#serbian bacon
scotianostra · 1 year
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On May 10th 1850 Thomas Lipton, founder of the Lipton's grocery chain was born in Glasgow.
Before the big supermarkets took over we lhad ots of wee ones, every street had a Liptons, or a Galbraith even a Templetons!
Liptons was one of the originals started by a guy from Glasgow who built an empire and the tea brand still bares his name.
Born in a tenement flat in Crown Street, the Gorbals, Liptons parents were Irish and had left the Emerald Isle during the potato famine, the smallholding their family had farmed on for generations no longer viable they settled in Glasgow. 'Tommy' Lipton was educated at St. Andrew's Parish School close to Glasgow Green and by the time Tommy was 12 his parents had a shop in the street they lived selling ham, butter, and eggs. It was with the aim of supplementing his parents' limited income that Thomas Lipton left school at the age of thirteen and found employment as a printer's errand boy, and later as a shirtcutter. He also enrolled at a night school, the Gorbals Youth's School, during this period. He then found work as a cabin boy a steamer running between Glasgow and Belfast and was captivated by life aboard the ship and the stories told by sailors who had traveled to the US After being let go by the steamer company, Lipton quickly used the wages he had saved to purchase passage on a ship bound for the U.S., where he would spend five years working and traveling all over the country.
Back in Scotland on his 21st birthday, In 1871 Lipton opened his firstown shop at 101 Stobcross Street in Glasgow. In the heart of industrial Glasgow, full of smoke and fog, the shop was said to be so brightly lit that at night it became a beacon in the street. Goods were stacked in the American fashion, not for the convenience of the proprietors, but with the purpose of catching the customers’ attention. Lipton used another selling technique learned from his time in the States and from his Mother's shop.
When his parents had opened their small shop, Mrs. Lipton, rather than deal with middlemen at the markets, dealt directly with the farmers of her homeland. Lipton followed this example. He bought his bacon, eggs, butter and other produce directly from Irish farmers. The firm traded as a supermarket until 1982 when another group bought the shops that were to become Presto’s, the decision was made as they wanted to solely concentrate on the Tea business which it does to this day, in 2009 Lipton received a Corporate Green Globe Award for its work with the Rainforest Alliance.
As well as the tea and the shops but Lipton was also a keen sailor, he holds a place in the America’s Cup heart as being the most reliably consistent and deftly congenial loser. Five times he challenged for the Cup, five times being defeated. Despite his best laid plans and momentous effort to win the cup, the tea magnate simply didn’t cut the mustard. Nonetheless, he did have a penchant for beautiful boats. His last challenger, Shamrock V, never really stood a chance of winning the race but it did win marks for pure beauty. His well-publicised efforts to win the cup, which earned him a specially designed cup for “the best of all losers”, and also made his tea famous in the United States.
During the first world war Thomas Lipton helped organisations of medical volunteers. He placed his yachts at the disposal of the Red Cross, the Scottish Women's Hospitals Committee of Dr. Elsie Inglis, the Serbian Supporting Fund, etc., for the transport of medical volunteers (doctors and nurses) and medical supplies. Not content with just allowing his boats to be used he also took a keen interest in the work of Elsie Inglis and the womans hospital, visiting Serbia, where he insisted on humble lodgings and was renowned for his humility and modesty. .In addition to visiting many hospitals, where he encouraged doctors, nurses and soldiers, he found time to attend traditional fairs and to take a part in blackberry gathering and fishing. Sir Thomas Lipton was proclaimed an honorary citizen of the city of Niš.
Lipton even made the cover of Time magazine during 1924. He was knighted in 1901. Sir Thomas Lipton passed away on 2nd October 1931 in London and is buried alongside his parents and siblings in Glasgow's Southern Necropolis, his grave, like the man himself, a humble, simple understated affair, he bequeathed the majority of his fortune to his native city of Glasgow, including his yachting trophies, which are now on display at the Kelvingrove Gallery.
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canary0 · 1 year
May 5 - Dracula 2023
The morning’s mist has faded, and despite the sun being high in the sky, I can’t tell whether the jagged spires on the horizon are built of mountain peaks or trees. It’s so distant that it just melds into a distant faded blue. I won’t be called upon until I wake, so I will write until I’m finally sleepy. It’s been a very strange day, and it wasn’t like the other day where I can point to paprika as the culprit of any strange imaginings. The evening before I left, I had frigărui, Romanian-style kebabs with beef, bacon, onion, and capsicum, so it wasn’t anything too rich or spicy.
When I went to meet the bus, the driver was outside, speaking to some of the hotel staff. They kept glancing toward me, so I can only assume that they were talking about me. The others waiting for it got into the talk, as well. It was mostly the older members of the group – the few young people didn’t seem to have much interest in the conversation. If I’m not mistaken, I spotted a few eye rolls.
I didn’t catch everything that was said, but a quick translate search turned up some less than comforting responses. Among other words were “ordog” and “pokol” – “devil” and “hell” in Hungarian, and “vlkoslak” – “werewolf” in Serbian, Slovak, and Slovenian. Their manner was one of utmost seriousness, which is troubling to say the least. The young people didn’t seem to believe it from their mannerisms, but it did make me wonder if something is happening out here to make the elders think in terms of werewolves so apparently sincerely. I will have to ask the Count about the situation.
As I got onto the bus the group, that had swelled more than expected, crossed themselves and pointed two fingers for me. I asked what they were doing, and after a bit of prodding and finding out I was English and totally unfamiliar with the gesture, and it was explained that it was a guard against the evil eye. I think they were trying to guard me from it, since their expressions ranged from fear to genuine sympathy and sorrow. Given I was going to be going to an unknown place to meet an unknown man, it drained my confidence about the trip even further. I couldn’t help but be touched by their concern, though. I will never forget the last sight I had of them, sitting in the bus and looking out at the group, set against a backdrop of the oleander and orange trees near the hotel’s entrance.
The dark implications were quickly wiped from my mind as we took off, though. I still noticed a few glances my way, and if I had known the languages those around me spoke quietly in, I likely wouldn’t have been able to shake off the mood so easily if I could have understood what I was hearing. We were heading into the foothills, and it was emerald green and covered in forests and fields. Some of the hills were topped with little farmhouses or clusters of trees, and there were so many fruit blossoms I couldn’t identify all of them as we passed. The grass under the trees looked like it was covered in little snow drifts of petals that ranged from pure white to nearly electric pink.
The road was winding and seemed to disappear around every hill and dip in and out of the pine forests that ran down the hillsides like tongues of flame. After the wildfires that seem to have become more and more common as the years have gone on, I can only hope they won’t eventually become literal tongues of flame.
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Photo by Andrei Calin from Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/photos/mountain-sunset-tihuta-nature-2791233/)
The road was rough, but that didn’t seem to slow down the driver, who took us along the winding curves with all haste to get to Prundu Bârgăului. There were even a few curves that made me nervous with the height of the bus and the forces as we went around, as well as the road that hadn’t been fixed up since this year’s snow. I’ve been told this road is normally excellent. There was a time in history, I read, where they wouldn’t keep the roads through the Carpathians in order, as a peacekeeping method. Fixing up the road might make the very nearby at the time Ottoman Empire think that they were preparing an offensive. I suppose, with the tradition in place, that really would have been the reason.
Just outside of the little towns and isolated farms, as you look up, forests begin to fill the land as they climb up toward the peaks of the mountains. The afternoon sun lit them up in all their colors – green and brown on the hillsides, blue and purple where the crags hid the mountain faces from the sun. the snowy peaks rose further above that in the distance, almost looking like especially stark clouds from the way the mountains faded into a paler blue in the distance. Every once in a while the sun lit on the reflection of running water where a stream of melted snow cut through the rock with the arrival of spring.
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Photo by Vitaliy UA from Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/photos/zhtvE8s2Hxo)
One of the other passengers got my attention and pointed to an unusual flat formation that rose high among the mountains. “Look! Isten széke!” He said. Connection was well lost by then, so I’m not sure what it meant, but he crossed himself when he said it, so there must be some connection to religion.
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Photo by Kántor Lajos in Wikimedia Commons (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Isten_sz%C3%A9ke.jpg)
We had headed out quite late, and as the hour wore on, it seemed like twilight came early. The sun dipped below the peaks, its rays lighting up the snow that still capped the mountains in a delicate pink, link the fruit blossoms before. In the low light, I could see sights that were new to me – hay bales lifted into trees, and copses of weeping birch, their silvery bark seeming to shin in the low light between the leaves that hung about them, bright green in their newness. There were a few small religious shrines on the side of the road, which seemed almost always occupied with a person. The people at each one didn’t even look up when vehicles passed, seeming lost in their devotion. I mentioned to another passenger how I wish I had the opportunity between my work to take a walk through the hills, and the man turned to me and gave the least smile-like smile I had seen on a person, an upturn of the lips that didn’t meet the eyes paired with a voice that bore grim finality. “No… you must not walk here. The dogs are too fierce… and you may have enough of such matters before you sleep.
He glanced at those nearby and received similarly humorless chuckles in turn.
As the sun dipped further, the driver accelerated, and I couldn’t help but wonder if the speed we were going was legal on roads like these. The bus lurched stressfully around curves, and the older riders seemed to lack any concern for it, glancing out the window and urging the driver faster, it seemed like, if anything. I gripped the seat ahead of me, my teeth clenched as I gave a silent prayer that the bus didn’t overbalance entirely around the next tight curve. As we went, despite the lack of stability, some of the passengers offered me a variety of strange gifts… or rather, they gave them to me, since the offer seemed to include no room for argument. Always with a ward against the evil eye, like at the hotel before.
The clouds had gathered thick and fast as we traveled, which may be why it seemed that night came so quickly – it was like midnight not long after dusk, and only the headlights of the bus lit the darkness. Many of the riders seemed to peer out intently into the darkness as if expecting something, but I couldn’t see much of anything in the deep shadow.
Finally, the headlights lit upon a pale track and the bus rolled to a stop, but the driver didn’t turn off the engine. The driver muttered something in Romanian and checked his phone and the clock on the front console of the bus. He turned toward me, as I was sitting at the very front, just to his side. “It seems that your vehicle isn’t here. It is fine, I will be happy to take you on to Bucovina-”
His statement was interrupted by the appearance of a calèche – an actual honest-to-goodness horse-drawn carriage like you might see carrying tourists around London, but with four horses instead of one, a lantern hanging from a hook on it. The passengers gasped, some crossed themselves, and some seemed as confused as I was. The bus driver sucked in a breath through his teeth that I could hear from my seat and tensed as though bracing himself for the unmoving bus to ram into the thing. The horses, where they waited in the headlights, were deep black and elegant creatures, and would have blended into the darkness if not for the bus. The carriage was driven by a man with a long brown beard and a wide-brimmed black hat that concealed his face. I only got a brief glance at his eyes, bright and the sort of unusual shade of brown that looks red in the right light.
He rapped on the door of the bus and the driver opened it, moving down the short stairs with trepidation. I could hear their conversation, as close as I was to the door, and see them as they stood in the night.
The tall man who drove the coach spoke first. “You’re early tonight, my friend.”
“Th-the Englishman was i-in a hurry,” the driver replied, body even more stiff than when he braced on the bus, now looking like a rabbit ready to bolt at the sound of a wolf.
“That is why, I suppose, you wished him to go on to Bucovina. You cannot deceive me, my friend; I know too much, and my horses are swift.” He grinned, or bared teeth, at least. And what teeth. Deeply white enough to gleam even in the darkness, the light reflection almost making them look sharp, set in a mouth with deep red lips.
Across from me, I heard an older man murmur a line from Burger’s “Lenore”:
“-denn die Todten reiten schnell.” “For the dead travel fast.”
The carriage driver seemed to overhear him, because he looked up, straight at the passenger, and smiled. The man shrank back in his seat and went silent. He turned back to his conversation with the bus driver, instructing him to give him my luggage.
As the bus driver opened the underbelly of the bus and took out my bags, I disembarked from the vehicle and stepped up the to carriage, which had gotten surprisingly close to the bus. It was a little awkward, since I had only ever seen one of these, and never ridden in one. The driver reached down with a grip like a tempered steel band.
The bus shifted into gear nearby once I was settled and returned to its route through the night. I could briefly see the faces of some of the passengers backlit in the windows as they rode away before the interior lights turned off. A few of them did the sign warding against the evil eye one last time before it disappeared into the night. When it did, a lonely feeling came over me, intensified by the fact that I couldn’t help but be struck by the enormous kindness of the people here.
A chill came over me with their disappearance, but the driver draped a cloak over my shoulder on top of my coat and a warm blanket over my lap. “The night is chill, sir, and my master the Count bade me take all care of you. There is a flask of slivovitz underneath the seat, if you should require it.” Slivovitz is a plum brandy of the country, and while I had hoped to try it at some point during my trip, it seemed wise to keep as much heat internal rather than external as I could. Besides, with the tension and such a strange situation, a clear head seemed the wiser course. Fear held onto me, and I wondered what would have happened if I really had simply continued on the bus to Bucovina… But who knows what would have happened then.
The driver went hard on the horses and we rode relatively rapidly along the dirt track that headed out into the hills. It went a long way in one way, then we turned along another long track and continued. There’s an old joke that two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts do. I made note of a landmark, a vividly red peony, standing out to me and reminding me of the coachman’s eyes as it caught the light. In a while, we did indeed come by it again, confirming my suspicions. We were going in circles.
We must have been doing it for hours, as it was close to midnight when I finally risked running down the battery to check my phone for the time. I tucked it away and looked around, waiting in the rattling, bouncing conveyance with trepidation. Perhaps the days events were clinging to my mind.
Soon, a dog in the distance sent up a howl. Then another joined it. One by one, more howls joined until the land itself seemed to be raising a wail to the heavens. The horses began to strain and rear in a panic but the driver seemed to be able to quiet them down. I couldn’t help but notice their trembling, though. Then another howl picked up, sharper and different somehow. Is this what wolves sounded like? I had never heard a wolf howl before, and it seemed a wholly different thing from a mere dog’s howl. It awakened a primordial fear ion me, and I felt as ready as the horses to bolt. They seemed to panic, and the driver did everything he could to keep them from bolting. Keeping them under control was a feat of effort that needed the kind of strength I’d felt in his hand.
He managed it, and then got down to pet and soothe them once they were relatively still. Once they were still, we took off again once more, this time taking a much smaller track sharply to the right off the dirt road – or series of roads – we had traversed until now. We had to be heading up into the mountains, because those forests I had seen in the distance were now hemming in all around us, creating a tunnel of wood and occasionally great rocks on either side of the coach. The wind grew as it does up a mountain, and a fine snow soon began to fall, making me pull the cloak tighter around me. Whether it was from fear or cold more I’m not sure, because the sound of the wolves now grew louder while the howling of the dogs faded away behind us.
Suddenly, I saw a blue flame off to the left, and the driver suddenly stopped us and hopped out onto the road, disappearing into the darkness almost immediately. I heard the wolves coming closer and wondered for a moment what he was thinking just leaving the horses and myself behind, but he soon reappeared and we were off again. I wonder if I fell asleep at that point, because it seemed like it happened many more times, over and over, as if in a loop.
One time he stopped at one close enough that I could see what was going on somewhat by the lamplight. He built a small caern at the location where the flame appeared and… I think they must be some sort of optical illusion, because at one time he was standing before the flame and I could see it through him. I suspect the night had gone on too long and frayed my nerves too thin at that point.
Of course, that is not to say they could not be shaken further. At one point, he went much farther away, and the horses became much more alarmed than before. They reared and screamed, and I didn’t know why until the moon emerged from behind a tall, jagged rock, illuminating the surroundings. The wolves, which had gone silent when I was paying more attention to the coachman’s strange activities, now surrounded us. They were graceful, moving silently in the night, all the more frightening for their silence.
As the moon lit on their fur, it almost seemed to have an effect on them – they let out a long howl. It was a beautiful, mournful sound that froze my heart to ice in terror. We were surrounded – the horses clearly wanted to bolt but could not. Their rearing and rattling of the calèche broke me out of my frozen state, at least, and I shouted into the woods for the coachman, and beat on the side of the vehicle to perhaps scare the wolves into backing away a little to give them a way in.
It seemed my efforts were unneeded, however. He appeared down the road and spoke to the wolves in an imperious tone, making a sweeping gesture before him. The wolves seemed to be cowed and backed away farther and farther. The wind obscured the moon behind heavy cloud cover again, and I was left in blackness again. The driver soon climbed into the calèche again and the horses were driven forward again without incident, the wolves apparently gone.
We went up and up, only dipping briefly in deference to the natural shape of mountains, interminably to the point where I lost track of time. It seemed to me like it should have been dawn long before, but stress and the strange choice of conveyance had clearly made the trip seem much longer than it was. I was starting to understand why it was a calèche. I doubt many motorized vehicles could have gone the way we were.
Eventually, I came out of the fog of endless rattling, rising terrain, and into the realization that the coachman was pulling us into the courtyard of an ancient, ruined castle. We were above the clouds now, it seemed, but even with the shine of the moon, the castle was dark. No light shined from its windows, and its crumbling towers stretched into the sky, as spire to match the grand and terrifying peaks that surrounded it.
I suspect what I thought was mere mental fog must have been sleep from physical and mental exhaustion, because otherwise I certainly would have seen a place like this approach. Or perhaps I did, and I simply mistook it from one of the grand formations of rock around us, a monument to the forces of the earth. Even the courtyard seemed large, with many exits that went under round archways. It was difficult to tell the size in the darkness.
The coachman helped me down – and once again, I noticed the unyielding strength of his hand that could have crushed mine whenever he wishes – and took my bags down. Once again, he alighted on the calèche and drove it away, leaving me before the door to the castle.
The door itself was massive and of ancient wood, with iron nails driven into it. A massive stone frame ensconced it that looked like it had once been elaborately carved, but time and the cutting wind of the mountains had worn it down. The whole thing was built on a scale that suggested something much larger than a mere human, an entrance for some titan.
I wasn’t quite sure what to do – there was no bell or knocker, my voice wouldn’t likely penetrate the thick stone walls, and I doubted I could move the heavy wood and iron door myself. I was left only with the cold, the silence except for the wind, and my own thoughts.
What had I gotten myself into, and with whom? Was this some right of passage for a solicitor’s clerk – strange ordeals to see strange clients for what should be a mundane legal matter?
Clerk… No, I was a full solicitor now. Mina wouldn’t want me to sell myself short. And Mina… what I wouldn’t have given at that moment to be able to call and hear her voice. But this adventure had left me truly alone up here – more alone than I realized I had ever been. I’ve been surrounded by connections my entire life, held them in my hand. And now… nothing. Just me, the mountains, and a dark castle, as though the rest of the world had simply ceased to exist.
I thought for a moment I was having a terrible nightmare, but a pinch didn’t lead me to wake up at home. All I could do was wait.
Just as the thought came upon me, I picked up the sound of movement. Heavy footsteps – and light! That had come to feel like a precious resources tonight. The clanking of heavy chains and the scrape of stubborn iron bolts sounded behind the heavy door. Something creaked and then there was a sharp clack as an old lock finally gave. The ancient timber groaned as it moved in what sounded like the first time in ages.
Revealed as the door swung back was a tall man, old, his long, white mustache his only facial hair. He was dressed from head to toe in black. There was not a single spot of color on his entire outfit. He was wholly monochrome, the ancient silver lantern in his hand the only hint at anything about him not wholly black or white. When he spoke it was in English, in an odd tone.
“Welcome to my house! Enter freely and of your own will!” He stood entirely still after he spoke, as if he had turned to stone. It was eerie, much like the odd specificity of his statement. It wasn’t easing my mind further, to be sure.
Once I stepped over the threshold, he became more animate, reaching out to take my hand once I had put down my bags. The stone analogy only seemed more apropos when he did – his hand was enormously strong and very cold. He seemed like a man made of marble. When I type that out here, I can’t shake off the memory of a story in a horror anthology about a lily being turned to marble.
“Welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring!” he said again, and his handshake brought to mind the coachman and the strength in his hands. I had to confirm, and asked, “Count Dracula?”
He nodded. “I am Dracula; and I bid you welcome, Mr. Harker, to my house. Come in; the night air is chill, and you must need to eat and rest,” he said as he put his lamp in a bracket on the wall and picked up my luggage. I didn’t have time to stop him, but he clearly noticed what I meant by stepping forward and holding my hand out. His words brushed off my aborted effort, though. “Nay, sir, you are my guest. It is late, and my people are not available. Let me see to your comfort myself.”
I wanted to protest further, but it seemed rude past that insistence. I followed along behind him through a passage, then up a winding staircase upward, and down a long passage again. Our footsteps echoed on the stone all around wherever we went with nothing to soften the sound of our passing. He pushed open a heavy door, and behind it was what felt like the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.
A warm, well-lit room, with dinner set out and cheerily burning logs within the fireplace. After everything else that has gone on tonight, I could have cried to see it.
He inclined his head courteously to me. “You will need, after your journey, to refresh yourself by changing. I trust you will find all you wish. When you are ready, come into the other room, where you will find your supper prepared.”
I was so relieved by everything here that my fears were dispelled for the moment, and I changed quickly and went to the room he’d indicated. When I arrived, dinner was already laid out, and the Count stood to one side of the fireplace. He gestured to the tabled. “Please, have a seat and dine as you please. I have already eaten, so you will forgive me if I do not join you.”
I didn’t sit down just yet – instead, I brought out the letter Mr. Hawkins had entrusted me to deliver. The count read it solemnly, then smiled and handed it back for me to read as well. Looking it over curiously, I was pleased to see one passage in particular.
“I must regret that an attack of gout, from which malady I am a constant sufferer, forbids absolutely any traveling on my part for some time to come; but I am happy to say I can send a sufficient substitute, one in whom I have every possible confidence. He is a young man, full of energy and talent in his own way, and of a very faithful disposition. He is discreet and silent, and has grown into manhood in my service. He shall be ready to attend on you when you will during his stay, and shall take your instructions in all matters.”
Once that was read, the Count took off the lid of my supper, with turned out to be of exquisite quality. A whole roast chicken, cheese, a salad, and a bottle of sweet Tokaji wine. I had two glasses, which went very well with the rest of the food and admittedly did some to calm my feelings further after this evening’s harrowing journey. He asked me many questions about my journey, and I shared all I could with him; though after the veiled threat of his coachman to the bus driver, I may have left out some of the actions of the people I’d encountered that might cause them trouble.
Now that I had a chance to look at him, he was very unique in his features. A strong jaw and a thing, aquiline nose, with thicker hair than I might expect from someone of his apparent age. His ears and teeth almost looked pointed, and he had quite thin lips, though very red, which reminded me again of the coachman. His cheeks were very thing, and between that and his very cold hands, I had to wonder if he had been ill in some way.
His nails were cut to a point, and when he reached over and touch my hand, the mood of the evening before made me shiver, thinking of the damage sharp nails and strong hands could do. He apparently noticed and drew back with a grim sort of smile, settling into silence for a while.
Eventually, the sound of wolves echoed up through the window from the valley below, and I glanced at the window, the image of them surrounding the coach rising vividly to mind. He seemed to notice the change in the direction of my gaze. His eyes lit up, and he said, “Listen to them—the children of the night. What music they make!”
I swallowed, not sure what to say. It was beautiful, genuinely, but haunting… and I had certainly had enough of that feeling for the night. He picked up on my mood – if nothing else, he is certainly observant. “Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter.” He rose. “But you must be tired. Your bedroom is all ready, and to-morrow you shall sleep as late as you will. I have to be away till the afternoon; so sleep well and dream well!”
With that, he left for an octagonal room, and I went into my bedroom and set up something I got before I went, when Mr. Hawkins warned me that there likely wouldn’t been much in the way of electricity up here – a small solar generator, and some panels I can set up on the window sill, or hang from the window, perhaps. It will let me continue to charge my laptop, at least, so I can keep writing this and do the electronic portion of my work for the Count.
This day has been all too strange, and going over it again in my mind, I can’t help the fear from before that rises back again on the reminder of it all. I wonder, and my thoughts are strange – things I dare not admit to my own soul.
I hope I can keep it together, if only for the sake of those dear to me.
(A/N: Oh my god, that was a lot… especially for how little really changed between this and the book. Dracula is a bit stuck in the past… and with the location of the castle, it would be a gigantic pain to get gas up there, so he still uses the caleche. I rather enjoy how bizarre it is to a modern mind.
I think it’s appropriate for Jon’s connection to the outside world and ability to sort out his thoughts (and keep his sanity) is now powered by the sun.
I did my best to put all this in my own words. The only thing super unchanged are Dracula's lines and some descriptions that were too vital to the ambiance not to use. Because Dracula's an unaging undead creature and you gotta have vibes.)
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2022/11/12 Como nos dió hambre, fuimos a una terraza a comer. Mi amiguita pidió paella y calamares y yo pedí lasaña y huevos fritos con bacon y patatas fritas.
As we got hungry, we went to a terrace to eat. My girlfriend ordered paella and calamari and I ordered lasagna and fried eggs with bacon and chips.
Google translation into Italian: Siccome avevamo fame, andammo a mangiare su una terrazza. La mia ragazza ha ordinato paella e calamari e io ho ordinato lasagne e uova fritte con pancetta e patatine.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Como ficámos com fome, fomos a uma esplanada comer. Minha namorada pediu paella e lula e eu pedi lasanha e ovos fritos com bacon e batatas fritas.
Google Translation into French: Comme nous avions faim, nous sommes allés manger sur une terrasse. Ma copine a commandé de la paella et des calamars et j'ai commandé des lasagnes et des œufs au plat avec du bacon et des frites.
Google Translation into Arabic: عندما كنا جائعين ، ذهبنا لتناول الطعام على الشرفة. طلبت صديقتي الباييلا والكالاماري وأمرت اللازانيا والبيض المقلي مع لحم الخنزير المقدد والبطاطا المقلية.
Google Translation into German: Da wir hungrig waren, gingen wir auf einer Terrasse essen. Meine Freundin bestellte Paella und Calamari und ich bestellte Lasagne und Spiegeleier mit Speck und Pommes.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Si ishim të uritur shkuam për të ngrënë në një tarracë. E dashura ime porositi paella dhe calamari dhe unë porosita lazanja dhe vezë të skuqura me proshutë dhe patate të skuqura.
Google Translation into Armenian: Քանի որ քաղցած էինք, գնացինք կտուր ուտելու։ Իմ ընկերուհին պատվիրեց պաելլա և կալամարի, իսկ ես պատվիրեցի լազանյա և տապակած ձու բեկոնով և չիփսով:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Като бяхме гладни отидохме да хапнем на една тераса. Приятелката ми поръча паеля и калмари, а аз лазаня и пържени яйца с бекон и чипс.
Google Translation into Czech: Protože jsme měli hlad, šli jsme se najíst na terasu. Moje přítelkyně si objednala paellu a kalamáry a já lasagne a smažená vejce se slaninou a hranolky.
Google Translation into Slovak: Keďže sme boli hladní, išli sme sa najesť na terasu. Moja priateľka si objednala paellu a kalamáre a ja som si objednal lasagne a vyprážané vajcia so slaninou a hranolkami.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Ker sva bila lačna sva šla jest na teraso. Moja punca je naročila paello in kalamare, jaz pa lazanjo in ocvrta jajca s slanino in čipsom.
Google Translation into Suomi: Kun olimme nälkäisiä, menimme syömään terassille. Tyttöystäväni tilasi paellaa ja calamaria ja minä tilasin lasagnea ja paistettuja munia pekonilla ja siruilla.
Google Translation into Greek: Καθώς πεινούσαμε πήγαμε να φάμε σε μια βεράντα. Η κοπέλα μου παρήγγειλε παέγια και καλαμάρι και εγώ λαζάνια και τηγανητά αυγά με μπέικον και πατατάκια.
Google Translation into Dutch: Omdat we honger hadden zijn we op een terrasje gaan eten. Mijn vriendin bestelde paella en calamares en ik bestelde lasagne en gebakken eieren met spek en patat.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Da vi var sultne, gikk vi for å spise på en terrasse. Kjæresten min bestilte paella og calamari og jeg bestilte lasagne og stekte egg med bacon og chips.
Google Translation into Polish: Ponieważ byliśmy głodni, poszliśmy zjeść na tarasie. Moja dziewczyna zamówiła paellę i kalmary, a ja zamówiłem lasagne i jajka sadzone z bekonem i frytkami.
Google Translation into Romanian: Cum ne era foame ne-am dus sa mancam pe o terasa. Prietena mea a comandat paella si calamari iar eu am comandat lasagna si oua prajite cu bacon si chipsuri.
Google Translation into Russian: Поскольку мы были голодны, мы пошли поесть на террасе. Моя девушка заказала паэлью и кальмары, а я заказал лазанью и яичницу с беконом и чипсами.
Google Translation into Serbian: Пошто смо били гладни, отишли ​​смо да једемо на тераси. Моја девојка је наручила паелу и лигње, а ја лазање и пржена јаја са сланином и чипсом.
Google Translation into Swedish: När vi var hungriga gick vi och åt på en terrass. Min flickvän beställde paella och bläckfisk och jag beställde lasagne och stekta ägg med bacon och chips.
Google Translation into Turkish: Acıktığımız için terasta yemek yemeye gittik. Kız arkadaşım paella ve kalamar sipariş etti ve ben lazanya ve pastırma ve cips ile sahanda yumurta sipariş ettim.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Оскільки ми були голодні, то пішли їсти на терасу. Моя дівчина замовила паелью та кальмари, а я замовив лазанью та яєчню з беконом та чіпсами.
Google Translation into Bengali: ক্ষুধার্ত থাকায় আমরা একটা ছাদে খেতে গেলাম। আমার বান্ধবী পায়েলা এবং ক্যালামারি অর্ডার করেছিল এবং আমি বেকন এবং চিপসের সাথে লাসাগনা এবং ভাজা ডিমের অর্ডার দিয়েছিলাম।
Google Translation into Chinese: 因为我们饿了,所以我们去露台上吃饭。 我的女朋友点了西班牙海鲜饭和鱿鱼,我点了烤宽面条和煎鸡蛋配培根和薯条。
Google Translation into Korean: 배고파서 테라스로 식사를 하러 갔습니다. 내 여자 친구는 빠에야와 오징어를 주문했고 나는 베이컨과 칩을 곁들인 라자냐와 계란 후라이를 주문했습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: כשהיינו רעבים הלכנו לאכול במרפסת. חברה שלי הזמינה פאייה וקלמרי ואני הזמנתי לזניה וביצים מטוגנות עם בייקון וצ'יפס.
Google Translation into Hindi: भूख लगने पर हम छत पर खाना खाने चले गए। मेरी प्रेमिका ने पाएला और कैलामारी का आदेश दिया और मैंने बेकन और चिप्स के साथ लसग्ना और तले हुए अंडे का आदेश दिया।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Karena kami lapar, kami pergi makan di teras. Pacar saya memesan paella dan cumi dan saya memesan lasagna dan telur goreng dengan bacon dan keripik.
Google Translation into Japanese: お腹がすいたので、テラスで食事をしました。 私のガールフレンドはパエリアとイカを注文し、私はラザニアと目玉焼きとベーコンとチップスを注文しました。
Google Translation into Malay: Kerana kami lapar kami pergi makan di teres. Teman wanita saya memesan paella dan cumi dan saya memesan lasagna dan telur goreng dengan bacon dan kerepek.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਭੁੱਖ ਲੱਗਣ ਕਾਰਨ ਅਸੀਂ ਛੱਤ 'ਤੇ ਖਾਣਾ ਖਾਣ ਚਲੇ ਗਏ। ਮੇਰੀ ਪ੍ਰੇਮਿਕਾ ਨੇ ਪੇਲਾ ਅਤੇ ਕੈਲਾਮਾਰੀ ਦਾ ਆਰਡਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਅਤੇ ਮੈਂ ਬੇਕਨ ਅਤੇ ਚਿਪਸ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਸਗਨਾ ਅਤੇ ਤਲੇ ਹੋਏ ਅੰਡੇ ਦਾ ਆਰਡਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: لکه څنګه چې موږ وږی وو موږ په چت کې د خوړلو لپاره لاړو. زما ملګرې پایلا او کالاماري امر وکړ او ما د بیکن او چپس سره لاسګنا او غوړ شوي هګۍ امر وکړ.
Google Translation into Persian: چون گرسنه بودیم رفتیم توی تراس غذا بخوریم. دوست دخترم پائلا و کالاماری و من لازانیا و تخم مرغ سرخ شده با بیکن و چیپس سفارش دادم.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Dahil gutom na kami ay kumain kami sa may terrace. Ang aking kasintahan ay nag-order ng paella at calamari at ako ay nag-order ng lasagna at piniritong itlog na may bacon at chips.
Google Translation into Thai: เมื่อเราหิวเราก็ไปทานอาหารที่ระเบียง แฟนของฉันสั่งปาเอยาและป���าหมึก ส่วนฉันสั่งลาซานญ่าและไข่ดาวกับเบคอนและมันฝรั่งทอด
Google Translation into Urdu: بھوک لگنے سے ہم ایک ٹیرس پر کھانا کھانے چلے گئے۔ میری گرل فرینڈ نے پیلا اور کیلاماری کا آرڈر دیا اور میں نے بیکن اور چپس کے ساتھ لسگنا اور فرائی انڈوں کا آرڈر دیا۔
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How do I describe what I like about Chicago? It all comes to me as a mix of scenes, watching the storefronts switch from Guatemalan to Korean to Yemeni walking east to west along Lawrence, seeing the flows of crowds of college students leaving and entering the bars on Lincoln Ave, waiting for the last Metra train of the night in a 24-hour diner right next to the tracks--and these are hardly idiosyncratic experiences in any real city (author's note: I'm not sure if either SF, DC, or Seattle are real cities)
Some of it must be a matter of familiarity -- the streets of cities west of the Rockies are all too damn wide, while all the streets in cities on the East Coast are either too damn tiny or are near-freeways. Some of it comes from the comfort of the building heights -- there's not much for suburban single family housing on the north side, especially as you get near the lake; even the more suburban areas are more likely to be 3-4 story walk-ups. Even though I live a good few miles north of city center, I'm still in a mid-rise apartment building and can see several such buildings out my window.
Some of it is certainly food -- I've not had a proper gyro (where the edges of the meat are crisp and crackly and the inside is thick and wet and spiced) outside of here and it's certainly much easier to find a restaurant that'll serve a half-pound of decent meat here than in Boston, Seattle or SF (also, Chicago's meat foods, like the Polish sausage or Italian beef knock any local meat-between-bread meal out of the park, go suck on your cheesesteaks, Philly). And there feels like there's more options for different cuisines here than anywhere not-NYC -- I really like being able to have a Cuban place and a Serbian place and a Kazakh place and a Nepalese place within a few miles! This isn't even for a lack of good American food -- the burgers here are a significant notch above the Bay, the fried chicken and barbecue are the best you'll get in a Northern city, and I even found a hole-in-the-wall breakfast place that opens at 7am and serves a five egg omelette with bacon and cheese, side of potatoes and rye for under $15!
Some of it has to do with the ease of walking around, people like to make Chicago out to be a dangerous city, and it is dangerous, in the way cities are and suburbs are not, but things feel far more demarcated than they ever were in Boston or the East Bay. I know the local hotspots from just reading reddit (Hermosa, Cragin, Lawndale, largely, for a north-sider, southside is more complicated but I can round it off to "anywhere >1mi from the river and not Hyde Park" and be done with it). In Boston, none of it made any goddamn sense, even just walking up Neponset/Dorchester Ave from Quincy -- things were certainly fine in North Quincy, got sus as I crossed the river, got worse and worse as I went north until I hit the Indochinese district just a bit south of UMass -- and then somehow things get worse again as I approach Andrew, but north of Andrew is completely fine?!! What gives? At least on Chicago I know that outside of the Milwaukee Ave sitch, things generally get worse as you go west and south. Simple as. East Bay, nobody seemed to talk about it, or assumed that if there was ever a problem, the problem was with YOU. So I got some weird signals west of MLK (except for the area near Tamaleria Azteca and Al-Maida, those places are goated), couldn't pick up any new info, there wasn't anything around I was interested in seeing, so I just gave up and learned the areas on Telegraph as well as I could.
A large part of it has to do with the night-scene--there's food-places open after 10pm here, that aren't even bars! What a wild world, coming from Boston and the Bay! More than that, they're often even open after midnight in the hotter areas--what bounty being able to choose if I want pizza, tacos, or a Polish around 1am on a night-walk!
I don't know why I like it here, but I do.
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zooterchet · 4 months
John Warren Freemasonic Temple
Issue Assigned: Gun Control.
Prerogative Reason: Columbine, shootings inspired by the murder of a Turkish Jewess, with sniper rifle.
Profile Identified: Kip Kinkel, earmarked as Uri Geller, Mossad MI-6.
Education: Tiger Mantis Pasha, sold to Israeli government for $30,000 dollars by father; reason, debt on Chevrolet Impala, in Saigon.
Yeltsin Russia: Town founder ally of Hopkins, the Ludlows; Elizabethan, "Bailey". Carlin Sarkesian, found on toilet, covered in feces and semen, three Uziel machine pistols and one Armalite Colt Commando recovered; prior having marched, through Hopkinton Highschool, having summoned Ashley Fayden and Afton Pavletic, viewed as lesbian by Sonya Savdie at Holocaust Museum in New York City.
Netanyahu Israel: MUSH developer Alex Fleming, having opposed playership of "Rajura Doji", as Yakuza takeover of Japan, "Attack of the Clones"; played by "Mini-Peebo", 2003, the seizure of character as played superior. "Rungo" summoned, to hunt "Amano", Yakuza thieves dojo code, implanted into Hawaiian Navy, US Navy Coastal Defense of Megaman MUSH. Observed of police officers, having dumped own lunches unfinished, into dumpsters, in violation of OSHA code of local state.
Elizabethan Holland: Matthew Lennox, having joined High Times magazine coalition, against Reese, Doyle, and Elders, supporting Taylors and Colellas, favored for Charlebois family to support Hopkinton EON Gast, against forces of Elizabethans, Ludlows, "Spider"; print of common comics. Marine Corps elements, pinned down, in non-payer commune medicine, outside of Obama Care (ACA), through separate bankers brokers of Baker administration; found in sales of Oxycontins and Chlorozenpine, attempting to duplicate agent outside of police chief assistance.
Persian Mossad: Michael Charlebois, having sought to make son heterosexual in terms of "The Simpsons", episode marked and frauded to reveal as Anthony Parziale, common figure partnered to FBI agent Danielle Murr, on Clearchannel; Arkansas greater south radio, out of George W. Bush's office; offered as a clear tell, in cards, to reveal Bill Clinton as Little Rock killer, at expense of own reputation. Dr. Joshua Golden, as having purveyed Jewish practice, outside of FBI's knowledge, with son reporting for "Ashland News", felonious claims outside of Ashland's jurisdiction, by prior orders of assassin.
Israeli Defense Forces: Eric Frein of Christian Identity Disorder, alias "Har Rosen", hunted by Alexandra Rhzanova, married name, through Matthew Lennox, Brian Monaghan, and David Charlebois; covered at FOX, through Sagat family, Kara Williamson, "Crux", given assassins muster to hunt all IDF Holocaust Museum historians, at arrest given hunts of police having been victims of genocide of Germany, and Italy, smoking marijuana as depicted by Harmony Korine; "swing kids", Jews, just like you.
Elie Wiesel: Theft of semen of DEA operative Zach Savell, given return of child to Savell family, Alfonse y Aragorn, inventor of roast beef and source of first democratically elected leader of world history, Barack Hussein Obama; al-Saffah, "the butcher", returning whiskey and pork to Middle East; clean Malay bitters, Jim Beam, the Fahds, and bacon pulled foot, the cold cuts; frying pans apparent in colloquiam, the answer to Uthman, Aragorn's line. Elie Wiesel, hunted at stadium parliament apartment, by George Soros, for theft of semen from David Charlebois, through Serbian dominatrix. A disturbance in the Force. The Emperor, Matthew Lennox, is displeased. But perhaps, something can be made of the child.
0 notes
vegi1 · 1 year
Celebrities Who Are Vegetarians
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Those famous folks have waved goodbye to bacon and embraced a veggie-filled lifestyle instead.
It’s cool to see how many celebs are on board with this trend, whether for the love of animals, the planet, or their well-being.
So, get ready to know vegetarian celebrities and jump right in and uncover the A-listers who’ve swapped burgers for veggie burgers.
You might think all athletes are chomping down on burgers and chicken wings, but guess what?
Many of them are celebrities who are vegetarians, so they’re showing us that you don’t need meat to be a total champ!
So, why are athletes diving into the world of vegetarianism? Well, there are a bunch of reasons.
For some, it’s all about the animals. They have these big hearts and can’t bear the thought of chowing down on creatures.
Also, athletes know that a plant-based diet can work wonders for their performance.
1.   Serena Williams
She’s one cool lady who knows how to take care of her body.
Serena Williams, the great tennis champion, embraced vegetarianism a few years back.
She’s all about that healthy lifestyle and staying at the top of her game. Being a superstar athlete, she knows that what she puts into her body plays a crucial role in her performance on the court.
As a celebrity who is a vegetarian, she made the switch to a vegetarian diet to not only improve her overall health but also to enhance her athletic performance.
2.   Lewis Hamilton
Lewis Hamilton, the superstar Formula 1 driver, is a proud vegetarian.
For Lewis, it’s not just about the checkered flag and winning races. He’s a big advocate for animal rights and the environment.
He often talks about how he cares deeply about the welfare of animals and how they are treated in the food industry.
By saying no to meat, he’s taking a stand against factory farming and supporting a more compassionate approach to food.
If you’re curious about trying meat-free meals, you can take a page out of Lewis Hamilton’s book and explore the veggie side of the culinary world.
3.   Venus Williams
Venus decided to go vegetarian back in 2011, and she hasn’t looked back since, which put her on the list of celebrities who are vegetarians.
Health is a big factor for Venus. She has struggled with an autoimmune disease called Sjogren’s syndrome, which can cause fatigue and joint pain.
In her quest for optimal health and to manage her condition, she turned to a vegetarian diet.
She believes cutting meat and focusing on plant-based foods has helped her feel better and stay on top of her game.
4.   Novak Djokovic
Novak Djokovic, the wonderful Serbian tennis star, is indeed a vegetarian. That means he doesn’t munch on any meaty goodies.
It all started in 2007 when he was dealing with some health issues. He was struggling with fatigue and not performing at his best.
So, like any curious person, he started exploring different ways to improve his health and performance.
After some deep diving into the world of nutrition, Novak decided to make a big change and ditch the meat.
He believed a plant-based diet could help him reach new heights in his career. And boy, was he right!
5.   Carl Lewis
Now it’s the time to talk about Carl Lewis and his vegetarian lifestyle.
So, how do some people choose veggies and ditch meat? Carl Lewis, the legendary track and field athlete, is one of those folks.
Carl Lewis, a superstar in the world of sports, is known for his remarkable accomplishments in the Olympics.
He won nine gold medals and set numerous world records in sprinting and long jump events.
He is one fantastic sample of a celebrity who is a vegetarian and successful!
Let’s talk about vegetarianism in the wonderful world of actors! More and more actors are jumping on the veggie bandwagon these days, and it’s pretty awesome.
They have their reasons, ranging from caring about animals to wanting to stay healthy and even saving the planet!
When it comes to animals, many actors can’t bear the thought of chomping down on them. They want to show love and compassion, so they ditch the meat and embrace a vegetarian lifestyle.
1.   Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman is a talented actress known for her roles in movies like “Black Swan” and the “Star Wars” series.
Natalie’s decision to go vegetarian stemmed from her love for animals and her concern for their well-being.
She believes that by following a vegetarian lifestyle, she can contribute to reducing animal cruelty and promoting a more compassionate world.
In interviews, she often mentions how her love for animals significantly influenced her choice to give up meat.
She aims to minimize her ecological footprint by adopting a vegetarian diet and inspiring others to do the same!
2.   Joaquin Phoenix
Another celebrity who is a vegetarian is Joaquin Phoenix!
Joaquin is an amazing actor known for his roles in movies like “Joker” and “Walk the Line,” he’s also quite passionate about animal rights and the environment.
Being a vegetarian means not eating meat, fish, or poultry. Joaquin made this decision when he was just three years old!
Can you believe that? He was with his family on a fishing trip and saw the fish struggling for their lives. It affected him, and he couldn’t eat animals after that.
3.   Woody Harrelson
Woody has been a vegetarian for many years, and he’s got his reasons. First, he’s a big animal lover, which means he cares about the well-being of animals and doesn’t want to contribute to their suffering.
So, by skipping the meat, he’s taking a stand against factory farming and all the not-so-nice stuff that goes on in that industry.
But it’s not just about the animals. Woody also believes vegetarianism is good for his health and the environment.
By eating more plants and less meat, he cares for his body and reduces his carbon footprint. It’s like a win-win situation!
4.   Kristen Bell
Kristen Bell chose to ditch the meat and embrace a vegetarian diet. She decided to say goodbye to all those juicy steaks, crispy bacon, and even those yummy chicken nuggets.
That would make her one of the celebrities who is a vegetarian and can inspire many other non-celebrities to join us!
Instead of meat, she fills her plate with colorful fruits, veggies, grains, and legumes. It’s all about the plant-based goodness for her!
Being a mom to two adorable kids, Kristen Bell wants to set a good example for them when making responsible and compassionate choices.
5.   Alicia Silverstone
Alicia is an American actress, and she’s been a vegetarian for many years. She greatly advocates for animal rights and a healthy, plant-based lifestyle.
She’s passionate about promoting the benefits of vegetarianism, and she even wrote a book called “The Kind Diet” to share her experiences and encourage others to try it out.
In her book, she talks about the different types of plant-based diets, from vegetarian to vegan, and offers advice on how to make the transition smoothly.
Did you know that many singers have joined the veggie party? It’s like music to our ears and veggies to our plates!
Singers are not just belting out tunes but also raising their voices for the environment.
They know the meat industry can hit some sour notes regarding our planet – with all those emissions and deforestation.
By choosing vegetarianism, they’re singing the praises of sustainable living and saying, “Hey Earth, we’re in this together!”
Do you know what’s the most amazing part? They’re using their voices and platform to inspire others to consider a veggie-filled lifestyle too.
1.   Paul McCartney
You probably already know that Paul McCartney is a super-talented musician and one of the legendary members of The Beatles.
Paul has been a vegetarian for quite a long time now, and he’s passionate about it. His vegetarianism journey began in the ’70s when he and his late wife, Linda McCartney, started exploring a meat-free lifestyle.
Thanks to his wife, he is now a great vegetarian celebrity! Who has been a vocal supporter of vegetarianism and animal rights?
His words capture his commitment to raising awareness and encouraging others to make compassionate choices.
2.   Miley Cyrus
Miley has been rocking the vegetarian lifestyle for quite some time now and is passionate about it.
She decided to go vegetarian as a teenager and hasn’t looked back since. Her love for animals and her desire to live a more compassionate life were big factors in her choice.
Miley’s commitment to vegetarianism extends beyond her personal life.
She has collaborated with various animal rights organizations and even received an award from PETA for her dedication to animal welfare.
She’s not just talking the talk; she’s walking the walk and using her influence to make a positive impact.
3.   Ariana Grande
Being a vegetarian means that Ariana avoids eating meat, which includes beef, chicken, pork, and fish. Instead, she focuses on consuming various plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and nuts.
This energetic young singer and a celebrity who is vegetarian has often mentioned in interviews and on social media how her vegetarian diet has positively impacted her life.
She feels it keeps her feeling good physically and brings her a sense of mental and emotional well-being.
It’s amazing how what we put on our plates can have such a profound impact.
4.   Bryan Adams
Picture this: Bryan Adams, the rockstar we all know and love, is not just a talented musician but also a proud vegetarian. You heard it right; he’s all about that plant-based lifestyle.
He’s a big animal lover and feels deep compassion for all creatures. So, one day, he decided to say goodbye to meat and embrace a vegetarian diet.
Since then, Bryan has been actively spreading the word about the benefits of vegetarianism.
Bryan has often mentioned how being a vegetarian has positively impacted his life.
He claims to have more energy, feels healthier overall, and even credits his vegetarian diet for helping him maintain that timeless, youthful rockstar vibe.
5.   Alanis Morissette
Alanis is passionate about animal rights and believes in treating our furry and feathered friends with kindness and compassion. That’s why she decided to ditch meat and adopt a vegetarian way of living.
She believes that by choosing not to consume animals, she’s positively impacting the environment and taking a stand against animal cruelty.
As a vegetarian, Alanis enjoys fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and other plant-based goodies.
She finds creative ways to make delicious and nutritious meals without animal products.
She explores various tasty options, from colorful salads to hearty veggie stir-fries.
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abctrust · 2 years
Norsk somalisk oversetter
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Cabdullaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil ) is a commander in the army of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of the Republic of Somalia.He was militia chief commander of the Juba Valley Alliance … WikipediaĢ008 timeline of the War in Somalia - The timeline of events in the War in Somalia during 2008 is set out below. Serbian (Cyrillic), Serbian (Latin), Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Swahili. Oversetteren forsikrer seg om at original og oversettelse formidler samme innhold samt har samme stil og sjanger. Mongolian (Traditional), Myanmar (Burmese), Nepali, Norwegian, Odia, Pashto. Oversetteren oversetter nyaktig og leser grundig korrektur p eget arbeid. Hvis ikke noe annet er avtalt med kunden, flger de retningslinjene nedenfor. Bruk Lingvanex-applikasjoner til raskt og umiddelbar. NORFAG-oversettere nsker levere oversettelser av hyest mulig kvalitet. Norsk til Somalisk oversettelse av Lingvanex oversettelsesprogramvare vil hjelpe deg f en fulminant oversettelse av ord, uttrykk og tekster fra norsk til Somalisk og mer enn 110 andre sprk. japansk, katalansk, kinesisk, koreansk, kroatisk, latvisk, litauisk, nederlandsk, norsk, polsk, rumensk, russisk, serbisk, slovakisk, slovensk, spansk. Gedo is a region created in 1980 s and is bordered by the Ogaden, the North Eastern Province,… … WikipediaĪbdulahi Sheik Ismael Fara-Tag - Colonel Abdulahi Sheik Ismael (Fara Tag) ( so. Det er enkelt og gratis Lingvanex tilbyr ogs online oversettelse fra Somalisk til norsk. Geedo ) is an administrative region ( gobolka ) formerly part of the historic Upper Juba Region, Somalia. Ereyadii buugga waa la kordhiyey, oo hadda wuxuu ka kooban. Buuggani waa daabacaaddii afraad ee Norsksomali ordbok qaamuuska af-noorwiijiga iyo af-soomaaliga. Han har blant annet arbeidet som tolk og oversetter. Bardere - Karte Somalias Straßenreinigung in Baardheere Baardheere (Somali für „große Palme“, von baar Palme und dheere lang/groß/hoch auch Bardera, Bardhere, Bārđēre oder Bardee … Deutsch Wikipediaīardere - bar|de|re vb., r, de, t (omsvøbe kød med fx bacon inden stegning) … Dansk ordbog Forfatteren, Cismaan Cabdi Guuleed, har bodd i Norge i en rrekke og har gode kunnskaper bde om norsk og sitt morsml somali.
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[road to nowhere]
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wearemag · 6 years
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oceanbaby888 · 3 years
tw: mentions of choking, death, assassinations, suicide.
-Hey yall!!
-Today we are going to talk about the degree theory and how degrees can be analyzed in your chart! The degree theory is a more modern theory in astrology by the late Serbian astrologer Nikola Stojanovic! In this post I am going to break down Nikola's interpretations AND my own thoughts as well because I truly enjoyed studying this topic! Moreover, I am going to make notes of degree analysis from other works as well. Therefore, the bullets in red will represent my personal thoughts about the degrees in astrology. The black bullets will be from the various sources. Sources are also mentioned below:
*= 360 Degrees by Adriano Carelli
- To clarify, I will discuss from Aries-Virgo degrees and the others in a separate post to not make it seriously long.
- Nikola mentions in his book The Degrees Theory: The Secrets of the Exact Astrology that the degree theory applies if one is reading a chart using the placidus house system.
-Nikola also mentions that a degree at which a planet occurs applies for the whole range of said degree (0'00'00" - 0'59'59"). Degrees are in longitude, and there are 60 minutes in a degree.
-There are THIRTY degrees BEGINNING from 0° to 29° for each sign. (30*12=360 degrees in total, which is the entirety of the natal wheel!)
-Nikola claims that each of the degrees (besides the 0°) corresponds to each of the zodiac signs (1° = Aries, 2°= Taurus, 3°=Gemini) and it repeats until the 29th degree.
- Nikola states that this degree represents the very raw, unfiltered energy of the sign and planet it is over. The emphasized characteristics of a sign/planet.
- In my opinion, since this degree represents the purest energy of a sign/planet, I've deduced that people with this degree in multiple planets can possibly rub others the wrong way because of how much they can (possibly) embody the sign/planet of whatever this degree is over. Ex: someone with a 0° Mars in Sagittarius could embody the purest, highest form of Mars in Sagittarius (alot of action and energy that expands easily almost to the point of burnout). So also if you have this degree be mindful of the power it can embody.
THE ARIES DEGREES (1°, 13°, 25°):
To be the first
Angles & corners
Carpenter, builders, construction workers
Engineers: In my opinion I think this is more tailored to civil engineers since Nikola is talking about building with these degrees.
Spicy foods
War, fighting, police officers, firefighters, any occupation that involves uniforms and possibly risking your life.
Brute force
Your head
Yelling. I thought of this when studying. I think yelling is a Martian quality. Because you have to put so much strain and energy and force on your vocal chords
THE TAURUS DEGREES (2°,14°,26°):
Banks, money, wallets, economy
Nature. (Fun Fact: Taurus is not only ruled by Venus, but also the Earth! Makes sense as Taurus is associated with nature, cattle, and anything earthly. Nikola pointed that out lmao.)
Throat, vocal chords
Village: I am thinking of village in the sense that people who mainly live off the land. Farmers comes to mind.
To eat
Fatness, grease, bacon
14° - An oracle worker and or deeply religious individual*
Music. This is because I've noticed this pattern in the charts of the biggest names in music. Stevie Wonder (Taurus Sun), Kandi Burruss (Taurus Sun), Otis Redding (claimed as a Taurus moon & Venus dominant), Lizzo (Taurus Sun), Chris Brown( Taurus Sun. Yeah I know he doesn't have the best rep, but he's musically talented in the industry), James Brown (Taurus Sun), Sam Smith (Taurus Sun), Adele (Taurus Sun)
THE GEMINI DEGREES (3°, 15°, 27°):
Locality. Anything that is not at a far distance.
Things that come in double
Hands, arms
Siblings (Twins)
Means of transportation, streets, traffic
Shop assistant
Names, nicknames
Small/miniature (Makes sense because the opposite of Mercury (small) is Jupiter (big and expanded))
Writing utensils, paper
Newspapers, journalists, books, reading material
Forms of communications (telephones, messaging systems, the Internet, people talking, etc)
Post offices
Radio, TV, broadcasting
Stores, merchants
Stairs, hallways
Literature. People educated in literature.
CANCER DEGREES (4°, 16°, 28°):
The homefront
The land
People of a country, patriotism
Public opinion
Liquids (Any liquid from water to milk to tears to even beer)
Relationships with your family
Comfort zone: Remember my Sun in the 4th house video! The video talks about how the 4th house talks about what is home to us!
Privacy: Look at my video for this one too lol
History, things of the past: Nikola mentions that Capricorn degrees represents old things and history. Yet, remember the 4th house and the moon can represent the past, and therefore our history.
Fame at the local degree! Also known as the "household degrees." The 28° is popularly known as the household degree. I think since this particular degree is later on in the degrees, this household fame maybe more long lasting, just like how some claim that the last degree in Leo (29°) is the degree of long-lasting widespread fame.
Affinity with the moon. I feel like people with these degrees may like to study the phases of the moon.
THE LEO DEGREES (5°, 17°, 29°):
Sunny places
To live on a hill
Romantic partners (and yes that also includes mistresses and people on the side)
Positions of high esteem
Luxury, the elite
Holidays & what we love to do on those holidays
Secondary school (this was very interesting)
Tourism, vacations
Sports, athletics
Joy, optimism
The one who makes decisions: This is due to the fact Leos like being the leaders and being in charge lmao. 😂😂
Entertainers, entertainment industry: The more I think about it, I think when other astrologers/astrology students group actors and actresses with these degrees, I think more of theatre actors/actresses. To be honest, my opinion of actors and actresses that are TV actors/actresses would have more Neptune, Mercury, and Pluto in their chart. Of course you need that Leo presence for acting, but to form and get into a character so deeply like on TV, the aforementioned planets.
Health. As in the whole umbrella of your health and what concerns it
Working in the service industry
Subtenants, renting
Aunts and uncles
Adoptive parents/stepparents
Veterinarian science
To analyze
Bees! (Get it? Bees are the service workers of the animal kingdom. Workers bees lmao!). Also honey falls under this as well. 🐝🍯
Stomach, nerves
Does not take friend's advice* (This is directed towards the 18°)
- That's all for this post! I'll come back tomorrow and finish it up! I hope you enjoyed this post!! See ya later!!
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missdrarrydawn · 3 years
Now I don't know if I'm just stupid BUT
I never see any Slavic representation in fiction, specifically I never see any Balkan Slavic cultures, and I think that's a real shame.
Our cultures are amazing y'all.
So in an effort to amend that, here is an incomplete list of some cultural traditions, beliefs, foods, customs etc. of the Balkan Slavs, specifically Serbian Slavs (Balkan Slavs includes Serbian people, Bosnian people, Croatian people, Albanians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Slovenians, Montenegro, north Macedonia and Kosovo, which is a lot and as with any other culture, we're not a monolith so I won't be speaking on everyone everywhere, only my own culture).
So first things first, what does our culture best translate to in writing? Well, Serbian Slavic culture works best for fairy tale fantasy stories/books. Those books set in one village or one small town, where everyone knowe everyone and everyone is the sixth removed cousin of their best friend's neighbor, very self contained and full of little bits of folklore and rich with history.
Serbia has never been a large or powerful country historically, in fact spending a lot of time colonized and oppressed by other more powerful forces, and so a big number of our people has always lived in villages and small towns. There's maybe 3-4 actual cities in the entirety of the country. So, since our people have always lived in small, somewhat isolated settlements and communities, the best types of stories to apply our culture to are stories with similar settings.
Now, as you can imagine, having that degree of separation has also lead to a huge variety in our customs and traditions, where each village would develop it's own little idiosyncracies and unique twists on established traditions, which may seem daunting when you're hoping to write us, but don't worry, most of the changes I speak of are picky differences that no Serb will really get on your ass for (hopefully).
Okay, so to sum up: Serbian Slavic tradition is best applied to pretty self contained, small scale books with simple settings. Fantasy is a great way to explore this by the way.
Now onto the fun bit, the actual resources!
Let's start with food.
When I tell you us Serbians place A LOT of value on traditional food, I mean it. Good homecooked food is the backbone of any household and there's a lot of pressure on us to become capable cooks. I'm going to list some of our traditional dishes and how to make them, but first I should mention that because Serbia spent about 500 years conquered by the Ottoman empire, a lot of our initial culture was forced to assimilate with theirs, so some of the foods listed here could possibly have origins dating back to the Ottomans, it's honestly impossible to tell at this point as during those 5 centuries the lines really blurred.
1. Musaka is a dish made with potatoes, ground meat, onion or garlic, salt, eggs, milk and spices to taste.
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2. Đuveč is a dish made with potatoes, rice, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, onion, garlic, peršun (parsley), salt, pepper, oil and water.
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3. Sarma is a dish made of several wrapped rolls with filling. The filling is typically made with ground beef, rice, onion, carrots, garlic, dry bacon and spices to taste. The wraps are pickled cabbage leafs. This dish also has zaprška, which is a mix of usually flour and some other spices meant to be fried and added into the cooking pot for extra smell and flavor. You prepare all the parts and then put a bit of filling on the cabbage leaf and roll it up. There's a specific method of rolling up sarme so that they stay nice and closed. After that you arrange the rolls in a pot, add water and cook.
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4. Zeljanica is a type of pie made typically with a mix of spinach, nettles and sometimes other herbs as well.
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5. Lenja pita is a type of dessert! It is usually made with either apple slices, cherries or sour cherries as well as powdered sugar. It looks a little bit like cake but it is very different.
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6. Salčići are another dessert, a type of pastry made with puff pastry usually filled with fig pekmez (it's kind of like jam) and topped with powdered sugar.
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I've hit the image post limit so if anyone wants to hear more about Serbian food lemme know and I'll do another post.
I'll compile another post for our other traditions and customs, since this post is way too long already and there's still so much I want to share :)).
I know us Slavic people aren't really a marginalized group by any margins so representation isn't as important as it is for marginalized groups but I still think it would be fun if more writers knew and included some Balkan Slavic cultures, and although I'm only talking about Serbian Slavs here, I think this could be a great introduction to my folk :DD
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cowgirlmilkers · 3 years
Session 9: The Blood Red Fez, Part 8
August 1893, on board the Orient Express...
The baron asks the party if they know anything about the Whispering Fez book. They all claim to not have it or have heard of it. He says he will speak to his contacts in Munich about the fez cultists who were arrested. After speaking with them for a while, the baron excused himself to the dining car. Saroch noticed that the Eastern lady at the bar was listening in on their conversation. The 5 investigators left to the sleeping car, and the baron spoke to them there, away from the Lady. He claimed that he recognized her, though was not certain where from. He asked that they remain with him, and they agreed. Saroch, Amelia, and Banks went to the salon car with him again for coffee. Professor Worth tried to make some sense of the Fez, using gloves to inspect it and try to figure it out a bit. Thanks to what he knows of the Mythos, he found that it referred, in some ancient language, to a 'Father of Sorcerers,' though was uncertain of the exact wording. He recalled that this was the term used for the deity Yog-Sothoth. Meanwhile, the baron excused himself to the water closet, secretly entering the cabin with Polat and Worth. The two of them had an argument with him, where he tried to get Worth to get the Fez for him and hand it over. He was clearly very agitated. Luckily, the Lady from earlier was listening in, and with the help of Banks, they got into the cabin. She jumped on the baron, putting a cloth over his nose and mouth and a hypodermic needle in his arm. He thrashed around, but eventually passed out onto the floor. Polat thanked her and went back to reading. She took off her disguise, revealing she was the woman who the baron was arguing with at Vienna station. She and Banks brought his body back to her cabin, where she settled him in. She explained that she was his daughter, Ilsa von Hofler, and had been worried about her father for a while. She said she would take him to the doctors, and help him to get better, as he was very erratic and insane.
With the baron out of the way, everyone went to bed. Saroch and Amelia, going to their cabins later, noticed that the lights across from the Myers cabin were flickering. In the morning, Saroch checked up on them, and Mrs. Myers explained she thought that the shadows were flickering or dancing, but she couldn't tell and it may have been the Fez or her imagination. Regardless, everyone went to breakfast. There, they had a Serbian breakfast, as the train had stopped in Belgrade earlier that morning. They ordered a platter of bacon for everyone, and the waiter brought out an insane amount for all of them. The Count left breakfast early, and in a bit the Countess approached, interrupting their conversation. She spoke about her lover becoming boorish and threatening, and wished for someone to intermediate between the two of them. Saroch seemed very angry at a woman cheating, and threatened to tell her husband, but was shut down by Amelia (for now). Amelia offered to be the one to mediate, and the Countess brought her over to Pytor, her lover. She explained that she wanted to end the relationship, regardless of the times they had together. He made to angrily stand up, but Amelia shoved him back into his seat (successful Intimidate roll), and made him silent as the Countess bid him goodbye.
Everybody successfully managed to finish up the platter of bacon, and none was left by the end. They all went to do various things on their own- reading, drinking, smoking, etc. In the evening, after a day of uneventfulness, they all gathered outside the Myers door in order to cast the necessary spell once more...
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newhologram · 4 years
Having trouble getting enough fats in my diet every day and feeling really woozy. I usually do lots of raw milk, cheese, butter, avocado, bacon, macadamia nuts, etc. Is there a really easy high-fat meal I can eat every day to give me stability? Need to get my hands on some of that Serbian goat herder's cheese or something
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evanstarff · 5 years
okay last question because i have to be up early tomorrow: what do SteveBucky's saturdays look like? ps i love you
Steve and Bucky share a huge Brownstone in New York with Sam and Nat, because only Sam and Bucky are the most functional people in the damn quartet AND because they are proud Brookynites wouldn't be caught dead in New Jersey (don't even start on Syracuse or Philly, I'm sorry) even if the cost of living is better there. It's starting to come into fall and the leaves are turning that delicious shade of red and gold.
Sam wakes up to Steve's single spoon in the sink that he left after eating his midnight pistachio ice cream and basically has an aneurysm when he sees it. Steve walks all pep after his 5am run with his bullshit blue sweatpants and grey t-shirt, because I hate him, and is halfway through a good morning when said spoon bounces off his big dumb head.
Bucky and Nat are already sparring in the basement gym, which they converted into mats and because they were up the night before watching conspiracy videos, so they slept there anyway. They only come back up after Steve makes waffles under duress and it's all bacon and maple syrup and fresh cream (non of this low-fat, dairy-free, coconut-milk crap that Sam has been trying to push onto them, because HEALTH).
There's a few missed one word messages from Tony on the phone, a stuttering one from Scott, and super long-winded video from Morgan who wanted to know what Aunty Nat was up to and can she teach her how to kick a man – Bucky raises an eyebrow at her and she just shrugs.
It's about maybe 10.12am when they finally start to trickle out into the street, cool air blistering in their pretty faces. Bucky's headed to some Serbian market with Sam, who wants to pick up a few things on his way to repairing some veteran's house in Astoria, Steve meandering to the small indie gallery in LES a.k.a the long way to the Avengers Tower while Nat speed-drives to Tony and Pepper's, because Morgan is obviously behind on her training.
That's it. That's Saturday. I hate you 🖤
Sleepover Friday
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lieberts · 5 years
Answer 21 questions, then tag 21 people you’d like to get to know better
tagged by: @kagari-senpai thank you, m’love, i haven’t done one of these in ages ♥ 
nickname(s): most people irl call me jeja or jeca
zodiac: aries
height: 165 cm and still shrinking
last movie i saw: the way he looks (2014). thought it would be better tbh, i couldn’t stand how much other characters harrassed the main character because of his blindness. i get that they were trying to make it seem like gabriel was his pillar of support, but they really pushed it too far, it was absolutely torturous to watch at times
last thing I googled: ‘can you make a video on dailymotion unlisted’
favorite musician: right now? hozier, probably. of all time? arcade fire, muse and placebo
song stuck in my head: northern downpour by panic! at the disco leave me alone
other blogs: https://lieberts.tumblr.com/ is where i post (often horror-ish) art i like 
do i get asks? not many at this point
following: 76 people, out of which there are about 15 blogs that are inactive but i’m still following in hopes they’ll return. my dash is pretty dead tbh but it’s so hard to find blogs who post stuff i like regularly AND tag things properly
amount of sleep: usually about 8-9 hours
what i’m wearing: green hoodie, thick black leggings and fuzzy socks
dream job: god, i’m 24 and i’m still not sure LMAO, maybe a photographer? or a ghraphic designer? if i were to be really ambitious, i’d say software engineer/programmer, because that’s something i’ve been really interested in for ages, but i uh.... don’t have what it takes unfortunately
dream trip: japan, central europe, scandinavian countries
favorite food: i’d eat bacon with anything
play any instruments? nope. used to own an acoustic guitar, but never learned how to play properly and eventually sold it
languages: serbian is my native language, i speak english, i’m learning german in uni, and i learned italian for about 3 years and russian for a year but i’m no good at either of those
favorite songs: these are a few songs i’ve been listening to a lot lately, picking favourites is Stressful:
new order - elegia
nije svejedno - artan lili
hey moon - john maus
big in japan - alphaville
suspirium - thom yorke
random facts: 1. i like watching speedruns of super mario bros & super mario bros 3. and ocarina of time stuff but preferably without the crazy glitches 2. i get crushes often and easily, but it’s always on people i know i’ll never meet, but i’m somehow 100% content with that? idk how to explain it. i like admiring from afar and it feels nice to have a crush tbh 3. i’ll be makin cheesecake today
describe yourself as aesthetic things: idk what this means exactly so i’ll just list a few aesthetic things i like: dense, foggy woods, pretty stationary items, bloody knuckles (for some reason?), “street lights reflecting off the wet asphalt at night”, old brutalist buildings being overtaken by greenery
tagging: @ishidasui although she’ll never do this the treacherous hoe, @dabi, @cybersthesia, @rukako006, @tastysynapse, @halfpromise, @dicennio  you don’t have to do it if you don’t feel like it, obviously :-)
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