#sentinel prime bashing
gritsandbrits · 2 years
The Reason You Suck Speech ~ Sentinel Prime Edition.
After being fed up with the way Optimus Prime gets treated by his so-called friend, GritsandBrits finally reads Sentinel the riot act. Sentinel Prime Bashing, Optimus Defense Club. Warning for any Sentinel stans this is very negative towards him and tbh he needed that.
Tv Tropes: Someone delivers a speech to another character on all the reasons why that other character sucks or is a horrible person. There are several contexts in which this can happen.
In this context, it's giving 10yo me the chance to finally say what she wanted to say about Sentinel. He may have gotten off easy in canon but we aren't in canon are we? 
Okay. I have had enough of you badmouthing Optimus! Now I'm not saying he's perfect - who gives a damn! Perfection is boring and the way I see it trying to achieve it only leads to more problems! And I have never seen a more clear example than you Sentinel Prime! You like to rub everyone else's failures in their faces yet do nothing to help them grow. You strut around like Primus's given gift to the universe expecting people to like you yet barely have a good word to say about anyone. Even the few bots who do give a damn about you you treat with contempt.
The show may have let you off the hook then but it's been over for twelve years now and nothing is holding me back from calling you out. Even years later I'm still mad no one actually called out you for being an asshole, save for that one time Optimus told you to take your attitude and stuff it. That part made me laugh. And deserved.
You went around making everyone feel bad about themselves. You nearly put your own team in danger when you bribed Decepticons, said an ageist statement towards your boss In the Almanac, and would've endangered both planets has that fourth season been made! All the hurt you caused you got away with it... Not this time! Nobody ever talked to you like that? Good. Perk up those antennae I got more. 
You are part of one of the most powerful defenders in the universe. You are a candidate for what is the most powerful position on your planet. You're like almost royalty to your people yet here you are acting like you part of a school clique talking shit about people behind their backs. Ever since you came to earth you been carping and sniping at Optimus more than usual. For what? Because he's a college dropout? Or is it because he made something of himself with being a dropout and without you! Him being happy ticks you off, so you gotta cling on to what little control you have left by undermining his work. Bad enough he had to drop his things to bail you out and having to waste precious time and energy foolin' up with you!
His job was to maintain the space bridges not be your personal lapdog! Just because he's a janitor doesn't give you the right to make messes for him on purpose. It's basic courtesy. Then again, you wouldn't understand courtesy if it hit you in the chin!
It's not just the way you treat Optimus it's also how you treat everyone else. You make fun of Bee and Bulkhead, they told me about how you were at boot camp by the way. You pick on Jazz and the Twins for expressing interest in our planet. You even had the gall to insult Prowl's memory when he was the one who gave his life to save Earth AND your world! If not for him you wouldn't be here now bullying the way you do. 
Yeah I said it! You're a bully! A prime bully who throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way. Who likes to make everyone else miserable! Who bullied his way into positions of power! We're all happy and content with our lives with all its faults and follies and fun and freakiness. Even you with your lack of courtesy, we still accept you, so why can't you accept us? Do you have to destroy everyone to make your life worthwhile? The worse part is you don't own up or express remorse. Rather, you blame other people for suffering the consequences of YOUR actions!
You complained about Optimus lying to you about Miss Spider, well what about the other times he told you the truth? When he warned you about the Decepticons' presence on Earth, or Wasp's innocence, or organics not being a threat, all you said was: you're lying, I don't believe you, you're just a dropout, arrest them all! Not a 'let's settle down and figure this out together', nope! Just straight up threatened them with prison! He tries to be honest with you but you refuse to hear him out! 
You complain about a lack of communication but how can we when you go around insulting everyone! The rare times you do speak positively it always come out so backhanded, like you have to point out something negative no matter how inconsequential it is. Everyone's forced to walk on eggshells around you. Why? Because we know you got a negative remark loaded on your tongue. That and you like to brag. Loose lips sink ships as they say.
And back on lying, honey he never lied to you. If anything he was protecting you! He didn't want to hurt the both of you so he had to make a hard decision at the cost of his own wellbeing. When you did learn the truth, instead showing the poor thing a bit of compassion, you tell her that she was better off dead! What is that to say about someone? Especially someone who was your girlfriend? 
She probably didn't have much of a choice, and you know good and well how slick Megatron is! But besides that, you were hurt yes, but you have the time to seek closure. Instead you denied your ex a chance to heal from her traumas. You continue using Optimus's own trauma against him.
You plot and scheme to further your ambitions not caring who gets hurt. You try to inflict trauma on every organic on this Earth. Tell me, are we really a threat? Or are you just venting your anger over not being told about Blackarachnia? Given your past behavior I would not be surprised if it ends up being the latter. 
That's another thing every time you faced with a difficult situation you immediately lash out. Optimus has been your biggest victim. When it's not dumping your the responsibility on him, it's sneering or picking on him. You ever stopped to think how Optimus might've felt? The guilt he feels over not saving her? The fear that someone could hurt her, or that she might hurt innocent beings. How he has to shoulder not just his own grief but yours as well. How he has to deal with your hatred. 
You say you don't haye him yet that doesn't stop you from treating him like a tool. Do you ask him how he feels? Did you offer him comfort in his time of need? Or are you the only one ever allowed to feel sad? Maybe you can learn his side of the story if you bothered to give him a chance! You claim it's too late for apologies but the thing is, that's not a reason for you treating everyone like junk. When others make mistakes they at least try to fix them, or move on and take steps to do better in the future. Even if it's not verbal, there's other ways to apologize and grow. 
You could've worked with Detroit. You could stop calling Optimus that awful name. You could've open you heart - excuse me - your SPARK to others and learn about our planet. Sure you can't change the past but that don't mean you can work on yourself now. Everyone even in the fandom been nothing but patient and kind to you, and you returned it with spite. You can't fathom being happy with yourself so you hafta drag everyone down with you. 
But yet Despite all the garbage you hurl at Optimus you know he never spoke badly about you? Sure an exasperated sigh here and there but never slander. He never went out of his way to hurt your career, hell he gave up his future for you! Yet you still treat him like a threat to the point of attacking his teammates to get at him. All the harm you've inflicted on him, he still helps you out! He could've left you at the mercy of Headmaster but helped you get your body back. He could've let you get killed or hurt but he comes to your aid like a real friend should. He saw something worth salvaging.
Are you willing to toss all that away for temporary catharsis? 
You let one tragic mistake sour your worldview so you project that onto others. They make a mistake you don't give them grace. You don't give it yourself. You expect everyone else to think and act exactly like you, selfish and mean, yet you see the opposite. Bee and Bulkhead try new things and has hobbies. Jazz plays our music, Ratchet studies our medicine, Prowl loved our wildlife, and Optimus loves everyone. Even you, you hateful self-centered jerk. He cares so much about you though I can't see what it is that makes you worth saving. 
Every day they go out to help the city not expecting to be rewarded or even thanked, but because it's the right thing to do. Meanwhile you're just standing around huffing and puffing, refusing to lend a hand. Stubbornly clinging on to that cynical mindset that being flawed is inherently evil and that nobody can be good. We fought things bigger than you, yet you treat us like a bunch of idiots who don't know anything no it's you who don't know anything! But even those aren't a good enough reason to carry on acting like that.
Your whole life has been challenged, and now that everyone seen you for the sad, scared soul you truly are, they stopped entertaining you. You lied to yourself, you're stuck with that lie and nobody is around for you to dump your frustrations on.  You can't keep living off lies you know. You can't force everyone else to live in them either.
Now I know what I just said won't get you to change your mind and honestly, I've stopped waiting for you to have an epiphany a long time ago. It's clear you're content with the path you're going down but you will have to walk it alone. The rest of us will continue to enjoy ourselves. We'll love our flaws and freaky grossness. You? You be all alone with only your crown for company. It's sad it has to be that way. But I hope you take it as the time to reflect on the choices you've made and will make. That when you do eventually become the Primer Prime, those choices had better be worth it. 
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mychlapci · 3 days
That tfa hypnosis au actually kind of sounds fun, especially the difference in how autobots and decepticons hypnotize. Autobots hypnotizing their wives to be pretty and dumb, just how they like, meanwhile the decepticons realize how much they love it when their wife has more spice to them. They soon realize that getting rid of their skills would be a waste.
Optimus can match Megatron in a fight, which is no easy feat. Ratchet's probably one of the only qualified doctors they have, Bulkhead is an expert with space bridges, and Prowl's a damn cyber-ninja, he'd make a great assassin and spy. (Also, Blitzwing definitely finds Bumblebee's attitude way too fun to get rid of. He prefers it over what happened to Sentinel.)
The autobots don't know how the decepticons hypnotized them into being their wives, for all they know their personalities were completely wiped and rewritten, so they treat them like poor, helpless beings. Decepticons are miffed because how dare they assume their wives are weak, but Team Prime realize the advantage this gives them, no matter how annoying.
All they need to do is act welcoming and playful, add a splash of neediness for good measure, autobots can't resist that. (Honestly, and they think the wives are the helpless ones, smh) Wait until they get closer, coax them onto the ground and remove their weapons while they're distracted, then strike.
And the autobots fall for it everytime, especially when it comes to Bumblebee. He's just so small and helpless! And the poor thing got stuck with someone like Blitzwing, how horrible! ...Bumblebee's torn between hating or loving this, because all he has to do is act bashful as he admits that he loves using his stingers, and how could they say no to his cute face? They find out too late that Bumblebee wasn't taking about him being shocked until he's unconscious.
When their husbands come back, they're either swooning or puffing up in pride.
oh yes, we've had someone bring up the difference in how the autobots and decepticons use their wifefication hypnosis before, i really do love it. The autobots erasing everything the bot was, rewriting their personality, their desires, their ambition... the decepticons, however, have no need for pretty little dolls with empty helms. they want wives, not... bimbos. Of course, the autobots aren't aware of the decepticons' preferences. When they see their soldiers separated from their decepticon husbands, they treat them like lost little things, stupid and full of cum, they need to be relocated to an autobot husband asap! Bumblebee absolutely fucks with them the most.
But i'm also (unsurprisingly) very into the thought of the autobots coming into contact with Optimus and pitying him because of his cute little baby bump... poor thing, already carrying the warlord's heir. Of course, they don't get to pity him for long before he kicks their teeth in.
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acornminiatureslog · 5 months
Ok, did some more list building after flipping through the index, and I can get a fun looking list going if I buckle down and paint a bunch of vehicles. Also some leaders and comms troopers, but the bit I'm gonna bitch about is the vehicles. Most of them still need to be primed, but I was feeling the crunch of having a rough deadline again, so I bashed together a reason for my 6th lascannon sentinel to not have a hatch
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Nothing like having your hatch blown off, a head wound from spalling, and four new dents in the armor to make you feel lucky. Excited to get a painted army on the table again.
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
Of the list of your current ocs, which ones would you personally smash or pass?
Oh god you’re talking to a Bi Disaster whose Writer’s Poorly Disguised Fetish Fountain tends to overflow into everyone in varying degrees, so asking which OC I would smash would uh, would be a list several feet long. (PASS is mainly really horrible dudes like Proteus or Sentinel, who while designed to look somewhat classically good, I would not touch with a ten foot pole unless to bash their heads in)
BUT if I had to narrow it down to THE MOST artist-smashable:
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Also listen I KNOW OMAR/PRIME IS A DILF DON’T QUOTE TEXT AT ME I WAS THERE FOR AT THE DAWN OF TIME he was SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO BE ONE alongside Megs BUT he is TOO DAD CODED for me personally to even think abt smashing 😂
Sergio/Sideswipe didn’t immediately hit me as “jump his fucking bones” until I established his past as a manual class union rep whose fashion oscillates between JRPG rebel and Gangs Of New York extra (I am so SO weak to this aesthetic, you slap suspenders, flatcap and a waistcoat on a man and I’m twirling my nonexistent pigtails).
Preston/Prowl was ALSO not initially designed to burn up a room, but then I gave him reading glasses and let him take off his shirt a little and I oh no oh shit he’s hot I HAVE PLAYED MYSELF.
“But Oni you put up a pic of Hound AND Mirage? Did you mean Hound or Mirage?”
“But which one of them?”
For NON Humanformer OCs, Rhames Allardyce from my Pokemon journeys is the Irish Single Father of my heart, designed to obliterate half the chatroom with his Dilfening every time I hurl new art up, and you will not BELIEVE the amount of filth I’ve drawn AND written for this sweet, sweet man.
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timetravelersdoctor · 2 years
TFP Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack reaction to seeing Tfa autobots (Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Prowl, Sentinel Prime, Ultra Magnus, Jazz, The Twins)
Hi thanks for the Ask! ( Doing this on mobile so please forgive any grammer/spelling mistakes, I can never type properly on mobile)
TFP Ultra Magnus: Magnus automatically wants to bash Tfa Ultra Magnus's head in due to he's treatment of the Tfa Autobots. He is horrified that this version of himself is like that. Tfa Optimus reminds him of himself sometimes Ultra Magnus wants to lend a servo but doesn't know if he should. He finds Tfa Bumblebee to be in need of a little more discipline but he doesn't want to overstep any boundaries. Ultra Magnus respects Tfa Ratchet for what he's gone through. He was quite surprised to find that Tfa Bulkhead isn't a wrecker and he seems to be more responsible. Tfa Prowl seems to be a quiet mech that enjoys earth's nature. Sentinel's attitude bothers Ultra Magnus a lot. He hasn't met the twins or jazz but he would like to get to know them.
TFP Wheeljack: Wheeljack doesn't know any of them very well since he doesn't spend that much time on earth but from what he's heard everyone is planning on beating the scrap out of Tfa Ultra Magnus and he's willing to provide weapons for it. Somehow he recognizes the feral mech hidden in Tfa prime and is determined to catch Optimus going feral on video. Wheeljack lightly teases Tfa bulkhead but quickly realizes (realises? I don't know how to spell it, I spell it both ways) how different Tfa Bulkhead and Tfp Bulkhead are when Tfa Bulkhead doesn't react the way he expected. Wheeljack also plans to Botnap Sentinel in order to get him away from Ultra Magnus (He thinks maybe spending some real time away from the Magnus will help with the attitude problem.) He hasn't heard enough about the others to form proper opinions on them.
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agbpaints · 1 year
So one of the other local battletech players decided to bash together some rules for using salvage boxes to do a draft game that I participated in today. Everyone gets 2 blind boxes and picks a mech from one to keep and fight with, you get a BV limit of the highest BV standard/prime config to select a variant and pilot, and then you go last mech standing in an arena with a closing zone of engagement.
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Anyway this is what I got to work with. Remember what I said about highest BV setting the ceiling for everyone else? Yeah I was the ceiling. Stone Rhino got pitched to the prize pile and I took a Night Gyr A onto the fight with me- I've got a lot of bad experiences fighting one of these things and it was time to be on the giving end of that engagement. My opponent's picked a Flashman 8K with a much improved pilot, a Marauder II 6D, and a Gargoyle D
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I took a pretty bad beating at the start of the game- the Gargoyle and MAD II decided to gang up on me for their opening shots before the Garg pealed off to deal with the Flashman, leaving me with an angry 100 tons of IJJ enabled assault mech to deal with.
A couple of turns later, the Marauder decided it got tired of mauling me and overheating and retreated to flank the Gargoyle who'd been having an epic disco party with the Flashman. The Flashman went down two a three crit hit to the center torso and the Gargoyle and I managed to take out the Marauder on engine crits while I lost my side torso to an AC/20 det (praise CASE).
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In the end it came down to me and the Marauder scrapping in the mud in midfield with me barely eking out a victory. Super close, tense game overall.
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And so the spoils of war! I traded my Night Gyr for my opponent's Flashman, nabbed a Black Knight from the prize pile, and our extra prize box turned out the be a Sentinel. 3 decent commstar mechs plus $5 in store credit isn't too shabby a takeaway for a $20 entry fee!
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An update for you all:
Good to see everyone having fun and bashing opponents in the tags. I admit the chaos is truly addicting to watch. 👀
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Sound advice from @macadam. ^
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Like Mac, you’ve probably noticed how uneven and unfair most of the matches are. I originally used a randomizer to set up the matches, but then I had to do some manual rearranging when I decided some of the other Beast Wars boys needed to be in it. Most of the matches you can blame on the randomizer. Others were intentional. (*cough cough* Shockwave vs. Sentinel Prime)
To all who are dismayed by the unfairness of the matches and love the losing metal men dearly, I’m sorry. 🥺 However, the guys who are currently being decimated by the popular ones were bound to be disqualified at some point. It’s just happening sooner than you wanted.
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@robotzzz Yes, you’re absolutely correct, Lez. However, I took all of that into consideration and decided not to shut off reblogs for individual polls because:
The link to the master post is on every poll with a single line of clear instruction to vote on all of the matches. I may have little faith in humanity, but it is my hope that people will take the cue.
Even if someone with a ton of followers only reblogs a handful of the matches, the followers who don’t see the character(s) they like are bound to head to the master post and hopefully read the directions and/or find the character(s) they do like.
People like pushing buttons, especially poll buttons. It’s hard to stop at just one, and I’m counting on that basic human impulse to drive people to vote on as many as they can.
Whether I like it or not, this is essentially a popularity contest, and in my mind, certain matches/characters getting more reblogs than others indirectly acts as another key factor in determining popularity.
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cartoonslovers · 1 year
Sentinel is a better person then Blackarachnia… Hear me out, this is NOT a Blackarachnia-Bashing Post, it’s more like a Sentinel-Defense Post (even though I also don’t like Sentinel)! A lot of people believe that Sentinel is WORSE then Blackarachnia, and I totally get why, I felt the same way. Sentinel did a lot of messed up things. But at least he didn’t try to kill anyone innocent. Blackarachnia nearly committed genocide on Sari’s City, with the Key in her first episode! XD
I mean yeah. Look I ain't saying that he's isn't a jerk/terrible person or haven't done a lot of mess up shit or whatever. But compared to other versions of Sentinel Prime that show him in a dark light...Tfa Sentinel is probably the least evil and more sane version. Actually Sentinel being on the autobot side and doing things that aren't exactly 100 percent good is one of the reason why I actually like him as a character. Like it interesting to me to see a character on the heroic side do actual questionable things but at the same time isn't completely evil. I don't know man I just want to see him improve and get character development since I find him such a fascinating character and to me Tfa Sentinel sometime feels less like a actual antagonist and more like a comedic relief character in a antagonistic/rival role. I reread his parts in the All spark Almanac way too many times to count.
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juniaships · 4 years
Yall Some Fake Ass Friends: Malina ficlet
The one where my OC/quasi SI defends TFA!Optimus by setting the record straight for latter's former friends. Warning: Long text, character bashing. Script form.
Black Arachnia *to Sentinel*: I wouldn't look this way if you & Optimus had come and saved me! It's his fault I'm stuck like this!
Sentinel: Optimus ran back to try to save you if anything that's his fault!
Malina: Hold it! *flies up right in front of their faces on her jetpack*
Malina: I've held my tongue for a while now but you know what, I don't care so let's get something straight! What happened to you was not Optimus's fault! He sacrificed a lot to get where he is now.
Sentinel: Oh look the organic is trying to preach to us.
Malina: Well as this organic will preach I haven't seen a single instance where you've made a sacrifice for someone's sake. Especially not for Optimus!
Sentinel: Whaddya mean? I've made plenty of sacrifices for him! I sacrificed my head yet he laughed at me twice!
Malina: Surely you had to give up your prospects of Elite Guard for Optimus right? I mean, he had gave up his rank so you wouldn't get in trouble for sneaking to Archa Seven.
Sentinel: Wait, how do you know about Archa Seven?!
Malina: Your friend told me. In fact he tells me a lot of things see *flaunts the autobot pendant Prime gave her many months ago* But I want to ask, when have any of you ever sacrificed for anyone else?
Blackarachnia: I lost my true self and freedom! You think I liked being in this hideous form? You think you know so much about us when tou have no idea how cruel fate can be.
Malina: Oh I know. Just enough to know that you and Sentinel share something in common
Sentinel: At least I don't join a bunch filthy warmongers *glares pointedly at Arachnia, who hissed back just as venomously*
Malina: I'll give you that but still, none of it would've had happened if you'd just listened to Optimus. He told me he never wanted to break protocol.
Sentinel: Even if I had listened it still would've been the same! Gah I don't have time for this!
Malina: Still not seeing the big picture huh? I guess that giant crown must be giving you vision problems. And I doubt you want to be lost in a stinky, organic-infested jungle so it's better for you to stay riiiight here.
*Sentinel pouts*
Malina: Look what I'm trying to say here is, Optimus sacrificed everything for you yet how do you thank him? By picking on him, picking on us, his team, his real friends, constantly shaming him by bringing up every little mistake he ever made. I bet you didn't even thank him for taking the heat for you! Nor did you even say "I'm sorry for getting you kicked out of Autobot Academy because I was too caught up in my own self"! Your a terrible friend.
Sentinel: Now you're just talking some scrap! I am the perfect friend for him! His BEST friend! The best bot for him!
Malina: You're not a good bot, much less a good friend. In fact I think maybe you weren't friends with him at all. Just someone who wanted to ride on his coattails.
Sentinel: Now that's not true! I did things on my own back at the acadmey! I mean help me Eli- I mean Blackarachnia, tell this stupid organic I was a fantastic student back in the day!
*Blackarachnia remains slient; her ex starts getting nervous*
Sentinel: I have a great personality! When my best friend comes back he'll tell you! I make great rules so that Cybertron can go back to the way it was! No even better, a brand new Golden Age!
Malina: Your poor decision-making reflects your poor personality, Sentinel Magnus. You tricked your own citizens by accepting bribes from some Decepticons, you know, the enemy faction. You don't bother to learn my planet's culture or traffic laws for that matter. At least I try to learn Cybertornian ways so that I can communicate with your people better. You on the other hand? Always make messes for someone else to clean up while you slink away lying about how great and competent a leader you are. You talk down to my kind as if we're too stupid to understand the world. Not even giving us a chance. If that's your idea of a Golden Age I'd hate to see your idea of a Dark Age.
Blackarachnia *grinning at her ex being roasted: Hm. Maybe this little organic got more spark than I thought.
Malina: Oh no you don't Miss Spider! Don't act like you're all innocent! That first battle all the way back on Halloween you tried to kill my sister. Yes Sari's my sister.
Blackarachnia: I did warn her. She shouldn't have gotten in my way.
Malina: So she could stop you from destroying our city! All that noise for a cure that could've harmed you more than it would've helped you.
Blackarachnia: It would've worked if it hadn't been for certain interruptions. Besides I wasn't waiting on Megatron, I wasn't even aware of his presence.
Malina: If that's the case how come none of the Decepticons ever tried to help you find a cure? Seems to me they only said that to take advantage of you. Before you start to think I'm being heartless no. I'm sorry for what happened to you. Truly I am. If there was any way to reverse it I would try! But if you think I'm going to tolerate one more second of you trying to guilt Optimus you got another thing coming! Either that or Waspinator.
Sentinel: Wapsinator? That traitor that snuck into our ranks?
Malina: The Autobot recruit you threw in the brig to waste away for probably I dunno, hundreds of years all because of flimsy evidence.
Sentinel: How would I know that the accusations were baseless? Bumblebhead told me and I'd trust the word of an Autobot even one as clumsy as he!
Malina: Bumblebee, and he regrets ever accusing Wasp. Bee's been kicking himself in the rotor and wants help the guy he indirectly hurt! That's what makes them so different from you lot. You two always blame Optimus or others for your problems, you hurt others with no remorse, you redirect your self-loathing towards anyone who nothing to do with your pain. We have to heal from our pain so we can be better! Do better! All the while the two of you whine and complain about how horrible the world treats you or how awful you feel about the past or how much of a failure Optimus is when he's the one who had to LEARN from failure. All of us did! You two ungrateful protoforms never learn anything!!!
*Sentinel & BlackArachnia stare in complete silence*
Malina: And you know what hurts the most about all this. Optimus told me the reason he stuck by you after all those years was because he thought that, maybe you'd forgive him and be his friend again. That maybe the two of you would come to terms with what happened and maybe reclaim the friendship that was lost. I was completely on board with that because guess what? He's my friend and friends are supposed to trust each other! So why can't you? Why after all these solar cycles have you refused to put your faith in Optimus after everything he's done?
*Sentinel and Arachnia continue to stare in silence*
Malina: Now I see that it's impossible. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say you richly deserve each other.
*Sentinel and Arachnia still stare in complete shock at the audacity of the "organic's" callout. Malina smiles. She is right.*
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astriiformes · 5 years
If you love cheesy found family content and you aren’t watching the High Rollers Aerois campaign what are you even doing
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lesser-mook · 4 years
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Transformers: Dark of The Moon [The Fall of 2 Primes]
The strength & narrative of this DOTM movie would’ve been the mentor /student relationship between Sentinel & Optimus.
Character driven story about “Bonds & Corruption”
Sentinels death would’ve held more weight if the humans had much much much much less screentime:
*Bye Sam, bye Sam’s parents, by Carly, bye Military Jocks i don’t gaf about
Here we get to see flashbacks of Orion Pax under Sentinels guidance on Cybertron, the mentorship.
Even a spry Bee with his true voice, a young scout.
Younger Ironhide, a combat instructor.
Jazz, stylistic, smooth talking upcomer in the Ranks, BFF with Cliffjumper.
Ratchet, studious, friend of Orions.
We see them briefly, but enough to hit the emotional chords. The focus is Orion & Sentinel.
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Thus, we see Cybertron’s culture, the AllSpark in it’s original glory, everything.
Orion, he serves as an archivist, a meek yet brilliant librarian, and Sentinel Prime; Elite Cybertronian Defender, Commander.
Sentinel seeing potential, and a good soul in Orion, takes him under his wing.
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Teaching his philosophies & principles to the young scholar, here we see Sentinels warmer side. His true self:
Before the War.
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And tragically, as the War dragged on.
As Orion ascended to Prime status, came the dark toll of what the War did to Sentinel Prime & his sanity:
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Thus his descent into the Decepticon way of thinking, the ends justifying the means; His fall being sealed with the deal with the Devil, the “Deal with Megatron.”
Which we’d actually SEE happen.
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Fast forward, Sentinel is found.
The pillars are the mission now, yet The Autobots are collecting them while Sentinel is withholding his true intentions.
By now, Jazz is indeed alive in Movie 1,2, & most of 3:
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And it is here, In the third film after getting to know them as characters, not CGI props with stereotypical traits; That Sentinel kills both Ironhide & Jazz in a brutal 2v1.
Showing a more badass, less bullshit death for two legacy Autobots, them using teamwork & veteran combat tactics against a seasoned Prime. With swelling Jablonsky epic score.
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And displaying Sentinels strength as he defeats them both with sheer cunning, and superior skills.
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The Setup of the fight-
-they would be on recon to look for pillars, just the three of them as a squad, while Bee, & Ratchet are elsewhere. And Optimus is solo.
Sentinels plan would be to weed down the Autobots to just Optimus remaining, for he still cares for his friend and wants to possibly turn him.
So for opposition to be minimum, so he attacks the 2 unsuspecting Autobots.
They would have him on the defense at first, Similar to (Ultra Magnus & Wheeljack vs Predaking fight): Brutal, gritty, well executed.
They would overwhelm him initially with sequences of team attacks:
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-only for the fight to suddenly turn when Ironhide charges in for another punch, Sentinel feints and spear thrusts into him; Holding him in place long enough to use his rust corrosion rifle.
Weakening Ironhide, but Ironhide delivers a vicious punch to Sentinel Prime, which he blocks with his shield but is sent back several feet, showing Ironhide’s sheer might & resolve.
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Jazz distracting Sentinel with a smooth flying kick to the back, landing next to Ironhide:
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Jazz: "Ironhide, think the Cons are controlling him?"
Ironhide: "Unlikely, the only ones being played here, were us.."
Jazz: "So it's do or die.. you still with me, man?"
Ironhide: *Aggressive snort
Jazz: "Nuff said."
A determined Jazz & Enraged Ironhide continue to take on Sentinel in a gruesome battle, in which he (Sentinel) turns up the heat & starts fighting offensively.
He eventually kills them by wearing down their stamina, cutting them in precise locations, using his shield to bash their sliced areas & joints, using their strength against them, using wits over brawn.
Experience vs numbers.
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Here they die a Warriors death, fighting to the end. Giving him plenty of bruises & injuries from the battle before they fall.
Not snapped in half comically then tossed like trash (Jazz), no cheap shots from behind then faded into rust & metal. (Ironhide)
He would even comment on his respecting their skill & resolve, acknowledging their ability, before ending them.
They Fall Like Warriors
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Sentinel would excuse their deaths & his injuries on a Decepticon ambush.
The deaths of their friends deliver a massive blow to Ratchet, Bee, & Optimus. Who’s had the longest history with Jazz and Ironhide.
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However Ratchet would play a major role in discovering the truth through forensics, and would inform Optimus the truth of their deaths from Sentinels wounds alone having traces of Ironhides’ rounds; Prime doubts this until it’s too late, wanting to believe otherwise.
Which begins Prime’s descent into despair & darkness, which we see in AOE
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His disappointment in his mentor, the betrayal, the loss of Jazz & Ironhide (Which is given more memorial & respect), and eventually having to kill Sentinel, broke Optimus.
Turning him into a colder, darker Prime, just like Sentinel was.
Sentinels mistake was being absent for so long, he didn’t realize the Orion he knew, was gone. Optimus is a leader, a fighter, also a commander as Sentinel was. A Legend.
No longer Orion Pax, no longer the underling. Now a Rival.
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If we got that film, “Dark Of The Moon” being the “Revenge of the Sith” of the TF Trilogy, a tale of corruption:
This scene would have you feeling for these characters, you’d feel the investment:
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Having to see Optimus kill him in cold energon. It would actually mean something because we saw in the beginning of the movie, the good Sentinel was capable of.
We would’ve also gotten to see their History, their bond; And that bond’s slow, gradual destruction.
Two examples of Cybertron’s finest becoming infected by the harsh reality that regardless of your intentions, good or bad-
War takes no sides, it’s unfair, and is as ruthless & persistent as you’re willing to take it or make it.
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LEGACY of Advancement devolved into Savagery & War from one Bots dark, immovable ambition, Megatron.
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Sentinel’s goal of saving his race, a mission born of good intentions executed by horrific means, even killing his own allies; An otherwise honorable bot, led astray by an evil one, preying on his insecurities as a Leader, powerless to defend his people, from themselves.
All so Megatron could get closer to the Allspark, by proxy overthrowing the system, The concept of Primes, the Counsel, everything he sees as shackles on their society from becoming what he feels it should be.
His Twisted Utopia.
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Sentinel would otherwise be marveled by Earth’s natural beauty, torn between his compelling duty of reviving a now dead Cybertron & his principles of leaving Earth it’s Freedom, for according to him at one point, it was it’s right. Letting Earth live; At the expense of his own.
And even doubting his mission to save Cybertron; Due to having to kill Jazz & Ironhide. They were true Autobots, serving the cause, dying for what?
They were Cybertronians of his own creed. He killed them to save “everyone”? His mind is warped by centuries, millennia of war, butchering, & massacre’s. The killing of his brothers in arms, daunts him, but not for long.
But we at least see that it did something to him.
For in his mind, he convinced himself that they & many others were merely a means, a (((sacrifice for victory))) to save the many. All stemming from his shame of not being able to save Cybertron from itself.
Driven mad with grief & regrets and misguided methods:
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Except someone who he saw as a Student, friend, even perhaps a son figure; Came to kill him, not save him.
For the moment he slew Ironhide & Jazz, he sealed his fate.
The battle would involve Ratchet, an enraged Bumblebee & Prime initially. But due to the involvement of other Decepticons (The Wave Brothers Shockwave & Soundwave WHO ARE NOT killed recklessly here and Barricade & Starscream who are given legitimate screentime to be actual threats)
Thus, It would become a duel between Primes: For Megatron would leave Sentinel behind to his doom, as bait to further his own ends.
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The Primes would fight & fight until their weapons gave out, wore, and shattered due to their godly strength and the unique circumstance of emotion behind their blows:
One striving to reach the other for reconciliation, and the younger one striving to avenge his friends; Enraged by betrayal & drunk with anger against someone he knew & respected.
A state we’ve never seen Optimus in.
Becoming a brutal hand to hand deathmatch.
The fight reaching it’s climax, it’s a deadlock stalemate, they’re too even; The protege not only managed to reach Sentinels level but nearly surpass him.
Sentinel picks up a shard of metal from a sword, jumping toward Optimus- Prime feints backward, ultimately using the Matrix itself (via chest beam) to obliterate Sentinel.
Sentinel turning away the Matrix earlier in the film would be Sentinel himself knowing he was not worthy, he was ashamed.
Bleeding out, with a gaping hole in his spark. Sentinel pleads with Optimus to help his agenda, pleads/ slurs into an apology to Cybertron itself.. then his eyes go dark.
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Fact is, character wise, Sentinel fell too deep.
And by killing him violently, severing ties with someone he respected the most, would cause Optimus to also fall further into despair & gradual madness, darkness.
Killing Sentinel was an emotional drive, it wasn’t a satisfactory conclusion nor was it closure for Optimus.
Sentinel, who genuinely cared about Orion once; In spite of his good intentions for Cybertron, left Optimus only a legacy of pain, betrayal, and death.
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Sentinel, if left unchecked was going to unintentionally repeat Cybertron, on Earth.
In AOE, Optimus, with the help of Bee, Ratchet and the Autobots that remain & depend on him, he would have moral support.
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With CliffJumper and The Dinobots joining the team respectively in Ironhide’s stead.
(The Dinobots would legitimately join the ranks as an Elite squad of Autobot Warriors that remained on Cybertron)
Respected, feared, intelligent warriors. Not imprisoned, dumb dino bums.
And Cliffjumper, responding to the news of Jazz’s demise, also joins Optimus’ squad, ready to take the fight to the “Cons” for his fallen friend.
And with the counsel of Arcee, Optimus’ new Second in command
The newly acting 1st Lt. respectively supplanting Jazz
ARCEE: Primes close friend, along with “Cliff” she is one of the last remaining Special Ops personnel from Cybertron’s early War efforts.
She respects Optimus, and he trusts her.
Trust, something he struggles with at this point. So her having his trust, means she’s the real deal.
The Older Sister figure of the squad, where Bee is the energy, Ratchet is the rational mind, Dinobots are the muscle, Cliffjumper is the new acting munitions officer; She is the glue to the teams morale/infrastructure.
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-Thus, Optimus would gradually recover, mostly, from his darkness in AOE
He would still be hardened, but he’s still Optimus.
For he still has purpose, with purpose, he has a chance to prevent the same incident with Sentinel from happening again.
Except now (again) he’s a lot less trusting, more brutal in battle, but self aware of himself when and if he goes too far.
With that said, In AOE:
He gradually regains his strength in that firm gentleness his character always commanded, hope, and compassion that he once gave off in 2007.
But it’s gradual, in this version of DOTM, he went through some serious shit.
And the witnessing of his very human struggles with redemption of ones own darkness is the testimony of Hope that he being a “Christ like figure” stands for, ergo Superman etc.
A good message of overcoming inner demons, relying on those who rely on you. A change for the better, is not instant, it’s a process.
Showing character development. Change, something Sentinel could not do; Even in his final moments.
And Megatron still lurks out there, plotting, growing his own ranks, and waiting:
However, not as some demonic metal mook.
A legitimate General who truly believes his way will save Cybertron, and when put in a position to validate his methods, it actually makes sense in theory (much like Thanos) Megatrons his methods are too extreme.
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And this current Optimus, unlike his past self will not seek to appeal to Megatron. No talk, no banter, no speeches, no debate, not this time:
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A Tragic Tale, The Fall Of 2 Primes
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Dark of the Moon
TUMBLR! I deeply apologize for the extended hiatus. Life is sometimes hard. But, to make it up to you, I return, for the first time in a long time, with, gasp, an actual essay analyzing the actual aesthetics of a transformers toyline! We’ve got Dark of the Moon, people!
Without further ado,
Transformers: Dark of the Moon was the third entry into the series of Michael Bay’s Transformers movies. Dark of the Moon (DOTM) continued to evolve the aesthetics of the film franchise, and introduced many of the aesthetic traits that would come to define subsequent films, such as extremely human Autobots and drawing and occasionally tweaking pre-existing models from previous films to fill out the cast. The toyline continued to evolve many of the features found in previous movie toylines, such as automated gimmickry, high levels of complexity, Human Alliance figures, and others. 
Aesthetically, DOTM is significantly busier than its predecessors. In many respects, ROTF represents a smooth and fairly coherent outgrowth of the visual language of the first film. While DOTM is clearly drawn from the same source, sometimes quite literally, it lacks much of the unity of the earlier media. Although one concept artist, Josh Nizzi, was responsible almost all of the designs of Dark of the Moon (“Nizzi continued Megatron's evolution, as well as designing Shockwave, Soundwave and Laserbeak, the Wreckers and Dreads...pretty much everybody except Wheeljack and Brains”, the straight reuse of models from ROTF and the first film, the presence of many generics without alternate modes, and the iconic elements of the aforementioned characters Wheeljack and Brains contributes to the lack of a strong aesthetic identity for DOTM. (Apcog)
        Like Revenge of the Fallen before it, DOTM reused the models of the core cast of autobots, with minor cosmetic changes for Bumblebee and others, and back characters from previous films as themselves, most notably Barricade. (ItsWalky, Dark)  However, DOTM also uses generic models to fill out a large army of generic enemies. One of the central plot points of DOTM is a pitched battle in Chicago, featuring wave upon wave of Decepticons versus the Autobots. (ItsWalky, Dark) In order to have the requisite number of bodies to fill out a whole army, DOTM adopted several approaches. Several generics with unique models were created; many of these were only onscreen for a handful of seconds, and never received a figure or even a name. It is often possible to watch the entire movie without realizing that a particular model, like that of new character Devcon, has been on screen. (Tom Servo) Most of the characters, however, were straight asset reuses from the previous films. Examples include Scrapper and Long Haul, two ROTF era decepticon models, reuse of the first movie Brawl/Demolisher M1 Abrams model, Sideway’s Audi R8 from ROTF, Lensmeter decepticons, reusing Scalple’s ROTF model, and others. (ItsWalky, Dark). While ROTF had often used multiple constructicons, particularly in the Egypt scene, to pad the ranks of the enemy forces, those models originated in that film, and aren’t reuse in the sense employed here. This reuse somewhat complicates the issue of what can be said to be the aesthetic of Dark of the Moon; obviously, these models are part of the finished film. However, they are simply drawn wholesale from previous efforts. They constitute, therefore, a part of the aesthetic of the film despite not being originally from it, creating one of many subcategories of the aesthetic of the movie. 
    We also find a lack of cohesion in the designs that are original to DOTM as well. In the first movie, the Decepticons were all military vehicles, with the exception of Megatron, who didn’t have an earth based alternate mode, and Barricade, who turned into a police car. (ItsWalky, Transformers) In DOTM, there is no such clear unifying element. On the Decepticon side, five new characters are introduced; Shockwave, Laserbeak, and the three Dreads. (ItsWalky, Dark) Megatron and Soundwave also receive completely overhauled designs. (Apcog) All of these characters have very distinct alternate modes and high level concepts. The dreads are three different robots that each turn into identical chevy suburbans. (Khajidha, Dreads) Laserbeak can turn into anything (SFH, Laserbeak). Soundwave turns into a fancy Mercedes (Servitor 2152). Megatron turns into a Mad Max styled Mack truck, and Shockwave doesn’t actually transform in the film, although his toys are generally given some pseudo tank alternate mode. (M Sipher, Shockwave; Dark T Zeratul) 
        The robot modes share this lack of cohesion. In the first movie, the decepticons all shared monstrous proportions and strongly angular, insectoid heads. In DOTM, Laserbeak is a bird, and the Dreads are based on nothing so much as the Predator. (SFH, Laserbeak ; Khadijah, Dreads) Like the Dreads, Shockwave is quite monstrous, but lacks earth based alternate mode detailing. (M Sipher, Shockwave) His head is no longer clearly insectoid, and is quite visually distinct from those of the Dreads, or Soundwave’s new head. While Megatron was much the same in ROTF, in DOTM he once again has an alternate mode, and sheds much of the anonymous metal tangles that once comprised his robot mode in favor of vehicle kibble, differentiating him from Shockwave. 
        The Autobots also had a lot going on. Several autobots were introduced for this movie; Dino, Sentinel Prime, Wheeljack (Que), Brains, and the Wreckers. (ItsWalky, Dark) As with the Decepticons, each of these has a very pronounced aesthetic, but they don’t have much in common with each other. Sentinel Prime draws many visual cues from Optimus Prime’s design, particularly around the head, in the way his legs are shaped, and the cab chest. (Charles RB) The Wreckers all turn into Nascars (sometimes customized with a massive array of weaponry), and their robot modes feature styling based on the stereotypical Nascar fan such as mullets and shades. (Derik) Brains and Wheeljack have glowing, floaty hair, strangely human eyes, and pronounced teeth. (SFH, Que)  To top it all off, all of the Autobots occasionally sport a ‘Stealth Force’ mode, where their vehicles grow an array of weapons comparable to the Wreckers. (ItsWalky, Stealth) 
While even from the outset the Autobots had less in common than the Decepticons, in Dark of the Moon there is almost nothing to unify them. Even elements that they had shared before, such as blocky heads, are now largely absent. Dino’s head is quite different from even Sideswipe, who was introduced in the previous film. (M Sipher, Dino)  Where before the heads of the Autobots had been blocky, with clearly defined features such as noses and mouths, Dino’s head is largely smooth, with no obvious features other than his unnaturally round eyes. (M Sipher, Dino) Wheeljack and the Wreckers drift in the opposite direction, from humanoid to being essentially metal people. This aesthetic decision presaged things to come; in Age of Extinction and the Last Knight, most of the new characters featured this sort of ‘metal person’ styling. 
Each faction has a handful of distinct aesthetics, conspiring overall to give the film a lack of singular purpose in design. Where ROTF and the first movie had featured a strong and well defined visual language, DOTM is a seemingly directionless mix of the work of various artists from various points in time. While individual characters have strong visual identity and design elements, as a whole, the film lacks any unifying elements to focus these individual designs, save perhaps the extreme complexity that is the trademark of the franchise. The result is an aesthetic that feels like nothing so much as an arbitrary grouping of disconnected ideas. 
When translated to the toyline, these notions become even more complex, in part because the toyline omits features found in the film, and in part because the toyline introduces features unique to it. 
DOTM was the last movie toyline to feature a high proportion of toy only characters; AOE had only two, and one was a redeco of a character who did appear in the film. (Seichi, Age) As a result, the toyline has features of many of the first two movie lines. Toy-only characters tend to have a softer implementation of the iconic movie aesthetic, garnering their highly detailed appearance from detaining on solid pieces of the alt mode, rather than revealing an entirely new set of details in robot mode by rearranging vehicle shell.  Like ROTF and the first movie line before it, DOTM issued a slew of retailer exclusive decos of figures, both ones new to DOTM and preexisting ones.(Seichi) These also lend unique design elements to the toyline.
DOTM elaborated on the automated gimmickry in the previous two movie lines. Where before the gimmick had been on the figures themselves, in DOTM, the automated features, now referred to as Mech Tech, were found instead on spring loaded weapon accessories packaged with all figures of deluxe and voyager classes. (Eagc7; Seichi)
The Human Alliance sub-branding was now expanded to include figures roughly analogous in size to the scout figures of previous lines. DOTM also included “the Cyberverse subline featuring Legends Class characters, Commander Class (new price point, effectively replacing Scouts)” (Seichi;Khajidha) This subline emphasized the interactivity of figures and playsets. Moreover, “toys were roughly in relative scale with each other”, which served to reinforce the concept of Cyberverse, not as individual toys, but as an ecosystem. (Khajidha) 
Following in the footsteps of the first two movie lines, DOTM featured many toys targeted at a much younger audience. These included Activators, Bash Bots, Revving Robots and Go-bots, all of which were much simpler figures, often with some sort of autotransformation gimmick. (Seichi) The number of these offerings is somewhat comparable to the larger, more complex figures aimed at older children. (Seichi) This feature of the DOTM line presages an important development in later movie toylines, namely the increasingly well defined breach between figures targeted at collectors and older children. Although ROTF arguably represents the peak of complexity in movie figures, DOTM figures are by no means simplistic. DOTM figures continue to have intricate, sometimes arcane transformation schemes, involved shells to create realistic car modes from the highly stylized robot models of the films, and small, dedicated pieces. 
Further complicating the issue of the toyline’s aesthetic, many of the film’s most iconic characters didn’t receive toys at general retail in the United States. “Due to a combination of factors, a number of named characters from the film did not receive "mainline" toy releases, an issue noted by many frustrated fans. Examples include Deluxe Que and Soundwave never seeing a North American release (apparently an issue with retail orders), Dino not receiving a transformable toy at all until 2014 (due to lack of licensing for his vehicle mode), and only one of the three Dreads receiving a Deluxe-or-larger sized toy (likely due to Hasbro not wanting to release three identical black SUVs, even if they do turn into different-looking robots.)” (Seichi, Dark) Leadfoot, one of the Wreckers, got a human alliance toy, but, like Wheeljack and Soundwave, the release of his deluxe figure in the US was totally canceled. (Seichi, Dark) Similarly, many of the characters who’s models were simply reused as generics didn’t receive toys in the line for obvious reasons. Features from the film like Stealth Force weaponry were also found in a limited way on some figures, and to a much more pronounced degree on others, particularly the Wreckers. (Seichi, Dark; Derik)  Since many of the members of the cast to receive toys had been originally featured in previous films, it is difficult to find realized in plastic examples of the many aesthetic features that originated in DOTM, such as Que’s hair. This is perhaps the most profound point of divergence in the aesthetics of the toyline and the film itself, and in many ways is a source of significant departure from previous film toylines, which didn’t feature such a gap. 
The toyline’s relationship to the aesthetics of the film is not one to one. Many of the most recognizable elements of the film, such as Dino or Stealth Force, are obscured or absent from the line altogether. Other features, like Mech Tech or the plethora of Human Alliance figures, aren’t featured in the film itself at all. Many toy only characters are obviously inspired by the visuals of the movies, but concede more to being figures by featuring less intricate metal detailing and more alt mode kibble. The toyline is still clearly situated in the tradition of movie toylines; complexity, Human Alliance, and automated gimmickry all provide strong ties to the past. Something of the future is also visible in DOTM. The eventual split between toys for younger children and more collector oriented figures in the movie lines is presaged by the contracted scope of the more traditional toyline and the continued presence of more Playskool figures. Similarly, DOTM also defines many of the aesthetic decisions that would strongly sculpt toylines in subsequent films, in particular the extremely human styling of Que. 
Overall, from an aesthetic perspective, DOTM is something of a mess. Because there are so many things going on in the film, from Stealth Force to Soundwave’s sports car alternate mode to Sentinel Prime taking cues from Optimus, it becomes difficult to pinpoint what exactly constitutes the aesthetic of DOTM. Certainly, there are several core elements, such as the oft mentioned Stealth Force, the increasingly human designs of new transformers, Wheeljack��s hair, and the reuse of models from previous films, to name a few. However, in many senses, the primary aesthetic feature of Dark of the Moon, both the toyline and the film, is that there are many little aesthetics, such as that of the Dreads or the Wreckers, and these are combined haphazardly with others to create the overall aesthetic of the franchise. 
         Works Cited
Apcog et al. “Josh Nizzi” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Josh_Nizzi Accessed 2/27/2021
Charles RB et al. “Sentinel Prime (ROTF)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Sentinel_Prime_(ROTF) Accessed 3/6/2021
Dark T Zeratul et al. “Megatron (Movie)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Megatron_(Movie) Accessed 3/6/2021
Derik et al. “Wrecker” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Wrecker Accessed 3/6/2021
Eagc7 et al. “Mech Tech” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/MechTech Accessed 2/27/2021
ItsWalky et al. “Stealth Force” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Stealth_Force Accessed 2/27/2021
ItsWalky et al. “Transformers (film)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers_(film) Accessed 3/7/2021
ItsWalky et al. “Transformers: Dark of the Moon (Film)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers:_Dark_of_the_Moon_(film) Accessed 2/28/2021
Khajidha et al. “Cyberverse (toyline)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Cyberverse_(toyline) Accessed 2/27/2021
Khajidha et al. “Dreads” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Dreads Accessed 3/6/2021
M Sipher et al. “Dino” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Dino Accessed 2/27/2021
M Sipher et al. “Shockwave (Movie)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Shockwave_(Movie) Accessed 3/6/2021
Servitor 2152 et al. “Soundwave (ROTF)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Soundwave_(ROTF) Accessed 3/6/2021
Seichi et al. “Transformers: Dark of the Moon (Toyline)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers:_Dark_of_the_Moon_(toyline) Accessed 2/27/2021
Seichi et al. “Transformers: Age of Extinction (toyline)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers:_Age_of_Extinction_(toyline) Accessed 3/9/2021
SFH et al. “Laserbeak (DOTM)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Laserbeak_(DOTM) Accessed 3/6/2021
SFH et al. “Que” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Que Accessed 3/7/2021
Sunjumper et al. “Human Alliance” TFwiki.https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Human_Alliance Accessed 5/8/2020
Tom Servo the Great et al. “Devcon (DOTM)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Devcon_(DOTM) Accessed 2/28/2021
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gritsandbrits · 5 years
Group Chat Now Open!!!
Sentinel Prime Hate Club
How To Join: Reblog/reply, message me or like this post to request to invite.
About: The forum hosts a variety of topics related to the TFA Continuity family, from information about the cancelled season four to including rants about a certain Elite Guardsman.
No Ship Bashing, meaning no vitriol towards yaoi, yuri, hetero, OC x Canon, fanon, canon pairings
No explicit content; material must reach Teen rated
All topics must relate to TFA only; no other continuities allowed
Warn posts of any spoilers for those who have not watched the series
Rule will update with membership growth
I look forward to seeing y'all there!!!
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Transformers hotel!Au
Was at Universal Studios today and saw a cafe called Starbot cafe. I accidentally said Starbot Hotel, and this hotel au just suddenly popped up in my head. My first au, so please, no flames, and tell me what you think!
(Tfa bots keep their design, but relationships may differ a little to fit into this au. Nothing too major though, so don’t worry.)
Scenario: Optimus and Megatron (TFP) opens a hotel on Cybertron some day after the war ends. Former faction members from both sides end up being the hotel staff, and the hotel is still somehow running.
TFP Autobots
Optimus - Owner and propagandist (also would make random appearances at hotel and 1) stand there looking cool or 2) help lost people find their way because certain porters aren’t doing their duties.
Ratchet - Grumpy head medic that does not want to actually be there over half the time. Stationed with duty 24/7 and constantly wants to bash head in.
Arcee - Porter #1 - drives everyone (and their luggages) to their rooms (is always getting annoyed by the other two porters and will not so subtlety force them to do their duties without running off)
Bumblebee - Promoter #1 (Actually a main reason why people go to StarBot Hotel is because of how adorable Bee is, but he’s a good promoter too. Secretly fanboys over every ship happening in the hotel and helped play matchmaker in some situations. Tfa Bumblebee is his twin of sorts.)
Bulkhead - Assistant nurse to Ratchet who always (accidentally) trashes the medbay more than keeping it in order. Always tries his best however, no matter what Ratchet says, so give him a break
Smokescreen - Porter #2 (hyper and fast, and will actually get the job done efficiently if he actually stops skipping duty to race with KO and Tfa Bunblebee. Gossips about relationships on off time, mostly to Tfp Bumblebee)
Ultra Magnus - Security guard #1 (tells everyone to be rule abiding. Seem to always have eyes everywhere 24/7. He and Soundwave makes a good team)
Wheeljack - Stunt performer who gives free shows to hotel users and tells people to blow up Ratchet’s medbay and blame it on Bulkhead. Flirts with Ratchet even though neither are romantically interested in one another.
TFP Decepticons
Megatron - Co Owner, receptionist and chambermaid (Optimus tells him that he scares everyone away and stuck him with cleaning duty unfortunately)
Starscream - Promoter #2 (Actually does a good job at convincing people to stay in the hotel with his convincingness. Helps out anyone else who needs it when off duty (except for Megatron))
Soundwave - Security guard #2 (Scares everyone silently into abiding the law. Magically appears whenever someone is about to do something wrong and stares at them until they get the cue and stops what they’re doing. Lazerbeak is his son and prodigy security guard-in-training and he would casually kill anyone who looks down upon him. In semi relationship with SS)
Knockout - Head cleaner, part time medic to help Ratchet (always yells at people who accidentally nicks the ground, wall or anything in the hotel even a little bit. When helping Ratchet, both constantly argues about each others’ choice of assistant. Also sneaks off during duty to race, much to everyone’s annoyance.)
Breakdown - Knockout’s assistant who always (accidentally) messes up what he’s supposed to clean (GIVE THIS BEAN A BREAK HE’S TOO BIG) Knockout understands though, and never calls him out.
Dreadwing - Security guard #3 (passive aggressively scares everyone to be law abiding by carrying his huge cannon around, and telling everyone earnestly that it’s dishonourable to break the rules)
Airachnid - Security camera manager #1 (doesn’t really care if a crime is being committed or not, thinks murdering is fine as long as not bloody so that knockout does not have a hissy fit. Thank goodness U.M. and S.W keeps everyone in check. Doesn’t like her partner on duty and secretly plotting to kill her.)
Shockwave - Receptionist #1 (Tries not to act as if he’s done with life. The mono optic makes it a little hard.)
Steve the Vehicon - The random jester that makes everyone laugh and has a not-so-secret admiration for Starscream
Other Eradicons and Vehicons - Cooks (and sometimes chambermaids and cleaners as well? Always gossip about the latest news regarding the mechs working in the hotel and is just done with their superiors and Lugnut)
TFA Autobots
TFA Optimus - Next in line to inheriting hotel (Optimus TFP’s Son. Is the kind and unsure person who tries his best and yet have things backfire in his face sometimes and have others questioning his authority. His dad is there to teach him though, everything will be fine.)
Prowl - Yoga instructor (gives everyone free yoga lessons and sometimes even karate. Tells everyone to either ignore TFA bumblebee or just kick his aft. Completely clueless to Jazz’s swooning, poor birb.)
TFA Bumblebee - Porter #3 (like Smokescreen, is hyper and fast and would be efficient if he wasn’t always leaving the job for Arcee to complete. Bails on duty sometimes to go racing with KO and Smokescreen. Sometimes Blitzwing catches all of them and sticks them with kitchen serving duty. Doesn’t like to be referred to as ‘Bumblebee’s twin.)
Jazz - Music provider / DJ (seriously, he comes up with the best songs. Provides the right kind of music for different occasions. Secretly head over heels for TFA Prowl. Is a really chill guy until you question his music tastes.)
Sentinel Prime - Receptionist #2 (is secretively scared of TFP Optimus but constantly undermines TFA Optimus. TFP Optimus puts him in line tho. Shockwave is secretly done with S.P.)
TFA Decepticons
TFA Megatron- Head chef?? Constantly tries to poison energon for bots and food for humans but always gets thwarted by Ultra Magnus (TFP) Also needs to learn how to treat the Vehicons and Eradicons better, but they always get back at him.
Lugnut - TFA Megatron’s assistant chef. (Worships the food and energon prepared by the guy. Also tries (and fails) to influence the cooks (Vehicons And Eradicons) with Megatron’s ‘mightiness and amazingness with cooking)
Blitzwing - Hotel supervisor and manager (Icy is extremely strict, calm and civil to patrons and tolerates paperwork. Hothead blows up at everyone and incinerates paperwork and Random just cannot be bothered with paperwork. Also in a semi relationship with TFA Bumblebee.)
TFA Starscream - (By a weird twist of fate) Megatron’s superior. Makes Megatron make extra dishes and energon as he pleases just because he could. (Doesn’t give two shits about Megatron poisoning food, ironically, even though he’s drinking that energon too)
Blackarachnia - On security cam duty with Airachnid. Surprisingly they do not get along and butt heads constantly. (Case to point, Thank Primus for Ultra Magnus and Soundwave (and lazerbeak). Knows that Airachnid wants to kill her but doesn’t bother with such petty thoughts, seeing that there’s three (four?) security guards on duty)
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aniseandspearmint · 7 years
@princesssarcastia, here are some of the things I’m reading right now! I took a quick look at your listed fandoms and tried to keep it to those, though I added a few really good ones from others.)
WIP I’m currently reading off the top of my head (various fandoms)
Lightsword by Esama (Star Wars/ff7) Cloud reincarnates as Obi-wan Kenobi. Composed of one word prompt sections. Very well done and I really can’t wait to see where the author goes with it. Gen so far (well, hinted Zack/Aerith?)
Survival is a Talent by Shanastoryteller (Harry Potter) Soulmate AU fic. This kind of AU is one I really enjoy when it’s done well (and so long as the fic isn’t one of those colorblind until you meet your soulmate ones those irritate me so much) and this is done well. It’s Harry/Draco, starting in second year. And the best part? There’s no bashing of either Ron or Hermione. I could have cried in relief when they weren’t distorted out of character. They stay Harry’s besties throughout everything. The issues of Harry and Draco realizing they’re soulmates is handled extremely well. Draco doesn’t just change, nor does Harry. They have to work at being friends, and as of the current chapters there’s only friendship. The endgame pairing is Harry/Draco, but Shanastoryteller has clearly remembered that the boys in question are 12/13 and there is no romance yet. Draco’s very real issues with the knowledge that his father is not a good person (for all that he clearly loves Draco) makes my heart ache for him. Draco loves his father, Lucius loves Draco, but Draco is coming to realize that he doesn’t want anyone to die, not even muggles or muggleborns.
Resident Project by Kryal (Resident Evil/Tatterdemalion Verse) The Tatterdemalion Verse is a sci-fi/horror AU of Bleach and Saiyuki created by Vathara, that I cannot rec enough, even to people who aren’t into either Bleach or Saiyuki. In my opinion, they read fairly well even if you don’t know who all the characters are, since it’s such an extreme AU from the original series’, and the Bleach fics are actually set way pre-series and feature few of the main cast (as they have not been born yet). A quick google of the names will get you general appearance, and you can read from there.
Kryal, author of The Dragon King's Temple, THE best Avatar/Stargate crossover, was apparently chatting with Vathara one day about how well the Resident Evil verse would mix with Tatterdemalion, and this fic was born. I may have screamed a little in joy when I saw the notification in my inbox. And I don’t even know more than the bare bones about Resident Evil. Fic is Gen, no pairings, people are too busy trying not to die for romance.
Friends Across Borders Series by MueraRashaye (Heralds of Valdemar) Dunno if you know this book series or not, but I’ll toss this in too. FAB is on it’s 10th story in the series (long series is long btw, currently over 300k) , and is honestly one of the best Valdemar fanfics I have ever read. The characters are OCs, but fully fleshed out and beautifully rendered. I had absolutely no problem getting into them, and had the odd but hilarious experience of idly wondering what Kir and Anur were up to during the canon book series the last time I read it, only to remember mid thought that the were OCs, not Mercedes Lackey’s characters. Ace and Aro characters!
Triumphant, The Dreamer by Shadowblayze (Harry Potter) This is a lovely OC reincarnated as a Harry Potter character fic. The character is Heather, a twin to Harry. EPIC worldbuilding and amazingly well done characters. No character bashing, but also pulls no punches regarding certain stupid moves made by canon characters. Gen so far.
Find Your Way By Moonlight by Blackkat (Naruto, Vampire AU) I usually don’t really go for AUs that take away the whole magic ninja aspect of Naruto, but damn this is a good story. Totally an exception to my usual preferences! 
It focuses on Hunter Kakashi and Vampire Obito, and there are a whole host of twisty vampire and other supernatural creature politics, and currently there are a lot of people enacting epic plans without checking to see if maybe anyone else is currently enacting their own epic plans, and it’s promising to be a glorious train-wreck of tangled up coup/rescue/assassination attempts. Very much not Gen. Main pairing is Kakashi/Obito, with a ton of crack pairings on the side.
Karmic Balance by Sanjuno (khr/Naruto) Epic reincarnation of kakashi and Obito. They think the mafia is adorable, but ultimately dumb as rocks. The mafia does not see them coming. Epic worldbuilding (there is a theme there. I do love my epic worldbuilding *G*) This story is excellently spun, manages to treat the khr world seriously danger wise, but still retain the humor rainbow colored fire mafioso deserve. Kakashi/Obito main pairing (they’re kinda scarily co-dependant) gen for everyone else so far.
Star-Queen by TheBetterAngelsOfOurNature (Guardians of the Galaxy) Pre-movie AU, what if Meredith Quill had been able to chase after Peter? There’s endgame Meredith/Yondu, but it’s very slow burn. I really love how this author is filling in Meredith’s personality, and fleshing out other characters that the movies never did. There are a whole host of transplanted comic characters, and OCs to fill voids, but they’re very well done. Updates are kinda sporadic now, since the author just moved to an area with no internet and only gets to town once or twice a month, but it’s worth the wait.
Damaged Defenders by Sherza (MCU) Incredibly long and plotty re-imagining of how things would have gone if Thor had noticed Loki’s eyes were the wrong color. Features multiple crossovers with other Marvel works. Canon relationships only, and little focus on those. This is primarily a ‘gather the forces in preparation for a major alien invasion’ fic.
Harnessing Starfire by Sherza (Star trek AOS) A fic that actually lets the Enterprise crew be the BAMF individuals they truly are. AU after the first movie. Spock Prime gets his Kirk back! Takes the characters canon backstories into account, so Jim was on Tarsus. Takes a good analytical look at what it really means for Vulcans that Vulcan was destroyed, and what it means for the Klingons to have had most of their fleet gutted by Nero, and what it means for the Romulans to have had a Romulan do all of these things, time traveling nutjpb or not. Pairing is endgame AOS!Spock/AOS!Jim and TOS!Spock/TOS!Jim. The is Spock/Uhura at the beginning, but they amicably end things. No bashing.
Weirdness is Genetic by Sherza (BtVS/Sentinel/Stargate) This is the rarest of rarities, a GEN sentinel fic. Features a sentinel/guide bond between Xander and Clone!Jack that is handled beautifully. Also a sekret!father fic, wherein Jim Ellison is Xander’s biological father. The three fandoms are meshed well, and there’s not bashing of characters. Fic is totally gen apart from some canon barely there pairings.
Jason Todd: The Not-So-Outlaw by GoAwayOlivia (DCU Batman) A lovely fic that features Jason coming back to Gotham after deciding to take a break from the Outlaws. There’s some excellent exploration of family dynamics in the bat clan, and of what being resurrected with the Lazerus Pit’s really does to someones mind. I really love the developing relationship between the now much saner Jason and his adopted siblings in this, plus GoAwayOlivia’s Alfred is fantastic. Jason does therapy through home renovation, it’s great. Genfic. (*blinks* Huh, and apparently this is complete now? I never got that notification!)
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saphire-dance · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers Animated (2007) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blurr/Longarm Prime | Shockwave, Blurr/Cliffjumper, Cliffjumper/Longarm Prime | Shockwave, Blurr/Cliffjumper/Longarm Prime | Shockwave Characters: Blurr (Transformers), Cliffjumper (Transformers), Longarm Prime | Shockwave Additional Tags: Fluff, Clothing Kink, Sentinel Prime bashing, sorry - Freeform Summary:
Sent on a team building excursion Longarm throws a slumber party for his team. 
Proxyjammer was doing this too cute art meme drawing robots in cute clothes and I couldn't get the idea of robots in pajamas having a slumber party. 
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