#selkie!seokjin x reader
renadosia · 1 year
Cafe Beside The Sea - Chapter 1
— pairing: (Seokjin x reader)
— genre: Selkie AU, strangers to lovers, fluff, romance.
— summary; You return a coat to the strange customer that he accidentally left behind. Seokjin receives a marriage proposal from the pretty waitress that took his order. Both are oblivious.
— content warnings: none
— word count: 7.4k
Masterlist / Next chapter
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The summer of your eleventh birthday was the first time you saw them. And the summer of your eleventh birthday, you wept into the sea.
Drip, drip, drip, went your tears into the ocean as it pushes weakly against your ankles. Drip, drip.
You kick at the water, sniffling into your wrist as you wipe at your eyes. Drip, drip.
(Seven tears to summon a selkie, they say, go and cry into the ocean. Shapeshifters, both human and seal- they shed their coats.)
There was a lot that happened that summer- for starters, your parents packed up theirs and your entire life and moved to a small seaside town, and among other things, you would enroll into the local school and quickly be swept up into a friend group of rambunctious boys, you would discover your love for the ocean and become intimately familiar with it over the coming months, (namely thanks to your new beachside home), and find that actually- you really loved living in this small town.
But something has to give first, and before it did, in those first few weeks during and after- it felt like hell. And your little eleven-year-old self was sure that your life was ending.
Well that might be an exaggeration- but point is; you didn’t take it very well.
It only took you about two or three days before you had gone off down the beach, crying. Your parents had repeatedly been telling you to go explore while they finished unpacking, and bitterly, you had done so. Trudging through sand in the opposite direction of town, mostly out of spite. It was windy and the sand bit at your skin, feeding woes as you went.
Back then when you had yet to spend hours upon hours walking trails through the grass over the banks and pulling sea glass treasures from the sand, wading through rock pools to reach the edge where the spray of saltwater would spring up and spit against your legs from the waves, you knew nothing about the area. And so a cave carved into an alcove only sparked the calling of curiosity and adventure as you had easily stepped down the dip of sand and into the cove. 
There was only one thing even half as interesting along the beach that late afternoon, and it was a large pod of seals dotting the beach.
What little you knew of them was from your parents brief mentions of their encounters while working as marine biologists (the reason you had moved to the coast in the first place), and while intrigued, you gave them a wide berth out of caution.
Your tears hadn’t quite dried by this point, not fully anyway, and although a few heads with big dark eyes perked up at you moving past them, none of the seals gave you heed as you went right past them and into the cave.
One thing you didn’t notice that day, was a particular seal that watched you go and tumble straight into the alcove. It gave a yip at you, but you didn’t even glance back.
Another thing you didn’t know was that your parents were already looking for you. Having checked weather reports an hour or so after you had left. But you had been out along the beach for hours at this point, and you had gone pretty far out- not to mention, it was getting late.
There was something you did notice though, and had foolishly ignored, which was the tide pushing into the mouth of the cave. All but a thin sheen of water. Your feet get wet, but you don’t give it any thought.
The sun was setting over the blue waves as you savored the sunlight, you hadn’t long until it would get fully dark, and with the clouds swirling in the sky, you would need to head back soon. Even though you wanted to stay out if only just to make your parents worry for you. Maybe then, you had thought, they’ll regret moving to this damn place.
Pushing up and down rocky ledges, you went in. The cave was dark and damp, and you pulled out your phone for the flash as you looked around wide eyed and amazed, at the end of the cavern you could see light and you pushed onwards. Eventually, the tunnel opened into a wide open space, holed up straight upwards so that you could see the sky. You wondered if it was some sinkhole from the ledge above that overhung, and mentally made plans for the next day to go and check it out from above, where you could already see the tree's canopies peeking over the edges. You’d never get to though, because it had started to rain. Little droplets of water tapped against your phone’s screen, and you huffed, wiping it over on your shirt. No reception. But even despite the rain, you weren’t yet worried. You had brought a jacket. The next hour was mostly just photographing and plucking little colorful shells from the sandy earth. In the time it took you, the rain picked up. Now pelting down and bringing a harsh chill to your bone.
A good point to head home, you had thought. But it simply wasn’t that easy. As you climbed your way back through the cave, you noticed the water runoff that ran trails through the rocks. You thought it must’ve come from the open sinkhole space from behind you until you made it to an deadend.
What had been the entrance of the cave was now blocked with a flood of still pushing and pulling water, flooded from the outside in. A complete dead-end, and you felt your heart drop.
After this, there truthfully wasn’t too much you remembered aside from the panic and the seal.
You had panicked, you had tried to get out, you had failed to get out, and had eventually found yourself curled into a ball on the cold hard ground sobbing your eyes out.
Not the most dignified reaction, but you were eleven, so there wasn’t any other reaction that you really could’ve given. And so for the second instance, your eleven-year-old self felt once more like your world was crashing down on itself. (Only you had a bit more of a valid reason for it this time around.)
You were alone in that damp dark space, crying and crying and crying, and then there was a splash, and you had startled, and then suddenly you weren’t alone. The water’s surface broke and the first thing you noticed was a sleek furry body. A seal had popped up and out of the water and the next moment was still. It watched you with deep black eyes, and you had probably cried more, (that day, there was a lot of crying), and only then it started to shuffle over towards you. 
The seal nosed at your arm, but you shuffled back a bit warily, your face wrecked with sobs and wet with tears and rain. It yipped at you, and then at that same quick moment, turned back towards the water, yipped again, and dived away. Under the blocked entrance of the cave and back into the ocean. And you were alone again. The whole interaction only took a moment, but it was one moment enough for it to bring simultaneously comfort and despair, and ever since then you had always had a bit of a soft spot for seals- all since childhood, through it, and into adulthood.
But still you cried, and cried, and cried a bit more, until the search and rescue teams found you. You were hauled up with climbing rope through the open sinkhole, and then in your parents arms you had cried more.
Later, you would come to be slightly embarrassed by the whole ordeal. Especially when school had started up and peers and teachers would bring it up. Even on the rare occasion complete strangers had recognised you, usually elderly sharing their relief of your safety while you stood next to your parents, cringing. 
Later, you had asked your parents how they had found you.
And they had said that after they had gone into town and search parties of people had been sent out, a young boy had shown up. He knew where you were, and had taken them to the cave. Just older than you were, with long limbs and broad shoulders, and a wet mop of hair on top of his head. He had slipped away after the rescue team jumped into action, and no one knew who he was, nor did he ever come forward after that. He was dressed oddly, apparently. With sandals and shorts and a plain shirt. Odd because his hair was wet as if he had just gone swimming, but his clothes were completely dry. He said he was on the beach when he saw you, and no one had questioned it out of gratitude to be able to find you. The main thing that stood out to them as odd though, was the grey furry coat he wore. Too fancy and blatantly out of place to bring with you to the beach.
But as all things do, time moved on and you forgot much about the incident and earlier years from when you had first moved to the coastal town. The only real memory remaining that you were dumb to go into a cave when the tide was rising and it was storming. It was then a bit of a funny story for you to tell, and that was all it became. But you had always remembered the seal that had comforted you, and similarly, the story of the boy who had saved you.
You might have never met him, but if you got to, you had decided that you wanted to thank him for what he did that day. (Although you knew full well that the likelihood was against you.) But you knew you wouldn’t be able to find the boy with the strange coat, and so you decided that you would leave it up to fate.
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Time ticked by as if stuck in honey, slowly and slowly and slower.
Today wasn’t a particularly busy workday, but in the same breath, it wasn’t particularly slow either. Because of this, it felt as if there wasn’t quite enough work to do aside from waiting for more customers to come in, gaps of time in between filled with slow cleaning and patience. It was only the start of summer, so this pacing was bound to change with an influx of imminent tourists wanting to visit beaches and see the oceanside offered by coastal towns and cities, but all the same, you were just waiting for your shift to end in hopes to head home. 
Home- or a quick detour to wherever your friends would decide to hangout today, ever changing locations between the seven of you in the indecisive way you all could be. (A few in particular, say Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung- but that’s not to name names. They just get a bit cooped up in the same spot.)
Scrubbing the kitchen counter for what must’ve been the fifth time in the past hour, you sighed. The last thing you wanted to do was slack off with the owner sitting just a few feet away at one of the booths tapping away at her phone. Yongsun was a lovely woman, and you might be one of the co-managers, but you still rather not chance it with a job that kept you stable for years. This little job paid well, and alongside the allowance your parents would send you from wherever on the planet they were at the moment you were decent. Not to mention, you enjoyed the environment, Yongsun was one of the nicest women you had ever met, warm and friendly, and you didn't want to get in her bad books.
When you hear the chime of the doorbell and the sound of the front door opening, you don't really bother to hide your relief at something to actually do. It’s followed by chatter and laughter as a group of customers enter together, and as the only one working on shift at the moment, you swiftly move to be in front of the register and display-cabinet of baked goods and food. Yongsun stands to greet the group cheerily, and among the group of strangers, each with a coat slung over their shoulders a-piece, you’re surprised to see two of your friends with them. The only thing they're missing is the coats themselves. 
Taehyung notices you first, sending a wave to you as he sits down in the booth and Jimin peaks over his head with a similar grin, laughing at your off guard expression. And you roll your eyes back at them.
You knew they were friendly with Yongsun, and the pair of them are very social- Jimin and Taehyung always seem to know some of the people who pass through town, especially in the summertime. While it's a bit odd to see them hanging out with strangers- you're much more used to passing hellos and warm conversations, you suppose it makes sense, they have to meet all those people somehow. Jimin has always had an extroverted streak in him, even if he never leaves town. And Taehyung is his opposite, an introverted type at first, but out of town in the off-seasons.
There’s a particular stranger that Yongsun greets that catches your eye, with a bashful expression and remarkably attractive face as Yongsun greets him with a big hug and even pinches his cheeks as if he was a child. She was clearly familiar with him, and you don’t even need to imagine the ‘ are you sure you’re eating enough, hun? that you’re sure she’s giving him, much like she does to you and every other person she likes. He looks similarly glad to see her, and you wonder distantly if he’s a son of one of her out of town friends, given you have no clue who he is. Or who any of the other strangers are sitting with them, aside from Jimin and Taehyung, of course. (It’s a small town and countryside in general. So everyone knows everybody here for the most part.)
Yongsun happily wavers you over from the counter, so you aren't left to guess when to approach them. “This is the sweet (Y/n). One of my loveliest workers here.” She smiles as you walk over, already with her menu out and listing the items the table wants. She hums, pausing and looking over towards the man from before. “Seokjinnie, what was it you wanted again?” 
“Ah, I’ll just get a muffin or something please, ahjumma.”
“Alright, chocolate chip muffin for that one, please (Y/n).”
“Of course,” you chime agreeably, finishing jotting down the order. When you look up, you accidentally meet the gaze of the ‘seokjinnie’ man that Yongsun was talking to. You’re not sure what it is, but there’s something familiar about him, whether you've seen him before you’re not sure, but his fine features and beautiful black eyes draw your gaze to him and you make yourself pull away. “Is that all for today?” 
“Yes, thank you.” The man replies, his voice is polite and melodious, and it’s honestly one of the nicest sounds you’ve heard in a while. ( If that doesn’t seem too creepy, you think to yourself.) You nod with a smile and head back behind the counter, picking out the pre-made items to serve to the table before heading into the kitchen to start on anything that needs to be cooked or baked. It doesn’t take you all that long, preparing the burgers and smoothies and anything else that needs it for the group.
When you gather them all onto trays, you see out of the corner of your eye Jimin and Taehyung talking to the same man from before, and you can tell from the looks on their faces and personal experience that they were teasing the poor man, but when you walk out, their heads all snap up and Jimin and Taehyung break into laughter while the other just ducks and shakes his head. He seems a bit flustered but tells them off, you just can’t make out the words.
“Here you are.” You say chipperly as you set down the trays and they pick off their orders. Then you turn and head back to the kitchen while Jimin nudges the ‘Seokjinnie’ guy with a teasing smirk. You easily tidy up the dishes and mess you made while the group finishes up, and by the time you finish, they’re all already gathering up their things and getting ready to leave. Picking up their expensive looking fur coats and purses and bags. Save for Yongsun, Jimin and Taehyung, each of the strangers each have one of the fanciful coats. All near matching, all flat fur, all gray. Was this some sort of club? You really hope your two idiot friends and boss didn’t get mixed up with some gang. Were there even gangs out here? By the beach? At some random seaside town? You have no idea, but the fur coat gang doesn't seem too threatening, you giggle mentally.
They all migrate over to the front door, and you pick up the cutlery left behind at the table. Your shift is almost over before some other employees take over for the afternoon, and you don’t think it’s too bad to end off with some dishes. You drop them off in the sink, taking a last peek out of the kitchen at the sound of the door’s chime and catching the customers filter out. The ‘Seokjinnie’ guy is the last one left, the others having left or already walking away from the front of the store, and just as he slips through the store, you watch as his fur coat slips from being slung over his bag and lands right in the doorway, glass door catching on it as he walks off taking no notice.
You blink, and then thoughtlessly follow after and pluck the coat up from between the door, not quite impulsive but more on instinct of manners. On any normal day you would be annoyed, but there’s been something a bit off all day- a feeling as though you’re waiting for something important to happen wedged deep in your chest- but it’s not a feeling that you realize until after.
After when the sun rises in streaked rays and it seeps through the curtains, you press into the warmth of blankets and share soft whispers of words, lazing in bed and reminiscing on the moment with arms wrapped around you.
The door clicks shut behind you as you train your gaze after where he turned, searching for the soft head of hair and broad shoulders amongst the streets. Your eyes catch him easily, a standout amongst others and you take off after him in a jog. It’s your lucky day, dude. You think, You’re not gonna lose your probably expensive fur coat just yet. 
“Wait!” You call out, running after him as you tuck the soft fur of his coat safely into your arms. He doesn’t turn around, neither does he even realize that you’re addressing him. “Your coat!”
Finally, you catch up to him. In a slight flurry of panic you reach out and grasp his arm, tugging him around- it’s a little harsher than you intend, but it gets the job done. He spins around to face you with a confused expression. 
Normally you’re not the type to ever touch a stranger, mostly out of respect for personal space, (both your own and the other person), so you’re quick to yank your hand back and step away. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for grabbing you like that!” You say, giving an apologetic look and shuffling his coat on your arm to be held out to him. “Sorry again, I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just that you dropped your coat.”
His eyes flicker between you and the fur coat, and his expression drops. Stunned as he wordlessly reaches his hand out and brushes it over the furry article. He looks half shocked-half mortified and you panic a little, looking over the coat yourself almost praying it isn’t damaged. You really doubt you have the money to reimburse a whole other coat for the guy if it was, and the fact that he seems close with your boss only makes it even worse. The logical side of your brain reasons that you weren’t the one who dropped it- so it’s not really your fault- but god knows that you’ve had your fair share of haughty customers over the years, so you’d rather not take your chances.
“I am so so sorry, it slipped off your bag when you left and I picked it up for you once I saw.” You ramble, dusting it off as gently as you can manage before pressing it into the man’s hands. “Is this alright? You’re not upset?”
“I- um.” His face flushes red, all the way to the tips of his ears. Cute, really you would swoon if the situation was any different. “I think. This is fine, I think.”
“Oh thank goodness, It’s not damaged or anything, but I was worried you’d run off before I could even give it back!” You chuckle softly and maybe slightly awkwardly. Finding the stare that he’s giving you a little confusing as your gaze flits up to meet his. “You walk very fast.” You say lightly, trying to dispel any tension. 
“I do- did.” He says a little dumbly, face still red as he clears his throat and straightens up. “I just wasn’t expecting this.” You raise your brows at his words, unsure what they mean.
“Well, no worries.” You smile as nicely as you can, and it seems to work, him reciprocating it as he nods. “At least you can go home with your coat safe!”
There’s a moment where neither of you say anything, him looking at you intently as he seems to swallow down any previous shyness that lingered. He speaks thoughtfully, as if contemplating; “Yes, much better this than losing it. Or someone else keeping it to themselves.” He smiles, and despite his very very odd words (in your opinion), you're not that creeped out- only the awkwardness that licks at the back of your neck any indication of discomfort. “I’ve been waiting for something like this for a while, and you actually seem quite sweet.” You shift on your feet, not knowing what else to do except smile and nod your head awkwardly. He watches you, observant to your every word and reaction, but his expression is tender and you don’t know where that came from. Your mind recalls with relief that you had left the cafe completely unattended .
“Right.” You say, pulling on your best poker face. “Well, my shift isn’t quite over yet, so I’d best be getting back.” He seems to pull out of a daze at your words, and you try to ignore that it makes you feel a bit bad for him. “Um, good luck! Have a good afternoon!” As you turn and speed walk back towards the cafe, you can feel his gaze on your back. You don’t look around at him, but once you push open the glass doors of the store you can’t help but almost want to peek back out to look for him. Maybe it’s curiosity, maybe you thought he was hot (you did), maybe you’re a bit paranoid- but whichever one it is you stubbornly shove it down and trudge back into the kitchen, sighing deeply as your brain runs over the interaction and the man’s strange words. Well, that was odd . You think, and you really have no idea where the weird words and such came from, but at the very least, you’ve got something funny to tell your friends later on . 
But Goddamnit, Jimin and Taehyung were absolutely going to laugh at you.
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The first thing you did once your shift ended and a coworker took over for you, was grab your bag and check your phone. It lit up with a text message from Hoseok, his contact followed by random emojis he had put in years ago when he first took your phone to give you his number.
‘Meetup at the studio after work? The others are coming :D’
A huff of amusement left you as you unlocked your phone and typed a message back.
‘Definitely, wouldn’t miss it, Hobi. Also I've got a funny story to tell you guys lol.’
‘Ookk, but just hurry though 'cause Jungkook keeps complaining that he’s hungry and you know how that goes.’ 
You roll your eyes, typing; ‘That boy is always hungry. But yeah, be there in ten.’ 
You giggle a little at the string of strange emojis Hoseok sends in response before tucking your phone into your back pocket as you speed walk down the streets. You couldn’t have been more eager to get out of there after working most of the day. It isn’t long until you get down to the studio, and you step and round down the hall past the receptionist, (a friendly girl who had been working there for a few months) as you head right towards the studio room you know Hoseok usually works at. Through the glass doors you can see all the boys sitting around- and Jungkook, who was leaning against the wall next to the door, pulls it open for you before you even manage to grab the handle. 
“(Y/n)! How was work? Hobi says you’ve got another one of those funny customer stories to tell us again.” He grins at you, and clicks the door shut behind you before you respond. There’s some takeout containers and burgers sitting around, Jungkook's got one in his hand, and you would take a guess he convinced somebody to make an ‘emergency call’ for him. 
Jimin chimes up from one of the benches. “Yeah, and why didn’t you tell us before when we were there?” 
“She was working, jimin.” Yoongi says reasonably, shrugging lightly. And my boss was there , you go to say, but jimin beats you to it.
“Yeah, but I would’ve stayed behind if I knew there was drama.” He defends jokingly, turning a teasing smile over towards you. “Yongsun wouldn’t have minded, you know. She knows we’re friends. I mean, after all the times me and Tae have camped out waiting for your shifts to finish in booths, and the fact she asks us how you’re doing everytime we speak, I'd say you're even her favorite employee.” 
“It happened after you guys left.” You explain, sitting down next to Hoseok who wavers you over as you set your bag down. “And it’s not drama but I still don’t want to get any grief over this. Tae, Jimin, I’m talking to you two.”
“Huh?” Taehyung echoes, his head flicking up from his phone that was scrolling on distractedly. He gives you a befuddled expression when you look at him pointedly. “What’d I do?”
“One of the people you were with.” You say, sighing dramatically. “Some poor guy dropped his jacket and so I had to run it to him. It was pretty awkward.”
Namjoon shakes his head at you sympathetically, laughing a little bit. “That’s not that bad.” He says, but you huff protest. And no one notices, but Jimin and Taehyung both stiffen up. Their heads snapping over towards you and sitting up alert.
“What?” Taehyung says, unable to help the sharp tone that he uses. Yoongi and Namjoon both raise a brow, aware of the change of mood, and Jungkook glances over at them. Hobi doesn’t notice it.
“Aw man, I was hoping for something like that one time that kid tripped on someone’s foot and spilled a smoothie all over you.” Hoseok complains with a mischievous smile as he lays across the floor, “that was pretty funny. You had a huuge pink stain over your new fancy shirt all day.”
“That was miserable.” You grimace.
“It was funny as shit.” 
“ lHold on - you gave who back his jacket ?” Taehyung speaks up again, cutting off Hoseok and your banter with an edge of urgency to his voice that makes you pause. You look over at him frowning, and he looks a mix of disturbed and worried that only makes you confused. You gave his coat back , so why would he need to be worried? It wasn’t like it was damaged or anything. 
“The guy you were teasing. I gave him back his furry coat when he dropped it.” 
Taehyung’s jaw drops and Jimin shoots a glare at him, kicking him in the leg. He clears his throat, “Did you give it to him or like, point it out and tell him he dropped it?” He seems less concerned then taehyung does, but still so- from his more good natured smile compared to Taehyung's tense demeanor, it relaxes you slightly, but you can still see the uncertainty behind his eyes that makes your stomach churn uneasily. You flicker your gaze between the two incredulously. The others all watch.
“I gave it to him. It slipped from his bag and he didn’t notice. I had to stop him in the street to give it back.” You say, furrowing your brows. Jimin and Taehyung share a look. 
Namjoon breaks in, apparently having enough of the random tension in the conversation. “Okay, why are you two being so cryptic?” he waves his hands gently, looking between you and the other two. “What else was she supposed to do? Let the dude lose his coat?”
“Well- no?” Taehyung splutters slightly, choking on his words. “just- was it Seokjin?”
“Seokjin?” You echo, confused. 
Yoongi passes an eye over the three of you calmly. “Jimin, not all of us are extroverts and know all the random people who pass through town.” He says, the small joke eases some of the rising confusion from the group. He sends a small grin at him, and Jungkook makes an affronted noise at his words.
“We know taehyung! And you!” 
“That’s different.” Yoongi rebutts immediately.
“Yeah, they both grew up here.” Namjoon adds, leaning back and glad to jump on an opportunity to change the subject. 
“Yoongi goes to the city for work for like a week every month! I don’t see how that’s so different!” Jungkook says, shaking his head with a determined expression. “And Taehyung sticks around for summer, sure, but he only visits otherwise.” 
Hoseok gives a hearty laugh, and Jungkook grins at him. “Yoongi literally lives here.” He snorts, and Yoongi nods his head along.
“Yep. So don’t know what you’re on about, kid.”
“Sure you don’t, old man.” Jungkook says with accusation, pointing a finger towards Yoongi, who just rolls his eyes with a smug look. 
“Whatever you say, kiddo.”
Jungkook scrunches up his face, cringing. “Ugh, I’ve always hated that word-“ He’s cut off the crack of a phone clattering to the floor and everyone glances over again, Taehyung giving a little mutter of shit as he hastily stuffs it into his bag. 
“Tae? You good?” Hoseok asks. But Taehyung just shuffles awkwardly under the scrutiny of everyone, his gaze flickers from Hoseok, to Jimin, and then to you. You’re a little worried you upset him, but you have no idea how.
“Uhh, something came up so- i’ve gotta go.” Taehyung’s words sound a little forced and his demeanor is stiff, and after all of you having known each other for years at this point, some longer then others, you all raise a brow. It’s pretty obvious he’s making an excuse to go. Which is odd. “Sorry guys.” He says for good measure. 
Taehyung would normally be the last to go, always eager to spend as much time with his close friends whenever possible. He didn’t live full time in town, mainly staying for the summer and then occasionally a little bit after, but never too long. There were occasional visits, but other than that, you all didn’t get to see him much. So his behavior is particularly striking as weird. 
Guilt stirs in your chest, an uncomfortable pressure. Was it the coat thing? You sure hope not. You wonder distantly why it would, but struggle to come up with a realistic answer. You wouldn’t have thought that something so minuscule like that would upset him, or really anyone for that matter. The idea of giving a coat back to someone after they dropped it doesn’t strike you as anything negative, heck, you’d be glad if someone chased your own coat out to you if you had dropped it. Was there something earlier that happened that you missed? Did you say anything else that could’ve been rude? You didn’t think you did, but now you weren’t so sure. Really you were expecting to be teased about it somewhat- but something about Jimin and Taehyung’s reaction has you thinking that there’s more to it then they’re saying out loud, and the thought that you might have upset one of them makes you frown.
“No worries, Tae. It’s fine.” Jungkook is the first to break the few second silence that came over the group, smiling supportively at Taehyung. 
Hoseok chimes in, “Yeah, don’t stress.”
Namjoon speaks up next, “We all get busy. So no worries if you gotta leave on short notice.” he says sagely, “Happens to all of us.”
Taehyung stands there for a moment, like he didn’t quite expect everyone to jump in and dispel the unease lingering in the air. “Yeah, sorry.” He finally says, once more looking over to you in a quick glance. It just makes you feel worse. “um, see you guys.”
There’s a small chorus of byes as Taehyung takes his bag and leaves, waving as he slips out the door. All the boys and you watch silently as he goes, slight degrees of concern or confusion on your faces. It only takes a second before everyone breaks back into conversation, but whatever they’re talking about, you don’t listen, attention fixed on the door where Taehyung had left through as a mixture of confusion and guilt churns in your stomach. Weird, this is all quite weird . But you have a distinct feeling that you might’ve done something to set Taehyung off- you’ve never really seen him run off like that. 
There’s a tap on your shoulder and you turn to Jimin who’s leaned forward towards you and smiles with sympathy.
“Sorry for the fuss, don’t worry too much- you haven’t done anything wrong, so try to ignore us, okay?” He says reassuringly, his voice low enough to not gather the others attention. You guess that he probably doesn’t want to embarrass you. “I’ll talk to you more about it later, and I’ll explain some things.” Jimin promises, and there’s an odd tinge of determination to his tone.
You don’t really know what to think of it.
“Okay.” You say, it’s a little dejected and Jimin almost winces at the look on your face. Taehyung will feel bad later, for running off and leaving you to stew. But you guys have been friends for years, so Jimin isn’t particularly worried this will drive a wedge between you two or something. 
If anything, he’s hopeful that this will mean new beginnings, once the tide clears up. Not between you and Taehyung, nor you and him, but something new entirely. 
He has a feeling it could work out, and he’s always had a bit of a sense for those things.
“Seriously, you haven’t done anything. I’m sorry for interrogating you, neither of us are mad at you- we just gotta make some calls and sort things out.” You snort a little at his phrasing, feeling a bit better about the whole thing. 
“Okay then, I trust you.” You concede, “but geez, the way you say it makes it sound like you’re in some mafia group or something. Top secret business.”
Jimin grins, leaning back as lightly as he winks. “Yep, gotta make sure that it’s not classified information.” 
Though, it’s not far from the truth.
He gives you a small pat on the shoulder and grabs his things, “I’m going to go too guys, so don’t have too much fun without me.” Jimin announces, stretching quickly as he steps around those who are sat on the floor. “I’ll see you later.” He throws a smile over his shoulder towards you, and you smile back. Then the next moment he’s gone, and you wonder if you really don’t need to worry about him and Taehyung, or if his words are just that, words.
Hoseok nudges his shoulder against yours, reeling you back in. “You good?” 
You nod your head, but it feels disingenuous. “Yeah, I’m good.”
Namjoon eyes you, ever observant as he is. “Don’t worry about Taehyung, I don’t think he’s mad or anything.” He says heartedly, and you hum in response. It’s an undecided action, but you bite your lip and pull your bag into your lap. 
You’re a bit tired from the long shift at work, and you don’t feel quite as chatty as you did before, so you decide that maybe it’s time for you to call it a day and head home.
With quick goodbyes and more than one watchful glance in your direction, you slip through the  door and out onto the streets. 
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With the day reaching late afternoon, after your exceedingly long shift at the café, a strange customer service interaction with the coat guy, and two of your best friends near freaking out when you recount it to them, you finally head home in hopes to finally catch a break.
Your brain runs loops in your head, juggling between convincing you that you’re the only one making all these things seem weird, and then convincing you that no, all the shit that’s happened today is quite in fact weird, and you’re justified in your opinion of it. Admittedly, you even ponder on whether you could’ve possibly broken some unspoken rule that you’ve never heard off- although you write that off pretty quickly.
Sure, you weren’t born here, but if something was that important, you realistically would have learnt it by now. It wasn’t like your upbringing was that different to anybody else after you moved here. You went to the same old school that every other kid in town did, chasing circles around each other in the schoolyard and pulling fistfuls of grass from the ground when not, reaching over and scribbling smiley faces onto worksheets and crowding around in clusters whenever anything even remotely interesting had happened. You all spent summers visiting the big orchard above town, helping out the old woman who lives up there with her granddaughter by plucking fruits from the trees and berries from the bushes, each of you bringing a big bag full of spoils home, smiling excitedly as you would ramble to your parents about your day and whichever kid inevitably decided to try some kind of stunt to impress all the others (which usually ended up with some bruises and an icepack, the worst you had seen was when some boy broke a pinkie.) You all spent afternoons kicking up sand on the beach and splashing in the waves, only in the colder months did you recede away from it, playing in the town’s streets instead of grainy sand.
Even as you got older, you never gravitated away from the friendships you formed back then. You’re still friends with plenty of the girls you used to go to school with, and you’re naturally still close with most of the boys too. Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, and of course Jimin and Taehyung.
Unfortunately, you have plenty of time to think on the way, considering that your house lays just a touch out of town. 
It's only about an eight minute walk down the road to get there, so you never bother driving. Not to mention, there are plenty of people who live further out so you’re not going to complain either. Your home, which you have affectionately called it so for almost fifteen years now, is a modest place that sits by the beach. Three bedrooms, one bathroom, living-room, laundry room and kitchen. Technically, one of the bedrooms is a converted home office turned storage room in your lack of necessity for it. Since both your parents moved out shortly after your twentieth birthday for their job, it left you with an office you honestly didn’t really need. Then again, considering that both your parents had only moved to this town because of their job, it makes sense that they’d move away because of it too. Being marine biologists isn’t very stationary- you learned that pretty young when they would have to travel for a week or two almost every month. 
It’s lucky you love the beach. Otherwise you might’ve gone a bit insane after a few years. 
It’s easy for you to admire the waves push and pull along the sand, the crashing of it and the constant trull. You particularly love the summers, as it is now- because that’s when the seals show up.
Seals are your favorite marine mammals, and probably just your favorite animal overall. It always brings a smile to your face when you come across photos online of their thick whiskers and big black eyes. Even better when you get to see the pods of seals littering the beaches or peeking up from the waters, which much to your delight, you happen to see today. 
There’s not that many this time, but there’s about ten or so lazing on the beach, taking in the afternoon sun. There are a few more between the waves, and you’d assume more further out in the ocean. It’s a happy distraction, and your lips tug into an involuntary smile as trudge down the path past them. There’s one particular seal however, that grabs your attention among all of them. It’s the farthest up the beach and the closest to you, (which is a little odd- they usually stay pretty close to their pods) but it’s staring right at you and you stare right back. Your house is literally only a minute ahead, you can see it just in front of you and while that should probably be the most interesting thing that you pay attention to, you find you have no interest in it.
Maybe it’s a seal you’ve seen before, but you doubt that it would capture your attention so much. There’s just something about the deep black eyes and the dried sleek coat that strikes you as familiar and pulls at the seams of your brain. The mammal stares at you with wide eyes and it looks almost puppyish, which makes you smile wide with a huffed laugh. If possible, the animal seems surprised at your reaction and pulls its head back a bit. You can’t help but giggle a bit, awww chorusing in your mind as you refocus your attention on the path that veers away from the beach and up to your front yard. 
You jostle your bag on your arm as you produce a key from it and throw a glance over your shoulder back down to the beach. You can see sat on top of the backshore dune the seal from before watching you just as you push open your front door. It’s completely on a whim that you do it, but you randomly decide to give a parting wave to the seal. You weren’t expecting any reaction, but it turns tail and waddle-runs it’s way back toward the ocean. Oh, I scared it off. You’re not sure why, but it leaves you with a slight sense of disappointment as you drop your bag to the ground and pad off towards your bedroom.
With sluggish movements, you barely shrug off your day clothes and take a shower, before pulling on pajamas. You slide under your bedsheets with hopes to drown under the pull of sleep. Today’s strangeness will be gone tomorrow is the only distant thought you let linger as you drift off, comforting and convincing, leaving you fully intent on waking up tomorrow and forgetting most of todays events and letting normalcy take over. Once you wake up the next day, it seems to be near true. You go through the motions of your average morning routine, brain blurry and slow with sleep and yesterday pushed to the back of your brain for the most part. It’s mind numbing enough and really, you’re glad for it.
Then you push open your front door, and you’re greeted with the sight of little ocean gifts settled at your feet on your front porch.
And you think that maybe the strangeness that you experienced yesterday was only the start.
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Masterlist / Next chapter
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justbelievinginmagic · 6 months
˗ˏˋariadne's threadˎˊ˗ series masterlist
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pairing(s): hyunjin x fem!reader, hints of jisung x reader, hints of jisung x hyunjin if you read between the lines; all of the characters are intrigued by the reader tbh
series summary: The tale of the LABYRINTH was by far your favorite book to read - even now in adulthood. Wishing for the goblin king to steal you away was your favorite past-time growing up. Everything changes one stormy night when your wish to be stolen away by the Goblin King comes true and a honeyed blonde fae man appears in your bedroom to whisk you away to be his - body, mind, and soul. Do you take his fantasied offer or shall you fight through his Labyrinth in order to reclaim your humanity & free will?
OR - When tempted by an intoxicating offer by Hyunjin the Goblin King, you fight against him to find your own sense of self once more while in the Labyrinth.
warnings/tags: inspired by the 1986' movie Labyrinth, follows majority of the movie's plot points with divergence, 3rd person POV, use of Y/N, mature topics, strong language, faerie lore!!, all of skz show up, txt cameo that i love, tension, slow burn enemies to lovers, unequal power dynamics, manipulation, fear, faerie drugging, labyrinth runner!reader, goblin king!hyunjin, banished!jisung, hunter!chan, knight!changbin, junkland boss!jeongin, sluagh!minho, boggart!seungmin, gancanagh!felix, selkie!yeonjun, changeling!soobin, knight!hoseok, knight!seokjin, war generals!ateez, more tags to be added.
word count: 55k written; ongoing
part 1 - a deal, a deal, a deal!!! (posted 4/12/24) part 2 - never go that way. (posted 4/15/24) part 3 - onwards & downwards. (posted 4/28/24) part 4 - the oubliette. (posted 5/7/24) part 5 - forwards is backwards. (posted 5/12/24) part 6 - the hunter and the hunted. (posted 5/29/24) part 7 - the wild hunt. (posted 6/5/24) part 8 - a green-eyed monster. (posted 7/30/24) part 9 - tba!!!
extra content for ariadne's thread: how i visualize skz in the world --- (will be updated as more boys are revealed in the story!)
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7ndipity · 2 years
Spooktober Masterlist
Happy Halloween!🎃
A/N: Several works on this list have supernatural and/or dark/horror themes. Some elements and subjects might be triggering, so please check the warnings noted on each piece before reading.💜
Run!Bts Pumpkin Carving Special
Matching Costumes (request)💜🔥
Pumpkin patch (request) 💜🔥
Scary Good (request)💜🔥
Pumpkin carving w Tae (request) 💜🗯
Cryptid/Ghost Hunting - crack
"In the Woods Somewhere" - Doppelganger Jin x Reader
"Set me Free" - Vampire Yoongi x Reader
"Shadow" - Demon Hobi x Reader
"As the Moon" - Vampire Namjoon x Reader
"Play with Me" - Wil-o-Wisp Jimin x Reader
"Sean-Norae" - Selkie Tae x Reader
Ouija(Serendipity Preview)
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sugalaritae · 2 years
Neptune's Left Cheek
jin x selkie!reader kim seokjin lives a quiet life in the small fishing village. he likes his life, keeping to himself; spending his days on the boat and his nights near the fire. one evening while collecting his nets, he is pulled into the water, tangling in his nets and unable to get to the surface. that is how you find him.
send me a fic title and i’ll tell you what i’d write
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jincherie · 7 years
lost & found | seokjin
↠ written for the kreativewritersnet au bingo! ↞
↼pairing: seokjin x reader ↼genre: selkie au,roommate au, fluff ? ↼words: 9.1k+ ↼notes: well this has been sitting unfinished in my documents for a shameful amount of time, but I finally got that last leg of inspiration I needed to finish it so!!! Here it is!!! It’s a bit of a mess tbh, but I hope you like it nonetheless (and sorry for another shitty ending!!) 💖💗💘💞
How were you supposed to know that beautiful sealskin coat you picked up on the beach belonged to none other than your friend Kim Seokjin, the most beautiful man alive and the keeper of your heart?
↼posted; 28.11.2017
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↼ masterlist | bingo masterlist | moodboard by @thelast-taco
The male in question jumped, letting out a small ‘eep!’. His head narrowly missed the bench as he withdrew from the cupboard beneath the sink, abandoning his search for detergent in favour of sending you a dirty look. “y/n what the hell, you’re going to give me a concussion one of these days.”
He was referring to an incident that occurred not even a week ago, where you’d been rifling around in the cupboard above the bench and nearly dropped a glass on his head, when you pulled out the mug you’d been looking for a little too quickly. You shot him a cheeky grin, sitting on the stool at the bench. “It’s not my fault you’re clumsy, Chim. You should be thanking me for having the reflexes of a god. You could have died if I didn’t catch that glass.”
Jimin rolled his eyes at your dramatic exaggeration. “Whatever, you loser. What did you want? Don’t tell me I nearly had to take a trip to the hospital for no reason.”
You smiled brightly. “We’re out of cashews.”
Jimin glared at you, grabbing the dirty tea towel from the bench and throwing it at you in rage. “Y/n! You seriously ate all my cashews?! You’re unbelievable, I only just bought them yesterday too, you fiend.”
You laughed, feeling a little guilty. “I’m sorry Chim, I was studying at the table and they were right there. I couldn’t help myself, you know how weak I am for salted cashews.”
The silver-haired male sniffed, crossing his arms. “Snake.”
You couldn’t help the grin, enjoying the banter. “Anyway, I came in here to tell you I’m about to go down to the corner store to get more. Was there anything you wanted me to get while I’m down there?”
Jimin grumbled, and you shot him a smile, adding sheepishly, “…I’ll pay?”
The male before you suddenly beamed at you, expression shifting in a split-second. “Oh, well in that case yeah, can you get me some strawberries? Lots of them, please. They’re on sale and I need them.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing. “Of course, we can’t have you go without your weekly strawberry fix.” You grabbed your bag and keys, pausing for a moment at the door. “Is Taehyung coming today?”
Jimin rolled his eyes, fully aware of what you were really asking. “Yes— and yes Jin is coming with him, like always. They’re coming sometime this morning.”
You nodded, pretending Jimin hadn’t just seen right through you and ignoring the happy skip your heart had just done at the confirmation Jin would be coming as well. “Oh, good. Taehyung owes me a couple of rounds of Uno and I need to beat him just once at that god forsaken game so I can mend the massive hole he’s blown in my pride and move on.”
Jimin rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Literally everyone but Jin knows you like him, y/n. Why do you even try to—”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about! Oh, look! At the time! Gotta go so I can be back before they get here! Bye Chim!” you exclaimed loudly, easily drowning out the male’s soft tone as you waved farewell and flew out the door, making a beeline for your car. Jimin simply rolled his eyes. God, you were weird.
.  . .  .  . .  .  . .  .
You’d gotten your ‘groceries’, and were now standing on the beach in front of the store, feet dug into the sand and sun basking your skin in pleasant warmth. The town you lived in was a cute little beach city full of sand and summer days that never seemed to end. You loved it here. It wasn’t too remote, the university you attended wasn’t too far away, and the weather was always lovely. Plus, you adored the ocean, the beach, the waves. You loved it all, and were extremely happy with your life as it was, living with two of your closest friends and even being lucky enough to see Kim Seokjin, Jimin’s friend and the most beautiful man alive, at least once a week. Things couldn’t get any better. Well, they technically could, but you were happy with things as they were now. Not too much, not too little— just enough.
The sea today was relatively calm, not that it ever really got particularly wild. Sometimes, in stormy weather, the waves were rough and wild; the ocean an untameable mistress. There had been such a storm the night before, which was part of the reason you’d stopped by the beach. Sometimes, after a particularly good storm, there would be interesting things washed up on the beach. Usually it was just trash (which you picked up and disposed of properly, of course— you weren’t a monster) but occasionally there would be a rare find, like a beautiful shell unlike others littering the sand, or some strange sea life, or perhaps just other interesting knickknacks, like the countless number of children’s toys you’d found that had no doubt been lost on a fun day-trip to a beach city nearby.
You turned, beginning to move in the direction of the small cluster of rock pools towards the end of the beach. They were hidden behind a larger set of rocks that looked imposing enough that no one bothered to try and climb past them. You, however, knew better, the cute little alcove that lay beyond them, and so regularly made the trip to the small cluster of rock pools that was flanked on all sides by rock, ocean, or trees and thin forestry.  Even if the storm hadn’t washed up anything good, it still felt nice to sit and gaze into the water for a while.
The breeze was cool against your heated skin as you climbed past the rocks, traces of winter still in the air even as the mid-morning sun beat down on your back. As your feet touched the cool sand on the other side of the rocks, you took in the sight before you, instantly feeling at peace. The waters in the rockpools were clear and serene, a crystalline window into the lives of the tiny sea creatures below. You smiled as you watched two small hermit crabs duke it out for a prized-shell nearby, observing the tiny fish in another pool and the beautiful starfish in another.
On days where Seokjin and Taehyung didn’t come visit, you’d often come to this little alcove. There were a variety of sea life that passed near this beach, but your favourite was always the seals. Sure, some animals were cute, but seals were cute. They were soft, squishy, and had those large, adorable eyes that with one glance had your weak heart melting. They were also your favourite because sometimes, on those days, you would come to this alcove and a small group of seals would pop up from the water not too far from shore and play. You loved watching them, how they interacted with each other and swam about without a care in the world. For the most part they didn’t notice you, but when you sat on the large rocks that extended into the water in a sort of natural pier, sometimes they would come up and greet you.
Your favourite seal, not the most playful but definitely the boldest and most adventurous of the bunch, was also the largest and had a beautiful, speckled light grey coat that you couldn’t help but admire every time it came near you. You’d lovingly named it ‘Chubs’. The other seals may glimpse in your direction every now and then, giving you more attention on the days you brought fish for them, but Chubs would look at you often, aiming those large chocolate eyes in your direction and causing your heart to skip a beat regularly from the cute, mesmerising image. You had a certain fondness for that seal, although you didn’t know if it liked the name you’d given it. You’d said it aloud one time when it had come near you, swimming besides the pier, and it had proceeded to spin and flop backwards, causing a large amount of water to splash up and soak you. You’d found it adorable and continued to secretly call it Chubs, feeding the affection in your heart.
There weren’t any seals today, to your disappointment, but truthfully you were also a little glad. If there were seals then you would no doubt want to stay and watch them all day, which would then cause you to miss your chance to see Seokjin— and that was something you could not bear to do. He didn’t come visit all that often, maybe once a week at most, and it was something you very much looked forward to. Right from the first second you’d seen Seokjin, you’d felt inexplicably drawn to him. To be fair, he was the first real crush you’d ever had. And just like Jimin had said, literally everyone but Seokjin knew about your painfully obvious feelings for him. It was a miracle, honestly. You were torn between being thankful and resenting it.
Humming to yourself, you stepped carefully along the rock separating the small, crystalline pools, the breeze causing gentle ripples across the water’s surface. You’d just made it to the other side, feet touching the sand alongside the pools, when your eyes caught on something unfamiliar in the scenery. Your head whipped to face it, gaze falling upon a grey lump partially hidden behind a rock slightly to your left. Curious, you moved forward to inspect it, crouching down on the balls of your feet.
To your surprise, it looked like a bundle of grey… furs? No… You shuffled closer, a hand extending to brush your fingers gently against it. A soft gasp left you at the feeling and the realisation. It was sealskin, and while the fur wasn’t particularly long it was beautifully soft against your skin. The colour reminded you idly of Chubs’ coat, but you didn’t worry since you knew no one in the area was allowed to harvest seal skins, although some high-end brands still sold them as jackets. You reached and took the bundle of furs in your hands, standing up. Someone had probably accidentally left their sealskin jacket behind, and you knew how ridiculously expensive they could be. The owner must be devastated right about now. Humming to yourself again, you clutched the soft furs to your chest and turned in your spot, deciding to head back to your car and go hand it in to the nearby surf club or something. Admiring the feeling of the furs against your skin while you could, you began the trek back to your car.
It didn’t take you long to return, your pretty blue car coming into view. It wasn’t the newest model but it wasn’t ancient, and you adored it— it was a powerful little thing and you would probably cry when the day came and you had to part with it. Still humming, you reached the car and unlocked it, opening the boot and the small chest compartment you kept within. Carefully you placed the sealskin inside, making sure it didn’t catch on anything, and closed the lid. You stepped back, admiring your work, when you felt your phone buzz against your thigh. Wondering idly who it was, you slipped it from your jean pocket and unlocked it.
Kookie [10:16AM] Your boyfriend and the loud one are here, also can u get me some chocolate
You frowned at the phone because Jungkook, but your heart skipped a beat nonetheless. Crap, Seokjin and Taehyung were already there— you were losing precious time! You shut the boot, quickly moving to the drivers seat. Handing in the misplaced coat would have to wait, you needed to haul ass back to the flat you shared with Jimin and Jungkook so you didn’t miss Seokjin while he was there. You didn’t know if it was going to be a short visit or a long one, but you didn’t want to risk it. But it wasn’t just that, you had a score to settle with Taehyung. Your pride wouldn’t allow you to wallow in misery at your loss to him any longer, and couldn’t take it if he kept lording it over you.
You slipped into the front seat, locking the car for security out of habit more than anything and pulling out your phone. Turning the car on, you quickly typed a response to Jungkook.
You [10:18AM] TOO LATE I already left, so no chocolate for you
You [10:19AM] And he’s not my boyfriend shut your snake mouth
You [10:20AM] and stop writing incriminating things you little turd what if he SEES
Satisfied, you locked your phone and threw it on the passenger seat with your small amount of groceries. Releasing the handbrake, you put your car into reverse and pulled out of the parking lot, making your way back to your house.
It was a short trip, only five or so minutes really, and in no time you were parking before your flat once more. Hopping out eagerly with the groceries, you almost skipped up to the front door, letting yourself in with your key.
“I’m home~!” you sang, swinging the door shut behind you and skipping into the kitchen. You lowered the bag of strawberries gently onto the bench just as the eager patter of Jimin’s feet greeted your ears.
“Y/n!” Jimin rounded the corner, looking ready to cry in sheer happiness. “You got them! Have I ever told you how much I love and value you as a friend? Because I do, I really do.”
You rolled your eyes, pulling out the chocolate bar you’d gotten for yourself after passing the boy his strawberries. “Yeah I know, but I can’t believe it took five punnets of strawberries to get you to say it.”
Just then, as though the little fucker had literally sniffed it out, Jungkook came bounding around the corner with an eager look, eyes locked on the chocolate bar already unwrapped and halfway to your mouth. “Is that for me?!” he beamed, already moving forward in anticipation. The pure, unadulterated look of excitement in his eyes almost made you want to share it with him, but then you remembered his jab from before. If anyone was ever responsible for accidentally revealing your feelings to Seokjin and it wasn’t you, it would be Jungkook. The boy didn’t have a filter half the time and if he did you were convinced it was defective.
“No it’s mine, go get your own you leech,” you smiled at him, taking a decisive bite of the chocolate bar. Jimin stood a couple of feet away, blissfully eating his strawberries as he watched.
Jungkook looked crestfallen, a hand coming to clutch his heart. “Why are you so mean to me, y/n? That chocolate bar was practically calling my name.”
“It’s character building,” you said through a mouthful of caramel and chocolate goodness, ruffling his hair. “I’m toughening you up for the real world.”
Jungkook wrinkled his nose at your first action, sniffing at your lack of manners. “That’s disgusting,” he said, ignoring your jab. “But you never know, maybe Jin’s into it—”
You abruptly shoved the remainder of the chocolate bar in his mouth in a panic, cutting him off before he could incriminate you any further. You glared, annoyed that you’d not only just lost the chocolate bar to the smug jerk before you, but also that he’d nearly blabbed out loud a reference to your feelings for Seokjin—while he’s in the same house, no less, and only a couple of rooms away.
“Jeon Jungkook you muscled-up little snake, stop incriminating me!! If he finds out I’ll murder you, and even Chim won’t be able to find your body,” you threatened with a glare, throwing the chocolate wrapper at his smug face. Jimin snorted as he nibbled on another strawberry.
“Kookie don’t risk it, she’ll really kill you and I’d miss you.” Jimin grinned, throwing the leaves from the strawberry he’d just eaten at the younger male. You watched as pink bloomed lightly on Jungkook’s cheeks.
“You’d miss me?” he queried around a mouthful of chocolate bar, doing the very thing he’d just ridiculed you for only moments ago. You glared at him. What a butt.
Jimin’s eyes widened the slightest bit, as though he’d just realised exactly what he said, but a grin quickly slipped back onto his lips and you had to give him props for his quick recovery. “Yep. I’d miss your stink, all the dirty clothes you leave around the house, the way you constantly find my stash of spicy ramen and eat it all—”
Jungkook rolled his eyes, laughing and throwing the wrapper you’d thrown at him back at Jimin. You wanted to hit yourself because for someone in love with their best friend, both of them had just wasted the perfect opportunity for a tender, heartfelt moment. It seemed obliviousness to another person having feelings for them was a common trait among your friends—Jin included.
“I don’t stink!” Jungkook protested with a laugh. “I always spray cologne—”
Jimin wrinkled his nose playfully. “Yeah, the cheap one that stinks up the whole—yah!” He giggled, Jungkook having shoved him playfully.
There was a sudden call from the loungeroom that brought you all back to reality. “Jiminie, is y/n here? Where is she?! I need her to come here so I can beat her again!”
At the sound of Taehyung’s smug, playful tone you felt your blood boil, unable to help yourself as you snatched the only other chocolate bar you’d bought off the bench and began marching towards the loungeroom.
“Kim Taehyung you fiend, I am a changed woman!!” you announced loudly, barging into the room and pointing the chocolate bar at him accusingly. “I have come here to beat you and I won’t accept your trash talk or defeat!”
Taehyung was clearly amused as he played along with your dramatics. “The only thing that’s changed is that I, Kim Taehyung, Master of the Cards and the greatest Uno player to ever live, have devised more ways to beat your sorry ass at this game!” he said, flicking the Uno cards in his hands from one palm to another like a professional casino dealer.
You bristled, resisting the urge to throw something and lose your final chocolate bar when another voice reached your ears and caused you to freeze.
“Hey y/n,” Seokjin greeted cheerfully as he entered the room from another doorway in all his god-like glory. He plopped down on the couch near Taehyung, flashing you an angelic smile that nearly made your heart stop. This man was bad for your health.
“A-ah, hey Jin,” you smiled, already feeling the heat in your cheeks at having been caught so off-guard. You recovered quickly though, flashing him a devious grin. “You’re just in time, I’m just about to beat Taehyung at Uno.”
“No you’re not~!” Taehyung sang, reaching over to pinch your cheek playfully as you sat down opposite him on the other side of the coffee table. “But it’s cute that you think so.”
You glared at Taehyung, opening your chocolate wrapper and taking a bite. “I hope you like losing.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes and began to set the cards up, placing some for Seokjin when he said he wanted to play too. Your burning desire to beat Taehyung at his own game and win was just enough to distract you from the fact that Kim Seokjin, the most beautiful man alive and keeper of your heart, was sitting just three feet away. With a loud cry from Taehyung the game began and you threw your all into winning back your dignity.
.  . .  .  . .  .  .
As the door shut behind the two males that had been visiting your house, you flopped down against the couch, wearing a large, smug grin. Finally, finally, you’d beaten Taehyung at his own game— you’d obliterated him!! Sure, he’d won the first round, but it was just to lull him into a false sense of security. Every round after that, you’d beaten him by a landslide. Finally, you’d earned your dignity back. Seokjin had just been playing to observe the two of you, and you were glad you hadn’t lost any more face in front of the man you had feelings for.
After Taehyung had gotten fed up with losing, you’d all settled to watch some of the latest drama you’d taken up, an interesting crime and supernatural thriller combination. You’d had the secret joy of sitting next to Seokjin the entire time, your arms brushing occasionally and your face in a constant state of pink. Time, however, had passed quickly and before you knew it Taehyung and Seokjin were packing up to leave, waving as they exited through the front door and you lost sight of them. You were glad you got to see Jin, but as always was the case after he left your heart felt a little hollow. You were quick to distract yourself, jumping on the opportunity when Jimin came over with hot chocolate in hand. You shot him a bright smile as you accepted the cup, taking a pleased sip. “Mmm, thanks Chim.”
The silver-haired male grinned. It was late afternoon, around 4:30. You’d spent a majority of the day having fun with Seokjin and Taehyung, but now you weren’t sure what to do. You didn’t want to study— didn’t even have anything to even study for— but didn’t really know what else you felt like doing.
You allowed your thoughts to turn back to the time Jin had been here, remembering and focusing on each small gesture he showed you. A warm smile directed your way that elicited a swarm of butterflies in your stomach, a cheeky grin that stretched his full lips as he one-upped Taehyung during the game, his unique laugh as he leant over to whisper a terrible joke about cows in your ear that had you giggling despite yourself. Jimin watched the dreamy grin appear on your face and rolled his eyes. “Stop that, your heart eyes are showing.”
You straightened up, shooting Jimin a playful glare before you took a sip of the hot chocolate in your hands. “Your heart eyes are showing 24/7, but you never hear me saying anything about it—ow!”
Jimin withdrew his hand from where he’d promptly flicked your thigh to get you to shut up, seeming satisfied for now. “Don’t say it, he’ll hear you!”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes, gripping your cup delicately as you gracefully swung one leg over the other. “Chim, I don’t know how many times I’ve said this but it’s so painfully obvious to everyone but you two that you’re in love.”
Jimin gave you a half-hearted side-glare. “You hypocrite, that’s exactly what I said before about you and—”
You took a loud, obnoxious sip to drown out his voice. “Mmm, good stuff! Is this an original recipe?”
Jimin rolled his eyes. “You know it’s store-bought, you’re the one that’s always complaining about the price— and don’t change the subject! You can’t turn my own words back around against me, I’m in a better position than you because I’m not in denial about the extent of my feelings.”
You snorted, reclining back against the couch with a flick of your hair. “I’m not in denial!” you said flippantly, taking another imperious sip of your hot chocolate. “It’s just a crush. A very long, very intense crush.”
The silver-haired boy gave you a look that told you he didn’t believe a word you said. “y/n,” he began, like a parent explaining something to a child. “You laugh at his terrible jokes and look at him like he personally hung the stars in the sky. You’re in lo—”
“Nope! Nope, nope!” you burst, straightening once more. “Nope! Am not! Don’t say it!”
Jimin nailed you with a pointed look and you froze, mind going over your words and actions. Was that…denial? But if that was denial, then did that mean…
You groaned loudly. “Ugh, I hate you,” You muttered, flopping back once more, mindful of your drink. “Look what you’ve done, now I’m doubting myself and contemplating everything. I hate you.”
The male beside you seemed satisfied with his work. “Everything becomes easier once you accept it, y/n,” he said, speaking as though his time on earth had wizened him beyond your years. “There’s no point denying that you’re in love with Seokj—”
The silver-haired male never got to finish, the door before you opening and sending a sharp bolt of fear straight to your heart. That was probably Jungkook, and if he caught wind of the newfound label on your feelings for Seokjin he’d never let you live it down.
To your surprise, it was Taehyung that slipped inside through the gap, followed by the man you’d just been referring to himself. You didn’t know what your face looked like right now but from the look of Jimin trying not to laugh it must have been a sight to see.
“O-Oh, Jin.” You stuttered, caught completely off-guard and trying desperately to hide it. Taehyung rolled his eyes at the fact you’d left him out. “What are you doing here?”
“Hey y/n, nice to see you again too!” Taehyung beamed, cutting his friend off before he could even think to speak. “We’re here cause we’re looking for something Jin misplaced.”
“What did you lose?” Jimin asked, eyes seeking Seokjin’s own with a glint you couldn’t recognise nor decipher. You turned your own gaze to the man in question, curious as to what he could have possibly misplaced. Just as Jin was about to answer, Jungkook entered the room from the hallway, stopping in surprise when he caught sight of the two males at the door. “Oh, hey hyungs.”
Seokjin sent the youngest a sharp look. “Yah! Would you all stop interrupting me?” he grumbled, before catching your gaze and shooting you a brief smile that may or may not have stopped your heart where it beat in your chest. He returned his gaze to Jimin. “I misplaced my… jacket, you know the one I inherited ages ago? It’s from my late parents, I take it everywhere with me and it’s very important to me so…”
Something changed in Jimin’s eyes, but you didn’t have time to decipher it before he was smiling back. He hopped up from his seat beside you. “Oh! Yeah, I know that jacket. We’ll help you look.”
You looked between the two with a frown. What jacket? You’d never seen Jin carrying a jacket with him, as far as you knew he mostly wore sweaters and turtlenecks (and he looked like a treat when he did so). But jackets? You didn’t doubt he’d look good in one, in fact you had to stop yourself from following a certain train of thought that was elicited from the image you conjured in your head of Seokjin in a leather jacket, but you’d never seen him wear one or carry one around.
Taehyung and Jungkook seemed to go along with it (although you think the latter was just because he wouldn’t have noticed either way whether Jin wore a specific jacket around or not) so you held your tongue and didn’t mention it. If they wanted to be weird and pretend Seokjin wore jackets then who were you to stop them? You decided to just go with it, jumping up with a smile. “Yeah, we’re happy to help!”
Seokjin shot you a grateful look that made your chest swell, and you decided even if there was no jacket you were happy if he was happy. That thought caused you to pause. Wow. Jimin really was right, you were whipped as hell.
“Thanks, you guys. Really.” He said, letting out a relieved breath. Taehyung nudged his side with a soft smile, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like ‘I told you they’d be happy to help’.
Jimin shuffled over to the doorway to slip his shoes on, and you followed suit, quickly donning your ballet flats. Jungkook, the messy little gremlin he was, hadn’t taken his shoes off all day and so was already ready to go.
“Where have you checked already?” Jimin asked, large eyes turning to Jin once more. That look was present again, and struck something familiar in your brain. That underlying tone… was it urgency? No one was making it seem as though it was particularly urgent, even if it was important, but the look in Jimin’s eyes had you thinking perhaps there was something you didn’t know about, that he did, that made this a little bit more urgent.
“Uh, the beach we walked on this morning before coming here, the one at the end of the street,” Jin supplied, gaze absent for a moment as he tried to recall the details of his day. “Then we came to see if it was here. I could have lost it anywhere along the beachfront though, we went for a… long walk this morning.”
You hummed, thinking to yourself. “So we’ll have to check along the beach both ways and the stores?”
Jin nodded, “I think that would be best.”
You all filed out of the house, Jimin turning and locking the door once you were all out. The afternoon sun was pleasantly warm against your skin as you waited with the others for your friend, Jin fidgeting from foot to foot and looking more unsettled than you had ever seen him before. Jimin finished locking up, and you all moved off to begin looking.
.  . .  .  . .  .  .  .
It was after an hour or so of fruitless searching that you found yourselves back in front of your flat, gathered next to your car. Jin had remained relatively calm throughout the whole ordeal, but a glimpse in his direction told you he was growing slightly anxious, if the constant jiggling of his leg was anything to go by.
You’d split off when you reached the beach, Taehyung flouncing over to Jimin and Jungkook and announcing that it would cover more ground if you split up. And so you’d been left with Jin, not that you were complaining, and the two of you had gone off to cover the remaining parts of the beach.
However, you hadn’t had any luck in finding Jin’s jacket (which you still weren’t entirely sure existed), and neither had the others, so you’d come back for your car— your next location for searching was the line of shops along the beach, and since it was almost dark it would be a lot easier with your car. Since the actual beaches were empty, you were hoping someone might have picked it up and handed it in at the nearest shop or surf club. At that thought, something familiar tickled the back of your mind, but you shook it off. You needed to focus on this.
You turned your gaze to the tall male next to you, watching his expressions as you waited for a response from Jungkook and the others. His eyebrows were furrowed, teeth worrying his plump bottom lip as his eyes stared to the side, unfocused. He was clearly worried, wrapped up in his own thoughts, and didn’t notice at all when you snuck up beside him until you jabbed him lightly in the ribs.
He let out a sharp yelp, body curving away from you and your intruding finger. He shot you an affronted, accusing look. “YAH! Y-y/n, what the hell—"
You allowed a soft smile to slip onto your face, hand going to rest on his arm where it clutched dramatically at his ribs as you tried to reassure him, “You’re worrying about it, but you shouldn’t— we’re going to help you find it, Jin.”
His eyes were wide as they met yours, his mouth falling slightly open in shock. “O-oh. Thanks, y/n.”
You beamed at him, heart swelling. “No problem!”
He cleared his throat, turning away so quickly you almost missed the inkling of pink blossoming across his cheeks. “R-right.”
You raised your eyebrows, searching for a response when your phone went off with a loud chime, alerting you that the others had finally responded. Immediately your hands flipped your phone around in your grip, fingers sliding effortlessly to unlock it and bring up the message.
Chim [6:34PM] still no luck, we can’t find it anywhere. you find anything?
You were quick to respond, Seokjin still off in his own little world a few feet away.
You [6:34PM] nope, nothing. we searched the whole beach couldn’t find a thing
Chim [6:35PM] ok, well we should probably stay as we are to cover more area and go along the shops to see if anyone might have handed it in. you good to drive with Jin and check the shops on your end?
You almost rolled your eyes. Why did he even bother asking? Why wouldn’t you be good to drive? You were with your crush, not intoxicated. Although, you glanced at the walking Adonis a few feet away from you, if you were being honest and particularly cheesy you could say you were drunk off your love for—
A sudden chime ended that errant train of thought. Your eyes found their way back to your phone.
Chim [6:37PM] ? you’re looking at him again aren’t you
Chim [6:38PM] god damn it y/n focus
You resisted the urge to giggle.
You [6:38PM] yes yes I’m here, don’t get your knickers in a twist I’m good to drive
Chim [6:39PM] alright, good. we’ll text you when we’re done over here and meet back at the house keep us updated
You snorted, rolling your eyes. Your phone chimed once more before you could put it away.
Chim [6:40PM] and don’t get too distracted ;p
At that you bristled, shoving your phone back into your pocket from whence it came. You turned to Jin, eager to move on. “The others didn’t have any luck finding it either, so we’re gonna go along the shops and take my car.”
Jin’s chocolate gaze swept over to meet yours, head dipping in a soft nod. “Alright,” he said, making an effort to slip on a smile for you. “Let’s get going then.”
You nodded, spinning on your heel to move towards the driver’s side of the car—
—and stepping straight into the stupid hole Jungkook had dug the other day when looking for rocks (why? You couldn’t for the life of you remember). Your leg buckled and with a yelp you were suddenly tripping forwards, nothing close enough to grab to halt your fall.
As though it came straight out of one of the dramas you watched weekly with Jimin, a pair of arms looped around your waist, halting you in your rapid descent to the ground. You spun in the strong arms around you, coming face to face with Jin.
Heat raced to colour across your cheeks, your eyes wide and face not too far from his own. He seemed alarmed for a minute, his own cheeks tinting pink, before he recovered with a shaky grin. “I have to say, it’s not often I have girls falling for me like this.”
You groaned, letting your head loll back dramatically. “Just drop me, it’ll be less painful.”
Jin laughed, that beautiful squeaky laugh you loved so much, and pulled you so you were standing once more. His gaze went to your ankle, a tender look surfacing in his glimmering eyes. “Is your ankle alright?”
You peered down, lifting your foot and giving your ankle a couple of tilts and twists. It was a bit sore, but not enough to really impact you or stop you from doing anything. “Yeah, I’m good. Thanks for catching me,” you shot him a dramatized look. “I could have died; I owe you my life.”
He cackled, moving over to the passenger side. “Damn right. You can repay me by beating Taehyung at Uno again— it’s always nice to see him lose for once, he’s a really sore winner.”
You snickered, continuing on your original path to the drivers side, although a bit slower this time, and slipping in. “That’s true, he really is.”
Once you were both safely in the car, you pulled off the curb and took off towards the line of shops you were going to search. It didn’t take you long, a couple of minutes at best, before you were pulling up and parking a little off to the side from the first establishment on the street.
Twinkle Toes Dance, a somewhat peculiar name for a dance studio owned by a friend of yours, Jung Hoseok. Of course, such a ridiculous name for a studio hadn’t been his first choice— he’d lost a bet with Jungkook and been forced to call it that as a result. To this day he remained somewhat salty about it, but you knew it had grown on him and he now regarded the name with a certain amount of fondness. You marched up the sidewalk towards the establishment, bursting through the front door with a certain amount of theatrical emphasis that only you could possess.
“Hobi!” you sang, entering the building with Seokjin hot on your heels. To your pleasant surprise the dancer in question had just exited the door to the studio room in front of you, pausing in his tracks at the sound of your voice. Sweat glistened over his toned form, crimson locks sticking to his forehead slightly as his warm eyes found yours and he threw the towel in his hands around his neck.
“y/n!” he beamed, flouncing over to you and abruptly swinging his arm around your neck to bring you into a playful headlock. He cooed, rubbing his knuckles into your head, “I thought I banned you from coming here?”
You rolled your eyes, laughing lightly as you slipped out of his weak grip and he brought you in for a hug. “You did, I came anyway.”
Last time you were here you’d distracted his sister, who was employed as the receptionist, with talk of things like boys and your favourite music groups so much that he’d ended up banning you from coming. There wasn’t any heart to it, of course, but he enjoyed teasing you about it nonetheless.
Hoseok snickered, before his gaze flickered from you to the male standing behind you. You turned, just barely catching sight of the look Jin wore before his face shifted and he offered the dancer a smile. You paused, confused—he’d looked… slightly mad. But why? You didn’t take Seokjin for the type to have a resting bitch face; he was too beautiful.
“Oh, right,” you snapped yourself out of your thoughts, offering a smile. “Hobi, this is Jin. Jin, this is Hoseok.”
Hoseok beamed, holding his hand out, and Seokjin returned the smile as he shook it. You almost missed how his leg jiggled anxiously as he did so.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Hoseok grinned, moving his hand behind his head to ruffle his hair sheepishly. “Sorry I’m such a sweaty mess, you guys caught me right after a class.”
Jin shrugged, smiling easily. You resisted the strong urge to let out a dreamy sigh. “It’s no problem,” he said, a slight lilt of amusement tinging his tone. “We did come at a peculiar time.”
Hoseok laughed, before his gaze found yours once more. “Ah, that’s right. What brings you guys here on such a fine evening?”
You straightened, angling your body to better include Seokjin. “Oh! Right, we’re here for him. He lost his coat, probably somewhere along the beach, and we’re wondering if by any chance someone might have come and turned it in…? It’s pretty valuable to him, is all— the sentimental type of value.”
Jin nodded along with what you were saying, and Hoseok let out a soft ‘ah’ of understanding. He shot the tall male a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry to hear that man, but as far as I know no one has turned anything in. I’ll ask around some more though, I have another class in half an hour so I’ll see if anyone else has seen it?”
Jin nodded, a grateful look gracing his angelic features. “That would help a lot, thank you.”
Hoseok grinned. “No problem, I wish you luck. Maybe someone turned it in at another place.”
You let out a soft laugh, “That’s what we’re hoping! Thanks Hobi, and I hope your class goes smoothly!”
Hoseok rolled his eyes. “My next class is contemporary, and it’s full of middle aged rich women who have just finished their work day. Of course it’s going to go smoothly.”
You laughed, turning to begin making your way back towards the door, your hand hovering and gently pressing against Seokjin’s lower back to guide him along with you. “I wish you luck as well, then. See you later, Hobi!”
The male waved farewell as you and Seokjin exited the building, moving along to the next store in line. The tall male was visibly bummed and more anxious than he had been before, despite how much he tried to hide it. Even if you were confused about the sudden “existence” of this jacket, you hoped you found it soon so he wouldn’t be so bummed. You prayed someone had found it and turned it into one of the following shops.
As it happened, you had no such luck. Each store you entered told you the same thing: no one had handed anything in, and no one had mentioned anything about a coat abandoned on the beach. With each unsuccessful venture into a building you could see Jin growing more and more frantic. You wondered just how much this jacket meant to him for him to be getting so worked up over its (possibly permanent) absence.
He was restless, frantic almost, as you neared the end of the street and therefore the end of the shops almost an hour later. You’d heard no word from the others except that they hadn’t found it, and you knew Jin was trying desperately to hide how bothered he was. You got the sense that his self-control, the only thing stopping him from growing truly upset, was hanging on a meagre thread, and you weren’t sure what to expect whenever it inevitably snapped.
It didn’t take long. The last building on the street, before the road curved and was lined by sand and trees, fell on the corner and was a small, cute bookstore where your friend Namjoon worked the counter. You’d entered, feeling somewhat desperate yourself at this point, and greeted him, making some quick small-talk before asking him. The result had been the same, to your disappointment, and you’d left no more information than when you’d entered.
The walk back to your car was long, and spent in silence that sported a tense edge. A glance to your side told you Jin was wrapped up in his own thoughts, brows furrowed and lips twisted as he gazed at the ground by his feet. You finally reached your car, both of you wordlessly slipping in.
The doors shut loudly, leaving the car in silence once more afterwards. You didn’t start the car just yet, turning to glance at Jin. He had his eyes closed, head tilted back against the headrest, and his eyebrows were furrowed like he was trying not to cry. You guessed he was pretty upset.
“Jin,” you tried, moving to gently place your hand on his arm that rested on the centre console in what you hoped was a reassuring manner, “Don’t worry, okay? I’m sure we’ll find it, we just have to keep looking—”
“Keep looking where?!” Jin exclaimed, voiced raised with audible distress. You flinched back, eyes wide as he continued to speak, words gushing forth in a well of emotion and you belatedly realised that the thin string holding him together for the time being had snapped. “There is no where left to look! I left it on the beach, I know I did, and we can’t fucking find it anywhere. It’s- it’s lost and I’m never going to find it again. Oh, god I’m— I’ll never be able to—”
You cut him off before he could grow any more distressed, confusion colouring the thoughts racing through your mind. “Jin, what are you talking about? You don’t have to get so distressed, I mean I know it had sentimental value to you but you can always—”
“You don’t understand!” he burst, interrupting you mid-sentence. He spun to face you, eyes welling with a cocktail of frustration and sadness. “It’s not just a coat! It’s not replaceable! Without it I can’t go back to the ocean , I cant go home! I’ve heard all the stories and I’m so stupid, I shouldn’t have been so fucking careless—”
“You’re not making any sense—” you tried to say, hand gripping his arm still. You were struggling to keep up and comprehend all the things he was saying. He couldn’t go back to the ocean? His home?
Jin laughed, but unlike usual there wasn’t the slightest trace of humour and the sound left a heavy feeling in your stomach. “Of course it wouldn’t make sense to you, you’re human,” his eyes opened and you were taken aback by the raw look in them as his gaze captured yours and held it hostage. “y/n, I’m a selkie. Every time I come ashore I shed my coat and every time I return to the ocean I slip it back on again. That coat is everything to me, it’s a part of me— whoever has that coat has complete control of me. I can’t go home.”
You were stunned speechless, frozen, as his eyes watered and a single tear fell down his cheek. He shook and trembled beneath your hand, before he turned and threw his face into his hands, fingers threading through and gripping his hair in distress. “I can’t— I can’t go home. I’ll never be able to return to the ocean again and I’m going to be trapped here, the prisoner of whoever has that god damn coat, and all because I was so fucking careless and left it on the beach without hiding it like I usually do. God, why did I have to be so fucking stupid.”
To your utter shock his entire frame began to tremble, and a muffled sob escaped him, his voice hoarse and strained, “I shouldn’t have left it there. I sh-shouldn’t have even come ashore with Taehyung today. Oh god…”
You didn’t know what to say, what to do. Your brain was working overtime, whirring away to comprehend everything he’d just thrown at you. A selkie? Was he being serious? You vaguely recalled the legends your grandmother would tell you about the seal people who had the ability to shed their skin and become human upon land. You also remembered, as Seokjin had said, how the coat of seal skin the selkie’s shed when coming onto land was their most precious item, and whoever possessed the coat possessed control of the selkie.
All at once there was a series of realisations in your mind as bit by bit things started to connect. Oh. Oh. This morning, when you’d gone for a walk and found the sealskin… coat… and Chubs, and the other seals you’d often see that possessed a certain glint you could only describe as human in their eyes...
Oh my god.
You wanted to facepalm, and nearly did. Christ, you were an idiot. You’d literally just spent the better part of the past three hours looking for the ‘coat’ your friend and crush had lost on the beach and not once did you connect it to the bundle of sealskin furs you’d found in your little alcove just this morning.
Wordlessly, you undid your seatbelt and opened the car door, moving back around to the boot. Lifting it, your gaze zeroed in on the coat of the hour— there it lay, nestled safely within the confines of the chest in the back of your car, unsuspecting of the drama it had caused. Actually, you mused, this was pretty much your fault, even if you’d had good intentions in taking it from the beach. If you hadn’t taken it then Jin would have no doubt found it right where he left it, and would be on his merry way back in the ocean by now. Once more, you resisted the urge to slam your face into the nearest hard object, and instead grabbed the coat before shutting the boot and moving back around to return to your seat, the door closing behind you.
You cleared your throat. Jin hadn’t moved since you’d left, but looked up at the sound of your voice. His eyes, red-rimmed and slightly swollen, found yours questioningly. You offered a sheepish look. “Uh. Well, let me start by saying I’m sorry. I went for a walk this morning along the beach I usually go to, and I kind of found it sitting there. I thought someone lost it, so, ironically enough, I picked it up to turn it in in a shop or something but got distracted and uh… I completely forgot about it until now.”
Jin’s brow furrowed as he gazed at you in confusion, “y/n, what—”
You cut him off by holding up the fur coat in your grasp. “I’m guessing this is yours?”
Jin’s gaze flew to the object in your hands and his breath hitched in his throat, eyes shooting wide. They began to water once more and he looked as though he could hardly believe it was there before his very eyes after all the emotional turmoil of the night. One trembling hand came up, then the other, as he gently took it into his grasp and pulled it from your grip. His eyes closed as his fingers came into contact with the silky furs and he let out a heavy breath of relief, shoulders sagging like a massive weight had been lifted.
You allowed a few moments of silence to fill the air before you spoke once more. “I picked it up so no one else could take it and stored it in the boot, in a chest. It was safe, but I’m sorry I ended up making you so upset. I think the real idiot here is me.”
Sniffling, the male sent you a soft smile. He hugged the coat to his chest. “You know, I did leave it in the open. If you hadn’t picked it up, then someone else probably would have. I should really be thanking you for keeping it safe.”
You grinned, grateful he wasn’t blaming you, and leaned back against your seat. “I suppose that’s true,” you said, pausing for a moment to allow your words to fade into the air before speaking once more. “So… a selkie, huh.”
Seokjin’s eyes widened, like he only just realised he had, in fact, told you all of that. “Uh…” he floundered for a response, a sheepish look on his face. “Yep.”
A soft laugh escaped you. “I’m guessing Taehyung is too? You always arrive and leave together, and I’ve seen those little secretive looks you share.”
Jin sighed, shaking his head, but was unable to stop the small smile from stretching his lips. “Yeah, he is— Jimin too.”
You sputtered, leaning forward in your seat. “What? Jiminie too?! But he never leaves to go to the ocean—”
Seokjin sent you a look that was tinged with a strange mixture of affection and sadness. “Jimin gave up his coat; he stays by choice. Little Jiminie fell in love and hasn’t returned since— it’s why we come and visit him, instead. Well, it used to be why— now we don’t only come for Jimin.”
His words, combined with the meaningful tilt of his head as his chocolate eyes gazed into yours, caused a wave of heat to flush into your cheeks. Instead, you focused on the other part of what he was saying. Jimin fell in love? But wh—oh. Suddenly it all made sense.
“Oh,” you said simply, eyebrows raising slightly. Jin nodded, “Yeah.”
You were silent for a moment as you mulled everything over. Jin’s gaze never left you, and you started as you turned and met his eyes once more.
“I really do owe you,” he said softly, a look surfacing in his eyes that bordered on fond and sent your heart racing. “I don’t know what I would have done if I had actually lost it, and I owe you for keeping it safe. I don’t know how I can repay you for that.”
You were silent for a moment before you decided to speak. “Well, Chubs,” you began, delighting in the way he jumped and pink flooded his cheeks. Ah, so you’d been right. Exposed. “Are you planning on blessing land with your presence this Saturday?”
Jin’s eyebrows rose as he shot you a confused albeit slightly flustered look, taken aback. “Ah, yes, I guess?”
You smiled at him, reaching over to boop his nose in a sudden rush of confidence. “Then you can repay me by having coffee with me at Rock Hop Café, the one where Yoongi works,” you said, before your confidence faltered slightly and you quickly added, flustered, “That is, if you want to, of course. Otherwise, actually, you don’t really need to repay me—"
Seokjin laughed, cheeks pink, and interrupted you before you could ramble yourself into a hole once more. “That sounds good to me,” he grinned, gaze fond. “I’ll look forward to it.”
You returned the look, beaming, before you busied yourself turning the key in the ignition and starting up the car for the short trip home. The entire way you spent the time asking Jin various questions about what he was and whether all the myths were true or not, and with a laugh he answered each and every single one.
At the end of the day, you supposed, you’d found more than an item that had never really been lost in the first place.
1K notes · View notes
wwhseokjin · 3 years
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6. Prada or Gucci
heyo!! i’m back!!
-xoxoxo hecate
13 notes · View notes
nam-nam-joon · 4 years
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by the sea
Pairing: jeon heejin/reader; kim seokjin/reader
Genre: inspired by this post by @kurara-black-blog​ ; selkie! AU
Wordcount: 6.7k
Warnings: someone opens a door in only underwear (partial nudity); implied consumption of alcohol (this does start in a bar)
Summary: the night is dark and the tiny town by the sea storm-swept when you make your way into the local bar; to meet Heejin and catch up. who could've guessed a chance encounter could extend your horizon far beyond what you thought was normal - real?
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Thunder clapped overhead as you shut the pub’s door behind you.
It wasn’t the first summer storm that raged high above the little town by the sea, but it was among the more vicious ones, and you were glad to even have found the bar in this downpour.
The coat rack by the door was overflowing with oilgear in all shades of black, grey and yellow; depending on the age of the garment. In the dim orange light they mostly looked the same anyways.
Not wanting to lug the drenched coat around with yourself you dove between the jackets, arm outstretched to feel if there was a hook under the mountain of cloth that could still hold one more – your knuckles brushed surfaces both smooth and rough, canvas and wax, and then, fur.
It was very soft but came so unexpected you froze, until you remembered someone probably left their heirloom mink or something. The hook next to it wasn’t blocked yet, and with great difficulty, you managed to wedge the loop of your coat over it. The fur brushed your hand again, and then the previously unseen garment landed in a soft heap in front of the worn Blundstone’s on your feet.
It wasn’t mink, as you’d thought, and it didn’t look like your run of the mill fur coat either. It was a vest with applications of some sort; The fur only on the inside for insulating purposes, probably. What it was doing here in the middle of summer was beyond you; you hadn’t seen anyone wear anything heavy like this the days you’d spent here over the summer. The chance to dwell on the matter longer was taken from you when-
You turned, vest still in hands. You couldn’t make out much of the stranger, but he was very tall and had wet eyes.
“Hi!” You spoke back, over the backdrop of the noisy bar. “Sorry – Is this yours?” You held the vest up. A glass smashed and cheers erupted somewhere deeper into the room, and the stranger twitched, shoulders sagging down.
“Um, ye-“
“I’m so sorry I dropped it!” You had to shout now, as claps and more cheers arose. “I hope it’s not dirty!”
And you brushed it off half-heartedly and held it out to the other.
Around the stranger’s side you could spot Heejin close enough to the bar that the many many candles burning on it illuminated her face.
“Alright, sorry, got to go. Sorry about dropping it, again!” You patted the stranger’s lower arm, smiled up at the wide eyes and made a beeline for the small table Heejin was sitting at.
“Heyy!” She greeted you, lifting her bottle and looking visibly relieved. “Thought you’d drowned in the storm! What took you so long?”
“Haha!” You huffed, not really angry. “The streets are swimming, I had to make sure I didn’t accidentally walk off a cliff!” That seemed to settle her, and she took a swig of her drink.
The air inside the bar was warm and filled with noise by the people inside it – likely most of the tiny town’s residents. It would’ve been stuffy, too, if it weren’t for the windows that were all propped open the smallest bit to let the breeze smelling like sweet rain and salty sea be blown in.
“What’s with the candles?”
Heejin leaned in close to hear you before nodding.
“Power went out. They really need to fix the lines and the generator, this is the second time it’s happening during storm. The salt gets to the lines, you know.”
You nodded and caught the eye of the bartender. She nodded and, pleased with your work, you settled back into the crummy chair.
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Around three the storm calmed down, and it was around that time you and Heejin decided to head home, too. Leaving before the barkeeper kicked you out was always a good thing and meant you knew your limits which automatically put you on the good list of any respectable bartender, and besides, it wasn’t like Heejin and you didn’t have something to go home to.
Dawn was far beyond the horizon, especially with those thick clouds still covering the sky. Not even gulls were awake yet as you and Heejin walked with your arms around the other’s back, breathing in the fresh scent of the town scrubbed clean.
“You should come by more often.” She sighed, putting her head on your shoulder. You smiled.
“I would, but I do have a degree to finish and some kind of job that’s waiting for me out in the world. But I promise I’ll always come back to you.”
She huffed, seemingly not entirely satisfied.
“Hey, I’m spending every second weekend of summer here, do you know how many hours that are on public transport? Not to speak of-“
“Alright, alright!” She laughed, touching her free hand to your shoulder, grinning. “I rest my case, don’t worry. It’d just be nice to have you around more. Even more.”
You shook your head and fished out the key from the bottom of your shorts’ pocket as you approached the salt and sun bleached wooden gate leading into the weathered garden surrounding Heejin’s house.
It was small, had been Heejin’s Grandmother’s before the old woman had passed away unexpectedly years ago. Unsure of her future in the city, with her family placing the weight of responsibility for the business on her older brother’s shoulders, Heejin had leapt at the chance to escape it all and settle for slow life on the border of the ocean.
You’d asked her, during one of your many visits, lounging on a sundeck chair in the garden that couldn’t have won many prizes for its beauty if it’d tried. You’d asked her, if she regretted it – dropping out of Uni, coming here.
Putting a screeching halt on the modern life of decadence and decent luxury she’d had in the city.
“It’s scary, a bit.” Heejin had said, swirling the virgin tequila sunrise in her glass – an old mason jar. “Everything’s so different, you know? But I like it. I feel like I can do good here.”
And that had been enough for her, and by extension, for you.
What had been her Grandmother’s study slash miniscule library had turned into a sort-of guest room with a bed and some other necessities. It couldn’t really be called a guest room, as it was only you who ever slept there, and you and Heejin had a queerplatonic relationship going on and to call yourself a ‘guest’ under those circumstances didn’t fit very well.
“Where’d you leave my toothbrush!” She yelled from the bath while you were still busy hanging her and your own coat properly so all the dampness would be gone in the morning.
“I don’t know, I didn’t touch it!” You shouted back, hopping on one foot after pulling your shoes off with your feet and almost losing your balance. The underside of your sock stuck to your sole after you stepped in a puddle of water and you caught yourself on the door frame to the bath, face showing the sheer disgust you were experiencing right now as you briefly caught your reflection in the mirror.
Heejin, having found her toothbrush and already scrubbing away, couldn’t contain a laugh at your misery and sprayed your face and shirt with a fine mist of white bubbles.
“Thanks.” You deadpanned, sidling up to her and wiping at the spots visible in the mirror.
“Sorry.” She said around her brush. “What happened?”
“Stepped into... fucking water, is what happened.” Putting your own brush into your mouth, you sat back on the closed lid of the toilet and tugged at the wet sock until it came off and you could wriggle your toes in the air.
Heejin laughed again, and you could still hear her giggling as you laid down on the comfortable bed, surrounded by the smell of books and faintly, the sea.
“Shut up woman!” You shouted, grinning yourself. She cackled loudly but still wished you a good night, which you gladly returned.
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The sun wasn’t out when you woke, but that might’ve been because of the clouds still hanging around. Or maybe Heejin had drawn the blinds yesterday and not told you; but either way, when she touched her hand to your shoulder and said she’d go see what the bakery had that’d make a good breakfast, you only hummed in agreement.
She pressed a loving kiss to your temple and you had made the effort of squeezing her hand, and then she’d left again.
You had half the mind of asking her if she had taken her keys but by the time the thought process had reached the point in your brain responsible for signalling your mouth to talk, the front door had shut and all attempts had been voided.
You really weren’t used to such long nights anymore, you thought to yourself, and sighed and rolled onto the other side, tugging the blanket around you a little tighter.
How great it was it was Saturday, and you didn’t have to be anywhere but here.
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It felt like five minutes later, at most, when you were roused from sleep again.
You lifted your head.
The house was silent.
Then came knocking on the front door, and not the gentle knuckles on wood kind most everyone did here, but the loud one from the old fashioned metal knocker, almost eaten by the rust.
Grumbling, you sat up.
Did Heejin think this was funny? Knocking this loudly? Did she really think you were sleeping so deeply!
Not bothering with any more than what you were already wearing – underwear – you haphazardly made your way down the crooked stairs, eyes not even fully open when you reached the door.
The knocking came again, loud, so loud, pounding in your ears that were filled with the sound of rushing blood and-
“Heejin I swear to the good lord, wh-“
Where Heejin’s head would have been was someone’s chest.
Blinking against the brilliant white of the even clouds, you lifted your eyes.
“Ha- Hello.” Soft cheeks and windswept hair, and dark eyes that looked at you far too intently for such an early hour. Was it? Still early?
He bit on his lips and had his shoulders squared, but only when you took note of the soft leather and the stitching on it did you make the connection.
“Oh! Oh, my god! The fur vest! It’s you! Hi.” A breeze curled into the small hallway, and the last of the bed’s warmth stripped from your skin. Shivering, you felt a bit indecent. Almost exposed, as it was – still the guy’s eyes did not waver or drop from your face, which was a stellar behaviour.
“Can I help you? Did I get dirt on your vest, I’m really sorry-“
He smiled, releasing his full lips for the first time, and softly shook his head, effectively shutting you up. He’d reached out with his hands, as if to gesticulate, but settled on clasping his wrists.
“No, it’s nothing like- Please, can I come in?”
“Uh- This is my friend’s house, so I don’t-“
“It really is urgent.”
Something about the way he talked seemed a bit off. You stared at the flat stone acting as the doorstep for a moment.
“I’m sorry, who were you again?”
His lips widened into a full smile – still somewhat shy, though. He puffed his chest a little.
“Kim Seokjin. If it helps, I’m friends with Heejin?”
It was like he tried to sound the most proper way he could, like he was putting special emphasis on pronouncing every syllable correctly.
You were too tired for any of this. Had Heejin ever mentioned him?
“Um... Sure, just- Here, head down through the door into the living room, I’ll grab... some clothes and- be there in a minute, alright?”
You opened the door wider to allow him in, and he leaned down to quickly hug and press a short kiss to your cheek before continuing to where you’d pointed him.
You stood stock-still, the door handle still in your palm, utterly confused.
What had happened?
Head still void of thoughts you took the stairs two steps at a time, dove into Heejin’s room, grabbed one of her spare blankets from where she kept them folded over the old box by her bed, and then hastened back down, silently wishing for her to come back soon.
Wrapped in the soft knitted sheet, you stopped to breathe deeply, and collect yourself a little. Everything would be fine. Of course it would.
“Would you like something to drink?”
Kim Seokjin turned away from the small shelve with Heejin’s favourite books and little keepsakes, looking a little like you’d caught him doing something he wasn’t supposed to. Your gaze zeroed in on the framed picture of you and Heejin, a candid a friend of yours had snapped of you sitting on campus. He tried to push it back in its place and you looked up into his eyes again.
“Wh-what,” He weakly asked, ears a fierce red.
“Would you... like tea? Coffee? A glass of water?”
“I’m, I’m fine thank you.”
You left the door, came towards the couch.
“Actually, just a glass of water would be lovely, if... you don’t... mind?”
His voice got quieter towards the end, but you managed a smile and soon returned with two glasses, a water carafe and a bottle of orange juice on a small tray.
“If you’re looking for Heejin, she’ll be back soon.” You lowered yourself on the couch, and Kim Seokjin did the same in the small armchair across. Folded into it, he looked even larger than in the pub yesterday night. He nodded, and then he shook his head, opened his mouth but didn’t bring any words out.
He downed almost half of his water, and then his fingers wouldn’t let go of the glass. After seeing his knuckles turn pale, you swallowed the juice in your mouth and decided to try again.
“So... What’re you here for, again?”
That seemed to sober him up. He leaned forward and put the glass on the table, and then sat at the edge of his seat, with his palms pressed between his knees.
“So, you see,” He began, his eyes flickering from here to there until they finally landed on you and stayed on you. It seemed like his body let out a huge sigh. “I figured-“ He reached into his pants’ pocket and produced something small he hid in his hand. “This is for you.” And held it out to you.
You didn’t move, staring between his hand and his face.
He came around the couch table, nervously sitting closer to you, and you let him take one of your hands off the glass and put a small bag of rough fabric in your palm.
A small, shimmering pearl came tumbling out of the pouch. Understanding less and less, you furrowed your eyebrows at the visitor.
“I’m sorry, I don’t have a ring just yet- Everything went so fast and the shops aren’t open that early, so I figured- I mean, after all, it would only be proper for us to get married by human standards as well, so please accept this as my wedding gift, until I can give you the ring later.”
You stared into those big, brown eyes.
“I’m sorry, I think you’re confusing me with someone else.” You put the pearl back into its pouch and wound the string around the end to keep it securely inside, but when you tried to hand it back, he wouldn’t have it.
“No, no it’s yours, you can’t give it back! –That wouldn’t be proper.”
“Okay? Okay.” You put the satchel down next to your glass and rubbed your hands over your face. Heejin would be back any second, and she’d surely help you get this lunatic out. She’d be back any minute. “Okay, first of all... We’re not getting married, I have no idea who you are, and? What...”
He smiled, wider than seemed acceptable at the moment. Giggled, even.
“Oh, you don’t want the ceremony? That’s okay, more time for us, then. There’s so much I want to know about you, and you have to simply tell me everything! Le-“
“He-Hey hold on, wait, a minute? Ceremony? What? What are you talking about?”
“You gave me my pelt back, I figured you’d want the proper human ceremony, to make it official on your side, too.”
“You... are human too, you know that, right.”
This time he really laughed, once, dropping his head. When he looked up again his eyes sparkled with mirth.
“Oh, funny, you’re funny, I like that. We’ll do well together, I’m sure of it.”
“You-“ He’d inched closer on the couch, and you stood up to bring some distance between you. “We are not getting married, I have no idea who the hell you are, and please, leave now. I’m not even sure Heejin really knows you, she never mentioned you and as crazy as you sound, that’s a huge thing. So, please, if you could just-“
All humour dropped off his face, but it didn’t turn bitter or blank either.
“O-oh, you... You want me to leave you alone so soon, ah... Okay, well.”
He rose, and though he towered above you, looked very small. It appealed to a thin sliver of you, those heartfelt, sad eyes and the hunched over posture, but you fought it down, unwilling to cut this maniac some slack.
“Hurry up, would you?” You huffed as his steps towards the front door came almost in slow-motion.
By the coat rack he turned to look back over his shoulder, bottom lip sucked into his mouth again, the corners turned down.
You looked away as you noticed a tear roll over his cheek. What the hell was going on?
“I suppose...” He faltered in front of the jackets, running his palms over his vest and grabbing its edges. His voice had lost all of the cheery brightness from before, was now solemn and downtrodden. “I suppose you’ll want to keep this, then.”
And he began to shrug out of it, until you stepped closer, put a hand to his arm, looked up at him through bewilderment.
“Why would I want that? It’s your vest, why would I-?”
He froze mid-taking it off, sniffled and blinked and by now there were thin trails of wetness running down his cheeks, and his ears were still red and his nose began to colour too and even though you’d never really met him before yesterday he still looked so lost and sad that it tugged on your heart.
“Listen-“ You began, at the same time he was starting to say “You-“, and both of you were interrupted when the front door opened and Heejin stood there, panting, with a paper bag in her hand and a rolled up newspaper under her arm. Her hair curled a little and with the thrown open door the wind came blowing in, carrying a few drops of rain inside before she shut the opening. Obviously having run from the rain, she pushed her hair back, the elated smile on her face twisting into confusion as she took in the two of you.
“Seokjinnie, I didn’t know you wanted to stop by-”
Her eyes landed on your hand on his arm, her eyebrows lifted. The smile returned to her face. “Oh, you two know each other?! _______, why didn’t you say anything, ever, we could’ve-“
“They don’t.” Kim Seokjin said, his voice coated. The smile trickled off Heejin’s face again. A bit embarrassed you took your hand back, and he pulled his vest back on all the way. “Heejin, if you could-“
Her eyes left him for you, and you tried to convey just how helpless and confused you felt. Something settled on her face, and she nodded, but it hadn’t been directed at you.
“Do you want to stay?” She asked, directed at the tall male. He cleared his throat.
“I guess that’s easier.”
“Come on then, both of you. Time to sit down.”
She pushed between you and tugged you forward, with Kim Seokjin trailing after you.
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Since the couch wasn’t that big that it could’ve comfortably housed all three of you, Heejin took one for the team and sat on the couch table between you, looking as serious as she could. It was a little unsettling.
“What’s going on.”
Kim Seokjin took a breath, got choked up, and broke off. Seeing him struggle and desperate to get this off your chest and Heejin on your side, you jumped at the opportunity to explain yourself.
“He showed up here this morning, saying stuff about a marriage and ceremonies and he kissed my cheek? I’ve never met him before but he said you were his friend? You never mentioned him? Or am I losing my marbles here? I mean I never met him before yesterday night, at the bar, but-“
“I was about to head home,” He said, voice laced with tears and his fingers interlocked in his lap. “I was about to go, and then they- My pelt fell off the rack, and they-“ He swallowed and looked at you, causing Heejin to turn her head, too. At the centre of attention, you focused on your own knuckles.
“And they gave me back my pelt. No questions asked. Just like that.” He whispered the last sentence, and you forcefully relaxed your feet. Wouldn’t bring anyone any good to get a cramp now.
Heejin sighed, but it didn’t sound condescending.
“I understand.” She stated. You looked back to her.
“You do?”
She nodded.
“Great! Then can you please explain him-“
“_______, Seokjin is a selkie. Do you know what that means?”
You blinked. “The... The Seal Spirits? But they’re...” Your gaze found his, and the words ‘not real’ died in your throat. You closed your mouth and swallowed.
The silver fur on his vest suddenly seemed a lot brighter than before.
“But...” You tried again, mind blanking at what to do next.
“To give a selkie their coat back means as good as marrying them, in their tradition. That’s why he came here this morning, to make it ‘official’ from your side, too. Did you accept his gift?”
“I didn’t-“
Seokjin nodded silently, pointed at the little pouch still next to your glass with juice.
“They don’t want me.” He said then, voice wobbling and tears collecting under his chin. “I w-waited so long and now-“
“Can you give us a minute? I’ll come see you upstairs, okay?”
Thoughts flurrying, all you could do was nod. “-Sure. Yeah, I’ll... I’ll wait, yeah. Okay.”
And you collected the blanket around you and left for the stairs.
Seokjin’s pressed sob was the last thing you heard before closing the door and climbing the stairs.
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By the time Heejin softly knocked on your door you had freshened up, got dressed and combed your hair. She closed the door behind herself and crossed her arms over her chest, leaning against the wood.
“Can you please help me because I am... Extremely lost right now.” You confessed, sat on the wooden, revolving chair in front of the old, creaky bureau.
Heejin sighed again, and now she did sound tired.
“Yeah. You got yourself in quite the pickle this time, not going to lie...”
You stayed silent, hoping she might elaborate. After another intake of air, she did.
“So, dear Seokjinnie is a selkie, and you happened to give him back his coat, and without conditions, too, so yesterday, when you did, it was like... Like a dream come true for him. You gave him his pelt back without any demands, basically saying ‘I’ll take you as you are and we are one now’, and Jin, not knowing you had no idea, came to see how you would proceed, and now we’re here.”
“But I didn’t- If I’d known he’d think that I wouldn’t have given him his coat! I mean hand it to him. Gosh, what- And now? What now? Can’t he understand this was a mistake? A, a, an accident? –Does he think I own him now?” Panic seeped into your words, and Heejin was quick to shake her head and reach out her hands placatingly.
“No, no no, they have their traditions but they’re aware that people don’t-“ She sighed again. “No, I explained to him you had no idea what he was and what that action might cause, and he understands that, it’s just... He’s a huge romantic, you know? Has always spouted about how when he finds someone that’ll be it, he’ll be that person’s, faithful to one and only one, ever. And all the soulmate stuff and fated one and all that in the books didn’t do much good, with how Selkie’s treat their history and- Can you... Follow me? Where I’m going with this?”
“I think... Maybe? I think I can, yeah... Can’t I just- Break off this marriage? Or... engagement? Whatever that is between us?”
“Technically yes, as you already ‘gave him back’ his pelt and he is as such free to go, but... This is very complicated. If you’d be okay with it, we could go downstairs and sit in the living room and talk while Seokjin is there? He’ll know better answers to all of the specific questions, I promise.”
Still feeling a little light-headed, you nodded. Before Heejin could open the door, you held her back.
“How long have you known? That he’s selkie? That they... exist?”
She pulled back from the door, covered your hand.
“I came to know after my Grandma’s funeral. She was somewhat of a... A warden or, a keeper of peace between the merfolk and the town. A bit like a mediator, because there’s a lot of Selkie’s living amongst humans these days, and all that. Seokjin was among the small group that approached me, to ask if I knew anything of my Grandma’s heritage or if I’d follow her footsteps.”
“So that’s the whole ‘doing good here’ was about.”
She nodded. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you more, I really am-“
You shook your head, squeezed her hands.
“No, don’t apologize. You kept their secret, that’s- That’s important. Don’t worry, okay?”
“Thank you for understanding.” She smiled at you, and you dared to smile back.
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Kim Seokjin was a heap on the couch when you came back in the room.
The skin around his eyes and nose was red and a bit puffy, but the tears had dried and he blinked against letting any more escape.
Even though you understood who he was a little better now, it still felt weird to think of him as your husband when you took your seat next to him once more.
It was too soon for any of that.
Heejin resumed her position on the couch table – fully embracing her role as mediator, evidently – and looked from him to you.
You turned to the Selkie, fully turning your torso so you really did face him.
“I’d like to apologize. I had no idea about any of this, and- I’m sorry for doing this to you. All of... This.”
He swallowed and nodded slowly.
“I know- I know basically nothing about Selkies other than the thing with their coat; when you hide it, they can’t go back to the ocean, and so on. But I don’t- I’d never do that. And I will never do that. And I, I was wondering, if there was- Any way of... not doing this? Marrying and all of that, I mean.” He blinked, and Heejin shifted, and hastily you continued. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’re really pretty-“ He turned his eyes away and dropped his head a little, as if ashamed. “-and I’m sure you’re a really sweet guy, but I barely know you and wouldn’t it be better for you to marry out of love and not because... Because some dumb person accidentally proposed to you in a manner they didn’t even know about?”
“But it happened.” He said, voice small. “You did, if you meant to or not, and if you want to, you can have me. I’m ready to live with you. Unless... Unless you don’t-“
Heejin reached out and rubbed his knee comfortingly, and he collected himself.
“Unless you reject me, and tell me to go back to the sea. I would do that for you, too, live as a seal again. But, if I may, I would-“ He held eye-contact with Heejin, even though his head was turned towards you. “I would like for us to give this a try, before y- we, break apart.”
It seemed like he’d practiced saying it, for when he finished and his eyes glanced at you, his shoulders sagged down a little.
You leaned forward.
“This is all a lot.” You stared between Heejin’s socked feet. “Like, a lot. Can I- May I think about this? About... you, and me? Just-“ Your eyes found the clock on the old piano, focused on the pointers. “Until six pm? Give me time to think this over until then?”
You caught Heejin giving him an understanding, but still questioning look, thumb still rubbing over his knee.
He looked from her to you.
“Yes,” He agreed, swallowing bravely. “Okay. Six pm.”
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Heejin invited the Selkie for breakfast, as she’d bought way too much, and even though you’d been reluctant to agree at first, it turned out to be nice.
He’d taken a glass of homemade marmalade that Heejin’s Gran had made, weighted it in his hand and Heejin, apparently knowing what was coming, had been barely able to contain her giggles before Seokjin had said “This is my jam!”. It had eased the way into chatting with him, about his visits to town, his friendship with Heejin, among other things.
He was funny, you had to admit that, and could also eat a lot. After munching through three rolls with various toppings he finally leaned back, satisfied at last.
Even though food coma must’ve been upon him, he helped in clearing off the table and putting everything back in the fridge, wiped the surface and then even stuck around long enough to help with the dishes.
The sun finally broke through the clouds as the hour neared two, and Heejin packed a bag for the beach.
It was warm again, summer having come back in full force after the cool down of the storm last night.
Clouds gathered over the horizon, far out over the water, but the sky spanning above you was clear and blue.
Baking in the sunlight and listening to the waves and the gulls crying out it was almost easy to forget the decision you had to make by the time the early evening came.
Seokjin had excused himself for now, going about his own business, and so you were left alone with Heejin and your thoughts.
“You really don’t have to do it, you know.”
You cracked an eye open and saw her lying next to you on her stomach, open book in the sand. It was a new softcover, otherwise her Grandmother would’ve likely been turning in her grave.
You sighed. “I know this is probably weird but-“
She glared at you. You hurried to backpedal.
“I mean, I guess in the big picture it’s not that weird, but I kind of... He really is cute, isn’t he?”
That got her laughing.
“He is. And he can dance, and sing, and loves to cook, and it’s a miracle nobody from this tiny village has dated him yet.”
The waves were light blue where they rolled on the shore.
“This affects you, too, though. I mean, I was with you first, doesn’t this- Isn’t this like marrying your side hoe? Or something?”
She laughed again and closed her book to turn her sun warmed face to you.
“I mean technically, yes, but under these circumstances I’d be willing to let you have your side hoe. We could still see each other? And...” She trailed off, squinting over the water.
“I don’t want to get ahead of myself. Forget it.” A small smile played around her lips.
“What.” You poked her arm.
“I was just thinking-“ She slapped your fingers away. “-Hypothetically, if you do accept him, and you go off to have your thing, it would be nice if you moved in with him. Like a shared house. Preferably somewhere by the ocean, like... here.”
Her smile simmered down, and she looked at you again. “It would be nice to have you around again, you know?”
It wasn’t the first time she said that, and it wasn’t the first time you toyed with the thought what moving here permanently might be like.
“But if I move here I won’t be able to attend my lectures. And I really want that degree, I worked so long for it-“
“You could always do online classes.” Heejin dragged a finger through the soft sand, sneaking glances at you.
“Half the houses here don’t even have WiFi, and the internet café would cost a fortune if I stay holed up here for eight hours a day.” You shot back. Heejin pouted, still drawing swirls into the sand. You’d had this argument before.
“There’s new houses being built uphill, they have WiFi there. Or will have, when they’re done.”
That was new.
“Those would be too high of a price range for me.” Both of you had lost your playful snark. Before she could answer to that you shook your head, huffing.
“Look at us, debating on where I should stay with the strange Selkie I’m married to. Life is crazy.”
“So you will?” Nothing on her face let you know if she really did sound hopeful of if that was just your imagination.
You sighed.
“Honestly... I mean, I can try. We’ll see about the whole married-in-human-terms, but for now... He can’t be so bad. Is he?”
She shook her head so hard you got dizzy just by watching.
“He is not.” She confirmed.
You shrugged and rolled on your back, blinking against the bright sun.
“I guess, I could try. If he’s as nice to be around like at breakfast, and like you said... It feels a bit like cheating though, you know?” She looked at you, raised a brow with interest. “I mean, everyone else dates and breaks up and then there’s me, having been with you for the last years, and now suddenly I have a husband.” You turned your tongue over after saying that, feeling all sorts of strange at using that word. “Husband. How that sounds, too.” You shook your head. “It seems so crazy.”
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“You do!” Kim Seokjin echoed, after you’d repeated the words to him at shortly past six, with Heejin rumbling in the kitchen and preparing to cook an early dinner. “You really do? You want to try?”
“Yes.” You said, carefully reaching out across the gap between you two on the couch and covered his balled up hands with yours.
His eyes were swimming again when you shyly looked up into them.
“Can I,” He cleared his throat, never losing eye-contact. “Can I please hug you? Oh me, I’m so-“
You nodded, and he lurched forward, wrapped you up in his arms and then you were flush against his chest with your cheek against the soft skin of his pelt.
“-happy.” He finished, mumbling the words in your hair and tightening his hold.
And it felt nice.
You still had no idea who he really was, apart from all which you did know, but that was what the next weeks would be for, you supposed.
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“So, you’ll stay.” Heejin said over a spoon full of broth. You nodded, with a lot more collected Kim Seokjin on the other side of the kitchen table.
“That’s good, ‘cause you see...” She blew on the broth and then dropped the spoon back down, erasing her progress. It didn’t seem to matter, her eyes were glistening and her hands clasped under her chin. “I kind of got my mother to invest in the houses being build uphill, and as such you can pick one for yourself! A branch of my family’s business will rent them out to whoever wants, but you’ll be able to live there as long as you want. For only a small rent, of course.”
You dropped your spoon.
She lifted a finger.
“I’m not saying I planned this, because I didn’t, but I had the hope that if I had a little more to offer than a creaky bed in my makeshift library, I might be able to persuade you to come out here more often, and maybe get you to stay longer, too. And now... Now it might work out, after all!”
Kim Seokjin’s eyes switched from your friend to you.
“I know you don’t live in town, but where do you usually live? The truckstop a few kilometres from here? Or on the other side of the forest?”
You looked from him to Heejin, and then back.
“Um, Kim Seokjin-“
“Seokjin. Or Jin. Or, anything, really, is fine.”
“Seokjin, I- live a little further than just the stop or the forest.”
“That’s okay.” He said quickly, stirring his soup in its bowl. “I haven’t really... I mean, I never really left town much. On the occasion of walking around.”
You nodded, and suddenly felt a bit bad again.
“_______ will be back second next week. They always visit every second weekend.”
“So long.” Seokjin mumbled, and you quietly reached out your hand to tap it to his.
“I’ll just- I’ll need time to sort things out a bit, and transfer all my stuff online, but- As soon as the house is finished, I’ll probably be able to come and live here.”
“Speaking of which,” Heejin clapped her hands and startled both of you. “We can go look at them if you want?”
“What, now?” Seokjin’s eyes were wide as he desperately looked down on his bowl.
“Maybe tomorrow.” She added, faced with his distress. “It’s Sunday anyways, so nobody will be around. It’s the perfect time!”
She was right concerning that.
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The houses were sprinkled over a plateau halfway up the hill, visible from the town but not so that they had really caught your eye before.
There was one, furthest out from the gravel road that had been put down already, with its balcony positioned just right so you could see both sunrise and –set.
Only the walls and the stairs were built, and a roof, but the balcony was there already. Seokjin came out to where you were standing with your hands in the pockets of your shorts, well away from the handrail-lacking edge. You turned your head and observed him, how he let his eyes roam from the horizon to the town nestled about a half-hour walk down the hill.
Even before he focused on you and shyly reached out his hand, asking for you to hold it without words and then smiled, you knew he had made a decision.
“I like this one.” You said, rubbing a thumb over the back of his hand. It felt very nice to do so.
“Me too.” He mumbled, eyes not letting go of your gaze as he answered your touch and tightened his fingers briefly.
“You wanna choose this one?”
He nodded, buzzing with energy now that the decision had been made.
You leaned around the opening that would one day hold the door, and found her with her phone out.
“I think we’ll take this one.”
Besides you Seokjin’s smile widened. He tugged on your hands a little, and even though he refrained from leaning his head against yours, you could see the happiness radiate from his action.
“Thank you.” He whispered, not for the first time.
“Who knows, maybe I’m a terrible flatmate and you’ll really regret moving in with me... Maybe I leave dirty clothes everywhere... Maybe I never shower... Maybe-”
He wrinkled his nose.
“I’ll lo- I mean, I will like you either way.” He spoke bravely, but still searched your face for a response. You grinned, and he did, too.
“Yah, are you two done?” Heejin yelled from below.
Neither of you had noticed her going down.
It still felt very new and like you shouldn’t be able to do it, but you disentangled your hands and wrapped the freed arm around his waist. He hummed, smiling, eyes sparkling.
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AN.: you can also find this and everything else i’ve written on my ao3 runningfaucet
if you enjoyed reading this, please let me know what you liked best in the comments :)
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minstrophywife · 5 years
Seven Tears
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⇢Pairing: Selkie!Seokjin x Reader ⇢Genre: Selkie!AU, Soulmate?!AU        ↳[mostly fluff][some angst][some smut] ⇢Word Count: 22,455  ⇢Warnings: A very slow burn, a lot of vignettes, smut (soft sex, oral-female receiving, angry sex- nothing crazy), tropes galore, corny rhymes, sappy romance, fluff that will rot your teeth, occasional swearing   ⇢Masterlist
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Your heart calls you to the sea, ever since your fateful encounter at the age of seven with a boy who whispers these words to you:
Seven tears into the sea,
In seven years I’ll come to thee.
The longing in your heart my dear,
Beckons me closer every year.
Inspired by the book Seven Tears into the Sea by Terri Farley. 
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⇢A/N: This fic is self-edited, so read at your own risk.  Here’s to my first fic on Tumblr! Better to start with a bang, and a whopping 22K word count (holy shit- I’m dead). I guess I wanted to make an impression!  Buckle your seatbelts folks, and get ready for super sappy romance with Seokjin. Lol.
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You’re excited because your parents are finally bringing you to the beach- you’ve been waiting ever since they told you they bought a small vacation house that the whole family could enjoy.  Ever since they told you all you look at are picture books filled with images of sky, sea and sand.
The drive feels like forever, and you keep your eyes plastered to the window- even your brother Taehyung, who would usually be shoving action figures into your hand to play can’t help but watch the landscape outside the car turn from city into the coast.
By the time you reach the cute white beach house that faces the sea, Taehyung is pulling your hand to help him find your bathing suits amongst the luggage. 
You wander from your parents over to the tide pools amongst the rocks, because what sort of cool creatures are waiting for you there? Taehyung is too busy building a sandcastle to want to go with you, so you make the trek to the large rocks yourself. You do know that mom and dad told you to be careful, especially since the rocks are sharp.  The pull of your curiosity is ultimately outweighs their warnings and you scramble up the dark, rough rocks that contrast the white softness of the sand your that your toes just left.  
The tide pools are full of cute crabs that hide in the recesses of the rocks when your shadow passes over them.  The waves splash splash splash against the rocks, creating a steady song.  The cool mist of the water sprays against your sun-kissed face. It’s a really nice feeling, an experience that your picture books do not provide you. You get a little caught up in the moment, and thats when a particularly big wave comes splashing down, causing yourself to squeak and twist your body away.  You end up a bit off balance though (Taehyung was always commenting about how clumsy you were) and you fall backwards, the force of the fall coming to an impact against your right leg. Ouch. Mom and dad did say the rocks were sharp. Looking at the scrape, you see it turn an angry red, blood beginning to form.  At the sight of your leg, and the initial shock of the impact gone, you couldn’t help the large tears that form- sliding off your cheeks and into the sea in front of you.  
Your cries must have been heard from the sandy beach as Taehyung quickly stands up from his sandcastle to move towards you- mom and dad quickly in pursuit.  Trying to brush your tears off your face (Taehyung would definitely call you a crybaby and now that you were seven this year there was no way that was going to happen), you don’t notice a shadow that dances along your crying figure. 
You felt a soft tap tap tap of a cool hand on your shoulder, causing your face to look upwards in confusion.  
Your eyes met with a pair of dark ones, belonging to a young boy who couldn’t be too different in age to you.  His eyes began to crinkle along the edges, smiling.  Your crying turns into hiccups, immediately mesmerized by the way his dark hair stuck wetly against his forehead, his figure looking otherworldly, and the water that is on his body seems to shimmer in the sunlight, against the backdrop of the blue sky behind him. He must have been swimming nearby you think, and heard your cries.  Offering a hand, he pulls you up- the coolness of his touch making you forget about the slight twinge of your right leg. 
“Y/N!” “Are you alright?” The flurry of your parents shouts and your brother’s yelps causing you to turn your head over your shoulder.       
A cool breath sneaks its way to your ear, causing you to shudder, even under the heat of the sun. Suddenly you hear a voice whisper sweetly, passing by like a summer breeze.
Seven tears into the sea,
In seven years I’ll come to thee.
The longing in your heart my dear,
Beckons me closer every year.
And with that the cool hand that held your own is released.  Turning back around, you hear a splash, and the boy is gone. You couldn’t think long about your strange encounter though, because just then mom has a towel around your shoulders, and your father holds your hand while your brother who is nervously bouncing at the edge of the rocks. Your parents take you back to the white beach house, deciding that there was enough activity for one day. 
That night your father treated you to your favorite ice cream, and your mother brushed your hair before you slept.  Taehyung even read your favorite picture books to you that night, without you even asking him to, like you usually do.
Your eyes feel heavy after the long day, your brothers voice becoming your lullaby.  As your eyes began to close you couldn’t help but see two dark eyes, which pull you into the depths of your dreams.
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It’s the beach house again this year, and you feel a pull in your heart as you pack your duffel for the summer.  There has always been a strange magnetism you feel whenever the sea and the coast appear.  The feelings overwhelms you so much so that going to the sea during the summer makes you anxious- there is an emptiness and longing, as if it’s whispering to you every time the waves crash against the shore.  You almost said yes to go camping with your best friend Yerin and her family, just so that you wouldn’t feel this way every time your parents mentioned the beach house.  But the feeling of longing is stronger this year, and when Yerin is invited to come to the beach instead, because Taehyung really wanted to show Jimin, his best friend, his awesome beach house - you know you have to go.
“You know Y/N, I much prefer relaxing on the beach versus the forest.” Yerin giggles, as she slides into the seat next to you. “Plus, the view is much better on the beach.” She waggles her eyebrows while giving you a knowing smile. Being fourteen means yeah, boys have started to get your attention, although you really only have the guts to eye cute boys from afar.  You definitely feel too awkward to actually flirt, since you don’t really get the opportunity to. Whatever flirting actually is.    
“I agree, the beachside view is really nice,” you hear Taehyung say behind you, “and the water is always really refreshing!” You roll your eyes at your brother and Yerin lets out a sigh, while Jimin stifles a laugh to Taehyung’s confused “Huh? What’s wrong with what I said?”      
Yeah… too bad all the boys you know are friends of Taehyung and the boys in your class.  Even though Taehyung is just a year older than you, he sure doesn’t get girls yet. Or at least he doesn’t show it to you openly. To be honest, you don’t understand the subtleties of flirting with the opposite sex, but you know that boys around your age are definitely aren’t worth your time due to how awkward they are, just like you.
Your parents are the last to get settled into the car, and they look pretty happy to finally get some time away from work. “Ready?” Your mom says kindly, twisting in the seat to smile back at the four of you.
Already you feel something- the anticipation of that something bubbles inside of you, getting ready to cascade outwards like a fountain.
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You and Yerin find yourself hiding in the shade on the porch, partially booted out of the house due to the fact Taehyung and Jimin wanted to play video games in the living room.  So you fill your time lazily, listening to music and looking at magazines of the latest dreamy boyband, while comparing horoscopes. After a couple of hours however, the heat is stifling, hanging thickly in the air, with no summer breeze to remedy it.  The feeling of one large sweat drop fall into your eyes is the last bit of motivation to move- it’s time for some iced tea to cool you off.  “Iced tea?” You ask Yerin as you slowly stand up, grimacing at the sweat that sticks to your shorts and tank. Yerin nods her head with as much energy as she can gather at the moment.  “You’re a lifesaver.”  
Back inside, you hear a mix of shouting voices escaping the living room, and the shouts sound more than just Taehyung and Jimin.  You roll your eyes.  Great.  More dumb, noisy boys means you can’t come back inside anytime soon.  The kitchen oversees the living room, which means you want to get the iced tea and leave before Taehyung begins to whine at you to bring him snacks or something.
   “Who is that?“ You raise your head up from your current task of pouring the iced tea in alarm. Crap! You’ve been spotted. You see five heads turn to you slowly, to match the two other boys who noticed your presence first.
“Oh that’s just Y/N,” Taehyung says, waving his hand dismissively, turning back to the screen in disinterest. “She’s my younger sister.” Jimin sends you a little wave.
 “Well my name is Hoseok!” His bright voice and infectious good mood travels across the room easily, and it’s impossible to not smile a little in return. “This is Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook and Seokjin.”
At the mention of their names, the boys respond in their own way.  Namjoon smiles, dimples forming, Yoongi gives a curt nod and gummy smile, and Jungkook waves enthusiastically.  Seokjin’s lips form into a knowing smile, and he is the first one to speak up. “Hello Y/N. Call me Jin. It’s nice to see you.” 
Nice to see you? That’s a weird way of putting it. But you can’t help the uncanny feeling that you have met him before. Was he in the magazine from before? He sure seems like it- you haven’t met someone that handsome before. “Uhm, nice to meet you too?” You shift from one foot to the next, as your right leg begins to twinge a bit.  You wave back politely, and the other boys turn back to face the video game on the TV. Your eyes linger on Seokjin’s, because he’s still staring directly at you, tilting his head slightly as if he is deciding what to say next.  
You take this as a cue, and you shuffle away, breaking your eye contact to returning to the back porch as swiftly as you can without looking awkward. You try not to think about a set of eyes you know is watching your retreating form. “About time!” Yerin says, grasping for the iced drink, wanting some relief. “Sorry,” you mumble back, plopping back into the oversized chair in the corner. You want to distract yourself, so you begin lazily sketching in your sketchbook. You avoid going back inside until you hear Taehyung’s new friends leave the house, and you exhale- tension releasing from you didn’t know you had until just now.
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It seems as if Taehyung and Jimin have found some new steadfast friends, because the next day, the boys are already using the white beach house as their consistent hangout location. It looks like your relaxing summer with Yerin just turned into rowdy and noisy one. 
It’s still a bit earlier in the morning, so the beach is currently at a tolerable heat to relax at. You and Yerin drag your beach towels and large umbrella on the sand. Just as you begin to settle into your towel, you hear Hoseok laughing, and voices of “No fair, that’s cheating!” to, “I want to change teams!”. A small smile tugs on your lips. As much as you want to roll your eyes at their playful antics, it’s impossible not to smile and appreciate how they seem to enjoy every day hanging out with one another. You turn your gaze to Yerin, who is currently reading and listening to music, and smile, grateful for your own friend to keep you company. Soon enough, you find yourself turning to watch their attempt at beach volleyball. You watch from behind your sunglasses, and you observe how the ball lands and hits the sand more than in the air. You stifle a snort as Taehyung serves the ball crooked towards Jungkook, who shouts dramatically as he dives to try and salvage the volley, only for him to fall into the sand while the beach ball flies askew to bounce into Seokjin arm. Yoongi, who is on the sidelines taking score, begins to laugh. You take the moment to rummage around your large tote bag beside you, and take out your small black sketchbook and a pencil. Feeling inspired, you begin to doodle some cute penguins attempt to play some volleyball. 
You have always been the one to doodle in class along your notebooks, and recently this year Yerin suggested for you to put those doodles in a sketchbook rather than the sides of your notes, so you could appreciate them more.  Soon enough, you already filled three by the time summer rolled around, and are currently on your fourth. You become invested into your doodling- and as you get into adding cute sunglasses and swim trunks to your penguins, and you don’t notice a figure leaning over your form, trying to sneak a peek.
“Those are penguins are really cute!” 
You jump slightly in surprise, and your head whips towards the voice. It’s Seokjin who is crouching down next to you, grinning happily at your penguins. 
 “T-thanks.” You say in return, inwardly cringing at your stutter. Not only is it the first time Seokjin has been this close to you, but it is the first time he has come up to you to talk to you while you are alone. Speaking of, where did Yerin go? You hear the trill of her laughter down by the water, along with with Namjoon’s. When did she get up and leave her towel? Your heartbeat begins to pound in your ears, and you can feel a blush begin to settle on your cheeks.   
“Do you mind?” He says, hands outstretched to your sketchbook, politely hesitating. His eyes find yours as he waits for your permission. 
You shrug and hand the notebook to him. “Not at all, thanks for asking first. Not a lot of people do that.” You’re thankful that Seokjin is the one to break eye contact first.
He hums in acknowledgement, and begins to flip through the other pages in your sketchbook, taking a seat to sit cross-legged next to you on your towel.  His knee brushes against your own, but you try not to pay too much attention to that fact.
“You really are talented, you know?” He smiles softly, shoulders bumping against yours. You smile in return, tucking a flyaway hair behind your ear. “You really think so? It’s just a hobby.” “I really think you have a talent for creating cute characters!” He says, making sure you understand to not diminish the talents you have. Seokjin sounds genuine, and you feel a surge of appreciation towards him. 
 The two of you spend a quiet moment sitting together, him looking at your sketchbook, and you of him. You think you are being sneaky, peeking from behind your sunglasses. You get to really appreciate how handsome Seokjin is. There is no sense of a typical awkward teen growth period. His skin is flawless and smooth, unlike others his age- there is no acne in sight, you notice jealously. His chocolate brown hair ruffles slightly in the breeze as you notice his broad shoulders, and his sun-kissed skin which looks striking against his pink cotton t-shirt. His soft smile accentuates his very full lips, which causes you unconsciously begin to nibble on your own. Seokjin definitely makes you feel inferior- and you pull your thin coverup tighter around your body. He’s extremely attractive. You think maybe it’s because he’s a bit older than you- there is always something likable about older guys.
You get caught up appreciating everything that is Kim Seokjin. So much so that you didn’t notice how Seokjin’s sole attention is now on you. His smile turns into a smirk. “I should give you your sketchbook back, that way you can copy down pure art.” Feeling like a kid who has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar, you don’t have the chance to retort to his confident self-appraisal, as you hear Yerin and Jimin calling. “Jin! Y/N! Come on! Let’s get ice cream!” 
Seokjin breaks eye contact with you to stand up, stretching his arms above his head. You pretend that you didn’t try to look at the tiny sliver of his abdomen that peeks out at you when he does so. You feel him ruffle your hair playfully, and set your sketchbook in your lap. “Come on, the ice cream isn’t going to wait for us!” He says, turning to grab the umbrella as he begins to walk up the small hill to the white beach house. You blink, and it takes you a second before you scramble to shove your notebook in your bag and grab the things Yerin has left behind. 
“Seokjin!” You shout, embarrassed, running up behind him, trying to fix the mess of your hair that he created.  All you hear is his laugh. Catching up next to him, he simply says, “I told you to call me Jin.”
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Today, everyone decides to learn how to fish from Jin- spurned on due to the fact that he couldn’t stop bragging about how good he was at catching them.
 “You think I’m good with a fishing rod, just wait until you see me catch them bare handed.” He says, sticking his nose up with confidence. Yoongi scoffs next to him, while Jungkook glares back playfully. “Challenge accepted. So tell me how to use this thing.”
 You and Yerin aren’t that interested in fishing, but it’s something else to do besides laze around on the beach. That and it’s always fun to hang out with the guys lately. You’re surprised at how much they like hanging out with you (and that Taehyung has let you hang out too), and you with them. You giggle at Hoseok’s apprehension to spearing the live worm on the hook, his face contorting in disgust. Glancing around the fishing boat, Taehyung looks confused at the reel, and Jimin looks wide eyed at Jin who is demonstrating to Namjoon how to cast. Forever chill, Yoongi is already calmly sitting with the fishing line cast, waiting for a bite. Jungkook seems like he has already gotten it, a competitive fire burning in his eyes. You share a fishing rod with Yerin, both of you a little tentative on when to reel back in, getting confused with the natural bob of the sea versus the feeling of a fish looking for a snack.
Fishing sure does require patience. Occasionally, you hear a shout of either frustration or happiness. It’s Yerin’s turn to hold the fishing pole, and during your break your eyes begin to check and see which of your friends were successful. It looks like Yoongi has fallen asleep, black snapback resting over his eyes and arms resting comfortably in his lap, while Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung have given up on fishing altogether- opting to snack on some sandwiches while listening to music. Jungkook honestly looks like he’s about to give up as well, looking jealously at their meal. He seems satisfied, turning to glance at the three fish he caught in the white bucket next to him, and rests his fishing pole on the side of the boat to join them. Namjoon and Yerin are quietly chatting about something or other, paying more attention to their conversation than to the fishing poles that are in their hands.
 Your gaze finally falls on Jin, as you are unable to keep your eyes away. His neck and ears are turning pink- and you are unsure if he is getting a sunburn, even with the straw hat place on his head. But your attention returns to his face, and you see that once again, he’s staring back- with dark eyes that seem to want to drown you in them.
“Any luck?” You ask, shuffling your chair over to sit next to him. Jin shrugs, lips quirking into a small smirk. “I’ve caught five so far. Like I said, I’m a god at handling a fishing pole.” You roll your eyes. “What are you going to do with the fish now?” You ask, motioning your hand at the bucket of fish in front of Jin. “We're going to eat them, of course. I can make a mad fish stew.” You raise your eyebrows in surprise. “You know how to cook?” “Of course, not just fish, but steak too. It’s a hobby of mine.” Jin nods his head, already thinking of the ingredients he has prepared on the boat. Of course he knows how to cook. Why wouldn’t Jin know how to cook? 
A comfortable silence drifts between you, the sound of the water splashing lightly against the hull of the boat- until it is interrupted by by the particularly loud sound of your stomach gurgling. Your cheeks feel warm, and Jin notices how the pink in your cheeks compliment the sky- the lowering sun painting everything in a rosy hue. “I guess that is my cue- I can’t have empty stomachs when I’m around!” He stands, and his fingers naturally buries into your soft locks to tousle the strands of your hair again, though not quite as messy this time around. The common gesture between the two of you feels tender now. You look at him and pout and Jin, catching him winking at you as he grabs the various buckets that have fish in them.    
The other boys seem to perk up from their naps at the smell that drifts from the tiny kitchen of the small boat to your awaiting nostrils about an hour later. You find that your mouth waters in anticipation. “Time to eat!” Jin says, popping his head outside, and there is a mad scramble that ensues. Annoyingly, Kim Seokjin is not lying when he says he makes a mad fish stew. The spicy tang of the broth mixed with freshly caught fish tastes perfect with the cooling night air. You’re not the only one who enjoys the meal, as the food makes the your usually raucous group of friends silent, enjoying each other’s presence while under the twinkling summer night. Taking another bite of rice, you smile quietly to yourself, happy to discover another facet that makes Kim Seokjin.
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You and Yerin are relaxing in your room- the cooler, cloudy day providing the initial tell tale signs of a summer beginning to close. It’s nice to have a girl’s day, just the two of you, painting your nails while listening to a boy band play softly from your speaker. Chatting about nothing and everything, both of you willing for the summer to last just a bit longer.
There is a slight break in the music, as it it switches over to the next track.
“Do you think Jin sees me as a younger sister?” You say quietly, not wanting to sound too eager. Your brow creases as you wait for Yerin’s response.  “I knew you were developing a crush on him!” She exclaims, waggling her eyebrows with a smirk. “You have good taste.” “That’s not it!” You respond, a little too quickly. “Plus, I’ve seen you chatting with Namjoon a lot recently too.” You would shove her playfully, but you just finished painting your nails. You feel victorious when you see a sweet blush blooming across her cheeks.  
Yerin takes her time to respond however, contemplating on what she wants to say. She hesitates slightly before opening her mouth. “To be honest Y/N, I think summer crushes are meant to be that- short and sweet.” Yerin looks at you softy, and it seems like she’s telling the both of you this advice. You know she’s right- Yerin always seems to be more contemplative than she lets on. It’s probably why she gets along with Namjoon so well. 
The next track plays one of your favorites, taking the both of you out of your contemplative spell. Jumping up to dance crazily with Yerin, you ignore the bubbling feelings inside of you, your body reminding yourself to live happily to savor the last few moments of summer that you can.
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It’s the end of your summer and your time at the beach house. The boys have gathered in order to say goodbye to their new friends. The five of them line up next to your car, and you feel sad. They may have started as a group of loud and obnoxious boys, but over the last couple of months or so you would even start calling them your friends too- just because they have spent the entire summer hanging out with you too. You have more memories involving them, then without out them this vacation. Taehyung and Jimin have already said their goodbyes, sitting and waiting in the car with your parents. Yerin gives each of the boys big hugs, lingering slightly longer against Namjoon’s. 
“I’ll be back sooner than you think! Y/N can’t keep me away!” Yerin shouts, hopping into the car. “You better come back!” Says Hoseok playfully. When you reach him at the bottom of the steps, he crushes you with an enthusiastic hug.  “Make sure you text us often, okay?” You squeeze Hoseok back, giving him a few soft pats on the shoulder for comfort. “I promise.” Yoongi smiles his typical gummy smile at you and scratches behind his head sheepishly. “I’m seriously going to block anyone who bothers me too much. Have a good year, okay?” He grabs you on the shoulder with one hand while patting your arm. Namjoon smiles at you with a dimpled cheek, looking thoughtful. “We’ll miss you, Taehyung and Jimin. It’s going to be a lot quieter when you guys are gone.” You chuckle at Namjoon, ribbing him with your elbow. “We both know that it will still be loud.” Jungkook looks sad to lose a friend. “You promise to play next year, right?” You are the one to initiate a hug with Jungkook first, giving him a quick hug. “Of course silly.” You say, smiling at him reassuringly. You hesitate slightly, because Jin is the last one you have to say goodbye to. “What about you?” You say, turning to face him. “Will you be back next year?” Jin smiles at you, and it’s only brief, but there is a twinge of sadness. He begins to open his mouth but, Namjoon speaks up. “He lives pretty far away, and I think his parents are pretty strict. Jin doesn’t live here like us. We only met him this summer like you guys.” Jin nods in agreement. You hesitate, deciding whether or not you should embrace Jin. He solves your dilemma for you, opening his arms to envelop you. “Don’t worry though,” he says finally, replacing his somber mood with a brighter one, “Even if you don’t hear from me for a while, I’ll always be thinking of you.” His grip tightens around you until he dips his mouth closer to your ear. Quietly, so quiet you think you are imagining it, he whispers-
Seven tears into the sea,
In Seven years I’ll come to thee.
The longing in your heart my dear,
Beckons me closer every year.
Before you can process his words, he has already released you, ruffling your hair for the last time. You move quickly to get into the car, running away to hide your warm cheeks and to calm your fluttering heart. Your father’s subtle encouragement to get going is reflected in the low rumble of the car engine starting. As the car slowly starts to pull away, Taehyung and Jimin have already rolled down their window, smiling and waving. You lower your own window, just to shout your own goodbyes. “Jin! I’m not a child!”
His iconic laugh is the last thing you hear in your ears, as you are not brave enough to twist around in your seat to look back at your friend’s retreating forms. 
As you drive onwards, you try and tamper the bubbling emotions that have been welling up inside of you this entire summer. Your short and sweet summer crush leaves a bittersweet longing in your heart.
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It's finally your summer. Earlier this year your parents gave you the freedom to stay at the beach house without supervision - as long as Taehyung was there too. You just finished your senior year, your stressful college life behind you. You want to enjoy this last summer, before facing the inevitability of your upcoming responsibilities as an adult you will face soon enough. 
“Just don’t break anything, okay?” Your mother asks, as you close the trunk of Taehyung’s Jeep. “No promises.” Taehyung smirks in retort, and you slap him in the arm. He rubs his slender arm, wincing dramatically while he makes his way to the driver’s seat. “Don’t worry Mom, Yerin and I will take care of Taehyung.” You say as you try and reassure your mother. Your mother sighs deeply and crosses her arms in front. You hear a snort and you try and refrain the desire to punch Jimin in the arm. Per the usual, Jimin has already claimed the front seat next to Taehyung. 
“What makes you automatically take shotgun?” You whine, joining Yerin in the backseat, making sure you hit Jimin’s headrest on the way in. “When you supply the booze, you get to sit where ever you want.” He smirks, already scrolling through his phone to find the perfect music for a road trip to summer vacation. 
It honestly doesn’t annoy you. Your excitement is barely contained, and you are practically vibrating in your seat. Taehyung is no better, his hands drumming the steering wheel with excitement. Although it’s already been a year since Taehyung has graduated from college, it’s also his first time alone at the beach without your parents. You hate to admit it, but you’re glad that Taehyung and Jimin are coming along- while he’s your brother and your brother’s best friend, you barely have gotten to see them this busy year.  
Luckily, Yerin attended the same school as you. You look to your best friend, who is currently typing away furiously on her phone. “And sent!” She says eagerly. “I just texted the guys that we are on our way.” The four of you wave to your parents, and with a quick “Love you!” from Taehyung, you guys are on your way.
Re-settling into your seat for the long drive, you smile, especially when you feel a buzz from your phone. You can tell immediately it’s a text from Hoseok, especially with the abundance of emoticons. It’s been a while since you and the boys have been able to catch up- the stress of growing up means everyone gets caught up in meeting deadlines, working and cramming for exams. “Man, it’s been forever since we last saw them, hasn’t it?” You say, tilting your head while you try to remember the last time you saw your summer friends. Your mind briefly flashes to a certain handsome someone. It’s been even longer since you’ve seen him. Taehyung nods, glancing at you through the rear-view mirror. “Especially since we haven’t been able to go to the beach for the last couple of summers with summer school and job searching getting in the way.” Jimin hums appreciatively. “I’m just lucky I was able to convince my manager to let me have this time off.” You hear Taehyung groan. “Yeah, don’t remind me how I had to move a couple of engagement shoots around. Bridezillas man.” He shivers, recalling a particularly unpleasant memory. 
“Well, now it’s time to forget about everything and just enjoy this summer!” Yerin shouts, leaning over the center console to turn up the volume. Taehyung and Jimin may have a year of adulting on you, but once again, they sure don’t act like it. The four of you get lost in the music, goofing off- the stress and worries rolling off in waves.
When you arrive at the beach house a couple of hours later, nothing looks different. The feeling of nostalgia washes over you, and that certain feeling of bubbling emotions that you didn’t realize were still there begins to grow once again. 
Taehyung fumbles with the key to the house, while Yerin begins to help Jimin with unloading the car. You stretch, the late afternoon sun revitalizing your worn body, the sea salt tickling your nose when you take in a deep breath. You’re already itching to feel the sand underneath your toes. With a shout of success, Taehyung opens the door and you all push against his back in order to claim your rooms. Yerin claims the guest room first, and Taehyung confidently takes the master bedroom that your parents usually rest in. Jimin naturally goes to Taehyung’s room, and you shuffle to your own. 
It doesn’t take long before the four of you are dressed in swimwear, rushing to the sand. The minute the sand hits your bare feet you relish in the place that you’ve missed for so long. Soon after that, you hear a car parking, and a beep of the lock. The shouts that come from the porch are a dead giveaway with who has just arrived.
Jungkook and Hoseok reach Taehyung and Jimin first, tackling them in a hug. They are quick to envelop you and Yerin too. Namjoon walks with Yoongi in tow, the two of them just as eager to say hello. When they join everyone on the shore, you slyly see the soft smile that passes between Yerin and Namjoon. Amongst the sharing of hugs and laughs, you catch yourself looking upwards to the porch, expecting to see someone else come running down. You feel your smile falter slightly in disappointment when you know he isn’t there. But this isn’t time to be wistful, so you turn your attention to the very handsome men who know stand beside you. You whistle, appreciating how your friends have grown. Their soft features have been replaced with angled jaws and growing muscles for a few years now, but every time you see them shocks you over again. Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows scooting up next to you. “We’ve become even more handsome, haven’t we?” He says playfully, and you shove him slightly in retaliation. Yerin laughs as she hooks her arms around you and mimics Hoseok’s greasy tone. “We’ve become even more sexy, haven’t we?” Namjoon sputters, face growing a bit red. Taehyung gags, shouting a quick, “Gross!” For good measure, Jimin’s laugh filling the air.  Yoongi just smiles, watching with a warm gaze over his friends.  
Everyone spends time on the sand, sitting in a circle, animatedly talking about how the last few years have gone by. Jungkook groans when he realizes he’s the last to graduate. “Don’t remind me.” He says, dejectedly poking the sand. There is a slight lull in the conversation after that, each of you contemplating your own responsibilities that you will have to face soon enough. “You know,” Namjoon says after a while, sounding thoughtful, “this reunion would feel complete if Jin was here. Has anyone talked to him in a while?” Your head shoots up in response to his name being mentioned. You see a series of shaking heads and soft answers of “No.” “I wonder what he’s been up to…” Namjoon continues, “I wonder if his parents will finally let him hang out this summer again.” “We have no way of contacting him though. He has never texted back to our messages after we first met when we were fourteen. How will we invite him down here again?” Jimin muses, his question lingering in the air.   
Hoseok snaps his finger, breaking the sullen silence. “We’ll just have to have a party so huge that he can’t help but hear about it.” Eyes begin to light up, as an excitement buzzes in the air. Taehyung bounces in his seat. “Let’s have it at our place!” Yoongi speaks up, gummy smile appearing. “I’ll supply the music and speakers.” Jimin smirks “Booze accounted for.” Jungkook grins, bunny smile appearing. “I’ll get the hype going.” Namjoon nods in response. “I’ll help.” Yerin turns to you, eyes wordlessly reading yours for approval. You grin at everyone. “There’s no way he won’t come this year.” And with that, everyone scrambles, shouting out ideas to one another. You really hope this works.    
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It’s only an hour that the house party has been in full swing, and you can see the steady flow of people arriving. You feel a buzz in your pocket of your shorts, and you groan when you read the text message. It’s Taehyung, and it’s your turn to go get the next round of alcohol from storage in the garage. You unclip the garage keys from your belt loop and go to unlock the door. Inside the garage, you grab a large tote and fill it up with as much bottles of various booze as you can, as well as another packet of red solo cups.
You open the door, and attempt to lock it behind you. Your task didn’t take you longer than five or so minutes, but five or so minutes can change everything. Jungkook and Namjoon must have told what feels like a million people- that or your summer friends must be more popular than you realize- and the small beach house can’t accommodate the amount of people that came inside the house within those five or so minutes. Bodies are spilling onto the wrap-around porch and onto the beach below, as there isn’t enough room. You are glad you hid the breakables in your (thankfully) locked bedroom before the party started. Yoongi is blasting his music mixes from the speakers from somewhere- you can feel the heavy bass vibrate underneath your feet, even from the entrance of the house. You push through with your purchase, and you feel how hot and humid the further you venture inside, your tongue feels heavy in your mouth, signaling to you that It’s time for a beer. You struggle against the crowd, hugging the giant bag of alcohol against your body, and you briefly notice a crowd of people surrounding what looks to be like Hoseok, who is showing some mad popping abilities.
You are thankful for the open floor plan of this house, because otherwise it would have been impossible to make it to your destination. You finally make it to the kitchen, dumping the liquor on the counter and shoving the beer inside an empty cooler. You take the opportunity to plunge your hand into one of the other large coolers. The icy water in the cooler is instant relief, and you refrain from the temptation to dump an entire solo cup of it on your head. Your fingers grasp the neck of a bottle, and you grab, not caring about the contents. At this point, anything to cool you down will satisfy you. You use the counter to effortlessly pop the lid off of your beer. Thank god you learned that trick early on in college, because you’d be one thirsty motherfucker otherwise. You decide to sit on a dry spot on the counter, the cool marble relieving your thighs for just a brief moment. From your elevated position, you manage to spot Jimin’s brightly colored locks, and from the looks of it, he’s currently grinding with a particularly pretty lady. Your eyes continue to scan the room, and eyes rolling at Taehyung who is currently standing on a chair with a red solo cup in each hand. He’s definitely showing off for the couple of scantily clad chicks who are cheering him on to do who know’s what. 
Curious about your other friends, you just manage to spot Jungkook in his signature black bucket hat- smack dab in the middle of dancing bodies. You notice him due to the fact that his phone is attached to a selfie stick as he videos the chaos of bodies that engulf him. Of course the majority of those bodies are female, but you’re sure he’s not complaining at all. 
The humidity and heat doesn’t mix well with the alcohol that you are ingesting, and so you jump off the counter, careful to not let anything spill. You need to get out to the porch for some fresh air. You take a deep breath before you plunge back into the mass of bodies, trying to ignore the grasp of some wandering hands. When you reach the porch, your relief is still yet to be found, but at least there are not as many people. You nudge your way through the bodies, and you briefly notice Yerin and Namjoon sucking face on the porch couch.
When you reach the sand, you remove your flip flops, crouching to hide them amongst the small shrubbery, so they don’t go missing later. The music is just as loud outside the house, and so you don’t notice a figure approaching you to tap you on the shoulder. You jump and spin around, frowning, expecting to see a drunk guy attempting to make a pass at you. What you don’t expect to see however, is a grinning Kim Seokjin.
And this Kim Seokjin is far superior to the Kim Seokjin that you last saw when you were fourteen. His baby fat is gone from his face, and you see the clean cut of his jawline. His once arms now show a hint of muscle, peeking from his T-shirt. There was no way you could’ve imagined Hoseok’s plan working. “J-jin?” Why is it you manage to you stutter at least once, whenever you talk him? 
“It’s nice to see you again Y/N.” Jin says something else, but you tilt your head in confusion- you can’t quite hear him over the blaring music. He feels your hand in his, cool from holding the beer, but there is a heat the blooms between the two of you at your contact. You tug him forward, moving further down the beach towards the waves.
“I can finally hear myself think.” You say, reluctantly dropping his hand to turn to face him. Jin notices your flushed cheeks, and he can feel the heat rush to his ears. “So what were you saying?” You look at Jin directly, a soft smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
“What have you been up to?” He laughs a bit awkwardly, realizing how strange that he doesn’t know what happened to you the last seven years, but recognizing the confident and beautiful woman you have transformed into.
“Where do I start?” You say, quirking an eyebrow. “Seven years is a long time.” He shrugs, just satisfied that he finally sees you again. “Okay then, what are you most proud of?” He says, and his question surprises you a little bit. You think for a moment before you respond. “I graduated with from a Fine Arts school, majoring in illustration.” He smiles at you, pleased with your pursuits. “I’m so happy you did,” he says, “I remember your sketches the last time I saw you.” “From when I was fourteen?” You say incredulously, and crinkle your nose in embarrassment. “I am much better than how I was then- I don’t even know where those old sketchbooks are. I probably lost them somewhere. Good riddance- I would cringe if anyone saw my old stuff now.” He chuckles, looking playfully wounded. “Hey- I remember the penguins- I’m still quite fond of them.” “I’ll show you my recent stuff, just so you can acknowledge my skill now, instead of some penguins from when I was fourteen.” You respond back teasingly. 
Jin just lets you talk, relishing in the sound of your voice. The both of you now sit on the sand, side by side, knees brushing up against one another. It’s just the two of you, caught again in the safe space you both create when the two of you are alone together.
“… And so I think I have decided I want to create children’s books.” You conclude, nodding in spirited determination. “Don’t tell Tae though, I haven’t even mentioned this plan to my parents or Yerin. It’s just a small dream of mine.” Jin shifts slightly, arm moving to settle comfortably behind you. You feel his body heat now that he’s shifted closer. “Well, it already seems like you’ve made up your mind. You’re determined Y/N, I’m sure you’ll be successful in whatever you decide to pursue.” His encouragement makes you blush- Jin always knows the right thing to say, but always genuine in his words. You shiver slightly at the way his breath fans across your burning cheeks, even while looking forward you know his sole attention is on you. 
“Oh!” You exclaim, breaking out of your reverie, turning to face Jin. “Enough about me, what about you? When did you get here?” Jin tilts his head, lips quirking into a knowing smile. “Just today. I finally was able to leave home and come here, and I overheard some people our age talking about a huge party that was happening tonight.” “I can’t believe that Hoseok’s idea worked!” You say, mostly to yourself. He laughs, and you realize really missed the way it sounds, and how it makes you feel inside. “It’s not surprising that it was Hoseok’s idea to throw a party.” He nods, lips quirking into a smirk. “I didn’t think you guys would have a party just to get my attention though. You sure are cute.” He ruffles your hair, just like he used to. The heat that you thought was subsiding from your face comes back in full force. “We’re seven years older now you know, we aren’t kids anymore!” You pout, actions and slight whine to your voice betraying your statement. He laughs again at that. You stretch and stand- while you would like to keep Kim Seokjin to yourself for a little while longer, you know that everyone else wants to see him too. 
“Come on.” You tug at his shirt sleeve, fingers brushing slightly against his arm. He seems to understand you, but before he stands his opposite hand catches your wrist softly. You feel the pad of his thumb brush against your skin, before he tugs on you to stand up. You notice him move his hand to capture your hand in his own. You feel like you can’t keep up, as he’s now tugging you towards the party. “Let’s not keep the kids waiting!” 
   Sure enough, when you enter back into the fray of bodies, it doesn’t take long for people to notice Kim Seokjin. While you see girls ogling him from the minute he walks in, you feel his hand tighten against yours. You think it’s just because he doesn’t want to lose you amongst the grinding bodies, but a small part of you hopes it’s because he wants everyone to know not to approach because he’s already occupied. Even with varying degrees of drunken states, your friends recognize Jin immediately- Hoseok runs and sobs while hugging, Jungkook bounces around excitedly, Yoongi flashes the biggest gummy smile, Taehyung crushes his body against Jin and refuses to let go, Jimin changes from a beast to cute child, and Namjoon and Yerin pause from their making out session to excitedly chat a mile a minute. 
It’s like Jin was never missing from those seven long years.
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It’s been a couple days after the massive house party, and everyone decides to go shopping in town, as a break from the house. It’s taken the last couple of days to clean everything- (especially since the first day everyone was nursing massive hangovers) and you make sure that everyone helps return the house to its former state, remaining stubborn even with all the whining from Taehyung and grumbles from the rest of your friends.
A couple hours before the agreed meet-up time, you study your closet for something to wear. You are unconsciously fussy about your outfit, something that Yerin teases you about. Not that she has much to talk about either, as she has changed her outfit a couple times already. “How about this option?” She says, tugging on a cute gingham dress that she has always looked good in. You pinch her cheek. “You look cute as always, just like the last two outfits you put on.” Yerin huffs in surrender. “Well you look good too. I’m sure Jin will like it.” She says, winking at you, celebrating when your cheeks flush in response. As for yourself, you decide to don a simple pink cropped tee and high-waisted distressed jean shorts. It’s not like you chose the pink tee because of Jin’s favorite color or anything.
Everyone slowly arrives at the pier, and you notice that Jin is already there chatting with a stranger about something or other. A straw sunhat sits atop his head, and you can’t help but acknowledge how well he suits his simple chambray long sleeve opened to reveal a soft pink tee. His matching denim shorts showcase his long legs. “It looks like you are wearing a couple outfit with Jin.” Yerin smirks, poking at you to break you out of your staring. “It’s almost like you already are dating him.” You fight down a blush, only to have Jin notice you and Yerin from a distance, enthusiastically waving in greeting. 
Jungkook arrives next, donned in all black- black t, black baggy shorts, and of course, his signature black bucket hat. “How are you not sweating buckets?” You ask him, nose scrunching in disbelief. He shrugs dismissively. “I’m comfy.” He slings an arm over Jin’s. “You got taller kid.” Jin says, adjusting himself to account for Jungkook’s weight. Jungkook pinches his arm, causing Jin to yelp. Namjoon and Hoseok arrive next, both looking like quite the trendy pair when they stroll in. Yerin is immediately gone from your side to greet them excitedly. Yoongi joins the group next, looking quite lethargic. “Where is your brother? It’s getting hot waiting for them.” Yoongi grumbles. A few minutes later, and your brother and Jimin are last to arrive. “How is it that you guys are the last to arrive? Didn’t you come from the same place as Y/N and Yerin?” Yoongi mutters, throwing an exasperated sigh their way. Taehyung ignores Yoongi’s complaints and instead pulls him in for a hug. 
Shopping along the pier is an adventure- stalls filled with knick knacks and snacks to discover as the group of you stroll lazily. You even notice a cute grey seal plushie at one of the stalls- and you buy it because for some reason it reminds you of Jin. You notice how your group draws the attention from other women- the seven men that you are with definitely causing stares and whispered giggles- but you notice most of them are eyeing the not so oblivious Jin. He’s egging them on, winking back at few of them and smiling, leaving a trail of enamored women in his wake. You stop for ice cream, pouting at all the attention that Jin is receiving and giving- and you are particularly pouty at the fact that he’s enjoying himself just a little too much. While you mope, you don’t notice Jin order you a cone, until the pink ice cream fills your vision. You blink, taking it from his hand. 
“You didn’t say what flavor you wanted, so I got you the same as me.” “Thanks.” You mumble, the two of you taking a seat at a nearby table, joining your friends. Yerin and Namjoon are sharing a bowl of chocolate, Jungkook happily munches on his cone of mint chocolate, while Yoongi enjoys his lemon sorbet. Jimin is devouring some vanilla, while Taehyung sips his vanilla shake. The cool ice cream takes you out of your mopey mood, as you enjoy the sweet taste of strawberry that hits your tastebuds. You’re happily eating next to Jin, your legs casually brushing against each other under the table. That is until two giggly girls approach your table. “Can we take a picture of you?” You blink, your eyes passing from Jin’s face to theirs. Seriously? He smiles, nodding. “Sure. Can you take one with my camera too?” He grabs the polaroid camera you had set down on the table earlier. 
While to two girls back up and raise their phones, Jin smiles brightly, and you can see them giggle happily at the result. When one of the girls (the particularly pretty one who looks really cute in her floral summer dress, you notice) raises the polaroid camera to peek through the viewfinder, Jin scoots his chair closer to yours in an instant, his arm that has the pink ice cream cone wraps behind you, bringing himself closer to you. The camera lens clicks, and you know that your cheeks match the color of your strawberry ice cream. The girls look a bit embarrassed at the (essentially) couple shot they just took, bowing politely, returning the camera with the polaroid before skittering off. You notice that Jin makes no effort to move, even after the photo is done being taken. He uses his free hand to pick up the developing polaroid. “It’s cute,” he says, his smile transforming into a sly smirk. “We’re matching in pink today so I thought we should take a photo. We can’t forget you and your matching pink cheeks.” With that he stands to join the others who are waiting for the two of you to finish, leaving you to scramble after him, as you make sure to tuck the polaroid into your pocket. 
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The gang has decided to have a relaxing swimming day, deciding to travel a bit to find a spot that Namjoon declares is away from the busier part of the beach. As much as you love the convenience of living right on the beach, it can still get pretty full of people- especially during peak tourist season. 
The nine of you decide to cram into two different cars. It seems like Yerin and Namjoon have gotten much closer ever since the party, and so she is already sitting next to him in backseat of Hoseok’s small sedan. Hoseok sits in the drivers seat, Yoongi buckling into the front passenger seat. Taehyung sits behind the wheel of his Jeep, with Jimin naturally finding his spot next to him in the front. You get sandwiched in the middle seat, with Jungkook on your right and Jin on your left. You drive for a fifteen minutes, as Taehyung trails slowly behind the sedan, humming along with the ballad that plays on the speakers, Jimin joining in to sing along softly. Jungkook is already fast asleep, curled against the side of the car. The car ride is a relaxing one, and you find Jimin’s voice also lulling you to sleep. Your head bobs forward, only to be pulled gently to rest on broad shoulders. Your eyes flutter to close fully, appreciating your new pillow when you feel Jin’s hand pulling your own into his lap. 
Jin looks down at your sleeping face, and notices how your hair shimmers in the sun as it drapes over your shoulder blade. He plays with your hand in his, drawing lazy circles with his thumb. Your body rises and falls softly against his, and he honestly doesn’t want the car ride to end- 
But Taehyung pulls to a stop, and he can already feel you stir awake. 
“Are we here?” You say groggily, rubbing the sleep from your eyes with your right hand. You pull on your left for it to mirror the right, only to see it intertwined with Jin’s. He smiles, shaking his head when you tug on your hand in embarrassment. His grip only tightens.
You’re awake now.
Jimin opens the door the holds up Jungkook, and he stirs, rudely awakened. “How long did we drive for?” He asks, stretching his arms in front. Taehyung appears beside him, grinning. “You two are such kids- we only drove for forty minutes!” You shift your body to try to hide your intertwined hands behind you. “Whatever, I was comfy.” You say, and you feel Jin unfasten your seatbelt for you. Jimin chuckles. “Yeah, we saw.” Jin lets your hand free after you move forward to bop Jimin on the head to wipe that smirk off his face.
Once you are out of the car, you can tell Namjoon knew what he was talking about. The small beach cove that fills your vision beckons you. Hoseok whistles. “Damn Namjoon, you really weren’t kidding.” You all stand there for a moment, appreciating the view.
Jungkook is the first to step forward, beach towel and cooler in hand. “Come on, what are we waiting for?” He says impatiently, flashing everyone a bunny smile before continuing onwards. He doesn’t need to speak twice, because soon afterwards, everyone is relaxing, swimming, dozing on the beach. Sitting on your beach towel, you play with the sand, burying your hands underneath the warm surface to find the cooler sand below. You watch ahead of you, the sea winking back at you as the sun causes the water to sparkle. In your peripheral vision, you spot someone taking off their shirt slowly. Your eyes widen from behind your sunglasses, as you are graced with Jin’s bare back- you find your fingers itch to splay your hands against his wide shoulders. Moving forward, Jin enters the water, gracefully dipping his head underneath the small waves. You forget to breath for a second- because what you are seeing is Jin, elegantly parting the water with his body- gliding amongst the top before he disappears. You aren’t sure how long he swims underwater for, but you manage to see his head bobbing amongst the waves far off in the distance. Your brain short circuits- and you feel slightly embarrassed- it feels almost voyeuristic, you watching him- almost like you are peeping at Jin naked.
Feeling self-conscious, you decide to walk back up the small hill with your sketchbook and portable watercolors in hand. You haven’t drawn a landscape in a while, but you feel the need to commit this place into memory. No one disturbs you while to draw, moving on to fill in your sketched lines with watercolors. By the time you do, the sun is slowly starting to fade past the horizon of the sea that stretches before you, and you quickly move to capture as many colors as you can. 
“Y/N!” You hear Yerin calling for you- “I’m almost finished!” You shout back, putting the last wash of purple on the page. You release a satisfied shout when you finish, packing up your supplies so you can quickly join your friends who have created a cozy campfire down below. You can smell steak fill your nostrils, and your stomach grumbles in response. “I’m going to eat Jin’s steak that he grilled for you if you don’t get down here!” Cries Taehyung, and you can see the little shit hovering over a plate that Jin looks like he’s guarding- but only temporarily. You run down the small hill, joining them with haste.
“Don’t worry, they would have to fight me it order to grab a bite of your food.” He smiles at you from his towel. You smile back, grabbing your plate from his hands, your fingertips brushing against his knuckles. You gulp, thinking back to earlier, and you can’t bring yourself to look into his eyes, instead sitting in the open spot on his towel that he has clearly left for you.
Those feelings you thought you kept at bay a long time ago are bubbling up to the surface in your heart, and you are sure that it won’t take long before they spring forth.
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The rain drums a steady beat against the beach house, and you find yourself lazily eyeing the growing polaroid collection on your bedroom wall. A soft smile graces your lips as they land on the one of you and Jin and your matching pink ice cream. It’s quiet in the house besides the rain, and you find yourself a bit bored while you sit alone in your room. Last night Yerin spent the night over at Namjoon’s place, and it seems like the rain was a perfect excuse to spend another day with him. Deciding that it’s perfect weather for some hot chocolate, you move towards the kitchen. On your way, you slip into the master bedroom, stealing one of Taehyung’s hoodies that is draped on the bed frame. Sneaking back out, you notice Jimin reading a book on the couch in the living room, and he gives you a quick nod and soft smile of acknowledgment before continuing his solo activity.
You are just about to pull the milk out of the fridge when you hear a knock on the front door. You weren’t expecting anyone today, but you head towards the entrance, and are surprised to see a very drenched Kim Seokjin at your doorstep. The rain caused his sopping hoodie to drape heavily over his shoulders. “Hot chocolate?” You ask, ushering him inside. He shakes his head quickly to rid himself of some water- reminding you of a puppy who has just come back from a swim. “Hold on a sec.” you say, leaving for the bathroom to grab him a towel. He takes it from you thankfully, shivering slightly. “I’ll make the the hot chocolate while you take a warm shower.” You push him gently towards the bathroom. “You can just borrow some of Taehyung’s clothes. Let me go get them really quick.” But Jimin is already beside the two of you, sweatpants and hoodie in hand. He smiles at Jin knowingly before he shuts the door of the bathroom. “If you need me, I’ll be in my room.” He says, leaving you no room to protest.    
You return to the kitchen, pouring in enough milk for two in the small pot that is on the stove. You distract yourself with making the hot chocolate, stirring in the cocoa powder when you see a small rise of steam from the milk. By the time you pour the hot chocolate into two large mugs, Jin shuffles back into the kitchen, scrubbing his hair with the towel that is draped over his shoulders. You hand him a steaming mug. “This really hits the spot.” He says, nodding to you gratefully. “What made you not bring an umbrella?” You say, watching his Adam’s apple bob as he takes another sip of the hot cocoa. He shrugs nonchalantly in return. “I didn’t think I would mind the rain. Turns out a five minute walk in pouring rain really isn’t that fun.” You smile urging him to the living room so the two of you can sit comfortably, and you opt for the sofa that faces the window. Sitting down, you grab a fluffy blanket, and Jin shuffles closer to you naturally, so that you can share. He places the mug on the coffee table in front of him to assist with tucking it around the two of you. The both of you then wordlessly observe the rain that hits the window pane, enjoying the warmth of the hot chocolate and the warmth of the person you huddle amongst the blanket with. 
After a while, Jin turns to you, setting down his empty mug. His arm shifts so it rests on the back of the sofa, hand resting against his cheek. You mirror his movements on the couch to face him, looking him in the eyes. They are dark, his blown out pupils barely show the sliver of brown that surrounds them. Slowly, ever so slowly, his hand moves to tuck some of your hair behind your ear. His fingers brush against your neck, feather light, hesitant. You find your body moving on its own- leaning in closer just so you can feel more of his touch. That one moment stills Jin’s hands on your neck, fingers grabbing the base to pull you gently into him. Your eyes flutter closed, and then you feel his lips that descend upon your own.
His plump lips are soft pillows brushing against yours to gauge your reaction. Your tongue  instinctively dances along the seam of his lips, and he leans further into you. You tilt your head as your tongues begin to brush against each other, exploring, feeling. His mouth is hot, and he tastes of hot chocolate. Jin can’t help but push you down further into the couch when you whimper softly as his tongue massages your own. He breaks away from your kiss for some needed air, only to hover over you, your cheeks the lovely rosy hue that he’s grown to desire to see permanently on your face, eyes misted over and glistening lips,  swollen from kisses with him. He moves to where his nose buries in your hair, and he takes in your lightly floral scent. Feeling spurned on by the breath that hitches in your throat, he presses gentle butterfly kisses starting from the shell of your ear to your neck. And when your hands tighten further onto the fabric of the hoodie he is wearing he lightly suckles your neck, loving when your body arches further into him. 
His kisses against your neck deepen, sucking the tender flesh between his teeth, and he feels your body tremble, a small moan escaping your lips, your fingers leaving his hoodie to weave them into his soft locks. A chuckle escapes his lips and he leans back to look at you, lips hovering above your own. 
“I’d like to continue but I think we’ll have a spectator soon.” He says huskily, righting himself on the couch. Taehyungs sleepy voice is soon heard, breaking you out of your reverie. “Jin? Y/N? Why didn’t you tell me he was coming over?” You hear Jimin not soon after, chuckling at Jin’s and your equally messy hair. Jin casually straightens his hair back into place, but finds your hand underneath the blanket as he envelopes your hand in his own. “Movie?” He says casually, and you awkwardly bury yourself deeper in the blankets. Taehyung gleefully jumps over the couch adjacent to the one you share with Jimin to chose a movie to rent and stream, while Jimin follows suit. 
Loud crashes and explosions fill the living room- Taehyung decided that he wanted to watch the Avengers movie- but you really aren’t paying attention, with Jin’s hand tracing nondescript patterns on your knee. Your eyes watch the TV in front of you blankly, until you feel Jin’s lips against your ear.
“I like you Y/N.” He whispers, and you shudder slightly while he pulls away. You turn to him to whisper back. “I like you too.”  
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It’s been a couple of weeks now since you have been dating Kim Seokjin, your days filled laughter as you spend the summer with your friends- the polaroids that fill your bedroom walls as evidence. Ever since his kisses on the couch, you really haven’t had another chance to spend some alone time with Jin- just quick chaste kisses, and the soft holding of hands, when you don’t hear the teasing of your friends that is. 
“I’m taking you out tomorrow.” Jin says, as you sit side by side on the porch of the house, people watching. “I think we need to get away for a bit.” You nod excitedly. “Where are we going?” You say, pouting when he ruffles your hair. “Patience was never your strong suit huh?” And he stands to leave- not before tapping on your nose when you try to convince him to stay. “I’m preparing- I have to make the date perfect for a perfect person.” “Make sure you bring an overnight bag if you want to stay over.” And with that he’s gone, leaving you to yourself for the rest of the day.
The next afternoon you bug Yerin to help you pack your overnight back, and she smirks at you when you put on your nicer lingerie, before donning a simple cute polka-dotted sun dress. “You’re over-worrying once again you know.” Yerin smiles, as you dump your toiletries in the bag. “Unlike you,” you say brushing her past her body as she leans in your bathroom doorway, “I haven’t been sleeping at my boyfriend’s every other night.” “Hey!” She growls playfully, tackling you to your bed as you laugh. “You’ll be fine. Jin’s a wonderful person, and so are you. What’s there to stress about?” You laugh subsides to a grateful smile. “I know. I just really like him- and I don’t want to mess things up. He’s only been a gentleman towards me, so I’m nervous that I’ll screw up my first overnight with him.” Yerin shakes her head gently, give you a light squeeze. “You won’t.” You lay next to Yerin for a while, enjoying her company, since you haven’t seen her around as much the last couple of days. 
“Y/N! You’re boyfriend’s here!” Taehyung shouts from the entrance, and Yerin jumps from the bed. You stand yourself, grabbing your overnight bag from the floor. “Wait-” Yerin says as she rummages in the pocket of her shorts to grab something. “For later.” She says, and you notice the shiny square packets drop into your bag. 
“Yerin!” You shout as she dashes out of your room, her giggling laugh trailing behind her. By the time you meet Jin at the entrance, your blush has mostly subsided, but that doesn’t escape Jin from raising a brow questioningly. “Ready?” He says, reaching to grab your bag. You furiously zip it closed before you hand it over. “As I’ll ever be.”
After your initial fumbling, the two of you walk comfortably, hand-in-hand. You notice Jin is walking you towards the pier, and you find yourself getting closer to the boat docks. “Are you going to tell me where we are going now?” You say, curiosity getting the best of you. Jin chuckles walking a bit further before he stops. “We’re going to my place.” And with that you look at the quaint houseboat in front of you, currently tethered to the dock. “I didn’t know you lived on a houseboat!” You say, eyes widening excitedly. His ears begin to redden at your enthusiasm. “It’s nothing special.” He mutters, as he continues to hold your hand to assist you onto the boat. 
He untangles his hand from yours momentarily, handing your bag over to you. “I’ll just be a sec- I have to tell the marina that I won’t be back until tomorrow.” When he walks away, you take the chance to poke around, opening your door to the main living quarters. You notice the many windows that make the living quarters feel more spacious. Inside you see a small living room area, with a comfortable beanbags on the floor and a TV, game controllers strewn about. Past the living room you notice a small and narrow table with booth seating on one side.  The kitchen is a lot more spacious, allowing for a full sized refrigerator, and four coil stove. There seems to be plenty of countertop and a full sized sink. You feel a smile tug at the corners of your lips- Jin would have a good sized kitchen. 
You continue forward, reaching what seems to be his bedroom. A modest bathroom is tucked away in the corner and you notice his neatly made bed facing the bow of the boat, the large window allowing for a full view of the sea. You place your bag on the side of the bed, and notice a staircase leading upwards. You begin to walk forward, only to hear the sound of Jin clearing his throat. “You were just so curious you couldn’t wait out on the deck huh? I wanted to give you a tour.” You look sheepishly back at him- standing with his arms crossed and head cocked, smirk plastered on his face. 
“Well, at least I can show you this section.” He walks past, grabbing your hand in his as walks toward the stairs. He walks up the steps slowly, allowing yourself to follow right behind him while still holding his hand. When your head reaches the upper deck, you realize where you are. The wheel of the boat stands is before you, and Jin moves quickly, letting go of your hand in order to turn on the motor. His left hand grasp the wheel while his right rests on what you assume is throttle. The boat purrs to life, as he pushes the throttle to slowly pull out of the marina with ease.
“We won’t be going out far- but I just wanted to go somewhere where we could be surrounded by the sea.” You shuffle up next to Jin, eyes taking in all of the new things you see. “Namjoon wasn’t kidding when he said your place is awesome.” You say eyes never leaving the horizon and the stretch of blue in front of you. “You literally live in the middle of the sea.” Jin laughs. “I guess I never really told you where I go back every night. You never expected a houseboat huh?” You shake your head. “Is it okay if I go to the deck?” You ask, wanting to feel the breeze through your hair. “Be my guest.” Jin motions towards the door with his head, but you are already pushing the handle down to open it. When you step outside, the salty sea air wafts around you, and you smile, reaching for the railing. From behind the glass, Jin watches how your hair trails behind you, your dress flapping gently against your legs. His eyes soften, and he knows.
You travel amongst the waves for about thirty minutes before Jin decides this would be the best place to stop. The boat slows to a stop, and Jin presses the button to drop anchor. You return back inside, slightly disappointed that you couldn’t keep going forever. “This should be good enough,“ he says thoughtfully, stepping away from the wheel to kiss the pout that has formed on your lips. “Come on, it’s time I make you some dinner.”
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You twirl the carbonara on your fork, Jin watching you intently as you eagerly stuff the homemade meal into your mouth. He’s been pretty quiet, enjoying watching you eat the meal he made for you, but he looks as if he is hesitating to speak. You raise an eyebrow and swallow. “Jin? What’s up?” You frown when he takes a moment to respond.   
“You know, I really think you should create that children’s book.” He says slowly, eyes searching for your own. So that’s all it was? Your eyes soften, as you look down shyly at your plate.  “You really think I can do it?” You play with your hands in front of you, until Jin’s larger hand grabs yours to comfort you. “You sounded determined when you mentioned making the children’s book the first night I came back. I know this summer is fun and relaxing, and I enjoy spending all my time with you, but I want to see you embracing your dreams.” You nod softly, feeling shy towards his praise. “I do have a couple ideas in mind.” 
To your words, a smile spreads throughout his face, genuine happiness towards your own success. It’s a warm, fluttering, feeling, the feeling of love and being loved in return- the crescendo of your emotions bursting forth. You wonder if Jin feels the same way. His thumb grazes against your knuckles, and you shiver, you feel sensitive all of a sudden to the slight movement. Emboldened by your response, his eyes do not dare to leave your face, as he lowers his lips to brush gently where his fingers once were. Your embarrassment only increases ten-fold, and you attempt to pull your fingers away, but the grip on your hand tightens ever so slightly, and Jin leans forward to tilt your chin with his opposite hand. And he’s got you trapped, in his silken web, eyes dark and smoldering as they reflect the candle light off of them. Soft lips descend upon yours, and its a slow and slightly hesitant, but you can feel him say, “yes, I love you too.” 
It seems like a dance, as he gently guides you through the houseboat, lips never leaving yours, and soon your back nestles against the covers of his bed. He hovers over you, hesitating- and your hands play with the soft hairs on the nape of his neck in silent permission, pulling him closer so you can feel his warmth once again.
And before Jin succumbs to the desire that is building within him, he takes a moment to appreciate everything that is you- the hair that frames you like a halo, your flushed face, glossy eyes, and body shuddering slightly in anticipation with each breath that escapes your swollen lips. It’s when he sees you take your lower lip between your teeth, eyes pleading, he descends, lips finding their way to your neck. His hands edge their way behind your back, fumbling for the zipper of your dress. You help him out, lifting upon your elbows, and you feel the tug of your zipper before the straps fall down your shoulders. Jin continues his way down, suckling on the junction of your neck and shoulder and you vaguely notice your bra soon follows. 
His kisses are soft and teasing, never staying too long in one place, dancing along your collarbone to move lower to hover over your exposed chest. He’s teasing you because he’s figured out he wants you like this for as long as possible- body seeking for his touch. 
You squeeze your hands tighter against his, and Jin chuckles lowly against your heart in response. He presses an ear against your chest to hear your heartbeat that flutters like the wings of a hummingbird.  His warm breath tickles your breast as your nipples begin to harden, preening under his attention, seeking contact with his lips that are oh so close. Your own breath hitches in your throat when he finally closes the distance, encasing your nipple between the plump pillows of lips to tease you further with his tongue, flicking the hardened bud, which causes your hips to thrust upwards into his. 
His right hand shifts from beside you as he leaves your nipple with a pop to search for your lips again, indulging in the softness of your hips as he moves lower to rest his hand on your thigh, massaging in slow circles. You feel yourself become emboldened by his actions, noticing your state of dress in comparison to his own- fingers slipping between your bodies for the buttons of his shirt. As each button becomes undone, you are able to feel the hard plane of his chest against the palm of your hand, and your fingers rake down the taught muscles of his abdomen, enjoying how they tense under your ministrations. Traveling lower, you grasp for his belt- but you pause, feeling his fingers that have wandered to rest against the hem of your panties. You feel his lips smirk against your own, only to then feel fabric pushed aside to have fingers trace against your core. You shudder in response. 
Jin groans at how slick you have become, his fingers becoming sticky just from the light brushing against your folds. You’re becoming desperate for more, pelvis pushing against his palm to alleviate the pulsing of your core. Hands that were once playful against his belt now become more urgent, slipping the leather from its clasp to tug against the enclosure of his pants. Your actions cause Jin’s teasing fingers to still, and a low cry of frustration leaves your lips. You feel his silken locks tickle against your stomach as you watch him leave a burning trail down your body with his tongue. Hands grasp your dress to pull it fully off, along with your soaked panties, and you lay, legs open in anticipation, thighs quivering to his warm breaths that brush against your dripping core.
Your eyes screw shut when you finally feel his plump lips against your pussy, tongue tasting your unique flavor. He’s becoming addicted to you, especially when his fingers join his tongue to thrust against your aching walls, thumb rubbing against the bundle of nerves that causes you thread your fingers into his hair, moans of pleasure slipping past your lips. You begin to feel the coil of heat in your belly threatening to release, but you tug on his hair pulling him up and away. Your sudden action causes a worried grunt from Jin, and he pulls his fingers out to make sure you are okay. You feel yourself clamp around the loss of his fingers. “Did I hurt you? Do I need to stop?” His voice is husky and whispered, anxious that he did something to cause you harm when it seemed like you were close to your release. 
You shake your head and manage a shaky smile- he’s more seductive than ever, hair tousled, pupils dilated, mouth that shines with your own slick. Your hands leave his hair to wrap behind his neck. “I want you.” It takes a second for Jin to process your words, but the tension that was pinching his eyebrows relaxes, and he stands slowly, opening his pants to push his briefs down with his pants. Your eyes don’t get a chance to look at him before he turns to fumble for your overnight bag that you forgot you put there earlier. You briefly register that he has one of the foil packets that Yerin placed in your bag, before he rolls the condom over his weeping length, hissing at the touch. 
Jin leans over you once again, the head of his cock nestled against your folds, and you can feel him hesitate making sure one final time- that is until you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him towards you, filling you up in an instant. A deep moan escapes Jin’s lips, and you can’t help but shudder at the low vibrations that ripple through your body. “Y/N.” He says, and your name feels like a chant of longing, desire, and love. And then he begins to move his hips forward, mouth seeking yours to drink in the sounds that escape your lips. Each thrust is deep and slow, your bodies becoming one, as Jin revels in the first time with you- the way your hips meet each thrust, your hands that lightly scratch his back. He can feel the pressure increasing both of you wanting more. Untangling his lips from yours, Jin leans backwards, pushing your knees upwards in order to reach deeper in this new position. His thrusts become more erratic, hips snapping forward as the sound of your combined moans fill the houseboat, spilling out into the open sea. 
And just like how it began, Jin is the cause of your undoing- his name is the only thing that escapes your lips as he thumbs your swollen clit, his jaw clenching in restraint in order to last so that you can enjoy your orgasm. The tight clamping of your walls against his dick is too much, and he soon he follows suit, hips shuddering and he falls forward, nose burying into your neck. Your harsh breaths slowly even out, and Jin makes no rush to untangle your limbs from each other.  
The pressure on your knees from Jin’s weight becomes a bit much, and so you poke his side playfully. “Enjoy yourself?” You laugh, and Jin proceeds to pepper your face with kisses. “I enjoyed you.” He says, eyebrows waggling, before rising to pull out slowly before tossing the used condom in the small trashcan at the edge of the bed. He leaves briefly, while you lay on the bed, satiated and boneless, only for him to return to wipe the inside of your thighs gently with a damp, warm towel. 
Once you feel clean, you still his hands to pull his wrists, and he flops down next to you, encasing you in his arms. Your face buries into him as you feel blankets surround your bodies. Your eyelids suddenly feel heavy and you are aware of how sleepy you feel- the combination of being surrounded by the smell of Kim Seokjin, the rise and fall of his bare chest and the slow lazy circles he draws on your lower back.
“Thank you.” He whispers, and your world becomes a place of sea and stars reflecting back to you from the large glass window of Jin’s houseboat and your heart is at peace while you descend into your dreams.
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Ever since your night on Jin’s houseboat, you decide to fully commit to creating your very first children’s book for publication, working on your project at for at least a couple of hours a day. You know you’re more nervous than ever, as Jin has had to pick up many discarded sketches and brainstorms of ideas more than once, encouraging you as he usually does. 
You are currently working on the illustration of your children’s book at your desk, and Jin is reading a comic book on your bed. 
“Y/N”, he says, eyes searching for your own and you can tell he is struggling to recall his internal monologue that he has prepared for you. Jin sounds serious, so you turn from your current page to look at him. “There’s something you need to know about me. I’m not like other men.” He studies you to see your reaction. 
“I know,” you say, rolling your eyes, “You’re the world’s most handsome man. You remind me whenever you can.” You hesitate to turn back to your work though, because you begin to see Jin’s eyes furrow in slight frustration. “That’s not what I’m trying to say- yes, I am the world’s most handsome man, but the point is, I’m not a man.” You raise an eyebrow. “So you’re telling me you are walking art.” Jin lets out an exasperated groan. “Y/N, you’re cute when you’re dense, but please, please just let me talk.”
“Do you know anything about selkies?” He says, imploring you to try his second attempt at explaining himself. “Sure…” you say, feeling a bit hesitant, resting your brush against the palette to fully pay attention to him. “The creatures who shed their seal skin in order to transform into human form?” Jin nods slowly. “The creatures who are devastatingly attractive,” Jin motions his hands towards his face, “so they can woo and bed ‘unsatisfied’ lovers?” You find yourself frowning a bit at the last statement. 
Jin notices your pout, standing from the bed in order to walk towards you. “I get that you’re attractive Jin, but I don’t see how that makes you a selkie.” Jin sighs, reaching to hold your hand in his. “That’s not completely wrong, but you forget- we are called to the shore by human’s tears. We become paired with the one who’s cries we answer to.” Your eyebrows furrow, your brain tries to shuffle through your catalogue of memories. Jin huffs in response. “You don’t remember? You called for me when you were seven.” A picture of a boy drying your tears flashes in front of your eyes. Recognition flashes through your eyes, and Jin smiles back at you. You stand from your seat, finger pointing at Jin. “I knew you were real! My parents and Taehyung kept saying no one else was there that day after I scraped my leg.”  You hear a chuckle, and Jin pulls you into a hug. Leaning down, he repeats a poem that you finally understand.
Seven tears into the sea,
In Seven years I’ll come to thee.
The longing in your heart my dear,
Beckons me closer every year.
Your eyes widen as everything begins to make sense. Why Jin is so attractive, causing everyone to be entranced by him, why he’s so good at swimming, why he’s good at catching fish. Why he only appears every seven years, only to vanish once the summer is done.
“Seven years?” You say against his chest, your voice slightly muffled. Jin speaks, his voice low. “The sea is my home, so I have to return. The transformation process takes a lot out of us, so it takes seven years before we can transform again.” You stand in silence, his hug is warm and enveloping. 
But you can’t escape the niggling feeling of worry that begins to creep into your consciousness.  
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You become more clingy towards Jin the next couple of days, hands always searching for his own- worried that he’s going to be here one day, but disappear into sea foam the next. You don’t want to be alone- not after he subtly mentioned that you were the one to call him to shore, his heart only searching for you. You become distracted by your thoughts, not feeling like working towards your progress towards the book you had been making up until a couple of days ago. Jin senses something is wrong, and to be honest, he’s been trying to find a way to talk to you and reassure you. That evening he appears at your doorstep, insisting on cooking dinner for you, Taehyung and Jimin that evening- Yerin has yet another date night with Namjoon. Taehyung and Jimin practically drag him into the kitchen to get started, the idea of pizza delivery long gone. 
He cooks four large steaks with a side of mashed potatoes and broccoli- Taehyung and Jimin drooling while they hover nearby, stomachs growling. You smile from the kitchen counter, the domestic scene making you feel nostalgic, until you feel it falter slightly- remembering that Jin might not be with you much longer. Summer is beginning to draw to a close, and you are getting anxious about your time that you have left with Jin.
You enjoy the full plate of food when he places it in front of you- but is this one of the last meals that you’ll get to enjoy from Jin? Each bite tastes a little more bitter as you push away that thought, trying to enjoy another evening with Jin. “Is the steak overcooked?” Jin asks, eyes wandering over your still very full plate. “Jin, this is the most perfect steak I have ever had the pleasure of eating.” Taehyung says in all seriousness, hand clasping over his heart. Jimin follows suit, grabbing his heart in a dramatic flourish- which looks entirely goofy while he nods with his full cheeks. He swallows enthusiastically. “Can you just cook for us everyday for the rest of the summer?” Your hand stills, and Jin notices your reaction, but he decides to not bring it to the attention of your brother and Jimin. Smirking cockily, Jin opens his mouth. “I guess I’ll just have to become your brother in law Taehyung.” Jimin sputters, while Taehyung whips his head towards you, pointing a finger at you accusingly. “Don’t screw this up Y/N. My stomach and tastebuds demand it.” You roll your eyes in response, picking up some broccoli to flick it at your annoying brother.  
After dinner, you and Jin leave Taehyung and Jimin to the dishes so that you can spend some alone time together. Jin insisted on it, and for once the two boys just smile and thank Jin for blessing their stomachs with dinner. The two of you decide to sit on the porch to enjoy the evening breeze, the sound of the waves calming your nerves slightly.
“I have something to give you.” Jin looks shy, his usual confidence are nowhere to be seen as evidenced by his ears and neck turning red. His arms shift behind him, and you notice something shimmering in the moonlight. “Open your arms.” And you feel something heavy weighing down your outstretched arms. You look down, and notice a neatly folded pelt. Your eyes widen in recognition. “Is this…?” He nods, looking down to gauge your reaction. “This is my seal skin.” He says, hand reaching behind his head to scratch awkwardly. “You’re silly you know- you didn’t even give me a chance to explain how selkie’s stay with the one they love.” You stir a bit at that word, and Jin clears his throat at it in embarrassment. 
“I’m not leaving you Y/N - not when you have the key to whether or not I return back to the sea. I’m yours.” Your eyes begin to water as you realize what this means. “You mean you want to stay with me?” Jin pulls you close, and you bury your nose into his shirt. “I’m not going to leave you. I love you.” With those words your tears escape, along with all of the anxiety from the last couple of days- absorbing into the fabric of his shirt. “I love you too.”
After a while, when Jin notices your sniffles subside, he pulls away so he can ruffle your hair, smiling when you finally return one back to him. “Just make sure you hide the skin well okay? If I find it my natural instincts kick in and I return back to the sea. You must never tell me where it is.” You nod, already an idea of a hiding spot floating into your mind. You don’t ever want to feel the aching in your heart like you have felt the last couple of days ever again.
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With the end of the summer and much convincing to your parents, you decided to stay behind at the beach house with Jin at your side. Your parents were extremely hesitant at first, especially when you told them that you had met someone and he was going to be living with you. They changed their minds however when Taehyung let it slip that you had finished your first children’s book and you were waiting for the publisher’s response. The following phone call was a very long one to say the least. You remember when you first told Yerin about your decision to stay.
“Why aren’t you packing Y/N? We are leaving in the next couple of days.” Yerin looks at your empty bag quizzically, hands on her hips. Oh right. You still needed to tell your best friend in the world about your future plans. You say your attention and stress of finishing your children’s book is what distracted you from telling her and Tae and Jimin, but in reality its because you are scared of their opinions. What if they don’t think you could do this? 
You bite your lip in worry, unsure how to tell Yerin. She sighs, her perceptive eyes can obviously tell you want to say something. “It’s not like you to keep things away from me- what’s bothering you?” You look away, feeling even more guilty than before. Yerin has always been supportive, and yet you still don’t have the guts to tell her directly. 
“Don’t judge me too much, okay?” You start, looking at the floor. “I’m not leaving this summer. I’m going to stay here.” Her eyes widen at your statement. “Is this because of Kim Seokjin? Look Y/N, he’s a great boyfriend and all but I thought you were going to look for illustration jobs with me back in the city? Didn’t you have an internship lined up and everything?” You put your palm up, stopping her flow of speech. “It’s not because of Jin. I’m doing it because I finally decided to pursue my dream of becoming a children’s book author. I already sent in the first draft for evaluation last night.” Yerin is unbearably quiet, and you find yourself stammering to fill in the silence. “Although Jin said he was willing to live with Namjoon back in the city with all of us, I realized that the city is really stifling to my creativity, and I love how the beach calms and inspires me.” You now are wringing your hands. “Please say something.”
“Congratulations!” Yerin grabs to capture you in a huge hug. “You don’t hate me for not telling you?” You say hesitantly. “Just a tiny bit.” She pinches your cheek when you begin to pout. “In all seriousness though, I’m so happy you have decided to publish your work. I guess I didn’t notice you working on your book this summer.” You smirk. “That’s because you were sucking face with Namjoon every other day.” Yerin shoves you back. “Like you can say anything.” “Are you excited that Namjoon is going to the city with you?” Yerin blushes a bit, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. A habit. “I guess it’s turning a bit serious, huh?” She smiles shyly back at you. “I really like him Y/N.” “Me too Yerin.”     
Taehyung and Jimin were a bit easier than Yerin.
“You’re not coming back with us?” Jimin looks at you quizzically with an arched eyebrow. Taehyung’s eyes open wide. “Wait, did you tie him down Y/N? Is Jin going to be cooking for us everyday now? Am I going to have a brother-in-law?!” You smack your brother in the shoulder. Hard. He winces upon impact. “Don’t be silly. I’ve decided to work from home at the beach house. It’s way better than the city.” Both of the boys look at you warily. Taehyung is about to open his mouth in retort, but you get your words in first. “Oh, by the way, I recently submitted a children’s book that I illustrated and wrote to a publisher for review. I’m supposed to hear back from them in a couple of weeks.” It takes them a second to process the information that you just provided them, but Jimin is the first to understand, smiling in response. “I’m jealous that you get to stay here to follow your dreams Y/N.” You return the smile back to Jimin, grateful for his support. Taehyung hums in thought. “How are you going to tell mom and dad?” Oh. Oops. That was probably important. Especially since the house was theirs. “You forgot that you needed to tell mom and dad?” Taehyung face palms in response. “Well, good thing I’m already dialing them on my phone, because you’re going to need the help from your older brother.” For once you agree with his statement.
Seeing your family and friends drive away was a bit unnerving. Yerin and Namjoon seemed nervous to leave you behind, and you felt your heart sink a bit in your chest knowing how far Yerin would be. “Just text if you need anything.” She says measuredly, and you smile back weakly. You’ll really miss being able to see her every day. Taehyung and Jimin provided big hugs, Taehyung making sure you were all set. “Mom and Dad will swing by with your stuff- including your car.” You nod in appreciation. “Thanks Tae.” It’s a simple exchange, but you really are grateful for how supportive and caring your brother is at the end of the day. The car leaves the driveway, but he makes sure to flip you off before he leaves. “This is for telling Yerin before me.” He shouts, needing the last word. Well, most of the time you’re grateful for him.  
Each good bye felt a little sad, like one chapter of your life was starting to close- and you felt it even more so when your Dad and Mom kindly made a trip back to the house to deliver your car to you. “We’re always a call away.” Your mom says, releasing you from a hug. “I know Mom. I promise to call at every couple of days.” Your dad turns to kiss you on the head next. “Make sure you eat healthy and focus on your work. And that Jin doesn’t distract you from completing your illustration work.” His eyes shift slightly to a nervous Jin who waits on the porch. You huff in response. “I’m not a kid Dad- trust me just a little, okay?” His silent exchange with Jin is done, ending with a smile. “Okay kiddo. We’ll be on our way.”
After much fuss, they finally leave, and the house feels a bit too quiet for your liking. But Jin is by your side, and he lets out a sigh in relief when your parents drive away. You watch from the porch until you can’t see the car any longer, and with newfound determination you push your sadness away to face Jin with a smile. 
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You wake up, stretching lazily. Surprisingly, Jin is still sleeping in bed, face buried into the pillows. He shifts slowly at your absence, moving his arms to grab a pillow to squeeze as a replacement for your form. You slip into a fluffy bath robe, as it’s getting colder now, and you are still getting used to staying at the beach house past the summer season. You make your way to your computer in the small office, still half awake. It’s been a couple of weeks since you have sent off your initial draft of your book, and there is still no response. The wait has been killing you- at this point you would rather have an answer of rejection over this long of a wait. Patience never was your strong suit. You wake the computer up, and lazily drag the mouse over your email. At first you don’t notice it- because you looking at another incoming illustration request- and then you see it. The shock of the email sitting in your inbox startles you awake, stronger than any coffee that you have managed to eat before. You hover your mouse over the message for a few minutes, contemplating whether or not you do want to read it. Closing your eyes, you muster all the courage you have within you at the moment and hold your breath when you click the mouse. 
Feeling brave, you open your eyes to see a very happy email typed by your new editor, who’s name is Jisoo. They are extremely excited for your wonderful illustrations and story, and are happy to get a new author who can both write and illustrate. They have a few suggestions for edits that need to be made before you publish, but… in short terms, your book is going to be published, and they hope to have it on bookshelves by the end of the year. 
Your. Book. Is. Going. To. Be. Published.  
You jump from your chair, running as fast as you can to the still sleeping form in bed. “Jin! Seokjin! Kim Seokjin!” You shout, excitedly shaking his shoulder to rouse said Kim Seokjin awake from his slumber. His body stirs as he grumbles awake. “Y/N?” He mumbles, all too confused with your enthusiasm. 
Your mouth can’t keep up with how fast your brain is traveling at the moment, your words tripping over themselves to get out of your mouth. “My book! Publish!” You manage to squeak out, bouncing excitedly on your knees. It takes Jin a second to process your words through his sleep addled brain, but once it does, his eyes grow wide, a grin spreading to the rest of his face. “Your book has been accepted? You’re book is going to be published?” His voice raises in excitement as you nod your head in earnest. 
“You’re an author now! It calls for a celebration today!” He says, hugging you tightly. You don’t think you could be much happier- you are basking in the warmth of Jin’s arms around you, and your heart feels full with the prospect of your dreams finally being fulfilled- all next to the person who you love. 
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You are hard at work on your edits that Jisoo suggested- you need to get the work done before the weekend because you have to make a trip down to the city to drop off the hard copies and sign the final paper work if everything is an acceptable standard. You are concentrating very hard- never leaving your desk for longer than an hour, unless Jin begs you to take a break every once in a while. After day two of your intense illustrating session, Jin seems to have let you be, leaving your house to go take his houseboat for a drive, or to swim, or to fish. By day four, you finally finish- just in time because you have to leave tomorrow morning, you stretch from your desk and make your way to the kitchen where Jin is cooking something delicious for dinner as always, the smell of grilled fish filling your nostrils. 
You walk out into the living room, intending to surprise him, to see his flustered face. What you don’t expect is his eyes, which look lost in thought as they gaze from the kitchen to the sea as he absentmindedly waits for the rice to finish cooking. His eyes are unfocused and glazed over- he must be thinking about memories of his home underwater- a place you’ll never be able to go to. A place he must be missing. Your mind thinks back to the past couple of days, trying to recall what Jin had been doing while you had been focusing on your work.
His daily swims and fishing trips stretch into hours, and while he is always happy to see you everyday when he returns- always giving you all his attention and love, peppering you with kisses when he walks in the door to wander into the kitchen to start cooking up the fish he caught during the day- And then it hits you. What is Jin doing while you are busy? When your friends, his friends too, are all working during the day? Is he lonely?
You bite your lip, hesitating to approach him and instead you slink back into your office- deciding to wait until he comes to get you.
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It takes Jin another fifteen minutes to finish dinner, but those fifteen minutes were enough time to make you quite resolute in your decision. You’re quite scared to bring it up to him, and you jump slightly in your chair when you hear a polite knock on the door. Jin’s head pokes through, soft smile gracing his lips. “You reach a good stopping point? Dinner is ready!” You stand, flashing him a hesitant smile- and Jin notices is doesn’t reach your eyes. He holds your hand, pulling you towards the food. “After you get food in your belly, I’m sure whatever you’re worried about will be lessened- food tends a troubled soul you know.” 
The dinner is a quiet one, and you eat quickly, working up the resolve to approach Jin. Your heart feels heavy in your chest. You thank him for the meal, and begin to play with your hands as he sighs. “What’s on your mind? Please tell me Y/N- you always play with your hands when you have something you want to say.” You still- Jin knows you too well now for you to keep beating around the bush.
“Are you happy Jin?” You say, not willing to look into his eyes- finding the empty plate in front of you very interesting. “What?” You can hear the confusion in his voice, barely a whisper. “What do you mean am I happy? I’m here with you.” His voice begins to raise in worry. “I see you when you look towards the sea.” You can’t find the strength in your voice to match his rising one. “What are you talking about? When was I staring off into the sea?” He’s starting to get annoyed, the anger creeping into the tone of his voice. You haven’t heard Jin get angry at you before. Not like this. “You need to go home Jin.” Your head hangs in shame, heart tearing at the suggestion that just escaped your lips. It seems to have a similar effect to Jin, because you hear the sound of the chair scraping against the floor, and he’s pulling your chin up so you are forced to look into his eyes.
“Tell me you’re joking Y/N. Right now. I’m serious.” His eyes are pleading as they stare down into your own, piercing you through to your heart.   
“I’m not. You need to return to where you are from Jin.” You stand, pushing him away slightly as you cross the room to get away. From him. “How dare you say that.” He says, voice tumbling into a low growl. “How dare you say that to me, saying you have seen me look at the sea longingly. Not when you have barely spared me a glance the past few days!” His words bite harshly, leaving a burn. You feel tears prick against your eyes.      
Jin’s anger is palpable. His brows crease, face pinching. His ears and neck are red. “Don’t you understand?” He’s quiet, and the effort to repress his anger causes his body to shake. “You are my home now.” He crosses the living room, approaching your form- standing defensive with your arms crossed in front.  He grasps for your shoulder, unfurling a clenched fist. You wince slightly at his touch. Your response is not what Jin wants. Whatever force that was keeping his control has now broken, and so instead of talking, his hand on your shoulder pushes you toward the wall. You don’t have a chance to retort, his larger frame pushes against you, and his left arm rests near your head, caging you and preventing any form of escape. His mouth crashes against yours- but instead of the typical soft and teasing brush of lips its a kiss of acknowledgement, a kiss full of irritation, a kiss full of teeth and tongue. His forceful attitude riles you up- causing you to respond with just as much pressure- you want him to feel your own frustrations too. This kiss continues until feel yourself becoming dizzy, and you pull his bottom lip between yours, biting down harshly to as your lungs are begging for some air. A growl escapes from deep within Jin’s chest- a sound you haven’t heard come from him before. His eyes are impossibly dark, clouded over with lust and anger.
His lips move to claim your neck, and Jin feels the sudden desire to be the cause of your undoing. How dare you force him to leave you, after offering his pelt and his heart to you and only you. How can you not see that it is you who is his world? How could you? Teeth scrape against the supple crook of your neck, and he feels enflamed by desire to prove himself to you. If his words fall on empty ears, perhaps you will understand through pure desire instead. He paints his own masterpiece along your neck and collarbone, applying swatches of purple and red. He feels proud of his work, especially when your hands are grabbing onto his shirt for support. He trails the hand that was on your shoulder down to the edge of your hoodie, which he wastes no time to slide under. His hands are desperate to grab onto you- you who threatens to leave him empty and alone.
You find yourself wanting to challenge him- not willing to become soft and submissive under his anger. As his hand grabs your breast, you take the opportunity to grind your throbbing core against his pelvis, wanting to provoke him even further. You bite back a moan, not realizing just how satisfyingly hard Jin is against your own needy pussy. You groan, realizing just how slick you have become, your soiled panties squishing uncomfortably against your folds. Your challenge works however, and he grinds his pelvis into yours harshly before stepping back. His hand on the wall rushes down to yank your pajama bottoms and your cotton panties in one movement. You respond in kind, grabbing him by the hem of his sweatpants, only to yank them down with his briefs. There is no teasing, no foreplay. Jin wants to remind you that he is present, here, now. With you. 
His lips descend to meet yours again, greedy and hungry for your taste. In a wordless command for you to jump, he grabs your thighs as he uses the wall behind you as leverage, pushing you up so your folds become flush with his erect member. And then he enters, rough and quick. 
His lips devour your moans, just like how you devour his. As he continues to piston against you, you find yourself breaking your lips from Jin’s in order to bury your face into his neck. His arms begin to shake with exertion, and his thrusts still momentarily. He uses a burst of energy to carry you into your bedroom, and when his legs hit the mattress, he uses his weight to push the both of you onto the blankets. In that moment, he stills, hovering above you, and you see the cloud of anger begin to dissipate. 
“I love you.” 
And with that declaration,  he surges forward again, this time his eyes watch you unflinchingly. And you feel him, all of him. His thrusts are less frantic, and are now deeper and precise. Looking up, you see dark pupils that engulf his brown irises- and they look down at you with lust, desperation, and most importantly, love. A tear slips down your cheek, and he uses the pad of his fingertip to brush the tear away. “I love you.” He repeats, choking back a moan when your walls clench around him. Your body doesn’t want him to leave, why couldn’t you realize that he doesn’t have to?  
The sound of your combined moans become louder, and you begin to beg. “Please Jin.” you say, pleading with him to provide you a release to the coil that is tightening in your stomach, pleading with him to understand your heartache and guilt, pleading with him to know that you love him too. 
He snakes a hand between the two of you to rub your neglected clit. The combination of his precise thrusts and rough fingers are too much, and you feel the tension in your body snap, the coil beginning to unfurl, a deep moan escaping your lips. At the sight of your undoing, Jin does not last, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he chases after his own release. “I love you.” He groans out for the last time into your ear, as he reaches his high, releasing into you, the warm strings of his cum coating your insides.
“I love you too.” You say to him softly, your breaths mingling together in the afterglow.
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An hour later, Seokjin’s rhythmic breaths indicate to you that he’s fallen asleep. His arms grip you tight, like he knows what you are about to do. You fight against your instincts to relax and mold yourself into him. You have already made your decision- tonight he has to go home. 
You can’t be the reason he doesn’t return home any longer. As much as your heart longs for Jin, you know the amount of guilt would be suffocating. You quietly remove his arms, wiggling out from his vice-like grip, placing a pillow in his arms as a surrogate. It seems to work, as he buries his face into the pillow. You slip on his over-sized pink hoodie, and it smells like him.  You walk to the back porch, and it’s dark outside.  The clouds cover the moonlight- not even the moon is here to give you much comfort. It mirrors your gloomy heart.  You crouch near the the chair in the corner, and move it as silently as you can. Underneath a loose board lies his pelt, sitting there innocently even after all this time. You grasp it between your fingers, pulling it out. It still shines in the moonlight, forever a reminder of what Jin is.
You feet pad against the floor softly, and you return to where Jin lies in deep slumber. You tuck the blankets back around his form for the last time, and place his pelt by his feet.
You don’t hesitate long after that, quickly packing your things away in your luggage, as quietly as you can. Before you zip up your belongings, you stop- your fingers brushing along the bottom of his pink hoodie. You hook your hands on the bottom of it, about to pull it off, but you hesitate. 
You decide to keep his favorite pink hoodie on. It’s being a bit selfish, and you know it is, but a tiny part of you knows you have to keep something from him, because you are afraid that pieces of him will be forgotten, because deep down you know your memories will become shattered, fragments that will slowly disappear with time. You’ll forget the exact pitch of his laugh, or the taste of his cooking.  You’ll forget just exactly how soft his kisses are- against your cheeks, your neck, your chest, your stomach, your legs, your core. 
You bring all of your stuff to your car- and you are glad Jin is still sleeping. You know you would come right back into the house if he woke up and caught you slipping away, you, the selfish person that had to be with him, craving for him so much that you remove him from his home and people. The guilt would eat at you for the rest of your life. It already hangs heavy on your shoulders. There is no way you can deal with it any longer.
You start the car, and back out of the driveway.  You don’t spare a glance backwards as you make your way to the city. When dawn breaks, you realize you have been driving all night, and you pull in front of Yerin’s apartment.  She’s already there and awake- greeting you with open arms. There are no words, only broken sobs as Yerin envelops you in a hug, rubbing slow circles on your back.
The next day after sleeping in, you wake up with puffy eyes and a pounding headache. Yerin surprises you with a new phone and new number.  You don’t ask where she hid your old one. You’re grateful that Namjoon and Yerin don’t ask any questions- they simply take turns, keeping you company. The first week is hard- you want to hop in your car and drive back- but you can’t keep hovering around Namjoon and Yerin forever, an interruption on their own love life. 
So you busy yourself with finding a new apartment. Soon enough, just like Jin predicted, your first children’s book sells really well, and the same publisher has already requested for another one. You focus all your energy on brainstorming new ideas for your next children’s book, while taking on the most amount of illustration requests you have ever done so in your life. Each new task for yourself eases the the longing in your heart.
Your memories begin to fade, as time eats them away. Days turn to weeks, and weeks into months, and months into years.
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You need a break.  You’ve been working on this particular page of the children’s book for a couple hours now, and you are getting a headache.  Looking outside of your window of your office, you notice the sun is setting.  No wonder you got a headache, you’ve been painting and sketching under lowlight conditions.  The drawing of a merman smiles back at you, and you look at the sea you have yet to paint with your watercolors. You dip your paintbrush in the water jar, and set it to the side. You stand and stretch-your back cracks in appreciation at your break. 
You have decided to try finishing your own rendition of The Little Mermaid this year, but it’s hard to complete.  This book has been in the works now for several years- a personal side project of yours that you work on from time to time. To be honest, it’s hard to work on it. The project brings back memories of summer at the beach, and a man waiting for you on the porch. You remember him listening to the song of the sea, the waves softly hitting the sides of the shore in a sweet lullaby.  There is a soft smile that graces his lips.  Lips that will upon yours momentarily, large and full and greedy.  Those lips will kiss you softly to begin with as a greeting, but will become more desperate and deep.
You miss him.
You have gotten really good at forgetting about Kim Seokjin over the years, but this year in particular you have been thinking about him a lot. No matter how many dates you’ve tried and nights of passion you let yourself indulge in once in a while, your mind creeps back to him and it makes things awkward between you and your different suitors.  It’s been at least six months since you have last indulged yourself, now that you think about it.
Your cellphone rings, providing you relief from drowning in your own thoughts. ‘My Bro Tae’ flashes across the screen, along with an unflattering picture you have of him since your college years, no matter how many times he whines at you to change it.  You answer immediately.
“Y/N?” Taehyung asks, and you can hear shrieks of laughter from your niece and nephew in the background. “Yes Tae?” You can’t help a smile that begins to form on your lips when you hear your brother attempt to shush his children. “Now that Chaeyong and Mingyu are old enough, Jisoo and I want to go to the beach house with everyone!” “And?” You say in response, eyebrow quirking up to his enthusiasm. “You need a vacation.” You sigh. “Tae, you know I don’t go there anymore.” He pauses in thought for a moment and you hear his voice lower.  “I think it’s about time you return,” he says slowly, giving you a second to process his information, “and before you say no, your niece and nephew insist.” Great. He’s playing his strongest card. He knows its impossible to say no to Chae and Mingyu. You groan in frustration.  “Plus,” he continues in a singsong voice— “don’t you want to see your favorite brother, the one you will love and cherish forever?” “Fine,” you relent, gripping the phone when you hear his cheer in victory, “but remember you’re my only brother.”  You quickly hang up with a smile.
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Taehyung and Jisoo want to leave that weekend. You decide to drive down yourself (though Taehyung initially insisted he drive you there with the rest of his family, because he was so sure you would skip out).  You decide to bring the children’s book and your art supplies with you anyways, as the sea air could perhaps help you finally finish the darn thing. As you drive along, you can’t help the butterflies begin to form in your stomach.  Rolling down the windows, you take in a long breath of salty air that you forgot how much you used to love.
Soon enough you see the white beach house greeting you, and you smile as a wave of nostalgia crashes into you. Chaeyong and Mingyu are already scrambling to your car door, pulling on your hands while you squat down to envelop them in a bear hug. You wonder how Taehyung could pull off two perfect beings right in front of you. It has to be Jisoo. 
Speaking of Taehyung, he’s already pulling your bags out of the trunk, (the faster he gets your luggage in the house you won’t have time to escape), while Jisoo is apologizing for Chaeyong and Mingyu’s enthusiastic energy.
“How are you?” Jisoo manages to finally give you a hug, while the kids are helping drag your stuff into your bedroom. “I’m doing better now that I get to spend time with the family again,” you smile into her hair. “It’s always too long.” she grins in return, walking you through the front door.
You walk to your old room, and there is a slight hesitance to go inside.  It doesn’t last long however, because Chae is dragging you inside. It’s like time ceases to exist here, because you’ve stepped into a vault, preserving everything inside. Your old desk sits by the window, an empty mason jar and watercolor palette holding down some old sketches. The setting sunlight filters through the white curtain, which is drawn closed. You see your bed, made, with fluffy sheets and pillows, as well as the seal plushie that sits between your pillows. Your closet still hangs some large hoodies and you spy a pink shirt.  Polaroids of your early twenties line the walls, and you see him everywhere. Jin with a goofy face, Jin winking, Jin giving a hand kiss.  Jin kissing your cheek, Jin sleeping, Jin eating some fish. Jin cooking, Jin strumming his guitar, Jin laughing. 
It’s so overwhelming that you close your eyes and you turn around, your instincts telling you to run. You are about to leave a very confused Chaeyong when a comforting hand stops you in place, bringing you back to reality. You look up and it’s Taehyung, a knowing and comforting smile gracing his lips. You breathe. Chaeyong skirts past the both of you, feeling the awkward tension. 
Taehyung leads you to your bed, sitting next to you and hugs you. And he sits and holds and you close your eyes.
You must have fallen asleep because you are tucked in under your covers when you wake up to a soft knock on the door and Taehyungs face pops into view.  “Just to let you know, so you aren’t surprised- we are having a party tonight. I want to have a reunion and see all of our friends again. I think it will be good for you.” You simply nod your head in response. You must have  slept through the entire night. You see Chaeyong and Mingyu pop their heads in soon after. “Do you feel better auntie?” Mingyu asks, and you notice their worried faces.
You stretch your limbs out, wincing when you hear multiple pops and cracks. You aren’t a child anymore, you can’t have kids worrying because of you. You smile back at them. “What’s for breakfast?” You ask, and their faces light up as you follow them into the kitchen.
Jisoo looks worried, and places a large helping of pancakes in front of you. “I’m sorry I’m behaving like a moody teenager.” You say, you hold your head low because you feel so ashamed. “There’s nothing to apologize for.” Jisoo says, sliding a cup of steaming coffee into your right hand. You have never felt more love for your family. 
After washing up and changing into a white and flowy summer dress, you help Jisoo set up for the party. With how helpless Taehyung is at cooking, he is in charge of keeping the kids entertained at the beach. Setting up for the party and chatting to Jisoo keeps your mind off things, and you begin to feel excited for the guests to arrive.
When they do, your heart fills with happiness when you see Jimin walk in, and he gives you a peck on the top of your head. You haven’t seen him in a while, not since he became quite a popular singer. “Nice hair” you comment, tugging at his bleached blonde hair.  He laughs, moon eyes beaming at you whilst flicking you lightly in the forehead.  “Nice to see you too, dork.” Jimin wanders to go find Taehyung.  Next comes Jungkook, in his clean cut attire, who you realize has another lady in tow- different from the one you saw the last time you saw him at his film event. You smirk at him while he approaches the door. His confident demeanor changes when he see you, breaking out into a huge bunny grin, and closes the gap between the two of you to give you an affectionate squeeze. “Hiya Kook,” you greet, ruffling his hair, “and hello…?” You peer over his shoulder at his plus one, who is surprised by his affection towards you. “This is Jieun” he says bashfully, and you realize his blush creeping along his cheeks.  “Hello Jieun” you say, and she returns a bright smile back to you. You might be seeing more of her, with how honest Jungkook’s reactions are.
You wander back to the kitchen, and grab yourself a beer. You barely have one sip slide down your throat when you hear- “Y/N!” And you are picked up and twirled around. You laugh at Hoseok, who’s bright demeanor fills your vision, as always. “Hobi! I haven’t seen you in forever. How is it going Mr. Choreography Director?” Hoseok is all cheeks, grinning from ear to ear. “I’m having a lot of fun- it’s a different challenge from dancing on the main stage myself, but I’m really enjoying it.” “You promise to show me some videos later?” You always have loved Hoseok’s dancing- it’s art, especially since you were never able to move the way he does, even after all these years.
“Surprise!” You turn around you feel the arms of your best friend throughout your life, Yerin. You whip around, and see Namjoon’s own dimpled cheeks from behind. “I can’t believe you didn’t think to invite me, Y/N- especially since we saw each other earlier this week for lunch!” You roll your eyes. “I think she has separation anxiety.” Namjoon speaks up, chuckling while tugging her shoulder gently. “I see you and Namjoon all the time Yerin.” You continue, responding to Yerin’s playful pouting. “I’m still deeply offended.” She says dramatically, grabbing your beer from your hand in order to take a sip in retaliation for your ‘mistake’.
During this interaction, Yoongi approaches, giving Namjoon a warm hug. “Yoongi!” You shout- since he’s become a famous music producer, You haven’t seen Yoongi in a very long time- the longest out of everyone. Yoongi flashes you his classic gummy smile, bringing you into to a hug. “It’s good to see you Y/N, I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve talked to my childhood friends.” 
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After reuniting with all of your old summer friends, you realize you have drunk just a teensy bit too much and you need a breath of fresh air. You leave you shoes on the back porch and make your way to the water.  It’s quite bright out tonight- the moon is full overhead. The water looks is dark, and it looks like a giant pool of black ink.  You approach the water, and you whistle slightly, not expecting the water to feel so cold as it licks your toes.  
It must be the alcohol, because you suddenly feel all the self restraint you have held for the last few years bubble from the deep recesses inside of you- and you begin to cry. Your thoughts are completely full of him and only him. Your tears leave a salty tracks down your cheeks, dropping into the water below. You hear your heartbeat ramming into your chest, and it’s calling out his name with every beat- Kim Seokjin. Seokjin. Jin.
You sink down into yourself for comfort, hugging your knees to your chest. You don’t care that the waves are splashing around your legs. It’s as if being in the water is the only way to be closer to him. 
You aren’t sure how long you stay there, but your legs begin to cramp, and you need to stand up. You straighten your back, and begin the process of standing up, hands plunging into the water to push yourself up for leverage- but now there is a set of hands enveloping your wrists, pulling you upwards. You don’t get much time to process anything, because now there are lips on yours, a bit cold and they taste of saltwater- and there is water dripping down onto your face, replacing your tear stained cheeks.  Hands release your wrists  to grapple for your neck and waist, grip tightening when you open your mouth along with his.  It is a kiss of longing, and of remembering.  Your shattered memories slowly piece back together- because with his lips currently devouring yours, you remember. You remember now how his lips feel, you remember his scent, and when he groans to you biting on his lower plump lip you remember his voice.
You begin to pull away just enough so to crane your neck up at him- because you need to make sure this isn’t just a drunken memory- and you see him.  Your eyes drink in his appearance, as if he’ll disappear the moment you blink.  
Jin’s pupils are dark and round as he looks down at you with hooded eyes, swollen lips, wet hair sticking to the sides of his face, water dripping down his bangs. In these seven years, you notice time has only made him more handsome, if that was even possible. You see his neck and ears begin to turn red, and he drops his lips to your neck.  Your breath hitches as he begins to suckle the sensitive part where your neck meets your shoulder, and he languidly kisses up to his destination. You feel his breath puff against the shell of your ear, and he takes an earlobe into his mouth when you shudder.
“I’m home.” you whisper. 
“I’m home.” He repeats back to you, and it’s like you never left.
Seven tears into the sea,
And in seven years you came back to me.
To ease the longing in my heart,
Now we will never be apart.
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sunshine-writes · 6 years
Let’s Get Married
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader Fandom: BTS Word Count: 412 Warnings/Tags: fluff, selkie Taehyung
Sel·kie -  a mythical creature that resembles a seal in the water but assumes human form on land.
You closed your mythology book, sick of reading. You loved your English lecture, but the research for it always had to be extensive since your professor believed in fact-checking. You got up from your seat, ready to return the mythology book. But on your way, you brushed past someone’s chair just enough to knock a pure black fur coat off. A gorgeous man, who you presumed to be the owner of the coat, turn around. You immediately bent down to pick up the surprisingly soft coat. You had to assume it was real.
You looked up at him, caught in grey contacts. They may not have been his real eye color, but damn were they beautiful. But as his pupils dilated, you realized they were real and intense in the iciest way possible. You smile at him breathlessly, running your hand through your hair.
“You-um-shouldn’t wear real fur. It’s kinda murder.” The mysterious man looked straight at you, not saying anything. You smiled and turned around to walk away.
The next day you came back to the library, reading the same stupid mythology book about Selkies.
The other way in which Selkies become part of human life is when their seal skin is stolen.
“Why would you steal their hide anyway?”
“You don’t have to.” A deep velvet voice spoke from in front of you. It was the same man from yesterday, still ice-cold in his demeanor. You blushed and started stuttering.
“You don’t have to steal their skin in order to get them to marry you. Sometimes all it takes is a simple touch.” You looked at him weirdly as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. He opened it and placed on the table, next to your mythology book.
A gorgeous but simple ring stared back at you, a sizeable diamond surrounded by smaller sapphires on a silver band. You looked at him, completely confused.
“It’s beautiful, but why are you showing this to me?”
“It’s for you,” he blurted, a warm pink tint rising up in his cheeks, breaking through his frigid aura.
“Is this an engagement ring?” His hand went through his hair, messing it up a bit. He was slowly becoming less unreachable and more... normal.
“I thought... well maybe... we should get married by your human customs too.”
“I’m sorry. What?”
Hey guys! I’ve been on an undeclared hiatus for so long but I saw an Instagram post and it made me wanna write this. I wanna get back into writing but no promises because school is kicking my ass.
If you wanna support me, be sure to help me out on my Ko-fi! x
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hamsterclaw · 2 years
Jungkook Masterlist
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All my Jungkook writing is smutty and 🔞. Flirty fuckboi JK is my fave trope.
Petty criminal JK x lawyer reader
You end up being responsible for Jeon Jungkook, who's impulsive, annoying and in the habit of breaking the law. Unfortunately for you, he's also funny and sexy as fuck. There's no way this can end well, can it?
Bike Cage office workers! JK x reader, boss Yoongi
Jungkook and you fucked at the office Christmas party two years ago. You're not sure why he's going out of his way to reconnect with you now.
Sketchy mechanic! JK x reader, ft gangster Tae
Jungkook and you got out of your previous lives, together. Your ex-boyfriend wants your help, and he’s trying to pull you back into the life you left behind. Featuring Taehyung.
Castaway - desert island AU
When your charter plane crashes on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific, you're the only survivor. Well, you and the most irritating man in the known universe.
Foundation doctor! Jungkook x doctor! reader ft Yoongi
You know Jungkook is a fuckboy. So why are you letting him fuck with you? Featuring Yoongi. Also read Louche, a drabble.
Poster Boy doctors JK x reader x Yoongi
You, Jungkook and Yoongi liven up the most boring conference in the world.
Benny doctor! JK x doctor! reader. My secret fave JK.
Jungkook drives you crazy. You aren't sure how you're going to survive the next few months working with him without doing him bodily harm. Featuring gorgeous paediatrician Yoongi.
Soft police detective JK. Part of the Rage AU.
Jungkook doesn't think of himself as being overly emotional. Why does everyone keep telling him he wears his heart on his sleeve?
Criminal lawyer JK x police detective reader
You are investigating a murder with your partner, and the things that you uncover hit uncomfortably close to home. Featuring Taehyung.
Tag graffiti artist JK x reader
You first met Jungkook years ago, when you were a rookie cop and he was brought in for defacing public property. Now he's an established artist, and a chance encounter brings you together again.
Spin idol! JK x manager! reader
You were part of Jungkook's management team, you know better than most the restrictions and rules he has to live his public life by. If only he wasn't so damn irresistible.
Lush gaming CEO JK x reader. Part of the Gemini AU
Jungkook's built his company from nothing, and he's damn well going to sit back and enjoy the spoils.
Double Team Seokjin x reader x Jungkook
You, Jin and Jungkook solve problems for the city's elite, albeit via unconventional means.
Politico staffers JK and reader
You and Jungkook are staffers in the office of the Secretary of State. He's cut-throat, sneaky, and goddamn it, everything you love about politics in one irresistible package. Featuring Namjoon, Yoongi and a Jimin cameo.
Afterburner fighter pilots Jungkook x reader
All Jungkook's ever wanted to do is fly, and he's damned good at it. Then you turn up, and get under his skin.
Legend selkie JK x reader
The man you help one day insists he owes you everything.
Your job is to keep Gotham city safe, but you spend more of your time keeping Catboy aka Jeon Jungkook out of trouble.
©hamsterclaw 2021-2024
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btschooseafic · 3 years
a03 recs - ongoing fics
edited: 11/8/22 this is getting too long so new fics I read will go in categorized sections
From Me, The Moon by Oh_Hey_Tae [4/?]
ot7, ot6 x namjoon, animal shifters (were-creatures?)
the action scenes are well written, and the emotional connections between the characters are great!
Precious Mettle by glitterandgilt [42/?]
ot7, jungkook centric,  everyone x jungkook, polyam, supernatural creatures, magical house, overpowered seokjin, trauma recovery, fantasy, vampires, sirens
seokjin’s blood has been stolen and used to create a new baby vampire. jungkook has a mysterious past, but the others are ready to love and accept him  anyway.
The Warrior and the Dark Tribe by Sialucky [10/?]
ot7, jungkook centric, magical creatures, polyam, soulmates au
warrior jungkook has just recently been freed from imprisonment, so he feels sympathy to a captured wolf and decides to help him, which leads him to a group the humans call the dark tribe.
Perfect by Sialucky [9/?]
ot7, magic, isekai, dragons
jungkook helps out an injured man and gets a dragon tattoo burned onto his wrist. then he wakes up in another world, meeting a group of  six people who have magical powers.
A Heart of Feathers by Strawbunni [4/?] ❤️
ot7, ot6 x hoseok, hoseok centric, human!hoseok, everyone else is a magical creature, polyam
hoseok helps out a selkie, only to have the selkie’s mates get protective of  him and react harshly. hoseok later realizes those mates run the company he has recently been hired by, while pursuing his dreams of dance.
Howl at the Moon, Lonely Wolf by StrawBunni [14/?]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, modern times, a/b/o dyanmics, werewolves, everyone is a werewolf except yoongi… who, ironically, bites the most
jungkook gets an omega who goes into heat on the streets back to his pack. then he realizes that pack is the bangtan pack, who are extremely popular around campus. however, jungkook is still worried about jimin’s safety and doesn’t want to leave them alone just yet.
New version being posted here!
Heartbeats in Stone by idyllic_hummingbird [37/?]
taehyung x seokjin, jimin x yoongi, jungkook x hoseok x namjoon, eventually ot7, polyam, supernatural creatures, angels, sirens, nyphms, crafters, saving the world, slight enemies to lovers, tramua recovery, mystery, adventure, magical realism
Seven Swans by SweetTae613 [11/?]
ot7 x (named)reader, mafia au, mystery, soulmate au?, polyam
everyone  is badass. reader runs into jin in some sort of facility and (just  barely) decides not to kill him. she may have some sort of mysterious  connection to them
Lacuna by monojoooon [9/?]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, supernatural creatures, mystery, polyam
jungkook  has just retired from being a hellhound. ot6 works at a community  center that handles those kind of transitions. jungkook foretells  taehyung’s death. ot6 hires jungkook as tae’s bodygaurd. ot6 teaches  jungkook about the world, maybe how to fall in love?
A Hundred Percent Human by Wrienne [13/?]
ot7 x reader, hybrid au, host club au
MC inherits her mother’s hybrids, but doesn’t know how to take care of  them, and is worried about how society will view her, as people who own  multiple hybrids are judged badly. / what is up with taehyung, I really want to know!
Kindness by AngelaRonin [2/?]
ot7 x reader, hybrid au
MC helps hybrid Jimin when he is injured.
Safeguard by Skyfright, xsluvic [21/?]
ot7, ot6 x hoseok, hoseok centric, hybrid!hoseok, human!everyone else, polyam
hoseok has been through a rough time :( I hope he’s able to develop his sense of self worth so the others can shower him in the love he deserves
Powerless? by yukitenshi19 [24/?]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, superpowers, jungkook has a rough time :/, polyam
jungkook is used to being considered lesser than because he doesn’t have any powers. bts is a group of powerful people who fight crime. meanwhile, taehyung meets jungkook and wants to befriend him
In the Dark of the Night by MoonlitMemories [5/?]
ot7,  ot6 x hoseok? (i’m actually not sure if ot6 is in a relationship at the moment), hoseok centric, polyam, present day setting, they are called shifters
hoseok is turned into a shifter during an attack, and has to learn how to deal with his new life. he learns that a lot of  assumptions humans had about shifters are incorrect. love the soft vibes  so far! it feels soft of like hurt/comfort genre in that these  characters have clearly been through a lot, and are still going through  it, but are able to lean on each other to make it a little better. so  far my favorite moment was hoseok fending jimin off with a spatula!
The Chain Reaction by Jimimae [5/?]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, multiple POV, ot6 is rich, polyam
jungkook  presents late as an omega. taehyung finds him presenting and decides to  help, even though the two of them are always arguing, and taehyung’s  pack is very protective. / I’m interested to see where this goes!
The Lily of Adversity by Gilibean [50/?] 
ot7 x oc, werewolf princes bts (namjoon is king), oc Kang Haeun is their mate, but is rejected by them, (ot7 are brothers)
this fic is so epic! the world building is fantastic, the magic system and the history behind all the different countries and types of people, just… wow! mc is totally badass.
Lost and Found by Namjoontunes [14/?]
ot7 x reader, everyone is a supernatural creature, reader is a shapeshifter who comes to their house in the woods.
the found family vibes in this are great! the reader is a soft and has had a  rough time. I kind of want to wrap her in blankets and give her hot  chocolate.
A Spoonful of Sugar (Makes the Wolfsbane Go Down) by OblivionSparkle ♥ [23/?]
ot7 x reader, witch!reader, warlock!taehyung, phoenix!yoongi, vampire!jungkook, elf!namjoon, fae!hoseok, sorcerer!seokjin,
tae accidentally forms a soulbound with the reader more found family goodness. excellent world building and interesting magic systems. reader  gets appropriately spoiled. jimin is a mischievous brat and we love him.
how to be human by haejungg [5/10]
ot7, supernatural creatures bts, roommates?, polyam, hoseok centric
hoseok  is the lone human in a polyamorous relationship of six. and then tae the mermaid gets involved. features overpowered seokjin, which is a  trope I have found myself enjoying a lot recently.
Under the Willow Tree by caramel_keks [12/?]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, supernatural creatures, trauma recovery, cafe au, overpowered seokjin ftw, polyam
jungkook is an imp, a creature considered less than all the others. he escapes his master and runs into the others, who are in a relationship.
Wildfire by oldmythos [34/36]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, vampires, trauma recovery, polyam
there are a lot of new vampire jungkook fics. i will probably continue to  read a lot of them. lol. the world building in terms of politics and  magic is interesting! there is definitely a mystery building.
Candles and Shadows by Sunny_Bih [30/?]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, kind of jungkook centric but the others get plenty of ‘screentime’ as well. particularly jimin so far, witches au, college au, jk has trauma, soulmate au kind of
jimin is a love witch, and  has a certain amount of soulmates he needs to feed off of. he’s pretty  sure jungkook is his last, seventh soulmate, which is weird, because  he’s human… right? / the world building in this is so good. not all  of the backstories have been revealed so far, but i’m pretty sure they  all need blankets and hugs.
Better by hoshigakuruchokuzennoyuuhi [12/?]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, time travel, mental health, trauma recovery, polyam
please,  please, please check trigger warnings! if you are able to read it, I  think the depictions of the relationships in this fic (while not always  the healthiest, which the author states straight up) really tug at my  heart strings. mental health can be a struggle, and having a good  support system is important
The Long Journey Home by WildfireStark73 [19/?]
ot7,  ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, supernatural creatures, wizard!jungkook, overpowered!jungkook, soulmates au, trauma recovery, polyam
the popular jungkook is an overworked young adult who the others want to take care of trope. this plot is super interesting! I’d really like to learn more about taehyung’s  powers and backstory in particular.
A Dark Thirst by ellemoonchild [8/?]
ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, vampires, new vampire jungkook, vampire boarding school idk, mystery, polyam
I’m curious about jungkook’s sire, and to learn more about ot6′s relationship. the vampire academy is an interesting setting.
Magic Under Moonlight by hyyh_13 [11/13]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, vampires, magic, mystery, polyam
some interesting takes on fantastical racism and jungkook’s backstory
My Deer, I’ve Got You by Purplemyheart7 [3/?]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, jungkook is a deer hybrid, everyone else is a magical being of some sort, polyam
it’s cute. the setting intrigues me, also, i enjoy the pun title
Shaking the wings of their terrible youth by SilverLions [8/?]
ot7, vampires, new vampire yoongi, polyam
hunger by tinytaehyungah (kittenmichael) [7/?]
ot7?, jungkook centric, vampires, new vamp jk,
the descriptions are interesting and immersive, like the readers are along for the confusing ride with jk.
We May Not Have a Shop, But We Sure As Hell Have Magic by Allthebiases [11/?]
ot7, witches, reincarnation, immortality, covens, polyam
ot7 is a coven of immortals. except jungkook keeps dying and getting reincarnated.
it’s always been you by my_seokjinnie [10/?]
seokjin x reader, soulmates au, idolverse, friends to lovers
you’ve known jin is your soulmate for a while, but decided not to tell him. also available on tumblr!
Kindred Souls by joaji [6/?] [discontinued, I think!]
ot7 x reader, polyam, idolverse, time travel au
All the Stars Are Closer by triviaghosts [9/20] ♥
ot7 x reader, polyam, idolverse, series
match your steps by bananangtan [11/?] ♥
ot7 x reader (platonic), manager!reader, bts world verse, idolverse
so well written! very touching. kind of slow burn friendship? idk, it’s great
take these broken wings (and learn to fly) by piistachio [9/?]
ot7, namjoon centric, wings, idolverse,
namjoon pretends he doesn’t have wings because his type of wings are discriminated against. that means he has to pretend he doesn’t know what’s happening when multiple members propose to them with their wings.  /the world building is really interesting. I hope namjoon gets the love  and comfort he deserves!
continuing to be by junghoepe [14/?]
ot7 x reader, mafia au, polyam, reader is a fighter and part of the stray kids gang
Sweet Chaos by JuweWright [43/?]
ot7, ot6 x seokjin, ot6 is a rock band, seokjin is an idol, and also namjoon’s ex. it did not end well between them
I like the way the characters’ emotions are expressed and the slow development between their relationship with Seokjin.
ATGC- According To the Group Chat by JuweWright [28/?]
eventual ot7, they work at a biotech company, lots of history between them, chatfic
You Said We’ll Be the Flare by preciousbirdie [14/27]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, bdsm verse where everyone is a dom/sub/switch, kind of victorian age vibes, hoseok is an earl, jk has a rough childhood, lots of miscommunication
the character development is interesting, and so is the world building! so far jimin’s character stands out to me, but that might just because he’s had a little more ‘screen time’ than some of the other characters. i hate jungkook’s mom character. i hope the misunderstandings are able to be cleared up and the characters are able to have a healthier relationship with each other!
Misty Heart by accioblueberrypancakes [29/32]
ot7, ot6 x jungkook, jungkook centric, magic, supernatural creatures, magic shop au, smut
another one of those, jungkook comes across the powerful ot6 and they are quickly whipped for him. the magic system is very interesting in this so far. i like the descriptions of the magical items and auras.
Into the Deep (I saw myself) by Mobius_Dusk [4/?]
ot7, ot6 x jimin, jimin centric, multi pov, witches, curses
taehyung (a plant witch) asks jimin (supposedly another plant witch) for help. / this is so cool so far! the magic system is really interesting, and jimin is cool.
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renadosia · 1 year
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Cafe Beside The Sea - Masterpost
— pairing: (Seokjin x reader)
— genre; Selkie AU, strangers to lovers, fluff, romance.
summary: You were just trying to do your job. You really didn’t mean to propose to a selkie. There was no way you could’ve known. So when he starts trying to court you- (dumping things from the beach on your front porch) you’re clueless. And when he starts to show up everywhere- (showing up at your work, trying to start conversations, while you’re working) you’re clueless. And when he finally breaks and says it to your face- (gets drunk and refuses to go with anyone but you, sobbing) well, you’re a little less clueless then.
— warnings/content: none
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Chapter one - Furry Coats and Misconceptions
summary; You return a coat to the strange customer that he accidentally left behind. Seokjin receives a marriage proposal from the pretty waitress that took his order. Both are oblivious.
Chapter two - 15% complete, currently writing.
Chapter three -
Chapter four -
Chapter five -
Chapter six -
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— Extra;
A03 version - link to CBTS posted on archive of our own.
Dividers - The dividers used on this Masterpost and subsequently this series, were all made by @cafekitsune !! All credit on this front is naturally, given to them. Link to the post of theirs it’s from is here !!
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hellreads · 4 years
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navigation for all the recs I received, let’s all indulge in these stories!
stories that are no longer available here or any other platform are removed from the list.
[ 🍒 ] indicates that i’ve already read the recommended story.
[ 💌 ] indicates that the recommendation was a love letter ~ where readers share their favorite authors and favorite masterpiece from them.
⇢ [ recs from the box google spreadsheet ] ⇢ [ back to main navigation ]
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[ #102 ] ⇢ With Us Trilogy by monodreamin [ lovers/poly!au ]
[ #100 ] ⇢ Thou Shall Not Steal by xherxx [ ot7 | spy/mafia!au ]
[ #095 ] ⇢ Pink Lemonade by himbojk [ ksj+jjk | milf/trophy wife!au ]
[ #094 ] ⇢ Nefarious by smileysuh [ kth+jjk | yandere!au ]
[ #093 ] ⇢ Destructive Interference by vyduan [ ksj + kth | i2l/f2l/e2l!au ]
[ #089 ] ⇢ Lillies of the Valley by girlmeetsliv3 [ ot7 | a/b/o/yandere!au ]
[ #083 ] ⇢ Never Ever After by peachpersona [ ao3 | ot7 | fairytale/yandere!au]
[ #079 ] ⇢ Something Like Love by koobear [ kth x jjk + knj x pjm | a/b/o!au ]
[ #078 + #099 ] ⇢ Poison Apple by jooniyah [ myg + kth | moneylender/yandere!au ] 🍒
[ #074 ] ⇢ I Love You Too by smileyoongle [ kth + jjk | lovers!au ] 🍒
[ #073 ] ⇢ Winter Court Series by koyamuses [ kth + jjk | royalty/faerie!au ]
[ #069 ] ⇢ Numinous by jooniescupcakes + ddaenqu [ ot7 | yandere!au ]
[ #067 ] ⇢ Tuqburni by solastia [ myg + pjm | poly!au ]
[ #066 ] ⇢ Versigny’s Vampire AU’s [ multiple members | vampire!au ]
[ #060 ] ⇢ Red Mistletoe by yoonia [ rapline | lovers!au ]
[ #052 ] ⇢ Break The Ice by minflix [ pjm + jjk | hockey!au ]
[ #043 ] ⇢ Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun Collaboration [ ot7 | halloween/horror!au ] ● ⇢ Demon Ritual Series by sopewriters [ ot7 | demon!au ]
[ #042 ] ⇢ The Service Series by jimlingss [ ot7 | love service!au ] ● ⇢ Tape I: Sunset Masquerade by jincherie [ jhs | superhero/superpower!au ] ● ⇢ Tape II: Dusk Rendezvous by jincherie [ pjm + kth | superhero/superpower!au ] ● ⇢ Tape III: Starlight Tryst (I) by jincherie [ ksj + jjk | superhero/superpower!au ] ● ⇢ Tape III: Starlight Tryst (II) by jincherie [ rapline | superhero/superpower!au ]
[ #041 ] ⇢ Crazy Rich Asians by hobiwonder [ ksj + pjm +myg +jhs | rich kids!au ]
[ #040 ] ⇢ The Hills by minflix [ myg + jhs | ski-trip!au ] 🍒 ● ⇢ Three's a Crowd by minnpd [ jhs + knj | cuckolding!au ] 🍒
[ #040 + #052 ] ⇢ Euphoria by 94hixtape [ pjm + jjk | college!au ]
[ #038 ] ⇢ Our Birthday Girl by joonie-beanie [ knj + kth | poly!au ]
[ #038 + #042 ] ⇢ Baby, Baby by hobiwonder [ pjm + kth | surrogacy!au ]
[ #035 ] ⇢ Stealing the Bite by wildernessuntothemselves [ kth + jjk | supernatural/love triangle!au ] 🍒
[ #033 ] ⇢ Three Squeezes by nomnomsik [ myg + jhs | poly!au ] 💌
[ #025 ] ⇢ Artificially Inclined by lemonjoonah [ maknaeline | android/assassin!au] 💌 🍒
[ #024 ] ⇢ Hopping Into Love by hobiorbit [ pjm + jjk + jhs | hybrid!au ] 💌
[ #016 ] ⇢ Equilibrium by tayegi [ pjm + jjk | poly/lovers!au ] 🍒
[ #009 ] ⇢ Call Me Mistress by dark-muse-iris [ ot7 | prostitution!au ]
[ #004 ] ⇢ Physcom by teawithkpop [ ot7 | sexworker!au ]  🍒 ● ⇢ Moth to Flame by bang-to-the-tan [ ot7 | vampire!au ] 🍒
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[ #100 ] ⇢ Prohibidio by personasintro [ brother’s best friend!au ]                                      ● ⇢ Hooked by joopiterjoon [ strangers to fwb to?!au ]
[ #070 ] ⇢ Fragmented Glass by mochismilesbrighterthanthesun [ e2l!au ]
[ #048 ] ⇢ Inked by 1997jk [ soulmate!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ Thou Shall Not Harm by personawife [ mafia/e2l!au ]
[ #038 ] ⇢ Oh, Baby by joonie-beanie [ mafia!au ] ● ⇢ Daisies and Dinosaurs by dark-muse-iris [ library/single parent!au ]
[ #035 + #067 + #084 ] ⇢ Sandcastles by solastia [ unhealthy open relationship!au ]
[ #029 ] ⇢ Partners by btssmutgalore [ college!au ] 💌
[ #023 ] ⇢ Bloom by hobidreams [ assassin!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #021 ] ⇢ Alias by foreignfingers [ non-idol!au ] 💌 🍒 ● ⇢ Sorry Bae by gukslut [ lovers!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #020 ] ⇢ Love Bytes by stutterfly [ f2l!au ] 💌
[ #011 ] ⇢ Underground King by sugaxjpg [ boxer!au ] 🍒
[ #005 ] ⇢ The Moment Pleasantly Frightful by yoongink [ devil!au ] 🍒
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[ #084 ] ⇢ Can’t Keep Lying by 1rosex [ lovers!au ]
[ #065 ] ⇢ MOAM Bonus#5: The Request by floralseokjin [ fuckboy!au ]
[ #064 ] ⇢ Cake by yeyeniejjung [ ao3 | cannibal/killer!au ] 🍒
[ #058 ] ⇢ Quietus by kingsuckin [ zombie!au ] ● ⇢ A Painter's Folly by taehauntsme [ dorian gray!au ] ● ⇢ Stay for a While by vanaera [ college!au ] ● ⇢ Edge of Tomorrow by thedefinitionofbts [ sci-fi!au ] ● ⇢ Tenderness by shookykookie [ android/dystopian!au ] ● ⇢ Expensive Gifts by bxebxee [ fake dating!au ] ● ⇢ Restoration by prolixitae [ exes!au ] ● ⇢ Melancholy by kosmosgguks [ premonition!au ] ● ⇢ Seven Tears by minstrophywife [ selkie!au ] ● ⇢ Strawberry Roses by peekaboongi [ cupid!au ] ● ⇢ 4AM Pining by dimplemono [ bakery/co-workers!au ] ● ⇢ Pasta La Vista by honeymoonjin [ food critic/restaurant!au ] ● ⇢ Whipped by syubits [ bakery!au ]
[ #045 ] ⇢ Let Me Be Yours by glassbangtan [ s2l!au ] ● ⇢ Creek Hill Apartments by btssmutgalore [ fuckbuddy!au ] 🍒 ● ⇢ Partition by taeken-my-heart [ exes!au ] 🍒
[ #039 ] ⇢ Currents by yeoldontknow [ arranged marriage!au ] 🍒
[ #037 ] ⇢ 2,561 Days by gossamie [ married/divorce!au ] 🍒
[ #018 + #043 ] ⇢ The Devil Wears Armani by floralseokjin [ devil!au ] 🍒
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[ #100 ] ⇢ Third Wheeling by untaemedqueen [ s2l!au ]
[ #086 ] ⇢ Beloved by bang-tan-bitches [ historical/daechwita/yandere!au ] 🍒
[ #062 ] ⇢ Pink Bird Houses by 54daysormore [ single parent/nanny!au ]
[ #061 ] ⇢ A Brief Story in Time by cutaepatootie [ royalty/fantasy!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ No Trick, Just Treats by minnpd [ halloween/parents!au ]
[ #042 ] ⇢ What You Did Last Summer by winetae [ trophy wife!au ] 🍒
[ #040 ] ⇢ Please Be Naked by floralseokjin [ rebound!au ] 🍒
[ #037 ] ⇢ Twelve Minutes in Tokyo by gossamie [ lovers!au ]
[ #034 ] ⇢ Suit & Tie by jungshookz [ CEO!au ] 💌 ● ⇢  Baby, You Can Drive My Car by jungshookz [ mechanic!au ] 💌
[ #022 ] ⇢ Penguins, Concussions, and Swear Words by dinoyoongi [ sports!au ] 💌
[ #017 ] ⇢ Punch Drunk by joonbird [ boxer!au ] 💌
[ #013 ] ⇢ The Things I Said When I Loved You by gossamie [ lovers/exes!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #010 ] ⇢ In Pari Delicto by fringesofsanity [ ao3 | first time!au ]
[ #009 ] ⇢ Conveniently by baeseoul [ single dad!au ]
[ #008 ] ⇢ Love Language by gukslut [ lovers!au ]
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[ #100 ] ⇢ The Serendipity of Things by oh-so-scenarios [ soulmate/mafia/doctor!au ]    ● ⇢ Love Me, Love Me Not by eiichiru [ fuckbuddy!au ]
[ #080 ] ⇢ Arranged by obiwrites [ ao3 | arranged marriage!au ]
[ #079 ] ⇢ Candyman by mintedmango [ ao3 | yandere!au ]
[ #061 ] ⇢ Down the Three Seasons Path by cutaepatootie [ fantasy!au ]
[ #053 ] ⇢ Now or Never by cutaepatootie [ racer!au ] 🍒
[ #043 ] ⇢ Burn in Hell (she said) by floralseokjin [ devil!au ]
[ #036 ] ⇢ Run Little Rabbit Trilogy by readyplayerhobi [ werewolf!au ] ● ⇢ Rewrite the Stars by abunnystale [ ao3 | werewolf!au ]
[ #026 + #046 ] ⇢ Lost and Found by fortunexkookie [ peter pan!au ] 💌 🍒
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[ #099 ] ⇢ Gingerbread Hearts by primarybts [ hansel and gretel!au ]
[ #084 ] ⇢ Come Home to Me Darling by roses-ruby [ married/cheating!au ] 🍒
[ #076 ] ⇢ Violent Delights by girlmeetsliv3 [ gang!au ] 🍒
[ #063 ] ⇢ Love at First Touch by bagelwrites [ ao3 | soulmate!au ]
[ #061 ] ⇢ Touched by a Fallen Star by cutaepatootie [ royalty/fantasy!au ]
[ #056 ] ⇢ I Can’t Be More Honest Than This by lollarissa [ ao3 | arranged marriage!au]
[ #052 ] ⇢ Good Boy by btssmutgalore [ sub!au ] ● ⇢  Heartbreak Insurance by jimlingss [ love service!au ] ● ⇢ Shutter & Shiver by pac-mang [ camboy!au ] ● ⇢ Me, You, and This Thing We Have Between Us by boymeetsweevil [ pregnancy!au ] 🍒 ● ⇢ Spice It Up! by aiimaginesbts [ married/sub!au ] ● ⇢ Power Play by dovechim [ pornstar/e2l!au ] 🍒 ● ⇢ Dark Side of the Moon by dovechim [ werewolf!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ Faded Love by jamaisjoons [ married!au ]
[ #042 ] ⇢ Tell Me Lies by jimlingss [ soap opera!au ] ● ⇢ A Kiss of Poison by jimlingss [ royalty!au ]
[ #007 ] ⇢ Cygini by bibbykins [ yandere/dancer!au ]
[ #006 ] ⇢ Otherworldly by sinning-on-a-sunday [ coraline!au ] 🍒
[ #002 ] ⇢ Two Worlds by i-see-you-now-you-see-me [ fae!au ]
[ #001 ] ⇢ Neighbors by jkeuphoriadreamland [ neighbors/stalker!au ] 🍒
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[ #096 + #097 ] ⇢ Maybe I Do by jiminssthetic [ arranged marriage/ceo!au ]
[ #090 ] ⇢ Cut by deepdarkdelights [ actress/yandere!au ] 
[ #090 + #100 ] ⇢ Manager-nim by na-yiii [ actress/manager/yandere!au ]
[ #085 ] ⇢ Heal Me, Kill Me by baepsaesbae [ vampire!au ]
[ #084 ] ⇢ Cheater by personasintro [ cheating!au ]
[ #069 ] ⇢ Gold by jooniescupcakes [ lovers?au ] 🍒
[ #061 ] ⇢ In Search of the Aurora Borealis by cutaepatootie [ fantasy!au ]
[ #048 ] ⇢ Umbra by kimvvantae [ hybrid/royal/fantasy!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ Carnal Cupidity by kittae [ werewolf!au ]
[ #042 ] ⇢ Papillon by readyplayerhobi [ f2l/pregnancy!au]
[ #039 ] ⇢ Lighthouse by lattesalt [ wattpad ]
[ #038 ] ⇢ Pulse by rohobi [ medical!au ]
[ #036 ] ⇢ Ravenous by junqkook [ werewolf!au ]
[ #010 ] ⇢ Reminiscence by fringesofsanity [ ao3 | rendezvous!au ] 🍒
[ #009 ] ⇢ I Can Be Your Addiction by yuudetama [ fwb!au ]                                             ● ⇢ L’Appel Du Vide by infireation [ killer!au ] 🍒
[ #007 ] ⇢ Embroidery by bibbykins [ soft yandere/CEO!au ]
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[ #100 ] ⇢ A Little Closer by cutechim [ rival gang!au ]                                                       ● ⇢ The Dark Prince by jkeuphoriadreamland [ royalty/yandere/curse!au ]                       ● ⇢ Private by baepop [ love triangle!au ]
[ #098 ] ⇢ Into The Forest by taehyungssss [ royal/faerie/forbidden love!au ]                     ● ⇢ Your Little Games by thebeebi [ historical!au ]                                                           ● ⇢ Rewind by vanillagguk [ supernatural/reincarnation!au ]
[ #096 ] ⇢ Please Love Me by ahundredtimesover [ arranged marriage/ceo!au ]
[ #095 ] ⇢ Young Alpha by aroseforyoongi [ werewolf/f2l/supernatural/soulmates!au ]       ● ⇢ Holidating by yeojaa [ i2l!au ]
[ #092 ] ⇢ Jackrabbit by jamaisjoons [ university/hybrid!au ]
[ #091 ] ⇢ Driving Me Wild by joonkookiemonster [ demon/roommates!au ]
[ #088 + #092 ] The Weeb Jungkook Collection by jinharem [ college/weeb!au] 🍒
[ #087 ] ⇢ Netflix and Chill by 1kook
[ #084 ] ⇢ Insecurity by jiminelli [ lovers!au ]
[ #082 ] ⇢ Aurora by mintseesaw [ historical/secret affair!au ] 🍒
[ #077 ] ⇢ Rattled by gukslut [ single parent/e2l/f2l!au ]
[ #075 ] ⇢ Silver Blades by jooniyah [ royalty/yandere!au ]
[ #072 ] ⇢ The Alpha’s Purity by suqakoo [ hybrid/e2l!au ]
[ #071 ] ⇢ Prince of Nothing by girlmeetsliv3 [ royalty!au ] 🍒
[ #065 ] ⇢ Down a Peg by btsracket [ pegging!au ]
[ #061 ] ⇢ The Blue Princess and Her Red Rose by cutaepatootie [ royalty/fantasy!au ]
[ #057 ] ⇢ Oh There’s A Name for Boys Like You by lollarissa [ ao3 | TATBILB!au ]
[ #055 ] ⇢ I Can’t Go Back to Where I Used to Be by lollarissa [ ao3 | royalty!au ]
[ #054 ] ⇢ Wanted by jincherie [ soulmate/space/alien!au ]
[ #051 ] ⇢ Distractions by 1kook [ gamer!au ] ● ⇢ Late Fee by 1kook [ f2l!au ]
[ #050 ] ⇢ Bubbles and Cuddles by strawbxxymilk [ lovers!au ] ● ⇢ Blue Raspberry by strawbxxymilk [ college!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ Keeping A Secret by kpopfanfictrash [ new relationship!au ] ● ⇢ Dotti by jungcock [ office!au ]
[ #044 ] ⇢ Hunter by avveh [ ao3 | assassin!au ] ● ⇢ Perverted Bunny Mask by btsinned [ assassin/killer!au ]
[ #043 ] ⇢ Howlin' For You by fortunexkookie [ werewolf!au ] ● ⇢ Nochu Unsolved by minflix [ cryptid hunting!au ] ● ⇢ Stuffed Pumpkin by floralseokjin [ halloween!au ] ● ⇢ Vampires Suck by sopewriters [ vampire/werewolf!au ] ● ⇢ Rigor Mortis by readyplayerhobi [ police/zombie!au ] 🍒
[ #040 ] ⇢ Lust and Errors by imaginesthisbts [ step-siblings/fuckbuddy!au ] 🍒
[ #038 ] ⇢ Escape by jjkfire [ company rivals!au ] ● ⇢ Sweet Saccharine by jjkfire [ sugar daddy!au ] ● ⇢ Drug Wars by plumblackjeon [ mafia!au ]
[ #038 + #049 ] ⇢ I Won't Stop You by imsarabum [ vampire!au ]
[ #037 ] ⇢ Like Stars in A Constellation by taegills [ reverse meeting!au ] ● ⇢ Before I Forget You by gossamie [ lovers!au ]
[ #036 ] ⇢ Tooth and Claw by johobi [ werewolf!au ]
[ #032 ] ⇢ Microwave Misadventures by bymoonchild [ college/roommates/e2l!au ] 💌 ● ⇢ Sugarplum Elegy by bymoonchild [ college/fwb/singer/i2l!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #031 ] ⇢ Baby, My Baby by pjmims [ parents!au ] 💌
[ #029 ] ⇢ New Rules by tayegi [ college/fratboy!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #028 ] ⇢ Content by pinecovewoods [ ao3 | roommates/youtuber!au ] 💌 ● ⇢ The School Dance by pinecovewoods [ ao3 | high-school!au ] 💌
[ #027 ] ⇢ Since Day One by gukgalore [ f2l!au ] 💌 ● ⇢ Switch Lanes by gukgalore 💌 🍒
[ #026 ] ⇢ Falling Skies by fortunexkookie [ e2f2l!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #026 + #046 ] ⇢ The Turing Test by fortunexkookie [ android!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #016 ] ⇢ Tinder 2.0 by tayegi ● ⇢ Mamihlapinatapai by tayegi
[ #014 ] ⇢ Tell Me No Lies by jeongi [ CEO/robbers!au ] 💌
[ #012 + #019 ] ⇢ Chasing Butterflies by ddaenggtan [ college/coffee shop!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #009 ] ⇢ Blue Orchids by inktae [ hanahaki!au ] ● ⇢ I Hate You, I Love You by jungblue [ bff!au ] ● ⇢ Gravity Check by gimmesumsuga [ instructor!au ] ● ⇢ Vaunt by yminie [ frat!au ] ● ⇢ Instant Gratification by dovechim [ fuckboy!au ] ● ⇢ Baby Boy by craft-rose
[ #003 + #030 ] ⇢ Animal by cutaepatootie [ boxer!au ] 🍒
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renadosia · 1 year
— Recently Posted
Cafe Beside The Sea - (Ch.1)
(Seokjin x reader) - Selkie AU, strangers to lovers, fluff, romance.
— Summary; You return a coat to the strange customer that he accidentally left behind. Seokjin receives a marriage proposal from the pretty waitress that took his order. Both are oblivious.
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Link to masterlist here <3
To find things; Navigation (this post!) -> Masterlist -> Masterposts -> Chapters.
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link to my AO3 here <3
— all of my work is cross-posted to AO3. I also write for various other fandoms on AO3 compared to my BTS exclusive content here. If you’re interested, do check it out! Any support is greatly appreciated!
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wwhseokjin · 3 years
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Salt and the Sea
When a tired college student majoring in astronomy returns the coat of worldwide music sensation, Kim Seokjin, as he was being mobbed by adoring fans, a path previously uncharted begins. Little did Y/N L/N know that she would soon be plagued by her newly wedded selkie prince spouse. Vain and spoiled, the pop star and supernatural crown prince has never been told “no” before. Well, at least until he meets her again when she hasn’t had her morning coffee yet. Magic, mischief, and mishaps all bundled into one slightly chaotic SMAU. Fun.
(Disclaimer: 100% inspired by that one tumblr post about a creative writing prompt featuring a selkie dropping their coat and a human handing it back to them so they end up getting married. A+++ idea and i loved it so full rights to them. Edit: found the post. it’s by @howtobangyourmonster and you can find the original post at this link:
Y/N & The Gang 🌙 - Intro
Chapter 1 🌙 - And So It Begins
Chapter 2 🌙 - Yandere Novel
Chapter 3 🌙 - God and Anime
Chapter 4 🌙 - Attention Whore Phase
Chapter 5 🌙 - Mutant Treehugger Boy
Chapter 5.5 🌙 - The Private Accts
Chapter 6 🌙 - Prada or Gucci
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wwhseokjin · 3 years
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5.5 The Private Accts
completely forgot to upload these earlier so here you go!!
-xoxoxo hecate
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