#send me urs if u have one i love doing these bingos
octuscle · 11 months
Hey Chronivac support, I met up with a friend the other day and I saw his brother for the first time when I picked him up. He’s a really sexy Arab guy. Is there a way I could use Chronivac to make me a really huge Arab stud that his brother would be into and date?
Just use the Chronivac chat function. I'm pretty sure that will end in a date. If you're not too stupid. I'll find out your crush's number somehow and send it to you.
"Sup, bro?" Your hands are getting sweaty. He has actually answered you.
"Everything k w/ u? am i interrupting the wudhu?"
Shit, what does he mean now? But the app answers on its own "Bruh, i pray am and @ noon. Tht must b enuff".
"Dude, thats mor then enuff. I just go 2 the mosque on fridays".
Praying just once a week wouldn't be enough for you. Yes, to be honest, you don't pray twice a day either. But the idea of having his hot ass in front of you on the prayer mat. To start wanking your cut cock.
"Bruh, were r u pumping iron?" Shit again, you know he's super athletic. Unfortunately, you're not really. But again, the app answers for you. And names his gym.
"Rly! bruh, den we must no each other. I pump der 2"
"I dont think so. Im always der b4 sunrise prayers. I wouldve seen u der"
"Machine, bruh. Nah, im der in da evening"
"Den let's make an appointment." Your muscles swell. The morning workout is clearly having an effect on you.
"Bro, I'd love to work out with you in da evening. I just have to make sure it works with barber"
"Im always @ barber in da evening 2. Were do u go?" The app answers again automatically. Again, it's your crush's barber.
"Dude, im der 2. Send pic!" You take a selfie. You try to show off your bold undercut, your massive beard and your plucked eyebrows. And that a little bit of your bare hairy chest is also showing.
"Yo, i no u bruh! ur always @ seifallah's fo' haircuts."
"Correct, bruh. Send pic" As if you needed it. You have lots of pictures of him on your cell phone. But not one like this. His picture goes from the base of his cock to his perfectly styled hair. A picture of a man. But you're hairier. And more muscular.
"Ur mounir! of course i no u. Bruh, lit pic" He switches on Facetime. Bingo!
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"Do you like what you see?" you ask. You can see his arm clearly moving up and down. "Turn your phone down" he replies. You show your bulge in close-up. And start kneading it. A wet patch of precum forms. "Send me your address, I can show you da real thing". His contact details arrive in a fraction of a second. Hmmm. Jeans or caftan. Caftan is quicker. You'll be in the car in five minutes. And in half an hour, your friend's brother will be pulling your panties down with his teeth. Have fun, you two!
The picture of you facetiming with Mounir found @fitbearcatcher
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paingoes · 2 months
destroyer :3c
no content warnings apply this time! just an eye strain warning.
ndhakdvsnnd: do you know sunspot
katkittykat: omgz yessss!!!! thats my bffl :333
ndhakdvsnnd: have you two been talking this whole time then
katkittykat: ummmm hehehhehe
katkittykat: can u give me a sec plz
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
[ndhakdvsnnd has been added to Secret Rebel Chat :3]
katkittykat: hai :3
sunspot: Hey!! Is now a good time? 
ndhakdvsnnd: yeah okay is this an ambush
katkittykat: yes!!
sunspot: No its not an ambush
sunspot: Kitten why did you say yes youre going to scare him
katkittykat: imma ambush predator >:3c !
sunspot: Well you know Daddy loves that about you ;^)
ndhakdvsnnd: oh my god are you two fucking for real
sunspot: No sorry that was a bad joke. 
katkittykat: its not an ambush!!! we r gonna tell u the truth like we said we would & u dont have to do anythin abt it rn just hear us out
sunspot: Are you ready for some sick knowledge to get dropped on you?
ndhakdvsnnd: okay 
sunspot: Alright awesome i have been waiting for a chance to loop you in we have been talking about it for a while
sunspot: OKay so the big secret is that Me and Kitty are part of this rebel group that is working to overthrow the empire
sunspot: And we want your help :)
ndhakdvsnnd: wow a rebel group that wants to overthrow empire?
ndhakdvsnnd: thanks that really narrows it down
sunspot: Haha good point! Let me put it another way
sunspot: We’re the one that’s serious
katkittykat: ooooo burn
ndhakdvsnnd: galatea?
katkittykat: bingo !
sunspot: Yes exactly! 
katkittykat: u heard of us huh? :3
ndhakdvsnnd: yeah i admit that is cooler than the 5000 other rebel groups who have been trying to contact me
katkittykat: awwwe u a fan?
ndhakdvsnnd: i have mixed feelings but what do you want
katkittykat: ok tbh ill cut to the chase we want exclusivity
katkittykat: would u mind sending the intel directly to us instead of posting it on threads
sunspot: We know it’s a big ask but we have confirmation that Empire is keeping up with it now and we’ve watched them readjust their plans after they get leaked
katkittykat: plusssss its put u at lower risk of being caught out
katkittykat: hello?
ndhakdvsnnd: you understand why id be reluctant to do that right
katkittykat: yes :c
ndhakdvsnnd: im not really comfortable betting everything on you and theres a lot of information in here that concerns people outside of galatea so i wouldnt want them to lose access
sunspot: Galatea has many channels. We can distribute warnings to civilian populations a lot quicker than they could stumble onto it themselves. Anonymous forum posts were never your best bet at real dissemination.
ndhakdvsnnd: thats true. but i would have to really trust you to follow through and i dont have any way of knowing you are who you say you are
sunspot: Hop on call.
ndhakdvsnnd: absolutely not
katkittykat: just hop on!! u dont have to talk or turn ur camera on but we will show u where we are rn
ndhakdvsnnd: fine give me a second
[sunspot started a video call in Secret Rebel Chat :3]
[sunspot ended a video call in Secret Rebel Chat :3]
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
sunspot: Let us know if you need any other verification but hopefully thats proof enough for right now
ndhakdvsnnd: no i believe you. still i dont know if i really want to be caught picking a side or playing favorites like this. my position right now is really precarious i dont want to endanger it by committing to anything official
sunspot: This is all under the table, if that helps.
ndhakdvsnnd: what do you mean
katkittykat: its not an official commitment bcuz u r not an official source !!! u r all cagey abt ur identity n shit but we know ur good for it so we js pass it along anon
ndhakdvsnnd: and that wouldn’t change if i give you exclusivity?
katkittykat: nope!!! we can keep the whole thang locked up seriously itll jst be the 3 of us in on it :3
sunspot: Tell him the other part
katkittykat: ummm i changed my mind actually i dont wanna do that 
sunspot: It’s important.
katkittykat: ok we also were gonna try and offer u whistleblower immunity
katkittykat: but forget it i know u wont accept it
ndhakdvsnnd: im not a whistleblower
katkittykat: see what did i say 
ndhakdvsnnd: can you fuck off
sunspot: Sorry! But we cant pretend we dont know whats going on with you and frankly it makes us really scared for your safety
katkittykat: ya like i went along w ur hacker bs and i even believed it for a min but i need u to know 
katkittykat: i do this like ten hours a day everyday and ive never gotten anywhere near the amount of dirt that u have pulled up recently
katkittykat: its not an indictment against ur skill or anything its simply loike. this is my job. and ik u arent at my level. so u have to have been given clearance from within
katkittykat: ur inner circle arent u?
ndhakdvsnnd: this is an ambush
sunspot: Ok Kitty lay off him
ndhakdvsnnd: i am not “inner circle” and i need you to stop looking into me right now. i wont tell you anything at all if you keep trying this.
sunspot: We’re sorry. We were only asking because we wanted to try and help you if you are in a bad place. 
ndhakdvsnnd: fuck off
sunspot: Okay! 
katkittykat: so are we still exclusive 
katkittykat: hello?
katkittykat: ugh noooo did i tank the deal
sunspot: Nice going.
ndhakdvsnnd: im still here
katkittykat: omg hi!!!! im sorry i didnt mean to upset u can we talk abt it
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
sunspot: Do you really think we’re going to rat you out? We just told you how much we need you. Theres no reason for us to endanger your position we are trying to make sure you DONT get hurt
ndhakdvsnnd: okay. i mean i guess i just confirmed it for you.
katkittykat: we already knew lowk
ndhakdvsnnd: great
sunspot: Do you wanna talk about immunity then?
ndhakdvsnnd: i dont know what that means
katkittykat: hes askin if you want us to pick you up
ndhakdvsnnd: that isnt possible
sunspot: Are you sure? I’m confident we could work something out.
ndhakdvsnnd: no. you have no idea what youre getting yourself into 
sunspot: Alright. Kinda figured you’d say something like that. We had to try.
ndhakdvsnnd: thank you. i know you mean well but please dont waste any more time on me. just tell me what you need.
sunspot: I don’t feel right just taking from you constantly and not giving anything back.
ndhakdvsnnd: you wouldnt feel that way if you knew me. like i said its the least i could do.
sunspot: Okay. Well let us know if you ever change your mind.
ndhakdvsnnd: its not about me changing my mind im telling you its a logistical impossibility
katkittykat: y
ndhakdvsnnd: i cant get into it
katkittykat: :(
sunspot: We respect your silence on the matter then. Right Kitty????
katkittykat: haha yea whatever
katkittykat: we love u bby let us know if we can do anything
katkittykat: <3
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akai-anna · 8 months
HEY THERE MY LOVELY MUTUAL <3 <3 (I love when you reblog and queue my posts ur actually amazing ily so much I love reading your tags hugs hugs hugs <3 <3 <3 im in love, giggling kicking my feet everyday)
TAKAGI. BABY BOI OF DCMK (I remember seeing a poll rolling around somewhere about the most dcmk baby girl and Takagi won)
I will also have to have to ask you about Kaito HAHAH (my fav blorbo i will admit)
ok the thing is im from australia. choose an australian animal of your choice bc i am Intrigued. im not too sure how the bingo would translate though hahahah I don't think it would work very well
(feel free to also ask me anything or talk to me and about this bingo too >v0 b)
Firstly: WE'VE NEVER TALKED BEFORE BUT LET ME TELL YOU, I WAS (still am) SMILING LIKE AN IDIOT WHEN I SAW YOU SEND IN AN ASK! Yes, I keep track and i'm always happy to see you in my activity and my dash! (I'm also really happy to see we mutually share that feeling; I relate to the giggling kicking feet sentiment a lot.) I'm happy to have this chance to interact with you, in a sense, face to face! Bless you, darling, and I'm sending hugs right back at you.
Thirdly: warning notes apply, as stated in previous asks:
I tend to interpret things liberally: only my own rules apply, which means ->
I check everything that makes sense to me, even if they might seem contradictory
The Character Opinion Bingo in question
Prepare for endless ranting. And as a certain someone says: さあショーの始まりだ わ!
I. Takagi Wataru
The Babygirl and Malewife of My Heart Personal Special Tag: #takagi is a good man
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Points that I feel need a little elaboration:
I am so normal about them: I use the word "normal" as a synonym for "utterly obsessed with" and "absolutely love and adore". (I don't like the word in itself, hence, the only context I use it in, is this. But that is another story.)
*puts them in a salad spinner*: as in, the salad spinner is my brain, and he keeps rotating in it at high centrifugal force.
Canon isn't real if I don't look at it and That's a solid design right there: Detco Canon is... As much as I love it, I think we can agree it has its shortcomings/issues, and one of them is coming up. These two points go hand in hand at this moment because LOOK AT HIM!!! LOOK AT HIM!!! THIS MAN IS A BABY!!! LOOK AT HIM, HE'S PERFECT!!! THE SPIKY HAIR!!! THE SHAPES!!! THE COLOUR PALETTE!!! HE'S SO CUTE!!
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I resonate with this particular video: his new design in the anime (partly thanks to the general Square-and-Pointy-fication) is just... THEY HAD THE PERFECT MAN. IT'S A CRIME. Bless that he is at least still cute in the manga, even if not the same way as in the early anime. The sharp cheekbones and soft looking hair have their charm.
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My point is: THIS!!!! MAN!!! IS!!! A BABY!!!!
Literally I would kiss them and I want to BITE them: he makes me go FERAL with LOVE, and makes me feel like I want to gnaw on something or eat a whole fridge or scream endlessly into a pillow. I wouldn't do it to HIM (I'll leave that to Satou Miwako), but generally, the feeling is there. (Okay, I'll be honest, I would totally give him forehead, cheek, or hair kisses.)
To close his section, have one of my favourite bits about this Baby Of A Man. That poll was absolutely right about him, THE ULTIMATE BABYGIRL (and Malewife TM).
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II. Kuroba Kaito/Kaitou KID
The Local Mischief and Chaos Bringer Personal Special Tag: #the magical agent of chaos
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Some points are the same as for Takagi, but here is elaboration on the ones that don't match:
Bastard, A Beast Unleashed and They didn't get bullied enough: let's be real. He's an Absolute Menace. And I sort of love that about him. Highly competent (competency makes me go weak), and if that is not scary (and hot) I don't know what. And sometimes he also goes too far (lifting skirts is not okay at all, Kaito) and needs someone to put a leash on him (or kick a soccer ball at him/chase him in a classroom). I feel that sometimes he needs a bit of bullying a challenge, to think about things. And again, honesty: I love seeing him suffer a bit, I love his Panic Moments LOL. Not in a mean way. But I also love how kind he is; the baseball chapter in the MK manga has my heart, and the Clock Tower Heist, and the Red Tear chapter... Not to mention the Nightmare arc. He cares about people and making others happy. I feel I went on a tangent here. Onto the bastard bit: he CAN BE SUCH A BASTARD AND I LOVE THAT ABOUT HIM TOO. Two of my favourite bits of Bastardry from him include 1) HOW HE DISGUISED AS RAN AND HOW HE BAITED SHINICHI AT THE VERY END OF THAT ENCOUNTER and 2) THE WAY HE SENDS SHINICHI CAREENING IN THE SIDECAR LIKE IT'S NOTHING (but also Shinichi getting right back at him and setting fire to the fckin fuel.) Pure Bastard Energy.
I want their gender: I love the way he is just so free-spirited about how he dresses/disguises. And I love the thought of him and Aoko doing outfit swaps (I blame that competition in MK for these. Also look at these delightful posts on the topic).
Canon isn't real if I don't look at it: I have... issues, with canon, you could say. Like the way he has no support system, especially bothers me. I would like to see his character treated with more care (be it MK or DetCo). I live for good character development, and I crave that for him.
To close this section, have one of my favourite conversations between these two menaces of nature.
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III. Australian Animal of Choice: Koala
Fun fact: I've been in love with koalas ever since I got a keyholder plushie from relatives in Australia when I was like... in kindergarten? Or early elementary? Also don't worry, *puts on sunglasses* I wouldn't have mentioned animals, if I thought I couldn't work with them.
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Elaboration is needed here I feel.
I am so normal about them: I'm not as obsessed as I used to be but I'm eternally fond of koalas. Did you know their fingerprints are so similar to us they could be mistaken for human fingerprints? Or how they spend most of their time sleeping because the eucalyptus they consume is toxic? Or how they can actually swim well? Or how they are literally surviving by being Dumb As Shit because Being Dumb Saves Energy? Yeah, I'm totally normal about them.
*projects onto them like a mf* and I want their gender: Oh to be a koala, just existing, sleeping, sometimes waking up to eat some eucalyptus, then going right back to sleep. I want that.
They are so silly and They Sure Do Exist: how did this animal even come into existence? Weird lil creatures. THEY ARE JUST SO SILLY. THE NOISES THE MAKE. Like oh my god.
IV. Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan
*Prof Agasa voice* He has many nicknames, like Gremlin Child, Absolute Menace, Ultimate Baby, Lil Nerd, Walking Encyclopedia Son, or Disaster Child. I think I call him as many names as I do my dear Rosie, so that is quite telling LMAO Personal Special Tag: #the detective gremlin
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EDIT: FCKIN TRIPLE BINGO AS @vampirecatsw POINTED OUT oh my god, I'm blind
Again, some thoughts on relevant bits.
A Beast Unleashed: another MENACE OF NATURE. You cannot let him roam free, he finds trouble like it's Breathing. Also love it when he goes ballistic. Or when he shows how competent he is. Like GOD. HE'S AMAZING, and he's a danger to criminals and himself, mostly.
Everyone else if wrong about them: not EVERYONE, just... some people. We agreed with a friend that some of our issues in portrayal lies with the fandom sort assigning him traits that Hakuba has, but not Shinichi (Hakubification). Of course, people can have their fun with it, but it's not for me and have my own opinions on the matter.
Canon isn't real if I don't look at it: again, DetCo has issues. Like the lack of continuity/ erased character development, or not bringing up issues ever again, and the like. Early DetCo was GOOD at these, and I miss those times.
That's a solid design right there and I fuck with this aesthetic so hard: HE IS!!!! SO SHAPED!!!!! SO ROUND!!! (or at least used to be) THE GENTLE CURVES OF HIS FACE!!! THE SILLY HAIR!!!! NOT TO MENTION HIS FCKIN WARDROBE!!!! I'M OBSESSED WITH HIM!!! Also, I have a huge thing for blue eyes and dark hair combination, not to mention the glasses... I'm fckin weak for glasses... god. He just hits all the right spots in my heart and brain. (Not to mention his personality, I WANT TO CRY I LOVE HIM SO MUCH-)
They didn't get bullied enough: I live for others teasing Gremlin Child. It's not quite bullying (never HURT HIM FOR REAL, I'LL CRY), but he needs to be TEASED MORE FOR SURE. I guess Bastardry also fits into this, that's good too.
SQUEAK: sometimes he is just so DUMB I want to SQUISH HIM HARD OR SHAKE HIM. I LOVE HIM, I SO DO, even if he is an idiot at times. God. I love him.
I have way too many favourite bits related to this boi. So. Have these random screencaps from my DCMK folder.
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I hope you have fun reading this madness, Cyn! I HAD AN ABSOLUTE BLAST, YOU HAVE MY ETERNAL LOVE, may you have an absolutely blessed day, dear.
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wysteriadelights · 6 months
Hmm for Bingo; Jamil, Malleus, and for shits and giggles, Trein
Ahem yes... Jamil first.
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He permanently changed my brain chemistry. Chapter 4 had just released, and he was the one who LOCKED. ME. IN. I have SOOOO MANY THOUGHTS ABT HIM. I LOVE HIM. HE'S MY HABIBI.. IT HURTS. He's so smug and manipulative but also... that just makes me want to put him into even MORE situations (wrote him having a mental breakdown it was very fun do recommend) he needs a break he needs to be freed he needs to watch a sunrise knowing he can go wherever he wants- so that's why I abuse him. Lovingly.
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SIGH..... HE. TECHNICALLY. HAS ME IN A DEEPER DEATHGRIP THAN JAMIL. I DID TRY TO MAKE A FANGAME OFF OF HIM AND THE REST OF DIASOMNIA AFTER ALL. HE SO SO SO SO SO... SO FUCKING FUNNY. Someone give this man reddit gold, he'd probably make a volcano erupt cause you held his hand to show him something. He is so autistic coded and so in desperate of a real connection outside of his small circle that still kind of treats him a bit weirdly. I just EUGH... WHY DO HIM AND JAMIL HAVE SOOOO MUCH ANGST POTENTIAL AND IT PULLS ME IN SO BAD AND I JSUT WANT TO GIVE THEM THE MOON AND STARS BUT ALSO BEAT THEM UP EVEN MORE FOR MY ENTERTAINMENT-
And Trein!!
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Tbh. I just want him to be my dad. The adoption papers are for me. Pls sign. Bats eyelashes. But also whatever crumbs of lore we can get from him... he's so loving and so sweet and cares but acts like he doesn't care... they say cats take after their owners and YEAH... HES JUST A GRUMPY OLD CAT WHO LAYS ON UR LAP ALL PRIM AND PROPER AND HE DOESNT REALLY PURR BUT AS U PET HIM HE DOES BREATHE A LITTLE IN THAT PURRING WAY... SIGHS.... though seeing young Trein edit makes me think abt an insane stubborn Mr Darcy situation so sue me
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
zadie love!!!! 💗💫 i know u said to not apologize for sending in late asks but i can’t help it im sorry🥲 i’ve been so busy on my girls trip this past weekend, and i got home super late last night so i’ve been exhausted trying to fix my sleep schedule yet again while also unpacking from my recent trips BUT while i was in new york i still made sure i got to read ur updates before bed!! i thought it would be better to send in a longer ask once i got home and had more time to type it out🫶🏻🫶🏻
ONTO THE RECENT CHAPS: i looooveeedd taro & yn’s convo like they really are just two besties with absolutely no filter and i enjoyed that chap sm😭 also taro basically calling out yn saying she can’t finish bc sunghoon isn’t the one fucking her is so real like our girl needs to accept and realize it soon😓 AND HOON BEING SO OPEN ABOUT WANTING TO FUCK HER AGAIN WAS NOTTT ON MY 2024 BINGO CARD BC I WOULD THINK HE HAS TOO MUCH PRIDE TO OPENLY ADMIT SOMETHING LIKE THAT. then again he’s still a dick for saying that he wants to fuck her but still doesn’t care about her…you’re writing CH!sunghoon so well like he genuinely makes my blood boil at times. i’m glad yn is getting laid tho but she needs to be fucked good soon and i’m sensing a smut chap w/ hoon in the near future??👀👀
i saw the recent asks some anon sent in saying CH is getting boring and i truly want to know where their thought process is at bc it’s literally getting better with each chapter!!!! some people are so rude, like i get constructive criticism, but that just wasn’t it. the way you’re writing this smau is everything and more zadie, don’t let those weirdos get to you!!!! i know it’s easier said than done but remember there’s more people who love your works (me being one of them), than people who are just bored and have nothing else better to do with their days. IM AN ONLYJAEYUN DEFENDER TILL THE END‼️‼️ you’re doing amazing baby, keep your head up💓💓
wanted to share w/ you a little bit about my girls trip to nyc too!! it was my friend’s 23rd birthday so our whole friend group surprised her w/ a weekend trip to new york as a bday present!! OMG a funny story that happened on our first night there, we all went to this club to celebrate and these group of guys kept being so pushy and gross towards me and my friends. one of them insisted on buying me a drink but he just made me so uncomfy that i didn’t want to even be near him. i tried to decline nicely but he was so persistent. what was funny was that he saw my lockscreen and it was a pic of jongseong in the gym and he immediately backed off bc he thought it was my bf so thank you jay bc he was able to get me out of that situation😭😭
i got carried away with writing this ask so i hope you enjoy this novel i wrote you LOL🤭🤞🏻💞 i hope you’re doing well my baby!! i missed chatting w/ you🥹🫶🏻 ilysm 🤍🧸🎀 !!
- 💌
bless your sweet soul, the fact you made time to read CH during your busy ass girls' trip means so much to me baby, i love and appreciate you with my whole heart 🥺💗
STOP YOULL ACTUALLY MAKE ME CRY NOT THE DEFENDER PART 🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much baby, ngl the comment did hurt a little but i know most of you guys are loving it as much as i do and with amazing feedback from amazing people like you snd many more i would never let those get to me to that certain point again 🥺 i love you sm
OMG NOT THE JONGIE BOYFIE PIC SAVING YOU!!!!! he really is THAT boyfriend im afraid 🤭 im sorry you had to deal with m*n like that baby and am glad you're ssfe and having fun, you deserve it so much!🥺
sending you the biggest kiss and i really hope you can get a little rest soon bc nestie you've been booked and busy but we love to see it!!!!!💗
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currypuff · 4 years
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finally got round to this haha, thank you juno!! 💓💗💞
— tagging: @percynewtons @minyardx @dramiones @eflhame @ellaasommers @kazvbrekker @branstark @genyalina @thaestraels @helnik
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magicaldreamfox1 · 2 years
now to put this into perspective wai to me is kinda like what gram is to u. i have 7 trillion things to say abt him so strap in
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let me explain. i'm gonna go thru this one by one
FREE SPACE: this character deserved more
first one is self explanatory jimmy is very pretty
everyone but me is wrong abt them. (this excludes @disaster-j she's also correct abt him). it INCLUDES the writers too btw. the thing is everyone has the most surface level dry takes abt wai. but let me shut my mouth and mind my business for now
wasted potential: let's get started. this character had SUCH BIG POTENTIAL. he should've been pran's best friend, ride or die for him, slight anger issues. that's how he started out but the writers decided u know what? we don't need proper developed side characters we can just do whatever the fuck we want. and then decided that his only personality trait is "evil when we need him to be" every single one of his arcs post ep 6 was the most stupid thing i have ever seen in my entire life. this wasn't a character he was a plot device.
they're deeper than they seem: TO ME bc me and @disaster-j came up with an entire extensive AU where waikorn happens and i swear we put in more thought into these characters than the actual writers did.
jumping right to they got done DIRTY by fans: now tell me why everyone hates him just bc he breathed near pha. (more on the outing later don't come for me yet). people love to preach abt not hating female characters just bc they breathed near ur gay ship but then turn around and do this shit. (and don't even get me started on the way people treated wai vs korn. what was all that about.). let me shut my mouth and mind my business.
wow! they are a horrible person: this refers to canon!wai ofc bc he is and i'm not denying that. he outed pran and that's a horrible thing to do and i'm not excusing that at all. and people are completely justified in hating him for that. all I'm saying is that this whole arc was unnecessary, not well thought out and extremely stupid. they didn't even resolve it well it just got swept under the rug. so why do it at all???
they've never done anything wrong: this refers to wai as a character out of context. like why did the writers do him like this. to me the show died after ep 6 for real. wai never did anything wrong and that IS the hill i chose to die on.
now that i said all that i feel like the rest are self-explanatory. canon!wai is just. a shell of a character he's so stale like he has no character traits he was just whatever the writers needed him to be that episode. and it annoys me immensely. the reason he became my blorbo is bc he started out great and the rest i like abt him is all my @disaster-j's au that we came up with as the show was airing. it's more dear to me than the actual show i swear
thank u for coming to my tedtalk <3
send me a character for the character bingo (pls <3)
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kirinda-ondo · 2 years
If ur taking character opinion bingo submissions then u Simply Must divulge on our son Cobalt, plus whatever paragraphs or following statements u wanna make on him.
You know what I was not actually expecting anyone to send me anything because usually nobody ever actually does on these but I am always down to clown when it comes to yelling about dearest boy Cobalt
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I could have gotten a bingo if I had decided to be conceited and be like "I am the only one who truly understands him" but I can't really bring myself to do that because everybody has such lovely interpretations of Cobalt that to claim mine is superior would be a disservice to everyone else who is also trying to give this beautiful baby boy the proper love and character arc and development that he deserves
And that's really all I want for him, to be a character that can stand on his own and be treated with the respect that he has been so denied in the past. What we do already have for him is already just so fun and interesting and delightful and it makes me so sad that they're just sleeping on it.
I feel like we're making some strides towards that tho because I definitely see him on a lot more merchandise than I used to and we see references to him in various things now, so I would like to believe that one day Tezuka Productions will stop being cowards and put him back in the canon where he belongs. And when they do, we are all going to go feral and pore over the characterization and it will be beautiful
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enevera · 2 years
uh uh ur fav jjk character or one u j wanna talk about sjdhsksjd
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kdfjghks decided to do one for kenjaku bc i could <3 but yeah i think they’re awful and very scary and rlly genuinely awful but also i love them <3 i would like them to show up more and actually i think they suck and if i could id beat their head into the wall but also theyre very cool and i would give head pats and accept head pats from them even if they would totally murder me and not give a single fuck <3 none of this makes sense and that’s okay <33 also the only reason i dont have a bingo here is bc not everything i like abt them is fanon which hurts
send me a character and ill do a bingo for them <3
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arofili · 4 years
how’d u get into writing? like, writing fic and being part of the silm community, being Known, that stuff? i’m really new to being a silm cc and i’d love to know ur advice! also: how’d u build up the confidence to start posting meta/hcs? bc i have a Lot of hcs and meta ideas but also i’m really anxious abt posting them bc yknow anxiety is like that
these are some great questions, anon! I’m gonna go through them one by one :)
how’d u get into writing?
not to be like, super cliche, but I’ve...kind of always been a writer? as long as I can remember I’ve been telling stories, and when I was too young to read or write I would dictate them to my mom, who would type them up for me and help me choose clipart illustrations to accompany them. when I got old enough I would always be writing; I attempted my first novel at age 9, and while that never really went anywhere I did finish the darn thing and it had some pretty sophisticated plot twists for a 9-year-old!
like, writing fic
around the same time I got into fandom! I was deep into Warrior cats (like. really deep) and I believe I started writing my first fics when I was like? 10 or 11? my memory is kind of fuzzy on the order of things, but I know I got an account on the Warriors forums when I was 9, and that I was already posting my fic there when I made my FFN account. I believe I was 12 when that happened, but who knows. I haven’t the faintest idea of what happened with those forums, but uhhh pretty much all of my Warriors fic is still up on FFN lmao. you could probably find that if you want to but um...maybe don’t?
my first Big Fic was a self-insert of...my entire 5th/6th grade class into the then-current timeline of the Warriors books...well. I honestly think that might still be my most popular fic of all time l m a o though I try not to think about it because Hashtag Cringe. though as much as I look back on that time with a “yikes,” I am very grateful for the Warriors fandom in a way? that place was so accepting and encouraging of OCs, of AUs, of completely disregarding canon, of worldbuilding that is completely alien from canon - it was a fantastic sandbox to begin with, there were so many ways to write stories and practically all of them were accepted and had fellow fans invested in them!
and being part of the silm community, 
soooo I wrote Warriors fic until my freshman year of high school (wow sdjfhkdsjfh), which was when BOTFA came out, and I was absolutely wrecked by the ending and immediately started writing my own fixit fic. I was also super hooked on Kiliel! so that was my intro to the Tolkien fandom; and simultaneously, I joined tumblr, and, well, the rest is history tbh.
I honestly do not remember when I first read the Silm, but I kind of got into the more obscure parts of the Tolkien fandom through fandom osmosis, and I do have a vague memory of doodling the Finwean family tree in geometry class so it might have been later on in freshman year? that was also the same time I was having my Queer Awakening, and Russingon definitely contributed to me unlearning my internalized queerphobia, so probably around then.
anyway - queer awakening, tumblr, Tolkien, transitioning from FFN to AO3 - all of that was happening around the same time. I know I dipped my toes in the Silm fandom then, but I was still primarily a Hobbit fic writer focusing on Kiliel. toward the end of high school I kind of shifted to LOTR and (qp) Gigolas...but somehow the Silm fandom is the most active of the Big Three within the Tolkien fandom, and I was getting dragged further and further in.
it wasn’t until @backtomiddleearthmonth 2019, my freshman year of college, that I really dove into writing Silm fic! I picked some Silm-specific bingo cards and never looked back :D that was really not all that long ago but I am obsessed in a way I don’t really remember being even with TH/LOTR, I obviously cannot see the future but I anticipate hanging out here for a long time. the Silm fandom is great overall and there’s just so much material to work with!! <3
being Known, that stuff?
so I don’t really have a whole lot of context on how “well known” I am in the fandom?? definitely within the past year and a half or so I’ve noticed that I like, get asks like this, and get a significant amount of notes on my posts, and I’ve made a lot of fandom friends especially since I joined some Silm servers on Discord (hmu if you want invites; I’m on the SWG server and 2 general Silm servers and the Russingon server) this past year. and I have 3,000 followers as of this month - and while ever since I hit 1k I don’t particularly pay attention to my follower count I can definitely say that I have more engagement now than I used to! but it took me a long time to build this “audience,” I suppose; I’ve been around the Tolkien fandom since late 2014, so nearly 6 years of this, lol.
really the best way to build a following, in my experience, is to just post a lot of stuff. when I started making edits I got a lot more engagement, because for a long time I would post one every day! (I made them in batches and queued them; I didn’t actually make one every day lol...and now I’m too busy to do that, so I just make edits for events and whenever I feel like it) And I have [checks ao3] 145 works in the Silm fandom as of today - I’m fairly prolific! I’ve come to generally expect 3-10 comments on most of my oneshots, which is a lot more than I used to have back in the day. consistency and quantity are more likely to attract people to your work - and quality, of course.
also: how’d u build up the confidence to start posting meta/hcs?
I’ve been writing since I was very young, and I’ve been writing fic for like...11 years? I think? in that time I’ve produced a lot of garbage, but imo most of that was in my Warrior cats phase, so I came into the Tolkien fandom with confidence in myself and my writing. I’m also working on original fiction on the side (I hope to eventually become a published fantasy author, but right now school takes up most of my time that I don’t devote to fandom, which gives me more immediate gratification and also is just Very Fun) and I know I’m a good writer.
basically, I’ve been doing this for like...half my life, and I’m still fairly young, so I’ve had time to build up my skill and confidence and I know I’m only going to get better with time. you will get better with practice. like I said, I’ve written a lot of terrible stuff, and it’s only through sucking for a long time that I’ve gotten to the point I am now. and I am far from perfect; I know I still have lots of room to grow!
for meta and headcanons specifically, I started with writing fic, and then when I didn’t think I could stretch something into an entire fic I would just make a hc post. I have a vivid memory of writing my first meta in a notebook during driver’s ed because it was so goddamn boring and I had Thoughts about Tauriel and Thranduil!
in my experience, meta comes from having Opinions and wanting to share them and most importantly to back them up - you need to have sources! you need to have reasons! you need to have justification! otherwise it’s not meta, it’s a headcanon or an AU. which is fine!! I love hc/AU!!! but they are not the same as meta, and I’m a stickler for being accurate when it comes to meta. if you have sources and shit to back you up, that will help you build the confidence to share your meta.
sharing disinformation and passing it off as meta instead of just coming out and saying this is a headcanon/baseless theory/AU or whatever is such a fandom pet peeve of mine; it’s not bad for something to not be Accurate! you just have to have that disclaimer - and even when you’re writing meta, you’re offering an interpretation of the text, and you need to acknowledge that other interpretations also exist and are valid.
um. I hope this answers your questions? and sorry for basically word-vomiting my entire life story, lol. this post got long; the main reason I’ve written so much fic is because I really just cannot shut up for the life of me. sooo if you can tear of that filter of being shy and just. say shit. you can go so far~!
OH and one more thing - I can’t believe I almost forgot this - but part of being a writer is participating in the community. this is code for LEAVE A DAMN COMMENT IF YOU LIKE A FIC. that’s how I made most of my fandom friends before Discord! I follow @ao3feed-silmarillion and stalk that blog for new Silm fics; I read the ones that interest me and comment on them.
I know this is not really the most common way for folks to find fic but it’s so rewarding to interact with new fic, new writers, new commentors, new stories - you can find gems that don’t rise to the top of the kudos/bookmark lists; you become friends with your fellow writers; you can watch people grow and change; you support smaller content creators. yeah, you might not be getting Just The Best Stuff, but it’s so so so worth it!!
and if you make friends in the comment section of other people’s fic - I guarantee you some of them will go to your AO3 profile and check out your fic, too! and they’ll leave comments! this is a fic community, and that’s what I cherish about fandom most of all, tbh.
anyway - again - sorry for rambling so much, but I hoped this helped! feel free to send in another ask, or to come talk to me off anon if you’d like! and definitely send me your stuff if/when you decide to share it; I would love to support you!!! <3
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Long-Distance Love Affair
I’ll report to the Sixth. We’re ‘comrades,’ after all. (Yamato, Sasuke Shinden Ch. 3) | Kakayama Week 2020 Day 1: Modern AU | AO3 | 
Yamato to Hokage Senpai: I’m back in Konoha; I’ll be by your office in a few.
Hatake Kakashi to Handsome Taichō: 👀🤝👘😜👽💍🥥🏒😍
Yamato: What does that mean?
Kakashi: 📯🔩📆🍱🎉✨🌳
Yamato: Kakashi. 
Kakashi: U told me you wanted me to communicate my feelings more
Yamato: And you’re delivering these feelings via cipher? 
Kakashi: The key will be released to u in the event of my death
Yamato: It’s like dating a bingo book.
Kakashi: Quit flirting with ur hokage, Tenzō
Hatake Kakashi to Team Sasuke Charge Your Phone: Team dinner 2nite
Yamato: Alright. What time?
Sakura: what if i had plans sensei
Naruto: RAMEN
Sai: Despite your short notice invitation, Kakashi, I would enjoy a social outing with our teammates.
Kakashi: Thank u, Sai. Naruto, we can eat ramen as long as u have a plate of vegetables separately, so I know u won’t lose ur ability to digest greens
Naruto: seaweed is green!!!!
Yamato: That really shouldn’t be the lesson here. 
Naruto: i’m learning to cook! i eat at least one serving of vegetables a WEEK
Sakura: how are you even alive?!
Yamato: NARUTO. 
Kakashi: Hmmmm 
Sai liked “i’m learning to cook! i eat at least one serving of vegetables a WEEK.”
Yamato changed the chat name to Team Naruto Please Call a Dietitian.
Kakashi: Naruto, I think you should have TWO plates of vegetables 2nite
Sakura: i didn’t agree yet. i could have plans!!
Kakashi: Do u?
Sakura: no, but i could. this is why you should tell us things in advance
Kakashi: It is in advance. Of dinner time 
Sakura: how have you put up with him for so many years, yamato-taichō?
Yamato: He’s very handsome, and I’m a little shallow.
Kakashi loved “He’s very handsome, and I’m a little shallow.”
Kakashi: You think I’m handsome, Tenzō? 👀
Sasuke: Gross. See you all at dinner. 
Hatake Kakashi to Treefrog: Send me a picture of u
Yamato to Hound Dog: What kind of picture?
Kakashi: The regular kind. U can send me the other kind later. I’m in a meeting
Yamato: I’ll take a picture of my face in a minute. Wait, are you texting during a Kage Summit?
Kakashi: A shinobi never reveals his secrets. Also yes
Kakashi: But only bc Mei started it by showing me a picture of the person she’s seeing. So now it’s show-and-tell time
Yamato: Ah. Should I have put on a shirt for that photo then?
Kakashi: Tyvm. I was seconds away from pulling your mission record file
Kakashi: I wouldn’t worry about the shirt. Mei says u have nice shoulders
Yamato: Tell her thanks. Shouldn’t you guys be busy running the government or something?
Kakashi: Eh.
Hatake Kakashi to Leafyoncé: konoha.shinobicraigslist.org/koh/pet/beautiful-german-shepard-needs-good-home/
Yamato to Kakash-ly Rowland: Do you think that sending me listings for puppies every day will slowly convince me we should adopt one?
Kakashi: I have no control over what seeing dogs does to ur brain
Kakashi: But if u want a dog, I would fully support ur decision
Yamato: I love your dogs. But there are eight of them already, Kakashi
Kakashi: They’re working dogs tho. Consider: a leisure dog
Yamato: Do we have the capacity to give a puppy the love and attention it needs, with our current lifestyles?
Kakashi: Sure we do. “Doggy Style” was my nickname in Anbu
Yamato (Leafyoncé) is typing...
Kakashi: I will not be accepting constructive criticism at this time
Yamato to Xeroxshi: Kakashi. Don’t take this the wrong way...
Hatake Kakashi to Morning Wood: Do we need to have another conversation about texting with ellipses? Also what am I taking 
Yamato: Why is Sasuke on our couch? 
Kakashi: He’s sleeping
Yamato: That really doesn’t answer my question. 
Kakashi: He’s tired?
Yamato: Why is Sasuke sleeping on OUR couch and not his own bed or Naruto’s couch?
Kakashi: Sasuke refuses to sign another lease after the bird incident and he and Naruto are fighting
Yamato: Not again. What is it this time? 
Kakashi: Naruto got the kids friendship bracelets
Yamato: And???
Kakashi: Sasuke lost his on the outskirts of Iwa but he won’t tell Naruto that so he just told him friendship bracelets are for losers and children
Yamato: Well. Normal for those two. He could just buy some new friendship bracelets and I’m sure Naruto would get over it. 
Kakashi: That’s the fifth stage of grief. He’s still in the anger stage. Hence why we cannot wake him up from his nap
Yamato: Sasuke has been in the anger stage for the last 12 years. 
Kakashi: Accurate but unkind
Yamato: I’ll give him a blanket and a discussion on healthy communication with your loved ones. 
Kakashi: This is why ur his fave stepdad
Yamato: If you’re Sasuke’s father in this situation, I should hope I’d be his ONLY stepdad. 
Kakashi: He’s pretty set on Aoda being in the running
Yamato: Aoda is a snake!
Kakashi: And yet I somehow feel threatened by his parental authority 
Yamato to HOTake Kakashi: Are you still working?
Hatake Kakashi to 10/10zo: Yeah. Mountains of paperwork ahead of me
Yamato: What time will you be home? 
Kakashi: Probably at least another hour. There’s a backlog of new business requests that I should push through by the end of the week
Yamato: Uncharacteristically timely. Shizune must be pleased.
Kakashi: I gave her the evening off. She’s too young to be working this much
Yamato: Isn’t she older than you?
Kakashi: I’m too young to be working this much
Yamato: Seems like you’re due for some lengthy, enthusiastic relaxation.
Kakashi: That’s an interesting way to put it, but I suppose so
Yamato: [Image Attachment] 😝
Kakashi: Tenzō, I’m in my office 😳😳😳
Yamato: Maybe you should come home, then.
Kakashi: If u take down the Shunshin Barrier I will come in thirty seconds 
Yamato: Don’t you always?
Kakashi: Why must u defame my character like this
Yamato: Humility is a virtue.
Yamato: [Image Attachment] 🌶️
Kakashi: U raise a very compelling point. Let me in. I don’t have my keys
Yamato: Should you be Shunshin-ing and texting? 
Kakashi: Ur the one sending dick pics to the ninja president
Yamato: ...We all have our vices. 
Uzumaki Naruto to Team Sakura Could Have Plans: Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke says Yamato-taicho went shopping with him for new friendship bracelets yesterday bc u wanted him to leave ur apartment so u guys could kiss
Naruto: r u and Yamato-taicho BOYFRIENDS
Sakura: yes they are
Sai: They have shown actions consistent with a romantic relationship. 
Kakashi: I don’t understand the question
Yamato: We’re roommates.
Naruto: Roommates don’t KISS
Kakashi: Sasuke’s over at your place right now and you’ve kissed him before
Yamato: That tracks. 
Sakura: everyone’s kissed naruto at some point 
Sai: Is this part of your bond, Naruto?
Kakashi: Who’s to say who can kiss their roommate or not? Things aren’t always so simple, Naruto. A shinobi must be able to see through deception 
Yamato: Kakashi is right.
Naruto: what does that MEAN 
Sasuke: It means Kakashi likes the old man. 
Sakura emphasized “It means Kakashi likes the old man.”
Sai emphasized “It means Kakashi likes the old man.”
Yamato: Hey! I’m not old. I’m three years younger than Kakashi.
Naruto: so u ARE boyfriends
Kakashi: Isn’t any man whose company I enjoy both a boy and a friend 
Naruto: well i guess
Kakashi: There you go
Yamato: I think the situation has been adequately explained.
Sasuke: Has it?
Sakura: weren’t you both in anbu? shouldn’t your interrogation evasion techniques be better than this
Kakashi: Eh. 
Hatake Kakashi to Old Man Whose Company I Enjoy: Come here
Yamato to Roommate-san: Where’s here? 
Kakashi: I’m on the roof. I want you to come look at the moon with me
Yamato: I’m making dinner. For romance purposes or because it’s doing something it shouldn’t?
Kakashi: Wouldn’t u like to know
Yamato: It’s thrilling how you keep the mystery alive in this relationship. I’ll be up in a few minutes.
Kakashi: It’s a date
Yamato: If you keep dating me in public places, people might think we’re more than roommates.  
Kakashi: By “people” do u mean four nosy teenagers? 
Kakashi: U’d think the single bedroom and legal certificates would be a give away
Yamato: It does seem like it would be Shinobi 101. Should we be giving them basic training again?
Kakashi: I would enjoy bringing out my old disguises 
Yamato: I’d say you were meant to be an actor, if you weren’t so good at being a ninja.
Kakashi: Such a flatterer, Tenzō. Be still my beating parts
Yamato: I don’t think that’s how the saying goes.
Kakashi: It is when ur quoting Icha Icha 
Yamato: How much do you let that book guide your relationship decisions?
Kakashi: 69%
Yamato: I walked right into that one. I’m bringing dinner up. Eggplant miso. 🍆
Kakashi: Thank u. And u know that’s not what that emoji’s for 
Yamato: What’s it for?
Kakashi: [Image Attachment] 🍆
Yamato: Ah. Do you think the Daimyō has access to our phones?
Kakashi: God I hope so
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meshkol · 6 years
Twitter Threads (or That One Time Tony Dialled It Up to Eleven)
Summary: Social media is hard and full of trolls, and Tony has poor impulse control.
Notes: I hate this so much. Less cracky than I wanted it, because I suck at writing humour. Fill K-3 for the Tony Stark Bingo 2019: Gossip Press. Unbeta'd as per usual. Any relation to existing twitter handles is entirely coincidental.
Warnings: Social Media, Twitter, Homophobic Language, Sexist Language, Ableist Language, Internet, Trolls, Protective Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Goes On A Rampage
No one can say that Tony’s ever had good impulse control, especially about people he loves.
@1234ideclareathumbwar posted: I donno what it is about dr strange but he must suck dick like a pro if hes got iron man whipped god knows theres nothing attractive about him except those dick suckin lips #drstrange #ironman #wtfisstarkthinking
 @100percentDONE-xxx replied: yeah its not like he can give a decent handjob ffs must me the lips or maybe hes just tight every1 knows stark loves a tight whole hes prolly cheating neway poor cripple
 @itsawrapandimreadytoparty replied: Probably just lays there and thinks about the wizard gods just to get that $$$...I’d think of England even for a nymphomaniac drug-addicted sugar daddy too, tbh.
 @BlessYouThor-ness replied: still can’t believe he chose strange over THOR like everyone can see the chemistry between them and tony is such a bottom he’d take thor’s cock so well fuck yes
 @they-did-the-thing777 replied: is it just me or does strange look like an alien maybe there’s no magic at all just aliens and he’s got a tentacle dick and stark just wants to mark off another box on his worlds-biggest-slut checklist #tonystarkispathetic
 @snowflakes_makeme_lol replied: hes just fkn ugly i s2g stark id spread 4 but strange??? that bitch be ugly asf n not worth gettin my dk wet prolly get aids
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: You guys are the pinnacle of our evolution and I am in awe of your genuine kindness and polite generosity (and grammar). Wow, I can’t believe Stephen Strange saved all of your jerkass lives TWICE for this shit and you know what? Everyone knows I’M the cocksucker in this relationship, dumbfucks.
 @kiki_blow_this_popsicle_stand replied: HOLY SHIT LMAO
“What are you doing?”
He doesn’t bother looking up from his tablet, backing away from that thread because he has no interest in seeing the replies, and hunting for the next war he can wage. “Destressing,” he replies gleefully, clicking on a thread that mentions Pepper. He can feel Rhodey behind him – and, what’s more, he can feel the disapproval seeping out of his pores too now that he’s peeking over Tony’s shoulder – but he’s on a roll, and fuck impulse control when he can sass and bitch on twitter. Some people just need to be removed from the genetic pool of the human race and not be allowed to procreate, honestly.
Somewhere in bumbfuck-nowhere, Fury is having a coronary and Stephen is rolling his eyes so hard they’re permanently lodged in his cranium.
@rudethatyoureallamatwink posted: Does anyone else think that Pepper Potts only got the job at Stark because she’s got awesome legs and a great twat and Tony Stark wanted to stick his dick in? #idfuckher #pepperpotts #starkindustries #idfuckhimtootbh #tonystark
 @MyNameIsGoFuckYourself replied: lol ur gross shes like 35 or smth but wvr u want crusty ol lose pussy u do u bro #oldchickgross #getbotox
 @shredderinmymetal3-14 replied: @MyNameIsGoFuckYourself lmao wtf?? He started fucking her when she was like twenty or something so she was still nice and tight back then. I mean I’d still fuck her right now cause she’s one hot cougar and I bet she’s learned a thing or two from the Slut Extraordinaire. And anyway, how tf do you know what her cunt’s like?? The only hole you’ve fucked is your mom.
 @queeen-bee-says-hi replied: Wow, you guys are pigs. Pepper Potts is a strong, independent, beautiful woman who is worth a thousand of all you, and your mothers would be ashamed of you all.
 @gags_are_the_best_fight_me_bitch replied: @queeen-bee-says-hi hey look theres the feminazi if you want i can replace that stick up your pussy with my dick you know you need it ill fuck you real good show you what a real mans like
 @truthisanillusion replied: I’ll fuck @queeen-bee-says-hi AND @OfficialPotts_CEO at the same time fucking feminazi cunts, god knows you bitches would be grateful for my prick in your gaping lesbian pussies
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: Wow. So. Uh.
1. That’s revolting and my AI just delivered the IPs of @gags_are_the_best_fight_me and @truthisanillusion to the authorities for premeditated violence, rape, and hate crimes. You’re welcome, and feel free to send a cash donation to the charity of your choice for my thoughtfulness. I’d recommend something for women’s or LGBTQ+ rights, and I’ll match it with a multiplier of 1000x.
2. @queeen-bee-says-hi, good for you, and I can see from your profile that you’re a student. Consider your crops watered and your schooling paid for, all the way to your twelfth PhD if you want it.
3. @OfficialPotts_CEO can and will murder you with her pinky nail. I’ve taken on Thanos and I’d rather go ten rounds with him than piss her off. THAT’S why she’s CEO, not because of her admittedly awesome legs.
4. I hate this hellsite. If I buy it, can I kill it?? Rhodey says “technically” so I’m gonna look into that now.
 @i_stan_one_legend_named_virginia_p_potts replied: IRON MANNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! DEFEND THE QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!! #PEPPERPOTTS4PRESIDENT
 @iaminlovewithcapandimunashamed replied: lmfao incels be fkd when #ironman comes to town
 @truthisanillusion replied: Hey @YouKnowWhoIAm No one trusts you or likes you, you fake ass super “hero” taking it up the ass like a faggot stfu and die already, kthxbye
 @queeen-bee-says-hi replied: whAT OH MY GOD THAT IS NOT NECESSARY
 @OfficialPotts_CEO replied: Tony, stop picking fights and threatening to buy twitter or I’ll ground you. And just accept the gift, @queeen-bee-says-hi - after all, he’s already done it.
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: Shut up Pepper, you aren’t the boss of me.
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: And jokes on you @truthisanillusion because I’m already dead inside come at me bitch I’ll be the one in the multi-billion-dollar suit of armor surrounded by Avengers
 @OfficialPotts_CEO replied: Actually, I am. Don’t make me take away your toys. Or call @Sorcerer_Supreme_With_A_Scalpel. He’s on speed-dial, sweetheart, and he likes me better than you.
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: Rude.
 @Sorcerer_Surpreme_With_A_Scalpel replied: The last time you threatened someone, your house got blown up. Please refrain from egging on internet trolls or I’ll dump you for Rhodes for my own sanity.
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: ALSO RUDE.
“You know, I’m not even remotely bi-curious and I would totally tap that,” Rhodey says absently, though his lips are quirking into a smirk.
Tony rolls his eyes. “Hands off, you little shit, or I’ll tweet about that one time in MIT when you ate that—”
“Fuck you.”
“Been there, done that,” Tony quips cheerfully. “Not remotely bi-curious my ass—”
“You know what’s better than picking fights with twelve-year-olds on twitter? Kicking your ass right here. You come at me, Stank.”
Tony opens his mouth to reply but then gasps, already losing himself in another thread after sending a middle finger emoji into the last one.
@mwahahaha-666 posted: You guys can wax poetry about Tony Stark all you want, but screw that basic-ass rich boy - everyone knows Doctor Strange is the smokin’ hot one. #takemenow #mybodyisready #drstrange
 @ukulele_jedi_master replied: PREACH!!! stark may be loaded but stephen is the one that looks like a prada model giMME THAT MAGICAL DICK
 @xxx-foreverfit-xxx replied: Fuck both of you. I just wanna be a fly on the wall when they’re fucking each other...or better yet, DIRECT them on how to ruin each other #ironstrange #otp
 @highpercentageofuselessnessachieved replied: i wonder if he can clone himself like can u imagine?? being fucked from all ends by #drstrange cock?? what i wouldn’t give to be tony stark omfg i don’t even want the money just the hard dickin from that fine piece of ass
 @its_a_fact_that_captain_america_has_a_big_dick replied: He’s got Iron Man wrapped around his little finger so he must have the biggest dick and the know-how to use it properly. Yes pls and thank you very much, I’ll take that monster dick pronto.
 @TGBYHN_4_LYFE replied: dude i tell u what i would do what @xxx-foreverfit-xxx said: sit in the corner w a ridign crop in 9’’ stilettos rubbin myself while directing them 2 do what i want...make em touch n stroke n suck n bite n fuck each other til they cant walk anymore n then cuddle w them n stroke their hair
 @catcatcatcat-cat replied: I would give my college education, my life, my cow, and my internet access away for the rest of my life for a sex tape
 @xxx-foreverfit-xxx replied: @TGBYHN_4_LYFE omfg fuCK YES CAN YOU IMAGINE listening to them moan as they lost themselves in each oter, so fucking desperate to get off that they’re begging you to let them cum even as they try their hardest to obey, covered in precum and sweat and hot as fuck
 @bigfoot_is_nessie1987 replied: I s2g the amount of fanfiction I write about those two alone should have me committed but I literally can’t stop the two of them are so fucking hot together that it should be illegal god bless Iron Man and Dr Strange and their sexy, sexy chemistry and sexy, sexy bodies #killme
 @one-upon-a-time-in-asgard2 replied: They are the hottest couple in the history of the universe and so fucking pure I love them both so much also @bigfoot_is_nessie1987 I demand a link to your fics cuz I’m always looking for more ironstrange porn #otp #ironstrange
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: @Sorcerer_Supreme_With_A_Scalpel Hey, they think you have a big dick. Little do they know that they’re totally right and that you also have the added bonus of actually BEING a big dick too! #dontthreatentoleavemeforplatypus #orilltagyouinthirstposts #awesomethirstposts #stephenhasabigdick #andiloveit #goodshit
 @mwahahaha-666 replied: OH MY DUCKING GOD
 @its_a_fact_that_captain_america_has_a_big_dick replied: Well, I’d be mortified that Tony Stark is replying to this except Tony Stark is acTUALLY REPLYING TO THIS BLESS YOU IRON MAN
 @Sorcerer_Supreme_With_A_Scalpel replied: One of these days I’m going to murder you with your own bravado and not lose a night’s sleep over it. And fine, I won’t touch Rhodes...I’m sure Rogers is free anyway, and he’s always so polite when I visit.
 @bigfoot_is_nessie1987 replied: Please don’t read my fanfiction I will literally combust in embarrassment also I am dying over here in Copenhagen omfg
 @catcatcatcat-cat replied: ...oh my god what does that mean you guys are MARRIED??!?! BLESS THE WIZARD GODS!!!!
 @Sorcerer_Supreme_With_A_Scalpel replied: Rhodes, I know you’re reading over his shoulder, so if you could please take away his phone now before he ends up on the cover of the Times...or breaks the internet. Again. Thank you in advance.
Tony reacts immediately, trying to make a break for it, but Rhodey’s already tackling him into the couch, a hundred and ninety pounds of lean muscle and pretty Class As. Tony hisses breathlessly, the wind knocked out of him, and he struggles valiantly to keep his hands on his tablet while Rhodey does his best to rip it away. He doesn’t have a very good position so he makes a hair-brained, split-second decision to throw his body weight to the side, making them both roll off the couch. Rhodey’s a jerk though, and manages to react fast enough so that Tony takes the brunt of the impact, and he can’t even help but groan in a mixture of mild pain and disappointment as he feels the tablet being removed from his lax fingers.
“Sucks to be you, Stank,” he says breathlessly, fingers flying over the keyboard, and Tony cranes his neck until he can read Rhodey’s reply (and on Tony’s fucking account what in the hell!):
@YouKnowWhoIAm replied: I think I broke your hot mess of a husband, Stephen. Come collect him before he murders me with his eyes or gets his hands on another electronic device. We’re in the lab.
Three seconds later, Stephen walks through a portal, looking oh-so-fucking-gorgeous in his battle robes, and wearing a scowl of irritation that bodes well for rough, mock-angry sex in the near future.
Tony grins unapologetically, and abandons the lure of social media in exchange for his pseudo husband.
It’s an easy choice.
Also read on ao3.
Feel free to prompt me things on my Bingo Card!
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bangzchan · 6 years
Stop being so fucking mean to Viki, she didn't really do anything??? Leave her alone, and learn how to talk kindly to people :))))))) (viki, i am so, so sorry you have to go through this, I for one love you and respect your opinion)
LOVE YOU SO MUCH SWEETHEART!!!!! and its fine dont worry we’re havin fun with the bingo
Anonymous said:Ok but i love that anon who’s “glad to have unfollowed you” but then still goes back to ur blog and checks ur recent posts and decides to send an ask to inform you on it kdksdbsj
hjfsdkljfsdlksdfk they cant resist me
Anonymous said:LOVE YOU
Anonymous said:you: don’t write the full name of the person you’re talking about, say you feel bad about posting some of the asks your anons send you, tell people to not talk to them and speak about super valid criticism of that person’s fics without tagging them or sending hateful comments either on their tumblr or ao3. that person: reblogs one of your asks so all their followers/fans who clearly can’t think critically can send them hateful and rude anons for 12 hours straight. anyway stay strong and gay viki
Anonymous said:apparently you’re not allowed to have an opinion on something unless you’ve previously followed a 5-years course on that particular topic and passed with honors
hjkljfdsjkfdsjkfdslfsdlksdf go off
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downtowndaegu · 7 years
"You'll give me that much, won't you, fluffy flower?"there are some I’m going to exclude, simply bc I don’t feel comfortable sharing them bc of some themes  ★ - favourites
Threes. | Vhope | Angst, Smut★
When Jung Hoseok tells his boyfriend to stop flirting with other people, he thinks Taehyung will at least put in a little bit of effort to do so. Instead, Taehyung suggests they have a threesome with someone to prove that Hoseok's just being overly possessive. When Jungkook willingly agrees to participate, however, Taehyung quickly realizes he's made a mistake. aybe Taehyung's the overly possessive one after all.
Cruel Intentions | Yoonmin | Fluff, Angst
"Hey, Suga Hyung!" Hobi called with a persistent nudge.
"What, Hoseok?" Yoongi grunted in annoyance as he attempted to focus on his food.
"See that fresh piece of ass from class earlier?" 
Suga lifted his head, turning his gaze towards where his friend was pointing."Yeah, what about him?"
"Bet you can't fuck him before the end of the semester."
Break Me and Recreate Me | Part 2 of Cruel Intentions
He's back, Jae-Hwa has finally made his way back home to his twin Jimin. According to Jae-Hwa, he's only back to reunite with his brother and make up for lost time. But Yoongi thinks other wise. Slowly but surely, things begin to take an unusual turn for the group of friends. Lies are told, secrets remain hidden, and for one friend in particular, 'What he doesn't know won't hurt him' becomes the string that has him dangling between life and death. Sequel to 'Cruel Intentions'
Bangtan Unleashed | OT7 | Smut 
Nobody knows the real Bangtan. What happens when the stage personas drop and the filter comes down? Pure insanity that's what.
i know you wanna go to heaven (but you’re human tonight) | Taekook | AU - Werewolf | Angst?
Taehyung just thought it would be a one night stand, but he gets more than he bargained for.
wonder | Jikook | Angst★
"You see, one loves the sunset when one is so sad." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
Look Closely | Yoonmin | Angst, Fluff★
All Yoongi had to do, was look at the boy closely and give him a chance. All Jimin had to do, was exist. All the others did, was watch the drama unfold from the sidelines, popcorn in hand. __________ Yoongi was always against Jimin joining the band. Jimin was as hard working as Yoongi. Love found it's way.
tell me how to make this better | Vmin, OT7 | Angst★
“Do you remember when I asked you to be my boyfriend?” Jimin asks, a few tears slipping from his eyes at the memory, phone clutched so hard in his hand it's hurting his fingers. “An-and you said that you couldn't possibly do that? Because of the band?”
Taehyung makes a sort of wounded noise, beginning to talk over him. “Jiminie whatever you're thinking please-”
Jimin laughs, hysterical and high pitched as he turns himself over into the fetal position, hardly able to stop himself from vomitting. “It was because you didn't like me, wasn't it?”
Welcome Home | Namjin | Part of series, it’s so cute <3
Seokjin is used to getting calls from social workers at all hours of the day, but never this late at night.
(In which Hoseok loses a mom and gains two dads and four brothers.)
This Confession Note Wasn’t Meant For You | Vmin | Fluff, Slight Angst★
When Taehyung finally musters up the courage to slip a confession note into Jungkook's locker but fails miserably and ends up putting it in Jimin's locker instead.
Cinnamon Crisp | Taekook | Fluff | AU - Uni, A/B/O
Jungkook needs his daily dose of cuddles and Taehyung likes to wear Jungkook's clothes. They don't care that alphas and omegas aren't supposed to be best friends.
I’m Sorry I Forgot About You | Dad Yoongi, Son Hoseok | Fluff, Slight Angst★
Yoongi accidentally falls asleep during the day, leaving his 4 year old Hobi alone thinking his Appa doesn't love him anymore
My love is a Man with Many Faces | Mainly Yoonmin, elements of Yoongi x Everyone too | Angst with a happy ending
Out of all the people Yoongi befriended, Jimin was the only one who remained.
love triangles are out of fashion (three’s not really a crowd) | Polyamory, Maknae Line | Fluff, Slight Angst | AU - college/uni★
Jeongguk didn't think this dating thing would really work, but then again he also didn't think he'd end up casually seeing not one, but two hot guys
& making a bet to see who could get a boyfriend first was not Taehyung's finest idea, but Jimin thought they would at least have different tastes in men
you have 1 new message | Namjin | AU - Non Idol | Fluff★
r u n c h r a n d a. fuck this is going to sound like the weirdest shit okay look i used ur selcas to catfish and this older dude is gonna buy me stuff but i have to send him a selca with a peace sign
~ * ~ pingkeu jin ~ * ~ hahahahahahaha wtf
moonless marigold | YoonMinSeok | Fluff, Slight Angst | AU - college/uni & soulmates★
Part one of Jihope Bingo - Team Hoseok: Soulmates
"You see in black and white until you meet your soulmate."
"Why? That sounds horrible, Mom."
"Because nothing else should bring to you the beauty of a flurry of colors like your soulmate should, Hobi."
Will You Stop Time?  | YoonKook | Smut | ITS PURE FILTH GUYS
"Jungkook knew he shouldn't have done it. He really shouldn't have.
But when his mouse hovered over the 'Buy Now' button on Amazon, he thought about what could happen."
Jungkook secretly loves to wear chokers around the dorm and one day decides to buy a new one, though someone catches him-
make a wish | Jimin x Everyone | Fluff | DogBoy?? idk what that means
it's jimin's birthday, and the puppy boy is going to get a day dedicated to himself that he will never want to forget.
flowers love the sun | Taekook | Fluff | AU - Greek Mythology★
Taehyung, a beautiful mortal, had caught the eye of the Jeongguk, a god.
Based on the Greek myth of Apollo and his mortal lover Hyacinthus.
Of One Sided Crushes | JinKook | Fluff | AU - College/uni
Jeon Jungkook has three questions for the Gods of crushes and one-sided love. One, what are you supposed to do when your crush sees you like their younger brother? Two, what are you supposed to do when your crush who sees you like their brother kisses you? Three, what are you supposed to do when your crush who sees you like their brother is drunk when they kiss you?
Why Min Yoongi No Longer Hesitates To Apologize First | YoonMin | Fluff, Angst | Fem - Yoongi at some point 
Min Yoongi has a problem. Whenever he fights with anyone, he never apologizes first. He and his beloved boyfriend Park Jimin fight all the time but breaking up, by rule, is something they never do... Until one fight of theirs takes a particularly ugly turn and Jimin breaks up with Yoongi. What happens when Namjoon and Hoseok decide to go for a 'beyond the mundane world', eccentric solution to help out their brokenhearted friend patch up his relationship? Answer? Something none of them could have ever expected! But ever since then, Yoongi has stopped hesitating before saying sorry :)
These Tides Fall Over (shades of blue and you) | Taekook | Fluff | AU - College/Uni★
"You can't expect me to let my royal savior die in the middle of the library."
In which Taehyung calls Jeongguk "Prince Eric" every chance he gets, and Jeongguk suffers.
Dandelions (Do) Not Grant Wishes  | Taekook | Angst | AU - Childhood friends & Ghosts★
"You'll give me that much, won't you, fluffy flower?"
here’s SOME of the fics in my notes, do reply below if you want me to post the rest of the 200+ fics I have saved - Admin Kay
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jbjjkenta-blog · 7 years
HELLO ALL WHO IS NEW TO 24K AND WOULD LIKE TO START STANNING THESE WONDERFUL BOYS! firstly thank u for all these lovely comments about our boys, from all 24u's we are grateful and pleased that they are finally getting the recognition that they deserve. THIS IS INFO ABOUT THEM SO OPEN IT IF U WANNA STAN YA'LL THANKS 
a little introduction to 24k is needed: 24K (투포케이) currently consists of cory, kisu, jeonguk, hui, changsun, jinhong, and hongseob. They debuted on september 6th, 2012, under choeun entertainment. The fandom name is 24U and our official fan colours are GLITTER GOLD and YELLOW GOLD. CHECK OUT THE CHOEUN YOUTUBE ACCOUNT 24K ARE MAD they also do vlives, and regularly use their own social medias they also had a sub-unit called 4K that came before 24k but its not used anymore due to the members in it leaving also they called themselves 24k bc they had 4 members in the sub unit 4k and then when they debuted they added 2 more members so 2 4 k??? WOW GenIUses I LOVE THIS CONCEPT 
 on a serious note please support them they dont deserve to still be a ROOKIE GROUP after nearly 5 years they recently had a comeback with their new mini album called 'Addiction' so please check it out and buy it if your interested in these guys they really do make amazing music and are totally underrated so they need all the support they can get to be able to get their first win :D 
also if your staying they're having another comeback in december so keep updated with these guys! (confirmed by cory) 
only you music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPOvNE6y3CE (fun fact cory made that little intro sound for the choeun ent logo) 
bingo mv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEOo_zSAXxw 
still 24k mv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPsAtmGofT0 
superfly mv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnmLjdvTeCE 
hey you mv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utggP1n2P-o 
 ok so now u know a little about them lets start with the members in this video;
92 top: cory hong ; november 25th 1990, 26
-leader and main vocalist -cory was born in korea but grew up in oregon so he is fluent in english and korean 
-cory is a meme -cory also LOVES corgi's (CORGI HONG) ksajdhkasjd 
-his dad called him cory because cory if you add 'ah' in korean it sounds like korea (cory-ah) hence his twitter handle 
-cory has tattoos (if you can remember what they are that would help i lost that one photo of him where he showed them) 
-he is the sweetest and you should love him forever 
blue jeans, white top: kim jeonguk ; march 20th 1993, 25 
-main rapper and main dancer 
-jeonguk is from busan 
-jeonguk LOVES the united kingdom because his name jeongUK has the uk at the end (king of the uk dont even fight me on that) 
-theres a cat named after him called catuk who one day he wishes to meet over skype (confirmed at the london fanmeeting) 
-jeonguk has a few tattoos (HES GOT 24K ON HIS CHEST I LOVE THIS CONCEPT, hes bound to 24k now) and im sure he has a gun tattoo too 
-confirmed by cory, jeonguk has abs during promotions but they go on 'holiday' in between these times 
-he likes to delete his instagram photos regularly CAN YOU NOT 
black top, black jeans: choi kisu ; october 2nd 1991, 25 
-main vocalist 
-kisu can speak a bit of mandarin 
-his ideal type is guys sadkjhak (this is a joke oh my god please dont take it seriously he said it at the fanmeeting) 
-please dont leave kisu and cory in a room together they'll break everything -kisu is so sweet protect him at all costs 
-correct me if im wrong but im sure kisu mentioned that he would only let his sister date daeil a while ago (does he even have a sister?????//?) 
-DID SOMEONE SAY DOCTOR WHO??? DOCTOR KISU WHERES UR TARDIS FAM, kisu loves doctor who save this child 
he spelt my name wrong on my fansign but we wont talk about that ok i still love him 
white top, blonde hair: kim jinhong ; january 2nd 1998, 19 
-vocalist and visual 
-he used to be in a group called aa but left in 2015 and joined 24k with fellow member hui in the 'hey you' era but wore a mask to hide himself on the video for more suspense to who the new members were (-it was the best choice ever-) 
-jinhong is very quiet bUT CAN ALSO BE SUPER LOUD AND I LOVE HIM 
-he likes to delete all his photos off of instagram and unfollow everyone obviously got this habbit from jeonguk 
-his instagram is @in_the_hong 
-i love this kiddo 
 black top, brown hair: shim hongseob ; january 8th 1998, 18 
-joined in 2016 in the 'still 24k' era with changsun 
-he hates it when kisu does aegyo 
-he also does the cutest aegyo (EVeN THOUGH HE hATES IT i love him) 
-hes crazy
-he has a fidget spinner please take it off of him 
-he also likes to dab 
-where does he learn this 
-im blaming cory
i legit have a picture of him with the fidget spinner and then he dabbed after 
red and blue shirt thing: lee changsun ; march 17th 1998, 19 
-joined in 2016 in the 'still 24k' era along with hongseob 
-HE CANT SAY MY NAME BUT THATS OK BECAUSE I LOVE HIM ANYWAYS -hes really good at dancing and the others always say that the 'youngins have better legs than them so they can do all the hardwork'
-he is a work of art like just look at him pleASE 
 ok so thats all the members in the video, they have one more member in 24k who is currently in china with family due to visa issues and family business
liang hui ; july 18th 1993, 24 
-vocalist, dancer & rapper 
-he was born in china 
-he can speak korean & chinese 
-hes very shy when not on stage but on sTAGE HES FIRE OH MY GOD -he joined in 2015 with jinhong in the 'hey you' era 
-wow hes very cute u should stan 
lowkey wanna say he also has really soft hands 
as a sidenote, i just wanna mention the previous members too, 
2012 - 2015 yoo sungoh - main vocalist (he looks similar to kim taehyung from bts & he sometimes does youtube stuffs) 
2012 - 2015 kim daeil - main dancer, lead rapper (daeil actually does solo stuff now so check it out, his twitter is @bigone1sthename (hes apparently on hiatus since no official statement was made about him leaving but we all know hes not coming back lmao 
2012 - 2013 hong seokjune - main vocalist (HE DOES FOotball stuffs now) 2012 - 2014 park byungho - rapper, dancer (i have no idea what he does now rip)
if you have anymore questions please ask us 24u's as we'll be willing to help! PLEASE STAN THEM I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND WOULD GIVE THEM THE WORLD IF I COULD, THANK U AND I HOPE WE WILL SEE YOU AS A FUTURE 24U! <3 
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