#see ya'll later :D
wikitpowers · 5 months
kit leaving the country to avoid talking about his feelings be like:
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cosmic-ships · 7 months
Alright, I think I need to sleep.
Tomorrow I will be unfortunately (Well unfortunate for all of you) be screaming to the high heavens once again about Ben and posting some screenshots and just generally being super fucking insufferable. :)
'cause I haven't even gotten part way through TLJ and I still have TROS to go and THEN gif making after that.
Sorry I literally cannot shut up about my husband to be, yes it is absolutely going to happen again.
I have so much god damn love in my heart for Kylo.
Aaaaaanyways Ben baby, come to bed with me please, I'm putting on 10 hours of ambient rain and smooth jazz to sleep too with aesthetic visuals of a caravanner in a settlement at night (Fallout 4 lol)
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justagirlwholikesadam · 8 months
S & K : The Queen's Guards
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Sandor Clegane x Fem!Reader x Kylo Ren
Summary: After being named heir to the throne, your father brings you two men to be your guards.
Warning: NSFW, cursing, kissing, we are fucking them ladies, throuple because why not!
A/N: TBH this fanfic was never going to see the light of day because i was so nervous how people would react but I haven't seen a Sandor x Kylo fanfic so fuck it. Here ya'll go, enjoy! -L || Border Credit: @cafekitsune
Word Count: 9.9K
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You were grateful that you have been bestowed with two guards to protect you. They were given the order to follow your every move and stay by your side since your father named you heir to the throne. Most were happy that you were heir while others condemned it to be the most horrific thing known. A woman sitting on the throne was a joke for them.
Blessed to have a father like yours, he quieted the people that had doubts and reminded them that his word is law.
At first you dreaded the idea of two unknown men in your company but your father insisted since they were the best. While being introduced to them you will never forget how they stared down at you with their dark eyes. You couldn't help but blush under their gaze. You learned that they were both second born sons and that they didn't have much but they were highly skilled. They were new to the kingdom and looking to offer their service. They had gotten through your father’s difficult test and proven their loyalty to him. They were both granted to protect and serve you.
The first guard was named Sandor Clegane. He was the tallest and the oldest. Your father had mentioned to you about his appearance before arriving. Sandor's right side of his face was burned. You were a bit relieved when you saw him for yourself because your father made it seem like Sandor was a grotesque monster but he wasn't. The unburnt side of Sandor’s face was handsome. He had a thick brow and brown eyes. His hair was long down to his neck, he had parted his hair to the side to mask the burn side of his face. He had facial hair, his beard and mustache were thick and dark.
The second guard was named Kylo Ren. Kylo was tall but fell a few feet shorter than Sandor. Kylo gave you a smile when he first saw you. His plushy lips twisted upward at you. He had long dark locks that went down to his shoulders. His beard and mustache was neatly trimmed then Sandor’s. Beauty marks were splattered on his face and he was leaner than the older guard.
Small talks between your father and you occur as they continue to stare at you.
“I do this for your safety, my dear. One day all of this will be yours and there are people out there that will try to take it away from you.” Your father walked in front of you and placed his hands on your shoulders.
“I accept them.” You told him.
Your father stood behind you as Sandor and Kylo kneel in front of you and swore their allegiance, their protection to the heir to the throne. Something melted in your chest at the sight of these men kneeling in front of you. Many had knelt in front of you but these two had sparked something in you.
The first week was the hardest, since they were going to follow you everywhere to get to know your routines. You decided to get to know them more. You found out Kylo was more social than Sandor.
Sandor kept to himself, mostly drinking a cup of wine while Kylo talked about himself. You found out Kylo had a twin brother named Ben. Kylo was the second twin born. You gave your condolences to Kylo when he mentioned that Ben died at war.
Kylo was flirtatious with everyone and he was charming when he wanted. You noticed wandering eyes from the servants looking up and down at him while serving the meals and drinks. Some servants who weren’t afraid of Sandor tried to talk to him but he ignored them or just told them to ‘fuck off.’
It was a month later when you found out more about Sandor's life. Kylo had left to do a task for your father so it was just both of you. You were sitting down on the loveseat in the library while Sandor stood by the entrance. After a few minutes of begging the tall man to sit down with you, he obeyed. Finally able to wear out his cold exterior, Sandor told you about his life and how he got hurt. His older brother had pushed his face against the burning coal of the fire when he was a child. His older brother was still alive and causing havoc far away from here.
Sandor had come to this place for a fresh start in life. Sandor’s body tensed when he felt you grab his hand. He wanted to curse at you for touching him but he couldn't, not when you were looking up at him like that. You looked at him like he was a normal man, you looked at him as you looked at Kylo.
“Thank you for telling me.” You told him as you pulled his hand on to your lap. His breathing came to a halt when you began to play with his fingers. Your thumb glides across his hard knuckles. You couldn’t help but smile when you compare your hands along with his. They were huge, they completely covered yours.
“My father said a good man should have rough hands. It means he’s a hard worker. I know for a fact you are a good and hardworking man.” Sandor was shocked by your compliment. He rarely got compliments back home. This was new for him, he didn’t know how to react. He just kept looking at you as you caressed his hand on your lap.
He finally had the courage to say something when the door of the library opened. He quickly ripped his hand away from your grasp as he stood up from the loveseat. He was about to draw his weapon but stopped when he saw it was Kylo. He ignored your stares as he walked away back to the doors. He couldn’t believe that he had gotten so distracted by you. A simple touch from you and he let his guard down.
Sandor and Kylo took turns when it came guarding you at night. You had told them that it’s outrageous to have someone standing guard at your door during the night but they simply told you that it’s their duty to protect you know matter what time of the day.
It had taken Sandor a week for you to finally convince him to come inside your room and take a seat on a chair so he could rest his legs. He had mentioned to you that he had injured his leg back home. It took a month for Kylo to finally come inside your room during the night and sit on the same chair as Sandor.
Kylo kept quiet while sitting near the fireplace. Kylo had to admit you were the nicest person he’s ever guarded. You always had a pitcher of water and a couple of books in the Latin language for him. He had mentioned to you once that he adores reading in Latin and the very next day you have gotten books for him. One night you couldn’t sleep, you tossed and turned in your bed. It was Kylo’s turn guarding you that night. He had seen that you were unable to sleep and had suggested reading to you in Latin. You knew nothing of the language, but hearing his soft, deep voice relaxed you. After a few minutes of him reading out loud to you, you were fast asleep
What you didn’t know was that as soon as you were asleep. Kylo and Sandor couldn’t help but look at you. They stood by the end of the bed. They envy the sheets and blankets that touched your body. Whenever it was Sandor’s turn he was too frightened to even touch you so he stared. He felt so unworthy to even touch you. He wanted to touch the hand that touched him. You had no problem grabbing onto him whenever he guarded you during the day. You don’t even ask permission to hold his hand or his arm. He felt like he needed permission from the Gods themselves to even touch you.
Kylo looks over at you when he hears soft snoring. He carefully gets up trying not to make a sound as he walks to your bed. He knew it was wrong to touch you while you were sleeping but he couldn’t help it. He enjoys the touch of your hair. It was soft to him, with shaky hands he touches your fingers as well. His lips tremble to kiss them. Kylo admits he’s a sinner, he’s always been one. He was always in the company of women to feel something. To feel whole but it never worked but being in your company was something else. Something pure and something out of love.
As the days became months and the months had become years it was two years since Kylo and Sandor became your guards. They knew their job was going to get harder when your father became ill. He was unfit to be king anymore and because of it, people in the realm started to second guess your father’s decision of choosing you as the heir to the throne.
It had happened so quickly when your father was bedridden when a lord from a house had spoken out.
“Let me remind you of this, Lord Peter of House Mancen.” Sandor watched as you stood up from your seat. He wanted to cut this man's head off for barging in and disrupting the council's meeting.
“Two years ago, the King of this realm had appointed me as the heir of the throne.” Kylo watched as you walked towards the man while you spoke.
“It is my duty, my birthright and my throne. Let this be known and tell anyone who has doubts. I will be queen, I will rule and I will defend my throne from anyone who is stupid enough to try and take it away from me.”
Lord Peter of House Mancen frowned as you walked back to your seat. Sandor and Kylo were quick to move when they saw the man reach for something.
“Stop.” You shouted. Kylo and Sandor froze as well as the Lord.
“This is your last and only warning, Lord Peter of House Mancen. Speak out of turn or betray me, I will end you. I will end your house and I will end your family. I will make your house disappear, I promise you that.”
“Shut the door on your way out.” You said when the Lord didn’t speak. He bowed at you and walked out, shutting the door behind him. The council continued and ended successfully. You didn’t notice how Sandor and Kylo looked proud at you from behind.
The proud look on their faces turned into pity when your father had passed in his sleep two days later. Sandor and Kylo had put their differences aside even though they worked together for two years now, they still had a few issues among themselves. They did it when you became depressed the first few days after your father’s death. Only your ladies-in-waiting entered in and out of your chambers. Sandor and Kylo couldn’t help but feel a bit sad at the fact you didn’t want to see them. They heard your cries and the voices of your ladies-in-waiting consoling you behind your chambers door.
A week after they were allowed to enter your chambers. It was the day of your coronation, they stood in awe as you stood in front of your mirror. You looked over your shoulder at them. You turned to face them and greeted them with a small smile.
“Forgive me, Sandor and Kylo. I haven’t been myself these few days. I was embarrassed of both of you seeing me in such a state.”
Kylo shook his head. “No need to be embarrassed. I..” Kylo stuttered for a moment and quieted down.
“Speak.” You said softly looking at him. Sandor eyed the brunette and knew what he was going to say. They had talked before entering your chambers.
“I know we are your guards but I would like for you to think of us as..” Kylo’s cheek grew red as he couldn’t finish his sentence. He couldn’t help himself. You looked so beautiful in front of them.
“Friends.” Sandor spoke, finishing Kylo’s sentence. Sandor felt the same way. “You can think of us as close friends, perhaps. If you like.”
They watched as your smile grew and walked closer to them. Without a word you grabbed one of their hands and gently gave them a squeeze.
“Yes, I would like that very much.” Looking up at them, you give them a smile. Before any of them can respond, you bring Kylo’s hand up to your lips, pressing a kiss on his knuckles. You did the same with Sandor’s hand.
Kylo and Sandor knew nothing more could happen between you and them. You were to be queen and they were just simply guards. No relationship can come from it but your kiss, a simple gesture made their hearts blossom for you. They were utterly in love with you.
The coronation was beautiful. They stood on either side at the bottom steps of the throne as they watched you walk down the aisle. You wore a white and red dress with a long cape trailing behind you. You walked with poise and your head held high as everyone stood by the sidelines. You were nervous, you were frightened that something would happen. You looked ahead at the two pairs of brown eyes and you felt confident. Kylo had told you that they made sure no one had a weapon with them. Sandor had his own men guarding each entrance of the grand hall.
You felt safe as you sat down on your throne and the crown was placed on your head. The people cheered with glee as you were announced the Queen. Kylo and Sandor walked up the steps and bow, taking their place behind you.
The sight of you sitting down with two large, virile men standing on either side of you looked like a painting. Their eyes were dark and narrowed as they stared at the crowd. Their silver armor they wore was polished, the red cape hung from their broad shoulders was a bright red, the color of the Queen’s guards.
A year has passed and many have come to terms that you were queen. Few had their doubts and it made you angry. You were honorable and merciful. You kept Kylo and Sandor as your personal guards. Since you became queen, they were the only people you trusted with your life. They were your only friends and your only true companion.
Kylo remained coquet. You often listen to your ladies-in-waiting gossiping about seeing Kylo with another lady. Part of you didn’t mind it, he was a guard, a friend nothing more but he would compliment you and make you feel like you were the only woman in the world. He made you blush and feel warm inside.
The feeling was the same with Sandor. You feel his gaze when he guards you. Unlike Kylo, Sandor was quieter and kept to himself. He talked only when spoken to. He tended to keep to himself but whenever bothered he had a vile tongue. Just when you thought you were making progress by breaking down Sandor’s wall to finally make him feel comfortable with you it would blow up in your face. A simple touch, he would draw back. If you got close to him, you saw how his lips were pressed together into a frown. Sandor had his good and bad days and Kylo knew that. He would bother Sandor when he noticed the older guard in a mood just for kicks.
They didn't get along, they were like cats and dogs and while Sandor kept to himself Kylo was more open with everyone. Sandor rolls his eyes every time Kylo would flirt whenever they passed by a woman. Somedays he would yell at Kylo to shut the fuck up. Kylo was too cocky and always had a smirk which Sandor hated.
“Are you done looking at her?” Kylo looked over his shoulder as Sandor stood guard by the door. He rolled his eyes at Sandor and went back to the same position as Sandor. His back to the door.
“Just making sure she’s alright.” Sandor scoffs at Kylo’s words.
“Trying to get a peek more like it, you ass.” Kylo clenched his jaw.
“Like you haven't tried it.” Kylo answered back, making Sandor turn to him with a frown.
“Don't try to deny it. I see how you look at her. You probably think about her whenever you're alone.”
“Fuck you.” Sandor snarled at him as he looked away from Kylo. Embarrassment washed over Sandor, he always made sure Kylo never saw him staring at you.
Kylo let out a chuckle. “It’s like you think you might have a chance with her. We are nobody compared to her.”
“Even if we were somebody, I doubt she will pick yo-” Sandor quickly pushed Kylo against the wall with his arm against Kylo’s throat. Kylo let out a gasp as Sandor pushed his arm harder against his neck. Kylo looked up at the man and Sandor gave him a scowl.
“Do you want to end up like your brother?” Sandor hissed, making Kylo glare at him at the mention of his deceased brother.
“Fuck you.” Kylo said with a hoarse voice. His face was about to turn red but Sandor let him go. Kylo coughed as he held his neck with his hands while looking at Sandor walking back to his post.
“If she had to pick it would be me-”
You were about to thank the seamstress as she took notes of your measures when you heard shouting. You quickly walked out of the room and looked down the hall to see your guards fighting each other. Their swords banged each other as they shouted. You looked between them as Kylo yells at him. Sandor was stronger though and got Kylo to fall on his back but Kylo was quicker and blocked Sandor’s steel that was aiming for his head.
“Enough.” You shouted as you walked towards them. They stopped at the sound of your voice. Their eyes widen at the angry sight of you and knelt down on one knee. You watched as both men looked down at the ground waiting for you.
“What happened?” You questioned them. They both were out of breath as they looked up. They didn't know what to say. Both were ashamed that you had to witness them. They were fighting like children over you.
“Such boys.” You said as you shook your head at them. They quickly rose up when you started to walk away from them.
“No.” You shouted when you looked over your shoulder to see them following you. You pointed a finger at them, “I discharged both of you tonight. I don't need boys to guard me. When you're done acting like one, come to my chambers.”
They watched as you turned around and walked away. Kylo let out a sigh and put his sword back to his scabbard, Sandor let out a tsk and looked away.
Kylo didn't want to end badly with Sandor. Kylo wanted to continue guarding you and servicing you. He wasn't going to let Sandor get in the way of that. Kylo wasn't stupid, he knew the older man had a crush on you. He knew it because he himself had one on you as well.
“I’m sorry.” Kylo said. Sandor remained silent as he looked at Kylo. He didn’t trust Kylo, he was waiting for Kylo to attack again since you were gone but he didn’t.
“Let me buy you a pint as an apology.” Sandor let out a sigh and nodded. He followed Kylo as they walked down the hall. He wasn’t going to say no to free ale.
The tavern outside the castle was filled that night. The serving girl quickly got Kylo and Sandor a table and a pitcher of a dark ale when she saw the sigil of royalty on their armor. Sandor sat across from Kylo as they shared a pitcher of ale.
“Sorry about bringing up your brother.” Sandor said after the first cup of ale. Kylo looked up from his own cup. He was surprised that Sandor spoke to him. He thought the night was going to be quiet.
“It’s fine.” Kylo said. Sandor watched as Kylo looked back down at his cup.
“You miss him?” Kylo nods at Sandor. “He was my best friend. We were twins. The day he died, a piece of me died with him.”
“Do you miss your brother?” Kylo asked. Sandor didn’t answer, he only shook his head no.
“How do you know about him?” Sandor asked as he looked around the tavern.
“I was there that day in the library.” Kylo said shyly, he looked at Sandor who was now glaring at him.
“I’m sorry. I was walking in to relieve you when I heard you speaking to her.” Kylo said before Sandor could finish.
“If you tell anyone about this.” Kylo shook his head.
“I won’t but can I just say I do hope your brother dies. I can’t imagine ever hurting my brother like that.” Sandor took a gulp of his drink before answering.
“I hope he dies too.”
“You think he’ll follow you here?” Kylo asked.
“Why you asking so much fucking questions?!” Sandor growled at Kylo. Kylo tossed his hands up showing defeat and sighed.
“Just asking questions. Trying to get to know you better.” Kylo said, making Sandor roll his eyes.
“You talk to fucking much.” Sandor commented.
“Well if we are going to guard the Queen. We might as well try to get along. She was pretty upset when she saw fighting.”
Sandor was about to agree when he saw a young girl walking behind Kylo with a smile. She wore a dress too small that showed her curves and her cleavage was about to spill over the bodice she wore on top of the dress.
“Well, hello there.” The woman said as she placed a hand on Kylo’s shoulder.
“You look pretty lonely here. Want some company?” Sandor looked away as he poured more ale into his cup.
He was shocked when Kylo rejected the woman’s offer and told her he’s busy. Sandor looked at the young woman who had a surprised face, she couldn’t believe that he rejected her.
“She could have made you happy.” Sandor told him as they both looked over at the girl who was making her way towards another table.
“I don’t want her.” Kylo said, grabbing the pitcher from the table.
“The queen then?” Sandor asked.
“Yeah. Just like you, Clegane.” Sandor shook his head about to disagree.
“Fucking hell, I know you do because I heard the maids gossiping about you.” Sandor made a face as Kylo spoke.
“What did they say?”
Kylo grinned. “You haven’t fucked anyone since you started guarding her even before that when you came to the kingdom.”
“That has nothing to do with me wanting her.”
“Sandor! Men fuck. It’s what we do. We kill and we fuck. You want her or you just want cock, do tell me. There’s a stable boy who might be a fit for you.”
“I don’t like cock.” Sandor stated.
“You’re quite popular though. The maids at the castle want to see what you got hiding under that armor .” Sandor shook his head.
“You are popular. Even the Queen looks at you. I catch her plenty of times staring at you, especially when you’re fighting in tournaments. You with that helmet shaped like a wolf.”
“It’s a hound.” Sandor corrected him and continued on. “She watches you as well. When you’re riding or reading that damn book in Latin.”
“Guess she looks at both of us.” Kylo said.
It was about midnight when Kylo and Sandor decided to go back to the castle. Sandor had to admit Kylo was interesting. He wasn’t like anyone he met in King’s Landing. Kylo spoke more about his brother after the fourth pitcher of ale. He told Sandor how his twin brother fell in love with a lady from a house. A girl named Rey and Ben had gone to war for her. Kylo went with Ben since he always follows his brother no matter what. Ben died protecting Kylo during the war. At the end it was for nothing, Rey didn’t mourn for his brother. Not even a single tear was shed for his brother. Kylo told Sandor she got married with some lord the following days. Kylo has been alone since then doing all sorts of jobs to get him by. The ale got to Sandor too, the older man told Kylo about his fights in King’s Landing and how he used to guard a little bitch prince who was the product of incest. He wouldn’t forget the sight of Kylo’s face when he told him that the Queen was fucking her twin brother. They both talked among themselves as they made it to the castle.
“We should apologize.” Kylo said standing outside of your chambers.
“Aye.” Sandor answered before knocking on the door.
They heard you grant permission to enter. Sandor was the first to enter, he felt Kylo walk beside him. Both stood still as they saw you sitting in front of your vanity. You wore your night clothes, a dark red robe over your pink nightgown. You kept staring at yourself at the mirror as you brushed your hair.
“My queen.” Kylo said after clearing his throat. “If this is a bad time, we will come back tomorrow.”
“No.” You said putting the hairbrush down and looking at them through the mirror. You turned around and rose up from your chair.
“You're done being childish?” You asked them.
“Aye, we're sorry, your grace.” Sandor told you as you walked towards them. You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Why were you fighting?” You asked them as you looked between them.
When they didn’t respond quick enough you spoke again. “Are you both not happy with me?” Their eyes widened at your words. Guilt filled their hearts at the thought of you thinking they weren’t content with you.
“Haven't I been kind? Not generous enough?” You asked knowing damn well that can’t be the reason. They get paid well for guarding you.
“I let you fuck with whoever you want and not say a word.” You told Kylo who’s face paled.
“Do you know the embarrassment I go through when someone tells me that my guard has been seen half naked coming out of the servants quarters?”
You looked at Sandor. “I kept my promise to you about not speaking about your past. I had lied to my father for you before he passed away. The council will have my head if they found out the reason why you left Westeros. My throne would be in jeopardy for keeping a secret like that.”
Sandor dropped his head. You looked at them both with a pained expression. “The servants have heard and seen your little fight. It spread like wildfire through the castle. They think I'm incapable of handling both of you.”
You walked away from them as you shook your head. “They look for ways to find anything wrong with me so they can take my throne.
“Tell me at once. Why were you both fighting?” You shouted. “If you don't then leave and never come back.”
“We want you.” Sandor's mouth dropped at Kylo’s confession. He looked to the right to see Kylo staring at you.
“What?” You questioned looking at both of them.
“He’s right.” Sandor added, perhaps it was the ale running though his system but he knew they had to tell you the truth. It was the only way for them to continue to stay with you.
“You have me already. I don't understand.” Kylo shook his head at you.
“Not that way, your grace. We want you, all of you. We want to be with you.” Kylo told you.
“More than guards.” Sandor said, walking towards you. Sandor has never felt this way before towards a woman. You gave him sympathy, you treated him as a human something he's never experienced before. In some way it frightens him but if you were to reject him then he would leave, if you command it.
“I want you.” Sandor’s words came out in a whisper when he looked at you.
“Both of you do?”
“Yes.” Kylo answered you, he followed Sandor’s steps towards you.
“It was because of me you were fighting, then.” you walked closer to them. You smell the ale on them, they were awestruck when you grabbed their hands with your own. With Kylo, you grabbed his hand with your left hand and you grabbed Sandor with your right hand.
“Both of you smell like you have drunk the entire tavern. How do I know your words are true?” You asked them.
“The ale is helping with our confidence.” Kylo admits giving your hand a squeeze.
You took a deep breath as you looked at them. “Why do you think I have not accepted any proposal?” You asked them.
Sandor and Kylo looked at each other for a second before looking back at you. This was very true, the years they have been with you. You’ve rejected all the many proposals you received.
“I had hoped that one of you would step forward and claim me as theirs but now I have two.” You dropped their hands softly before backing away. Each of them looked disappointed. They can see you were deep in thought. You looked around your chambers then at them.
“If this happens. No fighting between both of you.” Sandor lets out a sigh of relief when you speak.
“This must be between us.” Sandor nodded.
“And I don’t share.” You said looking at Kylo. “Both of you would be mine and mine alone.”
You stared at Kylo wondering if he knew what you meant. You don’t think you have the stomach to see Kylo with another woman but what you are asking of him felt a bit selfish. You’re asking him to just be with you and only you.
A smile appears on Kylo’s handsome face. “I’m yours. Only yours.” He tells you.
Your smile matches his and you held yourself back because at that moment all you wanted to do was kiss him. You look over at Sandor. His face is stone cold, he has no expression on his face. You couldn’t read him.
“Sandor.” You whispered his name, hoping to find the answer you wanted. You wanted him to say yes, you wanted him to hold you and kiss you. You wanted those large hands on you, you wanted those lips and Kylo’s lips over your body.
“I’m yours. Only yours.” He said it with a sultry tone.
Your feet had a mind of their own, you walked towards them. You went to the closest to you, Kylo. His eyes were dripping with desire as you got close to him. Shaky hands make their way to his neck, he leans down to kiss you.
Sandor watches as Kylo cups your face as he kisses you. You pulled away, leaning your forehead against his. “I’m yours.” You whispered against his lips.
You pull away from Kylo and walk toward Sandor. You can’t help but smile at him as you step in front of him. His armor was cool under your touch as you went on your tiptoe to kiss him. Just as Kylo, Sandor leans down to kiss you. He copies Kylo’s move and cups your cheek. He doesn’t want to stop, how can he? He was just kissed by an angel. He feels your hands on his neck now, fingertips touching the ends of his hairs.
“Only yours.” You tell Sandor. You were caught by surprise when Sandor kissed you again. The kiss was soft and so desperate to taste you, you melted under his touch. You feel his hand on your waist, as he pulls away to kiss your neck. You gasped when you felt Kylo behind you kissing your shoulders.
“Before anything happens, the guard down the hall. Discharge him and come back.” You tell them, walking away from them. You dropped the robe as you looked over your shoulder at them while untying your nightgown.
“Hurry. Don't keep me waiting long.” You said before walking to your bed.
Sandor looks over at Kylo who was smirking as he stared at you.
“We lay with her?” Sandor asked as Kylo signaled him to join him to discharge the guard.
“No shit, I mean if you want to watch. That’s fine by me.” Kylo answered him while opening the door.
“I-I never laid with..” Kylo comes to a halt and stares up at him.
“You’re a virgin?!” Kylo’s eyes widened and Sandor rolled his eyes at him.
“Of course, not. I fucked back home. I just never fucked a woman with a man in the same bed.” Sandor wants to punch Kylo in the face when he starts to laugh.
“It’s not bad.” Kylo told him. “I’m not into men.” Sandor said and Kylo raised his brows at him.
“Me too but we both want her and by some miracle she wants us just as much as we want her.” Kylo said as he walked down the hall. Sandor followed him and waited for Kylo to speak with the guard.
“Look, let’s not fuck this up. You stay on one side and I’ll stay on the other side. If you happen to touch my dick then so be it, it’s not going to fall off.” Sandor's cheeks turn pink by Kylo’s word.
“I’m also hoping you won’t kill me if I accidentally touch you.” Kylo said as they watched the guard walk away.
“I just might depending where you touch.” Sandor said and Kylo shrugs shoulders.
“Do it after we do the deed.” Kylo said and they both walked back to you.
Sandor shuts the door behind him after Kylo walks in. Kylo looks over his shoulder at Sandor with a smirk, dark eyes shining with excitement. This is what they wanted, this is what they have been craving for so long and now you are here, ready to be devoured and pleased by them. Sandor unhooks Kylo’s cloak as he turns for the younger guard to do that same with his.
In sync, they took off their armor and weapons quickly and dropped it on the floor as they noticed candle lights appear further in the room. You were waiting for them.
Kylo glances over at Sandor when he is done removing his armor. He notices Sandor breathing heavily almost like he was afraid.
“Clegane.” Kylo whispers. Sandor looks down at him.
“Let’s get our girl.” Sandor nods before walking towards your bed, they notice the nightgown on the floor.
Kylo pulls the curtain showing your bed, you’re sitting in the middle of the bed with your back to the headboard. They noticed you were naked with only the sheets covering your chest. Kylo removes his black tunic shirt and he sees your eyes glue to his chest. Kylo’s chest is toned, his abs are defined and you can see scars on his body from his battles. Sandor does the same and you bite your bottom lip when you see Sandor’s chest. His chest is covered with dark coarse hairs. It went all the way down to his stomach.
Kylo notices how your eyes are drawn towards Sandor and he can’t help but feel a bit jealous of the older man.
“I have never done this before. Never with one man but now I have two. Be patient with me, I beg.” You tell them.
Kylo smiles and walks towards the bed. “You’re in luck, my queen. I happen to be a wonderful teacher.” You smile at Kylo as he sits down on the edge of bed.
“Perhaps my assistant would like to start you off.” Kylo said, looking over at Sandor.
Sandor licks his lips before walking to the bed and sits next to you. His eyes widen when you get close to him, the sheet drops from your chest.
“Fuck.” Sandor whispered as he got close to you.
You look at Kylo who smirks at your shyness. “Go on. Show our queen how a Westerosi kiss their woman.”
Sandor was glad Kylo urged him to make the move. It wasn’t the gods that gave him permission, but it will do. Sandor leans down to kiss your lips as you lean towards him. You moan when you feel his hands on your body. Kylo watched as Sandor held you in his arms as he kissed you. His hands ran up and down your back before settling on your hips. Kylo stands to remove his boots and trousers when Sandor gently pushes you down on the bed and gets between your legs.
You’re moaning as you raise your arms to wrap them around his neck. Kylo watches as Sandor pushes your legs open so he can get between them.
“You’re perfect.” Sandor says as he pulls away and looks down at your body. He cups one of your breasts and leans down to lick your nipple. You squeal when you feel his beard tickle your skin.
“Oh my- oh!” You moan when you feel Sandor suck on your nipples, throwing your head back. Your eyes shoot open when you feel him start to kiss your rib cage, all the way down to your stomach.
To your surprise you see Kylo ahead of you. He’s staring at Sandor and you. You bring a hand to your mouth when you see him jerking himself off. Kylo licked his lips at you when he noticed you’re staring at him pumping himself. You look down when you feel Sandor touch your cunt.
The bed dips down and you feel Kylo over you, his face comes from above. His dark curls frame his face, his eyes glistening with lust.
“He’s going to eat your cunt. He’s getting it ready for us.” Kylo says peeking at Sandor who was looking at him between your legs.
Kylo kisses your lips while Sandor kisses the lips between your legs, Kylo drinks your moans as Sandor slips his tongue into you. Kylo nips your chin as he cups your breast pinching your nipple, looking at you for your reaction.
“Lick them, please.” He obeys without a single thought.
Sandor looks up at you to see Kylo next to you, kissing you while he eats your cunt. He grows hard as he watches Kylo lick your nipples, his pink tongue swirling around the hard nipple.
“Wait-t-t. Please.” You cry out to Sandor who's feasting your cunt.
“You're going to cum, my queen. It’s okay.” Kylo whispered against your forehead before kissing it. He watches you as you arch your back, he continues to play with your nipples. He grins to himself when he hears your moaning as you tremble while coming undone.
Kylo catches his stare and raises a brow. “How does she taste, Clegane?”
“Heavenly.” Sandor said hoarsely as he licked his lips, making Kylo laugh. He looks down at you to move your hair out of your face.
“Did you hear?” He asked you. You nod while blushing. “You feel good?” You nod once more.
“I'll be back soon, I must have a taste for myself.” Kylo said, leaning down to kiss you on the lips. Kylo quickly gets off the bed and kneels next to Sandor.
“Both of you?” You asked as you spread your legs wider. “Is that what you want?” Kylo asked.
Sandor saw how your eyes widened and a blush appeared across your cheeks. You give them a nod.
Kylo winks at Sandor and kisses your inner thigh, Sandor notices your reaction and he copies it, kissing the right side of your inner thigh.
“Fuckk.” Kylo moans when he makes it to your cunt, kisses it softly, kissing your slick cunt, Sandor has done a number on you. He licks up and down your slit a few times as he touches himself. He looks at Sandor who's staring at him.
Sandor tense up when Kylo grabs one of his hands. “Give me your hand.” Sandor leans closer to him as Kylo uses the older guard fingers. He hushes you when you whimper when he softly slips Sandor’s finger into you.
“Yes, move it.” Kylo tells Sandor as he makes room for him to keep fingering you. Kylo licks your clit, kisses it, sucks on it as Sandor pumps his finger into you.
“Shit.” Kylo moans when he has a taste of your cunt. Sandor was right.
Kylo pulls Sandor’s finger and tells him to stick it in your mouth. “Give her a taste of her heavenly cunt.”
You open your mouth wide when Sandor laid next to you. He watched in surprise how you acted. You sucked his fingers, moaning at the taste of your slick on his thick digits.
“Sandor.” You whispered with a mouth filled with his fingers.
He pulls away to kiss you sweetly and gentle. He wants your first time to be good. He bumps his nose with yours and looks at Kylo.
“Look at him.” Sandor whispers in your ear as you whine in pleasure when Kylo puts your legs on his shoulders.
“It’s happening again.” You cry out as you grind yourself on Kylo’s face, his nose is pressing against your clit.
“That’s it.” Sandor tells you. “Cum all over his face.”
Sandor saw you looking between him and Kylo, when you reached your hand for Sandor’s face. He pressed his lips against yours as you came.
Sandor kissed your cheek, pressing chaste kisses on your face as you breathed heavily. You had thrown your head back trying to catch your breath. Sandor watches your body tremble, he just thinks to himself what a beautiful body you have. All these years you have been hiding this body under your gowns, your skin is glowing, covered in saliva and love bites that are already bruising on your body.
Kylo chuckles as he gently pushes your leg off his shoulder, and crawls on top of you. Sandor looks at him as he smiles wide down at you. His face is glistening as he licks his lips.
“Does it always feel good?” You asked as Kylo laid next to you. You look between them.
“Only when we are doing it.” Sandor answers you as he brings his hand up to touch your body. Kylo smirks at him and nods when you turn to look at them.
“He’s absolutely right. Just us. Only us. Sandor and me.” Kylo touches your inner thighs as Sandor touches your hips.
“Aren’t I fortunate, then.” You said after a few seconds. Their hands never left yours, their dark eyes remained on you.
“I would like to return the favor.” They saw you blushing as you glanced between them, glancing between their legs. Kylo looked over at Sandor, the older guard’s face was pink by your words.
Kylo wanted to roll his eyes at him but he remembered. This is Sandor's first time sharing a woman in bed. Kylo can see Sandor was the type to be territorial. Kylo had shared women with men like that. Kylo has decided he will make this enjoyable for them and for you. He wanted Sandor and you to have a good experience, if both of you did. This wasn't going to be a one time thing.
“My queen, what do you know about sucking cock?” Kylo asked.
“I heard of it from the servants.” You admitted shyly making him grin at you as he squeezed your inner thigh gently.
“Do you hear this, Sandor?” Kylo said with wide eyes as he gave a smile at the older guard.
Sandor nods looking down at you, his rough hands still rubbing your body. “Maybe next time.”
Kylo was happy Sandor was taking a stand, he was wondering if Sandor would just follow whatever he said. “I want to make you feel good as well.”
Kylo watched as Sandor gently cupped your face. “You shall. Tonight it’s about you. Alright?”
Kylo nods at him then at you. “We will have more time for that. Let your strong and trustworthy guards learn their way of their queen’s body tonight.” He tells you as his hand roamed down, over your mound. His fingertips found your clit, he hums when he feels you clenching around him when he slips a finger in.
“Such a greedy cunt.” Kylo tells Sandor as he pulls his finger out and grabs a hold of Sandor’s wrist. Kylo wants him to be comfortable around his touch. Sandor tensed when he felt Kylo’s grab a hold of his wrist. Fingers were wet with your slick, he let Kylo take his arm between your legs. He glanced under you and you were staring down at their joint hands. You were joying this just as much as they were.
“So wet.” Kylo mumbled when he bought Sandor’s hand about your clit as he slipped his fingers inside again.
“Help me.” Kylo said to Sandor as he rubbed your clit again. You began to moan when Kylo thrusted his fingers into you as Sandor worked on your clit.
They had you trembling after your third orgasm. They sucked their own fingers after you came. You felt like mush, you didn't hear them talking to one another. Glancing at them, they were close, Kylo spoke to Sandor in his ear. You moved your hands to grab their attention.
“I like you both like this. Not fighting one another.” You told them and they looked at each other.
“No more fighting.” Kylo said as he lay down next to you on his side while Sandor sat, facing ahead.
Kylo kissed you before you could speak. “Are you up for having sex?” Kylo asked you. He kissed your cheek waiting for your response as Sandor remained still.
“I want it. Both of you.” Kylo calls Sandor’s name as he kisses your neck. “Good.”
“Sandor and I decided. Sandor should go first.” Kylo notices how nervous Sandor and you were.
“Sandor can't help himself.” Kylo whispers. “Such a pretty queen with a greedy cunt. Such a greedy cunt wanting to be filled.”
You blushed by Kylo’s words. “Call for him.” Kylo added, looking over at Sandor who still sat.
“Sandor.” You said his name as Kylo kissed your neck. “Please.” Kylo encouraged you to say more.
“Sandor, please fuck me. I want you. I wanted you for years.” Sandor looks over his shoulder at you. He glances at Kylo who kept nodding at him, telling him to go on.
Kylo parts your legs wider and looks up at Sandor. “It’s rude to have your queen waiting, Clegane.”
“Please.” You begged and Sandor was quick to act, removing his trousers along with his boots. The bed dipped under you when Sandor leaned over you. Kylo pushes your leg up to drape it over Sandor’s thick legs. Your eyes remained at Sandor’s cock. His cock intimidated you, it’s thick and veiny. You feel it against you, it's warm and heavy.
“All of that goes in?” You asked looking up at Sandor who kept rubbing your outer thighs. Kylo laughs making you blush as Sandor rubs your abused clit.
“Indeed.” Kylo answers and you notice his hands, he was touching himself. His cock was much longer and a bit thinner than Sandor. You can see his heavy set balls while Sandor’s dark pubic hid his.
“Can I touch it?” Sandor nods at you and brings your hand onto his cock. Your legs tighten around him as you touch it. You barely could wrap around it. Sandor moans and you quickly let go.
“Did I hurt you?” Kylo giggles and you look over at him.
“Not hurting, pleasuring.” Kylo said, moving your hand back to Sandor’s cock.
Kylo mumbled against your ears, telling you to jerk Sandor’s cock faster. You grew happy when Kylo praised you, he kept telling you that you're doing such a good job touching Sandor.
“Fuck.” Sandor was quick to remove your hand and he leaned down to kiss you.
Kylo stares at how Sandor kisses you, the way you let out a small moan when he grabs your face. Kylo touches his cocks, pumping himself when Sandor pulls away with a grunt as he latches on one of your nipples. Kylo hears you giving permission to Sandor to enter you. Kylo grins himself when Sandor looks over at him and sees him touching himself. Kylo winks at him and Sandor looks down at you.
Kylo doesn’t think he has ever been this hard before, the tip of his cock is leaking and balls are heavy when he sees Sandor thrusting into you. Sandor hides against your neck as he pumps into you. The sight of your face and the sounds you were making him. The sounds of Sandor grunting made him blush.
Kylo notices you looking over at him and he can't help but kiss your lips.
“How does she feel?” Sandor moans when he brings his face away from your neck. He doesn't stop thrusting when he looks at Kylo. Sandor grabs the sheets under you, twisting in a tight fist.
“So, good.” You clench around at his words, your hands touch his chest, running your fingers through his chest hair as he rams into you.
“Oh my, your grace.” Kylo says as Sandor pushes your legs towards your chest. Both men are looking at your cunt being spread open by Sandor’s cock.
Kylo can see Sandor’s cock going in and out of you. You’re crying out in pleasure, Kylo is holding your legs open while Sandor’s keeps fucking you.
“It’s happening again.” You whine looking at them. Kylo’s hand slides its way to your clit, Sandor doesn’t stop, he loves it too much. The way your tight cunt wraps around him, so hot and warm. He groans when he feels you clench around him harder when Kylo begins to rub your throbbing clit.
“Cum on his cock. Cum on Sandor’s cock.” Kylo whispers to you making you cry out when he gently slaps your clit.
Sandor curses loudly when he feels you cumming on his dick. He’s about to blow and slides himself off to jerk himself.
“I want it.” You cry out. Kylo watches Sandor moan loudly when he cums. He shoots his load on your belly.
“Fuck.” Sandor said hoarsely. He watches your fingers scoop his cum from your stomach and bring it up to your lips. He saw Kylo whispering to you, this had to be his idea of you tasting his cum.
Sandor thinks Kylo’s some sex fairy for a second but he was glad that you didn’t mind sharing your bed with two men.
“Sandor.” You call his name with a heave. Sandor notices you open your arms for him and he leans down. He flinches when you cup his burnt cheek, your eyes wide with admiration.
“Thank you.” You told him before kissing him on the lips. He welcomes your lips, kissing you as well.
Kylo gulped when he saw you kissing Sandor, his cock is so painfully hard, it’s throbbing and his balls are aching. He spits in his hand before continuing to jerk himself. He notices Sandor pulling away to kiss your neck. Dark eyes look at Kylo, Sandor licks his lips before looking down at you.
“It’s time for him.” Sandor brushes the strands of hairs off your face.
“He’s going to love this cunt just as much as I did.” You smile up at Sandor and look over at Kylo. Sandor rolls off of you and lays down on the other side. He looks up at the ceiling trying to catch his breath.
He hears your giggling when Kylo crawls over to you. The bed dips and Sandor hears Kylo’s praises. Sandor never watched someone having sex before, he never shared any one. Never been in a relationship before, it’s all new for him but he doesn’t want to give it up. He was nervous when Kylo told him to take you first. He was waiting for Kylo to take advantage of his inexperience but he didn’t. Kylo had told him to take you, make love to you and make you feel good.
“You’re so beautiful.” Kylo moans and Sandor hears him thrusting into you. His cheeks blushes when he hears you. The sound of Kylo’s balls slapping against your ass sounded like music to him.
He looks over and his cock twitches at the lubricious sight in front of him. Kylo caged your head with his arms as he kissed you while thrusting into you. Legs wrapped around his waist. Kylo grunts into you as you drag your nails down his back.
“I’m going to move you.” You nod at him and Sandor bites his lips when Kylo turns you around carefully. Kylo held you for a second as he kissed you, kissing your cheeks and forehead as he pushed you down.
“Just like that.” He moans at the sight of you, down on your hands and knees with your ass in the air.
You look at Sandor and smile at him.
“Is this ok?” You ask them. Kylo says yes and you wait for Sandor’s response.
“Yes, just like that.” Sandor says as he grabs your hand and brings it up to his lips, kissing your knuckles at the same time Kylo slides into you. You hold Sandor’s hand as Kylo begins to thrust.
The bed creaks and you cry out for god.
“There’s no god in here, my queen.” Sandor says, making Kylo laugh.
“Just us.” Kylo adds. Sandor chuckles at him as you begin to push yourself back on his cock making Kylo moan.
“You’re right.” Kylo moans and looks at Sandor.
“So..good. So fucking good.” Kylo grunts as he slams himself all the way to the hilt. His hands hold to your hips, he leans over you making sure you are okay. Sandor slides a bit closer to you, he notices your furrow brows, your eyes clenched shut and your whines grew loudly.
“Cum.” Sandor said as he reaches under, his hand goes over your belly and your mound. He knew you were close especially when you moaned. Sandor touches your clit, he moans deeply when he touches your cunt, so wet with your slick.
“Yes.” Kylo shouts, feeling you clench around him when Sandor rubs you.
Kylo holds himself until he feels you cumming, he won’t stop until you cum on his cock. He feels his heart beating out of his chest, his ears buzzing every time you moan. You sounded better than he imagined.
“Make her cum, Ren.” Sandor encouraged him as he pressed down your clit making you scream.
“Yes. Yes.” Kylo repeats like a mad man as his thrusts become harder hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
Kylo thinks he had died and the gods had blessed him. There was no other pleasure in life now, he told himself when you came on his cock. Sandor pulls away and Kylo cries out when he pulls out of you and finishes himself off. Jerking himself with your slick, he aims on your bare back as you drop down completely on the bed from exhaustion.
Kylo’s stomach tense up and he throws his head back when he spurts cum over your back.
“Fuck.” He’s winded as he lays down next to you on the other side.
Sandor sees you trembling. You open your eyes when you feel Sandor grab a hold of your hand. You give him a small smile before inhaling deeply.
“I didn’t know people could experience this.” You told them softly. You feel Kylo lean over you kissing your shoulder.
“I see why you do it so much.” You turn your face to look at Kylo.
Kylo looks at you seriously as he tries to catch his breath.
“Now, I’m only going to do it with you. I’m yours and only yours.” Kylo repeats the exact same words the three of you said before.
“I’m yours and only yours.” You said it back and it made him smile. He leans close to your face, giving a peck on your lips.
You turn to face Sandor who was staring at both of you. “I’m yours and only yours.”
Sandor looks at you then at Kylo.
Kylo gives him a nod, almost like telling him yes, this can work. It won’t be perfect but it can work between them.
“I’m yours and only yours.” Sandor finally said. Your smile grew and you made him lean over you to kiss him as well.
They helped you clean yourself when they noticed you were drifting off to sleep. They were going to leave to their own room after setting you into bed. They didn’t want to push even more, even though they knew they could still keep going.
“Stay.” You told them as you went to the middle of the bed. Sandor lays on your right while Kylo lays on your left. You slept on Sandor’s chest as Kylo spooned you from behind. Kylo and Sandor slept that night in your bed as well the following night and the night after that.
Years passed and the relationship had flourished well between Sandor, Kylo and you. Some days were good and others were bad, having two hard headed knights who were in love with you, their queen was no easy task and yes, there were consequences when they fought with each other. Like Sandor and Kylo kneeling in front of you naked, their faces inches away from your wet cunt. They have to share and act like good boys for them to be forgiven. Of course, they were good boys, they shared you with your leg over on each of their broad shoulders. They would eat you out until your legs shook and their faces were soak with your slick.
A/n: Can't get this scene out of my mind.
I can imagine one night the three are in bed and it’s the middle of winter. It’s the harshest winter that the kingdom has ever endured. Everyone is cold af and Sandor being the bear he is, is keeping you warm while Kylo is much leaner, he’s freezing his ass off no matter how many fur blankets he has on.
So when Sandor hears you say to Kylo that he should sleep on Sandor’s side to keep warm a mini fight breaks out. Sandor does not want Kylo to touch him in his sleep. You threatened them, that you were going to sleep in front of the fireplace without them and they quickly shut up.
“Fuck, get over here so I can sleep.” Sandor snaps at Kylo.
“Put your arm around him.” Sandor holds his tongue at you and obeys.
“This is nice.” Kylo said, wiggling his eyebrows at you making you giggle as he and you laid your head on Sandor’s chest.
“Stay still.” Sandor said with a huff as Kylo pulled the blankets up. Everyone went to sleep after that, all nice and toasty thanks to Sandor.
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Certification || One Piece ||
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Based off this
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Death of a major character (Spoilers), hint of pregnancy (at the end), fem reader
Words: 1.4k
A/N: I finally watched the Marineford Arc and this is how I'm coping. Let me know what ya'll think and if you want more Ace fics. This is my first one piece fic and hopefully I did it justice. Also it took me some time to figure out the timeline of Ace in Impel Down until I finall said fuck it, I do what I want.
You were six the first time you married Ace, only because it was all he could do to get you to stop crying. After he declared himself a future pirate, you had done the same. In your six year old eyes it was the only way to stay by his side. He immediately shattered your plans by saying you weren’t allowed. Cue the water works and him instantly panicking. He wasn’t equipped to handle crying girls.
“You can’t become a pirate,” he says and it only makes you cry harder. “Because… Because you’re gonna be my wife!”
That instantly shut you up, staring at him with a tear stained and snotty face. He had his gaze averted from yours as he blushed the deepest shade of red you've ever seen.
“Y-Your wife?” you ask suddenly beaming at the idea.
He still doesn’t look at you as he nods, embarrassed to have said something like that out loud. So much for being a pirate. But when he saw the wide smile on your face and your eyes gleaming with joy, he would have said it all over again.
You had a ‘wedding’ a few days later because you couldn’t wait. It was just you and him hidden away in the woods. You made a veil out of an old blanket and he found the rings. Which were just two rubber bands that didn’t even fit on your finger then.
You wanted it to be real so you managed to steal an actual wedding certificate. You made him sign it after your fake ceremony and with a red face, he promised to deliver it to government officials. You never confirmed if he did or didn’t. For months, you told everyone in the village who’d listen that you were Ace’s wife.
After that, your fake wedding went unspoken about as the two of you grew up. But the reminder was always there, even as Ace’s intentions grew. He was still determined to become a pirate no matter how much you tried to convince him otherwise. When he wouldn’t back down, you’d fight back by telling him you were coming with.
You were fourteen when he mentioned your fake marriage for the first time in years. It reignited feelings you thought you’d long locked away. And it very much worked in his favor. To be fair, it was a complete accident on his part.
“If you wanna become a pirate so bad, then I will too!” you argued.
He looked at you with a scowl on his face and shook his head. “No, you aren’t!”
“Says who?”
“Says me. You’re never becoming a pirate and that’s final.”
“It’s my life, Ace! I can do what I want with it,” you shout, shoving your face in front of his in a fit of anger.
“And you’re my wife! You should have the decency to listen to me,” he yells right back.
You were ready to continue your argument only to be stopped short. Your face turns red as you register what he says. His does the same, reaching up to the tips of his ears. You stagger backwards to make room between the two of you, blubbering away as you do.
There was a lot of awkward confessing after that, mainly on Ace’s part. Turns out he never really forgot that day and after seeing how happy it made you, he swore to make you his actual wife one day. You called him an idiot and happily sobbed in his arms when he admitted that.
Ace was seventeen when he finally set off to become a pirate. You still pleaded with him not to leave but it only fell on deaf ears. Becoming a pirate was his dream, one he couldn’t let go of.
“You said I was your dream!” you yell.
Your hands meet his chest and you push him away from you. You were crying and he was trying to reason with you. You didn’t want to hear it. You hated him, you hated him and his stupid dream of becoming a pirate.
He let you fight him, push him, hit him; whatever you needed to let your anger out. He stood still as your fist weakly struck his chest and your sobs rang in his ears. When you gave up, you leaned on him and buried your face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and held you as you cried.
“You are my dream,” he says. He holds you gently, cradling you close to him, speaking with a tone that matches his actions. “That’s why I need to do this. I’ll become Pirate King and protect you.”
You wanted to call him an idiot but your voice only came out in sobs. You didn’t want him to protect you, you wanted him to stay by your side. You wanted to be his wife like he promised. But you couldn’t deny what he wanted to do, knowing you’d get here eventually.
“I’ll come back and we’ll get married. We’ll have a family and we’ll do anything you want.”
His hands move to cradle your face, pulling it towards his own. He pressed his lips to yours and his kiss sealed his promise.
He left the next morning after spending the previous night together. With nothing more than a note and the same rubber band he gave you when you were six. You thought you’d lost it long ago, it slipped off your finger sometime when you were a kid. This time it fits perfectly on your ring finger.
You hardly saw Ace during the next three years and when you did, he hardly stayed. You’d spend a few nights together and he was always gone before you woke up. You know he did that so he didn’t have to say goodbye. The last time you saw him was shortly before he faced Blackbeard.
You were twenty when you finally married Ace and he wasn’t even there for it.
There’s a knock on the door and you struggle to get up from your seat. You rub at your eyes and take a deep breath to compose yourself before opening the door. It’s someone who comes to deliver a package for you. You’re quick to accept it before closing the door and hiding away in your home.
You sit back down and set the large envelope next to the letter you’ve already opened. You don’t rush to open it but something tells you to do it. Call it intuition.
The contents inside make you sob loudly, thinking the universe is playing some cruel joke. It’s a letter congratulating you on the finalization of your marriage certificate. The same one you signed when you were six years old, the one you made Ace sign too.
You never actually thought he sent it in, you were just kids then. What government official did you actually know? Truth be told, he kept it until he left to become a pirate. He really meant what he said, you’d become his wife one way or another. Since you were still underage, it wasn't accepted as valid. Until now, when a certain marine had it validated in his honor. It was the least he could do for him and for you.
You set the letter down, next to the one you got hours ago. The one that told you about Ace’s demise, killed at Marineford. The universe was cruel indeed. You wrap your arms around your stomach, shielding the small bump that’s started to form. You sob as you hold yourself, protecting the last piece of Ace you had.
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pixel-percy · 5 months
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🔎 A Museum AU — You've been hopelessly crushing on your boss for months now, but you never would have guessed she felt the same. 🔎
🔎 Word Count: 1.2k 🔎 Music Vibes: HOT TO GO! by Chappell Roan 🔎 Warning(s): Smut (fingering), public sex, & workplace power imbalance (everything is consensual, no one is manipulated) 🔎 A/N: Was sitting on this idea for a bit and finally managed to get it out. I haven't thoroughly edited this so there are probably some errors, but I hope ya'll enjoy it nonetheless!
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You weren’t sure what happened.
The museum had been quiet, clock approaching the witching hour as you gently removed debris from the newest fossil to grace the Croft collection. A gentle hum from the electronics throughout the room steered the silence away from maddening. Despite the push for museum employees to not work past their designated hours, you needed some peace of mind, and this was the only place you could get it.
But now you were lip-locked with the owner, your boss, someone you tried so hard not to think about like this… and her hands were making their way into your shorts.
You gasp.
“Lara,” you whine between swipes of your lips.
She responds by pushing you into the desk you always claimed, the files you’d be looking into, and baubles you liked to adorn the surface of it with, disrupted. You reach back with one hand to brace yourself and accidentally smack your little desk lamp off, the shatter of the bulb against the floor stuttering your movements.
“Shit,” you breathe.
“I’ll buy you another one,” she says and splayes her hand on your jaw to guide your gaze back to her. Your free hand tangles into the bottom of her hair, fingers pushing up into the loose bits that weren't tied in a ponytail. You felt the button of your shorts pop, zipper nudged down as her fingers press against the fabric of your underwear.
The peace of mind you needed was from this feeling. From Lara.
You’d been dancing around each other for months with flirty smiles and accidental brushes of your skin against one another. It had built up, all that suffocating tension, until the night before when your co-workers had somehow coerced the notorious homebody, Lara Croft, into going to a local bar. You weren’t sure if you wanted to attend yourself but they insisted so you decided one drink would do.
Four drinks later, you were taking Lara’s hand and pulling her to the dance floor, the live band’s choice of music feeling practically targeted; rhythm and booze. You weren’t sure if Lara had had any drinks herself, but she had a light tinge of pink on her cheeks. Her eyes were locked with yours, the usual shyness between the two of you gone the moment you placed your arms on her shoulders and she pulled you toward her by your belt loops.
The dance you shared was the definition of intimacy with a little bit of fire tacked onto it, writhing against each other effortlessly. The kiss was unplanned. Just like this one. But it was you who’d initiated it the first time and you who quickly pulled away when you felt her freeze. Embarrassment trickled over your cheeks in the form of a blush and before you could even think to stop yourself, intoxicated or not, you were apologizing and leaving the bar.
 That’s why you were working after hours.
That’s why you were surprised to see Lara walking over to you, that same pink tinge on her cheeks, trying effortlessly to avoid turning her gaze downwards when she spoke.
“You’re not supposed to be here this late.” There was no anger or authority in her voice, in fact, it was barely a whisper.
“Neither are you,” you managed.
Then she was on you, practically knocking you into the fossil you’d been examining. The mask you wore? Torn from your neck and tossed somewhere else in the lab. It was a whirlwind of stumbling and redirecting your momentum from precious artifacts before you ended up against your desk, but worth every second.
Lara’s fingers press against your clit, fabric rubbing gently and coaxing a moan out of you, which she devours. This was a different sort of Lara, one you’d have never expected with the way she presented herself to the world. Well-spoken but soft in practically everything she did… But those calloused fingers that were now touching you, running themselves up and down your folds, made you think twice about the woman before you.
Your legs spread naturally, even without her knees nudging them apart, and you lean most of your weight back onto the desk. Papers join the broken glass on the floor and your miscellaneous items topple over one another.
Everything was spinning. Lara’s lips were hot as they trailed kisses down your neck, teeth and breath against the sensitive skin there. She pushes down your tank top and your loose-fitting sports bra until she can hungrily pull one of your nipples into her mouth. Instinctively, the hand you had in her hair twists and grips her ponytail enough to tug it roughly.
She moans at that, a guttural sound that lets you know that she enjoyed the sting of the motion and that knowledge on its own sends a hot sensation from your lower body up to your already burning cheeks. Lara’s tongue runs over the sensitive skin she’d previously claimed all while her fingers go to work inside of you.
All of this was so much, but this was everything you’d secretly wanted the moment you saw her. You just hadn’t imagined she might have felt the same way.
The museum’s silence felt even louder now that your gasps, groans, and moans filled the space. You’d never have even thought to do this, not in public and certainly not in your workplace, but this was just… so good. And who was going to stop you? Your boss? Well…
Lara’s teeth bit down just hard enough on your nipple to pull you out of your thoughts and make you hyper-aware that you were going to combust at any moment.
“Lara, please,” you cry. Your name escapes her as a mumble against your skin.
Her thumb continues the circles against your clit while her other digits find purchase inside of you, nudging against the exact spot you need. She knew because every time she rubbed it your breath hitched. Jumping each others’ bones felt like a dream not just a few days ago, dropping your gaze from her like she could read your thoughts, and at this point, you were convinced she might have been able to all along.
You tumble over the edge, a moan louder than you intended tumbling from your mouth as your body convulses with every extra touch Lara applies. It’s a quiet comedown, slow, and her lips are back to that softness you would have initially expected from her. She pulls her hands away from your body, propping them on the desk on either side of you, and you take a moment to catch your breath.
“That was… unexpected,” you breathe, a small laugh escaping you.
“Sorry,” she mutters. You manage to pick your head up to finally look at her face, a smirk tugging at the edge of her mouth. A smile grows on your lips in response.
“No need to be sorry.”
“Well, not entirely true.” She nods to the floor on the side of your desk. “I did break your desk lamp.”
“Oh.” Your gaze turns downward. “True… It was pretty expensive,” you exaggerate, face scrunching a bit when you turn back to her.
“How can I repay you?” she asks, lips hovering close to yours once more.
“Mmm,” you mumble, looking between her and the lamp. “I think dinner will suffice.”
“Deal,” she responds, that bit of shyness returning to her demeanor. “I’ll go grab a dustpan.”
“In a bit,” you say. This time it’s you grabbing onto her and gently pushing her back onto your desk, careful to avoid the glass as you drop to your knees.
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liqhtheartedd · 1 year
❝ adore you ❞ - jk oneshot [18+]
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listen to 'dark paradise' by lana del rey
summary: your boyfriend, kook, comes home from work. tired and frustrated. later, he fucks you till you can no longer think for yourself <33 you love it when he has his way with you. most of it is just smut, lol.
pairing: reader x jungkook [ living together ]
warnings: dom kook, sub reader, spanking, oral (both receiving and giving, penetrat!on, cussing, mature language, degradation, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it up irl ya'll), overstimmulation, jk kinda has a god complex??, calls you a slut and stuff, but also he's super nice about it, big d!ck jk LOLLL
word count: 2.1k
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you saw his car pull into the driveway of your shared home. the black mercedes came to a hault and kook opened the driver's side door. he stepped out of the vehicle. you loved that he had to usually dress quite formal for work. today, he wore a navy blue button-up shirt with a black suit jacket and black slacks. the jacket was no longer on him though. he held his bag and jacket in one hand and shut the car door with force, eager to finally confront you.
you had been teasing him while he was at work. jungkook wasn't particularly against it either. he liked it, though he'd never admit it. you may have sent him a photo or two with the new lingerie set he bought you last week. you wanted to wait for a special occasion, but you were getting too impatient.
eagerly, you went to go open the door for him. it was a routine for you. whenever he'd come home from work, you'd take his stuff from him and put them to the side, and then he'd freshen up for the evening. you opened the door for the love of your life. as soon as you saw him you could feel your heart flutter a little bit. his hair was messy, some strands framing his forehead in the most drop-dead gorgeous way. the first button on his shirt was undone and his tie was loosened. oh, you could stare at him forever.
"ugh, it's so nice to see your pretty face again," he said in relief as he kissed your cheek. the butterflies were back.
you stopped gawking at the man in front of you, and he came in. he took off his shoes, and you took his bag and coat for him.
isn't he gonna talk about the pictures?
you closed the door to the closet, and soon enough, you felt a pair of hands around your waist. his touch glided across your body, snake-like. he would move his hands all over your body. you felt his warm breath near your right ear.
"you sure are really quiet for someone who was sending me nudes. that too, while i was at work?," he whispered against your neck. his voice sent vibrations down your back. your breath hitched. "what if someone else had seen those texts? did that occur to you, or were you turned on by that?"
he turned you around. his eyes were so dark but you could see the glint of the dim lighting. his eyes poured over you as if he wanted to memorize every inch of you. his hands snaked up your arms. he took you in for all of your worth. he could get high of the sight of the beautiful girl in front of him. you could feel your body tense up as he held you, even though he held you with the upmost care and softness.
he leaned in. his lips grazed your lips. but he didn't kiss you. you leaned in, desperate to get your kiss after such a long day. he chuckles, "aww, look at you. you're so cute." the cute shit he said, made you flustered. his hands held your waist and he pulled you closer. his lips attacked yours. he let out a soft moan, as your tongues moved against each other. he held your face, dominating the kiss, desperate to have that control over you. his kisses trailed from your lips to your cheek, to the side of your neck, and to your collar bone. you put your arms around his neck, holding onto, so you wouldn't fall over due to all the pleasure. he sucked and bit at the same spot. he knew you loved it when he did this. the light marks and redness it left behind. it was like him telling you, that you belonged to him, and only him. his hands trailed down, and squeezed your ass and played with the hem of your light knit sweater.
he guided you to the couch in the living room, which wasn't too far. both of you only broke the kiss to breath. he sat down on the couch along with you in his lap. he finally broke the kiss. "fuck y/n," and his hands reached down to take off your sweater, you guided his hands. as soon as that sweater was off, he started kissing your chest. "you make me crazy," he said against your chest as he took your nipple into his mouth and bit lightly. you were so sensitive. your hands found their way to his beautiful dark hair, "ahh, fuck, kook..." you moaned out. he licked and nibbled at your tits. one of his hands around your waist and the other groping and playing with your breast.
"on your knees, baby," he finally said. he helped you off his lap and onto your knees in front of him. he started undoing his belt. you couldn't help but still be shocked at his hard length. you wanted him so bad. you held and rubbed him through his pants. "i want you so bad, kook," you said lightly looking up at him with your sweet eyes. this was enough to send him over the edge.
you helped him take off his pants, and threw them next to you onto the floor. "fuck, are you in heat or something?" he said with a slight chuckle, as he ran his hand through your hair. you licked the tip of his length. the salty liquid coating your tongue. "mm, or maybe it's just you," you replied while stroking his length slowly. jungkook leaned his head back and moaned in pleasure. "ahh, shit y/n, keep going." you obliged and continued to stroke his hard length, also licking up his length. you took him in your mouth. he was so big for you, honestly. but i mean... who's complaining? as you sucked, he slowly thrusted his hips forward, trying to further abuse your little mouth. he tucked your hair behind the ear.
"come here," he held your face and pulled you in for a deep kiss. he quickly began taking off your denim shorts. you could feel the cold metal of his rings on your soft thighs. soon, you were turned on your back and he hovered above you. he played with your folds as he continued kissing you. "fuck, you're so wet, i can't wait to taste you," he said as his slender fingers played with your wet folds. he rubbed his thumb over your clit. it felt so good. you moaned in bliss. you felt like you were in heaven. kook broke the kiss. looking at your face. you looked beautiful under him, all desperate and ready to be fucked. both of your eyes filled with lust and hunger.
he trailed kisses down your stomach and reached your cunt. he inserted one of his fingers into you. "mm, kook, more..." you said, desperate for more of him. you thrusted your hips forward for more pleasure. then you felt his tongue on your slits. his lips pressed against your clit as he inserted another digit into your desperate cunt. you could hear the wet sounds as he worked on your sensitive cunt. your back arched in ecstasy. his tongue slurping like he was quenching his thirst. he flicked his tongue over your sensitive clit as his fingers pumped in and out of you. you were close. "fuck jungkook, please, i'm-," your speech was broken because of your moans.
as soon as you said that, his tongue and fingers left your wet cunt. "ngh, why'd you stop?" you complained. you were so close but he took your climax away from you. so close.
"well, because i wanted to, baby," his smile mocked you, "you made me suffer at work today, it's only fair right?" his hand crawled up your neck and held your face firmly. "i was so frustrated, sweetheart. do you know how awkward it is to have your cock throbbing while you're in a work meeting?"
he firmly held your waist and turned you onto your stomach. he pulled you closer to his hard length. god, you wanted him inside you so bad. you whimpered from the hot sensation. he firmly pressed you down from the back of your neck. your ass raised up. smack, he slapped your ass, you're sure it left a handprint. "fuck, you're so pretty like this," he said as he trailed his hand from the naval of your neck to the bottom of your back. he took your hands into his. holding them behind your back. "aren't you gonna say thank you? what a cute little slut, huh." another slap on your ass. it stung your cheek. he rubbed your ass and waited for your reply. tears beginning to well up in your eyes.
"ah! fuck, thank you, sir!," you replied and sniffed. your eyes threatened you with tears. he scoffed and kissed the red mark on your ass. he leaned against you, his hard length gliding against your slit. you ached to have him. he groaned, "fuuuck- y/n, you're such a adorable whore, i love it." your arousal coated his dick. and he pumped himself against your opening. he finally let his length enter you. quickly, bottoming in you. "oh! my god.." he groaned as his body weight was against your back. his grip on your wrists got even tighter. it burned. he sank into your cunt. he slid almost completely out and it isn't too long before he slams back into your aching cunt. the force almost sending you forward.
"holy... god," you moaned against the couch with your face on it. your voice muffled against the throw pillow and your eyes rolling back. his dick reached your core. it felt so good. you felt full and complete. his grip loosed and he leaned down kissing your back. "that's right.. i'm your god." he bit the skin on your back, leaving even more marks on your soft skin. he continued thrusting. each thrust violated your throbbing cunt. it was getting to much for you. you were too sensitive for this right now. your hands reached for his hips trying to push to get some distance. you tried to move away.
you attempted to catch your breath, "fuck, kook, you're so-," you said laying there, but before you could finish your sentence, you felt your arms being held behind you again. he pulled you back onto his hard cock. once again thrusting into your wet pussy. your walls closing in on him. "don't you fucking dare, push me away like that." he pulled your body back against his, his hand holding onto your neck. your back and his chest touching each other. you moaned out of the pleasure and pain, at the same time. he smacked your ass again. you winced at the sudden stinging sensation.
"fuck, y/n, i'm close-" he growled into your ear. his groans and moans overpowering your senses. "please... jungkook," you whined through your moans. you were close too, again. "please, cum in me, let's cum together~," you pleaded. you wanted this so bad. you were on the pill, so it didn't matter. the warm liquid filling you up, felt so good.
"anything for you, sweetheart," his grip around your neck got tighter as he moaned against your neck. "ugh, y/n, fuck you're so hot." he exclaimed as he filled you up. as he came into you, his grip on your neck loosened and you were finally able to catch your breath.
he buried his lips and face into the nape of your neck. your back and his chest were now pressed together, with a thin slick layer of sweat between the two of you. he collapsed onto you, as a result you also fell onto the bed, under him. you both breathed heavily in unison. "mm, kook, get off me~," you whined being under his full body weight. "no~," he cooed back. he held your hand and cuddled you. he rubbed his thumb on the back of your hand, "hey, y/n, i'm sorry, was i a bit too rough," he asked. he looked into your eyes with the most genuine happiness and care for you. you chuckled, and put your hand on his cheek, "no, i really liked it actually, you should do that more often, hehe," you giggled back at him. he leaned in to caress your lips with his. you pulled away. "kook...i think we should go take a shower, together." you could see the surprised but eager look at his face. his cute bunny teeth smile plastered on his face, "i think that too," he said. ~ this was my first ever oneshot, i really hope it turned out good lol. thank you for reading ya'll! x
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Sand pits-Walker!Percy Jackson x f!reader
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Warnings/Notes: Slight mention of trama for a few seconds, Spoilers for Mark of Athena, established relationship, tripping into holes(if that bothers you steer clear), flufffff(fr tho), Stoll brother pranks🥺
Summary: Percy takes reader for a walk on the beach at camp on their 2 year anniversary. Takes place way after HOO. Percy and reader are 19 and 20.
A/N: bare with me where, I don't write to often, hence the current lack of skill some of ya'll have😔. I was also writing this as well as writing a D&D campaign so you could only guess how absolutely scattered my brain is. Not proof read
Sunny. Just how it was the day Percy asked you to be his girlfriend. Officially, that is, because before you two got together, you guys had spent lots of time together, held hands, and exchanged "friendly" kisses on the cheek and lips. Maybe it was denial? Or perhaps just obliviousness? You weren't sure, but more than two years later, it was all worth it.
"Beautiful day today.." You say with a warm smile as you hold Percy's hand, walking along the sandy shore of the cold lake.
"Just like the one when I asked you to be my girlfriend," Percy responds with a smile. He looked so happy, walking with you along the shore, blonde hair blowing in the soft breeze. Despite his happy smile and bright face, his body looked tense. Most of the time, You'd overlook it as him being sore from training or sleeping funny, but this wasn't either.
"Percy, are you alrig-" Your sentence gets cut off when you suddenly fall into what seemed to be a hole. You let out a quiet yelp as you fell into the hole quite far down. Your hand slips from Percy's as you fall to the bottom.
Suddenly, a flash of a few years ago floods your brain. When you fell into Tartarus. But you had Percy then now you were just fallin-
Your body hits the bottom of the hole with a thud. You look up and see Percy's slightly worried but amused face as he sees you in the hole. The hole wasn't deep. Maybe three or four feet. But when you fell in, it felt like time froze, leaving you back in Tartarus again.
You breathe heavily, panting since you hit the bottom so hard the wind got knocked out of you.
"Y/N! Are you okay!" Percy calls out as he falls to his knees, reaching into the hole to grab your hand and help you stand.
"Yeah... I'm alright..." You say as Percy pulls you out and pulls you into his arms.
"Good... You had me worried there... Your eyes... Your eyes had the same look from when we fell into Tartarus..." Percy says as he holds you tightly against him and kisses your hair softly. "Either way, I got you now...." Percy says as he pulls you away from the hole.
When Percy pulled you into his arms, you felt safe immediately. No matter where you were, Percy was always your safe space, especially in Tartarus.
"Thank you, Percy," You say as you pull away and smile at him. He gladly smiles and pecks your lips softly before intertwining his fingers with yours before walking again. "I also think that was Travis and Connor's doing." You say with a soft chuckle. Percy nods, smiling, putting his other hand in the pant's pocket.
The two of you kept walking down the beach, completely forgetting what had just happened and enjoying the time you were spending together. As you reach the further part of the beach, Percy clears his throat.
"So, um, Y/N?" He says as he stops walking and faces you.
"Yes, Percy?" You respond and look up at him, smiling.
"I need to ask you something important.." He says nervously, his hand still in his pocket.
"Yes..?" You respond, slightly worried.
He pulls something out of his pocket and goes on one knee. "Y/N, I've loved you since I laid my eyes on you. Whether I realized it at the moment or not, I knew you were the one I'd always love unconditionally. As we've grown closer together, I've really realized that I want to spend every moment of my dying breath with you. Y/N M/N L/N, will you marry me?"
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cyanidedrinkers · 10 days
Animalistic(Feral) mutants Part 2!!!!
I'M BACK!!! Ya'll liked this a lot- Like a lot alot and it's given me so many more ideas and i've seen a lot of good stuff :) so let me braind dump once more! I have also been told they're apparently called Ferals! So for the purpose of my fingers i'll refer to them as Ferals I wanna see kids who appear more human only for their more animalistic features to appear later in life I want them to be scared and freaked out. To cry and not know what to do I want everyone to know about Xaviers and for them to run there or to hide themselves away intel one of the X-men, find them either scared or tearing a mans throat out I want to see them doubt themselves only to be told they aren't a monster. They just need to be taught how to deal with becoming themselves I want to see adult Ferals that've been used all their life find piece and help other younger Ferals find their way too I want to see a young Feral hide under Logan's legs because they're playing hide and seek I want to see Logan who has 1-3 baby ferals in his hands at times because they wouldn't sleep without him around I want to see Logan cursing a mother out because she kicked out her kid whos a young feral I want to see Logan who spends more time in the feral nursery then anyone else I want to see a kid grab food out of their friends hands because it's not halal and they don't want their friend to go against their religion on accident @wolfstarr-the-sequel Gave me the idea for these next prompts/brain dumps/food/yeah! So thank you for letting me use your brain pickings! <3 Give me teenage and Adult Ferals that learn how to use their abilities for good. Give me teen Ferals who rush over to a bystander and as they start to grab onto things because they can smell low blood sugar from a mile away Give me a feral who stops some kids in the street to tell them that if they want to do illegal things theres better things to do then sell illegal substances Give me ferals who find their way by becoming like service animals Give me Hank who sets up a training thing and teaches kids how to identify when someone is having a seizure or low blood sugar only for Logan to stand and the corner and say "Low blood sugar smells bitter. Like someone made really strong coffee" So anyone the kids that can smell that type of stuff can identify it because damn it's useful to know that the person fighting next to you is gonna pass out. Give me a kid taking food out of their friends hand while frantically checking over them because "Theres strawberries in this! are you okay!? did you eat any?!" Also, Thank you @god-of-idiots for giving me this idea :D Give me young ferals who feel bad everytime they rip their clothes due to their sharp nails/claws Give me young ferals who cant help but cry and whimper because they're to overstimulated Give me baby ferals who hit and scream because they lack the ability to physically say that their ears are throbbing due to all the sound imputes
And lastly, Give me Wade who comes in every so often to talk to ferals of any and all ages that havent taken so well to the change and let him talk about understanding that it's weird having your world flipped upside down. Let him be an anchor for kids or ferals that started out fairly normal till their features or abilities came in later in life. Let him be an anchor for those who were taught to be weapons Let him look at all these people and speak some truth, That it's all not that bad and while he'll never be allowed in the mansion they should be lucky they are because he didnt have this support system at any point in his life Let him be like the fun uncle who randomly breaks into your heavily guarded house and is probably screwing more than one person in their
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lavenderxskys · 5 months
ive been literally dreaming for the day someone writes gf florist abby headcanons ;(( i just want fluffy flower shop owner abby please!! (from tlou of coursee)
oh my GOSH you have no idea the giggle i let out when i read this.
also, this is my first ask and i'm so exited :D
🌸florist abby head cannons 🌸
🌸okay first off,,, ALWAYS bring you home flowers. like- you had to tell the poor girl to stop becuase you literally had nowhere else to put them. (she still brought them though)
🌸ALSO; always brags about cool her job is. she'll be talking with you or one of her friends about work and just: "y'know i'll never get why ya'll hate your jobs. mines the best!" and no one says anything because she gets quite sensitive
🌸rambles. on. and. on. about her new shipments. you could be laying in bed all cuddled up, her nails lightly stretching at your arms and she'll sleepily mutter something along the lines of: "i got this new shipment in yesterday, shit ton of hydrangeas." and all you can do is laugh because she's SO excited.
🌸if y'all haven't met, the moment she sees you enter the shop, the spring sun shining on you while you shift around. she's HOOKED i tell you, hooked.
🌸making up some silly reason to get your number just to text you later that night.
🌸or even better, persuades you into becoming a member so she can send flowers to your house (that one might be a little creepy so think of it in the least creepy way lol)
🌸and if YOU worked with her? oh don't even get me started.
🌸plucking random flowers from the baskets hanging from the ceiling and tucking it behind you ear, telling you how gorgeous you look.
🌸or you'll be stocking and she'll just walk over with a soft smile and place a sweet kiss on the top of your head. AHHH
🌸she smells SO good too, atp she doesn't even need perfume. the shop has literally caked a delicious flowery smell to her and you can't ever get enough of it
🌸and the NICKNAMES? oh jeez. "my flower/rose/whatever flower is your fav even"
i bet i have more but those are whag i think of the most, i'd lowkey love to write a fic on this so if y'all are interested let me know :)
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quimichi · 5 months
i need more content about Akito!! hes so cute!! :D
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TW: stalking, talk about gore and death, unhealthy obsession, yandere, twisted behavior
SUMMARY: just random Akito (oc) headcanons
CHARACTERS: Akito (oc) X F!Reader
*character in the banner: Yoshiki from the summer hikaru died
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¡! ❞ this is what I imagined Akito to look like, heavily inspired by Yoshiki from the summer hikaru died
¡! ❞ one of his many positives is that he looks so normal, boring even. No one would expect someone so basic looking to have bad intentions right? Look at him! Those puppy eyes hold innocence!
¡! ❞ and his dark aesthetic is useful for when he sneaks around your house
¡! ❞ oh and did you know he actually took a few pics? He has a whole album of them. Yk its the most basic stalker shit
¡! ❞ But don't worry, not all of them are dirty. Some are just from your room, zoomed in and out. On different days and stuff. He finds beauty in your mess and tidyness. And if he ever catches you in the bath/shower...he looks away. Its wrong for him to look, his eyes don't deserve to see you in your full glory....yet at least.
¡! ❞ But dirty pics you ask?...mostly your used underwear or clothes.
¡! ❞ don't worry, he would NEVER break in. Even if your window is a bit open or anything, he got manners (yes but no)
¡! ❞ He writes you poetry! Its mostly about you ofc. And his feelings.
¡! ❞ ❞ I would bleed out if you'd tell me you like the color red ❞
¡! ❞ ❞ I love you like death I love you like the mould that eats me up Like the maggots feasting on me I love you like you're life Like giving me air to breath I love you like I don't deserve you Like the most disgusting beast ❞
¡! ❞ (I'm so sorry I never EVER wrote poetry in my life--)
¡! ❞ oh did i talk about the fact that he uh has a thing for gore-. He loves a little intense yk-thats a discussion for much later cause ya'll aren't ready for it yet-
¡! ❞ baby boy has a diary, writes about you and the different beautys he saw. Like two birds singing together, dogs playing, children laughing or the simple taste of a morning coffee.
¡! ❞ oh and btw he has a Polaroid camera, he always carries it with him. But when he takes pictures around you, he has to stick to his phone.
¡! ❞ and while were talking about his phone already, his lockscreen is him with his family, but his wallpaper....is a picture of you sleeping in your bed.
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TAGLIST: @lucienbarkbark @hehothrowawayfae
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babyangelsky · 8 months
*sits at a lighted vanity mirror with clown makeup half on and a multicolored wig on a stand beside me*
I would like to share with you all a little fact about me: I have an incurable case of Fluke Pusit Heart Eyes. All I asked for Christmas was more Fluke, then all I asked for New Year's was more Fluke, then all I asked for my birthday was more Fluke.
So while that may admittedly be coloring my judgement, I'm gonna ask ya'll to let me cook here for a second.
A few days ago I ran my lil self over to Petty to share a bit of news I came across, which was that Fluke stated in a recent interview that he had a project coming up and that it was maybe a BL.
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THEN, a couple of days later, Be on Cloud announced that Ta, Copper, Bible, and Bas would be at the One D press conference and it began to be speculated by some that Bas would be paired with Bible in the upcoming series 4 Minutes. Nothing was announced or confirmed at the press con...
In an interview with The Standard, the relevant portion of which has been kindly translated here, Pond Krisda stated that the script for 4 Minutes had just finished being revised and:
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Now! I love Bas. I'm very excited to see him in Man Suang when it gets released on Netflix at the end of the month because by all accounts he gave a fantastic performance. If he is paired with Bible in 4 Minutes, I'll be seated for it. I'll be seated regardless.
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Fluke shares that he has a project coming soon but can't share any details and then TWO DAYS LATER Pond gives an interview and says that they have a co-star for Bible! Is the co-star Bas or one of the other BOC boys? Very possible! Probable even! Is this all just coincidental timing and Fluke's new project is something else entirely? Maybe!
*secures my clown wig, completing the clown transformation, and takes deep breath*
There is absolutely no reason for this post to exist or be this long other than my profound desire to see Fluke star in something, and these may very well be the delusional ramblings of a freshly 30-year-old lady in a "-I've connected the dots/-You haven't connected shit" situation.
But I just want ya'll to consider that much like the chances of being attacked by a bear in everyday life, the chances of Fluke being in 4 Minutes with Bible are slim, but not zero.
And I would like to invite ya'll and @respectthepetty and @chicademartinica to join me in this clown car
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
27 asks! Thank you for all the kind words! :}}}💙💙💙
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Funnily enough I have been thinking a lot recently about making my own web comic, right here on Tumblr! I have a lot of concepts, although I don't know if I'd make a separate comic just for the Factual Fam. I feel like they kind'a already have a web comic..? In a way.?
And I feel like if I made a story driven comic about us, separate from the ones I'm already making.. It would feel.. idk, off? My lil guys are meant to be with me, going with the flow of whatever's going on with my blog/my life. This is their story. Their lives with me are their story. If that makes sense?? I'm not sure if I have any other ideas in mind for them.. what would their world even look like if I wasn't in it or if it was different from what they have now..??
But on the other note, could you imagine? Me? Making a 100% original comic? With my own original characters, story, and world? Its a daunting thought. The sheer amount of stuff I would have to plan and the amount of angst I could inflict on ya'll would be insane <XDD
And yeahh,, the fanart thing would be a problem... <:/
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The four of them sit together at the base of my stuffed animal pile. Nice and cozy! :}}
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Actually the quilts are rather deceiving, they're just for show! <XD Bibi was conscious and could talk when he was still a picture. And he became a drawing without the use of a quilt. Jangles had a quilt but was still a picture. He was later "brought to life" with my pen!
The thing about all that life stuff, quilts, pens.. its honestly just for show. Those things don't bring them to life, I do. The flashy ways I do it are just for fun <XD
And about Cici! She was talking! And I think kind'a the idea as to why Jangles could hear them both was not only for the spooks. But becuase Cici and Gerald's concepts were so strongly developed at that point they were basically fully fleshed out characters. Their bodies just didn't exist yet. Hence the "I cant see" I hadn't stitched her button eyes on yet!
So basically their personalities and designs had been thought out. They just weren't there yet. But their presence was still so strong.. And Jangles being a picture kind'a bridged the gap between the concept world and the drawn one. If that makes sense??
He could still hear them after he was drawn though, I guess its an ability that he kept even after being art-ified..? <XD My lore's a little whack- its best not to look too far into it!
Also thank you! I'm glad you liked it all! :DD
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Like I've said before, the best way to show you care is with comments. That's what would make me the happiest. :)
And sure I will! Some comics and random cameos here and there.. I already have some comics in mind.. 👀👀
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I haven't seen the Puss in boots movie, but something tells me you're right XD
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Hmm.. I don't actually know.. That's a good question :0
I guess they would react the same if us humans found a group of people like that. And what would humans do? Probably report it to someone?? <XD
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XDD Thank you! I'm so glad you like me and what I make!! :DDD
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Giant scary abstracted monsters that attack anything in the vicinity?? Nope nope nope!! Jevil would FREAK OUT and Immediately warp them out of there with a mirror. Cant risk anyone getting hurt!
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That's not a half bad idea! :0 I'll see if I can remember to get around to it <XD
Also thank you so much!! :DD
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All I know of punch out is from smash bros. And I got beef with Little Mac. Anytime anyone plays as him they always kick my butt XDD
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I imagine Jevil wouldn't tolerate it much. If Jax was being a butt towards Jevil that's one thing. But as soon as he starts to direct that to anyone else in the group- especially Seam.. Then there's gonna be a problem. :x
Seam would be annoyed. But its likely the same as Jevil. He doesn't really care about his antics, but as soon as its directed at Jevil or someone else.. well then there's a problem-
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Thank you so much!! :DD And of course I held his widdle hand! He needed the emotional support! He was making the biggest decision he's ever made in his life- <XD
And you're welcome! <XD I'm so glad you liked it! :}}
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No no no no that is the wrong habitat for me!
I need to be put in a cardboard box with all the flaps open except for 1. There needs to be a grassy/muddy floor and a bowl of water.
Then put this box out in your backyard in the pouring rain. Don't give me anything to warm myself, and only feed me refrigerated watermelon. Now THAT'S what I call a comfy habitat!
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Thank you so much! :DD I appreciate the compliments!! :}}
Although I'm sorry to say that I don't want me and my critters to show up as background characters.. <:( Sorry!
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He probably has a couple of times yeah. Maybe right after big events or shows he got pushed over the edge and crashed.. :(
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He might..? But I think Freddy would want to give Bonnie space.. Becuase when Bonnie is overwhelmed, that's what he wants. Is silence and space. And when Freddy is around Bonnie he would try to be really quiet and not move around too much..
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So many siblings...
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My only thought is that my version of the Daycare Attendant would better fit the role of Kaufmo. :0 The idea that he suddenly disappears, only to reemerge as a monster..
That, and I would shoe horn a bunch of unnecessary angst in there XDD
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:DD Thank you so much!! :}}}
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WAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Its so nice to hear that even though you knew nothing about the characters, you still loved my comic!! :DD And thinking my critters have depth?? And feel human?? WAAA THANK YOUUU!!! I try to give them all separate personality's and really put some emotion into them, I'm so glad you've noticed! It seems to be working! :DD
And again a thousand thank you's for the compliments to my sona! :DD The bloodied hands and dripping face getting worse and worse as the comic progresses to show my exhaustion,, even the comically placed hands! I put a lot of heart into all of it and I'm so happy that you've noticed!!
Thank you for all the kind words! Sending platonic love right back at ya!! :DDD 💙💙💙
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<XD Noooo don't cry! Thank you though, I'm glad you liked it! :))
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One word; Horrified.
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Aww, I'm sorry it made you cry! <:(( But I'm glad you liked it none the less! <:}}}
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Darn <XD I had it match my Tumblr's theme.
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My main thing is it just feels like they "stole" what I made and drew it without asking me. And then turned around and gave it to me as a gift. Which obviously isn't what fanart actually is. But that's just how it feels.
But hey, your ask has many more reasons for me to not like fanart <XDD
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The idea I had was they can use Power-Ups purely becuase they're human. Like, something about just being human gives you access to the power the Power-Ups have. .
Do you have a different idea though? I'd love to hear it! :)
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solarpanicked · 4 months
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For some reason the photos didn't post properly the first time, so ima try this again.
I very recently realized that the reason I've slumped off drawing Lori and their story, is cuz I wasn't happy with their design. So I fixed that! :D
Patch is still the same. He's always so comfy to draw, so I didn't want to change anything. Narinder, however, isn't safe from a possible new design because the other au I have will probably have some influence.
Full page beneath the cut, and I'll see ya'll later!
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They're a cutie 😌💙
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nekophy · 8 months
It's 1:30 AM so it's already Goth's birthday!
Gonna take him for a while you'll see him later~ ^^
I saw what u did lmao! X"D ya'll r so nice to him i was way too distracted today pbpbpb- but thank you! at least he got a cake out of this year lol
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how to disappear | d. targaryen
Description: part two of two white butterflies. three years later, you come up with a song that explains your love for him - and you are comfortable enough to share it with the public. Pairing: accomplished!daemon targaryen/singer!reader
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He always put you first.
If there was a zombie apocalypse, he'd probably find a way to keep you safe. He was your hero - the knight in shining armor.
"Fuck," he cursed while holding you steady. The last thing on your checklist was experiencing an earthquake. "Are you okay?" he whispered, keeping a hand on top of your head - and the other steady on the leg of the table.
You hold onto his forearm tightly, in fear that the earthquake would get worse. "(Your Name)," he called your name - worry seemed to be etched into his handsome face. "I-I'm okay," you mumble, seeing that the ground stopped shaking a few moments ago.
The manager emerges from underneath the table, carefully ushering the other guests to an open field. "I was so scared," you exaggerated, crawling away from the table. "You're safe with me," he promised, helping you stand up and follow the rest of the crowd.
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y/nupdates: mom and dad out for a swim, (exclusive picture)
78 comments 12,890 likes
luvgibellz: y/n stans stop being crazy for one second challenge
bhadidfiles: She's literally a priv citizen, y ya'll taking pics of her
ima_omir: her bf is kinda hot doe....
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"I don't know how to swim," you giggled while he led you deeper into the ocean. The salt never settled properly with your hair - and you couldn't stand the feeling of seaweed on your toes. "Hold me, babe." he chuckled, placing both of his arms around your waist.
You kept staring at his features - and he kept you floating. "Why're you looking at me?" he smiled, moving your body around the water. "I don't know - I just feel accomplished," you hum, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. "Huh?" he frowned - a small laugh exited your mouth.
"You were so different before we were together." you commented, and his face softened at the insinuation. It was true, he was a different man. All he ever did was fuck, nothing else. "You changed me, then." he grinned - placing another kiss on your lips.
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(your full name): Three years later, still writing songs for my one and only. I got so proud of this one - I wanted to share it with you. 🦋
189,345 comments 5,678,012 likes
theworldofash: "I LOVE THAT MAN LIKE NOBODY CAN" babe you ate and left no crumbs
whotfislanaj: I spy with my eye a butterfly, IS THIS A CONFIRMATON OF 'DID U KNOW THAT THERE'S A TUNNEL UNDER OCEAN BLVD' ??
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Another laugh exits your mouth as he brings out his recorder. "But I love that man, like nobody can." you giggle while strumming your decade old guitar. A faint smile graces his lips - focused on listening to the song.
"He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again." you sing, placing the guitar down as his body moves closer.
"Love you." you hum, and he turns the recorder off.
"Love you more."
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next part
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geraldthellama · 10 months
Bowuigi Corpse Bride AU Lore Post
So I said I would probably make this and while I thought about making this into a fanfic and making ya'll read that, I decided that I need to commit to the other three (two and a half?) Mario fanfic ideas I have. So if anyone wants to make a full blown fic or whatever with this AU, feel free (but tag me ofc because I've got to see it).
(This will not be short, just a quick warning that this is a commitment).
This AU is very loosely based off the actual movie. Instead of them being in the underworld, they're just in a haunted house that Boo lost to Bowser in a game of poker, and instead of being a corpse (as the name suggests), Luigi is just a slightly annoying boo. Him and Polterpup are the only ones that inhabit the mansion, and, with the house completely abandoned, it's probably going to stay that way.
In this world, ghosts only stay after some massive traumatic death. Problem is, Luigi has no recollection of how he died, he just knows he hit his head and a little while later awoke, a ghost that's unable to be seen, heard, and is completely alone as a newly-deceased. Aside from the yipping ghost dog at his feet (Luigi has always been afraid of both ghosts and dogs).
As a ghost, Luigi originally spawns (spawns?) into this world with little ghostly abilities. Living beings can't see or hear him and he doesn't have the power to manipulate objects or people in any way. He is essentially a specter, watching the lives of other people for years until, eventually, it's abandoned, and the Peasley family mansion (one of many, that is) is gambled away to King Boo.
But, King Boos already got his own slew of creepy haunted mansions, and, frankly, this one is haunted by a ghost he can't stand. A ghost that hasn't been able to speak to someone for around a decade. A chatty ghost that hasn't been able to speak to someone for over a decade. He's not exactly torn up about parting with it.
Bowser, the poor thing, is on attempt...
Attempt... 2 hundred... something.
(at least 4 proposals a year, for around 20 years... that's...)
Let's just say, Peach does and has not wanted Bowser for a long ass time, and it really doesn't help his self esteem that he's still being thwarted by a plumber that's old enough to be his dad and uses a cane. He really can't understand what Peach sees in him, especially considering she still looks like a youthful 20/30-something into her 60s. Frankly, it's unfair. He's got money, kids (some really awesome ones too), power, looks (he thinks so at least), and isn't 3 pudding cups away from dementia.
What he hasn't got, until right now at least, is an awesome mansion, specially built for human(oid) creatures. Maybe she just didn't like gothic castle architecture? Maybe, as Boo suggests, he just has to get her scared enough to fall into his arms for safety. He's got this all planned out.
Boo did not specify that the "ghostly inhabitants" of this mansion were a hyperactive ghost dog and naive plumber. He didn't think it was important information at the time.
So, when Bowser is plotting and practice-proposes (does he really need more practice?) to the striking blue eyes of a, surprisingly, human painting, the last thing he expects is to be met with a ghoulish grin.
Barely ghoulish, because, god, the thing is bright. The smile and the bio-(bio?)-luminescent energy it's attached to. For a ghost who's wearing bloodied bandages and has been dead for 30 lonely years, he's surprisingly optimistic.
"Really?! And you're not even a boo!" :D
He's very optimistic, in fact, because he's willing to believe that this complete stranger might just be his ticket out of this wall-papered purgatory. He died meeting up with his forbidden love, after all, so it must be a sign. He does not hesitate to shove that ring on his finger, even if his new fiance looks hesitant (he might be naive enough to go with it, but he's not blind). He's convinced the two will make it work.
Luigi is... very tired of looking at the same things everyday. Now, he can attach to his new fiance, who's only slightly hesitant to engage with him, (and is not bad looking at all, in Luigi's opinion). Together, the two can actually have a life together. Luigi was only 25 when he died, and he was far too shy then to do any adventuring. The most rebellious thing the man had ever done was sneak out.
Man, look where that ended him.
For Luigi, this is his opportunity to live the life he wasted was robbed of.
And the guys got kids! How awesome is that?
Bowser is not liking the new pets at his side. One never stops yipping and yapping and one is a dog. Luigi is... fine. From a distance. The problem is that they physically can't get any. As long as Luigi is attached to him, consider them hand cuffed. This stupid, green boo is crimping his style, and any game he had with Peach is virtually ruined when he's got his "fiance" clinging to his side like he's the best thing since breathing air.
At least Luigi appreciates his kids. The ghost obviously has some taste (of course he does, he chose him for pete's sake), and Junior and the rest seem to like the ghoul enough... Even if Junior isn't completely sure that Luigi is a ghoul. Both Luigi and Junior agree that boos are scary.
Maybe, after some hard self-reflection (with Luigi close and present, of course), and some growing emotional intimacy and openness, Bowser begins to kind of, perhaps tolerate Luigi. Just a little. Just enough to find his stupid quirks endearing and just enough to start to think that maybe he's always been too good for Peach, anyway. Maybe he should be with someone who appreciates him and loves his family. It's not like her and Mario had ever had kids in their relationship, and her not wanting kids is kind of a deal breaker.
Bowser's newfound attention on Luigi is driving everyone else nuts, though. Boos barely seen the man since his unfortunate run in with the green leach and no one else at their poker table is any good. At this rate, Boos not even satisfied winning Peasley's riches off him anymore. Occasionally, a guy just wants to lose, y'know? Boo hates only one thing more than Peasley whining about the consequences of his gambling addiction, and that's boredom. He misses when the Koopa King spent all his time plotting against the old-ass plumber. At least then he showed his face at their meetings.
And when Boo finally brings up his grievances, because he deserves to rant, Peasley seems... nervous. Boo loves nervousness.
"There's a... human boo... in the mansion I gave you..?"
"One, you didn't give it to me, you lost, fair and square. Two, yeah, and he's just about the chattiest thing I've ever met. All dressed up in a white suit, the pretentious-"
At that, Peasley turns about as pale as a ghost. Well, if that were possible, considering he's a legume. Suddenly, he's got some important things he has to do somewhere else.
This poker table is looking weak.
When Peasley asks Bowser to meet at the mansion, Bowser warns he can't come alone. It's a stretch to get the green ghost to go back with him, and as much as Bowser wants to tell him "you're coming with me, whether you like it or not", he can't bring himself to say it. Instead, he convinces Luigi that it's a quick stay. Essentially, a welfare visit on the old house and a quick meeting with an old friend. Luigi's narrowly convinced.
Stepping back onto that porch brings back a lot of old memories for the human. Few of them anything good in retrospect.
But he does want to see his painting again. He always did cherish that painting. He's sure Bowser will too, right?
Is that painting a good memory for Bowser? He wonders.
It was all those years ago that a young Peasley gifted him that painting. Like him, he had been optimistic and in love. Even if his rich, snobby parents weren't a fan of the human, they had an entire life ahead of them. Peasley had made him a beautiful painting. It was the one part of the house Luigi felt was his. A good memory.
He never expected to be greeted by the same image he had all those years ago. Peasley, now older, stood in front of the painting. His face now wasn't proud or love-struck or whatever expression he had had then (Luigi can barely remember Peasley's face until just now), he looked somber. It was a rare occasion that Luigi wasn't green, and his teal glow seemed to throw Bowser off.
And divert Peasley's attention away from the miserable painting and over to the ghost, who was nervously twiddling his thumbs with a sympathetic look in his eyes.
It's not long before Bowser realizes that this meeting was never about him, and he feels more awkward than anything else...
Except that Polterpup has been on edge since the moment he saw the bean (now) king. Has he ever seen the dog not wag it's tail at someone?
Immediately, the older man apologizes. Things were never meant to end up how they did. He tried his best to help when he could.
Luigi's not angry, how could he be? Luigi's fall was an accident.
Peasley says he didn't know Luigi had stuck around, and if he had, he thinks he would have done things differently. He would have at least had the place cleaned instead of just letting it rot.
(So Peasley abandon the mansion? The perfectly good mansion for no reason, leaving Luigi alone.)
And, of course, Peasley's sorry for not telling Mario or his parents about what happened to him.
He insisted that he waited for hours with Luigi, hoping he'd recover with enough gauze. The man told him it was a lost cause. If he could have saved him, he would have.
"I was unconscious for hours?"
It came out as barely a whisper.
"I stayed almost the entire night. As long as I could."
Bowser didn't know boos could turn so many colors, especially that quickly. Bowser didn't think Luigi even had it in him to be anything less than smiley, especially completely enraged.
Luigi had never been more angry in his life (death).
Even Peasley's insistence that "You don't understand what they'd have done to me if they'd known I went against their wishes!" fell on deaf ears.
When Luigi's aura finally finished raving, Peasley had backed away from the now red ghost. Again, Luigi recognized the position they were in;
One of them backing up, away from the painting and towards the basement stairs. How could Peasley forget that door never closed all the way? It had only been the exact thing that killed Luigi 30 years ago. The exact thing that, of course, Peasley hadn't fixed.
Luigi swears he didn't push him, even in that state. Bowser believes him, only because the still angry and unaware Luigi yelled angrily down the stairs: "You better not die here, because I'll make your death hell!"
If they both hadn't just watched Peasley fucking die, Bowser would have kinda been into it.
It took Luigi a second to realize that even if his own fall had been an unlucky hit, Peasley wasn't 25 anymore. And he wasn't responding. His red hue didn't last long, especially when Polterpup no longer seems threatened (and Bowser notices that the bean king no longer seems to be breathing).
"What did I do?"
Bowser suggests fleeing the crime scene, which normally isn't his move, but he'd rather not be tied to the murder of a fellow royal. Luigi shakes his head.
This is his fault. And as angry as he still is at Peasley, he can't flee what he's done. Not in a right conscience. Not like what Peasley did to him. Luigi suffered enough sitting in that mansion alone for 30 years, and, as much as revenge tastes sweet, a small part of him still cares. Had he lived, Peasley and him would have had a life after all.
But he hadn't lived, did he.
Bowser can't remember a time ever seeing Luigi's color look quite as dull as it did then.
Playing with his engagement ring, Luigi thinks back on the part of the man he loved. Peasley never did buy him the ring, like he had hoped. Luigi remembers getting himself all excited over the possibility of a scenic proposal as they walked through the flower garden of the mansion. He had gifted him a painting. Which was almost as good.
He couldn't even count how many times he had stood and looked at that painting, thinking:
Was it worth it?
An apprehensive smile comes onto his face. A nostalgic smile. A somber one.
Doesn't really matter, does it? He'd never know if it was worth it in the end. This was how it ended up. Luigi had always believed that fate is what had brought him and Peasley together, considering everything else had lined them up for failure. Fate was what brought him here. What kept him here.
Who is he to drag down others?
He returns Bowser's ring.
"I'm sorry."
Bowser never deserved to have him weigh him down.
"I wasted my life chasing after a family I never got, and then spent my death doing the exact same thing."
Bowser awkwardly matches Luigi's bitter laugh.
"I lived my life, be it a short one, but you deserve to live yours."
Luigi pats the ring on his hand.
"I hope she likes it." He smiles. He means it. Peach sounds wonderful.
Tears prick Bowser's eyes, and all because...
He never did tell Luigi about him and Peach, did he? He can't help but laugh. Tears streaming down his face kinda laugh. The laugh you only get once a year kind of laugh.
"You spent, what? Maybe five non-consecutive years chasing after a family? Try twenty!"
Luigi's eyebrow goes up. This is supposed to be a super emotional goodbye and this goobers laughing? On about his conquest to marry Peach (who, apparently, is already married) and make his picturesque life. Luigi can't help but laugh, because it's so stupid that Bowser's laughing about this right now.
"Her and her stupid, human, mustachioed husband Mario have been kicking my ass for decades. I promise you, boo, you weren't ever getting in the way of anything."
"Mario?" (!)
"You heard of him?"
The excitement in Luigi's eyes (and aura) is obvious.
"My brother's name is Mario!"
With a look of determination, Bowser promises he'll tell Luigi the story of all his and Mario's exploits if he does him two favors.
Leaves this, frankly, ugly and decrepit mansion with him. Because this story needs atmosphere.
Puts the ring back on his finger. Because how else is everybody going to know they're engaged?
Luigi gives a grin.
He looks down the stairs. What about doing his due-diligence?
"I promise you, boo, if fate brought you and Peasley together, and pushed you down those stairs, and brought us together, and then pushed him down the stairs, fate is on your side."
Luigi's lips are still pursed.
"And it's almost sunrise," Bowser points out.
"Well, we've waited almost all night, seems like a fair amount of time to me. It's obviously a lost cause."
At that, Luigi begins laughing. Not quite Bowser's guttural, teary laugh, but certainly a cackle. Enough to turn his aura back to a vibrant green, just like before. Enough to make him hunch over and take some (not really) much needed gulps of air.
When the laughing dies down to a hurt giggle, Bowser assures him that:
"You didn't kill him, Weeg."
No. I guess he didn't, did he?
Looking down the stairs one last time, (his death completely bloodless, the lucky bastard), Luigi's brows furrow for a second and he twiddles his thumbs.
If Luigi's learned one thing from being a condemned ghost, it's that you should take every chance you get.
The bottom of the stairs don't look so intimidating now.
I forgive you."
Maybe that is all Peasley deserves.
Luigi deserves to have another chance. And maybe Peasley does too, maybe he'll find one in the next lucky winner of poker. Someones gotta replace his spot at the table.
Bowser shares that he certainly deserves a mother to his children, and he's already got a quality candidate who's proved he's got what it takes. ("One who cooks, cleans, can't call in sick, die, and is pretty good looking! I hit the jackpot!")
Maybe, at the very least, Luigi deserves to see his brother one last time.
And maybe a few more times after that, for good measure.
Anyways so the original plan was just to have either Luigi and Bowser straight up immediately abandon the crime scene (not really crime scene) or have Luigi sit in the mansion forever and live out a miserable existence.
But I couldn't do that to my boys now could I. (But Peasley still gets abandoned because screw Peasley I hate that little bean man /j).
This wasn't meant to turn out in the format it did but, y'know, it did. Just know this isn't brief but also isn't comprehensive. I might (big emphasis on might) make a shorter headcanon post on this, but we'll see.
I hope you enjoyed. And sorry for the length, I am not known and will never be known for being concise.
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