#self promo aside thank you so much again for this
mitamicah · 10 months
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Sticker time!! 🏖️💚💜
Thank you so much @feral4kaarijasquat for this cute commission of Jere and Bojan having fun by the water 🤗
This scene is inspired by the Bojere fanfic Midsummer (enough light to drive anyone insane, written by PuppetMasterOnAString 👀
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ellewod · 2 months
honestly i don’t even want to quote that sausage line because to me it is so utterly disrespectful and unfunny and humiliating to both the character and the actor, i cannot.
it immediately reminded me of theon/ramsay torture porn, but this is so much worse to me. because they make the victim talk about his own injuries and pain in this derogatory manner.
they make aegon talk about his own genitalia that way. as if he, given the fact that he is suffering greatly, as is so vividly described and continually shown at any possible moment, would actually talk about it that way.
he COULD have addressed this. he could have confided in larys. he could have explained how it affects him, how he can never have another (male) heir which actually is a great deal since maelor does not exist on the show.
he could have explained how he mourns never getting to lie with a woman again, because yes, that was important to him (don’t start with that rapist storyline, i’ll delete/block so fast, you won’t be able to blink first) which is human and doesn’t have to demonized.
he could have explained how it messes with his already destroyed sense of self-worth. he could have explained how he wants those who have wronged him to pay for their crimes.
but instead we got that.
as if aegon’s character hadn’t been humiliated enough this season.
a dragonrider who cherishes his beloved dragon and apparently wouldn’t know how to ride it properly. a protagonist whose significance is pushed aside for his mother, so the viewers get a childhood love story (remember the promo pictures…) instead of what it should have been from the very start; a war between siblings.
no, apparently this was not enough. apparently, we needed another comical line at the expense of aegon’s dignity. thanks for nothing.
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royboyfanpage · 7 months
What is your absolute favorite thing about Roy?
Oooh, this is a tough question, I love everything about Roy. If I had to pick, I'd say his relationships with younger people.
Obviously, the biggest example of that's Lian. Being a single father's such a compelling character trait, especially in a superhero setting, and it adds so much depth to his character. Even when Lian's not actively on-panel, the way Roy reacts to the world around him is constantly influenced by her existence. Hands down some of my favourite Roy panels are the ones where Roy forces himself to keep fighting when everything seems hopeless because otherwise Lian would be alone, when he bases his decisions on making Lian proud, or when Lian's in any sort of danger*. Lian shapes who he is, both as a hero and a person, and erasing her was maybe the stupidest decision DC ever made.
However, his relationships with younger heroes are also so endearing! A post by @/mysterycitrus made an amazing point about the significance of having a recovered addict being seen as a support figure to younger people, so absolutely go check that post out. Grant's the most obvious example, (which, a little bit of shameless self promo, but I wrote a fic of him and the Harpers which four people said was good so apparently it's worth the read) and the way that he and Grant interact is so telling of the type of person Roy is. Roy specifically requests Grant be added to the Titans '99 roster because he sees potential in Grant, and because he thinks that Grant wants that chance to prove himself again. However, when he realises just how much Grant has on his mind, he sees that superheroics isn't helping him so he gives Grant the chance to walk away. His relationships with Rose and Bart are also good examples of this within the Titans, and Bart respecting Roy more than Wally is one of the funniest/sweetest things to come from that era. Also the fact that Mia is explicitly inspired to become Speedy because of Roy, not just because of his accomplishments as a hero but also because of his recovery, is so sweet and an absolutely amazing message about how Roy's recovery is much more telling of his character than his addiction.
*An aside, while I hate talking about Rise of Arsenal because A) it makes me cry and B) it kinda had the same tone as a villain origin story, I do think that him killing the Electrocutioner was in character, and a good comparison point between He Who Is Incorrectly Labelled As DC's Best Dad and DC's Actual Best Dad. The differences between UtRH and Green Arrow #1 are also great for that.
Thank you so much for the ask!! :)
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snowbellewells · 2 months
Self Promo Sunday: "A Story Told at Last"
This short three shot was my first offering for the second @cssns event in 2019. I had a really lovely time using a more grown up version of Henry out in the "real" world, as well as keeping Violet (who I always liked) in the picture. I got to use my love of literature a bit in this one, making it Henry's profession, and I took my first early stab at a ghost story element for the supernatural. I think the main thing to bear in mind is that, while Henry is our Henry in personality, he is not Emma's son. Emma and Killian exist in a whole other time - the one he is studying... ;)
If you missed this one originally, I hope you will enjoy this offering. And if you did read it before, I'd love to hear if you enjoy your revisit!
Thanks once again to @branlovestowrite who did the cover art at the time for the event - I still simply adore it!!!
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{Also available on AO3, if that's your preference
I've put all 3 parts in this post for reader convenience}
Summary: Historical Literature Professor Henry Mills has the chance of a lifetime before him. He might finally uncover the truth of a folktale that has intrigued him for years. But, when the whole story comes to light, will he be able to accept the story that needs to be told?
The young man moved quietly through dusky shadows in the long-abandoned building, brushing aside cobwebs with a grimace of distaste, his flashlight trained well in front of him, and walking with slow care, trying valiantly not to disturb anything more than necessary in his path. Henry Mills was still holding his breath more than a bit in awe that he had finally been allowed the permits and permissions, not to speak of the grant money which had brought him here and allowed him to focus solely on his research, and that he was standing within the deserted tower ruins of a long vanished kingdom’s outer borders. He had dreamed of seeing this structure’s remains since the legend had first crossed his desk, unfounded but also unforgettable until he explored it for himself. Drawing in another steadying breath and squaring his shoulders, Henry moved forward once again, anxious to see all that he could before he lost the last bit of evening sun.
He would be back tomorrow of course, with his team and full daylight, and all the equipment needed to properly identify, catalogue, and preserve anything of historical value or interest they might find. Still, he couldn’t resist the chance to get a first look at this place that had held his curiosity for so long, especially when he only had to share it with frogs, cicadas, and the droning gnats. Soon enough this site would be buzzing with other historians, researchers, and anyone else on the approved team, and Henry yearned for a moment on hallowed ground, beneath the crumbling walls and mouldering ceiling, in the dreamy half-dark when it could be his alone. He didn’t know what treasures they might find, or if they would unearth anything new at all, but the storyteller’s heart that beat beneath his grey henley and respectable historian’s facade couldn’t help sensing that the very walls around him were holding their breath as much as he was, anxiously awaiting the right explorer to at last reveal their secrets.
Regardless of the venture’s outcome, Henry still found it hard to believe he was in Italy; seeing the world, traveling on his own quest for knowledge and adventure, just as he had always known he was meant to do. He was still considered quite young for a history professor, and this would be the first field mission he had led. Granted, to most folks who weren’t history buffs or fans of Renaissance literature and its roots, the remains of the stone structure around him that they would catalogue and examine in the next week would not have been delighted enough to go without sleep just dreaming of the treasures and tales they might find, but Henry Mills had never been one to do as most others would.
The particular result he hoped to achieve was to find some sign or proof of the princess Emmaline, the protagonist of that tale which had sparked his interest nearly four years ago. History had at least partially buried her existence, or much knowledge of her beyond the ranks of myth and legend. But, if what Henry had learned was true, she had once been imprisoned by the same walls he was standing within. A younger sibling had ascended the throne in her place, and Emmaline had disappeared from all records of the kingdom which had eventually become extinct itself.
The story Henry had uncovered told of strange happenings beginning to occur around the beautiful golden daughter of King David and Queen Margaret of Misthavia once the young princess reached her sixteenth year. Injuries to those who might have slighted her, accidents and damages - coincidences all, but their frequency had reached the point that her involvement could no longer be hidden, and her people had begun to fear her. It seemed that Princess Emmaline had even been deemed a witch by some, and at last the king and queen had been forced to hide their daughter away for her own safety.
There had also been - at least as related in several varied sources - a handsome young lieutenant in the Misthavian royal navy who had long been in love with the hidden princess. This young sailor had vehemently protested the decision to lock Emmaline away, much less the eventual denial of her birthright. So the story had gone, this lieutenant had eventually left the king and queen’s service due to the rift, and as incongruous as it sounded, turned pirate in her honor, as he left with a ship to seek her in exile and rescue his love.
Still, by any account Henry had been able to locate, whatever had truly happened, if Princess Emmaline had existed at all, she had never taken the throne of her kingdom. The rather tiny Misthavia, along the Tyrrhenian Sea had been subsumed into the rest of the larger country and ceased to be a separate entity in the modern world. To his scholarly, and curious, mind however, what became of the lost princess, hidden in her tower, remained an irresistible mystery.
For the moment he was not willing to risk discovery and be banned from the site before his official work even began, so Henry did not linger. He closed his eyes, breathing in the somewhat musty air that somehow, to his mind, also brought hints of spring rain, apple blossoms, weathered wooden planks, leather and sea salt. Shaking his head at his own ridiculously detailed imagination - now bringing him scents even, as well as hoped for sights and stories - Henry turned to carefully make his way back out of the rocky rumble, avoiding an overturned settee frame with bits of ripped upholstery clinging to it and a few floorboards, whose soundness appeared debatable. Watching where he was placing his feet and the path back to the entrance in the beam of his flashlight, he failed to notice that materializing behind him, wispy white and hazy against the deepening gloom within the old walls, two shadows, almost corporeal but not quite, were silently watching him go…
~Part One~
By the time Henry had returned to the Universitá di Bologna housing,where he and his team of advanced grad students were staying for the duration of their research trip in Italy, he was more than a bit anxious to reach his temporary quarters and go back through the copious research notes he had taken and goals he’d laid out in preparation before finally standing within the crumbling skeleton of his historical site - what remained of the once-stunning tower. Having now glimpsed it with his own eyes in the still shadows and dying light of evening, Henry was almost breathless with excitement and the desire to compare what he had seen with the numerous possible finds he had deemed likely. Already, he was itching to return at dawn’s first light with his team and equipment.
The heavy feeling in the air of another presence - of not being alone in the ruins, though his logical mind knew he must have been - had been easily shaken off once he returned to the city from the more remote location. The sound and bustle of the modern world - phones, cars, the press of crowds - melted away the icy shiver that had traced down his spine and put it well out of his thoughts. For several minutes now (nearer to three hours in point of fact, though his mind, caught up in more interesting details, had lost all track of time) he had been leafing through his reference manuals, maps and notes, packed and then unpacked again meticulously upon arrival, when a soft rapping on his door roused him from the fevered state he’d slipped into.
Shaking his head, and hazily pulling himself back into the present time and place, Henry drew a steadying breath, reminding himself that he was a skilled and credentialed professor of historical literature, not the teenage fanboy he’d once been and currently felt like again; he should show a bit more composure to whomever waited to speak with him in the hall. Opening the door, however, his eyes widened momentarily, in spite of his recent resolve, to find his brightest and most accomplished research assistant facing him.
Violet Clemens had actually graduated from the university’s history program two years before, but knowing the particular interest she would have in this research opportunity, Henry had contacted the museum he knew she now worked with when there had been spots left to fill in their group. Violet, with her pale, dewy complexion and ebony hair shining as it rested on her shoulders, not to mention her effortlessly elegant and tasteful way of dressing and carrying herself in a sea of her contemporaries wearing shirts cut so low and pants and skirts so tight that they left little to the imagination, had always stood out and seemed a bit of an old soul out of her time. Despite her keen intellect and quick wit, Henry had always been glad her degree focus leaned more toward historical art and architecture rather than his historical literature. While her complimentary knowledge would serve well in this venture to supplement his own, he had at the time feared becoming completely charmed by her if he’d had her in class on a regular basis.
Trying to shake all those thoughts from his frazzled and rather unfocused mind, Henry gave her a curious but friendly smile before speaking. “Miss Clemens, what can I do for you this evening?”
Violet flushed prettily, her cheeks pinking as her gaze fell to her toes for a moment before glancing back up to meet his. “I’m sorry, Professor Mills. I know it’s late. I was just wondering...I mean…” she finally blurted the rest out in a rush “...you went out to see it already, didn’t you? What was it like?”
Henry truly couldn’t hold back his wide grin at her question. Another person who held the same enthusiasm for the princess and the ruin of her family’s legacy, was not someone he came across often, and a part of him basked in having someone to share the thrill with - someone who just might understand. “You’re not a student anymore,” he offered with a self-deprecating chuckle. “You don’t have to call me Professor. But, to answer your question, yes I’ve been out there and it was incredible. Even with the light failing, it took my breath away.”
Violet merely nodded, taking his words in with an awed smile on her lips. “Oh, I can’t wait to see it for myself,” she murmured. Then a twinkle of mischief flitted into her eyes as she added, “but if you no longer want me to call you Professor, then you’d better just call me Violet.”
“Deal,” Henry affirmed, reaching out a hand which she took to shake on their agreement. The moment their hands were clasped together, a tremor of awareness caught him off guard, running up his arm with a heat and intensity that surprised him. Though he’d heard of such reactions to another many times in the books he’d read and stories he loved, he had never experienced anything so arresting in real life.
“Well, then, Henry,” Violet added, taking her hand back, though he didn’t think he was imagining the sudden breathiness of her voice and the way she shook her head as if to refocus, causing her dark waves of hair to shimmer. “I guess I should leave you in peace for now. We want to get an early start tomorrow after all.”
“That we do,” Henry agreed, seeing her to the door and hoping he wasn’t smiling wide enough to make him look giddy. Once she was gone, he leaned back against the solid oak, shaking his head in disbelief.  It would seem this adventure was going to bring about more than one incredible discovery.
The next morning dawned all too early for Henry’s taste; his alarm waking him from such a solid sleep that for a full minute he was too bleary to remember where he was at all. Between the jet lag and staying up another two hours pouring over notes and manuscripts to be certain he was prepared for their first day cataloguing finds onsite, he wasn’t sure he would even be able to pry his eyes open without coffee. It was almost funny to think back now on the days when he used to laugh at his mom and stepdad for their need to have a hot chocolate and black coffee respectively before they could face their days. He understood all too well as an adult.
Once he got himself moving, saw himself down to the continental breakfast provided on the first floor, and was waiting at the van to make sure all his assistants and fellow scholars were on time for the ride out, Henry did begin to feel more awake and alive. It wasn’t long before their small group had gathered, all had been accounted for, and they were loading onto the van. Rolling out of the city proper and into the Italian countryside, Henry began to lay out his game plan for the day, and the rest of his lethargy was swept back by excitement and purpose. 
When they reached the ruins, gathered the tools, instructions, and research which would guide them, they all stood a bit awed, gazing up at the remnants of the tower walls before them, quite possibly full of clues to be discovered. His travel mug providing a further jolt of caffeine as he took a last sip, he then stepped forward to begin directing the tasks to various assistants.  Those with him moved out with care through the ancient, crumbling bricks and mortar, leftovers from an exiled life, off in the directions he had indicated. Undeniably, her felt more than a bit of pride wash over him at the gravity and industry his little group displayed in tackling their assignments. The members of his team were clearly well-chosen.
He wasn’t, however, too selfless to have left one particular team member for last, to work with him one-on-one. Henry firmly fought down the urge to fidget with the hem of his shirt or stutter nervously as Violet edged closer to his side once they stood relatively alone. Her eyes were shining as they drank in the sight before her, more than a bit stunned and affected if her hushed voice was any way to judge. “It’s… splendid…” she nearly whispered, clearly struggling for the right words.
Henry nodded wordlessly, then turned to explain what he hoped to get her help with, just as Violet looked up to him and they bumped into each other awkwardly, both stumbling away a step and chuckling. His hand darted out to catch her elbow, not wanting to knock her to the ground, and Violet wavered closer at the touch unconsciously.
“Oh, Profess - Henry… I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to…”
He waved her off gently, “No apology needed. I bumped into you just as much… Vi...olet…” His tongue tangled on her given name as if he were still thirteen and worried about it squeaking. “I mean, there’s no harm done. As long as you’re alright?”
The young curator flushed prettily and nodded with her reassurance of “Absolutely, I’m fine. What did you intend for the two of us to work on?” She was clearly anxious to shed her embarrassment - and to explore this place they both had fallen in love with before even reaching, but for a moment Henry was stymied. He couldn’t speak or think, so struck was he by the intelligence and enthusiasm shining in her eyes and the classical beauty of her face. He wondered helplessly how visitors to her workplace could appreciate any of the art hanging on its walls with Violet standing before them.
Her light touch on his forearm finally brought him back to the moment as she asked again, “Henry? Was there someplace in particular you wanted to start?” Even as those curious words escaped her, Violet’s chocolate-y brown eyes widened noticeably, this time unmistakably also feeling the same jolt of electricity that ran along Henry’s skin where her fingers touched.
Valiantly seeking to ignore the attraction fighting for his attention, Henry redirected his focus to the curious detail he had noticed the evening before, leading his partner toward what still stood of the column that had once been part of the support to a vaulted ceiling. It seemed obvious to him, again if the details of the legend he had heard were true, that this tower had once been an incredibly lovely haven - even if to its inhabitant it had proved a gilded cage. Which was why an oddity in the surface had caught his attention upon first look. There appeared to be a spot where the join between the two sides of the arch didn’t match up - a strange and careless anomaly in a building that otherwise had the look of careful and exquisite design in the other parts that remained.
Pointing up to the spot he had seen, Henry directed Violet’s eyes to the same strange seam that he had noticed. Hearing Violet’s surprised little intake of breath and the way she immediately stepped forward, tracing careful fingers along the obvious malformation in curiosity, told Henry he had indeed been onto something. Soon Violet nodded to herself, drawing closer yet, both hands now up to help in her exploration, and seemingly forgetting Henry, the bustling site, and everyone else around in her rapt focus. 
“Often times,” she murmured lowly without looking away from the movement of her fingers on the old stone, now gingerly but determinedly probing and prying, “in buildings of this age - especially ones which would have belonged to families of importance - an inconsistency like this might often indicate…” she paused for a moment, wedging her finger into the impossibly small opening she had managed to pry, the very tip of her tongue peeking from between her lips in concentration adorably (to Henry’s mind at least).
“Ah ha!” she exclaimed in a breath of triumph, the arch giving enough for what appeared a hidden panel to fall open and a still dully glistening bronze object to fall into her open palms. “As I was saying,” she continued proudly, “might indicate a hidden compartment for items of value.”
Beaming with excitement, Violet held her prize up for Henry’s inspection. In her hands lay an ornate, yet solidly constructed compass on a chain. The piece appeared to have some definite age on it, and yet its quality and beauty still shone through. It looked like an instrument which would have been used for ship navigation on sea voyages prior to the advent of modern navigational systems, and Henry’s thoughts could not keep from flying to the princess’ lieutenant of the stories and tales. Might this artifact serve as his first major proof of the legend that had captured his imagination?
His gaze lifted from the compass to meet Violet’s expectant one, ready to speak his hopes. But, even as he did so, the sound (or so he could only imagine) of a sword at someone’s hip as they moved and the creak of leather arrested Henry’s ear. He turned, startled, at such an incongruous noise for a research site, only to find that no one stood anywhere near he and Violet, as if the sound had come from nowhere beyond his own imagination.
Uncertain eyes flew to his companion, who looked back at him in concern, but Henry forced himself to swallow the strange impression he’d had, sure he would sound crazy if he brought up what he’d heard. Instead, they wrapped and catalogued their find properly for transport back with them, talking about what it could mean… and to whom they both had to wonder if it might once have belonged.  Even in the elation of success and discovery, the feeling of lingering over his shoulder did not leave Henry easily, staying with him for the rest of the morning.
That evening after dinner, once more in his quarters for the night, Henry’s thoughts were still on the compass as he plunged back into his accounts and stories, all the information on the Princess and her legend, and though he had mostly committed to memory all that was before him, he still pored over the details in hopes of a mention of the compass they had found in order to confirm his suspicions.
As the team leader, items discovered and picked for transport or further research had been logged and stored with him. And though Henry attempted to reason the need away, tried to convince himself that there were no details he had missed, nothing else to see, and that he needed to go to bed, to not spend another night with too little sleep, and instead be rested and well-prepared for the next day’s work, he was still impelled to stand and go over to take out the compass once more; the need would not be denied.
Once the instrument was cradled in his hands, the weight of it steadying to a surprising degree, Henry sunk down on the side of his bed, scrutinizing the relic with focused curiosity. What was he still missing?  Several deep breaths, a few pounding heartbeats, went by as he pondered the instinct guiding him.
Then, with a disconcerting effect that shook him and sent a tremor down his spine, the air around him seemed to waver, undulating dizzily and clouding the borrowed room before his very eyes. Drawing in a shuddering breath, Henry blinked, in hopes of clearing his sight, only to find his perception unchanged as they opened again. The lightheadedness forced Henry to lie back on his pillow, a rather clouded grey beginning to close in on his awareness, vision tunneling to his fingers still clutching the compass tightly - until it was all he could see.
His eyes closed, as surely as if he had been suddenly put to sleep, and then he felt as though he were floating, moving through space even as he knew he was lying still. And then, though he couldn’t fathom how, he stood in the tower of his dreams - whole and shining new as it had not been for some hundreds of years - unseen and right next to a stunning, golden-haired woman who could only be Princess Emmaline…
“Killian, go! You must be away from here before they come with my evening meal,” her voice is quick and urgent as she tries to push him toward the window of her cell, through which he had climbed not even an hour before. “If they catch you, you’ll be arrested. You’re wanted for piracy.”
The dark haired young man, lean and strong, despite appearing more long haired and less neat than he had as a royal navy lieutenant stands firm, well-muscled enough from days spent steering a ship through wind and rain and all other obstacles besides, impossible for her to move unless he allows it. He has waited too long to see her again, and he is not anxious to relinquish the sight of her beautiful face now that it has been restored to him.
“Easy, lass, easy,” he soothes, looking for all the world as if soldiers and guards, arrest and punishment, holds little concern for him.  In truth, he would face those and more as well for her sake, but he has also changed much in the months since his flight from royal service. He is a captain now, not the uncertain, eager-to-please junior officer he had been. Now he gives the orders, his crew (those loyal few who’d followed him into exile) follow his lead and go where he sees fit. “I’ve plenty of time yet… and...I wish to spend every second that I can with you.”
Only here, when addressing his true feelings for his princess, his first and only love, does he show a moment’s hesitance and a lingering sign of the shy young man he once was. Truthfully, he does not know whether or not there is a price on his head, or if he is being sought after diligently; Emmaline’s parents themselves did not agree with the steps taken to hide their daughter away. Whether they truly view him as a dangerous criminal to be apprehended, or more of a rebel with the freedom to act where they could not, Killian Jones is not sure. The King and Queen are constrained by duty to all of their people, where he is loyal first and foremost to his Princess above all others.
Unfortunately, their time is drawing to a close. He can hear the muffled tread of booted feet hurrying up the winding staircase, and knows that soon those who stand guard over Emmaline’s safety, but also make sure she remains in her prison, will reach her room. Much as he loathes leaving her behind again, he knows she is right. He dares not remain and have to fight people who are on the same side, compatriots in service of Misthavia, even if they interpret their orders much differently than he.
Turning to her once more, taking Emmaline’s hands in his, and gazing into her wide, green eyes and her tense face full of worry for him, Killian voices the question he has asked every time he steals back to her side in this long year past. “Come with me. You don’t have to stay locked away here. We could sail the world and be free.” It kills for her to be trapped and alone, paler with each visit he manages, dark purple bruises from sleepness beneath her eyes. Though he knows what her answer will be before he finishes speaking, Killian still has to ask.
His brave, bright angel shakes her head, yellow-gold hair flying around her like a halo, even as a slow tear makes its slow trek down her cheek. “You know I can’t, Killian. My place, my destiny, is here. Though my people fear me now, they need me… My parents need me… I can’t desert them.”
Much as he regrets it, Killian knows her honor will allow her no less. Sadly, he bows his head over their joined hands to kiss the back of hers, murmuring, “As you wish, my Love,” against her skin. Before he turns to climb into the window frame and grab the rope he had used to climb once more, he presss an object into her grasp - the compass he had received upon his naval promotion to lieutenant. “Hold onto this for me at least, aye?  As promise of my return.”
His Emmaline nods tearfully, letting him go and stepping back, but pressing the compass to her breast. “You always return, Killian,” she replies. “I know that.” 
His blue eyes brighten the smallest bit at her faith in him, allowing them both to hold onto hope. “And I always will,” he vows. Then he grasps the rope, swings from the window, and is gone.
~ Part Two ~
Henry came back to himself the next morning to the sound of anxious pounding on the door of his room. Sitting up slowly, blinking and struggling to regain his bearings, he began to hurry toward the sounds only when he also heard Violet’s worried voice through the wooden barrier, calling out with concern for him.
“Henry? Henry, are you in there?” Several more sharp raps against the hard surface followed, just before he could reach the doorknob in his befuddled state. “We got worried when you weren’t downstairs to meet the bus, Profess - “ Her words cut off abruptly as Henry finally managed to turn the knob and swing the door open to face her.
While he hadn’t really considered the rumpled mess of a picture he must present, the way Violet’s mouth fell open in surprise, and how her hand reached out as if to either feel his forehead or offer him support somehow before quickly pulling back, said quite a lot. Her prettily rosy cheeks paled as she stuttered anxiously, “H-Henry...are you alright?”
Feeling more than a bit awkward and embarrassed standing before her in the previous day’s clothing and obviously late for the group’s scheduled departure time, Henry shuffled from foot to foot before clearing his throat and attempting to smooth his sleep-disheveled hair back into lying calmly on his head. Violet, as was her way, looked impeccably neat and professional in sturdy khakis and a pale lavender sleeveless shirt that he knew must have a matching cardigan or jacket somewhere in her suitcase. She didn’t look judgemental in the least though, only concerned for him, despite his growing embarrassment. 
“I’ll be fine, just a little off balance,” he offered uncertainly, already reaching behind him to begin shoving necessary items into the satchel he carried with him on their excursions. “Would you just, please, make my apologies to the others, and our driver? Ask them to give me five more minutes, and I’ll be right down.”
He was scrambling by then, to find his shoes, locate his keys, and get dressed almost all at once, so that he didn’t realize Violet had not left yet after agreeing to his request. She had instead taken a step forward into his room, one more question of if he was really alright on the tip of her tongue when he whipped off his old T-shirt, ready to pull on the clean one he’d found.
Her startled gasp arrested him in the midst of raising his arms to pull the new shirt over his head, turning wide-eyed to face her and already flushing red in his cheeks and well down his neck and chest. Slowly lowering his arms, and the material down to cover his bare torso as well, he couldn’t dismiss the hopeful idea that Violet seemed unable to stop staring at his chest, even once again clothed in one of his usual tops, and that she was swaying just the slightest bit toward him, as if drawn by a magnet.
The odd moment broke at last when Henry stepped forward, just as Violet did the same, and they nearly collided. Both jerked away again, Henry already apologizing and bringing a hand to his stinging chin, even as Violet rubbed her forehead where they had made sharp contact.
“It’s alright, Henry. Truly. It’s fine,” she assured softly, reaching out to clasp his wrist with gentle pressure and calm his rapid flow of words.
Her former professor’s deep brown eyes raised to search hers hopefully, clearly easing as she nodded in added confirmation. “Honestly,” she added with a small smile, patting his arm before releasing her hold. “I’m really just glad to see that you’re okay.”
Catching her hand before she could retract the soft, delicate fingers completely, he squeezed back with gentle gratitude. Shaking his head ruefully, Henry let out a low chuckle and confessed to her honestly. “Alright might be a bit of a stretch, really. In fact, you may think I’m downright insane when I tell you what’s happened, Vi. But, let me get ready before we make everyone else even later, and I’ll share on the way.”
She nodded, stepping back to go so he could change and be ready to leave for the site as soon as possible. Yet, before she slipped back out the door, with one last promise she added, “Whatever you say, Henry. But, just know this… whatever it is that’s going on...I doubt I’ll think you’re crazy. I believe in you.”
Henry’s breath stalled at her admission, and he turned toward her to thank her, to express a similar faith, but Violet had already fled the room. There was nothing else he could do but hurry to rejoin her; her words and his excitement at his vision too, driving him onward so as not to disappoint her galvanizing confidence.
By the time their bus had reached the crumbling remains of Emmaline’s tower once more, Henry had told Violet all he’d seen and heard in his vision. To his utter astonishment, though wide-eyed and stunned, she had taken every word as truth and believed him. 
Once they were at the ruins, she still seemed a bit overcome - Henry couldn’t say that he blamed her, as he was more than a little disbelieving himself - but they piled out of the van as everyone else did, perhaps even more anxious to know what else they might learn or see after his midnight vision. Violet did, however, turn back to look at him once they were both on solid ground, a light touch to his upper arm to convey her concern as she whispered low enough that the others bustling around them couldn’t hear. “You’re sure, that you’re alright to be out here, aren’t you, Henry? I mean… you aren’t disoriented or lightheaded or anything like that?”
Even if he were, there was no way that Henry Mills was letting his last day in this scenic escape, this place of legend at which he had worked and scrimped and saved to arrive, be lost to a weird dream or a strange bout of vertigo, whatever it was that had come over him. He was careful of course not to seem impatient with Violet though; her care for him touched him greatly, warming and thrilling him inside much more than he would like to admit. Instead, he merely shook his head slightly, hoping to assuage her worries by appearing unfazed and moving forward with this last day’s exploration of their site. “Thanks, truly. I appreciate you checking,” he offered, “but I’m fine - no lingering side effects.”
As he spoke, they neared the last vestiges of the archway where they had discovered the compass the day before. Henry could tell that Violet ached to explore further, to make sure there was nothing else of note, to study the intricacies of design and execution that were more to her interests than his, but that she was equally reluctant to leave him after the strange stupor in which she had found him just a short time ago.
Good naturedly smirking at his own odd behavior, Henry urged her to see to what she wished. “Vi, really, go on and have another look. It’s not like this opportunity comes around every day. I promise, I’m not going to keel over.”
She shook her head at his lighthearted teasing, all ready with the stubborn reminder that he didn’t get the scare of wondering what had happened, worrying whether or not he was alright, but she bit her tongue in the end. Bickering wasn’t going to make him see his health as more important than their find, and it would probably only make him feel badly to know just how concerned she had been at the pale, unsteady sight he had presented when he first opened his door to her that morning. Plus, it would waste precious time, and so instead she moved off with a nod of begrudging consent and one more gentle press of his hand.
Henry, meanwhile, when he had made certain that Violet wasn’t holding back on his account, moved carefully toward the crumbling frame of the window in an outer wall still partially standing some feet away. It was slow going for the bits of stone and splintered, weathered furniture scattered in the way between, but he picked his way through the detritus without falling himself or destroying anything which might be of value. The niggling feeling that the window he stood before was the very one he had seen in his vision, the one from which the rogue lieutenant visiting his imprisoned lover swung to escape the princess’ guard, and he could hardly fight the need to touch it - see it - for himself, as if he could somehow derive the rest of the story, what had happened next, from the space he had seen in that reverie.
And though as much as he had promised his concerned protegé that all would be well, Henry still felt a bit off balance and unsettled, as if whatever presence or power in the air was still lingering from his encounter that morning. No sooner had he neared the wall, than he was reaching out to rest his hand on what would once have been the window sill, now loose and partially eroded by time.
Taking a moment to look more closely at the cracked stone and dusty grooves, Henry curled his fingers into a gap curiously, the piece of rock still in place shifting to the side and allowing his fingertips to slide deeper into the opening. For a moment, he felt nothing, just empty space and a disorienting sensation of brushing up against a wide open void, then his grasp caught against an edge of paper or leather, almost like the corner of a book. Straining to reach just a bit further, he managed to grasp the item and clutched tightly to draw it out.
Several more bits of debris and rubble fell away as Henry attempted to carefully extract his treasure. Once free of its hiding place, however, the mystery was revealed as indeed being some sort of leather bound journal or logbook. Brushing off the cover the best he could, despite the determined cling of years and years of cobwebs and mildew, Henry held his breath, hoping the pages wouldn’t crumble to dust, that they were still legible. It might contain the proof and the answers he had been seeking.
Ever so gingerly, Henry carefully opened the cover to find a flourishing if faded script scrawled across the opening page of the book in his hand. And even before he could locate the author’s purpose or name, he felt his surroundings begin to swirl and fade to grey once more, for the second time in one day, he was seeing the tower as it had been and the princess within it long ago…
“What have I done?!?” Emmaline’s tormented wail echoes in the thin air of the tower’s height, as her sword clatters to the floor from her suddenly nerveless fingers. The guard she felled is clearly not dead, as his chest rises and falls steadily even in unconsciousness. Still, though her father had trained her well in swordplay, until her technique and form was nearly as flawless as his own, she had never before actually struck someone with such determined intent. To stop them - and even end their life if necessary, rather than see her lover caught and killed.
Turning at that, her eyes still frantic at the blood that runs from the slice across his cheek beneath his eye, all too close to putting out the brilliant blue light forever. Her lip quivers, and Princess Emmaline struggles to bite back the ridiculous show of weakness and emotion, even while stumbling toward Killian at the same time.
He catches her in his arms, smoothing her wild hair back form her damp brow and whispering reassurances that she only did what she had to, that she isn’t cruel or evil, only a brave woman taking her stand in an impossible situation, and - if possible - he loves her even more, “bloody brilliant” she is in his adoring eyes.
However, the stolen moment is not meant to be theirs for long. Shouts from below remind them that the man they have felled to make their escape was not the only one, and unless they wish to be forced to do even more damage, they must go - immediately. Pausing a mere second longer, Emmaline snatches up a small brown book from a desk in the corner of the room. Pressing it to her mouth as if imprinting a kiss in its surface, she hurries to the window where her sailor stands waiting to spirit her away - from her family, her kingdom, her duty - but also to freedom and a life, something it has become clear she will never regain locked away in some gilded cage.
Working loose a part of the masonry, she slips her private diary into the aperture created, hoping against hope that it will be found. That her parents and her brother will be able to read it and know that she has discovered a way forward, even if it isn’t what they had always planned. She hopes she will see them again someday, but if not…
Looking up to meet her rogue lieutenant’s pained but knowing gaze, she is relieved to see she needs give no explanation. He understands, just as he always has. 
Then, with a final backward glance around her prison, she is swinging over the side with him, his steady presence next to her helping as they begin their descent on sturdy ropes, toward the ground below where horses wait to take them to his ship in the harbor....
Henry jolts back into his own place and time more immediately with this second vision. Already anxious to read the book still clasped in his hands, his heart thrums with excitement in his chest at knowing just what it is he holds. He gulps in air like a fish floundering on the docks, but it doesn’t slow his haste or enthusiasm. This is it; the evidence he had always believed he would find. Princess Emmaline existed, she was real; her story had happened just as it had been said. And now, at last, he could show the rest of the world the truth.
Six months later ~
Hand in hand, Henry Mills and Violet Clemens stand in the sacred space once more - the site that drew both of them halfway around the world, but also to each other. Since their research venture to the Misthavian ruins, there has been widespread recognition that the tiny kingdom did exist and that its lost princess had been a real, living being of flesh and blood. Though it was asking a bit much for the reigning historical and scientific community to believe that she had been locked away due to a fear of her magic, as detailed in her diary, it had become accepted knowledge that Princess Emmaline had been held in the windswept and isolated tower they had explored, she had been denied her birthright and crown, and had - much like her homeland - vanished almost completely from history… if not for the tokens Professor Henry Mills and his team had discovered.
They are now both published and much-lauded experts in their field; both already had been experts, it was just a matter of the rest of the world realizing it. More important than glory and fame though, to both Henry and Violet, was that now they could return to this place, so close to both their hearts, and perhaps offer closure to two souls who had been awaiting it much longer than either of them.
As the couple stood at the small display which had since been constructed at the scenic overlook near the ruins, there was an absolute sense of accomplishment. It was just a small podium with a guest book for tourists and visitors to sign and a protective case allowing the compass and diary to be returned where they belonged, but still available for the curious, the lost, and the lonely to see, to read, and to learn from the Princess’ story and take heart again. It was just how Henry had wanted it and had fought against various museums and universities to have it be displayed - as he could only hope the long ago royal would have approved.
Looking lovingly to the woman at his side, Henry smiled unabashedly as the sparkle of her engagement ring caught his eye and he simply brought their joined hands to his mouth to kiss the back of hers. He could still remember that first dim evening, when he had ventured within the tower’s remaining walls with cautious reverence. He had sensed that he was not alone, the presence that - while not threatening - had still sent a shiver skittering down his spine. Violet had long since talked with him of a similar awareness as they worked within the aged structure, and it was what brought them back now, to say one final farewell before embarking on a joined life together, to bid another lingering pair of lovers rest at long last - impossible as that quest might seem.
“Do you think we’ll know if they’re here?” Violet whispered to him, her eyes wide and half-hopeful, half-worried.
“I’m not sure what to expect,” he answered seriously. “It was just a feeling I couldn’t shake when we were here before. I don’t know whether to believe it will be more or less this time around.”
They waited, breath caught between nervously bitten lips in silence, before Henry stepped closer to the preserved ancient stone walls rising around them. “If you can hear me…” he started, tentative but determined, hopeful, and in a voice gaining strength as he continued with Violet’s reassurance at his back. “Princess? Lieutenant?...The world knows now, about Misthavia and about you.  That you were real, that you existed, and about your love for each other. No one believes Killian stole you away against your will anymore. And though most people of the modern age don’t believe in magic, they know now that you were wrongfully imprisoned, your Highness. They understand that though Misthavia ceased to exist as a separate nation, you never had your chance to rule to try and save her. And…” Henry paused here, swallowing a lump that took him by surprise as it formed suddenly in his throat… “and, though we can’t for sure know what became of either of you, it is known that Lieutenant Jones saved you, Princess Emmaline. That you loved him and he loved you. And I’m going to choose to believe in a happy ending for you both… that you sailed until you found a place where you could be together, come what may.”
“I do too,” Violet echoed into their still surroundings, offering him a gently affectionate smile as she gazed up into his intense and open brown eyes - the moment stretching powerfully between the two of them, cementing their faith in each other and their bond, whether or not anyone else bore witness.
Then, surprisingly, Violet’s eyes widened as she looked off to Henry’s side. “They - they’re here…” she breathed, almost too stunned to speak at all in the quiet evening around them.
Peering in the same direction Violet was, awestruck, Henry was slowly able to discern two clouded white shapes in the murky grey dusk, becoming ever more solid and opaque as Henry and Violet stood watching. Though far from corporeal, they were two human forms, one slighter with almost an outline of a medieval, bell-sleeved dress and what appeared a flower crown upon its head; the other taller and wearing what seemed to be a sword at its side, with broader shoulders.
Though the apparitions seemed to turn toward Henry and Violet, as if offering their gratitude, they came no closer, and merely hovered in place as the two historians held their breath for fear the moment might vanish. Soon enough as it was, the two cloudy shapes, once princess and pirate sailor, appeared to bow in farewell, then move toward the overlook, as though seeing the bright horizon and the waves far below that they had been separated from for so long. Just before the modern couple’s eyes, their ghosts began to fade into nothingness, gradually losing consistency, as if finally slipping the tether that had held them to the ruin. Vindicated at last, and free to move beyond, they set sail for peaceful shores. 
Tagging a few who might be interested: @searchingwardrobes @kmomof4 @jennjenn615 @jrob64 @apiratewhopines @whimsicallyenchantedrose
@laschatzi @iamstartraveller776 @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @booksteaandtoomuchtv @anmylica
@stahlop @kday426 @xsajx @bluewildcatfanatic @linda8084 @lfh1226-linda
@belovedcreation @jonesfandomfanatic @motherkatereloyshipper @xarandomdreamx @bdevereaux @shady-swan-jones
@goforlaunchcee @spartanguard @therooksshiningknight @optomisticgirl @tiganasummertree @drowned-dreamer
@undercaffinatednightmare @myfearless-love @winterbaby89 @donteattheappleshook @the-darkdragonfly @elizabeethan
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mass-convergence · 8 months
A collarary to the advice of "they'll read it if they want to and they won't if they don't" is - they need to find it. People not reading your work is not a mark against its' quality, it's simply evidence that people haven't found it. As a published author myself I get it, it sucks when noone reads your work. It feels that you have put something out into the world and that it is being ignored. But it is not being actively ignored, it is not being judged as poor quality. It simply hasn't been found. Courage and patience. Don't be scared to send links to reviewers or people in other circles.
Sincerely - thank you.
Long, somewhat disorganized, ramble
It is frustrating, and part of this is my (admittedly ADHD related, though trying to blame it solely on that isn’t really getting the full picture) need for instant gratification and complete lack of patience in anything. And the general insecurity that if it doesn’t get some kind of recognition, positive or otherwise, that I’m just showing my whole ass to the world and people are being too polite to mention it. I also have issues with emotional regulation so it literally feels like someone’s squeezing my heart whenever I get into this state.
And I’ll be honest: I’m frustrated with people who have said they’ll read it or check it out and then never do. And I don’t feel like keeping on poking them and asking them if they are. Because I’ve gotten the “I’m sorry I’ve just been so busy” explanation about a hundred times now (only slightly exaggerating).
And I don’t want to call them liars because I’m an adult with a day job and a mountain of responsibilities that I’m only somewhat keeping up with. There’s plenty of stuff I want to watch or consume that I don’t have mental bandwidth to handle. I’ve read the first paragraph of Gideon the Ninth and I want to read more I just haven’t gotten a chance. Which also is lending to mental health issues but we do not have the time to unpack that rn.
This is something I’m passionate about and pouring my heart into and not even getting the bare minimum of support from people who purportedly said they’re interested is not really a fun spot to be in. (And I know one or two of my friends have been reading and I love you guys). My mom said she was gonna read it which is slightly terrifying because she’s not into queer fantasy but she’s also like unabashedly supportive and has been trying to get me to publish my writing and sell my art for goddamn ages. I’m not on the level of Tolkien or Pratchett or Gaiman (Martin you stay the fuck out of this) and I’m not trying to be them either. But I think I’m like decent.
And I guess I took some of the advice when I was writing fanfic that “well people who aren’t interested won’t read it so don’t worry about posting cringe” and extrapolated it to original fic. Which isn’t a 1:1 - people legitimately do not give a shit about other’s OCs unless they’re given a reason to care.
Side note: Partially the reason that while I could advertise this (and probably should) as a story lead by queer protags, two of whom are POCs, that doesn’t really tell you anything about them. Aside from representation. Admittedly: I’m not too great at self promo because I feel like I’m hyping me and my story telling ability way too much. Which is a self fulfilling prophecy when I inevitably don’t get any bites.
It’s a rough situation all around and frankly demotivating. Part of the reason I just didn’t post on Thursday because I was just so damn tired of posting and having to deal with the pain over and over again. I have a huge buffer of words and chapters and I’m frankly having a hard time deciding if I should keep posting them. I mean my last chapter didn’t get any notes except for the one reblog … which was my own fucking reblog onto this blog.
And I think I’ve come a long way from like not disparaging my own shit. I love my writing. I love my art. I just hate sharing it and not getting the same level of excitement I feel to tell a story I want to tell.
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himbrisko · 1 year
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some random thoughts of kamen rider w that i want out of my system. — warnings? ; some spoilers here and there but not a whole lot. — a/n ; i've only made it to episode 14 of kamen rider w and i kinda want to write my thoughts out in a cool monologue like how shotaro does it. absolutely NO spoilers from anyone who has seen it— let me clown in peace over how wrong my predictions are, thanks but anyway; here go my thoughts on kamen rider w up until episode 14. opinions are subject to change after a few episodes or so.
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— first thoughts on the three idiots main characters: how shotaro's introduced personally made me laugh a little bit, because of how hard he tries to emulate an 18th-century detective. that's how i knew that i would really like him and every episode so far has me really curious on how his development as a main rider will eventually look like. so far, so good! the rest of the trio (narumi, philip) are also equally as interesting. the hard part to think about is... how will narumi eventually cope with hearing the loss of her dad? ...who, mind you, we met in just the first episode. and he died. so, how will they eventually tell the tale? is this another megumi aso situation for the female lead (narumi) because it's really starting to look like it. i liked megumi though, so hopefully this development makes itself count! i'm personally more interested in how philip will develop most especially since we don't really know much about him other than the fact that he's basically this library that's stock filled with information that he has to research himself and then pass on to shotaro. ...but that also leads to a bane of his in which he's stubborn to the point that if he focuses on ONE thing that he wants to know the answer to, he won't stop until he gets it... which was evidenced in a lot of episodes. again, really solid cast so far, and i'm liking the characters already. which is quite rare.
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— first thoughts on the villains: it's really hard for a series to make me hate one antagonist from the get-go, but the sonozaki family somehow made me do that perfectly. although there is one member of the family that i'm neutral on that i somewhat like as a character (for now), as there is light to darkness; so there is like to dislike. and one particular name comes to mind... that name being none other than kirihiko suda. runner up goes to his wife (fiancee?) so much so that if i wish for them to divorce already; you already did something right in terms of your writing. because jesus christ, i hate these two. here are some screenshots from a friend's dms that i took of myself.
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...and that already says a lot. but for some reason, kirihiko's name, however, never fails to piss me off. WHY? let's have a quick look at some of my screenshots of me hating him on my twitter. (shameless self-promo, but do note that it is 11pm here and that i'm tired to explain why i hate him so much and my posts there are self explanitory.)
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...so yeah. that's all i want to say on kirihiko. moving on. the rest of the family is clearly evil; keeping an eye on the father, though; what kind of power does he hold? it was briefly shown in the episode where w fights against the sweets memory and nazca, so i'm really curious... and... the runner-up; how is saeko related to w? we briefly see her in the first episode as her dopant form, but now that she has an importance into the story as the main villain (for now?) how will her fights against w go and how will she end up developing? as much as i dislike her so far as a character, and in terms of development (there just barely is any...) i just have a feeling that it won't extend to the one that i'm currently neutral on; wakana sonozaki. otherwisely known as wakana-hime. BUT ALSO KNOWN AS THE PERSON WHO WILL MOST LIKELY BREAK PHILIP'S HEART BECAUSE OF WHERE I AM IN THE STORY good god okay, yelling aside— i don't know why but i genuinely like her for now. of course her side gig as being an mc for a radio broadcast station is cute and all, however one specific part really got to me and it was the "heart-to-heart" scene (for lack of a better word) when philip and wakana do this... wall to wall thing where they start opening up a bit which causes philip to research more about her, which leads to her disadvantage due to one specific scene (the one where her younger brother yells at her for not being the big sister he knows...? don't remember the context exactly) and him being the curious soul that he is uses that against her right when she's about to murder someone. until nazca finishes them off in her stead for wanting to spill the details of the sonozaki family. so, that aside— my thoughts on her are, does she even have a good side to her? or is she just nothing but malice like the rest of the family? either way, i can't wait for the rest of her development overtime.
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and there you have it! my thoughts on kamen rider w (so far!) i hope you enjoyed reading this despite how sidetracked i got while doing so. anyways, enjoy the rest of your day and don't die out there! (...i guess?) see you in the next entry! o7
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0 notes
redthreadoffate · 3 years
the four times takeru takaishi confessed his feelings (and the one time he did not)
this is my gift for @ri-ships-takari! yup, i’m <prev. @/theevetoyouradam> your secret santa and i was so excited when i found out that you're my baby. i do hope you enjoy this one!
this is my first digimon fic in a long time. like, i don’t even remember anymore when was the last time i wrote for this fandom (my fourth year in high school maybe...which would be a decade ago?). but it was so refreshing to be able to write again, and with my otp, too!
i apologize if this is a little too early (though it’s 12am here i know it isn’t yet in your timezone), i’m just really excited!
just a few notes in case you want to run ; editing mistakes here or there [there better not be...] / more of au than fix-it / side ships: mimato [one mention & scene] and taiora [one mention] — though you can skip the mimato scene [it’s with takeru, but it’s up to you] / divorce and death of a parent / i used leaves because i have no idea what they are even if i zoom in / i think i did well with the names
[self-promo] i also have after the canon epilogue headcanons
let’s pretend tri does not exist...
i tried my best to give the digimon feel and i think I achieved it, so...
...without further ado, i present to you this little fic. enjoy! especially you, ri! have a merry christmas and a happy new year! 🥰
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the four times takeru takaishi confessed his feelings (and the one time he did not) | main characters ; takeru takaishi, hikari yagami | pairings ; takeru x hikari, yamato x mimi, taichi x sora, slight takeru x oc, oc x hikari | genre ; fluff, tiny bit of slight angst | word count ; 6,000 | rating ; g
I. After the fall and separation of the children in season 1, episode 48 (“Bombing Mission! Mugendramon”), before the opening scene of episode 49 (“Farewell, Numemon”).
Takeru could not remember what had happened when he woke up. He did recall falling but not what took place once they hit the ground. Aside from the exhaustion, he did not feel any aches or breaks in his body much to his relief. But what about the others? Were any of them hurt?
He immediately tried to rise from the floor but could not find the strength to stand on his feet. Looking at his knees as he was sitting down, he patted the dirt off of them and then tried to bring himself up one more time. He frowned at the failed attempt but decided to rest for a while before making another effort.
“Takeru.” The familiar voice made his head tilt up. Patamon was flying above him with a very worried look on his face. “Takeru. Are you okay?”
He paused before nodding. “I’m okay, Patamon. Where are Sora-san and Hikari-chan?”
Patamon twisted and Takeru’s eyes followed in the same direction. He saw Tailmon gently picking up an unconscious Hikari. Mustering up the power to stand, he started with one knee and then the other. After wobbling a little, he walked to the other side as quickly and carefully as he could. “Tailmon, are you okay?”
She simply nodded without looking up at him. “Hikari seems to be in deep sleep.” She wiped a few strands of hair from her partner’s forehead.
He frowned.
“Takeru-kun!” He heard Sora call him. He looked to the side and locked eyes with the older girl. “Are you okay?”
He nodded. “But Hikari-chan doesn’t seem to be doing well.”
Sora sprinted to them, passing by him as she inspected Hikari’s fever. “It’s gone down,” she said with a sigh of relief. “With the fall and her illness, she could be sleeping for a while. We have to find a way to get her to be more comfortable.”
Piyomon suggested that they gather the leaves that were scattered around, pile them together, and make a blanket. The others agreed and they began collecting as much as they could. Luckily, there were more than enough. Though Takeru wondered if the leaves would make Hikari itch, he stayed quiet when he saw that she was not in any state of discomfort. He thanked Piyomon for the idea.
“Will Hikari-chan be okay, Sora-san?” Takeru asked. He had been standing behind the group as she and Tailmon continued to fix the makeshift bed for the young girl. He, Patamon, and Piyomon were on the lookout. “She’ll make it, won’t she?”
Sora looked back at him with a reassuring smile. “Of course. Hikari-chan’s strong, she wouldn’t go down without a fight.”
“That’s right!” Tailmon supplied as she supported Hikari’s head. “She’ll be fine.” But he could not help but hear just a tinge of sadness? Guilt? Doubt? He was not sure, but what he was sure about was that he needed Tailmon to believe that her partner would be okay.
But then he sighed. “I’m just worried about her,” he continued and looked down at the ground. Then he had an idea. “Why don’t you use my backpack as a pillow?” he suggested. “It’s not bumpy, and it’s quite light. Hikari-chan wouldn’t be able to sleep well if her head was lying on the cold floor.”
Tailmon smiled. “That’s very kind of you, Takeru,” she said as she took the small bag from him. “Could you lift her up a little, please?” Takeru did as he was told while Tailmon laid the bag on the cement. Gently, he let her head rest on the soft makeshift cushion. “Thank you.”
That made Takeru grin.
Sora succumbed to her fatigue and asked for their permission to rest a little. Takeru and the digimons did not hesitate and they all sat down, sighed, and leaned against the wall. As soon as they were settled Sora exhaled and placed a hand above Takeru’s. He looked up and smiled back at her.
When he had looked back in front of him, he noticed that Tailmon was looking at the sleeping girl intensely. “It’s alright, Tailmon,” he started. “I agree with Sora-san. Hikari-chan’s strong, she’ll be okay.” He smiled. “I promise.”
Tailmon looked at him and smiled. “Thank you, Takeru.” That was the second time she had thanked him, and he was happy that he had made her smile, and hopefully raise her spirits.
Once everyone had felt a little more relaxed, Hikari was still not awake. Takeru was getting very worried now. But he did not show how scared he was – he could not. He had to be strong. It would not help if they were worried about him, too.
“We have to look for Taichi and Koushiro-kun. They have to be here somewhere. I’m sure Taichi’s really worried about Hikari-chan.” Sora frowned. She looked at Hikari then back at the rest of them. “So here’s the plan.”
Takeru listened carefully as Sora gave them instructions. He and Tailmon were tasked to look after Hikari as she, Piyomon, and Patamon would look for Taichi, Koushiro, Agumon, and Tentomon. He wanted to help the three track down the rest but he knew protecting Hikari would be the best option for him to do.
“Can you do that for us, Takeru-kun?”
Takeru nodded, determined. “Yes! I’ll protect her!”
Sora smiled. “I believe in you.” And with that, she nodded at him and Tailmon then called Piyomon and Patamon. “Let’s go. If we can also find some medicine, that would really help,” her voice echoed while they walked away. After a while, Takeru could not see their figures as they slowly disappeared into the dark.
Once they were gone he turned back to see Tailmon leaning down, her paw on her partner’s forehead. “It looks like her fever’s going up again,” she said. 
Takeru gasped. “What should we do?”
She turned to him, sadness and guilt can definitely be seen in her eyes. “I don’t know. Nothing for now.” She looked back at Hikari. “I’m sorry.”
But Takeru would not have it. He tried to think of something – anything – to help Tailmon see that they were able to care for the girl. He looked around but found nothing more than leaves. He thought very hard for any idea that he could think of and when one finally stuck with him, he was not hesitant to inform the digimon beside him. It was very simple, but it might be something.
“Tailmon,” he called her. “Maybe if we put more leaves as her blanket, she wouldn’t be so cold.”
She looked at him, blinked, and smiled. “Would you watch over her for a while? I’ll gather the leaves.”
He grinned. “Of course.” He walked the short distance and crouched down. He studied her face. “You’ll be okay, Hikari-chan. We won’t let anything get you.” He saw Tailmon jump around then focused his attention on the girl once again.
After a few seconds, he had the sudden urge to smile. He was not sure why especially given the situation but he did so anyway. And without much thought, he said softly, “I really like you, Hikari-chan.”
“Did you say something, Takeru?” Tailmon asked, surprising him.
He realized what he had just said and blushed. “Uh, nothing, Tailmon. I was just telling Hikari-chan to get well soon.” His voice softened, “I don’t like seeing her like this.” His eyes drifted down. “I’m scared, Tailmon. I’m scared.”
Tailmon laid the leaves down and took his hand. This time it was her who comforted him, “She’ll be okay. She’s strong. She won’t go down with a fight.”
He shook his head and a smile that would light up the room appeared on his face. “That’s right. She won’t.”
II. When Takeru and Natsuko leave for Setagaya, in between the end of the first season and the start of the second.
Yamato was doing his very best to calm down his sobbing little brother. The two were in the Ishida household; Hiroaki had asked Natsuko if he and Yamato could have a day with the younger child before they head off to Setagaya again.
“I don’t want to go!” Takeru cried. “I want to stay here!”
“We’ll see each other again, don’t worry,” Yamato promised. “During summer camp again next year, for sure. And I didn’t want to tell you this but I was planning on surprising you a few times.” He gave him an encouraging smile. “Don’t be too sad about it.”
“But—but…,” he cried once again. “What about Taichi-san? And Sora-san? And—and—and Hikari-chan!” He rubbed his eyes and inhaled. “I don’t want to leave them, too, Onii-chan!”
Yamato looked at Hiroaki. “Mm...well.” He paused, then grinned as if he had thought of an idea. “I can call them! And ask if they’re free! If they are, we can spend the rest of the day with them!”
Takeru stopped sobbing and blew his nose. “Really?” he asked. “Do you think they’ll want to see me?”
“Of course! Why wouldn’t they want to see you?” He smiled. “I’ll go call them right now. Stay here.”
Takeru began to smile. “Do you think they’ll come and see me, Papa?”
Hiroaki bent down to his level. “I’m sure. Yamato’s right, why wouldn’t they want to see you?” He grinned. “I know that if they could, they wouldn’t think twice about seeing you today once your Onii-chan calls them.”
The young child grinned.
A few moments later Yamato arrived and was all smiles. “Good news! Taichi and Hikari-chan will be able to join us. The others already had plans, but they promise to see you off tomorrow!”
Takeru grinned. “Thank you, Onii-chan!”
Once the two had finished preparing, they bid their father goodbye and walked to the burger joint that Yamato and Taichi agreed to meet in. Takeru was smiling all the way, trying to think of the conversations they would have when they saw each other. He was very excited.
Finally, he saw them. He waved frantically as he and his brother approached them. Hikari was waving, too, and Takeru could see that she was just as excited.
“Takeru-kun!” she called out.
He giggled and stopped in front of her. “Thank you for coming to see me, Hikari-chan.”
She smiled. “I wouldn’t want to miss hanging out with you.”
He then looked at Taichi. “Thank you, too, Taichi-san. This is going to be a great afternoon!”
“Have you had your lunch?” Taichi asked. “I was kinda hoping you haven’t when you called and asked to meet up, I’ve been craving and would really like to eat at McRonald’s.” He grinned and pointed his thumb to the door of the establishment. “But of course that’s up to you, Takeru.” He looked down at him. “Whatever you want to do, we’re ready.”
Yamato smiled and Hikari nodded.
“We haven’t eaten,” he said. “And I want a toy from McRonald’s!”
“Me, too, Onii-chan!” Hikari joined in.
Yamato chuckled. “Alright, let’s go.”
As soon as their orders were placed and they were seated at a booth, the four immediately dug in, moaning in delight as soon as their food touched their tongues. Takeru started the conversation about meeting again during summer camp the next year. Hikari agreed and told him that she would make sure she could make it for the whole camp. Takeru really liked that idea. Taichi and Yamato had joined in on the conversation when they talked about surprise visits. The young boy was certainly ecstatic about that.
“But don’t get your hopes up too much on us, Takeru,” Taichi said, his voice low and apologizing. “We’ll come to see you when we can, but I don’t think we can go all the time.” They heard Hikari whimper. “Don’t worry, we’ll see him from time to time. I promise.” He grinned at her then at Takeru. “We promise.”
Yamato and Taichi encouraged their younger siblings to head to the play area to enjoy the rest of their free time. The two did not hesitate to run and make a bet as to who would reach the entrance first. It was a big play area and they chased each other around the different stations. When they were tired they decided to rest in the ball pit, bodies covered with plastic balls. They both stared at the ceiling.
“Takeru-kun,” Hikari said softly.
“Yes, Hikari-chan?” he replied in the same tone.
“Do you think you’ll ever come back here?”
He did not respond for a few seconds. Finally, he answered, “Yes. Yes, I know I will. Odaiba is my home. I don’t belong in Setagaya.” He sighed. “I want to stay here, Hikari-chan. I want to stay here.” He then began to cry. “I want to stay here.”
Hikari moved closer to him. “Don’t cry, Takeru-kun. I know you’ll come back here, too.” She smiled. “I’ll wait for you. I promise.”
Takeru stopped crying, wiping his tears with his index finger. “You will?”
Hikari wiped a tear that had escaped her eye and smiled. “I promise. I’ll wait for you.”
Takeru hugged and cried on her shoulder. “I’ll wait for you, too, Hikari-chan. I’ll wait for you to visit me in Setagaya.”
Hikari wrapped her arms around him. “I’ll see you there, Takeru-kun.”
They stayed there until their brothers called them. This made Takeru want to cry again. He knew that meant that they would have to part ways soon. Just as they were about to step out of the pit, Takeru pulled Hikari back and said, “I really like you, Hikari-chan.” Her eyes widened a little before smiling.
The next day, Hiroaki and Yamato were the first to meet with Natsuko and Takeru. He was more than glad to see his brother and father with them, it had been a long time since they were all together. Takeru hugged his brother and made him promise to see him soon.
“You don’t have to tell me twice, Takeru,” Yamato said, smiling down at him.
“Takeru-kun! Yamato-san!”
He knew that voice all too well. He spent so long with her, and yesterday, too, that he was sure it was none other than her. He grinned. “Hikari-chan!” He saw her running towards him, the other Chosen Children behind her, and he could not help but feel fluttery and excited. “Hikari-chan!” he called again.
Once she had reached him, she was out of breath. Immediately after she had regained her composure, she gave him a tight embrace. “I told you, I promise to visit you when I can,” she started. Takeru squeezed her tight. Then she whispered, “As long as you promise to come back.”
Surprised at first, he was not sure he heard right. He knew she had told him something like that the day before, but he was a little doubtful. Maybe she had just said that to make him feel better. But when the young girl held onto him tighter, he knew she was sincere. “I promise. I promise.” And he knew then that he would do everything he could to make sure he would keep his promise.
“And Takeru-kun.” She paused. Before he could ask her what was wrong she continued, “I really like you, too.”
III. Scene when Takeru gets home after he saves Hikari from the Dark Ocean in season 2, episode 13 (“The Call of Dagomon”).
Takeru sighed once he reached his room. He flopped down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling, shielding his eyes with his arm from the bright light. “What a day, huh, Patamon,” he said. Patamon flew above him, a worried look on his face. “What’s the matter?”
“You’re okay, right, Takeru?”
“Of course I am,” he answered. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Patamon landed on his stomach. “You were so worried about Hikari-chan earlier. I was worried about her, but I was worried about you, too.”
He smiled. “You don’t have to worry about me, Patamon. I’m fine. We should hope that Hikari-chan’s doing better now. Maybe we should call her.” He grinned but it faded right away. “She’s probably resting. Let’s give her some time.”
There was a knock on his bedroom window and he was surprised to see Tailmon outside. “Tailmon!” He jumped up, making Patamon slide down, and slid the window open, allowing the feline digimon to enter his room. “What are you doing here? Is Hikari-chan okay?”
“She’s doing better,” she replied, a grateful smile on her face. “She’s with Taichi right now, resting. She’s alright, Takeru. Thanks to you.”
“Anyone would have done the same thing,” Takeru replied. He sat back down on his bed and patted the space next to him. Tailmon jumped and sat. “Is there anything I can do to help her? Just say it.”
“There’s no need. She’s doing fine already. But we’ll tell you if there is something we can do for her.” But she was frowning. She was looking down at the ground, her eyes narrowed. Then, “You were able to protect her, you know. You were able to...connect with her in a way I couldn’t connect with her.”
“Huh?” Takeru asked, shocked. “No way! You and Hikari-chan are partners, there’s no bond stronger than that.”
She sighed. “But with what happened earlier today, I...I couldn’t save her.”
Takeru looked down. “You did. I just helped.”
“Maybe you did, and I was the one who just helped.”
He shook his head. “No. Don’t say things like that. I’m sure she wouldn’t want to hear this conversation we’re having.”
“That’s why we’re not going to tell her. Right, Patamon?” Tailmon looked up at him.
Patamon, who had been listening from above, flew a little higher in surprise. “Yes, don’t worry, Tailmon, we’re not going to tell her.”
“There’s really nothing to worry about, Tailmon…. Wait, why are you worried in the first place? You know she wouldn’t think bad about you just because of what happened. I’m sure she still loves you.”
“It’s not that,” she said softly. “It’s more like I’m angry at myself.” Her voice cracked. “I’m supposed to protect her and I didn’t get to. I didn’t even know where she was when she disappeared. I...I didn’t know what to do.”
Patamon began to sniffle.
Takeru placed his hand on Tailmon’s head. “She won’t think any less of you, Tailmon. You did what you thought was right. You did what you thought could help her. And it paid off, didn’t it? Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
Tailmon cast her eyes down. “I can’t thank you enough, Takeru.”
“Just being here, confiding in me and Patamon, I’m grateful already.”
“Takeru,” Natsuko called, knocking on his door. “Takeru, Hikari-chan’s on the phone.”
The three looked at each other. “Uh...coming, Mama.” He stood up and signaled for the two digimons to stay. He opened the door and was just about to step out when Natsuko held up the phone. “Oh, uh...thanks. I’ll come back out once I’m done.”
Natsuko smiled. “It’s been a while since Hikari-chan called our house.” Takeru could not help but remember fondly how he and Hikari would constantly call each other back when he was still in Setagaya, even when she was not able to meet up with him anymore after two years of visiting. “It’s nice to know that you see each other every day now. Take care of her.”
Takeru blushed as Natsuko walked away. He placed the phone by his ear. “Hikari-chan?”
“Takeru-kun!” she called. Takeru could not help but smile. “Thank you, Takeru-kun. Tailmon told me everything.” She sighed. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”
“What!?” He gasped. “There’s no need to repay me, Hikari-chan. I was just looking out for you like every friend would.”
“But you’re not just my friend, Takeru-kun.” This made his heart pound. “You’re my best friend.”
“And that’s exactly why there’s no need to repay me.” He chuckled. “If you had saved me, would you take something from me in return?”
“Of course not!”
“Then there you have it.” He chuckled. “Really, Hikari-chan. Even if we weren’t best friends, you know I wouldn’t take anything from you as payment. I wouldn’t take anything from anyone as payment, that’s that. What I did for you...it’s because I really care about you. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”
She was silent for a moment.
“Thank you, Takeru-kun,” she finally said. “I couldn’t...I wouldn’t be at home, talking to you on the phone, with Onii-chan leaning against the wall and waiting for me so that I could rest again.” She giggled, as did he. “None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for you.”
“I’m glad you’re safe, Hikari-chan.” Through the phone, he already could tell she was giving him a grateful smile.
“Oh, by the way. Is Tailmon there? She said she was going out but she didn’t tell me where. I was thinking maybe she was with you.”
Takeru looked over at the digimon sitting on his bed. “She’s here, don’t worry.”
“I’m glad. Tell her to come home soon, dinner’s almost ready.”
“I will.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Takeru-kun,” she said.
“It’s a weekend tomorrow,” he said, looking at the calendar. “Did we have anything planned?”
“No. I just want to see you again. McRonald’s?”
He smiled. “McRonald’s it is then.”
“See you.”
“See you.” And with that, they disconnect the phone. He looked at the instrument for a few more seconds before placing it on his dresser and walking back towards the bed. “Dinner’s almost ready, Tailmon.”
“I should get going,” she said. “Thank you again, Takeru.” Much to Takeru’s surprise, she hugged him. “Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Tailmon,” Patamon called. “See you tomorrow!”
Tailmon exited the room and leaped away.
“Takeru,” Patamon started. Takeru looked up at him. “Are you okay?”
Takeru looked to the side and stared at the telephone. “Yeah, I’m okay.” He sighed. “I really like you, Hikari-chan.”
IV. Hikari meets her husband after the events of season 2.
Time flies by so quickly. Before Takeru knew it, they had all finished college and were now working, being able to graduate with the degree they had dreamed of having. But his feelings never changed. In fact, it grew. He knew he did not just have a simple crush on her, he knew he was in love.
In fact, he was just about to admit his feelings for her when they bumped into one of her old friends. A friend she had met when he was in Setagaya, his name was Ryonusuke. They talked and reminisced about old times. Takeru felt like an outsider but he still was able to chat with the two when he felt he could butt in.
When they had parted ways with Ryonuske, Takeru asked, “It seemed like you had a crush on him.” He did not want to know the answer but he knew that even if did not ask, the answer would be “yes”. “I can see why,” he said as they walked around Shibuya. “He seems like a nice guy.”
“He is!” Hikari exclaimed. “Oh, Takeru, he’s the best. He was bullied back then, and I was the only one who defended him. After that, he learned how to defend himself. We were a good team.” She smiled. Takeru could feel his heart breaking into a few pieces. “But he was only with us for more than half the school year. His father got into an accident so he had to move back.” She sighed. “I can’t believe it’s been years since we saw each other.”
He cleared his throat. “You...uh, never mentioned him before.”
She cocked her head. “I guess I didn’t think much of him...then.”
“Mhm. So you’re planning on meeting him again next weekend,” he said casually.
“You can come, too, Takeru. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”
‘But I would,’ he thought bitterly. “No, it’s okay. You two need to catch up without a third wheel.”
Hikari frowned. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
They did not notice Patamon and Tailmon looking at each other as they continued to walk.
Later that day, Takeru called his brother. “Onii-san,” he greeted once Yamato had picked up his phone.
“Mm, Takeru, what’s up?”
“You know how I was going to confess to Hikari about...you know, my feelings?”
“Yeah, you said something about that a few days ago.” Then he paused. “Wait, you told her today?” He sounded excited. “Well? How’d it go? Is Taichi going to be my new brother-in-law now? Is that how it works?”
Takeru sighed.
“Oh.” Yamato paused. “Didn’t go well, I presume.”
“I wouldn’t know now. I was about to tell her but she saw someone familiar and called him over.”
“Oh? Who is it?”
“Some guy named Ryonosuke,” he answered.
“Ryonosuke...Ryono—Ryonosuke Riika?”
“Probably, I wouldn’t know, we never talked about last names.” ‘Or maybe I just didn’t care.’ He tried his best not to sound so down but he knew that his brother would see through his facade. “I was so close, Onii-san. So close. This close!” He held up his hand and put his thumb and index finger close to each other. He knew his brother could not see it but he did so anyway.
Yamato sighed. “I’m sorry, Takeru. But there’s always next time!”
“Yeah, if she doesn’t fall for him first.” He glared at the ground.
“Then make her fall for you first. Tell her how you feel.”
“I can’t just do that anymore, Onii-san.” He sighed.
“And why the hell not?”
“I...I...oh I don’t know! I just don’t think it’s the right time anymore. Maybe when I’m sure Ryonosuke is out of the picture. I don’t think I can compete with him.”
“And again, why the hell not?”
“Because...I saw the way Hikari looked at him. It’s the same way you look at Mimi-san.”
Yamato was silent.
“Anyway, I’ll talk to you soon, Onii-san. I’ve still got stuff to write.”
“Take a break,” his brother ordered. “You won’t be able to write your next bestseller like this.”
He nodded. “You’re right. I’ll talk to you soon, Onii-san,” he repeated. And with that, he put down the phone and walked to his room, a sad Patamon flying next to him.
But soon was just the next day. Yamato and Mimi, along with their two-year-old son, Satoshi, knocked on his door. The first to come in was Satoshi, followed by Palmon and Gabumon, and then the pregnant Mimi, and finally Yamato. Takeru immediately prepared the dining table and then picked up Satoshi. “What do you want to do today?”
Satoshi had his own Punimon and Patamon flew down to carry him. “Eat!” Satoshi exclaimed.
“Eat?” Yamato laughed. “You just ate before we left.”
“That’s what you get for having a wife who cooks and bakes,” Takeru said, laughing.
Mimi laughed along. “Palmon, why don’t you make some cookies? I’ll follow you in a bit.”
Palmon nodded. “Okay, Mimi.”
“I’ll help!” Gabumon said, walking behind the green digimon.
Mimi sat down on the chair beside Takeru and asked how he was doing. “I heard from Yamato about what had happened.”
Takeru nodded. “I guess it’s just...I don’t think it’s meant to be.”
“I’ve known you and Hikari-chan for a really long time,” she said. “I think it’s meant to be.”
“But I’m not like you and Onii-san, Onii-chan. I don’t...I’m not meant to have my happily ever after.”
“Don’t say that!” Mimi nearly shouted. This surprised him. “Okay, so maybe you’re not meant to be with Hikari-chan, but you will have your happily ever after.”
Takeru sighed. “Maybe I will get an ever after...maybe just not a happily ever after.”
Mimi frowned and looked at her husband. Yamato looked at his brother with sadness in his eyes. “It’ll be okay, Takeru,” he said. “It’ll be okay.”
Mimi wrapped her arms around him from behind. “It’ll be okay.”
Some few years later, the marriage ceremony was not that grand, it was simple and intimate, just as Hikari had requested. Even during the reception, Takeru refused to interact with her. So when she asked him for a dance he was hesitant but obliged. How could he say no to the bride? How could he say no to her?
“You’ve been avoiding me,” she said.
Takeru cocked his head. “Am I?”
She nodded. “Don’t play dumb.”
“Uh...sorry.” He licked his upper lip. “I just...I...well….”
“I don’t know, Hikari,” he admitted. “I don’t know.” And he knew that he had hurt her.
Hikari dropped her hands. “Okay. Okay.” And she left.
He watched her go, his mouth opening a little. But when he saw her so happy with Ryonuske, he stopped. Some things were just not meant to be said.
IV. Happily Ever After
He never did get his happily ever after. Not until all the incidents at least. He had married a woman named Akane. She was beautiful and was a very big fan of his works. She was everything he needed, and for a while, he loved her with all his heart.
But then came the fights.
Takeru knew that their son, Tenma, was very much affected. At an early age, Tenma knew about his grandparents and what children would want the same for their parents. Takeru would assure his son that whatever was going on, it was not and never will be his fault. But Tenma continued to blame himself, thinking that maybe if he was a good son, his parents would not separate. It broke Takeru’s heart knowing that even though his son did nothing wrong he accused himself of causing all the trouble. Sure, they may have had an argument or two about him, but whatever happened between him and Akane was not and never will be his doing.
“Papa,” Tenma called out to him one night. Takeru was writing furiously while Akane slept. “Papa.”
He twisted. “Tenma! What are you doing up? It’s past your bedtime.” Although his son had his own Tokomon, he would allow Patamon to sleep in his room, too. “Where’re Patamon and Tokomon?”
“Papa….” His lips began to quiver.
Takeru could not stand his son crying. “Come here.” He opened his arms wide for his son. Tenma ran to him, hugged his stomach, and broke down. He soothed the young boy. “Shh, what’s wrong? Did you have a bad dream?”
“N-no,” he replied, sniffling. “I don’t want you and Mama to separate. I’ll be a good boy, I promise!”
Takeru closed his eyes and began to tremble. “This isn’t your fault, Tenma. What your Mama and I are...talking about. It has nothing to do with you being a bad boy. You are the best son in the world! Don’t worry, you shouldn’t be scared.”
Tenma continued to sniffle. “But—”
“Tenma?” They heard Akane’s voice. “Tenma, it’s time to go to bed. Come on.”
Tenma looked at his Papa one more time before following his Mama’s instructions.
When he had closed his door, Akane turned to him. “Why was he up?”
Takeru closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “He thinks that what we’re fighting about is because he’s been a bad boy.”
Akane sighed. “He really believes that, doesn’t he?” She wrapped her arms around herself. “Takeru...I….” She paused. “I think it’s time that we should be true to ourselves.”
He knew this was coming. He knew that at some point, he and Akane would part ways. He only held strong for Tenma, and he knew she did, too. But it was too much. They were hurting their son even more. “What about him?”
“He’ll understand when he’s older,” she said, biting her bottom lip. “I don’t want this, Takeru. I don’t want to be in a household where I can’t even look my husband in the eye and tell him I love him.”
It did not hurt him. Maybe because it has been a while since she said it to him. And it had been a while since he said it to her, too.
“I will always love you, Takeru. But, this...this isn’t right anymore.”
“I know, I know.”
And it was finalized a year later.
Tenma resented his parents.
There was a joint custody agreement, and since they both continued to live in Odaiba, their son had nothing to worry about when it came to school and friends. But he did not like being with his parents and other children.
But he did find refuge in Akihito, his best friend, and Hikari’s son. The two boys were the same age since Hikari and Ryonuske had decided to have a child a little later.
Tenma was jealous of the happy family Akihito had even though he would often say that it was not always perfect.
But then came the accident.
Takeru knew that Hikari only had her son left. She may have Tailmon, she may have Taichi, Sora, and her nephew, she may have her parents whom she still visits on a regular basis. But she did not have Ryonuske. And she never will again.
A few months after, Takeru finally had the heart to pay her a visit. He brought Tenma with him so that he could talk to his friend while the two boys played. Patamon was flying above them while Tenma held up his Tokomon.
What surprised him was Tenma asking if he was okay. “I know...how much Akihito’s mama means to you.”
Takeru’s eyes widened. “What are you talking about?”
“I see the way you look at her, Papa. I always have. Is that why you and Mama were fighting all the time?”
Takeru sighed. “You’re too young to know these things, Tenma.” He patted the top of his son’s head. “But no, it’s not that. Well, it could have been one reason but...it wasn’t the only.”
Tenma nodded slowly. “You’ll tell me when I’m older, right?”
“Of course, Tenma.” He bent down to kiss the top of his head. “Here it goes.” He rang the bell.
Hikari had been the one to open it and she gave him a smile. “Takeru.”
“Tenma-kun. Akihito’s in his room. Go on ahead, just remember to knock.” She giggled.
“Thank you, Oba-san.” He bowed before taking off his shoes and then rushed to Akihito’s room with Tokomon.
The remaining three watched him enter the room before looking at each other. “Tea?” she asked. “Or maybe juice?”
He smiled. “Orange juice.” Then he took off his shoes and followed her into the kitchen.
“Oh, Takeru.” Tailmon had appeared. “Why don’t we go to the kids, Patamon.”
Patamon descended a little as he and Tailmon entered the boys’ room.
And so Takeru and Hikari were alone. “It...uh...it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” He cleared his throat. “I don’t think we’ve had a heart-to-heart talk in a while.”
“It has, hasn’t it?” She put down two glasses of orange juice on the table. She smiled at him. “How have you been?”
‘I love you, Hikari. Always have, always will.’
And those few words, those eight words, when he finally said it out loud some time later, he could not believe how his life had drastically changed.
And after a few years, he was at a park with Hikari, his son Tenma, his step-son Akihito, and his and Hikari’s child, Nozomi. And of course, Patamon, Tailmon, Tokomon, Plotmon, and baby Nyaamon were with them.
Tenma and Akihito were helping their younger sister make castles in the sandbox, their digimons bouncing around them. Takeru was leaning on the bench that he was sitting on while Hikari had her arm hooked around his and her head had rested on his shoulder.
“She’s growing up so fast,” she murmured.
He smiled. “Next thing you know, she’ll be graduating high school while the boys are off finding jobs.”
They heard Patamon and Tailmon, who were up on a tree, whimper.
She groaned. “That’s too much thinking, Takeru. Let’s not go that far yet.” She laughed, as did he. She shifted and let her chin rest on his shoulder instead. “I love you, Takeru.” And she sat up straight, lacing her fingers around his.
He kissed her temple and whispered, “I really love you, Hikari.”
tagging (because i love you guys): @tangledupblue​ @vanillabullets​
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spotsandsocks · 2 years
F*ck it Friday
Tagged by @the-likesofus @imsupposedtobewritting thank you my lovelies
Share something my loves it makes my day to see your creations @loveyourownsmiilee @elvensorceress @sibylsleaves @ajunerose @blaidddrwg1982 @rogerzsteven @hetrez @jacksadventuresinwriting
Blatant self promo… Looking for love and attention for my fairy tale AU. Just kidding I know AU and fairytale ones at that! aren’t going to super popular but just in case any ones up for giving it a try. Here’s a bit … young Prince Evan Is put under a curse
A bargain was struck for a healthy child and the price agreed was something of equal value.
The queen hadn’t known, that’s what she said, again and again, she hadn’t known that there was already a life growing inside her, their third child.
The fae knew; it smiled before vanishing, sharp teeth flashing, eyes lingering on the queen’s stomach. That was when she understood what the price would be and she knew too that there was no purpose in becoming attached to something you’d already lost.
Nine moons passed and payment was due.
The creature that arrived to collect the fee was clearly not of this world, Its hair, midnight blue trailed down its back, skin the colour of moss glowed softly from within. There was no mistaking what they were or what they had come for. It was very beautiful, mesmerising and bewitching but in much the same way that a fire is beautiful and with the same risk.
The King and Queen accepted the inevitable and stood aside but his sister and the older prince said no, they stood together and tried to keep him safe, tried to keep him theirs.
The princess picked him up and held him close, lips pressed to his brow. Her love for him was new but already so strong. His brother stood before them both, young but brave and determined to keep the ones he loved safe, unsure what he could do but willing to try.
Their actions provoked laugher, bright and brittle it rattled round the hall. The fae found itself amused by the futile gesture of the young ones before it and being capricious in nature it changed its mind on what it wanted and the ripples of that decision were sent into the world.
The children shivered as a melodious voice, laced with cruel, mocking humour rang out.
“Such courage, such love, such a thing should have a reward so you may have him a while longer but you will remember the promise, who he really belongs to. When the moon is new you will not forget that he is already ours.”
So the children were given time and although it was not the intention they were also given a chance at changing his fate.
“25 years I think.” it said, amused, it could wait, 25 years after all was only a moment to the fae for whom time moved so differently but it was enough to cause trouble in the human world.
The princess and the oldest prince exchanged a glance, they were just children but they knew their brother had been given both a gift and a curse.
The beautiful face smiled but no glimmer of kindness could be found in it. The parting words left them cold.
“You love him now, think how much harder it will be to say goodbye then.”
The princess closed her eyes to hide her tears.
The king said nothing throughout it all, remaining silent on his throne, unable to look any of his children in the eye. He had made a bargain and although the price was high, the heir was worth it.
That was until the accident;because when the younger prince was just seven years old he lost his beloved brother anyway.
A fall from a horse; no magic, no curse. Just bad luck.
So in the end the kingdom was destined to lose both its princes anyway.
Except there’s that one chance, a gift of time; time to find someone who could help.
Eddie’s been told many times that when you have magic you should do something with it, leave the world a little better than when you arrived in it.
He likes the sound of that so he chooses his focus, how to use his magic carefully and he chooses to heal, he finds people to teach him and he’s good at what he does. He travels and he tries to help, he sees life and love, death and pain.
One day he meets someone gifted like him but the magic in her blood is the gift of sight.
They spend a few years together and when she goes, she leaves him with two gifts: one is the most precious gift he ever receives, the other is a gift of words, a guide she says, to help find lost love. He worries that his love is destined to be lost before he’s even found it but he can hardly to change his fate.
The words are a riddle, that’s to be expected. Foresight is rarely clear, not until you're on the other side of it so really what’s the point? He writes it down anyway because one day it might help him find something important.
The words are strange;
Chance begins it
Choice ends it
Shadows hide
Shadows take
Faded Love
can be found
What’s given is kept
What’s taken returned
Heart follows
Lines that link
Lines that hold
Heart finds
Gold to bring it home
Eddie tries to make sense of it for years even though he knows it’s an impossibility. He’s right, he doesn’t understand it at all and so he misses it completely when it begins.
Amazing cover art here
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thanks for replying ♡ and oh, if matchups are open can i please get one for ikevamp?
— physical appearance: i'm 155 cm, so very short, and i'm on the chubby side with lots of curves. however, i still have a bit of a baby face, round with a botton nose and big eyes and dimples. that's to say i look younger than i am despite everything lol. i'm italian, so i have mediterrean typical features like dark hazel eyes, thick lashes, long curly brown hair... though i'm probably paler than i should be lol. all in all, i think i'm average? but then again i don't have the best self-esteem so i can only say so much.
─ other info: uhm, i'm a pisces and an infp! and i don't know if it helps you but i'm also rowdy hufflepuff.
─ personality-wise, i look as soft and flamboyant as i am lol okay, i'm introverted, so i seem very aloof and shy at first, maybe even distant, but i'm actually a very curious, free-spirited and cheerful person. especially if i feel at ease with someone or i want them to feel at ease with me. i have a bit of a swim or sink approach with my own insecurities because i’m not really used to have someone to rely on, but with others i’m more patient and gentle, i think i just can't help but get on the nurturing side? i'm idealistic and independent, the kind of person who doesn't want to fit in a box and dreams big and talks back because she can't help but being a sassy little shıt if tested :') i know i'm as hard on myself as i am on others when it comes to attitude, and sometimes i can get snarky and more stubborn than usual, so i try to keep the more ugly side of myself to, well, myself, so i can cool off, recharge, and get back to normal!
─ what i like: autumn with its warm drinks and weather, cats or puppies alike, dark chocolate. also hugs and cuddles and affection of any kind, no kidding! i'm not tackling anybody, buuut they're pivotal to one’s well being in my opinion. i also love music, journeys, and books! i the last two things could go along, metaphorically speaking, but yeah, aside from horror i could read almost everything (ngl i'm more of a wilde girl but i do appreciate doyle's works very much). i'm the artistic type in general, so i draw and write, like, a lot. i don't show the results to many people though, only the few close to my heart.
─ as partners go, i never had a relationship before, and i say this being in my early 20s, so he'd need to guide me a bit at the beginning, starting by speaking loud and clear so i get the that there are feelings on his part lol. i'm actually on the aromantic spectrum and with everything else, personally, i feel like i could only go for someone who i feel emotionally connected to and who loves me for who i really am. i don't care about appearances, it's all about what lays beneath the surface. more than anything else i’d value someone i could share laughs and adventures but also the toughest moments with. sort of like a safe place filled with acceptance, love, affection and inside jokes. and a bit of teasing so we don’t get too sappy fjskdisk having chemistry is important too.
idk if it makes sense? and i hope it didn't get too long, i was just curious, i've been playing for almost a week now and i'm hooked. :'D anyway, thank you dear! take your time, and i hope you have a wonderful day 💖
Thank you so much! This is actually he last match up I'm doing , but if you like it feel free to drop by again bc I will be taking other requests. Shameless self promo ok a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to keep from stressing to much
But anyway, it was very hard to decide on who to match you with so I hope you like it. Enjoy^^
lease take no offence to me bashing the characters I really love them ll and I love the game, but I like to be a little shit most of the time so asseyez-vous s'il vous plaît and let's begin
I matched you with....................Vincent
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Ah yes
Sunshine boy
So you get to this mansion and you are greeted by prince charming Napoleon
You walk down the hall and run into Arthur
As you know that conversation was very weird I am I love him but that was gross
That rattles you a little it would upset me too, szemtelen
So of coarse after that you don't want to approach the residents
I mean Theo is mean, Mozart is basically Elsa, Isaac has very little self control and Jean looks like and emo from 2001
And Arthur, bro seriously, secreting your thot all over this mansion
But anyway, you sit cooped up in your room a couple of days with some nice books Comte gifted you
And then there is a knock on the door
you open it and Vincent is just standing there, with some paint smeared on his face, with Brush who's holding a couple of paintbrushes
"Would you like to come to the gardens with me? The roses are beautiful this time of year and I would quite enjoy some company"
You contemplate it for a second, but in the end you cave and agree
who could ever resist his face
You go out into the garden and it's honestly breathtaking
he leads you to a little bench that has roses growing on the two sides of it, curling around the arm rests and reaching for the skies
You too had a great time, just chatting and laughing
Soon one outing turns to two and the three and in no time you are traveling around Paris looking for nice places to paint
After a month and a half of dancing around each other he takes you back to that bench in the garden and asks you to be his girlfriend
Now Vincent didn't exactly have a romantic relationship with anyone before so this is new to the both of you
But it's what makes it so special
You are each others first everything
You guide each other the best you can even though sometimes you are clueless, but it's ok
I see Vincent as someone who would be a little hesitant to let anyone touch him
I know this might be and unpopular opinion, but this is how I like to imagine him
He has been though a lot, and he has bottled a lot of things up and he doesn't want to scare you away with everything that has happened to him
He's scared to let you in,, weather that be letting you into his head or his arms
But honestly he gets used to it and he loves it so much
He will gladly give you all the affection you want and would always give you space if you need it
He loves how much of a free spirit you are
He's an artist so he doesn't like to be confined and put in a box, so having someone with the same thoughts as him, reassures him
Honestly I don't know if you can cook or you like to cook but if you can please do
this man will burn water, help him
And if you make any special or classic Italian dish with Leonardo he will be so happy
He would just generally like to know more about your culture
in return he will also tell you about his
You have a lot of conversations while he's painting
it's peaceful and he likes to have company
He asks you to marry him at the end of August in a beautiful sunflower field
I hope you enjoyed it!^^ Stay safe and have a lovely day/night!:))
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Uh hi ! I'm relatively new to the self ship community but I wanted to draw your ship with Ruv !
Also this is my main blog cause anon asks can't attach images but my self ship side blog is @jestercove and I wasn't sure if I should post it there and tag you but anjdks rambling aside your art and ship are both so cute !!
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OKAY OKAY I shouldn't gush too much aHa but welcome!! I hope you'll have a great time around this community, and I promise you will have an amazing time here!! 💕 I just checked through your blog and wow your art is so good?? (yall it's free promo go FOLLOW) imma follow!! 💕💕💕
and the submission problem is understandable! honestly I don't mind how you would share it, tag me, ask me, dm me, it's okay!
again, thank you so much for this art agh!!!! this is so adorable I????? nsjdjeskw
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viktorhargreves · 4 years
some thoughts i have on the s2 promo stills
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I think Ben is appearing either in a dream or to someone other than Klaus. The reason I believe this is the color composition for the shot and the framing. The Umbrella Academy is a dark show. Literally. And the season two promo pictures are no different from season one. Why the sudden departure from this? Promotional photos directly from the source (i.e. the production department) usually are not put through filters so this is how it will be shown in the show. So why the brightness? I think it’s either a dream or revelation (you know the cheesy trope where the sunlight streams in and someone finally pieces things together) or maybe it’s a vision that someone has of Ben. Contenders for this? No idea. But judging from the body that’s strung up on the ceiling (yeah, I didn’t forget that part) it could be Vanya. Or I could be totally wrong. Either way, the body does hint towards Klaus’ telekinesis, something he has in the comics that we have yet to see in the show (besides the suitcase debacle). 
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We know that Five is the last to be sent to the 60′s so if he’s stuck in a new time with no one around what does he do? Find a mannequin and make a new friend (or something more). Maybe what we are seeing is him about to home-wreck this bitch and steal little miss blue-dress here. Or maybe he’s looking back at a different character... the villains of this season perhaps? Or maybe The Handler makes a comeback? Either way, he looks cautious and if he is looking at someone less than savory then the set up we see could be set up to mock him rather than a harmless department store display.
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The paper reads: “S.J.C.C. asks... Have you experienced DISCRIMINATION by your employeer?” Not much comes up in Google for a look into who S.J.C.C. could be but I personally am SYKED to see The Umbrella Academy hopefully tackle race issues. Especially at this time in the world, it could be what people need. Also a new hairstyle for Allison which I love. I personally hope Allison is thriving but this is the 60′s and even though The Civil Rights Act was signed in ‘64, there was no across-the-board stop of segregation at once. I hope for her sake she stays safe.
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Again, we know that Five is the last one to arrive. Perhaps he gathers them all to this place to tell them about the newest apocalyptic event about to take place. But a barn? Not sure why. Everyone else is dressed in back, however, even Klaus which is very telling that something is wrong. Allison has lost the hair bump (she was probably just wearing it to fit in). Luther has a beard which is very telling as well because the only other time that we have seen him with one is when he woke up from his surgery (supposedly after a long period of time) so if it was in his control he would shave it off to be the good little soldier that dad made him. Maybe being stranded in Texas in the 60′s made him depressed like we saw towards the end of season one or maybe he just wants to live a little. Diego’s outfit looks very similar to his vigilante outfit in season one but with what looks like either shoulder pads or a hoodie. This could be one of two things: he is still a vigilante using his powers for good, or he works a job like construction or something similar judging by the cross-chest harness. And Vanya. Look’s like she’s wearing a suit jacket. Peak gay. No further comment. 
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GOOD GOD!!!  What to say, what to say. As it’s been pointed out already by many other users, Ben. Is. Holding. Keys. That means he is corporeal and has a physical body. Whether this is for a short period of time like when he punches Klaus in season one or if this marks the beginning of a new era of Ben-filled The Umbrella Academy is unknown. Klaus is a fashion icon. That much we been knew. Although, his beard is longer than the promo pictures despite being in the same outfit. Longer than the picture above too. I’m excited for this scene regardless of what it is about, but if I had to guess: Klaus is motioning for Ben to give the keys to him. The car broke down. Klaus gets out and tries to fix it by popping the hood, only he knows nothing about cars. He gets angry and throws the keys. Ben catches them. Klaus is then irritated and asks for them back. That’s just my take. Klaus looks like he’s smiling but it could be the natural face a person makes when they are squinting from the sun (this is Texas and those are sunglasses (also water is wet)).
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#justgirlythings. Vanya is the only one who seems uncomfortable, also where are Klaus’s shoes? If you look in the background it appears this isn’t a salon as you would guess on the first look but rather someone’s house. Maybe this is a way to time travel without Five? Or some other sci-fi device like the shoot that Cha-Cha and Hazel used in season one to get their orders. Either way, there is a lot more going on here than we know from first looking and I wouldn’t put it past anyone that this is an important still to remember and keep in mind.
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Iron Man references aside (thank you Justin Min), look at her entire body posture and language. Clenched jaw, clenched fists, forehead straining, eyes closed but not clenched like the others, neck straining. Vanya appears to be in the middle of nowhere so maybe she’s testing her powers? Last time we saw her testing her powers it was in the middle of the woods with Leonard so maybe this will be a good parallel. What else to do in the 60′s when you’re stranded than to try out your superpowers that you just remembered a few days ago?
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Vanya! Is! Happy! She is definitely smiling and looks genuinely more happy than she did with Leonard in any event. The blonde woman is Marin Ireland who plays a character “Sissy”. Variety and Netflix have stated that Sissy is "a fearless, no-nonsense mom from Texas who married young for all the wrong reasons". Maybe, and I’m just spit-balling here, she married young because of internalized and outward homophobia that is probably rampant in the 60′s and in Texas. She meets Vanya and the two begin a relationship. Friends? Lovers? More? Vanya’s right hand is either on a gear shift (manual transmission i.e. stick shift cars were much more common in the 60′s than now) or on Sissy’s knee. I like the idea of her resting her hand on Sissy’s thigh and smiling, maybe driving off on a new life together. 
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Like. The Gang’s all here, Scoob. Even Ben! Allison is talking, it seems so to have Ben in the shot is odd. Usually Ben only appears when Klaus is the main character of the shot or the scene since he can only see him. Except, maybe everyone can see him!! Klaus can summon Ben as seen in the season one finale so maybe he was able to do it for a longer amount of time. I personally really hope that we see more of Ben (which the stills lead me to believe) and that they will develop not only his character and backstory more but his powers as well. His power rivals only Vanya’s is sheer amount of destruction it can cause. The room, however, where they all are looks unassuming. It could be where Five has taken up a residence, could be a house of one of the other siblings (we know that some of them did in fact settle down and start lives in Texas), or maybe it’s just a safe place to meet as a team. Either way I am psyched!
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It’s safe to assume that these are the assassins. Whether they are with the organization that The Handler was with is unclear. What is clear is that I get Stranger Things vibes from these guys. It might be the white hair and dark, cloudy road. Either way, these guys are played by Tom Sinclair, Kris Holden-Ried, and Jason Bryden left to right and they play Oscar, Axel, and Otto respectively. 
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Diego, Diego, Diego. My son. Disregarding the long hair and beard completely because I refuse to acknowledge it at this point, here is my interpretation of the scene. This is a flashback in the same fashion that we had a Diego flashback in episode three of season one. That flashback had Grace helping Diego through a stutter and then in one camera motion showed current-day Diego sitting on his old bed. This could be the same kind of thing, with current-day Diego sitting where he past self was and watching a scene unfold around him. Why else would he be in his uniform? How could it fit? How could he be back in the mansion?
That’s all I have to say about it for now but my ask box is OPEN for theories, possible explanations, or hypotheses on season two or any of the promotional stills. Time travel is messy. Let’s see what happens on July 31st.
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enter-the-phantom · 5 years
A few words on the selfship community that probably will and should make you mad (rant incoming from an angry sick person who loves their small blog friends and hates elitism)
The selfship community actually really sucks. I’m saying it, because I haven’t seen anyone else say it. I don’t care that this post is going to piss people off. I’m saying it anyway bc I’ve had a lot of meds, bad medical news, I’m pissed, and I’m tired of seeing all the sadness on my homepage from our community and I’m saying something about it. This post may get a little angry and accusatory, so if you don’t like that, keep scrolling, because I’m saying what I want to say and what needs to be said. It’s totally okay to reblog though as long as you’re not trying to fight me on this. I’m not arguing about this post. I know it will rub some folks the wrong way and I’m okay with that.
I’ve seen so many people upset and feeling invalidated bc they’re constantly ignored no matter how hard they try to participate and be included. And then I see other people, the “selfshipping elite”, if you will, who are elite often for no reason other than the “high quality” content they post or their number of followers, receive tons and tons of unprompted letters, art, etc every day and I’m just like...we can see that people are being left out and hurt. Can you maybe back off the selfship celebrities and spend some of that time supporting the new people and the small blogs? Leave a nice comment. Send a kind ask. Maybe don’t draw your fifth piece of gift art for a huge celebrity blog and send a doodle to someone who’s sad about feeling invalidated and forgotten.
You don’t have to know their chosen characters. It isn’t hard to leave a sincere comment or a kind reblog about how cute and wonderful they are together, because they are and they deserve your support. You don’t have to spend hours on a fancy art piece for them, you don’t have to flood your blog with reblogs of other ships if you don’t want to. Likes and kind comments and sincerely interested asks are fast, easy, and they cost you nothing. This community is about supporting one another. If you don’t want to participate and prefer to selfship on your own, that’s totally fine! This is NOT directed at people who prefer to ship in a solitary way. But if you do and your participation is focused on one or two blogs with hundreds of followers and notes per post, who you know has a large support system, try sharing that love with someone who needs it. (I’m not talking about ignoring your bff blog for a stranger. I’m talking about sharing your time with those in our community who feel lonely and left out.)
And don’t even get me started on the events that reward massive blogs and force small blogs to the back. I personally know at least seven people, not including myself, who have dropped out of participating in the takeover events and Letters to my S/I because they are ignored and cast aside no matter what they do and how hard they try. They send letters, they make promos, and they get nothing. They watch other blogs receive 10+ letters from their f/o’s, and don’t receive a single one. Clearly people feel comfortable writing for their favs because they’re doing it over and over and over again for the big blogs. Fuck that. And then there’s the elitist nature of how we lift up the blogs and people who create “better” and “more advanced” art and content and ignore the less experienced artists bc they’re “not as pretty” for your blog to reblog. Don’t pretend we don’t do it, because we do. The validity of someone’s feelings and ships is not proportionate to how well they write or how pretty their pictures are. It is not proportionate to how developed their ship is.
I get that this community is BIG and people will inevitably somehow be left out simply bc of the sheer size. But we can alleviate that with small, easy acts of kindness that take seconds your time. You don’t have to spend all day looking for small blogs to send love to. But you see someone on your dashboard with single digit notes, talking about their faves or posting art or writing or anything at all, tapping the like button takes less than a second. Saying something pointed and sincere and kind is so, so fast and easy. A lot of you are spending that time worshipping blogs who you think will reward you somehow for it anyway, so there’s no excuse.
The thing with selfshipping is that we, like it or not, do not receive validation from the people we love bc they cannot physically do it. They’re not in our plane of existence, they’re not “real”. And many of us use this is a coping mechanism because we do not feel loved and seen in our own outside lives. It is a terrible feeling to find a community you believe will see you, will help you feel loved and validated, and to be ignored over and over again, through no fault of your own. It messes with you, because you have not progressed to the point where you can rely on your f/o to help you feel seen, and no one will tell you that your f/o sees you. Many of us, especially those with low self esteem who are still learning to love ourselves, cannot rely on our f/o’s for that love and validation. It has to come from outside of us, from the community. And too many members of our community are not receiving that, for no good reason other than we’re too busy sending it to others who already have it.
We’re giving hundred dollar bills to some people while others are begging for pennies. Split the difference. It isn’t hard.
This community is not as supportive and wonderful as we act like we are and I’m getting real fucking sick of it.
Reblog this, get mad, tell me I’m bitter. I don’t care. I didn’t write this to be nice. I didn’t even write it about me. My relationship with my f/o’s is solid enough to where relative silence on my blog doesn’t bother me too much anymore (although to be bitter for a second here, I am baffled that I have 500+ followers and average about 5 notes per post involving selfshipping. I mean...thanks for following me. But the only people who interact with me here are maybe two or three people I know fairly well. Which is confusing. I’m more confused over that than I am bitter or upset though, I promise). I wrote this for all the other folks I’ve seen who are still learning how to believe in their f/o’s love, and aren’t being encouraged on that journey.
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thesunalsocollapses · 5 years
10-04-19 — 3:33 a.m.
I hope you don’t mind me addressing a few pages of my journal to you. Maybe I’ll even rip these pages off and leave them for you — like on your pillow or something.
I missed you tonight. For real. I know I already said it, and I’m sorry I’ve been a little harsh on you when you said you couldn’t make it. But you can’t imagine how many times I thought of us walking that red carpet together. Getting out of the car we would have shared for a quick ride, but it would have been ours anyway. Armie and Timmy’s car is here for old times sake. Being us in front of their million eyes watching, expecting, wondering. I thought and dreamed about all of it so accurately I feel like I’ve been robbed of my own memories. Not the ones that could have happened and never did, but the ones that did and somehow were stolen from me. I know they exist somewhere but the tip of my tongue is empty of their taste and I can only see their ghosts. The only thing I can do now is hold onto our old memories, the one I put aside and only allow myself to look at every once in a while, to be able to enjoy the moments I have to do the same with others, others who aren’t you, and also because I’m too afraid to let them out. I don’t want to see their colors fade. I don’t want to wake up one day and realize I can’t feel your comforting warmth by my side, your voice whispering nonsense in my ear only to make me laugh, the soft touch of your hand on my waist… Have I already mentioned that I missed you? Because I did. I do, every day actually.
You know my outfit tonight was for you? I think Virgil joked about it somewhere, saying I was the easiest person to dress or something. That’s because I texted him only one time about what I wanted for tonight, right after we agreed on you being my plus one. I wrote : « Can you make me something shiny for London? » and he asked : « that’s all? » and I replied « yes » and that was it. I wanted to shine for you, Armie. Because you asked me to.
You probably don’t remember, but you did. At the Oscars.
Or maybe you do remember because that gif has been everywhere.
I’ve learned three things that night. Well — maybe more than three, but three I've been carrying every day with me ever since.
First, you are the dearest friend that I could make in this industry and probably ever will.
After the year of promo, after all the times you had presented me for awards, after not being even a nominee for that best supporting award you rightfully deserved, you were still happy for me. You were once again taking a step back, hiding in the shadows to let me shine under the dazzling light. I already knew back then co-stars rarely become close friends in real life. Never in those circumstances. And yet you were still there. Still by my side, still supporting me, still asking me to take the praise for you when no one realized I was only able to shine because you were there. Thanks to your light blinding my darkness away.
I may be the only one who truly knows this, because I’m the only one who knows everything that happened with you and to you behind cameras, but I know you deserved to be on that list just as much as I did. Probably even more.  
And you stayed after. Even if you were sick and dying on your feet from exhaustion, you stayed. I was on the edge of collapsing again and you were the only reason I didn’t. Keeping me whole. Picking up the crumbling pieces, and the ones I was trying to throw away, showing me how to love them again. How to love me again.
That night I also knew I had screwed up. I didn’t know exactly how, I didn’t know when, but it had to be me. It had to, right? I mean, how many times had we joked about the insane amount of stars that were aligned for this movie? Everything was fucking perfect. And yet I didn’t win. I was holding all the cards — like every fucking single one of them and I didn’t win. That night, I wasted the opportunity of a life time. Something that happens once and then never again.
Who am I to dare expect another chance? To hope for it and say yeah I wasted the first one so give me another. And one more after that because I’m presumptuous enough to think I’m so talented I deserve everyfuckingthing. When, in reality, I’m just that poor guy who has peaked at 20 and stumbled on the second step on the podium. After that, there were only shams, resemblances that don’t feel as right, a parade of almosts that don’t feel as good. I felt like I was doomed. Some days, it still feels like I am. Because that night, I became an Oscar nominee forever. And I knew I’d never be more than that. It didn’t stop me from keep trying, like during Beautiful Boy. I hadn’t got a nomination yet and I was already willing to starve myself to death, to put my life in danger to get myself there. Can you imagine what I could do now that all my previous attempts have failed? That scares me. I’m fucking scared because I don’t know if I can trust myself to know how to stop scratching that hitch, to stop hunting that unreachable desire that is nothing but a bottomless pit.
The third thing… I actually learned about the third thing recently, with my therapist. Talking about what has been happening in my life for the past months, we realized we kept circling back to the Oscars night. What would have been different if I had won? That’s the question I’ve been asking myself more and more often lately. And I think the answer is a fucking lot.
The more people were telling me it was all about politics and I shouldn’t think to much about winning or the fact that I didn’t, the less I could keep myself from thinking that if it’s political, I can’t win their game unless I play the fucking game. Being on the inside isn’t enough to take the whole system down. What if I lose everything? I can lose acting, Armie. You know I can’t. You know it's the one thing I can’t lose. Acting, and you. I need to be on top of their stupid pyramid so they can’t get rid of me anymore. I need to be irreplaceable. I’m just not sure how to do that anymore.
God I’m rambling way too much. Sorry. The high of the premiere is still running. I can feel it. It’s pulsing into the quiet of my room and the sound is both addicting and frightening. You still aren’t here to calm my nerves so I’m doing whatever I can on my own. Which is writing non-sense and self-centred reflections like the egocentric actor I am now, apparently.
I guess what I’m trying to say it’s… it’s all for you. That night, you asked me to shine and I failed. Every day since then I’ve been trying to honor what you wanted for me. To live up to the person you see when you’re looking at me. And I wanted you to see that tonight. How things have changed since the last time we did that together. I wanted you to see all the people, to feel their screams make the hair on the back on your neck stand up and their applause give you chills when they’re the ones standing on their two feet, clapping through all the credits and behind.
I wanted you to see that I made it, that I’m shining brighter than everyone else.
— 7:18 p.m.
I learned what they did. Did you know?? Of course you knew. Why didn’t you tell me? I hate them so much. I’m gonna… I don’t know what, but I’m doing to do something. I hate them. I hate everything so much.
I’m sorry, Timmy. I… suspected it was going to happen. Or something like that anyway. I didn’t think it was worth telling you because I didn’t want you to be mad at them, even if that meant you were going to be mad at me. I know you don’t hate them. It was easier this way. I thought it was.
…you didn’t have to do that for me, you know? But I look forward for it.
I missed you too.
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hippychick006 · 5 years
15.12 - Galaxy Brain
Episode Review/Recap
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This is not pretty. Not the worst episode ever, but definitely somewhere in the bottom 10. It mainly suffers from having the focus on “fan favourites” I stopped caring about seasons ago, and contempt for Sam and Dean and their fans coming through loud and clear in the writing.
Everything under a cut because some people can’t handle the truth!
Official episode summary to get us excited and want to watch live: Sam and Dean respond to a frantic call and together along with Castiel, Jack, and Jody Mills (guest star Kim Rhodes), assist in an extraordinary and heartbreaking rescue. Billie (guest star Lisa Berry) surprises everyone with a visit to the bunker.
My reaction:
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“Heartbreaking rescue” 😂
Kaia is shown in the recap and since I know from the promo that Jody is also in this episode, it’s yet another Wayward af episode being forced onto an audience who were very clear they didn’t want it 🙄. The recap is sending me to sleep and my bitter Sam girl is rising since he’s barely in it.  Checks who wrote it and rolls eyes: Teleplay by Bobo the 🤡.  Dean likely isn’t going to be much better off, prepares self for Destiel pandering and Dean being used as a side character to prop up the actual side characters.  Awesome. Roll on Walker where I hope I won’t be subjected to this shit.
The radio shed scene is boring.  Done with “fan favourite” Chuck and have been for several seasons now.  Chuck’s droning on about Sam and Dean, yet it’s Dean and waste of space who are being shown sitting down together, with Sam barely in the background.  Awesome.  I just. Why?  This is like when someone says something about J2 but we get a gif that includes M.  Why are we incapable of getting just J2 or Sam and Dean?
Moving quickly on, we transition from one character I used to love but now don’t care about, to another character I used to love, but now don’t care about.  “Fan favourite” Jody is examining a dead cow. “Fan favourite” Alex calls her, she must have been busy doing something else as she doesn’t appear in the episode. Side note, Berens put the line in about vegan lasagne because the girl playing Alex is a vegan. Oh… so we’re putting in shout outs to the side characters now?  Maybe that’s why the writing is so bad. #justsaying 🤷‍♀️
Jody gets whacked on the head and is it wrong to hope she’s dead?  😔 I know she’s not dead, I know this episode is going to be TFW 2.0 rescuing her (though I predict they will end up being the ones needing to be rescued because Wayward af). It’s too much to expect some real cases, some real urban legends to investigate in the final season.  Show went too big when it should have gone home.
Almost 7 minutes in and we finally have Sam and Dean. Yay! Berens has finally remembered they are still characters on the show, but I guess he hasn’t focused on them as they aren’t “fan favourites”.  And of course “fan favourite” waste of space is in the scene because Chuck fucking forbid we get the brothers without their waste of space hanging around because he somehow has nothing else to do the last 4 seasons.
We’re pandering to “my three dad’s” fan fiction crowd in this scene, though sharing 1 braincell Destihellers for sure will be tweeting about “dads” Dean and waste of space and cheerleader Uncle Sam.  They’re talking about “fan favourite” Jack and him eating hearts. Sam doesn’t want to trust “fan favourite” Billie (good call imo).  Dean seems disconnected from this scene. Same Jensen, Same tbh.  Jared, bless him, is trying his best with this shit, even bringing out the big gun puppy eyes of doom, but I’m feeling nothing but anger.
We move from them to Jack wandering around the bunker. We see him looking at “fan favourite” Mary’s initials carved into the table… and thank you show for reminding me of that fuck up that I’d wiped from my memory.  😡🤬. We learn during this scene that Jack has been trying to contact Billie, but she’s busy so sent him a reaper.
Back with my three dad’s and Jensen can barely keep the contempt out of his expression to deliver this script.  😂
We learn in this scene that Jack trusts Death so waste of space trusts Jack (me plaintively, why???), This appears to be the part in the season that waste of space is being set up to be the tool, which they’ll forgive him for yet again. 🙄 and also 😴 and 😡, a lot of 😡
Ooh, Sam just asked the obvious question, “If Jack kills god, what about Amara.” Nobody really answers it though.
Jared side-eyeing Misha at the end of this “brother” scene. Wtf are you doing in this scene? Your contribution was what exactly? Did I get any time off during any of this for you to stand in this scene doing nothing, other than pandering to Destiel stans that could give a fuck about me, than as a cheerleader for their non ship?  He flounces out.  I wish I could leave as easily Jared, but you sucked me into this show the first time you popped your cute mop of emo hair around the door and asked, “Do I have to?”  I’m here to the bitter, bitter end my friend.
Back with Jack and “fan favourite” random reaper we’ve never seen before.  No offence to the lady, but it might have been nice to see “fan favourite” Tessa back.  I don’t think she bit the dust, did she? Anyway 😴 through this scene.
Parent!Sam goes to find Jack and hears him talking to someone. Immediately concerned, he knocks on the door, and enters.  The reaper has disappeared. Sam asks who Jack was talking to, Jack says no one,  Sam knows that’s not the case but doesn’t push it.    Sam says they’re glad to have Jack back and asks if he knows that and that Jack could have come to them first, they would have helped him. So… we’re just ignoring the whole box thing and the end of last season? Awesome, said no fan of good writing or continuity anywhere.
By the way Jack, that was your cue to be honest with Sam about the reaper.
Ah, yet another pandering moment!!  How would we have endured the last few seasons without one or two or twenty of these crow barred into every episode.  Screams from the rooftops “waste of space is a god damn angel, he doesn’t eat or drink, why the fuck are you trying to humanise him you twats.”
Anyway 😴 through that scene and I swear, I would pay to have a version of this show with waste of space completely removed from the last few seasons.  Zero purpose to this, other than setting him up to be wrong again, and taking Dean along with him, because if Jack’s anything other than a red herring, I’ll be very 😡
As an aside, I  don’t know who that is in this scene but it’s not Dean. It’s not my Dean that I fell in love with.  I hate how much this show lost its way and dragged everything down to pandering and soap opera drama.
As another aside, this scene is like an outtake with seeing who can have the deepest voice, their vocal chords are going to be permanently screwed.
However, what amuses me as always with any Dean and waste of space scene, they don’t actually talk, except about Sam or Jack and this scene is no different.
Dean’s phone rings.  It’s Jody.  I started watching this epsiode, then took a break for a couple of days and had somehow completely forgotten she was in the episode. That’s how efficient my mind is at removing the trash. 😂. Anyway she’s in trouble and tells Dean where she is and that he has to come, otherwise she dies. 
Dean and Sam drive to the location given by Jody and I’m incredibly surprised that waste of space isn’t cadging a ride in the back seat.  Seems this is a random time they can deal with things on their own without requiring the assistance of several others. Just like the good old days.  Shame they’re saving one of the Wayward failures rather than a brand new case that would have been infinitely more interesting.
Sam and Dean get to pretend they remember how to hunt in this episode, Dean covering Sam’s back while Sam helps untie Jody who is tied to a chair in the middle of a barn is the best scene in the episode so far.  Jody has plenty of time while Sam’s untying her to warn them to watch out for “fan favourite” Dark!Kaia but no, and that’s how bad this is. She barely gets a gasp and a “look out” before Sam gets whaled on.  And of course they are both going to get their asses handed to them because “Wayward af” 🙄.  Fucking hate Wayward, not content with ruining 4 episodes of season 13, they’ve come back uninvited to waste another in season 15.
What the fuck did I just see? No seriously, what the actual everloving fuck did I just see? (My swearing goes up exponentially the worse the writing is, I make no apology for that).  Samsel-in-distress is writhing on the floor, while Dean is being choked by whiny dark!kaia complaining about her spear, so of course Jody has to be the one to rescue the Winchesters by whacking her on the back with her chair 🙄.  To add insult to injury, we don’t even get a padabooty shot to make up for this atrocity we’ve had to endure.  And believe me, I could see Jared desperately trying to give us that shot. I’m 😡
Now that Jody’s been shown to be more competent than the Winchesters because “girl power rules”, Sam’s able to stand up again and both he and Dean get their guns trained on dark!kaia.
Long boring scene later – mainly between Jody and Kaia because why write for the two guys you’re paying a quarter of a million dollars per episode for, when you can write for the cheap side characters and have Sam and Dean just stand in the scene doing practically nothing.  Are you chuck damn insane with this nonsense?  Oh sorry, upshot is Kaia is alive and Dark!Kaia can see her world ending and needs to open the portal to rescue her so she lured Sam and Dean to get to Jack (for him to open the portal like he did before). 😴
Jack and waste of space are playing connect 4.  Jack wins. 😴
Sam and Jody arrive back at the bunker. We get a waste of screen time between Jody and waste of space who meet for the first time, with Sam once again being very expensive, but beautiful background.   Dean comes in a little later so he can have a dramatic entrance with dun dun dun, dark!kaia. 😴
I love how the Scooby gang are all off to the side, having a conversation but Dark!kaia is clearly within listening distance so it just makes them look like dumbasses.
Jack’s off limits in helping Kaia (Parent!Dean said no), but Sam says they’re going to look for another way.  Ummm… wasn’t that what the entirety of Season 13 was about and you needed the grace of an archangel for?  You’re just going to “check the lore” and miraculously find in half an episode what you couldn’t find in the entirety of a season?  This is bad. Waste of space is going to call plot device “fan favourite” Sergei.  How they never stumbled across Sergei before, I have no idea as he seems to be the oracle as far as Drabbernatural is concerned.
Dark!Kaia is so whiny. They are terrible at writing teenage girls, it’s actually insulting at this point.
Oh, I thought Jack had found the right spell in research, but turns out the monster needed for the spell is now extinct as they read about it in dad’s journal. Wow, I don’t remember the journal being mentioned in a long time, surprised they remember it even existed, let alone used to be the holy grail of hunting and pretty much what the show centred around in the early seasons (*whispers*, when the show was good).
Wow, they even managed to make the 30 second broment boring. This is a new low.  😴
Jody and waste of space scene because yes, out of all the scenes I could have wished to see in the final season, this was on the list. 🙄. They talk about “fan favourite” Hunter!Barbie Claire (who couldn’t be in this episode because she’s all that and a kit kat now - Supernatural who? I don’t know her.). We find out Claire loved Kaia.  I mean yeah, it’s totally normal to fall in love within 15 minutes of knowing someone. Fucking hell, someone take this pandering hack’s laptop away and save us from this trite aimed only at people who share 1 braincell who only wanted the relationship as it’s a “parallel” to Destiel.  But since Dean dancing with a lamp a couple of episodes ago was a parallel for Destiel, why are we pandering to them. (*whispers* the writers are all narcassists and put stoking their ego before good writing).
This is bad.  Did I mention this was bad?  No, but it’s really, really bad.
Jack was listening in so he’s going to do something stupid so Claire gets her “love” back. Of course he is. 🙄
He goes to speak to Dark!Kaia.  She’s still whiny, we’ll fast forward this garbage to the point Jack looks inside Dark!Kaia’s head to see what she sees, which is Kaia struggling in lizard world. 😴
Jack goes to Sam and Dean and says he’s helping Kaia because he owes her.   Parent!Winchesters are funny, neither are happy with what Jack wants to do but they support their mother killing son.
Reaper is back to stop Jack doing something that is “Winchester dumb” and Jesus fuck, how much contempt does this hack writer have for the lead characters and the 99% of the audience who love them?
Anyway the next few minutes are how stupid the Winchesters are that they can’t even fix the warding on the bunker, and I hate this writer is getting paid actual money for handing this crap in. Unfortunately, he’s got his fellow writers and a couple of hundred sycophants telling him how absolutely amaze balls he is with the rest of the c list cast tweeting around each other at how good they all were.
This is my favourite bit of the episode – not really – but it amuses me the Hellers are making mountains out of “I need to borrow your angel” (😔 pandering) and completely ignoring that no-one bats an eye or puts up a token protest that the reaper needs to use waste of space to feed the wards to keep them running as long as they need for the spell to work. No one asks what harm that might do to him, waste of space is yet again, nothing more than... well, a waste of space really. Never change Hellers, never change. 😂. I’d like to point out that if Sam has been needed to charge it, the reaction from Dean would have been entirely different. 😂
Dean makes the spell, Sam reads the words, while 2 of the 3 side characters just stand there with no purpose.  The warding going up throughout the bunker is the coolest part of this episode though.  Special effects used their $2.50 dollar store budget wisely this week.  👍
10 second broment where Sam asks Dean how Sam’s feeling about what they’re doing.
Sam: honestly?  It feels like we’re taking a big, probably stupid risk… it feels good. Disobeying cosmic entities, doing the dumb right thing, it feels like we’re back.
Note to Berens, I think you could have fit a few more dumb synonyms into that speech to let us know how you really feel). 🙄
I like how Sam checks Dean’s backpack in this scene though.  I’m wondering if that was J2 rather than writing or direction.
Yet another scene between Jody and waste of space. 😴. Jody thanks him for staying behind to look after the reaper.  Waste of space says he wants Jody to stay behind too.
Jody (out of absolutely nowhere): What is that?  Some bs male chivalry thing?
Fuck off with your sjw feminist bullshit to please the single braincellers. With shitty lines like this, it’s absolutely no surprise Wayward didn’t get green lighted.
Waste of space talks about how he’ll never be able to make what’s right, what he “took from Claire”.  Oh, you’ve remembered you possessed a child, incapable of consenting to being possessed, in order to blackmail her father to agree to being possessed again against his will.  A father and husband you got killed because you provoked Lucifer by shouting “Hey assbutt” at him and getting Jimmy blown to smithereens? And you still wander round wearing his face and clothes? No, waste of space, you can’t ever make up for that.
Anyway, the reason he doesn’t want Jody going is that if Claire loses her on top of what she’s already lost (including Kaia), then it would kill her.  Jody agrees. I meanwhile have to stop watching while I try to find my eyes which have rolled right out of my head at this point of the episode. 🙄
Found them, we’re back!  
The reaper and Castiel put their hands on a stone tablet, not sure if we’ve seen it before or it’s just a random object the reaper has handy.  🤷‍♀️. The wards are supercharged (hiding the use of Jack’s powers from Chuck so he doesn’t alert Chuck that he’s back).  Jack opens the portal and Dark!Kaia, Sam and Dean step through to lizard world.
It’s raining heavily, but not on Sam’s hair bizarrely. Denied wet!Sam so here’s a gif from a good episode.
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And because I'm here for both my boys, here’s wet Dean as a bonus
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They start walking to find Kaia and are set upon by those creatures from the first Star Wars movies – the ones that sell the droids and this bit is exciting, finally we get what I’m here for.  Sam and Dean are going to kick as….  Or not, because why write Sam and Dean doing what they should be doing.  The creatures don’t want to fight, they are scared of the world ending and run away. Totally anti-climactic. 😔
They find Kaia and in the most bizarre writing so far in a season chock full of bizarre writing, Kaia rushes to the guy who pulled a gun on her and forced her to do something she didn’t want to do, resulting in her getting stranded on that shitty lizard world alone, and instead of stabbing him, she… hugs him.
In fairness, it was ooc writing by I think Berens that had Dean pulling the gun on Kaia in the first place so this is just a really weak attempt at fixing the original bad writing, which only ends up compounding the problem.
Sam “the writers never bother to write in a hug for me” Winchester just stands back and smiles at Kaia.  In fairness, Sam never getting hugged goes way back and I headcanon that Sam has “back off” vibes to protect himself.  Common in younger siblings that experience a lot of loss early in their lives.
Kaia notices dark!kaia and looks about to kill her but Sam says that she helped them find Kaia.  They go to leave but dark!kaia wants to stay because she doesn’t belong in their world.  Sam says she’ll die and she seems to accept that, being left behind as Sam, Dean and Kaia run for the portal.
We see Dark!Kaia’s world pretty much ending, with her embracing it, just as Sam, Dean and Kaia step back through the portal.
Jody and Kaia hug and I think we’re supposed to feel 🥰 at that, but I care for neither of them (and Kaia was the one I originally liked in season 13, but Wayward af and the trite with Claire, plus dark!kaia episodes ruined it).
Kaia and Jack scene and Kaia looks really well put together considering the entire time we saw her in the AU, she was clearly having mental issues, but like a magic wand has been waved, she’s completely normal and healthy and no worse for 2 earth years in complete isolation in a world you have to fight to survive in every day.  Miraculous, but that’s a Wayward af cardboard cutout character for you.
Jody comes in and offers Kaia a home at Jody’s home for cardboard cut out girl!power hunters.  Kaia asks if Claire will be there and Jody says soon.  
Sam, Dean and waste of space are crammed into a frame and we wouldn’t have this overcrowding in a scene if they didn’t insist on crowbarring him in.  There would be more space in the scene if he wasn’t wasting it. I’m guessing it’s to frame Jack in the front with his “three dad’s” behind 🤮. It just looks bad.
After Kaia and Jody leave, they go back to speak to the reaper.  They’ve remembered they have two stars in this framing, Sam and Dean are together in the front of the shot, Jack and waste of space are behind.
Sam asks the reaper if the warnings worked. She snidely answers that the fact they are all still alive says it worked.  She’s killed milliseconds later by… Billie.  Oh “fan favourite” reaper, so sad to see you go. Maybe you’ll be resurrected in a later episode. We can always hope.
“Hello boys”.  Wait, isn’t that Crowley’s line (and before that Ellen?).
Oh my chucking lord, why the dramatical looks at Death and everyone being scared. This is bad. This is like that Clint Eastwood movie where they all look at each other.
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It’s bad.  Who directed this?  Lol, I think it might have been Richard. He’s been hit or miss for me.  And this one’s a miss.
Sam and Dean step aside to allow Billie to get to Jack and can I just say, no parent would ever do that.  I don’t believe Sam and Dean would do that, but they do, do that (sniggers childishly at do do). They just step aside without saying a word, but who cares about them and what their characters would do.  Certainly not the writer of this episode.
Death tells them they risked everything for one girl and for what, because all the worlds are dying.
Waste of space says it’s Chuck and glares impotently at Death (I think that’s what he’s doing, he might just need the bathroom again, who knows anymore tbh), while she agrees with him, saying Chuck has been wiping out galaxies for the end.
Sam asks what her end game is.  He asks how Jack is going to kill god, what the plan is.
Long, boring monologue later, God has a book in Death’s library, meaning he can die. Billy: Everything dies” 😂
We flashback to original death in the pizza place with Dean and I wish they hadn’t. The difference between that scene and anything in the last season is glaring.  But I was right from something we were talking about a few weeks ago, because we get this quote from Death to remind us;
Death: In the end, I reap him too
Original!Dean: God?  You’ll reap god
Death: oh yes
Waste of space, “And why would god write the blueprint to his own death?” (that would have been a good line for Sam or Dean who have barely had anything to say or do this episode as it is, and they’re in the scenes just standing there getting paid a quarter of a million dollars to watch someone who hung up his acting shoes before season 7, give this line, and I can’t with this).
Anyway, god didn’t write the book, the books write themselves.
Another boring monologue, the upshot of which is Chuck had to write himself into the framework, hence he has to have a book, but it’s not explained very well and I’m fake coughing bullshit on this plot device as it doesn’t make any sense but I throw my hands up in the air. If the writers don’t care about even trying to make it make sense, then why the fuck should I put any effort in to explain it away. 😴
God hasn’t read his book and can’t unless Billie lets him. Sam asks if Jack is in god’s book. She says yes and “so are you.  I told you Dean, you and your brother have work to do, this is your destiny.  You are the messengers of god’s destruction.”
Oh great... they’re messenger boys now?  Awesome.
Back with Chuck, he’s still in Radio Shed, watching a number of televisions and all of them show worlds being destroyed.  
Chuck gets up to leave, the “fan favourite” Radio Shed employee asks if he’ll be saved.  Oh you sweet summer child! 
Chuck says he’ll be fine, but as he leaves we see a meteor hit the store (and show, if you think that was a surprise twist ending, it was flashing neon lights from the very beginning).
The episode seemed to be double the length of normal, but nothing really happened and it was boring af.
Somebody get this show a defibrillator.  Stat!  Oh wait, on second thoughts, slaps “Do not resuscitate” sign onto show.  Let it die in peace. 
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
Self-Promo Sunday: A Place Only You Can Go
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Summary: It’s 6a, and Killian has just moved in with Emma. She feels a panic attack coming on, but she thinks she can’t let him see her like this . . . Killian proves her wrong.
This is a deleted scene set vaguely sometime in season six. They’ve recently moved in together, Killian knows about Emma’s visions, and Emma knows about the shears.
Rating: G on Ao3, but I know think it should be T simply because of the description of a panic attack, which could be a trigger for some.
Lyrics from the song of the same name by needtobreathe.
On Ao3 until Sunday, January 12th.
Words: a little over 1k
Tagging the usuals: @snowbellewells​ @kmomof4​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @welllpthisishappening​ @bethacaciakay​ @teamhook​ @xhookswenchx​ @distant-rose​ @let-it-raines​ @resident-of-storybrooke​@optomisticgirl​ @wellhellotragic​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @thislassishooked​ @stahlop​ @snidgetsafan​ @spartanguard​ @jennjenn615​ @nikkiemms​ @hollyethecurious​ @branlovestowrite​  @carpedzem​ @tiganasummertree​ @scientificapricot​ @winterbaby89​ @shireness-says​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ 
Pain is alive in a broken heart The past never does go away We were born to love And we're born to pay The price for our mistakes Grace, she comes with a heavy load Memories, they can't be erased Like a pill I swallow, he makes me well But leaves an awful taste Oh, I know this song won't do Enough to prove my love to you In my heart you'll always know There is a place only love can go There is a place only you can go
Emma listened to Killian’s even breaths beside her, then she rolled over towards him and watched him breathe. In. Out. Maybe seeing him sleeping so calmly would settle her own heart back to an even rhythm. Yet the more she watched his chest rise and fall, the more erratic her own became. She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, struggling to control the air invading her lungs, but the harder she tried, the more she gasped. Her heart was beating so hard, she was amazed it hadn’t awakened Killian. She pressed her hand to her chest and pushed. Was she having a heart attack? But no, she couldn’t be. She had seen her death. And it wasn’t here in her bed.
The sheets and blankets were suddenly much too suffocating, and she suppressed the urge to fling them aside. Instead she eased her way out from under them, careful not to disturb the man beside her. Then she tiptoed as softly as she could to the master bathroom, although her limbs shook beneath her.
Once she closed the door behind her, she practically collapsed onto the cool tile floor. She eased backwards, pressing herself against the wall and curling her knees up to her chin. Her breaths were coming shorter and faster now, and she was gasping like that mermaid she remembered flopping around on Killian’s deck in Neverland. She rocked back and forth, wishing she could breathe normally again, but nothing seemed to help. And her heart thumped so loudly now, it rang in her ears.
The concerned voice was accompanied by light spilling through the open bathroom door. Emma gasped even more at the sight of Killian standing there, wreathed in the light from the bedside lamp. The blue flannel pajama pants she had bought for him hung low on his waist, and the low light cast shadows along his bare chest. He had only moved in a few days ago, so she could count on just one hand the number of times she had seen him without his brace. The sight still brought tears to her eyes for some reason. Of course, tears seemed just below the surface on a constant basis lately.
She burst into them now – the tears. Her breath came in wheezing gasps now as they coursed hotly down her face. Killian said nothing, merely dropping to the floor beside her. He rubbed her back slowly, saying nothing at first. Not until her tears slowed and she was no longer full-out sobbing.
“Don’t push the air out when you exhale, just let it come.” Emma just nodded as she did as he instructed, lack of oxygen making it almost impossible to speak.
“That’s my lass,” he encouraged as he shifted them both around. He slid behind her so that she was leaning her back against his chest. His arms encircled her. “Breathe with me,” he told her, “in . . . out . . . slow and easy.”
It felt like it took hours, but finally Emma’s breathing slowed and her heart stopped racing. Still, Killian held her. She turned towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He gathered her in his lap like a child and ran his fingers through her hair. He pressed his lips against her hair, but still he said nothing.
“I’m sorry, Killian,” she finally whispered.
“What’s there to be sorry for?” he asked her sincerely.
She let out a long, shuddering breath, and for one terrifying moment, she feared the panic attack would start all over again. She pressed her eyes shut tight and counted to ten as she imagined breathing against Killian’s chest again. “For falling apart.” Emma was surprised at the tiny sound of her own voice. She wondered if he even heard. But then he held her tighter, and she knew he had.
“I’ll repeat myself,” he said firmly, “that is nothing you need to apologize for. Strength is many things. And this? This is strength too, love.”
In that moment, Emma was surprised to realize that her greatest fear had been disappointing him. Or simply being too much. After all, never had she opened herself up to someone so completely. Never had she shared a home this way. Outside of the loft with her parents, this was the only home she had ever had. Period.
“I guess,” Emma whispered against his collarbone, “I guess I have that same fear I used to have as a foster kid. That I’ll be too much trouble, you know?”
Killian kissed her forehead. “I lived on a pirate ship with a sorry lot of uncouth, disgusting men who rarely bathed. Believe me, darling, you’ll never be too much trouble.”
Emma managed to laugh at that, though she knew there was sincerity behind his teasing. “I’m tired,” she told him, nuzzling against Killian’s jaw.
He stood smoothly with her still in his arms and carried her to the bed. When he got in with her, she cuddled against his side, pulling his left arm across her body. She held his stump with her right hand, her thumb caressing the edges.
“How did you know what to do for my panic attack?” Emma had suffered from them all of her life, though she hadn’t had one since right after giving up Henry. In all those years, she had suffered alone, struggling through them, thinking she was dying, but not wanting anyone to see her as weak.
No, as a burden. She didn’t want anyone to think she was a burden.
“Well,” Killian answered, shifting so that they were facing one another, his right hand resting on her hip, “I never called them that, but something similar used to happen to me when I was a lad. Liam did what I just did for you – getting me to breathe with him.”
Emma reached out and caressed his cheek, “You’re the only person who’s ever seen me have one.”
Killian’s brow furrowed. “Not even Neal?”
“No,” Emma sighed, “I had one – once – when we were together. I locked myself in a bathroom. Lied and told him I got sick.” She paused for a moment, biting her lip as she regarded him. “What about Milah?”
Killian turned his face to kiss her palm. “I only had them when I was a lad. Never told anyone about them. Until now.”
“I haven’t had one since I got out of jail. I don’t know why it’s happening again.” A tear slipped from her eye, and Killian caught it as it fell.
“You’ve been through a lot love, we both have.”
Emma leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. When she pulled away, she smiled tenderly at him. “Thank you for letting me be a mess. For loving me enough that I can be real.”
He smiled back and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “And I feel the same about you.”
Killian drew her close once again and she fell asleep in the circle of his arms, her breaths matching his. In. Out.
Take my notions and words to heart This is the cry of a man I can't bring you fortune or noble life But I'll love you all I can Oh, I know this song won't do Enough to prove my love to you In my heart you'll always know There is a place only you can go
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worldwidemochiguy · 5 years
Okay there's something that have been on my mind for a while and after you posted " Mean " I just really need your opinion ? Do you see Yandere Namjoon as a mean yandere ? I personally don't ,but all of the yandere story I see about him show him as the biggest asshole of the damn world -there's also Jin I see him as a controlling yandere but not MEAN , like he care for his s/o- so well what are your thoughts about it ? ( ALSO MEAN WAS UUUGH 👏💕😭) ( AND WE ALL NEED SOME CUTE SOFT Y!JOON) luv ya
well i mean tbh being ‘mean’ is basically in every single yandere’s m.o. bc… you know… they’re psychopaths?
but like that aside lmao ig to write yandere fics you have to take the aspects of the personality (of whoever you’re writing for) which could be seen as ‘yandere’ and amplify them bc obviously none of bts would actually be doing these things irl so to make the yandere characters still recognisable as the person then the aforementioned aspects have to be emphasised.
in the case of namjoon and jin, fics like to emphasise namjoon’s intelligence. this means he’s normally portrayed as like a manipulative yandere who thinks he’s intellectually superior, which often makes him seem like more of a ‘mean’ yandere.
with jin it’s the same thing except with narcisim (obviously im not saying the irl kim seokjin is a narcissist don’t come for me) and his tendency to be quite reprimanding (again, don’t come for me these are exaggerated characteristics) so he normally seems quite mean. this doesn’t happen w the other members so much bc people tend to draw on other characteristics for them e.g. jimin being needy and therefore being a clingy needy possessive yandere
it also probably has something to do w how people tend to favour the maknae line over the hyung line (i am sad to say it but we all know it’s true) so maybe they prefer to portray the younger members as nicer bc it’s more palatable for their tastes? and then portray the older members as meaner?
as for my personal opinion:
i don’t think namjoon has to be a ‘mean’ yandere, for example in my fic until i saw you (self promo lmaooo) he’s quite gentle by yandere standards, but i can also make a strong argument for him being ‘mean’. it’s the same for jin, you can have it both ways basically, it just depends on the character traits you choose to show
for example you could make namjoon a ‘soft’ yandere and emphasise traits like his paternal nature and his clumsy habits or you could make him a ‘hard’ yandere and emphasise his traits as a natural leader and his intellect (like many fics, including my own, do.) basically it depends on the writer i think.
sorry, i didn’t mean to write a whole ass treatise 🤡🤡 im glad you enjoyed mean lol thank you for reading it and for asking questions i love to ramble abt shit like this
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