#based on a tumblr prompt
delta-pavonis · 8 months
Fic: Placebo Effect
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Dreamling (human AU) || Rated E || 10k words || complete Alternate Universe - human, Hob is minorly Tiktok famous, for his woodworking ASMR videos, Hob is also a doctor, Dream listens to Hob’s ASMR, Dream is a museum curator, Dream needs his fucking lunatic parents to stop harassing him about not being married yet, Hob takes on the holiday shifts for colleagues because he doesn’t have a family to go home to, Hob is really fucking bored and decides to offer to do a fake relationship video call, you see where this is going, fake relationship to real relationship, the entire set of Endless sibs are little shits in the best way, getting together, phone sex, dirty talk, sexting, inappropriate work behavior, sex at work, Dream went to art school, Dream was an unrepentant slut in college, Hob is still an unrepentant slut, frenum piercing, reference to previous toxic relationship, sex toys, anal fingering, oral sex, blow job, anal sex
>> You are no doubt being inundated with such requests, but at the endless prodding of my siblings I decided to try: I would like to take you up on that offer of a holiday meal call as a fake partner. Even my littlest sister and my sibling-who-hates-me have taken pity upon my plight and encouraged me to do this, just so they don’t have to listen to our parents harass me for the entirety of another dinner. I am amenable to discussing terms, but you would probably benefit from some pre-event background on my family’s unique flavor of crazy before you agree to this. He doesn’t even get his phone back into his pocket before it vibrates with a notification.
inspired by a prompt @gabessquishytum got
Read on AO3
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universal-ren-kin · 4 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Gundam Wing Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: none yet Characters: Duo Maxwell, Original Characters Additional Tags: the other pilots will show up eventually, I'll add them when they do, and if any relationships develop too!, right now this is more plot than ship, Genetically Engineered Beings, Genetic Engineering, Clones, I'll update tags and warnings as needed Summary:
Duo's been on his own for years and living well. Well, that is, until he's thrown into the back of a van and kidnapped. What will happen to him, and will the pilots find him before he's hurt?
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cathodecreature · 3 months
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Costume for a friend's masquerade :D
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mjulmjul · 1 year
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angel, abstract
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jjoneechan · 6 months
c!Dream in thought
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He’s wondering what kingdom is this flag from.
Looks nice. He likes the colors. Maybe they’re friendly and welcoming?
based off this prompt on twitter
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iiashxlie · 7 months
people should draw this as their favorite ship
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Random Prompts 21:
"I just had to be abandoned in the woods, didn't I? There's just no common decency anymore."
"No, much to everyone's surprise, I cannot read people's palms. Just because I'm good at everything else doesn't mean I'm good at that."
"If you butcher that pronunciation any more I will stab you."
"Can I just slide in real quick? Thank you, dear. Now, about that intel?"
"Has anyone seen my boots?" "No." "Or my laces?" "Oh! Yeah. I have them."
"I need to legally change my name because this shit? Sucks."
*singing* "I love arson, I love fire. I love burning, and I love pyres."
"You guys need to chill the fuck out. You're stressing me out, and I don't do stress."
"Can you make out later? Preferably when I am three hundred miles away and on a plane to anywhere but here?"
"Yeah, I'm cute and all, but touch me and you won't have anything left below that elbow." "And how would a child do that?" "With my teeth, dumbass."
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kodasea · 5 months
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Davy Jones
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chaoswarfare · 2 years
swimming with the fishes! ;))
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promptsbytaurie · 9 months
dialogue prompts based off random items i found in my room (part I)
"You know what this space needs? A bulletin board. With pictures."
"Hah, yeah. My mom made that blanket."
"You do not need this many trophies displayed."
"I didn't know you played volleyball."
"Ooh, a diary. You got all your little secrets in there?"
"You have a concerning amount of books."
"I used to have a stuffed animal like this."
"I've counted three Coke cans and I haven't even looked at your desk yet."
"Oh my god, you were so cute as a kid!"
"You drew this?"
"You have a list of all of your friends? Wow, that's narcissistic ... uh, why are there only three?"
"Oh, I used to love this book."
"A mini fridge?? Are you rich?"
"Speaking to an empty room. Hah. Now I'm going insane."
"Huh. Nice photo. ... We were happier back then, weren't we?"
"You own a concerning amount of snow globes."
"Why is your bed so big?? You're like, three feet tall."
"I found a Kit Kat. Hope it wasn't expired because I just ate it."
"Have you heard of curtains?"
"No wonder you're so angry all the time. I would also be angry if the neighbors liked mowing their lawn at five in the morning."
"There are seven Pringles cans in your trash. Are you okay?"
"I've never seen you wear makeup??"
"Secret stash of candy. Classy."
"Look, I'm just saying, this space needs a little pizzaz, y'know?"
"Do you think your brother would be mad if I sat on his bed?"
"There is dog hair everywhere."
"Are all of these journals full??"
"'Do not enter.' Skull emoji. Did you seriously print out a sign for your door?"
"You don't have a lock on your door??"
"Can I just say... love the giant self-portrait from third grade. Not creepy at all."
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 8 months
tumblr.com/emdeerm insert-that-spiderman-meme
based on this prompt and the amazing fanfic "Wait I'm a Cartoon Over Here?!"
Ahem Damian flopped onto his bed, exhausted after having had to clean the bat litter once more, as per Alfred's instruction. However, that exhaustion was punctuated by an underlying satisfaction. Despite everything, he and Richard had succeeded. They made contact with Team Phantom (part of him felt dizzy and giddy at the notion, but he'd impale anyone who'd suggest it) and managed to keep Father and the others from combusting at the notion of their existence. Phantom had sworn up and down to never expose their identities, knowing just how important they are. ("You were my hero since I was 7, I'd rather eat Dash's underwear again than betray your trust!") If only he knew...
Speaking of whom, Damian clamped his hands of his ears as the girlish squealing in this room entered a fever pitch. He was starting to regret allowing Kent to enter the Manor while team Phantom were visiting.
"DANNY DANNY DANNY DANNY DANNY I'M SUCH A HUGE FAN OF YOU CAN YOU PLEASE SIGN THIS AND THIS AND THIS AND-" Damian could've sworn that's the spiel Jonathan had opened with about twenty minutes ago. Fenton, for his part, was doing his best to withstand the onslaught of super-powered pre-teen fandom.
He'd never be caught dead doing something so... debased. So petty and pointless as to gawk at a fictional character. He, the blood son of the Bat and his future successor.
"Come on Damian, aren't you excited too?" His heart rate spiked. Blast. How quickly could he break into Father's kryptonite vault...
"You sure you wanna mess him with right now? He really looks like he could kill you, and I read the issue where he tried to murder Tim."
Damian prickled, even felt a hint of shame knowing that Fenton knew just as much about him as he did, how shameful. No not shameful at all, why would he care about someone who probably wasn't even real. Damian moved to sit up and shot Jonathan the deadliest glare he could muster, an expression copy-pasted right off his Father's Batglare.
Jonathan, for his part, cowered behind Fenton. "You'd do well to keep remain silent, Kent, before I remind you that your life is as fragile as a dying rat." He all but spat out. However, instead of cowering further, Jonathan's lips curled into a devious expression.
Fenton's head bounced between the two. "Maybe this personal arc hasn't been published yet..." He muttered.
"Hey Danny..." Jonathan began, hesitantly. This could not be happening. Damian grabbed the nearest katana and lunged. However, his efforts were made fruitless as he passed through the duo like they weren't there. Dammit! "I know this is kind of embarassing, but we put in a lot of work and you're like my number two inspiration after my dad and we don't know how long you'll be here so., but you gotta keep this a total secret, like a total secret, you can't tell anyone."
Jonathan reached into his backpack. Damian swung his sword again. Anything, anything to prevent the inevitable. If this were allowed to happen, his life would be forfeit. Curse his hero this hero for being so overpowered. Where was the lipstick laser when you needed it? Or the fenton thermos? or the anti-creep stick, or anything?!
However, just as Jonathan was about to retrieve the forbidden contraband, a fist flew out and blew him away. "Woah what is this?" Exclaimed one Danielle Phantom. It was at that moment that Damian knew, there was nothing more that could be done.
Danielle rifled through the pages of the comic book that Jon was about to pull out (which, btw, was amazing! Danny might be into Nightwing and Martian Manhunter, but she could not count the number of nights she'd dreamt of flying with the Super Sons. Basically she was never gonna wash that fist again anyway) and was shocked to find the contents. "Yo Danny, have you seen this??"
Her template/brother/cousin/dad (his status is in a weird gray area at the moment) leaned over, eyes widening too.
For within her hands was the latest issue of the celebrated fancomic, the Secret Adventures of Danny Phantom, which circulated around this universe's social media forums and the schoolyards of Metropolis and Gotham. Danielle flipped through pages upon pages of lovingly hand-drawn panels.
"I didn't know we were a comic, too! I've never looked that cool before." Danny said, nothing the cover art.
"I dont think this is official, i mean, whatever official canon means these days. Look, there's no logo from the channel our cartoon's on."
"I can't believe I have fans who know enough about me to make a fancomic." Danny groaned.
"Oh shut up, Danny. you don't see me getting any fanart." Dani teased, until she reached the beautiful two-page spread of her, Robin and Superboy swooping in to save Danny from the GiW. Special attention was placed by the artist on her hair, and the unnatural glow of her ghostly eyes. Overall it was a very flattering picture. the real Dani's jaw dropped.
Danny turned to the gaping Jon, and the limp Damian, both of whose faces were drained of colour, looking even more dead than himself on a cold day. Realisation dawned inside of him. "Wait, did you guys make this?"
His interoogation could not continue furhter before Dani squealed with excitement. She phased out of the bedroom door in an instant before anyone could react, yelling in excitement about this amazing fancomic that Damian and Jon had made, like it was fate... Her voice was followed by one Dick Grayon's comment on Damian's evolving artstyle, before more joined the chorus. As for Damian? He rolled for 60d6 psychic damage, took 300, and lost the wlil to live. Jon was not far behind.
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simp-for-long-hair · 4 months
click for better quality :)
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idk, i thought this was a fun idea ♡
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theconjurervfx · 4 months
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jjoneechan · 4 months
If the shirt fits…
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based on saps response
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GEORGE version
DREAM version
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CWs: suggestive
The villain gently placed a kiss on the hero's neck, and the hero shivered. "Please, I-"
"Shut up, love." The villain's thigh pushed between the hero's, pressing them tighter against the wall. "You're the one who screwed up, so I'm the one who gets you. Got it?"
"You're the one who's killed people." The hero whispered, trying to act as if they weren't melting against the villain like a candle by a fire.
"And you're the one who almost got me killed, love." They tangled their hand in the hero's hair. "So gladly shut up for a couple of hours."
The hero smiled involuntarily, wrapping their arms around the villain. "I love you so much."
"I told you to shut up, stop being adorable."
The hero blushed, resting their head in the crook of the villain's neck. "I'm sorry."
The villain kissed the top of the hero's head softly. "I love you too."
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 6 months
~ Suggest me some TMNT couples to draw with one of these prompts 💞💖"
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Note: I will NOT be taking any TCEST, leorai, adult x minor and just in general any problematic ship at all. Okay bye.
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