#the reason you suck speech
gritsandbrits · 2 years
The Reason You Suck Speech ~ Sentinel Prime Edition.
After being fed up with the way Optimus Prime gets treated by his so-called friend, GritsandBrits finally reads Sentinel the riot act. Sentinel Prime Bashing, Optimus Defense Club. Warning for any Sentinel stans this is very negative towards him and tbh he needed that.
Tv Tropes: Someone delivers a speech to another character on all the reasons why that other character sucks or is a horrible person. There are several contexts in which this can happen.
In this context, it's giving 10yo me the chance to finally say what she wanted to say about Sentinel. He may have gotten off easy in canon but we aren't in canon are we? 
Okay. I have had enough of you badmouthing Optimus! Now I'm not saying he's perfect - who gives a damn! Perfection is boring and the way I see it trying to achieve it only leads to more problems! And I have never seen a more clear example than you Sentinel Prime! You like to rub everyone else's failures in their faces yet do nothing to help them grow. You strut around like Primus's given gift to the universe expecting people to like you yet barely have a good word to say about anyone. Even the few bots who do give a damn about you you treat with contempt.
The show may have let you off the hook then but it's been over for twelve years now and nothing is holding me back from calling you out. Even years later I'm still mad no one actually called out you for being an asshole, save for that one time Optimus told you to take your attitude and stuff it. That part made me laugh. And deserved.
You went around making everyone feel bad about themselves. You nearly put your own team in danger when you bribed Decepticons, said an ageist statement towards your boss In the Almanac, and would've endangered both planets has that fourth season been made! All the hurt you caused you got away with it... Not this time! Nobody ever talked to you like that? Good. Perk up those antennae I got more. 
You are part of one of the most powerful defenders in the universe. You are a candidate for what is the most powerful position on your planet. You're like almost royalty to your people yet here you are acting like you part of a school clique talking shit about people behind their backs. Ever since you came to earth you been carping and sniping at Optimus more than usual. For what? Because he's a college dropout? Or is it because he made something of himself with being a dropout and without you! Him being happy ticks you off, so you gotta cling on to what little control you have left by undermining his work. Bad enough he had to drop his things to bail you out and having to waste precious time and energy foolin' up with you!
His job was to maintain the space bridges not be your personal lapdog! Just because he's a janitor doesn't give you the right to make messes for him on purpose. It's basic courtesy. Then again, you wouldn't understand courtesy if it hit you in the chin!
It's not just the way you treat Optimus it's also how you treat everyone else. You make fun of Bee and Bulkhead, they told me about how you were at boot camp by the way. You pick on Jazz and the Twins for expressing interest in our planet. You even had the gall to insult Prowl's memory when he was the one who gave his life to save Earth AND your world! If not for him you wouldn't be here now bullying the way you do. 
Yeah I said it! You're a bully! A prime bully who throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way. Who likes to make everyone else miserable! Who bullied his way into positions of power! We're all happy and content with our lives with all its faults and follies and fun and freakiness. Even you with your lack of courtesy, we still accept you, so why can't you accept us? Do you have to destroy everyone to make your life worthwhile? The worse part is you don't own up or express remorse. Rather, you blame other people for suffering the consequences of YOUR actions!
You complained about Optimus lying to you about Miss Spider, well what about the other times he told you the truth? When he warned you about the Decepticons' presence on Earth, or Wasp's innocence, or organics not being a threat, all you said was: you're lying, I don't believe you, you're just a dropout, arrest them all! Not a 'let's settle down and figure this out together', nope! Just straight up threatened them with prison! He tries to be honest with you but you refuse to hear him out! 
You complain about a lack of communication but how can we when you go around insulting everyone! The rare times you do speak positively it always come out so backhanded, like you have to point out something negative no matter how inconsequential it is. Everyone's forced to walk on eggshells around you. Why? Because we know you got a negative remark loaded on your tongue. That and you like to brag. Loose lips sink ships as they say.
And back on lying, honey he never lied to you. If anything he was protecting you! He didn't want to hurt the both of you so he had to make a hard decision at the cost of his own wellbeing. When you did learn the truth, instead showing the poor thing a bit of compassion, you tell her that she was better off dead! What is that to say about someone? Especially someone who was your girlfriend? 
She probably didn't have much of a choice, and you know good and well how slick Megatron is! But besides that, you were hurt yes, but you have the time to seek closure. Instead you denied your ex a chance to heal from her traumas. You continue using Optimus's own trauma against him.
You plot and scheme to further your ambitions not caring who gets hurt. You try to inflict trauma on every organic on this Earth. Tell me, are we really a threat? Or are you just venting your anger over not being told about Blackarachnia? Given your past behavior I would not be surprised if it ends up being the latter. 
That's another thing every time you faced with a difficult situation you immediately lash out. Optimus has been your biggest victim. When it's not dumping your the responsibility on him, it's sneering or picking on him. You ever stopped to think how Optimus might've felt? The guilt he feels over not saving her? The fear that someone could hurt her, or that she might hurt innocent beings. How he has to shoulder not just his own grief but yours as well. How he has to deal with your hatred. 
You say you don't haye him yet that doesn't stop you from treating him like a tool. Do you ask him how he feels? Did you offer him comfort in his time of need? Or are you the only one ever allowed to feel sad? Maybe you can learn his side of the story if you bothered to give him a chance! You claim it's too late for apologies but the thing is, that's not a reason for you treating everyone like junk. When others make mistakes they at least try to fix them, or move on and take steps to do better in the future. Even if it's not verbal, there's other ways to apologize and grow. 
You could've worked with Detroit. You could stop calling Optimus that awful name. You could've open you heart - excuse me - your SPARK to others and learn about our planet. Sure you can't change the past but that don't mean you can work on yourself now. Everyone even in the fandom been nothing but patient and kind to you, and you returned it with spite. You can't fathom being happy with yourself so you hafta drag everyone down with you. 
But yet Despite all the garbage you hurl at Optimus you know he never spoke badly about you? Sure an exasperated sigh here and there but never slander. He never went out of his way to hurt your career, hell he gave up his future for you! Yet you still treat him like a threat to the point of attacking his teammates to get at him. All the harm you've inflicted on him, he still helps you out! He could've left you at the mercy of Headmaster but helped you get your body back. He could've let you get killed or hurt but he comes to your aid like a real friend should. He saw something worth salvaging.
Are you willing to toss all that away for temporary catharsis? 
You let one tragic mistake sour your worldview so you project that onto others. They make a mistake you don't give them grace. You don't give it yourself. You expect everyone else to think and act exactly like you, selfish and mean, yet you see the opposite. Bee and Bulkhead try new things and has hobbies. Jazz plays our music, Ratchet studies our medicine, Prowl loved our wildlife, and Optimus loves everyone. Even you, you hateful self-centered jerk. He cares so much about you though I can't see what it is that makes you worth saving. 
Every day they go out to help the city not expecting to be rewarded or even thanked, but because it's the right thing to do. Meanwhile you're just standing around huffing and puffing, refusing to lend a hand. Stubbornly clinging on to that cynical mindset that being flawed is inherently evil and that nobody can be good. We fought things bigger than you, yet you treat us like a bunch of idiots who don't know anything no it's you who don't know anything! But even those aren't a good enough reason to carry on acting like that.
Your whole life has been challenged, and now that everyone seen you for the sad, scared soul you truly are, they stopped entertaining you. You lied to yourself, you're stuck with that lie and nobody is around for you to dump your frustrations on.  You can't keep living off lies you know. You can't force everyone else to live in them either.
Now I know what I just said won't get you to change your mind and honestly, I've stopped waiting for you to have an epiphany a long time ago. It's clear you're content with the path you're going down but you will have to walk it alone. The rest of us will continue to enjoy ourselves. We'll love our flaws and freaky grossness. You? You be all alone with only your crown for company. It's sad it has to be that way. But I hope you take it as the time to reflect on the choices you've made and will make. That when you do eventually become the Primer Prime, those choices had better be worth it. 
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Despite everything seeming normal when Susanna Booth begins to speak to the United Nations Security Council,
she suddenly stutters before launching into a rant about how humans don’t deserve to live because of all damage they’ve done to the Earth, not to mention the harms they cause each other.
That was the moment the Inspector knew something was seriously off.
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my-pjo-stuff · 2 months
"Hey Kamiko why do you hate the PJO gods so much?"
Because they'd be the litteral scum of the earth if you'd make them mortal.
Just take away the "godly" and you are left with what is basically a single aristocratic family rulling as a monarchy with Zeus as the matron of the family and king.
Said monarchy has made and upheld a system in which they exploit a lower class for their own gain. There is basically no social mobility, rendering the lower clasess basically condemed to serve the rich upper crust ignoring them if they do not activley want something from them.
As if that wasn't enough they have also been shown to be completly aware of and okay with the fact that the practice mentioned above leads to the lower class generally not living beyond the age of twenty.
There is no concept of democracy or free-speech. The lower class has basically no human rights as the monarchy is allowed to pretty much just do whatever they want with them with no fear of punishment- that also included killing them or inflicting them with fates worse than death.
Ontop of all that the monarchy has also proven itself untrustworthy on multible occasions, as they have broken promises on multible occasion and show no reason to be trusted whatsoever.
The most famous of a similar irl situation ended with the french monarchy's heads in baskets.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
masato hot
#snap chats#just like me... heh ... my ac has been broken all month im melting for the love of god send an iceberg im begging you#him turning into aoki is incredibly funny to me like jesus christ. what a lack of self love does to a mfer#but anyway 1.) please do not yell i scare easy 2.) meaner has been said its ok 3.) very reasonable to ask why anyone would like aoki#and 4.) to be Cereal he's inch resting to me. also his speech to ichi at the end hit a lil close and i was reminded of high school#5.) i really like his eng dub voice sorry im american. BUT HIS JP VOICE IS EXCELLENT TOO IM JUST SAYIN#rgg doesnt give an Exact on his disability so looking into lung diseases/conditions has also been interesting#esp post-lung surgery cases and care too so i thank rgg for the opportunity to do some reading#i also do In General just like cases of someone wanting to be loved and changing drastically to get it only to still be unhappy#granted. he sucks so LMAO can only have so much sympathy but it's still interesting to watch#the arakawas is also a part of why i like him because they all work as a big machine. if that makes sense#like the arakawas in general are such an interesting bundle i love all of them a lot because of what they mean to each other#in the case of aoki none of them mean anything to him at most resenting arakawa and despising ichi#meanwhile sawashiro's just. There LOL im so sorry king thats the truth of it all ... i love you tho ...#oh but back to aoki. i also really like politican characters- or at least characters who can have a 'public' persona#its fun thinking about what they have to do mentally to present themselves in public versus when they can 'be themselves'#like aoki's 'intro' scene where he's pleasant to his secretary and then a second later is conniving with ogasawara... peak i fear#OR THEEEE CAR PARK ONE i love that scene so much ...#very fun.. aoki being a politician just makes it infinitely funnier like guys we gotta bully the governor#plus i live and breathe by a glass analysis/comparison a twitter mutual of mine did ... i love glass imagery .......#uhhhh is that all ... idk prob im literally sweating my skin off i cant think right. my clothes are sticking to my skin i hate summer#i dont hate summer im so sorry i didnt mean it .... summer is beautiful .. i just wish this heat wasnt murdering me
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ithinkimauggie · 3 months
Deleted tiktok, i am finally free lets go gamers
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branmer · 1 year
the neroon/delenn dynamic is just so fucking great, like whether they're friends or enemies or lovers they're just so fun together
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Scene: The Human Solars Called Out The Feud
As Joan and Agent Bronze continue arguing, the Solars have enough and then, after Korvo, Terry, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa transform into their human forms, the family head out the door as they head up on a hill and gets ready to confront the feuding group.
Joan, Agent Bronze, their perspective army groups and the protestors turn their attention to the furiously disgusted Solars.
Phoebe MacCarthy: That’s it! You guys are acting like fucking idiots!
Human Terry: None of you care about keeping our town safe. You only care about yourselves!
Human Korvo: Look at you, Agent Bronze. You walked out on that out of control general five years ago, and now you act like you want to him rejoin him to catch some beast! You are a liar and a fake!
Human Jesse: Yeah, you suck, dude!
Human Terry: And you army people, you don't care about us! All you care about is making Korey look goddamn stupid!
Human Yumyulack: Yeah! God, you guys are dicks!
Phoebe MaCarthy: And you protesters! Don't you have anything fucking better to do?! Get a life!
Human Pupa: Yeah!
Human Korvo: And you army scientists are the worst of all!
Joan and the Rest of The Army Scientists Huh?
Human Korvo: Thanks to your experiment backfiring, our town now has an ongoing pandemic, and yet you assume the nutrient bath is a success, when it almost killed one of our friends! Maybe the Opposites aren’t as perfect as you guys, but it is our home! We are the Opposites! All you care about is your own fucking selfish stubborn selves!
Phoebe MacCarthy: Now, all of you get the fuck out of here!
Phoebe shoves Joan and Agent Bronze away. Human Korvo then have the protestors a death stare.
Human Korvo: What the fuck are you waiting for?! Go home!
Army and Protestors: Sorry Korey!
As the people left, Human Korvo takes a deep breath and Human Terry kiss him on the cheek to cheer him up as Human Korvo smile and blushes at his husband.
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aarons-main-blog · 1 year
This was originally a mini-fic that I was writing as a belated self birthday present to myself but then I made a new friend who listened to me infodump about Hyrule Warriors right as I was taking a break from working on it, so now this is a gift-fic instead! Enjoy!
As soon as Legend got back from inspecting the keep for himself, Warriors invited the chain into the strategy tent. He, Time, and strangely Wind had been inside working on a plan of attack to implement in the assault that would be taking place in two days. In the lantern-lit tent, there was a table set up with a map of the battle area hand-drawn in advance by one of the scouts. Along with this, there were various props, such as stitching pins and nails, among other things.
As soon as the group had organized after practically stumbling in, bumping into eachother as they tried to cram into the small tent, Wars began his explanation as to why the group was summoned, starting with a rundown of what needed to be done.
"We should have a minimum of one person guarding each keep," he said, adding pins to friendly-controlled keeps, "but we also need enough people on the battlefield to make sure that upon taking over more from the enemy, we aren't spread out too far and are unable to defend them," he added while using nails to mark those. Preparing for the next part, he pushed a spool of thread on the table. "We also need to make sure the the people on defense are able to be in communication with the attacking forces. Until the oppression mages are taken down, currier fairies are out of the question, leaving the only communication option being Wind's pirate charm and Wild's slate." At this, he sighed. "This brings us back to the argument we were having."
A quiet silence filled the room, broken by the sounds preparation outside the tent. Four eventually asked, "So what's the argument?"
Wind nodded dramatically. "Who has to get left behind."
Time scoffed quietly. "What he means is who gets positioned where. In order to make sure the defense is good, we need strong defenders, but in order to take over the monster camps in unstable positions, we need to have strong attackers. Some of us have skills that are good for defense, some are good offense, and some are good support, so we need to decide our positioning."
"We didn't want to assign people to areas they think they would be unhelpful, but also need to make sure that nobody is being overstretched," Wars added upon Time finishing his explanation. "The three of us have three different ideas, and as such we wanted to get feedback and vote on them."
Wind began talking over Wars while he was finishing his sentence, almost tripping over his own words as he explained his strategy. "My idea was to have me, Four, Legend, and Sky on the four frontal keeps, me on one of the middle ones, and then whenever an enemy keep is taken over, I tell whoever is nearest to move up and support it, allowing the forward troops to have a closer fallback point!" In order to make his point, he grabbed the thread and began unraveling a segment. He then tied the four pins representing friendly keeps together. "It would look like this," he added, moving the pins upward one at a time. After this, he took a proud step back.
After the group was finished looking, Wars reset the pins and removed the string. As he was doing this, Time began to speak. "My strategy would be to have Hyrule, Legend, Four, and Twilight at the friendly keeps, due to their healing and support abilities. This would make it easier to take up a defensive position in the case of something going horribly wrong, as Hyrule has healing magic, Four has the second best magic abilities in the group, Twilight is a strong fighter, and Legend has enough items to probably even create a rudimentary crossbow, assuming he doesn't already have one." This statement resulted in a few chuckles, but was quickly passed over. "The keep taking methods would be to take over two keeps at a time, with one group having Wind with the pirate charm and the other having Wild. Wild's group would focus on causing chaos withing the enemy keeps from the outside before charging in to break their formations, while my group would have myself and probably Sky rush in and do much the same."
Four scoffed from the front of the group gathered at the door. Upon eight confused looks being sent at his direction, he apologized with a shake of his head, along with the statement, "Sorry, just thinking of a probably bad idea."
Warriors brushed away his comment with a shrug. "No idea is stupid if it works, despite what my Impa would say to that. Bring it up after I'm done." He tucked his scarf back behind his neck after it fell from the force of the shrug. "My plan would be to have Sky, Four, Legend, Hyrule, and myself advancing and taking keeps as a group, prioritizing speed and efficiency during battle with short downtime in-between combat as we move from place to place. This leaves Wind, Wild, Twilight, and Time working in pairs in the back lines, in order to make sure if the burden on one keep is too much, another can come assist." After moving aside the unused props, Warriors fixed his scarf again.
Time grinned. "Alright, now that we've done that, let's put it to a vote." He raised his hand. "Those in favor of my plan, raise one hand. Those in favor of Wars's plan, hands down. Those in favor of Wind's, both hands up."
After counting up the results, it was reveled to be a three way tie. This resulted in multiple groans.
Wind groaned loudly. "Well, now what?"
"We could hold a second vote?" Hyrule stated.
"Yeah? What would be different the second go round," Legend pointed out with a grin.
As the group contemplated, Four decided to make his idea known. As he walked around the table, Warriors said, "Oh, sorry, let's hear your idea!" with a genuine smile.
After looking at the map for a few seconds, then the props Warriors had used, then back to the map, the exact moment he solidified his idea was visible on his face.
"What if we were to just... all rush into the enemy keeps as a group? The soldiers are positioned here guarding to keeps already, what's the problem with them doing their job?"
At that, the whole group paused, before the unacknowledged tension in the room dropped to none.
"Yeah, that would work-"
"I hadn't even thought about that-"
"They are there for a reason-"
"Could be pretty fun, why not-"
Simply based on that agreement, the meeting was unofficially adjourned.
Not going to tag them cause they seem shy, but this is for you! Thanks for listening to my rant!
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anothermouse · 2 years
I find it weird how ppl will say for reasons that systems are fake is that multiple alters talk similar or have similar interests. Have u ever met siblings. They talk similar and have similar interests because they've spent years together ya dork, as systems start to get along more they're gonna start sharing more interests and speech patterns just like you with people you spend a lot of time with lol. Also they all share a life, they have to be able to act like each other to get by and seem "normal."
#this isnt directed ive just noticed that me and willow steal each others interests a lot and its making me think abt all the ppl ive seen#using that reasoning in fake claiming. me and her dont really talk similar but i can imagine that happening with systems who#talk to each other or mask as each other more.#idk. its to our best interest to share skills and interests. if only one person likes/knows writing then we have a problem when we need to#write and they're not present. if only one person likes/knows guitar we're in big trouble in guitar class if they're not present.#and we NEED to get along to operate so its good for us to have things to bond over! we used to argue a lot and it was fucking annoying and#made life hard. i couldnt take care of the body and willow was depressed and it made the brain miserable and it sucked#so the more we can get along the better and i think having things in common is good for that!#like i said we dont really talk the same and for us that works just fine but for some systems that could create communication barriers.#idk. i just think ppl should think a little more about why alters might become similar over time. me and my cohost r literally like family#system#osdd#did#multiple#plural#edit: actually maybe i do pick up speech from her. she says 'my friend' a lot and sometimes im tempted to say it cus its nice#but i feel like it sounds weirder coming from me 😅#OH AND LOVELY. she uses the word lovely so much ive just picked it up. its such a good adjective#idk why usually you expect the host to be the one whos language people copy but i feel like i pick up things from willow more than she does#from me.
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samasmith23 · 9 months
Maria Castle (and Jason Aaron) officially declare: "The Punisher No More"... while gloriously pissing off right-wing chuds in the process!
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I just read the final issue of Jason Aaron's 12-issue Punisher maxiseries, and here it is at long last! The scene in which Frank Castle's entire career of mass-murder and fascistic vigilantism is openly denounced by his now ex-wife, Maria!
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This scene alone is what officially piqued my interest in wanting to read this book! Although Aaron is one of my personal Top 5 favorite comic book writers, I was initially uninterested in reading his recent Punisher run despite hearing critical praise for it due to both my personal overall lack of interest in Frank's solo-titles (my past exposure to him has mostly been through uneasy team-ups and/or rivalries with other characters like Spider-Man & Daredevil...), as well as the real-life controversy surrounding the Punisher's signature skull logo being co-opted by police officers and white nationalists (even though Aaron's run changed the logo in-response to said-controversy by having him join forces with The Hand ninja-cult). But when I heard about this scene on the day the final issue of the maxiseries dropped, it alone convinced me to want to actually read this series for myself, as it demonstrated Aaron's commitment to actively deconstructing the Punisher as a character while refuting his toxic & harmful ideology!
After being interrogated by the likes of Doctor Strange, Wolverine, Black Widow, and Moon Knight, Frank receives judgment from one final figure in the form of his former wife, Maria. Now able to fully announce her intentions to divorce her husband without a mob shoot-out to tragically interrupt her this time, Maria openly condemns all of the murders that Frank committed in both her and their dead children's names whilst revealing that she arranged for all of Frank's numerous weapons safe-houses to be confiscated. Half of the monetary real-estate from which would go to herself so that she could start a fresh new life, while the other half would be donated to charities in their children's names. As Maria herself states, "That's how you honor your dead family, Frank. Not by using them as an excuse for slaughter," before saying goodbye to her ex-husband for good as he awaits judgment for his crimes from Earth's Mightiest Heroes...
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Holy FREAKING crap! This is the literal embodiment of giving the "reason you suck" speech if ever I've seen one! Not only does Maria freely express all of her personal justified grievances with her sadistic ex-husband, but she completely refutes his murderous & fascistic "might-makes-right" beliefs, and punishes him for his crimes by financially defanging him whilst simultaneously donating half of said-money & resources to worthwhile causes that ACTUALLY contribute to helping individuals hurt by corrupt societal systems, rather than further perpetuating said-corruption like Frank's murders have done.
And what makes Maria's berating of Frank Castle even more satisfying to read is that it ultimately managed to royally piss-off the far-right fascist scumbags who glorify & appropriate the Punisher's iconography in real-life. Seriously, when Punisher (2022) #12 was first released I witnessed several Comicsgater chuds whining and complaining about Marvel "ruining the Punisher's character forever" and Jason Aaron "emasculating Frank Castle." Additionally, said-CGers argued that Maria Castle was "unlikable" for robbing Frank of all his weapons and safehouses (except... I can honestly sympathize with Maria here since if I was also resurrected from the dead and found out that one of my relatives committed multiple mass-murders "in honor of my legacy," then I'd be pretty pissed off about it as well...).
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And all I have to say in response to these bigoted manbabies' complaints about Aaron "ruining Punisher" is this:
If Aaron's Punisher maxiseries, and specifically the scene of Maria Castle condemning Frank, managed to anger the very same fascist rightwingers who blindly idolize the Punisher (despite his original creator Gerry Conway intending the character to be a cautionary figure about the failures of the justice system), then that fact alone makes this deconstruction of both the character & concept of Frank Castle a truly worthwhile endeavor! While the series ends with Frank using the last of the demonic magical powers granted to him by The Beast to escape the Avengers' captivity, along with the Archpriestess of the Hand trying to indoctrinate another troubled American youth similar into becoming her cult’s next "Fist of the Beast" (reflecting the sad reality of how fascist systems can continue to exist in society even when notable individuals are defeated), it appears that Marvel is officially retiring Frank Castle for good. Even though just last month Marvel released a new Punisher miniseries written by David Pepose which stars an ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. agent named Joe Garrison adopting the mantle, the epilogue of Aaron's maxiseries reveals that Frank had permanently banished himself to the Weirdworld alternate dimension, intentionally avoids fighting in local conflicts but instead provides shelter for war orphans (indicating that he might have actually taken his Maria's words to heart).
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In my opinion, this is a far more satisfying conclusion than the alternative of having Frank killed off at the end of the series. This means that he actually has to put in ACTUAL effort to find some form of atonement or rehabilitation, rather than simply evading punishment for his crimes through death.
Overall, Jason Aaron's 12-issue Punisher maxiseries was a phenomenally inventive and thought-provoking character analysis and deconstruction of the truly violent & unstable individual that Frank Castle is (even long before he officially adopted the skull logo), whilst simultaneously analyzing and critiquing the circumstances that contributed to Frank's fascistic and murderous beliefs, as well as their negative impacts on his interpersonal relationships with individuals such as his wife Maria Castle. Although sadly, the way Aaron brilliantly ended Frank Castle's career as the Punisher in Issue #12 was sadly overshadowed by the controversy generated by a certain OTHER comic that Marvel released the exact same week... namely the publicity-stunt shock-death of Ms. Marvel (aka, Kamala Khan… aka, my all-time favorite superhero) in Zeb Wells' Amazing Spider-Man (2019) #26...
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Sigh... at least Kamala was fortunately later resurrected over in the X-Men titles and was given the awesome Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant miniseries written by her MCU actress, Iman Vellani (which I've read and absolutely loved)!
But aside from that, the Punisher by Jason Aaron is easily one of the best modern comics that I read in 2023, with Issue #12 being the absolute thesis statement of what this series is truly about! I highly recommend it to anyone who desires a complete refutation & condemnation of the murderous scumbag that Frank Castle is and always has been.
From Punisher (2022) #12 by Jason Aaron, Jesús Saiz & Paul Azaceta.
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daffodil--lament · 1 year
speech writing going so so so bad
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trisshawkeye · 11 months
I love Runyu but watching Jinmi drag him within an inch of his life for all of his bullshit ever since the beginning of the series is so damn satisfying
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Here's a random prompt/idea/thing:
You were the worst person I ever knew.
You lied to me, betrayed me, and broke my heart.
You made me feel like I was nothing, like I didn't matter to you at all.
You manipulated me, used me, and discarded me.
You were constantly dismissive of my thoughts and feelings.
You never did anything to show me that anything I did mattered.
You never cared about me.
Or my feelings.
Or my dreams.
Or my happiness.
You only cared about you.
You and your selfish desires.
You were cruel, cold, and heartless.
You were the worst person I ever knew…and yet for some reason, I still loved you.
I've always loved you.
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
would it be okay if u told me why u like aoki😭/gen😭😭😭😭BEEN TRYNA LIKE HIM FOR SO LONG I JUST CANTT but i love ur art so much so i still consume it otherwise lol
i liked tohru adachi in high school and tbh i think that alone is enough of an explanation for why i ended up liking aoki
#snap chats#haha see i told you last post's tags were relevant#anyway vLKVJEVLKAEJVLKJ IM CRYING ANON youre so funny. this is the funniest ask i coulda got thank you so much#i dont know why i like him either <- yes i do#fine lets get Real Talk about it#well first off all i thought he looked hot rolling out the elevator and i was playing the eng dub and i think his voice sounds hot there#and thats like. not athing that happens to me ever <- literally thought sawashiro was hot two frames into the game but anyway#i like politician characters. or characters that are in a position of power ESPECIALLY if they have to act like they dont suck balls#like i very much love the idea of the power of charisma and that type of thing not to mention the 'strategizing' as aoki puts it#that comes with politics. LIKE HE SUCKS DONT GET IT TWISTED HE SUCKS BUT //shrug emoji//#like its why i love the mine rggo stories i like seeing mine's thought process and how he uses his intelligence#smart's sexy to me idk what to tell you but moving on#its fun watching him lose his cool too ESP IN HIS FIGHT LMAO HE STOMPIN HIS FOOT LIKE A TODDLER SHUT UP#i also really love the arakawa family in general and thinking of aoki's relationship with each of them makes my brain explode#especially him and sawashiro that shit is painful to watch and i love it so much#i also thought him going from goth to republican was the funniest shit in the world like i howled at that AND i was distraught#aokis so interesting to me from the notion that he IS loved by his family but he has so much hatred for himself it eats him up#and as a result he cant be happy no matter what he does- how hes constantly seeking validation even if it's nothing meaningful#his lil. Dog-Eat-Dog world world belief to ichi also appealed to my edgy depressed high schooler brain. sorry.#his speech at the lockers also got to me. unfortunately. sorry everyone i empathized too hard it got too real it wasnt funny anymore#like as much as i complain bout the very end the ending is what solidified me liking aoki if not also cause of ichi's impact in those scene#plus... analyzing him and the environment around him is so much fun too....#idk reasons for why i like aoki also boil down to personal reasons. he still sucks tho so i cant be upset when people hate him LOL#i probably have more reasons or could elaborate more i love rambling but i mean. who really wants to read all that 💀💀#maybe for a character that WASNT the worst but. aoki is so LMAO#thank you for loving my art regardless :) im sorry i have to be attached to the worst guys ever
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half-man-half-lime · 2 years
Random late night thought: one way to do a version of the Whole Cake Island arc where Sanji's sexism is actually challenged could be to make a version of Pudding who (on top of being older because what the fuck Oda) ate the Clay-Clay Fruit? She can do stuff like shape and bake parts of herself into ceramic knives, armor plates, etc. and store them inside her body. Because of family pressures she also has to work tirelessly to keep her clay-like body and face from sagging, and is forced to wear a porcelain doll mask when she doesn't have to interact with anyone and just sits in the background. Whether or not the same betrayal plot happens, she has a proper fight with Sanji for being one more person to treat her like a delicate little doll, and turns into a giant, un-sexy clay golem armored in doll faces.
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starlooove · 1 year
Y’all boutta gentrify the word hotep too 💀
#im so tired#how hard is it to mind ur fucking business#no bc I was watching this video essay on where white teen culture has gone#like apparently in the 90s u could very easily distinguish black culture from white culture in clothing speech mannerisms etc.#and that The fact that you barely Can now is seen as progressive when the truth is that it’s not mixing it’s just black culture being stolen#again. like always.#and that got me thinking bc u Can genuinely tell when they pick something up and drop it just as fast#question who uses lit anymore?#how long did we use lit before they blew it up?#easy#and for me personally what bothers me the most is that AAVE is regional#like AAVE in Texas is different than AAVE in Florida#but when It’s Texan AAVE being blown up ppl in Florida JUST heard about it too#so it gives white ppl the ability to say ‘it’s not a race thing it’s a gen z’ thing or smth like that#when the reason that it blew up so much culturally is white ppls inability to leave shit alone#like white ppls need to steal everything is being sucked into the natural shift of language#as well as with fashion and shit#and It’s annoying bc they’re rewriting history#like it’d be one thing if it was just learning a new word and using it#It’s not tho#It’s seeing a new word not using it correctly blowing up that incorrect usage throwing it away when ur done#and STILL being racist as hell the entire time#like damn everyone’s racist but at least other poc have the decency to say ‘oh this is a hair oil predominantly found in black cultures 😁’#poc solidarity has been bs for awhile but at least you won’t find a brown person saying pearls make them look like Marsha p Johnson#fuck
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