#sensualist art
aphexsconcubine · 25 days
Covering dried rose petals in wax to preserve their beauty
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meruladelux · 2 years
• I am blessed by Venus, her divine light shines through me, I radiate beauty and have a healing and inspiring influenced on the people around me.
• I am in harmony with myself and the world I live in.
• I am the embodiment of dark and light femininity
• I know how to use my body language and face, I move sensually.
• I am in control of my mind, body and emotions.
• I believe in my inner strength and thought-power and know how to direct them.
• My appearance is captivating and keeps people in aesthetic arrest.
• I am unforgettable, others are enchanted by me.
• I make others feel worthy.
• I know my worth, and can set healthy bounderies.
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dhaturainnoxia · 2 years
My dash is dead so I’m looking for blogs with a dark aesthetic containing any of the following vibes:
• dark feminine (rage) • sensualism • velvet / pearls / vintage • trad goth • post punk • darkwave • 80’s • vampires • mythology • sirencore • paranormal/ghosts • spiritualism or witchcraft • leather / latex / vinyl • dark (high) fashion • poetry • dark art • daggers • blood • romanticism • macabre • gothic •
Like/reblog to find each other please 🖤
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Word List: Hannibal
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Aperitif - an alcoholic drink taken before a meal as an appetizer
Assiduous - showing great care, attention, and effort; marked by careful unremitting attention or persistent application
Calumniation - to utter maliciously false statements, charges, or imputations about
Castigation - to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism
Commove - to move violently; agitate; to rouse intense feeling in; excite to passion
Cozen - to deceive, win over, or induce to do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd trickery
Dissentient - expressing dissent (i.e., to withhold assent or approval; or differ in opinion)
Fabulist - a creator or writer of fables; liar
Heterodox - holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines; unconventional
Immurement - to enclose within or as if within walls; imprisonment
Intemperance - lack of moderation
Internecine - deadly; mutually destructive
Inveigle - entice; to acquire by ingenuity or flattery
Mythomania - an excessive or abnormal propensity for lying and exaggerating
Outré - violating convention or propriety
Palter - to act insincerely or deceitfully
Parlous - full of danger or risk; obsolete: dangerously shrewd or cunning
Phantasmagoria - a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined; a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection, or assemblage
Recondite - difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend
Rufous - reddish
Sanguinary - bloodthirsty, murderous
Schism - separation; disharmony
Soigné - well-groomed, sleek; elegantly maintained or designed
Sybarite - voluptuary (i.e., a person whose chief interests are luxury and the gratification of sensual appetites); sensualist (i.e., one who is persistent or excessive in their pursuit of sensual pleasures and interests)
Truculent - deadly, destructive
More: Word Lists
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dustykneed · 8 months
raise your hand if youve ever typecast yourself as your genre of comfort scrunkly by accident. Boy i sure am glad this has never happened to me !! (i am lying through my teeth) (my comically large clown shoes honk loudly as i walk away in shame)
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if i had a nickel for every time this has happened i would have a bunch of nickels. nothing wrong with that but the fact that it keeps happening is mildly interesting.
anyways char analysis as promised 。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵⁠(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠) (stained glass mcspirk soldier poet king)
soldier (spock):
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as a half-vulcan, spock's burden in life has, to a remarkable extent, been predetermined for him; society holds him to impossible standards and he will never be vulcan nor human enough to meet them. he fights not wars but for his place in the world. spock is a soldier because he has carried the weight of strife since the day he was born and he will carry it for the rest of his life-- one day, it will no longer be his burden but his anchor and his most treasured asset. he was fated to fight-- but it appears that he is perfectly capable of fighting fate itself, too.
poet (mccoy):
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at the core of his being, mccoy is a bleeding heart and a stubborn humanist and an unrepentant, defiant idealist. he could never bring himself not to care-- he is a sensualist because life is the most beautiful thing he could ever imagine, and life manifests in the darkest of places, in the smallest of ways, and all of them are beautiful to him-- and that is the fundament of a poet. he is a poet as much as he is a doctor, and his ode to life is scrawled across the continued existence of every person he has ever healed. he is a poet, and life is his art.
king (jim):
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as a captain, jim is moral, and empathetic, and so genuinely noble in the highest sense of the word that it radiates from him like an aura of purification, drawing the worthy to him like a beacon, and this makes him a good king, certainly, but what truly serves him the makings of kinghood is his keen sense of strategy. he is a strategist by nature-- in the midst of a sea of dust and debris, he is capable of a preternatural clarity of judgement, and his instinct is uncanny. tactics to him are second nature. jim is so formidable because his judgement is very rarely clouded. if he aims, he misses only by choice-- and it is fortunate indeed that he has chosen to be so kind.
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dominatecharlotte · 2 days
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My real name, my true self. Being a Mistress is not just a role; it’s the essence of who I am.
As an Elite Mistress and Divine Sensualist, I command the art of play and seduction, shaping them to meet my exacting standards and desires.
Indulge Me.
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skills-bracket-2 · 5 months
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1. “See, hear and smell everything. Let no detail go unnoticed.
Cool for: Fine Detail Detectives, Sensualists, Urban Scavengers
Perception wants you to be open to the world – with eyes, ears, and nose working at full capacity. It enables you to take in what others don’t notice. The little wad of bills hid away in the sugar bowl; the odor of a perp, hiding beneath the floor boards; the gulp of a suspect, after claiming they’ve nothing to hide.”
2. “Understand creativity. See Art in the world.
Cool for: Creatives, Psychedelic Fanciers, Critics.
Conceptualization has a special role it wants you to play in this world – not the role of cop, but of Art Cop. It enables you to make fresh associations, to delve into world-concepts from Jan Kaarp’s postmodernist karperie, to Revachol’s arabesque architectural style dideridada, and even the concept of HARDCORE – and then, importantly, to add your own contribution to these works.”
3. “Hunches and gut feelings. Dreams in waking life.
Cool for: Dreamers, Para-Natural Investigators, Mental Creators
Inland Empire is the unfiltered wellspring of imagination, emotion, and foreboding. It enables you to grope your way through invisible dimensions of reality, gaining insight into that which sight can’t see. What’s really going on? What do these enigmatic riddles mean for the world-fate?”
4. “Raise the hair on your neck. Tune in to the city.
Cool for: City Lovers, The Wisest of the Street Wise, The Genuinely Supra-Natural
Shivers come when the temperature drops and you become more keenly aware of your surroundings. It enables you to hear the city itself, to truly belong to the streets. It is a supra-natural ability; old wrongs play out in present time, scenes across the city happen in front of you. But who is speaking to you?”
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astrolovecosmos · 1 year
Taurus is the pragmatist, lover, artist, sensualist, foodie, the wilderness, earthquake, avalanche, stability, steadfastness, endurance, loyalty, stubbornness, routine, predictability, thoroughness, patience, indulgent, materialism, the keeper or collector, nature, pleasurable arts, determination, attraction, sustaining, slowness or long-lasting, welcoming, envious, smothering, burying or smoldering, the singer (sometimes lowkey the siren or nymph), music, relaxation, beautiful or aesthetic, stagnation, inertia, the immovable object, worth or values, evaluator, earthy intuition, focus on wealth, possessions, property, but also possibly body, they are fixed earth, the peaceful bull.
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altrbody · 1 year
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Yves Klein, Blue Sponge Sculptures
"for all his stunts and attention-grabbing performances he was a sensualist as much as a provocateur – and that this accounts for his fondness for colour. “For Klein, pure colour offered a way of using art not as a means of painting a picture, but as a way of creating a spiritual, almost alchemical experience, beyond time, approaching the immaterial.."
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dreimalfuermich · 2 years
Mittwoch, 9.11.2022
Künstler, ungeachtet dessen, ob sie “just happen to be a woman” (Louise Nevelson), oder ein Mann sind, “wasting his enviable talents by pursuing fashionable portraiture and curbing his interest in the progressive art of his youth” (aus dem Vorwort zu John Singer Sargent - The Sensualist), verfolgen und hoffen (es müsste ein Kofferwort geben für diese beiden) auf das Gelingen einer Art des Verschwindens, durch ihre Kunst. Verschwindenwollens. Wahrscheinlich bin ich nicht anders. So richtig Platz genommen habe ich in diesem Gedanken nicht, er ist eher an mir vorbeigefahren. Aber fahrend, das ist fast der schönste Zustand.
“I am trying to erase myself. Each time I make a painting, I give away part of myself“, sagt Brad Phillips in einem Interview, (malender und zeichnender) Konzeptkünstler, und Autor des Buches Essays & Fictions (Tyrant Books, 2019).
Auslöschen vielleicht nicht. Aber mir gefällt die Idee, als könnten diese neuen Mauer-Bilder in Gänze für mich einstehen. Zumindest für die Zeit einer Ausstellungsdauer. Bis Ende Januar also. Das ist doch eine schöne und kompakte Einheit von Zeit.
Freitagabend, oder Nacht vielmehr, hab ich mich dabei ertappt, wie ich einfach im Bett lag um Musik zu hören, als aktive Sache. Nicht Musik als diese Begleitscheisse oder degradiert zu ATMO. Und dann habe ich mich gefragt, wann ich das zuletzt eigentlich so gemacht habe: einfach sitzen oder liegen und die Musik hören, ganz bewusst? Sich von Geräuschen oder Harmonien oder auch nur einer Note einnehmen lassen zB? Sich richtig knietief rein in die Cobras. Und so kam ich überhaupt drauf, auf das Verschwinden, denn ich war auf so wunderbare Weise NICHT DA, als ich, immer und immer wieder, auf “Untitled” von Helvetia klickte, dass es mich einsaugt in die Kopfhörer, die ich auf dem Kopf hatte, und komplett bescheuert aussah damit, aber who gives a fuck.
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a-leo-baby-girl · 3 months
Baby we are so expensive! You are made out of pure gold from head to toe! Your lovers find you a work of art and a goddess incarnate. Your love of luxury, wealth and abundance influences your sensuality and you make your lovers feel like royalty. Trophy wife. Dazzling doll on their arm, they simple adore your posh self! Rich Golden Goddess. Your sensuality is largely tied to your expansion and you are a truly expensive luxurious babe. You love using luscious experiences to enhance your love life and enjoy gifts and pampering. In your down time, you may enjoy quiet nights at home, spa days, and of course shopping sprees.
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grandhotelabyss · 8 months
Do you think there is a link between being a picky eater/ having a childish food palet - and intelectuall shallowness or atleast a myopic understanding of culture?
To be pedantic, "picky eater" encompasses "childish palate," but it could include all sorts of things, including the opposite of "childish palate," like "only eats haute cuisine." I make that point because "picky eater" might mean a refined or mature taste as well as a shallow or unformed one. I do find that if your taste, in both food and culture, does get more refined or mature, it's hard to go back, at least for any length of time, to chicken nuggets and Star Wars. (Lest that sound snooty or self-congratulatory, let me balance it by saying that I can't stand people who make their pickiness somebody else's problem. Unless medical necessity is involved, when you are someone's guest you should eat what you are served and say "thank you.")
Does a childish palate indicate shallow culture? I am tempted to say no, since no one can master all the arts (I'm considering cuisine an art here), and I, anyway, as a product of the lower middle class, have never been rich enough for fine dining. It would be interesting to investigate the question, to look at great or not-so-great writers' or artists' eating habits.
Shelley, English poetry's great idealist, was a vegetarian: his diet, like his poetry, bloodless. But did the sensualist Keats eat more richly? I don't know. Susan Sontag, cultural gourmand, interpreter of high culture to the hoi polloi, lived on junk food, literally on fried baloney (of course, she emerged from the same class milieu I did, as I may have had cause to mention before). Ray Bradbury and Toni Morrison, perpetrators of a cloying prose in their different modes and genres (according to their critics, in whose company I should mostly not be numbered), each had the proverbial sweet tooth, loved cake and ice cream, dessert their favorite meal. David Foster Wallace subsisted on blondies, and I would be tempted to connect this to what I have found his works' cultural thinness, except that Sontag, Bradbury, and Morrison here form counterexamples. Faulkner ate a heavy Southern breakfast, sausage and eggs and grits and collards and bacon, though we know him more for his fatal love of the grain, as we know Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Joyce—what did they eat?—for their fatal love of the grape. We know more about what writers drank (Dr. Johnson's tea, Balzac's coffee, Coleridge's laudanum) or smoked (Baudelaire's hashish, Camus' cigarettes, Pynchon's weed), or at least I do, than what they ate.
In sum, it's tempting, but I don't think we can make this connection, even if I could remember off the top of my head more authorial eating habits.
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qnewsau · 8 months
Pleasure and protest at Sydney's Red Rattler Theatre
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/pleasure-and-protest-at-sydneys-red-rattler-theatre/
Pleasure and protest at Sydney's Red Rattler Theatre
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Sydney’s community-led Red Rattler Theatre is gearing up for a big season of partying, pleasure and protest during Mardi Gras season.
For more than a decade, the Red Rattler in Marrickville has been a unique and vibrant hub of creativity in Sydney’s Inner West.
The Rat is not-for-profit and volunteer-run, and the warehouse venue offers more than just a stage. It’s a permanent home and queer-run creative playground for artists, activists and punters alike.
In 2009, the Red Rattler was started by a group of five local queer artists. They dreamed of a legal warehouse venue to showcase alternative Sydney arts and activism.
They’d previously hosted events at temporary inner-city and innerwest warehouse spaces, but always dreamed of something more permanent. The Red Rattler, named after the old trains of the same name in Sydney, was born.
What’s on at The Rat during Mardi Gras
On February 8, Queers of Joy are hosting a performance night for trans, gender diverse, queer people and all who love us.
On February 24, Club Sandwich: Pleasure and Protest (above) will be a night of electrifying performance, visual art, and pulsating beats.
Club Sandwich has run since 2019, organised by DJ Charlie Villas and HipHopHoe and hosted by Betty Grumble.
The Pleasure and Protest party on February 23 will pay homage to the origins of Mardi Gras as well as celebrate the sex, art, culture, ingenuity and resilience of the QTIPOC community.
“Club Sandwich is an invitation to bring your whole self – the pleasure-seeker, the perv, the voyeur, the sensualist, the deviant, the weirdo, the sleaze,” DJ HipHopHoe said.
“You may be aroused by a striptease, you may be delighted by a lapdance, you might be bewitched by someone working a pole, you may be enchanted by some hedonic poetry.”
On March 1, all bodies are welcome at Leak Your Own Nudes, an unofficial Mardi Gras undie dance party.
L.Y.O.N. puts on the queer parties regularly at the Red Rattler, and allows everyone to hang out in their undies while having a drink and a dance at the Rat.
Book your own events at Sydney’s Red Rattler Theatre
The Red Rattler Theatre is also available for bookings year-round for a wide range of events.
The venue offers a stage, full PA, LED lighting rig, projector and screen, as well as a fully licensed bar and rooftop garden.
“We’ve always wanted the space to be accessible and affordable for artists,” Red Rattler program manager Kween G said.
“People can book their shows here and present their work and their art, without any discrimination or judgement.”
Whether you’re an established artist or just starting out, the Red Rattler welcomes you with open arms to share your art with the world.
Visit redrattler.org to find out more about events and bookings.
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eyeoftheheart · 8 months
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“The old Oriental idea is to be lost in the Infinite. The new Occidental ideal is to be in tune with the Infinite. Neither the psychoanalyst nor even the religionist seeks that full purification and total transformation of the human being which philosophy alone seeks and alone achieves. All other paths--including the mystical ones--seek to effect a particular purpose or a partial one: only this is informed enough and willing enough to fulfill the complete purpose for which man has been put on earth by the World-Mind and surrender absolutely to it. If the philosopher has any desire at all, it is to know, understand, and co-operate with the infinitely intelligent and perfectly efficient World-Idea.
The philosophic attitude seeks a balanced wisdom, a removal of negative, ignoble, sensualist, narrow-minded, unpractical, and fanatical traits from character and action. Beyond that it welcomes the fine flowering of human culture, the refinement of human living, and the enchantment of human quality. There are two sets of critics who match themselves against philosophy. There are the hard materialists, on the one hand, and the imperfect mystics, on the other. The first are guided by reason but limited to sense-experience; the second are guided by intuition but limited to meditation-experience. Both are incomplete. Both are opposed to each other as well as to philosophy, which understands, appreciates, and accepts both as expressing necessary but partial views which should be included in a fuller and more integral view. Philosophy overcomes the mystic's fear of worldly life and the worldling's fear of mystical life by bringing them together and reconciling their demands under the transforming light of a new synthesis. Ours is a complete synthesis of mysticism, metaphysics, science, religion, ethics, and action. It offers a higher and wider objective than the earlier yogas. Because its concepts are not merely the productions of a mechanical logic but the inspirations of a living soul, they are powerfully creative, and dynamically stimulative. In philosophy, art consummates itself.
Philosophy offers a manner of living which is a natural part of, and outgrowth from, its cosmically derived principles.The practice of philosophy is an essential part of it and consists not only in applying its principles and its wisdom to everyday active living, but also in realizing the divine presence deep, deep within the heart where it abides in tremendous stillness.
It is perhaps the amplitude and symmetry of the philosophic approach which make it so completely satisfying. For this is the only approach which honours reason and appreciates beauty, cultivates intuition and respects mystical experience, fosters reverence and teaches true prayer, enjoins action and promotes morality. It is the spiritual life fully grown. The esoteric meaning of the star* is "Philosophic Man," that is, one who has travelled the complete fivefold path and brought its results into proper balance. This path consists of religious veneration, mystical meditation, rational reflection, moral re-education, and altruistic service. The esoteric meaning of the circle, when situated within the very centre of the star, is the Divine Overself-atom within the human heart.”
― Notebooks of Paul Brunton > Category 20: What Is Philosophy? > Chapter 1: Toward Defining Philosophy
*The Pentacle or Pentagram is the five-pointed star, a very ancient symbol used by many cultures. Paul Brunton interprets this symbol as a reference to the fivefold path of complete human development. The result is the Philosophic Man, the fully awakened and enlightened human being. I have deliberately included the image of Plato and Aristotle here (from the School of Athens by Raphael): firstly because it represents philosophy, but also because the perfect human being is a kind of harmonious synthesis of Plato and Aristotle, the unity of science and spirituality, heaven and earth, divine transcendence and immanence. Plato is portrayed pointing upwards to the heavens with one finger (symbolizing the One), while Aristotle is pointing with his whole hand towards the earth (symbolizing the Many). The One and the Many! The philosophical quest is the seeking of the harmonious Unity and Divine Synthesis of both. A possible symbolic representation of the unity of heaven and earth is the cross.
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sacredjoanne · 1 year
Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon: Personality Breakdown
The Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon combo is like a quirky bohemian artist who also happens to have a killer savings account.
They’re all about progress and innovation but also value stability and comfort.
It’s like trying to mix a mermaid tail with cowboy boots. It sounds like it shouldn’t work, but somehow it just does.
Strengths: Creative, Determined, Independent.
Weaknesses: Stubborn, Possessive, Unyielding.
Soulmate: Someone who is equally passionate about their beliefs and desires.
Guidance: Don’t be afraid to embrace change, but don’t forget to hold onto the things that ground you.
Sun In Aquarius, Moon In Taurus Personality
The Rebel Bull
With a Sun in Aquarius and a Moon in Taurus, this person is like a bull who’s decided to go rogue.
They may look calm and collected on the surface, but there’s a wild streak in there that’s dying to break free.
They’re not afraid to go against the grain and may even relish the opportunity to do so.
The Sensual Intellectual
Though they may seem cerebral, this Aquarius-Taurus combo is highly attuned to their senses.
They may enjoy the finer things in life and have a particular affinity for good food and drink.
They’re also capable of deep emotional connections, despite their reputation as a detached air sign.
The Lazy Innovator
In many ways, this person is a contradiction.
They have big ideas and the ability to bring them to life, but they also have a strong desire for comfort and ease.
They may be reluctant to put in the work necessary to achieve their goals, but if they can find a way to make progress without sacrificing their leisure time, they’ll happily innovate away.
The Rebellious Homebody
This person is perfectly content to spend hours at home, surrounded by their creature comforts.
They may have a certain resistance to going out and socializing, preferring instead to stay in their own cozy space.
However, when they do venture out, expect them to break all the rules and make a statement.
The Loyal Rebel
Though they may be unpredictable, this Aquarius-Taurus is fiercely loyal to those they care about.
They may have a small group of close friends and family they trust and value deeply.
They’ll go to great lengths to protect those people and may even break their own rules to do so.
Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon Strengths
rebelliousness and groundedness
Individuals with Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus are a unique blend of rebelliousness and groundedness.
They are not afraid to challenge the status quo, but they do it with a practical approach.
They are the bulls that will charge the barricades and yet do so with a sense of caution.
They are the rebels with a cause and believe that change is needed to make the world a better place.
The Eccentric Traditionalist
The Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individuals love the traditional and the unconventional.
They possess a strong sense of individuality that makes them stand out in a crowd.
They have eccentric tastes and desire a life with plenty of freedom and pleasure.
This can manifest in a love for art, music, and literature that is both avant-garde and classic at the same time.
The Practical Innovator
Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individuals have a natural affinity for innovation.
They have inventive minds and the ability to think outside of the box.
They are not just idealistic dreamers, but practical doers. They can transform abstract ideas into tangible outcomes.
They are adept at using their resources to create something new and useful.
The Loyal Rebel
Individuals with Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus may seem like lone wolves, but they have a strong sense of loyalty.
They are fiercely protective of their loved ones and will go to great lengths to defend them.
They value stability and security in their relationships and will do everything in their power to maintain them.
They are rebels with a heart.
The Rational Sensualist
Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individuals possess a unique blend of sensuality and rationality.
They are in touch with their senses but are also rational thinkers. They enjoy the physical pleasures of life and have a love for luxury.
At the same time, they are practical and have a rational approach to life.
They are not just hedonists, but intelligent people who enjoy the finer things in life.
Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon Struggles
Love for Comfort and Love for Change
The Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon combo is a struggle between Taurus’ love for the comfort zone and Aquarius’ thirst for change.
It’s like wanting to go on a roller coaster but being too scared to leave the kiddie ride.
The best way to manage this is to take baby steps.
Embrace the changes in small doses, like trying a new food or exploring a new place in your hometown.
The Stubbornness Battle
Picture a stubborn bull and a stubborn rocket scientist in a heated debate.
The Taurus Moon and Aquarius Sun combo can lead to a clash of stubbornness that could rival the Hatfields and McCoys.
To manage this, it’s essential to focus on common ground and not get stuck in dogmatic thinking.
Practicality Vs. Idealism
The Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon combo is a battle between practicality and idealism.
It’s like trying to balance your checkbook while craving a round-the-world trip.
The trick is to find a way to incorporate your ideals into your practical life.
For example, you could use your love of social justice to volunteer at a local charity.
Emotional Honesty Vs. Distrust
The Taurus Moon in this combo tends to be emotionally honest, while the Aquarius Sun can struggle with trust issues.
It’s like trying to run a marathon while wearing high heels and a diving suit.
The best way to manage this is to be honest about your trust issues and work on them.
Start small by trusting someone with something minor and work your way up.
A Need for Freedom Vs. A Love for Security
The Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon combo is a struggle between the need for freedom and a love for security.
It’s like wanting to have your cake and eat it too. The key to managing this is balance.
Find a way to incorporate your need for freedom into your secure life.
Try taking a day trip instead of a long vacation or working remotely one day a week.
Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon Man
Mr. Unique and Steadfast
The Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon Man is one of a kind. He is a free spirit with a streak of stubbornness.
His unique perspective and drive to stay true to himself often lead him down uncharted paths, but his unwavering determination keeps him on track.
Smooth Operator
Charming and eloquent, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon Man can talk his way out of almost anything.
His cool demeanor and smooth tongue make him a master of diplomacy, but he can also be quite the flirt when he wants to be.
Sensual and Demanding
The Taurus Moon in this man makes him sensual and in tune with his senses.
He enjoys the finer things in life, and he won’t settle for anything less.
He can also be quite demanding, especially when it comes to his relationships and the people he cares about.
Define Masculinity
The Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon Man defies traditional notions of masculinity.
He doesn’t conform to societal norms or expectations and instead embraces his individuality.
He is confident in his masculinity and displays it in his own unique way.
Love Tips
If you’re dating an Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon Man, be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions.
He can be distant and aloof at times, but when he’s in love, he loves hard.
He craves stability and security in his relationships, but he also needs space to explore and grow.
Communication is key, so be sure to talk openly and honestly with him.
Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon Woman
The Rebellious Bohemian
An Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon woman is a unique blend of rebellious attitude and down-to-earth practicality.
Her Aquarius Sun makes her free-spirited and independent, while her Taurus Moon keeps her grounded and focused on the tangible things in life.
She has a bohemian flair and is always up for trying new things, but she values her comfort zone and is not one to take risks unless she feels strongly about it.
The Friend Magnet
Her charismatic and charming personality makes her a magnet for friends and acquaintances.
She has a witty sense of humor and is always up for a good conversation.
However, she can be quite selective with her close circle and may take some time to let someone into her inner circle.
The Sensual Goddess
A Taurus Moon woman is known for her sensuality and love of pleasure, and when combined with an Aquarius Sun, it creates a unique and exciting blend of energy.
She is unapologetic about her desires and can be quite adventurous in the bedroom.
However, she values stability and security in relationships and may take her time before fully committing.
The Independent Thinker
As an Aquarius Sun, she values her independence and is not one to conform to societal standards.
She is a natural trailblazer and always looks for unconventional solutions to problems.
Her Taurus Moon, on the other hand, makes her stubborn and set in her ways, which can sometimes lead to clashes with others who don’t share her point of view.
The Earthy Feminine
While Aquarius is typically associated with a more masculine energy, a Taurus Moon brings a soft and earthy feminine energy to the mix.
An Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon woman is not afraid to show her vulnerability and is unapologetically feminine in her own unique way.
She values comfort and beauty in her surroundings and may have a strong interest in fashion, interior design, or other creative pursuits.
Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon In Relationships
The Stubborn Lover
An Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon person can be a bit of a paradox in love.
On one hand, they’re independent and unconventional, always looking for new and exciting experiences.
On the other hand, they’re grounded, stubborn, and incredibly loyal once they commit.
They value stability and find comfort in routines, especially ones that involve good food and home-cooked meals.
The Slow Burn
Don’t expect fireworks and grand gestures from an Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon person in the early stages of a relationship.
They’re not the type to rush into anything. Instead, they prefer to take their time getting to know someone before opening up.
But once they do, they’ll show their affection through small gestures like cooking for you or buying you something thoughtful.
The Sapiosexual
An Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon person is attracted to intelligence and wit.
They love deep conversations about complex topics and are turned on by someone who can match their intellect.
If you want to seduce them, engage them in a conversation about your latest philosophical musings or bring up a current event that’s been on your mind.
The Anti-Clutter Advocate
An Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon person values their personal space and hates clutter.
Keep your living space organized and clean if you want to impress them.
They’re also not big on material possessions, so flashy gifts won’t be as appreciated as thoughtful experiences.
The Freedom-Seeker
While an Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon person is loyal and committed once they’ve found the right person, they still value their independence.
Don’t be surprised if they need some alone time to recharge or pursue their individual interests.
But don’t worry, they’ll always come back to you with new stories and experiences to share.
Just give them the space they need to be their authentic selves.
Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon Best Matches
The Earth and Air Mix
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus can make a good match with Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Gemini.
Capricorn’s practicality and Gemini’s intellect can balance Aquarius’s unconventional ideas and Taurus’s love for comfort.
They might clash when Capricorn’s conservative values clash with Aquarius’s rebellion, but Gemini’s lightheartedness can diffuse the tension.
The Fiery Aries Connection
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus can complement Sun in Aries and Moon in Leo.
Aries’s passion and Leo’s charisma can energize Aquarius’s humanitarian nature and Taurus’s desire for pleasure.
They might find themselves getting carried away with Aries’s impulsiveness or Leo’s ego, but their rationality can keep them grounded.
The Sensitive Water Matches
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus can also mesh well with Sun in Cancer and Moon in Pisces.
Cancer’s nurturing nature and Pisces’s intuition can provide emotional support to Aquarius’s detachment and Taurus’s stubbornness.
However, they might struggle if Cancer’s moodiness clashes with Aquarius’s aloofness or Pisces’s lack of boundaries affects Taurus’s possessiveness.
The Earthy Comrades
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus can also find a kindred spirit in Sun in Virgo and Moon in Capricorn.
Virgo’s analytical mind and Capricorn’s commitment to success can lend structure to Aquarius’s vision and Taurus’s practicality.
They might have trouble if Virgo’s nitpicking grates on Aquarius’s free-spiritedness or Capricorn’s rigidity stifles Taurus’s indulgence.
The Balanced Libra Connection
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus can also work well with Sun in Libra and Moon in Scorpio.
Libra’s diplomacy and Scorpio’s intensity can help Aquarius’s social ideals and Taurus’s desire for intimacy.
Their relationship may have issues if Libra’s indecisiveness clashes with Aquarius’s forward-thinking or Scorpio’s intensity overwhelms Taurus’s need for stability.
Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon + Ascendant Combinations
Aries Rising
With Aries Rising, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individual is like a firecracker waiting to explode.
Their strong-willed and impulsive nature may cause them to brush off others’ opinions, but their infectious energy is hard to ignore.
Taurus Rising
With Taurus Rising, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individual exudes natural charm and elegance.
Their love for comfort is evident in their refined taste, and they may come off as stubborn due to their strong convictions.
Gemini Rising
With Gemini Rising, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individual is a social butterfly with excellent communication skills.
Their quick-wittedness may come across as restless energy at times, but their adaptability makes them great at problem-solving.
Cancer Rising
With Cancer Rising, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individual appears nurturing and sensitive to others’ needs.
Their emotional depth may lead them to be overly cautious, but their intuition and empathy are assets in any situation.
Leo Rising
With Leo Rising, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individual is incredibly charismatic, with a natural sense of leadership.
They may come across as dramatic or attention-seeking, but their creative flair and confidence make them impossible to ignore.
Virgo Rising
With Virgo Rising, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individual is detail-oriented and practical.
Their acute awareness of the world around them may lead them to overthink things, but their meticulousness and humility are admirable traits.
Libra Rising
With Libra Rising, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individual is charming, refined, and diplomatic.
Their love for beauty and balance may make them indecisive at times, but their fairness and social grace are highly valued.
Scorpio Rising
With Scorpio Rising, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individual is deeply mysterious and intense.
Their penetrating gaze may seem intimidating to some, but their loyalty and emotional depth make them fiercely protective of those they care about.
Sagittarius Rising
With Sagittarius Rising, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individual radiates optimism and enthusiasm.
Their love for adventure and exploration may lead them to take risks, but their intuition and sense of humor make them fantastic storytellers.
Capricorn Rising
With Capricorn Rising, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individual appears focused and driven.
Their love for structure and tradition may lead them to be overly rigid, but their determination and discipline make them excellent long-term planners.
Aquarius Rising
With Aquarius Rising, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individual is authentic, eccentric, and forward-thinking.
Their love for independence and freedom may make them seem detached, but their natural curiosity and intelligence make them fantastic innovators.
Pisces Rising
With Pisces Rising, the Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon individual appears deeply sensitive and empathetic.
Their love for creativity and spirituality may make them prone to daydreaming, but their intuition and psychic abilities make them valuable healers.
Final Thoughts
They’ve got that Aquarian drive for innovation and progress meshed with the stubborn, steady, and sensual Taurus vibe.
This means they’re all about shaking things up, but doing it in a way that feels comfortable and grounded.
They may be hard to budge once they’ve made a decision, but that just means they’re fiercely loyal to what they believe in.
So, if you’ve got this cosmic combo going on, embrace your unique traits and use them to push boundaries while still staying centered.
Maybe try taking on a new project or hobby that challenges you creatively, but keep a cozy blanket nearby, just in case.
The world needs your fresh perspective and unwavering spirit!
Official post by Joanne at Sacred Joanne
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alokkhandelwal · 1 year
Discover Exciting Things to Do Based on Your Zodiac Sign!
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Are you seeking new adventures and experiences that align perfectly with your personality? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of astrology and guide you toward exciting activities tailored specifically to your zodiac sign. Whether you’re an adventurous Aries or a creative Cancer, we’ve got you covered. So, sit back, relax, and let’s explore the wonders that await you based on your zodiac sign!
Know more Exciting Things to do based on your Zodiac Sign. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
 Aries (March 21 – April 19) – The Trailblazer
As a fearless and energetic Aries, you thrive on adrenaline-pumping activities. Embrace your adventurous spirit by engaging in exhilarating outdoor pursuits. Take up rock climbing, go skydiving, or embark on a thrilling bungee jumping experience. These heart-pounding adventures will fuel your fire and invigorate your spirit.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – The Sensualist
As a Taurus, you appreciate the finer things in life and have a keen eye for beauty. Indulge your senses by exploring the world of gastronomy. Visit renowned restaurants, try new cuisines, and savor exquisite flavors. Additionally, immerse yourself in art galleries, visit botanical gardens, or pamper yourself with a spa day. These sensory experiences will leave you feeling rejuvenated and inspired.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – The Curious Communicator
As a Gemini, you have an insatiable curiosity and a natural gift for communication. Engage in activities that allow you to express your creativity and engage with others. Join a public speaking club, start a blog, or participate in improv classes. You can also satisfy your inquisitive mind by exploring bookstores, attending workshops, or joining a local debate group. These activities will keep your mind stimulated and feed your need for intellectual engagement.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – The Nurturer
As a Cancer, you have a nurturing and compassionate nature. Connect with your emotions and express your creativity by exploring artistic endeavors. Try your hand at painting, pottery, or photography. Additionally, volunteer at a local charity, visit animal shelters or organize fundraising events. These activities will tap into your empathetic side and provide a sense of fulfillment.
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Leo (July 23 – August 22) – The Charismatic Leader
As a Leo, you have a natural flair for the dramatic and a magnetic personality. Channel your inner performer by exploring the world of theater, dance, or music. Join a local theater group, take up ballroom dancing, or learn to play a musical instrument. You can also attend stand-up comedy shows or participate in open mic nights. These activities will allow you to showcase your talent and bask in the spotlight.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – The Detail-Oriented Perfectionist
As a Virgo, you possess a meticulous nature and a keen eye for detail. Engage in activities that stimulate your analytical mind and help you refine your skills. Take up gardening, try your hand at puzzle-solving, or engage in DIY projects. You can also explore mindfulness practices such as yoga or meditation. These activities will bring you a sense of tranquility and allow you to embrace your practical side.
Libra (September 23 – October 22) – The Harmonious Diplomat
As a Libra, you value balance, harmony, and social connections. Engage in activities that foster your love for beauty and bring people together. Attend art exhibitions, organize dinner parties, or take up interior design. You can also join social clubs, participate in team sports, or volunteer for community events. These activities will nourish your friendly nature and create a harmonious environment around you.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) – The Intense Investigator
As a Scorpio, you possess an innate sense of intuition and a desire for deep exploration. Engage in activities that allow you to delve into the mysteries of life. Take up astrology, explore tarot reading, or join a paranormal investigation group. Additionally, embrace your love for the unknown by visiting haunted places, reading thrilling novels, or watching suspenseful movies. These activities will ignite your passion for the enigmatic.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – The Adventurous Explorer
As a Sagittarius, you have an insatiable wanderlust and a thirst for knowledge. Engage in activities that allow you to explore new horizons. Travel to exotic destinations, go on hiking expeditions or learn a new language. You can also immerse yourself in different cultures through cooking classes or attending cultural festivals. These activities will satisfy your wanderlust and broaden your perspective.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – The Ambitious Achiever
As a Capricorn, you are driven by ambition and have a strong work ethic. Engage in activities that align with your desire for personal and professional growth. Take up leadership roles in organizations, pursue higher education, or participate in career development workshops. Additionally, challenge yourself by taking up endurance sports or engaging in strategic board games. These activities will keep you motivated and propel you toward success.
Embracing the essence of your zodiac sign can lead you to a world of exciting possibilities. By aligning your interests and personality traits with the activities suggested for your zodiac sign, you can embark on fulfilling journeys and discover new aspects of yourself. Astrology serves as a guide, but ultimately, it’s up to you to make the most of the experiences that resonate with your true self. So, go forth and let the stars guide you toward an extraordinary life filled with adventure, growth, and self-discovery!
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