#thanks to pj for the random kick
deadheadgully · 5 months
guys i've had soMe cOmplications with my tablet (and eRm yk my account) but ill bE serving up some Shitty traditional (and maybe digital, done on my phone) art in the near Future!!!!!!!
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mikkomacko · 1 month
i need a blurb of reader & the boys having a sleepover at her & nicos house. gossiping, snacking, watching tv i need the fluff!!!
i love love love how you write each character so much!!!
smooches x
It was like a scene out of a movie. The entire living room was turned into one large bed, air mattresses covering every inch of the carpeted floor.
Thick blankets, fluffy pillows, random stuffies you’d collected over the years strewn about in a way that looked messily placed. Soft fairy lights were strung up on the ceiling and around the mantel the tv hangs above.
The rest of the house was dark, save for the light that led to the dining room table where a feast of snacks welcomed everyone. You had everything; popcorn with Jacks favorite Parmesan cheese topping salt. Twizzlers and red vines because Luke and Mercer disagreed on which licorice was the best. Some kind of Italian soda and cannolis that Johnny loves, the ones with chocolate shavings on the ends. Mini Reese’s cups, the unwrapped ones, for Holtz because he likes them bite sized but he hates the foil wrapper.
And even though Nico would heavily frown, you’d ordered pizzas, Taco Bell, and McDonald’s for all the boys.
They all looked like kids on Christmas morning as they dropped their overnight bags by the door, kicking off their shoes and scrambling into the dining room. You did a head count, made sure all of them were accounted for before shutting the front door and turning the alarm system on.
“No freaking way!”
You followed after them, biting your lip to keep your excitement at bay as they all gathered around the table to find gifts at their respective chairs.
Fluffy slipper socks, red and black plaid pajama pants, and white t-shirts with red Devils horns. You’d even personalized them, adding in small fancy letters on the sleeve each of their nicknames amongst the group.
“We match!” Jack exclaims, having already stripped of his shirt and tugged on his pajamas. You proudly show off your own set that you’re already wearing, smile beaming as the boys all chatter over each other and scramble to get their pj’s on.
“Oh fuck yeah,” Mercer laughs, shirt half on as he grabs a bag of Twizzlers. He ducks by you, pressing a kiss in thanks to the side of your head before moving back to the living room.
One by one they all change and gather their snacks, following after Mercer into the living room. Johnny is the last to go, eyes moony and warm when he stacks a pile of cannolis on his plate.
“Cara,” he sighs, dramatically holding his hand over his heart. “Nico better hold onto you before I go out and buy a diamond ring.”
You and him both snicker, collecting your own snacks and following the others. They’ve all taken over the air mattresses, sprawled out with their food in their matching pajamas. That leaves the couch for you and Johnny, both snuggling under under the king sized comforter you’d taken from yours and Nico’s bed earlier.
“Alright what are we watching?”
Jack is flipping through Netflix, browsing the movies and you’re about to suggest a cartoon when your phone dings with a text from Nico.
Why is my doorbell cam showing hoards of boys at my house?
Giggling to yourself, you text back.
When the boss is away, the children will play
“Ooh boss likes that one!”
You look at the tv, see the square lighting up around Sex and the City the movie, and you realize Luke is talking about you, not Nico. Your cheeks warm.
“It’s a chick flick but it’s fun.” You comment, and that must be enough because a chorus of agreements rings out just as Nico texts back.
I only agreed to Alex coming over.
The boys all shush each other, Mercer climbing up to dim the lights before slipping back into the recliner.
I guess you’ll just have to come home and kick them out yourself….
Tonight is the one night a year that the original four Devs pull an all-nighter at the cafe. Something to do with plans and contracts for the upcoming year and instead of spreading it out weekly, they make themselves miserable for one whole night.
But you hate staying home alone so Nico agreed you could let Holtzy sleep over. But you couldn’t say no to Johnny either and then slowly but surely all the boys wanted to sleepover and what were you supposed to do? They want to hang out, watch out for you while Nico is gone for the night.
Before Nico can respond you double text, telling him the movie is starting and you’ll talk to him in a bit. Then you put it on silent and settle under the blankets, intently focused on the film.
You and the boys get through the first film and the first season of the show before you decide you need a break. Mostly because Luke and Jack are arguing over whether Big is actually hot or not, but you eventually swap the HDMI to the switch and pull up Mario Kart.
The game turns into a tournament, one you get knocked out of too quickly. So you slump onto the losers couch, Holtzy following you when he loses in the next round. And it’s not until he’s curling up into your side, thighs pressed together and your head resting on top of his that you realize how exhausted you are.
Slipping out your phone, you see it’s almost 3 am and that you’ve got a stack of unanswered texts from Nico.
What movie are you watching?
Ok I know it has to be over by now
Baby please I’m bored
Jonas makes really bad espresso shots and my tummy hurts
I want to be at the sleepover
They better not be in my bed btw
Fine, I’ll see you in the morning. Love you baby ♥️
Sleepily, you smile and text back.
Goodnight Nico, miss and love u
Nico comes home in the early hours of the morning, sun barely rising in the sky. He’s exhausted and grumpy, just wants to curl up in his bed with you and sleep forever when he stops in his tracks.
All six of you are still in the living room, the Mario kart title screen on the large tv. Luke is half on a mattress, mouth open and hands clutching a controller to his chest. Johnny is next to him, his own controller laying on his stomach as he snores.
Jack and Mercer are both star-fished on the mattresses, Jack buried under almost all the blankets to the point that all Nico can see is his face.
He finds you next, lying on the large couch under the blankets from your bed. Alex is by your feet, his hand stretched out like at one point you had been holding it but now you’re just squeezing a pillow to your chest.
You look cute. Lips parted and hair messy, pajamas matching the boys and he can’t even be annoyed by the fact that you’ve deconstructed his bed and brought it down here. He just peels off his shoes and clothes until he’s in just his boxers, pushing his hair out of his face as he navigates the mattresses and limbs to get to you.
He pries the pillow from your hands, dropping it to the floor and slipping under the blankets next to you. It’s a tight fit, but even in your sleep you fit yourself into his chest.
Pressing a kiss to your head, Nico closes his eyes and settles into the cushions. He’s on the precipice of sleep when Alex’s hand finds his and Nico huffs, wrapping his fingers around the younger boys and squeezing just once.
He’ll have to remember to tell Alex never to mention this again. But that can wait until later.
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gojos-fr-bae · 9 months
Gojo Christmas HCs
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Pairing: Gojo x gn!reader
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 557
A/N: Heyy~~ I such a joke honestly, posting my Christmas fic on new years, but in my defence, I haven't had access to my laptop since I wrote Liar pt.4, anyways, Enjooooy
(Requests open)
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You wake up to being snuggled tightly within his arms while it snows outside.
Refuses to get up anytime before 10am so u probably just end up falling back asleep.
Wakes you up to go downstairs and make breakfast “together” bc let’s be honest this man can’t even boil a rock.
Taking a bath/shower together is a MUST
Deeefinately forces you two to wear matching pjs or like those sets where the guy wears the pants and no shirt and the girl wears like, the huge shirt without pants or sum
You would walk into the living room and just find it like, STUFFED with presents and he’ll just sit there with the smuggest grin on his face while u just stand there looking stupid.
If it’s your first Christmas together I can imagine he would be scared out of his mind about whether you would like the presents, whether you are proud or happy with him, whether they were even good enough for you. E.t.c (he would never let it show though)
If it isn’t your first Christmas together though he would probably still be nervous but probably more confident in his gifts. (he just wants to make you happyy*sobs*)
I can see him getting you sentimental stuff like an instrument you had as a kid or your favourite book but also just random expensive shit like a diamond bracelet. Or something batshit crazy like a lambo or sum.
I feel like you would get him something extremely sentimental and something he really wants, and you give the sentimental one second to catch him off guard.
Like imagine giving him the most expensive box of mochi you spent an entire month's worth of your salary and he gets all excited then you shyly slide him a scrap book full of pictures with you two throughout the whole year or since you got together.
And you do that sappy thing where you leave half of it empty for memory’s you’ll make in the future. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww
I feel like he would just look down at it too stunned to speak with big bug eyes and when he looks back up at you he starts tearing up
He would hug you and like, genuinely just breakdown into sobs, and he won’t stop for like another good two minutes.
Like, that is genuinely the best, sweetest most heartfelt gift he has ever received.
From then on I can fully see him always carrying a polaroid with him everywhere he goes just take pictures of you two together, (but mostly just you really) And when he gets home he pulls out the scrapbook and gets to work.
I can just imagine like, walking into your room and seeing him in his pjs on the bed doing that thing where you lie on your stomach and kick your legs back and forth and he’s like, sticking a picture or drawing hearts around a picture of you with his tongue sticking out. Akduhcrtfrw38r7fyu efgujd (oops, I forgot this is a Christmas HC)
I can’t imagine him really wanting to go out so you would probably stay at home baking cookies, snuggling watching movies and doing all that lovey dovey shit couples do.
The best Christmas he has ever had in his entire life, and one he definitely won’t be forgetting…ever
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Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Honestly, Thank GOD 2023 is finally over, worst year of my entire life, can't wait for it to end.
Also, thank you for all the support throughout this year, means the most to me.
© gojos-fr-bae
Pls lemme know if I forgot to tag u, i'm kinda rusty
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punkdooley · 2 years
Periods Suck w/ Johnny Knoxville
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not my gif! creds to @doctorjackass
This again is based on both a general basis as well as my own personal experiences, and if you can relate I'm so so sorry because it 100% sucks. I hope you like it!
Warning: talk of extreme blood and period cramping, physical illness.
As gn as it possibly can be! And I'm sorry it's not exactly chock-full of...probably what anyone else wants...I'll make a list to accompany it and maybe have a surprise or something to pair with it. If you have any, please give constructive criticism! Just no flat-out insults, please.
"Babe, it's okay, I'm right here."
God, those words were like music to your ears.
Johnny sighed a bit as you clung onto his t-shirt, gently rubbing your back as he pressed his lips to you head. "I'm not going anywhere, sweet pea, I've been right here with you all night."
"I had a nightmare..." you mumbled into his chest, whimpering a bit as his hands against your skin made you jump.
"Honey, you're awful warm, you sure you feel okay? Y'know, besides that dream."
You shake your head, looking up with him with a face that just told him everything. "I feel like shit...I'm achy, I'm hot, my throat is sore..."
"Meaning you're sick." he sighed, covering your back with the blanket lying over the two of you. "I'll go get you a hot toddy and a hoodie."
"...and a snack..?" you let out, pouting slightly.
Chuckling as he sat up slowly, making sure you were comfortably lying your head down on the pillow, he nodded. "Yeah, I'll bring you a snack. But you have to stay. in. bed." he pointed at you sternly before turning his attention down to his house shoes.
"God I fucking hate this..." you mumbled, sitting your warm, achy bottom onto the cold, hard toilet seat.
Luckily the hot toddy that Johnny made you hours before had helped your throat and fever a little bit, however the achiness in your bones and muscles were still very much present.
Unfortunately for you, Johnny had an early morning meeting so, at least for the moment, you were stuck at home alone, sick as a dog, very much not in the mood for any other bad news, physical activity and/or labor, or quite frankly, anything at all.
You sigh as you grab some toilet paper and go to clean yourself up.
When you pull your hand back to your lap to stand, you notice it. Probably the only god damned thing that could make your day any worse; blood.
"Oh, come the fuck on!" you groan, holding your face in your clean hand.
"What's wrong?" you hear outside the door, a little annoyed that now was the time Johnny had come home, yet also thankful.
"Mother Nature decided that being sick wasn't enough for me to deal with this week," you sighed, making sure you were completely clean down there before looking towards the door and calling out again. "will you grab me a pad, or a tampon or something from my drawer, I forgot to put some in here the last time I bought some..."
"You really need to be more thoughtful about doing that kind of stuff darlin'!" he called as he walked into the bedroom, the sound of the drawers in your nightstand clinking with random items as he rummaged for one of the cotton pieces of hell you'll have to deal with for the next few days.
"Yes, PJ, I'm aware, I wasn't exactly thinking 'oh, hey, I need these like right this second, I should put them all around the house in case I find myself in the middle of a period emergency.'"
"Yeesh, guess the PMS is already kicking in..." he mumbled as he opened the door, holding out one of each choice for you to choose.
Sighing heavily, you take them from him and open up the pad. "I'm sorry, alright, I just don't feel good, and this really just made me feel worse..."
Johnny shrugged, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets as he watched you. "You're good, I know you've been having a rough day. Just thought I'd be a little helpful."
"You are being helpful, this, is helpful. I didn't wanna have to walk out there and end up having to change my underwear too, luckily I caught it just in time..."
His eyebrows lifted, pulling a hand out of his pocket as to offer a suggestion. "That's good, right? That means it's not gonna be so bad this time around...right?"
"It's still too early to tell." you sighed heavily, throwing the wrapper away as you stood up and flushed the toilet. "Hopefully this time I don't have cramps that'll keep me in bed all week and a flow that'll put a shark to shame..."
"Okay, ew, TMI, sweetheart."
You snickered a bit as you turned the faucet on, ridding your hands of the red stains on your skin. "Hey, you wanna date a female, this is what you have to deal with."
"Maybe I will switch to guys..." he mumbled, shrugging to himself as he looked back up to meet your gaze in the mirror. "I brought you some soup, and I'll make another hot toddy for you so you can sleep. And, I guess I can make a trip to the store to get you some more snacks and ice cream and...whatnot."
Giving him a little pout in the mirror as you turned the water off, you turned around and wiped your hands on the hand towel hanging in front of you before going in and hugging his torso. "That would be great, PJ, thank you..."
"Of course doll," he said as he hugged you back, rubbing your back and placing a kiss on your forehead. "it's the least I can do for ya after all the shit you've had to put up with from me and the boys. "
"Yeah, you're lucky that I love you enough to put up with that crap."
"And you're lucky I'm such a charming, handsome, thoughtful partner."
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ouatnextgen · 8 months
Any headcanons for the next gen?
Finally can answer! Sorry this took so long lmao. These are just a bunch of random headcanons
Reblogging for the update that Alice is now Hope's sister.
He loves baked goods, especially when they’re baked by Regina, and has a strange love of Mountain Dew, which grosses everyone out
He got his first tattoo, the exact same lion tattoo that Robin had, in the exact same place,  when he was twelve, thanks to Little John, and Regina almost fainted when she found out. 
He inherits his father’s arrows, rings, and wardrobe, while his sister gets his bow. Before he died, Robin made Roland his very own bow, and that is the one he uses
His biggest secret is that he doesn't want to lead the Merry Men, like his father before him; he wants to be a baker
Surprisingly squeamish. Doesn’t do well with blood or guts
90% of his Storybrooke wardrobe is flannels
He likes camping, hiking, and just generally being outside
Is a pretty good singer, and knows how to play the acoustic guitar
His favorite season is autumn
His favorite color is red
They have survived solely on food from Granny’s Diner and coffee since they graduated high school
They actually work at Granny’s Diner, pretty much doing Ruby’s job after she moved to Oz.
In several instances, they had managed to convince many small children that the pink streaks in their hair are 100% natural
Can wield a dagger pretty well, but is a self-proclaimed “runner” and not a fighter
Most of the graffiti around Storybrooke can be attributed to them
Though they’d rather die than admit it, they really like doing so-called “feminine” hobbies like knitting, sewing, and crocheting. They are very proficient at all three
Got a tongue piercing at 12:01 am, the very day that they turned eighteen
They play the bass, and dream of starting a garage band
Their favorite season is summer
Their favorite color is pink
Really likes spicy foods. Or foods he can dump gallons of hot sauce on. He pretends to be a tea drinker, but really can’t stand the stuff
Secretly loves country music, but knows that his friends would crucify him if they found out
His least favorite subject in school is English, because he feels like he gets interpretations of stories “wrong” somehow. Math is easier because it’s “straightforward”
He’s a guard on the school football team
Somehow, he’s also senior class president and has a 3.89 GPA
Since in this AU, Regina turned down the offer to be queen in favor of Snow, Leo is next in line for the throne (Emma opted out)
Can’t do archery for shit, but is great at fencing
He likes to babysit his brother and other neighborhood kids
His favorite season is spring
His favorite color is indigo
He’s one of those people who only eats plain noodles with butter, and only drinks water if it’s ice-cold or flavored. Very picky.
He has dyspraxia, which is a disorder similar to dyslexia. It affects his movement and coordination functions (my little brother has this) so he is very prone to stumbling, dropping things, and just general clumsiness.
He’s a night owl. He tends to stay awake until three hours before he has to get up (“Three hours is enough sleep, right?”) which results in a lot of coffee consumption
He’s a member of the school drama club, and has performed in many plays and musicals
He’s really into urban area gardening, where he grows plants and food in tiny boxes around his house
His honorary aunt is Mulan, and she was the one who taught him sword fighting, archery, and helped him figure out that he’s gay
He likes to live in the moment, and do spontaneous things. He’d rather regret doing something than not doing something.
He has Alex sneak him into clubs sometimes, just to do something rebellious for kicks
His favorite season is spring
His favorite color is purple
Thanks to Regina’s influence, she loves apple flavored food
She got her glasses in her freshman year of high school. Before that, she just…moved closer to the board to see what was going on (I know in canon she only has her glasses when she’s cursed, but I like the idea of Robyn, the archer, needing glasses full-time, so here we are.)
She inherits Robin’s bow, and carries it around with her like a favorite teddy bear (when Robin comes back to life he teaches her how to make her own bow)
She longs to escape Storybrooke and travel the different realms, like Henry
She loves the outdoors like Roland, but not quite as much.
Her magic is chaotic and wild, like her personality
She’s on the school soccer team, and kicks everyone’s ass
The only jewelry she ever wears is a ring her mother got for her
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is green
Has a weakness for seafood, and regularly drinks tea
He’s a math nerd, and is on the school’s mathlete team
Unsurprisingly, he loves to read. Fiction or nonfiction, he doesn’t care. He’ll read five books a day if Belle lets him.
He also likes video games, but is very bad at them
He’s on the autism spectrum
He likes keeping journals, and keeps several personal journals, study journals, and doodle journals
Since his magic is inherently dark, he doesn’t like to use it much. If he does need to use magic, it can trigger memories from his time as the Black Fairy’s puppet to come back in the form of nightmares
He wants to be a therapist when he grows up, and maybe publish a book or two
His favorite season is winter
His favorite color is orange
She loves to eat things with marmalade, and even just marmalade straight from the jar. And she’s british…so tea is life
She has a mental illness (canon never gave her a proper diagnosis), and takes prescribed medication that helps her symptoms. When she has "bad days," Robyn, Hope, and their parents know how to help her.
She loves the idea of dying or putting streaks in her hair, but she’s slightly worried she’ll regret it later on, so hasn’t tried it yet
She still loves to paint, doodle, draw, and basically anything artsy. 
She loves to play chess with her father, and other, more modern board games with her friends. Her favorites are Candy Land, Battleship, and Monopoly.
She rarely uses her light magic, and only to protect people. Emma trains with her regularly
She will stay awake into the wee hours to go stargazing, and loves astronomy, star mapping, and even the zodiac signs (she’s a proud Aries)
Even though she’s never officially sailed a ship, she knows the inner workings of how to do it so well, she might as well be a sailor
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is teal
Her favorite food is literally just cheese
She is on the autism spectrum
She has a special interest in swords, which results in a large sword collection, and a bunch of useless sword facts
She also has a special interest in dancing, which results in her now knowing a few books worth of dances, both modern and classical
She’s on the school dance squad (see above)
She likes to go sailing with Killian and Alice
Her favorite piece of jewelry is the swan necklace her parents gave her
Going to the beach calms her down, and she listens to ocean noises to fall asleep
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is navy blue
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rowanballs · 1 year
Pt 1 of Dabi x Shigaraki
From Dabi’s POV/ Shigaraki is in abusive relationship
I was playing some call of duty game with Toga in our pjs when we heard a door slam. So obviously we went to investigate.
Kirogiri said it was Shigaraki coming back from his date. He had his hood up and head down then ran to his room.
"I can check on him." I say with a shrug. "I mean all of you worry about him turning you to dust but he wears the gloves." They nodded.
I only really care to check on him because I know his boyfriend abuses him. We don't get along at all but I just peep in to say something random to see if he's alright.
I peered in. "Hey-" he looked up surprised. He was crying, his cheek was red, his lips was busted and his eyes were starting to blacken. "Get out!" He shouted, turning away from me.
Should I stay? He needs help.
I stepped in and shut the door. I quickly looked at my outfit. Hoodie and sweats, black socks. STOP LOOKING AT YOUR CLOTHES AND GO TALK TO HIM!!!
I walked over to him. "Hey," I sat on my knees in front of him. He had his hands covering his face. "I said get out." He said softly.
"We aren't friends, but I'm worried about you, Tomura." He put his hands down. It was getting worst. "Why the fuck do you care-" he could stop himself from crying.
I didn't know what to do. I stood up and sat next to him on his bed. "You can't keep letting him do this." I said softly. "I don't have anyone else. He's all I have. I...love him." He sobbed.
"Tomura." I said and he looked at me. "You don't love him, you're scared of him." I said softly. He looked surprised. "I feel like you haven't been in love with him for a long time." I said.
He looked up at me with sad eyes. He went to say something but he stopped. "Go ahead." I say softly. "Can I hug you?" He asked.
"My hugs aren't amazing but yea." He hugged around my neck. I hugged his lower body. He cried on my shoulder. He pulled away.
"I'm sorry," he said. "No, no, it's okay." I say. I gently brushed his hair out of his eyes before I jerked my hand away. He was surprised.
"I need to break up with him." He said. I nodded. "Do you want to talk about it while I fix you up?" I asked. He nodded.
He took off his shirt to show me more bruises and scrapes. I put ointment and bandaids on them while he told me everything.
The punching, kicking, knife threats, the rape, everything. I gently put medicine on his bruises and let it dry before putting color corrector then concealer.
I got to his lip. Now that I think about it. He's been doing a lot better at taking care of his skin. Praise. "You look nice." I say.
"What?" He asked. "Your skin, it looks nicer. Your lips. Now that they aren't cracked and dry, they're very full." His face got red. "Thank you,"
I put a little medicine then chapstick when it dried. "Let's go eat dinner." He said. I nodded. I went to walk away but he grabbed my arm. Very weakly so I accidentally yanked my arm out of his hand.
I turned. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to walk away that fast." I looked up at me. "Uhm, after dinner. Would you want to do skin care with me, watch a movie or something?" He asked softly.
He was adorable. I nodded with a smile. "Do you smoke?" I asked. "Cigarettes?" He questioned. "No, weed." He shook his head.
"Okay," I turned but he grabbed me again. "But! I-I'll try it, if it's just me and you. I don't trust anyone else for it being my first time." I nodded. "Just us." I crouched a little so I was looking him in the eyes.
He started to scowl because I crouched but his eyes softened. "You're eyes," I said softly. "Gorgeous." His face flushed. "Stop." He laughed and pushed passed me.
"Hey!" He ran out of the room. "You shit!" I laughed. I heard him laughing as I ran after him down the hallway.
He ran through the door to the dinning room, I followed, and grabbed him, wrapping my arms around his waist and quickly lifting him up. He let out a joyful scream.
We laughed as I set him down. Everyone was staring at us. I quickly let go of him and we sat in our seats. They were at opposite sides of the table so we wouldn't fight.
People were talking about their days and such. Toga reached for the salt but couldn't reach. "I got it," I handed it to her.
Everyone stared at me. "Holy shit." Toga said. "You're being nice, Dabi. What a lovely change." Kurogiri said. I just looked down at my food then up at Tomura.
He smiled at me and I quickly looked down smiling. "Bro, ain't no way. You have the hots for Shigaraki!" Toga yelled. "No, I don't." I say.
"Yes, you do!" She yelled. "Stop it, Toga." I said. "DABI HAS THE HOTS FOR SHIGARAKI!" She screamed. I stood up and my chair flew backwards, making a loud noise.
"Do you ever just fucking stop, Toga! I asked you to stop!" I yelled. Everyone was staring at me. Shigaraki looked scared. "I'm going to bed, not hungry anymore."
I went to Shigaraki's room. I need to text him so he knows that I'm not mad or upset with him. I pulled up his contact. 'Shigaraki 💀🧼🤨' I need to change it.
Shigaraki 🥳🤭
I'm sorry for getting mad at dinner.
I'm not mad at you. I am in your room though if you still want to watch movies and stuff.
Shigaraki 🥳🤭
No, no, it's okay. I get why you were upset. I wouldn't want people thinking I like someone like me either lol
what? wym some1 like you? what's wrong with you?
Shigaraki 🥳🤭
idk it's...me? Lol
"Crusty King" lmfao
That was forever ago. We were just being assholes.
You're very pretty :)
Shigaraki 🥳🤭
Thanks Touya. That means a lot to me. Really.
I'm just throwing this out there. Whatever the fuck his name is. Your bf. Doesn't fucking deserve you.
Shigaraki 🥳🤭
I just
I don't know how to break up with him. Bc I definitely want to.
Can you help?
Yea ofc come here
I waited for him and he walked in. "Hey," he smiled. "Hi," I said. "Did-" he paused. "Did you really mean it?" He asked. I stood up and walked to him. He bowed his head and flinched.
I grabbed his face and gently made him look at me. "Ever word, you're beautiful." His face flushed red. He handed me his phone.
"I-I need you to do it, Touya." He said. "Do it in person, Tomura. You need the satisfaction. If he tries anything, I can be there."
I nodded. "I-I'm going to text him." He said. I watched him type. 'we should break up. If you want to talk about it more, meet me at our spot, tomorrow at 9 pm'
His hands were shaking. He turned and hugged around my neck. I hugged his waist.
He gently reached up. He held the side of my face with his hand. He stared at me for a second. The door swung open and he stepped away from me.
Toga stared at us. "I was going to ask to do skincare but I'll take mine and go." She laughed and left.
"W-we should start doing our skincare." He said. I pulled his waist to me again. He stared at my chest before looking up at me.
I want to kiss him. We stared at each other for a second before he cupped my cheeks in his hands. He pulled me down.
I pulled away. "M-My bottom lip." I say softly. "It's rough and kinda gross." He blankly stared at me. "I don't think so," he said softly.
He cupped my face again and slowly brought it down to his. He pressed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and carefully picked him up, wrapping his legs around me.
He pulled away. "Touya," he said softly against my lips. I looked into his eyes. His face was red. "I-" he stopped. "Don't be afraid. I want to hear everything you have to say." I said softly.
"It's okay," he said. "Face masks." I smiled. He slid out of my arms and he got a gel face mask then fuzzy headbands. He put the cow headband on me and the cat one on himself. He put the mask on me first. He put it on my normal skin then on himself.
He didn't want to watch a movie so we went and got snacks. I was digging through the fridge. "Dabi," I stood up and turned. "Wut,"
Shigaraki burst out laughing. "What?" I asked, smiling. "You look so funny." He laughed. "Look at you, you're a cat." I laughed. We laughed before getting ramen together.
We went back to his room and I watched him struggle to eat the ramen without it touching his mask.
"Shiggy," I made him look at me and I took a bite with no problem since I didn't have any mask on my chin. He glared at me.
I threw a noodle at him and he jumped so the bed frame hit the wall. He gasped. "Touya!" I smiled. "Stop they're going to think, we're doing something weird."
"So if I were to just-" I paused. "TOMURA!" I moaned. "TOUYA!" He yelled, covering my mouth. I laughed loudly.
We messed around for a while before taking the masks off. We laid in bed, watching a movie.
I was laying along the bed with my head propped up on my palm. He was laying the same but his head was laying on his folded arm. "Can I scoot back?" He asked.
"Yea," I said. He scooted back into me. I reached around his tiny waist and pulled his body into mine. He gasped a little before he turned around and cuddled up to me.
I gently set my hand on his waist. I heard the door open so I just closed my eyes. "O-" someone said softly. "Look!" They whispered. "Oooo~ take a pic. We'll show them in the morning."
Shigaraki sat up. I opened my eyes a little. He put his leg over me. "What're you doing?" I asked softly. He hushed me and he laid on top of me. I hugged him to me.
I knew said photographers were still in here so I fed into their excitement and gently placed my hand on Shigaraki's bottom.
I couldn't fall asleep until I knew it was just the 2 of us. I heard giggling then footsteps leave the room. The door shut.
He sat up a little. "Touya," he said softly. "Tomura," I replied softly. He pushed his lips on mine. His hands slid to the sides of my face.
My hands slid to his thighs as I sat up. "Touya," he moaned softly before pulling on my shirt. I stopped him. "M-My grafts," I said softly.
"Touya," he made me look at him. "I do not find you disgusting." He said. I nodded before pulling my sweatshirt off. His face flushed. "Touya, fucking, Todoroki. Oh my god." He looked away.
"W-What?" I asked. "Look at you," he said looking down. I pulled him closer. "Didn't anyone teach you, it's rude to stare?" He blushed.
He pulled off his sweatshirt before pressing his lips on mine. I slid my hand up into his ruffled hair. He grabbed my wrist. "Touya,"
He said my name but never let me respond. I slid my tongue into his mouth. "Hm!" I stopped. "A-What?" He looked down.
He looked at me. "C-Can I?" He asked. "There's a graft on my hip." I say softly. "I don't mind," he said. I looked away with a red face before nodding.
"Scoot so your back is to the head board." I did as he said. I looked away as he pulled me out. I felt him push me down his throat.
It was tight and warm. So wet. "T-Tomura." I mumbled. He started bobbing his head as pleasure tingled up my body.
He looked up at me and I looked away. It was taking everything in me to not go crazy on him.
He came up to my face. I tackled him. I pulled one of his legs up to my shoulder and the other was around my waist.
He turned over and slid his hips up to mine, arching his back. I forced my hips to him and leaned over him. "Tomura. This is a game you don't want to play with me." I say softly.
He reached into his nightstand and turned around. He handed me lube and a condom. "I'll play every damn game with you and I will run circles around you." He said.
"Fuck. How loose are you?" I asked, unwrapping the condom. "Enough," he said softly. I fumbled with the condom.
"Honey," I looked at him. "Calm down. We don't have to do this as fast as possible." He said, taking it from me. "I'm nervous. What if you don't like the way, I like to have sex." I said softly.
"How do you like it, Touya?" He asked, sliding it on me. "I wing it and go off my partner's mood." I say. "Then just do what feels right and I'll correct you from there."
He laid back. He was completely naked. When the hell did he take off his pants?? "I already put lube on me so I'm ready," he said.
"Look at my baby. So ready for me." His face flushed. "T-Touya." I lined us up. He nodded while looking at me.
I pushed into him. He gasped softly and arched his back. "T-Touya-" he mumbled. I stopped. "Are you okay?" I asked.
He nodded. "Just go all the way and I'll adjust." He said. I grabbed his hips and slammed them into mine. "TOUYA!" He moaned.
He was so tight. "T-Touya." He said. "T-Tomura." I replied. "Take the condom off," I looked at him. "A-Are you sure?" I asked. "We don't have diseases."
I did as told and took it off before pushing back in. It was so warm, slimy, and oh my god, so fucking tight.
"Tomura." I said next to his ear. He reached under my shoulders and touched my back. "A-ah-" he hugged me to him. "B-Be-" he cut me off.
"I'll be careful around your grafts. I promise, Touya." I kissed him temple. "My god, I want to fuck the shit out of you, Tomura."
He moaned softly in my ear. "T-Touya, please." I gently thrusted in and out of him. He buried his face in my shoulder.
Pleasure was pulsing through my body as I pressed into him. "Flip us," he said. "W-what?"
"I'm playing your game," I flipped us. He started bouncing on me. He covered his mouth. Little moans and squeaks escaped his lips.
He looked fucking gorgeous on top of me. I covered my mouth as pleasure was slamming into me through my pelvis.
He stopped putting his hands on my abdomen. "I look this pretty and you won't even take my picture." He said with a small smile. "R-Really?" I asked.
"I trust you. Videos too." He leaned over and grabbed my phone. "I want you to have it." He got on my camera and started recording himself.
He handed it to me and he continued. I looked at my phone then him. He smiled at me. "It's okay, I gave consent," he said. I nodded.
He must've hit his spot because he gasped and "TOUYA!" He screamed. I jumped. He put his hands on my abdomen again and he breathed heavily.
"Take it," I said and gave the phone to him. I flipped us. I didn't wait to start thrusting into him. He moaned and whimpered.
"F-Fuck, Tomura." I moaned. His face flushed red and he looked at my phone, recording me. "It's okay, I give consent."
He ignored me and moaned. I angled my hips a little and slammed in as hard as possible. He gasped. "TOUYA!" he drug me down into a hug.
I kept hitting that spot and he kept moaning. "Tomura!" I moaned. "Inside, Touya. Please!"
I thrusted into him a few more times before I slammed in and released. He released on his stomach.
I carefully pulled out. "Let's take a shower then go to bed." He nodded with a smile. I got us new clothes and set them in the bathroom before getting him.
I set him in the toilet while I waited for the tub to fill. He messed with his fingers. “Are you okay, Tomura?” I asked softly. “Is this just a one time thing, Touya?”
I looked at him and we made eye contact. “I sure hope not because that was very important to me.” I said softly. “Okay, because I’m not a very good one time person.” He mumbled.
I turned the water off and helped him undress before setting him in the water. “Aren’t you going to get in?” He asked. “Oh, I’m just going to take a shower.” I say.
“Oh,” he said softly, turning back around. “Do you want me to get in?” I asked. He nodded. I got up and took off my clothes. I got in behind him.
He leaned back on me. He turned and looked back at me. “Touya,” he said softly. “Yes?” I asked. “What are we?” He asked, leaning against my chest, lightly running his fingers along the graft on my forearm.
“I don’t know,” I say softly. “What are we?” We say in silence for a second. “I don’t want to be just fuck buddies.” He said softly.
“I don’t either.” I say. “Then can…” I paused. “I don’t want to be your fuck buddy so can I be your boyfriend?” I ask. He turned around.
“Are you being serious?” He asked. “Yes. As serious as I can get.” He smiled. “Yes, you can be my boyfriend.” I smiled softly and he grabbed my face before kissing me.
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professor-abeloved · 2 years
thank you for tagging me @violentinecrl !! <3 sorry it took a while but i thought it'd be cool to do so with my url change (from gayforgayle i mean) uwu
Nickname: Elias or El, but people have been calling me 'Eli' and its swag B)
Height: 5'2"
Last thing I googled: "psychopath" (3 guesses on which character this was about)
Song stuck in my head: All Too Well 10 minute version by Tayl0r Sw1ft (again, 3 guesses on who this fits)
Number of followers: 418 but a lot i think are deactivated choices blogs from back in the day, miss yall moots
Dream job: m-maybe a Psychologist too,,,
Wearing: uh yellow PJs
A book/movie that summarises you: Anxious People!! a really good book
Favourite song: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jaden/Judai Yuki Theme Extended Version been on a ygo kick lately and this makes me feel so happy <3
Aesthetic: Whatever I am feeling like in the moment - core. I have absolutely no idea.
Favourite author: mm atm rick ri0rdan
Random fact: i think i have... at least 13 ilw fic drafts asdfghjl
tagging IF YALL WANT OFC NO RUSH <3 @frostedge @pink-sunny-kitten @rookie-mistakes @clouiis @cptnvers @fourfreckledstars
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗜𝗻 𝗔 𝗛𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗹 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗦𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀.
Hey so like I’ve only seen 2 seasons so idk the other 2 pretty setters pls don’t kill me for not doing them ❤︎
Inspired by me going on vacation
Can you tell that these headcannons are so sporadic??
X3 anyways
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Tobio Kageyama:
Doesn’t think you should carry ANYTHING, so he insists on carrying all of the luggage.
First thing this baby does is go to the little gift shop and pick out some kind of snack
It’s usually frozen
Gets sad if he learns the room lacks a freezer
Second thing he does is unpack whatever luggage he brought.
It doesn’t matter how long he’s there, he’s unpacking.
Neatly places all of his clothing in the top drawer and leaves the other two empty for when you’re ready to unpack,
Except his uniform gets hung up in the closet.
He orders dinner that night, of course your favorite food.
So for a thank you, you would iron his uniform the next morning right before his matches.
He’d then go into the bathroom to “brush his hair” and spray a lil of your perfume/cologne on it. 🥺
Nice and warm and it reminds him of you. :,)
He 100% is going to go swimming
Doesn’t matter if you’re with him or not.
If you are, you’re acting like children. Doing little flips in and out of the water, chicken fighting random people you met, splashing each other vigorously.
You force him to stay away from any heavy equipment in the weight room.
Late night crime show binging 100%
“Tobio, baby, you need to sleep for your match tomorrow.
“Babe we’re on ‘vacation’. Let’s at least try to enjoy ourselves, yeah?”
Of course you sleep in the same bed ✨❤️
He’s a blanket hogger though.
Definitely not so he can get you to cuddle him haha
But you have to cuddle him to get any warmth.
Hotel breakfasts gross him out so you find a little hole in the wall diner.
I hc that bestie really likes French toast :)
Stays up late to repack both of your luggages so that you can get as much sleep as possible.
He either loves or hates flying, no in between?
Like I feel like he loves traveling and going on planes but he like genuinely has a fear of them.
But yeah. Good luck carrying any luggage, you won’t take a single bag.
TLDR: Hotel trips with Kageyama would be very entertaining.
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Koushi Sugawara:
Is a firm believer in luggage carts.
He will happily push you around so you can fulfill your dream of riding on one.
But then he wants a turn
Just as Kageyama, he takes time to neatly unpack all of his luggage.
But being the sweet boy he is, he unpacks your stuff along with his.
Organizes the drawers??
Top drawer is for undergarments, night shirts, PJs etc, middle for tops, bottom for bottoms (lol)
He hangs up important clothing, like formal wear and uniforms.
Is going to take you swimming. You have no choice.
Just like Kags, you act like absolute children at that pool.
You may or may not have gotten kicked out for an hour after being too loud.
This big dork goes to grab extra pillows and returns with multiple pamphlets on stuff to do.
Takes you to dinner at one of the places he found from the pamphlet.
When you both return, he disappears to the lobby again. Then returns with two ice cream pints and a Redbox movie.
It’s gonna be either the newest cartoon or a really stupid and cheesy romcom.
Late night movie and snuggle party.
When one of you falls asleep on the couch, whoever is awake will carry the groggy partner to bed and you both just sleep in each others’ embrace.
He adores hotel breakfasts. Is a sucker for the build your own waffle bar.
You both have a waffle face making competition for each other.
He makes you a cute little rabbit out of blueberries and chocolate chips.
You try to reciprocate by making a bear out of bananas and whipped cream, but it’s a fucking disaster of epic proportions.
Waffles get cold because you both are just giggling your asses of in the lobby.
He will do all of the driving!! Loves to be behind the wheel and steal a glance at your pretty face as you sing along to the playlist he made you.
TLDR: hotel trips with Suga would be so therapeutic
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Kenma Kozume:
Such a sweet, suspicious, boy.
Refuses to unpack his suitcase because he just doesn’t trust hotels with his possessions.
Presses his finger to the mirror to ensure it isn’t a double sided one, uses his phone camera to see if there’s any hidden cameras.
When settled, he lays in between your thighs on the bed, using them as a pillow, and plays games on his switch.
You have to pluck the switch from his hands for him to even consider doing anything else.
He would sigh but give in and do things with you.
You grabbed a shit ton of the little pamphlets, spreading them over the bed in front of you.
He genuinely really likes mini golf. So whenever you travel, you make sure to find a mini golf place.
Makes a blanket cocoon with you and you both spend the evening with a junk food dinner and whatever movie the two of you pick.
Not a big swimmer, but if you want to go, he would sit down at a table with his switch.
Of course he wouldn’t be playing it too much, given he was staring at how your swimsuit hugged your body the right way.
If you splash him it’s over
He will throw you in the pool over and over
The second you get out, sploosh.
This goes on for about five minutes before you start barking verbal threats at him
When you get back to the room, he turns on a nice shower for you to warm up from the cold pool water.
Dinner is something fast, like a cheeseburger or really bad tacos.
No meal is complete without ice cream/milkshake.
As like Kags, is suspicious of hotel breakfasts heavily.
You both made the mistake to go to a greasy spoon diner.
Checkout time got delayed by an hour because you both were just so sick.
If you want to get this boy on a plane, you’ll have to drug him.
INSISTS on driving everywhere, he has to be the one to do so because he gets carsick without the support of the wheel.
TLDR: Hotel trips with Kenma would be full of “adventures”
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Tooru Oikawa:
Boy oh boy you can bet what I’m gonna say for this one.
The VERY FIRST thing he does when he gets to the room, is unpack his heavily overpacked luggage.
He hangs up all of his clothes, regardless of value.
His hair and skincare products are either sprawled out across the bathroom sink, or neatly organized into their respective corners by height of the bottles.
It all depends on how much of a rush he’s in.
Once unpacked, he kicks off his shoes and socks and starfishes on the bed.
He’s a sucker for a simple hotel atmosphere, so he puts a movie on in the background and does a crossword puzzle
Isn’t big on swimming for amusement, so he goes to swim laps on his own.
But if you were to ask him to swim? Oh it’s on.
He’ll let you stand on his shoulders so you can get more height for a flip
When you go underwater and come back up, brushing water and hair from your face, he 100% will kiss you
You just look so fucking hot like that.
Dinner is a whole ass l a v i s h restaurant. Like, steakhouse, sushi, Italian, whatever you’re feeling.
Gets some nice to-go desserts so that you can enjoy them later that night.
Puts on a movie musical like Mary Poppins or Coco
He really likes to sing along in stupid little voices to try and make you laugh.
He’s actually a hella accurate singer??
He 100% steals the little lotions and towelettes to put in the center console of your car. Just for emergencies of course.
Not a big breakfast guy. But he’ll have a bagel or some fruit and oatmeal from the breakfast area.
Helps you make the most intricate waffle if you want to tho.
You wouldn’t have to ask his ass twice to get in a plane.
He LOVES flying. Like LOVES IT
He loves the little pretzels, the feeling in his stomach during the takeoff, the way the world looks above the clouds, the way you look while asleep next to him
TLDR: Hotel trips with Oikawa will be very lavish and very relaxing.
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Keiji Akaashi:
I HC that he really likes to be indoors.
Akaashi is the type of guy to text you if you’re laying right next to him, just to get a chuckle out of you.
He unpacks both of your luggages, making sure that every article of clothing is neatly folded and placed in a drawer.
Board game and card game tournaments? Uh yes.
Nothing would really be luxurious.
Straight to the hot tub for you two.
He’s not a big swimmer.
Dinner would be something SO simple like room service, Chinese or subs.
Anything he touches is 100% tidied after he’s done.
The couch? Throw pillows put back neatly, cushions tucked in nicely. The bed? Pristinely made, like, hotel service pristine. The shower? Your hair pulled off of the shower walls, the gobs of soap cleaned off the floor.
“I like to leave things better than I found them.”
Loves hotel breakfast. Finds it super cute, but he likes to eat in his room and not in public.
So here you two are, tiny plates upon tiny plates, upon small bowls and silverware in hand, trying to slip off one of your shoes to press the elevator buttons with your toe
It’s over if you have to scan your key to use the elevator.
I say he prefers driving over flying.
It’s just more personal and fun for him
Plus it’s fun to just scream/sing songs with you.
TLDR: Hotel trips with Akaashi would be uneventful, but just as fun as any other person would have!
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goddesswritings · 4 years
“Can I slap her for you?” -  Corpse Husband | Part Two
Title: “Can I slap her for you?” – Part Two
Pairing: Corpse Husband x Reader
Summary: Being stuck living with the queen of YouTube drama and partying during the pandemic has seriously worn down your patience. Meeting Pokimane has changed your life for the better, making Among Us a pivotal part of your life.
Word Count: 5.2k
Unedited for now. I was eager to post. I will edit it later.
Corpse Masterlist
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After you left the apartment, you sat in the parking lot of some random store, trying to decide what to do now. Sighing, you opened your phone and went to Instagram. Corpse was probably wondering if it went okay.
Corpse: She left the stream, thank you!
Corpse: What exactly did you do?
Corpse: She’s sending Sean angry DM’s now.
Corpse: Hey, are you okay?
Y/n: Hey sorry, I had to pack. I’m fine, happy to help get her out of the stream. I switched off the power to her office.
Honestly, you wished you could have stood up against her more often than you did. She was four years younger, so you should have been able to have the say in things. But no, Olivia was a control freak and a spoiled brat too. She would no doubt tell your parents you started a fight with her, and she felt unsafe.
Corpse: Wow, you’re badass. Packing for what?
Y/n: Um, she may have kicked me out of the apartment, and I may have left without a fight because I’m tired of her shit. 🤷‍♀️
Corpse: Do you have a place to stay?
Of course you didn’t and you really should have thought about that before just leaving the way you did.
Y/n: Not really but I will find somewhere.
Well you hoped you could. There weren’t many people who were keen in taking in a friend during a pandemic.
Corpse: Poki’s going to call you.
At that message, your phone started to wring and sure enough, it was Poki.
“Hello?” You asked hesitantly.
“So someone let it slip that your sister kicked you out?” Poki said calmly.
“Is that someone, Corpse?”
“Yes, he said it out of shock but I’m glad he did. Knowing you, you would have kept it a secret from me.” She was right. You hated inconveniencing your friends.
“Damn you, Corpse.” You muttered making her laugh. “Yeah so I ruined Olivia’s stream and she started screaming at me before kicking me out. I didn’t fight it because I am tired of her.”
“Understandable. Well do you need somewhere to stay?”
“Yes but I will find some place.”
“Nope, you’re staying with me. Come over now or I am coming out to drag you back to my place.” Her protectiveness made you smile.
“Sure, I’ll be there in a few.” You hung up.
Y/n: Thank you for looking out for my stubborn ass, Corpse. I would have never told her.
Corpse: Stubborn is one word to describe you. Cute is another.
That comment made your face heat up from the sheer adorableness of it. Corpse seriously just called you cute.
Y/n: Can I say you have a genuinely nice hand. It’s marvelous.
Corpse: Hey, don’t make fun of my hand. It takes all the heat for me. That hand is very anxious every time I post him.
Y/n: Awe I bet. Give him hugs from me. Also tell him I’m a big fan!
The easy flow of conversation between the two of you was nice. You got along extremely well and talking outside of the game was nice, since you could focus on what you really wanted to say to him.
Corpse: He’s flattered!
This was great and took your mind off Olivia and the fact she just kicked you to the curb with nowhere to go. But Poki was there for you. You appreciated her more than she knew.
You pulled up in front of her apartment building, parking the car, you got out and grabbed your stuff. Typing in the code Poki had given you a while ago, you were let into the building. Entering the elevator, you made your way to her apartment.
Barely knocking, the door flew open to reveal Poki. She looked mad but also worried. She pulled you into the apartment and hugged you tightly.
“Can I slap her for you?” She asked calmly.
This made you giggle. “I mean I would like to slap her as well.”
“We should make a plan. Hey, the group is still on, come say hi.” She started to lead you to her office.
“Are they still streaming?” You didn’t want to reveal your face to the world, not like this.
“Oh no. We ended our streams when Olivia started talking about you. She completely wasn’t respecting your privacy and we weren’t about to let her spill it to our viewers.” That was so sweet of them to do.
You had left your bags in the other room while you followed her. An idle conversation was going on when you entered.
“Hey guys, I’m back.” Poki took a seat in front of the computer, she pulled up a second chair. “I have someone special here.”
Sitting down, you saw her nod for you to say something. “Hey, did you miss me?”
They went wild.
“Y/n! Oh we missed you!”
“Don’t leave us again.”
“I’m sorry I invited your sister to stream.”
“Hey Y/n.”
The mix of voices was overwhelming in a good way. Sykkuno, Rae, Sean, and Corpse pretty much spoke over each other which made you laugh.
“One at a time, guys. You can’t overload her.” Leslie told them.
“Sorry Y/n. We just really missed having you here. You’ve become one of our favorite friends to play with.” Sykkuno said sounding as sweet as ever. That man was just the best.
“Yes, I can say we agree.” Rae added.
It was nice to hear they missed you. It really helped to lift your mood as well.
“Did your sister really kick you out?” Toast asked
“Yes she did. But it’s not surprising at this point. She’s probably been gunning to kick me out as soon as she could.” Sad truth
“Well she’s the worst player ever. She can’t keep a secret at all. I really should have never agreed to get her into the group.” Sean said sounding sad.
“Hey Sean, please don’t worry about it. She’s always weaseling her way into things. It’s completely not your fault.” One of the things she loved to do was incessantly DM other youtubers for collabs or for free stuff. She really had no morals.
“Well thank you, Y/n. You’re literally the sweetest.” Sean said earning a bunch of ‘I Agrees’ from everyone else. That really was helping make the night better.
“Who’s up for some more Among Us to relax after that shitshow?” Lud asked making everyone laugh hard. It was agreed the group would do it. Luckily, you had your laptop and joined the call and game and stayed in Poki’s living room to play. Honestly, it was so good for you.
At the end if gaming, you said goodbye to the group. Then Poki showed you to the extra room that used to be her roommates before she moved out last month.
“Hey, are you looking for a roommate?” You asked as you put the bags on the bed.
Poki sent you a smile. “I am. Are you interested?”
This was good. “Yes, I mean I still have to find another job since my main is still furloughing me until this pandemic gets better but I have some money saved up.”
“Hey, please don’t sweat it. Besides, I know a friend who’s in need of an editor, I may have mentioned your name and she really wants to talk to you about it. Is that okay?”
“Wow, that’s perfect. Thank you, Poki. You’re such a great friend.” It felt good to have someone there for you.
She pulled you into a hug. “Always. I am so glad I met you. You’re one of my best friends.”
This was an honor. “Don’t make me cry.”
“I can’t promise anything. Anyway, I will leave you to rest. It’s been a long night. Tomorrow I will give you my friends details.”
“Sounds good, night Poki.”
“Goodnight, Y/n.” She waved goodbye and closed the door behind herself.
Smiling, you sat on the bed. It was such a good thing that she was here got you. But also Corpse was the catalyst that got you to actually tell Poki was what happening. He was sweet and it seemed he was looking out for you.
After changing into comfy pj’s, you brushed your teeth before climbing into the freshly made bed. Opening Instagram, you saw that Corpse has messaged you.
Corpse: I don’t like being too forward but hey here we go. Can I please have your number so we can talk more easily?
A smile made its way to your face. For a tough man, he surely had a sweet way of getting to you
Y/n: Yes you can. xxx-xxx-xxxx.
The nerves jumped when you sent that message. Less than a minute later, you received a text from an unknown number.
Hey Y/n, it’s Corpse. Would you mind if I called you so we could talk for a little?
You liked this idea truthfully. It only helped to show how genuine Corpse was being.
Not at all. Please go ahead and call me.
Your phone rang, displaying Corpse’s name.
“Hello?” You answered the phone while pushing away the anxiety.
A soft deep laugh filled your ear. “Hey sweet girl. How are you feeling?”
His words made you want to sigh in the most lovesick way. That never happened these days.
“I’m good. Poki had an extra room I could crash in and well I might just be her new roommate.”
“I love that. She’s so much better than your sister I assume.”
“She is. Here I won’t have to deal with the incessant pandemic partying Olivia likes to do.” That selfish bitch.
“Shit, is she stupid? She does know she’s risking a lot of lives, right?” You loved that Corpse had the logic you craved.
“So she is stupid, and her response was always that it’s not her problem and that the vulnerable people should stay home.”
“She sounds like the typical beauty youtuber these days.”
“Yes, she is. She has no morals.”
“Well that’s not good. I guess that’s why her name keeps popping up all over social media. She really needs to be careful, before she becomes the next Tana.” He was right but you personally thought she was past that point already.
“It’s too late. She’s already passed the point of return with all of this.”
“Yikes. It’s good you got out of there when you did.” A soft but deep laugh was heard through the phone. The sound made you giggle. Hearing such a tough guy laugh the way Corpse laughs, made you feel giddy. “So about what I said earlier, I meant it.”
“Huh, what are you talking about?” You truly were a little lost by this.
Corpse laughed again. “When I called you cute earlier. I meant it.”
Heat filled your face and a small smile made its way to your lips. “Thank you, Corpse. That’s really sweet of you. I don’t like to show many people who I am because they will immediately connect me to Olivia, and I don’t want that.”
“I get that. I don’t show my face for fear they won’t like me when I do. All my fans have built up this expectation of what they want me to look like and now I just don’t want to let them down. Plus it’s nice being able to stay anonymous if I go into public, but of course people will hear my voice and know. Shit, it’s hard.”
“Awe, I’m sorry. I saw what the attention has done to some people, but I think not everyone goes into that headspace. Also, I think you should stay faceless if it makes you feel better. There is no rule that says you ever have to show your face. People who push you to do it have no boundaries.”
Corpse was quiet for a while and you thought you had offended him. “I’m sorry if I said the wrong thing, Corpse.” You squeaked.
“No, you said the right thing. I was just thinking. You’re right. A lot of people have been on me to reveal my face, but I never intend to. I want to be able to live my life without being swarmed by fans, or god forbid, them judging me by my appearance.”
“Which is really fucked. When I first appeared in my sister video, the comments were awful. They couldn’t understand how she was related to me, but I never thought I looked bad. But I guess they expected Olivia to be surrounded by people in her genre. It was so hard to see those comments.” Thinking back to it, Olivia had even added to it. Telling you that you should have tried to look more like her for the video. You should have worn something more colorful and put-on way more make up then you liked. But you hated that. That wasn’t you.
“I can’t imagine the things they said. Is that why you deactivated your twitter?” How did he know about that?
“Oh, yeah. How did you know about it?”
“I remembered seeing a story about it on YouTube last year. They didn’t show your face, so of course I didn’t know it was you. But I figured it out when Olivia joined the game tonight and she blabbered on about being your sister. I’m sorry you received that hate. No one deserves that ever.” His voice was calming you now.
“Thank you. Olivia seemed to add to it, as well. Fuck, she’s just the worst person.” Family definitely had the ability to be shitty. “Meeting Poki last year really was the best thing. But also joining this Among Us group has been so good for me. Thank you for accepting me.”
“Of course. You’re a natural in the game but you also fit very well with the group.” Corpse really hoped you believed him because this was true. The group had a whole conversation about it when Olivia finally left
“I’m flattered. The Corpse Husband is telling me I fit in with him and his streamer friends. Wake me up, I must be dreaming.” You knew his words were genuine because it was just easy to tell.
“You better believe it, baby, because it’s true.”
You stopped short when you heard him call you baby. Of course Corpse had used that word before but right now it felt more intimate.
Letting out a yawn you realized it was nearing 4 am. “I appreciate it.” You mumbled, feeling the events from the day seep in.
“You’re tired, aren’t you?” His deep voice was lulling you closer to sleep.
“No.” Another yawn broke through.
“You can’t lie to me, Y/n. Get some sleep and we will talk tomorrow.”
The words made you smile. “That sounds good, Corpsie. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, sweet girl.” Despite wanting to stay on the phone, you hung up. Sleep was quickly coming in to claim you. You can happily say you fell asleep with a huge smile on your face.
Waking up was easier than it had been in a long time. Normally you woke up to Olivia screaming at you or someone else. So it was nice to wake up to silence. It allowed you to relax and wake up properly.
Your phone buzzed from beside you. A text from Corpse is what you first saw, so you opened it.
Good morning, sweet girl. I hope the night treated you well.
Sweet and to the point. His messages made you think he had a thing for you. Well you hoped he did but he also could just be treating you the way he treats friends.
Yes, I slept well and for once I wasn’t awoken by my obnoxious sister.
It would he good not to live with her.
I bet. Hey I hate to be the one to show you this, but your sister posted this on her instagram.
He then sent a link to the post. It made your blood boil.
There was a picture of her, she was holding up a ripped picture of you. A huge frown was on her face.
oliviaxoxo It’s a shame when family starts to treat you like you weren’t the one to give them money when they needed it. This is my sister and she’s a bitch. For the last few years, she’s been the one editing my videos. Well I found out she was trying to sabotage me, so I had to fire her and kick her out. What a shame it is when family stabs you in the back. 🙃🙃
1,454,787 people like this
oliviafan23 Is this true? Damn, f*ck fake people.
queenolivia Sueeee herrrrr!
lovinliv Family ain’t shit. Spill her info so we can drag her.
sykkuwu Whoa, why are you spreading lies about your own family?
queenolivia Why would you defend someone like that?
valkyrea You’re such a sad human for doing this. Stop lying.
pokimanelol Let’s see, none of this is true. Your sister has done so much for you and you’ve never appreciated it. Get some help for this.
corpse_husband This is sick. No wonder your name is always blasted everywhere. Do your sister a favor and stop talking about her.
oliviaxoxo I don’t know why you’re defending my stupid sister, but that totally makes you not hot to me anymore. Ugh.
valkyrea Uh, that’s what you got from this. Wow, you’re not worth this.
corpse_husband What can you expect? The covid must have gone to her brain.    |
corpseandlivfan Whyyyyyyy Corpse, why would you stand up for her. Do you not realize how horrible Y/n is? Please tell me this is a joke!?!?
 corpse_husband Well, she’s a good friend of mine and I won’t let people make up lies. So it’s not a joke.
You were mad that she’d even say this shit publicly, but you should have known she would. She was nothing without her group of misguided followers.
Can’t say I’m not surprised. This is so on brand for her. Thank you for sticking up for me. It means a lot.
I would do it any day. She shouldn’t be able to get away with doing that to you.
Sadly, growing up, she did get away with doing the absolute worst shit and you always received the brunt of it.
With any luck, she draws negative attention.
You clicked the link to view it again but instead were lead to a page that said the content was unavailable.
I believe she just deleted the post.
Oh, she did. That’s awesome.
It was. Olivia was never one to swallow her pride and admit any wrongdoings. That means she would never delete a problematic post, but she finally did
I didn’t really read any other comments besides you and your friends and the top comments. I can’t imagine what her fans are really saying.
Olivia was completely okay with letting her fans attack people. It was seriously a huge mess. She fell into the category of YouTuber with the worst most entitled attitude.
It’s good you didn’t read them, because they were horrible. I can’t believe she would let her fans do that.
She’s done a lot of shady stuff. This is even before she blew up on YouTube. There is a lot of issues between us.
There was a lot that could be said about your relationship with Olivia and none of them were good. Forever it seemed, you had tried to make it work and hoped your sister would grow up and change but it never happened.
I think she’s a vile human. From what I have seen and her complete lack of human decency, I just can’t help but feel she’s just not a good person and she never will be.
He was right. She would never change.
You’re right. Hey, I have to go thank Poki for letting me stay but I also need to go back to that apartment to get the rest of my stuff. Can I call you when I get back?
Yes, of course. Good luck heading over there.
Talking to him was pretty natural feeling. It was clear now that you were getting a massive crush on him. You had a crush on a man who’s face you’ve never seen. You couldn’t help it though, his personality just meshed so well with yours. He’d made you feel safe and wanted.
After getting dressed, you found Poki in the kitchen making breakfast. She sent you a sweet smile when you entered the room.
“Thank you for standing up for me against my sister on Instagram.” You were truly honored this group of friends liked you enough to do something like this.
“You’re welcome. I couldn’t just let her say that and get away with it. She’s done a lot to you, that you don’t deserve. Corpse messaged all of us the minute he found it and we all jumped into action. Sean and Felix were getting ready to comment when she deleted it.” She explained as she set a plate in front of you.
“I’m so honored. Thank you!”
“Of course, you’re one of us now and we will never let her get away with this stuff anymore.”
You could just cry with how loved they were making you feel. This is what had been missing in your life. Friends who genuinely cared about you and wanted to protect you from the nasty stuff Olivia was capable of doing.
“Would you come with me to the apartment to get the rest of my stuff?” You asked once the two of you finished eating.
Poki nodded. “Of course I will. You shouldn’t have to go alone.”
An hour later, you exited the elevator on the floor where you once resided. Your sister wasn’t home, which would be good but there was a chance she could return while you were packing. But you would deal with that when it came down to it. The two of you quickly got to work, packing your life up into the boxes you’d brought with you. Luckily, you weren’t one to collect a ton of stuff. You mainly just had to make sure your clothes and makeup were packed up.          
You and Poki would fill boxes and pile them by there door, then you would take them down to the car when you acquired a good amount. In the end, you figured you would fill maybe 10 boxes which is actually not too many considering you’ve lived in that apartment for five years.
Poki had left to go take two more boxes to the car while you finished up packing up your last few items. The front door closed, and you assumed it was Poki, but it wasn’t.
“Oh look who’s here? My lovely sister.” Olivia’s voice was flat and emotionless.
You rolled your eyes and turned to find her standing in the doorway, glaring at you. “Hello, Olivia. I’m just packing my stuff and then I’m leaving.”
“Who said you were allowed to come back here?” She grumbled, eyeing the boxes.
“Well, this is my stuff and I have every right to come pick it up.”
“If it’s in my apartment, it clearly belongs to me.” She snarled.
You snapped. “Cut it out, Olivia. This was my apartment too, until you kicked me out last night. You can’t just claim my stuff as your because you’re salty about me having friends.” She was a spoiled brat, and you were done letting her get away with it.
“I’m not the salty one. Everyone can see it’s you.” God she was so annoying. You taped up the last box and turned to her. She held her phone in her hand. “Everyone say hi to my sister. You know, the one I posted about earlier before someone reported my post.”
“Are you live?” You asked, keeping your face expressionless. Olivia would do this.
“I bet some of you remember the few videos I did with her. Well of course that was before she turned against me and decided she was going to try and ruin me. Say hi, Y/n.” A sick smile played on her face.
“I never consented to being in your live, Olivia. Please stop.” You tried to keep your voice calm so that she wouldn’t have any way to make you look like the bad person. But regardless, she was already doing it.
Olivia cackled. “Well I think I’m free to do as I please in my apartment.” You could only imagine what her fans were saying. “You’re right, Andrea, she is an idiot, and I should have her arrested.” She spoke aloud making your blood boil.
“You’re so immature, Olivia.” You grumbled before grabbing the last couple boxes and moving towards the door. Olivia decided to swat the boxes out of your hand, and they fell tumbling to the ground. “What the hell, Olivia. I could have fragile stuff in there.” You growled at her.
Olivia was just laughing. “This is funny. What else should I do, guys?” She asked as she panned the phone around the room.
Her immaturity was giving you a headache. Poki walked in and saw Olivia.
“Oh hey guys, look who’s here. Pokimane.” She panned the camera to Poki who frowned. Olivia just laughed and started talking shit until she was cut off by the stream just ending. “What the hell.”
You gathered the last few boxes, and Poki came to help while Olivia attempted to start another live.
“What the fuck, it won’t let me go live.” She growled while stomping her foot like a child.
“That’s what happens when an influx of people report your live.” Poki spoke as you both had gathered the boxes.
Olivia was frowning. “What did you do, Y/n.” She wanted to pounce at her, but Y/n and Poki were already at the door.
“Y/n did nothing, but I got word of your little livestream and contacted some friends for help. It will be at least 24 hours before you can have another live. But with the amount of people who reported you, well you may be banned for a while.” With that, you and Poki left Olivia standing there is absolute shock.
You and Poki put the last boxes in the car. “Thank you, Poki. How did you get so many people to report it?”
“Well it was actually Corpse. He texted me and informed me that she was doing a live and bothering you. He had his fans go report it, but apparently Sykkuno and Rae also sent their fans. I was going to send mine, but they had it handled. So this was all Corpse.” She explained.
Hearing this made you feel so soft for Corpse. “Awe wow. That’s so sweet of him.”
The two of you entered the car. “Y/n, can I tell you something without you telling him I told you?”
You looked over at her. “Yes, sure.” Your heart rate kind of picked up.
“Well the other day, Corpse admitted he has feelings for you, but he wasn’t completely sure if you felt the same way for him. But I mean I can clearly see you do. Your whole face just lit up when I mentioned him. So do you?”
Heat filled your face and you suddenly felt shy. “I do, yes. Which is ridiculous because I just met the guy, and I don’t even know what he looks like. But gosh, I like him so much. When I talk to him, I feel happy. He’s been so good to me through this crap with Olivia.” You admitted, knowing she already knew.
Poki smiled and squealed in complete happiness. “You two are just the most adorable people! It’s not ridiculous. We pretty much knew from the first time you joined us, that Corpse was into you. But oh my god, you’re into him. You need to tell him!!!!”
You agreed, Corpse deserved to know. “I do. But how? It’s been a really long time since I’ve told someone I liked them. Shit, I feel like I’m in high school again!”
This made Poki giggle. “Calm down, Y/n. I have a plan. Let’s get back to the apartment and we will talk about this. Rae also wants to be involved in this.”
Back at her apartment, you had jumped onto a call with Rae and the three of you talked about what your plan was for you to tell Corpse what you felt for him. Rae and Poki decided to organize an Among Us game strictly for fun and no one would stream, they would also use Proximity chat.
“So we will get him to follow you around until one of us is imposter, then we will lock you into wherever you end up. Do it then” Rae explained sounding so excited.
“Okay, that can work. Let’s do this!” You were nervous but also excited to finally do something good for yourself.
You and Poki set up for the gane and Corpse sent you a text.
Are you joining the game tonight?
Seeing a text from him, made you feel giddy.
Yep I am. So I will see you in game?
Yes you will, angel.
Cue the insane butterflies.
The lobby loaded and it was you, Corpse, Poki, Rae, Sykkuno, Karl, Tina, Sean, Toast, and Leslie. All streamers you had grown to like a lot in the time you have been playing with them.
“Y/n, I am so happy you’re playing with us!” Tina gushed as her little character ran around yours.
“I’m happy to be here.” You really were.
“You’re sister is a piece of work, Y/n.” Sykkuno said.
You giggled. “Don’t I know it.”
“What did she do this time?” Sean asked.
“Decided to film a live when we went to get Y/n’s stuff from the apartment.” Poki explained.
“Oh, that’s gross.” Karl commented.
“I have to thank Corpse for helping.” You stated to the group.
“Yeah Corpse was quick to text us.” Sykkuno added.
“You’re welcome, Y/n. I wasn’t going to let her get away with what she was doing. Truth is, I got a bunch of fan DMs that were telling me what Olivia was doing. So a lot of my fans were already reporting it, but the tweet helped.” Corpse’s deep voice soothed you.
“I appreciate it so much. She was just being an immature brat as always.”
The group laughed before deciding to start the game. Poki and Rae agreed to text you when either of them were imposter. Now it was a matter of getting Corpse to follow you.
The group was on the Polus map, which seemed to be a favorite for everyone.
We should lock them in weapons.
Rae had texted you and Poki through the group text.
That’s the best place for them.
Okay but I still have to get him to follow me.
He will. Just wait, I have a plan.
You trusted Rae and Poki to help you. Now it was time to admit it all to Corpse and hope he genuinely liked you back.
Let’s do this!
PART THREE  >>                                         
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queencvbra · 2 years
random list of things I’ve discovered Tory likes or dislikes over the past several months and am compiling for absolutely no reason other than she is very opinionated and I need to keep track of my own headcanons. may or may not be continuously updated over time.
yellow, pink, red, and black
Michelle Pfeiffer
Jesse McCartney
Joe Jonas
Tommy Oliver (if you don’t like him or Power Rangers in general she does not trust you)
Power Rangers
the word “funky” idk why she’s just weird
animal style burger from In-N-Out and seasoned fries
chicken fried rice
crab rangoon
chicken nuggets but specifically from mcdonalds
cheese-stuffed ravioli
mt. dew (regular and the pink raspberry lemonade kind)
raspberry lemonade
hot chocolate but only with milk and not water
green apple gum
oreos, skittles, starburst (the yellow ones), hershey’s cookies & cream, sour patch kids
vanilla, cookies & cream, or cookie dough ice cream
anything green apple or cookies & cream flavored tbh
popcorn with honey/sugar glaze
margherita pizza but with white sauce instead  and roma tomatos on top
anything Mr. Larusso cooks pretty much
rings (she likes to stack them)
moonstone / white opal
roller skating
travelling / road trips
playing guitar and singing (but not in front of people)
both cats and dogs (but she leans more cat, probably bc she basically is one)
Star Wars
card games
trivia games
paintball / lazertag
movie nights
fighting games
lying in Among Us
blaming Hawk for no reason in Among Us
crop tops
converse and vans
funny or cute onesies
novelty shirts (bonus points for dark humor)
oversized hoodies (preferably stolen)
cool sunglasses
her little tattoos
calla lilies only because they remind her of her mom
black & white dianthus
azaleas (pink or yellow)
being a menace to society with the worst fucking pranks ever
TACO BELL (shut the fuck up Hawk and Bear)
Domino’s pizza
certain shades of purple, brown, and beige
any math subject it’s her worst in school (geometry is kinda okay though she doesn’t suck at that)
school in general lmao
long skirts with no leg room
low rise pants
full body pj’s
spiders (sorry peter she’s mildly arachnophobic asfdfdjkl)
large birds, especially ostriches, geese, or chickens bc they fucking chase people
true crime television / podcasts
coffee unless you add a ton of creamer
dolphins & orcas (she says “they’re not that cute and they are pretty fucking scary actually”)
pineapple, olives, or anchovies on pizza
also fuck pepperoni not just on pizza but in general
Carrie Underwood
Taylor Swift
Ed Sheeran (except for one song, you can thank Robby for that)
Pete Davidson idk why but she says he can catch hands
any video game that forces you to team up with people
horses (sorry they also freak her out a little, one kick and it’s lights out)
wearing hats
she hated One Direction and Justin Bieber when she was younger bc she wanted to be “not like other girls” and also they stole her boy Jesse’s thunder </3  she’s grown out of it mostly but the instinctual hatred is still in there somewhere lmao
the word “moist”
people with Monster Energy or Playboy Bunny tattooes
bugs in general
Volkswagen Beetles (aka SlugBugs) or pretty much any tiny car, especially the cube-shaped ones that I can’t remember the name of atm  (bc “they just look so fucking stupid”)
segways, see above
SNAILS (thanks Larusso :\)
potato salad
most nuts (shut up)
working with a bo staff (bc she is not good at it)
going to the doctor at all you have to drag her there
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wasteofanarrow · 4 years
cowboys at da club
Thank you to @jelliebeansaregood for the prompt!
Remember, requests are OPEN!
Group Headcanon:
Lemme tell y’all, these motherfuckers go HARD to Friends in Low Places
I’m talking full on dancing with their arms around each other
Just the thought of this has me up in my feelings
Overdressed because he’s extra
Top shelf liquor ONLY because he’s def lying to himself
Works with Hosea to get into the VIP section
Chain smokes cigars in the comfy velvet seats
Chats up a few women and ignores Molly’s text messages
Only dances to a few songs
Dances way too hard to SexyBack...ends up throwing out his back
Didn’t really want to go because he’s “too old
But if he’s gonna go out he’s gonna do it right
Works with Dutch to get into the VIP section
These females are all up on him and he’s kinda shocked because he’s an old man—really boosts the confidence
Is up dancing until 4am...he feels like death the next day cuz he’s not used to this kind of life anymore
Arthur “stays at the bar until I’m sloshed” Morgan
Feels awkward at first but those whiskey shots tho
Once he’s good and drunk he’s super affectionate towards his friends—lots of “I love you, man” and slinging his arms around their shoulders
Dances super awkwardly on the outskirts of the dance floor but he’s having a great time and it shows
Chats with some ladies, and has a few dances but he doesn’t take anyone home—not the kind for one night stands after Eliza
Gets his ✨choice✨ ass slapped at least ten times by random people—he blushes furiously each time it happens
Honestly he’s happy he got to come out tonight, he wanted to chill with the boys
Abigail didn’t have an issue with letting him go...so long as he wear a cock cage (we stan Abigail as a dom)
She’s not afraid of him cheating, she just wants to make sure any women grinding on him on the dance floor knows he’s taken in a humiliating way
Don’t worry it’s all consensual
Goes ham whenever an emo banger starts playing
Definitely requests Welcome to the Black Parade
Very sweaty
Gets drunk super fast because he’s a light weight, Arthur has to carry him to the car...and he definitely feels the cage John has on (through his pants of course) and he’s 100% uncomfortable. Thankfully John won’t remember this the next morning
Sticks around Arthur and Javier
He doesn’t drink enough to get super wasted, just has a few and offers to drive the fellers home
Dances a lot
Buys people he’s attracted to drinks from across the bar
Hella phone numbers and people grinding up on that b o d y
Doesn’t do hookups too often because it’s not as fulfilling as a sexual encounter with someone he cares about, but he does ask a pretty girl on a lunch date on Sunday afternoon
He looks incredible as per usual
He even accessorized for this y’all
Tears it up on the dance floor
Legit getting so much attention and he’s living for it
Goes hard to despacito even though he claims to hate that song
Takes home a guy and a girl ayyyy
Is confused as to why men keep coming up to him and asking if he’s a “bear” what does that mean
Instantly regrets it when he asks Sean what it means
Orders Miller Lite even though he’s out on the town
A bit awkward at first, but he loosens up
Don’t even talk to him when the cha cha slide comes on because he’s ‘bout to risk it all on the dance floor
Requests Cotton Eyed Joe and goes HARD to that shit
Definitely took some mdma, he’s having a fantastic time thank u very much
He and Lenny fuck it up on the dance floor to the point where people gather around them to watch
Starts a bar fight when he gets overly fucked up, gets kicked out
Vodka shots every five minutes
Takes people’s leftover drinks because hey it’s a free drink (clearly has no regard for his own safety—the gang keeps tabs on him)
Tries too hard to chat up the ladies but manages to charm one woman enough to dance with her and take her home later
Super sexual dancing—if it weren’t for the clothes, it would look like he’s all up in them guts on the dance floor
When I say boy’s got moves I mean boy’s got moves
He also went ham to Cotton Eyed Joe
Took shots with Arthur so he’s super fucked up
Is embarrassed when people hit on him because he’s a sweet cinnamon roll who doesn’t know how to romance
Still manages to get a phone number or two as well as a few dances
Throws up in the Uber back home
Sweet, shy, anxious angel boy didn’t want to go out so he’s home in his softest pjs watching tv with Mary-Beth
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mmimagine-40 · 3 years
Birthday Girl
Avengers x Reader
A request from @maximeevansblog. I hope you like this!
Warnings: Cussing, talk of a lost one, and very long! (Sorry I got a little to carried away.)
Y/n groaned as the alarm on her phone started to go off. She blindly reached for it, turning the alarm off. Before turning to the other side of the bed, letting sleep take over her once again. Only to be scared awake by her door being busted open and being jumped on. “Wakey, Wakey, birthday girl!”. Sam yells. Bucky jumps on top of him. “Happy birthday, Y/N!”. Y/n groaned , being crushed from the two avengers. “Get off! You’re fat!”. “Wow, that's just rude! Are you going to take that from her , Buck.”. Sam asked, looking back at him. Bucky scoffs. “She was obviously talking about you.”. “I was talking about you both! Now get the fuck off!”. Y/n groans , trying to hit the two to get them off of her. Bucky and Sam finally get off her only to lay next to her, caging her in between them. “So what are the plans today , birthday girl?”. Bucky asked, poking at Y/n’s cheek. “For you two to get the fuck out of my room and let me sleep!”. Y/n groans , slapping at Bucky's hand. “Oh, come on! You know you want to spend your day with your favorite heroes.”. Sam says squeezing her into a hug. Y/n looked up. “Stevie and Nat are here?”. Bucky and Sam both gasp , ‘hurt’. Falling back , grabbing their chest. Acting like they were hurt. Y/n tried to use this to her advantage and get up , away from them. But the two grabbed her before she could. Pulling her back down and into a sandwich. Y/n groaned trying to hit and kick them off of her. But it was no use. “Hey birthday girl, Breakfast is ready.”. Steve says coming into her room. “Stevie! Save me!”. Y/n puts a hand out. Begging for Steve to help her. Steve sighed, shaking his head. “You guys were just supposed to wake her, not suffocate her.”. “Well this is just payment. She called us fat and that we aren't her favorite!”. Sam says. Steve shakes his head at the kindness of the two grown ass adults. He walked over grabbing Y/ns hand and trying to help her out of the death trap. “ You guys know that if the birthday girl doesn’t get her plate first , no one eats right?”. Both Sam and Bucky boo before finally letting her go before making their way out of her room. “Thank you , Stevie.”. Steve nodded heading out to. “Hurry up we are waiting on you...oh and Happy birthday.”. Y/n said a quick thanks as he leaves. Jumping up right after. Throwing on a bar and some slippers. Staying in her pjs as she makes her way down to the dinning hall. “Happy Birthday!”, everyone yelled , as soon as she walked through the door. Y/n jumped a bit. Still in a sleepy mind set. “Blow out your candles.”. Wanda said , laughing. Holding a plate out to her. With pancakes, the top one has a smiley face made out of fruits and whip cream. The nose was a lit candle. Y/n giggled softly. This was something that her and Wanda always made each other for their birthdays. Y/n closes her eyes thinking for a bit , before blowing out the candle. Everyone clapped and cheered as she did. Y/n smiled with a slight blush. Taking the plate from Wanda and making her way with everyone else to the table to sit and eat. Y/n took her normal seat in between her dad , Bruce, and Steve. And in front of Nat. “Happy birthday, Sweetheart.”, Bruce says. Pulling her into a side hug and kissing her forehead. “Thanks dad.”. Y/n says. Starting to dig in as did everyone else. This was a tradition for at least Y/n’s birthday. To spend breakfast with those who live in the building and just hang out for the day. Then having dinner with everyone. ( the only different people at dinner were Clint and Lauren, Pepper and Morgan, Peter, and some others who can come.). “SO I was thinking , for your birthday Y/n. That Nat and Wanda take you out to go and take you out to get your hair done and go shopping and whatever you want. My treat.”. Tony says. Y/n cuts her eyes at him. “That sounds great, but why are you trying to get me out of the building.”. Tony groans as his shoulders fall. “Just once I would like you not to be able to read through me and know what's happening.”. Tony says, pointing his fork at her, eyes narrow at her. “I’m the daughter of Bruce Banner.
One of the top scientists. Pulse I grew up a big part of my life in a super building with a bunch of super geniuses. What do you expect?”. y/n says shrugging. “Pulse Tony, she grew up around you. She knows all your tricks.”. Nat says , rolling her eyes at him. Tony just huffs. Making everyone laugh. The rest of breakfast went like that. Talking about the day and random things. Laughing and joking. Many jabs being thrown back and forth between Sam and Y/n. All in the name of friendly love and jokes. After everyone was done, Most everyone went to some meeting they had. Minus Wanda and Nat. Who told Y/n to go get dressed while they cleaned up. ( They were already dressed and ready. Knowing of the plan since yesterday.). Y/n ran up to her room , looking into the closet to figure out what to wear. Once she was almost ready , when a knock on the door interrupted her. “Come in.”. Y/n yelled, as she was getting her bag together. She turns to meet with her father coming into her room. “Hi dad.”. “Hey, Sweetheart. I just wanted to come give you your gift before you leave.”. Bruce says handing her a neatly wrapped small box. Y/n smiled in thanks, rolling her eyes playfully. “Dad , I told you I don’t want or even need anything.”. “I know but this is not just from me.”. Bruce says. Y/n looks at him confused as she opens it. Mouth dropping as she looked at the old looking necklace. With a single , simple diamond. “It's also from your mom. It was hers, passed down to her from her mother. Who got it from her mother. She wanted you to have it.”. Bruce says, explaining. Y/n nodded as she wiped her face from the tears that fell. Quickly wrapping her arms around her father. “Thank you, dad.”. “Your welcome sweetheart. I love you and I'm so proud of how you have come. And I know your mom is too. We both love you so much.”. Bruce says , holding her tight. Kissing her hair as he strokes her back. “I love you too, dad.”. Y/n says as they pull back. Bruce smiles at her wiping her face. “I’ve to get to a meeting. You should be going too. Have fun.”. Bruce says kissing her forehead one last time before leaving for the meeting. Not wanting her to see him cry. She really turned out to be just like her mom. Y/n wiped her face , clean of the tears. She carefully put the necklace on and grabbed her things. Heading down to meet up with Nat and Wanda. They all meet at the entrance of the building and head out in Nat's car.
The first stopped at the hair salon. Nat and Wanda also decided to get theirs done. You know since Tony’s paying. Y/n decided to get her hair dyed a dark , reddish/purple color. (Plus whatever else you’d like. Cut and so forth.) She smiled as the hair dresser finished really loving how it came out. After they were all done , they headed out to the mall. Doing so shopping but mainly goofing around. Just having some fun. At one point Nat broke off from them disappearing. Only to come back about an hour later. “Nat, where’d you go?”. Y/n asked as Nat met back with them at the Starbucks in the mall , getting drinks. Y/n’s face dropped as she noticed the smirk on Nat's face. Never a good thing when it came to her. “Natalia.”. Y/n said , starting to not trust her. Nat just smirked as she held out the thing that she was hiding. Which was a build - a - bear box. “Just a little gift for you, Y/n/n.”. Y/n narrowed her eyes at Nat as she took the box. Walking over to one of the small tables to see what she got her. “NAt”. Y/n groaned as she pulled out the Captain America bear from the box. She turns to Nat and Wanda. Who were both dying of laughter. When y/n first met the avengers and moved into the building. Tony asked her who her favorite avenger was. Thinking that she would say him , iron man, or her dad. Not expecting her to say Cap. Since then everyone teases her about it. Getting her Captain American themed things. Which even Steve found funny , mainly because it still bugged Tony that he was her favorite and not him. “Aw now you can cuddle Cap every night. Almost like cuddling Steve.”. Wanda said, The last part to Nat. “I’m sure she’ll like that.”. Nat whispers back. Y/n glared at them , still hearing what they said. She rolled her eyes at them. Nat and Wanda are convinced that Y/n liked the said Captain. “I hate you both.”. Y/n stuffed the bear back in the box as Wanda and Nat still laughed behind her. “Can we just get something to eat and head home? Please?”. Y/n asked , pouting. Crossing her arms. Nat giggled as she hooked her arm with Y/ns nodding. Leading them to the car. “Oh come on. It's funny. Pulse, I bet cap himself will think it's cute you have a stuffed bear of him.”. Wanda hummed in agreeing. “For the last time , I don't have a crush on him!”. Y/n pushes Nat off of her as she groans. Nat and Wanda look at each other , as Y/n walks off without them. Both breaking out to a fit of laughter. Y/n pouts as she stands next to the car. Waiting for Nat to unlock it. “Aw come on Y/n/n. We’re just playing with you.”. Wanda says as she walks over to her. Pinching her cheek lightly. Making Y/n break out into a smile as she pushed Wanda’s hand away, softly. They all hopped into the car. Getting something to eat and then heading back to the building.
Once they walked into the tower. They all went their separate ways. Heading to their rooms to put their things away , as well as Wanda and Nat where needed for something. So Y/n just heads to her room to put her things away. When she got the bear , Y/n smiled, shaking her head at it. Going over to lay it on her bed on her pillows. After which she sat on the bean bag , playing on her phone. Waiting till she was called down. Knowing that it was going to be the same like every year. Everyone set up a little get together down stairs like it was a surprise for Y/n. As she waited she out as facetime from Peter. “Hi, Pete!”. Y/n said , as she answered the phone. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!!”. Peter yelled as he came on screen. Y/n smiled , thanking him. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there!”. Peter said pouting. He was gone on a school trip. “It’s okay , Pete. We can hang out and do something when you get back.”. Y/n said. They went on to talk about their day and random things. They talked for hours , till Friday informed Y/n she was needed in the common room. “I got to go. I’ll talk to you later, Peter.”. “Bye, Y/n!”. Peter yelled. “Bye Peter!”. Y/n yelled back, before hanging up. She sighed as she stood up putting her phone in her pocket and heading down to the common room. Again, as she walked through the elevator into the room , everyone yelled ‘happy birthday’. Y/n smiled as she saw everyone there. (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Tony , Bruce, Nat, Wanda, James, Pepper, Morgan, Vision, Pietro , Clint and Laura. Thor and Loki.) “Y/n!” Morgan yells running over to her. “Morgan!”. Y/n yelled back as she opened her arms and embraced the little girl. “I got you something.”. Morgan said, pulling away from her and grabbing her hand. “You did?”. Y/n asked. Morgan nodded as she dragged Y/n over to her Mom who handed her the note and little box. Which she gave Y/n. Which was a happy birthday letter and the box held a handmade bracelet. “Did you make these?”. Y/n asked. Morgan smiled and nodded. “Aw I love them. Thank you, Morgan.”. Y/n pulled her into another hug , before putting the bracelet on. “Look I made a matching one for me and I made one for Peter.”. Morgan explains showing Y/n her bracelet.
The rest of the night was spent just talking and joking. Eating so snacks Wanda made, some cake and also gifts. It was one of y/n favorite nights. Not because of the gifts but just getting to hang out with everyone. With her family. (Even if not everyone was able to be there.)
Nat: A beautiful set of Kunai's (Which Y/n always wanted since Nat showed her how to use them and showed her , hers. Bruce wasn’t too happy about it)
Authors Note: Kunai's are Asian throwing's knifes
Wanda and Vision: They both made you some of your favorite treats
Pietro: Random things that you show him and bonded over (Mostly music stuff like vinyl's and things like that).
Tony and Pepper: Pepper tried to stop tony but there was no stopping the man. He got you so many things. Shoes , bracelets , clothing. anything and everything he thought you might like.
Bucky: Put together a little box of things from the 40s like snacks and chips (You are always asking him about the 40s and what it was like)
Sam: A drone that looked like his redwing (Because you and Bucky always try to steal it and use it)
James: a bouget of your favorite things and gift cards
Thor: A beautiful golden goddess arm cuff
Loki: A book from Asgard (One of his personal favorite from when he was younger)
Peter: (He gave his to Tony to give to you) Lego set of your favorite show or movie
As it got later some people started to slowly leave, first of which were Pepper, Tony and Morgan and Clint and Laura. Then shortly after Steve left. Which was a little unusual of him. He was one who usually stayed the latest with Y/n. It was there thing to be some of the last few and as they head off to bed , he would walk her to her room and they would talk about everything and anything. Some nights the talk went over into Y/n's room. A few hours after Steve left, Y/n stood up yawning and stitching. Saying good night to everyone and thanking them for the amazing birthday , before heading to bed. She stopped by Steve's room to wish him a goodnight but found it empty. Y/n tried to shrug it off as she headed to her room. Y/n sighed as she walked into her room , putting everything everyone got her down. She had an amazing day , but she was really exhausted. Y/n turned to get ready for bed when she noticed a certain Captain sitting on the edge of her bed. Holding the bear . He was looking down at it. He turned his head to look at her , feeling her eyes on him, with an amused smile and eyebrow cocked. “Really?”. He asked, holding the bear up. Y/n laughed , rolling her eyes as she walked over to him snatching the bear from him. “One it was a gift from Nat. Secondly , don’t be rude to Captain Beary.”. Y/n said. Fixing the helmet on the bear. Steve laughed , shaking his head at her. “Captain Beary?”. Steve asked. Y/n took a seat neck to Steve , holding the bear close to her. Steve just laughed, shaking his head at her. He turned to the side where her night stand was and grabbed something. Handing it to her. “Here. I figured it was best to give you this to you when we were alone so Sam or Bucky didn’t get a hold of it. Or deal with Nat's teasing.”. Y/n smiles at him as she takes the beautifully wrapped gift. It was wrapped in a dark blue paper. “What is this that we would get teased?”. Y/n asked, smirking as she cocked an eyebrow at Steve. Steve laughed as he stood up. “Well I guess you're just going to need to open it and see.”. Steve made his way to her door. “Happy birthday , Y/n. “. Y/n smiled giving a nod to him. “Night, Steve.”. “Night, Doll.”. With that Steve walked out of her room , closing the door behind him. Y/n bit her lip as a small blush came over her at the nickname. She turned back to the gift. Carefully she opened it. It was a brown , leather notebook. The size of a book. Y/n opened it looking through the pages. All filled with drawings made by Steve. Somewhere drawing from times where they would hang out and Y/n would describe something and see if Steve can draw what she describes. Somewhere from the 40s and time of Steve growing up. Those ones Steve wrote on the back of the page explaining what it was or a small story that involved it. Something Y/n loved. She loved to hear stories like these from Steve and Bucky. Somewhere random drawings that Steve drew of her or things she told him. Y/n smiled softly looking through all the pages. But as she turned to the last page she became speechless. Mouth opening as she looked at the page. Tears started to form in her eyes as she looked at it. The last page , Steve drew a picture of her and her mom together if she was still here. Y/n hugged the book to her as tears started to run down her face. “Thank you, Steve.”. Y/n whispered knowing he’s probably within distance to hear her , with his super hearing and all. Steve smiled softly hearing her thank you.
I hope you enjoyed this! And if anyone else wants to request something don't be shy to ask! The next part of Pup will be up shortly. I'm just finishing up some editing on it. But on a different note how do you guys feel about maybe a Mob boss! Steve rogers or Chris Evans story? -MM
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ouatnextgen · 3 months
Get to Know: Leo
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I stole the character template used in this fic, because I thought it was really thorough, and a good exercise for character building. So thanks ao3 user StarkPark!
Neal Leopold Nolan. Named in honor of Neal Cassidy, and Snow’s father. Started going by Leo in middle school, when he fully found out about what Neal Cassidy did to Emma.
Leo (primary nickname)
Squirt (by Emma)
Uncle (by Hope, to annoy him)
His Royal Annoyingness (by PJ)
Snowflake (by Snow)
Kiddo (by David)
Thin, straight dirty blond hair
Pale skin
Brown eyes, inherited from his maternal grandfather
He wears shirts and button ups, jeans, sneakers, and his letterman jacket from football
Face claims
Azriel Dalman (younger)
Lucas Till (older)
He is rather uptight, but cares very much about his friends, family, and his people. He tries to mold his personality to be like his father’s.
Is very much like his mother however, in his resourcefulness, hopefulness, and can-do attitude.
He is practical and resourceful, but can come across as stuck up or a goody two shoes. He’s the most responsible out of his friends, which leads to him both keeping them all safe, and hindering their adventures.
He’s the heir to the throne of Misthaven, and acts like it. He never lets himself stray from his golden boy persona, making certain that the student body, his friends, and even his family see him as infailable. Only in private does he let go of this persona, and becomes who he really is: an anxious wreck.
Playing football
Sword fighting
Solving puzzles, crosswords, and riddles
Teaching and babysitting little kids
Country music
Plain food
Being unsure of himself
No magic, but wishes he did
Physically very fit and very healthy, except being allergic to cats. 
Mentally…he has an anxiety disorder. It hits at random times, and can be almost crippling. He’s supposed to be on medication for it, but he insists that he doesn’t need it, and that he’s fiiiiine.
Bisexual. Romantically and sexually attracted to all genders
Everything man, he has anxiety
But specifically, not living up to expectations, letting people down, breaking apart and not being able to put himself back together, to name a few.
The dark (yes, seriously)
Bites his knuckles
Runs his hand through his hair
Hand movements. Tapping his fingers, twitching, wringing his hands, ect.
Movies: Nerd shit. Star Wars, MARVEL, anything scifi basically
TV Shows: Nerd Shit. Star Trek, X-Files, anything scifi basically
Music: If asked, he’ll claim to like indie. In actuality, he loves country music
Books: Is a fan of the classic sci fi/horror novels like Frankenstein
Parent: Tries to emulate David’s personality, and make himself more like him
Family member: He looks up to Emma a lot
Sport: Football. He’s a guard on the school football team, and is very good
School subject: Math, because there’s a “right” and a “wrong” way to do things
Food: Spicy nuggets, spicy tacos, spicy chips, just anything with a kick
Sweet treat: Mexican hot chocolate
Colors: Indigo, blue, purple
Animal: Lion
Toy: He still has his first toy sword his dad got for him when he was two
Game: Owns quite a few of the Star Wars spin off games, and likes to play checkers
Least favorites
Movies: Mindless action flicks
TV Shows: Sitcoms
Music: 80’s music, which almost caused a civil war among his friends
Books: Romance
Parent: Loves both his parents equally
Family member: Hope annoys him in her attitude and her actions. Still loves her, though
Sport: Swimming, as he’s never been a strong swimmer
School subject: English. He hates how there’s no “right” answer
Food: Plain foods he can’t make spicer
Sweet treat: Pound cake, it tastes like nothing
Colors: Red, green, orange
Animal: Cats, as he’s mega allergic
Toy: Creepy dolls
Game: Doesn’t like games of chance
Career aspiration
Future king of Misthaven
Social life
He’s more introverted, and likes to spend time by himself (he does count spending time with PJ as being by himself)
He’s the Mom Friend of the group, and has to stop them from doing stupid shit all the goddamn time
While he scolds them constantly, he really does care about his friends
Has three family dogs: Jake, Goldie, and DJ.
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alyasgf · 3 years
Adrien’s Admirer- Adrinette April Day 6 -Anime!
Summary- Adrien Agreste has a secret admirer and its none other than Marinette Dupain Cheng.
Word Count
Realizing how insane it’d look to carry all of these presents to Adrien at once and that all of them being from her might be weird, an idea struck.
“What if I hid them around for him to find from a secret admirer!” Marinette proposed excitedly. “It’d be perfect! I’d be able to see his adorable reactions without feeling embarrassed!”
The pedestal Marinette had put Adrien on in her younger years had been far too high. It seemed the more time she spent with him the dorkier and more human he became. First it had been the puns, then his concerningly large ladybug merchandise collection that he was extremely fond of, and now he’s a huge anime fan.
Marinette hadn’t meant to find his anime dvd collection. He had asked her to choose a movie while he grabbed snacks since they finished studying early enough that Nathalie had yet to come to kick her out. She had already gone through a few shelves when she found one that seemed to be hidden in a corner. As she looked closer she noticed the entire shelf was filled with volumes of anime, and the shelf beside it manga.
She couldn’t imagine why it was hidden. Was he ashamed? Adrien had been sheltered most his life and the way he acted, well Marinette was surprised she hadn’t realized sooner. Half his lines felt as though they were picked straight from an anime.
As she heard him approach the door she chose a random horror movie and went to sit down. This gave her a perfect idea.
As Adrien went to a closet collected blankets to sit on, Marinette began brainstorming for the perfect birthday present to incorporate her latest discovery.
By the time September 3 rolled around Marinette was slightly worried she’d gone too far this time. At first, she decided to just design a sweater with a few of the animes she remembered seeing in his collection. But she saw the cutest My Hero Academia beanie while at the shops and just had to remake it. Then came socks, pjs, and a ladybug mug she she happened to pass by.
But any friend would go out of their way to cater to a friends interests right?
“Absolutely not, Marinette.”
“Well thanks Alya.” Marinette huffed while packaging all of the gifts in her room the night before.
“Girl, I think its about time you told him! Its been years and not just anyone spends upwards of 40 hours working on gifts for a ‘friends’ niche interest.” Alya cooed at her from atop of her bed.
“Are you crazy? I just gained enough confidence to be his friend, confessing my love to him is a whole other level I can’t even begin to be ready for!” Realizing how insane it’d look to carry all of these presents to Adrien at once and that all of them being from her might be weird, an idea struck.
“What if I hid them around for him to find from a secret admirer!” Marinette proposed excitedly. “It’d be perfect! I’d be able to see his adorable reactions without feeling embarrassed!”
Alya sighed. “I guess it’s better than you panicking and never giving them to him.” She replied dejectedly.
“Thats the spirit.” Marinette said, taping the last perfectly wrapped gift and joining her friend on the bed. “Now since you’re here you’re obligated to help me plan this.”
“I’m not the one with his schedule memorized.” Alya complained, groaning. “What help am I?”
“Moral support!”
Adrien woke up the next morning to his usual. A lonely breakfast and a report of his schedule from Nathalie. He almost could have been fooled into thinking it was any other day.
“Your father sends his wishes Adrien.” Nathalie said as she walked out of the room.
One thing he could be excited by was school. There there’d hugs and birthday wishes and maybe even a sweet snack from a certain blue eyed girl.
As expected, as he steeped out of the sleek black car (after receiving a small Ladybug action figure from the gorilla) he was practically toppled by Nino.
“Happy birthday bro!” He exclaimed, hugging him tightly.
Adrien smiled fondly at the boy. “Thanks Nino.” He said with a chuckle.
“Hopefully your old man will let me come over after school and I can give you your present then?.” Nino questioned hopeful.
“Sorry, I have fencing after school.” Adrien sighed.
“Can’t you just skip? It is your birthday after all.” Nino whined.
“You know how he is. The world could be ending but as long as I’m on time for my appointments he won’t care.” Adrien replied, walking along with Nino towards the front of the school.
As he approached he saw Alya and Marinette camping out by the entrance.
Once they were in hearing distance Adrien said, “Good news is he allowed me to spend lunch outside the house! I figured we could all spend it at the park.”
Marinette squealed excitedly as she ran to hug him, nearly squishing the pastry box she held in the process.
“What she means by that is happy birthday.” Alya laughed while she waited her turn to hug him.
“Happy birthday Adrien!” Marinette said with a slight blush as she handed him the box.
Inside was what looked to be 5 handmade passion fruit macarons, same as she had given him for the last 2 years. It still managed to warm his heart.
“Thanks guys.” He said hugging Alya and mouthing a thank you to Marinette. “If you have anything for me wait until lunch so it can almost be a real party?”
Everyone nodded in response. “Just us?” Nino asked.
“Preferably.” Adrien said sheepishly.
They all walked together to the lockers, chatting comfortably. Marinette seems a little anxious, for what reason Adrien couldn’t say.
He opened his locker and a small black box tumbled out. He caught it and looked at Nino questioningly.
“Wasn’t me.” He said shrugging. “Looks like a note fell out though.” He picked it up from the floor and handed it to Adrien.
“Happy birthday! Thank you for being a ray of sunshine for everyone.” Adrien read aloud smiling fondly. “It’s not signed?”
“Someone as a secret admirer.” Nino teased. “Now hurry up and open it I’m intrigued!”
“Okay okay.” Adrien said, his smile growing as he saw the contents. Inside was a sweater decorated with a Parasyte theme.
“I didn’t know you liked anime.” Nino said curiously.
“Eh never came up.” Adrien replied. He pulled the jacket over his head and looked down at it. Looking at it now he made a discovery. The jacket looked custom, and he only knew one person capable of such a feat.
“Nino I think Marinette made this!” Adrien exclaimed in a hushed tone. “Why wouldn’t she sign?”
“Maybe she wanted it to be anonymous?” Nino closed his locker and started heading to class.
“Should I tell her I know?” Adrien asked, following close behind.
“Nah she clearly wanted it to be secret, just keep it that way.”
Marinette was still giddy from that morning. The way Adriens eyes lit up when she handed him the pastry box was only matched by the smile that spread across his face when he pulled the present from his locker.
She decided to give the ladybug mug to him in person, figuring giving him an anime present may give away the identity of his secret admirer.
As she sat behind him in class she couldn’t help but sigh at how nicely the sweater fit him. She could definitely get used to seeing him in her designs.
Suddenly she felt a strong elbow in her side.
“Marinette!” Alya whispered aggressively. “Mademoiselle Bustier has called your name twice already!”
“Here!” Marinette blurted out immediately.
“Yes I’m aware you’re here Marinette. I asked if you could read the next section.”
She heard a small chuckle from Adrien and sheepishly decided to focus on how the jacket fit him another time.
Marinette had ran into a slight problem after lunch. She had already given Adrien his mug (he squealed in delight when he received it), left the beanie in his locker after lunch (he immediately shoved it on and hadn’t taken it off yet) and planned to hide the socks in his fencing bag after school, but she still had yet to give him the phs.
She ran over his schedule about a thousand times throughout the day and could think of no other opportunity that wouldn’t give away her identity as his secret admirer.
“Isn’t there any way you could leave it at his house?” Alya suggested.
“No his dad’s assistant might say something. I just don’t wanna risk it!” Marinette whined.
Then an idea struck.
“Actually Alya I just remembered something in his schedule that leaves a perfect time.” She fibbed.
Adrien was on cloud nine. All of Marinette’s gifts were perfect. You could tell she put thought into them. She even left little notes with each one.
The beanie came with a note that said ‘Thank you for being the such an amazing friend’ and the socks he received during fencing came with a note that read ‘your smile brightens up my world.’ What a nice thing to say to a friend.
As he went up to his room after an extremely exciting day he opened his door to see a flash of red leave through his open window. He could recognize the sound of that string anywhere.
Ladybug had just been in his room!
He looked around to see if anything was different. On his bed he saw a perfectly wrapped gift. It was wrapped in lavender paper with a pink ribbon.
On top was a note. ‘My heart is forever yours’
Adrien’s heart stopped.
That’s Marinette’s handwriting. Marinette’s decorative paper. Marinette’s methodically wrapped gift.
Still in shock he opened it and it confirmed his suspicions. Inside were Death Note pjs.
Marinette had been anonymously giving him anime gifts all day.
Marinette was Ladybug. Ladybug was his secret admirer.
As they were leaping across building that evening Chat could tell Ladybug was in a good mood.
“Thanks for the gifts today, Marinette.” The blonde hero mentioned casually.
Ladybug effectively face planted into the ground.
A little late to the party but here nonetheless.
Also I didnt reread this before posting so if you see any mistakes,,, no you didnt :)
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If someone asked him, Sam would lie, he’d say he wasn’t fidgeting and pacing up and down anxiously waiting till he could finally bring Dean home. He’d pretend like he didn’t keep re-arranging the garlands, and lights, and checking and rechecking the boxes of Christmas tree decorations over and over and over again to make sure everything looked perfect for when Dean walked through the Bunker door. He’d claim being caught up in the Christmas spirit as to the reason for why he placed mistletoe right above the front door. 
Sam’s never been a big fan of Christmas, not something they ever prioritized celebrating as children or as adults, but this year he is determined to make it special for Dean, he wants him to have the Christmas he deserves, the one he’s dreamed off; for the first time in their lives him and Dean are in control, they are finally free to live their own lives how they want to live them, and after their scare at the last vampire hunt where he almost lost his brother he’s realized it’s time to start making up for lost time.
It takes multiple surgeries, and a nasty fight with an infection but after almost a month Dean is finally given the all-clear to return home from the hospital; Sam spends the nights leading up to it cleaning the Bunker from top to bottom, he gets new sheets and pillows for Dean’s bed, he downloads Christmas movies unto his laptop and learns how to connect it to Dean’s tv in his cave, he gets Miracle a themed collar with candy canes and reindeer antlers, he buys one of those matching PJ sets Dean pretends to find stupid but actually likes, and he takes out the Christmas decorations and buys a real tree when he’s in town. He watches cookie tutorial after cookie tutorial until he can make a decent batch of sugar cookies, and gingerbread men. He even sets up an old vintage train set he found to put under the tree after he and Dean decorate it. 
The last detail he adds is the sprig of mistletoe above the front door. 
He considers not doing so for fear of it ruining Dean’s perfect Christmas, but he knows his big brother like he knows himself, if he doesn’t feel the same way then at most things will be awkward for a day or two but then they’ll pretend it never happened and it won’t be acknowledged again. So he leaves it there, and hopes for the best. 
It’s not the first time he’s held his brother’s dying body in his arms, Dean’s blood seeping through his fingertips, staining his clothes, he knows the feeling of his heart shattering as his brother’s stops. He’s experienced it all before. But this time it’s permanent, there’s no going back, no more deals, no more bargains, and who’s to say what’s on the other side waiting for them, who’s to say they’ll be reunited. Sam doesn’t know if it’s by the grace of Jack, or if somebody or something is looking after them, maybe it’s his reward for all he’s done for the world but when he goes to move the body he notices the faint beating of Dean’s heart. 
As he watches his brother being tended to by the paramedics, Sam makes two very important decisions: screw the world they took their pound of flesh and more for over 30 years he’s done getting hurt, done seeing his brother get hurt, he refuses to lose Dean to a hunt now when they can finally live their lives so he’ll drag his brother away from this life even if it’s kicking and screaming. And no more dancing around the more than brotherly feelings he’s had since he was 15, even if Dean doesn’t feel the same way he needs him to know, he needs to get it off his chest and make sure Dean knows that no matter what he’s Sam’s everything and has been for years, that he’s everything Sam wants and needs to be happy.
It’s all worth it. The late nights, the exhaustion, the aching, the burned fingertips and cookie batch crying meltdowns that are his and Miracle’s little secret, all of it is worth it for the look on Dean’s face when he walks through the Bunker door. 
Dean’s eyes shined bright, his smile growing bigger as everywhere he looked he saw more decorations; it had been so long, Sam had almost forgotten how beautiful his big brother looked when he was truly happy and joyous.
“I wanted to do something special for you”, Sam softly whispers, “I took out the decorations, and I got us a real tree, I thought you’d like to decorate that together.” 
“I’d love that, Sammy.”
Sam hadn’t realized how close they had been standing until Dean turned his head to reply to him; this close he can practically count the freckles dusted around Dean’s nose and instead of pulling away like he usually would have he indulges in exploring his brother’s face with his eyes like he used to when he was a child. The freckles Dean hates but he’s always loved, his long eyelashes, his strong jawline, the fine lines age has given him, his plump lips, his eyes- his beautiful green eyes shining and bright and so full of life gazing at him filled with love for him. Always for him. 
‘God what would I have done if I had lost him’, he thinks to himself with a start, his heart constricting in his chest at the thought. 
Sam’s not sure who reached for the other first but they turn to face each other, their fingers tangling together; he nuzzles his brother’s cheek as he leans in to rest their foreheads together, sharing a breath as they did a month ago when they thought they were saying their last goodbyes. He doesn’t know how long they stayed like that forehead to forehead, eyes closed breathing each other in, maybe it was only seconds, maybe it was hours. 
Dean tries to pull away but Sam puts his free hand on the back of his neck to pull him even closer, “Mistletoe”, he whispers against Dean’s lips before he kisses him. Dean tastes like hospital coffee, and the peppermint candy canes he had been eating in the car, and Sam thinks it might be more addictive than demon blood because it’s Dean. It’s Dean’s lips, Dean’s tongue, Dean’s taste, it’s Dean solid and alive and breathing with blood and oxygen pumping through his veins. It’s Dean kissing him back, it’s Dean’s hands gripping his waist and his hair. Dean, Dean, Dean runs like a mantra through Sam’s mind.
Soft kisses turn passionate, Dean shuffling them around until he can pin Sam against the door and for a brief second Sam thinks thank you to a God that no longer exists for not taking his big brother away.  
( For the rest of the day, Sam takes to hanging that mistletoe sprig in random spots through the Bunker to get more kisses from his brother, and if the price to pay for his happiness is Dean calling him a giant girl before he kisses him under said mistletoe with a smile on his face? That’s a price Sam’s willing to pay, over and over again. )
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
Part SIX
This series is TICKLE related.
Series Summary:  You’re the little sister of the one and only Captain America. You’re also the youngest girl on the team, so that automatically makes you the avengers’ little princess. And they spoil you as such. They have become your amazing family and you don’t know where you’d be without them. This series will show random adventures and fluffy events in the daily life of the reader and her family, along with an unexpected turn later on as you read. 
A/N: I’m so excited to be writing this series! This is my first time writing one and I’m a bit nervous but I hope it all goes well. :) The first few chapters will be about random events, not really following a timeline until Chapter 9. Hope you enjoy!
I feel like this one is kinda bad, idk lol
Word Count: 2,419
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Sunday afternoon. You were walking to the gym to practice some dances when you heard some people talking in one of the common rooms. You decided to walk in there and see what they were talking about. 
“Alright, we’ll leave first thing in the morning.” Bucky stated, pausing and smiling lightly when he saw you come in. You pouted and looked at him, Nat, and Wanda with sad eyes. 
“You guys are leaving? On a mission?” You ask. So soon too? They exchanged looks and gave you an apologetic smile. 
“Yeah, it was sudden. They need us in Bali. We’ll only be gone two days. It’s a small mission, nothing too serious, that’s why it’s just us.” Wanda smiled. That made you feel a little better, since they weren’t gonna be gone too long. You nodded and smiled a bit, leaving to go practice. 
When you left, the three exchanged awkward looks, Nat finally speaking up. “I’ll take the kids out somewhere and explain a little more about the mission, hopefully that will make them not worry too much.” She hummed. Bucky nodded and watched as Nat left to go tell you and Peter.
You were almost done with your dance when Nat came in with Peter trailing behind. “Hey.” You panted. Nat smiled and nodded to the door. 
“I’m gonna take you guys to the park. Come on, get dressed. We’ll take the Lamborghini.” She smirked. You smiled widely and quickly made your way to your room. Nat always had a thing for nice cars so every time she’d go somewhere, she’d borrow some of Tony’s cars. 
You took a record time shower and put on a simple outfit, running downstairs to the garage to meet them. You and Peter raced over to the passenger side, pushing each other over. “I call shotgun!” You chirped, beating Peter to the door. He groaned and jumped into the back seat, you milking the moment by doing a victory dance and sticking your tongue at him quickly.
You had convinced Nat to get you both ice cream and you were very excited, now walking through the park with a cone of your favorite. You all stopped to sit at a bench, Nat smirking down at the both of you, taking off her sunglasses before resting her elbow on the back of the bench. “So. I just thought I’d bring you guys here to discuss the mission a little bit more.” You both nodded, taking another lick of your ice cream. “We leave tomorrow, come back Wednesday. It’s not a mission to be worried about, we just need to extract some information from a former HYDRA worker but now he’s selling illegal weapons in the Black Market. We need to disguise as VIP guests at a sales party and find out as much as we can about this guy to track down all his associates and shut down his business. Nothing much, we’ll get it done.” She smiled. You nodded, a little more relieved about the situation. 
“So, if something goes wrong and they find out who you are?” You lead, looking up at her. She smirks, giving you a sure look. 
“That’s not gonna happen.” She soothed. You smiled and sat back, satisfied with the answer. Nat was, well, she was Black Widow. A spy. She knew what she was doing. That’s why she was in charge of this mission. 
You were now home and chilling on the couch with Peter and Vision was in the kitchen attempting to make Wanda something. After a while of you and Peter cracking jokes about characters on the tv, Vision got curious as to all the slang you both were using. 
“Oh my god, look at that man!” You gushed dramatically, pointing to some guy on tv that was standing at an angle that showed his profile. “The booty do be thicc tho.” You smirked, looking at Peter with an impressed expression. Peter laughed and rolled his eyes.
“Chile, anyways, so..” He chuckled. You smiled and both continued to reference memes and slang, only confusing Vision more. 
“He really is flexing on us with those abs.”
“I bet you’re salty right now cause you don’t have a butt as thick as him.”
“I’m really bout to clap you for that comment.”
“I’m just spilling the tea, sis.”
“Children, may I ask what those things mean?” Vision asked from his place in the kitchen, catching you and Peter’s attention. 
“What what means?” You asked. Vision came closer into the living room and clasped his hands together politely.
“Those... words you were using a second ago. Thick, and... tea, and flexing. What do those mean?” 
You and Peter looked at each other, smirking widely at the exact same time. “Come, sit with us Vision.” You said in a dramatically polite way, motioning towards the couch and crossing your legs. “We shall teach you what we know.” 
You and Peter were snickering in your room, laughing at how funny it was to see Vision so confused. You both had finally gotten him to understand all the references, memes, and quotes you two were using, and encouraged him to use them in his daily routine. At that moment, Wanda came in your room with her arms crossed. 
“What did you guys do to Vision?” She asked accusingly. You pursed your lips, trying to keep yourself from smiling. She caught this and narrowed her eyes at you before coming closer. “Were you guys messing with Vision? He’s been using all of these analogies and words I only hear you two use. What did you do?” She asks again, this time poking your side as a warning. 
You flinched and held in a giggle, covering your side. “N-Nothing.” You said nervously. She gave you a look that confirmed she didn’t believe it and fluttered her fingers around your neck. “Ack!” You squeaked, scrunching up your shoulders and giggling as her long fingers raked around your neck and collarbone. “Nohohoho!” 
She smirked and slithered her fingers into your ribs, digging in the spaces. “Were you guys messing with him? You know that’s not nice; it’s not his fault he doesn’t understand teenage slang.” She sang, smiling wider when your giggles turned desperate and you fell back on the bed. She took that opportunity to get your belly, that was now exposed by your shirt riding up. Her tickles were gentle, but they tickled like crazy, especially on your belly. You squealed when she traced her nails along your waistline, kicking your legs out.
“okahahahay! ihihim sohohohorry!” You pleaded. Peter had gotten out of the way, giggling at you from a distance. 
“Is that a real, honest apology, or just a ticket to get me to stop.” She chuckled, pausing her attack to let you speak. 
“Yehehes, I’m sohohorry for picking on your manz.” You panted. Peter chuckled and Wanda rolled her eyes, standing back. You giggled as you watched her carefully, to make sure she wasn’t going to tickle you again. “But he did catch up pretty fast though, you gotta give him that.” You chirped, shrugging an arm. Wanda scoffed and turned around to leave. 
“Leave Vision alone.” She warned before closing the door. You sighed in relief and laid back on your bed. Peter also sat back down once the coast was clear and you both resumed your hilarious conversation about Vision.
After dinner and helping the team clean up, you and Peter decided to jump in the pool for a bit and swim. You couldn’t be there too late though, because tomorrow was Monday and you had school. Also, you had to get up extra early because you wanted to see Bucky, Nat and Wanda off for their mission. Nonetheless, you and Peter were going to have a sleepover in your room. You usually have one every weekend but since you didn’t have one Friday night, you weren’t gonna break tradition.
You and Peter were splashing each other, laughing freely and flinching as water hit your faces. The sun was going down so it was getting cooler, making the water more refreshing to be in. Tony came out into the yard with some popsicles in his hands, standing at the edge of the pool. “Want some?” 
Peter gasped, quickly swimming towards the edge to get his popsicle, you following close behind. “Thanks Tony!” You both smiled. Tony hummed and nodded, going back inside. You sat at the stairs of the pool while Peter stood at the shallow end. After you had finished, you both swam for about 10 more minutes before drying up and going inside. 
You both showered and got into your PJs before meeting in your room. You brought lots of snacks from downstairs and you were watching a movie on your bed. It was about 9:30 now, and the movie was almost finished. Almost all of your snacks were done and now you were just laying there, hugging your pillow and laying on your side, facing the tv. 
“Do you think I’ll get chest hair soon?” Peter asked out of nowhere. You spluttered, looking over at him with a brow raised. You decided to mess with him a bit, like you love to do.
“Ay ay ay, Peter, chest hair grows when you become a man.” You smirked. Peter gave you a wary look but you decided to keep going. “Even I have my chest hairs, where are yours?” You teased, poking around his chest. Peter sucked his teeth before grabbing the pillow behind his head and whacking you with it.
You gasped and let out shocked laughter, deciding it was time to fight. “Okay..” You slowly got up, standing in the mattress and puffing your chest out. “You wanna fight, bro?!” You asked. Peter instantly got up, copying your stance and beating his chest once.
“Bring it on, giggles! you know I’ll win anyway!” He sang. You felt your face heat up and growled, commencing the fight. You grabbed his shoulders, pushing down to try to bring him down to the ground but he swiped his legs under you, letting you fall on your back. You immediately start to giggle, just like he knew you would, and shook his head with a smile. 
You stood up and grabbed him in a headlock, moving your leg behind him and kicking behind his knee to take him down. It finally worked and you both fell on the bed, you landing on top of him. Peter chortled and wrapped his arms and legs around you like a koala, and held your back to his chest. You grunted and fought against it, launching yourself forward with force to try to break his grip. However, your attempts were short lived when he began to rapidly pinch your sides, up and down. You yelped and let out surprised laughter. 
“Nohoho! Peter stohohop, no tihihickling!” You cried. Peter laughed and flipped you over, now straddling you. You pushed at his knees to get him off but he quickly stopped it by slipping his hands under your arms. With a loud squeal, you brought your arms to your sides and threw your head back in ticklish agony. “Crahahahap!” 
Peter giggled along with you and tased his fingers in the middle of your belly, eliciting your loud belly laughter. You arched your back and pushed at his hands. You were able to grab them and you held them tight in your hands. Peter paused, letting you think you had a chance to keep him at bay. “I told you I’d win, giggles.”
“Thihihis isn’t fahahair!” You cried, keeping his hands away. Peter raised his brows and looked at you in mock concern. 
“Oh, really? You don’t say.” He gasped before ripping his hands out of your grip and tickled your hips, causing you to convulse under him. You let out squeaky laughter, making Peter chuckle at you. 
“NOHOHOOO!” You howl, slowly dissolving into silent laughter, trying to turn on your belly. Peter snickered and blew a quick raspberry on your neck, right under your jaw line. You screamed, recoiling and slapping at his face and chest. Peter sat back with an eyebrow raised and his mouth open slightly with a smirk. 
“Are you slapping me? Do I need to web your arms down so I can finish up here?” He teased. You immediately howled out apologies.
“NOHOHO I’M SOHOHORRY!” You said, shaking your head. Peter gave you a smug look and lifted your shirt, before grabbing your sides to hold you steady. You threw your head back in defeat, knowing what he was about to do but giggled nervously nonetheless. There was no use trying to talk him out of it. 
You shrieked, your laughter going silent and pushed at his head desperately when you felt him blow the raspberry on your belly button. You were literally just a puddle of uncontrollable giggles when he sat back, watching you with a satisfied smile. “There. I have created a masterpiece!” He gushed, putting his hands on your belly and shaking it furiously, forcing a another bubbly stream of giggles. “An adorable, giggly masterpiece! Muah!” He said, making a chefs kiss before getting off you. 
You turned on your side as soon as his weight was off you and curled into a ball, still letting out residual giggles. “Whyhyhy do you lohohove to torture mehehe.” You said, not really expecting an answer. Peter chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly. 
“Mmm, cause it’s fun!” He smirked. You rolled your eyes and snuggled up in bed, pulling up the covers. After making small talk with him and laughing about different things Flash has attempted to humiliate Peter with, Steve knocked on the door before coming in to check on you guys before going to bed himself. “Hey you guys alright?” 
“Yeah, we’re good.” You chirped, Peter nodding beside you. 
“Alright, well, you guys should get some sleep. You’ve got school tomorrow. Tv off.’“ He hummed, nodding towards the tv. You smirk and roll your eyes playfully.
“Sure, dad.” You quipped, making him tilt his head and give you a pointed glare. 
“Lay off the attitude, will ya? Goodnight.” He shakes his head, closing the door behind him. You smile widely, the both of you bidding him goodnight and get the remote to turn off the tv. You and Peter get comfortable and continue your conversation in the dark, not even noticing that you both fell asleep in the middle of your sentences. 
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