‘film’ is pure malicious defamation, should never see the light of day and doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store, it belongs in a dumpster fire.” The campaign threatened a lawsuit, though none has materialized.
Asked about the assault scene, Stan notes that Ivana had made the claim in a deposition, but later walked it back. “Is it closer to the truth, what she had said directly in the deposition or something that she retracted?” he asks. “They went with the first part.”
The movie depicts, too, Ivana’s carrying on with her marriage after the violation, which may be still more devastating. “How do you overcome something like this?” asks Bakalova. “Do you have to put on a mask that everything is fine? In the next scene, she’s going to play the game and pretend that we’re the glamorous, perfect couple.” The Trumps, in “The Apprentice,” live in a world of paper-thin images, one that grows so encompassing that Donald no longer feels anything for the people to whom he was once loyal. They’re props in his stage show.
“The Apprentice” will drop in the midst of the most chaotic presidential election of our lifetime. “The way it lands in this extremely polarized situation, for me as an artist, is exciting. I won’t lie to you,” says Abbasi.
When asked if he was concerned about blowback from a Trump 47 presidency, Stan says, “You can’t do this movie and not be thinking about all those things, but I really have no idea. I’m still in shock from going from an assassination attempt to the next weekend having a president step down [from a reelection bid].”
Stan’s job, as he sees it, was to synthesize everything he’d absorbed — all those videos on his phone — into a person who made sense. This Trump had to be part of a coherent story, not just the flurry of news updates to which we’ve become accustomed.
“You can take a Bach or a Beethoven, and everyone’s going to play that differently on the piano, right?” Stan says. (His pianist mother named him for Johann Sebastian Bach.) “So this is my take on what I’ve learned. I have to strip myself of expectations of being applauded for this, if people are going to like it or people are going to hate it. People are going to say whatever they want. Hopefully they should think at least before they say it.”
It’s a reality that Stan is now used to — the work is the work, and the way people interpret him is none of his business. Perhaps that’s why he has run away from ever being the same thing twice. “I could sit with you today and tell you passionately what my truth is, but it doesn’t matter,” he says. “Because people are more interested in a version of you that they want to see, rather than who you are.”
“The Apprentice” has been the subject of extreme difference of opinion by many who have yet to see it. It’s been read — and will continue to be after its release — as anti-Trump agitprop. The truth is chewier and more complicated, and, perhaps, unsuited for these times.
“Are we going to live in a world where anyone knows what the truth is anymore? Or is it just a world that everyone wants to create for themselves?” Stan asks.
His voice — the one that shares a slight accent with Trump but that is, finally, Stan’s own — is calm and clear. “People create their own truth right now,” he says. “That’s the only thing that I’ve made peace with; I don’t need to twist your arm if that’s what you want to believe. But the way to deal with something is to actually confront it.”
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writingpastmybedtime · 8 months
Cinderella AU
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x f!Reader
Summary: The classic Cinderella AU. It's heavily inspired by the Disney live-action remake, but with a few tweaks here and there.
Word Count: 8k, oops..?
Warnings: None, except for extra cute Prince Sebastian.
A/N: It’s my first time writing for Seb at this length & I'm kind of proud of how it turned out. Oh, and I gave Sebastian the nickname 'Bash'. Hope you love it as much as I do!<3
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Once upon a time, or however the story begins, there lived a girl named Y/N. She was the most beautiful thing in her parents’ eyes and held the kindest heart. They lived happily in a secluded small mansion. They weren’t the richest per se, but they could keep up with the house and even had a few workers in the kitchen and garden. 
As time went by, the girl discovered a passion for music and playing the piano. Her sweet melodies often graced the halls of the house, and whenever she wasn’t behind the piano, she had her face buried deep in a journal, writing down every last thought that had occurred to her that day.
Alas, the time that had passed had also come bearing sombre news. The little girl’s mother had fallen ill with a disease so rare, there was nothing left to do but wait. Those three months spent waiting were the hardest for the girl, as she was always staying beside her mother’s bed, reading to her, brushing her hair, and playing lovely tunes on the piano to soothe her mother’s mind. 
It wasn’t until one night, that the clock in the writing room, which her mother so deeply loved, stopped working and the house suddenly grew more quiet.
Years passed, and Y/N grew even more beautiful. She was always happy and kind, helping out everyone around the house and being there for her father. Y/N’s father was a merchant, so it was not uncommon that he had many trips abroad and many foreign friends. He had a certain way with him, his friends even called him a man of many words. He always found a way to insert an inspirational quote into whatever conversation was going on. His personal favourite, however, was a quote about courage. 
Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.
“Darling, would you accompany me to the garden?” Her father asked her. Of course, she followed him with a smile on her face. He began to tell her of a widowed woman, with two daughters just a few years older than Y/N. He explained that he’d known the woman's late husband, having met him many times on his travels. 
“They need a place to stay and they need a sense of security,” he began shyly, before continuing. “I think I can offer them that, I think we can offer them that.”
Y/N smiled as she took her father's hands in hers. “Father, if it’s something that would make you happy, it would make me even happier.” He smiled at her and pulled her into a hug.
Madam Deveraux was a widowed noblewoman with two daughters, Arabella and Isadora. The Madam herself was mostly reserved and you could never tell what she was thinking just by looking at her. Her gaze always remained strong, even when the death of her dear husband crushed her spirit. As months passed after the tragic death, the demeanour of Madam Deveraux changed. Once just a composed and modest lady, was now hardened at heart, with only one true goal. To see her two daughters succeed and be wed off to rich husbands, no matter the cost.
Arabella, the eldest daughter was certainly pretty on the eyes, however, she had a mouth to her that diminished her beauty to a certain degree. Never afraid to speak her mind and even once in a while throw in a more vulgar term here or there. She was fascinated with all kinds of different adult romance books - that’s where she probably learned those indecent phrases. She also loved to draw, but truth be told, she wasn’t really any good at it.
Isadora, like her sister, was also beautiful in her own way. She certainly wasn’t as crude as her sister, but still had a peculiar sense of self. Her ego was probably the biggest between the three of them. Every reflective surface she saw made her gaze at herself longingly, always fixing her hair or makeup. Always whispering sweet affirmations to herself. She knew she was the prettiest person, whenever she walked into a crowded room. Even if the snobby personality sometimes made her mother’s eyes roll.
After a few weeks, it was time again for Y/N’s father to take his leave. Y/N felt crushed, and a sense of dread filled her heart, making her father promise that he’d return.
Unfortunately, on his travels back from overseas, Y/N’s father fell ill and was never able to return to her. It saddened her deeply, but due to her chores, given to her by her step-mother, she didn’t have time to dwell on her grief. 
Months passed, with her chores growing bigger and bigger. She had given up her bedroom because Arabella and Isadora were too cramped up in their own smaller one. Unfortunately for Y/N, instead of getting the smaller room for herself, she had to stay in a storage room right next to the kitchen. It wasn’t the most tedious place to be, for someone somewhere must’ve had to have even worse living conditions. That thought kept her appreciating her commodities and trying to tidy up the tiny storage room as best as she could.
“Y/N, could you be a dear and help your sisters with their dresses?” Madam Deveraux’s cold voice could be heard from upstairs, as Y/N was just finishing up setting the table in the kitchen. Sighing, but still with a smile on her face, the girl walked upstairs to assist her step-sisters. Arabella was tugging Isadora’s corset, to make it more tight, as Isadora was standing near the mirror letting out gasps of air. 
“A little bit of help, please?” Isadora asked in her saccharine voice, looking at Y/N through her mirror. Y/N nodded and took over from Arabella, pulling and pulling until the corset was perfectly on Isadora’s body. 
“Hmm, I look good, don’t you think so?” Isadora spun around, now in her huge pink sparkling dress, which did not do her beauty any justice. Y/N, however, was not one to judge. She just smiled lightly and nodded. 
“Pfft, as if you had any sense of style,” Isadora went to grab her rings, before putting them on her dainty fingers. Her brown hair was curled in an updo and she had put on a plethora of perfume, that was way too sweet, but ironically, fit her perfectly.
“Hah, you’re right sissy, this wench does not know anything about fashion. I mean look at how she’s dressed right now.” Arabella looked at Y/N from head to toe, her face grimacing. Y/N lowered her head to look at her grey dress. Yes, it wasn’t as fancy as the gowns on her step-sisters, but it had belonged to her mother. The grey dress made her feel some kind of sanity, running around doing chores for the Deverauxs’. Picking invisible lint from the pocket of her skirt, the step-sisters just laughed at how humiliated Y/N looked.
“Yes, you do look absolutely atrocious as of late,” Isadora smirked as Arabella grinned, taking joy in embarrassing Y/N. “You’re just plain ugly,” the eldest sister managed to get out before laughing.
“Here, take this, go buy yourself something prettier,” Isadora scoffed as she handed Y/N three silver pieces. You could not get anything fairly pretty with that kind of sum. Y/N had given up on pretty dresses a while ago, being content with the ones her mother had left her. She shook her head at the silver coins, not accepting the pity donation. 
“Fine have it your way, I was just trying to be nice,” Isadora threw the silver pieces on the floor as Arabella snorted in an unladylike manner. “Now leave, as I remember correctly Mama wanted you to go down to the forest to pick up some flowers for the gathering tonight.”
Y/N nodded to the girls, before hastily leaving the room, blinking back tears. She had grown accustomed to their derogatory comments, but that didn’t mean a part of her always ached at their remarks. Never had she been anything, but good and friendly towards the girls and their mother. She shook her head, as if to shake it clear from the depressing thoughts and picked up a dark-brown wooden basket from the kitchen table.
The walk from the house to the forest was always Y/N’s favourite. As soon as the house with the hectic people inside of it disappeared from her field of view, a certain kind of calmness filled Y/N. It was as if she could finally breathe without restrictions. Even the world around her seemed a little bit more saturated. Birds were flying around, singing their beautiful songs; it was spring after all. Y/N started to hum a melody she used to love to play the most on her piano.
Y/N twirled around and smiled, suddenly feeling joyous and elated. She closed her eyes, still twirling, liking the feel of the afternoon sun on her face. A total bliss. Suddenly, when taking her last twirl, she felt her foot get stuck on a tree root and braced herself for a fall.
However, the fall did not come. 
Instead, strong hands had grasped her waist, holding her a few centimetres off the ground. Y/N finally opened her eyes, the sun making her squint a little before finally her vision was back in focus. She was looking into blue eyes. Into the most gorgeous blue eyes she’d ever seen. Serene, deep blue eyes, that she could get lost in. That she did get lost in.
“Miss, are you alright?” Y/N blinked, before realising the man was still holding her. She stumbled to get out of his grasp, before wiping her dress from invisible dirt. Her cheeks flushed pink, suddenly feeling embarrassed. 
“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you..?” Y/N said, waiting for the person’s name to finish her sentence. To thank him personally. She now had time to look at the man that had so gracefully caught her. He had brown medium-length hair, which seemed abnormally soft and Y/N wished she could tread her fingers through it. The man smiled, no grinned rather, and Y/N was taken aback by how handsome this stranger looked.
“You really don’t know who I am?” The man chuckled and Y/N shook her head quizzically. Was she supposed to know him? She browsed through her brain, wondering who this man could be; maybe she’d met him before. But no, she’d remember him. She could never forget those eyes.
Y/N saw a peculiar look in his gaze before his grin grew even bigger and he introduced himself. “My name’s Bash,” he said, and Y/N furrowed her brows, but smiling nonetheless. 
“That’s a peculiar name,” she spoke, before realising her comment was nowhere near acceptable nor did it come off as friendly. The man, Bash, as she’d learned, let out a genuine laugh at the comment. Y/N felt embarrassed and was about to apologise before he stopped her.
“I like your candour,” he smirked. “It’s actually a nickname. A name that my father calls me whenever I haven’t done anything to upset him.” Y/N smiled, no longer feeling embarrassed, but just a little bit of something else. A strange warm feeling was creeping up in her chest. 
“Well, thank you, Bash, for catching me. And I’m sorry you even had to, I’m not normally so clumsy.”
“It’s no problem, besides, what even is a beautiful girl like you doing out in these woods anyway?” Bash asked, not being able to take his eyes off Y/N. He’d never seen a girl so beautiful before. And ‘beautiful’ was not even enough to describe her. 
“Oh, I’m just on my way to get flowers for a party later on. Which does remind me, that I should be on my way,” Y/N looked down at her basket, which she hadn’t fortunately dropped, when she had stumbled. Realisation hit her then, that he’d called her beautiful, but she couldn’t believe it. Perhaps she’d heard wrong?
“Do you work nearby?” Bash asked, his eyes still admiring her own. He did not want to leave her this soon after just meeting. But her duty called and truth be told, so did his. He wasn’t even supposed to be out here. He was out riding with his horse when suddenly he heard the most beautiful voice humming somewhere nearby. Having left his horse a few metres behind, was when he finally saw her. She was twirling and twirling and completely not noticing the tree root that was about to make her fall on the next twirl. Thankfully, he was fast and had caught her on time. 
“Yes, I do. Are you from around here as well?” Y/N asked politely. Knowing that she should be going now, but his eyes were just too mesmerising, to not look away from, that she stayed grounded.
“I actually work at the castle,” he said, his eyes turning pink as if he was embarrassed about the notion. Y/N smiled at that. “Must be nice,” she thought out loud, as Bash just shook his head at her comment.
“Depending on the day, it can be a little bit too much sometimes.” Y/N nodded at that, trying to understand what it must be like working amidst hundreds of people. Working for royalty.
“Well, it’s like my father always taught me,” she began as she gave him the sweetest smile. “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Bash raised his eyebrow at that. “And do you feel like that?” 
“Do you feel seen?” He inquired, and Y/N shrugged. The question was raw - she hadn’t expected that. Did she feel seen? No, not as of late. But she couldn’t tell him that, now could she? She noticed the sun had turned just a tiny bit more golden and felt fear rush through her. She was supposed to be making supper for the Deverauxs and their guests.
“Look, it’s been wonderful having this chat with you, but I really must take my leave,” she nodded to him, taking her basket and turning around, completely forgetting about the flowers. 
Bash felt a tinge of sadness in him, before nodding and giving her a final smile. “Well, it was wonderful making your acquaintance. I hope to see you again someday.” Y/N turned around at his voice. She nodded, grinning at him.
“So do I.”
“Soon,” Bash said and saw Y/N blush, before finally taking her leave. 
She found some wild poppies just behind the house and hoped they’d do. Fortunately, Madam Deveraux only gave her a quizzical look, before dismissing her. She took a breath, thanking the gods that her step-mother did not freak out over the flower arrangement. All evening as she was making supper for everyone, her thoughts went back to the kind stranger she’d met. 
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Y/N was browsing through the city fair, currently looking at new books she wished she could buy when suddenly a horn was heard above in the upper city. She glanced up from the booth towards the sound, seeing everyone gathering around.
“Hear ye, hear ye,” a man in a formal outfit began. Behind him stood many other men, dressed the same.
These were men from the castle, she concluded. Her thoughts went to Bash for a second, before focusing back on the man giving out the information.
“As requested by His Royal Highness, Prince Sebastian, there is to be a ball, for two weeks hence, in honour of him choosing a bride. As per his wishes, the ball is open to everyone in the country.”
Squeals and cheers were coming from every corner of the city at the news. Y/N suddenly felt very happy. Maybe this was her chance to see Bash again in the castle, after all, he did say he worked there.
Having made her way back home, she rushed to Madam Deveraux, who was sitting in the living room with Arabella and Isadora. The latter was playing the piano. Correction, trying to play, for Y/N, did not know it was possible to make that kind of noise on the delicate instrument.
“What has gotten you in a rush? Your dress is all dirty again,” Arabella scrunched her face, clearly disgusted by Y/N’s clothing once again.
“I was just in the city when they announced there is to be a ball in two weeks as the Prince is to finally choose a bride. It’s open to everyone.” She smiled as she saw Madam Deveraux jump up from the couch, her daughters following her. Suddenly they screamed and the two girls jumped around.
“I’m going to be the new princess,” Isadora squealed before Arabella nudged her on the shoulder.
“No, I am!” Arabella insisted before Madam Deveraux made them quiet down.
“Y/N, you have to go into town and get three beautiful dresses,” Madam Deveraux smiled at her, a new prosperous future in mind for her daughters. She knew they had to look their best to catch the eye of the Prince.
“Yes, yes I will. Thank you for letting me come with you.” Y/N said as she was about to leave back to the city, her mind joyous and excited. Madam Deveraux had finally accepted her as part of the family and she got to go to the ball as well.
“Come with us?” Madam Deveraux scoffed and raised her eyebrow. “Why in the seven hells do you think you’re coming with us?”
Y/N started to say something before she was rudely cut off.
“Nuh, uh-uh.” Madam Deveraux pointed her finger at Y/N. “You do not belong at events like these. You will not go, I forbid you.” 
Y/N felt tears in her eyes, not understanding why she was being so mean to her. 
“Oh, Mama, look. You’ve made the duckling cry.” Arabella snickered and Isadora laughed.
“But why? All I’ve ever done is be nice to you. I do all these chores, you ask of me, and more.” Y/N started shaking but was reluctant to let out real tears. They cannot see me cry, she thought to herself.
“Have you ever considered that you’re maybe just not enough? Not enough pretty, not enough smart,” Madam Deveraux took steps toward Y/N, placing a finger under her jaw, pulling Y/N to look at her. “You’re no one.” Madam Deveraux turned away, before muttering instructions that Y/N was to buy dresses for the three of them the following day.
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After helping the Deveraux sisters into their beautiful ball gowns and doing their hair, Y/N watched them leave in a big beige carriage. Letting her shoulders shrug, she finally let out the tears she’d been holding in. Y/N had hoped to visit the ball as well, hoping to see the blue-eyed man who had taken over her thoughts.
Y/N heard footsteps behind her and her name being called, before turning around and seeing Anastasia, an older lady that she’d known all of her life. Anastasia was a neighbour, a lovely woman, who always took care of Y/N whenever it was needed. Anastasia did not like the way Madam Deveraux had started treating Y/N after her father died and even offered to let Y/N move in with her. However, Y/N always passed the opportunity down, saying that she made a promise to her mother and father to look after the house.
“My dear,” Anastasia came closer, taking Y/N’s hand and seeing the tear trails on her face. “Why are you not at the ball? Everyone’s invited.” 
Y/N shook her head, before explaining that Madam Deveraux had forbidden her to attend the event. Anastasia pursed her lips, before muttering, more to herself than to Y/N.
“This will not do,” then louder, “this will not do at all.” She grabbed Y/N’s arm and started pulling her towards her house which was just a few minutes further away. “You will go to the ball, end of story.”
“But how? I have no horse to take me, let alone a carriage. Nor do I have a dress that is suitable for this kind of event.” Y/N saw Anastasia grin, before ushering her faster towards her house.
“Have courage, dear one. I will make sure you get everything.”
And just as Anastasia said, Y/N had it all. Anastasia was a well-endowed lady, who did not have the joy of getting to raise a daughter of her own. No, she was instead blessed with three sons. So it was mere luck, and perhaps a little bit of something else, that Anastasia had a beautiful periwinkle blue dress in her closet waiting to be worn. It fit Y/N perfectly as if it was made only for her to wear.
Anastasia did Y/N’s hair next, whilst explaining that she’d already talked with her personal chauffeur, who was to take Y/N to the ball. 
“I cannot begin to thank you enough, Lady Anastasia,” Y/N had tears in her eyes, although this time they were there for another reason. Gratitude.
“Oh, stop it, dear. I’ve told you a thousand times to not call me that, it makes me feel old,” she grimaced, before helping Y/N into the carriage. As Y/N took a step, Anastasia saw her shoes, which looked worn out and definitely didn't go along with the dress. She muttered something under her breath, before looking at Y/N again.
“There’s something in a box inside the carriage. Make use of them. And make sure to dance.” Y/N furrowed her brows, trying to understand, before she took her seat and felt the carriage take off slowly. “But wait, what about Madam Deveraux and the step-sisters? Won’t they recognize me?” Y/N asked worriedly, looking back at the kind woman.
“Oh, don’t worry about something so trivial, my dear, it’s already been taken care of,” Anastasia winked, before remembering, “and before I forget, try to return at midnight. I cannot explain why, but it’s imperative that you do so. You have to be back when the clock strikes twelve.” With a smile, Anastasia stayed behind, waving at Y/N. 
Y/N was a bit confused, even more so when she opened the box that was on the seat in front of her. Beautiful shoes, made out of iridescent glass, were inside the box. She gasped when she took one in her hand, not even feeling the weight of it, expecting it to be heavier. She slipped off her slippers, before trying on the glass shoes. 
They fit perfectly. As if these shoes, just like the dress, were made just for her. Maybe Anastasia was a witch? No, that sounds too evil. Maybe she was her Fairy Godmother. Y/N chuckled at the silly idea of magic but still felt curious about the predicament she was in.
Y/N didn’t have enough time to dwell on the whereabouts of her dress and shoes before she saw the castle in front of her. Only a few minutes separated her from the majestic building.
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen,” she whispered to herself, looking longingly at the castle ahead.
The castle itself was beautiful. Y/N had never seen a building so marvellous in her life. Taking slow steps through the garden in front of the castle, she was in awe. Twirling around and trying to take it all in. The castle inside was just about the same. Mesmerising to the point of Y/N being left speechless. She imagined what it’d be like to live here. So in contrast to her current living conditions.
Before she knew it, she was standing behind a huge door, with two guards standing on each side of it. This must be the ballroom, she figured. She gave a nod and a curtsy to the guards before they nodded in return and opened the doors.
She heard the buzz of the voices first, before walking towards the balcony that was connected to the ground floor of the ballroom. About a hundred and fifty other people were mingling downstairs, not counting the guards and other workers. 
She began to make her descent down the marvellous staircase, walking slowly, as if not to ruin the dress and not to stumble on her feet. She felt anxious, before reminding herself of her father's wise words again.
It was then that Bash saw her, from across the room. He’d been waiting for her for hours now. Hoping that she’d grace the castle with her beauty. And what a beauty she was, indeed. He was left bewildered when he saw her. She looked otherworldly.
She looked ethereal.
As if they were magnets, he felt an invisible string pull him towards her. He apologised to the princess currently in front of him and nodded to his father, before taking his leave and stepping onto the dance floor. 
Y/N had just reached the last step when she noticed the crowd parting and giving her way. At the end of the tunnel of people, she saw him.
It was him, it was truly him.
And oh, the way he looked at Y/N. As if she’d hung the stars in the sky. 
He grinned when he was finally near enough to notice the sparkling eyeshadow on her eyelids and the pink tone of her lips. 
“Wow, just wow,” Bash let out, scratching the back of his head. A habit of his, whenever he was nervous. “I’m speechless, really.” Bash said, before taking Y/N’s hand and placing a delicate kiss on her knuckles. 
“You look breathtaking,” he said, looking up. Y/N blushed heavily, still not having noticed the ballroom growing quiet. All she saw was him. He was wearing a dark blue suit, with small gold intricate details, that made him look regal. It was then, Y/N realised, he was probably not just a mere worker in a castle.
“Would you allow me this dance?” He said as he stood up straight again. Y/N nodded, not trusting her words at the moment. He took her hand gently on his, placing his other on her waist. The pull between them only grew, the magnetic feel forcing them to be as close as possible.
And then they danced. He was a wonderful leader, and fortunately for Y/N, she was not so bad herself on a dancefloor, having taken dance lessons in her youth. The pair only had eyes for each other, completely ignoring the looks they were getting all over the ballroom. Some were jealous, some were elated, and some were more than angry with the outcome happening right now.
Y/N grinned as Bash twirled her not once, but twice, and then made her fall into his arms. The song ended and they were both out of breath. Y/N felt Bash put a strand of hair behind her ear, looking longingly into her eyes. He leaned in, before closing his eyes and stopping himself.
“Come with me, I want to show you something,” Y/N nodded as he led her away from the dancefloor to the confines of a secluded room filled with high bookshelves. There were rows and rows of books. Y/N twirled around, taking it all in. She’d never seen bookshelves this high before.
They were in a library. 
Sebastian noticed how Y/N smiled in awe as she took it all in. He just had a feeling she would like it.
“You didn’t tell me you were a prince, Prince Sebastian,” Y/N said when she turned around from admiring the thousands of books gracing the shelves. Bash chuckled.
“I told you I worked at the castle. Which is true,” Y/N narrowed her eyes before smiling. 
“I just didn’t specify,” Bash said, a finality in his tone. Y/N then saw him truly as he was, as a future king. 
A kind future king, she acknowledged. 
“True,” she took another longing look at the bookshelves before something else caught her eye on the other side of the room.
There was a black grand piano, waiting to be played. Almost calling her name as she took steps towards it. Bash saw what her eyes had fixed on, a grin growing on his face.
“Do you play?” He asked as Y/N let her fingers slide tenderly across the black-and-white keys. 
“I used to,” Y/N said honestly, still gazing longingly at the beautiful instrument in front of her. “I haven’t in a while, not since my father passed.” Bash looked at her sorrowfully, before whispering his condolences.
Sebastian took a seat in front of the piano, patting the place next to him. Y/N blushed before she obliged. 
She watched Sebastian place his hands on the piano, pressing a few keys, which made the sweetest tune. She closed her eyes and hummed to herself when she heard him continue. Suddenly the sound stopped and she opened her eyes to come face to face with Bash.
“Your turn,” he whispered, his face was so close to hers, that she could feel his breath on her face. She blushed but shook her head.
“I shouldn’t.”
“You should.”
“I shouldn’t.”
“You should.”
“I shouldn’t, really.”
“You should, really.”
“I will.” She said finally, seeing Sebastian grin before she placed her trembling hands on the keys.
She took a breath before letting her hands take over, the notes she played were familiar to her, never forgotten. Even if she hadn’t played them in so long. She let herself be carried by the tune, until at some point, there was a dialogue.
Sebastian had accompanied her on the piano, he was playing on his side, giving supporting yet beautiful notes to the ones she played. Y/N was enthralled and totally mesmerised by the music. 
So was he. Before today, Sebastian was sure Y/N could not surprise him anymore. She was already perfect enough. But here she was, letting out a precious and delicate part of herself that not many could see. She trusted him. And he appreciated it more than Y/N could ever imagine.
Later on in their life, Bash would tell Y/N that this was the moment he fell in love with her.
As with all good things in life, the song came to an end, and Y/N removed her hands from the keyboard to her lap. Fidgeting with her fingers, as if suddenly ashamed of letting someone see her so bare.
Sebastian placed two fingers underneath her jaw, making Y/N look at him. Her eyes were so vulnerable, that he wanted to fix everything in her life. Not knowing anything about her, but vowing to himself that he’d do anything and everything in his power to make sure she was happy at all times.
Their faces were close again, just one small nudge, and he could feel her lips on his. Y/N saw as Bash’s gaze moved from her eyes to her lips, hers following the action. They were so–so close. Sebastian nudged Y/N’s nose with his own as if asking for permission. Y/N closed her eyes and grinned, him doing the same, and just as their lips were about to meet, Y/N heard the clock strike. 
Her eyes flew wide open and she pulled away. Looking at the clock behind them, she realised she was running out of time.
“I’m so sorry, but I have to go,” Y/N said apologetically, coming to stand. Bash followed immediately, wanting to grasp her arm, but not wanting to overstep.
“You’ve been absolutely wonderful and I’ve had the time of my life, truly.” She started walking away, fast. Sebastian was bewildered, not understanding what went wrong.
“Why are you in a hurry?” He asked, giving her a smile to try to ease the sudden tension in the room.
“It’s hard to explain, I don’t even understand it myself. But I made a promise,” she said, looking over her shoulder at him. Bash was trailing behind her; they still weren’t out of the confines of the library. “I don’t break my promises.”
“Then promise me, we will meet again,” Sebastian told her, as he saw her quicken the pace. She was at the door now. The door that connected to the ballroom. The door that would bring them back to reality. She gave him one last look over her shoulder, grinning at him the way she’d never before when she finally whispered so only he could hear.
“Goodbye, Prince Sebastian.”
She took off and Sebastian followed. He felt his pulse quicken in his chest, for he had been so close to telling her that he’d chosen her as his bride. 
And she’d used his full name. Not the nickname he’d given her.
Bash felt dread creep up on him. This wasn’t supposed to end like this.
And that’s when he realised he didn’t know her name. All this time together, and he had forgotten to ask the simplest of questions. 
She had passed the ballroom now and Sebastian tried his hardest to catch up. With his luck, though, what with being the prince and all, he wasn’t so quick. Girls touched him and pulled him into them, everyone trying to score a chance at a dance with the Prince Sebastian. 
Sebastian muttered countless apologies, before finally getting free of the wandering hands and quickening his pace towards her.
Y/N tried to run as fast as she could. Suddenly she stumbled and one of her glass shoes had fallen off. She looked behind herself and saw Bash following her, even if he was a bit farther behind. She did not have time to go back for the shoe, trying to get the other one off her foot, while still running.
She finally made her way to her carriage, letting it drive away. In her last glance towards the castle, she saw Bash picking up her glass shoe, holding it to his chest, and looking longingly towards the carriage. She blinked and felt moisture on her cheeks. She was devastated by leaving him, but he was a prince. He was the Prince Sebastian and she was just a commoner. A maid, if she could be called even that as of late. However, the feeling was bittersweet, as she’d have memories of this night to remind herself for the years to come.
The way his hands had felt, the way he had looked at her, the way his breath had made goosebumps on her skin when his nose brushed against hers.
The carriage dropped her off at her house, and she hastily made her way into her small room. As she changed into her other dress, the grey one that was her mother's, she noticed that her periwinkle dress was gone. She had just hung it up in her closet, but it was nowhere. She looked again and again, pulling out every other dress in her closet, but nothing.
It was as if it was never even there.
All that remained, which reminded her of the evening spent with the Prince, were her memories and the small glass shoe on the ground in her closet. Reminders, that she hadn’t imagined her time in the castle and that it had been real.
It was quiet until she heard voices coming from the hallway. Annoyed voices.
“I cannot believe, we didn’t get to dance with the Prince,” Isadora said grumpily, sitting down at the dining room table with a disappointed look. “All because of that stupid girl in that pretty dress.”
“At least I touched him,” Arabella closed her eyes, trying to remember the feel of his shoulder beneath her fingers. “He was so firm,” Arabella continued to daydream and took a seat next to her sister. Madam Deveraux was the last to arrive in the room, taking note of Y/N and how bubbly she suddenly looked.
She had a certain spring in her step, when she finally brought the food on the table, for them to eat. Madam Deveraux raised her eyebrow, eyeing Y/N thoroughly, but not saying a word. She thought Y/N would be more devastated at not having had the opportunity to attend the ball.
Something was going on. And she did not like it one bit.
Y/N spent the rest of her evening writing everything down in her diary. She wrote of every minute spent in the castle and her time with the Prince. Mostly, she wrote of the Prince.
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It was a month after the ball when Y/N went to her room to check her closet. She had a peculiar feeling in her chest as if something were amiss. Her diary had been exactly where she’d left it, but to her surprise the glass shoe was missing. Y/N looked around her closet, but it was nowhere in sight.
“Are you looking for this?” She heard the cold voice of Madam Deveraux from the doorstep, before looking at her quizzically. “It’s a wonderful little thing, isn’t it.” Madam Deveraux said, looking at the shoe in her hand and then at Y/N. “Do you even know that there’s a countrywide search for whoever wore these shoes to the ball?”
Y/N was surprised, for she did not know the Prince was looking for her. Mostly because she hadn’t even been out of the house these previous weeks. Madam Deveraux had been giving her more chores than she could manage and now she figured out why.
“I won’t even begin to ask where you acquired such a thing, for I simply do not care.” Madam Deveraux hit the glass shoe on the wall next to her, making Y/N gasp and let out a weak ‘no’.
Madam Deveraux smirked, taking pleasure in Y/N’s sorrowful state. “It’s only a matter of time before they knock on our door. And you will not be a part of this household when they ask. It’s only me, Arabella and Isadora.” She grinned darkly, looking at Y/N sitting on the floor, tears in her eyes. 
“Do you understand? Do you now, finally, understand that sometimes a person of your stature is just not enough?” Y/N whimpered as Madam Deveraux closed the door of her room, locking it behind her.
Y/N looked around herself, she had approximately enough food in her room to last her a few days, but she had finally accepted her fate. She would never see Bash again.
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It was the afternoon of the next day when Madam Deveraux heard knocking on her door. She placed on her most pleasant smile and opened the door wide, to be met with the new King’s chancellor. 
“Hello, we are here on behalf of His Majesty the King, to try to find his beloved. Are there any ladies in your household, to whom this shoe might belong?” The man in a dark blue suit asked, showing Madam Deveraux the glass shoe she was all familiar with.
Madam Deveraux was thrilled. She had ordered her daughters to lotion their feet daily and to try to squish them into smaller shoes, for she had to be sure that one of them would find their place near the King. 
Arabella was first, as was expected of the eldest daughter. She let out a bunch of profanities while trying on the shoe, pushing and pulling the glass to try to fit into it. “One more time,” she said, her face completely red from the puffing and huffing.
“Oh, give up already,” Isaroda said, whilst nudging her sister, making her fall and catching the shoe in her hand.
As expected, it didn’t fit her either.
Madam Deveraux was absolutely annoyed with her daughters, completely disappointed in their incompetence.
“I am sorry for wasting your time, Madam Deveraux,” the chancellor said, as he was stepping out of the house. Just as he was about to get back on his horse, there was humming to be heard.
The loveliest voice was humming a tune somewhere in the house. Madam Deveraux’s eyes shot up, trying to close the door behind her.
The chancellor raised an eyebrow. “Is there someone else in the house with you?” 
Madam Deveraux smiled smugly, however slightly shaken with the idea of the kingsmen hearing Y/N’s humming. She shook her head.
“No, there is no one, but me and my two daughters.”
“You’re lying,” said a strong voice, as a man jumped off his horse. He removed his hood, and everyone gasped.
It was Prince Sebastian. No, he was King Sebastian now. His father had fallen ill and given Sebastian the throne early.
Madam Deveraux was flabbergasted and immediately curtsied. “M-my prin-King, My King, I had no idea, you’d be here.” 
Sebastian took a few steps forward, still hearing the tune of Y/N’s humming. He knew it was her. It was the same song they’d played on the piano together. 
Sebastian looked at his chancellor, nodding towards the house. “Want to check it out, or should I?”
His chancellor, his best friend, smirked when he saw the glint in Sebastian’s eye. “Go ahead, Your Majesty.” Sebastian grinned before fastening his pace and entering the house. He followed the humming to the small door near the kitchen.
Sebastian saw that the door was locked, so with one, really-really strong pull he tore the lock off the door and exhaled before opening the door.
Y/N had no idea what was going on. She had been trying to calm herself ever since Madam Deveraux had locked her in this room. So when she heard noises coming behind the door, she had expected the worst. 
What she didn’t expect, however, were the kind eyes of Bash.
Sebastian faltered, his steps coming to a stop. There she stood. His beloved. His Queen. He furrowed his brows as he took in her commodities. The way she was dressed. The way her eyes were red-rimmed - an indication that she had been crying. 
She had been locked up.
Everything suddenly made sense to him and he wasted no time in hurrying towards Y/N and pulling her to him. Hugging her so close to him, finally, finally, feeling her in his arms.
“Bash,” She let out weakly and Sebastian just shushed her, placing his head on hers. “It’s okay, you’re safe now.”
Y/N tried to push herself away from him, afraid to get even more hurt. She had felt enough disappointment and grief in her life to experience it again. And grief she would feel if she lost Bash too. So it was easier to push him away before her feelings got too strong. Although, deep down, she knew there was already no turning back. She had fallen for him. Deeply.
But Sebastian wouldn’t budge, he was only grinning more widely when he realised that Y/N, the one he was looking for, was safely in his arms.
“Do you know that I have a countrywide search put out for you?” He asked casually, not even minding that she was trying to break free of his hold. Letting his fingers run through her hair, silently comforting her.
“Bash, have you even realised who I am?” Y/N looked at him through tear-filled eyes. “I'm a nobody. A maid at best. I have no prospects, no dowry. I am not someone you want next to you to rule a kingdom.”
Sebastian laughed at that, pulling the smaller one closer to his chest, letting his head fall on her own again. “That’s where you’re wrong, darling,” He inhaled her scent before placing a kiss on her head.
“You’re strong, you’re honest. Your heart is made of gold. You’re the only person I want to share the throne with.”
She finally looked up into his eyes, to see the most sincere gaze ever directed towards her.
“Well, aren’t you supposed to give me a shoe to try on then? Or have I heard wrong?” She finally retaliated and he chuckled at that.
“Fair enough,” he said before slowly kneeling in front of Y/N.
She looked at him, Prince Sebastian, no, King Sebastian now, on one knee, holding up a glass shoe.
Her glass shoe.
“May I?” Bash cheekily said, before Y/N blushed, and pulled up her skirt just a bit to give Sebastian her leg.
Bash placed her foot in the shoe, and as a surprise to neither of them, it fit her perfectly. His eyes found hers instantly, a strong, confident look in his gaze.
“Can I now, finally, know your name?”
She laughed at that, a tear escaping her eye as she finally began to realise that her old life was coming to an end.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” she said as Sebastian’s eyes glossed over as well.
“Y/N,” Bash tried the name out on his tongue, and he liked how it sounded. He closed his eyes and shook his head, before looking at Y/N again with a new determination in his face.
“Y/N, would you please do me the honour of marrying me and making me the happiest man to ever walk this Earth? I promise to give everything in me to make you happy. To keep you safe. Please, just please, end my misery and come back to the castle with me. As my equal. As my Queen.”
Y/N fell on her knees in front of Bash, her tears falling on her cheeks, although she did not care for them at that moment. All she saw was Sebastian’s face near her as she started to nod and laugh.
“Yes?” Bash looked at Y/N with a hopeful gaze, placing his hands on either side of her face, and pulling her towards him.
Y/N closed her eyes, feeling Bash’s forehead on her own.
Time stopped then.
Sebastian pulled Y/N closer to himself and finally connected their lips. Magical was not even the word to begin to describe how it felt like. They were made for each other, of that, were they both certain. Y/N had never experienced anything like this before. His lips were so smooth and soft on her own that she let out a whimper. Bash smiled at that and Y/N followed. 
They both pulled away, grinning at each other.
“I love you,” Bash said, caressing Y/N’s face with his right hand.
“I love you,” Y/N said before Bash connected their lips again.
It was no surprise that the wedding of Y/N and Sebastian happened only a week after their first kiss. Y/N had moved into the castle immediately after Sebastian had caught her locked up in the storage room. Madam Deveraux was put to trial, for treating Y/N the way she had. Arabella and Isadora, although crude in their temper, were pardoned, but made to leave the country, effective immediately. 
As for Y/N and Sebastian?
Well, their story is just at the beginning, filled with sweet kisses and even sweeter memories.
“Do you have any idea how happy you’ve made me?” Bash asked as he held Y/N, his wife now, close to himself.
“Hmm, I can begin to imagine it’s something close to the way I feel,” Y/N chuckled and Sebastian laughed, finally taking a look at her.
Ethereal, he thought. She stood in front of him in their shared bedroom, still in her white gorgeous wedding gown.
Sebastian just shook his head, still in disbelief that his happily ever after was in his arms at last. He pulled Y/N closer and placed his lips on hers. The one of many kisses shared that night.
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alotofpockets · 1 year
Private not secret | Elizabeth Olsen
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Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Summary: You and Lizzie are both part of the MCU and attend a panel together, what happens when an interviewer tries to press Lizzie to talk about the ring she's wearing when you're keeping your relationship private from the public? A/n: This interview gave me inspiration for the ring part.
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 1k
From the moment you first laid eyes on Elizabeth Olsen at the table read for Captain America: The Winter Soldier you knew she was going to be someone special in your life. As you expected the two of you grew close quickly and eventually started dating. It’s been ten years since that table read and she has become the most important person in your life. With both of your celebrity statuses, the conversation of privacy had come up pretty quickly. You had each voiced not wanting to have your relationship to be public, your relationship wasn’t a secret, you just preferred it to be private. 
As you were checking out the outfit you picked out for Marvel Con in the mirror, Lizzie walked up behind you. She snaked her hands around your waist and rested her head on your shoulder. She admired you in the mirror, “You look so beautiful, baby.” You smile at her compliment, she always knew how to boost your confidence. “Thank you, darling, you look amazing yourself.” Lizzie held one of her hands out in front of her, “I don’t want to take it off, how would you feel if I kept it on?” You lace your fingers with hers and kiss the ring on her finger. You admired the ring you had picked out for her many months ago, the ring you had chosen to ask her to marry you with last week. “Yeah, I’m good with you keeping it on. Are you ready to go?”
The convention was so much fun, you met back up with so many friends and coworkers. It was rare that you were all together besides filming, as there were so many of you. You also got to meet a lot of fans, take pictures, hear their stories, and admire the art they made. You were on a few panels, most were without Lizzie, while Lizzie had her own panels, like the WandaVison panel with Paul Bettany. To close off the convention there was one last big panel for CA:TWS, there was one big couch and an armchair, for the six of you. The interviewer welcomed everyone to the stage, “Welcome everybody to the last panel of the day, give it up for Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Elizabeth Olsen and Y/n Y/l/n!” The crowd cheered and the first four sat down on the couch, making it full. You and Lizzie look at the armchair which isn’t exactly big enough for two people and laugh, you tell Lizzie to take it and sit down on the armrest yourself. The interviewer offered up her chair, but you assured her that it was all good.
“Thank you all so much for joining us, the ten year anniversary of Captain America: The Winter Soldier is coming up, Chris, how does that feel?” Chris takes one of the mics, “It’s so crazy to think that ten years ago we started filming the first movie of the MCU. I’m so thankful for being able to play this character and how much we’ve got to expand this universe to the big screen and introduce all these new heroes. Yeah, it’s been great.” The interviewer says it’s time for a question from the audience, you turn to face the person standing at the mics and all say hello. “Hi, I’m Ryan, and I have a question for y/n, what is your favorite memory from filming the movie?” Lizzie hands you the mic she was holding, you smile at her and thank her. “Oh, that’s a good question! I have so many good memories from that movie.” Your eyes move over to Lizzie for a moment only to see that she was already looking at you, you smile and focus back on the crowd. “I think I’m gonna have to go with the fight scene where we’re running through an office. So, papers had to be flying off of desks and the amount of times they had to be picked up to be able to shoot the scene again was just so funny.” 
Another fan comes up to the stand, “Hello, my name is Ellie, and my question is for Elizabeth. You’ve spoken a bit about your anxiety and I was just wondering how you manage to keep that under control with big crowds like this.” You hand the mic back to Lizzie, “First off I want to emphasize how important it is for me to talk about subjects like these, so thank you very much for your question, Ellie. “Secondly, for me, having people around me that make me feel safe is very important.” Lizzie places a hand on your knee. “For instance, I know that if I were to start feeling overwhelmed, y/n would notice and help me stay grounded.” 
The interviewer continues after all the fan questions are answered. “So, Elizabeth, I noticed a pretty ring on your finger.” Lizzie looks down at her hand, “Yeah, it’s beautiful right. it’s a cocktail ring, my fancy ring.” The interviewer presses on, “Is it a cocktail ring though?” You want to step in and tell the interviewer she should stop pressuring Lizzie, but before you can speak up Scarlett does. “Before we have to go, I’d like to ask you all a question. I would love it if we could take a big group picture, would you be up for that?” The crowd cheers. You all kneel down at the edge of the stage so that everyone fits in the picture. “Thank you.” You whisper to Scarlett as you move back to your seats. 
Once the panel is over you head to your backstage room with Lizzie. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything to the lady.” Lizzie grabs your hand in hers, “You’re all good. That would probably have been more suspicious than how Scar handled it. Let’s just enjoy the rest of our night. “You’re right.” You share a sweet kiss before heading over to your friends.
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
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— Sebastian Stan (2016), source
Overall a fairly similar sentiment to Mackie’s comment about platonic male friendships, but I did find an interesting angle I hadn’t considered before and which - Seb being Seb - he’s made up an entire headcanon about, and which of course was never addressed in the movies.
We often focus on Steve’s sense of guilt towards Bucky. “All I had to do was hold him”. It is certainly billed as one of the drivers for Steve’s strong sense of obligation towards Bucky “he’d have done the same for me”.
We have often talked about Bucky’s sense of guilt for hurting Steve as the Winter Soldier, but rarely have we talked about Bucky’s guilt for falling, and (in his mind) failing. “You don’t have to (do it alone)”, “the little guy who doesn’t know how to run away from a fight” — Bucky (Seb) saw them as vows. He stayed back in the war because he vowed to protect this guy, who — yeah, might be bigger and stronger now — but he’s still his little Steve who’s too sincere and too noble and too passionate to run from a fight.
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We remember the fall for Steve’s despair at the end, and it is an easy segue into Steve’s guilt.
But I think Seb’s words put Bucky’s desperation into a different perspective.
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This wasn’t just a man trying to reach for a life line — of course he doesn’t want to die.
But more than that, he had to get back to Steve, because he had a promise to keep.
Even if Steve didn’t know it, Bucky had never blamed Steve for the 70 years Hydra put him through. He blamed himself for not being there when Steve needed him.
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pahtoosh · 2 years
my baby
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[image ID: a gif of Sebastian Stan jokingly grabbing Chris Evans’ pectoral. /.end ID]
wc: 970 words
warnings: fluff. lots of touching and kisses. the word "you" used in every sentence oh dear. i have just realized that i do this in every fic and is something i need to work on!!
a/n: oh my goodness i said i would post this 5 days ago and i simply did not
pairing: daddy!stucky x gn!little!reader (Dada = Steve, Baba = Bucky, Daddies = both Steve and Bucky)
summary: your daddies need to learn how to share
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The three of you had just been through a very long week and you were such a well-behaved baby through it all. Steve and Bucky decided to spoil you with a movie night. These events were few and far in between, both of your daddies agreeing that little babies should not have too much screen time. 
Tonight you wanted to watch Piglet’s Big Movie. The adorable pink character and his lovely friends were so silly, always bringing you comfort. 
The stress of the week had done a number on you, but luckily you had two adoring caregivers who had no plans other than giving you their full and undivided attention tonight. Steve and Bucky sat next to each other on the deep couch, with you sitting on Bucky’s lap and holding Steve’s hand. 
One of the things that they loved the most about being your caregivers was the physical affection. They were so used to using their bodies and strength for fighting. Before you, they rarely felt this level of peace and love from a single touch. They had each other, of course, but your sweet, gentle touch was something neither of them could replicate. And they were no match for your excited kisses whenever they came back from a mission. 
Bucky pressed a kiss to your head or shoulder every now and then. How could he resist with you sitting so sweetly in his lap? You squeezed Steve’s hand a few times throughout the movie. Not so much on purpose, Piglet getting in trouble just made you so nervous. Whenever he felt the squeeze, Steve gently rubbed his thumb along your hand. 
Toward the end of the movie, FRIDAY interrupted to say that dinner was delivered. Bucky volunteered to get the food and gently placed you in Steve’s lap. Steve couldn’t hide his excited smile at getting his turn to hold you. 
He enveloped you in his big, warm arms and landed a few kisses on your cheek as you got comfortable in his lap. You giggled from the kisses. 
“Dada, stop! Is movie time!” 
Steve paused his kissing and pouted out his lip, copying what you did whenever you didn’t get your way. “Can’t a Dada kiss his baby when he wants to? Especially when this baby has been so good lately and looks so cute?”
He pouted again and gave you puppy eyes. 
“Okay,” you agreed. You held up your index and middle finger. “Two more kisses, Dada. Then movie.”
You secretly wanted more kisses, but you were practicing your bossy voice. 
Steve took his time placing one kiss on each cheek and then let you watch in peace. 
A few minutes later, Bucky came back with the food and placed it into the oven to keep it warm. He sat back down on the couch and opened his arms towards you. 
“Okay, give me my baby back.”
Steve raised his eyebrows. “Your baby?”
“Yes, my baby. Give me my baby back.”
Steve tilted your and his bodies so you pointed ever so slightly away from Bucky. “I’m not sure what you mean, but this is my baby I’m holding here and they’re staying right where they are.”
You held both hands over your mouth, trying to keep in your giggles. You didn’t want to stop the play fight they were having right now. Your daddies could be so silly and stubborn sometimes. 
Bucky and Steve noticed you enjoyed this and kept going to hear your giggles.
Bucky leaned forward and furrowed his brow. “This little angel is my baby.”
“No, this little sweetheart is my baby.”
Steve jutted out his chin, “Who did my baby run to first at the park last week?”
“That’s only because you were ahead of me!”
“Well, maybe I ran faster because I love them more than you do.”
“Oh you little pun-“
“Stop! Stop, Daddies!” You wiggled out of Steve’s lap and placed your hands on both of their arms. They broke their intense staring contest to pay attention to you, a slightly amused expression on their faces. “Am baby for two you! Dada’s baby and Baba’s baby.” You moved their arms so you could sit in both of their laps at once.
“Aww is that right?” Bucky placed his arm around you and Steve. He kissed your temple. “Baba’s sorry for getting his little baby all worked up.”
“Dats okay, Baba. Know you just love me.” You rewarded his apology by snuggling into his embrace. 
“Dada’s sorry too,” Steve began. “I was just jealous because Baba got to hold you for the whole movie!” He wrapped his arm around you, subtly moving you away from Bucky’s lap. 
You didn’t notice Steve’s sneaky behavior. “Dats okay, Dada. We just have to share!”
Bucky did notice. “Hey you’re stealing my little angel away from me again!”
Before they could start another argument, you put your hands around Bucky’s face, copying his strict Baba mode. “Is Dada’s turn to hold me! We snuggle tonight okay, Baba?”
“Promise, Angel?” he pouted.
You nodded vigorously and sealed the promise with a kiss. That night, you finished the movie(Steve nearly cried at the end) and had the most delicious dinner. Your daddies worked together to get the three of you ready for bedtime. One of them would be in the shower while the other helped you with your bubble bath or brushing your teeth and putting on jammies. You gave Bucky his bedtime snuggles as promised and Steve had FRIDAY turn off the lights after you were all tucked in. 
“Night night, Baba. Night night, Dada.”
“G’night, Angel. Night, Stevie.”
“Sweet dreams, Angel. Night, Buck.”
You all got cozy and tried to fall asleep, but your Baba had a question.
“So why did you run to Dada first at the park?”
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated!
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one-shot-plus-size · 15 days
My heart is finally whole part 1/2
Imagine : Sebastian's one interview squanders his chances for a happy life.
Paring: Sebastian Stan & Olivia Mazru
Words : 2277
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Olivia stood behind the camera and stared at the monitor, maintaining the best possible view of the people who were giving the interview. It just so happened that she had been involved for four years with one of the interviewees. Sebastian Stan was her personal, private fiancé, and she was really glad to have him. Their beginnings were not easy, they often quarreled and even split up a few times but always found their way back to each other. Sebastian would glance at her from time to time and smile gently, sometimes he would bite his lower lip. He really wanted to go home already and catch some relaxation. But he had to sit here for at least an hour if not more. Everything was fine until the presenter asked a question related to his first love. Liv almost groaned, this question has long been on the list of forbidden questions for interviews with Sebastian. This topic, even after so many years, was very sensitive for him. To this day, he has not put his heart together. He was young and foolish and also in love up to his ears, he trusted a woman and she hurt him like no one had ever done before. Olivia noticed how he lowered his head and stared at his hands for a long moment, she knew that face. She knew that because of that one question, everything could once again fall apart. She stared at the camera screen, she wasn't sure if she would be able to survive their split this time, and it was bound to happen. From that question to the very end of the interview Sebastian never once looked at Liv, his gaze was either on the interviewer or on his hands. - Thank you very much for the interview, - the presenter smiled broadly mainly at Sebastian. Liv turned off the camera and began to gather her equipment, she wanted to go home and take a long relaxing bath. When she lifted her gaze Sebastian was gone, locked himself securely in his dressing room. - Nathaniel take my equipment, I need to check something. - Liv smiled. - Sure - the young boy smiled. Olivia moved to her fiancé, knocked several times on his door. When she heard a quiet please and a pulling of her nose she went inside. - Sebastian ? - she slipped her head into the room. - Leave me alone - he muttered hiding his face in his hands. - Everything ok ? - she went inside and closed the door behind her.- I said leave me alone - he growled at her. Olivia cautiously approached him - Sebastian darling I know that this question has affected you…- unfortunately she did not have time to finish the question. - Can't you understand that he wants to be left alone - he broke from his chair and approached her. - Don't say something you might regret - Liv tried to hold on, she had no intention of crying in front of him. - He wants to fucking stay alone, so get it into your empty head that I have nothing to do with you now - he slapped her breast with his index finger - get out of here. Liv stared into his eyes, he had never spoken to her like that and certainly never hit her. She took a step back and breathed, holding back tears. - I'll go to my parents - she turned and headed for the door. - And never come back,- he growled at her. Olivia moved straight to the exit, she did not react to anyone. She wanted to get to the apartment, pack up and go to her parents for a while. An hour later. Olivia was throwing her clothes into her travel bag, she wanted to get out of that apartment as soon as possible. No one had ever insulted her like this and certainly not her own fiancé, she would not be treated like this, apparently Sebastian had not grown up to love people. She zipped up her bag and sat on the bed letting herself cry, really her life was falling apart and she didn't want to save it anymore. She had no strength left, she decided to finally let go, this once. She rose and went to Sebastian's office, she rarely came here rather let him work here in peace. She sat down behind the desk and what she saw on it shocked her, right next to his laptop stood a picture of his ex-girlfriend.
Sebastian got home around midnight, he knew he had screwed up right after Liv left his dressing room. But he really didn't have the strength to go after her, he didn't want to hurt her any more than he already had. - Honey - he listened for the sound of shuffling or at least crying. Unfortunately, the apartment was completely quiet and dark. He threw his jacket off his shoulders and headed straight for their shared bedroom. - Honey,- he spoke up as he entered the bedroom. The first thing that met him was the ubiquitous mess, with clothes scattered all over the room. He wiped his face with his hands and took a breath as he approached the bed. As you can see, this time he was the one who broke the heart of someone who trusted him implicitly. He collapsed on the mattress and hid his face in his hands, this is not how it was all supposed to go. After all, they already had a wedding date planned, they were supposed to get married for the hell of it and he destroyed everything. And it was because of the person who had destroyed him in the past, someone who should no longer be important to him. He raised his head and looked around the room, just a few hours ago he was lying in that bed with his fiancée and now he didn't know what to do. He rose and went to his office, he had to cancel all appointments as soon as possible and take care of his private situation. As soon as he stepped inside he froze, on the desk was a photo of his first love and on it was a ring. The same one he had given Liv over a year ago, he sat down in a chair and hid his head in his hands. This wasn't how it was all supposed to end, he could blame it all on the interview but he knew very well that this time it was all on his conscience. He looked again at the photo of his previous girlfriend, the one who had ripped his heart out and trampled on it. And he still kept her picture on his desk, as if he were an obsessed man. He rose and went to the table on which the bottles of alcohol stood, he hadn't drunk in a long time but today he was going to drink himself into unconsciousness. He had hurt the woman with whom he planned his future, with whom he had already planned to marry. As soon as he picked up the bottle of expensive whiskey he heard his mother's voice in his head reprimanding him to get a grip. He swung hard and threw the bottle at the wall. - I'll fix it,- he growled and headed for the exit.
He grabbed his jacket and headed to Liv's parents' house, he would not let go so easily. After an hour's drive, he parked the car in the driveway of his fiance's parents' house. He got out of the car and stood as if he had been caught off guard, his beloved was sitting on the porch in a rocking swing and staring at her hands. Opposite her sat her father and her mother was coming down the stairs. Her facial expression suggested she could expect anything, and she didn't say a word to him. She walked up to him savagely and slapped his face. He felt his cheek burning but did not say a word.
- Why did you come here? - she growled - you destroyed my daughter's life, you are not welcome here. - I'm sorry,- he whispered. His gaze turned to Liv, she was already looking at him, her eyes were swollen and still full of tears. He himself pulled his nose and fell to his knees, lowered his head.
- Get out of here, none of us want to see you. I will not let you hurt my only daughter again. Mom - he heard her voice but did not raise his head. - I will talk to him, go to your father please. Go into the house ok ? - Are you sure ? - the older woman looked at her daughter. - Yes mom - Liv nodded her head. Sebastian heard the older woman snort under her breath and walked away. - And you get up, we are not children - Liv looked at her now ex-fiancé. - I came to apologize to you, for all that happened today - he did not raise his head - I should not speak to you like that. After that awkward question at the interview, I had no right to cut you off. I should tell you what is going on in my head. - Do you know why I left you a ring ? - I behaved badly today - he muttered under his breath. - No Sebastian - Liv shook her head - what you said today hurt me, but it didn't derail our relationship.
Sebastian could barely hold back his tears, he felt that it all made no sense anymore. His body was numb and his heart was no longer beating out of love but simply pumping blood. He raised his head gently and looked at her. - It's a photo right ? - he whispered. Liv wiped the tears from her cheeks and stared into his glazed eyes for a moment. She felt like falling to her knees, kissing him and cuddling up to him. - Yes, it's a photo. For six years of our relationship, a photo of an ex-girlfriend stood on the desk in your office. The woman who broke your heart in the worst way at a time when you needed her support the most. Whenever you sat at your desk and did something you saw her. I'll be honest, this is probably worse than physical betrayal, because you still have an emotional connection with this woman. I could stand on my eyelashes, give you all of myself, everything you would want and I would still never be good enough. She would always be above me, you will always love her more than me. She will always be the one who comes first, and I can't accept that.
Sebastian lowered his head and stared at his hands. Finally he let his tears flow freely, his heart broke. - You are a wonderful man Sebastian, really if you just let yourself open your heart again then the woman by whom you do it will be the happiest woman in the world. It's just… - Liv's voice faltered - They just think that this woman is not me. - Don't say that - he rose to his feet - you will always be close to me, my heart will always beat harder and faster by your side. For me you are the endgame, you I see as my wife. - Sebastian - Olivia sighed. - Please, give me one last chance. I will open my heart for you, I will change for you,- he walked closer to her. Olivia sighed and placed her hand on his cheek. She ran her thumb gently over his skin, his stubble rough against her fingers. She smiled sadly, leaned toward him and kissed his forehead. - We met at the wrong time Sebastian. I think you are the right person for me but at the wrong time. - she smiled sadly. Sebastian leaned against her touch and took a breath. He really didn't want it all to end like this, he didn't want to hurt her. - My life sucks,- he breathed. - It doesn't - Olivia shook her head. - I can't keep my woman with me, what kind of man am I ? - I do not know what to answer you Sebastian - Olivia took a step back - put your heart, feelings and priorities in order.
- Is this our definitive end ? - his voice was shaking - is there no more chance for us ? - Maybe at another time, when we are both in another place there will be a chance for us - Olivia embraced with her arms. - Can I hug you one last time ? Olivia walked up to him and embraced him around the waist, hiding her face in his chest. Sebastian embraced her tightly and cuddled his face into her hair, he will miss her smell and presence.Now he knows that she took a piece of his heart with her. He really wishes there was a way to go back in time and avoid this situation. - I'm sorry for everything, I hope I can find my way to your heart in the future. Olivia squeezed him tighter then pulled away from his body. - Take care Sebastian, find peace in your heart. Maybe one day we will find our way to each other again - she smiled sadly - see you in the future Sebastian. Sebastian watched the love of his life return home, he could not take his eyes off her. He felt his heart pulling out of his chest to beg her forgiveness so he could take her home and hug her again. He clenched his hands tightly into fists and tried to hold back his tears. His life made no sense at that moment.
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andydrysdalerogers · 4 months
Love Lessons
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Pairings: Sebastian Stan x Reader, Chris Evans, Scott Evans, Sebastian x Alejandra Onieva
Word Count: 3.1K
Summary: Being an associate producer was never the goal but the stepping stone to be a writer. So when you work for Jimmy Fallon, you never know what will happen.  Or who you will meet...
Warnings: Language, Alcohol use
Song: Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield (performed by Mary Lambert)
Part 1 of 3
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I don't consent to my work being copied or translated at all.
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Love lesson #1: Meeting your potential soul mate can come from anywhere. You don’t really know. Whether it’s a chance meeting, a prearranged date or fate hitting you in the face.  All you know is that it always comes from the place you least expect it. Always keep your eyes open. 
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Being an assistant is never a glamorous job. But it is the stepping stone to get to any producer, anchor or executive job.  Everyone starts at the bottom.  Including you. You are an assistant on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.  Fate had gotten you the call for an internship a couple of years ago.  Destiny placed you in the way of your future and hard work had gotten you to be one of the show’s assistants.  You rarely got star struck anymore but every once in a while, it did come.  You are human after all.  
Tonight, it was your job to have all of the guests comfortable before the taping.  And you knew it would be a more difficult night as the men of Marvel were on the docket for the week.  Monday, it had been Robert Downey Jr., who had to be one of the nicest humans you had ever met.  Tuesday it had been Mark Ruffalo and Paul Rudd, who were complete sweethearts.  Wednesday brought Chris Helmsworth, Paul Bethany and Benedict Cumberbatch, or the international contingent as you had called them.  Thursday was Anthony Mackie and Tom Holland, which went as well as you thought.  
But now it was Friday, and it was the final night of the week.  You had a list of things that you needed to bring to the first guest room.  You knocked but didn’t hear anything.  You knocked again and thought you heard a muffled acknowledgement You entered.  “Hello Mr. Stan! I have…oh I’m so sorry!”  You had interrupted an intimate moment between him and a blonde.  
“Oh, god, sorry, I thought you were Evans.”  The man grabbed his handkerchief from his pocket to wipe away the lipstick on his mouth.  
“I’m so sorry.  I was just bringing in the Evian that was requested.” You dropped the bottles of water into the fridge and headed back to the door.  “Please let me know if you need anything else.”  You spun around, your HC ponytail swinging around.  
“I don’t have your name to call you.” Sebastian smiled in your direction as the blonde scowled. He took you in and absorbed the natural beauty you had in a simple white button down and black slacks. You had minimal makeup on, highlighting just your eyes.  You were a stark contrast to the blonde next to him and it was a breath of fresh air.  
“It’s YN, Mr. Stan.”  
“YN, thank you for the waters.  But please call me Sebastian.  This is Alejandra, my girlfriend.” He pointed to the blonde, who gave you a pointed look. The look of fuck off and leave me and my man alone.  Sebastian missed it, still captivated by you.  “I don’t think you were here last time I was on the show.”  
“No, I started about two years ago.  I think you were here right before I joined.” You looked down. “Well, it’s nice to meet you both. If you’ll excuse me.”  You head on out and let out a long breath.   
“Cariño, why are you staring at the door?” 
“No reason. She was nice.”  Alejandra rolled her eyes.  “What Ale?” 
“Nothing Sebastian.” She went back to kissing his neck.  He shrugged her off. “I don’t want to get lipstick on my collar.” In reality, he wanted to go after you, find out more about you.  You were an enigma that he wanted to puzzle out. YN, the name of a mystery.  
You headed to the other dressing room and knocked, waiting this time until you heard, “Come in.” 
“Hi Chris,” you greeted.  You had met Chris a couple of time, so you were way more comfortable with him.  
“Hey YN!” He came over to give you a kiss on the cheek and a hug.  
“I’ve got your waters and scotch as requested and…  Eeekkkk!” 
You screamed and dropped the glasses as none other than Scott Evans scared the pants off of you when he jumped from behind the door.  He doubled over in laughter as he had gotten Chris and you in one go.  You had dropped to your knees in fright and clutched at your chest.  
“Scott!  What the fuck man!” Chris yelled at his brother.  Sometimes he wished that Scott and Jimmy were not as close friends as they were so maybe he wouldn’t have to had keep bringing him along every time.  
Scott was still trying to breathe, “I’m sorry YNN.  You both made it too easy.”  
Sebastian, after hearing the commotion, ran to Chris’s room and looked around the corner and saw a sight that made him weak.   It was you, on your knees, looking so seductive, your white button-down shirt basically see through from the dropped water and scotch, allowing a glimpse at the dark colored bra you wore underneath.  He swallowed at the sight until he saw all of the glass and the liquid that covered you.   “Are you alright?” 
“I’m fine.  This jackass scared the crap outta me,” you said pointing to Scott. Sebastian was shocked with the choice of words you used. You carefully got up with Sebastian and Christ helping you, so you didn’t get cut by the glass.  Everyone was chuckling until they heard another voice scoff and say, “Pendeja.” 
You froze, unbelieving what you were hearing.  That didn’t stop Scott.   He was fluent in Spanish and had a complete look of rage on his face.  “What the fuck did you just call her?”  
Alejandra paled when three male faces whipped towards her.  She was speechless, unable to defend herself.  
You got up and touched Scott’s arm to calm him, gave Chris a small smile and left the room.  As you walked away, you turned back to see Sebastian looking like he wanted the floor to swallow him.  You turned back and headed to your office and pray for a change of clothes, so you no longer smelled like scotch and humiliation.  
Back in the dressing areas, Chris had called maintenance and they cleared the glass as Sebastian pulled Alejandra back into his dressing room.  “What the fuck!” 
“I’m sorry cariño, it slipped.”  
“It slipped to call someone you don’t know an insulting name?”   
“It… it wasn’t….” 
“Don’t tell me it wasn’t Ale.  Scott speaks Spanish and his face was what told me you said something derogatory.  What did you call her?” 
“I called her an idiot.” The voice was small and afraid.  
“Really Ale, really?   What the fuck for?” 
“She made eyes at you, and I was upset.”  
“A lot of women do Alejandra.  Are you really that insecure in our relationship that you had to treat someone like that?” 
“Cariño, I’m sorry.”  
“Nah, forget it.  Just go home Alejandra.  You embarrassed me in front of my friends and in front of a perfect stranger.” He grabbed his bag and headed to Chris’s dressing room. He knocked on his door.  “Can I hang in here for a while?” 
“Sure Seb,” Chris replied as he sat with Scott.  
Sebastian placed his bag in the corner and then sat of the opposite couch.  “How the fuck did I end up with a bitch like Alejandra?”  He dropped his head in his hands.  
Chris cleared his throat, uncomfortable with the comment but knowing his friend needed him.  “Did she tell you what she called YN?” 
“Yeah, and the reason behind it.  I mean this is the first time I’ve ever met this girl and all of a sudden Ale decided she needed to be a she-wolf.”  
“You’ve never met YN?” Scott piped in.  
“No, should, have I?” 
“I mean, I thought…” Scott is stopped by Chris.  
“He doesn’t come on the show as often as we do.  I think this is the first time in a couple of years, right?” 
“Yeah, I think so.  She mentioned something about only being here recently.”  
“For the last couple of years, yeah.”  Chris is nervous suddenly but Sebastian chalks it up to his famous anxiety.  They chat for a bit, waiting for the show to start. 
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You head back to Jimmy’s office, after changing into a black dress you happened to have, making sure that he is ready to go. “Hey Jimmy!” 
“Hey YN!  Ready for the last night of Men of Marvel week?”  
“Kinda, all this testosterone is getting to me,” you said with a giggle.  
“How are Chris, Scott and Sebastian?” 
“Ready to roll, boss.  Although Scott did scare me earlier.”  
“Oh god, tell me we got that on camera.” 
You sighed and pulled the flash drive from your pocket with the offending footage. The hallway had a camera and captured Scott jumping out and you falling.  Jimmy plugs it in and views the tape.  He laughs until he sees the confrontation with Alejandra.  “What did she call you?” 
“Pendeja.  It means idiot or dumb ass in certain countries.”  You look down at your hands.  You knew what she said, and it hurt.  She had never met you, didn’t know anything about you.  And here she was, trying to make you feel insignificant.  
“YNN, you know none of us think that way of you.  This was an accident from a scare.  You didn’t make a mistake.”  
You wipe away an errant tear.  “I know Jimmy.  Thanks.”  
“You know Chris and Scott would never think of you that way.”  
“I know.  I know.”  You take a deep breath and square your shoulders.  “You ready boss?” 
“Oh, we all know you are more the boss than me,” he says.  “Let me go say hi to the guys before we get started.”  You grab his suit jacket and follow him to the dressing rooms.  You’re surprised to see Sebastian in the Evans’s dressing room, but you didn’t say anything.  Jimmy greeted everyone.  “Scott, I know you are not in the Marvel universe, but you know we love you here at the Tonight Show.” 
“Well if it wasn’t for YNN, I wouldn’t be here; she convinced Chris to bring me,” Scott replies, getting a chuckle from everyone else.  You blush at the attention.  
“Had I known I would be covered in scotch, I would have told Chris to leave you at home,” you say with a smirk, leave Scott with an open mouth and hard laughs from Jimmy, Sebastian and Chris. 
Sebastian stands and asks, “um, YN, could I have a moment of your time.”  You nod and head to the hallway.  Sebastian pulls the door almost all the way closed and turns to face you. “I am sorry about Alejandra.  Her comment was way out of line.  She was rude and I just wanted to offer my apologies.” 
“It’s ok Sebastian.  Thank you for the apology.  I’m used to snobs like her.”  You play with the end of your ponytail.  A nervous habit.  
Sebastian gulped not sure how to convey his attraction.  “It doesn’t excuse her behavior.”  He slipped into Romannian.  “Din tot sufletul, dragă, îmi cer scuze pentru ea.” (With all my heart, beautiful, I apologize for her.) 
You look at him curiously.  And reply, “Ar fi trebuit să alegi o femeie mai bună pentru ca inima ta să fie fericită.” (You should have picked a better woman for your heart to be happy.) He looked stunned and you continued. “It’s not a problem.”  
You turned to head back into the dressing room, but Sebastian touches your arm.  “I was wondering if I could buy you a drink after the show.”  
You blush at the invitation.  Sebastian Stan asking you for a drink is like the dream. However, you already had plans. “Oh, I would love to but I’m meeting someone after.  Rain check?” 
“Oh. Yeah sure.  Here,” he took his phone out and gave it to you.  You entered in your number and messaged yourself.  “I live here in the city so whenever you have time.”  
“Sure, I’ll text you.”  You walked back into the room.  Chris gave you a questioning look and you smiled and shook your head, letting him know you were ok.  
You and Jimmy left the room and got ready for the show, stopping in the control room with the video, making sure it was edited to just show the scare.  The show started and Jimmy did his thing, the monologue going off without a hitch.  You waited for the cues, doing your thing.  Sebastian came out first.  
“Sebastian welcome back to the show.  It’s been a couple of years.”  
“Yes, thanks for having me.  I wasn’t exactly sure if you’d have me back, considering the last time.”  
“The last time…  oh, yeah well.”  
“C’mon man no need to be shy.”  
“Not shy.  Embarrassed maybe.”  
“Now I’m hurt because we basically made out.”  This drew out gasps and giggles from the crowd.  
“We did not make out.”  
“We did.  I feel like we did.  We should show them.” 
“Yeah, I guess.”  Jimmy points to the director. “Let’s show them last time.” 
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And a video play of musical cups where Sebastian accidentally takes a drink of one of the beers before the music stopped and had to spit the drink back into the cup.  When the music did stop, Jimmy landed with the cup. The crowd roared with laughter watching the exchange.  
Sebastian and Jimmy laugh it off and chat for a few minutes.  Chris joins Sebastian on stage.  
“So, Chris, we heard a rumor.”  
“Ok.  Lots of rumors.  But hit me with it.”  
“You have a new lady in your life.” Jimmy smirks at him.  
“You do?  You can do that?” Sebastian questions, drawing a laugh from everyone.  
Chris blushes.  “Yeah, well if I had a girlfriend, I would say that she wouldn’t want her name out there.  Because she’s probably a private person.”  
“Ok,” Jimmy says. “That’s fair.  So, is that a yes?” 
Chris just shakes his head and laughs.  
Sebastian interjects.  “I’m sure if Chris had a girlfriend, he would have told me.  As far as I know, it’s just him and Dodger.  And me but I’m like another puppy.”  
Jimmy laughs and Chris punches Seb’s arm. They show the scare video, and they introduce you as an assistant that Scott is friends with. Scott comes out to explain what happened.  
“Did you mean to get YN as well?” 
“No, that was a happy coincidence. She’s a great girl and we’ve stayed close since…” he swallows, like he’s nervous… “since Chris and I met her a couple of years ago.”  
“That’s great.  Well, thank you to Sebastian Stan, Chris and Scott Evans for stopping by…” The show is ending.  You had already finished and were putting on your coat while watching the closing.  You said bye to the crew and headed over to the bar.  
Ordering a lemon drop martini, you sit, waiting and get a message 
I’ll just be a few.  
You sigh, knowing he would be late.  You take a sip and look around the room.  
Sebastian couldn’t believe his luck when he went to the bar Chris had suggested.  He wanted Seb to meet someone and said he would be a few minutes.  In looking around for a seat, he saw you sitting at the bar.  You were elegant still in your black dress, a change from the white from earlier.  Like two sides of you in one day.  He approached you out of your line of sight. “Fancy seeing you here.”  
You turn to see Sebastian next to you with a smile. “It’s not hard to find me. I’m here every Friday.”   
He took a seat next to you. “So, you know Romanian?” 
You smile softly. “Yes.  My best friend was from Romania.  She taught me since I loved linguistics so much.”  
“You are a polyglot?” 
“Yep, English, French, Spanish, German and Romanian.”  
“So, you know what Ale said?” 
“Perfectly.   Just because I don’t look like, I don’t know, sophisticated and shit doesn’t mean she should assume that I am lower than her.”  
“I kicked her out.  I’m so sorry she treated you that way.”  
“Like I said, I’m used to it.”  You sip your drink, wishing you could forget the entire day.  
“So, you’re waiting for your friend or were you lying?” 
“I just got a message that they are running a few minutes late.”  
“So, is it a boyfriend or a friend?” 
You blush, “a boyfriend.  He wanted me to meet one of his best friends tonight.”  You chew your lip slightly, starting to feel nervous.  
“Oh, so its new?” 
“No, we just never went public really. We’ve been dating for about a year and a half.” You take a sip as you can feel your cheeks are rosy.   
“Oh, how’d you meet?”  Sebastian felt like he couldn’t just walk away since he was meeting Chris.  But he didn’t want to stop talking to the enchanting creature in front of him.   
“Hey beautiful.” Chris walked up and threw his arm around you and kissed you softly.    
“Hey baby,” you reply as you look at Sebastian who looks like a fish.   Scott comes up as well.  
“Hey YNN! You started without me!” he pouts. 
“I run on normal time not Evans’s time,” you tease.  “You’re always late Scotty.”   
Sebastian finally closes his mouth.  He swallows, realizing his been hitting on his best friend’s girl.  “You and Chris.”  
“Yeah,” he replied.  “I met this one and we just wanted to keep things quiet.  Didn’t want it to affect her job.”  
“I was just asking how you met.”  
“Well, I was out at a bar, The Kinckle Club for a blind date and he didn’t show.  So after about an hour of waiting and two glasses of wine, I was going to head to my friend Jon’s for his birthday.  Well, I literally ran into Chris in front of the bar.  He helped me up and then I guess the rest is history. He said he knew Jon too and was supposed to go to his party as well, but we ended up talking all night that night.  Never made it to Jon’s that day.”  
“Best day to not meet up with you by the way,” he told Sebastian. 
Sebastian thought back to when he would have invited Chris to Jon’s, and it hits him.  He had stood up a date because he was too busy making moves on Alejandra, whom he met through Jon.  The date was supposed to be on Jon’s birthday.  The blind date was the date with you.  
You hadn’t made the connection between the man who stood you up and himself. He mentally cursed himself the rest of the evening as he watched you interact with Chris.  
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Love lesson# 2: never standup a blind date.  You never know if it’s your soul mate that you were destined to meet.  
More lessons to come…  Part 2 // Part 3
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mrs-stans · 9 days
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@canalplus: Sebastian Stan nous présente ses coups de coeur au cinéma 🎬 Présent à la 50ème édition du festival du cinéma américain de Deauville, il y présente "A Different Man" aux côtés d'Adam Pearson. Un long-métrage qui veut faire parler d'un handicap rare : la neurofibromatose.
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alostlovergirl · 1 year
Bucky barnes or sebastian stan X innocent reader, where the reader goes to the doctor because she is constantly wet and feels tingling down there, and she doesn't know what it could be, so she goes to seek medical help, in a super beautiful clinic, with super cute doctor clothes, and still more with the nice and good doctor, bucky will take care of solving your problem in a very professional way (you know ;), 2,3,... X until she can't take it anymore, tying her legs wide open, talking dirty and manipulating her, and after finishing bucky says that every time you feel it you have to look for him, only he can make it stop, and gives the address of the "private clinic" to look for him. if there is any problem, I hope this fic is a little long.sorry if there are any mistakes, everything came from google translator
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Open wide- Bucky Barnes x reader:
Summary: Taking a visit to the doctor concerning a private and embarrassing problem leads to some fun.
Warnings: Virgin reader, rough sex, rough taking of virginity, slight manipulation, crying.
Notes: I am so sorry anonymous for this taking so long. I have been dealing with a lot lately and I had to finish this quick. I hope you like it and I hope it is long enough for you. Thank you for your request!
Dr. Barnes is the best sexual therapist / Doctor around the Brooklyn area. He has dealt with multiple cases of couples with sexual frustration or non-communication with things in the bedroom. He has helped many achieve what they were looking for out of sex. Now, he was dealing with a case of a 21 year old woman, who apparently never dealt with sexual frustration in her life. Or never heard of sex. Or never had a sexual thought in her life ever apparently. It excited the older doctor. His mind wandered to a nervous, innocent woman opening up her tight, wet heat to him. To be seen by him for the first time, other than her parents. Bucky never thought of himself as a bad, uncomfortable doctor, but he has found it increasingly hard to control himself. After seeing pussy and the rare occasional virgin all damn day has had him in his office rubbing one off. So having a patient that has never heard of sex meant that maybe he could manipulate the woman to lose her precious virginity to his fateful techniques.
When he walked into his office with a pair of jeans and forest green sweater, binder full of files and right hand holding a black coffee, he didn't expect to see a shaking, small woman sitting in the cotton chair. She hair a blush on her increasingly not face and seemed mildly uncomfortable, squirming in the chair. ’ This was her?’, he thinks to himself, continuing past her and past the secretary booth, in pursuit of his office. She was gorgeous and her thighs would provide a great handle for him to pull her back on his aching dick.
Bucky sits in his plush seat, yawning before smiling to himself. He sends his nurse to get the young woman sitting there, waiting patiently. For a painful hour, he waits until he is ready to see her. His cock was throbbing in his pants, thinking about the wet mess that would be laying in front of him. He wasn't disappointed when he walked into a dripping wet pussy, facing the door. He had to hide his perverted side away and put on his friendly side.
"Good Morning, Miss." he says as he puts on some hand sanitizer and puts on his latex gloves. " How are we today?"
He hears the young women let out a sigh and breaths, shakily before speaking. " Nervous... ", god her soft voice was perfect. Shaky and quiet. It just made his dick jump in his pants again, but he has to control himself. ‘Don't freak her out more’ he tells himself before sitting himself in between her legs, putting his gloved hands on her warm thighs. He takes a deep breath, sneakily breathing the scent of her drenched, virgin pussy.
"Why ya nervous, dear? I'll help you out. Just tell me what's going on, alright?" he smiles when she nods in agreement. " What’s going on?"
He sits back and listens to the story over a 21 year old woman that never experienced hornieness or hormones. It's almost amusing to listen to the innocent woman laying on his table, rubbing her sticky thighs together. He acts professional, but in his mind, he was thinking of every way to " treat" his poor patient. As soon as she finishes, he scoots forward, putting his hands on her inner thighs and pulling them apart. " You know what you need? Some good old fashion relief.'' He is slowly losing his composure the longer she sits there with her pussy out in the open. " Let me help you."
He pushes her legs wide open, rubbing her inner thighs. He feels her tense, trying to close her legs. " Relax, darling" he presses his gloved thumb against her button. The little gasp she let out was music to his ears. She started to squirm, more arousal coming out of her little hole. He moves his thumb away only for thick strings of arousal wetting the gloved digit. He listens as her breathing quickens as he rubs his thumb against her sensitive nub.
"D-Doctor, what are you doing?” Her body temperature is slowly rising up as he continues rubbing her clit. Bucky smiles to himself, tracing his finger down to her opening, running it around her hole. He grips her thigh with an iron grip as she squirms around, trying to push back into the pleasurable feeling.
" You are so cute. This is all you needed to do, hun... But don't worry. I'll take care of you now." he chuckles, opening his mouth a bit, pushing his digit inside. She lets out a wanton moan. Bucky groans to himself as his cock was begging to let out of the ever growing tight jeans. He had to get a taste of her dripping wet cunt. Holding her thighs open as wide as they will go, he dips his head down, licking a firm stride along her cunt.
“D-doctor!” She lets out a gasp and closes her legs around his head. Bucky didn’t mind being trapped in her legs, close to her cunt, but he couldn’t breathe too well. He grabs her thighs and pulls them apart. He holds them tight enough to leave bruises while he works his magic mouth on her, sucking on her clit, relishing in her sweet taste. Virgin pussy has always tasted the best in Bucky’s opinion. He pulls away from her pussy, spits on it and goes right back down on her, hearing her moan out loudly, grinding on his face. His fingers climbed to the top of her cunt and pulled back the hood, giving him a more sensitive surface. He drools on her pussy, letting it dribble down on the table as he continues going down on her like a thanksgiving feast.
He feels a gushing sensation against his face, almost cutting off his airways. Bucky pried her legs off his neck and pulls away coughing. She was squirting everywhere, on the table, on him. Bucky groans, standing up, dripping wet. He takes off his sweater, and lab coat. He ties her up and smiles. “Look, you may be my favorite patient, but that doesn’t mean you can drown me.” He chuckles, shaking his damp hair. “Let me finish what I started darling.”
He starts taking off his belt, listening to her soft, quick breaths. She sounded scared, but Bucky was too horny to care at the moment. He got a taste of her virgin pussy, now he needed that virgin pussy on his cock. He needed to feel it squeezing around his every vein, every fucking inch as he forces himself into her tight hole. Bucky ties his back up and rubs his tip in her wet folds, smiling at the trembling woman, who was drooling a bit.
He aligns himself at her hole and pushes inside of her, bottoming out in her tight, warm pussy. It felt fucking amazing, the warmth made him feel like he was already about to fill her up. He grabs her thighs, thrusting inside, listening to pained groans and moans from the woman on the table. She squirmed against the confines of the lab coat and sweater tied to her wrists. Bucky moved his hips slowly, relishing in the pleasure of her cunt. “D-doctor..”, she groans out, breathly. The pleasure shot up her body, her eyes rolling back. Bucky pants to himself, eyes slightly crossing, loving the tightness and warmth.
He already felt like he was about to cum. Her pussy felt fucking amazing. The sticky, warm mess was more perfect then he could ever imagine. He looked down at her face, smiling as she was looking away with tears in her eyes and redness all over her face. He groans and wraps a gentle hand around her throat, so as not to scare the hell out of her. He turned her head back towards him, moving a bit faster.
Her hands grab onto his arm, whimpering and drooling. “D-dr. Barnes… Please… Please harder..”, She begged, getting redder with every word she said. He groans and stalls his hips, picking her up and fucking her into a wall. She cried out, scratching at his shoulders. “Bucky!”. She started to push on his chest, the pleasure became too much, but he didn’t stall. He holds her arms against the wall and pounds her little pussy, making it sticky and creamy. Her arousal drips down his cock and her legs, onto the floor.
He groans and pulls out, only to slam back into her. “Ah! F-feeling weird? L-lots of pressure”, tears run down her face. He smiles and decides to move slower. He makes sure that she could feel every inch and every fucking vein in his cock. He pushes her face into the wall as she started to fight back against the overwhelming feeling in her lower parts. She claws at his hand, shaking under him. She feels warm wetness run down her thighs and an overwhelming pleasure. Bucky kept going, chasing his orgasm. She pants, letting out little whines, being completely out of it. He kept going before pulling out of her and cums on his stomach and pussy. He coats his perfect body in his thick, white ropes. She looks at him with wide eyes, still trembling in his hands.
He gently put her down and helps her get cleaned up. She sits on the table, still tearful from being sore and confused. Bucky writes an address down on a piece of paper and gives it to her. “If you ever feel like that again, come to this address anytime… I’ll take care of you”, He pats her thighs, putting the crumbled piece of paper in his hands, smiling. He helps her out of the clinic and goes back to his office, satisfied. He is sure that she will be coming back to her every single fucking day.
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buckybarnesevents · 2 years
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This event is entirely about all of the ALTERNATE UNIVERSES you could dream of, and they are all centered around our favourite Murder Muffin!
This Connect 4 event is very similar to a Bingo Event, but instead of 25 squares/fills/prompts, you will receive a card with four squares/fills/prompts. They may be taken and interpreted in any way you wish or feel inspired by!
We start on the sign ups on the 24th of March – this is when you can fill out a sign-up form and we will start to ready your card. Cards will be sent out within 3 days of you signing up, and you may begin posting your fills as soon as you have your card! Be sure to tag us (@buckybarnesevents and use the tag #Connect4AU)!
Below the cut you will find the Rules, FAQs, and Badges that are specific to this event.
But without further ado, we are excited to begin this event, and we are excited to see what you all come up with! 💙
Be sure to check out the blanket event rules found HERE.
Due to the nature of all media and works within this event, it is only for those that are 18 and older – upon signing up you acknowledge that you are not a minor.
Any kind of hate (kink bashing/shaming, harassment, toxic behaviour, etc.) will not be tolerated at any point. There will be no warnings given and if proven to have exhibited any disagreeable behaviours, you will be removed from the event.
Tag your works accordingly. We expect explicit works, and that will contain squicks, triggers, etc.  We believe in Kinktomato here. YKINMKATOK (Your Kink Is Not My Kink (And That’s OK) but you are responsible for advising our readers what to expect. 
This event, as always, is open to any and all pairings that involve our favourite murder muffin! If you’re finding that inspiration isn’t coming to you with just Bucky, we will also allow up to two squares per card to feature a different Sebastian Stan persona (Sebastian himself, Steve Kemp, Max Burnett, etc.)
The AU’s are entirely up to your interpretation, so long as they are featured prominently in your creation.
Read our FAQs thoroughly for event conduct, swapping prompts, schedule and more!
What is a Connect Four event? 
Simple! It’s very similar to a Bingo Event, where you will receive a card with four categories.  
What happens if we finish our card? 
You can request additional cards! Please only request a new card once you have finished your current card. If you are not happy with the prompts on your card, please request a swap for that square/those squares. You can request one swap per card, up to four squares (yes, you can ask for a whole new card).
To request a swap, please email us ([email protected]) with your username, card number and the prompt(s) you are purging. 
Can we use a fill for another event as well (ie. another bingo, etc)?
Absolutely! So long as the other event allows it, we have no rules against cross-posting.
How do I post to the AO3 collection? 
Under collections (when posting), type in Connect 4: Into an Alternate June-iverse or Connect4AU
You can also add your work directly from the collection by going to https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Connect4AU and selecting “post to collection” on the top right. 
What fills are accepted?
Any creative media is accepted:
Fics — minimum 300 words Moodboards — minimum 6 images  Digital / traditional art (sketches, too)! Playlists — minimum 10 songs Etc. 
If there is a medium not listed that you want to create and you’re not sure about, shoot us an ask and we will add it to the list!
All work must be newly uploaded to count towards the fill (no entering a fic you published a few months ago, for example). They may count towards already existing AU’s that you write for (a new chapter for an ongoing fic), or they can be something brand new – it is entirely up to you.
What pairings are allowed?
Any and all. Whether that be /Reader, /Steve, /Reader/Steve, /Natasha, /Clint, rare pairs, ot3s or more – so long as Bucky is still the main character.
Is there a limit to submissions?
Absolutely not. You are free to create as many works / pieces of media that you feel inspired for – whether that be 5 fics for a Mafia AU square, or 10. It does not matter.
24th of March – Signups open WHENEVER you receive your card, you can begin posting 30th of June – Submissions close
You can sign up to this event from the 24th right through until the end – keep in mind that we are aiming for cards to be in your inbox within 3 days of you signing the form – though we are only human, there may be delays. If you have concerns or if it takes longer than 5 days, please email us or tag @rookthorne / @buckyismybicycle on the discord server, and we will check the progress. 
Having trouble deciding what to do within a generalised AU prompt? 
Click here to see the list of possibilities. 
Need a prompt for a plot or just a bit of inspiration? 
Click here to be taken to a list of prompts and generators. 
Toe beans? Toe beans. = including Alpine in at least one creation. 
Connect 2 = 2 squares used in the one creation.
Connect 3 = 3 squares used in the one creation.
Connect 4 = 4 squares used in the one creation.
Best shot there is = completed one whole card.
Bullseye! = completed three whole cards.
You’re the Captain! = completed five whole cards.
Fluffier than a cloud = created at least one fluffy creation.
Hotter than a sauna = created at least one smutty creation.
Hurts worse than a heartbreak = created at least one angsty creation.
Darker than midnight = created at least one dark creation.
Stabbed deeper than the soul = created at least one whumpy creation.
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Into the spotlight
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PAIRING | Sebastian Stan x Girlfriend!Actress!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Sebastian have been dating for a while, and managed to keep your relationship out of the spotlight all this time. When the paparazzi gets more persistent and invasive in both of your lives, the two of you decide to public and the reactions are nothing short of amazing.
WARNING(S) | None.
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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It always feels nice to wake up in Sebastian's arms after not seeing him for weeks on end due to different shooting schedules. Both of you were actors, and he had been in Germany to shoot for Captain America: Civil War, while you were in Vancouver filming for a series where you had a pretty prominent role. The series is on a temporary break from filming, so you had been home for a week before Sebastian arrived, but you would have 3 more weeks together before you had to go back to Vancouver to continue filming there. You wanted to pick up Sebastian from the airport, but you got sick and couldn't do it, which sucked for both of you. However, when he was finally home, he took great care of you until you were better.
''G'morning Sunshine,'' Sebastian said with a deep morning voice as you slowly opened your eyes, trying to adjust to the brightness in the room. ''Mornin' hot stuff,'' you said with a warm smile, and your heart skipped a few beats when he smiled back. You were smitten with this man, and you wouldn't want it any other way. ''How are we feeling today?'' he asked as he put his hand on your forehead to see if your temperature had gone down, you've been battling a fever for the last few days and he was getting worried. ''Doing a lot better now, thank you,'' you said as you nestled a little bit further under the thick covers, you were too comfortable to get up, even though you did have to get up and pee.
You sighed when you were finally comfortable, except for the fact that your bladder was starting to bother you now. ''I believe it's time I get up, otherwise, we're going to have to change the sheets,'' you said as you flung the covers off of yourself. You got up but your legs were still jelly from laying in bed for a few days, so you fell back on the bed and into the arms of Sebastian. ''Back so soon already, Sunshine?'' he joked as he shifted to your side of the bed, getting up so he could help you to the bathroom. ''Want to take a nice and relaxing bath together to wake us up?'' he offered and you happily agreed, you were never a nighttime bath person and he knew that.
When you were busy doing your business, he got the bath ready to go for the both of you and he took off his underwear, ready to join you in the bath when you're ready. You managed to make your way to the bath on your own, it wasn't too long of a walk after all. The two of you get into the bath and Sebastian sits down behind you, your back resting against his chest, your legs intertwined with his stretched out in front of you, and his hands resting on your stomach as the two of you cuddle, enjoying the closeness for a while. The two of you enjoy some light conversation, and Sebastian gives soft kisses on your neck now and again, making you moan softly.
After your bath it was time for breakfast, and since you were feeling a lot better you tried to eat some actual breakfast, prepared by Sebastian. You chose scrambled eggs on toast with some orange juice on the side, in the hopes you could keep it down and you did. You had been wondering about something and finally decided to bring it up since it had been bothering you for a while. ''Seb, is it just me or does the paparazzi seem to be more persistent lately? Like, everywhere I go they follow me... I get that it comes with being a celebrity, but it seems more than usual lately,'' you brought up, and Sebastian started thinking about it. ''Hm, now that you mention it...'' he said.
~ 1,5 weeks later ~
The two of you rarely went out of the house together, mostly because you were enjoying the fact that your relationship was more on the private side this way. Sure, enough rumors were going around, but the two of you never confirmed them and always ignored every speculation, you didn't want your little bubble to burst just yet, but tonight that bubble might burst before you even realize what happened. Sebastian invited you and some of his Marvel co-stars and partners out for dinner to celebrate the fact that filming was almost over, and they could all just have a nice, relaxing evening full of fun. As always, both you and Sebastian went to the place together, but the paparazzi were making you very uncomfortable.
''Seb, is it just me or are we being followed by some guy with a camera?'' you asked as you pulled your jacket a little tighter around yourself. He looked around and when he saw the guy, Sebastian stopped to confront him, whilst you kept walking, you didn't even notice that he wasn't next to you anymore, until it was too late. ''What do you think you're doing? You should leave us alone man, you're invading our privacy here,'' he said to the guy, but he didn't care, he just kept taking photos of Sebastian and yourself, waiting for him. You were getting more and more uncomfortable so you decided to go ahead to the restaurant where you would be safe, or so you hoped.
''Hi, I'm here under the name Stan, but I believe I'm the first of my party to arrive,'' you told the hostess and she confirmed the reservation and got you seated. When you sat down you texted Sebastian you were at the restaurant already, and not long after he arrived. ''Hey Sunshine, are you okay? I'm sorry for what happened earlier, but he was getting on my last nerve there...'' he explained and you gave him a little smile as you understood what he meant. ''It's okay, thank you though,'' you said and Sebastian leaned down for a soft kiss, earning himself a little smile from you as he pulled back. Shortly after everyone else arrived and the paparazzi was all but forgotten.
The two of you were finally on your way home which was only a 15-minute walk away, and both of you had a little too much to drink during dinner. This made it so that both of you were a little more reckless when it came to your judgment of your surroundings. The two of you were walking hand in hand, and Sebastian gave you a few kisses now and again. The next day, those photos ended up all over the internet, and even though Sebastian could be seen in the photos, the same couldn't be said about you since he was mostly blocking the view of you. This didn't help the rumors, however, as they were getting crazier and more persistent.
Your friends and family knew you were together, but you had asked everyone to keep it secret since you didn't want the whole world to know just yet. For now, the two of you just let it go, especially since filming for both of you would resume very soon anyways. The last week and a half before you were going back to Vancouver were mostly spent inside, and if anything needed to be done you would go out individually to not raise any suspicions. This worked well for quite some time, and you and Sebastian were getting more serious about maybe revealing your secret to the world, so the two of you didn't have to hide anymore. The perfect opportunity was just around the corner, too.
~ A few weeks later ~
''Mornin' Sunshine,'' Sebastian said as the two of you finally woke up. It had been a long night of intense lovemaking, but the two of you were finally back in the same city for the foreseeable future, and that needed to be celebrated. With orgasms. ''G'morning Hot stuff,'' you said as you nuzzled closer into his chest, needing every bit of skin to touch where possible. You have had multiple discussions about when you would officially go public with your relationship, and the two of you figured that the premier of Captain America: Civil War would be a good moment to finally make your love known to the world.
Both of you got ready for the premiere at your apartment since it was closer to the theatre where it would take place. Sebastian opted to go for an olive green suit and his long hair was loose around his face, making him look exactly like his character Bucky Barnes but in a suit. You decided to wear a classic maroon dress, and your hair was in a half bun with braids. You looked like the perfect couple and of course, the pair of you snapped a few photos to share on Instagram later. It was a good thing you saved your make-up for last because Sebastian couldn't keep his hands off of you in the dress you're wearing and the two of you had a bit of a make-out session before you had to go.
When the time came that your limo arrived, you were all ready to go and both of you got in, Anthony already in there with his partner. ''Wow, Y/N, you look gorgeous in that dress!'' Anthony said. ''Seb is one lucky man to have you by his side tonight,'' and you practically beamed at the compliment, you would never get used to it despite being in the industry since you were a kid. Almost all of his Marvel co-stars ended up in the limo, except for Chris Hemsworth and RDJ, who took their forms of transportation to the premier.
When it was finally time for the red carpet, you and Sebastian walked on with interlaced fingers, and you posed with loving looks at one another. The cherry on top was the last photo before you would leave the carpet, which would have everyone go crazy later. Both you and Sebastian turned to one another, and he placed a hand on your cheek before bringing you in for a passionate kiss. The two of you heard the photographers take endless photos but you didn't care, from now on everyone would know the two of you were in love, and you didn't want to have it any other way. His co-stars went haywire for the two of you, they were not aware you wanted to share your news but they couldn't be happier.
The rest of the premier was mostly spent accepting congratulations on your relationship, and both your social media completely blew up when the news got out. The reactions were positively overwhelming, your kiss being shared everywhere. ''I'm glad the world knows about us now,'' you sighed as you cuddled up to Sebastian on your couch the next day. ''It was nice to be wrapped in our little bubble, but it was nothing short of amazing to finally be able to share your love with the world. You both shared a photo on Instagram, and the fans went wild, and the two of you were the happiest you had ever been.
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firstelevens · 3 months
im here IMMEDIATELY to hit you with a brennan lee mulligan sebastian stan dev patel trio. no idea what the outcome of that will be. but im here with it nevertheless
the made up movie meme is SO BACK, y'all
song: "Here You Come Again" by Dolly Parton
You look into my eyes and lie those pretty lies And pretty soon I'm wonderin' how I came to doubt you
Nate (Mullligan) has worked at the same speakeasy-themed bar for almost ten years now. He started picking up shifts when he was in college, then stuck around long enough to start managing the place once the owner passed away and her family squabbled over inheritances. Business is okay: they’re more upscale than the nearby college clientele can usually afford, but being in a resort town on the coast means that they’ve got a new wave of visitors every weekend in the summer, all a little loose with their cash for being on vacation.
The trade off is that they don’t have too many regulars, which is why Nate notices in the first place when the same man (Patel) appears at his bar every week. At first it’s just an acknowledgment of someone who tips well, but as time goes on, Nate starts to notice a pattern: the man shows up a few nights with a new person who always seems to have money to burn, then meets that person for a terse conversation out on the patio before they go their separate ways. A few nights later, he’s back with a different person, and a different personality to boot.
A solid decade of observing people means Nate quickly cottons onto what the man—who introduces himself as Veer, on a rare lone visit to the bar—is doing. He’s conflicted over whether to actually say anything until one of Veer’s dates breaks the pattern and shows up at the bar the day after they’re supposed to have broken things off, apparently distraught. Nate talks her down and sends her on her way, and the next time Veer makes his appearance at the bar, pulls him aside to tell him that he needs to take his sweetheart cons elsewhere because Nate won’t be party to them anymore. Veer appeals to Nate’s financial acumen and points out that given the season, he’s probably the bar’s best customer, and margins in the wintertime are slim enough as it is without losing a steady flow of cash.
Begrudgingly, Nate agrees, and decides to do his best to foil Veer’s cons as they happen, contriving increasingly ridiculous circumstances to mixed results. He’s loath to admit that it’s the most fun he’s had in a while, but things take a turn when the late owner’s hapless but well meaning nephew Cameron (Stan) shows up, having just inherited the bar along with the bulk of his aunt’s estate and determined to learn the business from Nate. Shenanigans ensue as Nate tries to rescue Cam from being Veer’s latest mark, all while showing him the ropes and pretending that bantering with his resident conman isn’t quickly becoming his favorite way to spend the night.
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