#see u SOON
sodor-spirit · 4 months
So umm…
There isn’t an easy way to say this but… I’ve been thinking for a long while since December last year and I’ve decided to move my art blog @feather-art to a new blog on the same email as this one and step back from doing anymore ttte content for this au because my interests have changed and I don’t have much motivation to keep going for the au as well.
Just to be clear in case any of you get worried: I am not deactivating this blog or leaving the TTTE fandom for good, despite all the drama and craziness I’ve seen since I joined maybe 2 or 3 years ago, I still love it so much and will keep supporting your guys and your drawings, by liking and reblogging them as much as I can.
Plus, I may also still keep making more Sodor Spirit AU stuff when I feel motivated. But I also want to keep my other interests and this particular blog separated which is hard when you have two emails for two primary tumblr blogs, hence why I’m moving my art blog.
All I have left to say now is…
Thank you all so much for supporting me and my little au from the start. Initially I was planning to keep Sodor Spirits a secret from everyone years ago ever since my high school years, but I’m glad I chose otherwise and met all you talented and lovely people. I hope you’ll continue to support this au by liking and reblogging my stuff here and the things that will be coming with my new art blog.
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See you soon…
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swanosol · 10 months
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geareduptom · 5 months
Hey there. I just wanted to rant a little and give a slight update to everyone whos either new or has hung around since I made the blog.
It's kinda lengthy sorry bout that ^^`
So these past few months ... Well technically year I've been struggling with my mental health.
I've always had a bad mental state and this past year had actually challenged me almost to an extreme.
The year before had been utter garbage for me and last year I had to deal with the damages my family and my life has given me.
Which is... A lot.
Getting better mentally took me a long time. This Tumblr channel/blog of mine was made maybe a couple months into my journey to growth.
And I mainly made this little corner to hide away from the real world a little and to share my progress as an artist or creator of sorts
I also made this spot so I could look back and see my growth and interact with things I've enjoyed over the years.
But as time has gone on I've had some really terrible things happen in my irl which Will remain private but have impacted my ability to motivate myself to draw or even interact with plenty of online tasks.
But I've been working on getting better and handling my issues, instead of trying to run from them.
So I'd like to say thank you to everyone for sticking around if you have.
Thank you to those that have supported and interacted with me even though I wasn't always available.
Thank you for your time and I hope to keep making art in the future<3
And I am happy to say that as of recently.
I am officially on the waiting list for mental health screening!!!!
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I am really happy about this and I know it might not matter to someone else, But I have been struggling for so long with everything . It's to the point that, I am just excited that for once, I'll have an answer.
So thank you for everything. ❤️ I'll post this upcoming month when I have a free day to start on my project that I'd love to share with y'all.
Until then, I hope your days are amazing and your night's even more so.
G'night/day/evening ~
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beskarfrog · 7 months
sorry I haven’t been online lately, ive been taking a break bc im very tired and stressed atm (mostly job and school) i may be back for christmas
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nanamimizz · 3 months
m gonna take a nap guys brb
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eyeimagerysexy · 17 days
i HATE these bitches , every stereotype is actually true but the moment someone takes the abs out of the char and give them a bit of fat ( wich is , like , completely in char for him since they don't go to the gym and only sit on the computer ) it's not all of them
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jakeyt · 29 days
(also hope everything is going well for you!)
And, yes! Everything is going well! Left teaching yesterday (which was very sad and very hard due to my love for my students). Then, my family threw me a birthday party last night! So it’s just been a very busy 24+ hours! 🫠
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deadheadgully · 2 months
guys i've had soMe cOmplications with my tablet (and eRm yk my account) but ill bE serving up some Shitty traditional (and maybe digital, done on my phone) art in the near Future!!!!!!!
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landgraabbed · 1 year
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this is the point where i paused malin’s save for a bit and got emo when he said goodbye to his dunmer friends
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coolbonnieart · 5 months
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New stuff is being planned for Pizza tower: missing au, who knows what might happen.
See ya soon.
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louisinart · 8 months
Mmmm closing my eyes and plugging my ears for at least a work day
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3rd skull.
"Diet Lyctor". Pffffft. Like I can see why Harrow hates it, but I think Augustine is very funny for this.
the right arm that Cytherea the First had removed just above the elbow, with somebody else’s reattached wholesale. The new limb hung heavy from its olecranal point with a bluish seam.
Wait hangon the Olecranon is part of the ulna (the lower part of the elbow joing) but the arm has been removed/replaced above the elbow?
There must be a reason why Ianthe isn't using her arm, even if Harrow seems to think there's nothing wrong with it.
She took another spoonful of soup and said, her whey-coloured face dissatisfied: “He says the same thing you do … psychological … says I persist in being damaged for my own enjoyment.”
I mean, I don't blame Harrow and Augustine, I wouldn't put it past her. Though Ianthe's attitude here seems to say, it's not just psychological, or even psycho-somatic. Something else is going on here.
"[...]And I know that if I try to make myself a new arm I’ll leave something out. If it’s not perfect it won’t work, and I won’t want it.” [...] “So get the Saint of Joy to do it. She can be relied upon for physiological perfection.” [...] “Teacher, then.” “He’d tell me how wonderful it would be to do it myself. We’re not all Teacher’s sweet little darlings for whom he would do anything,” she remarked.
All points that go against my theory that Ianthe is responsible for Harrow's memories, and for Mercy or the Emperor being responsible.
A begrudging respect between these two, I'm kind of enjoying it. I like Ianthe as a character nowhere near as much as I like Harrowhark, but their grudging truce is nice to see.
A crank whom you were now obliged to call sister, though you thought it hurt her to call anyone sister much more than it hurt you. A crank whom a dead self had respected enough to include in the work.
"sister", reminding Ianthe constantly of Coronabeth, who she loves, who she firmly believes isn't dead - although we have yet to see proof that she lives.
... "the work", as mentioned in Harrow's letters to herself.
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chimivx · 1 year
I am in my busy time of year. I should be back at the end of this month.
Until then I’ll pop back momentarily. 💜
xo, plum.
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lovableapocalypse · 1 year
queen charlotte has finally inspired me to write a benedict fic after always wanting to be prepared bitches
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Sans was aging eventually.
Perched on an electric blue moped, he was driving at breakneck speeds down the corridors of the Mall of America, Dakota. Due to his unfortunate relationship with his legs, this moped was his final way of mobility. Nevertheless, Sans was determined to make his shopping trip and blue moped an experience to remember.
Clutching at the handlebars, Sans steers his thoroughbred moped through the crowds of innocent shoppers, laughing maniacally all the way.
With aching marrow and greying skull, he leaves destruction and chaos in his wake. As he passes, all of the speakers connect by Bluetooth to his Nokia phone, blaring Megalovania throughout the mall with great volumes and greater tinnitus. Those with their corporeal forms sufficiently intact fling themselves out of his way, or they crouch and throw their hands over their ears to escape his elderly presence.
With one hand on the arm of the plush moped seat and the other flipping the bird to all surviving mall shoppers, Sans knows that he will eat well tonight.
In the basket affixed to the front of his vehicle, Sans had placed a supply of air, and a lone, mouldy hot dog.
With a screech of four overworked tires, the mileage of the moped was challenged as Sans put it through its paces. Swinging the handlebars to and fro, he does perfect donuts, in the atrium of the mall, all the while crushing more skulls and bankrupting more life insurance providers.
Sans’ ankles remain intact, for he did not buy a scooter. Alphys, however, couldn’t say the same. Her ankles are dust.
To be safe, a heavy quilt was draped over Sans’ lap. Patterned in ugly, uglier and dastardly ways, the conniving skeleton was content to rule over this puny mall.
Pressing the volume button on his phone, Megalovania blared ever louder in that poor unfortunate mall.
With a toothy (obviously) grin, Sans urged the moped past its speed limits. He declares proudly: “fuck u, im driving.”
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naomis-daydream · 1 year
taking a little break from here. i spend so much time on here it’s unhealthy and have a bad habit of associating my amount of notes with my worth as a writer. also getting distracted from my work and responsibilities irl. keep tagging me in y’all’s works and interacting! i’ll be back in about a week
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