#selfindulgent crossovers
sneezingbabysloth · 10 months
about a month ago I had the urge to draw Wriothesley in Clive's armor but like usual life got in the way and I only have a wip to show for it
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and yes, it is actually a full body drawing but I'm still struggling with hands
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enayru · 2 years
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(my OC is a (fox) magic creature, element one, controls Fire and Ice /Avatar style)
XD I had just watched Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood again.
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keepthemacramesecret · 4 months
thinking abt the selfindulgent crossover ill never write where the doctor goes to his stockbridge cricket vacation in 1899 and this year theres a second amateur eccentric stranger who seems older than he really is and doesnt quite fit the tone of the place but is too skilled for anyone else on the team to say anything (bunny dragged a bored and restless raffles off to somewhere isolated enough from london that he could play for the season with no chance of being recognised)
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sioster · 11 months
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Close ups & more stuff below!
[Includes designs of other characters]
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Keep in mind that this ref is at least a year old by now :)
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only most important characters here, even if i do have designs for at least 4 other mice (theyre selfindulgent crossovers, just like the au at its core <3 but theyre background characters so yeh)
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sternar · 8 months
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Of course i will do another extremely niche selfindulgent crossover AU of my two current hiperfixations. (But i mean, both feature a guy with suicidal tendencies and their emotional support traumatized kitten-thing)
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writing an extremely selfindulgent starwarstrek crossover with some friends and we've been discussing space warfare capabilities for each universe, and i gotta say it is hilarious how badly the sw ships come out in comparison at this point lmfao.
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windfighter · 2 years
Kouji learns about Eurovision
Kouji had been zapping for 20 minutes. Every show on the television was either in Swedish or had Swedish subtitles, and he was back to channel one for the 15th time. He threw the remote onto the table and leaned back.
”We need to get some Japanese channels here.”
”Or you could learn Swedish”, Yamato called from the kitchen.
”I’m learning Swedish when Windy learns Japanese.”
”Did I hear my name? :3”
Windy peeked up from behind the couch and Kouji jumped.
”Shimatta! Where’d you come from?”
”This is my house.” She crawled over the back of the couch and grabbed the remote. ”Anyway… it’s May!”
”Do you know what May means?”
Windy was smiling and Kouji frowned. May meant almost summer, but he was pretty sure that wasn’t what Windy was after. Something dropped to the floor in the kitchen and Yamato came into the living room to glare at Windy.
”We are not watching that!”
”Why not? It’s the best thing ever!”
”It’s an affront to music!”
”Du är bara arg för att du inte kan ställa upp!”
”I’m 16, I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to compete. It’s a horrible mess and you know that.”
”Kouji hasn’t seen it though.”
”And his life is much better for it.”
”What are you two talking about!?”
”Eurovision”, Yamato and Windy answered as one.
It didn’t answer anything and Kouji stared at them.
”It’s a music competition”, Windy answered. ”Nothing like Idol though, it’s much better.”
Yamato turned around and headed back into the kitchen.
”Jag flyttar tillbaka till Japan.”
”awww, kom igen!”
Windy got up to follow him and continue the argument. Kouji grabbed the remote and started zapping again. Maybe he should learn Swedish.
It was a week later. Eurovision had not been mentioned again and Yamato hadn’t moved back to Japan. Kouji was sitting outside, enjoying the sun while studying. Not Swedish, since Windy still wasn’t learning Japanese. But visiting friends in Sweden didn’t mean he could just skip school, so he had to keep up or be forced to return home.
”I’m supposed to be living in Stockholm”, Windy sat down next to Kouji and ignored the fact that he was studying, ”but I decided to change my back-story. It’s my AU and I get to make the rules.”
Kouji raised an eyebrow, but didn’t look away from the book.
”Well, I guess technically it’s not just my AU, but I’ve adopted it as mine by now.”
”Why do you never make sense?”
”...it comes with being part data, I think.”
Windy looked at the sky and fell quiet. Kouji continued working on the math assignment. He could hear Yamato play music somewhere inside the house. The silence lasted for about 10 minutes.
”Do you… miss Japan?”
Windy didn’t look at him. Kouji closed the book and thought about it for a couple seconds.
”A bit, I think. Mostly I just miss my friends, and niisan.”
”Not your parents?”
Kouji shook his head.
”I don’t know okaasan enough to miss her, ’kaasan and I still don’t have the best relationship and ’tousan is… yeah.”
”I don’t remember my parents.” Windy’s fingers gripped the grass and tore it from the ground. She looked at it, then let it fall back. There was frost on it. ”I’m not sure I even had some.”
”Everyone has parents.”
”I just had senseis.”
Kouji glanced at Windy.
”That’s a Japanese word. ...with English plural. Please don’t butcher my language like that.”
”It’s not Japanese! We just called them that so they wouldn’t know we were talking about them.”
Windy frowned.
”I don’t remember. There’s… just void when I try to remember them.”
The music stopped. Kouji didn’t know what to answer and Windy pulled her knees to her chest and leaned against them. The window opened behind them.
”Are you thinking too much again?” Yamato asked through it. Windy laughed.
”A little. Did the smell of burning disturb you?”
”I’m just amazed it didn’t scare away Kouji.”
Kouji shook his head. Windy grabbed one of his books and opened it. Yamato was still leaning out the window.
”Anyway, sensei isn’t Japanese, it was our made-up language we used when we didn’t want anyone to understand us.”
”Yeah, no. That’s a Japanese word”, Yamato said and Kouji grinned victoriously. Yamato tilted his head and looked at Windy. ”Maybe Japanese is inherent to digimons.”
”I’m a human”, Windy huffed and got up from the ground, leaving the book in Kouji’s lap again. Yamato lifted his hands into the air and Kouji looked curiously at the two of them.
”Definately human”, Yamato said.
”Of course you’re human”, Kouji said and frowned. Was he missing something? ”What else should you be? A vampire?”
”En alvvampyrsjöhäst”, Windy answered and laughed. Kouji realized he’d never understand her and shook his head. She patted his shoulder and left, walking towards the lake they lived nearby. Yamato didn’t move.
”You’ll unlock her backstory one day”, he said.
”Would be easier if she had been a chosen kid as well, then we could have just watched the anime.”
Yamato laughed.
”She wants to watch Frontier again, you up for it?”
”Reliving my worst and best experience? Wouldn’t dream of missing it.”
Yamato climbed out the window, waved goodbye to Kouji and followed Windy. Kouji shook his head and went back to studying.
Windy and Yamato were baking cooking in the kitchen when Kouji got back from a walk. Both of them were covered in flour and he snorted before grabbing an apron to help out.
”What are we baking for?”
”Eurovision is tonight”, Windy smiled and threw a handful of flour at Kouji. ”Gotta have something to nom while we watch it.”
”So we’re watching it?”
Yamato let out a sigh.
”Might as well let you see what she’s all excited about.”
”It’s music, how can you not be excited? You’re in a band.”
”I was, we split up last year.”
”You and Kouji can form a new one.”
Yamato laughed.
”As long as you don’t sing.”
”I’m a great singer I’ll let you know”, Windy said with a pout. Kouji shook his head.
”I’m not that good at the guitar, I just learned enough to be a pest to ’tousan.”
”We could get Mats and Kouichi to join the band as well, it’ll be great!”
”Uhu”, Yamato added chocolate to his cookies. ”And what are we calling this band?”
”Den frisexuella djurparken!”
Yamato’s cheeks grew red and the bowl he had been working in fell to the floor.
”Vi kan inte kalla oss något sådant! Baka! What do I do with you?!”
He hid his face in his hands and shook his head. Kouji blinked. Maybe he should just go back to Japan so he’d get out of learning Swedish. Yamato sighed and picked up the bowl again.
”It makes sense”, Windy continued.
”It can make all the sense in the world, I still won’t be in a band called that.”
”Mats thought it was a good name!”
”Of course he did, the two of you are insane.”
”I agree about that, I’m not getting what the issue is though?” Kouji tilted his head and Yamato groaned.
”She want to call the band ’The Freesexual Zoo’ because that is an absolutely normal name.”
”When you put it like that it sounds bad”, Windy tried to defend it.
”...I’m glad I’ve already rejected the band-idea”, Kouji muttered and threw a handful of flour on Windy. ”Anyway, Eurovision?”
Windy forgot about the bowl she had been working in and Yamato took it before she would push it to the floor. She turned to Kouji with a huge smile.
”Sweden’s song wasn’t my favorite, I wanted us to send Roma, but I’ll admit it’s catchy. Not sure we’ll win though.”
Yamato shook his head.
”It’s just like any other radio-song, it’ll probably do okay, but I don’t think it’ll place top 5.”
”I meant, what is it?”
”A music contest! Singers from all over Europe get together and then the viewers get to vote for who’ll host it next year. It’s a huge spectacle and so many different songs.”
”It’s supposed to show off Europes diversity in cultures and languages”, Yamato said and rolled his eyes, ”but almost everyone sings in English so… mission failed.”
”I like when I can understand what they’re singing.”
”Should just learn all the languages of Europe.”
”I tried learning Spanish, but nothing sticks, I hate my brain.”
Windy flopped onto the table in overdramatic fashion. Yamato patted her knee and continued making cookies. Kouji finally got started on his own batch.
”I probably got hit over the head one too many time back in Fabriken.”
Kouji glanced at Windy. Her eyes were glued to something in the ceiling.
She smiled at him and jumped up from the table again.
”It’s… Swedish for school”, she said. Kouji raised an eyebrow because there was something in her smile that looked off.
”You’re even worse at opening up than me and Yamato.”
”Well, Yama is a cat so he opens up when you give him bellyrubs, you’re a wolf so you open up with food. I’m an iceberg so I’m more prone to sinking ships than letting anyone know what’s beneath the surface.”
”There’s just more ice down there”, Yamato said. ”Also you’re a bloody puppy.”
Kouji snorted.
”Starting to understand the zoo-part now.”
Windy beamed.
”So you’re up for starting a band?”
Kouji laughed and smiled towards her.
”Absolutely not.”
Eurovision wasn’t… completely horrible, Kouji decided one hour into the show. Yamato was busy working on a laptop, but would look up any time Windy slapped his knee and demanded he watched the next contestant. She had sung along to the Swedish entry and Yamato had smushed her face into a pillow, which meant a pillow fight and them missing the next entry. The first batch of cookies they had made earlier was already gone and Yamato had brought out the muffins instead after his offer to make some actual food for them had been politely declined.
The songs weren’t completely horrendous, not that Kouji could understand them. He wasn’t sure what he thought about the shows they put on, but perhaps he just didn’t understand european culture as well as he thought. School really never taught you enough about things outside of your own country, he realized.
”I can’t decide who I want to win”, Windy said and leaned back in the couch.
”They’re all valid winners”, Kouji said.
”Except Sweden”, Yamato muttered.
Windy looked ready to argue and Kouji realized Yamato only said that to get a rise out of her, but instead she let out a sigh.
”Yeah, Sweden’s entry sucks. Should have sent Nanne like the people wanted.”
”I always feel like I’m missing half of the conversation when you two get started”, Kouji noted and kept watching the show. The last contestant ended their song and Kouji turned to Windy. ”Is it over now?”
”Now comes the part that brings Europe to war!”
”...I’m not sure you should sound that excited about it.”
Windy blushed and turned to the television again.
”It’s not like it’s a real war or anything, baka.”
”Do you even know what ’baka’ means?” Yamato asked without looking up from the laptop.
”Since you call me baka all the time I just assumed it meant something like sweetheart.” Windy had a teasing smile on her face and Yamato rolled his eyes. Windy snorted. ”I’ve seen enough anime with subtitles, I know you’re calling me idiot.”
”Europe, start voting NOW!” the hosts of the show announced and Windy leaned back.
”And now we wait for five hours or something.”
”Five hours?” Kouji asked and glanced at the clock. The show had already been going for one hour and forty-five minutes and watching for another five hours seemed overkill. Yamato smushed Windy’s face with another pillow.
”It’ll probably just take one hour or something, but you’re free to head to bed if you need to.”
”You’ll miss mellanakten though, that’s the best part!”
”I can probably stay another five minutes”, Kouji laughed.
”And now we would like to leave you with a very special performance”, the host continued as the voting ended.
The scene turned dark and something that sounded like a windchime chimed before the drums started playing. A sign at the bottom of the screen let Kouji know that it was the ”Kyiv Percussion Ensamble ARS NOVA”, not that he knew of them.
”They’re great”, he said and Windy and Yamato nodded.
The camera swooped back and over the stage and focused on a lone person. Another sign – ”Anatoliy Zalevskiy – body artist” – let them know what was up and Windy frowned.
”Body artist is not a phrase we learned, what is that?”
”I’d assume an artist that use their body as medium”, Yamato said but didn’t look up from the computer.
”He moves like water”, Windy said. ”I don’t understand this, but it sure is something.”
”Maybe it’s not meant to be understood”, Kouji said. ”Sometimes art is just meant to be felt.”
”Wow, Eurovision sure made someone philosophical”, Windy said and nudged Kouji’s side. Kouji hit the back of her head and she laughed. ”He’s amazing, you think I could move like that?”
”...iceberg”, Yamato laughed.
”You’e not wrong”, Windy answered and let out a sigh before sinking down furher in the couch. She leaned against Yamato and he put the laptop on the table beside the couch. The drums started playing again and then the camera zoomed over to a group of people in red clothes.
”Last year’s winner”, Windy said just before the sign informed them of exactly that. She frowned. ”I think I prefered that song.”
”She has a pretty voice”, Yamato said.
”Are you leaving me for Ruslana?”
”Would it matter?”
”Nah, just figured it’d be Sora you left me for.”
Yamato shrugged. ”She was together with Taichi last I heard, although that was 2 months ago.”
”Do you need me to leave?” Kouji asked because he wasn’t sure where they were going.
”We’re not flirting”, Windy said a little too quickly and Yamato shook his head.
”We really aren’t, Windy wouldn’t know flirting if it hit her over the head.”
”I’d argue but it’s true. I’m not interested in getting a partner anyway. Maybe when I’m an adult and have Villa, Volvo and Vovve.”
Yamato snorted.
”And 2½ kids.”
”And 2½ kids”, Windy said with a laugh. Ruslana’s song ended and the votes were starting to roll in. Windy got up from the couch. ”Anyone want a drink?”
Kouji shook his head.
”I’ll head to bed, I’m sure you’ll tell me who won tomorrow.”
”I’ll take a cup of coffee”, Yamato said and Windy threw a coaster at him.
”You know I don’t know how to make coffee. Make it yourself.”
”One day I’ll teach you.” Yamato got up from the couch and stretched. Windy disappeared into the kitchen and Yamato turned to Kouji. ”We don’t mean to make you feel like a third wheel or something, sorry about that.”
”It’s fine”, Kouji said, but he wasn’t sure he was telling the truth. ”You’ve known each other for a long time and I’m a newcomer in this friend-group, it happens.”
”Still, I’ll try to cut it down a bit.”
Kouji got up, and started heading off, but turned to Yamato again.
”What’s wi-la, woruwo and Wouwe?”
”Villa, Volvo, Vovve. House, Car, Dog. The three magical Vs for Swedes that everyone gets when they’re adults. Volvo is a Swedish car brand.”
”Ah.” Kouji thought for a second. ”I’m not sure I’d trust her behind the wheel.” ”She doesn’t trust herself behind the wheel so you’re not wrong.”
Kouji laughed.
”Yeah… dewa, oyasumi.”
Yamato turned around to head into the kitchen just as Windy came out from it. She looked at Kouji and blinked.
”Off to bed?”
”I’m tired”, Kouji shrugged. ”We can make more messes in the morning.”
”If you wake me up before ten I’m not responsible for what happens”, Windy said with a smile. ”Anyway, god natt. Sweet dreams.”
Kouji waved goodbye and disappeared back to his room. Maybe next year he could introduce Kouichi to Eurovision.
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biscuitstickery · 5 years
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PMK week day 6: AU! in which souji comes back as a saniwa from tkrb
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monikunii · 5 years
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the silent orchestra
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arielmagicesi · 3 years
WWDITS fic recs- 2!
I missed a couple in my first post and I’ve also read quite a few more since then and you know what, I think it’s worth it to promote all these authors’ work! Evidently I’m still afflicted with these brain worms so why not use them to make some writers and readers happy. I see a lot of people being like “I need fic of this or that” and I’m like aaaahhh it exists! So here are my recs, once again, for the fics that I personally thought were either well-written or well-characterized or both.
(again: tagging the authors whose Tumblr accounts I can find so that you can let me know if you want to be removed from the post and I’ll edit you out)
i lied about the whales by morian ( @nonagethimus on here) FREAKING SLAPS... you want communication issues, this is the one to read. This is a “what if Nandor and Guillermo got to go on their road trip after all” fic. Very, very good content
Living in an Age That Calls Darkness Light by holograms ( @acanofpeaches on here) is one that I forgot last time but it’s so so so good. Post-The Wellness Center fic that really delves into the mental health parts. TW for discussions of eating disorders (but, you know, with like, blood, not food, obviously)
come and break me down by inkstainedwretch is INSANELY good. This one’s like 90% a sex scene so obviously avoid if you don’t want to read a sex scene. But oh my god the writing. The characterization. It’s a Nandermo road trip fic featuring a “oh no I hope you don’t show me how good you are at killing vampires” moment lmao please read it
Uncle Afanas by letek is for the Colin Robinson fans out there, as well as the Baron/Sire fans. It’s about the Baron and the Sire babysitting kid Colin Robinson! hello! it’s adorable! It’s really well written too!
Oh wait almost forgot to rec MY new fic, Vampire Vignettes, by ME, which is my speculations about the end of season 4. Nandor and Guillermo are navigating their relationship awkwardly, Nadja and Laszlo are doing the same, and Colin Robinson is a very annoying teenager. Featuring Colin using fidget spinners to drain people and Nandor trying his hardest to be affectionate
Guillermo Has a Secret, Nandor Suspects Cats, and Laszlo and Nadja Couldn’t Give a Fuck, Except That They Do by cosmicocean is a delight. Basically just the vampires speculating about Guillermo and being adorable and stupid. Ft. accidental baby acquisition, which normally I’m like eh about but it’s sweet here
Ship to wreck by nea9 is FANTASTIC!!! If you want Nadja and Guillermo bonding on the sea voyage, please read this! The emotional poignancy of both of them talking about their lives and emotions is so much. Very beautifully written and wonderful.
I design disasters by lizluz ( @michshlo on here) is beautiful. A simple beautiful fic about Nandor and Guillermo confessing their feelings after returning to Staten Island.
Time Off by colormehappy is another simple, sweet fic about Guillermo about 3 years into his familiar service taking the week off to get top surgery, and just the basic life complications around that. Very fluffy, very nice.
Apologize Like You Mean It by DarklyGleaming is a Nadja/Laszlo smut fic essentially which gets into their emotions as well, right after the “Witches” episode about both of them being sad about the Lilith situation and then having makeup sex. It’s very lovely and good.
Coming Up Aces by Heather N is a fun, short crack fic about Colin Robinson taking Laszlo and Nadja to what they think is “a sexual meetup” but is actually an asexual meetup and they just fully don’t get it.
you can run away with me anytime you want by partiallyobscure ( @partiallyobscure on here) is a solidly good Nandermo road trip fic if you are looking for one of those.
Transcript of a Lost Tape by selfindulgences is a fun movie-crossover one written in script format that addresses the plot hole of “if the sire thing is true, then how come Deacon didn’t die when Petyr died in the movie” in a funny cute way
if it was with you by milesofregrets is a rewrite of the s3 finale fight scene that delves more into Nandor’s vampire-related existential crisis and ends with confessing feelings
I’m classifying the rest of these as “miscellaneous Nandor/Guillermo fluff” because they are basically all fluff without plot
something here will eventually have to explode by returnsandreturns ( @returnsandreturns on here) is a fic about Guillermo muttering about his feelings under his breath because he assumes Nandor isn’t listening, and then finding out Nandor is listening. And yes those feelings include murder feelings, because you know I love to see Guillermo do murders
swim to me; let me enfold you by singing_to_shipwreck is an utterly gorgeous one about Guillermo comforting Nandor after a bad date
Strange Effect by lauze is more of a PWP, so again, avoid if you don’t want to read a sex scene, but it’s very fluffy. Basically just the two of them randomly deciding to hook up but there’s feelings and it’s very sweet
Slip by Nandors Wizard Hat (enter_the_gloaming) is an accidental love confession fic, which also interestingly starts with Nandor being in a mood because one of his ex-wives had been turned into a vampire and showed up
A Soft Touch by tired_teeth is a lovely short one about Guillermo figuring out how to show affection
Punch Drunk Love by Doctorinblue is one about affectionate-drunk Nandor
That’s it for now! Let’s all pray this is the last one I make lmao, not because there won’t be more lovely fics written (I’m sure there will be) but because I hope to heal from my WWDITS brain-rot very soon
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ayantiel · 8 years
I finished my first Mass Effect playthrough today and now I have a lot of feelings my Shep was so good and I love her so much and why can’t she settle down with Garrus and adopt lots of Krogan babies with him?? :’(((((
Also the Citadel DLC Oh man, that was fucking perfect. Everything about it was amazing. I can’t even pick a favourite highlight cause the entire thing was just comedy gold lmao
...and I may have immediately started another playthrough with a new Shep because I have a lot of feelings and need to delve into the universe all over again
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ao3feed-safeklance · 7 years
Of flower crowns and confusion
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tAvoMQ
by princetins
Keith proposes - the way it’s custom on the Moon. Lance doesn’t realize that’s what’s happening.
(aka: a purely selfindulgent crossover set in Luxendarc an unspecified amount post-B2nd:End Layer)
Words: 1113, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Crossover, Marriage Proposal, Slight Misunderstandings, set in the universe of Bravely
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tAvoMQ
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ao3feed-klance · 7 years
Of flower crowns and confusion
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tAvoMQ
by princetins
Keith proposes - the way it's custom on the Moon. Lance doesn't realize that's what's happening.
(aka: a purely selfindulgent crossover set in Luxendarc an unspecified amount post-B2nd:End Layer)
Words: 1113, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Crossover, Marriage Proposal, Slight Misunderstandings, set in the universe of Bravely
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tAvoMQ
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holycowbrowniekitty · 7 years
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“That was... not relevant...at all.”
Since we were talking about Ace attorney the other day, @zeepuri digged up some memories of the Tenipuri crossover. This led to me either doing :”Making a sprite for Bane because he’s the only Rokkaku I haven’t drawn yet” or “fuck it all and do some selfindulgent Icchan/Aoi revamp”. I chose the latter (sorry Bane).
So in this AU, where Ojii got “murdered”, Aoi is of course a super important witness, since 50% of his life is spent with the old man. I still can’t decide who would be the most annoying witness, but he’s up there. He would totally reinvent his story to sound super cool And it just turns out he’s a nice, loud kiddo at the wrong moment at the wrong time.
Relevance of statements: 3/10 Trustworthiness: 5/10 Headache: 8/10
“Can the witness please leave the yelling to the lawyers,”
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Of flower crowns and confusion
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tAvoMQ
by princetins
Keith proposes - the way it's custom on the Moon. Lance doesn't realize that's what's happening.
(aka: a purely selfindulgent crossover set in Luxendarc an unspecified amount post-B2nd:End Layer)
Words: 1113, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Crossover, Marriage Proposal, Slight Misunderstandings, set in the universe of Bravely
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tAvoMQ
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imperialbogmonster · 4 years
Asdfljf do any of you remember the Entrapdak=AU!Vegebul post I made? ‘Cuz it looks like that’s spawned a fic. I’m a thousand words in already. Sorry not sorry lol.
(Vegebul was my first OTP; I can tie it to anything if I try hard enough.)
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