#selkie jin
renadosia · 1 year
Cafe Beside The Sea - Chapter 1
— pairing: (Seokjin x reader)
— genre: Selkie AU, strangers to lovers, fluff, romance.
— summary; You return a coat to the strange customer that he accidentally left behind. Seokjin receives a marriage proposal from the pretty waitress that took his order. Both are oblivious.
— content warnings: none
— word count: 7.4k
Masterlist / Next chapter
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The summer of your eleventh birthday was the first time you saw them. And the summer of your eleventh birthday, you wept into the sea.
Drip, drip, drip, went your tears into the ocean as it pushes weakly against your ankles. Drip, drip.
You kick at the water, sniffling into your wrist as you wipe at your eyes. Drip, drip.
(Seven tears to summon a selkie, they say, go and cry into the ocean. Shapeshifters, both human and seal- they shed their coats.)
There was a lot that happened that summer- for starters, your parents packed up theirs and your entire life and moved to a small seaside town, and among other things, you would enroll into the local school and quickly be swept up into a friend group of rambunctious boys, you would discover your love for the ocean and become intimately familiar with it over the coming months, (namely thanks to your new beachside home), and find that actually- you really loved living in this small town.
But something has to give first, and before it did, in those first few weeks during and after- it felt like hell. And your little eleven-year-old self was sure that your life was ending.
Well that might be an exaggeration- but point is; you didn’t take it very well.
It only took you about two or three days before you had gone off down the beach, crying. Your parents had repeatedly been telling you to go explore while they finished unpacking, and bitterly, you had done so. Trudging through sand in the opposite direction of town, mostly out of spite. It was windy and the sand bit at your skin, feeding woes as you went.
Back then when you had yet to spend hours upon hours walking trails through the grass over the banks and pulling sea glass treasures from the sand, wading through rock pools to reach the edge where the spray of saltwater would spring up and spit against your legs from the waves, you knew nothing about the area. And so a cave carved into an alcove only sparked the calling of curiosity and adventure as you had easily stepped down the dip of sand and into the cove. 
There was only one thing even half as interesting along the beach that late afternoon, and it was a large pod of seals dotting the beach.
What little you knew of them was from your parents brief mentions of their encounters while working as marine biologists (the reason you had moved to the coast in the first place), and while intrigued, you gave them a wide berth out of caution.
Your tears hadn’t quite dried by this point, not fully anyway, and although a few heads with big dark eyes perked up at you moving past them, none of the seals gave you heed as you went right past them and into the cave.
One thing you didn’t notice that day, was a particular seal that watched you go and tumble straight into the alcove. It gave a yip at you, but you didn’t even glance back.
Another thing you didn’t know was that your parents were already looking for you. Having checked weather reports an hour or so after you had left. But you had been out along the beach for hours at this point, and you had gone pretty far out- not to mention, it was getting late.
There was something you did notice though, and had foolishly ignored, which was the tide pushing into the mouth of the cave. All but a thin sheen of water. Your feet get wet, but you don’t give it any thought.
The sun was setting over the blue waves as you savored the sunlight, you hadn’t long until it would get fully dark, and with the clouds swirling in the sky, you would need to head back soon. Even though you wanted to stay out if only just to make your parents worry for you. Maybe then, you had thought, they’ll regret moving to this damn place.
Pushing up and down rocky ledges, you went in. The cave was dark and damp, and you pulled out your phone for the flash as you looked around wide eyed and amazed, at the end of the cavern you could see light and you pushed onwards. Eventually, the tunnel opened into a wide open space, holed up straight upwards so that you could see the sky. You wondered if it was some sinkhole from the ledge above that overhung, and mentally made plans for the next day to go and check it out from above, where you could already see the tree's canopies peeking over the edges. You’d never get to though, because it had started to rain. Little droplets of water tapped against your phone’s screen, and you huffed, wiping it over on your shirt. No reception. But even despite the rain, you weren’t yet worried. You had brought a jacket. The next hour was mostly just photographing and plucking little colorful shells from the sandy earth. In the time it took you, the rain picked up. Now pelting down and bringing a harsh chill to your bone.
A good point to head home, you had thought. But it simply wasn’t that easy. As you climbed your way back through the cave, you noticed the water runoff that ran trails through the rocks. You thought it must’ve come from the open sinkhole space from behind you until you made it to an deadend.
What had been the entrance of the cave was now blocked with a flood of still pushing and pulling water, flooded from the outside in. A complete dead-end, and you felt your heart drop.
After this, there truthfully wasn’t too much you remembered aside from the panic and the seal.
You had panicked, you had tried to get out, you had failed to get out, and had eventually found yourself curled into a ball on the cold hard ground sobbing your eyes out.
Not the most dignified reaction, but you were eleven, so there wasn’t any other reaction that you really could’ve given. And so for the second instance, your eleven-year-old self felt once more like your world was crashing down on itself. (Only you had a bit more of a valid reason for it this time around.)
You were alone in that damp dark space, crying and crying and crying, and then there was a splash, and you had startled, and then suddenly you weren’t alone. The water’s surface broke and the first thing you noticed was a sleek furry body. A seal had popped up and out of the water and the next moment was still. It watched you with deep black eyes, and you had probably cried more, (that day, there was a lot of crying), and only then it started to shuffle over towards you. 
The seal nosed at your arm, but you shuffled back a bit warily, your face wrecked with sobs and wet with tears and rain. It yipped at you, and then at that same quick moment, turned back towards the water, yipped again, and dived away. Under the blocked entrance of the cave and back into the ocean. And you were alone again. The whole interaction only took a moment, but it was one moment enough for it to bring simultaneously comfort and despair, and ever since then you had always had a bit of a soft spot for seals- all since childhood, through it, and into adulthood.
But still you cried, and cried, and cried a bit more, until the search and rescue teams found you. You were hauled up with climbing rope through the open sinkhole, and then in your parents arms you had cried more.
Later, you would come to be slightly embarrassed by the whole ordeal. Especially when school had started up and peers and teachers would bring it up. Even on the rare occasion complete strangers had recognised you, usually elderly sharing their relief of your safety while you stood next to your parents, cringing. 
Later, you had asked your parents how they had found you.
And they had said that after they had gone into town and search parties of people had been sent out, a young boy had shown up. He knew where you were, and had taken them to the cave. Just older than you were, with long limbs and broad shoulders, and a wet mop of hair on top of his head. He had slipped away after the rescue team jumped into action, and no one knew who he was, nor did he ever come forward after that. He was dressed oddly, apparently. With sandals and shorts and a plain shirt. Odd because his hair was wet as if he had just gone swimming, but his clothes were completely dry. He said he was on the beach when he saw you, and no one had questioned it out of gratitude to be able to find you. The main thing that stood out to them as odd though, was the grey furry coat he wore. Too fancy and blatantly out of place to bring with you to the beach.
But as all things do, time moved on and you forgot much about the incident and earlier years from when you had first moved to the coastal town. The only real memory remaining that you were dumb to go into a cave when the tide was rising and it was storming. It was then a bit of a funny story for you to tell, and that was all it became. But you had always remembered the seal that had comforted you, and similarly, the story of the boy who had saved you.
You might have never met him, but if you got to, you had decided that you wanted to thank him for what he did that day. (Although you knew full well that the likelihood was against you.) But you knew you wouldn’t be able to find the boy with the strange coat, and so you decided that you would leave it up to fate.
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Time ticked by as if stuck in honey, slowly and slowly and slower.
Today wasn’t a particularly busy workday, but in the same breath, it wasn’t particularly slow either. Because of this, it felt as if there wasn’t quite enough work to do aside from waiting for more customers to come in, gaps of time in between filled with slow cleaning and patience. It was only the start of summer, so this pacing was bound to change with an influx of imminent tourists wanting to visit beaches and see the oceanside offered by coastal towns and cities, but all the same, you were just waiting for your shift to end in hopes to head home. 
Home- or a quick detour to wherever your friends would decide to hangout today, ever changing locations between the seven of you in the indecisive way you all could be. (A few in particular, say Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung- but that’s not to name names. They just get a bit cooped up in the same spot.)
Scrubbing the kitchen counter for what must’ve been the fifth time in the past hour, you sighed. The last thing you wanted to do was slack off with the owner sitting just a few feet away at one of the booths tapping away at her phone. Yongsun was a lovely woman, and you might be one of the co-managers, but you still rather not chance it with a job that kept you stable for years. This little job paid well, and alongside the allowance your parents would send you from wherever on the planet they were at the moment you were decent. Not to mention, you enjoyed the environment, Yongsun was one of the nicest women you had ever met, warm and friendly, and you didn't want to get in her bad books.
When you hear the chime of the doorbell and the sound of the front door opening, you don't really bother to hide your relief at something to actually do. It’s followed by chatter and laughter as a group of customers enter together, and as the only one working on shift at the moment, you swiftly move to be in front of the register and display-cabinet of baked goods and food. Yongsun stands to greet the group cheerily, and among the group of strangers, each with a coat slung over their shoulders a-piece, you’re surprised to see two of your friends with them. The only thing they're missing is the coats themselves. 
Taehyung notices you first, sending a wave to you as he sits down in the booth and Jimin peaks over his head with a similar grin, laughing at your off guard expression. And you roll your eyes back at them.
You knew they were friendly with Yongsun, and the pair of them are very social- Jimin and Taehyung always seem to know some of the people who pass through town, especially in the summertime. While it's a bit odd to see them hanging out with strangers- you're much more used to passing hellos and warm conversations, you suppose it makes sense, they have to meet all those people somehow. Jimin has always had an extroverted streak in him, even if he never leaves town. And Taehyung is his opposite, an introverted type at first, but out of town in the off-seasons.
There’s a particular stranger that Yongsun greets that catches your eye, with a bashful expression and remarkably attractive face as Yongsun greets him with a big hug and even pinches his cheeks as if he was a child. She was clearly familiar with him, and you don’t even need to imagine the ‘ are you sure you’re eating enough, hun? that you’re sure she’s giving him, much like she does to you and every other person she likes. He looks similarly glad to see her, and you wonder distantly if he’s a son of one of her out of town friends, given you have no clue who he is. Or who any of the other strangers are sitting with them, aside from Jimin and Taehyung, of course. (It’s a small town and countryside in general. So everyone knows everybody here for the most part.)
Yongsun happily wavers you over from the counter, so you aren't left to guess when to approach them. “This is the sweet (Y/n). One of my loveliest workers here.” She smiles as you walk over, already with her menu out and listing the items the table wants. She hums, pausing and looking over towards the man from before. “Seokjinnie, what was it you wanted again?” 
“Ah, I’ll just get a muffin or something please, ahjumma.”
“Alright, chocolate chip muffin for that one, please (Y/n).”
“Of course,” you chime agreeably, finishing jotting down the order. When you look up, you accidentally meet the gaze of the ‘seokjinnie’ man that Yongsun was talking to. You’re not sure what it is, but there’s something familiar about him, whether you've seen him before you’re not sure, but his fine features and beautiful black eyes draw your gaze to him and you make yourself pull away. “Is that all for today?” 
“Yes, thank you.” The man replies, his voice is polite and melodious, and it’s honestly one of the nicest sounds you’ve heard in a while. ( If that doesn’t seem too creepy, you think to yourself.) You nod with a smile and head back behind the counter, picking out the pre-made items to serve to the table before heading into the kitchen to start on anything that needs to be cooked or baked. It doesn’t take you all that long, preparing the burgers and smoothies and anything else that needs it for the group.
When you gather them all onto trays, you see out of the corner of your eye Jimin and Taehyung talking to the same man from before, and you can tell from the looks on their faces and personal experience that they were teasing the poor man, but when you walk out, their heads all snap up and Jimin and Taehyung break into laughter while the other just ducks and shakes his head. He seems a bit flustered but tells them off, you just can’t make out the words.
“Here you are.” You say chipperly as you set down the trays and they pick off their orders. Then you turn and head back to the kitchen while Jimin nudges the ‘Seokjinnie’ guy with a teasing smirk. You easily tidy up the dishes and mess you made while the group finishes up, and by the time you finish, they’re all already gathering up their things and getting ready to leave. Picking up their expensive looking fur coats and purses and bags. Save for Yongsun, Jimin and Taehyung, each of the strangers each have one of the fanciful coats. All near matching, all flat fur, all gray. Was this some sort of club? You really hope your two idiot friends and boss didn’t get mixed up with some gang. Were there even gangs out here? By the beach? At some random seaside town? You have no idea, but the fur coat gang doesn't seem too threatening, you giggle mentally.
They all migrate over to the front door, and you pick up the cutlery left behind at the table. Your shift is almost over before some other employees take over for the afternoon, and you don’t think it’s too bad to end off with some dishes. You drop them off in the sink, taking a last peek out of the kitchen at the sound of the door’s chime and catching the customers filter out. The ‘Seokjinnie’ guy is the last one left, the others having left or already walking away from the front of the store, and just as he slips through the store, you watch as his fur coat slips from being slung over his bag and lands right in the doorway, glass door catching on it as he walks off taking no notice.
You blink, and then thoughtlessly follow after and pluck the coat up from between the door, not quite impulsive but more on instinct of manners. On any normal day you would be annoyed, but there’s been something a bit off all day- a feeling as though you’re waiting for something important to happen wedged deep in your chest- but it’s not a feeling that you realize until after.
After when the sun rises in streaked rays and it seeps through the curtains, you press into the warmth of blankets and share soft whispers of words, lazing in bed and reminiscing on the moment with arms wrapped around you.
The door clicks shut behind you as you train your gaze after where he turned, searching for the soft head of hair and broad shoulders amongst the streets. Your eyes catch him easily, a standout amongst others and you take off after him in a jog. It’s your lucky day, dude. You think, You’re not gonna lose your probably expensive fur coat just yet. 
“Wait!” You call out, running after him as you tuck the soft fur of his coat safely into your arms. He doesn’t turn around, neither does he even realize that you’re addressing him. “Your coat!”
Finally, you catch up to him. In a slight flurry of panic you reach out and grasp his arm, tugging him around- it’s a little harsher than you intend, but it gets the job done. He spins around to face you with a confused expression. 
Normally you’re not the type to ever touch a stranger, mostly out of respect for personal space, (both your own and the other person), so you’re quick to yank your hand back and step away. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for grabbing you like that!” You say, giving an apologetic look and shuffling his coat on your arm to be held out to him. “Sorry again, I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just that you dropped your coat.”
His eyes flicker between you and the fur coat, and his expression drops. Stunned as he wordlessly reaches his hand out and brushes it over the furry article. He looks half shocked-half mortified and you panic a little, looking over the coat yourself almost praying it isn’t damaged. You really doubt you have the money to reimburse a whole other coat for the guy if it was, and the fact that he seems close with your boss only makes it even worse. The logical side of your brain reasons that you weren’t the one who dropped it- so it’s not really your fault- but god knows that you’ve had your fair share of haughty customers over the years, so you’d rather not take your chances.
“I am so so sorry, it slipped off your bag when you left and I picked it up for you once I saw.” You ramble, dusting it off as gently as you can manage before pressing it into the man’s hands. “Is this alright? You’re not upset?”
“I- um.” His face flushes red, all the way to the tips of his ears. Cute, really you would swoon if the situation was any different. “I think. This is fine, I think.”
“Oh thank goodness, It’s not damaged or anything, but I was worried you’d run off before I could even give it back!” You chuckle softly and maybe slightly awkwardly. Finding the stare that he’s giving you a little confusing as your gaze flits up to meet his. “You walk very fast.” You say lightly, trying to dispel any tension. 
“I do- did.” He says a little dumbly, face still red as he clears his throat and straightens up. “I just wasn’t expecting this.” You raise your brows at his words, unsure what they mean.
“Well, no worries.” You smile as nicely as you can, and it seems to work, him reciprocating it as he nods. “At least you can go home with your coat safe!”
There’s a moment where neither of you say anything, him looking at you intently as he seems to swallow down any previous shyness that lingered. He speaks thoughtfully, as if contemplating; “Yes, much better this than losing it. Or someone else keeping it to themselves.” He smiles, and despite his very very odd words (in your opinion), you're not that creeped out- only the awkwardness that licks at the back of your neck any indication of discomfort. “I’ve been waiting for something like this for a while, and you actually seem quite sweet.” You shift on your feet, not knowing what else to do except smile and nod your head awkwardly. He watches you, observant to your every word and reaction, but his expression is tender and you don’t know where that came from. Your mind recalls with relief that you had left the cafe completely unattended .
“Right.” You say, pulling on your best poker face. “Well, my shift isn’t quite over yet, so I’d best be getting back.” He seems to pull out of a daze at your words, and you try to ignore that it makes you feel a bit bad for him. “Um, good luck! Have a good afternoon!” As you turn and speed walk back towards the cafe, you can feel his gaze on your back. You don’t look around at him, but once you push open the glass doors of the store you can’t help but almost want to peek back out to look for him. Maybe it’s curiosity, maybe you thought he was hot (you did), maybe you’re a bit paranoid- but whichever one it is you stubbornly shove it down and trudge back into the kitchen, sighing deeply as your brain runs over the interaction and the man’s strange words. Well, that was odd . You think, and you really have no idea where the weird words and such came from, but at the very least, you’ve got something funny to tell your friends later on . 
But Goddamnit, Jimin and Taehyung were absolutely going to laugh at you.
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The first thing you did once your shift ended and a coworker took over for you, was grab your bag and check your phone. It lit up with a text message from Hoseok, his contact followed by random emojis he had put in years ago when he first took your phone to give you his number.
‘Meetup at the studio after work? The others are coming :D’
A huff of amusement left you as you unlocked your phone and typed a message back.
‘Definitely, wouldn’t miss it, Hobi. Also I've got a funny story to tell you guys lol.’
‘Ookk, but just hurry though 'cause Jungkook keeps complaining that he’s hungry and you know how that goes.’ 
You roll your eyes, typing; ‘That boy is always hungry. But yeah, be there in ten.’ 
You giggle a little at the string of strange emojis Hoseok sends in response before tucking your phone into your back pocket as you speed walk down the streets. You couldn’t have been more eager to get out of there after working most of the day. It isn’t long until you get down to the studio, and you step and round down the hall past the receptionist, (a friendly girl who had been working there for a few months) as you head right towards the studio room you know Hoseok usually works at. Through the glass doors you can see all the boys sitting around- and Jungkook, who was leaning against the wall next to the door, pulls it open for you before you even manage to grab the handle. 
“(Y/n)! How was work? Hobi says you’ve got another one of those funny customer stories to tell us again.” He grins at you, and clicks the door shut behind you before you respond. There’s some takeout containers and burgers sitting around, Jungkook's got one in his hand, and you would take a guess he convinced somebody to make an ‘emergency call’ for him. 
Jimin chimes up from one of the benches. “Yeah, and why didn’t you tell us before when we were there?” 
“She was working, jimin.” Yoongi says reasonably, shrugging lightly. And my boss was there , you go to say, but jimin beats you to it.
“Yeah, but I would’ve stayed behind if I knew there was drama.” He defends jokingly, turning a teasing smile over towards you. “Yongsun wouldn’t have minded, you know. She knows we’re friends. I mean, after all the times me and Tae have camped out waiting for your shifts to finish in booths, and the fact she asks us how you’re doing everytime we speak, I'd say you're even her favorite employee.” 
“It happened after you guys left.” You explain, sitting down next to Hoseok who wavers you over as you set your bag down. “And it’s not drama but I still don’t want to get any grief over this. Tae, Jimin, I’m talking to you two.”
“Huh?” Taehyung echoes, his head flicking up from his phone that was scrolling on distractedly. He gives you a befuddled expression when you look at him pointedly. “What’d I do?”
“One of the people you were with.” You say, sighing dramatically. “Some poor guy dropped his jacket and so I had to run it to him. It was pretty awkward.”
Namjoon shakes his head at you sympathetically, laughing a little bit. “That’s not that bad.” He says, but you huff protest. And no one notices, but Jimin and Taehyung both stiffen up. Their heads snapping over towards you and sitting up alert.
“What?” Taehyung says, unable to help the sharp tone that he uses. Yoongi and Namjoon both raise a brow, aware of the change of mood, and Jungkook glances over at them. Hobi doesn’t notice it.
“Aw man, I was hoping for something like that one time that kid tripped on someone’s foot and spilled a smoothie all over you.” Hoseok complains with a mischievous smile as he lays across the floor, “that was pretty funny. You had a huuge pink stain over your new fancy shirt all day.”
“That was miserable.” You grimace.
“It was funny as shit.” 
“ lHold on - you gave who back his jacket ?” Taehyung speaks up again, cutting off Hoseok and your banter with an edge of urgency to his voice that makes you pause. You look over at him frowning, and he looks a mix of disturbed and worried that only makes you confused. You gave his coat back , so why would he need to be worried? It wasn’t like it was damaged or anything. 
“The guy you were teasing. I gave him back his furry coat when he dropped it.” 
Taehyung’s jaw drops and Jimin shoots a glare at him, kicking him in the leg. He clears his throat, “Did you give it to him or like, point it out and tell him he dropped it?” He seems less concerned then taehyung does, but still so- from his more good natured smile compared to Taehyung's tense demeanor, it relaxes you slightly, but you can still see the uncertainty behind his eyes that makes your stomach churn uneasily. You flicker your gaze between the two incredulously. The others all watch.
“I gave it to him. It slipped from his bag and he didn’t notice. I had to stop him in the street to give it back.” You say, furrowing your brows. Jimin and Taehyung share a look. 
Namjoon breaks in, apparently having enough of the random tension in the conversation. “Okay, why are you two being so cryptic?” he waves his hands gently, looking between you and the other two. “What else was she supposed to do? Let the dude lose his coat?”
“Well- no?” Taehyung splutters slightly, choking on his words. “just- was it Seokjin?”
“Seokjin?” You echo, confused. 
Yoongi passes an eye over the three of you calmly. “Jimin, not all of us are extroverts and know all the random people who pass through town.” He says, the small joke eases some of the rising confusion from the group. He sends a small grin at him, and Jungkook makes an affronted noise at his words.
“We know taehyung! And you!” 
“That’s different.” Yoongi rebutts immediately.
“Yeah, they both grew up here.” Namjoon adds, leaning back and glad to jump on an opportunity to change the subject. 
“Yoongi goes to the city for work for like a week every month! I don’t see how that’s so different!” Jungkook says, shaking his head with a determined expression. “And Taehyung sticks around for summer, sure, but he only visits otherwise.” 
Hoseok gives a hearty laugh, and Jungkook grins at him. “Yoongi literally lives here.” He snorts, and Yoongi nods his head along.
“Yep. So don’t know what you’re on about, kid.”
“Sure you don’t, old man.” Jungkook says with accusation, pointing a finger towards Yoongi, who just rolls his eyes with a smug look. 
“Whatever you say, kiddo.”
Jungkook scrunches up his face, cringing. “Ugh, I’ve always hated that word-“ He’s cut off the crack of a phone clattering to the floor and everyone glances over again, Taehyung giving a little mutter of shit as he hastily stuffs it into his bag. 
“Tae? You good?” Hoseok asks. But Taehyung just shuffles awkwardly under the scrutiny of everyone, his gaze flickers from Hoseok, to Jimin, and then to you. You’re a little worried you upset him, but you have no idea how.
“Uhh, something came up so- i’ve gotta go.” Taehyung’s words sound a little forced and his demeanor is stiff, and after all of you having known each other for years at this point, some longer then others, you all raise a brow. It’s pretty obvious he’s making an excuse to go. Which is odd. “Sorry guys.” He says for good measure. 
Taehyung would normally be the last to go, always eager to spend as much time with his close friends whenever possible. He didn’t live full time in town, mainly staying for the summer and then occasionally a little bit after, but never too long. There were occasional visits, but other than that, you all didn’t get to see him much. So his behavior is particularly striking as weird. 
Guilt stirs in your chest, an uncomfortable pressure. Was it the coat thing? You sure hope not. You wonder distantly why it would, but struggle to come up with a realistic answer. You wouldn’t have thought that something so minuscule like that would upset him, or really anyone for that matter. The idea of giving a coat back to someone after they dropped it doesn’t strike you as anything negative, heck, you’d be glad if someone chased your own coat out to you if you had dropped it. Was there something earlier that happened that you missed? Did you say anything else that could’ve been rude? You didn’t think you did, but now you weren’t so sure. Really you were expecting to be teased about it somewhat- but something about Jimin and Taehyung’s reaction has you thinking that there’s more to it then they’re saying out loud, and the thought that you might have upset one of them makes you frown.
“No worries, Tae. It’s fine.” Jungkook is the first to break the few second silence that came over the group, smiling supportively at Taehyung. 
Hoseok chimes in, “Yeah, don’t stress.”
Namjoon speaks up next, “We all get busy. So no worries if you gotta leave on short notice.” he says sagely, “Happens to all of us.”
Taehyung stands there for a moment, like he didn’t quite expect everyone to jump in and dispel the unease lingering in the air. “Yeah, sorry.” He finally says, once more looking over to you in a quick glance. It just makes you feel worse. “um, see you guys.”
There’s a small chorus of byes as Taehyung takes his bag and leaves, waving as he slips out the door. All the boys and you watch silently as he goes, slight degrees of concern or confusion on your faces. It only takes a second before everyone breaks back into conversation, but whatever they’re talking about, you don’t listen, attention fixed on the door where Taehyung had left through as a mixture of confusion and guilt churns in your stomach. Weird, this is all quite weird . But you have a distinct feeling that you might’ve done something to set Taehyung off- you’ve never really seen him run off like that. 
There’s a tap on your shoulder and you turn to Jimin who’s leaned forward towards you and smiles with sympathy.
“Sorry for the fuss, don’t worry too much- you haven’t done anything wrong, so try to ignore us, okay?” He says reassuringly, his voice low enough to not gather the others attention. You guess that he probably doesn’t want to embarrass you. “I’ll talk to you more about it later, and I’ll explain some things.” Jimin promises, and there’s an odd tinge of determination to his tone.
You don’t really know what to think of it.
“Okay.” You say, it’s a little dejected and Jimin almost winces at the look on your face. Taehyung will feel bad later, for running off and leaving you to stew. But you guys have been friends for years, so Jimin isn’t particularly worried this will drive a wedge between you two or something. 
If anything, he’s hopeful that this will mean new beginnings, once the tide clears up. Not between you and Taehyung, nor you and him, but something new entirely. 
He has a feeling it could work out, and he’s always had a bit of a sense for those things.
“Seriously, you haven’t done anything. I’m sorry for interrogating you, neither of us are mad at you- we just gotta make some calls and sort things out.” You snort a little at his phrasing, feeling a bit better about the whole thing. 
“Okay then, I trust you.” You concede, “but geez, the way you say it makes it sound like you’re in some mafia group or something. Top secret business.”
Jimin grins, leaning back as lightly as he winks. “Yep, gotta make sure that it’s not classified information.” 
Though, it’s not far from the truth.
He gives you a small pat on the shoulder and grabs his things, “I’m going to go too guys, so don’t have too much fun without me.” Jimin announces, stretching quickly as he steps around those who are sat on the floor. “I’ll see you later.” He throws a smile over his shoulder towards you, and you smile back. Then the next moment he’s gone, and you wonder if you really don’t need to worry about him and Taehyung, or if his words are just that, words.
Hoseok nudges his shoulder against yours, reeling you back in. “You good?” 
You nod your head, but it feels disingenuous. “Yeah, I’m good.”
Namjoon eyes you, ever observant as he is. “Don’t worry about Taehyung, I don’t think he’s mad or anything.” He says heartedly, and you hum in response. It’s an undecided action, but you bite your lip and pull your bag into your lap. 
You’re a bit tired from the long shift at work, and you don’t feel quite as chatty as you did before, so you decide that maybe it’s time for you to call it a day and head home.
With quick goodbyes and more than one watchful glance in your direction, you slip through the  door and out onto the streets. 
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With the day reaching late afternoon, after your exceedingly long shift at the café, a strange customer service interaction with the coat guy, and two of your best friends near freaking out when you recount it to them, you finally head home in hopes to finally catch a break.
Your brain runs loops in your head, juggling between convincing you that you’re the only one making all these things seem weird, and then convincing you that no, all the shit that’s happened today is quite in fact weird, and you’re justified in your opinion of it. Admittedly, you even ponder on whether you could’ve possibly broken some unspoken rule that you’ve never heard off- although you write that off pretty quickly.
Sure, you weren’t born here, but if something was that important, you realistically would have learnt it by now. It wasn’t like your upbringing was that different to anybody else after you moved here. You went to the same old school that every other kid in town did, chasing circles around each other in the schoolyard and pulling fistfuls of grass from the ground when not, reaching over and scribbling smiley faces onto worksheets and crowding around in clusters whenever anything even remotely interesting had happened. You all spent summers visiting the big orchard above town, helping out the old woman who lives up there with her granddaughter by plucking fruits from the trees and berries from the bushes, each of you bringing a big bag full of spoils home, smiling excitedly as you would ramble to your parents about your day and whichever kid inevitably decided to try some kind of stunt to impress all the others (which usually ended up with some bruises and an icepack, the worst you had seen was when some boy broke a pinkie.) You all spent afternoons kicking up sand on the beach and splashing in the waves, only in the colder months did you recede away from it, playing in the town’s streets instead of grainy sand.
Even as you got older, you never gravitated away from the friendships you formed back then. You’re still friends with plenty of the girls you used to go to school with, and you’re naturally still close with most of the boys too. Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, and of course Jimin and Taehyung.
Unfortunately, you have plenty of time to think on the way, considering that your house lays just a touch out of town. 
It's only about an eight minute walk down the road to get there, so you never bother driving. Not to mention, there are plenty of people who live further out so you’re not going to complain either. Your home, which you have affectionately called it so for almost fifteen years now, is a modest place that sits by the beach. Three bedrooms, one bathroom, living-room, laundry room and kitchen. Technically, one of the bedrooms is a converted home office turned storage room in your lack of necessity for it. Since both your parents moved out shortly after your twentieth birthday for their job, it left you with an office you honestly didn’t really need. Then again, considering that both your parents had only moved to this town because of their job, it makes sense that they’d move away because of it too. Being marine biologists isn’t very stationary- you learned that pretty young when they would have to travel for a week or two almost every month. 
It’s lucky you love the beach. Otherwise you might’ve gone a bit insane after a few years. 
It’s easy for you to admire the waves push and pull along the sand, the crashing of it and the constant trull. You particularly love the summers, as it is now- because that’s when the seals show up.
Seals are your favorite marine mammals, and probably just your favorite animal overall. It always brings a smile to your face when you come across photos online of their thick whiskers and big black eyes. Even better when you get to see the pods of seals littering the beaches or peeking up from the waters, which much to your delight, you happen to see today. 
There’s not that many this time, but there’s about ten or so lazing on the beach, taking in the afternoon sun. There are a few more between the waves, and you’d assume more further out in the ocean. It’s a happy distraction, and your lips tug into an involuntary smile as trudge down the path past them. There’s one particular seal however, that grabs your attention among all of them. It’s the farthest up the beach and the closest to you, (which is a little odd- they usually stay pretty close to their pods) but it’s staring right at you and you stare right back. Your house is literally only a minute ahead, you can see it just in front of you and while that should probably be the most interesting thing that you pay attention to, you find you have no interest in it.
Maybe it’s a seal you’ve seen before, but you doubt that it would capture your attention so much. There’s just something about the deep black eyes and the dried sleek coat that strikes you as familiar and pulls at the seams of your brain. The mammal stares at you with wide eyes and it looks almost puppyish, which makes you smile wide with a huffed laugh. If possible, the animal seems surprised at your reaction and pulls its head back a bit. You can’t help but giggle a bit, awww chorusing in your mind as you refocus your attention on the path that veers away from the beach and up to your front yard. 
You jostle your bag on your arm as you produce a key from it and throw a glance over your shoulder back down to the beach. You can see sat on top of the backshore dune the seal from before watching you just as you push open your front door. It’s completely on a whim that you do it, but you randomly decide to give a parting wave to the seal. You weren’t expecting any reaction, but it turns tail and waddle-runs it’s way back toward the ocean. Oh, I scared it off. You’re not sure why, but it leaves you with a slight sense of disappointment as you drop your bag to the ground and pad off towards your bedroom.
With sluggish movements, you barely shrug off your day clothes and take a shower, before pulling on pajamas. You slide under your bedsheets with hopes to drown under the pull of sleep. Today’s strangeness will be gone tomorrow is the only distant thought you let linger as you drift off, comforting and convincing, leaving you fully intent on waking up tomorrow and forgetting most of todays events and letting normalcy take over. Once you wake up the next day, it seems to be near true. You go through the motions of your average morning routine, brain blurry and slow with sleep and yesterday pushed to the back of your brain for the most part. It’s mind numbing enough and really, you’re glad for it.
Then you push open your front door, and you’re greeted with the sight of little ocean gifts settled at your feet on your front porch.
And you think that maybe the strangeness that you experienced yesterday was only the start.
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Masterlist / Next chapter
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rudio-capital · 1 year
Kumiho korangi au when!?
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softdarkmark · 3 months
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BTS MTL- Buying you clothes as gifts.
Authors note: My first MTL! Thank you guys for the 200 notes on my BTS headcanon I posted a few days ago.
Please remember these are just my opinions.
Warnings: slightly suggestive if you squint
Most of the gifts he buys you are going to be fashion related.
Dresses, tops, shoes, he’s buying it all for you.
You want it? He got it.
Loves doing it though because you guys are the fashionista couple.
Knows what looks good on you and knows what he likes to see you in.
Has learnt your style well, so is always confident you will like his gifts.
Sends you photos from brand instagram accounts for your thoughts.
If you like it he’s bought it.
Couples outfits are going to happen.
Will buy you full outfits because he gets carried away.
Will want to take you on a date the same night so you can wear his gifts.
If he’s away on tour or on a schedule, expect a pair of Gucci heels to turn up on your doorstep with a cute note attached. 
Spoiling you is his full time job next to being an idol and this is just one way he does it.
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Gift giving is one of his main love languages and he loves buying you clothes.
He’s also a fashionista so expect this a lot.
Also knows your style well.
When he goes to fashion shows he’s making mental notes on what to buy you.
Also likes couple outfits.
His phone lockscreen is legit a photo of you two in a stylish slightly wild couples outfit.
Loves taking you on shopping trips and spoiling you... because he has highkey sugar daddy vibes ok, I don't make the fucking rules.
Will take you to every store he can and will encourage you to try on everything you want.
Will also pick out clothes for you to try on.
You know those guys that look like they hate their life while waiting for their woman in the changing room?
Not this man.
He lives for it.
Give him his own private fashion show, he loves it.
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Loves buying you clothes so much.
Also knows your style well enough to make good choices.
Dresses are his favourite to buy.
Sometimes they are girly and sometimes they are sexy.
I see Jimin being into Selkie dresses don't @ me ok.
Not as into couples outfits but likes to be matching.
Same vibe or colour pallet kind of matching and have one item that’s the same.
You guys have his and hers loafers.
Goes out to buy clothes for himself, but is just sending you photos of things he wants to buy you.
Highkey loves buying you lingerie.
Probably buys you lingerie more than clothes that you can actually wear out.
At this point he knows its a kink but he doesn’t give a fuck. It’s not his fault you look good in it all.
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Loves it but has a unique way of going out about it.
Its rare he will buy you a dress or heels but what he will buy is stuff he loves, but also knows you will love.
Why? Because then you will wear it too.
Goes to stores with the thought, I love it but will you love it too?
It’s a highkey kink seeing you in his clothes so if you both like his clothes you will wear more of them right?
Challenging Namjoon for that IQ with these moves.
We all know he's kind of possessive™ perilla leaf debate
Will also sometimes buy you the same shirt as him anyway so you can wear it together.
You better believe you guys have matching stompers.
Matching socks fr.
Hope you like Ironman
Makes him such a soft boy when you guys match.
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Not really his vibe tbh.
He will buy you pyjamas though.
Jin is the resident pyjama king so you need to be his queen. Those are the rules ok.
Matching couples pyjamas for days.
Buys you mainly ones that will keep you cosy but occasionally he goes skimpy.
You know those silky shorts and tank sets with the lace? Yep, he’s weak for those.
Will deadass buy you onsies.
Loves to cuddle you in them, you are like a giant plushie to him.
Sometimes he does like to take you on a shopping trip and buy you something pretty.
He will probably get distracted by a cute jumper for himself.
Says he needs to stay as worldwide handsome™ as possible now he's just bought you the most world wide beautiful outfit.
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^ Legit the jumper he buys
Not his vibe.
He prefers his gifts to be meaningful and thoughtful and just feels material possessions like clothes don’t show that.
You are more than capable of making better clothing choices than he can probably make for you.
He will make exceptions though.
Sometimes he will see something like a really cute scarf and he can’t resist.
He would see those tartan Burberry scarves and love them, so he gets you one with your initials on you can have them monogrammed fr.
Loves it because it still feels thoughtful and knows you will love it.
If you wanted some particular clothing as a gift he would still buy it for you, he just won’t be doing it without prompt.
You will not catch this man going to the store though.
Send him the website link with your size because this is not his area of expertise and he does not know what size you are... just that he's into it.
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Not his vibe either.
This man is not endorsing the capitalist machine.
Also on team thoughtful and meaningful gifts.
He does have an exception though.
Yoongi is a secret soft boy™ and we all know it.
So sometimes he just gets his card out and gives it to you.
Tells you to go crazy.
Yoongi has lowkey sugar daddy vibes and I can't explain it.
Looks forward to you coming back and showing him what you bought.
He would never date someone who was materialistic so these rare moments are his way of showing you that he knows you love him for him so he wants to spoil you.
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7ndipity · 2 years
Spooktober Masterlist
Happy Halloween!🎃
A/N: Several works on this list have supernatural and/or dark/horror themes. Some elements and subjects might be triggering, so please check the warnings noted on each piece before reading.💜
Run!Bts Pumpkin Carving Special
Matching Costumes (request)💜🔥
Pumpkin patch (request) 💜🔥
Scary Good (request)💜🔥
Pumpkin carving w Tae (request) 💜🗯
Cryptid/Ghost Hunting - crack
"In the Woods Somewhere" - Doppelganger Jin x Reader
"Set me Free" - Vampire Yoongi x Reader
"Shadow" - Demon Hobi x Reader
"As the Moon" - Vampire Namjoon x Reader
"Play with Me" - Wil-o-Wisp Jimin x Reader
"Sean-Norae" - Selkie Tae x Reader
Ouija(Serendipity Preview)
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 6 months
danganronpa monsters and mythics au: some miscellaneous stuff about students and general life:
jin kirigiri is from a family of monster-hunters. his wife built kyoko and the two of them raised her like a daughter, but upon his wife's death kyoko was taken in by the kirigiri family to be used as a tool. jin encouraged her to gain independence and learn what it means to be alive
hope's peak is a school for only nonhuman students. jin, employed at hpa originally as a teacher for human studies and then as director, was the first one to propose a class with human students. after a lot of back and forth he agreed to a class that consisted of mostly nonhuman students with some experience with humans, and only a few full human students who might be able to stand on equal ground with their peers through magic or other skills
makoto, with no magic or noteworthy skills, was enrolled by sheer luck. the new class already had 3 human students, and was planning on enrolling a leprechaun - but the leprechaun never responded to the letter, so they reached out to a human with inhuman luck instead. makoto accepted without really researching beforehand
small species, like pixies, usually live separately from others due to accessibility issues. some, like chihiro, might try to overcome this by building magic prosthetics to allow them to use tools and do things intended for larger species
similarly, species without opposable thumbs or not suited to land environments will also use prosthetics and mobility aids, like sayaka
recent years has seen more and more cross-species interactions with human populations. sayaka, for example, has a human following, though a number of them believe she's just a human performer with a fantasy gimmick
humans usually have a shorter lifespan compared to most other species, so human-hybrids usually have a growth period and lifespan that doesn't match up with their human side or nonhuman side - for example, byakuya grew up too slow for human society and too fast for dragons. as such he was mostly homeschooled
unlike monster-hunters, exorcists and ghosts are not human-only phenomena. but there are more human ghosts than any other species, so its theorized that the science of becoming a ghost or undead might not be linked to the amount of magic that the deceased had...or, that there are so many humans that die so quickly, that most ghosts would end up human by sheer numbers
magic varies. different species have different sciences defined for it - i.e: the fundamentals of shapeshifting magic differs between those who are born able to do it (i.e selkies) and those who have the ability for it, but need to train and hone it (i.e kitsunes and tanukis) and even those who need to learn from scratch (i.e a human person trying to shapeshift with magic)
there's a lot of theorizing on why so many species might have humanoid features or human appearances in certain circumstances (i.e: selkies, werewolves, even harpies have human faces). currently the jury's out on whether it's because of cross-breeding or evolution, or both. or magic
magic is considered a science. the only difference between a magic smartphone and a human smartphone is a human smartphone uses electricity vs magic - the most concrete thing that defines all magic is, it's something that most nonhumans can perceive and manipulate, but a nonhuman can usually identify another nonhuman out of a group of humans purely by sensing magic
vice versa, things like the harnessing of electricity and uh. bluetooth is considered a magic used only by humans
humans can use magic, but it's difficult and most people need to be born with that affinity first
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Ikemen Masterlist
Unsure of how many of the games I'll write for, so I'm just labelling it broadly for now. Currently just for Ikepri though.
Angst: 🖤 | Crack: 🪅 | Dark Content: ⚠️ | Fluff: 💞 | Hurt/Comfort: ♡ | NSFW (18+): 🌶️ | Platonic: 🧡 | Romantic: 💌
Femme: 🌙 | Gender-neutral: ⭐ | Masc: ☀️
Ikemen Prince
₊˚⊹♡ Domestic Faction ₊˚⊹♡
Leon Dompteur
Nothing yet
Jin Grandet
Nothing yet
Yves Kloss
Nothing yet
Licht Klein
Nothing yet
₊˚⊹♡ Foreign Faction ₊˚⊹♡
Chevalier Michel
Nothing yet
Clavis Lelouch
Nothing yet
Nokto Klein
Nothing yet
Luke Randolph
Nothing yet
₊˚⊹♡ Palace Staff ₊˚⊹♡
Sariel Noir
Nothing yet
Rio Ortiz
Nothing yet
Cyran Rose
Nothing yet
₊˚⊹♡ Foreign Princes ₊˚⊹♡
Gilbert Von Obsidian
Nothing yet
Keith Howell
The Fire & The Selkie ⭐
Silvio Ricci
Nothing yet
You do not have permission to put my work into AI. If you are a minor, do not interact with NSFW works; you will be blocked.
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blog-name-idk · 1 year
🚨🚦 WIP checkpoint!
What is/are the wordcount/s on your main WIP/s and what is/are your goals for them?
Ayyyyy! In order of what's likely closest to being posted:
The Plot Twist (OT7, Ch 3) - 4.2k words, pretty much done just in editing phase
Mold A Pretty Lie (Jin, Ch 10) - 1.8k words, kind of stuck on it at the moment :|
Arranged Marriage Yoongi (??? Ch. 1) - 3.1k words, mostly done and being edited but it feels like it's missing something. Other than a title, which it is also still missing lol.
selkie!Jin (oneshot) - 5k words, maybe like halfway complete? It might be a collab between @hamsterclaw and @madbutgloriouspond but currently undecided!
Family Ties (Tae, one-shot) - for the Namaste collab... I shamefully have... like 200 real words written. I have notes and brainstorm outlines! I just... writer's block :|
A bunch of other half-finished, barely started WIPs that are untitled and have no actual plans for completion currently.
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renadosia · 1 year
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Cafe Beside The Sea - Masterpost
— pairing: (Seokjin x reader)
— genre; Selkie AU, strangers to lovers, fluff, romance.
summary: You were just trying to do your job. You really didn’t mean to propose to a selkie. There was no way you could’ve known. So when he starts trying to court you- (dumping things from the beach on your front porch) you’re clueless. And when he starts to show up everywhere- (showing up at your work, trying to start conversations, while you’re working) you’re clueless. And when he finally breaks and says it to your face- (gets drunk and refuses to go with anyone but you, sobbing) well, you’re a little less clueless then.
— warnings/content: none
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Chapter one - Furry Coats and Misconceptions
summary; You return a coat to the strange customer that he accidentally left behind. Seokjin receives a marriage proposal from the pretty waitress that took his order. Both are oblivious.
Chapter two - 15% complete, currently writing.
Chapter three -
Chapter four -
Chapter five -
Chapter six -
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— Extra;
A03 version - link to CBTS posted on archive of our own.
Dividers - The dividers used on this Masterpost and subsequently this series, were all made by @cafekitsune !! All credit on this front is naturally, given to them. Link to the post of theirs it’s from is here !!
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laurathefangirl · 1 year
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My commission from @arisarthell is finished 🩷💜💙
So story time, I reached out to her during December cause I wasn’t dealing with Jin’s enlistment very well. I’ve watched all of SHINee go and come back from my army, along with many other idols I love. So I thought I would be prepared for Jin to leave. I wasn’t. And I was very emotional for a long time, crying some nights. I thought having art of him would help. I’ve seen her really cute art of her drawing fans with there favorite BTS members. And I got a Christmas bonus so I thought ‘why not?’
She did not disappoint and the wait was worth it. I absolutely love with what she did! It brought tears to my eyes when I first saw it. She campared me to a T and got all the details right, my favorite Selkie rainbow dress, my hair color, even my sailor moon earrings from @femmedebloom
We got to know each other a lot through this process, even found out she is on the spectrum too. Thank you so much for doing this 🩷💜💙
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sugalaritae · 2 years
Neptune's Left Cheek
jin x selkie!reader kim seokjin lives a quiet life in the small fishing village. he likes his life, keeping to himself; spending his days on the boat and his nights near the fire. one evening while collecting his nets, he is pulled into the water, tangling in his nets and unable to get to the surface. that is how you find him.
send me a fic title and i’ll tell you what i’d write
0 notes
Chapter 17 is Live!!
(it was live like three months ago but i forgot to post on tumblr lol)
You can find it:
Here! on ao3
Here! on ff.net
Or Below the Cut if you prefer Tumblr!
Selkies bleed red.
Perhaps this discovery should not have shocked Ochako, and yet the fact remained that it did. She thought that, maybe, they might bleed some fantastical color–green or even gold. Her assumptions were wrong.
Selkies’ blood was as red as hers, or any human’s, was; she could see the evidence quite clearly as it dripped onto the parlor rug. 
Tomura gripped his shoulder where he had been struck with the bullet from her father’s pistol. The bleeding was fast, and a great ugly stain spread down his shirt. Dabi and Magne had rushed forward after the shot had rang out, and were now helping him sit up from where he had fallen to the floor. 
The rest of the crew that had been standing tensely in the foyer had scattered around the room. Himiko had raced over to Ochako. Izuku had crossed the room to Ochako’s father and had liberated the pistol from him. Spinner and Jin were standing by Ochako’s mother in case she tried anything, and Eri and Tsu were nowhere to be seen. 
“Oh my god,” Ochako said. She had begun to shake. The sound of the pistol firing in such close quarters had left her ears ringing, and the smell of Tomura’s blood made her feel sick. “Oh my god.”
“I–” Her father began, but Ochako cut him off before he could continue.
“Why would you do that? How could you do that?: fire a pistol at someone who meant you no harm?” 
Her father’s eyes flashed, and his expression hardened. 
“At your age, you would not understand. He is a selkie, Ochako. Selkies are dangerous.”
“Bullshit,” Ochako muttered. “HE WAS TRYING TO LEAVE! They all were! You were just too stubborn and scared to see it!” 
“Don’t you talk to me that way. I am your father.”
“You just shot someone,” Ochako repeated. Her voice had gone soft and shaky, almost like she was going to cry. “in cold blood.”
“As I said before: You are under their spell. That is the only reason that you feel any sort of empathy for that thing. Once we get him to break the spell–”
“How many times do we have to tell you? THE NECKLACE IS NOT A SPELL!” Ochako felt Himiko grab for her hand but she shook it away. If she held someone’s hand now, she would surely break down and cry. She had to remain strong to get her point across. “For your information, the necklace happens to be a courting gift.”
“From whom?” Her mother asked. Both Spinner and Jin looked at her warily.
Ochako looked back at Himiko and gestured for her to stand directly beside Ochako. 
“From Himiko. She presented me with a courting gift,” Ochako said. The shaking had gotten worse as she watched both of her parents’ faces sour further. “and I have accepted.” 
“Darling,” Her mother crooned at her. She sounded soft, though her face still looked pinched. “You should have told us this!” Ochako felt her heart lift for the first time during this whole ordeal. You should have told us that you two were courting! She imagined her mother would say. They–her mother and father both–would apologize, call for a doctor for Tomura’s shoulder, and then they would all sit down and converse over some tea. “There are plenty of other pretty human girls in the village! We could have arranged for something: for one to come over for a picnic of some sort while we talked with her parents! There’s no need for you to settle for something inhuman.”
And just like that, Ochako’s optimism was shattered. 
She absolutely could not believe what had happened thus far today. Looking back at her childhood, she could not reconcile the loving, considerate, easy-going parents that she knew with the cruel, hate-filled people that stood before her now. It hurt her deeply to know that they would turn so quickly against someone. The thought made her nauseous.
“I believe Tomura was right,” Ochako said. “We are leaving.”
“What?” Both her mother and father attempted to walk to her, but Izuku, Spinner, and Jin held them back. 
“Tomura needs medical attention, and I no longer wish to stay.” Ochako turned and walked towards the door, and everyone followed suit, Dabi and Magne supporting Tomura as they followed. Before Ochako could cross over the threshold onto the lawn, she turned back around in the doorway to get one last look at her parents. They were looking at her with sorrow and anger and something that looked similar to confusion, as if they, too, could not recognize the person that their daughter had become. 
She looked around at the parlor: the destroyed furniture, the askew pictures on the walls, the mantelpiece. She noticed that of the clothespin dolls that rested on the mantelpiece–the ones that she and her mother had made together when she was about five–one of them was missing. The one that represented Ochako herself was no longer residing with the dolls that represented her parents. 
How fitting, she thought to herself, as she shut the door to her childhood home.
Fifteen - Sixteen - Seventeen - Eighteen
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"Yoongi-hyung, do you want to keep him?"
It takes a moment for the question to permeate Yoongi's mind, and another moment to rattle around there, bumping into walls and corridors shaped like neurons and synapses, trying to catch hold and stick. He tries to make sense of the jumble of words directed at him, in a language he understands, but a combination he doesn't.
Read it here
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jincherie · 7 years
lost & found | seokjin
↠ written for the kreativewritersnet au bingo! ↞
↼pairing: seokjin x reader ↼genre: selkie au,roommate au, fluff ? ↼words: 9.1k+ ↼notes: well this has been sitting unfinished in my documents for a shameful amount of time, but I finally got that last leg of inspiration I needed to finish it so!!! Here it is!!! It’s a bit of a mess tbh, but I hope you like it nonetheless (and sorry for another shitty ending!!) 💖💗💘💞
How were you supposed to know that beautiful sealskin coat you picked up on the beach belonged to none other than your friend Kim Seokjin, the most beautiful man alive and the keeper of your heart?
↼posted; 28.11.2017
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↼ masterlist | bingo masterlist | moodboard by @thelast-taco
The male in question jumped, letting out a small ‘eep!’. His head narrowly missed the bench as he withdrew from the cupboard beneath the sink, abandoning his search for detergent in favour of sending you a dirty look. “y/n what the hell, you’re going to give me a concussion one of these days.”
He was referring to an incident that occurred not even a week ago, where you’d been rifling around in the cupboard above the bench and nearly dropped a glass on his head, when you pulled out the mug you’d been looking for a little too quickly. You shot him a cheeky grin, sitting on the stool at the bench. “It’s not my fault you’re clumsy, Chim. You should be thanking me for having the reflexes of a god. You could have died if I didn’t catch that glass.”
Jimin rolled his eyes at your dramatic exaggeration. “Whatever, you loser. What did you want? Don’t tell me I nearly had to take a trip to the hospital for no reason.”
You smiled brightly. “We’re out of cashews.”
Jimin glared at you, grabbing the dirty tea towel from the bench and throwing it at you in rage. “Y/n! You seriously ate all my cashews?! You’re unbelievable, I only just bought them yesterday too, you fiend.”
You laughed, feeling a little guilty. “I’m sorry Chim, I was studying at the table and they were right there. I couldn’t help myself, you know how weak I am for salted cashews.”
The silver-haired male sniffed, crossing his arms. “Snake.”
You couldn’t help the grin, enjoying the banter. “Anyway, I came in here to tell you I’m about to go down to the corner store to get more. Was there anything you wanted me to get while I’m down there?”
Jimin grumbled, and you shot him a smile, adding sheepishly, “…I’ll pay?”
The male before you suddenly beamed at you, expression shifting in a split-second. “Oh, well in that case yeah, can you get me some strawberries? Lots of them, please. They’re on sale and I need them.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing. “Of course, we can’t have you go without your weekly strawberry fix.” You grabbed your bag and keys, pausing for a moment at the door. “Is Taehyung coming today?”
Jimin rolled his eyes, fully aware of what you were really asking. “Yes— and yes Jin is coming with him, like always. They’re coming sometime this morning.”
You nodded, pretending Jimin hadn’t just seen right through you and ignoring the happy skip your heart had just done at the confirmation Jin would be coming as well. “Oh, good. Taehyung owes me a couple of rounds of Uno and I need to beat him just once at that god forsaken game so I can mend the massive hole he’s blown in my pride and move on.”
Jimin rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Literally everyone but Jin knows you like him, y/n. Why do you even try to—”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about! Oh, look! At the time! Gotta go so I can be back before they get here! Bye Chim!” you exclaimed loudly, easily drowning out the male’s soft tone as you waved farewell and flew out the door, making a beeline for your car. Jimin simply rolled his eyes. God, you were weird.
.  . .  .  . .  .  . .  .
You’d gotten your ‘groceries’, and were now standing on the beach in front of the store, feet dug into the sand and sun basking your skin in pleasant warmth. The town you lived in was a cute little beach city full of sand and summer days that never seemed to end. You loved it here. It wasn’t too remote, the university you attended wasn’t too far away, and the weather was always lovely. Plus, you adored the ocean, the beach, the waves. You loved it all, and were extremely happy with your life as it was, living with two of your closest friends and even being lucky enough to see Kim Seokjin, Jimin’s friend and the most beautiful man alive, at least once a week. Things couldn’t get any better. Well, they technically could, but you were happy with things as they were now. Not too much, not too little— just enough.
The sea today was relatively calm, not that it ever really got particularly wild. Sometimes, in stormy weather, the waves were rough and wild; the ocean an untameable mistress. There had been such a storm the night before, which was part of the reason you’d stopped by the beach. Sometimes, after a particularly good storm, there would be interesting things washed up on the beach. Usually it was just trash (which you picked up and disposed of properly, of course— you weren’t a monster) but occasionally there would be a rare find, like a beautiful shell unlike others littering the sand, or some strange sea life, or perhaps just other interesting knickknacks, like the countless number of children’s toys you’d found that had no doubt been lost on a fun day-trip to a beach city nearby.
You turned, beginning to move in the direction of the small cluster of rock pools towards the end of the beach. They were hidden behind a larger set of rocks that looked imposing enough that no one bothered to try and climb past them. You, however, knew better, the cute little alcove that lay beyond them, and so regularly made the trip to the small cluster of rock pools that was flanked on all sides by rock, ocean, or trees and thin forestry.  Even if the storm hadn’t washed up anything good, it still felt nice to sit and gaze into the water for a while.
The breeze was cool against your heated skin as you climbed past the rocks, traces of winter still in the air even as the mid-morning sun beat down on your back. As your feet touched the cool sand on the other side of the rocks, you took in the sight before you, instantly feeling at peace. The waters in the rockpools were clear and serene, a crystalline window into the lives of the tiny sea creatures below. You smiled as you watched two small hermit crabs duke it out for a prized-shell nearby, observing the tiny fish in another pool and the beautiful starfish in another.
On days where Seokjin and Taehyung didn’t come visit, you’d often come to this little alcove. There were a variety of sea life that passed near this beach, but your favourite was always the seals. Sure, some animals were cute, but seals were cute. They were soft, squishy, and had those large, adorable eyes that with one glance had your weak heart melting. They were also your favourite because sometimes, on those days, you would come to this alcove and a small group of seals would pop up from the water not too far from shore and play. You loved watching them, how they interacted with each other and swam about without a care in the world. For the most part they didn’t notice you, but when you sat on the large rocks that extended into the water in a sort of natural pier, sometimes they would come up and greet you.
Your favourite seal, not the most playful but definitely the boldest and most adventurous of the bunch, was also the largest and had a beautiful, speckled light grey coat that you couldn’t help but admire every time it came near you. You’d lovingly named it ‘Chubs’. The other seals may glimpse in your direction every now and then, giving you more attention on the days you brought fish for them, but Chubs would look at you often, aiming those large chocolate eyes in your direction and causing your heart to skip a beat regularly from the cute, mesmerising image. You had a certain fondness for that seal, although you didn’t know if it liked the name you’d given it. You’d said it aloud one time when it had come near you, swimming besides the pier, and it had proceeded to spin and flop backwards, causing a large amount of water to splash up and soak you. You’d found it adorable and continued to secretly call it Chubs, feeding the affection in your heart.
There weren’t any seals today, to your disappointment, but truthfully you were also a little glad. If there were seals then you would no doubt want to stay and watch them all day, which would then cause you to miss your chance to see Seokjin— and that was something you could not bear to do. He didn’t come visit all that often, maybe once a week at most, and it was something you very much looked forward to. Right from the first second you’d seen Seokjin, you’d felt inexplicably drawn to him. To be fair, he was the first real crush you’d ever had. And just like Jimin had said, literally everyone but Seokjin knew about your painfully obvious feelings for him. It was a miracle, honestly. You were torn between being thankful and resenting it.
Humming to yourself, you stepped carefully along the rock separating the small, crystalline pools, the breeze causing gentle ripples across the water’s surface. You’d just made it to the other side, feet touching the sand alongside the pools, when your eyes caught on something unfamiliar in the scenery. Your head whipped to face it, gaze falling upon a grey lump partially hidden behind a rock slightly to your left. Curious, you moved forward to inspect it, crouching down on the balls of your feet.
To your surprise, it looked like a bundle of grey… furs? No… You shuffled closer, a hand extending to brush your fingers gently against it. A soft gasp left you at the feeling and the realisation. It was sealskin, and while the fur wasn’t particularly long it was beautifully soft against your skin. The colour reminded you idly of Chubs’ coat, but you didn’t worry since you knew no one in the area was allowed to harvest seal skins, although some high-end brands still sold them as jackets. You reached and took the bundle of furs in your hands, standing up. Someone had probably accidentally left their sealskin jacket behind, and you knew how ridiculously expensive they could be. The owner must be devastated right about now. Humming to yourself again, you clutched the soft furs to your chest and turned in your spot, deciding to head back to your car and go hand it in to the nearby surf club or something. Admiring the feeling of the furs against your skin while you could, you began the trek back to your car.
It didn’t take you long to return, your pretty blue car coming into view. It wasn’t the newest model but it wasn’t ancient, and you adored it— it was a powerful little thing and you would probably cry when the day came and you had to part with it. Still humming, you reached the car and unlocked it, opening the boot and the small chest compartment you kept within. Carefully you placed the sealskin inside, making sure it didn’t catch on anything, and closed the lid. You stepped back, admiring your work, when you felt your phone buzz against your thigh. Wondering idly who it was, you slipped it from your jean pocket and unlocked it.
Kookie [10:16AM] Your boyfriend and the loud one are here, also can u get me some chocolate
You frowned at the phone because Jungkook, but your heart skipped a beat nonetheless. Crap, Seokjin and Taehyung were already there— you were losing precious time! You shut the boot, quickly moving to the drivers seat. Handing in the misplaced coat would have to wait, you needed to haul ass back to the flat you shared with Jimin and Jungkook so you didn’t miss Seokjin while he was there. You didn’t know if it was going to be a short visit or a long one, but you didn’t want to risk it. But it wasn’t just that, you had a score to settle with Taehyung. Your pride wouldn’t allow you to wallow in misery at your loss to him any longer, and couldn’t take it if he kept lording it over you.
You slipped into the front seat, locking the car for security out of habit more than anything and pulling out your phone. Turning the car on, you quickly typed a response to Jungkook.
You [10:18AM] TOO LATE I already left, so no chocolate for you
You [10:19AM] And he’s not my boyfriend shut your snake mouth
You [10:20AM] and stop writing incriminating things you little turd what if he SEES
Satisfied, you locked your phone and threw it on the passenger seat with your small amount of groceries. Releasing the handbrake, you put your car into reverse and pulled out of the parking lot, making your way back to your house.
It was a short trip, only five or so minutes really, and in no time you were parking before your flat once more. Hopping out eagerly with the groceries, you almost skipped up to the front door, letting yourself in with your key.
“I’m home~!” you sang, swinging the door shut behind you and skipping into the kitchen. You lowered the bag of strawberries gently onto the bench just as the eager patter of Jimin’s feet greeted your ears.
“Y/n!” Jimin rounded the corner, looking ready to cry in sheer happiness. “You got them! Have I ever told you how much I love and value you as a friend? Because I do, I really do.”
You rolled your eyes, pulling out the chocolate bar you’d gotten for yourself after passing the boy his strawberries. “Yeah I know, but I can’t believe it took five punnets of strawberries to get you to say it.”
Just then, as though the little fucker had literally sniffed it out, Jungkook came bounding around the corner with an eager look, eyes locked on the chocolate bar already unwrapped and halfway to your mouth. “Is that for me?!” he beamed, already moving forward in anticipation. The pure, unadulterated look of excitement in his eyes almost made you want to share it with him, but then you remembered his jab from before. If anyone was ever responsible for accidentally revealing your feelings to Seokjin and it wasn’t you, it would be Jungkook. The boy didn’t have a filter half the time and if he did you were convinced it was defective.
“No it’s mine, go get your own you leech,” you smiled at him, taking a decisive bite of the chocolate bar. Jimin stood a couple of feet away, blissfully eating his strawberries as he watched.
Jungkook looked crestfallen, a hand coming to clutch his heart. “Why are you so mean to me, y/n? That chocolate bar was practically calling my name.”
“It’s character building,” you said through a mouthful of caramel and chocolate goodness, ruffling his hair. “I’m toughening you up for the real world.”
Jungkook wrinkled his nose at your first action, sniffing at your lack of manners. “That’s disgusting,” he said, ignoring your jab. “But you never know, maybe Jin’s into it—”
You abruptly shoved the remainder of the chocolate bar in his mouth in a panic, cutting him off before he could incriminate you any further. You glared, annoyed that you’d not only just lost the chocolate bar to the smug jerk before you, but also that he’d nearly blabbed out loud a reference to your feelings for Seokjin—while he’s in the same house, no less, and only a couple of rooms away.
“Jeon Jungkook you muscled-up little snake, stop incriminating me!! If he finds out I’ll murder you, and even Chim won’t be able to find your body,” you threatened with a glare, throwing the chocolate wrapper at his smug face. Jimin snorted as he nibbled on another strawberry.
“Kookie don’t risk it, she’ll really kill you and I’d miss you.” Jimin grinned, throwing the leaves from the strawberry he’d just eaten at the younger male. You watched as pink bloomed lightly on Jungkook’s cheeks.
“You’d miss me?” he queried around a mouthful of chocolate bar, doing the very thing he’d just ridiculed you for only moments ago. You glared at him. What a butt.
Jimin’s eyes widened the slightest bit, as though he’d just realised exactly what he said, but a grin quickly slipped back onto his lips and you had to give him props for his quick recovery. “Yep. I’d miss your stink, all the dirty clothes you leave around the house, the way you constantly find my stash of spicy ramen and eat it all—”
Jungkook rolled his eyes, laughing and throwing the wrapper you’d thrown at him back at Jimin. You wanted to hit yourself because for someone in love with their best friend, both of them had just wasted the perfect opportunity for a tender, heartfelt moment. It seemed obliviousness to another person having feelings for them was a common trait among your friends—Jin included.
“I don’t stink!” Jungkook protested with a laugh. “I always spray cologne—”
Jimin wrinkled his nose playfully. “Yeah, the cheap one that stinks up the whole—yah!” He giggled, Jungkook having shoved him playfully.
There was a sudden call from the loungeroom that brought you all back to reality. “Jiminie, is y/n here? Where is she?! I need her to come here so I can beat her again!”
At the sound of Taehyung’s smug, playful tone you felt your blood boil, unable to help yourself as you snatched the only other chocolate bar you’d bought off the bench and began marching towards the loungeroom.
“Kim Taehyung you fiend, I am a changed woman!!” you announced loudly, barging into the room and pointing the chocolate bar at him accusingly. “I have come here to beat you and I won’t accept your trash talk or defeat!”
Taehyung was clearly amused as he played along with your dramatics. “The only thing that’s changed is that I, Kim Taehyung, Master of the Cards and the greatest Uno player to ever live, have devised more ways to beat your sorry ass at this game!” he said, flicking the Uno cards in his hands from one palm to another like a professional casino dealer.
You bristled, resisting the urge to throw something and lose your final chocolate bar when another voice reached your ears and caused you to freeze.
“Hey y/n,” Seokjin greeted cheerfully as he entered the room from another doorway in all his god-like glory. He plopped down on the couch near Taehyung, flashing you an angelic smile that nearly made your heart stop. This man was bad for your health.
“A-ah, hey Jin,” you smiled, already feeling the heat in your cheeks at having been caught so off-guard. You recovered quickly though, flashing him a devious grin. “You’re just in time, I’m just about to beat Taehyung at Uno.”
“No you’re not~!” Taehyung sang, reaching over to pinch your cheek playfully as you sat down opposite him on the other side of the coffee table. “But it’s cute that you think so.”
You glared at Taehyung, opening your chocolate wrapper and taking a bite. “I hope you like losing.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes and began to set the cards up, placing some for Seokjin when he said he wanted to play too. Your burning desire to beat Taehyung at his own game and win was just enough to distract you from the fact that Kim Seokjin, the most beautiful man alive and keeper of your heart, was sitting just three feet away. With a loud cry from Taehyung the game began and you threw your all into winning back your dignity.
.  . .  .  . .  .  .
As the door shut behind the two males that had been visiting your house, you flopped down against the couch, wearing a large, smug grin. Finally, finally, you’d beaten Taehyung at his own game— you’d obliterated him!! Sure, he’d won the first round, but it was just to lull him into a false sense of security. Every round after that, you’d beaten him by a landslide. Finally, you’d earned your dignity back. Seokjin had just been playing to observe the two of you, and you were glad you hadn’t lost any more face in front of the man you had feelings for.
After Taehyung had gotten fed up with losing, you’d all settled to watch some of the latest drama you’d taken up, an interesting crime and supernatural thriller combination. You’d had the secret joy of sitting next to Seokjin the entire time, your arms brushing occasionally and your face in a constant state of pink. Time, however, had passed quickly and before you knew it Taehyung and Seokjin were packing up to leave, waving as they exited through the front door and you lost sight of them. You were glad you got to see Jin, but as always was the case after he left your heart felt a little hollow. You were quick to distract yourself, jumping on the opportunity when Jimin came over with hot chocolate in hand. You shot him a bright smile as you accepted the cup, taking a pleased sip. “Mmm, thanks Chim.”
The silver-haired male grinned. It was late afternoon, around 4:30. You’d spent a majority of the day having fun with Seokjin and Taehyung, but now you weren’t sure what to do. You didn’t want to study— didn’t even have anything to even study for— but didn’t really know what else you felt like doing.
You allowed your thoughts to turn back to the time Jin had been here, remembering and focusing on each small gesture he showed you. A warm smile directed your way that elicited a swarm of butterflies in your stomach, a cheeky grin that stretched his full lips as he one-upped Taehyung during the game, his unique laugh as he leant over to whisper a terrible joke about cows in your ear that had you giggling despite yourself. Jimin watched the dreamy grin appear on your face and rolled his eyes. “Stop that, your heart eyes are showing.”
You straightened up, shooting Jimin a playful glare before you took a sip of the hot chocolate in your hands. “Your heart eyes are showing 24/7, but you never hear me saying anything about it—ow!”
Jimin withdrew his hand from where he’d promptly flicked your thigh to get you to shut up, seeming satisfied for now. “Don’t say it, he’ll hear you!”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes, gripping your cup delicately as you gracefully swung one leg over the other. “Chim, I don’t know how many times I’ve said this but it’s so painfully obvious to everyone but you two that you’re in love.”
Jimin gave you a half-hearted side-glare. “You hypocrite, that’s exactly what I said before about you and—”
You took a loud, obnoxious sip to drown out his voice. “Mmm, good stuff! Is this an original recipe?”
Jimin rolled his eyes. “You know it’s store-bought, you’re the one that’s always complaining about the price— and don’t change the subject! You can’t turn my own words back around against me, I’m in a better position than you because I’m not in denial about the extent of my feelings.”
You snorted, reclining back against the couch with a flick of your hair. “I’m not in denial!” you said flippantly, taking another imperious sip of your hot chocolate. “It’s just a crush. A very long, very intense crush.”
The silver-haired boy gave you a look that told you he didn’t believe a word you said. “y/n,” he began, like a parent explaining something to a child. “You laugh at his terrible jokes and look at him like he personally hung the stars in the sky. You’re in lo—”
“Nope! Nope, nope!” you burst, straightening once more. “Nope! Am not! Don’t say it!”
Jimin nailed you with a pointed look and you froze, mind going over your words and actions. Was that…denial? But if that was denial, then did that mean…
You groaned loudly. “Ugh, I hate you,” You muttered, flopping back once more, mindful of your drink. “Look what you’ve done, now I’m doubting myself and contemplating everything. I hate you.”
The male beside you seemed satisfied with his work. “Everything becomes easier once you accept it, y/n,” he said, speaking as though his time on earth had wizened him beyond your years. “There’s no point denying that you’re in love with Seokj—”
The silver-haired male never got to finish, the door before you opening and sending a sharp bolt of fear straight to your heart. That was probably Jungkook, and if he caught wind of the newfound label on your feelings for Seokjin he’d never let you live it down.
To your surprise, it was Taehyung that slipped inside through the gap, followed by the man you’d just been referring to himself. You didn’t know what your face looked like right now but from the look of Jimin trying not to laugh it must have been a sight to see.
“O-Oh, Jin.” You stuttered, caught completely off-guard and trying desperately to hide it. Taehyung rolled his eyes at the fact you’d left him out. “What are you doing here?”
“Hey y/n, nice to see you again too!” Taehyung beamed, cutting his friend off before he could even think to speak. “We’re here cause we’re looking for something Jin misplaced.”
“What did you lose?” Jimin asked, eyes seeking Seokjin’s own with a glint you couldn’t recognise nor decipher. You turned your own gaze to the man in question, curious as to what he could have possibly misplaced. Just as Jin was about to answer, Jungkook entered the room from the hallway, stopping in surprise when he caught sight of the two males at the door. “Oh, hey hyungs.”
Seokjin sent the youngest a sharp look. “Yah! Would you all stop interrupting me?” he grumbled, before catching your gaze and shooting you a brief smile that may or may not have stopped your heart where it beat in your chest. He returned his gaze to Jimin. “I misplaced my… jacket, you know the one I inherited ages ago? It’s from my late parents, I take it everywhere with me and it’s very important to me so…”
Something changed in Jimin’s eyes, but you didn’t have time to decipher it before he was smiling back. He hopped up from his seat beside you. “Oh! Yeah, I know that jacket. We’ll help you look.”
You looked between the two with a frown. What jacket? You’d never seen Jin carrying a jacket with him, as far as you knew he mostly wore sweaters and turtlenecks (and he looked like a treat when he did so). But jackets? You didn’t doubt he’d look good in one, in fact you had to stop yourself from following a certain train of thought that was elicited from the image you conjured in your head of Seokjin in a leather jacket, but you’d never seen him wear one or carry one around.
Taehyung and Jungkook seemed to go along with it (although you think the latter was just because he wouldn’t have noticed either way whether Jin wore a specific jacket around or not) so you held your tongue and didn’t mention it. If they wanted to be weird and pretend Seokjin wore jackets then who were you to stop them? You decided to just go with it, jumping up with a smile. “Yeah, we’re happy to help!”
Seokjin shot you a grateful look that made your chest swell, and you decided even if there was no jacket you were happy if he was happy. That thought caused you to pause. Wow. Jimin really was right, you were whipped as hell.
“Thanks, you guys. Really.” He said, letting out a relieved breath. Taehyung nudged his side with a soft smile, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like ‘I told you they’d be happy to help’.
Jimin shuffled over to the doorway to slip his shoes on, and you followed suit, quickly donning your ballet flats. Jungkook, the messy little gremlin he was, hadn’t taken his shoes off all day and so was already ready to go.
“Where have you checked already?” Jimin asked, large eyes turning to Jin once more. That look was present again, and struck something familiar in your brain. That underlying tone… was it urgency? No one was making it seem as though it was particularly urgent, even if it was important, but the look in Jimin’s eyes had you thinking perhaps there was something you didn’t know about, that he did, that made this a little bit more urgent.
“Uh, the beach we walked on this morning before coming here, the one at the end of the street,” Jin supplied, gaze absent for a moment as he tried to recall the details of his day. “Then we came to see if it was here. I could have lost it anywhere along the beachfront though, we went for a… long walk this morning.”
You hummed, thinking to yourself. “So we’ll have to check along the beach both ways and the stores?”
Jin nodded, “I think that would be best.”
You all filed out of the house, Jimin turning and locking the door once you were all out. The afternoon sun was pleasantly warm against your skin as you waited with the others for your friend, Jin fidgeting from foot to foot and looking more unsettled than you had ever seen him before. Jimin finished locking up, and you all moved off to begin looking.
.  . .  .  . .  .  .  .
It was after an hour or so of fruitless searching that you found yourselves back in front of your flat, gathered next to your car. Jin had remained relatively calm throughout the whole ordeal, but a glimpse in his direction told you he was growing slightly anxious, if the constant jiggling of his leg was anything to go by.
You’d split off when you reached the beach, Taehyung flouncing over to Jimin and Jungkook and announcing that it would cover more ground if you split up. And so you’d been left with Jin, not that you were complaining, and the two of you had gone off to cover the remaining parts of the beach.
However, you hadn’t had any luck in finding Jin’s jacket (which you still weren’t entirely sure existed), and neither had the others, so you’d come back for your car— your next location for searching was the line of shops along the beach, and since it was almost dark it would be a lot easier with your car. Since the actual beaches were empty, you were hoping someone might have picked it up and handed it in at the nearest shop or surf club. At that thought, something familiar tickled the back of your mind, but you shook it off. You needed to focus on this.
You turned your gaze to the tall male next to you, watching his expressions as you waited for a response from Jungkook and the others. His eyebrows were furrowed, teeth worrying his plump bottom lip as his eyes stared to the side, unfocused. He was clearly worried, wrapped up in his own thoughts, and didn’t notice at all when you snuck up beside him until you jabbed him lightly in the ribs.
He let out a sharp yelp, body curving away from you and your intruding finger. He shot you an affronted, accusing look. “YAH! Y-y/n, what the hell—"
You allowed a soft smile to slip onto your face, hand going to rest on his arm where it clutched dramatically at his ribs as you tried to reassure him, “You’re worrying about it, but you shouldn’t— we’re going to help you find it, Jin.”
His eyes were wide as they met yours, his mouth falling slightly open in shock. “O-oh. Thanks, y/n.”
You beamed at him, heart swelling. “No problem!”
He cleared his throat, turning away so quickly you almost missed the inkling of pink blossoming across his cheeks. “R-right.”
You raised your eyebrows, searching for a response when your phone went off with a loud chime, alerting you that the others had finally responded. Immediately your hands flipped your phone around in your grip, fingers sliding effortlessly to unlock it and bring up the message.
Chim [6:34PM] still no luck, we can’t find it anywhere. you find anything?
You were quick to respond, Seokjin still off in his own little world a few feet away.
You [6:34PM] nope, nothing. we searched the whole beach couldn’t find a thing
Chim [6:35PM] ok, well we should probably stay as we are to cover more area and go along the shops to see if anyone might have handed it in. you good to drive with Jin and check the shops on your end?
You almost rolled your eyes. Why did he even bother asking? Why wouldn’t you be good to drive? You were with your crush, not intoxicated. Although, you glanced at the walking Adonis a few feet away from you, if you were being honest and particularly cheesy you could say you were drunk off your love for—
A sudden chime ended that errant train of thought. Your eyes found their way back to your phone.
Chim [6:37PM] ? you’re looking at him again aren’t you
Chim [6:38PM] god damn it y/n focus
You resisted the urge to giggle.
You [6:38PM] yes yes I’m here, don’t get your knickers in a twist I’m good to drive
Chim [6:39PM] alright, good. we’ll text you when we’re done over here and meet back at the house keep us updated
You snorted, rolling your eyes. Your phone chimed once more before you could put it away.
Chim [6:40PM] and don’t get too distracted ;p
At that you bristled, shoving your phone back into your pocket from whence it came. You turned to Jin, eager to move on. “The others didn’t have any luck finding it either, so we’re gonna go along the shops and take my car.”
Jin’s chocolate gaze swept over to meet yours, head dipping in a soft nod. “Alright,” he said, making an effort to slip on a smile for you. “Let’s get going then.”
You nodded, spinning on your heel to move towards the driver’s side of the car—
—and stepping straight into the stupid hole Jungkook had dug the other day when looking for rocks (why? You couldn’t for the life of you remember). Your leg buckled and with a yelp you were suddenly tripping forwards, nothing close enough to grab to halt your fall.
As though it came straight out of one of the dramas you watched weekly with Jimin, a pair of arms looped around your waist, halting you in your rapid descent to the ground. You spun in the strong arms around you, coming face to face with Jin.
Heat raced to colour across your cheeks, your eyes wide and face not too far from his own. He seemed alarmed for a minute, his own cheeks tinting pink, before he recovered with a shaky grin. “I have to say, it’s not often I have girls falling for me like this.”
You groaned, letting your head loll back dramatically. “Just drop me, it’ll be less painful.”
Jin laughed, that beautiful squeaky laugh you loved so much, and pulled you so you were standing once more. His gaze went to your ankle, a tender look surfacing in his glimmering eyes. “Is your ankle alright?”
You peered down, lifting your foot and giving your ankle a couple of tilts and twists. It was a bit sore, but not enough to really impact you or stop you from doing anything. “Yeah, I’m good. Thanks for catching me,” you shot him a dramatized look. “I could have died; I owe you my life.”
He cackled, moving over to the passenger side. “Damn right. You can repay me by beating Taehyung at Uno again— it’s always nice to see him lose for once, he’s a really sore winner.”
You snickered, continuing on your original path to the drivers side, although a bit slower this time, and slipping in. “That’s true, he really is.”
Once you were both safely in the car, you pulled off the curb and took off towards the line of shops you were going to search. It didn’t take you long, a couple of minutes at best, before you were pulling up and parking a little off to the side from the first establishment on the street.
Twinkle Toes Dance, a somewhat peculiar name for a dance studio owned by a friend of yours, Jung Hoseok. Of course, such a ridiculous name for a studio hadn’t been his first choice— he’d lost a bet with Jungkook and been forced to call it that as a result. To this day he remained somewhat salty about it, but you knew it had grown on him and he now regarded the name with a certain amount of fondness. You marched up the sidewalk towards the establishment, bursting through the front door with a certain amount of theatrical emphasis that only you could possess.
“Hobi!” you sang, entering the building with Seokjin hot on your heels. To your pleasant surprise the dancer in question had just exited the door to the studio room in front of you, pausing in his tracks at the sound of your voice. Sweat glistened over his toned form, crimson locks sticking to his forehead slightly as his warm eyes found yours and he threw the towel in his hands around his neck.
“y/n!” he beamed, flouncing over to you and abruptly swinging his arm around your neck to bring you into a playful headlock. He cooed, rubbing his knuckles into your head, “I thought I banned you from coming here?”
You rolled your eyes, laughing lightly as you slipped out of his weak grip and he brought you in for a hug. “You did, I came anyway.”
Last time you were here you’d distracted his sister, who was employed as the receptionist, with talk of things like boys and your favourite music groups so much that he’d ended up banning you from coming. There wasn’t any heart to it, of course, but he enjoyed teasing you about it nonetheless.
Hoseok snickered, before his gaze flickered from you to the male standing behind you. You turned, just barely catching sight of the look Jin wore before his face shifted and he offered the dancer a smile. You paused, confused—he’d looked… slightly mad. But why? You didn’t take Seokjin for the type to have a resting bitch face; he was too beautiful.
“Oh, right,” you snapped yourself out of your thoughts, offering a smile. “Hobi, this is Jin. Jin, this is Hoseok.”
Hoseok beamed, holding his hand out, and Seokjin returned the smile as he shook it. You almost missed how his leg jiggled anxiously as he did so.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Hoseok grinned, moving his hand behind his head to ruffle his hair sheepishly. “Sorry I’m such a sweaty mess, you guys caught me right after a class.”
Jin shrugged, smiling easily. You resisted the strong urge to let out a dreamy sigh. “It’s no problem,” he said, a slight lilt of amusement tinging his tone. “We did come at a peculiar time.”
Hoseok laughed, before his gaze found yours once more. “Ah, that’s right. What brings you guys here on such a fine evening?”
You straightened, angling your body to better include Seokjin. “Oh! Right, we’re here for him. He lost his coat, probably somewhere along the beach, and we’re wondering if by any chance someone might have come and turned it in…? It’s pretty valuable to him, is all— the sentimental type of value.”
Jin nodded along with what you were saying, and Hoseok let out a soft ‘ah’ of understanding. He shot the tall male a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry to hear that man, but as far as I know no one has turned anything in. I’ll ask around some more though, I have another class in half an hour so I’ll see if anyone else has seen it?”
Jin nodded, a grateful look gracing his angelic features. “That would help a lot, thank you.”
Hoseok grinned. “No problem, I wish you luck. Maybe someone turned it in at another place.”
You let out a soft laugh, “That’s what we’re hoping! Thanks Hobi, and I hope your class goes smoothly!”
Hoseok rolled his eyes. “My next class is contemporary, and it’s full of middle aged rich women who have just finished their work day. Of course it’s going to go smoothly.”
You laughed, turning to begin making your way back towards the door, your hand hovering and gently pressing against Seokjin’s lower back to guide him along with you. “I wish you luck as well, then. See you later, Hobi!”
The male waved farewell as you and Seokjin exited the building, moving along to the next store in line. The tall male was visibly bummed and more anxious than he had been before, despite how much he tried to hide it. Even if you were confused about the sudden “existence” of this jacket, you hoped you found it soon so he wouldn’t be so bummed. You prayed someone had found it and turned it into one of the following shops.
As it happened, you had no such luck. Each store you entered told you the same thing: no one had handed anything in, and no one had mentioned anything about a coat abandoned on the beach. With each unsuccessful venture into a building you could see Jin growing more and more frantic. You wondered just how much this jacket meant to him for him to be getting so worked up over its (possibly permanent) absence.
He was restless, frantic almost, as you neared the end of the street and therefore the end of the shops almost an hour later. You’d heard no word from the others except that they hadn’t found it, and you knew Jin was trying desperately to hide how bothered he was. You got the sense that his self-control, the only thing stopping him from growing truly upset, was hanging on a meagre thread, and you weren’t sure what to expect whenever it inevitably snapped.
It didn’t take long. The last building on the street, before the road curved and was lined by sand and trees, fell on the corner and was a small, cute bookstore where your friend Namjoon worked the counter. You’d entered, feeling somewhat desperate yourself at this point, and greeted him, making some quick small-talk before asking him. The result had been the same, to your disappointment, and you’d left no more information than when you’d entered.
The walk back to your car was long, and spent in silence that sported a tense edge. A glance to your side told you Jin was wrapped up in his own thoughts, brows furrowed and lips twisted as he gazed at the ground by his feet. You finally reached your car, both of you wordlessly slipping in.
The doors shut loudly, leaving the car in silence once more afterwards. You didn’t start the car just yet, turning to glance at Jin. He had his eyes closed, head tilted back against the headrest, and his eyebrows were furrowed like he was trying not to cry. You guessed he was pretty upset.
“Jin,” you tried, moving to gently place your hand on his arm that rested on the centre console in what you hoped was a reassuring manner, “Don’t worry, okay? I’m sure we’ll find it, we just have to keep looking—”
“Keep looking where?!” Jin exclaimed, voiced raised with audible distress. You flinched back, eyes wide as he continued to speak, words gushing forth in a well of emotion and you belatedly realised that the thin string holding him together for the time being had snapped. “There is no where left to look! I left it on the beach, I know I did, and we can’t fucking find it anywhere. It’s- it’s lost and I’m never going to find it again. Oh, god I’m— I’ll never be able to—”
You cut him off before he could grow any more distressed, confusion colouring the thoughts racing through your mind. “Jin, what are you talking about? You don’t have to get so distressed, I mean I know it had sentimental value to you but you can always—”
“You don’t understand!” he burst, interrupting you mid-sentence. He spun to face you, eyes welling with a cocktail of frustration and sadness. “It’s not just a coat! It’s not replaceable! Without it I can’t go back to the ocean , I cant go home! I’ve heard all the stories and I’m so stupid, I shouldn’t have been so fucking careless—”
“You’re not making any sense—” you tried to say, hand gripping his arm still. You were struggling to keep up and comprehend all the things he was saying. He couldn’t go back to the ocean? His home?
Jin laughed, but unlike usual there wasn’t the slightest trace of humour and the sound left a heavy feeling in your stomach. “Of course it wouldn’t make sense to you, you’re human,” his eyes opened and you were taken aback by the raw look in them as his gaze captured yours and held it hostage. “y/n, I’m a selkie. Every time I come ashore I shed my coat and every time I return to the ocean I slip it back on again. That coat is everything to me, it’s a part of me— whoever has that coat has complete control of me. I can’t go home.”
You were stunned speechless, frozen, as his eyes watered and a single tear fell down his cheek. He shook and trembled beneath your hand, before he turned and threw his face into his hands, fingers threading through and gripping his hair in distress. “I can’t— I can’t go home. I’ll never be able to return to the ocean again and I’m going to be trapped here, the prisoner of whoever has that god damn coat, and all because I was so fucking careless and left it on the beach without hiding it like I usually do. God, why did I have to be so fucking stupid.”
To your utter shock his entire frame began to tremble, and a muffled sob escaped him, his voice hoarse and strained, “I shouldn’t have left it there. I sh-shouldn’t have even come ashore with Taehyung today. Oh god…”
You didn’t know what to say, what to do. Your brain was working overtime, whirring away to comprehend everything he’d just thrown at you. A selkie? Was he being serious? You vaguely recalled the legends your grandmother would tell you about the seal people who had the ability to shed their skin and become human upon land. You also remembered, as Seokjin had said, how the coat of seal skin the selkie’s shed when coming onto land was their most precious item, and whoever possessed the coat possessed control of the selkie.
All at once there was a series of realisations in your mind as bit by bit things started to connect. Oh. Oh. This morning, when you’d gone for a walk and found the sealskin… coat… and Chubs, and the other seals you’d often see that possessed a certain glint you could only describe as human in their eyes...
Oh my god.
You wanted to facepalm, and nearly did. Christ, you were an idiot. You’d literally just spent the better part of the past three hours looking for the ‘coat’ your friend and crush had lost on the beach and not once did you connect it to the bundle of sealskin furs you’d found in your little alcove just this morning.
Wordlessly, you undid your seatbelt and opened the car door, moving back around to the boot. Lifting it, your gaze zeroed in on the coat of the hour— there it lay, nestled safely within the confines of the chest in the back of your car, unsuspecting of the drama it had caused. Actually, you mused, this was pretty much your fault, even if you’d had good intentions in taking it from the beach. If you hadn’t taken it then Jin would have no doubt found it right where he left it, and would be on his merry way back in the ocean by now. Once more, you resisted the urge to slam your face into the nearest hard object, and instead grabbed the coat before shutting the boot and moving back around to return to your seat, the door closing behind you.
You cleared your throat. Jin hadn’t moved since you’d left, but looked up at the sound of your voice. His eyes, red-rimmed and slightly swollen, found yours questioningly. You offered a sheepish look. “Uh. Well, let me start by saying I’m sorry. I went for a walk this morning along the beach I usually go to, and I kind of found it sitting there. I thought someone lost it, so, ironically enough, I picked it up to turn it in in a shop or something but got distracted and uh… I completely forgot about it until now.”
Jin’s brow furrowed as he gazed at you in confusion, “y/n, what—”
You cut him off by holding up the fur coat in your grasp. “I’m guessing this is yours?”
Jin’s gaze flew to the object in your hands and his breath hitched in his throat, eyes shooting wide. They began to water once more and he looked as though he could hardly believe it was there before his very eyes after all the emotional turmoil of the night. One trembling hand came up, then the other, as he gently took it into his grasp and pulled it from your grip. His eyes closed as his fingers came into contact with the silky furs and he let out a heavy breath of relief, shoulders sagging like a massive weight had been lifted.
You allowed a few moments of silence to fill the air before you spoke once more. “I picked it up so no one else could take it and stored it in the boot, in a chest. It was safe, but I’m sorry I ended up making you so upset. I think the real idiot here is me.”
Sniffling, the male sent you a soft smile. He hugged the coat to his chest. “You know, I did leave it in the open. If you hadn’t picked it up, then someone else probably would have. I should really be thanking you for keeping it safe.”
You grinned, grateful he wasn’t blaming you, and leaned back against your seat. “I suppose that’s true,” you said, pausing for a moment to allow your words to fade into the air before speaking once more. “So… a selkie, huh.”
Seokjin’s eyes widened, like he only just realised he had, in fact, told you all of that. “Uh…” he floundered for a response, a sheepish look on his face. “Yep.”
A soft laugh escaped you. “I’m guessing Taehyung is too? You always arrive and leave together, and I’ve seen those little secretive looks you share.”
Jin sighed, shaking his head, but was unable to stop the small smile from stretching his lips. “Yeah, he is— Jimin too.”
You sputtered, leaning forward in your seat. “What? Jiminie too?! But he never leaves to go to the ocean—”
Seokjin sent you a look that was tinged with a strange mixture of affection and sadness. “Jimin gave up his coat; he stays by choice. Little Jiminie fell in love and hasn’t returned since— it’s why we come and visit him, instead. Well, it used to be why— now we don’t only come for Jimin.”
His words, combined with the meaningful tilt of his head as his chocolate eyes gazed into yours, caused a wave of heat to flush into your cheeks. Instead, you focused on the other part of what he was saying. Jimin fell in love? But wh—oh. Suddenly it all made sense.
“Oh,” you said simply, eyebrows raising slightly. Jin nodded, “Yeah.”
You were silent for a moment as you mulled everything over. Jin’s gaze never left you, and you started as you turned and met his eyes once more.
“I really do owe you,” he said softly, a look surfacing in his eyes that bordered on fond and sent your heart racing. “I don’t know what I would have done if I had actually lost it, and I owe you for keeping it safe. I don’t know how I can repay you for that.”
You were silent for a moment before you decided to speak. “Well, Chubs,” you began, delighting in the way he jumped and pink flooded his cheeks. Ah, so you’d been right. Exposed. “Are you planning on blessing land with your presence this Saturday?”
Jin’s eyebrows rose as he shot you a confused albeit slightly flustered look, taken aback. “Ah, yes, I guess?”
You smiled at him, reaching over to boop his nose in a sudden rush of confidence. “Then you can repay me by having coffee with me at Rock Hop Café, the one where Yoongi works,” you said, before your confidence faltered slightly and you quickly added, flustered, “That is, if you want to, of course. Otherwise, actually, you don’t really need to repay me—"
Seokjin laughed, cheeks pink, and interrupted you before you could ramble yourself into a hole once more. “That sounds good to me,” he grinned, gaze fond. “I’ll look forward to it.”
You returned the look, beaming, before you busied yourself turning the key in the ignition and starting up the car for the short trip home. The entire way you spent the time asking Jin various questions about what he was and whether all the myths were true or not, and with a laugh he answered each and every single one.
At the end of the day, you supposed, you’d found more than an item that had never really been lost in the first place.
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huanglaoshu · 3 years
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So anyway I'm enjoying @heavymetalchemist's Salt of the Sea
This is Jin Ling's drawing from chapter 1:
There were two cloud-like scribbles, one purple, one smaller and yellow, with four similarly-colored sticks poking out at odd angles. On top of the scribbles were circles with black smiley faces drawn inside. It had to be the two of them. Jiang Cheng felt his lips twitch upward — only Jin Ling would draw him with a smile like that. Although, after all, Jin Ling was one of the few people that he found himself genuinely smiling for. One drawing had the scribbles on the boat, and in another they were on the island with its old lighthouse. And of course, there was the seal, which Jin Ling had also drawn with a big smile under its whiskers.
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wwhseokjin · 3 years
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6. Prada or Gucci
heyo!! i’m back!!
-xoxoxo hecate
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