#send me prompts if you want to see more hehe
stiltonbasket · 1 year
stilton please show us vampire wwx and fae lwj's first meeting omg
Despite the bothersome needs of his body, Wei Wuxian did not make a habit of preying on humans.
His mother had never taught him how to hunt, out of fear that he would grow to prefer human blood above all other food and so risk death by discovery of his nature. As such, Wei Wuxian subsisted on raw meat he killed for himself and blood taken from wild beasts and livestock: except on the rare occasions when he drank human blood to speed his healing, as he was obliged to do tonight.
The injury had been completely his own fault. Wei Wuxian knew how to avoid being recognized for what he was, but he had been caught feeding his own blood to a little child suffering from lung fever, since dead or living flesh from a vampire was a panacea for most mortal ailments; and as the case so often was when a docile vampire was found living among humans, Wei Wuxian was promptly set upon by a mob intent on killing him and grinding him down for medicine.
He escaped into the nearby wood with an arrow lodged in his shoulder and another in his back; and after he left the mob behind, he ran for another shichen and a half before collapsing in a moon-dappled clearing surrounded by oak trees.
He lay there without moving for a little while, but at last he struggled upright and removed the two small arrows from his back. The wounds would close by dawn, as long as he sated his hunger before then; so after a short nap, he got back to his feet and began searching the ground for footprints.
At this rate, it'll be noon before I find anyone, he thought disconsolately. Unluckily—or perhaps luckily, for Wei Wuxian—people from Jieyu Village rarely entered the forest, for there was no good hunting to be found inside, and anyone who ventured further than a li into the wood came back muddle-headed and strange, as if they had been poisoned with a sleeping potion or dealt a harsh blow to the head. Hence, the townsfolk had long since learned to keep out save in the direst need, when they braved the darkness of the wood to find medicinal herbs that refused to grow anywhere but in the long shadows of the forest's oldest trees.
It was in one such shadow that Wei Wuxian's search finally ended, when he stumbled across a hollow that held a bed of red maple leaves and a young man lying in a sleep so deep that Wei Wuxian's heavy breathing did not rouse him.
"Oh," he murmured, falling to his knees in relief. The young man appeared human, but not fully so; Wei Wuxian thought he might be half tree spirit, or some kind of divine beast taking the form of a youth. But whatever he was, he could spare more of his blood than a normal man; so Wei Wuxian snatched up his hand and sank his teeth into the boy's wrist, swallowing as quickly as he could until the two gashes in his back began to itch and scab over.
Within the next minute, the wounds had vanished. Wei Wuxian released the man's wrist and stood up, wiping his mouth on his dirty sleeve—and found himself struggling for breath with his back pressed flat against a tree, and the blade of a bright silver sword hovering an inch from his throat.
The young man was awake, staring down at Wei Wuxian like a hunter looking down the length of his bow at a rabbit. Wei Wuxian parted his lips to speak before crying out in terror as the blade skimmed the soft flesh at his neck—and then he looked up, petrified, to find his attacker wheeling backwards as if Wei Wuxian had kicked him.
"Ha!" he shouted, his fear dying away; for he had quite forgotten the other reason behind his mother's warnings to stay away from humans. "You're in my thrall now, young master. Now, be good and don't move until I'm gone, or—or I'll make you throw that pretty sword of yours into the river."
The man drew himself up to his full height and glared at him. He did not move, still bound by the power of Wei Wuxian's enthrallment; but then he narrowed his eyes and smiled, and Wei Wuxian's heart leapt with a thrill that was half fear and something he could not quite recognize.
A moment later, he was pressed against the tree again, so weak in the knees that he would have fallen if not for the white arms clasped about his waist.
"What did you do to me?" Wei Wuxian whispered. "I told you to stand still, so how—"
"You should have made certain you were biting a human, xuemo," the man hissed. "A being like you should know the consequences of eating faerie food without permission."
"But I didn't eat any food," Wei Wuxian said groggily. All desire to move left his weary limbs, and he slumped forward into his captor's embrace like a—
"Oh," he gasped, stumbling back. "You're a fae. Fae food is anything made by a faerie that can be eaten, and when I drank your blood, I..."
"Precisely." The man—or the fae, he realized now—released Wei Wuxian's waist and stepped away. "I am in your thrall, and you are under the power of my enchantment. Remove your enthrallment, and I will swear an oath never to enchant you again."
Wei Wuxian grimaced. Fae were bound to their oaths, and could not break them upon pain of death; but Wei Wuxian had no idea how to break an enthrallment, or whether an enthrallment could be broken at all.
"What?" the fae growled. "What kind of a vampire are you, that you do not know how to do such a simple thing?"
"A half-blooded one," Wei Wuxian protested. "My father was mortal, and my mother was killed when I was a child. I've never met another xuemo besides her."
The fae was silent. "Can't you lift the enchantment on me anyway, young master?"
"Why should I?" the faerie demanded. "You could force me to do anything, if you wanted to. This enchantment is my only protection."
"But I wouldn't!" wailed Wei Wuxian. "I didn't even realize I'd enthralled you until you tried to kill me!"
"Forgive me if I do not believe you," the fae said dryly. "I am aware that xuemo are capable of hunting without using venom to gain power over their victims. You chose to use your venom on me."
"It's difficult to hunt that way! My mother died before she could teach me how, so I don't touch humans unless I have no other choice."
At this, the faerie sighed and lowered his sword.
"Why were you in the forest at all?" he asked. "This is fae territory. If you were in dire need of human blood, you should have gone south to the village at the base of the mountains."
"That's where I'm from," Wei Wuxian muttered, folding his arms. "I've been living there in disguise for the last ten years, but the village head caught me feeding my blood to his daughter, so I can't go back. If I do, I'll be slaughtered and ground down for pills."
The fae blinked. "They attacked you? Are you wounded, then?"
He sounded almost worried, which Wei Wuxian thought was very kind of him. He must not be the dangerous sort of fae, if he had it in his heart to worry about a blood demon who had enthralled him against his will.
"En, I was. But your blood healed me, faster than human blood would have done—so for that, I am in your debt."
"No need."
They stood without speaking for a little while, staring fixedly at the ground as they wondered what to do next.
"I know someone who may be able to help us," the fae said hesitantly, after about a ke had passed. "There is a dragon guarding the river that runs through this forest, and he lives only a few miles away from here. He always seems to know more than he should, so we might go there for help."
Wei Wuxian nodded and dusted his robes off; and with that, they set off down a dirt track that led into a denser, darker part of the forest, where the trees grew so close together that Wei Wuxian had to hold the faerie's hand to keep him in his line of sight.
He had never felt such a touch before, for it was both firm and gentle. directing Wei Wuxian through the wood without seeming to lead him at all.
For some reason, the young fae refused to let go of him until they reached the water dragon's lair two hours later; and despite himself, Wei Wuxian found himself wishing that the two of them could have met in better circumstances.
We might even have been friends! he thought, laughing wistfully to himself. Aiyah, he's not a bad sort. Maybe I'll come back to see him sometime, after this dragon of his finds a way to break the thrall.
But it was not to be; for the moment the water dragon rolled out of his den and spotted their linked hands, it threw back its great scaly head and burst into laughter.
"Stop laughing," the faerie ordered. "We have come here for help, Huaisang. This blood demon is subject to my powers of compulsion, and he has me under his thrall, but neither of us intended this to happen. How can we remove his thrall, so that I may safely release my command over him in turn?"
The dragon laughed for a long, long while, rolling about in the soft grass like a child, and then it looked up at the faerie and said:
"Forgive my rudeness. Congratulations, Wangji-xiong."
"What for?"
The dragon's eyes gleamed.
"For your marriage."
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in-another-april · 3 days
spencer being a menace and distracting his s/o while they're working because he's clingy and wants attention hehe
summary/prompt + genre - Spencer misses you while you're working :( | fluff
warnings - none
wc - 505
notes - aaaaa cute cute cute :( this got so longgg, im experimenting with different formats since i got kinda tired of just blurbs and hcs but if this flops i'll stick to what i know!!
In Spencer's defense, he really does try to give you your space. He's spent the majority of the day on the couch, reading book after book to keep himself busy, while you've been holed up in the bedroom working.
He's a few pages into his 8th (or was it his 9th?? 10th? He's lost count at this point) book, when he reads something that makes him think of you. Smiling, he turns to your usual spot on the couch to share it with you, only then remembering that you're not there. Then it hits him.
He misses you.
He quickly decides to check in on you, just to see how it's going and make sure you're not overworking yourself. Yeah, that's it. No ulterior motive there at all, he swears.
He makes his way to the bedroom and knocks gently on the doorframe, shuffling in after hearing your "come in." Wordlessly, he climbs onto the bed next to you, leaving just enough space to not distract you while also satisfying his need to be close. He places a hand on your knee, entirely self-indulgent.
You ask him what's up, eyes never leaving your papers, and he pouts at the lack of attention. A part of him knows he should feel silly for being so clingy, but another, bigger part of him is too wrapped up in his love for you to care.
He only supplies a "missed you," casually shrugging his shoulders like it's the simplest thing in the world. You bite your lip, trying (and failing) to hold back a smile. Cute. He's so cute, and you're so tired, and god, a break does sound nice...
But, you really do have to finish this.
"Missed you, too, angel." You concede, placing your hand on top of his. "Just give me a few more minutes, then I'm all yours." You offer, and he nods quickly in return, eagerly awaiting the moment where he'll have you all to himself again. Your eyes shift back to your work, continuing where you left off,
His thumb brushes along your knee, hand trailing up just slightly, and you feel your resolve crumbling. Still you make a feeble attempt to stay responsible.
"Spencer." You warn, weakly glaring at him
"What?" He feigns innocence, voice soft. "I'm not doing anything." It's a lie, you know it, and he knows you know it. As much as you'd hate to let him win, one look into his soft, lovesick eyes makes you decide that if this is what defeat entails, you guess you wouldn't really mind losing.
You sigh dramatically, pushing your books aside and opening your arms for him. His doesn't miss a beat, moving to close the gap between you almost instantly.
He falls unceremoniously into your lap, wrapping his arms around your middle and burying his face in your neck. You give in, reaching to brush your fingers through his hair. You feel his victorious smirk against your skin and roll your eyes fondly.
Your work can wait, you’re sure.
masterlist | inbox ← requests open! ♡
taglist - @lover-of-books-and-tea @maskysluvr @aurorsworld @wisteriaspencer @radioactiveinvisible @mandarinmoons @spencereidapologist @lyd14k4y @luvkatryna @khxna @flow33didontsmoke (send an ask or message to be added/removed!)
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vampiretendencies · 1 year
request; jj blurb idea! wearing his clothes for the first time/him seeing you in his clothes for the first time. maybe showering at the chateau but you didn’t bring anything so he gives you a tshirt! hehe literally kicking my feet under the table rn
pairing; jj x fem!reader
warnings; fluff, maybe suggestive
authors note; i was doing the same when you sent this anon in love with this idea ! (req a blurb from below w what’s left on the prompt list, or send in blurb, imagines, & fic ideas) a few more hours until season 3!
other ways to say i love you prompt list
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The opportunity to wear JJ’s clothes tainted your thoughts undoubtedly.
Not only because it belonged to him but because everything about JJ’s wardrobe, is so JJ.
No problem with repping any and everything that belonged to your infamous boyfriend. Wether it be wearing his pair of boxers as shorts, a wife beater to slumber in, or a random tee shirt to go out in broad day light.
You just longed for his material to be around your figure.
Congenial and adequate, soft yet comfortable— all elements of his clothes that are alike with JJ.
They are his clothes, after all.
“JJ let go of me!”
Stood smack in the the middle of JJ’s room at the chateau. His window partially open, wind bristling from the night air, making its way through. Whilst the hard wood floors beneath the two of you tracked the imprints of your feet. Bed rolled around in, from you forcing JJ off of you then— merely to let you get up and off of the bed to shower, that you did. Since you came out though, wearing little clothing, (given that there wasn't much of your own items lying around at the Chateau) he hasn't let you be.
He encapsulates you with his sinewy arms, body swallowing you whole. Whilst you forcefully push your hands against his broad, shirtless chest— the skin mellow and thick. Indentations of your miniature hands marking his skin, like your were a rag doll; screaming for dear life.
All JJ could muster was a low, raspy chuckle.
“Say you won’t leave.”
JJ wanted to make love to you all day long.
Not sex.
But emotionally.
To emotionally make love, to have and hold. A day full of luster, every millisecond spent around or with you. To confide in and maybe even shrink you and put you in his pocket.
A keepsake.
“You know I can’t, I don’t have another change of clothes.”
Behind every ‘can’t’ JJ miraculously finds a way, opportunity at hand to see you clad in something of his.
“Lets find you something of mine?”
JJ flicks his tongue, peering down at you due to the fact that he knows he’s won and you aren’t moving a muscle. His hands maneuver themselves to the lower part of your ass, hands habitually grasp the masses with a squeeze of his hands.
“Are you gonna’ give me something to wear then or what?”
You hid your secret giddiness inside, not wanting to be the one to initiate this sentiment— things seemingly working themselves out anyway.
“Actually, baby … just fuckin’ walk around naked … s’even better.”
He acknowledges the glint in your eye, possibly even a twitch that says, ‘get me some damn clothes before I wring your neck.’
“Okay okay, whatcha’ thinkin’ a little Heywards t-shirt action … Bait Shop shirt … ?”
He let go of you distastefully, instantly salivating for the contact again. Walking over to the wooden drawers of his dresser, pulling out multiple options— signaling you to come over and pick.
“Surprise me.”
And you turn around, facing the emptiness of his room, that wasn’t his room, but nonetheless. Rummaging was heard as he hummed and mumbled minuscule things to himself.
“Turn around, pretty girl.”
An off-black brownish t-shirt is thrown into your hands. A decor in the upper left side that read ‘Sex Wax Est 2005’, font circular and embellished with stars on either end.
“Your turn-“
He was already turning around, the gentlemen that he prided on being. You grinned at the cotton beneath your digits, bringing it up to your nose— though it had been washed, his powerful musk still retained it. The silky sensation of yeasty beer and a freshly rolled blunt encompassed your senses.
“Need more time?”
“Just a second, J.”
If only he knew your fixation was obsessive beforehand.
“I’ll just be here … y’know ... missin' my girl."
Feet away, physical touch being his love language fully had a choke hold on him per usual.
After you were done with your inspection you pulled the thin material of your cropped cami past your shoulders, bra clasped tight to your back. Leaving you to remove those lacey pocketed shorts that adorned your body; his shirt lazily pulled past your head, drowning you in its bigger size, falling just to your mid thigh.
The sole way to sleep with JJ disclosed.
You felt more his than you ever had in the past; claiming his array of bib and tucker with exuberance.
His baby suffocating in him.
You cleared your throat gesturing for him to turn around, his mouth gaping open as he's awe struck; open long enough that you were impressed something didn't fly in it.
"Shit you look better than me!"
Ogle eyes whilst his mouth formed a tight-lipped smile, stomach churning and insides wavering at the woman he chose to take part in his life with him.
It may be a shirt to most, but with his person inside of it made it all the more nostalgic, heart growing tender.
"C'mere gotta get a better look at you."
Following suit you step forward to him, lips instantly connecting with your jaw with pure infatuation.
"S'perfect baby."
"Yeah? Think I can pass as the new JJ Maybank?" In the same position the two of you were in minutes ago, except grins are wider and souls aching all the more for eachother; and you mocked him.
"Pass me a beer and a J."
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sixosix · 2 months
hello!! this is my first time asking so forgive me if i do anything wrong.
so i just saw your event anddddd first of all, i just want to say congrats on 5k!!! and also happy birthdayy!! if its not a bother, can i participate in the event?? if so heres the prompt,
[lyney, earphones(the wired ones), fluff]
your thawed series really made me fall in love with the way you write lyney😭 and because of that, i want to read more of him from you!!
once again, congrats on 5k!!
a/n HELLO ANON!!! thank you so much + dont worry u sent an ask right! im so happy u like my characterization of lyney hehe hes just a silly guy…
info 500 words, short and sweet, modern college au
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Lynette texted you this morning saying that she had a fever.
Usually, this wouldn’t have been a problem. Get well soon! or an I’ll send you the notes later would be the end of the conversation. Then you’d go on with your day and miss her, but that would be it. That was supposed to be it.
But it was Lynette. And if she was involved—
“Hey.” Lilac eyes overtook your vision, shockingly close. You jumped back, and Lyney grinned. “Are you still texting my sister? I’m right here, you know.”
Lynette You’ll be fine
Lynette He’s just Lyney
This was a problem because you had been nursing the biggest crush on Lynette’s brother since you met her—and it’s been years. The color of his eyes, the softness of his hair, the crinkle of his eyes as he smiles—
“I’m telling her I wish she were here instead,” you said, hiding your screen from his sharp eyes.
Lyney wasn’t fazed at all. He matched your steps and easily walked alongside you, his lips stretched into a wide grin. He was so suspiciously happy today.
“Are we going to take the bus there?” Lyney asked, his arms still brushing against yours. His chin was tucked in his windbreaker, muffling his words a little. He looked a little red—did he have a fever as well?
“I guess so,” you said, dragging your gaze away from the sight. You could hear your heartbeat racing.
Lyney’s smile softened, then gestured at the bus stop bench. “It’s still early. Let’s sit over there.”
It was empty, yet when you sat at the far edge, Lyney still cozied up beside you. Seeking refuge, you hid your face further in the safety of your hoodie. This was bad. Lynette rarely got sick; this was your first time alone with Lyney, and you didn’t know how to act.
When you glanced at him, Lyney seemed content with the silence. You weren’t—you could hear the loud thumps of your chest, and soon enough, Lyney would notice it, too.
You pulled out your earphones and swiped to the highest volume possible, ear damage be damned. You were not going to survive today. You’re going to embarrass yourself and make a fool of your impressions, and Lyney would get weirded out and avoid you for the rest of his life.
Your throat made some sort of warbling deflated noise as music drowned out your heartbeat, but not your thoughts. Why was Lyney so warm? Even with layers of clothing, you could feel the heat of his skin, and it was driving you mad. You wanted nothing but to curl into it like a cat with sunlight. Why did Lynette have to get sick while you were still hopelessly infatuated with her brother?
Abruptly, Lyney’s head found its way to your shoulder. Stunned, you sucked in a breath, overwhelmed with all the sensations. Your five senses were being violated left and right—all you could see, hear, and touch was Lyney.
He reached his hand out expectantly. You made a noise of confusion, then belatedly realized what he was pointing at. Careful not to jostle him, you plucked an earphone and gently placed it in his ear. Lyney flinched.
“This is loud,” Lyney chuckled, but he didn’t ask you to mess with the volume. He laid back down with his weight and stayed there, unaware of how your face was a flaming mess.
Your eyes slipped to your lap, feeling shy. From this angle, it was hard to tell what Lyney was looking at, but you could feel his smile. It could be Lyney’s unnaturally warm body heat or your burning embarrassment, but— maybe you were starting to feel feverish as well.
Lyney snuggled closer. You sighed and resigned yourself to a long day.
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mysaintkitten · 9 months
Loser, Baby | Neil lewis x fem!reader
prompt: neil swears he’s grown now and that it’ll take more than a shitty porno to get him hard, so you put him to the test (this based off of a suggestion i was sent !! thank you very much to whoever sent this !! and a quick reminder to feel free to send me prompt and character suggestions hehe)
WARNINGS: subby!neil kinda, unprotected sex (p in v), orgasm denial, i think that’s all ?? (NSFW, no minors)
word count: 2.2k
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“the new shipment has come in!” jonathan calls out from the front of the store, lugging in a medium sized cardboard box filled with tapes. he places the box down onto the checkout counter before temporarily leaving to find a box cutter.
you, neil, and lucien gather around the box. you’re a bit confused, you were expecting a shipment sometime next week- what’s this one doing here so early? but after all, you hadn’t been working here for too long so maybe unexpected shipments were normal.
“do you know whats in here?” you ask to lucien and neil, who both claim they have no idea. jonathan returns with the box cutter and slices through the tape that’s sealing the box together, proceeding to then tug the box open.
you peek into the box, and you’re taken aback by what you see- you must be seeing this wrong. VHS tapes filled with graphic covers fill the box, it’s hard to focus on one singular film when all the titles include words like GAPING or FUCK or HORNY. you can’t help but laugh, this must be a gag gift. jonathan and lucien shoot glances at neil before laughing themselves.
you turn to look at neil, but he’s not laughing, he doesn’t even look happy anymore, he looks livid.
“we can’t sell this shit, get rid of it.” he chided, crossing his arms in front of his body.
“what? dude, we can’t just get rid of these perfectly good tapes. we have a mature only section, this could bring in a whole new wav-“ lucien laughs before neil cuts him off, “no. get rid of them. it’s my store and i don’t wanna sell this shit. i don’t care what you do with them, but we aren’t selling them.” neil spat before leaving to head to the storage room.
you had never seen him this agitated, over some simple pornos too. i mean, you guys did have an adult only section and normally neil had no issue with selling those tapes. why were these different?
“guess he still remembers ..” jonathan whispers, snickering quietly with lucien. huh?
“still remembers what?” you ask, wondering if this situation was more layered than you initially thought.
“back in our freshman year of college, we’d rent these tapes and do that freaky-straight-boy circlejerk shit .. whoever came first would lose.” lucien says, beginning to take the tapes out of the box. “neil would lose, almost every time.” jonathan laughs.
god, no wonder he wanted these tapes gone. getting a better look at the covers, they were disgusting. not in an actual disgust way, but just so crude. filthy. and knowing neil was coming to these made an unfamiliar feeling bubble within your stomach. it wasn’t a bad feeling, it was just foreign to you.
jonathan and lucien take a few of the tapes and head to the back office to start figuring out how much they could sell the them for, and you feel your curiosity get the best of you. out of the remaining tapes, you shuffle through until one sticks out to you.
lord, it’s almost refreshing to see a title that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. you know exactly what you’re getting into. you grab the tape and slip it into your purse, a new idea stirring within you.
you finish the rest of your shift and the topic of the tapes has seemingly come to a close, no one else mentioning them for the rest of your shift.
as you and neil drive home together, you bring the topic back to the surface.
“what’s wrong with the tapes?” you ask, wanting to hear neil’s side of the story.
he sighs, “i don’t know, it’s just, maybe it’s cause i’m older and stuff like that doesn’t interest me much anymore. or maybe it’s because i’ve realized how demeaning the porn industry is to women ..” he rambles, saying everything except for a direct answer.
“neil, neil, it’s alright.” you chuckle softy, “if you still enjoy porn, that’s okay, i’m not expecting you to lose all interest in viewing sex simply because we’re in a relationship.” you reply, hoping it’ll direct him towards giving you a more honest answer,
he starts to grip the steering wheel slightly, “well, it’s like, you know, i do still like to .. see sex .. but that stuff doesn’t turn me on anymore. i’m grown now.” he almost gloats. you decide to let him have this for a few minutes, or at least until you guys arrive to your shared apartment.
once inside, you decide to bring your idea to light. you place your purse on the couch, “so neil, baby, i’m gonna be honest with you” you say, “jonathan and lucien told me why you feel this way about these tapes, the jerk off sessions, you coming quick ..” you add, he becomes flushed, beginning to stutter while trying to find the right words,
“and since you told me that you’re grown now and that you aren’t into any of that anymore, i wanna put you to the test.” you continue before pulling the tape out of your purse, watching as neil’s eyes dart between the cover of the tape and your face. all while he’s still speechless, you skip the vhs into your tape player.
you approach neil and gently squeeze his wrist, guiding him over to the couch to sit down beside you.
“now, we’re gonna watch this, and whoever gets turned on first loses. since you’re not into it anymore, this should be easy for you, right?” you instructed, enjoying how blatantly nervous neil was. he was full of shit and you both knew that, but his pride overrides all other aspects.
he gulps, “yeah. i’ll be fine. how will i know you aren’t getting wet, though?” he replies back, a bit snarky, almost as if he thought he had stumped you.
“hm, guess we’ll just have to do it like this then ..” you stated, grabbing his hands and slipping it into your pants and underneath your panties, his cold rough hands cupping your warm mound. before he can even process what you did, you slide your hand into his pants and boxers, cupping him the same. he gasps softly, “no, no, this isn’t fair! you can’t just have me hold your pussy and expect me to-” he stammers
“sh, it’s about to start.” you cooed, turning your gaze to the screen.
it’s retro porn, filmed by shitty cameras and filled with shitty acting. all seems to be going well for the first few moments before any of the actual fucking starts, neil’s hips shift uncomfortably beneath your hand, but he’s still soft.
the people on screen begin to kiss, and moan, and grope. before long, the lead milf is on some sort of counter, legs spread with her bare pussy showing. she’s fingering herself in front of her counterpart, gasping and writhing about how wet she is and how badly she needs to be fucked. and before she even has a cock inside of her, you feel neil begin to pulse beneath your hand. he knows he’s lost. you both know. you carefully look over at him, he’s blushing and his brows are furrowed, his lips twitching ever so slightly. poor thing. the tape wasn’t turning you on, but seeing how affected he was, was turning you on.
you don’t mention it and kept this knowledge to yourself, you continue to cup him, but you gradually apply more pressure along with moving your hand around gently, adding some friction to the mix.
he subconsciously begins to grind into your hand slightly, his own fingers getting a bit curious in your pants, toying around gently with your folds. once the woman on screen starts to get actually fucked, neil’s undeniably hard.
you look over at him, your bottom lip tucked between your teeth while smirking, “you lost, baby.” you purr, weakly pumping him.
“n-no! i told you it isn’t fair! i was thinking about you being in these positions and i just got ..” he rambles, “i don’t care, sweetheart. rules are rules.” you cut him off,
“im not a monster, though ..” you murmur before taking your hand out of his pants and sliding his out of yours, you then proceeding to lift your hips off the couch to slip your panties and pants off.
you scoot your back against the armrest and spread your legs for him, “you can have your fun, i can’t just get you worked up and then give you nothing, can i?” you assured, watching as that familiar little grin formed on his face. he slips his pants off and scrambles to get himself between your legs, wasting no time aligning himself with your pussy. spreading your wetness around with his tip.
he nearly whines, “i kept thinking about your pussy .. and how hard it would get me to see you like that .. all spread out and wet ..” he begins to push the head of his cock inside you, “jus’ not fair ..” he mutters,
“worry about that later” you advised, slipping a finger into your mouth before bring that finger down to your clit, rubbing side to side gently against the nub.
that seems to work on him and suddenly he isn’t focused on the fairness of the game anymore. his hands sneak around your thighs, gripping on the soft skin. while slowly thrusting in and out of you, he brings your legs up to his shoulders before picking up his pace. placing small, wet kisses on your inner knees while gripping your hips tightly.
you moan at the gesture, snaking your hands around neil’s torso to tug at his shirt, needing something to grip while he begins to pound into you.
his thrusts are deep and desperate, like he’s that same horny college student all over again, this time with access to actual pussy. knowing how desirous he was for you made you wetter, you could feel him thrusting in and out of you with more ease and you could even hear how slick you had become as he continued to fuck into you, subtle squelching noises begin to mix into the already erotic array of sounds coming from the two of you.
“lemme see your tits, baby ..” he whines, nudging the bottom half of your shirt with his trembling hands, you oblige and lift your shirt up, revealing your bra.
though he wanted to see more, it gets him going none the less. he whimpers as he reaches his hand out to grip your covered tit, kneading the pillowy flesh while slowing down his thrusts slightly
he hooks his finger around the corner of your bra where the cup and strap connects and he pulls it down, just enough to where he can see a good portion of your nipple, a small groan leaving his lips as you feel him twitch inside you. it’s almost cute, seeing a grown man become weak at the sight of a bare nipple. he picks up his pace again and watches the recoil of your barely exposed tit as he pumps into you roughly.
“so beautiful, can’t believe you’re all mine” he moans, you hum in approval, smirking at him through half-lidded eyes, “get to fuck this pretty pussy whenever i like .. you’re a dream.” he purrs, his head going slightly slack against your calf that’s still propped up on top of his shoulder.
“all yours ..” you moan in your most sultry tone, trying to push him closer to the edge, “you gonna come in my pussy, baby?”
he whimpers again, nodding eagerly, gripping your thighs tightly as he picks up his pace.
“gonna come, so close, god, fuck!” he groans, nows the time, you think to yourself.
“stop.” you say firmly, placing a hand flat against his chest, his thrusts slow down before coming to a complete halt.
“wha.. what’s wrong?” he questions, breathlessly, still incredibly close to coming directly inside you.
“pull out.” you reply in the same tone, he whines, but complies.
“what is it? did i do something wrong?” he probes, a worried expression lingering on his face
“no, you didn’t do anything wrong, love. but you lost. and you can’t come until i say so.” you reply, reaching to the floor to grab your discarded pants and panties, his worried expression stays on his face but it shifts to a different type of worried.
“what? no! you can’t! i’m so close ..” he mewls, “you can’t just leave me this hard! i’ll die!”
you chuckle at his exaggerations, “you’ll be fine, it’s not my fault it takes nothing more than a strong gust of wind to get you worked up.” you say softly, bringing your body upright to cup his face before pecking him on the nose.
“i’m going to take a shower ..” you add before standing to your feet, his eyes are wide and his mouth is gaping, it’s comical to you, “you’re gonna be all soapy and wet in the other room and i’m supposed to just sit here, painfully hard, and deal with it?” he whines. you think he may be even cry, him being so pathetic is almost sweet.
“mhm!” you reply, ruffling his hair before turning your body around, leaving him on the couch to go shower.
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cheolhub · 9 months
birthday bash ask!!~
let’s eat (🤤)- sarrrr this is dangerous!! i’m going to have to request mr kim mingyu (you know!!) and i’ll let you decide on a prompt(s) to use! (trust you with my all! gimme a dm if u want me to choose hehe)
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5:13 p.m. — kim mingyu
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prompt. “you're so good for me, so fucking good around me, fucking made for me. “
wc. 955
warning. mingyu fucks reader in a dryer (very unrealistic), needy!gyu, baby fever + marriage kink (my fav combo), use of mommy [x1], unprotected sex, creampie, manhandling, SO much dirty talk, pet names [baby, angel] — MINORS DNI 18+
note. thank u for sending in an ask lu,, i’m so sorry if you dont like the piece or the prompt i used !!! i know it’s a lil intense and lacks a lot of detail 😭 i was in the mood to write needy gyu with baby fever without thinking abt logistics so,,, here it is (also im sorry it’s so short </3) [not proofread if u see a typo, i literally didn’t write this]
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mingyu is a sucker. you’re not sure there’s a diagnosis for what he has other than a severe case of baby fever. it's not when he sees babies that sets him off, no, it’s you. you doing anything remotely domestic like chores around the house for that matter. when you’re cooking him dinner, loading the dishwasher, dusting and sweeping in your cute little house slippers, and his personal favorite, unloading the dryer.
to put it simply, he just can’t wait to give you a baby so he can come home and spoil his gorgeous little family. the mere mention of even wanting a future with him has him weak in the knees. 
it’s why your his shirt is flipped over your ass and your panties are pushed halfway down your legs the second he finds you in the laundry room. “gyu, what the fuck are you– ah!” you cry out feeling his spit-slicked cock slip inside of you. you fall into the pile of warm clothes, the smell of clean linen filling your nose. “baby!”
mingyu groans, cock twitching at the word that’s had his head spinning for weeks, “that’s right, ‘m gonna give you a baby, angel,” he says, hands gripping your hips for dear life, the flesh of your skin nearly interlaced between his fingers. 
you moan loudly, but it’s muffled by the wild white sheets in the machine. your skin burns up as if it weren’t already on fire thanks to the fresh heat of the dryer. you knew mingyu was ruthless and needy when it came to getting his dick wet, but never would you have thought you’d be in this position as he pounds into you.
“fuck, i love you so much. love you and this fucking pussy so so much. ‘m gonna fill you up ‘n ‘m gonna marry you,” he mutters, eyes watching the way you swallow his dick whole, disappearing as it goes in and out. “gonna make you a pretty little mommy, make you my fuckin’ wife.” 
you’re partially convinced that your boyfriend has gone crazy, but the words head straight to your core, the increase in your arousal solidifying everything mingyu had said. 
his breathing becomes labored, soft moans growing louder as they morph into deep groans. your ears pick all of it up even with the walls of the dryer attempting to drown him out. “tell me you wan’ it, angel, t-tell me you wan’na baby, a pretty ring… tell me you want me forever.” 
you just can’t say no, the offer is too good. you want everything and more with this man, so you tell him exactly what he wants to hear. “i do, i wan’ it, gyu, w-wanna make you a d-dad! w-wanna marry you!”
a guttural groan erupts in his chest and his thrusts pick up, the tip of his cock ramming into your cervix eliciting a loud, muffled cry as you scream into the cloth. “baby, you're so good for me, so fucking good around me, fucking made for me.” he babbles, overstimulated tears pricking at his eyes. “i’m so close, angel. gonna fill this cunt with all my cum ‘n get you pregnant. it’s gonna take. s-swear to fucking god, it’s gonna take.”
your hands mercilessly fist at the cotton, wrinkling it in your tight grasp. you think the heat from the freshly dried sheets melts your brain because now you’re sobbing, incoherently babbling out pleas, but the only thing that can be heard in the mess of your words is the chant of his nickname, “gyu, gyu, gyu!” you clench tightly around his cock, gummy walls molding to the shape of him as they’re made to.
and, fuck, mingyu’s abdomen tightens at the euphoric feeling. his balls draw up, thrusts turning sloppy and inconsistent as he fucks into you. “shit, baby,” he mewls, his grip on your hips near bruising. “i’m gonna cum.” 
all it takes is another tight hug from your cunt and he’s a mess. his cock throbs inside the heat of your stretched cunt before he slams into you and stills, his tip pressed right against your cervix as he empties his load. 
 it’s the ripple effect that triggers your own orgasm. you moan and whine as you feel his heavy seed filling you to the brim and painting your used walls white. all the while, the knot that’s been steadily forming in the pit of your tummy completely unravels and you’re left a shaking, crying mess inside a dryer full of wrinkled, tear soaked cotton. 
it takes him longer than usual to come down from his orgasm, but he eventually eases his grip on your waist as he finds his mind again. he pulls your near-limp body out of the dryer and you let out a broken whine as you feel his cock slip out, creating a mess of cum on the ground. he doesn’t really mind seeing his load go to waste knowing he’ll pump you full the second you’ve recovered.
you slump in his arms while he wordlessly presses kisses into your hair. when you whine again, he murmurs apologetically. “sorry i was so rough, are you okay?”
you nod, still trying to catch your breath and regain stability. “it’s okay. i’m okay. just need a sec,”
he doesn’t say anything for a minute or so, holding you in his arms till you’re able to stand on your own but then he whispers. “can we go again? are you up for it?”
you laugh softly at his need. “we can, but can we try the bed this time? do you think you’ll make it to our room without fucking me against one of the walls?”
he shrugs, grinning to himself. “we’ll see.”
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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moonsaver · 4 months
Hi! It’s @pix3lplays! (On anon because I have another account and I can’t switch which account I’m asking from haha)
I wanted to say thanks for being so nice when I responded to your comment on one of my posts~I really appreciated what you said hehe, definitely made me feel bit more confident and inspired me to keep writing :)
So I thought I’d throw an ask out since requests are open~
If you’re not interested no problem but I’ve thought about it a little and I thought maybe you’d have some thoughts.
Yandere!Sunday when his darling somehow gets seriously hurt, how do you think he’d feel, what would he do?
Personally I think he’s a complete control freak already when it comes to reader, so it just gets WORSE…ANYWAYS I wanna hear YOUR thoughts if you’re interested in the prompt hehe~ also if you’ve already talked about this oops I must’ve missed it, sorry in advance-
But yeah thanks so much, it was really cool to talk to you, take care of yourself, please!!
Hello Pixel! Thank you for sending in this ask, you're very sweet haha <3 i like your writing and im glad i helped you become more confident in it. Also,same issue here, i cant send asks from this account specifically, so i use anon or just use my personal blog to send asks.
Anyways, onto the request,
Ooh, my Yan!Sunday brain is ticking.. he really is an absolute control freak, and is a bit of a mess when he sees you seriously injured. A miscalculation, ignorance, negligence, or perhaps just.. an oversight from his part? Whatever the reason is, he's in high-drive now, and absolutely stressed about it. He only has a worried and distant look on his face, and at this stage he's prone to easily snapping at anyone, but his mind would be on a completely different level of stress. How dare they? How dare anyone lay a filthy inch of a finger on you? To stain you with their sins, and to breach your skin in such a grotesque manner.. he's absolutely enraged.
He insists on tending to you himself personally, unless it's so serious paramedics have to be involved. Stays by your side until he cant, sitting on the egde of the bed, body turned halfway to face you, fingers ghosting the edge of your face with tenderness.
However, this tenderness is only limited to your recovery period.
After you wake up or recover a bit, practically any freedom you would have had is gone. Completely.
Scolds you, borderline yells at you, holds you still with a deathly tight grip on your arms, forcing you to look into his eyes. This happened because you left. This happened because you were out of his watch. This all happened because of your freedom. Don't you dare even bother mentioning going out anywhere. You will be surveillanced almost all the time. He spends a suffocating amount of time next to you, harshly spitting back whenever you try to protest or reason with him. His words aren't gentle at all, and you're getting on his nerves. Perhaps he should just look over you himself, force you into a borderline coma in the dream fluid, and deal swiftly with the perpetrators.
Robin catches wind of this at some point.. she tells you that he's just worried, and there's a lot of people that don't quite hold The Family in high regards. Just.. its okay. Let him do this.
Let him pick out your clothes, brush your hair, check your healing wounds, gently ebb the water over them as you bathe, and kiss the skin of your shoulder when both of you stay silent after another argument.
If you still continue arguing.. he doesn't have a choice. He slumps a bit, a hand coming up to massage his temple as he sighs, and tells you in a softer voice that he's terrified. The worst thing that could happen did happen. He almost lost you. Can't you just go with it and let him be assured? You're dragging it out much more than it needs to be. He's spent many sleepless nights, ideas of dreamscapes turning into nightmares as the image of your hurt face flashes in his mind. Just cooperate, for Aeons' sake.
And no one speaks after that. He emotionally blackmails and manipulates you as a sort of final resort. Surely, you'd understand. It's not like it's far from the truth anyway. He is scared. But more than that, he's enraged this happened in the first place.
Adding on more to it,
Once things calm down.. in a twisted sort of way, he realizes just how perfectly he can get you under his complete control from these events. He may even not so subtly orchestrate similar events to scare you, to keep you in check, forcing you to rely on him completely, as he swoops in at the right time, acting as some kind of a "savior". Its a sick mindset, and he's not ashamed of it. Oh dear, you were just so pleasantly compliant after that event. And it just solidifies his statement that you shouldn't be going outside anymore, or be constantly accompanied by the Bloodhound Family guards, after only a few incidents of various threat levels.
In the end, it's a cycle that repeats up until you finally give in and let him take any and all freedom you have. He sets down your hairbrush with a gentle 'clack', kisses the crown of your head, and tells you it's alright. He will take such good care of you. Just listen to him. Listen to his every word. He has your best intentions in mind. Don't think about anything, anyone. You're a smart girl, surely you understand?
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sundays-wing-piercing · 4 months
Helloooo, I hope you don’t mind that I just hop in here to send some Sunday prompt ideas cause why not (hehe)
A hurt/comfort idea with Sunday and injured s/o, what if s/o escaped a life-threatening situation without his knowledge and returned to him, only for Sunday to realize that theyre bleeding out heavily. Luckily he managed to get assistance before things took a turn for the worse, scolding them for being so reckless and for not telling him, he was just so worried :( (bonus if its a path destruction follower s/o)
Second idea, what if s/o’s running a delirious, high fever, all shits and giggling while Sunday is sitting at their bedside, feeding them necessary food and medicine while patting their hot forehead with a cool cloth, reassuring them that he loves them and that they’ll be fine soon
man i just rlly love me some hurt/comfort prompts 😞☺️
Honey darling don't worry it's what I do LOVE THESE IDEAS OMG
The first one I'd imagine that after you barely escaped death your mind's all over the place but even then one thought outshines the others. You don't know if you're gonna die or not. The unbearable pain along with the trail of blood staining your fingers do convince you to the first option but either way, you'd want to atleast see him one last time. You're practically limping, trying to stay awake just a little bit longer and once you finally meet him your body completely gives up just in time.
You weren't met with the cold floor as you expected. But instead, a terrified man who shouts your name begging you to stay awake. It appears that he had caught you in his arms just as he always did. Though you wonder if it's gonna be his last.
Fortunately Sunday got you help as soon as possible. You were ofcourse unconcious but atleast not forever. Atleast that's what he hoped. Gosh all he felt was rage but to who? Was it to the person or thing that caused this? Was it to you who gave little to no thought wether you'd get out of this battle alive or not? Or was it to him who'd wish he had the time to protect you? Even though theres no way he could've have predicted this, he was still angry at himself.
What kind of fool falls for the same mistake twice. All he could do is cover his face in the blanket that you slept in out of shame. That is until a hand gently stroked his hair. Oh you thought he was gonna start crying? Nah hes straight up scolding you like- actually raising his voice. Although you feel guilty of making him worry like this, you can't help but smile at how much he cares for you enough to get mad about it.
Halfway through his scolding you find how his words seemed to come out more hoarse until it ultimately stops. Hes crying. Ah now you really feel bad. You can't really do much in your current state other than cupping his face making him look at you in the eye. Your thumb brush away the tears that escape the corners of his eye as you blurt out an apology. One that he refuses to accept at the moment but deep down, he loves you too much to be petty. As of now you'll just have to comfort him until you both succumb to the exhaustion.
Second one is just you waking up looking absolutely terrible but you insist that everything is fine. Right as you're about to get ready for work Sunday immediately pulled you back down to the bed as he presses his cold fingers to your forehead. Yup, it's a fever alrighty. A really bad one in fact. And so he decides to take a day off to tend to you and despite your complains he absolutely insist on taking care of you.
But ofcourse you decide to use this opportunity to your advantage. Right as he brings you something to eat you're whining to him about how you don't have the appetite to eat. Theres no way he'll buy into this. Holy shit he did. He's actually and willingly spoon feeding you slowly and patiently and even made sure to stop for a break if you can't take anymore so you don't vomit all over the place.
But incase you do, he's at your side holding your hair and patting your back till you're all done. He gently cleans you up and brings you a fresh comfy set of clothes that are just right for you. And once you're finished he'll hold you close and whisper sweet affirmations to calm you down. Even if you apologize for burdening him he'll deny it all with a gentle smile. Different from his charming public persona one. Even if he has to get up to do the same thing in the middle of the night he'll never blame you. It's not something in your control afterall. Please do the same if he ends up getting sick from you.
Wow. Thats a lotta words. But as always SMASH THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON. LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE AND MAKE SURE TO HIT THE BELL SO YOULL GET NOTIFIED ON MY NEWEST VIDEO. THIS IS SUNDAYS WING PIERCING, SIGNING OFF. *insert 2017 yt outro of my username with cool effects as playing with fire by blackpink plays in the background* Im so sorry for that
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a/n: This is Day 2! So sorry it's late, I was hospitalised over the weekend which put me behind! I'm working hard to catch up hehe
Pairing: Ambessa Medarda x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Write a scene without any dialogue
Warnings: smut, vaginal fingering, public sex, alcohol drinking, slight dom-sub vibes, mentions of violence, mention of blood
Summary: Ambessa hates negotiating, no matter how important it is for her rule. Perhaps she will make herself some entertainment to find it more enjoyable...
Word Count: 1.1k
18+ | MEN AND MINORS DNI | 18+
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You know Ambessa finds these meetings the most tedious part of ruling over Noxus. She finds little meaning or use in negotiations, far more used to greeting political rivals and ambitious warlords with her sword at their throat than breaking bread with them. It is a preposterous notion to her, attempting to appease her perceived enemies. As she presides over the emissaries and nobles at the head of the table, you know she is listening keenly, identifying weakness, and sniffing out any hidden agendas. Noxian custom is steeped in violence, and there was a time that Ambessa would be demanding fealty or these peoples’ heads.
But things are different for her now. Now, her daughter Mel has agreed to remain in contact with her and visit Noxus more often with her consort, Jayce. Ambessa can breathe easier knowing that rebuilding the bridge between herself, and her daughter will secure her legacy and ensure that a Medarda inherits the throne upon Ambessa’s death.
She has you now. Seated to her right, close by so she can always see you. Her consort, the love she never thought she’d find again. You’ve dressed yourself in a scarlet red ensemble tonight, complete with a gold medallion belt accentuating your hips. Red and gold, her favourite colours. The colours of war and victory. Conquest. You’ve already caught her more than once tonight, her eyes raking down your figure, her eyes hungry and her tongue darting out to wet her lips. When your eyes meet, she flashes you a fanged smile, no doubt envisioning the many ways she will take you when this insufferable night is over.
You’re drawn to one of the visiting emissaries booming laughter as he gulps down wine and flirts boisterously with the serving girls as they refill his plate and his cup. You try to suppress your smile as you take in Ambessa’s disgust, knowing she’d want nothing more than to pick up the lout like a ragdoll and smash him into the ornate mahogany dining table, likely shattering it in the process.
The image sends an unexpected but not entirely unwelcome rush of heat between your legs. You squeeze your thighs as you imagine her leering down at the man, twitching as blood leaks from his head and then turns to you with her signature smirk. The very same smirk that ushered you into her bed three years ago, at another function where Ambessa was more interested in the wine selection than the purpose of the gathering. The scandal had rocked the court of Noxus, their esteemed leader engaging in an ill-advised relationship with a younger woman, and the daughter of an insignificant noble. She had silenced their doubts in her usual way, with threats of broken bones and removed tongues.
At first, you were convinced that she wanted only for your body, the way she tasted and marked your flesh during your visits bruising you with carnal possession. She was a tornado of fire, and you were blessed to be at the heart of the inferno. Countless nights you found yourself in awe of her, in awe of your luck. Nights spent with shaking legs, dripping with sweat and your own release as she made you scream her name for her over and over again. She was never satisfied with hearing your desperate pleas and devoted prayers to her only once. You never feared her, and knew she would never hurt you, not unless you asked her to.
But she soon proved to you that she wanted more, much more, than what your body could give her. She wanted you by her side always, listening to her stories of long-forgotten battles on distant shores, showing off your new dresses, massaging away her troubles in the bathhouse. She had fallen hard for you, an unexpected light leading her out of the darkness.
You’re startled out of your reminiscing by a hand creeping up your dress, invited in by the high riding slit at the thigh. You gulp as Ambessa’s face remains completely impassive as she sips at her wine, but you don’t miss the quick glance she sends your way, and you know exactly what she’s trying to say.
Be quiet. Don’t move. And enjoy.
Her hand climbs higher, and you hear her try in vain to supress the deep rumbling groan that threatens to emanate from her throat when she finds no underwear to stop her advance. You’re already wet from your earlier fantasising, and your clit is throbbing, begging for her attention. As she drags calloused fingers through your folds, you grit your teeth and grip the table tightly. You’re in for a ride, and regardless of the social setting, Ambessa will expect you to take what she gives you.
She wastes no time in gathering the slick pooling from you, coating her fingers before she pushes one inside. Her fingers are thick, and no matter how used to the stretch you’ve become, you relish in the burn as your pussy eagerly welcomes her inside. Your knuckles are white with how hard you’re holding on and you’re fighting to keep your breathing even, lest one of your guests suspect something’s wrong. Ambessa would hate to be interrupted.
She’s adding a second finger, smirking into her wine as she can feel you tighten around her. You can feel the pressure mounting in your belly, your entire body aching for release. You shoot her a pleading look and feel her curl her fingers in response. You start to see spots at the edge of your vision as she brings you closer and closer, all while engaging in dull conversation. Gods, you were going to make her pay for this later. Her thumb is pressing roughly against your clit in swift, calculated circles, you can feel her determination to send you tumbling over the edge. Soon enough, you are doing just that, but you’re hurtling not simply falling. Your orgasm hits you like a searing meteorite, burning through you with force and it takes all of your self-control not to cry out, biting down on your lip so hard you draw blood. You cover it up quickly by taking a sip of wine, dabbing at your mouth with your napkin and glaring at Ambessa reproachfully. She takes no notice, leaning back in her chair with a self-satisfied grin.
Shaking your head, you try to reintegrate yourself into the conversation, though none of it holds your interest. Instead, you find yourself consumed by thoughts of your handsome warrior, trailing over each scar you can see and thinking fondly of all the ones you cannot but know intimately. You will reward her mischief with a soothing massage and relaxing oils tonight, it’s been far too long since you’ve caressed her bulging muscles. But you will deny her the taste of your flesh until she begs, a fitting punishment for tonight’s shenanigans. After all, no matter what the nobles of Noxus or the visiting emissaries of foreign lands may think, no matter how imposing Ambessa may appear, you know that there is only person she will fall to her knees for. Tonight, you will make her remember why.  
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skepsiss · 2 months
I’ve been thinking a lot about Eddie seeing the patches from his old vest onto a new less ruined one after I made that post about his PT—so my prompt for you is Steve helping Eddie resew his new vest (but he’s not really helping he’s just kind of there for kisses and emotional support hehe)
I took a little more into the "actually helping" realm, but it's still fluffy sweet. Other people can send me prrrommmppptts too! --
Eddie had never done something like this with someone else before. Sewing his ripped jeans, bags, and battle-vest had been a solo venture thus far, but it felt strangely intimate to be getting help with his new vest. The old one wasn't salvageable, but Eddie had managed to save some of the patches and pins to start again. This wasn't his first battle vest, and it probably wouldn't be the last, but he had hoped to hang onto his old denim. It wasn't to be though, so Eddie had thrifted a second (or third) hand denim jacket and ripped the sleeves off to start all over again.
"What's this one?" Steve asked, handing over a pin Eddie had gotten from hanging outside a metal show he couldn't get tickets for.
"Bad Brains," Eddie explained, taking the yellow button and running a thumb over the red lightning bolt that streaked across the front. "From New York, I think. I traded for it; no one really plays their stuff on the radio."
Steve nodded like he was going to retain any of that as Eddie debated over where to stick the pin. He settled on the front right pocket and then turned the vest over.
"You want to help sew the back patch?" Eddie asked, grabbing the swath of fabric he had cut from an old band-T. He hadn't been able to get the blood out of his old DIO patch, and while 'the bloody look' was cool, something about it made Eddie squirm. He didn't like that it was Steve's blood, or that the stain had made part of the album art unreadable.
So, DIO was retired, and Eddie instead centred his new Megadeth patch on the back of his vest.
Eddie handed over a needle and thread to Steve and then cut himself his own length. He strung the needle easily and tied it off before setting to work. Steve seemed to be taking his sweet time, and Eddie eventually glanced at him to see what the hold up was.
Steve was still gingerly trying to thread the needle, his brows pinched with frustration.
Eddie snorted lightly before turning the vest around so it was facing Steve.
"Here, you continue my line, and I'll finish this," Eddie teased gently, finding Steve's inability to thread a needle charming.
"Is it too late to say I've never done this before?" Steve asked, picking up the needle and thread Eddie had left behind and stabbing into the fabric.
"I can tell," Eddie chuckled, easily starting to work again. "You don't have to, you know. I don't mind just having some company."
"No, it's alright," Steve said slowly, obviously concentrating as he tried to stick the needle up through the patch. "What're boyfriend for?"
Eddie felt a syrupy smile spread across his face at Steve's words, his stomach tumbling around inside of him. He was still getting used to Steve calling them 'boyfriends' and Eddie couldn't help how giddy it made him each time. Sure, it had been nearly a month, but it still made Eddie feel like he was a blushing fifteen-year-old.
"If you insist… love," Eddie said, keeping his gaze down. He was trying out a new pet-name and he wasn't really sure if it was pushing things a bit too far. Love or My Love was such an intimate title, but Eddie had been thinking of it for a while now. He saw Steve pause at the use of the new nickname though, and waited for him to say something.
"Ow---Jesus," Steve said instead, and Eddie looked up to see him holding his hand up, a ruby-red bead of blood forming on his finger.
"Ah…" Eddie said lamely, smiling still as he reached over for Steve's hand. "Sticking yourself hurts."
"Yeah, thanks for stating the obvious," Steve bitched, letting Eddie take his hand.
"I thought you'd be a bit more durable… you know, with the whole… missing a chunk of your stomach, thing," Eddie teased gently, putting his lips to the wound on Steve's finger much the same way his mother would have when he was a child.
Steve didn't reply to Eddie's comment, instead sitting there quietly and letting Eddie suck on the tip of his finger.
"You want a band-aid?" Eddie asked, pulling back just a bit and then cheekily pressing his tongue against Steve's finger, holding it there with his mouth open.
"Yeah, a band-aid----what are you doing? Don't be weird," Steve chuckled, still not resisting Eddie's grip.
Eddie quirked a brow at him and pulled back, before huffing a laugh.
"Look who you're talking to. Weird is practically stamped on my forehead," he scolded, before licking Steve's finger again for good measure.
"Alright, alright, fair. We get it, Count Dracula, can we grab that band-aid?"
Eddie chuckled again and then scrambled to his feet, trotting off toward the bathroom, but not before turning around and sticking his fingers in front of his lips to replicate fangs.
"I vant---to suck yer ddiiiiccck," he teased, smiling wide when he got an honest belly laugh from Steve.
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theorphicangel · 8 months
Oops hi hi this is my first times sending u a prompt. Can I have Levi with “wait, you think i’m cute?” prompt?
hi hi, thank you so much for sending in a prompt! hope you like it hehe :)
summary: Levi picking you up after a long night out…
tags: drunk reader, mention of alcohol, fluffy
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“Get in.”
His words were sharp, his tone of impatience more than evident to your ears. The passenger door to his car left wide open for you to climb in, his hand steadily holding the door for you. Your eyes lingered over his expression, tired and uninterested as always.
Clambering in, without any sort of balance you wonder if you had disturbed him from the quiet Friday night that he had planned. Before you had put on your seatbelt, you turned over to the passenger window, the door now shut and pulled a saddened face, waving to your friends who had stuck by you on the curb, waiting with you for Levi to pick you up.
Soon the driver’s side of the door suddenly opened and Levi climbed in, shutting the car door with a soft slam. Still waving, you miss his tut before he reaches over you, pulling over your seatbelt for you.
You’re taken by surprise when he pulls the leather material over you and your thoughts, a pool of warmth linger by your gut at his small touch, the alcohol not taking long to make you feel so touch starved.
Your boyfriend says nothing more to you before he adjusts his own seatbelt into place and starts the engine of the car. The car remains quiet between the two of you as you pull out into the main street of the bustling city, behind you can hear the noise of cars honking and right out of the window views of you can see groups of people heading for the clubs as they stumble over the crossings.
The car comes to a slow stop in front of a red light and Levi rests his head in the palm of his hand, his elbow raised on the car window. He hasn’t looked at you since, and after all these years you’ve known him you already know his answer but still ask anyway.
“Are you mad at me?” you question, your throat is raw and dry making your voice sound quiet. For a moment you think he didn’t hear you the first time and after a few seconds of re-building your confidence to try again, he cuts you off before your lips even part.
“What do you think?”
“I specifically told you to be careful with how much you drink and you ignore me.”
“It was an accident!” You swore, “I–I just lost count of how many drinks Hange had given to me by then.”
He hums slowly in disbelief.
“Levi, I swear!”
The red light soon turns the green and the car inches forward slowly, picking up its speed as Levi travels down the main road. He continues to chastise you, keeping his eyes on the road.
“Now I have to drag myself out here to pick you up, all drunk and dirty.” He mutters, “And don’t try putting on that cute shit because m’ not in the mood.”
You sink back into your seat, mulling over his words melancholy until that one star phrase catches you off guard.
“Wait,” you say hesitantly, his words now setting into your mind, “You think I’m cute?”
“That’s not the point–”
“No, no, no, “ you lean over to him enthusiastically, “I want to hear more on that subject.”
“You’re drunk.”
“Barely. I have it all out of my system now that I’ve thrown up.”
“I’m not talking to you.” Levi murmurs, keeping his eyes on the road, the streetlights of the city illuminating his face each second before fading away into a shadow until the next one appears. Looking at him now, even in his angry state, you think he’s beautiful. From the arch of his brow, from the tip of his nose, to the plumpness of his soft lips that you like to kiss for hours on end. You’d like to call up his mother again and thank her for this creation.
“I think you’re cute too Levi, reallyyyy cute…” you mumbled.
He makes no reply, all too glad that it’s too dark in the car to see the tinge of pink that reaches his cheeks, stretching all the way to the tip of his ears.
Deep down, he knows that this certainly won’t be last time as this was definitely not the first. If anything it’s your sweet talking skills that manage to coax him out of his mood. For you right now? He’d let you get away with anything.
He’ll have to save his reprimand for tomorrow. Yeah…it can wait till tomorrow.
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reblogs are much appreciated!!
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rubylace · 8 months
heeseung — birthday surprise
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wc! 2,886
special. It's been a month since I wrote all my imagination-kidding i mean the day this acc was created yeay. a bit excessive lol.
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The day had been rough. Your dad had scolded you for being too wasteful in your savings not realizing it was your birthday. You were upset, feeling overlooked and forgotten.
But Heeseung noticed.
You just kept quiet, why should he scold you, at least you want to be congratulated, didn't ask him for money or gifts.
"Hey, let's get out of here," Heeseung suggested, seeing the sadness in your eyes. He was busy with work, but he knew you needed a change of scenery.
He took to apartment, a place that always brought you comfort.
As you entered, you noticed the lights were dimmed, and there was a soft melody playing in the background.
"What's going on?" you asked, looking at Heeseung with curiosity.
"Just follow me," Heeseung replied, leading you to his room.
As he opened the door, you gasped. His room was beautifully decorated with fairy lights, and there was a small cake on the table, complete with candles.
"Happy birthday," Heeseung said, his voice soft. "I'm sorry your day started off rough, but I hope this makes up for it."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at Heeseung. He had remembered your birthday and gone out of his way to make it special, despite his busy schedule.
"Thank you, Heeseung," you said, hugging him tightly. "This means the world to me."
After the emotional surprise, Heeseung pulls out a chair for you and lights the candles on the cake.
The soft glow of the fairy lights and the flickering candlelight create a magical atmosphere in the room.
"Make a wish," Heeseung prompts, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
You close your eyes, make a wish, and blow out the candles. The room erupts into applause - Heeseung's applause. You can't help but laugh at his enthusiasm.
"Okay, time for presents," Heeseung announces, pulling out a small, beautifully wrapped box from his drawer.
You unwrap the gift to find a delicate necklace with a pendant in the shape of your birthstone. It's simple yet elegant, just like Heeseung's love for you.
"It's beautiful, Heeseung," you say, tears welling up in your eyes again. "Thank you."
Heeseung helps you put on the necklace, his fingers brushing against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. You spend the rest of the evening in his room, talking, laughing, and creating memories.
As the night draws to a close, Heeseung pulls you into a warm hug. "Happy birthday," he whispers, his breath tickling your ear. "I hope this day was as special as you are to me."
"There's one more," give you a recording. "Here are some songs to sing if you miss me just play it. it's just for you."
"I'll play it now". Your words make him flustered and closed the recording cover. He quickly refused.
"Don't.. don't do.."
But you just laughed. "Why? This is also one of my wish". Idea of teasing him.
He was still blushing.
"Alright alright, besides, this isn't the first time I've heard you sing. Your voice is good, you know that too right?". Try playing it back
He averted his gaze. "I said just turn it around when you miss me."
"I miss you everyday."
"You such a flirt huh?". While tickling you. "Hehe, I can also be like this cause I was taught by you."
"Me?". Pointing to himself. "My babie really amazed me today."
"Is your mouth made of cotton candy?". Getting closer and making you squirm. "Don't tickle me haha".
The day lasted until the night filled with jokes and laughter.
And with that, your birthday comes to an end. Although it started off on a sour note, Heeseung turned it into one of the best days of your life.
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yestrday · 8 months
dk if you write for alhaitham (if not diluc is okay), but for the humiliation prompts, can we please see him beg? thank you!!
ANOTHER BEG PROMPT.... there was so many but all yall wanna see is them begging... whats up guys... whatsup... also, this is way more tame and fluffy than the others hehe. surprise surprise!
part of an ongoing event!
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╰┈➤ ALHAITHAM admonishing instruction.
"... you know i'm your senior, right? you ought to have more respect for me."
your junior tears his gaze away from his book and regards you for a second.... before returning back to reading. you can feel your eye twitch at his blatant disrespect. stupid haitham and his stupid handsome face! you would've hated him sooner if it wasn't for those archon-sculpted features, but instead you find yourself at an impasse between wanting to clock him and kissing him.
"haitham, please!" you yell impatiently. "we need to get this paper done today! i don't have any other time this week!"
"just do what you can do right now and i'll finish it up later," haitham cooly says. "it won't be optimal if i write with you and you nitpick at every detail."
"i know damn well you'll just rewrite everything if you do that," you huff. "come on, haitham. just cooperate with me this once! exactly what could be so interesting about that book to have you this invested?"
if he were any older, haitham might have deflected the question like it was second nature. but this haitham was just little into his late teens, more inexperienced in dealing with others, and more awkward than he'd like to admit. you eye him interestedly when he freezes up and the knuckles on his book tense. "nothing," he says, too stiffly for persuasion. "none of your concern."
... time to strike.
a wolfish grin makes its way on your face. "you know, when people say that something's 'nothing,' then it's probably worth reading." you lean on the table with your hands cupping your face, eyes watching his whole body stiffen under your gaze. "what's this 'nothing,' eh, sweet junior of mine?"
he averts his eyes from you, and your eyes sparkle at this newfound weakness. before he can even have a chance to react, you swiftly pluck the book out of his hands and open to the page he's been staring so hard at.
... i'm having a difficult time focusing whenever i'm near my senior. they're intelligent, but they're terribly irritating, and their voice is grating on my ears. recently, we've been paired for a paper, and it's hard to concentrate whenever they're breathing down my neck about some nuisance or another. i'm above such base perversion... or i'd like to think so. but these nights i can't sleep without—
"e-enough!" haitham hissed, reaching for the book before you hide it between your thighs. his hand stutters and retreats before he touches such an... inappropriate place, and you send him another shit-eating grin. "[y. name], this is highly disrespectful—!"
"oh?" you raise a brow at him, leaning on the table as you rest your cheek on your fist. "so now you want to talk about respect. especially when you were the one writing such filthy things about me in your little diary." you squish the leather-bound thing between your things, and haitham gulps when he glances nervously at it. "maybe if you beg me, i'll give it back to you, hm?"
he turns scarlet, in anger or in embarrassment you don't know, but it's an interesting color on him. you watch eagerly as his mouth gawps open, lips forming words he can't bring himself to vocalize. after a brief internal struggle, he seems resigned. "[y. name], please, just give me—"
you lean back in dissatisfaction. "[y. name]?" you echo incredulously.
he swallows— both spit and pride— and clenches his fists in his lap. "senior... p-please... give it back..."
you cock your head teasingly. "hm? give what back?"
"the- the diary. please." he forces himself to meet your gaze, and for once you don't see the haughty star student but a bashful boy caught red-handed. "please give it back."
"oh, this?" you take it out from between your thighs, taking notice of how his eyes shake as he fixes his gaze on it. you wave it languidly in front of him. "this diary that you write your fantasies about your senior?"
he gulps, and nods hesitantly. you bark out a laugh and stand. honestly, who knew it'd be this easy to bring the great haitham down to his knees before you? your body reaches over the table, nose brushing against his, before you slide the journal between his fingers.
"honestly," you tease his ears with your breath. "you should be more straightforward with me next time. seniors are meant to help their juniors, no matter how rude they may be."
and when you nip the shell of his ear, haitham hopes that you don't hear the whine he had accidentally let out.
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the-massive-simp · 9 months
Hey I love your writing! I was wondering if you could do a Diluc as a professor (slight nswf if your comfortable 🫢)
OHHHH I LOVE THISSSS HERE U GO BBY<3 I'm sorry this came out like 10 times more nsfw than i intended hehe I did some headcanons + little scenario since its quicker an easier to write for me :)) if u want a full fic feel free to send another ask!!
warnings: mdni, nsfw under the cut (he's a bit of a pervert, semi public sex, unprotected sex [use protections irl!!], fingering, edging, minor age gap, sub afab reader [no pronouns mentioned, but reader wears a skirt], tiniest bit of degration, praising, uhh i think that's everything)
let's get started
let's say that you had some troubles with the subject(s) he teaches
he noticed you struggling and asked you after class if you wanted him to give you some private lessons, since he didnt want his favourite little student to fail his class
and how can you deny the opportunity to spend more time with your hot professor? you've had a crush on him for ages!
and don't think he didn't notice
he saw how your cheeks would turn red everytime he spoke or looked at you, how your hands would shake when he gave you back your work or how you would always look for him in the alleys
and he looked at you too, when you bended over to pick up something, unknowingly giving him the opportunity to look at your panties covering your plump ass and your sweet pussy
he'd also notice how pretty you would look in your uniform, shirt squeezing your chest and skirt flowing around your thighs
but he promised himself that this encounters will be strictly professional
just a teacher helping a student in need
but when you arrived to the library for the first lesson he feels like he could catch fire right there and then
your skirt was even shorter than the uniform's one and your stockings hugged your thighs so sweetly
he coughed a bit to hide his amusement, and the he started explaining
he struggled to keep his composure when you bended over the table to point at a specific passage of the book you didn't get
your shirt was slightly unbuttoned and he managed to get a peek of your lacy pink bra
he quickly moved his eyes back to the book, hoping you wouldn't notice his red cheeks
after a couple of this lessons, he was about to give up
he didn't manage to get one thing into your head
he decided that maybe he could try one last method
That's how you ended up on his lap, your back pressed against his toned chest, his muscular arms wrapped against your waist. "Now open the book and start reading chapter 6." As he talked, he pressed you down against his lap, your clothed pussy rubbing against his cock. You bit your lower lip and reached for the book, starting to read aloud. You stuttered the first words, but as you kept reading, your voice got more stable. You were so absorbed by the book you didn't notice his hands moving, until one grabbed your nipple, and the other slipped under your skirt to play with your clothed clit. "You didnt even wear a bra today? What a naughty girl. You better commit yourself to actually learn something and make up for it." "Yes sir- ah!" As you answered, he pinched your clit, making your hips jolt. "Don't make such lewd noises here. We're in a private section of the library, but people can still hear your pretty little voice moaning. The only thing I want to hear is you reading. Go on." You blushed and started reading again. As you kept doing so, his hand slid under your panties and started to circle your clit, doing so for all the time it took you to finish the chapter. "Good girl, I think thats enough for today. Put down the book and enjoy your reward." With that, he inserted a finger in your leaking hole, curling it to hit all the best spots. "Keep quiet. Let's see how many times you can cum for your professor, huh?
after that time, your grades actually got better, so he kept using this special method to help you
he would give you one suck on your clit for every answer you got right when eating you out, and one smack on your ass for every wrong one
the first time you got an A, he decided that you deserved a big reward and he fucked you until you were unable to form coherent sentences
but he also got jealous
when he caught guys eyeing you, he would come to you and ask you if you could follow him to talk about your grades, quickly leading you to the closest bathroom or closet to pump you full of his cum
"Why don't you go and tell them who is the only one who can make you feel good?"
"Imagine what they would say I they found you doing such things with your professor, you pretty little slut"
"Can't even wait for our lesson to have my cock stuffing you, huh?"
after cumming, he would pull up your panties and make you go around with his cum inside all the day
if you ask him nicely, he can give you some more after lessons are finished
after all, who is he to deny a request from his pretty little student?
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neteyamsoare · 1 year
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༉‧₊˚. Featuring. Neteyam Sully x Fem! Na'vi! Omatikaya! Reader.
༉‧₊˚. Anonymous Request. Hi, sia I'm a moot but I'm shy hehe. 15, neteyam, fluff (first time using a camera?! but neteyam is like hah I've seen my dad use one of these before… I've got this hehehe).
༉‧₊˚. Summary. You and Neteyam stumble upon a camera and he puts it to good use.
༉‧₊˚. General Tags. Fluff.
༉‧₊˚. Content Warnings. Aged up! Neteyam.
༉‧₊˚. Word Count. 533.
༉‧₊˚. Index. Skxawng — [moron/idiot], and Sevin — [pretty].
༉‧₊˚. Notes. Hey love, no need to be shy but I get it, I’m shy as well. Thank you so much for participating. You read my mind cause I wanted someone to send this prompt and I was so happy you did. I hope I did it justice and you like it.
༉‧₊˚. Extra. Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured. 🤍
༉‧₊˚. Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist
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"Humans are so weird," You say as you examine the objects that are on the shelf. You and Neteyam snuck into the lab while Norm and Max were in a meeting with Jake, well more like you snuck in and Neteyam followed you in to try to get you out. You go to touch one of the objects but Neteyam was quick to stop you by slapping your hand away.
“Don’t touch anything, skxawng!” he scolds as you rub the back of your hand glaring at him. “Loosen up, teyam, have some fun,” you send a small smirk his way. When he sees the look, his tail started swishing from side to side as his heartbeats and if you were looking at him, you would have caught him admiring you from head to toe with a big smile on his face.
Before you look over to him, he quickly looks to the side and that's when he sees it, the camera sitting on a desk and he makes his way over to it. You watch his movements and just as he picks it up, you scoff. 
“What happened to not touching anything?” you recalled what he said to you moments before as you place your hands on your hips. “Do you even know what that thing does?” you questioned still in position and he looks up and smile as he turns on the camera. 
“Hah, I’ve seen my dad use one of these before,” he gloats as he brings the camera up to his eye, once he got a good angle, he finally says, “Smile for me.” you were confused but you do as he says and he presses the button to take the picture, the camera makes a small click. He takes a few more as he instructs you to move into different poses. Neteyam was happy that he was the one to see you like this and this time you were able to see his tail wagging in excitement and a blush appears on your face as your tail start moving as well. 
“You’re so photogenic,” he says noticing your tail movement as he sets down the camera back on the desk. “What does that mean?” you walk closer to him as your eyebrow bone raises slightly. “It means that you look amazing in front of the camera, so sevin,” he says as he bruises his fingers against your cheek and you smile as you lean into his touch as the both of you look deeply into each other’s eyes. 
Moving closer and closer to each other, lips almost touching as you bring your hand to his cheek but before they can even touch, the door to the lab opens, separating the both of you as you tried to act normal. “Hey, what are you guys doing here?” Norm says as he looks at the two of you.
“Um… we were looking for Spider but decided to look in here… he’s not here so we’ll be on our way out,” he takes your hand and rushes out of the lab, and soon as you are far away, the two of you burst out laughing as Neteyam holds you close to him.
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🔖 @livelaughloak, @jakesully-sbabygirl, @kenzi-woycehoski, @fanboyluvr, @onlytays, @amart-e, @vxncxntt, @blep24, @blackheart-stuff, @almondmilk8, @love-chx, @uniltsatirey, @23victoria, @saeayanaa, @aash3, @neteyamsbaby, @0littlelucy0, @itszmedawn, @strawberryclouds22, @doulcha, @lixiesbrowniess, @liluvtojineteyam, @tinkerbelle05, @olivikiya, @neteyamyawne, @ratchetprime211, @cloudyl9, @mooniequeen, @kentfisherswifee6, @eyrina-avatar, @murderbirbdany.
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© neteyamsoare 2023. | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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elllisaaa · 1 month
Hihi , im not really sure if it would be ur style of writing but i had a dream abt it and i thought u could write smth along those lines(i think for this fluff would be good🥹 but if u wanna add smut is fine too hehe)
Heres the prompt:
Basically most of the days you would be hanging out w ur bff beomgyu after sch, just hanging out in each other’s presence is enough. You guys wont force a conversation if its not needed n sitting in silence gives you both a peace of mind.(thise type of fs)
But one day u told him that u were going to an event with ur girl bff , where she could see her fav artist , and you being a supportive bestie decided to go with her!
Somehow thru the night things changed and you ended up with beomgyu saying these words: “ It’s always been you y/n, my eyes are only for you”
(Not rlly sure if this is how a prompt should be(if im giving too much cos this is my first prompt) but i hope it sparks interest >_<)
hiii anonie !! this definitely so damn cute, i got a little overboard with this one but i love it so much, it's so soft omgg ! this definitely such a good idea i love it, and don't worry - the longer your thoughts are, the more i'm happy !
BFF!BEOMGYU who never stops annoying you every day, be it by sending you tons of texts or by dropping by your place when he's done with his schedule. well, you always claim that he's annoying but he knows that it isn't the truth and that you're always happy to see him.
"by the way, i will not be there for our movie night tomorrow, i'm sorry." beomgyu turned to you with a judgemental look on his face. "you're letting me down !?" you rolled your eyes as you threw one of the cushions of your sofa at him. "don't be so dramatic. i'm just going to a fanmeeting with one of my friend because she didn't want to be alone."
and even if your reasons were very valid, beomgyu couldn't help but be bothered. you always spend your free time with him, and it didn't even matter if the two of you just laid in your bed in silence, watching a serie while playing stupid games on your phones. it didn't matter because what he seeked was your presence, feeling you by his side. he loved to know that he could lay his head on your lap anytime and that you would drop your phone to thread your fingers through his hair until he fell asleep.
but sometimes, just sometimes, he wished he could be even closer to you. the type of closeness that would allow him to feel jealous about you going to a fanmeeting of another idol. the type of closeness that would allow him to kiss you, and love you like you deserved to be loved.
a pout was visible on his face, but what was even more striking was the slighlty hurt look in his eyes. and even if your best friend was always a little drama queen whenever you cancelled plans with him or hung out with somebody else, you never took him too seriously, knowing that he just liked to yap. but today, it seemed different.
beomgyu didn't want to separate from your warm body, but he still sat up, already missing the feeling of your hands in his hair, but his heart was hurting too much to keep pretending this time. it was nothing, he was aware, and he didn't have any right being jealous or feeling like he was. but he did, and he wished you would feel the same even if it was impossible because he was him and you were yourself, and there was simply no way that you would love him like that.
"why are you taking it like that gyu ? i know it's a little late to let you know, i should've told you before but it's no big deal, yeah ? i'm free this weekend if you wanna come by after practice, i'll even cook for you if you want."
beomgyu could feel a knot forming in his throat the more you talked, realizing how wrong he was for making you feel guilty about something you weren't responsible for. but the question he was dying to ask still got out of his mouth, the words coming out almost against his will : "do you like him more than me ? do you think that he sings better ? is that why you're letting me down ?"
his shaking voice made your heart clench, and you paused the movie that was now serving as a background noise, focusing entirely on your best friend and the way he was fidgeting, not daring to look you in the eyes but he seemed more than anxious, more than sad.
"where is that coming from gyu ? i've never said that. or did i make you feel this way ?" but beomgyu shook his head no. "you didn't. it's just…" he stopped for a moment, seemingly thinking about something before he curled up on himself on your couch, gaze fixed on the frozen tv screen. "forget it, i'm just being selfish."
the entire mood had changed, but you couldn't care less - you were only very worried about your best friend. "you know you can be selfish sometimes, i don't mind. tell me what's going on, please ?" and beomgyu finally looked at you in the eyes, biting his lips as if he was still unsure about what he was going to say : "i'm making a big deal out of this because i want to be the only one you're fangirling over, okay ? i want to be the only one you find handsome, and the only one you gush to your friends about. i wanna be the only one for you because for me it has always been you y/n, my eyes are only on you."
you looked at him dumbfounded, as you clearly didn't expect a confession, especially from your best friend. but quickly, a little smile spread on your lips as you reached for beomgyu's hand. he let you do that, and he let you pull him closer to you too, your face only inches away from the other.
"you've always been the only one for me too gyu, i simply didn't think that you would feel the same because you're always surrounded by the most beautiful girls of the country, so why would you choose me ?" - "because i'm in love with you, so in love with you it hurts sometimes." your smile was matching his, and you could see his brown eyes sparkling with joy again. "i'm in love with you too, have been for so long." - "does that mean i can kiss you now ?" you chuckled but still nodded : "yes, you can."
so beomgyu kissed you, and the way his heart exploded in his ribcage was only another proof of how down bad for you he was. and he didn't want this feeling to ever stop if that meant he could wake up by your side every morning.
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