It's difficult to explain, so I stay quiet.
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thecpdiary · 3 months
Carrying Others' Karma
As I continue to blog about the things that bring understanding and may resonate, I hope they bring understanding and can resonate with you too. Karma isn’t always easy to understand.
When we talk about 'living other people's karma,' we're referring to the idea that individuals can be influenced or impacted by the actions of others, either positively or negatively. Honestly, we're all living and carrying others' karma, collectively and personally in one way or another.
The economic downturn in Britain, can be seen as a consequence of the uncertainty surrounding Brexit and its impact on trade, investment and financial markets. Similarly, the freedom of movement loss, is a direct result of the decision to leave the EU's single market and customs union.
The Pandemic
The pandemic is another situation where people are collectively living others' karma. 4-years in and the politicians' decision to lift all precautionary measures is leaving the vulnerable even more exposed and even more isolated. Although the vaccine helps, with it you can still catch and spread the virus. The physical protections should still be in place to protect the vulnerable.
Here are some more perspectives on karma:
Some belief systems emphasise the interconnectedness of all living beings, where the actions of one person can have a ripple effect, influencing others in a web of interconnected relationships. This leads to the idea that we are all part of a collective karma, and our actions contribute to the state of the world.
Family and Community Dynamics
The actions of family members or community members can shape an individual's values, beliefs, and behaviours. Growing up in a loving and caring family or community can instil positive values and promote healthy behaviours. Being exposed to negative influences or engaging in harmful behaviours within the family or community, can lead to the adoption of negative or unhealthy habits.
Additionally, it can also directly affect the wellbeing and development of an individual. Positive actions, such as support and encouragement, can create a nurturing environment that promotes emotional growth and success. Negative actions, such as abuse or neglect, can have long-lasting harmful effects on an individual's physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Empathy and Compassion
Understanding and acknowledging that others may be experiencing the consequences of their actions can foster empathy and compassion, but it can also foster judgment. On the other hand, it can also encourage individuals to approach others with understanding, recognising that everyone is on their own karmic journey and dealing with the consequences of their past actions.
We all have a collective responsibility
The concept of living other people's karma needs to highlight the importance of collective responsibility. In society, individuals need to be responsible for their own actions, although from what we're seeing innocent people are getting caught in the consequences of collective actions, such as political decisions, environmental policies and societal norms. It is important to be mindful of the impact on the collective karma of communities and of society as a whole.
Personal Accountability
While external factors influence our lives, philosophical traditions also emphasise personal responsibility and the idea that individuals have the power to shape their own destiny through their actions and choices.
While many view karma as a cosmic justice system, others may see it as a guideline for ethical living. The idea of living other people's karma invites contemplation on the interconnected nature of human existence and the serious impact our actions have on others and ourselves.
While it may be tempting to assign blame or responsibility to certain individuals or groups, understanding karma encourages us to view these events as reflections of collective choices and actions. The bottom line is that we are all interconnected and the repercussions of our collective decisions affect us all.
For more inspirational, lifestyle blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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Just a city girl, asking questions
Just a city girl, asking questions
Almost three months ago, my life was uprooted and re-rooted into new terrain, one that promised to be more nutritious. In many ways it has been caring and nourishing, but growing in unknown terralin with new acclimatization is never without its hicclups. For one, as much as I admire the dazzling starry sky and serene calm, it also drives me nuts at times. Life in a metro is filled with light,…
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steph-j-millz-blog · 27 days
Temper Tantrum
They scream…. They cry…. And then they stop and wonder why…. Don’t act as though you were never once in the circle of embarrassment from misfortune. The fiery fists of rage swinging with the watery tears & the brief sky high confidence to take down whatever has antagonized you for the final time. Easily triggered by the slightest inconvenience. Sounds like you’ve been tried too many times by…
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251days · 29 days
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Διαφορετικό ηχόχρωμα, διαφορετικό ηχοτοπίο.
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anna3196441 · 1 month
I smiled after a long time,
I forgot about my sad life,
I got so lost in your eyes,
was it real or all in my mind ?
The laughs we shared,
The stolen moments,
The urge to kiss you,
Were you shy or unintrested ?
For you, it was not good,
but wasn't bad either,
you said it is a good thing,
I say, a maybe is a no.
Now its the after,
Are we back to being just friends ?
Or we might soon be lovers ?
Should I let go or hold on harder ?
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the-unwind-times · 2 months
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goodvibeshow · 3 months
Blank Pages, Full Heart: Power of Journaling
Hello Journaling Enthusiasts! 📖💖
I recently stumbled upon a captivating blog on The Good Vibe Show website that beautifully unravels the transformative power of journaling. I couldn't resist sharing some of the inspiring insights and revelations from this virtual journey into the heart of self-discovery and expression.
📝 Embracing Blank Pages: The blog on The Good Vibe Show eloquently captures the essence of journaling, emphasizing the profound impact of facing those blank pages with an open heart. It explores the therapeutic nature of putting pen to paper and how it serves as a canvas for personal exploration.
💫 Unveiling the Full Heart: One of the highlights of the blog is its deep dive into the emotional richness that comes with pouring your thoughts onto paper. It delves into the cathartic experience of releasing emotions, thoughts, and dreams, allowing your heart to unfold in its entirety.
✨ The Journey Within: The blog reflects on the introspective journey that journaling offers, encouraging readers to embark on a path of self-discovery, mindfulness, and personal growth.
Feel free to share your own experiences or thoughts about the power of journaling in the comments. Let's cultivate a space for meaningful conversations and shared insights on this incredible journey of self-expression and self-discovery! 🌈🖋️
Click below to read the article:
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callmethesunbby · 5 months
I so badly need to do something naughty in a public place
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findingleena · 6 months
Imagine if all of the things you secretly prayed for your entire life suddenly came true; would you finally love yourself then? Or would you still be searching for that little girl inside of you that just wanted to feel good about herself. Become the person you needed when you were younger
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Sometimes, I wonder why I don’t write more. I used to love writing, to the point where I used to write multiple poems a day. Every day. Then something in my world changed and I stopped writing completely. Cold turkey. Maybe it was because I couldn’t find the right words, I felt like I was a robot on repeat; or maybe it was the friends and family always asking if I was alright because my poems were either super-happy and lovey-dovey, or they were the complete opposite where they considered having me hospitalized.
There was no happy medium.
So I stopped writing. When I told people it was just something I randomly wrote vs actually feeling it; I was always told it was the opposite.
Maybe this time; there will be less judgment.
Here’s hoping I can brush the cobwebs off.
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dustinthemoonlight · 7 months
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Today officially marks my 6th week in senior high school.
It feels surreal to finally be here, at this stage of life. When I reflect on the difficulties I've had to get where I am now, I could only feel one thing: determination.
My journey, though it has only begun, is marked by uncertainties. This I am sure of, and haunts me in both my waking days and dreams. I am unsure of my course, my mental capacity, and capability to handle the academic pressure. But as I walk along the campus paths marked by solitude, a strange energy surges through me that reminds me of why I am here in the first place.
I am here to learn. I am here to discover myself to the best of my potential.                                            
I may be distracted by all sorts of challenges, hardships, and bitterness, but I will not let that hinder my passion to learn.
The cold is here, so it's time to light candles and study in bed and complain about the weather. I'm trying my best to learn all the things I have doubts about, but it's a long list.
As the weather gets colder, things also get harder. I'm trying to be more gentle with myself. Constantly reminding my silly mind that there's no rush. The place is here, the time is now.
Which also reminds me… hey, you, to the one reading this, you know you should be doing The Thing. I don't want to do The Thing, either. But we can sit down and do it for 2 minutes together. Then we can do it for 5 minutes. Then 10. And so on, and so forth until it is done. I'll be coming back to reiterate this.
To whoever needs to hear it: it does not have to be perfect. It does not have to be world altering. It just needs to be done. And I'll sit with you while you do The Thing.
Now go. Stop scrolling. Go work on The Thing. I'll be back to check on you and cheer us both on.
Lastly, I want to remind you that there is nothing wrong with being mediocre. There is nothing wrong with not being the best at everything you do. There is no guilt in doing the bare minimum because you have no energy to do more than that. “Living your life to the fullest” can mean different things for you at different times in your life. Sometimes, it is achieving your goals and fulfilling your purpose, and sometimes, it is allowing yourself to rest and just get through it.
You deserve the space to simply be. To exist, to witness, to breathe, and to find peace.
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hippiepelada · 8 months
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During the meditation I practiced this morning, your face was the initial subject of bodily abstraction. Immediately, I saw you on that day when we didn't know each other, and you were so happy... I recalled our time and all the transformations I witnessed you undergo. Have you always been who you are or are you truly undergoing a transformation?
In that distant time, when your character and most intimate traits were a mystery, there was something within you that contained me there, always close by. Today, I see both you and myself more clearly. I sense (with great certainty) the man you will become over the passing decades. My instincts of profound love tell me that I deserve to be the woman of this man from the future. When entangled in warm embraces, I want them to be mine. I understand that everything that shapes you and is grasped by your zephyr mind will culminate in our most intense display of love. I am the one who deserves to experience this, as the manifestation of good fortune.
Without deviating from meditation, I realized that I value you as someone who loves good wines. Time is entirely in our favor. We recognize one another just as we recognize ourselves. In the patience of those who contemplate the maturation of that wine, I await the chance to kiss your beard and caress your gray hair. Without possessing the eyes of a prophet, but as the owner of a heart that belongs only to me, my sole certainty is wanting you beyond the constraints of time.
By: Hippie Pelada (@hippiepelada)
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aicollider · 8 months
Deities of Celtic Mythology discuss To the Lighthouse (Virginia Woolf)
INT. COZY ROOM – DAY The room is filled with laughter and the aroma of freshly brewed tea. Deities of Celtic Mythology gather around a table, adorned with teapot, tea cups, and cakes. They are engaged in their regular book club gathering, discussing “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf. At the head of the table sits the wise and noble DAGDA, a deity associated with knowledge and wisdom. He takes…
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251days · 29 days
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Και δε μας βγήκε.
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suleyman8 · 9 months
I hope you stay smiling.
I hope the world sees your smile! I hope the world hear’s your laugh! What a beautiful melody to calm my heart and bring me to heaven.
I wont be jealous, I won’t be sad, I want the world to see the beauty that I saw in you.
I want the world to feel the beauty of what is felt within you.
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