#self-para ish
joel-brooks · 2 years
Location: Joel’s home Phone call: Joel x Lily Mentions: @lorixbrooks
Joel: “You didn’t,” he snorts.
Lily: “You bet I fuckin’ did, she was being mean to the love of my life.” 
Joel: “Ah, I see. And this love of your life is still the very straight, mysterious Rayanne from chem class, huh?”
Lily: “What is it they say, dad? Even spaghetti bends when you get it wet.” Lily cackles, crude as ever. “Anyway, what’s wrong? Have you got your days mixed up? You’re usually drunk dialling me to uber you and one of the boys a big pizza, but you sound like you’re alone?”
Joel: “Christ,” he rolls his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose with a light chuckle, all too used to her over sharing her thoughts to find anything that came out of her mouth a surprise. “Am I not allowed to have a night off, kid? I am gettin’ old, y’know?” He’s smiling, but it’s a sad smile, knowing where he was about to take this conversation.
Lily: “Dad…” A firmer tone.
Joel: “Daughter,” a chuckle, followed by a quiet sigh as he sits forward. Putting the phone on speaker to lay on the table in front, he takes a generous swig of his whiskey. “I gotta talk to you. I’m gonna come visit you tomorrow if you’re free?”
Lily: “I’m—No, I mean, yes you can visit me but tell me why?” Her voice grows higher in pitch, panicking already as only a daughter would. “Don’t argue with me. Or tell me some bullshit about needing to tell me face to face, just tell me now or I’m getting in my car and driving home.”
Joel: Dropping his head into his hands, he noted his mistake the second he heard the fear in her voice. Of course she was going to freak out, and true to her word he knew she really would come here tonight if he didn’t spill. “Alright, ok—I’m sorry, Lil. I probably should have just waited, but – I dunno,” he didn’t think. He wasn’t thinking clearly at all, that was the problem. “Your mom is in town.”
Lily: “… Oh.” A quiet sound after a very long pause. “Does that mean it was her that I saw?”
Joel: “Yeah.”
Lily: “I see.” Using her thinking tone, she slowly sits down on the end of her bed, phone to her ear, confusion and sadness on her delicate features. “Are you ok?”
Joel: “You’re asking me if I’m ok?” He can’t help but smile at that, her heart and compassion only two of her beautiful traits. “I’m fine, kid. – I didn’t wanna do this over the phone so I’m sorry for droppin’ this on you, I just wanted you to know.”
Lily: “Well yeah, dad, she was, is, your wife, you remember her, I don’t, really – So,” shrugging, as if he could see her, she sighs.
Joel: “Still your mom though, kid.”
Lily: “Yeah, some mom she was?” Scoffing like a bitter child.
Joel: “… About that,” yet another sigh. “She said – She had post partum depression… Which actually explains… Well, almost everything.” 
Lily: “We talked about that,” not that long ago, she recalled. They were chilling one night when she brought Lori into conversation, as she did on rare occasion. They talked about the possibility of of depression being the reason Lori couldn’t bond with her.
Joel: “Yeah, we did… Turns out it was right.” Lily knew as much as he did about those three years, he’d never held anything back from her. So, that meant she was also aware that Lori’s inability to bond and love Lily as a mother typically would was a shock to everyone. They both wanted a daughter, a family, making how Lori acted after Lily arrived all too confusing.
Lily: “So it wasn’t her fault. Or… Or mine.” She whispers the last part, embarrassed by the fact that had always been an insecure thought, in spite of the constant reassurance from her dad.
Joel: “I guess not. – And it was never your fault, Lilypad, c’mon, you know this.”
Lily: “Yeah, I— Okay, I’m coming to you. I’m ahead in all my classes and I can zoom everything for as long as I need to. No arguments, I’m coming home.”
Joel: “No, no— I’m not having you missing school, you stay put. Shit’s still heavy here, baby, I don’t want you around it.”
Lily: “I don’t care. You need me, I can hear it in your voice. And… Well, I need you, so, that’s that. And I said no arguments!”
Joel: “… Okay, okay.” Yielding, it was hearing her feeble voice, his little girl saying she needed him. He could never deny her and she was right, of course, he needed her too. They could bicker about how long she planned on staying for when she got here. “Wait till mornin’ though, yeah?”
Lily: “I will, I’m about to get snoop stoned and eat half my body weight in hot cheetos, so no driving tonight, promise.”
Joel: “Not a bad idea.” He chuckles. “Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow. Love ya, kiddo.”
Lily: “Love you 3000.”
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flan-tasma · 7 months
Hello, just wondering if you could possibly write dainsleif xgn! reader modern highschool au? basically the reader always wears a mask due to them having a noticeable scar on their lips? (slightly self projecting but riufhurihwiwkak) what if people were being pushy into getting you to take the mask off and dainsleif comes to save the day
reader is selectively mute and shy ish
💖~ FINALLY SOMETHING ABOUT DAIN. I love you so much, anon💘✨💖
I like to think that in the end Dain carries you to the infirmary.
Warning: Nope now💖, GN!Reader, I think this turned out to be a bit violent... | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Fue un misterio la razón por la que usabas una mascarilla. En un inicio la respuesta para las mentes curiosas era un rumor acerca de tu salud delicada, y mientras se esparcía como la pólvora, las personas se acercaron con un deseo casi vulgar por saber la razón verdadera. Preguntaron con sonrisas, con rostros curiosos y de buena manera en un inicio, pero no recibieron más que el silencio y tu mirada baja.
Los rumores escalaron hasta que habías nacido sin capacidad de habla, y las buenas maneras en las que se acercaron los curiosos fue distinta. La curiosidad empezó a volverse morbo. Y mientras se oscurecían las razones para descubrir tus secretos, también lo hicieron las artimañas de tus compañeros de clase.
Los pedidos acompañados de dulces palabras pasaron a caras aburridas que solo esperaban un nuevo show, algo divertido que ver en ti. Te dijeron que sería más agradable ver tu cara completa al hablarte, y cuando no lo hiciste te dejaron. Dijeron que no eras cortés, que tú falta de educación era un insulto. Todo se vino abajo.
Te lanzaron cosas, acercaban sus manos rápidamente a tu cara para quitarte la máscara, pero solo era una burla. Tu rostro preocupado les divertía como si fuera el mejor show que hayan visto en sus vidas. Y esos imbéciles sin entretenimiento se quedaron.
“Ni siquiera sé por qué te molestas.” La voz femenina resonó en el salón, las clases habían terminado y te apresurabas a guardar tus cosas e irte, pero un brazo en tus hombros te detuvo. “Somos amigos, no vamos a burlarnos ni nada.” Sus promesas estaban vacías y tenían menos valor que un centavo, pero no podías hacer más que quedarte en tu lugar y bajar la cabeza.
“Tal vez está escondiendo una quemadura.” Otro chico habló, sonriendo como si incomodarte no fuera más que una broma inocente. No le importaba en lo más mínimo y su postura relajada te lo comunicaba. “Una quemadura tan fea que si la ves, vas a vomitar.”
“No digas eso, tienes que ser amable. ¿Verdad?” La voz sínica te hizo temblar cuando más se acercaba por tus hombros hasta tu cuello. “¿Puedes decirle que no sea un hijo de perra? Tal vez así te deje de molestar.”
“Solo dejaré de jugar si te quitas la máscara.” Con una perra que te sostenía por los hombros y el imbécil que se acercó para por fin callar a la voz que le gritaba en su cabeza, casi gritaste y te sacudiste. No querías que te vieran, no querías que vieran tu cicatriz. Tus ojos empezaron a llorar cuando el agarre de la chica te sostuvo con más fuerza hasta empujarte dolorosamente contra alguna silla, sentiste el pupitre pinchar tu costado y pataleaste contra el aire cuando viste a esos dos gritarte en la cara que te calmaras y no seas histérica, pisando tus pies para evitar tus golpes.
Las cosas pasaron en cámara lenta mientras tus uñas arañaban lo que lograban sostener de la piel de alguno de los dos. Estabas llorando y el calor de la máscara era aún mayor. Pero cuando sentiste que tus pulmones iban a explotar, de repente la libertad te golpeó junto al sonido de algo cayendo contra otras mesas. Una cabellera rubia estaba frente a ti, un chico alto que miraba a los dos renacuajos que chillaron y se quejaron por haber caído contra los pupitres.
Todo se sentía irreal mientras los gritos te asfixiaban, la voz del hombre se hizo camino para ser escuchada por todos, rugiendo con rabia, sacando a la fuerza a los dos estudiantes. El silencio reinó cuando él cerró la puerta del salón mientras te calmabas. Temblaste por el miedo y te dolía el cuerpo, querías chillar y volver a casa. Tu salvador notó tu nariz moqueando y se acercó lentamente, sentándose en una silla a dos mesas de distancia.
“¿Quieres ir a la enfermería?” Su voz era silenciosa, casi como un susurro, no queriendo alterarte o hacer que te duelan los oídos. Su mirada gentil estaba pintada de azul y buscaba alguna herida grave en tus manos o cuello. En cuidado con el que se mantuvo alejado, pero pendiente, presente y dispuesto a ayudarte mientras aún calmabas tu respiración y tus llantos, sin importarle cuando te cubrías la máscara con algo de temor aun aferrándose a tus huesos.
Entendió que querías silencio, entonces te lo dio, pero te cuidó hasta que ya era más tarde de lo habitual. No había ruido afuera del salón, ni siquiera los conserjes se escuchaban y parecía que incluso los autos de la carretera respetaban sus deseos.
En la escuela se escuchó un nuevo rumor, esta vez uno más cerca de la realidad. A Dainsleif, el misterioso muchacho de la clase D, estaba cuidando del estudiante de la clase B. Claramente nadie volvió a quejarse de tu mascarilla sin tener alguna discusión con él.
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It was a mystery why you were wearing a mask. Initially the answer to curious minds was a rumor about your failing health, and as it spread like wildfire, people came forward with an almost vulgar desire to know the real reason. They asked with smiles, with curious faces and in a good manner at first, but they only received silence and your lowered gaze.
The rumors escalated until you were born without the ability to speak, and the good manners in which the curious approached were different. Curiosity began to turn morbid. And as the reasons for discovering your secrets darkened, so did the tricks of your classmates.
The requests accompanied by sweet words passed to bored faces that were only waiting for a new show, something fun to see from you. They told you it would be nicer to see your full face when they talked to you, and when you didn't, they left you. They said you were not polite, that your lack of education was an insult. Everything fell apart.
They threw things at you, quickly bringing their hands to your face to take off your mask, but it was just a taunt. Your worried face amused them as if it were the best show they had ever seen in their lives. And those unentertained morons stayed.
“I don't even know why you bother.” The female voice echoed in the room, classes had ended, and you hurried to put your things away and leave, but an arm on your shoulders stopped you. “We're friends, we're not going to make fun of each other or anything.” His promises were empty and worth less than a penny, but you could do nothing but stay in your place and hang your head.
“Maybe they're hiding a burn.” Another boy spoke up, smiling as if making you uncomfortable was nothing more than an innocent joke. He didn't care in the slightest, and his relaxed posture communicated that to you. “A burn so bad that if you see it, you're going to throw up.”
“Don't say that, you have to be nice. True?" The sinic voice made you shiver the closer it got over your shoulders to your neck. “Can you tell him not to be a son of a bitch? Maybe then he will stop bothering you.”
“I will only stop playing if you take off your mask.” With a bitch holding you by the shoulders and the asshole reaching out to finally silence the voice screaming in his head, you almost screamed and shook. You didn't want them to see you, you didn't want them to see your scar. Your eyes began to cry when the girl's grip held you tighter until she pushed you painfully against a chair, you felt the desk pinch your side and you kicked against the air when you saw those two yelling in your face to calm down and not be hysterical, stepping on your feet to avoid your blows.
Things happened in slow motion while your nails scratched what they could hold of the skin of either of you. You were crying and the heat from the mask was even greater. But when you felt like your lungs were going to explode, freedom suddenly hit you, along with the sound of something falling against other tables. A blonde haired guy stood in front of you, a tall boy looking at the two tadpoles who screamed and complained about falling against the desks.
Everything felt unreal as the screams choked you, the man's voice made its way to be heard by everyone, roaring in rage, forcibly removing the two students. Silence reigned as he closed the living room door while you calmed down. You shook with fear and your body ached, you wanted to scream and go home. Your savior noticed your runny nose and slowly approached, sitting in a chair two tables away.
“Do you want to go to the infirmary?” His voice was quiet, almost like a whisper, not wanting to upset you or make your ears hurt. His gentle gaze was painted blue and he was searching for any serious wound on your hands or neck. In care with which he stayed away, but attentive, present and willing to help you while you still calmed your breathing and your cries, not caring when you covered your mask with some fear still clinging to your bones.
He understood that you wanted silence, so he gave it to you, but he took care of you until it was later than usual. There was no noise outside the room, not even the janitors could be heard, and it seemed that even the cars on the road respected his wishes.
A new rumor was heard at school, this time one closer to reality. Dainsleif, the mysterious boy from class D, was taking care of the student from class B. Clearly no one complained about your mask again without having some discussion with him.
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theforbiddeneden · 4 months
Kerrang Magazine 01/08/2018
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Anonymous Brit metal cult big on peering down the rabbit hole…
Culto anônimo britânico de metal explora a toca do coelho...
Sleep Token are a band shrouded in mystery. The London metallers’ mix of high-tech riffs and dreamy soundscapes have earned them a good name for themselves since forming last year, but if you want to give them credit for it, you must do so to the masked, anonymous face of their enigmatic frontman, known only as Him. Him declines to reveal specifics about the ancient deity behind the band worship, Sleep, but he’s more forthcoming about his own artistic motivation.
Sleep Token é uma banda envolta em mistério. A mistura dos metaleiros londrinos de riffs de alta tecnologia e paisagens sonoras oníricas lhes rendeu uma boa reputação desde que se formaram no ano passado, mas se você quiser dar-lhes crédito por isso, deve fazê-lo ao rosto mascarado e anônimo de seu enigmático vocalista, conhecido apenas como Him. Him se recusa a revelar detalhes específicos sobre a antiga divindade por trás do culto da banda, Sleep, mas ele é mais aberto sobre sua própria motivação artística.
“There exists a considerable body of art that explores the deeper recesses of the human mind,” he explains. “Sleep Token serve as a means to explore this on an individual basis. The music is a representation of one individual’s deepest and most fundamental emotions and desires. This is what people connect to. They see themselves in this individual, and the music becomes about them.”
“Existe um corpo considerável de arte que explora os recantos mais profundos da mente humana,” ele explica. “Sleep Token serve como um meio para explorar isso de maneira individual. A música é uma representação das emoções e desejos mais profundos e fundamentais de um indivíduo. É isso que as pessoas conectam. Elas se veem nesse indivíduo, e a música passa a ser sobre elas.”
Easy-going fare this isn’t, but there’s no denying it’s pretty captivating. Sleep Token have played fewer than 10 times (they refer to their gigs as “rituals”), but they’re already download alumni. The industrial-ish thrust of new single Jaws, meanwhile, continues their philosophical, lyrical path. “Our jaws are the tools we have to rend apart,” Him explains. “They show our concealed aggression, and take something once hidden and burst it apart. You don’t know someone until you have seen them destroy something. Jaws is an exploration of the frustration which accompanies the sense that someone close to you is hiding their true self."
Algo fácil de digerir isso não é, mas não há como negar que é bastante cativante. Sleep Token tocou menos de 10 vezes (eles se referem aos seus shows como “rituais”), mas já são veteranos. O impulsionam seu novo single Jaws, enquanto isso, continua seu caminho filosófico e lírico. “Nossos maxilares são as ferramentas que temos para despedaçar,” explica Him. "Eles mostram nossa agressão oculta, e pegam algo antes escondido e o despedaçam. Você não conhece alguém até vê-lo destruir algo. Jaws é uma exploração da frustração que acompanha a sensação de que alguém próximo a você está escondendo seu verdadeiro eu."
But while Jaws looks to expose the darkness that lies inside us, when it comes to the band's it comes to the band's own identities Sleep Token are steadfast in their belief that art comes before aesthetic.
Mas enquanto Jaws busca expor a escuridão que reside dentro de nós, quando se trata das próprias identidades da banda, Sleep Token é firme em sua crença de que a arte vem antes da estética.
“Art has become entangled with identity,” Him says of the band’s anonymity. “The aim is to provide something people can engage with without being obstructed by the identity of its creator. The true identities behind Sleep Token are irrelevant. Our identity is represented through the art and music itself.”
“A arte se entrelaçou com a identidade,” diz Him sobre o anonimato da banda. “O objetivo é fornecer algo com que as pessoas possam se envolver sem ser obstruído pela identidade de seu criador. As verdadeiras identidades por trás do Sleep Token são irrelevantes. Nossa identidade é representada através da arte e da música em si.”
Magazine Scanner, click here Portuguese translation theforbiddeneden Transcription English Version from theforbiddeneden
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roses-bah-garden · 2 months
hi!! your blog is amazing.. can we get a toga (mha) lvl 5 alterpack? don't need to be source compliant, we&i are planning to make her an ISH. tysm!!
ty! hope you like zem :)
a new flower has blossomed! 🌹
toga (MHA) internal self helper ... [LVL 5 PACK]
name(s) ;; toga, junko, marla, marlene, monika
pronouns ;; they/them, she/her, ze/zem, blood/bloods, gray/grays, kill/kills, xe/xem, fray/frays, cute/cutes
age ;; 16
species ;; human w/ quirk
gender(s) ;; transfeminine
orientation(s) ;; lesbian
role(s) ;; internal self helper
source ;; my hero academia
sign-off(s) ;; 💔🩸
appearance ;; 5'2" and thin. choppy blonde hair, yellow eyes, and a light tan from artificial tanning. sharp teeth. loves to wear oversized sweaters. see below for picrew.
personality ;; quiet, observant, and smart. she can be overbearing at times, lingering around other headmates, but ze does it because ze cares. they are extremely loyal, and may get snappy if someone's teasing or bullying another headmate.
likes ;; pop & rock music, "candy salad", collecting weapons (real or prop), tiktok doomscrolling
dislikes ;; being compared to her source, dirt/mud
possible front triggers ;; [not sure for this one, sorry!]
cisid(s) ;; cisBPD, cisviolent, cisjapanese, cisablebodied
transid(s) ;; transharmless, transreformed, transquirkless, transmobilityaid (wheelchair), transbasic, transtanned
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; hemophilia
moodboard ;; found here
playlist ;; "i can do it with a broken heart" - taylor swift / "good luck babe" - chappell roan / "please please please" - sabrina carpenter / "i did something bad" - taylor swift / "vampire" - olivia rodrigo
kinlist ;; junko enoshima (danganronpa) / lindsay (total drama)
bonus info ;; transbasic = transitioning to act "basic" & enjoy "basic"/popular stuff
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alterzinourheadz · 2 months
hiya! if ya not too busy, could you consider making us an alter? (temp below lol!!)
__⋆。𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 ˚ About them ⋆。𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 ˚__
❏﹕name ! ˚₊: Leon + ur choice ( same themes as Neos & Xenos )
❏﹕age ! ˚₊: 25-ish
❏﹕pronouns ! ˚₊: He / Him + Neos of ur choice based off amnesia and parasites
❏﹕gender ! ˚₊: Male + Xenos of ur choice based off Amnesia and parasites
*❏﹕orientation ! ˚₊: your choice!
*❏﹕personality ! ˚₊: Nervous, scared, easily flustered + embarrassed
❏﹕extra ! ˚₊: your choice!
__⋆。𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 ˚ Extras ⋆。𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 ˚__
・🝮 : cisIds ! ˚₊: ur choice
・🝮 : transids ! ˚₊: ur choice
・🝮 : paraphilias ! ˚₊: none please :p
thanks in advance!!! 🫶
__⋆。𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 ˚ About him ⋆。𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 ˚__
❏﹕name ! ˚₊: Leon ??? , Para , Verm
❏﹕age ! ˚₊: 25
❏﹕pronouns ! ˚₊: he / him / para / doll / site
❏﹕gender ! ˚₊: male, parasitegender, parasdollic
*❏﹕orientation ! ˚₊: pansexual, demisexual. Para likes anyone and everyone as long as they let him take control of them.
*❏﹕personality ! ˚₊: controlling, nervous, easily flustered and embarrassed. As a parasite, he likes to be in control of people’s minds, lives, body and souls, but he finds it embarrassing as hell to make an attempt at ‘possessing’ someone. “What if I fail?” he’d ask himself anxiously.
❏﹕extra ! ˚₊: He likes blood. A lot. Site’s also pretty close with nature, and he prefers to be outside. Trees are para’s friends, mostly because their large silhouettes hide him from passerby. He’s very introverted, y’know. His favorite song is Lily from Alan Walker.
__⋆。𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 ˚ Extras ⋆。𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 ˚__
・🝮 : cisIds ! ˚₊: pale skin, light brown eyes, dark brown hair with blond streaks, self inflicted wounds, scratch marks, innocent, anxious.
・🝮 : transids ! ˚₊: parasitegender, transbjd, vermingender
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woodrowhq · 3 months
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PLOT DROP (ISH): The Circle DATE: Tuesday, September 6, 2005 TIME PERIOD: 5PM onwards LOCATION: The Great Room
"Nothing like a hard day's work isn't there, dears?"
As the evening descends upon Woodrow House, the wards find solace in the comfort of the Great Room, their tired bodies seeking respite after a long day of restoration work in Richard's greenhouse.
Amidst the familiar surroundings of overstuffed sofas and plush armchairs, it's easy to remember the days of their youth when this room served as something of a playground, echoing with the laughter of their carefree antics. They used to spend their afternoons running around the sofas, jumping on them, and engaging in epic Nerf gun battles, all under Richard's amused gaze. When they grew older, the Great Room became a sanctuary where they would unwind after school, indulging in snacks (vegetable sticks and hummus) and heartfelt conversations about crushes or the highs and lows of their day.
Mrs. Tristan sets a tray of ice cold lemonade on the table. It feels all too familiar.
PLOT DROP TO FOLLOW: The _________ from 7AM to 6PM
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(OPTIONAL) TASK: Reflect on a memory your character had in the Great Room as a teenager.
Delve into why this memory holds such importance for your ward. It could involve Richard, but it doesn't have to. Simply share a significant memory they had as a teenager at Woodrow in this grand room. Between the ages of 13-19. You can either share it with the other wards in a starter or you can have your ward reflect on it privately in a self-para if they are not inclined to speak openly.
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xenokattz · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Nabbed from everyone such as, but not limited to, @umber-cinders , @tielan , @suzukiblu (I think), and @beatrice-otter . Please check their posts out!
Listed from oldest to newest. Ish.
Extasie Doth Unperplex
Most of all, Clark loved Lois for not running.
Clois. Comics Superman but can be read as any Superman universe, smutty smut tentacle smut
TW: none known
That time I turned Superman into a Cthulu-style alien & then wrote atmospheric smut. This is one of maybe 2 or 3 fics that burst forth fully formed from my brain, written frantically in 1 night, and thrown at my friends/betas asking them to judge the hell out of it because WTAF. 🤣 I've never written tentacle sex/monster fucking before, I'm not sure I ever will again, but damn I love this one incoherently.
Cho Chang and the Jasmine Code
Before returning to help her former schoolmates in the Battle of Hogwarts, Cho Chang fought against Voldemort & his follows in a more covert manner.
Cho Chang, Victor Krum + many HP side-characters. War is hell, para-canon (is that a thing?)
TW: violent injuries, mentions of death/severe injury to underage characters, refugee experiences
I've never described myself as a Potterhead/rabid HP fan the way I am with superhero media & Star Wars. I was more interested in the world-building than the plot and was, therefore, very disappointed when there was nothing extensive about the other schools of magic after "Goblet of Fire." Also at the time, my bestie was into creating various East Asian HP magic so I jumped on board her crazy train and tried to play with how culture would affect magic the same way it affects other forms of research & technology.
Drugs. Multi-state gangs. Mutant-killing virus. Civil unrest. Plot to assassinate a racist senator. Just another Tuesday for Marie D'Ancanto, NYPD detective in the country's first Mutant Crimes Task Force.
Rogue | Marie D'ancanto + many other X-Men including Gambit, Colossus, & Jubilee. Fox-movieverse X-Men. AU-ish futurefic/canon divergence.
TW: drug use/abuse, someone causes the violent death of their friend, mutants as a blatant metaphor for racism/homophobia.
Parents shouldn't have favourites but, NGL, this is one of my most precious babies. I was gonna scratch the serial number off this sucker & try to shop it as an original series. Still might. Again, I wanted to worldbuild-- what does being a mutant mean outside of superheroes? How would your average mutant, passing or not, be treated by society in general? How would society organize themselves with this new minority? I planned for this to be a trilogy; the sequel, Rasputin, has HEAVY trigger warnings for sexual exploitation/slavery (with a suspicion that it could happen to a minor but it doesn't), kidnapping of a minor, terminal illness, violent death of sex workers. Probably my only dead dove.
A Flame in Two Cupped Hands
Six years and two thousand coffee cups separated Lois and Clark's first real hello and last real good-bye.
Clois. Man of Steel Superman. Coffeeshop AU with a side of plot and smut that's miiiiildly hot for teacher.
TW: none known
I really, really, REALLY wanted to love Man of Steel. Henry Cavill's Clark was hot, Amy Adams' Lois had promise plus they played with her being older than Clark. The whole Krypton society thing is EXACTLY my jam. But the more I went back to it, the less the story failed to resonate with my understanding of Superman. Which is one of the reasons we fic. 😁 This fic also goes to show I cannot write without plot. Even my coffeeshop AUs & porns get plot.
The Pearl I Carry in My Heart
"Am I understanding you correctly, Princess? That your suggestion for strengthening our alliance is arranged marriages between our available tribal leaders and theirs?"
Shuri smiled, a forced twisted thing. "Not quite, Elder. My suggestion for strengthening this alliance is an arranged marriage between K’uk’ulkan and me."
Nashuri with side Attoye. MCU Black Panther & Namor. Post-canon, political marriage/alliances, enemies to friends to lovers, ridiculous slow burn I'm not kidding about how slow it is.
TW: mentions death of a sibling, injury causing amputation, a major character has depressive/anxiety episodes due to PTSD
For more than 5 years, my writing dried up. Lots of different factors in there, both fan and life related. Then Black Panther: Wakanda Forever came out. And there was RIDICULOUS world-building, both expansions of Wakanda and the new society of Talokan, where colonialism never happened. I'm not of indigenous Mesoamerican descent but their history and that of my ancestors are so similar; EVERYTHING about Talokan resonated with me. I already loved Wakanda but add Talokan and it. Just. Was all. *Kermit flail*
Soft, no pressure tag to @pilesofpillows, @dasphinxone & @gaal-dornick because I'm pretty sure everyone else I know has done this already. But everyone else, please feel free to nab!
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auraindigos-paracosms · 10 months
Hi!! Id like to request a Self-Care kit for our para/muse OC: Rory Lycan
She is 11 ish y/o, Werewolf + Vampire, complete control and creation of fire, lava, and magma. Her adoptive older brother is Perseus (a Percy Jackson "variant") that is a prince of Hell type situation.
Looking for something to show off herself, idk what all I need to share... Um, photos bellow! Ask for any clarification needed.
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Would you let me know her favorite color(s), hobbies, favorite things like animals, maybe too, please? Does she like things like stuffies and stim toys or a different type of activity, and if so, what? Just any self care activities you may want featured, and I will do my best.
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fangtastic-vampyra · 1 year
Reaaally hate how it seems I have to be "watched" by people from the system the whole rest of my life.
It's MKULTRA MILBAS targeted individual stuff. You know the people that they go after?
Those that would stick their neck out for somebody else.
You know. Yes. So. I have to do a Stinkin' re-assessment sometime next week, ish, Im like "Im in for a life sentence. Schizophrenia gets worse when you get older. Very few people "get better" [or whatever they think] whatever that means, not understanding why I keep having to do a reassessment." I mean, I really hate Drs, of all kinds, I can take care of my Fecking self, and I want them to Bugger off in general. It was creepy asf. What is so hard to understand, stop thinking shit in my head, voices, v2k, and then, making me feel like shit with uh military, weapons? thennn tormenting me in my sleep. LIEK IF I FELT BETTER, I WOULD BE BETTER. a poisoned, drug, prescription or otherwise, filled body, with emo. pain, and trauma, and not enough healthy meals, and shit, prolly aint going to be around very long. plus parasites and what have you. I CAN BE A SCREET DR. JKKK. Just a herbal supplement recommender. :] {been studying those since I was 16, got a lot of time behind me on that particular interest, yah, thats why got me all into trouble, rebelling against norms, well if Punch Line really is my ..mm.. hear voices saying dont go out with her buut...what could i get out of it? it will probably, if i dont try, end up like harley and me, im fubar.. F.U.B.A.R.} And that? Was Mr and Mrs Smith.
And she mentions the Govt program medicaid enforces it every 6 months. I'm like nooooo. Even though I know it's fake, and thats fake, I have too much rage, to not be on meds, but I don't think they're quite ready to let me only be on one anti-"psychotic" umm Vraylar and Seroquel, are my two, and we lol we -- are doing great.
Yes Im a plural, also. DID... MPD.
Anyway-- I think I "actually am" schizophrenic.. Not just a Fake illness.. But Idk maybe it's just damage from previous incarnations. Some lady read my palms and said I was reincarnated. Neat.
Meanwhile, I've gotten into some sick sort of reminescensing/revenge thing. Prolly the first male "plague rat" -- Waheyyy. Emilie Autumn fan. They want them young, to study, and observe, if ya know what Im saying. AND. They dont like to let folks go. Once they have ya. Since these bastards, think they are some type of Woman Inspector. I dont want Pig Ass Hybrids for my kids anyway, fuck off. I am no longer young, and a Cantankerous ass bitch, and One day, THOSE Fuckers, are going to compensate me, for all my TBC, and everything else. TBC/Thought Broad Casting.
WTF..!! THEY CRASHED MY BROWSER, I HAD TYPED LIKE FIVE MORE PARA. Yes. they got access to my puter. UGH!!
Note to self/other authors, authoresses: WRITE IN WORDPAD.
Or something similiar.. There use to be one that had a black background. White makes me feel like I got a lined loose leaf paper with no.2 in a uncomfy plastic chair. YES. UNCREATIVE. Like. In a fecking institution.
Uhm what had I said... Mum also said people get sacrificed to the devil a bunch more than most think. She's kinda uh weird. yes. Used to be into goth, and horror, and metal, when she was Younger, and witch craft, lord knows umm, now shes just, Blonde hair, blue eyes. And everything else, normal, she wants to be Barbie. IDEK, this Family wsa NOT ready. She was just another Handler, my dumb ass thought fighting, was the answer. I want to SUE the pants off MKULTRA ( and associations/etc, off them.) If you know what I mean. Abuse. Trauma. Mum says it happens to boys just as much. OHHH WELL. IDK about that. Shes just another brainwashed handler. Tho.. pretty insightful if you can actually get her to say anything. Lol we're munsters, I got out the sun synchronization, or something ugh.
Im just nursing a wound. Not caring about anything else, but trying to stop the pain. I dont uh see any point in living this way? My head is aching like someones been smashing rocks against my skull for the past hour. "Okay ill stop" Like they harass and make fun of me as AFAB UNDESIRABLE. Fat and whatever, though they did it um. And call me a he/she, they did that to. And I just uh, want to punch something in the face that something is God, Idk, until it stops moving. yes. then i can be god. >.> IDK, like whyyyy me.
Why all of this. WHYYYY.
He says we are all equal, he says his thoughts are higher than our thoughts, he says the enemies are not flesh and blood, but spirits. Yes. SAYS humans are more close to him than angels, says this and that, that we have power as humans over the animals, and the demons. idk. somethings not adding up. i think he's a f*cking rapist. celebrating the black majick curses he places onto children. a pervert, a predator. yes. i try. to calculate what is going on here, i hadnt known what i know now, i rebuke the thoughts i had as a child, the gnashing of teeth, in hell, and that, i dont want to end up there. AND? I think he's a bully. There's always been a man.. sigh.. tiresome.. voice over my shoulder harassing me.
WHAT I WANT: To be the Court leader of the Neutral guise. Or herd or pack or whatever. *LOL.*
What should my name be? Circe.
brendan used the word "blessed" in association with the amount of food we have. Im used to high quality meals, this is like, yuck, sort of. I wish I could remember shit, I want to give up. There are no plans, Im jsut saying "i want to" im tired of hurting, im tired of suffering, tired of aloneness, tired of rejection, maybe showing vulnerability will help? Why are men attacking me? Idk, i think they are scared of me.. Tbh. I will get my one desire, to be my true self. And theres nothing they can do about it." If " they try to mess it up, I have my ways.
{Wow, have the inkling of intimacy / u might be a d00d, on ur page, I MEAN, AMAB, and got scammers messaging me "hot photos" and shit lololol. Im too lazy to remove. if they're not a native English speaker, some of the messages are pretty funny...}
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fstbmp-a · 2 years
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𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞. mirth!
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬. she/they
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. i prefer discord but i'm also picky with giving it out so.. oops!
𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞(𝐬). olympia, amy and shadow are the ones that are rattling around in my head the most right now but really all my muses are active - it just comes down to if i can write them haha...
𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞/𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 (𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬/𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬?). oh gosh... it's been AGES. i know i've been writing on tumblr since about 2010-2011, but even before I was writing in some capacity... 16-ish years, maybe? somewhere in that ballpark I'dd wager.
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐯𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝. gaiaonline (don't look at me dear god), deviantart (STOP LOOKING), skype, discord and here!
𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞. fuck, man, just all the friends i've made thanks to rping. my strongest friend group wouldn't even EXIST if I didn't chance upon them through writing on tumblr and i'll never ever forget that.
𝐫𝐩 𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬 / 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬. oh this is gonna sound pretentious af... i think people take too much value in romantic shipping and the ilk over other forms of relationships. friendships, rivalries, outright enemies? they all have the potential to cause exponential growth in a character - heck usually more than a romantic relationship!!! (also other stuff but that one would require its own post but we'll see).
𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭.  uh! curveball: fight threads. i love 'em. it's genuinely something i enjoy, thinking up the choreography of a fight and trying to put that down to words. it's really exhilarating if done right; seeing the ebb and flow of fighters in combat. but! from the options given? i couldn't really pick between fluff and angst. they both serve different purposes and personally they're incomparable to me.
𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬. uhm! a lot of my stuff is spur of the moment. i live for plots and such but usually it ends up just going down to what naturally comes from interactions. memes are fun though!!! like i said they can start off real serious plots of their own.
𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬. hm.. i don't mind short replies too much but i'm usually a fan of at least 3-4 short paras minimum? i can do novella too but it's shockingly one of my weakest traits despite how long i've written for. i start getting self-conscious and can't properly backread my own work to proofread anymore after a certain point. but!! novella stuff is also my favorite to write when i can manage it so! who knows.
𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞. hm, i don't have a best time really. it's too sporadic to properly say.
𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞(𝐬). i. don't believe so, actually? but who knows, people see me a lot differently than I see myself jsabd
tagged by: @earthssprout (hi! we really need to write sometime i love ari sm)
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inoriemiko · 4 months
💫(Long overdue) Blog-ish page info💫
Name: Oghosasere, Oghosa for short
Age: 19, as of 09/06/2024
What my page is about: Mostly my rants, but also occasionally info on my para's/paracosms/oc's, the good word of the Lord, my self discovery into my neurodivergence
Pronouns: She/They (Just gonna put here that I'm Pansexual as well)
About me: I'm a Christian (Struggling but still practicing as much as I can)(I'm also not that kind of Christian so feel free to interact)🙏🏾✝️. My Hyperfixiations/Special interests include; SCP's, FNAF, MARVEL, Genshin, HSR, Creppypastas (Specifically Slendermans mansion). I love my parents but they are conservative, abelist, and homophobic (especiallymymom).
Neurodivergence: Self diagnosed with ADHD and Autism but I'm starting to suspect I may have OCD and Dyslexia mixed in there as well. Also struggling alot with Severe depression and anxiety. Also also, I'm a full time maladaptive daydreamer.
I'm just looking for friends, advice and fellow neurodivergent and Christian ppl to relate to.
Feel free to dm me (Dont let my rants scare you^^)
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findroleplay · 6 months
I'm 26, transmasc demiboy, looking for a Rick and Morty roleplay, specifically a Rick. Aus welcome. Must be 18+. I'm semi-lit to para would prefer if you are too. With the themes of the show, NSFW is welcome but not mandatory. I tend to use my OC or Self Insert. Dead Dove topics ok!
If you would like to double up we can do that too. [Canon x canon, canon x oc, canon-ish OC x oc]
My discord is starberribunny
Please shoot me a friend request there if interested :)
I accept all friend requests ASAP so you can message me. I look forward to role-playing with you!!!
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findyourrp · 6 months
I'm 26, transmasc demiboy, looking for a Rick and Morty roleplay, specifically a Rick. Aus welcome. Must be 18+. I'm semi-lit to para would prefer if you are too. With the themes of the show, NSFW is welcome but not mandatory. I tend to use my OC or Self Insert. Dead Dove topics ok!
If you would like to double up we can do that too. [Canon x canon, canon x oc, canon-ish OC x oc]
My discord is starberribunny
Please shoot me a friend request there if interested :)
I accept all friend requests ASAP so you can message me. I look forward to role-playing with you!!!
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bladebutch · 7 months
susie + she/he/bite + 21 y/o (02)
transsexual transmasc-ish genderpunk butch lesbian
part of a did sys + autistic bpd schizo cripple. yeah im diagnosed no yr not my therapist kys
i like loud music n dogs n my dumbfuck friends
dni n warnings below read em (lots r censored so they arent searchable) also idc tht its long
maps/nomaps, zoos, pr*ship n all other types of tht shit, pro-c*ntact or anti-rec*v para
t*rfs transm*sogynists n tr*nsmeds, against x*nos or neos, anti-it/its, anti-h*sbians/sh*gays/etc
z*onists pro-“isr*el” & “neutral”
pro-war, proud capitalists, anti-acab. yr all weirdos
ableists n sanists! disability f*tishizers, fuckers who still use “asp*rgers” after knowing why you shouldnt, disabled bitches who hold supremacy or talk over other disabled folks with higher s*pport needs, support the term “n*rcissistic abuse”, use “n*rcissist/s*ciopath/psych*/psych*tic” as an insult, think low empathy = evil, against informed self-dx, anti-ag*re/p*tre, fatph*bes
tr*nsID weirdos (tr*ns[age/race/abled]). tr*nsspecies fine if ur not a zoo
dr*amsmp or h*zbin hotel fans
ppl who use the terms “tr*umascum” or “sysm*d” (wtf is wrong with u)
those into dd|g or abd| or other similar shit (personal boundary)
end*genic syst*ms (personal boundary)
chr*stians (personal boundary)
i reclaim queer slurs n wont cw them
idc if i piss you off lol if u waste ur time ill just make fun of u and block u
possible content warning for drawn or nonsexual nudity, drugs, suggestive shit, maybe triggering shit but thts usually tagged, general warning tht comes with mental health, and maybe more
i block w/o warning sometimes if i even find ur vibe wrong u might get got sorryyyy
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roses-bah-garden · 2 months
okay yippee, duo ask here!! ivanluka (alien stage) duo, ivan is more fem presenting + is nonhuman. the stuff for luka is purely creators choice. pref names aren't their source ones for both. tysm in advance <33
here you go! i didn't know anything about alien stage going into this, but it looks very interesting! went with vampiric/demonic ivan and angelic luka! made a lvl 4 because i couldn't remember if you specified in another ask, but if you don't want the IDs, feel free not to use them 😊 — fluttershy 💖
a new flower has blossomed! 🌹
ivanluka (alien stage), fem nonhuman ivan ... [LVL 4 PACK]
name(s) ;; ivanka, evelyn, ruby, lolita, rosé, miyeon, morticia
pronouns ;; they/them, she/her, idol/idols, goth/goths, fang/fangs, mus/music, 🩸/🩸self
age ;; looks 22 [but may be older... she is a vampire]
species ;; vampire (+ transdemon)
gender(s) ;; transfeminine
orientation(s) ;; unholy4holy, turigirl, ambiamorous, T4T
role(s) ;; protector
source ;; alien stage
sign-off(s) ;; ~ yours faithfully, [name] ; 🎤🩸
appearance ;; tall and thin. pale skin. long black hair. dark eyes. loves to wear tailored suits, but would also like to branch into goth lolita style. see below for picture & picrew.
personality ;; brooding and romantic. idol has a passion for the gothic and the grimly beautiful. they are confident, and love to talk about their hobbies and interests. she is ambitious and geared towards popularity and success.
likes ;; k-pop, j-pop, goth lolita fashion, karaoke, spicy food
dislikes ;; twitter/X, anyone she considers boring
possible front triggers ;; [name] needing help, performance anxiety
cisid(s) ;; cisKorean, singer
transid(s) ;; transspecies (demon), speciesfluid, transRussian, transdemoniccharm
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; dacryphilia
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name(s) ;; pearl, uriel, lucius, art, marko, angelo, aster
pronouns ;; he/him, vey/vem
age ;; 30
species ;; human (transangel)
gender(s) ;; transmasculine, boylexic
orientation(s) ;; holy4unholy, achillean, T4T
role(s) ;; co-host, replacer, soother
source ;; alien stage
sign-off(s) ;; 🎤🕊
appearance ;; tall and thin. pale skin. choppy blonde hair. yellow eyes. purple-ish fingertips. dresses in flowy garments and strings of pearls. see below for picture & picrew.
personality ;; outgoing and charismatic. he has a soft outward persona, but is incredibly intelligent and cunning. vey hopes to become a star.
likes ;; angelcore, k-pop, j-pop, strawberries
dislikes ;; bright colours, violence
possible front triggers ;; performing [if applicable]
cisid(s) ;; cisKorean, cisASPD, cardiovascular condition, singer, cismanipulative
transid(s) ;; transspecies (angel), panrace, transpeaceful, ASPDnull, transNEET, transharmless
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; masochism
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woodrowhq · 1 month
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PLOT DROP (ISH): The Clean Up DATE: Wednesday, September 7, 2005 TIME PERIOD: 9PM onwards LOCATION: The Spare Room / The Secondary Kitchen
"Well, I suppose that... concludes our evening."
The Spare Room is quiet, heavy with Reece's honesty hanging in the air. Mrs. Tristan holds a hand to her middle, silent for a long moment before she finds her voice once more.
"Tomorrow, there will be an outing. A volunteer day of sorts. You all will be leaving bright and early at 8AM after breakfast. More details will be shared then."
Mrs. Tristan leaves room for another pause, letting the future plans sit with the wards for a beat before she continues. This wasn't the mood in which she intended to reveal this news but she also had no idea Theresa intended on being so candid tonight.
"Those who didn't participate this evening, I trust you remember where the Secondary Kitchen is... If for some reason you need more dish soap, you can find it on the bottom shelves of the pantry."
She moves to smoothen the non-existent wrinkles on her dress.
"I'll be off to bed, but I do expect to find the kitchen to be spotless and with all the dishes put away when I wake up tomorrow. Have a... good night, dears."
Well... It's time for the unwilling wards to make their way to the secondary kitchen of Woodrow House. Piles of plates, cups, and utensils litter the countertops and are waiting to be cleaned... Anyone want to check in on Reece?
PLOT DROP TO FOLLOW: The Volunteer Day from 8AM to 5PM
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(OPTIONAL) TASK: Write a self-para of your character reflecting on the first time they were tasked with chores as a punishment for a wrongdoing they committed.
During their younger years, Mrs. Tristan would task the wards with doing dishes or yard work if they were unruly. Is your character a stranger to doing chores as punishment? Or are they very familiar with the large sinks of the secondary kitchen?
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