#sefikura win!
jadenvargen · 19 days
i don't as much "ship" sefikura as much as i believe sephiroth is the ultimate problems clown in the cloti relationship particularly after aerith ( cloud's fag hag and girlfriend(cloud is gay but clerith is real) and tifa's makeout teacher and first lesbian experience and first time she felt truly free ), dies and cloud/tifa fully succumb to heteropatriarchal hysteria built upon decades of using each other to affirm their gender and social status whereupon tifa is trapped in the in the classic hetero cope of salvaging their loveless marriage by introducing kids meanwhile cloud has already advanced to lv 99 closeted deadbeat status using the child support to buy parts for his joyride motorcycle cruising a gaggle of sephiroth clone lip filler motorcycle leather twinks. aerith's church location on sniffies✔️, yes absolutely he is DL with an abs picture on grinder✔️ . reno and rude are waiting outside. tifa in shambles his flipphone on do not disturb heathcliffing pussy first at the gravesite not only his beloved or friend but the only link he had to being successfully straight. his homo aura which was sensed only by empath fujoshi aerith was fully awakened when grabbed(sexy) by the sexy wrestling hunk in the golden saucer whereupon he got a boner when barret(sexy) asked him to go back to the room. fantasizing about being zach, a real man... fully throbbing thinking about sephiroth.. dilly dally shilly shally... the last ditch attempt to make out with tifa leaving him so unfulfilled he's seduced idfk what sephiroth's deal is nor why he knows cloud from a random fly on the wall but the devilman yaoi fantasy larp is real. tifa wins but at what cost. longing for another woman and surpressing it. imagining cloud in a dress. so does he. vibes so awful barret cant even be in the house marlene fully crying asking whats wrong with cloud. making up at the end of advent children but tifa has to make up some shit about their new son being aeriths for cloud to even look at him.... they have a laugh at the end of the day at the bar. "we're alright", tifa thinks. cloud smiles at her for the first time in months. when she turns to go up the stairs she hears a sound so faint she tells herself she made it up. the grindr guitar strum.
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altocat · 9 months
sephzack shippers 🤝 sefikura shippers
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it's me i'm sephzack shippers i am AAAAAAAAAA about all of this
They were so smart. Now EVERYONE wins lmao
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secondarysefikura · 1 month
Based on the flower game, where you pick petals to determine if they love you or love you not. Wrote a little Sefikura drabble in like, 10 minutes. Tw for this being a bit fucked up.
"He loves me, he loves me not."
Sephiroth's voice is a quiet sing-song as he works, carefully chopping a finger off as if it were a daisy’s petals. On the operating table, Cloud whimpers as he cries. 
“Hmm? Did you come to a decision?”
Cloud shakes his head. His tongue had been plucked the previous day, leaving him mute besides his pained cries as Sephiroth recites the words for the game. 
“Very well,” he sighs as he prepares the knife for another round.
 “He loves me—”and there goes the last finger (at least until it grows back)—“he loves me not.” 
Cloud’s arm thumps to the floor as the blonde screeches in agony. 
“Oh Cloud, my little flower, don’t break just yet. I want to end on a high note.” 
He cuts off one more limb before kissing Cloud on the (bloody) lips. 
Three days later, he comes bearing gifts. 
“What the fuck—why would you bring them into this?” Cloud shouts with his freshly regrown tongue. 
Sephiroth chuckles.
“It’s normal to switch flowers between rounds.” 
Cloud balls his bound hands into useless fists. 
“Okay, okay,” he says slowly, “you win.” 
“It’s not a win or lose type of game, Cloud.” Sephiroth corrects, “it’s to determine if you love me.” 
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mikussabbath · 5 months
Three years after Advent Day, Sephiroth Returns.
They fight, Cloud wins, it's the same song and dance as always. But does it have to be that way?
Sefikura Week 2024 Day 1 - Surrender
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kimmimaru · 4 months
So, my choices for ever getting a chance to buy a PS5 are either: start playing the lottery and win, OR rob a bank. Now, the lottery thing is at least legit but there's little to no chance of me winning anything at all. But a bank robbery is a lot of effort and too much risk as I am very small and not at all imposing in any way, shape or form. I would likely just be laughed at. Also, I don't own a weapon to rob a bank WITH. I saw the latest trailer, which I have tried to avoid but gave into temptation, and apart from the absolutely confusing scenes I saw (Zack holding Aerith's unconcious body? Sephiroth at the church? What...the fuck is that?) Why is the black materia so BIG? Its not only massive but looks like a Halloween crystal ball prop with a spider web design on it. Did I misunderstand what the pattern was? I will never know unless I watch a let's play on youtube or something, but finding one where no ones talking over it is usually rare. Also I get annoyed because they don't play how I play. Stop letting your health get that low??? TAKE A DAMN POTION OR USE HEAL. Not that hard and its giving me anxiety.
And then they show a scene of Sephiroth aparently holding Cloud's face lovingly against his man tiddies. I'm sorry but since Sefikura is my OG ship, it makes it even more annoying that I can't play it. Am I whinging? Yes. Its only a game, its not essential to life, but...BUT it's my all time fave game with my all time fave characters in fancy HD graphics and my all time fave world looking mindblowingly stunning. It is sad and I need to vent. Adding a special mention: Vincent's voice. I liked his previous VA tbh, but this one is pretty good too. No one should talk like that. No one. It should be illegal. Its almost on par with Sephiroth's previous voice, that man could read a phone book and it'd make people weak at the knees. I remember watching AC for the first time and when Sephiroth says: on your knees I want you to beg for foriveness. I nearly choked on my drink. Edit: I have been reminded that it is the keystone, not black materia. My dumb self forgot about that bit entirely, I blame sleep deprivation. Haven't slept properley for a while and I wrote this at 5am. Well, hopefully people can forgive me.
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unknown-lifeform · 5 months
tseng and sephiroth for the character ask :)
Sexuality Headcanon: probably some flavor of aromantic going on, like I do think he might feel romantically attracted to people from time to time but mainly he doesn't really notice
Gender Headcanon: I like him as the stealthiest trans man ever. Gender is an exercise in burying information and he is winning this
A ship I have with said character: I like to think that the Turks are all kind of lowkey involved in a general vague something that no one really wants to acknowledge or think too much about it. So I'm gonna go ahead and say all the other Turks
A BROTP I have with said character: Honestly I loved the hints we had of him interacting with Zack in Crisis Core, it felt like the least messy relationship Tseng got to have in the Compilation - with the Turks, he's the boss, with Rufus, he's a subordinate, with Aerith it's complicated at best, but it really felt he just liked Zack as a person. Maybe Rebirth will give us more of it, who knows
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't really like Tseng/Aerith, gotta say. I get the like basis behind it and why people ship it, but I prefer it as some kind of complex messy sorta friendship with a lot of difficult history
A random headcanon: I think it's funny if Tseng was the most well-rested person in Shinra. Like you see everyone there working overtime - whether it's actually working like Reeve, who honestly looks like he needs to sleep for 20 hours straight, or if it's their personal after hours fun like whatever Scarlet and Hojo are up to all the time. And Tseng does make a perfect candidate for overworked and exhausted to the bone with all the messes Turks without doubts need to deal with, right? But what if he wasn't. What if he gets his nice 8 hours of sleep every day and full meals and is just at peak physical performance all the time. People don't think he should be able to, that he should have way too much work for it, they always see him at the office, but Tseng is just magic like that. It's time to go to bed and he will go to bed
General Opinion over said character: he's a pretty enjoyable character overall, I like that since og we've had these hints that he's way more complex and caring than he lets on, I'm very into this whole morally grey villain thing he has. I never actually end up writing him or anything tho, I just find it hard to get a good grasp on him. Like he's enjoyable but at the same time he doesn't give me the same kind of serotonin supply other characters do, and he's just hard to work with on some level
Sexuality Headcanon: gay but he himself almost doesn't notice. He's not interested in dating or sex for the sake of it and more often than not he himself doesn't notice what's going on, it's more like he just occasionally stumbles across someone he likes and he wouldn't quite call himself gay because for all he knows it might just be coincidence he ends up being into men
Gender Headcanon: tbh Sephiroth can be literally any gender imaginable, he has the range
A ship I have with said character: welcome to the Sefikura blog with the novel length Sefikura fic lmao. But also all of ASGZC is good
A BROTP I have with said character: in settings where I have only Sefikura as a ship going on, then I love friendship with Angeal, Genesis, or Zack. I also like Sephiroth and Aerith being besties but Sephiroth never admitting he may actually like being around her
A NOTP I have with said character: I'm fairly flexible when it comes to Sephiroth ships. I will say I tend not to read Sephiroth/Vincent because I'm a dad Vincent fan and that kind of informs my whole reading of their relationship, but since it's also just a theory I don't like overall care a lot
A random headcanon: thanks to his alien dna mix Sephiroth actually has ended up having a mild allergic reaction to some specific types of plants that normal human beings have 0 reaction to. I don't know what type of plant exactly, just that they're not common in Midgar and from time to time Sephiroth will come back from a mission with a mild rash on the exposed part of his chest and think it was just the leather chafing in a weird way. The Science Department could probably figure it out but Hojo is in too much denial to admit Sephiroth may have a puny human weakness like allergies
General Opinion over said character: before snapping he was a wonderfully complex character who was beaten over and over by the world around him and really just deserved a hug. After he went murder happy he became very entertaining and also extremely villain hot. 10/10 character he has it all
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enderwalking · 2 years
especially when the clear winner is sefikura smh
head in my hands. oh anon. i have been here over half my life and have gone through several different arcs of character development re: my ff7 ships and trust me when i say you do not want my sefikura dissertation. no one wins here.
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lovelyladyventress · 4 years
meeeeeeeee! (plz)
Do any of y’all know of any fics featuring Safer!Sephiroth or God!Sephiroth x Cloud? Because I literally just thought of this idea and suddenly I’m so thirsty for this shit that I’m about to just write a one-shot myself if I can’t find any, lmao.
I need it in my S O U L to fill the v o i d.
thank you and have a wonderful day. <3
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skadren · 3 years
Absolutely in love with your fics. Question for you though, do you keep any fic recs anywhere?
unfortunately not D: i always keep telling myself to make a bookmarks list on ao3 and then i don't,
this list is in no way comprehensive but here's what i put together off the top of my head! i might add more later if i think of any
The Completely Inept Courtship of the One-Winged Angel's Cloud by Anonymous - sefikura time travel classic told from outside epistolary pov, where sephiroth is bored after winning and just wants to bother cloud now, and cloud is his unwilling companion back in time to their shinra days. reading about everyone's confusion is priceless. unfortunately it leaves off right around when zack finally shows up :(
Clinging to a Burning Nail by corvidkohai - sefikura role reversal where cloud is the perfect soldier trained since birth instead of sephiroth, and now cloud has been shipped off to wutai to replace him. cue confusion from all ends. lots of angst and science torture. kohai's stuff is great and i can honestly recommend all of it as long as their themes + tropes are up your alley, but this one in particular i feel doesn't get the attention it deserves.
Catalyst by kzam - if you're interested in sassy mentor genesis + salty badass cloud, kzam is where you want to go. in this one cloud's severely disillusioned about soldier because [redacted], but then genesis realizes he can [redacted] which is a pretty fucking big deal and gets him forcefully enlisted, much to cloud's angry consternation. cue enemies to friends to lovers. this one is complete, so bonus!
More Than That by TranceEsper - asgzc a/b/o fic. asgz need an omega to help them through their ruts, but they've had relationship issues in the past after choosing the wrong people. cloud offers to help and they're all surprised because they thought he was a beta instead. to the surprise of absolutely no one, feelings end up getting involved, except cloud is in Denial. a good amount of both plot and smut
Decommissioned by xantissa - space opera au where cloud is a bleeding heart and goes into the market to buy robots and gets decommissioned superenhanced android soldiers zack and sephiroth instead. he ends up with an ex-soldier army by being a nice person and treating them like actual people. very fluffy and h/c, short and sweet and complete
Doppelgänger by RainingColours - cloud gets yote into a universe with soulmates. also his other self is dead and was sephiroth's soulmate and is apparently a hero. lots of confusion and running around and zack trying his best and gods, just let them all talk already, except you know cloud won't let that happen because he's a stubborn asshole...
it rains ashes on golgotha by harmony - a bit of materia-facilitated dimension hopping in the form of zack from a universe where cloud died instead of him. lots of angst, beautifully written. it's a oneshot, so it's complete!
One Day, Three Autumns series by Megane - soft strifentine postcanon get-together series of oneshots. good for low-stakes feel-good reading
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dogoodweirdly · 3 years
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Upside!
Stepping up to the plate to write for FFVII, you know her, you love her, it’s @up-sideand-down!
She’s got a message for her fans here, it looks like it says “Just happy to join up and write along with everyone.” This Saturday, it looks like she’ll be picking from three— count ‘em— three story projects! 1. Time travel fic where Sephiroth goes back to try and get Cloud on his side long before the Nibelheim Incident occurs, 2. Fairytale feel-good romance with Sefikura, and 3. A Portal AU (video game). You can find out which wins (or which comes first!) starting at 7pm CMT and powering through straight until 7am!
What’s that you ask? Who will Upside be supporting? Well this author’s going the extra mile— her writing will support both Palestine Children’s Relief Fund and The Innocence Project! Already starving for more of Upside? Check her out on Ao3 to get a taste of what this brilliant shark has in store for you! https://archiveofourown.org/users/Up_sideand_down
Do Good Weirdly: Summer 2021 is a live-writing fundraising event this Saturday! Follow along for more authors, more good causes, and lots of fun! Want to sign up to write? Click Here!
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
If u don't mind me asking, what r the options on ur patreon poll and what's currently winning?
The Fox Bride - Naruto - KakaNaru
Fishcake's Psychic Hotline - Naruto - SasuNaru
Hop On It - BnHA - AiDeku
Scarves And Whiskers - BnHA - AiDeku
Soldier Bee Cloud - FF7 - Sefikura
Hi Honey I'm Cloud - FF7 - Sefikura
A Berry And A Baby - Bleach - UraIchi
That Strawberry Sugar High - Bleach - UraIchi
Currently winning is That Strawberry Sugar High
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cruellae · 4 years
a non-comprehensive list of best sefikura fics on AO3
As the FF7 fandom begins to rise again, and Sephiroth is smokin hot in the remake even if his actions don’t always make a lot of sense, I’m guessing there may be some people new to the fandom or returning after some time away, who might be interested in a quick guide to some of the best Cloud/Sephiroth on the archive.
So here, in no particular order, are my personal favorites:
begin the end by dustofwarfare: A few years after the events of Advent Children, Sephiroth comes back. Who better to guard him and make sure he doesn’t destroy the world again than Cloud Strife?
Why I love it: This is one of the most realistic and truest to canon portrayals of both Sephiroth and Cloud, while still managing to make the relationship work. So good!
I’ll Swallow Your Darkness by charris2770: 34k words of Sefikura smut. Totally consensual, super hot.
Why I love it: Sephiroth is a badass, Cloud is a badass, and there are moments of tenderness that are deftly done.
The Completely Inept Courtship of the One-Winged Angel’s Cloud by Anonymous: Sephiroth wins, and becomes unimaginably powerful. Bored of winning at everything, he brings Cloud back to their Shinra days so he can have someone to fight.
Why I love it: It made me laugh so loudly I scared the cat.
Turn The World (Against Us) by AsreonInfusion: Cloud is a mercenary sent to kill Sephiroth.
Why I love it: Their chemistry is off the charts.
sleeping with ghosts (series) by dustofwarfare: Sephiroth and Cloud, after the dust settles.
Why I love it: It’s very true to the essence of their characters and their canon relationship.
the fight goes on in this the babylon by jukeboxhound: Sephiroth comes back after it all. Cloud is there to catch him.
Why I love it: It’s enough of a slow burn that you really do begin to believe in their love.
*there are probably a dozen fics I forgot to mention, but hopefully this gets y’all started.
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altocat · 9 months
Yes those new clips are fueling long time Sefikura shippers but they are also clearly rekindling a love for Zack and Sephiroth’s adorable buddyship, so I see this as an absolute win.
YES! It's a really savvy way to spark harmony with both ships since both of them have valid reasons to be excited here! I don't know how MUCH of these interactions are legitimate, but I'm assuming that any of them that involve the trooper (cloud) in view are real.
Therefore, Sephiroth was really soft with Zack at this time. You can tell he's really warmed to him in the two-year span CC takes place!
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concept: a sefikura role reversal fic, but like...kinda? sdjhcdhvbdfh, this is gonna be awful, im sorry in advance to anyone who takes the time to read this, but yeah. i….have no self restraint, lol. (also, to anyone who cares, pls do correct me for any minor details i may get wrong in regards to actual canon events)
SO, essentially, cloud is going to be the “big bad” and sephiroth is going to be the one trying to stop him, but instead of it being like a complete role reversal, it’s just alternate events.
let’s start from the beginning. sephiroth is born the same way he canonically is, but the experiments don't go as well for him. instead of him being the best of the three (him, genesis, and angeal), he’s the /worst/. something about the mako tests and experiments simply make sephiroth weaker rather than stronger, but a frustrated hojo refuses to completely give up on him. jenova would talk to him, but in a degrading way, speaking of weakness and powerlessness.
now, i don’t know the details regarding jenova’s history and why she’s in...or near(?) nibelheim, but imma force my way through this anyway. so, cloud’s mother is pregnant and hojo continues with his obsession in making the perfect SOLDIER due to instead of hollander being disgraced, /he/ is. cloud and his mother are prime candidates for hojo’s attention due to the fact that claudia (is that….really her name?) is a single parents and the rest of the town seems to dislike/avoid her for unknown reasons (maybe its ‘cause like in that one fic, claudia is heavily religious in regards to norse myth). cloud is already believed to be a special child, by his mother, and a cursed one, by the rest of the town. hojo gets weirdly close to claudia and does the same thing he did to sephiroth w cloud believing that the second times the charm (it is). cloud is born, claudia dies, and hojo basically kidnaps cloud. nibelheim is happy about this (fuck them). so, unlike in regards to sephiroth, cloud is exceptionally strong as he grows up. he receives all of the training and teachings canon sephiroth went through all while au sephiroth is like ‘wtf, why not me?’. cloud hates it tho and actually becomes kinda close to sephiroth despite the fact that hojo HATES sephiroth for being his failed experiment (though cloud’s success raised his favour in shinra again). sephiroth starts off pretty cold to cloud ‘cause he feels like he’s been cheated, but cloud is like...super sweet and highkey shy and looks up to sephiroth in a brotherly way (due to sephiroth’s failures, he depends on intelligence rather than strength. cloud doesn’t have the patience for books and learning the way sephiroth does and depends on sephiroth usually to teach him information he thinks is interesting). oh, and genesis straight up hates cloud for taking the spotligh (I have yet to finish cc so my understanding of his and angeal’s personalities are v non existent)
it goes this way for a while w sephiroth growing up to become some sort of strategist within shinra and cloud being--
I JUST REALIZED CLOUD WOULD BE SIX/SEVEN AT THE START OF THE WUTAI WAR, HOLY FUCKING SHIT. okay, either i change his age or i keep it and this shit is even more fucked up because of my god, they sent a six/seven year old to fight in a war
--the youngest SOLDIER, but also the strongest. shinra gets a lot of shit for this because...he’s TINY, but his strength is enough for them to shut up about it, proving himself to be instrumental in winning against wutai. sephiroth has gotten stronger over the years, but is silent about it, hiding his development due to knowledge of how he’ll be treated and used by hojo and shinra if they were to find out. cloud absolutely hates his forced involvement in the war but is forced into it anyway and relies on sephiroth as comfort.
anyway, imma stop here for now because I just found the ff7 timeline and i know im gonna spend a lot of time reading and reading this shit to be able to understand any of it (like….why tf is 1999 followed by 0000???? WHY??). alright, im done
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childotkw · 4 years
I saw ur post about ffVII remake and sefikura… so, intrigued i looked it up and watched avideos about their life story and all that and their moments together and holly shits mother of fucks i’m obsessed… their relationship is so complex, first the sheer delicious hate between them, however there is so much more going on, sephiroth’s drive to make cloud hurt and dispair however he also wants him for himself, the way cloud gets sucked into sephiroth’s mind games.. i mean never mind my obsession with them now but i deffo think they become obsessed with eachother and are deeply entagled with each other
And omg the way he says “ i am your everything”
Would you consider writing a sefikura fic? Hehe can always try ;)
I mean this morning i knew nothing about final fantasy (well always wanted to play it but never got the money to get a playstation yet) and now i can’t sleep cos im reading sefikura doushinji’s, fanfics and tumbler pages lol help
Look, I’m in the same boat. I was only vaguely aware of Final Fantasy before two weeks ago. I knew the basic idea, but I’d never touched the games/movies, or given them more than a second thought before.
But. BUT. I saw the chaotic dynamic between Cloud and Sephiroth and went hello there. I have been drowning in Sefikura for a week, just taking in as much as I can through osmosis and I am living for the drama, and how utterly fucked up everything about them is.
They are easily some of the most interesting characters I have come across. The transition from hero worship to sheer hatred to destined archenemies is delicious, and I can’t even articulate how fascinating I find them.
Their relationship doesn’t even have to be romantic – but there is no denying that these two are twisted up in each other, to the point where they literally complete each other. They are multi-layered, and complex, and remind me starkly of two wolves that circle one other, trying to maul each other and win.
Cloud’s desire to put Sephiroth down and get revenge, is as frigid as the winter winds of Nibelheim, and yet it burns hotter than the flames that had reduced his home to ash. Sephiroth’s preoccupation with Cloud is all-consuming, and his want to possess and control him is so damn sinister.
I can totally see myself writing something about these two, delving into the ‘two sides of the same coin’ aspect. How they are both weapons, both sharp and deadly, but still on the verge of shattering.
I’ve got a few ideas in particular that I would love to explore, but this post is getting a little long so maybe I’ll share them another time if people are interested.
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majinsawdust64 · 4 years
Choose 5 OTPs without looking at the questions first.
1. Sefikura
2. Kakavege
3. Reddie
5. Cloti
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 5?
When Tifa’s character was first introduced. 🤣
2. Have you ever read a fan fiction about 2?
Yes. I have read a LOT
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr ID? 
No. Tododeku and Cloti are actually the only ones that haven’t.
4. If 3 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? 
I mean, Eddie already died and that s**t had me SOBBING so....
5. Why is 1 so important? 
It is the ship I am currently obsessing over.
6. Is 4 a funny ship or a serious ship? 
7. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
Probably Cloti.
8. Of all the ships, which ship has the strongest bond? 
Sefikura, because they’re literally connected genetically through Jenova cells.
9. How many times have you read/watched 2’s fandom? 
Countless times
10. Which ship lasted the longest? 
If you’re asking which one I’ve shipped the longest, it’s definately Kakavege.
11. How many times, if ever, has 5 broken up? 
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 1 or 3? 
Sefikura, because both Sephiroth and Cloud are genetically enhanced to the point where they’re superhuman, and they have both been through intense training.
13. Did 4 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? 
I mean... it isn’t cannon, but imo they’re just hiding their love because they’re afraid to admit their feelings.
14. Is 5 still together? 
15. Is 1 canon? 
No :(
16. If all five ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win? 
17. Has anyone ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship? 
Aerith, but she didn’t do that intentionally.
18. Which ship(s) would you defend to the death and beyond? 
19. Have you ever spent hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page?
Yes. I have done this for every ship I listed except Cloti.
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the five ships to break up forever, which ship would you sink? 
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