#second i know zelda (and me) would likely get angry with link even if he was a girl
unapprovedtrash · 1 year
Wild Tears of The Kingdom theory but it’s been floating around in my head all day.
This is long and probably all over the place but please bare with me.
So I’m sure by now most of you have already seen the official artwork for Ganondorf and noticed that he had one of the tear shaped Gems on his forehead.
Except this one is red, you might even say it looks corrupted.
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But we’ll get back to that, because I wanna talk about the hero on the tapestry in botw for a hot second.
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So I know we’ve all already talked about how the hero in the tapestry isn’t Link, doesn’t even look remotely like Link, with the red hair and beard, but you know who does have red hair and a beard, oh yeah, Ganondorf.
Also, in the opening of the tapestry he isn’t called “The Hero” which is what we always call Link, he’s called “a warrior wielding the soul of a hero”
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So here’s where it gets crazy, well, crazier. What if for some reason Link wasn’t around for Calamity Ganon 10,000 years ago and Hylia, (or I guess it would technically be Fi?) was forced to chose someone else to battle The Calamity. A strong warrior, like someone from the Gerudo, like maybe….Ganondorf? And perhaps the “soul of a hero” refers to the master sword.
So let’s say I’m right and Ganondorf somehow ended up being the hero from 10,000 years ago, then what happened, why does he want to destroy us now?
Well, here’s where we pick up where I left off on the tear gem because I have a second theory inside of this one. Maybe, because he wasn’t the true hero, because he wasn’t LINK, he somehow got corrupted by malace during the battle, and they ended up having to seal him away somewhere deep underground. And the reason he’s so angry now isn’t just because of his malace corrupted soul, but because they betrayed him, they forced this role upon him, this destiny he never asked for and then when he needed help instead of trying to save him they locked him away, abandoned him after everything he had sacrificed for them.
I saw a post on tumble where someone mentioned they wanted to be able to save Ganondorf, which got me wondering if we can purify his little gem thing, but yeah that’s pretty much it.
Also, in not related to this theory, but I noticed the Zelda on the tapestry seems to have a dark skin tone, which makes me wonder if this is the Zelda from 10,000 years ago.
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link-eats-rocks · 11 months
After rescuing Zelda from the Yiga, she's suddenly treating him differently...
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Link was still winded from his battle with the Yiga. It hadn't been physically tiring; running them off had taken all of ten seconds. But he couldn't slow his heartbeat after the sight of Princess Zelda with a blade aimed at her throat.
It probably made her mad to have him staring. And she was probably mad that he'd followed her, even if it had meant her life.
She must be pretty shaken too, though, since she was walking close to him at his side instead of her usual five paces ahead.
Often, when he turned to check on her, she was already looking at him. That made it all the more impossible to calm down. He clinched his fists and fixed his eyes ahead across the sprawling nothingness of the desert.
"It will be getting cold soon," The Princess said quietly.
He nodded.
"How far do you think we are from the stable?"
The Shiekah Slate didn't work this deep into the Gerudo Desert. But they'd been walking for miles. "We shouldn't be long, Princess. We'll arrive before sundown."
She sighed. "That's a relief. Y-You deserve some rest."
It took awhile to register what she'd just said. Was he hallucinating or had she just said something kind to him?
They trudged on in silence while Link’s mind spun wildly in confusion. He felt uneasy. Was she trying a new approach to run away? Would she try running away again tonight? He was about to fall over. How could she possibly have the energy to plan another escape?
Link sat down at the fire and let his aching head sink to his hands. For just a moment while The Princess was inside the inn, he could indulge his exhaustion, shutting his eyes and enjoying the heat of the fire against his hands and face.
One minute. Just a second and he'd start on dinner...
He snapped to position, straightening his back and looking up at The Princess.
She smiled. She was holding a wooden tray with two mugs and bowls on it.
"I bought dinner. It's been a long day. No need to cook."
He blinked, dumbstruck, as she sat down on the stool beside his, tray on her lap, and handed him a bowl of soup and a large mug of water. He should've thanked her but instead he just dug in.
He heard her spoon clink against her bowl and she laughed, genuine, melodic. He looked over slowly.
She was grinning at him. There was no malice in her eyes but he still braced himself for a jab. "You eat fast."
His eyes darted to the right. He didn't know what to make of that so he resumed eating. His headache ebbed with every bite.
By the time he'd finished his bowl and his water, he felt like collapsing into his cot.
"I got you something," The Princess said just as he was about to suggest they turn in. "When I bought dinner, I also bought us both beds for the night."
He couldn't deny it anymore. Somehow, she wasn't angry anymore.
Her cheeks were getting rosier. "The deluxe extra comfy beds."
Link bit his bottom lip, knowing he'd have to reply. "You bought...two beds?"
"Yes. As a "thank you"."
"For saving me today," she elaborated.
"I—You didn't have to. It isn't worth—."
"It's my life," she interrupted. "No one has ever done such a thing for me. You put yourself in front of me. You could've died."
He dropped his head, his throat tight. "Oh. Well, of course your life is most valuable. That's why there's no sense in thanking me. There's not even a thought as to what must be done."
He was met with harsh silence.
It took awhile for him to screw up the courage to look at her. When he did, the air was knocked from his lungs.
Her eyes were filled with tears and fixed on him.
"Im sorry, Princess!"
She shook her head. "Whatever for? I am the one who ought to apologize, Link."
Link rubbed the back of his neck, scrubbing at his hair.
"Link, I've made your life as difficult as I could. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I am sorry." Her voice rose unexpectedly and she looked away, wiping her face. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I've felt sorry since I did it, actually. You'd done nothing wrong."
"I'm sorry for always upsetting you, Princess." His voice was choked too.
They faced away from each other and sniffled.
"You didn't, Link. It's not your fault I'm upset."
With those words, a weight was lifted from his shoulders. Months of wondering where he'd gone wrong, and he finally had an answer. If she was taking out anger on him, that was easy to accept. He wish he could've understood that to begin with.
"Let's go to bed," Zelda said after a few minutes of sitting in silence, both trying not to cry, and not looking at each other.
Link nodded and stood. Out of habit, he held out his hand to help her up. It was how he'd been trained. She never let him help her, though.
As soon as he'd done it, his fingers flinched to pull away. Before he could, Zelda's soft, warm hand was in his. Electricity ran through him and he blushed.
She stood up but didn't let go, instead meeting his eyes, standing close, just a hair taller than him. Her gaze was gentle. "Friends?"
Link raised his brows. He wasn't through the shock of her hand in his or her face this close, so it was hard to process that she was speaking to him. "Of course, Princess." The words came out in a whisper.
She let go of his hand and clasped hers in front of her. "Zelda, then. Call me Zelda." She smiled shyly.
"Are you sure?" He was so nervous he was shaking. He prayed she didn't notice.
This time, the silence between them was even more awkward since they were standing so close. She should know by now that he was useless at conversation. Nothing would happen at this rate; he'd continue staring at his shoes until sunrise if she kept looking at him.
"Thank you again, Link." She stepped away, smiling at him brightly. "Let's get some sleep, alright?"
"Yes, Princess."
He couldn't help but grin as he realized his mistake even as heat rushed to his face. "Okay, Zelda."
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curseofpower · 1 year
Finally I'm doing it. It's been over 3 months since I nearly 100% ToTK and studied every landscape on my stupid hoverbike. But here it finally is.
My big ass ToTK post.
After I completed the game, my mind was going wild with theories and possibilities about what happened to Ganondorf.
I could not and still do not believe he was 'born evil'. I think something happened to him, and it happened right around the same time Zelda showed up so we never got to see who he really was. Not entirely, anyway. I believe the evil Rauru sensed was the ancient evil spoken of in the shrines (because why else would he be so familiar with the feeling of it?) and what do we know about the ancient evil? It existed before Ganondorf. Possibly long before, because there were old looking shrines connected to lightroots in cutscenes from the ancient past before Ganondorf became the evil's source.
I believe the ancient evil is something that came from the depths. It was unleashed by the ancient Zonai due to their excessive mining. I believe they created the lightroots and shrines above to try to control it, but when they couldn't, they simply left.
Because they knew the world was doomed.
As for why the evil would have ended up with Ganondorf and not some other powerful leader? Well, before the Zonai disappeared, they must have closed up all the holes they'd used to get to the depths in an attempt to bury the problem before leaving.
All except one.
The one in the Gerudo desert which is in an area that had once clearly been inhabited, before we knew there would even be depths in the world (botw). The damn thing even is a massive plot point in both games due to the Yiga clan. It's not subtle. It's there.
So here's where the evidence ends (mostly) and the story formed in my mind. I'll be posting snippets from something me and my partner co-wrote based on my idea.
While my original plan had Ganondorf fighting the demon alone and losing (becoming possessed) only to come back home alive and be hailed a hero for his apparent 'victory', our story has Link going into the past to make sure that failure doesn't happen, and he has the souped up master sword to do it with.
The lightroots began to go out with no one to care for them. The ancient evil, no longer contained, started to seep forth. This thing I call a demon, was too weak to break forth immediately due to being indisposed for so long, so it began to attack the closest civilization to it.
This started with a plague.
The demon was angry. It's entire being is hatred and greed personified. It wanted to lash out just as much as it wanted a host in a position of power so that it may more easily inflict eternal suffering on the world above. Ganondorf and the Gerudo were prime targets in all regards, as back then, they were very well off and well established.
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So here's where Link arrives at the kingdom. Still Ganon's pov.
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As you can see, I didn't go with the popular idea that Ganondorf's Second and Third are Koume and Kotake. I made a couple OCs instead out of those two in the cutscene. Sorry. Neither are Nabooru either because uh this isn't OoT as much as it wishes it was. lol
Anyway, Link's POV, written by my partner.
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Ganon's POV
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That's all for now.
This is a slow burn ganlink story alongside... everything else it is. I took massive liberties with Gerudo culture based on what I know from other games later on in the story, and also played much more on the fact Ganondorf is a sorcerer than the game did. I took away what I could, however, making him adept at creating illusions mostly.
Also I'd like to say the way Link gets to the past is much different than what happened to Zelda. It's a doozy, but since my cowriter came up with it I'll let them decide when I can reveal that.
But anyways this post has gone on long enough. Let me know what you guys think, if you want!
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redactedgender · 5 months
there’s a honey
ao3 link here
(15k words)
some tags: Porn with some plot ; Switching ; Flirting ; Awkwardness ; we love an enby who uses gendered language in genderfucky ways ; guy and his inability to stfu /pos ; No beta we die like xavier ; yall have met crow already. let me introduce you to sage ; Overuse of italics ; so many italics
its finally here! my 15k word guy/honey smut :] today is also (what i consider) my one year redacted listening anniversary. this series has meant a lot to me during the past year, and im very happy to have found out abt it when i did.
so, here's a fic that i hadn't originally planned on posting for my one year, but hey, guess now's as good a time as any to post it!
a reminder: this fic is 18+/NSFW.
a snippet under the cut
They hated to admit it, but kissing Guy was very quickly becoming their favorite thing to do. Not that they would ever admit that to him, of course. They had an image to maintain. But in their mind, they could think about kissing their boyfriend all they wanted. The quick pecks in the morning before he rushed off to work, the slow kisses they would share while he cooked dinner (because despite working almost every day in a pizza place making pizzas for sometimes ten hours or more in a single day, Guy liked cooking for the two of them), the multiple pecks across their face as he tried to distract them from something, mostly their work. There was something about Guy that made them act like— this . Like some kind of punch-drunk teeanger experiencing their first real relationship. Butterflies in their stomach, face constantly flushed anytime they looked at him, feeling flustered when he would say their name, all of the stuff that they had never experienced before. Guy surely was giving them the real “boyfriend experience” that they had only read about in high school. Speaking of their boyfriend— Sage looked up from their phone at the sound of the bell ringing out as the door into Max’s Rustic Pizza opened, and rolled their eyes at Guy’s frazzled grin and wide-eyed stare at his partner. Sage was leaning against the hood of their car, headphones on and blasting music, though it had been turned off and the headphones had been moved to hang around Sage’s neck. Guy looked them up and down, eyebrows wiggling enticingly, and Sage made a disgusted little noise they didn’t mean, which only made Guy laugh. Like Sage wasn’t just wearing jeans and a hoodie. He was ridiculous sometimes. “Hey there, hot stuff!” Guy called out, leering closer to his partner and arching an eyebrow. “Who are you waiting for, huh? Certainly someone as hot as you managed to bag someone as equally hot, right? I just know they’ve gotta be charming and handsome, and extremely funny, too!” He grinned, and Sage elbowed him in the arm, not hard, but sharp enough to make him recoil back and hold his arm. “Ow! I was complimenting you, what’d you do that for?” “Never call me ‘hot stuff’ again, first of all,” they retorted, adjusting their position against their car and tugging their hoodie around their shoulders tighter as a sharp wind tore through the air. Even though it was April and most of the days were getting warmer and warmer, the occasional chilly day still popped up, and today was one of them. “Second of all, I’m waiting for you , so I can go back to the apartment and finally play Zelda since you wanted to watch me play it instead of playing it yourself.” “Aww, c’mon, honey,” Guy crooned, resting one hand on the hood of the car and leaning his hip against it, tilting his head to peer at them with his (really fucking pretty, goddamn this fucking guy—) hazel eyes. “You know why I like watching you play it—you get so into the game, it’s adorable!” “It’s adorable when I’m screaming ‘fuck’ at the Lynels for killing me for the fifth time in a row? Or that one time I got so angry when I fell off a cliff and clipped through the world and lost all my gear that I had to go into my room before I punched our TV?” They deadpanned, eyebrow raised in question, and Guy nodded and grinned, biting his bottom lip like he was trying (and failing) to contain his excitement.  “Mhm!” He brought his other hand to scratch at his head, a habit he had. “I mean, you’re just so good at the game, so it’s hardly fair for me to even play it! It’s much better as a viewing experience anyway, especially with my head in your lap. I mean, the only way it would be an even better viewing experience would maybe include me on my knees. Or maybe with my head between your—” Sage slapped Guy’s arm again, ignoring the way their face felt flushed at what their boyfriend was insinuating. “Not in public, you—!”
continue reading here!
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wayfayrr · 1 year
I got inspired to write this based on an order I got from @cafecourage (they're lovely btw <3 would reccomend) that I got an ace sticker with my Sky keyrings - and how that spiralled into how Sky is an ace Icon with @angry-trashcan
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“[Name] would it be alright if I told you something about myself-”
“Hey Sky, now that we’ve been together for a while there’s something I should probably tell-” 
“You can go first.”
“No, you, I can wait.”
Even though Sky and I have only been dating for a couple of months, well engaged for a couple of weeks now on top of that, not that I was aware of that fact until recently. We’re surprisingly in sync with how we talk to each other, it’d be cute if I weren’t worried about what he’s about to tell me. 
“Please Sky, you go first.”
“Okay, Just don’t hate me, please…”
“I - I don’t like the idea of sex, I really don’t like it. But I know a lot of people only really look for relationships for it, so I don’t want to, I don’t know, I don’t want you to get upset because I don't want to do that.”
“You’re asexual as well?”
He looks so confused right now, not upset, but like he’s figuring out something about himself. I’ll give him a moment to find himself before I carry on, he looks like he’s having an entire identity crisis, rethinking everything he’s ever known. But he looks pleased now, it must just have clicked for him.
“Asexual? As well?? You mean, I’m not the only person like this, and that you’re the same way??”
“Yeah, it’s what I wanted to tell you. I’m the same way, I know what it feels like.”
“So you won’t be disappointed by me?”
Tears are running down his face now, but he’s smiling so wide at the same time so I know that he’s just gotten some of the best news in his life and his tears are all for good reason. What has he been treated like to have this reaction still though? Coming out like this to a partner is tough, how stressed has he been in the last few days… oh this has to have been why he’s been so on edge. Taking him into my arms was an easy choice to make, a quick one as well seeing how fragile he is at the moment, comforting any of the links like this feels like second nature. My shirt getting wet isn’t an issue either although no doubt Sky’ll be falling over himself to apologise later. Running my hands through his hair always seemed to calm him before so it should help now.
“I could never be disappointed in you Sky. If you don't mind me asking… have people been disappointed in you for it?”
“... Zelda as much as I care for her, she - well she never dropped the idea of us having children. I loved her, but we weren’t right as a couple. She just didn’t respect it. She didn’t respect me now that I really think about it.”
“Sky I’m so sorr-”
“But that doesn’t matter because I have you now and you’re never going to leave me. I won’t ever let you [name], you’re mine now. You’re the first person who truly understands me.”
Like with the others, he knows I don't belong to Hyrule but he doesn’t seem to care about that at the minute, or he has something else planned to deal with that “issue”. Knowing how far he went for Zelda it seems somewhat fitting he’d push himself further than he should for me, no matter how much I’d prefer he rest. That thing he said under his breath as well ...
“Sky you know at some point I have to leave Hyrule… as much as I want to stay here with you I - I can’t just abandon my life like-”
“I also wanted to ask that when the time comes that you have to leave, would you accept me going with you?”
This impatience isn't like Sky, how he's interrupting me so constantly. He's got to be rushing all of his words out because he's stressed or something. 
his hair is so soft. 
Even with everything he knows, that he’s the start of this, he’d instead leave it all behind for me? He’s willing to leave everything behind over this, he’s far more important than anything here. Is that why he’s so willing to leave? Because he doesn’t want that fate, I wouldn’t blame him. 
“If it's what you want, Sky I could never turn you away. As long as you’re certain about it, if there is a way back to my world after all I’m not sure if you could ever come back.”
“Coming back doesn’t matter seeing as I would get to spend the rest of my life with you… I’m alright with that chance [name]. It would be more than worth it to me. There’s one other thing as well, what exactly does asexual mean..?”
“I understand based on what I feel, but I think there’s more to it from how you said it.”
“Yeah there is, it’s somewhat common in my world. I identify with it myself”
Where do I even begin with explaining this to him, there are so many different ways to identify with it and it can be so different for each person. Maybe it would be for the best to find out exactly how he feels first, I could wait for a while, it'd be a far easier talk after he's calmed down.
"explaining can wait though, right now I think I'd prefer to just rest here, I think that would be best for you as well…"
"hmm, as long as you stay by my side the whole time. I don't ever want to be apart from you… never if I can help it.”
“Have you always been this clingy or am I remembering things wrong - Not that it’s bad of course!”
“I just like being close to you [name].”
He really has gotten more attached over the last week, the same time he’s been getting more stressed, this really must’ve been playing on his mind for a while now. More than it has been for me, far more than it’s been on my mind. When we get back to my world I’ll make sure to treat him to whatever he could possibly want, after everything it’s the least he deserves. 
“You know… if you’re coming with me when this is all over… It’s probably a good idea to learn how to read how my language is written now.”
“Mhm… that would make sense. I could read your journals if I learned…”
“What was that Sky?”
“Nothing you’ll need to worry about my dove.”
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uniquevoidflowers · 11 months
I am not good at writing Four, but here! @frostedshadow, I think this was a prompt you requested?
Four sat on the cold ground, his neck and back aching as he shakily threw a book across from him. His eyes were blank with a dark purple and icy blue creeping into them. A harsh but caring voice tried to reason with the usually intelligent but fierce voice, while the others tried to maintain the consequences of the intelligent voice’s actions. On the outside you could see how bruised Four’s eyes were and how drastically pale he was, but you couldn’t see what was going on through his head. Inside however, was a different story. 
“Damn it Vio, can’t you see what you’re doing to Four?!” Blue yelled.
“I can’t stop now Blue.” Vio responded, voice lowered and small, but his face in a deadpan.
“I know this…this grief is hard for you, and I understand why…but you can’t drag other people down and hurt yourself in the process!” Blue tried to reason, getting angrier by the second. 
Vio didn’t even move. “I can make this work! I just need a few more days, more researching, more concentration!” 
Blue made a frustrated noise and sent a sharp glare towards the violet link. “You’ve had your time! How do you think Four’s going to explain why he’s like this to the others huh? We’re going to look insane!” 
“I don’t care! I don’t fucking care! Let me be!” Vio snapped.
Blue flinched and opened his mouth to protest, but his voice wouldn’t come out. 
“You do realize if you keep it up like this, we’re going to suffer? Is that what you want? Is that what Shadow would want?” Red murmured, looking downcast.
It was Vio’s turn to flinch. Suddenly there were tears at his eyes and he stubbornly rubbed them, trying not to reveal his hurt. The other Links looked at him with sad understanding. “You—You don’t understand!” Vio cried.
“I do! Trust me, I want to have Shadow back too, but this isn’t healthy.” Red said, his voice unwavering. 
Vio wiped a tear from his eye and gave Red a look of pure hurt and then cut off from everyone. The colours desperately tried to contact the violet link, a little angry he was being this…this juvenile. Red sobbed uncontrollably causing Four to react the same. Blue rushed to comfort the red link, hoping that the chain wouldn’t catch Four in their vulnerability. Green gave a glance at the situation and attempted to take control of Four, but Vio had a tight grasp. 
Four wearily sat up and began to look at the stack of books Twilight had gathered for him earlier and tried to read the titles but the lines were blurry and the colours of the books mixed together. “Wha..?” 
His voice was raspy and filled with emotion for some reason. Footsteps pounded in his ear and then there was something resting on his shoulder. Four started but realized it was a hand. A soft and gruff voice met his ears but he couldn’t quite make out what it was saying. Maybe Blue and Red were right. That was the last thought Four had before he slumped and his head lolled back. 
“Oh splendid, know the chain probably think’s we’re crazy!” Blue shouted, his hands clutching his head.
“Calm down Blue, we might be able to come up with an explanation.” Green sighed.
Vio was still blocking any connection but Green was able to get ahold of Four. Right now Four couldn’t wake up, sleep having a death grip on him. Red was sniffling, quietly mumbling apologies. “Might! MIGHT?!” Blue screeched.
Green rolled his eyes. “We have no way of guaranteeing anything, but we’re smart. I think we could come up with something logical.” 
“I am not calming down until Vio decides to come and help us.” Blue seethed, shooting a glare at nothing in particular. 
Green sighed once more and sat down, giving up on the blue link. 
Days passed by, painfully slow, but they still passed. Everything remained the same, Blue getting increasingly furious. Green trying to console Red. Vio being silent. One day Four was able to open his eyes and emerald eyes peered out. Four saw Time standing there a calm and relieved expression on his face. “You’re awake.”
Four sat up and looked around, before his eyes darted back to the old man. “How are you feeling?” Time questioned, grabbing a glass of water and gently forcing it into the smith’s hands.
“M’tired.” Four responded, and took a small sip of the water, surprised at how it touched his dry throat. 
“No surprise there.” Time said, squinting at the smithy.
Four bit his lip, wondering just how much the old man knew. “Wha…What happened..?” 
“You passed out for a weak and scared us all little one. Care to explain why?” 
“I…I….uh…uhm…” Four stammered looking for the colours’ help.
“I knew this would happen!” Blue yelled.
“Shut up!” Green hissed.
Red thought for a moment and then raised his hand. Green gestured for him to speak. “We could just say nightmares?” Red suggested tentatively. 
“It’s better than nothing I guess.” Blue muttered.
“Nightmares.” Four said, clipped.
Time raised a brow, not looking convinced. “Would you like to talk about it?”
The smith instantly shook his head. “Why, if I may ask?” Time pressed.
“Because…I…look Time, I just don’t want to talk about the nightmares.” Four sighed, a swirl of blue entering the emerald eyes.
“If you say so.” Time hummed.
Four blinked wearily and yawned. Time smiled. “We’re at an inn now, you have a lot of time to rest. No pun intended. You should get some more sleep, the traveller said it will help you.” 
The smith stared at the old man for a few hot moments before giving the glass of water back to Time and resting his head on a pillow. He yawned again and closed his eyes, sleep welcoming him with open arms. “Rest well smithy.” Time nodded and Four drifted off.
After a bit something healed and Vio came back. The colours didn’t know why but were very grateful. “YOU IDIOT!” Blue screamed and ran to hug the violet link. 
Red and Green followed. Vio apologized profusely and kept on saying he didn’t know what had gotten into him. It was a mess and a blur, but eventually things were fixed. They all sat there, and let Four rest, as they talked and joked and cried. 
“Four! Foooooour! Fooooooooooooooourrrrr!” Wind shook the smith impatiently. 
“I’m up, I’m up!” Four groaned and sat up as the sailor grinned and stood up.
“Good morning smithy.” Twilight greeted, looking amused.
Four glared at the rancher, eyes icy blue. The cook handed him some food and he sat down next to Legend who stared at him for a long few minutes and then shrugged. Four grumbled and then ate, as Time sent him a look. Icy blue shifted into violet and the smith smiled reassuringly. Time nodded and relaxed, devouring a spoonful of the meal. Four sighed and gave one last glance at the many books that Vio had and gave them back to Twilight. Everybody was surprised at Four’s actions but Vio knew it was for the best this time. 
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meepthemonsterfucker · 2 months
I know it's not monster content but I think it would just be so much fun to be a member of the Yiga clan from the BotW/TotK Zelda games.
Imagine sneaking into, or even joining the clan with everyone telling you how important it is to work towards achieving their goal. Hearing about how much they hate Link and that he must be dealt with on sight. Imagine a few of the members coming back to the hideout, stressed out and angry about losing to the hero once again and they see you. You could be busy doing something, minding your business, or even just taking a break for a little bit, and they'd come up to you. They both tower over you and are in need of some stress relief.
Your mask gets lifted enough for one of them to use your mouth while the other positions himself behind you, and you are just an eager little slut for it. You don't even think about it, you just start sucking on and licking the cock that's in your mouth. You're already getting wet from it just to feel to thick fingers push their way into your tight little pussy, thrusting in and out to get you nice and ready for the second cock you'll be taking. You'd let them fuck you as roughly as needed till both of them are feeling much better about their failed attempt to kill Link. And like a good girl you'd be so happy that you could help!
Imagine getting to be passed around the clan "helping" all the members relieve their stresses by letting them fuck you whenever they needed. Surely Master Kohga would noice all your hard work that he'd like to reward you personally~
Anyways I just want to suck on Kohga's cock and hear him call me a good girl 🤤🥰
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neverchecking · 1 year
Something I love about this is that when Tia gets mad, she gets Polite. Like Unfailingly polite. Like Unflinchingly Polite. Like "My deepest apologies for misinterpreting your words but..." Polite.
But the politeness has levels. If she's Polite but still holding her tea, she's very annoyed but willing to hear you out.
If she's handed Sweetpea her tea, you fucked up.
If she hands anyone else but Sweetpea her tea, make your last Will and Testament because Sweetpea will not be able to hold her back for long.
So the first time Sage has his efforts dismissed or maybe even they're in Hateno and Tia asks the mayor's wife why she's cleaning Link's house only to be corrected, Tia starts getting Polite.
Then she hears about this Sheikah Champion and the opinion on the rest of the Champions and she starts getting very Polite.
She starts pointing out flaws in the system, the misinformation passed on, criticisms, how Hylians could have done better, how Zelda could've done better, how the champions faced enemies literally designed to exploit their flaws, how Link had done so much for them and gosh isn't it just rude of some people not to give others the recognition they rightly deserve.
Politely, of course.
(Of course, since the Sheikah know everything, I feel like they would be the ones behind the antagonism towards the Champions. Because how did Zelda 'Heir to a Throne of Nothing' become the central figure? Like you'd think there would be at least a little sentiment of 'Zelda's fault for not doing anything earlier' despite holding back the Calamity. So who do they redirect the blame to? Who do they come to eventually blame as well? The dead can't defend themselves after all.)
(I also feel that the other races blamed the Hylians rather than their Champions and having the Hylians blame their champion fuels friction between the races, even if the only thing they agree on is some form of gratitude towards Zelda.)
Meanwhile, Tia's Sheikah aren't as informed as Aaliyah's but have also since inherited Tia's 'Wtf Hylia. Kids? Really?!' mentality and so are horrified by their counterparts.
Aaliyah's just going "yeah and then they *insert childhood trauma here*" all while several Sheikah are having a Crisis™ and others are yelling about appropriate child-raising Methods. (Someone, maybe Koko or Cottla sees Aaliyah's back and just bursts into tears because How Could They Do That to You? Any explanation just makes them cry harder and poor Sweetpea is once again running damage control.)
(Also wrote a thing that was too big for the ask box. I tagged you :D)
OMG I love characters that get polite when angry. Like, hell hath no fury like a nice person scorned ( Ik the original saying is woman which also works here).
And her giving her tea to anyone but Sweetpea because he has to hold her back is so funny to me. Like the second its handed to Revali or something, he's jumping in to try and hold her back. Key word being try.
I imagine the deal with the house, in this switch world, is that it originally was Link's, and by extension Aaliyah's, before Natura was freed from Ganon the first time. And what started as,' hey maybe she can stay for a few weeks while setting up settlements again?', quickly became 'Did we just get kicked from our own house?'. Like before either knew it, Natura was hanging things up, bringing in furniture neither liked, took things down that didn't suit her tastes. Things like that. And just when they were going to lay down a hard boundary, the Upheaval happened.
Which is probably where they ran into Hudson and helped him out with Mattison. When he and his wife offered them a piece of land, they took it. It was a great place to start their own life, again, this time far away from that so called Princess and her influence. She could have the Hateno house for all they cared. They had this one. They built this one with their bare hands. It's where their family will be created, will grow and where the two will spend their years until there are no more.
So when faced with the old house, Sage probably has very little care for it. Until he hears Tia go off about this place. He's standing there like O-O the whole time. He could give a rat's ass about his reputation but hearing her defend his Aaliyah's reputation so whole heartedly? He'll hear her out.
(With the Sheikah thing, they for sure are the root of at least some antagonism. They can't have any doubt in the crown and with the Calamity being as unpredictable as it was, they needed a scapegoat. Hence the Champions. The Sheikah Champion especially, in my world, was crafted as the perfect foil for the princess. If they won, Zelda would get the praise and the belief that she was a strong leader. If they lost, it would all fall back onto the Sheikah Champion, who should've seen this coming. Who should've done her duty. Who should've beaten all odds anyway and won nonetheless. Who let the princess struggle for a hundred years while she healed. Who was presumed dead, along with the other champions, and couldn't defend herself until it was far too late.)
(There is also definitely friction between races. I'm sure with the Sages, they come to tolerate, maybe even befriend Link and Aaliyah, but when it comes to the other tribes there is no love lost there. I think it's mostly through mutually beneficial relationships. Like the Rito probably are the highest produces of arrows, hence why the people sent food their way when they froze over. Not through genuine care, but because they needed their wares.)
Aaliyah's Sheikah are drastically different from Tia's and it would be such whiplash for the poor girl when she realizes they aren't there to hurt her. And when she explains that 'Yeah, I was a child soldier groomed to be a sacrifice isn't that cool?' she's a little confused by the horrified expressions on their faces. Was this...not what they wanted?
See, the Koko and Cottla is Aaliyah's world? They love her. She loves them. Her and Sage are their pseudo big siblings. But they're aware of how outcasted the Champion is from her people. How their father doesn't really want them near the two, but can't say anything because of the relationship already forged.
So when Tia's Koko and Cottle just burst into tears? She's panicking because WHAT DOES SHE DO? Sweetpea is probably tryna separate them before all of them start crying.
(I saw it, I loved it so much i was literally beaming the whole time I read it)
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Linktober 2022 Day 2: Bones ~~ A Link to the Past ~~ ZeldaGoesToo!AU ~~ 2100 words
“Here,” Link said.
The Moon Pearl gleamed opalescent, tinged with the color of soft, red earth, smooth and shining against Link’s battered hand, cracked with cold, calloused with labor.  Zelda stared, wondering as always how its sheen drew dark at its edges regardless of how one held it, of the tilt of one’s head—always the side away from sight, not a shadow, the surface itself an impossible concession to that which ought go unseen.
It remained unchanged, always—even in the Dark World—as would its keeper.  Zelda eyed the great boulder they both knew to be a lie.  A gateway lay within, lay beneath, and they’d cross through it soon, out of the northern forest and into its harrowed reflection.  Link had heard its humming first—Zelda felt it soon after; they’d become so sensitive to it.
“Zelda?” Link asked, reaching up to brush her shoulder with gentle fingertips.  She couldn’t feel them—her cold-weather wear would not allow it—but the soft sound of their passage against leather attuned her eyes to his, the concern in them curving her mouth, raising her cheeks, crinkling the corners of her eyes.
“I held it last in that place,” she reminded him.
“I know,” he said.  “I’d… still rather you keep it.”
“You’ve been going too long without it,” she said.
“What makes you say that?”
He didn’t know.
She’d rather thought not.
She aimed to keep her smile, but words, she thought, might wipe it from her countenance.  She raised a hand halfway to his face.  At his gaze flickering between that hand and her eyes, she retracted it just a fraction—but he neither retreated nor protested, so she completed its path, the pad of her index finger light on the bridge of his nose, her middle finger resting beside it.
“Do you know what happens—just here—when you’re angry, Link?”
He blinked.  She found it easy to keep her smile, as she’d hoped.
“This part of you wrinkles—like this.”  She drew her nose up toward her eyebrows as though presented with some unpleasant stench.  He laughed, his soft voice in his throat and his teeth framed in his lips pulling a grin from her, too.  She swept her fingertips from his nose to his cheek with lightening pressure, finally parting from him with a twinge just left of her breastbone.  She watched his mouth close into toothless smile.
“It wrinkles far more when you go without the pearl,” she said.
His smile started to leave him, as she thought it would.  “Do you mean I get angrier?”
“No.”  Link had never been angry with her—not once.  His anger had always been turned on others’ wickedness.  On Agahnim.
But in the dark, he’d turned those wrinkles toward her anyway.  “When you go long without the pearl in the dark… they… frequent your face.  They become other things.”
His face flinched inward on itself.  His brows remained down, furrowed, as the rest retracted.  “Have I frightened you?”
“Frightened me?  You?  No.  Never.”
A held breath left Link, shrinking his chest, releasing some of the pressure between his eyebrows.  Zelda registered its flutter in the air—couldn’t resist breathing it in: an inexplicable compulsion.  She expelled it in reluctant speech.  “It is simply not how you are in this world.  It isn’t you.  I’ve no wish to see you… usurped by the magics of that place.”
A swallow bobbed his voicebox.  “It really is okay.  I’m in control.”  He huffed a half-laugh with a smile touching one corner of his mouth.  “I thought the fur would be the larger issue.”
A quiet giggle heaved her belly.  “That has occurred only twice.”
“Kind of why I was confused.  I didn’t really have a choice the first time-”
“And the second time, being by choice, proved extraordinarily useful.”  She felt her own eyes sparkle at him, one corner of her mouth wavering, her humor half-tamped in recognition of the nigh-on-hell-maw at her side.  “I do believe if we’d waited much longer, you’d have become a wolf.”
His blue eyes flashed, then, fixed on hers.
Perhaps he knew.  Perhaps he felt, in his depths, what he would become were he to forsake himself to the relentless darkness in Ganon’s realm.
She had been unable to fathom the form which would be her endpoint, except in its hardness—when she’d become almost crystalline, faceted at her surface, when they first ventured in, ignorant of the Moon Pearl.  Perhaps she would be as the maidens—no more than a gem to be carried in a pocket, no more than thoughts reflected within.
Link’s eyes still held hers.
She passed between them in her vision.  It would be so easy to lose herself to time here in their brightness.
The way your eyes pierce my surface, she nearly said, I believe they would crack the skin of my reflection.
She ran her thumbs over the nicks, cracks, and callouses on her own hands, the insides of her right hand’s fingers thick and rough from drawing her heavy bowstring, her left palm and span running atop her thumb and index finger dulled, toughened from the grip.  These were the signs of strength upon her.
No one ought breach them.
She mustn’t be made vulnerable—not even by Link.
She shook her head, eyes falling to Link’s age-worn boots.
“Please take the pearl,” Link whispered.
“Link- Link, I-“
“Please.  There’s… a reason.”
“Of course there’s-“
“I mean, I’m not- just- being kind.”
Her head raised of its own volition to see his arm outstretched, a small canvas bag in the grip of his fist.  “The bones,” she breathed.
He nodded. “I… guess you saw me gather them.”
She’d tried not to watch as he had—sliver by sliver, the whole skeleton of their breakfast five days past.  “I did.”
He shrugged, the bag lurching toward the hidden portal as though tugged.  “I thought we should find out-“
“What happens if we bring them in with us.   Yes.  Yes, of course. I… Link, I can hold the remains.  You may keep the pearl.”
His squinting eyes spoke far more than his lips.
He still wanted her to take it.
She couldn’t allow him to lose himself in that pit of confusion and despair.
“I shall take the remains, Link.  You keep the pearl.”
He gazed at her hard for a long moment, those shining blue eyes roaming every line in her face.  Searching for a way past her surface.  But with four long breaths, he acquiesced, handing her the canvas, its drawstring pulled and tied tight, a light weight in her hand—it had been such a small bird.
Link returned the pearl to his pouch.
Zelda held her hand outstretched to him.  He took it.
She took a step toward the illusory rock.  He followed.  Each of her steps triggered his, and within ten they met the boulder’s surface, the hum of its repulsion shuddering its way through their flesh, their feet, shins, and knees first as they entered its wide base.
Entering the Dark World had never become easy.  No ordinary person could do this.
Their legs dug deep, invisible trenches through the sages’ seal’s raw energy.  Zelda’d clamped her eyes shut, gritting her teeth against its physical insistence, the swelling dissonance against her ears as the rock’s surface enveloped her hips.  A familiar fear gripped her as her very blood fell into one resonance and then another, always at odds with other vibrations, its unpredictable cacophony an earthquake in her form.
Three more strides brought the resistant illusion to Zelda’s clavicle.
Her heart hardened.
She no longer knew whether the seal, her own determination, or the darkness on the other side rendered her heart stone in the crossing. She couldn’t remember what she’d first believed or why. Certain shards of her past resisted her thoughts’ pressure even more strongly than this barrier clawed against their passage.
She heard Link grunt as he forced his neck to phase through a jagged edge of un-rock. The pang which would have sympathized with him resonated instead—crystalline. Reflective. Her strongest self would emerge on the other side of this threshold and resist all of it—the darkness, the despair, and the things which lay half-dormant in the darkest reaches of Link’s gaze, things which had no name, things she wanted unaccountably and irrationally—and unlike the failed lock she had just immersed herself in entirely, she would succeed.
She entered cacophony itself with her next stride.
Vibrations ricocheted through her form at the threshold of the Dark World—its sharp undulations, a thousand remnants of lightning strikes buzzing ozone in her nostrils in impossibly rapid succession, overlapping in tight disharmony.
Then it stopped.
Link’s fingers had rendered hers nearly numb. He eased off just as she did—she’d been no gentler. The experience demanded the surety of force. As his fingertips brushed hers, a tingling flew across her skin from those points of contact, reaching even the most distant parts of her body. It somehow seemed of greater magnitude than the seal’s relentless emanations.
Link’s soft gasp snapped Zelda’s eyes open.
They stood in a field of something like grass surrounded by something like trees, lit, as all things were in this world, by the unending twilight sun north of Death Mountain’s reflection, filtered to a sheen of diffuse rust through blackened leaves. The field bore signs of abandoned lives, as many places did. Fenceposts… no rails, no pickets. Everything peeling. Everything off-color. The tattered remains of what may have been a palette-bed cast against something which may once have been a crude spade.
For an instant, a tree with a face far past the field drew her gaze, but something above it, looming, seemed incongruous against the roiling clouds, heavy with noxious vapors and gleaming red with their edges twilit: one object still against all that churning. She knew at once why Link had gasped.
Bones the height of Hyrule castle.
Higher, perhaps.
A spinal column.
Perhaps the ends of a few ribs visible in the distance.
What creatures laid these bones to rest would shatter the earth with a step.
Would these spring to life? Would they be like the un-living crows and cuccos vying for scraps of nothingness in dusty soil? Would it rise, alighting hollowed eye sockets on her and on Link, and follow whatever greed-fed instinct led the skeletal birds to dive toward them, intent on stripping skin from their faces and forearms?
Zelda’s grip-hand tightened reflexively-
And the bag.
She’d forgotten.
She still held it tightly.
Her stare drew Link’s.
And they watched.
And watched.
Zelda’s eyes burned with the air’s acrid vapor.
Time in this place had little meeting, but one booted step, then another, crunched dry straws beneath them. Link entered her line of vision.
“It’s not moving.”
“Indeed not,” she whispered.
She thought deception on the part of a deceased crow unlikely, but held the bag at a cautious distance from her face while tugging its mouth wide.
Link reached out. He cupped the bottom, then closed his hand, his features pinching. “Zelda, would you mind turning it out into my hands?”
She upended it slowly, expecting a tangled mess of bones to fall into his hands at once, rather like a bird’s nest. Instead, a pitifully small stream of dust met Link’s palm.
He pinched some between his fingers and held it to his nose.
“What does it smell of?” she asked quietly.
“Burning,” he whispered. “Just like everything else.”
A murder of skeletal crows chose that moment to rise from the anti-forest’s canopy, nearly-silent but for the passage of their wingbones against the shriveled leaves of their home. Zelda followed their impossible flight northwest and out of sight.
“What are they?” she whispered.
Link said nothing aloud, but his entire stance spoke of thoughts. Before she could ask, he’d already taken the bag from her, dumped the remainder of the dust inside, and walked toward the spade. He gripped its aged handle—metal—and dug a small hole. He placed the crow’s remains inside with surprising reverence.
“I’d wondered,” Link whispered. “It didn’t seem right for this place… to give life.”
Zelda swallowed. Grains of sand.
“Perhaps it denies death,” she said.
The spine in the distance creaked, settling and swaying in the wind, groaning its song of monstrosity into the ground at their feet—discordant—one more foul instrument performing Ganon’s masterwork with no key, no fundamental frequency, no congruent overtones: a symphony of warring sound. Zelda’s skin thrilled to its tune, a sound like the tinkling of crystal in her ears as a distant call meant for her alone. She knew she shouldn’t answer it.
She could resist.
She was no instrument.
And Link was no fool.
He rose, his eyes and ears fixed on her, the sounds of his hand shuffling against his pouch’s opening announcing his intention clearly. A moment later, his palm held the Moon Pearl against hers, his fingers entwined with hers.
“You need it,” he whispered. “I don’t hear it the way you do.”
“You hear other things,” she said.
His hand tightened on hers a fraction—a reassuring pulse. “Which way… did it want you to go?”
She eyed the northwest, toward the murder of stalcrows.
“…Okay. Not that way, then.”
“No,” she agreed. “Not that way.”
They eyed the spine as one.
The maidens and their Dark World forms of pure crystal—so beautiful—unique and powerfully magical—the creatures fought over them, their remains eventually in the possession of some dominant horror, curling itself around the faceted surfaces (and remains they were, for even cut stones, attractive and sparkling, meant an end to all motion).
The groaning, creaking spine in the distance seemed a likely place to find a hulking evil, hoarding its coveted treasures in a forest of wooden faces and fleshless animals. Perhaps, they’d find a gem full of reflected thoughts jammed between two massive vertebrae.
Link and Zelda walked hand-in-hand, each pressed to the Moon Pearl, toward the spine’s deep bellows.
A huge thank-you to @bellecream - this would not exist in this form without you!
[I hope to do more Linktober prompts - this is a busy time of year].
[Banner font is 'The Wild Breath of Zelda' by Chequered Ink].
Follow this link for my fic masterlist.
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beardedhandstoadshark · 6 months
Analyzing the characters/collecting character traits of each Link in this series, Part 1 out of hopefully not 1
Hyrule Fantasy/Adventure of Link
The timeline right now claims those are two different Links, but let’s be real, no they’re not. Anyways; The og lad! Not much to pick from, so most will have to come from implications and official art.
In Zelda 1, we already have two of the main character traits that would appear in every Link ever; courage and helpfulness. Pal saw an old lady ask him for help and went off right after.
Without a sword no less, and you can actually play through the entire game without it right up until the endboss. That’s…incredibly reckless, but also shows that Link is a very fast learner.
Using a ladder of all things yo cross paths is imo another point for recklessness, but shows he can think outside the box.
He generally seems to like taking risks, be it for the adventure or gambling his rupees at an old mans’ house.
Also the og arsonist, but polite enough that he always pays the door costs back, unlike some other criminals that come after him. Therefore, honest too.
Either incredibly observant or loves to experiment, given that it’s nearly impossible to find a good chunk of both secret and game relevant doors in zelda 1 without the manual on hand or getting very getting lucky.
A musician! He plays the recorder. Unlike what everyone thinks, it is in fact a proper instrument that needs skill to actually sound good.
If you headcanon Zelda 1’s "shooting arrows costs rupees” mechanic as him using rupees as makeshift arrowheads like I do, he’s also quite the crafter; plus, it adds to him being very intuitive.
Both a fast learner and loves to learn, given all the magic and sword skills you can learn from mentors in AoL.
Zelda 2 generally emphasizes traits already alluded to in Zelda 1.
Based on promo art, quite the facially expressive lad! He also likes to ponder. And point at things.
The addition of Christian Symbols in promo material was to my knowledge done as a marketing tactic to bait USians similar to NOA’s angry boxart Kirby, but the promo art of him praying exists in any way, so apparently he’s religious. (…maybe don’t use that as a reason to go after non-Christian people in the fandom though, thank you very much.)
Befriends monsters in both games, showing he has no ill will towards them as a whole, even when actively chased.
Likes to gather information that could help him, and even actively asks for it- the "Sorry, I know nothing” line of some npcs implie he asks them if they, well, know anything that could help. Plus a lot of other npc dialogue is tips for what you gotta do, unlike the general contextless flavor text known of npcs.
Townspeople love him so either he’s got a Hero bonus from Zelda 1 or just good charisma lol. People only start calling him a hero when he helps them in this game and the ending of zelda 2’s a thing so it might even be the second one
Has quite the mischievous side, annoying a resting person in Zelda 2 until they yell at him lmao
And that’s all I could find/come up with! A surprising lot already for such little to work with!
So, what we have here is already a brave and helpful lad, who is a very intuitive thinker, often stepping outside the box to achieve his goal with a quick and analytical mind that not only aids in problem solving but his vast magic skills too, though it gets a bit diminished as in his rush to help he ends up being incredibly reckless too. Luckily, he makes up for complications with his love of learning, as well as politeness in cleaning up after trouble he caused with his more destructive actions. And unlike some of his other incarnations also honest about it.
That’s how I interpreted all that anyways, extra stuff (or maybe yelling at me cuz you think it’s all ooc) are very appreciated!
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unforeseen-idiot · 11 months
Shovelwarewolf Season 3
Oh boy the season where things got really interesting, an actual antagonist with a face and everything?, a new location for our favorite angry werewolf?, ALIENS! Excellent season in my book and lets get into why.
E.T the Extra-Terrestrial: Great opener, I love the theme of this season being infamously bad games fits well with Biffalo's whole schtick. I love the back and forth they have with each other. I love the scene where Ivan resolves to get out of the pit, fails once and tries again, and then fails a second time and then rages, just felt really real.
Super Man 64: Another great episode, the Martha bit was maybe a little on the nose, but I still find it funny. I love SWW's commitment to this three-hole punch bit, it starts out as a regular SWW threat, but the fact that he keeps building on it slays me. I love SWW's dramatics in this episode. Plus we get more evidence on the Star Fox Adventures theory.
Night Trap: Ah yes, the game that would turn everyone into serial killing rapists according to the government. Solid episode, like the CDI Zelda games, the dialogue makes SWW's quips even better. I love that Biffalo finally acknowledges the whole glass shattering thing, and his random story about eating a run-over waffle. Gotta love SWW's total pettiness with the vase. He also gave a pretty solid "Reason you suck speech" to that weird general guy. Plus this is the first time we've actually seen Ivan playing a game as a human since Mortal Kombat Mythologies just thought it was cool. And of course the ending twist with Bubsy, so good.
Bubsy 3D: Oh my what a terrible game, it actually hurts thinking about playing it. This is a pretty ok episode, its best parts are in the beginning when we get Biffalo's true motives (seriously he wants to take pictures with kids someone stop him) and the ending when he's so pissed about losing his custom Bubsy Playstation. Plus his utter glee at Bubsy is pretty funny. We also get a solid cliffhanger at the end.
Link the Faces of Evil: Oh what an excellent sequel to last season, the dialogue is only funnier with the slam poetry, reused cutscenes, and SQUADALA WE ARE OFF! I love this episode so much it has great one liners and an acknowledgment of Susan (I remember watching the episode and thinking the exact thing when he said it). I also Love the Shawshank tribute and the chase through the dessert that ends with him being abducted, it probably made no sense to people at the time, but it's so freaking funny.
The Grinch: We've now arrived at the season finale, it's pretty good I like the animations for Mr. Wolf. The setup is decent, not revealing too much of the aliens yet while still giving us a plausible way for him to play games (of course his coma dreams involve shovelware). I know it was meant to serve the Grinch parody, but SWW without a lab coat or otherwise just looks wrong. So Cindy Lou Rareware is a neat character, but she reminds me so much of this girl I knew in middle school it's a little jarring. The ending always makes me feel a little hopeless, like dang the guy is just stuck.
Season 3 Opening: Oh what a great intro. The strings in the beginning and the banjo, folksy style really sell the creepy vibes of Buffalo Bub and the season's setup.
Season 3 Transformation: It's pretty good, I like the guitar in it. It doesn't really do a whole lot but it serves the purpose very well.
Demented Furry: Excellent villain theme for Biffalo. It gives off a great mistrusting and creepy feel that goes great with our Bubsy obsessed hillbilly.
Demented Furry (Choir Version): Same song, but with a slower piano and an awesome sounding choir behind it. Very foreboding.
Live or Die: Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. This song man. THIS SONG! It goes so freaking hard. The metal guitar riffs, the brass, the synth it all comes together so well. I never paid much attention to it until now and I fell in love. It completely creates a great climatic tension to a very tense scene.
Mr. Wolf: It's a Grinch parody. Does a great job especially when coupled with the animation. The singer is so petty with lines like, "Someone should through you back in a 39 and a half foot hole" like dude that probably traumatized him, lay off.
Couch Gag: This is a pretty good one, just Biffalo Bub being Biffalo Bub and playing with action figures (I feel like AJ improvised these, not in a bad way just that this feels like stuff he'd come up with on the fly). The last one was honestly so real, like you'd think that you'd make your "if you're watching this I'm dead video" a little funny to lighten the mood, but I mean, it would probably just bum me out too.
So ye overall, I love the season, great set, great tension, great villain, and horrible games. It also sets up a very good season coming up.
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A Legend of Zelda Story - At Twilight
Link x Original Character
"Wait! I wanted to talk to Ashei some more." but Link wouldn't listen and kept pulling till we were safely back in the domain. That was it, the last straw. "What is your problem!" "My problem?" He asked like he didn't know what he was doing was wrong. "Even since we left the bar this morning you’ve been a total jerk." "I was keeping you safe." "I don't need your protection. I am capable of taking care of myself." "I never said you weren't." "Your actions speak louder than words, Link. You've treated me like a fucking damsel all day." "Fae," "Then I ask you to trust me on something and get angry when I go us across the water without being seen." "But you could have been!" "And if I did? Then what?" He just stared back, arms crossed. "You know what. Fuck this. I'm going." I look back up at where we came in and in a blink of an eye teleport myself back to the cave. "FAE!" My name echoed off the walls of the domain but I didn't care. I wanted to be as far from Link as possible. He was the one person I thought I could trust more than anything in this world and today he proved me wrong.
I got through the cave system as fast as possible and reached Cybele in record time. She neighed at me while rubbing her head against my shoulder as I prepped the saddle. I didn't know how far behind Link was and I didn't want to find out. The moment I was on her back we took off just as the rain began to fall. My hood did nothing to stop the downpour from getting in my eyes and I was happy that this would be a quick ride back to town. As I round the corner near the stable I see something that might create a problem for me. Two Lizalfos. Before I have time to react as they charge forward scaring Cybele and in doing so she knocks me off her back and I land with a hard thud on the ground before she takes off. I'll need to work on that part of her training. I pull myself off the ground, my back protesting as a sharp pain goes up my spine. I did something in the fall but I can't stop and check now. Not when the two monsters are only a breath away.
Ignoring the pain I took my sword out and prepared for the attack. My having a sword surprises the one Lizalfos and I take the opportunity to plunge my sword into its chest. Its surprised look stays on its face as it falls to the ground lifeless. Its friend screams out as I remove the sword from its dead comrade and it charges at me swinging its tail and I jump back just in time. We continue exchanging swings and doges, neither of us really taking any damage other than a few cuts and bruises. The worst of my pain is my back from my earlier fall. It was starting to rear its ugly head again and cloud my judgment. In one dodge the Lizafos manages to disarm me and I watch as my sword clatters away from me. Damn. The Lizafos took the opportunity to charge at me and without thinking I put my hand out to stop it. I felt a tingling feeling and at first, I thought I lost my arm, but when I opened my eyes I saw that my arm was glowing and from my hand, I saw the monster's heart and I crushed it without a second thought.
Full Chapter on Ao3
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srah-the-violist · 2 years
If you wouldn't mind sharing <3
Thanks so much for the ask, @tired-twili! (Sorry it took me so long to get around to it, school's been keeping me busy oof... 😖😅)
Anyways, I've spent the last month or so making myself cry with OoT ZeLink headcannons, so here are a few of them! (They are very much based off of MajorLink's Hero's Purpose because crying is good I guess 🥲) Most of these headcannons detail the development of their relationship.
Just a warning that these headcannons get ANGSTY, but there is a happy ending, and I tried to balance the angst out with some mischief and fluff lol 😁
While I'm not quite sure wether or not Zelda kept her original memories, she certainly relived them in dreams. The poor baby is plagued with nightmares about a war that could have been... So long story short, she has anxiety...
That being said, she and Impa decide that it's best to prepare for war since it is likely Ganondorf will strike again soon. So Zelda still trains as Shiek (although she isn't in any immediate danger), and the Castle Town is fortified.
Link stays out of Hyrule for the next 7 years following MM. The sad memories would be too much for him, and he's still trying to hold onto hope that Navi could be out there somewhere. Zelda guesses that this is why Link hasn't returned yet and blames herself.
When Link finally does return, he and Zelda both note (independently of one another) that they feel safe--a little more at home... Thus, (angsty) mutual pining ensues.
Link is gentle, kind, and optimistic. He's a dreamer and a fighter. But he's also very jaded. He's tired, grieving, angry (mostly at himself), lost, and so horribly alone. He's the type of guy that would give everything he has and then some for another (specifically Zelda), to the point of self-denial. (His return to Hyrule has to do with realizing that he's been completely numb this whole time, so he's decided to go home and face his past, hoping to "wake up" and start anew.) I forgot where I was going with this whole bullet point...
Anyways, Link and Zelda both blame themselves for what happened. Link believes that this whole timeline dilemma is because of his failure to protect Zelda the first time (as in before he even jumped forward in time). He couldn't protect her, so Ganondorf destroyed Hyrule, causing horrific trauma to both himself and Zelda. Because he failed the first time, he had to go back and do it all over again better. He succeeded in protecting Zelda the second time, but he regrets that there even had to be a second time, especially since he assumes he's the only one who remembers the other timeline. On Zelda's side, she feels like she failed to protect Hyrule because of her childish plan. She unwittingly played right into Ganondorf's hands, and Link went along with it. She feels like she should've known, even if there was no way she actually could've. (She also regrets even sending Link back in time. Even if they had to rebuild Hyrule, they could've been together, and they wouldn't be so alone.) So she sees all of Link's trauma (as well as her own) as being all her fault.
Link is happy to see that Zelda was able to grow up without the shadow of war, and is so thankful that she's safe. He would do anything to protect her, even if that means protecting her from himself. He doesn't know if she remembers the other timeline, and if she doesn't, he doesn't want to put that awful burden on her, especially when it was all his fault to begin with. A part of him secretly hopes she does remember so that he wouldn't feel so alone, but he hates himself even more for that. How could he wish such awful memories on her? And all the MM trauma is another awful burden that he wants to protect her from. She deserves better than someone like him, who couldn't protect her when it counted...
And Zelda knows he's sad. She can see it in his eyes. And she feels like it's her fault. He deserves to rest and live a happy, peaceful life, far from any war. She knows she'll need his help if Ganondorf comes back, (and she can't deny that she wants him) but how could she ask that from him after everything she's already put him through? He deserves better than her, the source of his pain.
Anyways, eventually after lots of awkward mutual pining, this all gets out in the open, along with love confessions. (I imagine it happens in kind of an argument. That would be interesting to see two characters who seem to be kinda quiet and conflict-averse in an argument...)
After that crazy conversation, there's lots of tears and lots of hugs and comforting. For a while after that, they rarely leave each other's side. (It's kinda in secret since the princess and some guy who just showed up out of nowhere doesn't fly in the royal court, although Zelda appoints Link, who's been a knight for a while now, to her personal guard or whatever she could get away with without looking sus so that they can still be close.) Lots of healing for the babies.
And now for some fluffy headcannons because that was some ANGST right there!
Link and Zelda spend lots of time jamming. Harp and ocarina duo for the win! Lots of singing and dancing happens too! (They are Jam Buds)
Lots of Shink shenanigans because that's how they can get away with being together in the open. They investigate local mysteries and break all the pots. They eventually reach cryptid status. The other knights have some questions.
Honestly, my fluffy OoT ZeLink headcannons start getting into y'all's 100% canon secret marriage territory after this (which I still really need to draw but being a music major is very time consuming), so I'll also share a few of those ideas too 😁
Link definitely plays Sun's Song when he's not ready to wake up and part ways with Zelda so he can do his knightly duties and she her queenly duties. (He also uses the Inverted Song of Time for stuff like this.)
If they want some time alone together, they can literally warp wherever. They're favorite place for a date tends to be in the Sacred Forest Meadow, much to Saria's annoyance or amusement, depending on the day. (She and the other Kokiri have definitely pranked them before.)
Impa has to keep coming up with excuses as to why Zelda might be absent at certain times. One such cover story is that Zelda was trying to make a peace treaty with the Dekus. Zelda later shows up with Deku Link (who's acting all grumpy) to further prove this.
Zelda has a "ghost" bodyguard. (It's Link in the stone mask.) Any man who gives her a hard time may or may not be completely demolished by a "ghost."
Anyways, these have been my OoT ZeLink headcannons. I tried to balance the angst with some fluff, so hopefully the angst isn't too overwhelming lol 😁 Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
(Also I love mischievous ZeLink headcanons and I'd love to find a few to draw, so if you have any ideas, please let me know 😁)
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avionvadion · 2 years
Okay. So ya’ll know how in AoC Terrako just… time travels, abducts the new champions, and tosses them in the past- thus creating a new branching timeline??? Similar to how the “adult” and “child” timelines are a thing???
Imagine Iliana figuring out how to play the Song of Time and Hylia deciding to just yeet her into the past the second she gets the notes right.
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She would be so confused.
One second she’s playing by the statue, the next the statue’s gone. Sidon is a baby. Mipha’s alive. Link has no scars and is no longer missing part of an ear. King Dorephan doesn’t recognize her. Zelda hasn’t awakened her powers yet.
Doesn’t take long to figure out what just happened.
But oh BOY she has no idea to get back. How doth one play the Song of Time backwards??? Will Hylia even let it work if she tried??? No idea. Probably not. Iliana has many concerns.
Her biggest one, though, having not met Terrako yet as she appeared in the Zora’s Domain, is how the she’s gonna keep Mipha alive. Also who keeps giving baby!Sidon weapons ten times his size???
Iliana: “What are you holding?”
Baby!Sidon, ready to go hunt a Lynel: “A spear.”
Iliana: “No-!”
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Also lowkey Mipha wondering if she’ll ever get to see Iliana in the future and Iliana honestly not knowing because her being there is literally due to divine intervention, and with the champions saved there’s really no reason for Hylia to save her life in a hundred years.
Iliana: “…Okay, so, give it like… ninety-seven, ninety-eight years. Lurelin Village. To be safe. Because in a hundred “I” might be dead.”
Mipha: “What.”
Iliana: “Yeah, no, it’s a whole thing. Pretty sure Bokoblins are the cause. Anyway; go to Lurelin, find a pair of twin boys; they’re “my” little brothers. “I” should be there too. Link won’t be there for me to travel with to get me to go to Zora’s Domain since he’ll be an old man, so ya’ll are gonna have to search for “me”, lol.”
Que Mipha being confused in 98 years after Sidon returns from Lurelin with two tiny twin kiddos and a woman who should be Iliana but is named Iliandra, and they all look like they’ve been through hell- with the exception of Sidon, who appears very angry over something.
And then Mipha raging when Sidon tells her what happened and she just fucking adopts Sarian and Medkah right off the bat because how dare anyone hurt a child, they’re her kids now, she’s healing them and raising them, and no one can tell her otherwise. Grandpa Link is amused.
Iliandra has absolutely no idea why she’s here in Zora’s Domain or why a pair of shark siblings are being very doting and protective towards her and her lil’ twin bros, but anywhere is better than where they were before.
Also they’re very pretty.
Iliandra did not know she had a thing for Zora until ten foot tall gentle giant Sidon showed up in Lurelin and just fucking growled at her parents, showcasing his very pretty and very sharp teeth, before telling her he was here to take her and her brothers somewhere safe and she just went, “y’know what? Sure.” because she was literally debating whether she should try running away soon when he appeared. A shark man can’t be worse than her parents, right???
She just wasn’t expecting him to be a prince.
A prince who is trying very hard to woo her, and is the absolute sweetest to her little bros. Also his sister, the crown princess, is so nice??? Mipha and her super old Hylian husband treat her like she’s an old friend. It’s kinda weird, but also Iliandra doesn’t hate it. Mipha makes sure Iliandra knows how to fight too, in case she ever gets attacked. Sidon teaches the boys how to use tridents.
Iliandra had no idea she was so good with a bow.
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thebreathofthewild · 4 years
i very much prefer the story of breath of the wild to the alternate timeline we got in age of calamity. not because i’m a timeline purist, i don’t really care much whether it splits off or not, but what DOES matter to me in a story (next to the plot itself) is mainly characterization, relationships and theme.
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my main issue with age of calamity’s story isn’t just what they changed... it’s what they DIDN’T change, which then didn’t fit with the new stuff they’d written.
breath of the wild’s story is, in my mind, far from perfect, but it has a consistent, vibe, flow, and a character arc for princess zelda that i believe. more than an individual arc, it’s also a relationship arc with link. the development of that relationship is a key driver of the plot.
in age of calamity... despite reaching the same conclusion - that zelda saves link, her love for him activates her power - that development is absent.
i rewatched all the memories from botw and its like. bro. age of calamity can't even begin to compare. their relationship in botw has an arc.
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every scene they're in together serves a purpose to establish a new relationship status or milestone. zelda goes through a Bunch of emotions about link: first quiet resentment, then Louder resentment at how he’s doing better at his role than she is at hers, then full-on ANGY, then admiration, mixed with guilt and regret for having lashed out that way to someone who would save her anyway...
from then, she humbly tries to be nicer through tending link’s wounds. she allows herself to be more playful and goof off with him, then Actually Opens Up about her insecurities - displaying true vulnerability when they're caught in the rain together. we know from zelda’s diary that link also shares his own troubles with her, and that she was trying to get him to open up was well. 
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then, zelda’s excitingly sharing more hobbies (ancient tech) and hoping that maybe, just maybe, her research can substitute her lack of powers. in the same scene, link gets to witness a true relationship milestone: a parent yelling at your friend/gf in front of you. then zelda shows Even More vulnerability as she has a meltdown about her fears & insecurities at the spring of power in front of him (knowing he's there & not afraid to show him). at this point, she even allows herself to be angry at her dad, instead of solely blaming herself. 
then she gains further appreciation for link teaching her how to handle horses (and says she’s trying to be a bit more empathetic to the horse, as a metaphor for her being nicer to link and more selfless in general), sharing her faint hope for mt lanayru...  then that hope is crushed, and zelda decides to stay by link’s side (instead of urbosa hiding her) regardless of danger.
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the calamity strikes. they flee together - which leads to zelda having a total beakdown, as the others die and link’s the only one she has left. the mix of guilt, despair and grief becomes too much, so she leans on him, both physically and emotionally, and he is always there to comfort her. 
THEN, finally, zelda has reached a point of loving link enough to be able to save his life, knowing he will do the same someday. which he does, and in the epilogue, she acknowledges both the pain of the past and how (because him remembering her is what unlocks this ending) he is a big part of the reason why she can accept herself now, even with her power fading & her role fulfilled.
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that's an ARC, baby! 
i have my problems with botw as an overall narrative (especially its muddled messaging on whether zelda should be forced to have this traditional role), but i cannot fault how carefully they built the zelink relationship step-by-step without taking shortcuts. in these brief snippets, you see just enough to understand how zelda went from almost hating link to truly loving him.
by contrast... here’s the AoC zelink arc, despite having 3x the cutscene runtime: zelda feels quietly insecure, but doesn’t take it out on link. link saves her, as a bodyguard is supposed to. they exchange glances. they don’t talk / bond. link saves zelda again. they exchange glances. they don’t talk / bond... they flee together. then she saves link out of “love.”
that’s it. that’s literally it. 
AoC-zelink go from two (2) Meaningful Glances to zelda activating her powers, because of a bodyguard she has not spent one real second bonding with. 
link saving zelda was a turning point for their relationship in botw, yes - but here’s the key difference: it was a starting point, not the end destination. it made zelda re-evaluate how she saw link, because she was a dick to him first. THAT prompts her to try to understand someone who was kind and selfless despite how poorly she treated him. which leads to many scenes of them bonding more.
so, hot take: the real, original sin here which almost all of these issues grow from, is that they didn’t let zelda be flawed in age of calamity. 
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because age of calamity-zelda was never a jerk to link, she has no reason to go out of her way to be nicer and get to know him when he saves her anyway. that’s just standard bodyguard stuff, and that’s all it’s allowed to be. they don’t share private moments of vulnerability. they don’t share at all, really.
because of this, their relationship - which became its own, organic thing in botw - is never allowed to grow. it stays knight & princess without any real flavor to it. 
i think this could be avoided if age of calamity-zelda was as strong of a character as botw-zelda was. neither is like, a literary masterpiece, but there’s a clear contrast. both are insecure and want to stop ganon, but... that’s all AoC-zelda is allowed to be, until she’s suddenly a Perfect Badass Goddess with no personality other than shouting “for hyrule!”
botw zelda didn’t just have that central insecurity. she has hobbies, she goofs off, she gets angry at people, she starts out with a huge inferiority complex towards link. she can be selfish and rebellious and clearly likes research more for its own sake than its ability to stop the calamity. she becomes nicer over time and more compassionate (unlike age of calamity, which treats it as given that she was always “boundlessly” compassionate), but that’s where she got because link was nice to her, not where she started out. 
and all of this fits into theme. age of calamity is a power fantasy in a notoriously over-the-top warriors franchise. its all about self-empowerment and looking good while kicking ass. breath of the wild is about exploration, slowly piecing together what happened 100 years ago and moving past grief into hope for the future.
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i’ll put it this way - botw zelda had an arc to become a better person. aoc zelda only ever became a more powerful person.
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science-lings · 3 years
BOTW/ Linked Universe Fic WIP’s
Of Dubious Sophistication: 2/? posted chapters, Wild meets the chain on a day where he has to act like a person and decides to fuck with their misconceptions of him.
The Silence of the Knight: BOTW pre-calamity fic that’s mostly an introspective fic about why Link went silent and how everyone around him reacts to his lack of outward emotions. I just saw the concept of people seeing him as not quite human because of his refusal to show any emotions and wanting to catch a glimpse of how/ if he reacts when tragedy strikes, just to see if he has the ability to feel anything at all.
Unpublished fics under the cut, please let me know if any of them interest you so I can prioritize what I should focus on writing!
Free to Hide: Zelda and Link attend a festival in disguises unbeknownst to each other and they end up spending the whole time together without knowing that there are eyes in the darkness watching them. Spy thriller/ romcom vibes. Also there’s gender stuff because Link wears a dress and Zelda is almost exclusively referred to with neutral pronouns. 
The Last Champion: Wild gets all the champions abilities after their spirits move on, but in a more similar way to how they used them, mostly just Hyrule and him becoming magic buddies and Wild learns how to use his new magic abilities. 
Between the Doors of Death: A mix of both LU and BOTW as it takes place while Wild is dead and he hangs out with his ghostly incarnations and dead family members. Lot’s of family headcanons and an appearance from the 10k hero. 
No Goodbye is Forever: How the last day with the chain happens and everything after. Meeting up in the afterlife and a little bit of keeping Wild company during BOTW2. 
Another Second Chance: classic Wild gets pulled into the AOC timeline and is tasked to help prevent the calamity. But he looks different enough from his counterpart that he doesn’t reveal his true identity. He accidentally parallels Astor in the whole mysterious sorcerer/ seer vibes as he both knows the future and popped out of nowhere in a dramatic cape and ancient technology. Lots of interaction between Wild and the champions and there is both angst and hijinks. There’s also stuff about the new champions as most of it follows the plot of AOC. Also Wolfie is there because I thought it would be funny for him to bop around the baby egg guardian.
Tainted Blood: Time, Twilight, and Wild are related. How they find out and how the magic that they used affects the bloodline. Malon as Malanya because I love the idea that she just turns into an eccentric horse god and was waiting for a child she had already met. 
Son of the Storm: BOTW fic centered around Urbosa and Link because I love her and her mom energy is perfect. Definitely some gender stuff and found family vibes. Link deserves a mom and Urbosa saw this short blond child and didn’t even ask if anyone else was going to adopt him she just did it. 
The Cruelty of Destiny: BOTW Fem!Link fic focused on how being the first female incarnation of the Heroes Spirit would be treated with a little bit of Zelink as forbidden fantasy lesbians. Link is angry and all of her past lives are just as pissed as she is. She’s seen as a harbinger of the calamity rather than the hero sent to stop it. And she’s seen as a mistake of the goddess and proof that the 10,000 years of peace was now at an end. General woman problems you know?
Hylia’s Chosen Children: BOTW Link and Zelda catch up on being shitty kids after the Calamity and preparing for it stole their childhoods from them. Pure fluff, let them be kids please. Lots of pranks and sleepovers with Riju and stuff like that. They’re both trying to learn how to be regular people without absolutely massive responsibilities. 
The Bloodline of the Wolf: Similar to the one before as it’s focused on Time, Twilight, and Wild and how they’re biologically related but this one is more about their canon relationships and answering questions that the comic gave me. Like why only Twilight and Time know about Wild’s memories despite how we are to assume that the entire chain kind of came together at once, why them and all that. 
When You Can’t Die: Wild and his strange relationship with death, as someone who has been resurrected countless times and literally cannot die. He still has the champions abilities and kind of forgets that it is very much not normal to die as much as he does. 
What was Killed for Good: Wild and his struggle to be human, the shrine took more from him than his memories and replaced them with something else. He’s just very odd and the people around him notice more than he does. He doesn’t know what’s normal and he feels alienated because of how people react to him. He just wants to vibe in the woods and ride bears. 
Breaking, Broken: You know how all the weapons in BOTW break and it’s super annoying? What if that was a curse and also applied to people? Anyway, Wild is touch starved and desperate not to accidentally hurt his friends. Fortunately, magic has loopholes. 
A Strange Kind of Self Reflection: Wild has identity issues and gets stuck in beast form after catching Twilight’s Shadow crystal. I have the perfect idea for what animal he would be and you guys are not ready.
The Heroes Before: Pre-Calamity Link learns about his predecessors through artifacts and very old records in his attempt to prepare for Ganon’s return. 
Damaged: Literally every Link is a little fucked up and this fic is an exploration about how it manifests. 
Some Kind of Sauce: Wild Genderfluid fic featuring Lullaby/Sheik and sexism. 
Age of Heroes: AOC but with the entire chain, idk, I don’t have much for this one other than wanting to have my own take on the trope. 
Untitled fics ideas:
Modern with magic AU
Pride fic
Gerudo Town fic
Masquerade Ball fic
Soulmate/ Soulmark fic
Cursed Animal fic
Superhero AU
Once Upon a Time AU (mostly in the way that it’s a mixture of a modern au and a fantasy world kind of thing)
Indiana Jones/ the Mummy AU: Zelink but Zelda is an archeologist and Link is an Adventurer/ Explorer type and they need each other but go from reluctant allies to lovers due to plot
BOTW roleswap AU: Prince Link and Champion Zelda, maybe I’ll add some trans vibes but who knows, not me
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