#ser barriston selmy
bumblesimagines · 4 months
The Cold Stars
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Summary: Daenerys encounters a lonesome stranger in Meereen who shares a bitter history with Ser Barriston
Pronouns: He/Him/His
TW/CW: Suicide mention
"I cannot hide behind walls forever, Ser Barriston," Dany spoke gently, dragging her eyes over the small marketplace in the city. She knew the dangers of being out in public but she had trust in Ser Barriston and Grey Worm, her loyal subordinates. They'd never allow harm to come to her, she knew that very well. Besides, she needed to show the people of Meereen that she cared and valued them. Trust had to be earned, not given freely. So, despite the worries expressed to her by Ser Barriston and Daario, she marched forth into the marketplace, eager to see what her people were selling. 
"I know, Your Grace," Ser Barriston sighed quietly, his eyes just as diligent and alert as Grey Worm's, bouncing around from cart to face in search of anyone with less-than-innocent motives. Most of the people watched them silently, the caution on their faces making Dany frown. She needed their loyalty, not their fear. She couldn't comprehend it well. She freed them from their masters, breaking the chains that made them slaves and they'd seemingly loved her for it. But the hesitation and unhappiness on some of their faces made her heart twist. 
"Do you think King's Landing will receive me like this?" Dany asked the older, more experienced man as they rounded a corner, slipping out of the market into an alleyway, her head angled over her shoulder to peer back at the two. Ser Barriston's lips parted to respond but his eyes flickered away and Dany noticed Grey Worm reaching for his sword. Her head snapped forward, preparing herself for the worst only to notice the young man leaning against the wall with an apple in hand, his eyes-
His eyes...
Cold and displeased and undeniably violet. Her mind flickered back to Viserys, to the mentions of her parents and Rhaegar, to all the portraits she'd seen of her ancestors and all the stories told about them. She felt as if the air had been knocked out of her, and she suddenly yearned for her family, for the mother that died moments after having her, and the father that earned the title of Mad King. For Rhaegar and even cruel Viserys. But the man before them lacked the notable silver hair and appeared more... Dornish.
"(Y/N) Dayne," Ser Barriston gaped, eyes large and pale skin as if he'd seen a ghost. "You... are a long ways from home, child."
"As are you, Selmy." His bitter voice seemed to jolt Ser Barriston, his mouth clamping shut and bushy brows knitting together. (Y/N) raised the apple to his lips and dug his teeth into the crunchy fruit, a trickle of juice dripping down his chin. He chewed slowly as he studied each of them, his hardened gaze only momentarily growing indifferent when he turned his attention to the perplexed Grey Worm. "You are far from King's Landing, Ser. As are you, Targaryen."
"You are in the presence of Queen Daenerys Stormborn, child, you will refer to her as such. Your brother fought fiercely for the Targaryens during the rebellion."
"And he died." (Y/N) licked his lips, the apple beginning to crack and drip with juices under his grasp. The bitterness, near hatred in his eyes sent a chill down Dany's spine, yet she found herself unable to tear her own eyes away from his face. "You claim to have loved and respected Arthur and Ashara but where were you when they died? Where were you when Stark slaughtered my brother and my sister threw herself into the sea?" 
"I would've given my life for either of them, you know that." Ser Barriston responded sharply, almost bristling at the silent accusation. 
"You would've given your life for the Prince." Her trance broke immediately at the mention of her brother, of the man Ser Barriston always recalled fondly. Her lips pulled back into a deep frown and (Y/N) turned his attention onto her. "You should've been willing to give your life for Elia and her children. That Targaryen-" The sneer when he spoke said plenty of his opinions on her family. "-abandoned them to die like a coward."
"Mind your tongue!" 
"My siblings are dead because of him!" (Y/N) snapped back at the knight, the apple finally breaking under his hold, different parts flying around while some of it turned to mush in his palm. Dany flinched and stepped back, one piece sliding right up to her feet and almost disappearing beneath the skirt of her dress. (Y/N) shook his hand and scoffed, pushing himself off the wall and barely sparing Grey Worm a glance when he stepped in front of Dany defensively. Ser Barriston's shoulders sagged, the fury dying immediately. "If he'd done his duty as a husband, Allryia, Aran, and I wouldn't be mourning them, Ser."
Dany raised her hand and placed it over Grey Worm's shoulder, meeting his questioning gaze with a reassuring nod. He stepped aside, allowing Dany to step forward, her shoe kicking aside the apple piece before she lifted her head to look at him once more. "Why have you come here, Lord (Y/N)? If not to ally yourself with me, why?"
"To see if the rumors were true. They say you have dragons and you'll use them to take back the Iron Throne. Ashara told me stories of dragons when I was a child. Elia, too. Dorne fought back against them during your ancestor's conquest."
"I have no qualms with Dorne," Daenerys told him softly. "And I am sorry for your losses. I am not my father nor my brothers. I wish to do things differently. The Lannisters, a common enemy between us, rule Kings Landing, do they not? We can ensure they will not bring harm to anyone else, not under my rule. House Dayne of Starfall is a noble house in Dorne with... close ties to the Martells of Sunspear. As I know it, the Martells despise Lannisters as well."
"Why would we fight for you? Justice is a mere action when you'd be getting the Iron Throne. Dorne has been at peace for many years."
"Perhaps..." Dany paused and glanced toward Ser Barriston. The older man met her gaze with an arched brow and a curious, almost concerned glint in his eye. She pursed her lips. She needed stronger allies, she needed angry allies... and even queens require heirs. "Perhaps House Dayne would be more pleased if one of their own became King Consort of Westeros." 
(Y/N)'s eyes only narrowed in response. The crown would be tempting to any man, especially one of noble birth, but he only appeared annoyed by the offer. "I'm afraid my brother, Lord Aran Dayne, is content with his wife, and Edric is far too young to marry. I've had the freedom of being the youngest all my life. Why would I give it up to become a king when I can do whatever I please?"
"Kings do whatever they please, do they not?"
"Kings like Robert Baratheon and Aerys Targaryen, sure. Your brother did whatever he pleased as prince and plunged the kingdom into war. Rulers do what the people want, what they need. You haven't exactly been keeping your people happy, Daenerys. Dorne will only ally themselves if we know we'll win. You may have your army but Tywin Lannister and his dog have been commanding far longer than you and I have been alive. Prince Doran will never allow a child parading themselves as ruler of a city anywhere near Dorne's army. You'll have better luck asking for Prince Oberyn's hand in marriage."
"It almost sounds as if you believe you can do a better job than me... if so, join my council. You'll have your freedom and when the time comes, you'll have your justice. Perhaps then, you'll feel more inclined to accept my proposal. I know Dorne is known for its... queer customs. You view bastards as equal, women are seen as fine rulers, and having multiple lovers is common. Many have their opinions of Dorne but... I'd be rather happy with a Dornishman. I will grant you the freedom of doing as you please, if you become my consort, as long as we have a-" Her voice nearly broke, forcing her to pause again and clear her throat. "A healthy heir. What do you say now, Dayne?"
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agentrouka-blog · 4 months
Was Barriston lying about Viserys showing signs of mental illness at a young age? Cause while we all know how he turns out he seemed like a fairly normal kid and Daenerys remembers him being a good brother to her at one point. It's only after where they are forced to sell their mother's crown that he truly loses it.
Well, let me, a known Barry-hater, try and state my opinion on his credibility as a source.
She turned to Ser Barristan. "You protected my father for many years, fought beside my brother on the Trident, but you abandoned Viserys in his exile and bent your knee to the Usurper instead. Why? And tell it true." "Some truths are hard to hear. Robert was a . . . a good knight . . . chivalrous, brave . . . he spared my life, and the lives of many others . . . Prince Viserys was only a boy, it would have been years before he was fit to rule, and . . . forgive me, my queen, but you asked for truth . . . even as a child, your brother Viserys oft seemed to be his father's son, in ways that Rhaegar never did." [...] "Why ask for truth," Ser Barristan said softly, "if you close your ears to it?" He hesitated, then continued. "I told you before that I used a false name so the Lannisters would not know that I'd joined you. That was less than half of it, Your Grace. The truth is, I wanted to watch you for a time before pledging you my sword. To make certain that you were not . . ." “… my father’s daughter?” If she was not her father’s daughter, who was she? “… mad,” he finished. “But I see no taint in you.” [...] “So I am a coin in the hands of some god, is that what you are saying, ser?” “No,” Ser Barristan replied. “You are the trueborn heir of Westeros. To the end of my days I shall remain your faithful knight, should you find me worthy to bear a sword again. If not, I am content to serve Strong Belwas as his squire.” (ASOS, Daenerys VI)
Barristan Selmy is entitled to his opinion and we are entitled to question the worth of his judgment, if he'll pronounce madness in a boy who was maybe seven years old the last time he saw him, and younger than that the last time he saw him with any sense of regularity. We're talking about a kindergarten-aged little kid.
But in the same breath, he claims the Targ heir who abducted Lyanna Stark, hid in a tower in Dorne for most of the Rebellion and then went and badly lost the only battle he ever fought, was not "his father's son", a.k.a. not dangerously mad.
And then goes on to swear undying loyalty to the teenaged girl who has last been seen ordering people burned alive or killed for wearing a tokar (aged 12 and up!) or crucified by the dozens. Because he sees "no taint" in her.
Convenient, isn't it?
Yeah, sure, Barry.
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twistedtangledfate · 2 years
//I have a desperate need for Ser Barriston Selmy to be a relative of Nimerah. Does she marry a Selmy after the dance? Is that who her lovely, wonderful husband will be? Or, does one of her descendants, a daughter perhaps, marry a Selmy? What do we think?
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2 questions (or so😬); 1) do you have headcanons of how will Jon and Danys love or romance story develop(if there is one)? Slow, over time? Or on the first sight, head over heels? One-sided, and later two-sider? Will both of them don't know(R+L=J) ? Or only Jon? How do you picture the angst between them? 2)when did Ben joined the NW and why? It's not like the NW went from a place or glory to a shit hole in a span of 15 years?! Like it's never mentioned what Ben did during the rebellion? Thx you
Wow! Thank you for all the asks! Sorry it took me so long to get to your beautiful questions. Oh you know I've got some Jon x Dany headcanons! *rubs hands together*
I believe it will be a slow burn that will resemble season seven in many ways (there's a reason season seven, for all its flaws, was still very highly rated as opposed to season eight - because while things like dialogue or timing suffered, the plot still felt like it was going in the right direction).
My prediction about Jon has always been that he'll be the *one* man who isn't impressed with Dany's beauty. Oh, he'll notice it all right, but he won't mention it or use it as a means to gain her favor with compliments. He's going to treat her as an equal right off the bat, and not as an object or a prize that he can win or woo. This is going to perplex Daenerys and probably intrigue her. They'll earn each other's respect based on merit, and I definitely predict some sort of innate bond between them because they're basically fated to meet.
Now, there's some speculation that because Jon died and is (most likely) coming back to life, we may never get another POV from him again. If that is the case (knock on wood) it will definitely appear very one-sided. I also have a headcanon that Jon absolutely resembles his true father in all but coloring, and that he's a total knockout - and we won't find that out until Daenerys sees him and we finally hear a proper description of his looks. (I also have a headcanon that Jon has his father's eyes - that everyone assumes they're grey but actually they're a dark indigo...) And in my dreams, Barristan Selmy is standing beside Daenerys on Dragonstone when Jon marches in and Ser Barristan sees something in Jon that strikes him as familiar... I would love it if, upon seeing Jon, it suddenly clicks for Barriston.
Angst between them, hmm. (f)Aegon is a bit of a curveball here. Either he's going to carry out his plan to try and wed his aunt and it could cause angst and make Jon realize he feels something more for Dany, or this will happen long before Jon is around - possibly as a ploy. Part of me suspects that if he took Tyrion's advice to heart about having a stronger claim than Dany, he might try to get rid of her or destroy her reputation somehow when she arrives to Westeros - and Jon might go to her once she's totally compromised and offer an alliance then.
I am more of a mystery theorist rather than someone who feels comfortable guessing at battle plans or strategies, I admit...
I do think that Jon's parentage will come out by some means or another, and that Daenerys will find out. I don't see this being a point of contention between them whatsoever, nor will the incest be a problem for Jon. In fact, I kind of see the pair of them teaming up to slay the mummer's dragon together. While the show really went hard with Targaryens being mad and evil, that is hardly the case for ASOIAF. This negative image of Targaryens comes mostly from, you betcha, the Lannisters (and Robert Baratheon). It was more or less a propaganda campaign that succeeded not only across Westeros, but apparently across the reader base who cannot read between the lines.
If it's true that Coldhands is not Benjen, then it could be Benjen or Howland who spill the beans, or perhaps confirm Ser Barristan's suspicion? (Assuming he doesn't die - but I really feel in my heart that he won't). I think Jon will have an identity crisis - not so much about being a Targaryen (I think he'll be proud of that honestly) but about not being Ned Stark's son as he was led to believe. I'd love for him, and the readers, to finally learn that his true father was a great man.
Now, speaking of Benjen... I believe he had a very heavy hand in what happened between Lyanna and Rhaegar. I believe he helped equip Lyanna with the mismatched armor needed for the tourney - and that he helped them, in some way, correspond in order to plan their elopement/abscondence.
During the rebellion, Benjen was the Stark in Winterfell - which I can only imagine how that empty castle haunted him during that period. Following news of his sister's death, I'd be willing to bet Benjen was utterly overcome with guilt. And for as close as Ned and Lyanna were, I believe Benjen was even closer to her. His joining the Night's Watch reads almost like a self-inflicted punishment/imprisonment, or... maybe... it wasn't that at all. His decision to join the ranks of a military order full of Targaryen supporters beyond the reach of Robert Baratheon might be a strategic one.
Benjen isn't stupid. He has to know who Jon is, right? I suspect he was even in on the prophecy that Rhaegar was into about TPTWP. So, Ned is keeping Jon safe, but Benjen might just be securing his future (or was, until his disappearance threw the plan into jeopardy).
Now... I have another little theory everyone is going to hate. But bear with me.
The Mormonts. They're a relatively small house sworn to Stark, in the middle of fucking nowhere. And by that I mean they're on small Bear Island surrounded by water - it's real out of the way from just about any and everything. They are described as poor.
So, how the hell does this small, obscure house manage to be one of the few with a Valyrian sword? Was it really written that way just so that Jon could inherit it? That seems a bit too convenient for GRRM's standards, doesn't it?
Presumably, sometime before Robert's Rebellion (though no one knows for sure), Jeor Mormont joined the Night's Watch and quickly moved through the ranks, securing Lord Commander status. Benjen Stark becomes First Ranger. Two of the most powerful positions. And Bear Island went to Jeor's son, Jorah Mormont, along with Longclaw.
What happens with Jorah, exactly? He's caught selling poachers to slavers. Poachers. On Bear Island...?
For this disgrace, Jorah Mormont fled to the Free Cities. In the books, it says during this time Jorah fights the Braavosi, but in the show, he admits to having been part of the Golden Company (this might be important considering GRRM was pretty involved in season one and writing it).
I know the story goes that the sword has been with the family for five-hundred years. But a theme in these books is that history doesn't quite add up, and I can't help but notice that while the Starks' sword Ice dates back four-hundred years, around the time of the Doom of Valyria/when the Targaryens landed in Westeros, the Mormont sword allegedly goes back a hundred years further? Curious.
The original pommel, according to Jeor, was worn and indistinguishable - which seems strange for a Valyrian steel sword. Either way, this is a hint that pommels can be swapped out.
Much like Jon, Longclaw might also have a secret Targaryen identity: Blackfyre.
I'd love to see Jon and Dany square off against (f)Aegon - Dany with her dragons and Jon wielding Blackfyre. It's absurd headcanon for me that Jon obtaining and wielding this sword will inspire the Golden Company in some way and get them to change allegiance. How? I think we're missing plenty of details but if anyone knows the fate of Blackfyre better than we do, it's the Golden Company, and if Jorah did work for them or fight against them, then his presence alongside Jon/Dany might prove the swords are one and the same.
How perfect would it be for Jon to wield the very same sword as his idol, the Young Dragon? *dreamy sigh*
Anyway. If you're following me this far, it's also curious that Jorah goes on to find and protect Daenerys, eh? Meanwhile, when Jon expresses interest in joining the Night's Watch, Benjen says this:
"Until you have known a woman, you cannot understand what you would be giving up."
"I don't care about that!" Jon said hotly.
"You might, if you knew what it meant," Benjen said. "If you knew what the oath would cost you, you might be less eager to pay the price, son."
It's just all very curious to me. And maybe we'll never get answers where Benjen is concerned, just like we'll never know exactly what Rhaegar's plan was, either. But imagining these grand schemes going on in the background make the story so much more interesting to me because I'm a dreamer, what can I say?
Thanks for the asks, they were a great way to get my mind off of paranoia for a while lol ♥
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gothgleek · 5 years
You know I’m not the biggest Daenerys fan (personally her victories scream imperialism/ white savior but that’s more of a writing issue than anything) but I was so disappointed with the episode. And I supported the Dark!Dany theory. So let me Nando v Movies her character.
You know what would be a better use of Dany’s character? Dany realizing that burning people is not a good idea and that she isn’t a good ruler. Have someone bring up that she never ruled in Essos she just conquered it (maybe her boytoy is doing a horrible job governing the place and have her reevaluate her life choices and she can have Missandei and Grey Worm leave her, emphasizing her loneliness in a land where people distrust/dislike her), that she never created a better economy for the cities she liberated, that she doesn’t know Westerosi customs except from her brother (who was a child when they left), Jorah (who left under poor circumstances), and Ser Barriston Selmy so she has no idea how to act and rule over the country. Have someone sit her down and have her realize that killing people is not the way to make the common folk to like her. Have her realize she is showing the same mental illness as her ancestors (once she gets a proper history lesson on them from people who know the history like Sansa) and try to deal with it so she doesn’t kill people and prove her haters right that you can’t escape the sins of your family (maybe Sam can give her a lesson in science about genetics and she can apologize to his family by making them the rulers of High Garden and acknowledging that it won’t fix the problem but at least now his mother and sister will not suffer either. Use this lesson will make her leave Jon alone so they don’t destroy the world with a magic baby). Make her realize she is a better conqueror than ruler when all she wants now is peace. Then still know she can’t have Cersei rule after hearing of all the cruelties she has done to people (mostly to Sansa after she gives Dany a history lesson) so she team up with the Stark girls to destroy everything Cersei holds dear. This would fulfill Maggy the Frog prophecy because now Sansa is responsible (or at least the causation) for nearly every bad thing done to Cersei. Maybe Cersei can hear about this and try and use the rest of the wildfire to destroy KL because if she can’t be the Queen, no one can. But Jaime (and maybe Tyrion) prevent the wildfire from killing everyone which the common folk will learn about and this lets the girls kill Cersei letting the prophecy happen in an indirect way. Afterwards divide the seven kingdoms into its original seven parts (with the proper rulers) (or into three new kingdoms since every major house is dead) and maybe introduce democracy? That would be breaking the wheel. She is taking something her ancestors did and undoing it. Letting a centuries old tradition grinding it to dust under her foot. Then after, she can take the Dothraki back to their homes and have them stop raping people but still respecting their traditions, let the North have their freedom and help them assign new rulers to the newly formed kingdoms, have Missandei (because she will live because I refuse to have GoT kill another WOC) choose to either rule Essos, one of the new Westeros kingdoms, or go back to Naath with Grey Worm and let them choose for the first time in their lives, and Dany retire with her dragon kids at a place with a red door and a lemon tree. Maybe make it an orphanage if you wanna keep up the women-feel-incomplete-without-children thing she has going on. Or if you don’t want a total happy ending for her, have her and Jaime try to destroy the wildfire together, and they both die- him saving the KL once again and helping the Starks kill Cersei and trying to save Dany (maybe tell her she reminds him of her kind, gentle mother who was too good for their world) and Dany destroying her family’s mistakes to let the kingdom start anew, knowing she is nothing like her ancestors and is saving the kingdom like she was destined to.
Now here’s a plot I developed in about 15 min. whilst running on 4 hours of sleep about a character I don’t even like that much.
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electricprincess96 · 5 years
Game of Thrones spoilers!
Jaime deserved so much better than they gave him. He deserved to die a redeemed man even if he wasn't the one to kill Cersei he shouldn't have been the one trying to help her escape. He can still die cradling her body because I understand even redeemed he'd still hold some feelings for her but no they didn't even do that they took his redemption arc and throw it out the window just like Jaime did Bran in season one.
What was the point of Arya this episode? Like what purpose did she actually serve except to have her SEE the destruction so that she's got a reason to seek revenge against Dany for what she did?
I felt for Jon but he needs to stop thinking with his dick, although in fairness to him the show hasn't set up Dany's mad queen thing till like last week so I can't blame him for being a bit fucking surprised when she just goes all fire and blood.
Speaking of Dany I've seen some people blame her going mad on D&D and I don't think that's entirely fair. I think she will go Mad Queen in the books but I feel like it will be earned. That sort of descent into madness is a gradual thing, there might be something that makes her snap and makes it much worse but the journey to get the character from point a to point b is something that takes time and the show just has not dedicated enough time to it beyond small scenes like what she did to the Tarly's but even then that came across as her being ruthless not complete mad like she was in this episode. I guess what I'm saying is I'm not against Dany going Mad Queen I'm against HOW they chose to portray the journey there. If you are going to make the Breaker of Chains into a tyrant at least put in the leg work to get her there semi naturally rather than just having her lose Jorah and Missandei which I completely understand grief can cause this sort of behaviour but Dany has lost people before and she's normally taken her anger out on the people responsible not innocent civilians AND NEVER after they've surrendered.
I'd like to think Jorah and Ser Barriston Selmy would be disappointed in her.
Tyrion.... I mean he seemed to be the only somewhat likeable character if only because he's wanting to save as many innocent people as possible but even then he's singlehandedly the smartest and dumbest man in the room at any given time. Regardless Tyrion and Sansa for the throne (if Dany hasn't melted it already)
Oh that's another thing I'm just gonna say this Dragon fire should be so hot that you die instantly if you are under the direct impact zone and yet so many shots of guys running around on fire after being hit by Drogon. No you should be a charred corpse already. This one's a nitpick but it bugged me none the less.
The Hound.... Sandor Clegane deserved better but as it goes at least show Sandor got about as good a send off as anyone even if it is fucked up that he dies in fire... I'm gonna just say the impact killed him not the fire, the fire ended Gregor as punishment for what he did to Sandor as a child.
Am I missing anyone? I mean Varys' days were numbered anyway although interesting that both him and Littlefinger are executed at the order of the woman they'd hedged their bets on originally.
And Ygritte was in heaven saying "you know nothing Jon Snow" when Jon kept insisting Dany was his Queen. Like mate you should have went back up North with Tormund and Ghost.
Also that fucking random ass horse at the end was fucking ridiculous.
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ashleighjadesmith · 12 years
You could make a poultice out of mud to cool a fever. You could plant seeds in mud and grow a crop to feed your children. Mud would nourish you, where fire would only consume you, but fools and children and young girls would choose fire every time.
Ser Barristan Selmy - A Dance With Dragons I suppose he's right hah. We always choose the guy that's wrong for us.
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