alexendria-rose · 10 days
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Don’t blame me
Sebastian Sallow X Reader
Warnings: sad! Okay kind of suicidal on Sebastian part, death, my hate for Solomon sallow.
Y/n looked between Sebastian’s uncle and Sebastian worried in her eyes- she knew Sebastian going down this path was going to be bad but she couldn’t help but always be by his side. She was in love with the brut. She would do absolutely anything he asked- which scared her but she couldn’t help it. Sebastian- despite going down the wrong path was loving and deeply caring. Y/n watched the pair her palms becoming sweaty as she saw the two fight. She never really liked Solomon, yes she knew he was right about the dark magic but the way he treated Sebastian always made her upset. It didn’t make sense to her why Solomon couldn’t understand the love Sebastian had for his twin.
“Sebastian! You better stop this at once!” Solomon yelled keeping his wand up. “Or you’ll leave me no choice.” Sebastian glared at his uncle keeping his wand up.
“Leave you no choice to what?” Sebastian sneered- Solomon grunted.
“You want so badly to know about the unforgivable curses? This is the only way Sebastian!” Solomon said in a sad tone- which made y/n heart pound. No- he couldn’t. “Only way to know you’ll stop.” Solomon moved his wand and she recognized that wand movement. No- “Avada Keda-“ as he was speaking that and pointed it to Sebastian- she felt like life around her went slow and her legs started moving in front of Sebastian pushing him out of the way; the spell hitting her- her body going limp. Sebastian fell on the ground when she pushed him out of the way- his eyes widen as he looked to where she went- and that’s when she saw her body limp and not moving. His breath hitched and couldn’t breath- his eyes fogging up with tears.
“Y-Y/n.” He stuttered crawling over to her limp body- he leaned over her grabbing a hold of her cheeks and moving her dead body against him. “No wake up please.” He voice shock and the tears dripped down his cheeks. “Come on please d-don’t.” He held her tight to his chest cradling her- hoping just hoping she would wake up. “I love you please-“ Sebastian suddenly felt anger well up in his chest- he slowly looked up to see the shock on his uncles face and the shiver in his hand. Sebastian clenched his jaw before grabbing his wand pointing it at him. “Fuck you- Avada Kedavra!” The curse came out of his wand hitting Solomon in the chest- his body hitting the ground with a thud. Sebastian didn’t care; his eyes were dark as he watched his uncle die in front of his eyes. He dropped his wand from his hand- the piece of wood rolling away from him as he turned his attention back on her, the warmth of her skin draining. Sebastian cradled her close again as he sobbed into her neck wanting her back, needing her back.
“S-Seb.” He heard the voice of his sick sister say- he lifted his eyes up to look at Anne. She was confused- she looked around the room to see Solomon dead on the floor and the woman in his arms that he swore he would do anything for. “What happened?” She choked out moving her way close to Sebastian.
“Stay away please.” Sebastian choked out. “He killed her- h-he was going to kill me but she saved me. S-she.” Sebastian couldn’t get a full sentence out without crying. He loved her- and he was going to hate himself everyday for getting her involved, for not telling her that he loved her. “Anne- I want her back.” Anne rushed over to Sebastian side holding him close as he cried into y/n neck. “I love you y/n I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.”
• ───────────────── •
Sebastian sat at the great hall head in his hands- he hasn’t been able to sleep, eat or barely function. He didn’t feel whole without her and it gnawed at him. She was perfect, she was the Hogwarts fuckin hero, not only that she was the one Sebastian has ever truly loved. He would’ve done anything for her and he hated himself everyday that he got her into his mess- if he didn’t he would be the one dead not her.
“Sebastian did you listen to what I said?” Ominis asked- as he continued to eat his meal. Sebastian looked over at Ominis chewing on his bottom lip.
“Mate- you’ve gotta eat something.” Ominis sighed pushing Sebastian a plate of toast- that did not sound amazing at the moment. Sebastian pushes it away.
“Not hungry.” He mutters before pushing himself away from the table ignoring the comments from Ominis. Sebastian decided to go to y/n favorite spot in the castle. The astronomy tower. She often would just sit and watch the sky with her telescope, or she would just sit and enjoy. Especially after the passing of fig- she was always up here trying to ignore the sorrys from everyone around her. Now look- Sebastian seems to being do the same but this time he was mourning for her; mourning for her soft skin, her beautiful bright eyes, he missed her nose scrunches and her laugh. God if he can just have one more day with her; he would tell her everything he adored about her. He would tell her he loved her with every ounce of his soul. He leaned against the bars of the tower looking over at the night sky.
“I wish you were here-“ Sebastian felt the tears prickling his eyes- his grip on the railing tightening. “I’m sorry I got you into this mess- you never should have died- it should have been me.” The tears rolled down Sebastian cheeks as he looked up at the beautiful night sky, the wind tossing through his hair. “I wish I got to tell you how much I love you- how much I’ve actually cared for you. Without you here- Hogwarts isn’t the same without your bright presence. I miss my charge- I miss your kindred spirit y/n.” Sebastian fell onto his knees as he continued to sob. Maybe he should just jump off- just end his life so he could forever be with her. Love her like he always intended. No… she wouldn’t want that- she saved him for a reason; to let him start all over again- to become the man she met for the first time. And he was going to do exactly that, he was going to make sure whatever he did was for her- for the love of his life and the only woman he will ever love.
“I’m yours y/n… if you’ll allow me to be and I’ll never find a woman as great as you. I promise- I will be the man you’ve always told me I could be.” He whispered into the night air- knowing she would hear that promise and hear the love he professed to her. He would make it his goal- so she would smile down on him; wherever she was in this world. And she did- she will always be proud of Sebastian Sallow- to man she will always be with in her heart.
• ───────────────── •
A/n- I haven’t made a Sebastian sallow x reader in so long! I have another one in my drafts that’s so lonnnng. I’ve gotta finish but I wanted something new!
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sujimdipity · 1 year
Slight smut Drabble/Practice.
This popped into my head and I had to write it. To be included in my fic I will be writing, so if you guys like this, then stay tuned.
They both pull out of you, both of their spend pooling on the white sheets out of both of your holes, you don't have the energy to care. You find the nearest pillow and pull it towards you, snuggling into it weakly. Your limbs feel like jello, your mind is muddled with arousal and the vicious orgasm still heavy on your brain. You vaguely feel both men climb out of bed and pull their slacks back on, their pricks still wet and glistening with your slick mixed with their seed on it. Ominis however grabs some tissues to clean himself up with, to which Sebastian eyes him peculiarly.
"I thought you didn't mind that?" Sebastian asks, tucking his cock back in with a zip paying no mind or care to the mess on the inside. Ominis is still swiping away your mixed fluids the best he can without his eyesight, feeling the wetness with his fingertips before tracing it with the tissue. He lets out a sigh before responding.
"It's not that I mind it being on me, I mind the mess it leaves on the clothes. It's hard enough to get out when it's damp, never mind when it dries." Ominis mutters, concentrating on his job.
Sebastian shrugs, but then again, Sebastian has always been the more obscene one out of the two of them. While Ominis frets over his clothes, Sebastian buttons up his dress shirt before grabbing more tissues and walking over to where you were almost falling asleep near the edge of the bed. He wipes away the mess, taking meticulous care to clean you up before he walks to the adjoined bathroom and comes back out with a wet rag to finish cleaning you up properly before placing a kiss on your forehead. He offers Ominis the wet towel after he's done using it on you, to which the other is grateful. Ominis finally is finished with his task and buttons himself up before discarding the rag in the dirty clothes bin and pulling on his shirt. Ominis walks over to the other side of you where your head is and sits next to it, stroking his long fingers through your hair. You let out a contented sigh not wanting them to go, even though they have to. Both men give you lingering kisses, reluctant to go. Ominis reaches over and feels for one of the plush blankets and pulls it over you, tucking you in before stealing another kiss.
"We'll try to be back as soon as we can escape my mother's grasp." Ominis says, giving your hair another pass over for good measure. Sebastian pulls on his suit jacket and re ties his tie. Ominis does the same and it's not long until you hear the sound of their dress shoes clicking downstairs and out the front door.
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titaniaskywalker · 2 years
I Don't Know, But When I Think of Sebastián Sallow, I Think of Cole Sprouse As Judhead💕💖
#Sebastian Sallow #SebastianSallow #HogwartsLegacy #Hogwarts Legacy #SebastianSallow x You #SebastianSallowxyou #OminisGaunt #Sebastian Sallow x Reader #SebastianSallowxreader
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gingerlegacy07 · 10 months
Wrote a smutfic as an extention of chapter 27 of "In the Shadow of Seventh year". It's about Sebastian and reader's first time together❤️ Can be read as stand-alone❤️
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alexendria-rose · 7 months
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That Damn Sebastian Sallow~ Sebastian Sallow X Reader.
Warnings~ Smut, alcohol usage, sexual harassment(not from our sweet Sebastian) language.
Y/n ~
I sit next to Imelda scoffing at what Sebastian Sallow was screaming about, oh on how he fought so poachers with my help. But didn’t seem to include that in the ridiculous story from our last semester where I magically “saved the world.” I can’t believe I ever help that nitwit. We were never friends, we helped each other to get what we both wanted. I wanted more information about Ragnok and he wanted to save his sister and miserably failed. But of course I couldn’t let his go to Azkaban, he was a stupid dick but he didn’t deserve that, nobody did. So I convince Ominis and he agreed it wasn’t the right move. But ever since that day we haven’t talked at all, he was more cocky then last year and that was saying a whole lot. I roll my eyes when he locks eyes and gives me a small wink. I look at Imelda with an irritated expression on my face.
“I might kill him.” I sigh rubbing my forehead the headache starting to form. She laughs at my expression that sat on my face.
"Oh shut up Y/n, you love that nitwit." I widen my eyes planting a nice hit on her shoulder.
"I do not love him, he's literally a fuck boy who I'm pretty sure has fucked everyone in this castle, also he's annoying? His ego is too big for my liking." I mumble softly, Garreth walks up behind us tickling my sides, I start giggling. "Garreth Weasley!" Garreth was one of my best friends, he was kind of dumb but I loved him as a friend.
"Hello beautiful girl." He smirks sliding in the seat next to Imelda and I. "Hello Imelda." She rolls her eyes smugly waving a small hi before heading out of the great hall. "What are you doing tonight? The Gryffindor's are having a party in our common room with everyone in our 6th year, coming?" I smirk lightly raising a eyebrow to him.
"Are you kidding of course I'm coming." He smiles placing a small kiss to my cheek.
"Can't wait to see you later tonight then, but I do have to head out I'm making some concoctions for our party tonight, so I'll see you later beautiful girl." He gives me a smile goodbye, also heading out of the Great Hall.
"Ugh that was the worse flirting I've ever seen." I turn my head towards Sebastian furrowing my eyebrows. I huff gathering my stuff in my arms.
"Oh like you can do better Sallow, let me guess you use the same lines on everyone in this castle?" I question lifting an eyebrow before trying to walk away from the conversation. Sebastian rushes after me keeping up with my pace.
"Oh? Come on L/n if I wanted you, I could have you." He smirks, we walk out of the Great Hall I slow down to face him, scoffing at his comment.
"Never will you get me Sebastian Sallow, you couldn't have me if you wanted too." Sebastian smirks tilting his head at me before crossing his arms.
"So you're saying you've never thought of me?" He comments moving towards me slowly. I back up while he continues to move towards. "You're telling me, you've never thought of my lips on your own? My body close to yours?" My back was pressed against the wall as he continues to move closer to me, I hitch my breath feeling his breath on mine. He grabs my chin making me look up into those stupid hazel eyes. "Cause I think about you all the time." He whispers gently into my ear, my knees buckle at the way his breath went down my neck. I cant believe he has the audacity to think he can just claim me? I glare up at him keeping my legs tightly together.
"No, because knowing you can't have me, but knowing I can make you weak gives me such a satisfaction." I grab his tie, turning him around pushing him against the wall I was just against before leaning towards his face, my hand still gripping onto his tie, his eyes widen at the sudden switch. "I know you think about me Sebastian, and that gives me great satisfaction." I whisper into his ear before giving him a teasing nip on his ear smirking slightly before pulling back to see his face flustered, his breath was hitched and yes I was right this was satisfying. I smirk pushing myself away. "See you later Sebastian Sallow." I walk away winning yet another battle, but maybe not so much because I was starting to feel things that I have yet not felt before. I glance back at him to see him already staring at me with amazement across his face.
I look at her while she walks away, she glances at me and I swear she knocked me out with that one look. I lean against the pillar next to me. What the actually fuck was that? I've always thought she was beautiful, but I didn't actually care for her that much... but I just loved to tease her, the way she would puff out here cheeks, the way she didn't let me put her down-she would always put a fight, and Merlin beard did that do that to me. I lied I did care for her, but I also had this strange obsession to make her mine, even though we would barely talk and when we did we bantered back and fourth with each other, and I never tried to get to know her knowing she hated me. But after that interaction, she was going to be mine and I was going to try everything in my power to make her mine. I walk into the Undercroft taking all my frustration out by casting as much as spells as I possibly can,
"What the fuck Sebastian." I gasp at the voice turning to look at Ominis, I probably looked like a mess(even thought he couldn't see it), I was trying to distract myself from even thinking about her lips, or her body against mine. Merlin was I sexually frustrated. I groan sitting down on the floor loosening up my tie, letting my wand hang loose between my legs.
"Sorry Ominis, just needed some time to think." I mumble running my fingers through my messy hair. I sigh deeply thinking fdeeply into my thoughts.
"Let me guess, our precius Y/n, the girl you haven't stopped talking about since she beat your ass in crossed wands fifth year?" He questions a sly smirk playing on his face. I scoff at his fuckin stupid ass smirk standing up from my position.
"Fuck I don't know Ominis, she hates me, she bloody hates me, but today... I told her I could make her mine if I really wanted too, and Merlins beard she pushes me against the wall saying I wanted her, now I can't stop thinking about her." I ramble pacing back and forth the Undercroft. Ominis stands still his smirk still dancing on his lips.
"Ah, you like our Hogwarts hero, don't you Sallow." He laughs. "Well maybe you can actually tell her at the party in the Gryffindor common room." He comments before I could reply he exits out of the Undercroft leaving me with my thoughts.
I stand in front of the mirror Imelda next to me putting some makeup on, I've in fact never seen Imelda with even a little bit of makeup on so it was a bit weird I was watching her put makeup on for the first time. I was wearing my knee high boots with a black tight skirt, of course mini skirt what else? with a black corset making my boobs look fantastic might I add. Imelda looks me up down.
"Damn girl, if I was interested in woman, I might just take you now." She winks at me and I laugh at her shaking my head.
"Good, because tonight I'm going to give Sebastian Sallow a taste of his own medicine." I couldn't get Sebastian out of my head since earlier today. The way he was towering over me against the wall, his breath on my neck. I hate that I'm even thinking about him. This is exactly what he was trying to do, but I wasn't going to let him win. Imelda lifts her eyebrow.
"Oh, someone admitting her feelings about him now?" She questions tilting her head putting on her dangling earrings. I scoff laughing.
"Oh I don't not have feelings for that twit." But I slightly blush at her comment, turning my head away as I do so. There was something about the way I controlled him, the way he controlled me. I wonder what he looked like shirtle- merlin Y/n what are you thinking, control your head dumbass. "Just want to play with him a little." I smirk giving myself one finally look in the mirror a satification look playing on my face.
"Well, you will with what you're wearing, making me think why I like men while you're wearing that." She comments, I shake my head once again giggling a bit.
"Oh hush, lets get going yeah?" She nods following me to the Gryffindor common room.
We enter the common room, the party already starting. Some were making out in the corner, others taking shots of whatever Garreth was making. Speaking of Garreth he locks eyes on me, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. He walks over holding two glasses in his hands.
"Wow, Y/n, Wow." He looks me up and down. "You look absolutely breathtaking my dear." I chuckle.
"Oh, I just picked something out of my chest." I wink, I point at the second drink. "May I?" He gives me the drink.
"Only for the best." He smirks lightly downing his drink, me following swiftly. The drink burns my throat a bit, but it hit me like a brick. "What is this?!"
"Oh, well it has a lot of alcohol in it and only one drink is really needed." He grins as my eyes widen on how I was already feeling it clogging my system.
"I-I can already feel it, Garreth!" He grabs my waist bringing close to him, I look at him with wide eyes. I didn't feel anything for Garreth, really he was my close friend but that was it, I've always secretly wondered if he wanted to be more but I tried to keep him only in the friend zone.
"Garreth..." I place my hands on his chest, as he grins down at me moving his face closer. "I don't feel that way towards you." I mumble softly looking behind him to catch Sebastian's eyes on me, watching my every move. I look back into his eyes my cheeks heating up but before you know it Garreth agressively places his lips on mine, my eyes widen even more at the contact, me trying to push him away but he kept holding me, actively hurting me as he does so. Sebastian grabs his shoulder ripping him off of me.
"Piss of Weasley!" He shoves Garreth away from me, Garreth looks fuming looking between the two of us.
"Oh, I see what's going on, fucking Sebastian huh, you're such a fuckin whore L/n." Sebastian swings and punches Garreth square into his mouth. Garreth stubles back grabbing his mouth, stomping away from Sebastian. Sebastian looks at me grabbing my arms scanning me from head to toe.
"Are you okay?" He asks genuinely, my eyes look into his, I haven't seen him like this since I helped him finding a cure for Anne, but even then I haven't seen him genuinely care for me, just his twin. I nod smiling softly.
"I'm fine, I would've had him if you would've let me." I tease. I really did like the way Sebastian came to my aid, it made him hotter? Wait hotter?! Did I think he was hot to begin with. He smirks softly.
"I know you would've had him, but I did need an excuse to be near you." He whispers gently placing a gentle hand on my hip. "Dance with me?" He tilts his head at me once again a sly smirk dancing around him lips, and for some reason that was my favorite thing he did. Oh god, I really was starting to fall but I couldn't let him win.
"Only if you can handle me Sallow." I grab the collar of his shirt bringing him closer to me, he grips onto my hips bringing my hips closer to his. I hitch a breath at the contact looking up at him but his eyes were already on mine.
"I'm the only one who can handle you." He whispers in my ear, nibbling gently on my ear just like I did to him before leaving him stranded. I gasp as he places a small kiss to the side of my neck, my eyes rolling back into my head at the contact.
"Maybe you're right, but I'm the only who makes you weak to your knees." I bark back, moving my hands up and down his chest, unbuttoning the top button of his shirt. He inhales deeply. God I wanted him, the way he looked in black slacks, and this black button up rolled up to his elbows, he must know this is my weakest spot for men.
"You're right, my dear." He slides his hands from my waist down to my thigh bringing up the skirt gently, his gentle touch somehow brings moan out of my lips. "Merlin Y/n, I can't do this anymore, with me now." He grabs my hand bringing down to the Undercroft (sneakily of course) We get to the Undercroft him slamming against one of the pillars. One of his hands above my head leaning over me, the other holding my waist tightly. "You're all I could think about today, I need you." He growls under his breath. I squeeze my legs together feeling the giant pool of wetness between my thighs.
"Me too Sebastian. I want you to make me yours." I breath out grabbing his collar again but this time smashing his lips onto mine, he grips my waist bringing his hips closer to mine, oh god was he making me insane. I grind against his cock through his pants smirking as he moans against my lips. He explores my mouth with his tongue, he slides his hand from my hips up to my neck giving it a gentle grip. I moan at the contact. "I need more." I whine into his lips.
"What's the magic word, princess." He smirks pulling back from the deep make out session. I look at him innocently.
"What magic word?" I ask teasing him, how far could I push him. He grips my neck harder but not hard enough to actually choke me out but enough to knock the air out of me.
"Don't tease, be a good girl huh?" He says gently into my ear, his smirk forming even more. "Want to be fucked senseless? I suggest you obey." I whimper at his words.
"Please Sebastian, I need more." I beg, his eyes suddenly darkening at the way I begged, that was I needed to know to tip him over the edge.
"Good girl." He traces my lips with his fingers, until he aggressively attacks my neck in the process of marking my neck. I moan tugging his hair. My neck was my weak spot and merlin's beard was he good at knowing how to treat it. He pulls back unbuttoning his shirt slowly smirking at the way I stood there trying to wait patiently, rubbing my thighs together to create some sort of friction. He kicks at my thighs. "Did I say you could do that?" He slides his shirt off his arms, my eyes immediately glued onto his chest and his stomach, have I really been missing this? This entire time. He undo's his belt with one hand his eyes on mine making me nervous. He doesn't take his belt off all the way letting it loosely hang from his pants. He walks over to me ripping the corset off of my chest. "We don't need this anymore do we?" He looks at my exposed chest licking his lips. "Wow love, all of this for me?" He flicks my nipple and I moan at the contact squeezing my thighs together tightly. He moves his lips down to my stomach kissing his way down to the band of my skirt. "Don't need this anymore, do we?" He takes my skirt off sliding it down my legs him pausing when he see's that I did indeed not wear any underwear to this party. I smirk subtly.
"Like what you see Sallow?" I look down at him as he throws the skirt off to the side grinning from ear to ear.
"Oh I love it Miss L/n," he says moving his fingers up and down my thigh which sends a wave of electricity up and down them. He moves his hand closer, moving his finger inside of me and I moan out from the instant contact, he starts pushing his finger in and out inside of me, whimpering at his fingers moving inside of me. How the bloody hell did I miss this? I move my hands to his hair gripping on his hair tightly, I almost reach to my climax when he suddenly pulls his finger out of me, and I pout at him. He stands up getting face to face with mine. "Take off my pants." He commands crossing his arms. I get flustered at the way he looks at me that cocky little smile he gives me, I hate him but Merlin I wanted him, I take off his pants getting on my knees starting at how hard he already was. I look up at him through my lashes a smirk grazing upon my face, I take his underwear off his dick flinging out, I take him in my mouth my innocent eyes looking up at him but he's already look at me. A moan escaping his mouth, he leans his head back his eyes rolling back into his head.
"Merlins beard Y/n." He moans out, he sucks in a breath looking back down to see me already looking at him. He grabs the back of my head pushing my mouth further into him, and he starts to fuck my face. "Fuck, you are a good girl aren't you?" He pulls back and I breath in deeply. He grabs my wrist pulling me up against his chest, turning my around pushing my chest against the pillar. "Are you okay with this?" He whispers against my neck placing a gentle kiss on it. "I can stop now."
"Please Sebastian, I need you, I'm okay with this." I hitch out breathing rapidly. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Even though I hate it." I can feel his smirk against my skin tracing my arm up and down. He suddenly thrusts himself inside of me and I gasp out loudly at the contact bracing my hands against the wall.
"You secretly love it L/n..." He nibbles my neck creating yet another mark there, Imelda was going to love questioning it. He thrust in and out of my grabbing the back of my hair making me scream out in pleasures.
"Fuck Sebastian." I moan, I needed more of him. I turn around pushing him down onto the floor his eyes widen in surprise as I make my way on top of him before guiding him to my entrance teasing him by skimming my folds around his cock, he throws his head back groaning.
"Such a fuckin tease, huh?" He grabs my hips pushing me down onto him, I gasp once again at the contact. I start to go up and down his length clenching myself around him, I was pushed over the edge and I was getting close to my climax, his thrusting into me getting sloppy and my moving up and down his length also getting sloppy.
"S-Sebastian I'm gonna cum." I choke out.
"Merlin's beard, me too princess." He thrusts into me one last time before we both each to our end, him releasing in side of me, me following swiftly. I get off of him crashing down next to him, looking up at the ceiling above us heavily breathing, blood starts rushing to my face realizing what I just did. I fucked the person I've hated since last year, someone I despise, but look where I was now. Naked next to him, butterflies in my stomach. I look at him but he was already looking at me, something that has indeed happened a lot today. He moves a piece of hair that was in front of my eye. "You are so beautiful." He mumbles. I blush at his comment looking into those hazel eyes that I use to hate.
"Shut up Sallow, you're only saying that cause of we did, probably can add that to your list of woman." I sit up covering my chest. Was I falling hard? Yes, but I knew I was just someone who he needed to have, a desire. He sits up moving closer to me grabbing my chin making me look at him.
"You think that's why I did what I did tonight?" He questions with soften eyes. "I did what I did tonight because even though I tease you, and make bloody stupid remarks I have not stopped thinking about you since you beat my ass in crossed wands. I've been wanting to make you mine since day one but knew you never wanted more." He lets go of my chin looking down at the ground before standing up putting on his pants.
"Wait Sebastian, you've liked me since then? Why the bickering with me? Why the teasing?" I question looking at him not even bothering putting on my clothes. He kneels down in front of me.
"Because I love seeing you get mad, kind of cute." He smirks, I start to laugh at him shaking my head.
"Shut up Sallow." I stand up putting my clothes back on, he stares at me as I do so. He comes up from behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I love you Y/n." Sebastian mumbles softly into my shoulder, my breath hitches at the way it smoothly came out of that dumb mouth.
"I love you too dummy." I laugh giving him a small peck on his cheek. "Even though you drive me mad, but you're the only person who I will allow that grace." We suddenly hear footsteps walking into the Undercroft and both our breath hitches. I pull away from Sebastian seeing Ominis walk in.
"Sebastian?" Ominis questions as he stomps in the undercroft stopping at a halt pausing. "Wait Y/n?"
"Oh Hi Ominis." I awkwardly wave even though I know he couldn't see it, the heat making its way to my cheeks.
"Oh come on! in the undercroft, I swear to merlin if there is anything sticky I will be the one to use a unforgivable curse." Sebastian and I start laughing at the sassy Ominis we both know. Oh boy was Sebastian going to hear an ear full from him. And I with Imelda.
Stupid ending I know, but could not think how I wanted to end this. Also my first ever writing smut, give me some feedback I need it!~A/N
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alexendria-rose · 3 months
A/n- These are all X Readers!
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-Midnight Rain(angst)
-I hate you~(smut)
-Dance with me (fluff)
-love this little life (fluff/ dad lock)
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-Hand Fetish(semi smut)
-Celebrity crush? Part two?(fluff)
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-Who are you?(smut)
-Like what you see?(smut)
-My tears ricochet(angst)
-I'm Your Endgame(fluff)
-Love between a sorcerer and an ex assassin (in progress)
Part 1 part 2 part 3
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-That damn Sebastian sallow (smut)
Years down the line(angst)
-The Journal(fluff)
-Don’t blame me (angst)
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-Say it to my face(angst)
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-Tony Starks Daughter part 1 (on pause)
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-The barista part one, part two (complete)
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alexendria-rose · 8 months
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Years Down The Line~ Sebastian Sallow X Reader
Summary- It's been years since Y/n has set foot in Hogwarts, since she's been anywhere near where she lived, she's been on adventures, discovering new places, but she knew she needed to come back, for a certain reason, but maybe that certain reason turned into two reasons when she see's Sebastian Sallow once again after years or not talking, what will happen? will they rekindle? or will Y/n let the fear of hurting people around her get in the way of knowing where she truly belongs.
I scan the area around me, my eyes darting to the buildings. The beautiful buildings around me. This place. The way it still made my heart still feel at peace. Hogsmeade. I couldn’t believe I was really walking around this place I swore I would never come back too. The place I escaped after Hogwarts. I decided to travel around the world, see different places. To not be just a witch for once but just someone that nobody knew about. I wanted to be free from being the “Hogwarts Hero” it’s been 10 years since my fifth year. I just left without telling anybody where I was going, I didn’t want anything holding me back or trying to keep me from going cause I knew if He would’ve said something, I would’ve stayed. Even though we were nothing more than just friends. Well, even though I was secretly in love with him for years. Everyone always thought of us as an item, Ominis swore up and down that we were just keeping our relationship a secret, especially with all the flirting we were doing. But it never made it past the flirting, he just saw me as just merely a friend, someone to confide in, someone to distract him from his own pain. I wasn’t upset about it, he was someone there for me too, but just a little more then I was too him.
I walk into the Three Broomsticks, ruffling my hair to get the snow out of it. It was winter time here, and it was my favorite part of living here when I was younger, I would constantly run outside to be in the snow, whether that was making snow angels, just enjoying the nice crispy weather or the view. It was a sort of peace being here. I decided to come back for one reason, for Fig. It was his tenth anniversary of his death, I wanted to visit him for the holidays, to talk to him. I haven’t talked to his grave since the year he passed. God did I miss that man, the only man I looked up too, the man who basically looked at me as his own, and yet again I lost someone close to me. I see Sirona making conversations with the people around her, her smile still was as bright as the sun. The way she had this aurora around her. Sirona looks over to where I walked in, her eyes widening at the sight.
“If that isn’t Y/n L/n?” She grins swiftly moving her way towards me. I break out into a grin engulfing her into a hug.
“Sirona, oh how I missed you.” She pulls back slightly scanning me from head to toe, her eyes soften softly.
“Oh my child, you’ve grown to be such a beautiful woman.” She grabs my hand and examines the one on my left hand. “Hm no ring?” She lifts an eyebrow in question directing my way. “I would’ve thought someone swept you up by now, especially that Sebastian Sallow who kept following you around like a lost puppy.” She smirks. I roll my eyes pulling my left hand from her grip.
“No, I do not have anyone in my life at the moment, just me myself and I, Sirona.” I tease looking down at my empty ring finger tracing my finger, hopefully one day someone would take that honor, but I couldn’t knowing Sebastian didn’t. But of course once again my fault in that.
“Have you seen Sebastian, Y/n?” I dart my eyes towards her question ruffling my eyes brows in confusion.
“No, I haven’t seen him since my last year at Hogwarts, I didn’t tell anyone I was leaving…” I whisper looking down at my shoes. “I’m sorry I didn’t bid you goodbye properly.” She looks at me with a soft expression on her face but also a pained one. Oh how I didn’t realize how much people I’ve left behind, all the people who supported me, but they didn’t need me, all I did was cause damage to these amazing people.
“Oh none-sense honey, I knew I would see you again.” She smiles brightly once again ushering me over to the bar. “Come on dear drink on me tonight, butterbeer?” I laugh lightly sitting down on the bar stool taking off my scarf.
“Yes please!” I hear the door open behind me, I look back seeing a certain girl entering the three broomsticks. “Anne?” I shout. The girl looks at me, her hazel eyes exactly like his.
“Y/n!” She exclaims, she drops the bags she recently purchased on the floor running over to me before giving me a welcoming hug. “I didn’t know you were back!” I scan the girl, her smile was bright, she didn’t look pale as the last time I saw her my fifth year, her eyes were shinning. She looked so happy, so strong.
“I didn’t tell anyone, I just missed it here and thought I would visit.” She looks at my tired eyes also doing the same thing I just did to her a minute ago.
“Please tell me you have somewhere decent to stay?” She cocks her head slightly her eyebrows raised waiting for my reply.
“Oh well… not really but at least it’s somewhere rather than no where.” I giggle at her puzzled face when I answer her question.
“No absolutely not, you’re staying with me, just recently moved near here, come on!” She grips my hand, I gulp down my butterbear before hopping down the bar stool.
“You really don’t need to do that Anne, the Holidays are in a couple of days, I don’t wanna be a bother, I’m just here for a certain reason.” Anne furrows her eyebrows.
“No you’re staying with me, I will not take no as an answer.” She replies stubbornly. Just like her brother. I glance at Sirona her eyes already on mine.
“I’ll see you another time, please be sure to stop by before you leave.” She pleads. I laugh lightly nodding my head at her comment.
“Of course I will, Sirona, I promise.”
“Or we’ll just keep her here and there will never be a goodbye in place.” Anne hums softly before taking my hand and leaving the Three Broomsticks grabbing her bags with her other hand, her hand wrapped around my wrist dragging me across Hogsmeade, going the other side of town. I look across from where she was headed to see a small little cottage, smoke coming up from the chimney. Did she live with someone? She smiles up at me opening up the door.
“Guess who’s here!” She shouts into the house. I look ahead to a see a back to me, the person had blonde hair- Ominis.
“Ominis?” I whisper gently walking towards him, he turns around a wide smile on his face.
“Y/n, I knew it was you.” He smiles widely bringing me in for a warm welcomed hug. “I can never forget about you.” I giggle at his soft side my eyes darting from Anne to Ominis.
“So you two?” I scrunch my eyebrows, my eyes still darting between the two with confusion. Ominis smirks wrapping an arm around Anna.
“We’re married.” He looks down at the girl with a gentle look on his face, never in the years that I’ve noticed Ominis did I see such a soft side and Anne brought that out of him.
“What! Anne you couldn’t of told me on the way here!” I pout bringing them both into a hug. I feel a tug at my sweater that was snuggly wrapped around me looking down to see a small little girl with freckles and blonde hair, grey eyes just like Ominis. I look down at the child with wide eyes.
“Y/n, meet Noctua Gaunt.” Anne says with a lovely grin to her face, covering her mouth to escape any giggles coming out. My face must’ve been hysterical, my eyes I swear were going to pop out of my head, as I continue to look at the child, but also cry to see the makings of sweet Ominis and sweet Anne.
“She’s beautiful.” I get down to her level. “Hi Noctua.” I smile at the name once again, Ominis aunt, the only family he looked up too, and here she was but as his daughter. She couldn’t be older than one, all she did was babble and wave with her small little hands. I hear the door slam open.
“Okay I did splurge a little more for Noctua than I liked but I couldn’t help it for my favorite little girl.” I look up to see butt loads of presents covering the face, until the person sets it down and they look straight down at me. Sebastian. I sit up from my kneeling position slowly standing up locking eyes with his. Oh Merlin beard he grew up to be even more handsome. He had a slight stubble, his hair seemed to be more fluffier, his built was filled out, the shirt he was wearing was rolled up to his elbows and the muscles were certainly popping out.
“Sebastian.” I freeze in my spot, as so does he.
“Isn’t this wonderful! I ran into Y/n on the way back home from the Three Broomsticks!” Anne exclaims, so oblivious to what was going on in front of her.
“Come on dear, that’s let them talk- they have a lot to talk about.” Ominis mumbles picking up Noctua with them before heading into the kitchen. Sebastian walks up to me eyeing me up and down.
“Are you real?” I laugh at his comment, Merlin I just might being going hysterical, really. I cover my mouth to stop the laughing fit I just created.
“Come on Sebastian, of course I’m real.” I reply back laughing a bit more before finally settling down. I turn my back on him looking over the whole house, the photos of Ominis and Anne's wedding, photos of Noctua, of Sebastian. I was somewhat jealous of the fact that I didn’t have this but once again it was my fault I didn’t have this beautiful life.
“You left me Y/n.” I freeze in my spot at his comment, shutting my eyes tightly. I knew he was going to bring that up at some point, but only if he knew I did it for him.
“Yes, I did do that…” I trace my fingers on the photo frame of Sebastian in his Auror suit. Probably his first day I’m assuming. “Didn’t know you were Auror.” I try digressing the conversation holding the frame in my hand looking back at him with a small smile. “Honestly imagined you working for the library or becoming a writer honestly.” Sebastian looks at me with soft eyes, a small smirk coming up to his face walking closer to me, he looks down at me grabbing the frame out of my hands softly grazing my fingers as he does so. There it was. All the feelings I was holding back and forgetting came alive again; as I felt his touch and looked into those hazel eyes once again.
“I wanted to write, but something about adventure and going out and helping people is who I want to be, I learned that from the best of course.” He says softly his eyes still latched on my own. I hitch a breath to realize how close we are I can feel his breath on my skin, and the way he looked at me was different then any of our years together.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye.” I blurt out setting the photo down on the counter facing my body fully to look at him. He looks down at the ground stepping away from me. Sebastian turns his back at me running a hand throw his wild hair.
“I waited for you at the Great Hall, to say goodbye, I was going to ask you to travel with me, I was going to ask you to live with me Y/n.” His back still turned on me his hands now gripping his hair.
“Sebastian, I couldn’t stay here even longer, I knew if I talked to you, you would've convince me to stay.” I reply walking over to him placing a delicate hand to his shoulder, he flinches at the contact turning around to face me again tears welled up in those beautiful hazel eyes.
“Damn right I would’ve convinced you to stay, you have no idea how much I wrote to you, asking you to come back to me, I care about you that I’m still waiting for you.” He grabs my hand rubbing his thumb on the back of it softly.
“Sebastian, I can’t… I can’t do this.” Curse me. This man was about to make me feel things I shoved away so long ago. “Anne, Ominis it was nice seeing you, I-I can’t.” I rip my hand away from his grasps my body already missing the way he held me.
“No Y/n wait.” I grab my wand appariting far from their little cottage thinking about the one place I came here for. I open my eyes tears rolling down my cheek looking in front of me to see Professor Figs headstone next to his wife, I crumble down to my knees sobbing.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” I grip onto his headstone my eyes not stopping the unbelievable amount of tears erupting my face. “I couldn’t be here anymore, without you, I couldn’t bring Sebastian down my path, I couldn’t even help him when he was going through his own dark path I just decided to go along with him, I’m no Hogwarts Hero. I killed you, I’m the reason you were killed. I looked up to you, you were the only one who I thought of as a father.” I sob uncomfortably laying my head down on his gravestone. “I miss you, I’m sorry I haven’t visited, I’m scared of being back here, I’m scared of hurting those around me….” I lean my head back looking up at the sky, the snow was falling barely but it still was beautiful. I think about how the way Sebastian looked at me, he looked at me as if he had seen ghost. The way he touched me gently like he was scared at any moment I was going to crack, and yet I did. I was so weak for letting my emotions get the better of me yet again. I start to rest my eyes all this crying made me exhausted before you know it darkness is surrounding me.
She disappeared again, right in front of my eyes this time. I’m just an idiot to let my emotions get the better of me but just seeing her again. The way she grew up, more mature, she was gorgeous and of course I checked her left hand to see if anyone had taken her side but nobody hadn’t. She has indeed been alone this entire time? Why? Ominis and Anne come rushing in.
“What the bloody hell did you do Sebastian?” Ominis says crossing his arms over his chest
“I almost confessed to her… seeing her after all these years, Merlin Ominis you should’ve saw her, she looked so beautiful but yet so broken, so long gone.” I respond pacing back and fourth the room running my hand through my hair trying to wrap my mind on to what just happened.
“Well if I could've seen her Sebastian, but once again blind nitwit.” Ominis scoffs but seeing me in this state his eyes soften and makes his way towards me lightly putting a hand on my shoulder. “Come let’s go find her.” I stop in my tracks and look towards Ominis.
“You’re telling me to go after her? Wow Ominis I think we’ve spent too much time together, usually your the rational one.” I say with a slying smirk coming to my lips.
“Shut up, I just don’t wanna hear your pouting and whining again, that lasted for five years, I can’t do that again.” “No please go get her.” He pushes my shoulder. “There’s only one reason why she would be here, and you know it.” My eyes widen.
Why of course. I look at Anne and Ominis giving them a small smile. “I’m not letting her go again, I’ll be back.” I apparate to figs grave looking to see a small figure hugging onto the stone, her under eyes looking red and puffy and she was definitely freezing. “Y/n.” I gasp out grabbing her small body carrying her bridal style before apparating back to my own cottage. It was small, but it was something to get by. I take her to my room laying her slowly down to the bed. I cover her up to keep her warm conjuring a heating spell to warm her up. She mumbles softly before her eyes slowly open up.
I feel warmth hug my body, mumbling softly about how good it feels. I blink my eyes open looking around my surroundings before my eyes landing on a certain brute. “Sebastian?” I ask raspy. That crying might’ve been the death of me.
“Y/n.” He places his hand on my cheek rubbing his thumb gently across it looking up and down my body probably to make sure I wasn’t hurt.
“Why am I here?” I look around the room about to sit myself up when he pushes me down gently.
“No you’re not getting up, you need to rest, it’s been a long day for you.” He moves his hand from my cheek. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to push you today.” He looks brightly at me. “Now please get some rest.” He goes to walk out when I grab his hand before he leaves stopping him. He looks back at me confusion written across his face.
“Please don’t go.” I look up at him with a desperate look on my face, mostly begging him not to leave me alone after my uncontrollable crying on Figs gravestone. Sebastian kneels down on the side of the bed next to me with a worrisome look on my face.
"Do you still get those nightmares?" He asks softly his thumbing rubbing circles around the back of my hand in a comforting manner. I squeeze my eyes shut, breathing out a shaky breath. I look at him with tears forming into my eyes, how do I tell him I've been having nightmares every day for the past 10 years. How I do tell him all the dreams are about losing him and everyone else around me but especially him.
"All the time Sebastian, they never leave me, I'm scared." I hiccup. "I'm scared me just being here is going to hurt everyone I love and care about. I lost Fig, the only male role model in my life, someone I loved as a parental role. Merlin the fact, I dream about losing you especially. What if someone takes you away to torture me." I breath out. I let go of his hand to cover my face with mine, the tears streaming down my face. I wasn't emotionally ready to have all the thoughts in my head with him right now, otherwise I would be a bloody mess.
"Don't say anymore, I'll stay Y/n, I'll always stay." He leans foreword to kiss the top of my head leaving his lips a lot longer then I expected. I look up at him through my lashes the tears still streaming down my face. He wipes my tears away with his thumb looking at me with such a loving way, something I wasn't use to Sebastian doing.
"Sebastian...." His eyes never leave my face.
"Come on my love, I know you just wanna rest, and I promise I'll stay the whole time." He rolls into bed next to me spooning me, tightly bringing me to my chest as though I could never leave his grip. I trace his arm that was under my head.
"I'm sorry Sebastian." I mumble before drifting into a slumber.
I wake up from a dreamless sleep, I didn't dream once last night, not a happy dream nor a nightmare. I somehow felt peace, but I remember where I was. I remember all that happened the event before, the days coming back to me. I furrow my eyebrows not feeling the other body next to me, I sit up abruptly looking to my side to see Sebastian not there. I panic a bit, jumping out of the bed running into the main room.
"Sebastian!?" I yell, I look over to see him in the kitchen cooking, and I inhale deeply, as he turns his body around to look at me with wide eyes.
"What, what happened?" He rushes over to me grabbing onto my face scanning my body from head to toe. "Are you okay?" I sigh rubbing my arms in embarassment.
"I-I just thought something happened to you." I stammer looking down at the ground at my feet. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." Sebastian moves closer to me lifting my head to look at him.
"Never apologize for something you didn't do." He whispers with a small smile planted on his face. "Now come, I made us breakfast and I want to take you somewhere." I cock my head to the side and beaming slightly at him.
"You cooked? Should I be scared?" I question giggling lightly as he brings me to the table pulling out my chair for me, I sit down as he pushes me in.
"Oh hush, living by myself have given me the chance to practice." He smirks bringing over some food to my plate. I glance up at him.
"So no girlfriend in the picture?" I ask sipping on the pumpkin juice he poured for me, he sits across from me shaking his head.
"No, too in love with someone else to be in a relationship." He states taking a bite of the food. I stop the cup to my lips freezing in place. He's in love with someone? I should've known all these years he would find someone that he would eventually love, but how I silly that I thought maybe that could change, it wouldn't matter anyways I was going to leave tomorrow anyways.
"Oh, I bet she's amazing." I whisper eating the food Sebastian set in front of me, he doesn't say another word but a smirk was planted on his smug little face. We finish our breakfast, and I stand up to do the dishes when he stops me.
"No, I've got this, why don't you change and get ready, the bathroom is right around the corner." He takes the plates from my hands, tucking the loose hair behind my ear. "I'm taking you somewhere special." I blush turning my head the opposite direction to make sure he doesn't catch it. I nod giving him a grin before walking away to the bathroom with my bag. I look around the bathroom, nothing so special to it until I caught a photo on the bathroom counter noticing it was a photo of Sebastian and I, it was one that moved to capture the moment and I remember the day we took it, us near the lake happy go lucky, nothing phasing us in that moment. I smile at the memory, I can't believe he had this here. I shake away the feeling that crept back into my head. I change into black pants, and knee high boots, with a baggy green sweater, hopefully to keep me from the cold, I use magic to fix my hair and makeup from the previous night before. I sigh softly looking at myself in the mirror looking at the scar that Ragnok caused, right across my eyebrow, all of those memories are now a scar, still there but slowly healing.
I walk out of the bathroom seeing Sebastian with a black button up with his Slytherin scarf wrapped around him, and his black pants. I observe more in this moment. He wasn't the same Sebastian, he held more confidence, he grew into his features fairly well, he was handsome, he was so so handsome, and so much taller. He was towering over me, and god how I wish I can call him mine.
"You ready?" He takes out his hand, and I gently grab it as he apparates us Merlin knows where. I look around us, grass surrounding us but there was an edge we were close to.
"Where are we?" I ask walking closer to the edge, Sebastian right near my heels, and that's when I saw it. Hogwarts. I gasp in the beauty, we were over looking the giant castle. It was beautiful but it brought back all the emotions.
"I remember when I first saw you, you walked into the sorting ceremony our fifth year, and I remember thinking that was the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my life." He mumbles playing with his fingers looking down at them. "Merlin's beard Y/n, you came into my life and it flipped, you helped me even though I was going through a path I know you didn't fully support but you did anyways, you stuck through me years after that, I know I hurt yo-"
"No Sebastian, I hurt you." I breath out the air I was holding onto hearing him say the things he did, I couldn't let him think I was this amazing person when I know I wasn't. "I have almost got you killed multiple times, because of my stupid ancient magic, because of stupid goblins, I would've died to help Anne but I didn't know how, I'm a coward." I turn away from the castle my arms holding onto me. "But it doesn't matter cause I'm leaving so I don't hurt anymore, I have to leave tomorrow Sebastian I just have too." Sebastian's eyes widen.
"No you don't get to leave me again!" He raises his voice slightly moving his way in front of me with sadden eyes. "You do not get to decide to come into my life and make me fall in love with you all over again, I mean Merlin's beard I've never stopped loving you, you left me and I left with you, my heart did, I've been in love with you since the moment you stepped into that great hall, the moment you came up to me in that bloody common room. You've never hurt me, you hurt me by walking away from this, from us, and I know I never told you I was in love with you but that last time I really was going to ask you to be mine forever." He reaches into his pocket and grabs a box opening it containing a emerald green ring that had his initials on the side of it. I widen my eyes at his confession, my heart pounding, warm butterfly's fluttering all over in my stomach.
"Sebastian, I left because I was scared of my own feelings for you, I knew you would follow me anywhere I went and that scared me, I was scared, I'm scared now, I've been in love with you since the day I met you, I would literally die for you, I've had nightmares everyday for ten years and every single one you're in, but every single one you're being taken away from me and that hurts me way more then the dreams I end up dying in, or being tortured because if something happened to you I would never forgive myself." I gasp out tears trickling out of my eyes, his eyes are boring into mine-he moves closer to me leaning foreword catching my lips onto his gripping the back of my hair gently, I bring him closer by grabbing his scarf as we passionately kiss he moves his hands down to my waist gripping onto them gently, we pull back to catch our breaths our foreheads pressed against each others.
"I've been waiting for that for ten years my love." He breaths out tucking the loose hair behind my ear his eyes searching for mine. "I'm so in love with you."
"And I with you Sebastian Sallow." He brings my forehead to his lips placing a chaste kiss on it, I wrap my arms around his waist his chin on the top of my head. I didn't want this moment to end, I didn't want to let him go, not now, not ever. He pulls back the ring box still placed in his hand.
"Y/n... I know we haven't dated, haven't even been with each others life for years, but all I think about is being with you and only you. I want you to have this ring as a sort of a hold until I can actually propose to you, cause I want you and only you." I giggle softly, the tears once again in my eyes, I only nod bringing my left hand out for him to place ring on that certain finger.
"I wish to one day be Mrs Sallow, Sebastian, I want you and only you." I whisper wiping my tears with my right hand as he slides the ring on my finger, it fitting perfectly on my finger. "I cannot believe this is happening." I breath out looking at the beautiful ring placed on my finger, smiling at the way I first arrived thinking that I would only want Sebastian to have this finger.
"Should we go to Ominis and Anne to tell them the good news? That you're here to stay." He smirks lightly.
"Oh Merlin their going to literally kill us for taking this damn long." I chuckle at the thought of Ominis telling us he told us so.
"Yes, but I cannot wait to hear Anne literally scream at the both of us for being idiots." I laugh placing a small kiss onto his lips. We later tell Anne and Ominis what happened in the day we were gone and we were both right Ominis telling us he told us so, and Anne calling us idiots. I knew this is who I wanted to be near, who I needed to be surrounded by. They were my home. Professor Fig would've been proud....
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alexendria-rose · 3 months
I take requests!! Please send me some I’m dying to write some more Vincent x readers. Sherlock reads. Anything! Down below are people I can write about.
•Vincent Anderson
•Benedict cumberbatch
•Sherlock Holmes
•Sebastian Sallow
•Ominis Gaunt
•Draco Malfoy
•Harry Potter
•Ron Weasley
•Hermione Granger
•The phantom (If you know you know)
•Willy Wonka (Timothee)
•Anakin Skywalker
•Colin Bridgerton
•Doctor Strange
Probably more just reach out and ask!
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alexendria-rose · 6 months
Sorry guys! I haven't made another x reader. I'm currently working on a long one. Basically a love Rosie remake but it's Sebastian Sallow. I'm really excited for it! should be out soon.
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alexendria-rose · 7 months
Okay but a Sebastian sallow series that is based off of Love, Rosie. I NEED TO WRITE BUT ALREADY WRITING ONE FOR MIRROR MIRROR
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alexendria-rose · 8 months
I kind of want to write a Sebastian Sallow x reader with him being a prince. I watched Mirror Mirror and got huge Sebastian energy. Whatcha think? Would y’all ready??
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