auden-the-knobhead · 1 year
Respectfully I didn’t ask to get called out 😭
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fatsbae · 1 year
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aentchen42 · 4 years
I just learned that your brain picks up your jokes as reality if you keep it up long enough and that's the reason some develop kinks in their later years.
So for example you can fall in love with a friend who you flirt with for funnsies.
Do I want to test that?
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dinosaurchurch · 5 years
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I’ve decided to finally quit tracking my calories. I’ve deleted my fitness pal. I know people are going to look at me funny for this and ask “aren’t you trying to slim down though?” And the answer is yes, I am. But yanno it was a fun experiment to see exactly how much I can eat, where my maintenance calories sit to and what happens when you swap things up a bit. However the biggest reason is that it’s just not practical, I cannot track everything for the rest of my life - that’s crazy. Over the past year I’ve learned to properly portion my food, know what a serving looks like roughly by sight, and have noticed that I’m a creature of habit just like everyone else. There’s things I eat pretty frequently or even daily (hello oatmeal!) and there’s nothing wrong with that. I have decent idea of how my macros breakdown and what that roughly looks like for meals too. It gets tiring having to log everything all the time. I mean it’s good to hold me accountable but at the same time I spend way too much time thinking about just what am I going to eat and that kind of obsession with food isn’t healthy for anyone. Sometimes it’s best just to go with the flow, make something on the fly - cooking doesn’t have to be time consuming or hard spite what people think. Overall I’m just trying to cut out added stress at the moment. I’m still not 100%, but I think I’ll be okay. I’m starting to feel better but it’ll take some time before I feel like myself again. Cheers to just eating and not worrying about it💫 #mfp #myfitnesspal #tracking #calories #food #healthyeating #weightloss #personal #innerthoughts #selfexperiment #results #me #selfie #selfcare https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ogCUXH-yN/?igshid=x6i7qglhd8v3
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They say: You're not supposed to look at the solar eclipse! Do not eat or drink! Stay indoor! But a seeker doesn't conclude by listening, reading or watching. A seeker concludes only by: self-exploration... self-experiment... self-experience... and self-realization... Nothing else will make a seeker settle down. #yoga #vriksasana (tree pose) #selfexploration #selfexperiment #selfexperience #selfrealization #solareclipse Photo credits: @aaron87thomas https://www.instagram.com/p/B6iUYYTlAU2/?igshid=191l9i29d3sk6
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circleoftina · 5 years
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#becoming #evolve #selfexperience #selfempowerment #selfconfidence #selfhealing #impact #you (at Palm Harbor, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5fc_elpZne/?igshid=i49tbncon4fw
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jasperdarcy · 6 years
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Subjectivity is a philosophical topic, specific to each person and involves a persons view of ‘truth or reality’. Each individual varies in what things mean to them on an emotional level. Subjectivity is based on ones own conscious experiences, and comes from the internal.
An individual is influenced by their own perception and this has to do with their individual identity.
Subjectivity is the opposite of objectivity, and to be authentic is to ‘know thyself’, a quote from Sophocles. 
To be ‘true to oneself’, as stated by Shakespeare, one must focus on what truth is to them. Personal judgement is considered extremely important as opposed to an objectively neutral response. The perspective of possessing an influenced ‘view from the outside’ opposed to subjectively ‘a view from the inside’ can be difficult to maintain, based on what others may say within a prescribed group.
Memories, for example, are subjective as they are based on our feelings and are intentionally perceived as one’s true opinion. They are however open to interpretation as there exists an opposed view to outside influences being relied upon to determine how we think, value and feel about issues.
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thefreckledfoodie · 7 years
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Been working my way into #intermittentfasting AND #keto this week for a little personal experimentation 😊 Eggs with lots of butter and some heavy cream, bacon, and raspberries for my first meal today! We've been drinking #rocketfuellattes ala @healthfulpursuit the past few mornings and it has been working well so far! During this keto experiment I won't be eating Paleo due to adding dairy but I will be Primal! #ketogenic #fatasfuel #IF #healthyfats #selfexperiment
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belal82 · 4 years
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#selfexperience https://www.instagram.com/p/CAXHhwMgp3xs-0IWyfguclz3CbHdtPeA3wWjxY0/?igshid=1hj3j0opgqsh7
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“Lose yourself ! But Don’t Lose your Mind” is not just a quote but it’s a Self Realisation ! Self Learning ! Self Outcome ! Self Experience ! Self Love ! for me and for you also. At the last you will eventually find “Yourself” when you don’t Lose your Mind. #motivation #inspiration #selflearning #selflove #selfrealization #selfexperience #quote #yourself #lose #mind #mindset
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freehealthteacher · 5 years
Apes are shown to rely on self-experience to anticipate others' actions
Apes are shown to rely on self-experience to anticipate others’ actions
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Credit: CC0 Public Domain
As close evolutionary relatives, you could say that great apes and humans look somewhat similar. And the more we learn about our great ape cousins, the more we find that we’re alike.
A new study published in PNASsuggests that great apes—including chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans—have a theory of mind, meaning that…
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pmnspeciaality · 5 years
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WRITING ✍🏻 THERAPY 🤝 When everything else fails, your pen works the best!" when our pen starts working at its best..all our failures turn in to great experiences and wonderful lessons!!😊 #GiveitATry #PourYourEmotions #SelfExperience www.drpnagaraj.com (at Chennai, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0N3WfAgDlC/?igshid=17fg08yzab0xg
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abidahsy · 7 years
Q.S. 46:13-14
So, there was a story. These several days, I felt worries and sad without any clear reason. I just felt like something wrong happened on me and my heart just feeling not good. It was probably as a result of accumulated feelings that I kept inside and refused to share to someone else.
I decided to open the Quran and read it. There was 3 surah that I randomly picked: As-Sajdah, Al-Mulk, and Al-Ahqaf. I only read the arabic (yeah, I was feeling much better but I didn’t understand the meaning precisely since I am weak on arabic)
I keep reading until I read that ayahs, my eyes suddenly moved into the Indonesian translation at the edge of page on my mushaf. I found it:
Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang berkata, “Tuhan kami adalah Allah,” kemudian mereka tetap istiqamah, tidak ada rasa khawatir pada mereka, dan mereka tidak (pula) bersedih hati". Mereka itulah para penghuni surga, kekal di dalamnya; sebagai balasan atas apa yang telah mereka kerjakan. (Q.S. 46:13-14)
or in English..
Indeed, those who have said, “Our Lord is Allah” and then remained on a right course- there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. Those are the companions of Paradise, abiding eternally therein as reward for what they used to do. (Q.S. 46:13-14)
I was speechless, ya Allah… Am I right to be sad because of things happened on my life? Is it worth it to be worried too much about the future? Whereas, there is always been You, my Lord.
Allah, please forgive me and guide me to find the light and create the peace inside me.
Now, it is time to embrace the past, do the best effort, and step bravely!
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shinymoonbird · 4 years
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Sri Ramana Mandiram
Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Arunachalaramanaya
Upadesa Undiyar (Tamil), or Upadesa Saram - The Essence of Teachings
⚜ Composed by Bhagavan Sri Ramana at the request of Sri Muruganar ⚜
Introduction by Michael James - Excerpt 1      (Excerpts, complete)
Like Ulladu Narpadu (The Forty Verses on Reality) and some of the other important Tamil works of Bhagavan Sri Ramana, Upadesa Undiyar was composed at the request of Sri Muruganar. In order to understand the contents of Upadesa Undiyar in their proper perspective, it is necessary for us to know the circumstance under which Sri Bhagavan came to compose this work.
Sri Muruganar, who was a great Tamil scholar and poet and who later became the foremost disciple of Sri Bhagavan, first came to his Guru in September 1923. Before coming to Sri Bhagavan, he composed a song entitled ‘Desika Patikam’, which he offered to Him on his arrival. Soon after that he composed another song entitled ‘Tiruvembavai’, and on seeing the poetic beauty of these verses and the lofty ideas contained in them, Sri Bhagavan remarked,
‘This is in the style of Manikkavachakar. Can you sing like Manikkavachakar?’
Sri Muruganar was taken aback on hearing these words, and exclaimed,
‘Where is my ignorant mind, which is as blind as an owl in daylight, and which is darker than the darkness of night? And where is the Selfexperience (atma-anubhuti) of Manikkavachakar, in whom the darkness of delusion had vanished and in whom true knowledge (mey jnana) had surged forth? To compare my base mind with his exalted experience is like comparing a fire-fly with the bright stars.’
When Sri Muruganar thus expressed his own deeply felt unworthiness, by His glance of Grace Sri Bhagavan shone forth in his heart, thereby making his mind blossom, enabling him to compose the great work Sri Ramana Sannidhi Murai, which in later years Sri Bhagavan Himself declared to be equal to Sri Manikkavachakar’s Tiruvachakam.
Sri Ramana Sannidhi Murai is a collection of more than 120 songs composed by Sri Muruganar in praise of Sri Bhagavan, and many of them are sung in the same style and metres as the songs in Tiruvachakam. Among the songs in Tiruvachakam, there is one song of 20 verses entitled ‘Tiruvundiyar’, in which Manikkavachakar sings about some of the lilas or divine sports played by Lord Siva. Therefore, in the year 1927, when Sri Muruganar began to compose a song called ‘Tiruvundiyar’ in praise of Bhagavan, he decided to follow a theme similar to that found in Manikkavachakar’s ‘Tiruvundiyar’, and thus he started to sing about various lilas performed by various Gods, taking all those Gods to be Sri Ramana Himself.
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chanceofglory · 7 years
Stop on details.
Listen to nature.
Love your h/earth.
My experience can be yours:)
Support me on Youtube with your Like!
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loamynoprizal · 4 years
Bisa Berapa Lama?
Ini adalah hari ketiga dari sebuah eksperimen yang gua lakuin sama diri gua sendiri. Gua mencoba untuk gak menggunakan handphone sejak tanggal 18 Juli 2020. Mungkin gak akan bertahan lama, tapi gua cuma pengen tahu sejauh apa perubahan yang bisa dirasakan ketika kita menjauh dari gadget yang rasanya seperti sudah menancapkan akarnya ke tubuh kita. Kalo ada yang nanya gimana gua berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang, jawabannya adalah gua tetap menggunakan twitter, instagram, dan Line di laptop. Selain eksperimen, gua menggunakan ini untuk terapi juga sih. 2,5 jam lebih screen time untuk Instagram, 2 jam untuk twitter sudah cukup jadi alasan kenapa terapi ini perlu dilakukan. Kalo gua pekerja kantoran berarti gua udah pake lebih dari setengah jam kantor gua pake buat sosial media yang kadang gua pun ga inget-inget banget semua isinya karena kebanyakan informasi yang masuk bikin kepala gua bingung mau save yang mana. Aneh sih emang buat hidup di 2020 tanpa handphone, tapi ya gua pengen liat aja efeknya dan sejauh apa itu mempengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari. Mari kita lihat seberapa lama gua bisa lakuin ini.
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