#sergeant hound fanfiction
clone-anon · 1 year
I received a request for something platonic with Fox, Thire, Thorn, and Hound and an artistic padawan!reader, so here goes. Obviously Grizzer is going to be there too.
You usually kept a low profile when you were out of the Jedi temple.  You sat not far from some clones you knew well, but didn’t go over and say hi, hoping you could capture them in the moment.  Thire, Thorn, Hound, and Fox all sat around a table eating lunch and you were tucked away in a chair off in the corner.  You made a quick sketch of them and then filled in some details.  It must be a pretty good day because they were all smiling and joking.  
Somehow, Hound had managed to get Grizzer in here and the massiff sat next to the table waiting for any scraps.  It wasn’t long before you could tell the massiff smelled something, turning around, sniffing in the air.  That something turned out to be you.  Grizzer smiled and bounded toward you.
“Grizzer!” Hound jumped up and followed, assuming his massif was up to no good.  He sighed a little when he saw you, feeling relieved.
“Oh good,” Hound said.  “It’s you. Don’t need to get kicked out of here over an upset stranger.”
You gave Grizzer some good scritches and the massiff snuggled up to you, seemingly looking at your sketch. 
“What’s that,” Hound asked.
“Oh, I umm,” you got a little shy, but he had already seen, so you let him have a better look.
“Hey boys,” he waved to the others. “Get over here. Look at this.”
Thorn, Thire, and Fox all came over and looked at your work.
“You managed to capture each of us,” Thorn said quietly.
“We look like brothers but individuals,” Thire added.
“You made me look less tired,” Fox joked and Thorn bumped his arm with a smirk.
“Look at Grizzer,” Hound said. “Look at that perfect face.  Such a wonderful likeness.”
“Can we have a copy,” Thire asked.
You hadn’t even considered it.  It was just a sketch and unbeknownst to them, you sketch them and their brothers quite a lot.
“Sure,” you said, smiling.
“Do you have any others,” Fox asked.
“Well, yeah,” you admitted.
They waited while you pulled out other sketches and they relived the moments you had captured.
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whiskygoldwings · 1 month
Anecdotes of a Guard Life - Operation Snooze
This one I blame on @icnamiro! Hope you enjoy!
CW - Absolutely none. Unless you don't like Corrie fluff!
It’s a rare day that Fox manages to sneak a nap without some emergency or another cutting it abruptly short. An even rarer day that he gets to sleep more than a couple of hours. In fact, CMO Bones has started threatening forced sedation, and that’s how Thorn knows it’s really become a problem.
Bones is vocal about the need for proper, natural sleep, instead of that aided by medication. He’s sung that song loud and clear frequently, thanks to the repeated enquiries of various vode. Including Thorn, to be fair. After Fox’s first 48 hour shift, they’d thought it prudent to at least check if drugging the Marshal Commander was possible. The glare Thorn had received from Bones had made it very, very clear exactly what the medic thought of that.
So when Bones started muttering about restraints and sedative amounts, Thorn had decided it was time to take drastic measures.
Only, perhaps not Bones level drastic measures. Prime knew if Fox would even survive that.
So. Thorn has implemented Operation Snooze. The OpSec has been robust, and every single Guard (except, of course, for Fox himself) is aware of the requirements and duties of this operation.
Today, all the planning and work Thorn, along with their compatriots (there’s no way they’re going down alone for this) Stone, Thire and Hound, have slaved away on has come to fruition.
Yarn’s the one who finds him. Unsurprisingly really. The Shiny has a knack for finding the cozy, warm spots hidden away from other’s eyes. So when he excitedly, but very quietly comms Thorn to explain he’s found Fox curled up in Rec room 3, the one that smells vaguely of musty socks and damp underwear, driving most Vode away, Thorn isn’t quite as surprised as they should be.
The 1010 alert goes out immediately. Stone and Thire acknowledge within seconds, while Hound comms Thorn shortly afterwards.
“I have twenty-seven troops ready to deploy,” Hound’s voice is professional and curt.
“Dispatch to the location I’m sending you now. I’ll meet you there.” Thorn’s just as terse, and they both sign off without any further word, already moving swiftly towards the rendezvous point.
When Thorn arrives, Hound’s not there, but Yarn is dedicatedly keeping watch as instructed. He’s practically vibrating as he salutes at Thorn, and Thorn struggles not to grab the kid and bundle him into a hug.
“Subject still in situ, sir!” Yarn whispers, voice breaking slightly with excitement. Thorn’s still furious General Ti sent them an eight year-old, but she’ll have to pry Yarn from their cold, dead hands before they’ll give him back.
“Good work trooper,” Thorn praises, and Yarn’s spine goes impossibly straighter with pride. “We’re waiting on Hound and his platoon and then we’ll begin the next phase.”
It doesn’t take long. Yarn’s back doesn’t ease from it’s rigid posture at any point, and if Thorn wasn’t already ready to take on the entire Senate for him, the commitment to this task would have been the tipping point. Thorn’s a sucker for anyone who looks after Fox.
Thire and Stone check in to confirm they've placed themselves to pick up any datawork or queries that land in the Marshal Commander's office. Thorn sends them back a brief "acknowledged", and tries not to feel too smug as the plan falls into place.
When Hound arrives a few minutes later, Thorn’s very pleased to see Riser and Alice leading the platoons behind him. Both solid, well-worn Guard veterans who’d give their all for Fox. Also, very likely in need of sleep themselves. Two clankers, one blaster and all that.
Thorn flashes a signal for silence, quickly acknowledged by Hound and the two captains, before moving around Yarn and poking their head into the room. Their nose wrinkles as the musty smell hits them, but it’s quickly forgotten at the dark shape lodged into the corner of one of the cushion piles on the opposite side of the room.
Fox is tucked against one of the large body-pillows Rhys had scrounged out of a skip, head down and arms folded across his chest, still defending himself even in sleep. His face is soft, the constant furrow in his brow smoothed out, and lips slightly parted as he breathes. He’s clearly absolutely exhausted; dark bags under his eyes and not even twitching as Thorn paces quietly into the room and starts directing troops into place.
It takes a few minutes, but everyone gets settled into place without a hitch, and Thorn smugly snuggles against Hound’s back, pulling Alice’s arm around them and tangling their legs with Riser’s.
Fox is warm, and strangely content when he wakes up. It’s strangely hard to clamber out of the clutches of sleep. He feels enclosed and protected and safe.
Abruptly, he realises why, and he snaps awake with a jerk.
Hound’s plastered across his chest, arm flung over his side and nose pressed into the bottom of his neck. There’s someone tucked into Fox’s other side, head laying on his stomach, and an arm tight around his hips. He’s pretty sure there’s at least two people curled against his legs, and Thorn’s behind Hound, one hand flopped over his back and trailing over Fox’s shoulder.
Fox is… Confused. Yes. That’s a very good word for it. He’s completely certain he fell asleep alone, alarm set for one hour and the other Commanders safely far away with their own duties. Rec room 3 had proven an excellent place to hide himself away when the exhaustion had gotten a little too much and he found himself unable to focus on the datapads for a moment longer. He’d found himself stumbling there today after what his comm informed him was 62 hours awake with only a few ration bars and several metric tonnes of caff to keep him functional.
Clearly, his secret sleeping spot wasn’t quite so secret anymore.
Fox manages to lift his head just enough to catch the sight of several other Vode bodies piled in various arrangements across the room, effectively blocking any escape he might try to make. Not that he had much hope of that, with Hound so thoroughly wound around him, blithely snoring away without a care in the world.
His movement does alert someone else that he’s awake. Thorn twitches, and the hand against his shoulder rises up to form a hand signal.
Fox twists his neck slightly to look over at Thorn, who’s blearily blinking back with an ever-so-slightly smug grin. Thorn brings their hand down enough to be back in Fox’s line of sight, and forms the gesture for safe again.
Fox glares, and Thorn rolls their eyes, before closing them and snuggling further into Hound’s back.
“Thorn!” Fox hisses.
No response.
“Thorn!” Fox hisses louder, and suddenly, another head pops up further across the room.
The new vod has wide, pleading, tired eyes, and a pout Fox swears must be bio-engineered. He can already feel his resolve crumbling, as the Shiny lifts their own hand to signal “orders” at him.
Fox should tell them to help him out, to assist him in removing himself from the pile of sleeping Vode around him.
But the Shiny, and Fox is fairly certain their name’s Yarn, from the distinctive tattoo on their neck, widens their eyes further, somehow making them look damp and tearful. And Fox is abruptly, completely certain that the cadet’s never met a single vod who could say no to them.
With a great, heaving sigh, Fox sinks back, closing his eyes and moving one hand to curl around Hound’s back. The man snuffles softly, before going back to snoring lightly against Fox’s neck, and Fox will never admit to the way it makes the tightness in his chest ease.
Fine. He’s absolutely, completely certain this is all Thorn’s fault. But just this once, he’ll go along with it.
… Not that he’s got much choice in the matter.
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tereox · 9 months
Warmup #13
Rating: T
Summary: Coruscant is haunted. The ghosts aren't bothering the Corries so they just go with the flow. What are they gonna do? Assassinate- oh.. Oh. Good riddance.
Fox picked up his mug of caff and paused when he realised that it was still warm. He could have sworn he'd put that there hours ago.
He looked around the glorified storage closet that was his office. "Vor'e." He whispered to the empty room.
He went back to work, the mug warming his hand.
"Kriff, I need-" Thread shoved his arm into the cabinet he knew was empty. He'd checked it several times but he needed that bacta, the vod'ika sprawled on the medical cot wouldn't make it.
Against all odds, his hand caught on something solid. He tugged the item out of the cabinet and spared only a fraction of a second to stare at the bacta. Then he threw himself out of the storage closet and held up the bacta like it would bring them salvation.
It would, for this particular vod'ika.
"You have no idea what I'm capable of." The senator sneered, tugging their fancy cape away from Grizzer. "I will have that beast put down."
Hound carefully tugged Grizzer back, pushing down the panic rising in him in the same motion. "Sir, she's trained to detect illegal substances and you-"
The senator whirled around to face him and their foot caught on something.
There was an aborted attempt to reach for them, but Hound could only watch as they tumbled off the platform. If there had ever been a good place for a railing on Coruscant, it would have been there.
… he should call that in.
Thire's patrol route was the same every Taungsday. It was a security risk, but with how scheduling worked it was difficult to change.
He caught a glint out of the corner of his eye and grabbed his patrol buddy's arm, wrenching them behind cover.
Paperclip stayed down. "What did you see?"
"Glint, might have been a sniper."
Thire reached for his comm and called in backup. Better safe than dead.
There ended up being no sniper. However, several blocks further, an ambush had been laid. He should ask Fox to have his patrol route adjusted.
Fox placed down his stylus and ran a hand down his face. He was dead tired. There were.. way too many things he still had to do before passing out in his bunk for a couple hours. He couldn't allow himself to stop now.
He grabbed one of the more important datapads and reached for his stylus. His fingers touched the empty desk.
Fox frowned and looked over. His stylus wasn't where he'd left it. Maybe his desk had gotten slanted from the constant pressure of hundreds of datapads and pieces of flimsi on top of it.
He leaned over to check and did not find his stylus. That sucked, it had been his favourite stylus. Oh well.
He went to open his desk drawer to get a new one but it wouldn't budge. Something slapped him in the face and that was his stylus!
Fox jumped up in a vain attempt to grab the floating object but he only got a wave of nausea rolling through him.
Maybe.. maybe he should go to sleep.
"The security cameras show it flew across the room and embedded itself right in the Chancellor's heart. There was no one who could have thrown it. The Chancellor was in his office by himself."
Fox silenced the thought of his floating stylus and nodded dutifully. "We'll keep an eye out for an invisible assailant."
Even a CorSec officer should have caught the sarcasm in that.
Mando'a vor'e - thanks vod'ika - little sibling
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 year
Fic Masterlist
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Hello there.
Thanks for stopping by! This is my masterlist of Star Wars fics. I'll update it as I publish new works. Please note that most of my fics contain mature content and are intended for readers over 18. Enjoy, and feel free to drop a comment any time; I love connecting with fellow readers and writers. May the Force be with you!
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My AO3
Stars Beyond Number. (AO3 link, complete)
Soldiers. Heroes. Deserters. Traitors. They've been called many things. As the Galactic Empire rises from the ashes of the Republic, a small group of clone troopers and their allies will find a new identity: Rebels.
Echo, Rex, and Gregor are on a mission to save as many of their brothers as they can. The task is daunting, and their friends are few. But from these small and desperate beginnings will come a spark of resistance that will set the galaxy ablaze.
Cerra Kilian GAR Personnel Datafile
Martyrs and Kings. (AO3 link, complete) Star Wars meets light academia. A post-stasis Kix longfic. Clone medic Kix is a man displaced in time. Captured by Separatists and put into cryostasis when he learned the truth about the clones' inhibitor chips, he awakens fifty years after the end of the Clone Wars. The Republic is gone. The galaxy has changed. And now, the last clone trooper searches for answers with the help of a New Republic historian.
🍋 "Martyrs and Kings AND ZOMBIES!!!" 🍋 - a spooky, sexy one-shot sequel.
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Cal Kestis
Request: "Cuddles of consolation after a bad day" (GN)
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501st Legion
Rex x Reader
🍋 "No Sleep Till Coruscant" 🍋
Request: "Soft looks while cuddling" (GN)
Jesse x Reader
Jesse First Kiss Ficlet (GN)
🍋 "In Which Jesse Gets What He Deserves" (AKA the cuddlefuck fic) 🍋  
🍋"She's Such a Scream"🍋  
Hardcase x Reader
"A Question of Seman-dicks" (GN)
"Hey, Sunshine 💙" (GN)
Dogma x Reader
Quote prompt ficlet (GN)
Tup x Reader
Tup fanart!
🍋 "Do It Again" 🍋
🍋 "Tup à Trois"🍋
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The Bad Batch
Hunter x Reader
First kiss ficlet (GN)
🍋 "I Wish All Readers a Very Hunter Life Day"🍋
Crosshair x Reader
"I Know." (GN)
"The Plant Prowler of Pabu" (GN)
🍋"Too Early"🍋
Tech x Reader
Request: "Feeling the rumble of their chest when they talk while cuddling/Needing their cuddles even though they have something else to do" (GN)
Request: "Putting your ear against their heart" (GN)
Wrecker x Reader
Request: "Trying to crawl under their shirt" (GN)
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212th Attack Battalion
Commander Cody x Reader
"Someday" (GN)
🍋"The Night Before Someday"🍋 (GN)
Boil x Reader
"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 1)" (GN)
"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 2)"
"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 3)"
🍋"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 4)🍋
Art: "Boil deserves to feel pretty" (mildly 🍋. Let's say 🍊)
🍋"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 5)"🍋
Waxer x Reader
"The Sixth Language (part 1)"
"The Sixth Language (part 2)"
"The Sixth Language (part 3)"
🍋 "The Sixth Language (part 4)" 🍋
"The Sixth Language (epilogue)"
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104th Battalion - Wolfpack
Wolffe x Reader
"Sweet as Summer Rain"
🍋"Just a Little Bit More"🍋
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Other Clones
Alpha-17 x Reader
🍋"Who's the Alpha Now?" 🍋 (GN)
🍋"Who's the Alpha Now? Part 2"🍋
Hound x Reader
🍋 “Watch and Learn, City Boy 🍋
T version | 🍋 E version 🍋
Neyo x Reader
🍋 "Everybody Hates Neyo." 🍋
🍋 "Everybody Hates Neyo Round 2: Matchmaking Boogaloo" 🍋 (reader got converted to OC)
Neyo first kiss ficlet (GN)
Mayday x Reader
Accidental first kiss ficlet (GN)
"A Match for Mayday, Chapter 1" (collaboration with @nika6q)
"A Match for Mayday, Chapter 2" 
🍋"A Match for Mayday, Chapter 3" 🍋
🍋"A Match for Mayday, Chapter 4" 🍋
O'Niner x Reader
🍋 "Nine Lives for Sergeant O'Niner" 🍋 (cowritten with @anxiouspineapple99) 
Sev (RC-1207) x Reader
"Are You Sure About This?" (GN)
🍋 “Turn It Up When You’re Gone.” 🍋 Part 1
🍋 “Turn It Up When You’re Gone.” 🍋 Part 2
🍋 “Turn It Up When You’re Gone.” 🍋 Part 3
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Jango Fett x Reader
"Promises and Pastry"  
Fenn Rau x Reader
🍋 Fenn Rau Thots 🍋
"The Protector of Chopper Base" (GN)
Request: Falling Asleep in Each Other's Arms (GN)
Please don't put my work through AI programs or repost elsewhere. Also, if you’d like custom dividers, feel free to send a request via DM or Ask; I love designing these! But please don’t use mine without permission.
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150 notes · View notes
Greetings and grats on 300+!!!
May I request:
• Hound (special appearance Grizz?)
• romantic
• gn!reader
• sfw
• 300
• prompt: 9 - "Help me."
• optional: said by reader; maybe desperate could be inspiration; blue neon lights?
tysm, feel free to ignore if not vibing with it <3 grats again
Kiss Me
Hound x GN!Reader
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Pairing: Hound x GN!Reader
Tags & Warnings: fluff, stalker-ish, light angst
Word Count: 300
Author's Note: Moon, sweetie, thank you so much for sending in a request for my event 🥺 I love Hound and was so excited when I saw that you asked for him! I really wanted to go a little further with this one, but that darn 300 word limit stopped me 😒Who knows though, maybe I'll make it into a full-length fic someday! As always, please enjoy 💚
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Your pace quickens as you walk down the neon lit street. You take a few random turns, periodically peeking over your shoulder at the man walking your same path. Your unease begins to turn into anxiety as you believe he must be following you. You’ve been trying to lose him, but you're running out of ideas and places to go.
You steal another look behind you and make a sharp turn down the next street. However, your escape is interrupted when you crash into something hard. You gasp and fall backwards onto your butt. When you open your eyes, you’re greeted by a massif sniffing your feet. You startle, but let your eyes follow its leash up to the Coruscant Guardsman holding it.
“Are you alright?” Hound asks, stretching his hand out to help you up. “That was quite a hard hit.” 
You stare at the ARF trooper blankly before getting an idea. "Pretend to be my boyfriend," you say.
"I'm sorry?" Hound questions, wondering if he heard you wrong.
"Kiss me," you insist as you step closer to him.
"What?" Hound takes a nervous step back.
You take a step forward. "Please," you whisper. "Help me. He’s been following me since I left the bar."
Hound can hear the desperation in your voice, and looks behind you to see a man coming around the corner. Without further thought, Hound places his hand on the small of your back and pulls you against him. He lifts up his bucket and presses his lips against yours. After a moment, he breaks the kiss, plants another on your forehead, and watches as the man turns.
“He’s leaving,” Hound says as he lets you go.
“Thank you,” you sigh in relief, before looking at him and smiling. “Can I buy you a caf?”
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fandom-friday · 4 months
Hi Karrde!
I have a Fox fic that absolutely captivated me for the entire... idk 36 hour period that I sprinted through this 28 chapter fic? I regret to say that I don't remember which tumblr I think I found this linked on (it was a late night find and I was deep in the search results), so I apologize to the tumblr-presence of the author (I hope they pop up so we can follow). Do-Over by TooManyTeeth on AO3 is described in a few spare lines, and I want to keep it that way 'cause that's part of what drew me in:
Fox made a mistake. Fox was punished. Fox died. Fox woke up.
Hey, getting addicted to a fic and mowing through it like this is the HIGHEST of compliments to the author (@toomanyteefs, kudos to you). But WHOOOO BOY this one also is gonna shove me into a glass case of emotion. I CAN TELL. Thanks so much for sending it in!
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Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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ghostofskywalker · 5 months
Filed Under: Work Orders
Words: 1,099
Summary: You're the best mechanic the GAR has, but sometimes that means that you're flooded with requests for repairs that are clearly not from combat, or at least not entirely from combat.
or alternatively: a collection of messages on your answering machine, that go a long way as evidence to support the argument that you deserved a raise.
Note: another work to add to filed under: the series! apparently i can only write a fic like this once every six months or so lol
ao3 link || clone troopers masterlist
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A loud clang echoed through the room as you dropped your bag of tools on the floor, eyes bleary from waking up far too early. Long hours at unusual times were a given when you worked for the GAR, but that didn’t mean you ever really got used to it, even after the three days off you had just enjoyed. At least the work bays were quiet at this time of day, and you usually didn’t have to do much interacting with others until it was time for people to pick up their finished equipment. Droids would collect and deliver the ships and other apparatuses that needed fixing, and work orders were usually received through your datapad.
Sitting down at the slightly scratched chair at your desk, you saw the light on your communicator blinking, indicating that you had a few messages to listen to. Your office communicator was on a pathway that could be reached through simply contacting the main number for the GAR and pressing the correct buttons, but it wasn’t as common to see work orders being requested here rather than through your datapad. After the caf machine began to work its magic and you had a steaming mug of caffeine in front of you, it was time to see what was on your schedule for today.
you have *:・✧ eight ✧ ・:* new messages
“Hey, this is General Anakin Skywalker calling for the best mechanic in the galaxy!”
You paused the message and sighed, knowing that meant he needed something from you. And based on his overly chipper tone, the repairs would be intensive.
“I got the message from your datapad that you’re off for a few days, but when you get back I need a favor. It’s just a few dents and a broken blaster cannon, don’t worry too much, but we’ll be on Coruscant for a few rotations and I just wanted to see what you could do. Rex has sent an official work order to your datapad, just send a message to the Jedi Temple when it’s ready.”
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“What exactly am I supposed to say again?”
“Well, starting with your name would probably be a good idea.”
“Yeah that’s good.”
“And explaining that this needs to be done secretly, because Cody would kill us if he found out.”
“Definitely. Hi, my name is Boil and-”
“Wait, you were already on the call?”
“You watched me dial!”
After that played, you checked your datapad to see a communication that seemed to match the situation, and you just laughed at the plea to maintain complete secrecy.
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
The next message started with a shout from the background.
“It’s kriffing COLD in here!”
“Be quiet Crosshair! I’m leaving a message for the repair department now.”
“It’s still going to be three rotations before we even get to Coruscant. We’ll be blocks of ice by then!”
Another voice called out from the background.
“Go look for some blankets and let Tech leave the communication message in peace!”
“As you can probably tell, we’re calling because there’s an issue with our ship’s heating system. It’s an Omicron-class attack shuttle, and I believe that there must be some kind of slight leak preventing the heat from kicking in. More details will be sent with the droid when we drop off the ship.”
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“Hello, this is Sergeant Hound calling from the Coruscant Guard, I wanted to let you know that we’ll be dropping off one of the battalion’s speeder bikes within the next day or two. It’ll look really bad, so if you have to scrap it completely that should be fine, just don’t tell Fox. I crashed it when I saw a cute massif on the street and completely flew into a wall, but if anyone else asks, there was a accident on the lower levels and it was too dark to see anything when I was chasing down a death stick dealer.”
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“Now who are you calling?”
“Shhh, Fives, I’m on the phone with the maintenance number. If they can fix the general’s ships when he crashes them, this can’t be that big of a deal.”
“How are you going to explain the completely fried control board? Kix told us already that the GAR’s funneling all their money into new clones and can’t afford to replace landspeeders.”
“I’ll tell the truth, that it’s been acting strangely.”
“Yeah, after you spilled spotmelon juice all over it!”
“You were the one that knocked over the canteen!”
“Maybe we can blame it on the general, he’s already bringing his fighter down there after that last battle.”
“Yeah, maybe if we crash it into something first.”
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“Why did you call the GAR’s main line? I don’t think the people in payroll and budgeting will be able to help until we get the damage under control.”
“This is the maintenance department. Jesse says there’s someone there that fixes things all the time for them, like that time when Hardcase built a bomb in the Resolute’s refresher.”
“Sinker, that’s what you did!”
“Maybe it’s not in the refresher, but-”
“I built a bomb out of the caf machine, it’s a completely different situation. And mine was accidental, I don’t think you can say the same thing about the 501st!”
Your mind wandered from the message as it was still being played from your machine, mentally making a note to get out all the safety equipment you thought you might need. If this is anything like the situation that was just referenced, you were going to need some high quality supplies.
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“Hi, my name is General Obi-Wan Kenobi. I know that General Skywalker is going to be dropping off a starship for you to take a look at within the next few rotations, and I wanted to ask if you had a moment to check over my ship too? I don’t know what Anakin has told you, but I’d be willing to bet that he undersold how bad it was. Look, don’t tell him that I told you, but I wouldn’t be surprised when it comes in totaled. I’m surprised he was even able to land that smoking heap of transparisteel. That aside, if you have time to look at mine just let me know, there’s nothing really specific I’m looking to fix but I would prefer to know if something was wrong before the next high stress situation. Thank you!”
you have *:・✧ zero ✧ ・:* new messages
You sighed, taking a huge sip from the caf in your hands and getting up from your desk. It looks like you had a lot of work to do. 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
divider credit to djarrex - reblogged here
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catboydogma · 9 months
Hey bfbdnndndndndndn just found this blog of urs XD🧡
I got a Fox prompt if that’s still alright?
Fox finds a tooka and sends Hound to find its owner, while he has to deal with the chaos the tooka causes
now / here / this / remember
one hundred pieces - anima!
send prompts 옷
notes: hello lol and thank u for the prompt! i love writing fox and love opportunities to flesh out the guard (and the various ocs populating it) a little more in my head. this was very fun and refreshing to write :)
wc: 712
“Yes, sir.”
“There is a creature under my desk.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Find an owner for this beast so it may be vacated from the premises.”
“Sir. You mean… the owner?”
“At this point, Sergeant, any owner will do.” Fox lifted the scrawny thing up by the scruff of its neck. They inspected each other: the tooka with beady black eyes, Fox with eyes half-lidded from exhaustion. Its little clawed feet paddled in the air for a moment as Fox adjusted its grip. It wasn’t parasite-ridden, from his cursory glance, and it seemed to react favorably to Fox’s proximity: this meant it was an owned beast.
“And you’re just gonna.”
Fox didn’t move his eyes from the tooka. It favored him with the closing of one eye, then the other. Hound shuffled nervously in the background.
“I will assure that it will not be causing any further trouble,” Fox said. Tookas were like wayward sergeants like that. One needed to keep a close eye on them.
“Right. Ok. Sir.” Hound saluted, then jammed his bucket on.
GAR Frequency: Advanced Sgt. How To Spell Reconnn..o Force Hound: ohhbbhh force he found bastard Hound: how was i supposed to know bastard would go hide in the commander’s office  Hew: Is it warmer in the Commander’s office? Hew: Is our office not good enough for the bastard? Pent: Commander wouldn’t kill an unarmed man Boots: bastard Pent: good point boots. Commander wouldn’t kill an unarmed cat Boots: :/ Pent: good point boots. Ni partayli gar darasuum, bastard Hound: the commander uh Hound: said he’d make sure bastard didn’t do anything else Hound: and? Hound: that im supposed to find bastards owner Hew: Are you sure about that? Hound: what else am i gonna do, lt Pent: well …
Fox was only slightly beginning to regret his resolution to look after the beast. After tipping over seven cups, three datapads, and nearly Fox himself as it wound its way between his legs, the creature still seemed content to poke its blunt little face into every conceivable crevice in Fox’s office. It inspected the tiny, miserable window. It inspected all three of his filing cabinets with equal duration and gravitas. It inspected Fox on multiple occasions, butting the flat of its head up against his knuckles or shins, patting at his greaves with its scaly little feet, sitting before him and making various noises.
Finally—at last—it settled as Fox got up to stretch: right on his chair. He turned back around to find it already curled up in the presumably warm indentation he’d left, ears flicking back and forth and eyes half-lidded with what Fox assumed was smug satisfaction.
“You idiot,” Fox said, leaning a hip against his desk.
The tooka laid its head down on its paws and let its tail curl over its hind feet.
There was nothing else for it. He would have to evict the beast.
Several hours later, Hound poked his head through the doorway of Fox’s office to find Fox with half his ass perched on the very edge of his chair and the tooka a warm, sleeping lump behind him. It snored, just a little, in a whuffly little wheeze that Fox had found made it impossible for him to move the damn thing.
“Did, uh…”
“Sleeping,” Fox said, looking up from his datapad and letting it clunk against his desk. “Have you located someone to return it to?”
“Ye-es,” Hound said.
If he was going to try and pull one over on Fox, he should have left his helmet on.
“No tookas in the Guard barracks,” Fox said sharply.
“Not even Grizzer’s emotional support tooka?” Hound asked, holding his hands up to his face in a pleading gesture. “She gets lonely…”
“Grizzer has an entire squad of troopers to keep her company and her litter of colleagues.”
Hound didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to: the creature woke, shoved its bony little elbows in the small of Fox’s back as it stretched, and hopped off his chair. It slammed its forehead against his shin in what Fox had decided to be a gesture of commiseration, then ambled over to Hound.
“Out of the barracks,” Fox said again for emphasis.
Hound’s face lit up.
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starrylothcat · 11 months
Congratulations on 200 followers!!! 🥳
I would like to submit this cute fic I read recently called "Fireworks" by @imarvelatthestars.
It's a Hound x Fem!Reader fic with no warnings.
It's reminiscent of the beginning of 100 Dalmations, you know, where two dog owners meet by chance and fall in love?
It's cute, fluffy, fun, romantic, and all around just a lovely story. It even made me fall in love with my first Corrie Guard (which is an incredibly difficult feat, so kudos to the author!) 😁
Thank you for the submission! I just want to say…I LOVE THIS FIC! I did some dog training back in the day and this fic brought back a lot of memories, haha!
It’s sweet, funny, romantic…if you’re not a Hound fan, you will be after reading this!
Starry’s Spread the Love Event
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wanderinginksplot · 11 months
Sergeant Hound
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Sergeant Hound is an ARF trooper in the Coruscant Guard, working closely with a highly trained massiff named Grizzer. 
Warriors in Red Armor - Coruscant Guard x fem!OCs pairing - 65.2k words. Some of the best-known members of the Coruscant Guard meet some of the sharpest women in the galaxy. Even as they get closer, the galaxy seems to be changing in strange ways… Themes of enemies-to-lovers, fluff, and loss of mental autonomy. Contains descriptions of protests, arrests, jail, mistreatment of clone troopers.
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clone-anon · 11 months
In the US the 4th of July is tomorrow and there will be so many fireworks. I have ptsd and hate fireworks. I always cry into a ball of blankets and try to hide. Can I get some love (maybe some cuddles) from any of the Coruscant Guard please?
I hope no one minds this jumping to the front of the request line as it seems time-sensitive. You are not alone in your reaction to fireworks, Anon. I wrote this with platonic cuddles with Hound and gn!reader, although could be potentially romantic / early relationship. Grizzer makes an appearance.
You'd dreaded it the entire day. Everyone was out celebrating, but you knew the annual fireworks display would be the cause of personal stress. This was a massive celebration and there was no way you could travel to any location that wouldn't have fireworks, not without leaving the planet. You spent part of the day with friends, including some of the Coruscant Guard. Your close friend worked for a senator and had started inviting them to group events. You enjoyed time eating and hanging out with them, and especially loved sitting with Hound as Grizzer convinced you to share your food. You tried to take your mind off of it, but when it came time for everyone to get ready for the fireworks display, you said your goodbyes.
Hound caught your hand as you were about to leave. "Everything okay?"
You tried to smile and nodded, but your eyes gave it away.
"Anything I can help with," Hound asked gently.
You shrugged. "I don't like fireworks."
He nodded slowly as the weight of those words offered a realization and he said, "Do you want company?"
You thought about it. You'd never asked anyone to support you during this, always quietly leaving and not wanting to bother anyone. Then, Grizzer came closer to you, almost like he was offering too.
"Okay," you replied.
Hound and Grizzer walked home with you. It was almost night and you knew they would start at any moment. You grabbed the biggest blanket you had and sat on the couch, Hound watching for any indication of what you might need, not sure how to ask and not wanting to seem like he was prying. The first burst hit the sky and your body shook, cowering under the blanket as tears came to your eyes. Hound sat next to you and held his arms open. You crawled into his lap and he held you. Grizzer laid down on the couch, offering support by leaning on both of you.
You noticed Hound had some tears in his eyes and his core seemed to shake when there was another boom.
"You don't like them either," you said.
He tried to smile. "Not particularly, no."
You moved the blanket so it was wrapped around all three of you and you huddled together for support. You stayed that way, both of you feeling better with someone who understood. Grizzer's calmness helped both of you and eventually, you all laid down in the couch in a cuddle pile, you laying on top of Hound and Grizzer laying along your legs, head resting on Hound's foot.
When a tear escaped your eye after a huge boom, you felt him gently wipe it away and whispered "It's okay." When he startled after a crackling burst, you gave him a squeeze to remind him he wasn't alone either. Most of the night was little exchanges of support and Hound telling you how he would usually rely on Grizzer in times like these.
"Now we both have Grizzer," he said, "and each other."
"Yes we do," you replied. "I'm glad you came."
After the fireworks were done and your bodies had some chance to settle a little, you fell asleep to the feeling of each other breathing a little easier.
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trudemaethien · 2 years
There Rose Such A Clatter
for dridri93 for xmas 2021
Fox throws his hand up in a sharp Halt sign. “Do you hear something?” he says, low even over helmet comms. “Or do I have sudden onset tinnitus?”
Everyone stops and listens. It’s orientation day, or as Thorn likes to joke, Bring Your Kids to Work day, so Fox has a squad of new recruits shadowing him in their shiny new shells.
“Yeah, I—yes, sir,” one brave newbie speaks up. “That is, yes, I hear it too; no, I don’t think you have tinnitus. It does sound like ringing…or else we both have it? Sounds…metallic, and staccato?” He looks around at the rest of his squad, who nod and chorus agreement as well. They circle, hands straying towards blasters, trying to figure out if this is a shooting situation or not.
Fox cants his head, trying to locate the direction the faint noise is coming from. It doesn’t sound like any clanker he’s ever encountered or read about, but he unholsters his blaster just in case. “This way,” he orders in his raspy whisper.
Behind him, out of the corner of his eye, he sees some hand sign cross-talk that doesn’t look like a simple repeat of his words. It’s too brief for him to catch what it was, but he lets it ride. Sometimes it’s appropriate to let shinies be shinies. If it’s relevant, these kids are well-trained enough to bring it to his attention.
Or, they better be. If they aren’t, he’ll have to rip their current training officer a new one, and that would be him.
They fall in behind and across the hall from him well enough and they’re all practicing good trigger discipline and muzzle control. Good. He focuses on tracking the intruder.
The ringing is rhythmic until it isn’t. There’s a pause, then a crash accompanied by a sudden mighty clamor of ringing, and Fox hastens his steps. It’s coming from the break room, and he’s beginning to suspect internal foul play.
They stack on the door and breach it as smoothly as any drill, only to find—
“Grizzer?” Fox says, astonished.
read on AO3 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/35877445
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tereox · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox & Coruscant Guard Trooper Hound & CC-5869 | Stone & CC-4477 | Thire & Commander Thorn, CC-1010 | Fox & Grizzer the Massiff Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), CC-4477 | Thire, CC-5869 | Stone, Coruscant Guard Trooper Hound (Star Wars), Grizzer the Massiff (Star Wars), Coruscant Guard Clone Troopers (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Fluff, CC-1010 | Fox Needs A Hug, CC-1010 | Fox Gets a Hug, he also gets a nap, his commanders make sure of it, Coruscant Guard (Star Wars), POV Alternating, Hurt/Comfort 
Summary: There's a lot of things the Corries would do to make sure Fox gets his sleep. He lets them do those things, for once.
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Upside Down - Ch. 30
Summary: Fox has to decide what he wants.
A/N: Hello lovelies,
I’m back from vacation! Yeah! It was a stay-cation, but I did have a lovely spa day, which was absolutely needed. 
This chapter and next chapter is very Fox-centric, for all you Fox fans. There is a bit of Riyo x Fox, but I did want to put it out there, although I do ship them, this is not a Fox x Riyo story. It’s my own take of Fox x Riyo, and so it may not make some of the diehard FoxRiyo shippers happy, and for that I do apologize. 
We will be getting back to Nerex, Quinlan Vos and the likes after the Fox set-up arcs, but it if it helps Chapter 29 and 30 happy at the same time, just in different locations of Coruscant. 
Also please note Riyo Chuchi is OOC, but I needed to write her this way in order to make sense for the story going forward. I’m sorry! I do love Riyo, I think she’s the sweetest, unfortunately, I couldn’t write for this story. 
Warnings: mentions of lost kid and finding kid, mentions of getting yelled at, flirting, angst, hints of jealousy, mentions of decommissioning, getting annoyed with flirting directed at someone other than SO, and I think that’s it, if I miss any warnings please let me know.  
AO3 Link   |   Words: 5,511   |   Previous - - - > Next
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Fox was losing his mind, he’d spent the better part of the morning with Mas Amedda, who was quite adamant the lax security from his guards were the reasons for the recent Separatist attacks in the capital. He was told in the most adamant and most … oh hell, his ass was chewed out by that no good pompous second in command Mas Amedda. 
He scrubbed the blaster in his hand harder, as he thought of all the ways he could have shot him. Sniper shot, right through his knee, he would take his time, and make the man suffer limb by limb; or he could short out the platform he and the Chancellor used to hover over the other Senators, taking care of two of his biggest headaches. There was always the option of poison, clean easy route. 
“Marshall Commander” the soft voice that reached his ears, made him nervous and even tighten his nerves even more than it had been. 
Fox looked up to the person standing at the door, he stood, holstering his blaster, dropping the rag on to the table in front of him “Senator Chuchi, how can I be of service?” His smile widened at seeing her beautiful golden eyes, her delicate features, despite the months that passed since the last time he saw her, he felt his heart flutter and butterflies begin to stir in his stomach. He bowed his head towards her, showing the respect he held for her.
“I …” her hands fidgeted against her robes, she stepped closer to the Commander, lowering her voice, “I happened to overhear Mas Amedda’s discussion with you.”
 He had to chuckle a little at her statement and how pathetic his own emotions were. 
Discussion, the most tactful and polite way of saying that Amedda’s blood pressure must have shot through the roof when he finished his tirade regarding the ‘lack of security’ on Coruscant, “Then no doubt, you also heard how I restrained myself during that ‘discussion’.” He responded matching her tone, as she matched his smile.
“When I allowed that man to finish. Alive and still breathing. Notice how you didn’t hear any gurgling sounds coming out of his mouth.”
“Oh” she giggled at his little joke, Fox couldn’t help it despite the fact it didn’t work out between them, she was still the most beautiful woman he ever had the privilege of guarding. She glanced from him to the door, “um … would you mind closing the door, there’s something I was hoping to discuss with you in private”
“Sure” with one movement he pressed the button on his vambrace closing the door behind her, he hated those stupid door switches on his desk, they were such an inconvenience. 
“No prob” he cleared his throat, motioning to the seat beside him, she smirked remembering all the previous times she had sat on that same couch, the laughter, the teasing, the flirting, not to mention the tears they shed together. He took his seat, waiting for her to take hers, it felt like old times to him, but he had to be careful, or he’d end up in the same place he was only months before, “What seems to be the problem, Senator?”
Riyo hated how formal he got since things between them ended, “Fox, we were together for almost a year, can’t you just call me Riyo”
He wanted to, maker how he wanted to call her Riyo, to wrap his arms around her, but their relationship was different now, and calling her Senator was his way of reminding him not to cross that line, “You are a Senator, I’m a soldier. I have to treat you with the same respect as any other Senator.”
“Any other Senator, wouldn’t be alone with you in your office”
“That’s because we’re friends; that gives you a special privilege”
“Fine, I’ll accept it, for now.”
“Why don’t you just tell me what’s going on?”
- - - - - - - - - - - 
“How’s it going, Izani?” Hound called out to one of the Senate Guards still in service, there was a rumour that eventually they’d be replaced by the Coruscanti Guards, but that hadn’t come to fruition yet as a few Senators didn’t like the idea of having clones guarding them. 
“Well I found the missing kid”
“Dead or alive?”
“Alive, thankfully. Turns out the kid wanted to see a holovid” Izani rubbed her forehead, “I guess the parents misunderstood as to who was going to pick him from his friend’s place and he got the bright idea of running around Level 2353.”
“Dumb kid. Though in fairness if no one was watching me right now, I’d be off galavanting too”
“True, but that’s why you have Grizzer, right?” She kneeled down to pet the massiff beside Hound, “Who's a good boy?” She rubbed his belly, as his tongue rolled out, “I have a treat for you” she reached into her back pocket pulling out some dried up meat.
“See now why is it that Grizzer gets all your love and attention?”
“Grizzer’s not the only one, I shower all of you with plenty of love. Hence why I have a pack” Izani patted the bag beside her. 
“Oh and what’s in there?” 
She smirked as she cleaned her hands from Grizzer’s drool, she reached in pulling out a small brown flimsi package, “I got these as a thank you from the family, and they also wanted to show their appreciation to the entire Coruscanti and Senate Guards for being of service, so I have enough for every one of you pains in my butt”
“Well at least it’s a lovely butt”
Izani chuckled as she stood, passing Hound the packages for him and his squad, “It’s a good thing you’re cute”
“Well, if you ever wanna explore that cuteness, you know where to find me.”
“Oh I do, anyway, I’ve come to talk to the big boss, he in?”
“Yeah. You know the way” he motioned with his hand for her to head on in.
“Oh I do” she kneeled down scratching Grizzer’s head one more time, leaving a kiss on his head, “Goodbye, my sweet beautiful boy,” his butt wiggling from side-to-side, “anytime you wanna leave him and come live with me, you just say the word.”
“Can I come too?”
Izani simply shook her head, waving bye to Hound as she walked further into the Coruscanti Guard station, leaving the packages of treats along the way, receiving her thanks from the various guards on duty, and promises to leave enough for those off duty, though she doubted it. 
She reached Fox’s door eventually, knocking once as was her custom before opening it, expecting to see him sitting behind his desk, an angry scowl on his face and thirty datapads in front of him, or sitting on his couch cleaning his blaster for the millionth time. 
However, the site in front of her made her stop dead in her tracks, as she slowly took in the familiar face of Senator Chuchi sitting beside Fox, holding his hand as his other hand cupped her cheek stroking the apple of her cheek slowly and delicately. “Oh, I’m … I didn’t … Excuse me, I’ll come back later.” She moved to exit his office, pretending to be blind to what she saw, ignoring the odd sensation in her chest.
“No, it’s okay, I was just leaving” Riyo called out to the woman, who had been part of the Senate Guard for the last ten years. She remembers Izani when she first started coming to Coruscant as a fairly new Senator, and now here was the woman running her own ops, having her own cases, she was privileged to know her. 
Izani noticed as Riyo stood from her seat, she let go of Fox’s hand reluctantly, thanking him for listening in her soft, gentle and sweet voice, so different from her own voice. Maybe she was trained to speak in such a soft amiable manner or maybe it was due to Izani’s own career choice that her voice had more of an authoritative tone and not the soft caring dulcet tones the Senator seemed so easy to be able to portray.
She was just heading out of his office when she stopped just in front of Izani, giving her a warm and charming smile, “It’s been a while, how are you, Captain?”
“I’m doing well, Senator Chuchi. Thank you for asking.” She bowed her head probably a little too quickly, but still making an effort to show respect to the woman who had Fox’s, “How are things going in the Senate?”
“Making progress day-by-day”
“That’s great to hear, hopefully that means this war will be over soon” Izani was thanking the heavens, the stars, and anyone else that she remained in parade rest with her hands behind her back. The Senator wouldn’t be able to see the clenched up fists, that were simply dying to make a point of impact with that pretty blue face, even though there was really no reason for her to inflict any kind of pain on the woman, after all that was Fox’s decision, and it seemed he didn’t care. There was that sensation in her chest again, what the hell was that? 
“One can hope” Riyo looked back once more at Fox, smiling, “Thank you once again.”
“Anytime, Senator” Fox bowed his head to her, as she walked out of his office and down the hall. He knew without having to look at Izani, there would be a scowl forming as soon as the Senator vanished from view. He raised his head again, running his hand over his forehead and down his cheek over his mouth. “Don’t Iz” was all he said as he moved over to his desk.
“Oh, were you under the impression I was going to say something?” She motioned towards herself, “No. No. Why would I say anything about the woman who ripped out your heart, stomped on it with her teeny tiny feet, and then decided to throw it in a blender? I mean, just because I walked into your office, and found you two sitting on the couch, with you cradling her cheek, while she held on to your hands for what looked like dear life itself, why should I say anything?”
“Okay, you made your point” he held up his hand.
“No. I’m serious” she moved further in, tossing her pack down on the chair in front of his desk, irritation laced throughout her tone, “why should I, the one who listened to you complain for … hmmm, let me think two … four months of you crying your eyes out, sobbing into my shoulder when you found one of her hair ties or when you saw her going on a date with another Senator, should have a say in anything?” She roughly threw open her pack, grabbing the food containers for Fox’s lunch and tossed it on his desk, placing a package of the treats she had been handing out, along with a cup of her special caf. 
“I’m sorry”
“No, you’re not.”
“You’re right, I’m not” Fox let out a frustrated growl, as he arranged the containers in front of him, it had become a routine of theirs to eat lunch together, often times it was the only meal he really had time for, and it worked because of her busy schedule, she understood why he had to eat at odd times due to the nature of their work. Actually, she understood him a lot better than some of his vode.
Yet, as he watched her set up her own containers, he couldn’t help feel guilty about the way he told her not to stay anything. “I’m sorry for being rude, and dismissing your … you know”
“Feelings? Opinions? Notions of sanity?” She quirked one eyebrow, as her eyes flooded with the annoyance she felt. 
“Yeah, that”
She simply shook her head, as she took a bite of her sandwich, “What did she want anyway?”
“Some of the Senators’ families have been receiving threats, a poor attempt of trying to control the Senate, at least that’s my opinion. She was asking if I could look into it, apparently you lot” he motioned with his hand towards her, “the Senate Guard, aren’t taking the threats seriously, or barely moving to investigate it.”
“This is the first I’m hearing about it. I know there’s been a lot more Guards getting sent to the lower levels lately, but other than that …” she shrugged, shaking her head.
“Do you know why they’re being sent?”
“Something to do with civil unrest, but seeing as I’m in a different department, I have no clue”
“Can you find out?”
“Yeah. I could probably ask Api”
“The guys who’s being asking you relentlessly on a date”
“Well, here’s a way to get rid of him once and for all, and get the information I need, right?”
“Whatever” the idea of her spending time with the man didn’t sit right with him, his annoyance showed as Fox took a bite of his sandwich. Despite the aggressive way he tore into his sandwich, he had to face the truth he revelled in how the taste of the meat combined with the various sauces she placed in it, along with some sort of vegetable, made his stomach happy, even his feet curled at the joy of his food. He’d never admit it to her, but he loved her cooking, his lunch time meal was the one thing that made his day, especially after Riyo and him went their separate ways.
“Can I ask you something?” She took a swig of her caf, washing down the sandwich she took a bite from. Fox simply shrugged his shoulders, that was the most answer she was going to receive, but it was all the permission she needed “Are you okay after seeing her?”
Fox’s hands stilled, lowering the sandwich, as the piece he had been slowly chewing finally went down his esophagus. “Honestly, I don’t know. She’s …” he let out a frustrated sigh, as his hand rubbed against his exhausted eyes, “She's still as beautiful as ever, as kind and sweet as ever. Sitting with her on the couch felt like old times, I just wanted to scoop her up in my arms …” he simply shook his head, disappointed in himself, “I don’t know.”
“Did she say anything?”
“She wished things had turned out different. She misses me. She still has my body suit top, and some extras that I had left at her place. She said if I wanted to she’d be willing to give it another go, see if we could fix where we went wrong.”
Izani was shocked by the last part, that woman had the audacity to show up, ask for help and then told him flat out she wanted to give it another go. Even to say ‘where we went wrong,’ is she serious! When Fox went above and beyond to make things work between the two of them? Ugh! She didn’t say anything, she simply looked away from Fox, as she took another bite of her sandwich, this one a more forceful bite.
“You’re not going to say anything?” Fox asked as his eyes lasered in on her face.
Izani simply wiped her mouth, taking a swig of her caf and shrugging her shoulders, “What’s the point of me saying anything”
“You always have a very vocal way of providing your opinion”
“And you have a very deaf way of not hearing it, so what’s the point. You’re going to do whatever you want to do, and …” she let out a sigh as her back hit the backrest of her chair, “And whatever you decide I’m here for you, plus I don’t want to look like the moron when you two get back together” she finally let out as she looked him in the eye. 
“You mean it?”
“Yeah. However, that being said I will give you a moment of advice take it however you want, okay?” 
Fox simply nodded his head as he continued to eat his sandwich, Izani thought about how she wanted to present the advice, she took in a deep breath, moving aside the container of food as she rested her arms on his desk.
“I know what she means to you, Fox. I’m not stupid enough to think you’ll just forget about her. However, the reason you two broke up in the first place was because she couldn’t handle it, don’t get me wrong I get it. It’s not easy to be in a secret relationship where the other person could literally end up dead, simply because someone found out. That being said, if she truly makes you happy then go for it, but only if she’s able to handle it. She knows better than anyone else, nothing has changed with regard to clone rights; so what makes her think she can handle this now that she couldn’t before? Personally, I suggest you ask her, why she feels she can handle it now as oppose to four months ago, because if you guys start down this road and if she feels she can’t handle it again, you are the one who will have the hardest time moving on. You’re my best friend, Fox, and I don’t want to see my best friend hurt.”
Fox didn’t know what to say, he always just assumed they were colleagues who highly respected one another, but the fact she saw him as her best friend threw him. No one ever told him they didn’t want to see him hurt, Riyo had stated on a few occasions she wanted to see him well, and in one piece, but never flat out saying she didn’t want to see him hurt. He felt this was the perfect moment to tease her, though he probably shouldn’t “Aww Iz, you really care about me, don’t you?”
“Fine” she grabbed the container with her barely eaten sandwich, and shoved it back in her bag.
“What are you doing?” He was shocked by her sudden demeanour, why was she packing up?
“Why not? You clearly aren’t going to take what I said seriously”
“You said, I could take the advice any way I choose, and I’m choosing to ignore it.”
Izani stilled her hand, she closed her eyes regaining her sense of calm, “Sorry. You’re right” she opened her eyes, Fox couldn’t help but notice they were filled with resignation and sadness, “I told you, you can do whatever you want with it.” What she really wanted to say, was she now could see how much he valued her opinion, but what was the point of pressing the matter further. 
“Iz …”
“Either way, I have to go” she cut him off, she didn’t need to hear whatever excuse he was going to use. He was going to go back to Riyo, and she was going to break his heart again and she would be the one left to pick up the pieces. 
He knew she was lying, but something told him not to call her out on it. He wished he could do something to convince her he did value her opinion, but that would mean moving on from Riyo and he wasn’t sure he could do that, yet “Wait, you haven’t even finished your lunch, at least have a few more bites”
She shook her head no, “It’s okay, let me see what I can find from the Senate Guards, regarding the threats. Those blue armoured jerks better do something for their pay. I can’t be the only one working.”
“Agreed” Fox smirked towards her as he fidgeted with his container, trying to align it properly with the desk, “Are we okay?” Maker he hated how he sounded, he didn’t know why but for some reason the idea of having Iz mad at him, or sad because of him wasn’t sitting right within him, was it because she had been a really good friend to him these past few months? Someone he could rely on? He could be open with and know it would stay between the two of them? In fairness, this wasn’t just these past few months, it had been that way between them ever since the day they met and she showed him the ropes of the office, and what to expect from the Coruscant bureaucracy. 
Izani looked at Fox doing her best to give him a convincing smile, she’s not even sure why the idea of him being back with that woman didn’t sit right with her. Okay, yes she did end up hurting Fox but maybe it wasn’t intentional or maybe it was, she couldn’t tell for sure. Riyo didn’t appear to be a cruel hearted person, and she seemed to really care about the people of the Republic, yet … the way she ended it with Fox never sat right with her. “Yeah, Fox, we’re good. Like I said, I just got to go, and it’s my fault I didn’t eat more since I spent more time arguing with you than I should have,” she offered as she tilted her head.
Fox nodded, he didn’t want to make her feel bad or anything, he wanted to persuade her to stay there with him but he knew that would be a fool’s errand, “All right, well thank you for the meal, and for the treat” he held up the bag of treats she had left for him. 
“You’re welcome, although the treats came from the missing boy’s parents.”
“You found him then?”
“Yup. Safe and sound. Another happy ending”
He didn’t miss how her smile wasn’t a full one, or the fact that it was the smile she gave to those in authority over her when she couldn’t really express how she was feeling. He didn’t know why but he was getting irritated by the way she was distancing herself. He didn’t say anything, really what could he say? 
He wished he could just push his feelings for Riyo away, but he couldn’t. No matter how hard he tried. Really, why should he feel guilty for having feelings? Why should it matter if Iz was having a hard time with the idea if they got back together? Why was knowing his decision could affect his relationship with her bothering him? Not to mention what was this uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach? 
Izani stood from her seat putting on her pack, “I guess I’ll see you later” she gave a soft smile before she moved from in front of his desk. She knew she shouldn’t have said anything with regard to Riyo, didn’t matter how she felt about the situation, what matter was Fox deserved to be happy. Especially, since everything always rested on his shoulders, she stopped at the door to his office turning to look at him, “I’m sorry for what I said.”
Fox wasn’t sure if maybe he was imagining this, was she really apologizing?
“It shouldn’t matter to me who you decide to love, and my opinion doesn’t matter. If you want to get back together with Riyo than … and not that you need it” she quickly clarified, “you have my blessing and support. I want you to be happy Fox, whether that’s with her, some other Senator, or whoever, but just …” she bit her the inside of cheek thinking of what she wanted to convey, “whatever decision you make” she looked into his eyes, hoping to convey her sincerity, “please make sure that it’s because you want it and it’ll make you happy, not because you think it’s what you’re suppose to do. Okay?”
He wasn’t sure what to say, he was about to talk when he realized he still had a piece of sandwich in his mouth, he quickly chewed it, swallowing it, before he looked into her eyes, “I promise Iz. I’ll do what makes me happy.”
She simply nodded, “I am sorry”
“I know. Don’t worry about it, I know you said and felt what you did because you care about me, and if you tell anyone I said that I’ll kill you” he smirked at her hoping to get her to laugh a little, she only gave a slight chuckle, before he looked down at the remnants of the sandwich that she had made, he looked up at her again, “Will … um … will I see you tomorrow?”
“Probably not, have to finish my report, and see if I can dig up any information on those Senators.” He nodded as he took in what she said, understanding what she was really inferring: she needed an extra day to deal with her emotions and reactions, “However, my comm will be on, so feel free to comm me if you need to talk or whatever” she offered another smile, while her hand pressed on the button to open the door.
“All right, take care of yourself Iz, see you in a few days.”
“You too” she walked out the door fighting back the tears that had been wanting to spill, why was she so upset? So what if Fox went back to Riyo, if that’s what made him happy, wasn’t that a good thing? Why did it bother her to see the two of them together? Was it out of a sense of loyalty? Was it because she knew how much Fox had suffered when Riyo called it quits? She hadn’t felt that strongly before when her other friends got back together with their exes, and why did it bother her that he barely reacted at the idea of Api constantly asking her out? 
She wiped a stray tear as she headed out to the main gate, she kept her head down, she didn’t want anyone to see her emotional. She had worked hard to be taken seriously as a Senator’s Guard, she didn’t need that being undone simply because she didn’t understand herself at that moment.
Hound and Grizzer were still there at their post, when Hound noticed Izani walking past them, yet she didn’t have the same contented air she had when she entered “Izani?” She didn’t answer as she walked past “Izani!” Her head stayed down, but he noticed how her shoulder flinched a little, “IZANI!!” He walked with Grizzer over towards her, she had stopped finally at his final call, she slowly turned to face him. Hound stopped almost mid track as he noticed her glistening eyes, and the tear streaks down her cheek.
“Izzy what’s wrong?” He closed the distance between them, pulling her over to a more secluded spot, where no one would be able to see her. He commed for someone to watch his post, while he dealt with a ‘sensitive matter.’ He didn’t need the rest of the guys to know he’d found her crying.
“He’s …” she shook her head, she couldn’t believe what she was about to say, “he’s going back to her.”
“Going back to who?”
“The Senator? The one who broke his heart? The one who basically said she couldn’t handle the pressure of dating him, that one?” She couldn’t answer, simply nodding her head up and down, Hound tried to reason within himself that maybe her intel was wrong, maybe she was  mistaken in some way, “Are you sure? Maybe ….”
“I walked in on them sitting on the couch together”
Hound was grateful for his helmet he wasn’t sure if she would appreciate the sarcastic look he had on his face at the moment, “Ummm … I’m not trying to downplay your feelings, but …” he nibbled on his lip fighting back the laughter as her eyes narrowed on his visor, “so they’re sitting on a couch” he shrugged, “so what?”
“He was holding her hand” again he shrugged not understanding the significance, “while he cupped her cheek” Hound simply smirked, “Ugh, you’re not getting it, okay here” she took his hand recreating the scene as best she could, “they were like this” she held his hand, placing his hand on her cheek, as she drew him in a little. He could feel his heart beat quicken, his eyes took in every aspect of her face, and he couldn’t help glancing down to her lips, maker he wished he took off his helmet …
“Oh! I get it!” He pulled his hand back, stepping away from her a little, so it didn’t feel as though he was crowding her. 
“You know I feel sorry for your girlfriend. Does she know you flirt with anything that walks by?”
“Listen, first off I don’t flirt”
Izani popped her hip out as she crossed her arms, quirking her eyebrow at him, “Really?”
“I pay compliments, not to mention as long as I dock my speeder in her garage that’s all that matters.”
“Maybe that’s all that matters to you, but let me explain something to you about women, it does matter where you get the fuel for your speeder. It may seem like no little thing to you, but it does make us feel unattractive and used.”
“She doesn’t feel that way”
“Have you asked her?”
“I think we’re getting a little sidetracked. We were talking about the boss, so just because he may have paid her a little more attention, doesn’t necessarily mean…”
“She said she wanted to try again”
Hound simply nodded his head, “Yeah, he’s getting back together with her. Still why does it bother you so much? I mean it’s not like … oh! You do, don’t you?”
“Do what?”
“You like him”
“What! Are you crazy?” 
“Then why cry about it?”
“Cause he’s my friend, my best friend, thank you. I don’t want to see him hurt or taken advantage of; I already had to see him get over her once, I don’t want to go through that again.”
“Who’s to say they’ll even break up again? It could work this time, they each learned what to do and what not to do from last time, isn’t that a possibility? And this is the big guy, so do you really see him being taken advantage of? If he does let someone, then maybe he wants to be taken advantage, if you catch my drift”
“A blind person could catch your drift” she rolled her eyes at him, as he snickered, “I don’t have feelings, I just care about him”
“As more than a friend”
“Ugh, you are so wrong”
“Again I ask, then why cry about it? Why worry they might get back together? If he’s happy and they make it work this time, isn’t that a reason to support him?”
“They’ll break up”
“How do you know?”
“Because nothing’s changed”
“You don’t know that, you aren’t in their relationship.” Hound let out a sigh, as he petted Grizzer, “Izani, listen, I think you’re sweet and kind, and well hell, you’re hot. However, that being said, this isn’t about you, it’s about them, and if you’ve never told him how you feel, how do you expect him to react to someone who does?”
“I don’t have feelings for him”
“Then it won’t bother you if they end up having kids”
“You know what, I have to go”
“Oh because you have feelings for him”
“Aren’t you supposed to be on guard duty or something?”
“You mean like guarding the gate to your heart because you have feelings for him”
“You’re such a di’kut”
“You’re the di’kut in love”
“Who said love? And furthermore, I do NOT have feelings for him!”
“Okay” Hound held up his hand, “You don’t have feelings, you simply care about your friend so much that you cry over the possibility that he could get hurt by someone he truly deeply cares about, even though there’s a great chance they won’t break up again. Cause, you know, that’s normal.”
“You know what I have to go, and thank you for being a giant pain” Izani kneeled down scratching Grizzer’s head beside his ear canal, “Grizzer, please tell your father that he’s a giant pain in my ass” she whispered, the giant massiff licking the side of her face as a big grin settled on it’s jaw. She placed a kiss on the top of his head, before she stood and headed off to the Senate Guard offices. 
“Hey” Hound held on to her arm before she decided to take off, “all kidding aside, if you ever need to talk or go out for a night on the town, I’m your guy, okay?”
“Thanks Hound” she placed a small kiss on his helmeted cheek, patting his cheek before heading off.
“Grizzer” Hound looked down to his sidekick as soon as she was out of earshot, the lovable massiff looking up at his guardian, “I don’t know what the di’kut ori’vod (idiot older sibling) is thinking, but if it were me, I’d choose her” he motioned towards Izani’s retreating form, “every time. Wouldn’t you agree bud?” Grizzer jumped up on all four wagging his body to and fro in agreement.
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mamuzzy · 8 months
ART & FIC masterlist LEGEND
🍀 - General / Safe for view 💗 - Fluff 💔 - Angst / Hurt, no comfort ❤️‍🩹 - Hurt/comfort ⚣ - Male x Male ⚤ - Male x Female 💋 - Suggestive/nude/sexual themes 🤬 - Swearing ❌ - Not safe for view 💀 - Violence 💌 - Ask/request 💐 - Gift 📝- Snippet included
「 ✦ Republic Commando ✦ 」
Kal Skirata and his 106 children [ART] | Kal Skirata | Sketchbook 🍀
Ordo and Fi [ART] | Ordo Skirata, Fi Skirata | Sketchbook| 🍀
Let's get buir a wife [Incorrect Quote] | Kal Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Other's OC: Rose | incorrect meme |🍀⚤💋 :flirting Bakuretsu Scorch [ART] | RC Scorch | KonoSuba Megumin parody | 🍀 Ordo can be spontainous if he wants [COMIC] | Ordo Skirata | 🍀 Fi and the elemelons [ART] | Fi Skirata & Ordo Skirata | 🍀💌
But seriously I have the best moots, I'm gonna cry [ART]   | Ordo Skirata | Sketchbook | 🍀💌
I don’t deserve you - Ordo x Maze [COMIC] |Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Ship prompt | Cloneship | 🍀❤️‍🩹⚣ 
Dynamic of Ordo and Maze [Snippet] | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Cloneship | 🍀📝⚣ 💋Maze miserably fails at flirting. 
Cunty Kama [ART] | Fi Skirata | Reaction to post | 🍀
Ordo x Echo [ART] 18+ |Ordo Skirata, ARC Trooper Echo | Warning: sexual content | Kink: Strangulation | Cloneship | ❌💋⚣ When you planned to sleep with your boyfriend but your favorite fic author just uploaded the latest chapter of Space Twilight - Ordo x Maze [ART] |Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Cloneship | 🍀⚣💗
Erotic Dice Game with the Di’kutla couple - Ordo x Maze [ART] | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Cloneship | 🍀⚣💋they are playing an erotic dice game but kind of cockblocked by the game itself 「 ✦ The Clone Wars ✦ 」
501 shenanigans [ART] | Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives, Clone Trooper Hardcase, ARC Trooper Echo, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Dogma, OC: Deadshot | Sketchbook | Draw the Squad | 🍀💋 Fives is nude but no butt/p visible Anakin Needs therapy [ART] | Anakin Skywalker | Sketchbook |❌💔 Amputee!Anakin POV: Fives approaches you in 79's [ART & Incorrect quote] | ARC Trooper Fives, Coruscant Guard | Sketchbook | 🍀💋: flirting
Dar'Ad [AO3] + [Tumblr Post] | Fanfic | 437 word | Alpha-17, Commander Fox | 🍀💔💀: mentions of execution Foxhunt [ART] | Commander Fox | ❌💀: Blood (not gore, but just to be safe) Comfort a character: Cadet!Fox [ART & Snippet] | Cadet Fox, Alpha-17, Captain Fordo | ask prompt | 🍀💗🤬📝💌
Comfort a character: Rex [ART] | Captain Rex, Commander Cody | 🍀❤️‍🩹💌 Comfort a character: Cadet!Rex [ART & Snippet] | Cadet Rex, Cadet Fox | Ask prompt | 🍀❤️‍🩹📝💌 Comfort a character: Dogma [ART & Fanfic] + [AO3] | Clone Trooper Dogma, Commander Fox | Ask prompt | 407 words | 🍀❤️‍🩹📝💌 Comfort a character: Fox [ART] | Commander Fox, OC: Headshot | Ask prompt | 🍀💗💌 Red is a color of... [ART] | Commander Fox, Commander Thorn | 🍀 Bullet-time Fox [ART] | Commander Fox, Commander Thorn, Commander Thire, Commander Stone, Sergeant Hound, Grizzer | 🍀 Fives [ART] | Gift for Mary | ARC Trooper Fives |🍀💐 Happy Dogma [ART] | Clone Trooper Dogma |🍀 I've received another gift <3 [Comic] | Captain Rex, Commander Fox, 501st, Coruscant Guard | Sketchbook | Gift from nuclearteabag 🍀 💌 💐
TCW x Lucky Star [ART] | Commander Fox | Incorrect Quote | 🍀🤬📝
Thoughts about natborn cadets [Photo] |Commander Fox, ARC Trooper Fives | Toy Photo | 🍀📝
It’s called nature, Fox! [Photo] |Commander Fox, Arc Trooper Fives | Toy Photo | 🍀🤬📝 Fox loves caf [Photo] |Commander Fox | Toy Photo | 🍀
I don’t deserve you - Thorn x Fox [ART & FIC] |Commander Fox, Commander Thorn | Art and Fanfiction | Ship prompt | 982 words | 💌📝🍀❤️‍🩹⚣ cloneship
I do deserve better - Dogma x Tup [ART & FIC] + [AO3] |Clone Trooper Dogma, Clone Trooper Tup | Art and fanfiction | Ship prompt | 560 words | 💌📝🍀💔⚣ cloneship 「 ✦ The Bad Batch ✦ 」
Hunter x Crosshair [ART] | TBB Hunter, TBB Crosshair | 🍀🤬(non-verbally) ⚣ cloneship Comfort a character: Gregor [ART] | TBB Gregor | 🍀💌💋 Gregor is nakey, but nothing visible on the other hand he has big tits. Out of Touch Batch [ART] |TBB Hunter, TBB Tech, TBB Wrecker, TBB Crosshair | Out-of-touch Meme | Lucky Star Parody | 🍀🤬(non-verbally) Hunter in lingerie - Wrecker x Hunter [ART] +18 |TBB Hunter, TBB Wrecker | Hunter in lingerie | warning: sexual content | Cloneship| ❌💋⚣
「 ✦ The Clone Wars 2003 ✦ 」
General Grievous doodle [ART] |General Grievous| 🍀💌 「 ✦ Jedi Knight ✦ 」 Master Katarn & Master Skywalker [ART]   | Kyle Katarn, Luke Skywalker | 🍀 「 ✦ MY SW OCs✦ 」
ARC Trooper Deadshot: He is my babygirl, 501st ARC trooper with amnesia, confident in his abilities but his self-esteem in casual situation is basicly non-existent. Clone Trooper Blaze: Energetic and playful trooper from the Coruscant Guard ready to cause trouble 24/6. Sometimes he sleeps. Clone Trooper Vorn: Trooper with weird humour, "orivod" of Blaze. Hard to get along with. Clone Trooper Bolt: He doesn't speak to me, but he exists. Corrie who loves high places. Clone Trooper Lily: Corriecutie always ready to have the latest gossips of the CG. Headshot: He is a shared OC, CMO of the Coruscant Guard with curiousity for the field of psychology. Clone Trooper Kissar: Proud trooper of the 104th, Fierce and very protective to his brothers. If I choose violence, he is from the first Wolfpack. Headshot [ART] |OC: Headshot, Commander Fox | Sketchbook| 🍀🤬 Deadshot gets the love he deserves [ART] | OC: Deadshot | Sketchbook | 🍀💗 Corries [ART & Lore] | OC: Vorn, OC: Blaze, OC: Bolt | Incorrect Quote | Sketchbook| 🍀 Comfort a character: Deadshot [ART] | OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Fives | 🍀💔 Shattered [ART] | OC: Deadshot | Sketchbook| 🍀💔 Fives x Shots [ART] | OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Fives | 🍀💗⚣ Cloneship Mlem. [COMIC] | OC: Deadshot, Clone Trooper Hardcase, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Dogma | 🍀🤬 Stargazing [ART] | OC: Deadshot | 🍀❤️‍🩹💌 I've got a birthday gift from Corey! [Gift from Corey + Reaction Art] <3 | OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Fives, Clone Trooper Tup | 🍀💌💐 I've known this vod’ika for a day and a half… [ART] | OC: Kissar, Corey’s OC: Cariad | 🍀
Blorbo bleebus ft. Deadshot + Aftermath [Comic]|OC: Deadshot, Captain Rex | Blorbo Meme | ⚣cloneship mentioned 💋mentions of blowjob, mentions of fucking… meh, don’t take this seriously, nothing graphical, just written shenanigans all over the page. Blorbo bleebus: The Aftermath part II. ft. Bruiser & Kissar [ART] |OC: Deadshot, OC: Kissar, Other’s OC: Bruiser | ⚣cloneship💋Everyone loves Commander Wolffe Parasite in his own body [ART] 18+ | OC: Deadshot, unknown male character | NSFW ART | Kink: Knife play, Kink: Bondage, Kink: Degrading | Kink: Dirty Talk | Warning: Blood, Warning: Knife cut, Warning: Formication | Everything is consensual | ❌💋📝⚣
Culture shock(ed)trooper [Snippet] |OC: Lily, OC: Blaze, Corrie!Fives | Warning: mentions of drugs | ❌📝
Deadshot has one of those days [ART] |OC: Deadshot, Clone Trooper Tup | Sketchbook |🍀
I don’t deserve you - Deadshot x Fives [FIC] |OC: Deadshot, Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives | Fanfic | warning: splitting | No Beta |📝💌 💔⚣cloneship Skrunkly Shots [ART] <- skrunkle trooper!shots made by nuclearteabag |OC: Deadshot | Gift for me <3 | shitpost | 🍀💐
If you want to write with or draw my OC-s, credit and @ me so I can see what these menaces are up to. :))) This excludes Headshot for the request of @ithillia, thank you for understanding. 「 ✦ Other’s OCs ✦ 」 Mal [ART] | Gift for Corey | Other’s OC | 🍀💐
「 ✦ Touken Ranbu ✦ 」
Kasen is still the sword of elegance [ART]   | Kasen Kanesada | Sketchbook 🍀🤬
SLANDER!!! [ART] | Juzumaru Tsunetsugu | Sketchbook | 🍀
Slanderman [ART] | Juzumaru Tsunetsugu | Slenderman parody | 🍀
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one-real-imonkey · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox & Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), CC-1010 | Fox & CC-5869 | Stone, CC-1010 | Fox & Hound (Star Wars), CC-1010 | Fox & Hound & CC-5869 | Stone & CC-4477 | Thire & Clone Commander Thorn Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), CC-4477 | Thire, Hound (Star Wars), CC-5869 | Stone, OC Clone Medic Fix, grizzer Additional Tags: febwhump, day 11 chronic pain, CC-1010 | Fox Needs A Hug, Hurt CC-1010 | Fox, Tired CC-1010 | Fox, Chronic Pain, fibromyalgia, Sheev Palpatine Being An Asshole, Protective Siblings, Pain, Coruscant Guards (Star Wars), Protect the Coruscant Guard, Implied/Referenced Torture, Injury Recovery, Permanent Injury, Sibling Love, Heatwave Series: Part 11 of Febwhump 2022, Part 29 of Tales from the Coruscant Guard Summary:
All the Corries know pain. They face it on a daily basis, on the streets of the city and in the Senate building itself. And they know lasting pain, wounds that never healed quite right without batch. Fox's pain was a little different, his couldn't be treated by the pain relief that worked for the rest. All Fox could do was struggle on through. . Day 11- Chronic Pain.
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