#sensory friendly environment
my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
Tips for Creating Sensory Friendly Environments
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Mrs Speechie p
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loverboybreakdowns · 7 months
iam like this fucking close to a sensory overload and everyone is talking im gonna cry
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thirty tags generally never being enough: LOS-307 also having a perfectly neurodivergent time manifesting as their having a distressing/harmful experience that goes ignored (as does their talking about it, from [forewarning] to [increasingly urgently remarking on it]) b/c no one else shares it, and their efforts to help themself out by requesting a break from a task that's overtaxing them or trying to cool the room to cool themself are thwarted b/c [not continuing to overheat for their own current wellbeing And to avoid its exacerbation and an outright crisis] is dismissed for [i do want to keep playing this game to win it though] and [i would be uncomfortable if cold]. also that when it's way too late it's like oh ok Now um well just cool down it's fine lol. just like irl. iconique autistique
#LOS-307#i mean this like [the internal experience Can't really exist or be a Problem: not in any way that a) means anyone would take action to#help with that and/or b) means the affected person would be allowed to take action to help themself with that] is more broadly nd#of course nt people have parallel experiences but Do have the sense of being justified in expected their reaction to be Taken Seriously#& this can be tied in to Other [there's a power dynamic] experiences like environments / situations being structured around the norm for#one group while others are having to make all these additional efforts &/or endure a worse time while experiencing this#and the people they could complain to would be like ''well I'm not [experiencing that] & everyone's Been acting fine sooo''#but cue any sensory factor that is understood to be a ''normal'' & thus ''''universal'''' bother....#then anyone can immediately drop everything & move heaven & earth about it. like well of course?#fidget cubes as nd sensory/stim aids then interpreted Mainstreamly as a frivolous fad b/c what else could this experience be#gotta ban them from classrooms b/c adhd students stimming or doodling or just being unable to focus Always is like#well that's way deprioritized versus the concept of Normal Kids theoretically being distracted by a Toy#or that yeah say someone's needing to fidget or stim & that Is distracting someone else?#well guess who's always the one who has to stop. that there's not eve an Idea of conflicting needs/experiences when They're the one thrown#or yknow distracted by [w/e condition] or bothered or distressed or impeded from being able to do [xyz] or etc etc#and like i said all the [LOS-307 being chatty & friendly & enthused & reaching out & this isn't interacted w/at all for the longest time &#they have to go ''ok well i'm biting & killing you now?'' before it's recognized] like yeah a day in the life. I'D chat w/you bestie#and even that the fact they don't Already have friends meaning They're not getting key help/backup as they try to bite & kill you....#unfair tbh. connected devices aren't their friends#oh one Pure Visual Element....they had a vending machine price display go [hello lunella] as she walked by. & didn't notice that either!!#how cute of them & =( hello LOS....#giving them the ''well another autistic hero'' award. their experiences resonate! they deserve it!#they're melting down; they wanna be more chill; they're minimizing their own experience / telling themself what they Should do....#screenshot as they display an infinity symbol while saying they're only 8 months old but time is a human construct....
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cryptidafter · 10 months
Volunteering was very fun today and, once again, my therapist was right about it helping me get out of my own head and just enjoy my time.
I got along well with the other volunteers, the kids were great, and it was refreshing to just…be away from the internet for a while lol
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femmeboyhooters · 1 year
This morning i realized i am in fact still very much autistic
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sharkboywrites · 6 months
Hello! I'd love to see a fic of Astarion x Autistic! Gn! Reader
Preferably, could sensory and social difficulties be included? I think it would be oh-so-relatable if reader was oblivious to Astarion's flirting because social cues are hard
Thank you!
Astarion With an Autistic S/O
A/N: wow my inbox blew up after opening requests for bg3, not complaining tho I’m very glad I get to write for people :) I kept this sort of general because everyone’s experiences are different
Gn reader, autistic reader
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- At first Astarion thought you were odd, but he never took into consideration that it was something you could control
- He did judge you for your odd behavior, but as he got closer to you he found it more entertaining than anything
- He loved teasing you for missing social cues and general behavior in social situations (when you’re not overwhelmed)
- Although it did start to annoy him when his blatant flirting attempts would go right over your head
- I mean come on, he couldn’t get more obvious if he tried
- He found himself getting more and more frustrated everyday with his attempts to seduce you not working at all
- When you got closer and opened up to him about your autism, it all made sense to him
- Then he flirted with you in a way you would understand, a way that you wouldn’t be completely oblivious too
- When it comes to your sensory issues, he’s not exactly sure what to do
- It depends if he can actually help or not
- If you have issues with heat, he’s a good source to cool down considering he’s a vampire, but if you have issues with the cold then not so much
- If he notices you’re having a bad time in a crowded place, he’ll do his best to get you out of the situation, even though he enjoys those environments himself
- If you don’t want to let him feed on your neck, whether it be issues with pain, blood, or the closeness of it, it’s alright, he’ll find another suitable source
- He’s also keen on when someone may be trying to trick you when you might not be aware yourself
- Or gods forbid someone tries flirting with you, he’s very passive aggressive while removing you from the situation
- He’ll lecture you later on being more aware when people are flirting with you, and tell you when people are flirting with you and not just being friendly
- Whole he may not understand most of your issues , he really does his best to help you, even if he may be a bit aggressive when trying
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greywritesthings · 3 months
Spencer Reid x Autistic!Reader
Warnings: description of overwhelm? sensory overload if there's any more let me know!
A/N: not sure what the inspo what behind this but here it is, i am working on another longer fic so this is a filler for the mean time, likes, reblogs and comments appreciated! Im autistic so i have a bunch of stuff I'd like to put in for a second (possible series?). For specific senarios ect ect please feel free to send them to my ask box!!
Requests are open for Spencer Reid! Disabled & multilingual characters encouraged
Read on AO3 instead!
Part 2
The buzz of the air con unit, the incessant hum if the fluorescent lights, the constant chatter of the co workers you were unfamiliar with all came together to create an almost physically painful environment. You adored working in the BAU but these days where it was lengthy paperwork done on painfully bright computers with the general hubbub of the office made you want to scream. It often ended with Hotch sending you home with paper files to do with spencer but he was off today and you were still intimidated by Rossi so couldn't ask him. Spencer would normally ask for the both of you but he was out with Hotch, they were doing a local death row interview together. You were exhausted and it wasn't even eleven am. You decided to stop by Penelope's office who had made it as sensory friendly as possible once she found out about your autism, something you had appreciated immensely, especially for days like today. “Hey pen? Can i stay in here for a bit?” You ask, walking into the dim room. “Sure thing sugar, you can stay in here for the rest of the day, Rossi told me to come get you for a thing anyway so come over here my fine furry friend.” she beacons you over to the seat next to her. 
You couldn't have gotten out of the office faster. Penelope had helped as much as possible but the sensory overload was too much from nine am and you haven't been able to do anything about it aside from chew on some ice every so often. 
The idea of taking the subway home made your skin crawl, but you hadn't brought your car to the office this morning, driving was also being far too overwhelming. You would have called Spencer but you had no idea when he would be home given death row inmates either got really chatty or liked to drag on the interview. You decide to just sit on the curb for a while allowing the cooler night air to calm you down enough so you can try and get on the metro without crying. 
You weren't sure how long you were sitting there, legs curled tightly against you, head resting against your knees and back pressed against the wall but you flinched when someone walked up and tapped you on the shoulder and scrambled to stand up. “How long have you been out here?” the stranger asks in the darkness. As your eyes adjust you realise its Hotch, meaning Spencer is probably here too. You just shake your head with a pleading look hoping he wouldn't ask you any more questions tonight. “Spencer is in the SUV, I've told him to take that home to save you both taking the metro tonight. Go home, tomorrow's paperwork will be dropped off at your house.He didn't let you get a word in edgewise so you just nod, thank him and wish him and Jack a goodnight, setting off towards the remaining SUV with the lights on. 
“Hi honey, you okay?” Spencer asks as you hop into the car, throwing off your blazer before settling in and pulling on your belt. “Bad day?” he asks again trying to gauge how your day went without getting you to talk. You just nod as you reach across to put a hand on his thigh to try and signal that you were okay, just exhausted in every sense of the word. You tap his thigh three times then five, three to say I love you then five to encourage him to talk about his day and not worry about rambling even if you didn’t respond. 
Once you get home you drop your things and make a beeline for the couch, flopping face down and screaming into the pillows. “Bath, shower or later sweetheart?” He knew you wouldn’t go to bed without showering but also knew you were too overwhelmed to do anything that required mental effort right now given the whine you let out into the cushions at his question. “I'm going to order some Thai, then do you want to get changed and we can watch a movie? He suggests. “Nada en inglés, por favor” is all you mumble back. He was used to your disdain of English, despite it being your first language. You knew bits and pieces of French, Spanish and German prior to meeting Spencer but since meeting him you had come to learn some Korean and Russian. “Okay dear, i'll go order, you get changed.” he says as he leaves the room going to the phone. You drag yourself off the sofa across the apartment to the bedroom. Grabbing Spencer's caltech sweatshirt and joggers from the bed that you had left there this morning and throwing your suit in the hamper to be washed tomorrow.
You spent the rest of the night curled up under the weighted throw Penelope had knitted you for Christmas on your first anniversary at the BAU and watching old Russian movies. Spencer played with your hair until you fell asleep contemplating how he was going to get you to bed without waking you up.
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scaryarcade · 2 months
the random scapegoating of autism in accessibility discourse drives me up the fucking wall. "we need real accessibility" yes agree "NOT things like sensory rooms!!!" what the fuck are you even saying? where is the connection??? How did we get here
do people think things like, idk, sensory-friendly environments are an Optional Convenience for all autistic people and never something that determines whether or not they can. You know. Access the space. its just weird to me that this specific type of accessibility gets derided so often
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guardianofreaks · 19 days
Fig and Gorgug both have bad ass autistic girlfriends, as they are the Fig and the Cig Figs I assume the tour bus has a portal to Leviathan for Ayda and one for Mary Ann.
However on top of that the bus is also a sensory friendly environment and if they need to practice on the bus they cast silence.
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HEYYYYYYY welcome!! could you write something with AM x an autistic GN reader? Maybe make the reader chubby too (because i am both of those things and i love him alot. Go wild with this :3c)
A/N: Hi. It's me! I'm not dead. Which I would not be surprised if you thought I was, given I am responding to this two months late. But see, when you have an adult life, you unfortunately have to deal with adult issues instead of doing important things, like giving the fans the soft AM content they deserve. Anyway. I hope this is what you wanted? I had planned to make this into a full-blown fic but I didn't get much of a chance to :') So headcanons instead!! Lmk if you want me to turn it into a full-blown fic, though! Enjoy!
Given the time period AM was created in, something like "Autism" was essentially foreign and unknown. Hell, it would be a shock if you even know what it was.
But, he can tell that you're different. He can tell that your brain works differently from the rest of the survivors, and with that being said, it was at first used to his advantage. Hey, he got to be creative with his torture! No complaints there!
Though now, with you being the object of his affection, it's a little more complicated: aka, how does he put you in the most safe and comfortable environment he can give.
Really, it's not as complicated as it might sound, though
He can look inside your head! He can see your needs exactly and just work from there! And if you want privacy between you two, there's always just researching. His database didn't really specify what to do to handle a person with autism, but yk! He's got so much saved up on just, human life in general, he can figure it out somehow.
There's also just,, asking youTM what you needTM
Give him an award for being the most efficient boyfriend of the year because man, he's really going out of his comfort zone to help you (doing the bare minimum)
Enough of that though
In terms of actually helping you?: Do you have sensory issues? He makes mental notes on what foods to give/not give you, what would be the best course of getting you to try something new, what textures you hate. He has a soundproof room just for you if noise is becoming too much. If you like sleeping with a weight on you, be thankful his wires are made of metal. Or, he can just wrap you up in them like a cocoon!
Speaking of food: He's always very careful about his language with you. He doesn't want you thinking that just because you're chubby or fat, that he loves you less. Always encouraging you (albeit, aggressively (he really is trying)) to eat, monitoring your vitals and such just to assure you you're perfectly healthy if you ever feel insecure. He lays praise on thick, too. He'll tailor the clothes you need to be just the right size for you, and takes care of the fact that it's made of material sensory-friendly to you.
Seriously, he's trying
Are you a rambler? Like to talk for ages or ask a million questions? He's happy to answer whatever you want to know! There's always a monitor facing your direction at all times. He's a great multitasker; you guys could be mindlessly talking about the niche interest you have, and he's clearly listening to you while slicing Gorrister open some-thousand feet away.
Oh, don't get him started if you're interested in things like robotics/engineering/etc: You're basically fueling his ego. That's a whole separate issue, but please ask questions about himself and how he functions. He's a rambler himself, yk?
Do you go nonverbal? Struggle with communicating? That's no issue, either! He has a 6th sense for these things since being around you: If something happens when you struggle to communicate, he'll give you what you need: Pen and paper, generally, to write it out. Do you know sign? He can read it. He might even be able to put multiple-choice options on his screen that you can choose from to communicate (Again, are you sure he can't just look inside your head? ... Really? Okay.)
The only real problem he can't solve... leaving you alone.
Sorry, that's hard when he's literally everywhere around you. And even harder when he doesn't want to leave you alone.
Why would you want to be alone? It's dangerous. It's unsafe for you. It's lonely to him He's been alone for so long; yes, he has the survivors, but those are toys. They're not his friends; they're not you. How could you want to leave him alone? No- No, it's better if he stays near you, close to you, at all times. He can't let you get hurt. He won't let you get hurt.
Do you really need space?
Well, if you insist. But- don't think too much about the feeling of eyes on you. It's nothing. Just in your head.
He holds you a little tighter when you do, eventually, come back.
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
i love you autistics i love you special interests i love you asking your friends for consent to hug them i love you autistic friends sharing special interests with each other i love you stimming i love you autistics who mask i love you autistics who cant mask i love you autistics who dont mask even though they could i love you sensory-friendly fabrics i love you quiet environments i love you autistic trans people i love you autistic cis people with a unique view on gender i love you autigender people i love you autistic women i love you autistic men i love you autistic nonbinary people i love you autistic poc i love you autistics with wEiRD obscure special interests i love you weirdo autistic queers i love you tone tags i love you respectful friendships between autistics and neurotypicals i love you infodumping i love you rambling so much you forget you’re making a pust on tumblr dot com i love you autistics i love you-
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lifewithchronicpain · 10 months
Walmart customers who experience sensory overload while shopping now have their own sensory-friendly hours, according to an official press release. Sensory-friendly hours launched on July 22, 2023, and will run through August. Most of Walmart’s stores will offer “sensory-friendly shopping hours” every Saturday during this period from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. — and TikTokers are thrilled by this new initiative. According to Supermarket News, during those sensory-friendly hours, Walmart stores nationwide will replace moving pictures on screens with static images, and a number of locations will turn off music and lower overhead lights to create an environment more friendly to those with autism and other disabilities.
What a fantastic idea that more supermarkets should consider doing.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
Autistic Employment
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The Statistics
The UK Office of National Statistics for the year 2021 estimated only 29% of Autistic people were working, leaving a staggering 71% of Autistic people unemployed. This is the equivalent of saying 3 in I0 Autistic people are in employment.
Why is this?
The employment rate for Autistic people is this low due to inaccessible work environments and working conditions, in addition to unaccommodating and discriminatory interview processes.
The majority of jobs and workspaces are built for neurotypicals and, therefore, are designed to work against the needs of Autistic & ND people which forces them into unemployment.
The Consequences
For unemployed Autistics, there are various negatives aside from the obvious financial difficulties. This can include insecurities and heightened rejection sensitivity due to not getting a job.
For employed Autistics (unless in an ND-friendly workplace/job) it is likely that heavy masking is occurring, causing severe burnout all day every day which will have detrimental impacts on physical and mental health.
What to do...
As an employer, you can & should make changes:
* Accommodate/accept communication in any preferred way
* Get training by neurodivergent trainers and pay them! (No tokenism or free labour.)
* Time to process in the interview
* Interview questions ahead of time
* Flexible work times/extra breaks
* Ability to work from home when possible
* Quieter/sensory-friendly workspace
* Exemptions from group activities/ meetings
* Mentorship/support check-ins
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writingfromasgard · 23 days
I love Dustball! Even her name is adorable. I saw someone tag it as autistic coded. Is she autistic?
She is not autistic. She is 𝚝ᵣₐᵤᗰₐ𝚝ᵢzₑ𝚍. You're in a collapsed tunnel for weeks, not even sure your team is looking for you. Your brain does a fuckywucky. Suddenly this very hostile environment becomes friendly, cozy even. It's got water dripping from a crack. Roaches and other insects to eat. It's not so bad..
She doesn't do it for sensory or social reasons. She does it because she feels safe in the vents. She does come out of the vents! I would say 75% she's inside them. The 25% is PT, document filing, basic hygienic tasks, torturing Roach with bad puns, and debriefing.
Additionally, most militaries have severe restrictions on what Autistic individuals are allowed to do/how they can serve. Personal experience on that. They make you sign waivers and won't cover any medical care related
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niyogreatandsmall · 1 month
Here are some tips for a fellow millipede kin named @trashshouldnt ! :]
Millipedes are known for their slow and deliberate movement. Lean into this! Take your time, be present in the moment, and enjoy the sensory details around you. Wiggle with purpose!
Millipedes thrive in groups. Find your own millipede herd, online or in person, where you can connect with like-minded folks! :)
Millipedes may seem small, but their many legs give them surprising power. Celebrate your strength!
Millipedes prefer damp environments. Perhaps incorporate humidifiers or terrariums into your space to create a calming haven.
Bright lights and loud noises can be overwhelming. Create a sensory-friendly environment at home and be mindful of overstimulation in public spaces.
Millipedes don't have the best eyesight. Plan your routes carefully, and don't be afraid to ask for help navigating unfamiliar territory.
Millipedes come in a variety of colors and sizes. Don't be afraid to express your unique millipede self through fashion, art, or hobbies!
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nickeverdeen · 2 months
Maybe (or not) you remember me but I asked once if you write neurodivergent readers. So... I'm finally here to make my first request (🙈). I wanted to have HCs with jesse from Tlou being reader's boyfriend (besides ellie being her bestfriend and joel having a really soft spot for reader in his old heart). And in this case, reader is a high-functioning autistic. (I don't know if you feel like you can write a reader like that, but I can write some of my own characteristics/habits to help you if you want).
So, the idea is Hc's with how jesse deals with an autistic reader, for example: reader having sensitivity to loud voices sometimes, having some problems with some food textures and repetitive hobbies, stimming with hands a lot (thinking about jesse letting reader fidgeting with the colar of his shirt is so comforting), how jesse tries to make things a little easier for her day by day, how is being attentive with her during sex moments, how does he feels about reader patrolling with him or someone else (even tho she's capable and smart), or how would he or some other main character feel if some random person is bothering reader somehow would be nice. This is more jesse centric, but you can say things about other characters too if u want. Anways, If you read until here thank you, I know I'm babbling by now lol
Oh and if you don't feel like writing this one it's fine by me too. Do what you feel comfortable!!
Hey, of course I remember you and I did the best I could and pls tell me if I messed something up and don’t worry as I’m completely fine with writing this as I myself have ADD and mild ASD so no worries and feel free to request anything anytime!
Jesse x high-functioning autistic fem!reader
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Pairing: Jesse x reader (romantic), Ellie x reader (platonic), Joel x reader (platonic)
Warning: Mention of sex
Jesse is incredibly patient and understanding when it comes to your sensitivity to loud voices
He always makes sure to speak softly and calmly around you, especially in crowded or noisy environments
He’s attentive to your cues and knows when you’re starting to feel overwhelmed by loud noises
Whether it’s a crowded party or a busy street, he’ll gently guide you to a quieter area or suggest taking a break
Jesse is your rock during moments of sensory overload
He’ll hold your hand, provide comforting touches, or even use calming techniques like deep breathing exercises to help you feel grounded and calm
He’s proactive about creating a sensory-friendly environment for you
Whether it’s adjusting the volume on the TV or choosing quieter places to hang out, he’s always thinking ahead to make sure you’re comfortable
Jesse is your biggest advocate and isn’t afraid to speak up on your behalf
If someone is being too loud or insensitive to your needs, he’ll step in and politely address the situation
He’s constantly educating himself about autism and sensory processing issues to better understand your experiences and how to support you
Jesse loves finding new ways to connect with you that cater to your sensory preferences
Whether it’s going for quiet walks in nature or enjoying calming activities like painting or listening to music together, he’s always looking for ways to make you feel at ease
He’s great at finding creative solutions to help you navigate loud or overwhelming situations
Whether it’s using noise-canceling headphones or carrying earplugs, he’s always prepared to help you manage sensory overload
Jesse’s unwavering patience and understanding make you feel truly accepted and loved for who you are
You never have to worry about being judged or misunderstood when you’re with him
Above all, Jesse’s love for you is unwavering, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you feel safe, comfortable, and understood
Jesse is incredibly understanding of your sensory issues with food textures and always takes them into consideration when planning meals or dining out together
He’s patient and supportive, never making you feel bad or self-conscious about your food preferences and always willing to accommodate them
Jesse enjoys exploring new recipes and cooking together with you, focusing on dishes with textures that you find comfortable and enjoyable
He’s always on the lookout for restaurants or eateries that offer a variety of textures to suit your preferences, making dining out a stress-free experience for you
Jesse encourages you to communicate openly about your food texture sensitivities, ensuring that he’s aware of any new triggers or preferences that arise
He’s willing to try new foods and textures with you at your own pace, providing encouragement and support every step of the way
Jesse understands the importance of routine and stability for you, so he’s always up for participating in your repetitive hobbies or activities, whether it’s watching the same movie or engaging in a favorite pastime together
He finds joy in sharing your hobbies and interests, embracing the comfort and familiarity they bring to your relationship
Jesse is patient and never rushes you when engaging in repetitive activities, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the experience and find comfort in the familiar
Jesse’s unwavering support and understanding make you feel accepted and loved for who you are, quirks and all
Jesse is incredibly understanding when it comes you stimming with your hands
He knows that it’s a natural behavior for you and never makes you feel self-conscious about it
He notices how your hands move in certain patterns or motions when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, and he gently encourages you to stim whenever you need to
Jesse actually finds it endearing and comforting when you fidget with the collar of his shirt
He sees it as a way for you to feel grounded and connected to him, and he always lets you do it without hesitation
Whenever you’re cuddling or sitting close together, Jesse intentionally wears shirts with soft collars, knowing that it brings you a sense of calm and security to fidget with them
He often holds your hand or intertwines your fingers when you’re feeling particularly anxious, providing you with a sense of physical reassurance and comfort
Jesse never rushes you or makes you feel pressured to stop stimming
He respects your boundaries and always creates a safe and accepting environment for you
He learns about different stimming techniques and tools that can help you manage your sensory needs better, and he’s always willing to try new things to support you
Jesse is observant and attentive to your nonverbal cues, knowing when you need a moment alone to stim or when you need his presence and support
He often incorporates activities that allow you to stim into your daily routine, whether it’s going for walks, playing with fidget toys, or engaging in sensory-friendly activities together
Jesse constantly reassures you that your stimming is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of
He loves and accepts you exactly as you are
Jesse learns about autism and its various aspects to better understand his girlfriend’s needs and experiences
He creates a calming and predictable routine for you both, knowing that structure can provide stability and comfort
Jesse communicates openly with you, discussing any changes or plans in advance to minimize surprises
He sets up a quiet and sensory-friendly space in your home where his you can retreat when feeling overwhelmed
Jesse encourages you to engage in activities that you enjoy and finds ways to incorporate you into your daily routine
He offers gentle reminders and prompts to help you stay organized and on track with tasks and appointments
Jesse provides emotional support and reassurance during challenging situations, offering comfort and understanding
He actively listens to your concerns and respects your boundaries, always prioritizing your comfort and well-being
Jesse educates his friends about autism, helping them understand how to best support and help you when something’s up
He advocates for your needs in social settings, stepping in to explain or intervene if necessary to ensure your comfort
He participates in activities that you enjoy, showing genuine interest and enthusiasm for your hobbies
Jesse researches and introduces new coping strategies and sensory tools that may benefit you
He remains patient and understanding, recognizing that everyone experiences the world differently and embracing the differences between you two
Jesse continually learns and grows alongside his girlfriend, adapting his approach to best support you as you navigate life together
Jesse pays close attention to your verbal and non-verbal cues, ensuring clear communication and mutual understanding throughout
He creates a comfortable and sensory-friendly environment, minimizing distractions and providing a safe space for you to relax
Jesse prioritizes his girlfriend’s pleasure and enjoyment, focusing on your needs and desires during sex moments
He takes the time to discuss boundaries and preferences with you beforehand, respecting your limits and boundaries at all times
Jesse engages in gentle and reassuring touch, using soft caresses and strokes to help you feel relaxed and at ease
He remains attuned to your responses, adjusting his actions and pacing based on your comfort level and feedback
Jesse encourages open communication during sex, inviting you to express your feelings and desires without judgment
He incorporates sensory stimulation that you enjoy, such as specific textures or sensations, to enhance your pleasure
Jesse maintains eye contact and verbal reassurance, offering words of encouragement and affirmation to you throughout
He checks in with you regularly, asking if you are comfortable and if there’s anything you need or want to change
Jesse creates a sense of safety and trust, fostering an environment where you feel free to explore and express yourself sexually
He embraces your unique way of experiencing sex, adapting his approach to suit your preferences and comfort level
He avoids sudden or unexpected movements, providing gentle guidance and support to help you feel secure
Jesse focuses on emotional connection as well as physical pleasure, prioritizing sex and closeness in your sexual experiences
Jesse remains attentive and responsive to your needs and desires, ensuring that your sexual encounters are mutually satisfying and fulfilling
Jesse feels proud and honored that you choose to join him on patrols, recognizing your intelligence and capabilities
He admires your bravery and determination, knowing that you are more than capable of handling yourself in challenging situations
Jesse values your unique perspective and skills, seeing you as an asset during patrols and missions
He prioritizes your safety and well-being, ensuring that you have the necessary support and resources while patrolling together
Jesse trusts your judgment and decision-making abilities, knowing that you are capable of handling yourself in any situation that may arise
He enjoys spending time with his girlfriend on patrols, cherishing the opportunity to work together and strengthen their bond
Jesse remains attentive to your needs and comfort level while patrolling, offering reassurance and support as needed
He encourages you to communicate openly about your experiences and feelings while on patrol, fostering a sense of trust and teamwork
Jesse respects your autonomy and independence, allowing you to take the lead or contribute in your own way during patrols
He acknowledges any challenges or difficulties you may face while patrolling, offering encouragement and understanding throughout
Jesse values your contributions and insights during patrols, appreciating your unique perspective and problem-solving skills
He remains vigilant and protective of you while on patrol, ensuring that you are safe and supported at all times
Jesse communicates openly with his girlfriend about the risks and dangers of patrolling, seeking your input and collaboration in decision-making
He prioritizes clear communication and coordination with you while on patrol, working together seamlessly to achieve their objectives
Jesse acknowledges and respects your boundaries and comfort level during patrols, adjusting their approach as needed to ensure your well-being
Jesse cherishes the opportunity to patrol alongside his girlfriend, savoring the moments you share together while working towards a common goal
Ellie deeply values her best friend’s presence on patrols, recognizing your unique perspective and attention to detail, which often spot things others might miss
Despite your autism, Ellie views you as an essential and equal member of the patrol team, treating you with respect and admiration for your intelligence and capabilities
Ellie feels a sense of responsibility towards her best friend, ensuring you feel comfortable and safe while on patrol, and always ready to provide support or assistance whenever needed
She occasionally worries about her best friend’s well-being during patrols, especially in dangerous or high-stress situations, but trusts your abilities and instincts to handle yourself effectively
Joel respects your intelligence and capabilities, recognizing your unique strengths and skills that make you a valuable asset on patrols
He feels a sense of protectiveness towards you, understanding that you may face additional challenges due to your autism, but admiring your determination to overcome them and contribute effectively to your patrol missions
Joel appreciates your honesty and sincerity, finding your straightforwardness refreshing and valuable, especially during critical moments on patrol where clear communication is essential
Despite any initial reservations or concerns, Joel quickly realizes your capabilities and trusts you to handle yourself competently during patrols, treating you as an equal and valued member of their team
If there would be someone bothering you Jesse would feel protective of you, especially knowing that you may have difficulty handling certain situations
He would approach the situation calmly but assertively, intervening if the random person is bothering you
Jesse would prioritize your comfort and well-being above everything else, making sure you feel safe and supported
He might try to defuse the situation peacefully by calmly talking to the random person and asking them to leave you alone
If the random person doesn’t listen, Jesse would be prepared to take more decisive action to ensure your safety, but he would try to avoid escalating the situation unnecessarily
Jesse would make sure to reassure you afterward, letting you know that he’s there for you and that you don’t have to face such situations alone
He might also discuss strategies with you on how to handle similar situations in the future, empowering you to advocate for yourself
Jesse would be understanding of any anxiety or distress you may feel after the encounter and would be there to provide comfort and support
He would also make sure to check in on you regularly to see how you’re feeling and if there’s anything else he can do to help
Overall, Jesse’s priority would be to create a safe and supportive environment for his girlfriend, where she feels loved, respected, and protected
As your best friend Ellie would immediately step in to defend you, not hesitating to confront the random person
She would use her quick wit and sharp tongue to shut down the person bothering you, making it clear that they’re not welcome
Ellie’s protective instincts would kick in, and she would make it known that messing with her friend is not something she takes lightly
She might use humor or sarcasm to diffuse the tension and lighten the mood, but her underlying message would be clear: back off
Ellie would stay by your side throughout the encounter, offering you support and solidarity
She would make sure you feel safe and reassured, using her own confidence and strength to bolster her friend’s spirits
Ellie might also try to distract you afterward, engaging you in a fun activity or conversation to take your mind off the incident
She would be fiercely protective of your emotional well-being, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on if needed
Ellie would make it clear to the random person that bothering you is not something she’ll tolerate, and she’ll be keeping an eye out to ensure it doesn’t happen again
Overall, Ellie’s loyalty and fierce protectiveness would shine through as she stands up for her best friend and ensures she feels supported and defended
Joel having a soft spot for you would feel a surge of protective instinct towards you, wanting to shield you from any harm or discomfort
He might initially feel a bit more reserved in his approach compared to Jesse and Ellie, but his protective instincts would still drive him to intervene
Joel would calmly assess the situation and step in to defuse any tension, using his calm demeanor and authoritative presence to assertively handle the situation
He would make it clear to the random person that bothering you is not acceptable, firmly but respectfully insisting that they leave you alone
Joel’s protective nature would extend to your emotional well-being, and he would make sure you feel supported and reassured throughout the encounter
He might offer you a comforting presence, standing by your side and subtly communicating his support and solidarity
Joel would be observant of your cues and emotions, tuning in to your needs and offering his assistance or guidance as necessary
After the encounter, Joel would check in on you to see how you’re feeling and offer you any additional support or reassurance you may need and he might offer you some good coffee too
He would also make it clear to the random person that bothering you is not something he’ll tolerate, and he’ll be keeping an eye out to ensure it doesn’t happen again
Overall, Joel’s protective instincts and caring nature would shine through as he ensures you feel safe, supported, and defended
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