#seokin fanfic
borathae · 1 year
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↳ Index [Chapter 34 - Deliratio]
• Deliratio (Latin, delirium)
Warnings: big sad, OC is kinda crazy from what happened but I kinda love her like that, magical violence, Tae is trying his hardest to be a supportive boyfriend, remember how I said that I wanted nothing but happiness from now on? I lied jafjds
Wordcount: 4.9k
a/n: unironically one of my fave chapters no joke, I love an unhinged OC
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“Darling? The dinner is finished, don’t you want to come with me?”
“I’ve got no time, need to read.”
Taehyung studies your form. Your posture is terrible. Squatting on the floor with dozens and dozens of books surrounding you and your back hunched over. The room smells of too little oxygen and burned down candles.
“Darling. The dinner is finished”, Taehyung repeats himself.
“And I told you, leave me alone!” you scream at him, but Taehyung doesn’t budge.
“___ please come with me and eat something”, he tries in a soft voice.
“I can’t”, you insist, “can’t you see? I have so much to read.”
“The reading isn’t going to go anywhere.”
“Yes, yes it will. I have to finish this.”
“Come now, let’s eat something”, Taehyung tries only to get one of the books thrown at him.
“Get out!”
He catches it before it can hit his chest, letting out a worried sigh afterwards.
“___ sweetest”, he tries, setting the book down on one of the countless desks. They were all bending under the weight of too many books and trinkets. He steps over the circle of books and squats down next to you, “let’s get you something to eat, please.”
“Why can’t you listen?” you hiss, flinching when you feel his touch on your arm.
“Because I care about you and I want you to be healthy.”
“I’m okay.”
“No you are not, you haven’t had breakfast nor lunch and I can’t allow you to miss out on dinner as well.”
“I’ll eat later.”
“___ please.”
“No. Leave.”
“___ I’m serious. Come with me or I’ll start using force.”
“I’ll give you an aneurism if you try.”
Taehyung sighs in defeat.
“Please, come with me”, he says softly, caressing your arm.
“I can’t”, you spit, looking at him with your bloodshot, tired eyes, “it’s been two months and I can’t slack now. I have to figure it out. All of it. What happened back then, why he is in such a state and how I can fucking fix it.”
“And you will”, Taehyung intertwines his fingers with you, “we will, but right now your mission is to get food into your system and energy back to your brain.”
“Leave me alone. This is your last warning.”
Taehyung turns upon hearing the deep voice behind them. Your head snaps to the tall man in the library.
“What?” you hiss, sounding irritated.
“My group and I did the rounds as you asked. The forest’s cleared out for now”, Fredrick says. 
Taehyung feels you relax at Fredrick’s words.
“Good. How many did you meet?” you ask the big vampire.
“Five. They were remotely younger than me.”
“Good. They’re taken care of?”
“Of course."
“Good. And the west fields?”
“Fringella didn’t return yet.”
“She’s slow.”
“She’s got lots to take care of. Her group ran into a dozen of his followers.”
“Mhm. Send some of your people for aid and return to your posts.”
“Yes, boss”, Fredrick says and studies your books, “any…” he hesitates, licks his lips, “any progress?”
“Understood”, Fredrick says and turns to leave.
“Fredrick?” you stop him.
“Yes, boss?”
“Tell Fringella to get her act together. She’s slacking.”
“I will.”
“Good. Leave.”
Fredrick leaves the library and won’t be seen for the rest of the night. He and his closest followers have been guarding the estate ever since that happened. Namjoon’s followers are stubborn and more than willing to start an attempt of freeing their leader. With him not here, the estate would be too dangerous. Fredrick agreed to stand guard instantly. Fringella agreed once her husband did. She calls you boss these days and takes orders from you.
“Fucking shitshow”, you murmur, burying yourself back in your books.
Taehyung studies your features with furrowed brows. He runs the back of his hand down the side of your face even if that makes your features scrunch up in distaste.
“Please come with me and eat something”, he whispers.
“I’ll eat later.”
“Please ___.”
You stay silent. Taehyung already knows what that means. You won’t budge no matter how much talking he does. You have made up your mind. The library is your place to stay and nobody, not even Taehyung, can change that.
He gives up with a sigh.
“Fine”, he says sadly, standing up, “then stay.”
And with that he abandons you in your madness, leaving your mind just as quickly as he had entered it. You don’t even hear the door close and later the door to the sitting room. You also don’t hear the roaring of thunder as the forecasted storm finally starts. You see the lightning. It flashes over the yellowed pages in a bluish hurry, leaving behind blurry figures in your vision. You blink, getting rid of them this way and focusing your gaze back on the letters. It must be in here somewhere. The answer to all of this.
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Taehyung returns with a tray of food. He eyes you. You look even more hunched over than you did when he left you.
“Darling, look”, he says, placing the tray on the desk by the windows, “I brought you food. Hoseok made sure that it is warm.”
“Why can’t you listen?”
“And why can’t you? I just want to make sure that you don’t faint.”
You lift nothing but your eyes, looking at him. The worry is almost eating him up, you can see it weigh down his shoulders.
With a loud sigh you sit back on your heels, finally lifting your head.
“Can you help me translate some passages?” you ask him, “I don’t know what they mean.”
“Yes, I can. But only if you eat as I work.”
“Fine. I will eat.”
Taehyung stays with you for the rest of the day. He translates unknown passages to you, makes sure that you eat and he lets you sleep with your head rested on his thigh once you pass out in exhaustion. He carries you to bed that night. He tugs you in and holds you to make sure that all those nightmares stay away from you. He wakes up empty handed the next day and he knows that he will find you hidden somewhere in your books. And he begins his routine anew. Cook food, get rejected until he somehow manages to convince you to eat. It pains him that it became a routine these days.
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You shove the big, black keys back into your pockets. They jingle as you do so, soon getting muffled by the fabric. It reeks of old cellar down here and the very faint stench of ammoniac. It guides your way, just as the torches do as they flicker on one by one the moment you pass by them.
You know that much these days.
Quite frankly, you know a lot of things these days. You know how to light a fire with just a flicker of thought, you know how to give someone an aneurism or how to make their lungs cramp up, you also know how to grow plants with just a touch of your fingers and how to put up barrier spells.
You know a lot of things these days. You can destroy, protect, nurture and heal. But one thing you can’t fucking do. And it is the one thing you want to do more than anything else.
“Good day”, you say loudly as you enter the round room.
Groaning greets you.
“Yeah, yeah shut up. I know you guys are hungry”, you mumble, “if you’re being good, maybe I’ll feed you tonight.”
“Let us go, witch”, one of them hisses at you.
“No? Who do you think I am? You guys are useful.”
You finally turn, scanning your eyes over the room.
Fuck, to think that you once begged for your life in that room. Thinking back, you were so innocent. And weak. Nobody could get you to beg so pathetically again these days. Especially not Namjoon.
You bite down your anger and swallow it harshly, making your way to the chained up vampires at the east end of the room.
“Come with me”, you grumble, grabbing a woman by her neck and dragging her away from the others. The chains open with a flick of your wrist, but she can’t escape. Not when you dig your fingers into her body with a dark spell.
“Let me go”, she protests, “we didn’t do anything to you.”
“Now, that’s where you’re wrong. You see? You assholes served Namjoon.”
You press her into the chair where once upon a time, Namjoon had you captured.
“Stay”, you order her, forcing her limps to stay unmoving with just a look. You wrap chains around her wrists and ankles, sealing them into obedience with a mumble of the right spell.
“Let me go”, she spits, tugging and fighting the enchanted ropes fruitlessly.
You ignore her, gathering the tools from the desk.
“I learned a new spell today. It sounds promising. You’ll be my little rabbit”, you tell the vampire, “I can’t promise you that it won’t hurt though. So sorry about that”, you look at her over your shoulder, “not really though.”
“You’re a fucking psycho.”
You ignore her. You have better things to do. Such as grind up wood as finely as possible.
“Once we’re breaking out of here, you’ll regret ever keeping us captive.”
“The only way you guys are leaving this shithole is by dying.”
“She’s crazy.”
“Hush”, you warn, silencing the other vampires with just a snap of your fingers. They try and fail to make a sound, opening and closing their useless mouths, “better. Now, back to you. Sarah, am I right?”
“As if I’m going to tell you my name.”
“Fine, then you’re Sarah from now”, you decide for her, grabbing her chin, “you may wonder why you and your friends are here instead of your cells. You know, the problem is, I can’t take too many of you guys at the same time. They’ll find out otherwise.”
“Awww, are your babysitters not allowing you to play hard to get?”
“You’re impossible. Have you not realised the fucking situation yet? You are either going to leave this cell and I have my antidote or you are going to die, so shut up and listen before I decide to kill you without even trying.”
Sarah bares you her teeth, growling deeply.
“Now you see. I can’t take too many of you guys because the others will give me a lecture all about how I can’t experiment on you guys and all that good person shit”, you roll your eyes, “stupid if you ask me. You guys would never leave this cellar one way or the other. If you dry out in your cells or die because of me makes no difference. You won’t see sunlight again either way.”
“What the hell is your problem?”
“My problem is you and your awful leader taking things you weren’t supposed to take.”
“I’m telling you, once Namjoon gets wind that you are keeping us here, he will come and rescue us and you will die the most painful death imaginable.”
“Good luck with that. Your great leader has been rotting in a cell for two months now. You think you have any kind of power left? Every single one of your ill-minded friends is either dead or rotting in our cells.”
“You’re lying. Superior will never die.”
“Superior died when you decided to fucking push my buttons”, you spit, pushing her head back roughly.
“What the hell did you do, witch?”
“I told you. You little rats are either captured or dead. And you guys”, you look through the room with a bright smile, “you guys are now my little rats and you will help me solve the probably most difficult riddle I have ever had to solve. How do I fucking safe him?”
“What are you talking about? You make no sense.”
“I make perfect sense. You know what doesn’t make sense? Saving your dying boyfriend by blasting light brighter than the sun out of your own fucking body and covering his entire body in a glowing layer of magic that stops the poison but also puts him into an unbreakable coma. Now that”, you laugh crazily, pointing your finger at her, “that shit doesn’t make sense. Especially when you lived twenty five fucking years of your life thinking that vampires and magic aren’t real only to find out that you are an actual fucking witch after you saved your dying vampire boyfriend through magic.”
You lower your finger.
“But did I really safe him? Mhm? Because last time I checked he isn’t fucking here with me and his lungs are still filled with this cursed goddamn wood. So in a way, all my magic didn’t do shit except pause the inevitable. I don’t even know if the magic is safe or if it will wear off sooner or later. Because I have no fucking idea what I actually did! Hah!”
You laugh loudly.
“Isn’t that hilarious? Every single day could be the day where that stupid glow stops glowing and he wakes up only to die screaming and crying black fucking blood. And that, ohohoho that”, you push her head back so hard she almost falls with the chair. You catch her, slamming your hands on the armrests, “I can’t let that happen.”
“What the hell? I have no idea what you are saying. Why are we captured then? We had nothing to do with it.”
“Now you see, that’s where you are wrong. You guys kissed Kim Namjoon’s ass and that’s enough to make me hate you. And you see”, you step closer again, towering over her with your eyes dark in anger, “Kim Namjoon is the reason why my boyfriend is in this fun, little coma. Because Kim fucking Namjoon was the one who cursed him and you little rats are going to be my ticket to saving my boyfriend.”
“You’re sick.”
“No, he’s sick! Because of your awful leader, he is sick! Holy fuck, we talked about our future the day it happened. He finally accepted that he didn’t want to die but live life with me. We wanted to be happy together. We were supposed to spend our days in peace, talk, go on adventures together and hold each other and Kim Namjoon took all of that from us”, you hiss, squeezing her cheeks so tightly that she hisses in pain, “I have to heal him and you know damn well that I’m not going to test out the spell on him, I’m not crazy. But I have you”, you smile, “and I can test out whatever I want on you. If I fail? Hell, one less Superior poisoning the earth. If I don’t? I finally get my boyfriend back. It’s a win win, I would say. Now open up.”
“No”, she hisses, pressing her lips closed.
“Open up, fuck”, you order coldly, forcing your fingers into her mouth to break open her jaw. She fights and fights only to lose in the end.
You blow the grinded up wood at her, forcing her lungs to inhale it with a mumble of the right spell. Her eyes widen, she begins gagging and coughing instantly.
You straighten up, watching her writhe and squirm just how Yoongi did all those nights ago. The view still makes your stomach twist, not because you feel pity for the monsters you experiment on, but because it keeps the image of Yoongi fighting for his life fresh and vivid.
Black blood spills from her lips, her eyes become black from all the blood bursting her veins.
Now it is time to work. You begin chanting the words you learned today, holding the candle the spell told you to hold. It smells like rotten fish and taints your palm dark blue. If the spell is successful the candle should light up by itself and the wood should dissolve inside of her.
But none of those things happen. The candle stays unlit and the vampire screams her last death call, slacking in the chair afterwards.
“Fuck!” you scream, throwing the candle against the wall right above the heads of the other vampires.
They stare at you in horror, watching with panic as their friend is turning into dust on the chair
“Why didn’t it fucking work?!” you scream, kicking the now empty chair to the ground, “it should have worked! Fuck!”
The captured vampires cower away in fear. They want to make a sound, but can’t as their voices are still stolen.
“Argh!” you roar, whipping around with madness in your gaze, “you”, you point at the scared vampires.
You flick your wrist.
Their voices return.
“Please don’t hurt us, please”, one of them begs with tears in his eyes.
“We never liked Namjoon”, another says.
“Yeah, yeah that’s what they all say”, you dismiss them, “fuck”, you hiss, making them flinch.
You kick the chair one last time, inhaling deeply afterwards.
“Okay calm down. It’s okay. You’ll just try the next spell”, you tell yourself.
You turn to the vampires, making them cower away.
“We’ll see each other again soon. Here”, you tell them, throwing a blood bag at them, “I can’t have you drying out. You need to be at your best. Share it.”
You turn off all the torches and leave the room, locking the door with a barrier spell. So now nobody can enter or leave. You can’t have those fuckers inside escape, just as much as you can’t have the others stumbling into the room. Not yet at least. Not when you are so close to finding the antidote. You can’t risk them finding out.
You let the torches die out behind you, hurrying down the labyrinth of secret tunnels. You have them memorised these days. You can remember the first time you dared to set foot into them. How scared you were. You were a fool. The only thing which should be scared down here should be the shadows and what they hide.
You open the heavy metal gate and lock it with the black keys. Yoongi’s words are still in the back of your mind. Don’t ever touch those keys. You feel awful for having broken that promise to him, but you had to.
The estate’s cellar is too close and the others know all the rooms in it too well. You couldn’t test out the spells so close to where they could listen in. The round room was the only solution. Far enough away from the estate, soundproofed by Namjoon and with all the tools you need to keep vampires captured.
The irony of the entire situation you try to ignore. One of Kim Namjoon’s awful possessions is helping you in finding a way in healing Yoongi from the thing Namjoon is responsible for. The irony tastes bitter on your tongue, but you don’t mind anymore. All you taste these days is bitterness.
You seal the gate with a barrier spell, stuffing the keys back into your pockets afterwards.
“Let’s leave”, you murmur and in big steps, you hurry out of the cellar.
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The hallways are empty, but you know that the others are home. Jungkook and Hoseok are in the gym, you know that they are because hip-hop music is echoing through the estate. You are grateful for the music. It muffles the squeaking of the cellar door and later your steps as you hurry to your wing.
Taehyung is probably painting in his wing. He’s been helpful with your search for a cure. They all were, but Taehyung helped the most. He translated Yoongi’s spell books for you and spent many restless nights with you in the library, looking for the right spells. He deserves to rest for once and do things which he enjoys doing.
Jungkook is still living in his wing, working hard on finishing the renovations between helping you with saving Yoongi. He cries a lot and there was a time where you joined him, but not anymore. You can’t waste time crying. You have to focus on saving Yoongi.
Hoseok is living in Seokjin’s apartment these days. Jungkook stays over some nights when being close to a comatose Yoongi hurts too much. Hoseok is at the estate on most days however, because he is lonely all alone in a big house.
Seokjin and Emma went back to her cottage in Gordes, hence why Hoseok is living alone. They send regular messages with updates on their life and findings about a possible cure. They’re happy, but worry a lot.
You shower in your wing that night. The water is cold at first before it warms up. You don’t really feel a difference. Well, you do, but it doesn’t really affect you anymore. Cold, warm, hot. It all feels the same to you. It’s best this way. Like this, you won’t get distracted by your mind wandering to how uncomfortable certain sensations are on your skin. You can’t get distracted like this, you have to stay focused on the task at hand.
Saving Yoongi.
This is all that matters.
You have to save Yoongi.
You leave your wing after the shower and after you put on some clothes. Normally you would have used the calm hours to check up on the greenhouse, but that seems like a waste of time these days. And it hurts. Whenever you are in the greenhouse you think about the first day you spent in it. You think about how Yoongi was the one to show it to you because he wanted to cheer you up, how he prepared breakfast for you and how utterly clumsy he was in showing his feelings. And when you don’t think about this heartbreaking memory you think about the time you and he wandered through it in his memories. You think about the flower crowns you made and how pretty he looked with his yellow sweater and lively features.
And that memory hurts just as much as the first one does.
“Oh? Hey there, ___.”
You meet Hoseok and Jungkook on the hallways. They are both shirtless and sweaty, clearly having returned from the gym.
“Hey”, you greet them.
“Did you eat already?” Hoseok asks you.
“I’m not hungry.”
“Of course you are, I haven’t seen you eat anything today.”
“I ate. I’m fine”, you dismiss him, brushing past them afterwards.
“Hey ___!” Jungkook calls after you, “have you found anything?”
“Would I be still alone if I did?”
“No, I- no sorry, I guess you wouldn’t.”
You leave them in the hallways, taking the next corner. You won’t find out what they will do or where they will go and quite frankly, you don’t care. You can’t waste time spending time with them, you have to be somewhere.
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The door is loud as it falls into its lock. You wonder if the others heard you, but if they did, they don’t react.
His wing is dark like always. You had no time to change the light bulbs and neither did he. Obviously, because he couldn’t enjoy being home alive and well for long.
You don’t dwell on that thought for too long, just as you don’t try to look at his untouched piano as you pass it by.
You stop.
Perhaps trying isn’t enough. At least not tonight. Not when another failure sits heavy on your shoulder.
It feels like ages ago where you tiptoed into his room and apologised to him for being a reckless idiot. You think ten months must have passed since then. Maybe even eleven. If you knew back then, you would have sat on his lap longer, you would have kissed him deeper and you wouldn’t have pushed him away. If you knew, you would have pulled him closer and let the feelings, you so clearly had for him, consume you.
“Fuck”, you press out, turning your head away for looking at the empty, dusty piano aches too much.
You force your legs to work again and continue your path. It is not far anymore.
The door opens quietly.
“Hey there, my love. I’m just here to check up on you for the night.”
The door closes quietly.
The fireplace is still burning. Good. That means that he was warm and cozy throughout the day. It is important that he stays warm these days, with the first snow so close to reach.
With your breath trembling, you hurry to the bed.
He looks just as you have left him this morning.
“How are you?”
You cup his cheek. It feels cold to the touch. His skin is still too pale.
“I guess, you are as you always are”, you lower your head, “shit.”
You step closer to the bed.
“Shit Yoongi, I don’t know for how long I can still do this. I’m trying so hard and yet nothing works. This was the fifteenth spell I tried and it still wasn’t the right one. I can’t do this anymore.”
You scoff.
“It’s awful isn’t it? Fifteen tries. Which means…which means I killed fifteen people. Well, they were Namjoon’s friends, but they were still people. Fifteen. Sixteen if we count in Suzy. Fuck.”
You scoff again.
“Do you remember how traumatised I was after I killed her? How I refused to talk for days and barely even ate? And all the nightmares plaguing me afterwards? Yeah, well”, you falter for a moment, looking at the dark sky outside, “I don’t feel anything these days, just anger and disappointment. And the only-”, your eyes burn, “-the only nightmares I have are of you screaming like that. That’s all I’m dreaming about. How, how you screamed and how I screamed and then this white light. How?”
You look at him.
“How did I do this? Why did I do this? What did I create? Are you even here with me still or did, did this spell preserve your corpse? Have I been talking to-”, you whimper, reaching for his cold cheeks, “Yoongi, please don’t be dead. You wanted to live, didn’t you? So please don’t be dead. Please”, you beg him, falling silent afterwards.
You hate how peaceful he almost looks. You changed him out of his dirty clothes, washed him and tugged him in so he could be warm. His face you cleaned as well and then you closed his eyes, so he would look as if he was simply sleeping.
And he does. He looks as if he was just sleeping.
You hate this.
“Your hair is a little messy. Don’t worry, I won’t cut it. I’ll just clean it up real quick”, you say and begin brushing your fingers through his hair. It is so soft. Even after months of lying in the same position, it is still so soft.
You hate this. His face is still pretty, his hair is still soft, his body still looks healthy. He looks fine and yet he isn’t. You hate how much of a lie his appearance is, how your spell has frozen him in a time where he was still fine and you have to look at him day by day and wonder if you will ever be able to heal him. The deep grey of his skin looks like silver to you these days. The others don’t believe you when you tell them, but it is silver. Just like it is when moonlight shines upon him. It is silver. Not grey. He is still fine.
“There you go”, you press out painfully, caressing his cheek, “now you’re looking handsome again.”
You step back. You should leave him to rest for tonight and return to your research. You know what you should do and yet you can’t. Not tonight you can’t. Not tonight.
“Yoongi, I don’t know what to do”, your voice quivered as you spoke, “I need you. You always knew what to say or what to do. I mean, I’m a fucking witch.”
You laugh painfully, sitting down on the bed next to him.
“I’m an actual witch. I, I can make stuff fly or appear and with, with just a thought I could give you guys the worst headache imaginable. But, but…but I don’t know what to do”, you press out and sob, “Yoongi, I need your advice. I don’t know how to be a witch. None of the others know what to do, because they were never witches in the first place. They try to help, but can’t. I need you. You could teach me so much. I mean, you were a bloody warlock once and now…” you sob softly, intertwining your fingers with him, “...please come back, Yoongi.”
You rest your cheek on his hand, soiling his skin with your tears.
“I’m so scared. What if I’ll never find a cure?”
You sink in on yourself, resting your cheek on his chest. It is unmoving, just as the rest of his body.
“I know now how you felt when you couldn’t capture Namjoon. I’m failing you so much”, you press out, hiding your face in his chest, “you have done so much for me and I can’t even do one thing for you. I just want to heal you, but I can’t. Why can’t I? Why?!”
You halt.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t yell. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry”, you choke out and truly break.
You were so sure that you couldn’t cry anymore. Not anymore and not these days. Not when you spilled so many tears already and you still have a cure to find. But you were wrong. Just as you were wrong about those fifteen spells. As always lately, you were wrong.
“Yoongi, please come back to me”, you beg.
You fall asleep in his bed that night. You pass out after too many spilled tears and too many sleepless nights. And as you fall into unconsciousness, you hold him, not letting go once.
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animeniacss · 6 months
So Close Yet So Far - Mingyu x Reader - Chapter 20 - A Surprise in the Fields
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Synopsis: Your college friend, Kim Mingyu, has had a grip on your heart since the first day you met. Over the past few years, as you acquired more friendships and memories, those feelings only grew. However, recently, Mingyu has seemed a bit more distant, at least when it comes to any ideas of romance. It only gets worse when rumors fly that he's off to Japan to receive a marriage proposal! Unsure what to do, you wonder how you can keep Mingyu by your side without jeopardizing your friendship or your growing feelings. You never expected that waking up one drunken morning next to two hot angels would be your ticket into Mingyu's heart.
Genre: Romance, College!AU, Modern Fantasy, Comedy, Angsty
Length: approx. 6.7k words
Chapter 20 - A Surprise in the Fields
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Mina saw all of their eyes widen as the room fell into silence. However, she only smiled.
“…What?” Her father asked.
Mina didn’t falter in her statement. She said it again. “I’d like to end my engagement.”
Now Mingyu piped up. “What?” he asked. Mina looked at him again, shaking her head as a cue for him to sit back and watch. She looked back to her father, who looked mortified. “I’m sorry, Father. I recently fell in love with someone else. Back home. We reconnected when I went back to visit Mother. I just…Mingyu isn’t the man I want to be with anymore.”
“…Was it the flower choice?” Mingyu asked. The unexpectedness of that comment had Mina chuckle a bit, and when she turned to Mingyu once again, he had a genuine look of concern on his face. “It thought they were really pretty and Christmassy.”
“How did this happen?” Mr. Miyou asked. Mina smiled.
“We met at a party.” She said. “It was really romantic. He introduced himself and when some drunken fool tried to bother me, he protected me. He told the guy off and stayed by my side the rest of the night. He and I only knew each other that day but he made sure I had a good time. He was so nice.” Mingyu’s shoulders dropped as he listened, biting his lip. Mina turned to Mingyu again, smiling sadly. “And then he took me to Tokyo Tower and we had lunch the next day. We had a great time. I knew then that would be the person I was destined to marry. That guy.”
Her father looked stunned as Mina’s eyes sparkled during her story. “Who is this guy in Japan?” Mina’s father asked. For some reason, despite completely expecting her father to ask such a question, she had not spent any part of the ride preparing a response that would make sense. She pursed her lips.
“Taro Yamada.” She said quickly. Mingyu immediately recalled the “drunken fool” from her Christmas party that was trying to bother Mina. He chuckled a bit in amusement.
“You can do better.” He said simply, putting his hands in his pocket. Mina smiled.
“The point is, I don’t want to be with Mingyu anymore. We have spent time together trying to make this work but…it seems we both love different people. And I know Mingyu won’t end the relationship. He’s too kind. So, I will. I don’t want to be in a miserable marriage.”
“It was absolutely the flowers that did it,” Mingyu said under his breath. Mina pulled her ring off her finger, gently setting it on the table before her.
“I’m sorry, Father. I want to return home as soon as possible.”
“Mina.” Her father gasped, but Mina was already heading out the door. Mingyu watched her for a moment before his father called to him.
“Mingyu, what did you tell her?” He asked. Mingyu frowned. “Go talk to her and fix this.”
Mingyu looked down at the ring that had been sitting on his finger since the engagement. He simply slipped it off, setting it beside Mina’s. “No.” He said simply, before walking out of the office and closing the door behind him. He saw Mina stop at the top of the step and hurried over. “Mina.” He called.
Mina turned to him when she heard the footsteps. He looked grateful but also confused. “I told myself I wouldn’t win your heart unfairly. Even when I tried to, I failed.” Mingyu blinked. “I want you to be happy. I want you to smile. You can act well I’m sure, but you’ll never truly be happy with me. That’s just as miserable for me.”
“Mina…” Mingyu sighed softly. “I’m-.”
“Don’t you dare...” She said quickly. “I should apologize. I’ve taken two months of your life that you should have been spending in bliss with someone else. I won’t take her spot anymore. It hurts now, but I’ll be okay.” Mingyu nodded. “You should go find her.”
Mingyu’s head was still reeling from the experience. “I don’t think she wants to see me.” He said.
“She does,” Mina assured. “She has all of your presents still displayed in her home, and when she talked about you today, her eyes still had that same sparkle in them.” Mingyu watched Mina step closer to him. She got on her tiptoes, balancing herself by holding onto his arm as she kissed his cheek. He felt his ears heat up, and he looked away from her for a second. It made her laugh.
“Even so, she’s upset with me.” He said. “I messed it all up.”
Mina shrugged. “I know exactly what will make her feel better.” She suggested. “If I’ve learned anything about the both of you, a gift is the one thing she always expects from you when you’re away for so long.” Mingyu finally felt a real smile form on his face, and Mina once again was hit by its infectiousness.
“Okay.” He said. “I’ll take you back to the house and then-.” Mingyu stopped his mind immediately beginning to think. She watched him; her smile still prevalent as she waited to see what he would come up with. “I have an idea. I need to make some phone calls.” Mina watched as Mingyu prepared to stro forward, but stilled. Mina caught his gaze. “Come on.” He said.
“I’ll take you home.” He smiled. “I also need your help.”
“My help?” Her eyes widened. “Even after all of this?” Mingyu nodded.
“I need to know what you think of my idea.” Mina hesitated for a minute, unsure if she should go. She remembered what happened the last time she tried to help him. However, the longer she stared at his beaming face, the harder she was finding it to say no.
“Okay…” she finally breathed out, before approaching him. Mingyu grinned, and the duo descended the steps. It only took a second for Mingyu to look in her direction.
“You’re not actually going to Japan to marry that ‘drunken fool’, right?” Mina had to laugh, covering her mouth.
“Over you? I’d rather spend the rest of my life alone.”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
You watched as Joshua and Jeonghan paced the room in front of you. They seemed stressed, but a different kind of stress than they have expressed ever since your contracts flashed red in the first place. You had no idea what to say because you were just as lost as them, and you simply waited with bated breath for one of them to speak.
Finally, Jeonghan chose to. “We have another shot.”
“How?” Joshua asked. “Mingyu is living with another woman and has a ring on her finger.”
“Thanks for the mental image.” You said. Joshua quickly offered you a sympathetic look.
“Well, if it’s not red any more then that means we didn’t fail. It’s back at neutral.” Jeonghan said simply.
“I know that.” Jeonghan put his hand on his hips.
“We should really call Seungcheol now.” He said.
“I think you just want to see me get beat up again,” Joshua said.
“No.” He sighed. “But he’s the only one who knows exactly what is going on. He can tell us what this means.”
“That makes sense.” You finally popped up. “If he’s the head angel of your group, then he must be in the loop with how everything is going. Maybe he can give us more details.”
“I can if you want.” The three of you looked towards the new voice that popped into the conversation, eyes on the balcony. Seungcheol stepped in, closing the balcony door behind him. He put his hands in his pockets. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see you again.”
You pursed your lips together, confused by how jovial he sounded as he said that. “Thanks?” Seungcheol grinned at your question.
“Is it just you?” Jeonghan asked.
“Yeah.” He clapped his hands together. “I told them that if you two don’t screw this up royally again, they can all come with me to welcome you back home.” The duo shared a glance before Seungcheol began to explain. “I can’t say much, but I do know that both of you are so incredibly lucky. Whatever happened to Mingyu and this girl, probably won’t last. You need to act right now.”
“But what do we do?” Jeonghan asked.
“What even happened?” Joshua asked. Seungcheol glanced at you, the intensity of his stare making you shiver.
“Don’t be too upset with him, okay?” He suggested. “Hear him out.”
“Okay.” You said softly.
Seungcheol walked up to the two angels before him, patting their shoulders. “I can’t really say much else.” He said. “If he comes to you, help him out. Even if you’re upset with him-.” His eyes shot at Joshua, who immediately avoided his gaze. “I can’t stay around or do anything to interfere. But I’ll have my eyes and ears on everything.”
“Okay,” Jeonghan said.
“I feel like we’re about to rob a bank.” You said. You didn’t expect the trio to give you absolutely disgusted looks even suggesting something like that would happen. “I’m kidding.” You emphasized.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Mingyu was pacing the floor of his living room frantically. “Please pick up. Please.” He begged to himself, listening as the phone continued to ring and ring. Finally, when he heard a confused ‘Hello’, he gasped. “Hyung!”
“…Mingyu?” Hoshi sat up at his desk, pencil in hand and phone on the other. He looked over at his bed, where Jihoon was propped against the side. His eyes immediately rose from his phone.
“Hyung, I need your help. Minnie and Seungkwan won’t pick up.”
“They’re not happy with you.” He pointed out.
“Hyung, I need to make this right and I have my chance. I really need all of your help.”
“What about Mina?”
His eyes darted to the woman in question as she turned her phone off, sticking it into her pocket and examining her luggage, the one time this would probably ever happen. “I’ll explain everything to you when we meet. Please.”
He heard Hoshi hum on the other line and he was beginning to grow impatient. However, he had no room to make demands on Hoshi or any of his friends. He heard the bedroom door open and saw Mina pull a few suitcases into view. He hurried over, grabbed them, and helped her bring one to the living room, his phone still pressed between his ear and shoulder. It seemed she was on the phone as well, listening to the other person on the line. “Hyung, please.” He begged. “You don’t have to talk to me anymore after this if you can’t forgive me. Just help me.”
“Fine.” Hoshi finally said. “I’ll call the others and talk to them.”
“Thanks, Hyung.” He said. “I’m going to get dinner in an hour. If you guys help, please meet me there, okay? I’ll put the address in a group chat”
“Okay,” Hoshi said before hanging up. The uncertainty in his friend's voice made Mingyu exhale a deep sigh of anxiety. Looking down at his phone, he watched his background pop up. He had yet to change it since getting it back from his father, one of you, and him at the fireworks on the beach, holding up a half-burnt sparkler. It was one of the ones that did not get the entirety of the fireworks in the background. He could see Hoshi in the corner of the screen, remembering him and Seungkwan running around with their sparklers. He pulled up his photos, scrolling to that one and the others that surrounded it. His phone was a wall of similar pictures stacked beside one another of the both of you at the fireworks. He scrolled a bit farther, coming across photos of the group of you the morning of your birthday, stuffing their faces with muffins and coffee. Mingyu pulled up a picture of you standing with Hoshi and Minnie, Hoshi’s hands reached up to put a little birthday crown on your head. Even behind his arm, he could still make out your amused grin.
“Are they going to help?” she asked. Mingyu looked over, thumb ghosting over the photo before he could swipe. Mina offered him a little smile.
“I hope.” He said. “I can’t blame them if they don’t.”
“If I know anything about your friends, they’ll come through. They just seem that those kinds of people.” She walked over, catching sight of the photo on his phone. Mingyu held back the urge to stick his phone in his pocket when Mina reached out and took it. She looked at the picture. “I regret not coming downstairs for presents and stuff.” She said. “I was too emotional about everything. I made Jihoon tell everyone I was asleep.”
“Oh,” Mingyu said. Mina motioned the phone back as if to ask if she could continue to scroll silently. Mingyu, though a bit hesitant, nodded. She smiled, her finger swiping through each photo.
“She looked really pretty.” She said. Looking over at Mingyu, she smiled. “Must have been romantic.”
“Aha…” Mingyu’s cheeks turned red, averting his eyes. Mina handed his phone back with an amused giggle.
“No need to tell me the details. I know,” she said. “I saw.” When she saw Mingyu’s nervous smile turn into a stunned and embarrassed expression spread across his entire face, she laughed a bit. “Don’t look at me like that. You did it right in the open in front of the house. I’m sure everyone saw.”
“You think?”
“I’m almost confident,” she said, leaving Mingyu to groan in embarrassment at his hands. She simply strolled to the front door and patted her luggage. “Now, let’s get this by the door so they’re ready for my car.”
“Your car?” Mingyu’s eyes widened.
“I called while you were on the phone. I’ll be heading to the airport right away and going home.”
Mingyu waited with Mina outside of the house for her car, the one that would take her to the airport. “Are you going to be fine waiting at the airport?” he asked. Mina laughed a bit, nodding her head.
“Yes. I can easily have the family plane sent over to get me. If not, I have enough money for a ticket. My father won’t let me go back without a good enough explanation and I’m not really ready to explain everything yet. Besides, I miss home. Living in Korea forever would have eventually made me really homesick.” She turned to Mingyu, who stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels as a way to pass the time. “Make sure you actually get her to forgive you, okay?”
Mingyu’s expression soured. “You think she won’t?” he asked.
“No,” Mina assured. “I do. I’m just saying to make sure it will work.” Mingyu nodded. “And if you’re not planning to stop talking to me after this, I hope we can still work together one day.” Mingyu chuckled to himself, nodding.
“Maybe,” he said. Mina nodded her head. “Only if you promise to not marry that sleaze.”
“I told you I won’t.” She said behind a laugh, and Mingyu chuckled along with her. She felt a warm bubble in her stomach as his laugh hit her ears, a feeling she had long missed since all this happened. “This is exactly what I wanted,” she said, looking up at him again. Mingyu cocked an eyebrow, unsure of what she meant. However, she turned her heel, watching as the car she called for was approaching. “Ah. There.” she motioned to the car as it pulled up to them, the driver stepping out to help with bags. Mina turned to Mingyu one final time. “Go get her back, okay? Don’t let my sacrifice be in vain.”
“Oh, sacrifice, hm?” Mingyu again had to chuckle in amusement. He picked up her heaviest luggage, sticking it into the trunk before closing it. The driver opened the passenger’s door for her, and she offered him one more look. "Get home safe,” he said. Mina nodded her head politely.
“Bye.” She said, before slipping into the car. Mingyu crossed his arms over his chest as the car started up, pulling from the house and onto the street until it was out of his sight. It was then he felt his phone going off in his pocket a mile a minute, and he had to keep himself calm, the only indicator of his excitement being the corners of his lips curling into a smile. He immediately returned to the house to get his own things and head to the restaurant.
He would fix all of it. He just needed to plan.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Mingyy sat at the table of the restaurant, eyes darting nervously around the room. Servers were brought out food, patrons strolled in and out. The longer he waited, the slower time seemed like it was going. Therefore, the more anxious he got. Leaning back in his seat, he covered his eyes. They said they would come. Where are they? He thought to himself. Did they change their minds?
“Are you falling asleep over here?” A familiar voice alerted Mingyu straight ahead, watching as Seungkwan and Hoshi nestled in the booth across from him. Minnie plopped at his side, setting her bag on the table in front of her. He glanced at the figure at the edge of the table, where Jihoon was standing. Awkwardly. It was obvious that without Joshua, Jeonghan, or you in the mix, Jihoon kind of looked like the adult who was unfortunately placed at the kids dinner table.
Sensing the moment of awkwardness, he nodded his head. “...I was at Hoshi’s when you called.” He said simply, motioning to the flustered individual at his side. Mingyu couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, nodding his head.
“No, it’s a good thing you came. I didn’t know how to get in contact with Joshua or Jeonghan without…” his voice trailed off, but he shook his head. “That’s not the worry right now. I’m glad you guys came. I really thought you wouldn’t want to.”
“I was debating it,” Minnie said. “After the shit that happened at the engagement party.”
“I know.” Mingyu sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“Where is she anyway?” Hoshi asked, looking around. “Mina.”
“She…” Mingyu needed another deep breath, his heart beating in his chest like a wild animal attempting to escape its cage. “She went back home.” The stunned expressions from the table were expected, and Mingyu continued. “We uh…she ended it.”
“You’re fucking kidding.” Minnie gasped, eyes wide. Mingyu nodded sheepishly.
“Yeah. That’s why I called. I want to make things right. With everyone. You guys first.” He was clearly getting embarrassed the more he thought about it. “I fucked everything up and I am so sorry. All the help you guys offered me for her birthday plans at the beach house and I threatened all of it because of my father and his stupid fucking threats.”
“...Threats?” Hoshi asked soft worry in his voice.
Seungkwan’s “threats?” were laced with so much curiosity that his eyes widened. Mingyu nodded.
“He has files on all of you from school. He’s been keeping tabs since I started school and I had no idea. When he heard I had started a relationship he threatened all of your futures.” He shook his head.
“You really hurt her,” Minnie said, and Mingyu nodded in agreement, eyes cast down on the table. “I don’t think she’ll ever recover.”
“I know. And instead of sticking up to him and calling his bluff, I sat my ass down and took it.” He shook his head. “It’s almost laughable now. I’m so embarrassed.”
“You should be,” Minnie said. “It was a stupid decision that came out of nowhere.”
“I know,” he said. “But that’s why I need your guy's help. I want to make it right. Please.” he glanced at Jihoon, who simply listened, his eyes cast out the window. He scanned his friend's faces, all of whom took the silence to process what Mingyu had said. None of them looked shocked, but none of them looked angry either. The neutrality in their faces seemed to fuel the dread in Mingyu’s chest even more. “Please…” he said again. “Do I need to get on the floor and deep bow? I will.”
“...Absolutely, Hyung,” Seungkwan said, only to receive a stern look from Minnie. “What? He offered.” Before Minnie could convince Mingyu not to, he got out of his seat in the booth. The group looked around at the surrounding patrons, all of whom bore witness to this six-foot man kneeling down on the marble restaurant floor, hands pressed at his sides as he lowered his head all the way to the floor.
“I’ll stay here as long as I have to. Until you agree to help me. Not forgive me, but help me. Please, I cannot lose her over this. Or you guys….”
When silence filled the booth, he waited for the sound of squeaking shoes to follow. He knew it was coming, so he closed his eyes, forehead pressed firmly to the cool floor. However, instead of squeaking shoes, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Finally propping himself up, he saw Seungkwan leaning over.
“I was kidding,” he said in amusement. “Of course we’ll help.” Relief washed over Mingyu and it took every fiber of his being not to cry. He got up, sliding back in the booth. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Seungkwan stopped him. “We cannot listen to your plan on empty stomachs, Hyung.”
“You’re shameless,” Jihoon commented with a grin, and Seungkwan’s shield of confidence immediately crumbled him into a blushing mess. Mingyu, however, simply grinned.
“Order whatever you guys want,” he said, motioning for Jihoon to finally sit. “Before my father cancels my card. Max it out for all I care!” He leaned forward, calling over his waitress to finally begin serving them before finally diving into his plan.
As his table melted into the familiar chatter he had long since missed, he knew he could do this. ‘
Suddenly, Seungkwan’s eyes widened behind his drink. “Minnie! Give me my money back!”
“What? Why?!” She gasped.
“I told you the engagement would end!”
“You place a bet on me?!” Mingyu gasped.
“I said that he would end the engagement.” Minnie snapped back. “So technically you don’t win.”
“Neither do you!”
“...You place a bet on me?!” MIngyu asked again when he realized he was ignored the first time. Jihoon patted Mingyu on the shoulder, shaking his head.
“They’ve placed about 3 bets on you.” He said simply. Mingyu rolled his eyes in annoyance, watching as the duo argued well through the meal.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
It was the following day when Joshua and Jeonghan were planning lunch. Joshua went to get it, assuming it would be you, returning from a needed stroll that you had decided to take in hopes of clearing your head. However, he was shocked when Hoshi and Jihoon were standing at the door.
“Not the pairing I would have expected, but I am pleased regardless.” He saw Jihoon sneak him a displeased sneer. “What do you need?”
“Mingyu needs your help.” Joshua could hear Jeonghan hurrying towards the door as well when the sink turned off, poking his head into the conversation. “We need to all meet at the campus as soon as possible. Do you have any art supplies?”
“Would the school not have art supplies?” Jeonghan cocked an eyebrow. “Why?” He brushed off the side eye from Joshua.
“What does he have planned?” Joshua asked curiously. Jihoon and Hoshi shared a look.
“How much time do we have before she gets home?” Jihoon asked curiously.
“A little while, I guess,” Jeonghan said.
“Let’s go,” Hoshi said, motioning them out. “We’ll explain on the way.” Despite being confused, Jihoon and Hoshi simply took the duo’s wrists and led them out of the apartment, Jeonghan struggling to close and lock up as he was being tugged away.
By the time you had gotten home, the apartment had been quiet for some time, the sun already dipping further behind the horizon. You saw the counters in the kitchen were filled with food mid-prep, an unusual sight. “Did they forget something?” You mumbled to yourself. Simply brushing your confusion off as nothing, you headed into the bathroom. “I need to shower. Even when it’s getting cold, I sweat.” With your arms stretched over your head, you made your way into the bathroom and closed the door behind you.
A warm shower was just what you needed to loosen your tight joints and muscles, some of which were still sore from the walking you were doing around the block. When you stepped out, you immediately sensed something. The same stillness that welcomed you home was still looming through the apartment. Tugging your shirt over your torso, you poked your head out of the bathroom again. “Hello?” you called. Nothing. “…Joshua?” You called. “Jeonghan?” Again, nothing. “Huh.” You stepped into the living room, sinking onto the couch and crossing your arms.
For only a moment, the peace that being alone left you with made you feel just that, peace. You turned the TV on, flipped through a magazine, and scrolled your phone. However, even with the buzz of the TV before you low, the silence was deafening. You looked over to the door, then the balcony. Nothing.
“What am I supposed to do?” You muttered to yourself. “I can’t remember what being alone feels like.” You hummed at the thought. Joshua and Jeonghan had been by your hip this long, being alone felt like a new experience. Even when you felt at your loneliest, they were always there to try their best to cheer you up. Looking down at your hands, you balled them into fists. “I really screwed everything up for them, hm?” you mumbled to yourself. It wasn’t cold, but your hands rubbed one another as if they tried making friction to warm up. “How many people can say that they fuck up a contract with two angels? It’s once in a lifetime and I completely missed the mark.”
You rose from the couch once more, making your way into the bedroom for some pajamas, ready to nestle into something comfy and end your day with a warm meal and maybe a beer. All you saw to even begin to remind you that they have been living in your apartment for the past few months was a few photos of the three of you along the college campus, and the beautiful burgundy dress that was hanging out of your closet. You walked over to it, gently tugging at the cloth. Your fingers brushed against it, tickled by the gentle feel of the fabric along your fingers. “This will be nice to wear for Christmas.” It was at the mention of the holiday, which was still two months away, but felt so close to you, that Mingyu popped in your mind for the first time in a while. His smile danced through your mind as he held out your birthday present. His hands ghosted along your neck and collarbone and he adorned it on your neck. You sighed, finally pushing the dress deeper into the closet and closing it, hoping to completely block the memories from resurfacing again.
It was then you heard the door opening, and you returned from your home. Expecting Joshua and Jeonghan, you were stunned to see Minnie. She turned to you, tugging her hair into a ponytail and smiling. “Hey.” She said.
“Hey.” You walked over. “What are you doing here? Everything okay?”
“Oh, everything is more than okay.” She said. “In fact, we need to go out.”
“What?” You asked. “Right now?”
“Right now.” She said simply. “Go get dressed.”
“I’m already dressed.” You said. Unimpressed eyes scanned your tee shirt and jeans, before staring directly at you with another wide grin.
“Go get dressed into something else.” She corrected. When you opened your mouth to respond, Minnie only pointed. “Go. There’s no time to argue with me. Trust me, okay?”
“What should I wear?” you asked, finally walking back into your room. You heard Minnie following behind. “I was planning on staying in tonight.”
“Wear something cute. Maybe a skirt and a cute top? Oh! Or maybe-.”
“Nicha Yontararak.” You said. Minnie’s eyes widened at the mention of her Thai name. “You did not set me up on a blind date, did you?”
“What?” Minnie scoffed. “No.”
“Minnie.” You said, unimpressed by her attempt to lie.
“I really didn’t!” She said quickly. “Trust me! Now, get dressed so we can go!”
She watched as you scanned your drawers for an outfit that better matched her very vague description of ‘cute’. “You’re going to 100 percent thank me later.”
“I very highly doubt that, considering how confused I am.” Grabbing a long-sleeved striped tee shirt, you made your way to the closet. Digging through, your eyes hit your red dress again, but you immediately pushed it from view in favor of a pair of denim overalls. “There. Better?” Minnie watched you hold the outfit up, her hands stopping mid-text on her phone. It took her a second, but she smiled.
“Perfect.” She said. You watched her look down, typing away on her phone once again.
“Who are you texting?” you asked curiously. “He’s waiting.”
“You’re date.” She grinned.
She only laughed as you groaned. “Minnie, what?!”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“I hope everything goes well,” Mingyu said.
“It will,” Hoshi said in assurance.
“Unless it doesn’t. Y’know, being horribly last minute and everything.”
“Why do we still invite you to things?” Seungkwan asked, looking down at the grinning Jihoon as he walked over to a collection of items everyone had brought.
“Hoshi told me to come.”
Hoshi had to cover his face when he felt Seungkwan give him a very amused side glance, choosing to ignore his friend as he continued to work. “I think this will be amazing, Mingyu!” Hoshi said frantically, hoping to divert Seungkwan’s attention. He was holding a few string lights in his hands, smiling.
“You think? Jihoon-Hyung’s right, it’s last minute.”
“It’ll be fine,” Jeonghan said. He patted Mingyu on the shoulder, making the broader individual look over. “She’ll love it.” He nodded, eyes wandering over to Joshua. He was sitting at one of the picnic tables, markers, and papers from the art room spread in front of him. He was scribbling something down, eyes focused on his job: making a few signs. He had already done 3, and this was going to be his fourth. Mingyu excused himself from Jeonghan, who watched him approach Joshua. Jeonghan crossed his arms before Jihoon called him over to help with collecting lights from a box. “Aaah, I’m already too tired for this.” he groaned, only to be ignored when a fistful of lights were stuffed in his arms.
Mingyu sat down across from Joshua, only the movement of the table making him look up. He set his markers down. Mingyu, flustered, looked down at the current sign. It was white, the only color coming from the red and pink hearts surrounding what looked to be the pencil sketch of a saying.
“Do you have everything?” Joshua finally cut through the silence. Mingyu nodded, patting his pocket in reassurance.
“Yep.” He said simply. Joshua nodded, eyes darting back down to color in one of the hearts. “Do you think she’ll forgive me?” He asked softly. Joshua could hear the worry and uncertainty in Mingyu’s voice, directing his attention back to the man across from him. Mingyu pressed his hands together in a tight ball. His eyes were shaking with unanswered questions. Setting the marker down, Joshua shrugged.
“I can’t say for sure,” he said.
“You spend more time with her than anyone,” Mingyu said. “That’s kind of why I’m here asking you.” Joshua nodded his head. “I can tell you’re still mad at me. I don’t blame you.”
“I’m not mad,” Joshua said, crossing his arms and leaning back. He scrunched his nose as he thought, finally nodding his head. “Just disappointed.”
“Oh come the fuck on.” Mingyu groaned with a slight chuckle, palm pressed to his forehead. He heard Joshua chuckle a bit and looked up once again. Joshua spun the sign towards Mingyu. A red marker spun in his direction as well, and Mingyu cocked an eyebrow. Joshua looked down at the paper, a small smile on his lips. “What?” Mingyu asked.
“You have to write the ‘I love you’ of course,” Joshua explained. When he saw Mingyu’s cheeks tint pink, Joshua only pushed the marker closer.
“Why can’t you write it?” Mingyu asked.
“Because if I do then I know someone over there will absolutely make it a bigger deal than it is.” Joshua pointed to the group of individuals who crowded the rest of the supplies. Mingyu chuckled, finally reaching out and taking the marker. Joshua leaned his cheek on his hand as he watched Mingyu write the phrase. “Besides. She wants to hear it from you, not me….” Mingyu’s hand stopped writing for a second, glancing up at Joshua as he simply reached for another color, leaning over and adding a few little doodles and decorations in the corners.
“...She really thought it was me she was confessing to?” He asked. Joshua nodded his head.
“Yeah. It was kind of cute.” he chuckled to himself. “She’s crazy about you, Mingyu. Did you know the first night I met her she was drunk and crying about you going on vacation?”
“Shut up, she was not.” Mingyu’s eyes widened. Joshua nodded, the duo chatting over the first night you and Joshua met as they doodled around the rest of the poster.
Nighttime got closer, which meant you were on your way with Minnie. Knowing this made Mingyu’s palms sweaty, and he paced the area in hopes of calming himself down. He felt his heart pick up, and he let out a shaky breath. “Oh, God I might throw up.” He put his hands on his hips, walking a few paces back and forth. “What if she doesn’t forgive me?”
“Mina’s still available,” Jihoon said. Hoshi hit him in the arm as he laughed. Mingyu took a few deep breaths.
“You think she’ll like all of this?” he motioned to the scene before him, to his friends who all once again banded together to help him out in a bind. Mina was right, they all really were there when it mattered.
“If we didn’t think it would work, we wouldn’t be here,” Seungkwan said simply, peeling at a few boxes of wrapped lights. “Just tell her how you feel.”
“I did that already. Like twelve times.”
“Do it a thirteenth,” Jeonghan said.
Mingyu ran his hand through his hair and snorted. “Oh wow. Thanks…” Among the snickering individuals, he heard someone calling his name. When he looked over, he saw one of the lingering students chatting to someone, pointing to the group in the field. Mingyu sprinted over to the edge of the field, where a woman in a pair of slacks, a bun with a baseball cap, and a polo shirt with a company logo on it. She had a white bag gripped in her hands. Mingyu studied the logo and saw it read Byeong Florist.
“Kim Mingyu?.” She asked. Mingyu nodded and was given a white bag. He took it from her hands, muttering a quick thank you before the woman nodded her head. He watched her walk away for a minute.
“What the…?” Mingyu looked down, opened it up, and looking inside. He was immediately met with a little bouquet of flowers, and his eyes widened. “Hm?” He pulled them out, seeing a note fall to his feet. He knelt down and picked it up, flipping the paper open.
Don’t worry. They’re not meant to be from me to you. Give them to her, okay? She’ll love them. Good luck! - Mina
When Mingyu looked up, the florist delivery woman was already gone, and Mingyu couldn’t help but chuckle. “Alright, then…” he said. Turning his head, he admired the scene before him. “She’ll probably be here soon,” he said.
“Minnie said they were on their way about 5 minutes ago,” Seungkwan said.
“What!?” Mingyu’s eyes widened. “Oh, crap. Okay, what am I supposed to do? Uh-.” Joshua watched as Mingyu rambled to himself, trying to figure out exactly what else he could do to make this perfect before you arrived. He reached out, putting his hand on Mingyu’s shoulder once more. Mingyu looked over, confused as to the sudden increase in Joshua’s physical touch at the moment. Joshua smiled.
“If you stress, she’ll notice.” He said simply. Mingyu felt his shoulders relax, and Joshua could feel his fingers tingle just a little bit. “You’ll be fine.”
“Okay.” Mingyu breathed out, nodding his head. “Fine.”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“Why are we going to the campus?” you asked, looking at Minnie. “Aren’t classes just about done for the day?”
“Yeah,” Minnie said. “That’s the perfect time for a date. Nobody is there to bother you. The guy is really nice. He goes to our school.”
“How do you know him?” you asked.
“We are in the same economics class.” She said simply. You hummed. “Just give him a chance. You should get back out there instead of crying over Mingyu.”
“I’ve done no such thing.” You huffed in embarrassment. Minnie’s eyes pierced you. “…Recently.”
Minnie eyed the school as it came into view, and you gulped. The idea of going on a date with someone when you spent all of your college life pining after Mingyu seemed…weird. You didn’t think you’d ever do something like this. However, Minnie reached out and took your hand. “Don’t worry.” She said. “I promise I wouldn’t steer you wrong.”
“Okay.” You said softly. “I guess I’ll trust you.” Your friend smiled in excitement, before picking up the pace. As the both of you headed onto campus, you looked around. Most of the buildings were dark, and closed for the night. A few handfuls of students were still around campus, most heading home for the night or to the library for a late-night study session. You caught a few glances in your direction. In fact, a lot of people were looking in your direction. You looked at Minnie once more. “Why do I feel everyone we see is staring at us?” you asked. “Do I look ridiculous?”
“No. You look cute.” She assured. “Don’t mind them.” Minnie led you down one of the paths on campus, towards the fields where you and Mingyu had originally planned for your birthday weekend. You could remember Mingyu eagerly telling you how he had planned everything for you already, and how excited that made you. The memory made you smile, and Minnie seemed to notice. “You haven’t even seen everything yet, and you’re smiling?”
“Everything?” you asked. “I thought we were meeting one of your classmates.”
“I lied, dummy.” Minnie grinned. Before you could ask for further information, you and Minnie both turned the corner. When your eyes landed on the field a few feet away, they immediately widened.
Mingyu was standing on the field. It was dark, but you could make out his basic features. He was pacing the feet around him, seemingly deep in thought. You looked at Minnie, who shook her head.
“Idiot, I told him to put all of the lights on early so we can all see. It’s getting too dark.” She muttered. “HEY! Mingyu!” Immediately he looked up, and you felt a gust of wind beside you. When you turned to check it, Minnie was already long gone, hidden back around the corner. You could see her long black hair poking out a bit under one of the campus street lights. You turned your attention back to Mingyu once more, and he only smiled in your direction. You hesitated as you stepped onto the field, trying to get a better idea of what was going on. The light of the moon and the few lights still on only left you with a basic and dim view of Mingyu and his attire, standing in front of what looked to be a tree. You watched him turn to you.
When he called your name, you felt your heart speed up, pounding in your ears as the lights turned on. 
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
The Light of Dead Stars (Epilogue) | KSJ
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Pairing: Seokjin x (f.) Reader; side Seokjin x (f.) OC; side Reader x Namjoon
Genre/Tags: arranged marriage, fake romance, boss/workmate aus; angst, drama, fluff, smut; slow burn
Chapter Warnings: Foul language; talks of pregnancy; explicit sexual content (breast play, fingering, unprotected penetrative sex) (18+)
Chapter Word count: 10.5k
A/N: We have reached the end! I wished this story got a bit more love, but regardless, it was wonderful being able to write about Jin and falling in love with him even more. To those who read with me and to those who are just about to dive in, thank you. The messages have been so lovely to read. I hope you enjoy this, too.💕
Series Masterlist | Muse Moodboard | Setting Moodboard
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Status: Complete
Series summary:  Your unconventional arranged marriage with your company’s President, Kim Seokjin, is necessary, practical, and simple - both your families benefit, and he minds his own business and so do you. But when a slip-up causes his parents to believe that you and he are in love, you have no choice but to pretend you are, especially with the trip to France for his brother’s wedding coming up. When you get back to Seoul, things start to change, and Seokjin is faced with the most difficult decision he has to make.  
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Jin takes the carry-on bag from your hand and puts it over his shoulder, then holds your now-free hand and smirks before he kisses it.
“Smooth, huh?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“You’re so cheesy, stop it,” you chuckle, nudging him to the side.
You’ve both just checked in the airport and are wandering around before heading to the lounge for lunch. You and Jin decided to leave on a Thursday afternoon, while the rest of your family and friends opted to leave the next day. You don’t want to be too harassed when you arrive in Spain, and you also want to make sure that everything is settled for your guests when they get there.
You’re buzzing with excitement. You’ve been reading up on all the Michelin-star restaurants in San Sebastián and all the other markets and famous dishes in the city, and you can’t wait to try them all. You’re finally able to fully enjoy another country with your husband without the stress of work, and no, France doesn’t really count. There are food tours, cooking classes, and a ton of nearby cities to explore and get lost in. And the fact that you’ll be enjoying some of them with your family and friends adds to the exciting feeling.
You’re about to make a turn for the first-class lounge when a familiar face startles you, and you immediately call her name.
She looks up from her phone, her face contorting in surprise before she gives you her genuine, sweet smile.
She scurries to where you are and excitedly bows to you. She’s a lot more shy and conscious towards Jin, though, and you don’t blame her. The last time they met, he was angry and walked out on her, and you’d been the one to defend her to him during the time when things had gotten too much. 
“Hi! It’s nice to see you again,” you greet her, then you tug your husband’s hand.
“Hey, Seri,” he greets. “How have you been?”
Her face relaxes and you��re glad she’s found her joyful spirit again. 
“I’ve been great! I laid low for a while since, uh, yeah… and there haven't been any unfortunate instances since I spoke with Sejeong,” she responds. “She’s been checking up on me and that’s been incredibly helpful. How about both of you?”
“We’re doing fine, too. Things have looked up for us and we’re going on a vacation, actually,” you smile. “What about you? Where are you headed to?”
“Oh, that’s great! You two do deserve a break,” she says quite shyly. “And I’m heading to Japan. I actually got the courage to apply for a position in our Tokyo office and I fortunately got accepted. What you said stuck with me, you know? About not letting that whole experience ruin me for anyone else, especially for myself, and, well… I also kept thinking that I’ve just been settling for all these years.”
She glances at Jin as she says the last bit, and he catches it, too. It’s not out of spite, you could tell, as somehow she still says it with a glimmer of fondness in her eyes. 
“I realized that maybe if I take a step out of my comfort zone, things can surprise me, and moving to Japan felt like the first step - still a little bit familiar but still new. And I’m really excited.”
“That sounds great, Seri! I’m glad that the thought stuck with you. It was all I could offer at that time,” you reply.
“It helped a lot, so thank you. And thanks to Jin, too. I’m really happy for the both of you, and I truly mean it.”
Jin offers her a smile; he thinks it’s all he could give her, other than an apology.
“I just want to say sorry for how I acted the last time,” he says, looking into her eyes to let her know he means every word. “I was completely out of line and acted like we didn’t share anything in the past. ___ had to knock some sense into me but she shouldn’t have had to. I shouldn’t have been an asshole and put the blame on you, so I apologize. I hope you can forgive me.”
“It’s okay, Jin,” Seri responds. “We do things we don’t mean when we’re hurt and angry, and I understand. I’ve forgiven you a long time ago, so I hope you’re not hard on yourself. You copped yourself an incredible woman; I’m kinda jealous,” she giggles. 
The twinkle in her eyes and the sweetness of her laughter is back, and there’s that feeling of acceptance and joy that overtakes him. So much has happened between them in the past few years and more seems to have happened to them individually in the few months since they’ve last seen each other, but he feels that sense of relief that this is how they officially go in their separate ways. 
Seri was that sweet and charming young woman who was just trying to figure out her place in the world when they first met. And Jin was that seemingly confident man who had to keep going despite the pressure and expectations put on him. It was in each other that they found that little space of comfort, of pleasure, of fleeting happiness that would eventually end. 
And now here they are. Seri is off to start a new phase of her life in another country, and Jin will be starting his with you, the woman with whom he’s found his permanence - of joy and love and excitement and comfort. 
“Well, we’re really happy for you, too,” you say this time. “And I’d tell you to say hi to my brother, Jung Hoseok, for me, but I’ll be enjoying our vacation with him, so maybe next time?”
“Oh my goodness! You’re siblings?!” She gasps. “I should’ve put the pieces together! I can’t believe this. I admire him so, so much! And he’s also so handsome.”
“He’s quite the Casanova there, I heard,” you chuckle, even more when she looks visibly embarrassed at outing herself to you. “But I’m really excited for you, Seri. I hope this new start is all you imagined it to be.”
“Likewise,” she smiles. “I’ll go ahead. Have a safe trip, you two! Bye!”
Jin waves her goodbye and glances one last time as she heads the opposite direction.
And just like that, the light, the star, has been extinguished. 
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Loading your luggages in the trunk of the car, Jin speaks to the chauffeur before guiding you inside.
“Oh come on, you speak Spanish, too?!” You exclaim.
Jin laughs at your shocked face. “My closest friend during grad school was Spanish, and we would teach each other our native languages and cook each other food. He was a good teacher and I learned the basics from him. He was just a pretty bad cook so I didn’t get to appreciate Spanish cuisine from him.”
“That sounded more than basic, though.”
“Maybe advanced basic?” He chuckles. “I try to practice. Father always says that learning another language is good for business. But I’m not all that good. I can assure you, however, that we’re never gonna get lost here.”
“Hmm, nice. Adds to the list of reasons why my husband is pretty hot and amazing,” you hum. 
“Ah, so that exists. So tell me, did you think it was hot when you first heard me speak French?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“Not really, I just thought it was cool. I didn’t really give a shit about you in that way during that time,” you tease. 
“Ugh, brat.”
It's an over-an-hour car ride to your hotel, and Jin switches languages to speak with the chauffeur who is helpful in suggesting places and nearby cities to visit. You and Jin plan to set your schedule during this whole trip later, and perhaps surprise your guests with little luxuries, too.
The hotel that Jin chose sits at the heart of the city. It’s grand and breathtakingly beautiful, and your suite has stunning views of the sea; you’re excited to know how your family will react to this, and you’re glad you’re able to spoil them like this as well.
Once the butler leaves, you drown yourself in the comfort of the couch and true to form, Jin comes over and rests his head on your lap. He asks for a kiss, claiming he didn’t get to do much of it given the full-day of traveling, and you indulge him, complete with the head massage that he loves so much.
You take a shower and rest for a bit before you head to a nearby restaurant for dinner while going over all the things you plan to do for the week. You then decide to enjoy your hotel’s offerings of pintxos and wine in your balcony while overlooking the beach to end the night, and of course, some lovemaking because somehow, the air in this region is making your husband much more irresistible.
You spend the next morning finalizing all the wedding details - from visiting the venue, doing a tasting of the dishes to be served, and then trying on your outfits for the big day. It feels so intimate going through your wedding preparations like this. You didn’t plan the first one, and you were frankly too preoccupied with work to be even remotely sentimental or emotional about that.
But it’s different this time, as Jin wants it to be perfect. He’s gotten your taste in food and design to a tee so you don’t have much to comment on. You’re just amazed that he’s able to plan all of it on his own, and he credits it to being decisive and having connections in the industry. He was able to book everything without a hitch, after all. 
After having lunch at a seafood restaurant, you welcome his siblings and your friends, who all took the same flight, and then some time after, your family arrives. Jin’s parents make it in time for dinner at a restaurant that overlooks the sea, and the sunset is spectacular as you all enjoy amazing food amidst the conversations going on.
“We’re really thankful that you all could make it on such short notice,” Jin says as the chatters die down. “It means a lot to us that you could join us on this special occasion.”
“Yeah well, you offered to pay for it,” Jungkook pipes in. “We wouldn’t have made it otherwise, so thanks, Mr. Rich Handsome Man Jin. I’m glad we could be here for you and my best friend, too.”
“Thanks, Kook, how sweet,” you playfully roll your eyes. “And Jin, you’re too formal. This is a special occasion for us, yes, but also for our loved ones here. We’ve come a long way, I could say. And we’re just really happy that you’re all here. I mean, my sister is here! It rarely ever happens that she gets days off.”
“Don’t be surprised if my brother paid off her employer to let her go for a week,” Taehyung laughs, prompting you and your whole family to look at Jin in shock, who merely shrugs and tries to act innocently, and you know you won’t get a straight answer from him if you asked.
“Please, enjoy dinner. The tab is open in the bar under our name,” Jin says, to the delight of your friends. “And if you could keep your afternoon and evening free tomorrow, that would be great. We booked a spa day for everyone and then we’ll have dinner at the hotel.”
“What is spa day, Uncle Jjan?” Geonhoo asks. “Do we get one, too?”
Everyone chuckles at the little one’s question, but you tell them that they get to spend the day at the children's center while their parents get pampered, and that seems to be good enough for them. 
Jin’s parents seem to be just taking everything in and not speaking much, perhaps trying to get used to being around both of you again. But they send you soft smiles when you look their way, and that’s really all you could ask for. They’re here and they seem happy, and they were really the missing piece that you and Jin needed for this trip to be all that you want it to be.
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You and Jin spend the next morning with your family, as you rarely get to be with them. You see Miyeon twice a year at most, so you want to spoil her as much as you can. You join them as you explore the city, past churches and quaint alleys, past street side food halls and boutique stores. 
Your family is in awe of everything, and you made sure that you got to pay for their trip and give them something memorable in return for all that they’ve done for you. Of course, that includes feeding them amazing food as well. You promise them only the most delicious things to eat during their stay here. 
There’s a bit of time to rest before your schedule at the spa, and it’s one you’re quite excited about. The last time you had something similar to this was during your “honeymoon” in Saint-Tropez, and it was an interesting experience, as you and Jin reminisce while you stay in the hot tub of your assigned suite. 
“It was so awkward trying not to be awkward while we were getting our massages,” he laughs. “I couldn’t look at you and the therapist was looking curiously at me for being so conscious.”
“You could’ve just acted sleepy the whole time, you know, or at least, acted interested without being creepy,” you say, sipping your lemonade. 
“Ah, well, there were lots of times during that trip wherein I wasn’t sure how to act,” he replies. “Things were changing for me and I was confused and that spa day was a challenge. I wanted it to end so badly.”
“I just tried not to mind you,” you chuckle. “I’ve never been pampered that way and I had to savor it so sucks for you.”
“Now, though, I want to take our time here.” 
“And do what?” You arch your eyebrow.
“Hmm, you know…” he hums, asking for your hand and pulling you to sit on his lap. His mouth immediately going to your chest to suck on your pert nipples and kiss your chest. “This and more.”
You moan in pleasure, your hips reflexively grinding against him as your head lolls back. “Ah, this is what you plan to do, huh?” You say, whimpering as he makes it to your neck and licks a spot he nibbles on. “We might not make it to dinner on time.”
“We will, that’s why I scheduled it for 8,” he responds, reaching your lips now and kissing you deeply. 
His tongue slides in, entangling with yours passionately that you feel yourself get lost in his taste, in his movements, in his hand that’s kneading your breast. With you tugging the ends of his hair, he moans into you, and you pull away before you get tempted to sink into his hardened cock that's poking your belly; the tub isn’t the safest place to have sex, after all, and you don’t want to risk it.
“I’ll be tempted to do more if we keep going, love,” you giggle, nibbling his lower lip before you completely let him go. 
“That’s why we’re on a honeymoon,” he whines, making you sit in between his legs after you remove yourself from him.
“We get married tomorrow, so the honeymoon starts after,” you correct him. “We still have to behave, especially since our family and friends are here. Just a few days, and you’ll have me to yourself again. You planned that.”
While you and Jin will be staying in the city during your entire stay, his family will be heading to Portugal, your family will travel to Madrid, while your friends - including Yoongi, whom Jin instructed to take a break, too - will be staying in Barcelona. You’ll at least have some time with them before they leave, and you want to make the most of that, too.
“I know. I also planned to have you the entire afternoon with me here,” he says, kissing your cheek now.
“Hmm, the San Sebastián air really got you crazy for me, huh?” You tease. 
“You underestimate me, ___. I’m crazy about you all the time!”
“Shush, I’m not used to you being cheesy.”
You tease each other until you both make it out of the hot tub, then you call the therapists for your 1-hour body scrub, which you spend giggling like teenagers because you wanted to know if the scrub tasted like coffee, too. But you do feel much cleaner and even lighter, and you’re both left alone, knowing you have time before the next session begins.
Jin’s hands have a life on their own once you enter the shower to rinse, as he just can’t take them off of you - they’re all over you, feeling and caressing you in places as if you won’t be having a massage later on. He helps you clean yourself and you motion for him to switch places with you so you could do the same. It’s really just an excuse to feel him up. 
Your husband is built in an intimidatingly handsome way. It’s deceiving, really, as his long limbs make you think that’s all he is, but underneath the clothes are his delicate-looking yet wide shoulders, his toned arms, and his smooth and honey-skinned chest that flows down to his gorgeous abs and tiny waist. He feels so good under your touch, especially when it causes certain parts to harden even when you just graze them. Somehow, he looks even more breathtaking all wet from the shower, and you have to will your heartbeat to slow down.
Or not. You control your time here, as Jin reminded the therapists that you’ll buzz them whenever you’re ready for the next service. And so you don’t mind, as your hand travels to where he needs it most, and he responds with a grunt and his deep, dark brown eyes boring into you. 
He kisses you desperately, cupping your cheek with one hand while the other cups your cunt, massaging it, sliding his fingers inside it, and playing with your swollen nub.
“Fuck,” he moans. “Want you so bad.”
“Need you,” you groan, as you feel yourself start to shake.
He turns you around, his arms caging you against the wall. He shuts the shower off and there’s nothing but the squelch of his fingers as they go in and out of you, and your joint moans of desire and pure lust as you continue feeling each other. 
Wanting more, he lifts your leg at an angle that allows him perfect access, and that’s what he does - his hardened cock enters you slowly until he’s snug inside you, feeling your warm walls take all of him in, and your sounds of pleasure urging him on.
“So good for me,” you keen. “Always so good for me.”
He kisses you again, slower this time, as he tries to match the pace of his body against yours. It’s intimate, loving, and really just the start of it because pretty soon, he’s securing your head in his hand and he’s quickening his thrusts. You feel the assault on your pussy and it feels so good, especially when he tells you to touch yourself, and the pleasure is so overwhelming that you come easily, without a warning, and even he moans at the feel of your slick on his cock.
“Can you go another round?” He asks, heaving and kissing your forehead, and you know he’s still got more left in him. 
You pant your yes, and immediately after, he removes himself from you and leads you to the bench in the shower, urging you to sit on his lap. You align your entrance with his dick, sinking down; feeling him in this angle is different but just as good, especially with his eyes following your every movement, with him sultrily biting his lips as he revels in the way you like when you’re positioned like this. 
He starts with his tongue doing wonders on your hardened buds, teasingly licking the tips to let you feel just enough of the sensation. 
His hands guide you up and down after, and everything is so euphoric that all you could do is hold onto his shoulders to keep you steady, even if the rest of your body is hurting so good with the pleasure and the physical effort it needs to feel all this.
“It’s okay, just relax,” he says, feeling your muscles tense now. “Let me do the work. I’ll take care of you, just hold on tightly.”
So you do, and he grips your thighs, secures his hold, and starts hammering into you from underneath. He pushes himself up and you clench around him so you could hear that sweet sound of his moans. You take control of the kiss this time, wanting him to reach his high, too, and it’s your tightening walls once he hits your end that does it for him. 
“Shit,” he heaves, slowing down now. “I could do this everyday. Screw work, let’s just fuck all the time.”
“Hmm, you’re funny,” you say, moaning as you continue to grind against him. Jin looking and sounding sinful has caused that coil in your belly once more.
You start feeling it again, and he stops your attempt at touching yourself so he could do it himself, liking your fucked out look as he pleasures you while he softens inside you, but he swears he’s starting to get hard again. You moan his name, feeling it build up once more, so he pulls you close and sucks that sensitive part near your ear while he continues pleasuring your clit, and add to his growls, you start to completely lose it, shaking on his lap now as your thighs start to tire. But the pain feels so good and that’s what sex is like with him - it’s absolutely heavenly. You come again, and you lean on his shoulder as you come down from the high.
“Did I make you pregnant?“ He asks once you’ve recovered, but you recognize the playful tone of his voice. 
“Oh, is that what you wanted?” You arch an eyebrow.
“I’m teasing. I know you’re not ovulating yet.”
“How’d you know?”
“You shared your tracking app with me, remember? But I know we still have to meet the doctor and all,” he says. “Gotta make sure everything is safe and ready for the little Kim that’s gonna grow inside this sexy belly of yours.”
“How is it that you make everything sound ridiculous,” you chuckle, accepting his help to get off his lap. 
“Seriously though, I can’t wait for us to become parents. Maybe I should plan a baby-making trip, too. What do you think? What’s the sexiest city in the world?”
“Oh goodness, I can’t believe I’m married to you sometimes.”
Jin thankfully behaves for the rest of the session. After your massage, you have your facial treatment, then you get your nails done, then your hair. You feel like a new person, but more importantly, you feel ready for tomorrow’s big day. 
Your friends and family say as much when you meet them for dinner, and later that night, as you fall asleep in the safety of your husband’s arms, he whispers just how much he loves you, and that he hopes he gets to say everything he wants to in front of all the people you love, so they could feel, too, all that he feels for you.
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The perfect weather greets you the next day, as you and Jin enjoy your breakfast on your balcony. You plan to stay in in the morning before you get fixed up and head to the venue before your guests do. Something about doing things differently the second time around makes you want to surprise them, perhaps to show how you and Jin are together. They haven’t seen the venue nor your outfits, and you can’t wait to see them be surprised at how everything has been set up, including you.
Jin helps you zip up your dress and puts on your accessories. It’s not typical for both bride and groom to be dressing each other up but you think it’s part of the fun this time, including ogling each other as you both look at yourselves in the mirror.
You have on a simple strapped, sweetheart dress. It’s tea-length and flowy, and you twirl around to show your husband the freedom of movement you have, unlike your long-trained, lace gown from your first wedding. Jin, like you, is in a gold polo and white suit and trousers, and as you expected, he’s stunning with his side-swept hair and brown sunglasses. 
“Shall we, Mrs. Kim?” He turns to you.
“We shall, Mr. Kim.”
He takes your hand and you are driven to a nearby quaint town where the winery, which sits between picture-perfect mountains and streams, is located. The venue for the ceremony overlooks a stunning view, and you could already imagine enjoying a good meal as the sun sets. 
You stay in the holding room while your guests arrive, and not long after they’ve settled in do you and Jin walk down the aisle hand-in-hand, looking like the 100-100 good-looking power couple that you are. 
Everyone gushes, and true to form, Dara yells how, for the first time, she’s crushing on you more than she’s crushing on your husband, but that he’s “pretty close.” Geonhoo squeals your name and how pretty you are, while Ji-hoo screams how handsome her Uncle Jjan is. It’s such a chaotic yet intimate moment, and it’s really what you expected. You don’t expect Jin’s parents to look as emotional as they do, though; it’s the surprise you’re happiest about.
The event is more symbolic than anything, as the minister states. He shares a passage about love and friendship and family, and it’s the perfect lead up to your respective vows. 
“I’ll do the honors. May I?” Jin takes the mic, and you nod your approval.
He begins with thanking everyone present and why he was adamant on having this wedding here, and this soon, and with only the most important people in your lives present. 
“We’re making our promise to love each other to you, too,” he says, turning to them, “and we hope you promise to help us keep that promise to each other as well.”
Your friends and Taehyung, as expected, are the most vocal, and you glance at your parents and Jin’s, and there’s really nothing like their soft smiles and approving nods. 
Then, on a more serious note, Jin takes your hand and kisses it. 
“Hi again to my 100,” he cheekily smiles. “So we’re here in this gorgeous place, yet I still think you’re more beautiful than any view in this world.”
Everyone laughs as he immediately cringes, and you playfully smack his arm because that was “incredibly cheesy.” 
“I tried to practice it with a straight face but I laughed every time,” he explains. “But anyway, ___, we’re here, and I didn’t really think that in this lifetime, I’d be marrying the same woman twice. But if the first time was out of obligation, this time it’s out of choice. And it’s an unbelievable feeling to be doing this now, to be as in love as we are with each other, and to be excited for all that’s to come.”
You give him a smile. His voice sounds so sweet but you do spot a hint of nervousness in it, and it’s also quite adorable. 
“But as we and all those present know, it wasn’t always easy,” he huffs. “We held onto our own stars for years because they shone so brightly at one point, and we kept thinking that they will continue to, because for a long time, they were all we knew.”
The stars. Of course. You suppose that conversation with him at the Han River stuck with him like it did with you.
“But the universe finds ways to surprise us, I guess, because just as we were both learning to let go of those stars, we found each other and learned that, well, there’s something much better, brighter, closer, and that they’d been there the whole time; we just never really bothered to look. Or maybe you did, once, but you said I wasn’t your type so you didn’t really take a second glance, and imagine missing all this,” he adds, causing everyone to laugh again. But you nod vigorously because you insist that it’s true. 
“You took my hand and leaped with me, and we found ourselves in the most bizarre arrangement that, in hindsight, actually allowed us to be comfortable and real and vulnerable with each other. And that’s what did it for me - I’ve known one path my whole life and you… you keep me there, while also taking me to side streets and alleys, to paved and unpaved roads, to scenic routes and dark tunnels, all the while joining me in struggles and joy, laughing with me, joking with me, loving me. 
And like I said, it wasn’t easy; I almost lost you. More than once. But we chose to love even when we didn’t think we could again, even when it felt like the whole world was against us, even when it was the most difficult thing to do. I don’t think I could’ve done all that for just anyone, ___. It had to be you; it would only be you. Because you taught me that. That’s why I’ll be loving you for the rest of my life. I’ll be loving us and our future family for every day of my life.”
He ends with a wink, and the tears slide down your cheeks the same time that you laugh, because his ass just had to conclude it with a flirty yet silly gesture, but you also know it’s his trick to not cry. He seems to only prefer doing that with just you. 
You take his hand now and look him in the eyes; you know this unnerves him and he wiggles his eyebrows as his defense mechanism.
“Kim Seokjin,” you start. “You are probably one of the last people I ever thought I’d marry, let alone fall in love with, because you’re right, you’re not really my type.”
He scowls at you and you can’t help but laugh with everyone else. 
“You’re incredibly handsome, you’re brilliant and hardworking, you make me laugh, you cook me the best dishes after my mom, you listen to me, you take care of me, you protect me, keep me safe… you keep your promises, and you never leave my side. That’s why, because before you, I’d known no man who’d done all of that to me.”
His eyes soften, and he knows of all the pain that you had to bury, that you had to get past, just so you could open yourself again to someone else. 
“You showed me that we could be vulnerable and bare to another person while still being their strength. And like you, I think that’s what did it for me. We got to be ourselves while learning, laughing, eating, bickering, and holding each other when things were tough and scary and unfamiliar. And I know that every day we spend giving each other headaches and the best laughs and the warmest hugs, is a day I’ll want to have for the rest of my life - together, and hopefully with a little 100 in the future, too.”
He gives you a smile this time, and it melts your heart just how easy it is for both of you to get lost in each other like this. You could hear people sniffing and you already know it’s Jimin and Dara. 
The minister finally instructs you to seal the deal once again and Jin, being the dramatic man that he is, half-dips you into a deep and passionate kiss, the exact opposite of the very first one you shared. 
You pinch his ear because of that surprise and he yelps then laughs before finally hugging you. 
“I love you so much, ___. You make me so happy. My ear also hurts now.”
“You deserve that,” you hug him back. “But I love you, too.”
Your guests cheer and it’s a pretty long moment of hugging and greeting all of them while the servers prepare your early dinner. With amazing food that you and Jin chose, against the darkening sky over mountains and little villages - it’s all so perfect, even more when you and your husband finally have your slow dance that he insisted on, because he’d only ever do it in front of your families and friends. 🎵
“Do you remember our dance during our first wedding?” He asks, as you lean on his chest and listen to the beating of his heart in tune with the ballad playing.
“No. We didn’t have one.”
“Exactly. We said it would be weird.”
“It was awkward enough that we had to look in love; dancing would be over the top,” you chuckle. 
“I agree. All we did was laugh during our wedding because we were so amused at how we were able to make them believe that we were secretly dating,” he adds. 
You hum. “We could be actors, Jin. If this whole food thing doesn’t work out; we always have another option.”
“Nah, it only worked because I was comfortable. Like I said, that’s why,” he says, turning to you. “I didn’t feel like I had to impress you or anything, or act like some perfect, flawless being who was so sure of himself. I always felt like I could just be me when I’m with you.”
“Yup. When I tell my teammates you’re actually annoying and you have a weird laugh and you’re like a child sometimes, they don’t believe me.”
“Wow, way to maintain my image, ___,” he pinches your nose. 
“I’m showing them you’re human, okay?” You argue. 
You both go back and forth in bickering again, until your father asks for your hand, and Jin happily lets you go. 
“No more surprises this time?” Your father asks as he secures his hold on you. 
“Maybe the only surprise is that I’ve attracted a good man this time,” you joke. “And that I’ve learned to love one, too.”
“What’s important is that you didn’t give up on it. And I’m so happy that you didn’t,” he smiles, kissing your forehead. “And that he didn’t give up on you, too.”
There’s warmth in your heart at his statement, at the thought that even without talking much about your past, your father knows how hard it was, and just how much being with Jin now means to you. 
“Come to think of it, it’s like I took that bullet for you, too.”
He, as always, makes light of that incident, but he speaks the truth; it’s what got you here, after all.
You smile in agreement and look at Jin with his own moment with his mother, who cups his cheeks and looks at him like his eldest son again.
“I’ve missed you so much, you know that?” She says lovingly.
“Yeah? I almost thought you and Father were going to disown me,” Jin chuckles. 
“Never, my Son,” she pouts. “We may have overreacted a little bit, and we’re truly sorry; it was all so new, being disappointed in you. But you know us, we’d never be able to resist you. You’re our firstborn, Seokjin. We’ll always love you, and we’ll always want the best for you.”
“I love you, too,” he embraces her. “I guess I’ll learn more about this whole love thing when I become a father, huh?”
“You will. And guiding you in that role is something your Father is truly excited about. He talks about it a lot, he’s just a little shy to tell you directly.” 
Jin and his mother both laugh as they glance at the man in question, being forced by his grandchildren to dance to the song that’s playing. True to form, he can’t resist the little ones, too, so he takes their hands and twirls them around. 
Jin softens, thinking of his old man and his moments with your future kids, too. 
Then he finds you, laughing as you referee Jimin and Jungkook who are fighting over who gets to dance with you first. Jimin wins rock-paper-scissors, so you waltz with him first and trip on your second step. Next to you, Dara rejects Jungkook’s offer for a dance and asks you if she can dance with your husband instead.
“Sure, just don’t scare him,” you tease.
Dara scurries to Jin, who takes him from his sister, and she gasps as she takes her position.
“Holy shit, my best friend really hit the jackpot with you. And I can truly say that you, Mr. President, do not have any pores.” 
“I, uh, I’m human, Dara. I have those,” he laughs. “Is… that why you wanted to dance with me?”
“Partly. But also,” she glances around, “I just want to know if it’ll be weird if I ask your secretary out on a date. I have been waiting! I’m the one who always pursues my man and I wanted Yoongi to chase me this time but he’s sooooooo slow, I am losing patience! And I don’t know if it’s because he might think it’s weird so I want to know if it is because if it isn’t, then I’m now going to profess my love for him and—”
“Wait, I thought you just wanted to ask him out on a date…”
“Yeah, after I profess my love for him. I’ve made up my mind already, okay? I want him to know that I’m serious about him,” she pouts.
“Hey, of course it’s not weird. Yoongi just gets shy sometimes; he just needs a little nudge. So go there and tell him how you feel,” Jin says. “And do it now because he’s glaring at me and I’m afraid he’ll hate me forever.”
“Uh, okay! If this fails, I will take back what I said about my best friend hitting the jackpot with you.”
Dara leaves Jin hanging and walks to the bar where Yoongi is, and being free now, the little kids take their chance to dance with their other cool uncle.
On your end, you’re now dancing with your brother, and Hoseok’s smile is, and will always be, a ray of light to you. 
“You know, I told Miyeon everything that happened the past months, and she couldn’t help but cry,” he says. “She hates that she was too far away to comfort you, or to even know what was going on. She wishes she got to be with her big sister when things were hard.”
“Did you remind her that she was?” You smile. “During those dark days, she was always going to my dorm to make sure I was eating. You know I didn’t want her to worry about me this time; I didn’t want any of you to.”
“We can’t help it. We’ll always be protective of you, you know that.”
“I know,” you hum. “But you don’t have a reason to be anymore. Not as much, at least. Someone else is sharing that role with you. He’s a pretty cool guy, I’d say.”
“You really love each other,” Hoseok grins. “There’s that sparkle in your eyes I’ve never seen before. And that man bows down to you, ___. He literally worships the ground you walk on. It’s great to see.”
You nod in agreement and you both continue to talk about their Barcelona trip, until Dara’s voice echoes through the open space.
“He likes me, too,” she wails as she holds Yoongi’s hand while his other one covers his face in embarrassment. 
She pulls him closer to where you are, now joined by your husband in amusement. 
“I can’t wait for our fancy double dates!” Dara chirps.
“Hey, we��re part of that, too!” Jungkook chimes in.
“Couples only, Kook,” Dara shakes her head.
“Jimin and I can fake being a couple! We’ll just ask these two experts here and we’ll be fine!”
You smack Jungkook repeatedly and he yelps in fake pain because it’s him and he’s too built to feel that. 
“I’m kidding!” He laughs. “Even if it’s true.”
You scowl at him as you all fawn over the new couple, and you and Dara giggle as she tells you just how Yoongi shyly admitted that he’s liked her for a while but didn’t know if she was ready for a relationship. You take her up on the fancy double dates suggestion and tell her you’re glad that your own love story led her to the man of her dreams.
The party continues until later in the evening, and once the little ones have started to doze off, Taehyung suggests going to a club for the after-party.
“Tab’s on me,” he says. “No alcohol for me and my wife so we’ll be your babysitters. Let’s enjoy; the night is still young!”
Everyone cheers, and Jin’s parents offer to care for the kids so that Sejeong and Hyo-seop can join, too.
It’s a half-hour ride back to the city and you take the time to take a breather in the car, snuggling next to your husband who caresses and gazes at your ring-bearing hand.
“I never really took the time to appreciate this before,” he says. “I wish I got us new rings.”
“Well, it’s a good reminder of how we started,” you say, kissing his cheek. “We made something good out of it and now we’re here.”
He hums in agreement and kisses your forehead. Seeing you wiggle your feet, he asks for them as you say they’re starting to hurt. His adept hands massage them, and you moan internally at how he’s hitting the spots that hurt the most.
You make it to the club shortly after your friends do, and they’re already at the bar with Taehyung getting their orders, reiterating that he and Hyun-a will just enjoy the show tonight.
It’s a relatively chill place with good music and great booze. You already had some drinks during your reception but given your high tolerance for alcohol, you and Jin are still fine. 
Jungkook and Jimin are already partying it up with other tourists, dragging Miyeon and Hoseok with them; Sejeong and Hyo-seop are being all giggly college sweethearts in their own world; and Dara is already grinding on Yoongi who seems to be enjoying it all. You could swear the man is blushing, but he eventually takes control and just pulls her flushed against his chest, hugging her affectionately and now you swear that Dara is probably crying tears of joy. 
You’re seated on a stool, resting your feet a little bit and watching your group to make sure they’re still  alive, while Jin stays next to you, bopping his head to the beat. Neither of you do much of this back home unless Tae drags you, at which point you give in because your friends want to go, and you both end up babysitting everyone. But it’s your wedding night and there are other people who will be the responsible ones for the evening, so you nudge Jin and ask him if he wants to dance.
“Okay, but can we make out on the dance floor?”
You’d choke on your drink if you had one because he’s being so adorably sexy right now. “Is making out in public one of your fantasies, too?” You giggle.
“Sort of? I know it’s so tame but it’s not like we can do it back at home. This just seems like the place to do it. Am I too boring?” He pouts. 
“Love, of course not. I’m not that… spontaneous or exciting, either. But sure, let’s go for it.”
He helps you off the stool and you turn to your table where everyone has returned.
“Hey, so I'm gonna make out with my husband on the dance floor. Please don’t look, but also make sure that no one’s filming or something.”
They look at you puzzled before they start laughing.
“Do you want us to barricade you while facing the other way?” Jungkook jokes, and he yelps when you smack him again. 
“Go on, lovebirds. We’ll pretend we don’t see anything,” Jimin smirks.
So you and Jin head to an area a little farther from them, but it’s not a large space so you know they can still see you. You turn to Jin, whose hands are already on your waist, and you smile as you catch him admiring you. 
“You are so in love with me, there’s no denying it at all,” you tease. “I’m telling my team that you’re a closet hopeless romantic, Kim Seokjin.”
“I’m kidding, I won’t,” you say, kissing his nose as you both sway to your own beat, which is slower than the music currently playing. “That’s a thing between us. I get to hold that secret of just how loving and affectionate you are, Mr. Kim.”
“That, I am. And only for you,” he replies, kissing you deeply. “It’s probably the San Sebastián air and the post-wedding bliss.” He kisses you again. “And the thought that when we get back home, we’ll start seeing the doctors and maybe have a little one on the way, too.”
He cradles your belly, and the thought of you being pregnant with his child, the child you'll both create out of love, makes his heart swell with joy. That’s another kind of love he can’t wait to feel for another person, something he only gets to feel because of you.
“Hmm, that sounds nice. I mean, babymaking always weirded me out but it’s so sexy when you talk about having babies with me,” you moan, diving into his mouth now with your tongue seeking entrance. 
He meets your hungry kiss, moaning as well. His hand tightens its hold on your waist while yours grips his collar. He tastes so sweet, so good, and you feel that dampness in your sex that makes you want to go back to the hotel now and have him under you. 
Jin pulls away and kisses your pouty lips. 
“My body’s reacting,” he says. 
“Hmm, same here,” you smile, melting into his hug and pecking his cheek. 
You both sway off beat again to the music, and not far away, you spot a foreign couple smirking at you, motioning for your husband and somehow you just know what they want.
“Jin, I think that couple wants a foursome,” you tell him, and he follows your gaze and sees the couple. “Is that a fantasy of yours, too?”
“Nope,” he answers right away. “I’m perfectly satisfied with just you. Plus, I can’t let anybody else fall in love with you. Why… do you want to try?” He asks nervously.
“Hmm, nope. You’re overwhelming enough for me,” you turn to him. “And I can’t have anybody falling in love with you, too.”
“Alright, good. Now that’s settled, should we call it a night?” 
“Sure,” you giggle. “Let’s ditch them.”
You both head to your table and announce that you’re leaving, with Dara, unsurprisingly, stating that “the newlyweds are gonna do their thing now.”
You roll your eyes and instruct all of them to message you or Jin once you’ve gone back to the hotel, if they even will. They wave their goodbyes and you leave. 
When you get to your suite, there’s less of the lust from earlier and more of the need to just be in each other’s arms, so you both decide to just enjoy a warm, relaxing bath and watch the sky slowly turn orange. It’s early in the morning and you hadn’t even realized you’ve been out the whole day, but oddly enough, you don’t feel as tired as you expected.
Sitting in the tub with your back against Jin’s chest, you take his arms and wrap it around you. 
“You feel like home, ___,” he mumbles. “I don’t think I’ve ever told you that.”
“Yeah, I’ve had your dick poking my back before but you never said that though,” you tease, and he tickles your sides before he tells you to take him seriously.
“I’m sorry,” you laugh. “You know we’re not always good with sweet stuff and we’ve reached our quota today since your vow melted my insides but I feel the same way with you,” you turn your head to face him. “You’re that large home with so much space because I feel free but you’re also quaint and cozy and you smell like my favorite home cooked meals and my favorite coffee. It’s the kind of place I want to grow old in.”
“I am, huh?“ he blushes. 
“You’re a lot of things, Kim Seokjin. Home is definitely one of them.”
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The rest of your trip is as amazing as you expected. 
You sleep in the day after your wedding but spend the afternoon lounging at the beach and then the pool. 
Jin’s grandparents call and say that something will be waiting for both of you when you get back in Seoul, and there’s less of the guilty feeling this time. Because of the short notice trip, they couldn’t make it, as they’re currently in some pilgrimage. They did eventually get wind of the whole fiasco, but Taehyung and Sejeong were so good at making it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. You’re glad that whole thing is over, and while you and Jin gave up on ever truly getting justice on your and even Seri’s behalf, you at least know you’re stronger than anything that comes your way. 
You take a day trip after that, to the northern Basque Country and visit a few coastal towns. They’re all quaint but beautiful and less crowded, so full of history and lively sceneries that your parents appreciate greatly. It’s also everyone else’s last day, so Jin’s parents treat all of you to a lovely dinner overlooking the sea, and it’s one of those moments that make you feel so thankful that you get to live this life.
The days after they all leave, you and Jin take cooking classes and do food tours, then you visit Bilbao and go to the Guggenheim Museum of modern and contemporary art.
“It’s a must-see,” Jin says on the day you visit. “It looks too stunning not to explore. Is that okay?”
Somehow his question means more but you don’t say much. You’ve come to know art because of Namjoon, but you appreciate it for its existence as art - it’s beautiful by nature, even if you don’t always understand it. 
You don’t think you’ve been to an art museum without Namjoon since, well, since he went away. It was that bitter and immature part of you that was jealous because he left you for it, and somehow being here reminds you of all those emotions that you kept in for years because they didn’t seem fair, nor rational; they just hurt. 
Jin lets you take the lead, and you really just go around and towards things that catch your eye. You soak in what you see, and if before you wanted so badly to understand them so you could see it in Namjoon’s eyes, now you’re just… seeing, and appreciating it for what you see. Perhaps that’s how it is when you’ve truly let go of something, you think. A part of them stays with you, but not big or deep enough to taint your vision.
“This was nice,” you say on the ride back to San Sebastián. “I appreciate you taking me there. Did anything catch your eye?”
You. Always you.
“The colored cherries,” he replies, cracking you up because it’s the same thing you thought.
“I believe they were tulips, Jin,” you say, taking his hand. “But they were pretty. There’s more of the pretty things I’m only really appreciating now.”
He hums and pulls you close. He knows nothing else needs to be said.
On your last day, you go crazy with shopping that you have to buy a separate luggage just for all the wine, cheese, cider, anchovies, and other local ingredients that you’re able to pack and bring home. Everyday since you’ve been here, you find a new restaurant or eatery to fall in love with and you wish you have more time to just soak up the city and enjoy the cuisine a little bit more, but you guess that’s what all the shopping was for - to bring San Sebastián home with you. 
Still, your time here feels enough. You were able to spend time with your friends and family, and be with your husband without the demands of work keeping you both busy - he made sure of that. You’re reminded of how much you love food, and that it’s a privilege that you’re able to share that love with the man you love.
And as you watch the pretty views of the Basque Country disappear as you ascend in the air, you think to yourself this time that you’ll always have Spain. All the memories and words and emotions shared will be kept with you as you continue to live this life with the person who makes you laugh and gush and happy the most, the one who lets you finally see things and their beauty for what they are. 
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You pick up from where you left off when you get back to Seoul. Your officer-in-charge managed while you were away, and you’re glad you have less paperwork to deal with, given your jet lag that you’re somehow still suffering from despite being back a week. 
But it’s okay, you think, as Jin continues to spoil you by massaging your body and making you broth every night just because. He’s still quite the romantic, but less in words now since he’s back to bickering with you as his default, and you really won’t have it any other way. 
Still, you know something has changed. Other than the repaired relationship with his parents, there’s this joy in your husband’s eyes that shows itself as a glimmer, and it’s the kind that you know he can only pull out from himself. You’d know; it’s the same glimmer in yours. 
You didn’t think that marrying him again could give you closure - with your past self, with the stars you held onto, and even with the marriage you have with the same man. 
Perhaps there’s something different with starting again, and it’s not just the redesigned wedding rings that Jin’s grandparents arranged for you to have because “those second vows are the ones that matter, even if you’d both kept the promises you made the first time.” It’s knowing that this is your life now, the life “after” you married him, the life that’s made up of side streets and alleys, paved and unpaved roads, scenic routes and dark tunnels, and you’re here, navigating it all while holding his hand. 
You hold his hand, too, months later, on the day you see your stars on a bright Saturday morning.
You’d just capped off a tiring week of product evaluations and Jin has been taking day trips outside of Seoul and the country for meetings. 
There’s a newly opened cafe in the nearby neighborhood, which serves coffee from beans taken from different parts of the world. It’s got an artsy vibe to it, too, and you want to try out their pastries and see if it’s going on your long list of favorite places with your husband. 
Walking next to his side, you check out the menu some feet away from the counter, and your indecisive asses decide to order 2 sandwiches and 2 slices of cake. It’s in the middle of paying when you hear a familiar voice, prompting you to turn to the side.
He calls your name, and your smile is immediate.
You walk towards him and his embrace is immediate, too, one that you instantly fall into. 
You haven’t seen him since that trip to France, and you’ve only spoken a few times since you canceled that Hong Kong trip to see him. You’d told him briefly about the scandal, the fallout with Jin’s family, and the second wedding you both had. Seeing him again after so long feels new, refreshing; somehow you think it’s meant to be, too.
Namjoon still has that pine scent you liked so much. He still has that deep, low sound of his voice that used to calm you down whenever you were missing him, and that almost child-like laughter that reminds you that he’s also still a kid at heart. There’s that smile that launched a thousand love letters from you, with the dip in his cheeks and the crinkle in his eyes that used to make your heart flutter.
Namjoon still feels and smells like comfort, just a different kind.
“Hey,” your husband approaches him. “I don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m Jin.”
Namjoon takes the hand that’s reached out for him, mirroring the smile of the man he’s heard so much about; the man he lost you to because he’d been too comfortable living in his own world to give it up for you. 
“And I’m Namjoon. It’s nice to finally meet you,” he says. “It’s nice to see you both here. I hope we don’t disappoint.”
“This is yours?!” You ask excitedly.
“Well, I’m looking after it for a friend while he’s on business trips and I’m staying in Incheon. This is a good space to work and it’s nice to see familiar faces,” he replies.
“So, you took the offer, I see?”
“Just recently. I took a job in Austria before this but something just pulled me back,” he says longingly. “I think I’ve been away from home too long. I’ve forgotten what it felt like.”
“Well, you were never meant for just one place, Joon. I think I realized that some time ago,” you reply. 
I realized it too late, you internally correct yourself. 
“Maybe, but it’s good to have a base. Even if I still have to travel every month, there’s at least somewhere that’s familiar.”
“That’s good,” you smile. “I’m glad it worked out for you.”
“And for both of you, too,” Namjoon hums, softly eyeing Jin’s hand that mindlessly envelopes yours. 
There’s something different. More than one thing, Namjoon thinks. It’s more than your smile and the glimmer in your eyes, and the cheeriness in your voice. It’s your stance, your aura; it’s your other hand and where it affectionately stays.
“Is it, uh, is it rude to ask?” He chuckles.
“Not if it’s you,” you giggle. “So yes, you may.”
“How far along are you?”
Perhaps it’s the different curve of your body; you remind yourself he knew you at one point, too. Maybe it’s also your outfit that doesn’t hide the bump; you and Jin are out for a walk, after all, as prescribed by your doctor. But somehow you also think it’s your smile, or that glow, or for a man who, at one point, knew everything about you, it’s just natural that he’d know. 
“Four months,” you smile. “We’re really excited about it.”
“That’s wonderful,” he chirps. “Congratulations to both of you. I’m sure that baby is going to feel so loved growing up.”
“Yeah. They're obviously going to be well-fed. And spoiled. They have a bunch of chaotic aunts and uncles who can’t wait to meet them,” Jin laughs. 
He turns to look at you and that smile you have on as you look at him, and somehow, he knows this meeting was meant to happen, too.
“But, uh, I think our child would do well to grow up learning about art, don’t you think?” Jin smiles shyly at Namjoon. “Would you know anyone who’d like that role?”
“Ah, I may know someone,” Namjoon grins. “And he’d really, really like that.”
You look at both men - one whom you loved for years, and another whom you’ll love for all the years ahead. This child is the luckiest to have Jin as their father, and having Namjoon in their life is something you didn’t think would make you this emotional, this thankful. 
You grip your husband’s hand - in thanks, more than anything. Namjoon made sure you didn't break beyond repair; he made sure you felt enough love that you’d still believe in it despite everything, even if it wasn’t enough for him. And that’s why he’ll always mean this much to you - you can’t forget the love that kept you whole; you can’t forget the love that made you hope. 
“Our child would really, really like that, too, Joon.”
The barista calls Jin’s name and gives him the tray. You both look around and see the full-house cafe, so Namjoon offers his table. He’s got to check inventory, after all, so he steps aside and lets you and Jin sit next to each other on the wooden bench against the wall.
“Duty calls,” he says, then heads to the counter to pick up the phone. 
“Thank you,” you tell your husband, and you know he just knows all the reasons why you’re saying this. 
“He’s always meant a lot to you,” Jin responds. “I get to love you because he loved you; you get to love me because you let him.”
You hum, basking in his sweet words that still surprise you to this day. You look up and catch Namjoon’s eyes - deep and dark and beautiful, and they glimmer back at you with that speck of acceptance, of clarity, of care. Of love that may have changed in nature, but hasn’t diminished one bit. 
He’s still the stars in the sky, but he isn’t something you look at unknowingly as a thing of the past. He’s here to still shine brightly above you, maybe to guide you, but more than anything, he’s a beauty to still admire. You just know there are more years for this star; it won’t be extinguished any time soon.
The rest of your night sky, your moon, your sun, your trees and flowers and everything else - he’s right next to you, and you’ve both created something so wonderful with the love you both choose everyday. 
Through side streets and alleys, paved and unpaved roads, scenic routes and dark tunnels, you will both love this little 100 with your whole, twinkling hearts.
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Series Masterlist
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solastia · 4 years
Love And Lies | 3
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x F!Reader
Summary: You are a simple maid. When your lady and dearest friend need help escaping an arranged marriage with King Seokjin so they might be together, you do the only thing you can - take her place. 
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You followed behind the man who introduced himself as Chancellor Namjoon Kim, listening to him halfheartedly as he explained that while that was his official title, he was more of a Jack-of-all-trades and preferred calling himself the King's right-hand man.
You smooth your hands down your gown, hoping it was grand enough to disguise the commoner wearing it. You’d changed for supper, something that Eleanor had told you was common for people at court. According to her, depending on the person they might even change outfits as many as three or four times a day! The nobility were a ridiculous bunch, you sniffed derisively to yourself. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for the maids that had to care for all that clothing and the laundresses that cleaned them. Two times a day - not counting your sleeping gown - was extravagant enough for the likes of you.
The ensemble that you had now made you feel like a fairy princess of legend. You were a shimmering cloud of pink and white as you glided along the stone floors. The dress was pink velvet lined with white silk, along with white ermine fur on the edges of the sleeves and bottom of the gown. The bust was embroidered with silver thread and decorated with glistening pearls. You were also very happy to note that the top was much more modest this time around, though not by much. Eleanor had let you pick the jewelry yourself, so you’d settled on a simple strand of pearls around your neck and tiny pearl earbobs. Your hair was left loose and free of any painful and tedious styling with the hot iron.
Truthfully, you rather liked this dress. The fabric was soft to the touch and very comfortable. You even liked the little slippers that matched. When you asked Eleanor why she was letting you wear something like this, she had told you that your previous ensemble had been to impress the King, and this one was to appeal to the man. It was an odd statement considering that your goal was to not appeal to him, and she’d seem rather conflicted saying such a thing. You wished you’d had the time to question her further, but the Chancellor had shown up before you could.
In the end, it wouldn’t matter if you looked rather pretty in your outfit because you knew that eventually, he’d move on to the other women. You had literally nothing of interest about you to keep royalty interested. After all, what could you speak to him about beyond stain removal techniques and how to haggle for the best prices at the market?
Chancellor Namjoon opens a door and ushers you inside, seeming to not notice or mind that you hadn’t even been listening to him talk this entire time.
“His Majesty will be with you in a moment.”
He nods and leaves briskly, closing the door behind him. You take the chance to look around, your mouth falling in awe as you take in the rows and rows of scrolls. So this was a library! You had heard of such things but had simply chalked it up to the fancies of nobles, but this was truly amazing. Beyond the scrolls, there were even parchment tied together filled with writing and little sketches. A few were even covered in decorated leather, something that boggled your mind. Books! You had never thought to see one in your life.
You adored the family you worked for, of course, but not a single one of them had any use for reading and writing. Eleanor could write a little, mostly her name and a list of things she needed that looked like badly designed inkblots. Jungkook was a little better but mostly relied on drawing things out. You remembered the departed Duchess had a slanting script that was like beautiful art to your young eyes. She’d taught you how to read and write before she’d passed, but you rarely got a chance to use that knowledge. You never had anyone to write to and the Duke saw no use for books.
Your hand trailed reverently across the hard leather of one of the bound pages, wishing you had the freedom to peer inside.
“Do you like to read?”
The voice startled you, and you gasped and turned with your hand on your chest.
“Goodness. I’m...sorry, Your Majesty.”
His smile was kind, but his eyes looked like he was laughing at you. “It’s quite alright. So, do you?”
“Hmm?” You hummed softly, distracted by the way his now silver tunic made him glow like an otherworldly being. “Oh, read?” You smile sheepishly, forcing yourself to focus on the conversation and not on his lips. “I don’t get to very often, but I like stories.”
He seemed pleased with your answer, gesturing towards the book. “We got this one from a visiting Monarch years ago. Livres des merveilles du monde. It’s about a merchant named Marco Polo who was an adventurer for a while and traveled through the Orient. I was certain I was going to grow up and conquer the world someday when I first read this.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Ah, the bane of my existence. Responsibilities,” he says dramatically, obviously trying to make you smile. “You may borrow it if you like. I’m not certain if it will be riveting enough for you, but you’re welcome to it. Or anything else here, during your stay.”
He picked up the book and handed it to you, his grin growing as he watched you cup it in your hands and stare at it in awe. A whole book!
You smile up at him genuinely for the first time, your smile wide and beaming with joy. “Thank you, Your Majesty. I’m not certain I’ll have time to finish it since I read so very slowly, but I thank you for the chance.”
He nods, his cheeks pinkened slightly. He gestures with a hand towards a table in the corner.
“I have some warm wine and honey pastries if you’d like to join me. I thought we might have a chance to get to know each other a little more before we have the pressure of an entire room watching our every move.”
“Oh...yes, that will be...tense” you gulp and sit as gracefully as you can in the highbacked wooden chair.
His smile is soft and kind as he pours you a drink. “I suppose despite your status you’re not quite used to court life. Your father mentioned you preferred staying home.”
“Yes,” you stuttered nervously. “I found I was more comfortable tutoring at home rather than being fostered out. I’m afraid the one time I tried, I found the group of ladies rather spiteful and begged Papa to come home after only three months.”
Which was a true story. Eleanor had been sent to the Duchesse Aline Villeneuve - the King’s very own aunt - to learn how to run a keep and other “women’s arts” not long after her mother had passed away from a sudden illness. According to Eleanor, she had been horribly bullied by the other ladies in the Duchesse’s care and she “hadn’t cared to make friends with such vain and heartless wenches, anyhow.”
Personally, you had rather fond memories of that summer, as with Eleanor away you’d had the freedom to do as you pleased and you’d even made a new friend for a few months - a village boy with the most annoying laugh you’d ever heard but had been sweet and fun. The two of you had been inseparable for the entire summer until one day he didn’t show up to the stream you often met at. You still thought of that boy from time to time and hoped he was doing well. You never did learn where he disappeared to.
King Seokjin nods in understanding. “Unfortunately, it’s not going to be much better here. Gossip is practically a form of currency, and whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter,” he rolls his eyes and sits back in his chair, bringing up a mug of steaming spiced wine to his lips. He gulps and sighs, setting the cup back on the table.
“And in your case, it will be twice as bad as you are...well…” he coughs lightly, his cheeks blushing once more. “A high contender to be Queen?”
You sputter on the drink of wine you’d just taken, trying to hastily wipe any spilled droplets before he sees them.
“Yes...err, I am...that.”
“So,” he says loudly, slapping his hands onto his thighs. “I mostly wanted to set aside some time right now so you can tell me things you like to do. I’m afraid I have to live my entire life by a set schedule, so if I had some ideas for my courting days with you that would help greatly.” “Oh,” you smile mischievously, “Yes, I imagine it must be difficult trying to balance so many suitors. Romantic sailing on Monday, serenading on Tuesday, kissing in a dark alcove on Wednesday...”
“You have no idea, “ he groans, only to still and gape at you in astonishment. “You’re making fun of me!”
“I would never, Your Majesty,” you drop your eyes to your lap, still smiling despite the way you were internally smacking yourself. This wasn’t home, you had to curb your tongue.
He squints at you suspiciously. “I have a feeling you would and will. You have some spirit hiding under that demure stance, don’t you Lady Eleanor?” He cocks his head and looks at you with an expression of pleased wonder.
“Perhaps, Your Majesty.”
“I think,” he begins softly, his tone making you lift your eyes to meet his. “In private settings like this, you may use my first name.”
Your eyes widen incredulously. “Oh, I couldn’t!”
“I can order you to if I must,” his smile is playful, even while his eyes are staring at you intensely.
“I...alright. Thank you...Seokjin,” you respond quietly and no doubt with crimson cheeks.
“There. That wasn’t so hard. And...I liked hearing it.”
He stands up and offers you his hand. “It’s time to head to supper. I can escort you as far as to the hall, but I have to go to the high table without anyone seeing you with me. Don’t want them to see you entering the dining hall on the King’s arm; that would make you a target for the harpies,” he winks, linking your arm in his. “You can send a list of activities we can do together later.”
The walk down the hall is too short, but you’d enjoyed the feeling of his strong arm encasing yours and the occasional sneaky peeks of his beautiful side profile. He releases you as soon as the noisy dining hall is close enough to hear.
“I must leave you here, but I look forward to speaking with you on the morrow. I’ll have someone bring the book to your room tonight.”
“Thank you, Your M…” you begin, only for him to raise an eyebrow at you daringly. You glance around you for eavesdropping servants and sigh. “Thank you, Seokjin.”
His beaming smile is worth your embarrassment. “Well done, lambkin. Be sure to try the custard tarts, they are the best!”
He waves and strides off, leaving you to find the waiting Jungkook and be escorted to your seat. Something pricked at the back of your mind, however. Lambkin? Why did that seem so familiar? Perhaps you were just overwhelmed. You shake your head and focus on the elegant supper in front of you as you find Jungkook waiting just inside the door, and he gestures for you to walk ahead of him. You can tell from the way his jaw is clenched he’s dying to ask you about the meeting, but there is no way to subtly speak to him at the moment.
The dining hall was brimming with people and you praised Eleanor for being the sort of noble who kept to herself, since the chances of anyone knowing her here were incredibly low. Your seat is incredibly close to the high table - in fact, it was directly above you. A few more steps to your right and His Majesty would be getting crumbs and wine on your head.
You’re not brave enough to look at him yet, though, and decide to look around for your “competition.”
Your table seems to be where they are all located, judging by the way most of the women gathered around you meet your curious gaze with measuring looks of their own. Most of them turn away after a few seconds, obviously dismissing you as not a threat.
One girl that looks similar to Eleanor all the way down to her bouncing curls grins at you playfully and waves at you with the chicken leg in her hand. You nod in answer, adding a slight smile as you decided she seemed nice enough.
A regal brunette meets your eyes with a quirk of her eyebrow, blatantly looking you up and down. Her lips thin and she pointedly turns away with a sneer, clutching her silverware almost threateningly. Alright, she will not be someone you want to know.
Directly across from you is a redhead and you snort, coming to the realization that His Majesty literally has every color of the rainbow to pick from for his bride. Variety is the spice of life, you suppose. This woman seems very disinterested in everything around her, however, focusing on her meal and only interacting with servants to refill her goblet.
At the head of the table and directly at your elbow is the one that you can only assume is the Princess. She is incredibly pretty, you have to admit. Her dark black hair is mostly loose and cascading about her in waves. The sides have been pulled back and secured with a large golden hairpin the size of a dagger with little jeweled flowers adorning it. Her dress is strange yet beautiful. Silk or satin, if you had to guess. The top was lavender and embroidered with flowers and some sort of serpent that vaguely looked like a dragon. The bottom was nearly peach-colored and consisted of the same decorations. Her features were sharp and sculpted, with high cheekbones and a thin nose. She looked exotic and lovely, but it wasn’t until her smile blinded you that you realized she was beautiful. She met your eyes with a twinkle in hers, reaching her delicate hand up to point at herself.
“I am Hosook. You?”
“I am Lady Eleanor Rose D’Aily, Your Highness,” you answer slowly, assuming that the way she was squinting while you spoke was her concentrating on your words. Perhaps she was learning the language still.
“You for him too?” she asked with a wave behind her at the high table.
“Yes, I was brought here for the King. I’m sure you’re a much better choice.”
The Princess smiles her understanding and waves away your compliment. “Too...ugg,” she grunts, obviously failing to find the word she wanted. She chose instead to flap in the general direction of King Seokjin like she was shooing away a fly.
“You...aren’t attracted to His Majesty?” you ask in a hushed voice. How could anyone not find him the most beautiful being to ever walk this earth?
She sticks out her tongue, “Reminds me of Haraboji...uh...Grandfather?”
You sputter a laugh which you know is too loud, but you can’t help yourself as Princess Hosook giggles with you. You feel yourself being watched and glance up to lock eyes with the very man in question. The King looks down at you curiously, his lips tilted in an amused smile as you can’t stop your giggles. Suddenly, he winks at you and you look away quickly as your laughter dies down into a shy smile.
“Oh,” Princess Hosook says slyly, clucking and patting your hand with a grin. “I see now. You nice, make pretty Queen.”
“Goodness, it’s not like that at all. We just met,” you rush to explain, your excuses being waved away yet again.
“I like…” she waves between the King and you. “Nice together. Uh...need more words,” she grumbles quietly, biting her lip.
“I could help, if you like? I helped my Lad...err...my Ladies Maid learn how to read and write.”
Her smile was beaming as she nodded her head in agreement. “Yes. Need be better to deal with them,” she nods her head towards the gaggle of noblewomen surrounding them.
“I understand. I have to wait to hear which days I need to spend with the King, and then we’ll set aside some time for us!” You smile kindly at the Princess, who grins back and attends her meal with much more gusto now that she had something to look forward to. You sigh and quietly thank the powers that be for making some sort of friend to get you through this, and one that you were able to fall back into your natural state of submission with. It would be easier to explain any lapses in your behavior if you were just a mere Duke’s daughter shadowing a Princess, rather than being with the other women who were basically your equals and expected you to be just as much of a spoiled prat as they were.
The meal comes to a close (and you were amazed that you only caught yourself staring at His Majesty less than five times), and Jungkook is back at your elbow to escort you to your rooms. As you accept his helping hand, you feel someone tap on your shoulder. Princess Hosook flicks her eyes up and down Jungkook with an exaggerated waggled of her eyebrows. Her hand goes to her chest and she mouths something that you assume is complimentary. Jungkook’s eyes are huge as he tries to follow what’s happening.
You giggle and slap his arm. “She thinks you’re handsome.”
“TAKEN…” he squeaks, “I’m taken. Sorry..uh...lady...majesty…”
“Always pretty ones,” Princess Hosook sighs and waves goodbye with fluttering fingers, disappearing with her own small army of attendants.
You continue to laugh quietly as Jungkook begs you to stop. You pause just before leaving the hall and catch the King’s eye right before he leaves for his own apartments. He smiles and shallowly bows, and you watch him until his broad shoulders disappear from sight.
“Sis,” Jungkook mutters quietly as he herds you back to your hallway. “You can’t…” he sighs. “I’m sure you think he’s handsome and he seems to be nice to you, but you can’t be with him. You remember that, right? You’re not who he thinks you are and he’d find that out if you were to marry him. I am literally stealing a potential bride from him, and the moment he finds out, he can kill us all.”
“I know, Jungkook. I’m not an imbecile.”
“I know that, but you’ve never been courted before. I forgot about that and now I’m worried that you’re over your head.”
You sigh and loop your arm in his as you walk. “I suppose I forgot that he’d be trying to win me over as much as the rest, at least at first. I might have let the sweet words and smiles affect me, but I promise Jungkook, I’ll remember. Besides, I saw the other potential brides. I am no match for them. The novelty of someone new will fade in a few days, and I pray that we have the deed to the keep no later than a month. Then, I will tell him that I don’t think I’m a good match for the Kingdom and we can be on our merry way.”
He sighs wearily and tugs you close for a quick hug. “I know, I trust you and your judgment, I just got worried. If he does anything that makes you uncomfortable or makes you feel compromised, let me know. I don’t care if he’s the king, I’ll throw down my glove.”
“You’ll not duel the King, Jungkook. Go seek your bed, brother dear,” you say with a tiny smile, pushing him away from you once you reach your room. “Tell Eleanor when she comes back from the kitchens she can go straight to her room. I won’t bother her tonight because I’m so exhausted from all this excitement I’m going to fall asleep the moment my head hits the mattress.”
Jungkook grins, a look you really don’t want to identity lighting his eyes. “Will do. Sweet dreams, sis.” He stomps off and leaves you to close the door to your opulent apartments.
You yawn and observe the room as you undress, leaving the layers of clothing across a chair to be taken care of the next day. The room was spacious and absolutely gorgeous, decorated in lovely shades of robin’s egg blue, white, and gold. There was an entire room just for clothing, one for washing, and yet another whole room for your ladies maid - something that Eleanor had seemed suspiciously excited about. You worried that she was going to try yet again to seduce her love now that she had a new sort of freedom without her father about.
You crawl onto the giant golden bed and arrange the blankets over you as you fight off another yawn. A full belly and an overwhelming day full of excitement seemed to be all your poor body could handle. Another yawn and you drift off to sleep, visions of warm brown eyes and smiling lips filling your dreams.
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1. Yes, that is Hoseok. He’s a pretty princess today. 
2. I don’t really like using the term “exotic” but since this is a historical and being done from the viewpoint of a person in the middle ages, it seemed fitting. 
3. Oh, look at that totally huge and obvious hint to the past. Hmmm....
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gvccijams · 3 years
Stranded || K.TH
By: Gvccijams
Available on Wattpad and Inkitt
Some things to know:
-thriller/romance with slight smut
-y/n explores her sexuality 💗💜💙
-enemies to friends to lovers
-mentions all of the members
-some of storyline is based off of own experience
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | playlist
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> series masterlist <
lots of songs contributed to the inspiration of this series. some titles may be mentioned in chapters, but otherwise, there is no specific order. please play each as you see fitting!
on the rotation:
don’t think you really love her if you need me so bad 
this some shit i usually don’t do, but for you i kinda want to
i buried my voice for you
and for what it’s worth, i will struggle babe
it’s somethin’ ‘bout being wrong that feels so right
i know you love fuckin’ me, i can tell by the way you in love with me
you can taste the dishonesty, it’s all over your breath
boy, get up inside it, i want you to homicide it
she wants somebody to love in the right way
mess with my head, i guess i’m just another lover
spread your wings and baby fly away
i just need some dick, i just need some love
when i touch on your body, forget ‘bout him slowly
so tell me, baby, do you want me like i want you?
it’s like we’re throwing stones at a glass house
we both grown, so how we feel we can let it show
the world can’t end until we’re finished
you say we’re just friends, but i swear when nobody’s around
cause you made me fall in it, you’re the reason i got a weakness
you can take me to a place where we can be
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niichu · 4 years
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Fanfic: Casal Cupido Autor: Bananinhadohobi
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bluewhale52 · 4 years
The History of Us - Ch. 13
Synopsis: You have built your career and you have 2 rising hip hop superstars as your besties. Life is pretty good, until one drunken night that derails your life plan. How would you survive?
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Pairing: ?? x OC , main characters are mostly Namjoon, Yoongi and Tae, but all 7 are present now
Fic type: social media au
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, fluff, angst.
Rated: R
Warning: swearing
Disclaimer: photos are not mine, and of course characterization and scenarios of the boys are purely of my imagination
Masterlist  |  Next>>
Ch. 13 - Message Received
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kosmosguk · 5 years
Wrapped Up and Gifted; 7 Days of Christmas Day 1|Yandere Seokjin x Reader
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Type: Smut Drabble 
Description: As insufferable as your boss is, you find a small festive part in you to give him a present. You just aren’t expecting what he gives back in return.
Warning: blowjobs, what’s it called when you accidentally walk in on your boss wanking his peepee, seokjin giving switch vibes like it’s nobody’s business, subtle yandere vibes like if you squint you’d see them haha 
[A/n: the next 7 days of Christmas drabble is loosely based on the yandere BTS reaction to meeting you for the first time !! I’m finally on my winter break and although this line of drabble won’t be all out in time for Christmas, my lack of school will allow me to push out a small present for my beautiful readers !! thank you for nearly 600!! Ilysm and have a warm holiday season <3 (whether or not you celebrate Christmas or winter holidays in general)]
Kim Seokjin was an asshole. 
He was a Grinch, a Scrooge, a Boogeyman, and if you had to describe him, you would use every swear word in the dictionary. He picked on every aspect of a dish, spat out spoonfuls of food just because he didn’t like a certain flavor, and threw whole dishes that took hours to make into the trash. And most of all, he loved to pick on you, his merciless harassing extending from the days where you were his student into the days where you received a job at his restaurant--you were extremely surprised when you got the acceptance email; maybe, just maybe, he didn’t hate you as much as you thought he did. 
He wasn’t really that bad, you supposed. Manager Kim Namjoon liked him, and Namjoon was a decent guy through and through. You used to spend lots of time with him when you started working, but Seokjin had noticed, and his biting comments turned into scathing remarks until you stopped talking to Namjoon as much. Seokjin, others had jokingly said, was probably jealous. No, you had bit back, he was just a conceited asshole. 
You take it back; he was that bad. But at least he got you your job. That was something. He was known to be hard on people; others had reassured you that he was this way to all newcomers because he saw a way to shape potential. But as others got the treatment for 6 months tops, yours stretched over an expanse of a year. 
Still, he deserved somewhat of a present. Hell, if he found out that you had gotten Namjoon a present, he would throw a hissy fit and the next dish you made would be tossed into the dumpster. 
‘‘Chef Kim,’‘ you knocked on the door. Once, twice, no answer. You called out again,’‘ Chef Kim.’‘
That was strange. Kim Seokjin, despite how much of an ass he was, was always prompt with these things. 
You opened the door, hesitantly making your way into the dimly lit office. 
‘‘Chef Kim, your lights are of-,’‘ your voice cracked slightly as you took in the sight. 
His chair was pushed back, and there, tilting his head slightly with his bangs clinging to his forehead from sweat, was Seokjin. Your eyes trailed the sight, taking in his flushed cheeks, his soft panting, the slick noises, and the movement of his hand... Oh. That’s why he didn’t answer the door. 
You dropped the gift. The box landed on the floor with a thump, and you winced, hoping the gift hadn’t broken. The chair creaked slightly as he turned to stare at you, really, really stare at you. You swallowed heavily. 
‘‘What are you doing here?’‘ his hand movements didn’t stop. 
Your cheeks reddened in embarrassment--you didn’t dare think that it was anything else--and you spoke quickly,’’ I can leave. I’m-I’m sorry for walking into your office. I won’t speak of this...predicament to anyone. I’ll be go-going now.’’
You bent down to grab your gift and hightail it out of there when...
‘‘Stay,’‘ Seokjin’s voice was rougher than his usual even, clear almost-pleasant tone. You felt something squeeze slightly in the deeper parts of your stomach at the sound and slightly rubbed your inner thighs together. 
‘‘Don’t you want to find out why I’m risking my reputation to do this-oh shit fuck,’‘ he broke off in a groan, and you averted your gaze,’‘ Even if I keep this up, I can’t even cum. And it’s all because of you.’‘
You froze, unable to think or speak or, hell, even breathe. 
‘‘I think about you, the way you always tempt me without even knowing, and I get hard all over again. I bet you’re so tight that you would squeeze down on me,’‘ he panted out,’‘ It makes me want to put you under my control, to fucking take over until you can only think of me. So you won’t think of anyone else but me.’‘
You let out an uneven breath. 
‘‘Chef Kim, this isn’t professional. We’re at work; there are chefs outside and guests and-,’‘ you were silenced. 
‘‘No one will come in unannounced, not like you. Now come over here,’‘ Seokjin groaned,’’ Let me see what you have to give.’’ 
You found yourself taking steps forward, and you weren’t aware you were until you were kneeling in front of him, reaching out to take hold of his length. It pulsed and throbbed slightly under your touch, and you experimentally dragged your hand up and down. 
‘’Shit, you feel so fucking good,’’ he hissed between clenched teeth, his hips rolling up.
You glanced at him through your lashes before pressing a soft kiss on his precum-stained tip. You gave small kitten licks, raising an eyebrow at the new taste, before stretching open your lips as wide as you could and taking in as much of his length as you could. 
Seokjin groaned, his hips bucking up. His length hit the back of your throat, and you gagged, hitting his bare thighs until he dragged back and let you breathe. You pulled off, saliva staining your lips and his dick, before going back down. What you couldn’t fit in your mouth, you stroked, making soft moaning sounds as you sucked. 
His hip movements got jerkier, more erratic as you stroked and licked and sucked, until you felt him let out a husky sound that was a mixture between a groan and a moan. Thick liquid filled your mouth, and you coughed at the new sensation, spitting out a mixture of semen and saliva. 
He reached out to stroke your head, his movements gentle and slightly tired. You looked up, your throat aching from the thrusting as you fought for needed air. 
‘‘You gave me two gifts. It only makes sense if I give you some gifts too,’‘ the stern look he usually gave was replaced by a softer one. This was the most gentle you had ever seen him. 
And as you got up on shaky legs and slotted yourself onto his thigh, a whine pulled from your lips, you thought of how fortunate it was that you decided to give Seokjin a gift. 
And maybe, maybe he wasn’t as much of an asshole as you had originally thought.
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titinajoker · 4 years
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becuztaelien · 5 years
2| The Haircut
Part Two/?
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1.8k Words, Warning: Highkey Smut ahead
“And you, babygirl… are going to tell me, tell me what you want?”
Now you had two options; either you could put up a fight and play hard to get-considering he did just make your job a hundred times harder-or you could allow yourself to be taken by him and since the latter is what usually happened you decided to go with the former. You weren’t going to let him sweet talk you, you weren’t going to let him get all cocky and get what he always wanted. Nope.
You smirked against his finger resting on your lips and removed your arms from around his neck bringing them up to push his finger on to his own lips and backed away from his embrace. He looked at you, confused, good, you thought, things were going well so far.
“Well… if I’m going to get what I want, I’m going to have to think about this for a bit.” You skipped to your shared bedroom hearing Jin pacing close behind you. This is going to be fun.
You stopped right at the door and turned around to face him. “And where do you think you’re going?”
“You didn’t want me to follow you?” he looked like a lost puppy and you could feel yourself slowly gaining control of the situation.
“Did I say I wanted you to follow me?”
“Then why are you here?” Jin scratched his head and turned on his heel, going back to the bathroom. When he was no longer in sight you strolled to your top drawer and pulled out his favourite black lingerie; he had bought it for you last Valentines and that was the only time you had worn it. You grinned at yourself, what an interesting turn of events, you thought as you stripped yourself of your jeans and loose top. Walking over to the full body mirror, you admired the way the lace hugged your body, exposing just the right amount to skin to make Jin go crazy but still remain completely unsatisfied. When you were happy with the way you looked, you grabbed the $3000 hair kit you had bought especially for him from the ‘Style Drawer’ as you liked to call it and headed for the bathroom. You peeked in and rolled your eyes, mentally face palming as you saw Jin admiring himself in the mirror of course… you thought and cleared your throat causing him to jump, he spun round and stared at you confusingly.
“J-jagi, I didn’t hear you… why are you hiding?” You smirked and disappeared heading to the kitchen, a minute later you appeared walking in casually holding a stool. You went up to the sink and placed the stool in front of the mirror bending down to lower it to the perfect height all the while ignoring Jin’s jaw dropped figure. Jin cleared his throat “Jagi… what are you-”
“Sit down.” You said ignoring him again. Jin stood still, his eyes frozen on your figure, it took him a second to realise what you had said and sat down on the stool looking at you through the mirror. “Since you ruined your hair, I want you to stay still and let me fix it, no whining no protesting and no complaining on how much time it takes.” You gave him a devilish smile “and then you’ll be forgiven.” You replaced your evil grin with an ironically angelic smile and Jin’s entire body slumped down as he sighed.
“But…” he was about to protest.
“No buts.” You said firmly.
“Not even yours?” he smirked and smacked it playfully, this cocky little…
“Especially not mine.” You said sternly and began opening the bag, spreading out your tools. “Hm… I could just give you above the eyebrow bangs, they were a definite success during YNWA… or we could experiment with curly bangs…” You began thinking about what you could out loud and only looked at Jin through the mirror for a second catching him staring at your butt. You smiled to yourself and placed your elbows on the sink shelf sticking your butt just enough to hear Jin sigh pursing his lips together and looking the other way, this was killing him. You snapped your fingers and muttered a low ‘ah ha’ before opening the sink and grabbing a hair brush. You thoroughly wet your hands along with the brush and ran it through Jin’s hair, soaking it. After you were done untangling it and making sure it was smooth you grabbed a comb and combed it straight down, looking at Jin’s face you noticed how red his cheeks had gotten, his hands were clenched into tight firsts and he couldn’t keep his eyes off your very proximate cleavage. You smirked as an idea popped into your head, “Ah let me just get the back.” You muttered getting closer to Jin so his face was literally centimetres away from your chest, you reached your arms forward and combed through the back of Jin’s hair feeling his hot breath on your exposed chest.
“Ja-jagi…” Jin choked out, his self-control dropping quickly.
“Yes?” You replied backing up and grabbing the hair gel, coating your fingers with it lightly.
“Don’t you think you’re being too… cruel?” Jin was giving you his puppy dog eyes accompanied with an adorable pout and you almost felt yourself give in before shaking your head lightly and resuming your work.
“How am I being cruel?” You asked innocently, applying the hair gel into his damp hair and plugging in the blow dryer.
“Ya! I know I made your job harder but you’re… you’re making my life harder right now…” he said the last part quietly, almost a mumble as he averted his eyes and looked down at the very obvious bulge growing in his pants.
“Good.” You said indifferently and Jin looked back up at you almost offended “Now you’ll think twice before chopping your bangs off.” You gave him an almost evil grin and turned on the blow-dryer, combing his hair in your desired style as it dried and the gel made sure it would stay that way. You went for a Fire meets BS&T meets Danger kind of look so one edge of the side parting you gave him was brushed and stuck to his head while the other, longer side, was puffy and in the air, revealing his beautiful forehead that ARMY so often requested. You had pretty much forgotten about what you were wearing and what your original intention to wear it even was, you were way too focused on your work and Jin knew this. The man had seen it a million times before; you were passionate and dedicated to your work and once you got into it, nothing could distract you, not even Jin’s hands that had moved and placed themselves on your waist pulling you closer with every second. You were just finishing up with a little bit of natural hairspray when you felt something hard press against your stomach. You dropped the spray bottle when you realised Jin had closed the space between you two and pressed your body flush against his, his strong arms were wrapped around your waist and his face was semi buried in your chest as he looked up at you through dark hooded eyes.
“You’re done.” He stated as a matter of fact, his voice had changed from the early whiny and pouty attitude to a now more authoritative and assertive tone making a chill run down your spine.
“I’m not.” You retorted trying to take control back but knowing fully well it wasn’t going to happen.
“You’re talking to me which means you aren’t focused and you never lose focus unless you’re done.” He held you tighter “so now it’s my turn.” He smirked, oh boy. Jin moved his head away and peaked into the mirror raising his eyebrows, clearly impressed by what you had done “hey handsome.” He said winking to himself and you rolled your eyes “why don’t you show this pretty lady what she really should have asked for huh?” he was wiggling his eyebrows at himself and you cringed, why was he like this? Why did you actually love him for being like this? Some questions were better off without answers. Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt Jin’s hand move from your waist down to your thighs and grip at them tightly “What are you thinking about hm?” he muttered softly before lifting you and standing up at the same time. You yelped at the sudden action and quickly wrapped your arms around his neck.
“I’m just thinking about…” you searched your thoughts quickly for some sort of rebuttal but the grin that appeared on his face was a clear indicator that he knew. He chuckled deeply and gave you a sultry look before walking towards his bedroom.
“ahh jagi...” he sighed, “when will you learn?”
“What exactly are you trying to teach me?” You returned his look challengingly with a subtle lip bite, why am I trying to make this worse for myself?
He laughed, visibly amused and you felt him quite literally throw you backwards on to the bed. It was unexpected and resulted in a small scream but before you knew it, he was slowly crawling over your half naked figure. His hand slowly travelled up your inner thigh and you could feel the chills all over your body. “Jin-” but you were cut off by his lips finding their way to yours. You softly moaned into the kiss when you felt his hand travelling up and flicking at your nipple. He pulled away only to open his mouth which caused you to do the same. His tongue met yours as he began overlapping around it and softly pulling back, biting your lip softly in the process. All the while, his fingers had been gently playing with your now hardened nipples. “Ah~ Jin… I want you.” You couldn’t help but moan out. He chuckled knowing your chest was your weak spot, but he wasn’t going to give it to you so easily; you had toyed with him and now it was his turn.
“You’re going to have to be a bit more specific baby.” His voice was laced with so much seduction, it was almost like a drug. You knew what he was doing and you knew what he wanted to hear. Moving your hands to his face, you forgot about your pride and looked at him desperately.
“Touch me... please~” You replied with the straightest face you could possibly muster up given the circumstances. Jin didn’t need telling twice, he reached behind you to undo the hook holding your entire lingerie piece together before moving his hand under the soft material. With each second, he got closer and closer to where you wanted him but stopped just before resulting in a frustrated whine from you.
“Touch you where princess?” he smirked, clearly enjoying himself. You placed a hand over his and dragged it until it was right over your pussy; his fingers got wet immediately.
“Here, touch me here.” you responded boldly.
PART TWOOOOOOOO iz hereeeeee. lmao again, sorry to all y'all horny folks out there for the cliffhanger. I’m actually debating writing a part three cuz it’ll literally just be smut lol so like, lemme know if y’all actually want a part three or if I should just leave it to y’alls nasty imagination -ASH
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I don’t need to hide when I’m with you au FINAL
Part 45/45
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skyeliu · 5 years
An Unexpected Gift
[Part of the “Baby, I think I’m pregnant” Project! I know the name is weird and clickbaity, don’t judge me.]
Pair: Jin x Y/N [other pairs -> “Baby, I think I’m pregnant” Masterlist]
Genre: Cute, fluffy.
au’s: Y/N and Jin are in an underground relationship, and Y/N finds out she’s pregnant...
Word Counts: 941 words
Warnings: unplanned pregnancy‼️, PG13.
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You didn’t get your period this month. It’s already 2 weeks past due, and you are seriously concerned. Jin is still out on the tour in Hong Kong, so it’s just you in the apartment panicking with a pregnancy test in your hand.
After the second line slowly revealed itself, you don’t know if you should be happy or upset. You really like kids, and Jin really is the love of your life and will most definitely make a great father. But the two of you never talked about kids or marriage, so this little gift in you belly came way too soon. The moment you saw the positive result of the test, you already know you wouldn’t get an abortion, but if Jin doesn’t want it...
your head is hurting way too much for this, and you just can’t take it anymore. You sit down with a cup of black tea on the armchair in order to help yourself calm down a little, but only to find yourself biting your fingernails nonstop while overthinking.
You have to tell him, Jin deserves to know. No matter what this is the child of both of you, and it’s just selfish to hide this from him. Maybe he’ll like it, maybe he will not, but whatever it is, you guys will talk through it, and it will be fine.
Jin should be done with his tour and on his way back to the hotel, you send him a message telling him to call you once he settles down, and he quickly replies with a selfie in which he puts up an ok sign.
About 20 minutes later your phone starts ringing and you pick it up immediately, Jin’s voice travels through the phone into your ear.
He sounds really tired, it’s the last concert he has in Hong Kong and he will head back first thing tomorrow morning.
“Evening Princess! You shouldn’t stay up this late, it’s bad for your beautiful skin. ”Jin tries to stay cheerful for you as always, and his words just instantly put a smile on your face.
You take another deep breath before you start talking again. You rehearsed this so many times in your head, but actually saying it is a whole another different story.
“Jin... Darling, I’m pregnant. ”
you had to check the screen to make sure he’s still on the line, because all you can hear is silence.
Both the quietness in the house and from the other side of the phone makes you scared, but you know you have to finish what you started.
“We never talked about this, and I don’t know... Jin I’m not getting an abortion, I just can’t. ”You are nearly sobbing at the end of the sentence, tears dripping down your face uncontrollably, “Jin I’m sorry if you are not ready, I love you so so much and... Jin I don’t know what to do. ”
Jin stays silent on the other side of the phone for another 5 seconds or so, and goes: “Hang on for a little bit, we will talk in person and we will figure this out together, alright? ”
he hangs up the phone without hearing your answer, and the house goes back to the dead silence with your quiet sobbing.
On the other side in Hong Kong, Jin storms into Sejin’s(Manager) room with his sloppily-packed suitcase: “Hyung, I don’t think I can wait until tomorrow morning, I have to leave early, I already got the ticket and everything. ”
Sejin has to take a moment to let the words sink and then goes: “Ok but why? ”
Jin rushes out of the door leaving a brief answer behind-
“Family Emergency. ”
You are a very light sleeper, so the weak vibration from a notification on your phone still manages waking you up, you check your phone subconsciously and realize it’s from your Twitter. Jin’s tag has always been your only special follow, so that you don’t miss out on anything important about him. You rub your eyes while letting out a yawn and start reading the article.
“BTS Member Kim Seokjin Spotted at Incheon Airport Alone, Returning to Korea ahead of Schedule??? ”
After registering the title fully in your head, you are now completely awake. It’s been 6 hours since you called him, but his flight with the rest of the members aren’t supposed to even leave until 2 hours later.
The news article is still a little bit of a late notice considering you can already hear his key twisting in the keyhole.
Jin comes in looking like a mess, seems like he never took off the makeup and definitely didn’t sleep.
He indeed cares about his appearance very much, you could never imagine he’d show up like this at some point.
You wanted to say something to him, but he got down on one knee before words could escape your mouth.
Guess you are not awake enough for this, you freeze for a moment before your heart starts racing like crazy.
“I was gonna make this more special... I’m sorry, I like literally got the ring at the duty free shop at the airport. I-I just, I was so scared to do it, I measured your ring finger in your sleep and everything but.. I really should have done this earlier, I’m sorry I made you feel insecure and alone. I promise you I will be a responsible husband and father, so would you, I know this is gonna sound so cliché, but!!! ” He is blushing like crazy, and inevitably nervous. He clears his throat and looks at you into your eyes with all sincerities: “Y/N, would you please marry me, and make me the one? ”
You made him the happiest man in the world, and he made it the happiest day of your life.
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💜Baby, I think I’m pregnant Project Masterlist💜
Check out my overall masterlist for more!
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mwferstuff · 6 years
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kpoptart216 · 6 years
Dearest Bangtan,
As a fan of the group for the last four-five years, I can’t even begin to say how proud I am of how far you guys go. It’s so endearing to see you guys go above and beyond and living your best life. I truly hope you’re happy!
I remember watching your debut showcase and I remember thinking “what an interesting group”. I don’t remember why I thought that, but I’m glad I didn’t stop watching you guys there. I still smile when I think of the first couple of comebacks.
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You music has evolved into something that is inspiring to the millions. When I stop and take a look at all your success since debut, I’m left in awe. I can only imagine what you guys must be feeling.
Your worldwide debut performance of ‘Fake Love’ isn’t just saying you’re conquering the music world. No. It’s saying that you’ve reached the hearts of millions of fans around the world who love you guys and your music. So your hard work and dedication is really...appreciated.
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I can never find the right words when it comes to you all as a group. Inspiring. Uplifting. Mesmerizing.
I hope you guys can see everything you give us and how much everyone appreciates all that you guys do. Even the smallest smile is enough. So all jokes and memes apart, you guys are so so loved!
I write this knowing the group will never see this but I still would like to put all I’m feeling into words, even though that’s becoming seemingly more impossible as I type.
Anyways, to the Kings, the ‘Biggest Boy Band on Earth’, the goofy seven we all love, good job tonight. Good job as always. And thank you for putting in 200% into everything you do.
A very happy Army 💕
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chronicfangirling · 7 years
Re: thigh highs and twisted fairy tales
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+ “*M/N’s whore house, how may I help you?” (Member’s name) + “Sometimes I just can’t control myself when I’m around you.”
Pairing: Jin x Reader (feat. BTS kids as the best wingmen ever) Genre: Angst/Smut/Fluff in that order (Fuckboy!AU) Words: 4222 Requested by: @cupcake7592
written for my 600+ Followers Drabbles Event
"Y/N-noona!" Jimin and Taehyung chorused when you walked through the main door of the dorm and into the living room. The three youngest members of the group were playing a game but they paused it; apparently your first visit in a long while was more interesting.
Jungkook smirked. "Is today the day? Is the white princess finally going to succumb to the temptations of the dark prince?"
You felt your cheeks heat up, but covered it up by demanding: "Jungkookie, who's been teaching you these things?" You felt a familiar hand slip around your waist, and you deftly stepped out of his grasp. "It's you, isn't it?"
Jin raised his hands over his head, his eyes wide and innocent. "Why are you so quick to blame me, Y/N? I'm hurt."
"The dark prince has arrived," Taehyung rumbled in a voice even deeper than normal. Jungkook cawed like a raven.
"The white princess swoons in his arms." Jimin waggles his fingers as if he were casting a spell on you.
"Yeah... I don't think so." You turned your accusing gaze upon Jin again.
"You're all making this worse," Jin griped, seizing Taehyung and Jimin by an ear each and kicking Jungkook on the bum. "All of you, out!!"
Jungkook covered his mouth with his hand, looking scandalized. "Hyung, I know this is going to be your first night and all, but do you two need the whoooole dorm?" He waved his arms expansively.
"There's not going to be any sort of first on this night!" you clarified.
Jin glared and shook Jimin and Taehyung, making the younger men yelp and hold on to their ears. "Leave, now!"
The three of them scampered out of the dorm, but not before Jungkook turned back to deliver one last quip: "Don't forget to use protection, it's too early for Bangtan Juniors!" He shot the most suggestive finger guns from his hips, and dodged when Jin hurled a throw pillow at him.
In the youngest members' wake, the dorm went very quiet, such that their words kept ringing in your head. You felt yourself flush again, so you ducked, staring at your slippered feet. "They get dirtier and dirtier by the day."
Chuckling, Jin lifted your chin by one finger. "They're men now, Y/N. You tend to underestimate our... preoccupations with the earthier pleasures."
You stepped back as he loomed towards you. "No... I'd never underestimate your preoccupations, Kim Seokjin--ack!" You  took one step too many and hit the end of the couch, ending up splayed on your back, your knees propped on the armrest, and your dress hiked almost to your hips such that your thigh high stockings were on full display. You swallowed when Jin hovered over you.
He scooped you off the couch and set you back on your feet, your body sliding sensuously along his as he let you down. He bent towards your ear, and you gasped at the warmth of his breath on your neck. "Good for you," he whispered. He pulled away, leaving you relieved and yet strangely disappointed. Then he took your arm and said: "Come on, let's go to my room."
Reluctantly walking with him, you muttered: "We have the entire living room to ourselves, we don't have to go to your room..."
"But it's soooo much more comfortable." He winked. "You know I took special care to make sure my bed is suitable for the delicate physiques of ladies."
You ignored that last part, not wanting to encourage him, and said: "I don't want to disturb Yoongi."
"Yoongi left to stay at his studio overnight when he heard you were coming over."
"Why would he need to do that?" you asked, trying not to squeal in nervousness.
"He was being considerate." Jin looked down at you with shining puppy eyes and a kissable pout. "He thought it would be better if we could talk undisturbed, since it has been a while since we've seen each other... you were too busy dating all those guys."
It was an underhanded ploy to make you feel guilty, but it worked anyway. "It was two dates," you reasoned, sounding inordinately guilty for a single lady who had every right to be dating around. Caught off-guard, you entered Jin and Yoongi's room without further protest, and let him sit you on his bed. "And anyway, that wasn't the reason I stayed away. It was because Hanui took issue with me being around you, so I thought it would be better for the two of you."
"There wasn't a 'two of us.'" He looked up from arranging pillows and untucking the sheets to hold his arms in an 'X'. "We were hanging out."
"Hanging out?" Raising an eyebrow, you snickered at him, despite yourself. "Is that what you're calling it?"
"Yes, hanging out. And if a woman decides to show her appreciation of me as a man by means of her body, who am I to refuse?" He smirked.
"Riiiight." You grabbed a pillow and tapped it against his smug face, unable to stop yourself from giggling.
"How could you hit my handsome face?" he lamented with a dramatic sigh. "To think I have a present for you."
You perked up when he pulled a shiny plushie from a gift bag on his bedside table. "Oh! It's Alolan Vulpix!" You took it from him gratefully and hugged it.
"Hmm, I can't believe how much I want to be your plushie right now." Grinning, Jin slouched against the headboard and watched the plushie being squished upon your breasts.
Instead of smacking him for his lewd comment, you smiled and said: "Thank you, Jin. This one's my favorite."
He straightened up, flustered by your sincerity. "It's, umm.... no big deal, r-really..." he stammered, turning red from his neck up to his ears. "I was in the arcade a lot a couple of weeks ago and I happened to catch it, so..."
Your smile grew wider. How could you have been so wary of him just a while ago? No matter how handsome he was, how seductive he could be, and how many girls he bedded, he was still that same nerdy Kim Seokjin under that fuckboy persona that was his second skin.
Your hesitations forgotten, you curled close to Jin as you chatted and watched anime movies on his laptop. The idyllic moment was shattered when Jin's phone rang. He peered at the screen, then turned it over and pressed play on the movie again.
You glanced from the still-ringing phone to Jin's face, with his brows furrowed in concentration as he forced himself to focus on the movie. "Why aren't you answering your phone?"
"It's Hanui," he explained.
You paused the film and narrowed your eyes at him. "This is how you're breaking up with her? By refusing to answer her calls?"
"It's not breaking up if we weren't in a relationship," he quickly pointed out. "Anyway, she's too pushy to be reasoned with, this way's better."
The current call ended but the ringing started anew almost as soon as it ended. You patted his shoulder. "She's not going to leave you alone until you talk to her, Jin."
"Then can you answer the phone?" he batted his eyelashes at you.
"What? No!" you protested.
"Please? Hanui's different when it comes to you."
"She hates me, you mean. And she's going to hate me more if I answer your phone."
"As if you care about that," he snorted.
"No, I actually don't," you agreed with a chuckle.
"But you care about me?" he prodded, his voice dripping with sweetness as he turned the puppy eyes on you again.
Your heart was fit to burst at Jin's soft gaze. "This is emotional blackmail!" you complained, hoping he couldn't hear your heartbeat.
"Pleaaase--my precious, lovely friend?" he wheedled, nuzzling against your neck. His lips brushed against a sensitive spot under your ear and you flinched. He didn't seem to notice and continued his begging.
"Fine!" You raised your hands in defeat, mostly to ward him off your neck. "You owe me, my manipulative, cunning friend."
"Yes indeed, my whole heart is yours," he affirmed, blowing you a kiss.
You snarled at him to be silent then answered the call: “Kim Seokjin’s whore house, how may I help you? Yes, it's Y/N--no Hanui, I'm not banging him behind your back..." You rolled your eyes and slapped Jin's chest when he bit his lips lasciviously. "I'd also like to point out that you weren't a couple in the first place, so even if I were, that doesn't make me a slut--"
Jin snatched the phone from your hands and said in that earnest-seeming voice you knew better than to trust: "Hanui... remember how I told you about the love of my life? Well, you didn't even come close to helping me forget her." He fixated upon you and traced his fingers along your jawline; you couldn't help but shiver. "She came back, and with her beside me right now, I realize that I would never want to anyway, so thank you and goodbye." He ended the call and when the phone started ringing again, he took out the battery and stowed the disassembled phone under his bed.
You sulked up at him and wagged a finger close to his nose. "How many times have you used me as an excuse when your conquests get too clingy?"
Something seemed to shift in him at those words; his eyes darkened, he pushed your finger away, and he rolled over you, taking you down and pinning you against the bed. "Princess--you are much more than an excuse."
Despite the charged air--and the hardened planes of his body heavy against your smaller frame--you thought you could lighten the mood again by bantering: "An accessory to crime then?"
"I'd never let you be dirtied like that," he murmured as he brushed kisses against your forehead and cheeks, delicately, almost reverently. "You're the most precious to me... the only woman who ever mattered."
"Jin," you whispered, your palms pushing at his chest, afraid that he'd do something to change things between the two of you irrevocably.
He shifted his weight on his elbows, letting you breathe. “Sometimes I just can’t control myself when I’m around you.” He stroked your thigh, fingers dancing along the lines of your stockings. "These things are especially bad for my self-control..."
"Jin, what are you doing?" you squeaked in mild panic. You could feel exactly what he was doing--he was shuffling between your knees and nudging them apart so he could settle between them.
He gazed down at you and there was none of that gentleness now; his gaze was sharp with desire. "Do you remember the first time I fucked and fucked over a girl?"
"Why would I remember that?" you retorted, though you did remember.
"Because it was during that one winter break. We cuddled under one blanket in your room. You let me get on top of you and kiss you--with tongue." He licked his lips as his eyes flickered towards your own lips and your entire body grew heated along with your face this time. "Then when I pulled out my dick, you cried." You winced at the embarrassing memory of your naivete, but Jin patted your cheek reassuringly. "It's alright, I understand... we were kids then."
He continued: "I ran and ended up seeing Baek Jaera and her friends at the movie theater. And I sweet-talked her until she let me fuck her in the back row."
"Even then I already knew that something was wrong with me. I wasn't content just looking through my brother's dirty magazines and porn folder--I always needed a real body. And I could never stop myself from fantasizing doing all sorts of things to you." He glanced at your prone body under his. "Things that you weren't ready for. I had to take my urges out on all those other girls."
"Are you blaming me for everything?" you asked, a little resentful. It hadn't been easy seeing him with all those other girls and continuing your friendship with him, considering how you felt...
"No," he said. "It's not your fault that I'm wired this way. It's not your fault that I'd destroy as many other women as I needed to keep you unbroken and safe. From me."
You took his face between your hands, staring at him sadly. "Jin... I never--I never asked you to do that."
"You didn't have to. They were just willing pussies with forgotten faces. But you... you're the love of my life," he declared. He leaned down and kissed you on the lips, slowly and tenderly, though you could sense his thrumming hunger. He coaxed your lips apart and teased you with light swipes of his tongue, trying not to overwhelm you, but you were soon moaning both for breath... and more of him.
When he pulled away and allowed you to collect your composure and your wits, you remembered that this was a bad idea. "That's just your excuse to Hanui--"
"Princess, it's real. You know it is." he affirmed. "I can't hold back anymore. I think you're ready and I know I can do right by you now. You're the only one I ever truly wanted, Y/N. I love you."
"How many girls have you said those words to?"
"Too many to count. But I only meant it with you."
You slipped into a sitting position, attempting to leave. "Which is what you've said to all of them--"
With a cat-like smirk and cat-like grace, Jin pounced on you, trapping you under his body again. "Let me tell you, I know your body well by now..." He nuzzled against your neck again, but it felt far less innocent now. "All the places to touch to get you to say yes."
"Ahh--no, Jin!" you cried when he nipped below your ear. "Not my neck!"
"It has been so hard, all these years of touching you little-by-little, making sure that I won't spook you again," he hummed against your sore skin as he lapped it soothingly. "I've catalogued all of your body's responses in my mind--things that you like, things that you don't like, things that make you go crazy..." He parted your legs wider and pushed his hips against yours so you could feel his erection.
"Mmm!" Your legs trembled from the sensation and it was all you could do to restrain yourself from bucking against him.
"I'll make you feel so good... no one else would be able to do this as well for you. Only me." Pain crossed his features for a moment, but he schooled his expression into a flirty smirk. "It was hard to see you go out with other men, but I knew that no one could love and pleasure you like I would and you'd end up right here in the end. You belong with me."
He lifted himself off you, kneeling between your legs, and you blinked at him in dazed confusion. But then he pushed up your dress and drew the thin lace of your panties aside, sinking two fingers into your heat. You threw your head back and moaned.
Chuckling, Jin watched you writhing as his fingers pumped steadily. "That feels good for you. I realized that my crooked fingers tend to bring a lot of pleasure to women."
He was right; the friction was so intense you could hardly breathe much less think. It had never felt like this with the few men you tried to date while Jin was busy with all those other women. The way his fingers reached deeper than your own could was making you pant with wanting. Imagining how much better it would feel if it were the impressive erection tenting his jeans... but you couldn't. It would ruin the tenuous friendship you had managed to maintain through the years. "Jinnie..." you murmured between moans. "Please, don't do this."
"Don't because you don't want me?" he asked. "Or don't because you know once you've done it with me, no one else would do? Because you know you'll have to face the fact that you've always felt for me as I've always felt for you? Lust, but love as well?"
"........." You looked away from him, overcome with the sensations.
"Of course, if you still hesitate..." his voice sounded uncertain and his fingers started to withdraw.
Your hand shot out to touch his wrist. "Jinnie... please..."
"Please, what?" He hooked his fingers, causing a jolt of pleasure so intense that you arched against his hand.
"Oh God!" you whimpered, tears of sexual frustration and anticipated regret gathering upon your lower lashes. "Please, fuck me..."
"Y/N..." he wiped away the tears with his free hand and kissed you. "I'm not going to fuck you. I'm going to make love to you."
You almost believed him.
Jin licked his slick fingers and reached for your dress; when you shrank away, he smiled and gave you a comforting kiss. He stripped off his own clothes and when he had tossed his boxers aside, you let him peel off your dress. He took care with your dainty lace bra and panties, setting them on his bedside table. "Let's keep these on you," he snickered as he skimmed the tops of your thigh highs.
He plucked a condom from his bedside drawer and you stopped him before he could tear the package open. "You don't have to if... you'd rather not," you suggested.
His mouth dropped in surprise. "Are you sure? I know you're on the pill but you'd let me...?" When you nodded, he discarded the condom and pecked you on the lips. "Thank you, Y/N. This is always how I've wanted our first night to be."
Shifting between your legs again, he asked: "Do you need me to prepare you some more?" He had no shame about it, that you ended up blushing in embarrassment. You almost wished that he just started thrusting into you without warning. He pulled your hands off your face. "There's no need to be shy, my princess, tell me what you want."
Blushing even hotter, you admitted: "No, I'm... I'm ready. I want you inside me."
He exhaled with a growl. "You're making it difficult for me to be gentle with you." But even as he said that, he was mindful to prop himself on his elbows and push his cock in you at a calm, unhurried pace. When he was seated fully inside, he closed his eyes and rested his forehead upon yours. The tension in his clenched jaw was palpable.
"Jinnie, it's okay." You pressed kisses along his jawline. "You don't have to be so gentle."
"No, but I want to be." He brushed the stray strands of hair off your face. "I had promised myself that I would always treat you with gentleness."
He began thrusting languidly, the stiffness of his hips betraying how much he was holding back. It was only when you wrapped your legs around his waist and urged him on by bucking against him that he drove into you at a pace that had both of you crying with pleasure.
How could it feel so good? How could he feel so good? He was a little too big for you, but you were so aroused that you felt only bliss as he filled you completely. He adjusted his position and angled his thrusts upwards, striking all the right spots inside you.
You didn't even have time to warn Jin; you came suddenly, gasping, and he groaned as your inner walls squeezed him. His brows drawn in determination, he moved with long, steady strokes to help you ride your orgasm then liquid heat filled you as he came too. He looked ready to collapse against you, but he held himself up and smiled down at you.
Giving you a long kiss, he said: "I love you, Y/N."
You knew better than to take the words of a man that hadn't even come down from his high to heart, but you were starting to feel sleepy and you couldn't lie. "Jinnie... I love you too."
He lied down beside you and gathered you in his arms. You braced yourself--knowing his habits, he wouldn't be satisfied with that one time. But Jin covered both of you with blankets, seeming content enough to hold you, and as he sang softly, you burrowed against his warm chest and fell asleep.
When you woke up the next day, there was no moment of blissful ignorance; you knew exactly where you where. "This is Jin's room." Looking around at the shelves of Nintendo merchandise, the guitar on the desk, the dangerously comfortable bed you were laying on, and of course, the very obvious absence of Jin, you slapped your cheeks. "You idiot... why couldn't you keep your legs closed?!"
And just like that, you would lose Kim Seokjin as so many women before you had lost him.
You noticed the Alolan Vulpix plushie perched on his bedside table and cringed, covering its eyes as you cradled it close. "I'm sorry you had to see that, baby."
Hauling yourself off the bed with a sigh, you realized you were wearing Jin's hoodie and boxers. Your clothes were nowhere to be found, except for the damned thigh highs that you were still wearing. Idly thinking that you could escape into a cab anyway, you exited the room carelessly, taking it for granted that you were alone in the dorm. When you heard voices--seven distinct, familiar voices--you caught the door before it could slam shut.
You attempted to tiptoe past the kitchen where all the guys were eating, but ended up locking eyes with Jungkook, who first gawked at the bare skin between Jin's hoodie and your thigh high stockings, before shaking himself and shouting: "Jin-hyung! She's up!"
You started backing away, but Jimin had maneuvered behind you and pushed you into his own seat. "Hyung's preparing your breakfast, so wait a little, okay?" He cleared his plates and glass, and the other guys started to do the same.
Except for Taehyung who had been leering you up and down since you sat down beside him. He sniggered, staring at the plushie resting on your lap: "This is such an amazing look on you, noona--ow! Hyung!" He made a teary face at Jin, who only slapped him upside the head again. "Fine, I"m leaving!"
Jin didn't even acknowledge him; he beamed fondly down at you and transferred dishes from the tray he had carried on the table. "Did you sleep well, my princess?"
"Uh..." you glanced away from him, waving back at Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook as they passed by and said goodbye.
Yoongi and Namjoon had helped Jin bring several other dishes from the kitchen. "Hyung," Yoongi muttered. "I'm going back to the studio, so if you need to use the room again..."
You blushed at those words. Yoongi and Namjoon patted Jin's shoulders and nodded politely at you. Meanwhile, Hoseok had an ear-splitting grin as he looked from you to Jin. "So does this mean you're an actual couple now? Y/N-noona, you're finally giving Jin-hyung a chance?"
"Please take him with you," Jin said to Yoongi, though he kept his smile on you.
Hoseok yelped when Yoongi and Namjoon grabbed his sleeves and hauled him all the way to the front door.
"I know you like breakfast food, so I made a lot." Jin sat down next to you and started piling food on your plate--a couple of hashbrowns, a sunny side-up egg, crispy bacon strips. He presented you with two stacks of pancakes. "I didn't know if you were in a strawberry cheesecake or chocolate chip mood so I made both--"
"Jin." You touched his arm before he could put pancakes on your plate.
He took your hand and squeezed it, that soft smile never leaving his face. "Jinnie."
He giggled at the nickname and stood up. You stared after him, puzzled, when he went to the living room and peered into the bookshelves. He grabbed a folder and placed it beside your plate. "Sex addiction," he said casually as he sauntered into the kitchen. "Turns out, that's a real thing and not just something that horny leches made up. I'm getting counseling for it."
You had put down the plushie and was still looking through the folder when Jin returned from the kitchen with two mugs of coffee. He placed one on the table before you. "Jin... that's very good..."
"But I don't think..."
"You don't think this could work?" He put down his coffee mug and kneeled beside your chair, one arm draped around your waist and his free hand stroking the bare portion of your thigh. It was probably meant to be a comforting gesture, but as with everything Jin did, it was sensual. "I know this would work. Do you know why?"
You shook your head slightly, gazing at him with questions and apprehension.
"Because it's you. The one I've loved before I knew what love was, the one I wanted before I understood wanting..." His declaration made your heart twinge... if only you knew for sure it was real. "I'm not saying that I'll overcome my issues simply because of your sweetness and love, but that I'll work at overcoming them, so you'll stay by my side. Forever."
"Jin... it's not that easy..." You fiddled with the hem of his hoodie.
"Jinnie." He cupped your chin in one hand, forcing you to look up. "And I'm not saying it would be. But I can make this work. We can make this work. Y/N, I love you with all my heart. You love me too, right?"
"Yes, Jin--Jinnie...of course, I love you." You took a deep breath and asked: "So you really meant everything you said last night?"
He placed a hand on his heart and nodded. "Every single word."
You leaned forward and he met you halfway. Gripping his shoulders, you allowed him to slip his tongue into your mouth and responded as he kissed you deeply. When you broke the kiss, you caressed his face. "Let's make this work."
He returned to his seat and tugged at your arm, pulling you into his lap. "Now why don't you have some of these pancakes I made especially for you?"
You moaned a little in appreciation of the flavors and you felt him twitch under you.
He laughed nervously. "Please, ignore that. I... I'm still working through it."
Throwing your arms around his neck, you snuggled against him. "Thank you, Jinnie. For trying."
You felt him shake his head and press a kiss against your temple. "No, princess. Thank you, for giving me a chance. I'll make good use of it. We'll live happily ever after, I promise."
Sitting up, you tilted your head and asked playfully: "That's what the dark prince wants?"
He squeezed your cheeks between his hands. "The dark prince will dye his wings pure and bright for the white princess if he must."
You stroked his hair and giggled. "Baby steps, my dark prince."
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