#seriously every single one of y'all are so awesome
Ok, so, I wanted to do some art for today, but I never got around to it, so I guess what I'm doing for day 30 is just a positive rant about this community and how awesome it is
Day 30, Home
For my whole life, I've felt most at peace in nature. I don't quite know why, but I know it makes me feel safe. I'll go on 3 hour long bike rides that are really just 1 hour of biking and 2 hours of sitting by the river. I'll sit out in the prickly, hot, uncomfortable backyard just to be near a tree, and I'll do anything to just stay still on a forest path and slowly watch nature return to how it was before I came.
And I think that's why I love Rangers Apprentice so much. The whole vibe of the books, of the universe, is so familiar to me. It's also taught me things that I view as necessary, like how to properly watch someone who might be trouble without them knowing I am, or how to become as unobtrusive as possible in a crowded room. The universe and the community just feel so much like home to me, so safe and kind, that it's hard to imagine anything but my actual home making me feel so happy.
This is the part of the post that I'm a bit iffy about including cause I don't wanna bother people, but here we go: some of the best people I've met online have been in this fandom, they're just so sweet and kind and everytime I get a note from them with a message I smile.
@artsysurvivor , I'm like 90% sure you were the first person to ever reblog one of my posts with a message of some kind. You're so sweet and uplifting, and you were honestly a major help when I asked people for Irish lullaby recommendations. You're absolutely awesome and amazing, and one of the reasons I love this fandom as much as I do.
@crowleymeratynranger17 , this one is kinda harder to explain, lol. I've been trying to find a post that you've like left a message on and stuff but I can't find any sadly, but the way you are pretty reliably the first person to interact with my posts has made you a kind of reminder that even in tough times, there are still people who want hear what I say. If you feel uncomfortable with being on this list, I can totally delete this section, but I still just wanted to include it
And most recently, @an1d10t ! Dude, your headcanons and general attitude are so awesome. The way you focus on the little things and the implications and the sweet things is just so refreshing to see, even though I love the angst and all that. Also, you're just generally so cool! And kind! And nice to interact with! You've been really making this entire community feel like a community for me. Thank you!
And also, thank you to literally everyone else. I may not have specific things to say, but if you interact with this fandom at all, I really do appreciate you. This is the most welcomed I have ever been in a community, and I can not over state how much the people here mean to me. If it was possible to have a true home on the internet, it'd be this community! Thank you, everyone, for making this place feel like home!
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boxwinebaddie · 2 months
IS. THAT.../YOU/? </3
tw for mild body horror, semi-graphic medical talk
*reaches my kenny girl hand up thru the dirt by my grave
& shoots the wink, finger gun, peace sign, wave combo*
HELLOOOO, MY LOVES! />o</ <333
( i'll make a bigger post later; swearsies. )
but where’s uncle nina?...Long Story Short?
i am seriously dreading having to go to the hospital for...the THIRD FUCKING TIME, so my diaHAGnosis hasn't been officially proven,
but trust me...juuuust trust me...
*is somewhere between a laugh, sigh, scream and cry*
i am about 95% sure....
wheeeew!~ yayayay! sAuR AwESomE!
i am...having So Much Fun! <3 xx
anyways, in case i croak, just wanted to pop in from the trenches to say a real quick, but quantifiably large and overtly resounding
my rant park girls, ofc, for enduring my britney spears mentie bs in the chat, my psychosis and v obnoxious 'needs to be carried thru life' complaining/suffering on the reg ( i cried every single day for the past...almost week? because of how scared and sad i’ve been. ;-; )
anyone who sent me an in character/headcannon/plot question the past couple of days bc, other than the girlies, it was the only source of real joy and enrichment i have felt while being scared...for my life. thank...you. Seriously. like y'all still care abt my fic? wowza!! o/u/o
( regarding memes, soz, they might not super exciting, i’m only doing lil spef HC ones rn & got a lil hyperfixated on rae, so i am doing that one abt his height / fave fruit.
<333 my lovely emo fruit salad celebpretty boy. c: )
'cause haha!!! you were NOT wrong, concern was not misplaced at all! I HATE THIS SCARY NIGHTMARE FUEL CHILDREN CONTAGION! :(
istg, my face has swollen up shrunken down, been every color, the pressure in my ears and nose and face is so bad that i feel like i am i an airplane rn....in my bedroom, every er dr. told me i had a sunburn and was an idiot, like actually king, i am green not red! get a real job!
siiiiiiiiigh...i just...:c i’ve never felt weaker, more miserable, more afraid, more UGLY and more lost in my entire life...
but i am grateful to have been found by readers and human beings as lovely as yourselves. i miss you. i love you. i'll try to be in touch as much as i can, but it will be touch and go, my body is a body bag rn :/
thank you for fighting the good fight, my darlings. whatever you are going through, KEEP FUCKING GOING. this is not the end. you are so much stronger than things that want to make you weak.
( i'm not very good at practicing what i preach, but ngl, kinda sick, literally, but i have basically been my own emergency makeshift whumpshot this past week and it has been gNARLY. like i have been...very scared. lmao. i am...still scared, but i'm gonna be okay. )
from what hurts or harms you,
past, present and future....
-sickfic body horror whumple nina <3
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literallyjusttoa · 2 years
Some interesting differences between Greek and Roman myths (and other things) that I think would've been really cool to explore in HoO and ToA
Disclaimer: I am no scholar, and while I have tried my hardest to check my resources for accuracy, any sort of second-hand account of mythology has a chance of holding misinformation. I sadly do not have access to many primary sources, so this might not all be 100% accurate!! If you see something and you know it's wrong, pls let me know so I can fix it!
Anyways, onto the list! This is REALLY long, but the organization is gonna go like this.
Fact about the difference between Greek and Roman myths or worship.
Reason why I think it would be interesting to explore in the riordanverse.
and so on and so forth. This is really just for me to document ideas I've had, but hopefully y'all get something out of it too, read at your own risk, I suppose.
The Romans believed that after the Titanomachia, Saturn (The roman name for Kronos) fled to Italy and took refuge with it's king. Saturn eventually shared the throne with this king, and their kingdom was known to be joyous and peaceful. Romans actually worshiped Saturn bc of this, and he had a temple at the foot of Capitoline Hill.
Imagine if Percy arrived at Camp Jupiter, and one of the first things he sees is a temple to the titan he just spent 5 years trying to defeat. Like, I know he has no memories at this point, but I'm sure it would make him at least a bit uneasy. I think this would do a lot to sell the greek/roman schism in HoO, bc that whole plot point never really hit with me. We keep being told the Greeks and Romans hate each other almost instinctively, but other than Octavian, we aren't really shown it. Also it always seems like the Romans hate the Greeks and the Greeks are just kind of offended that the Romans hate them. Having actual tangible reasons for our main Greek character to feel uncomfortable around New Rome would a lot to make this actually feel like an equal issue.
2. In Greek mythology, Zeus was thought to be powerful, but not a supreme force. He was still beholden to the strings of fate. On the other hand, Jupiter was seen as the lord of life and death, having complete power and control over the cycle of life. He was more powerful than fate, and never came down from Olympus, as Zeus was known to do often.
Again, a HUGE discrepancy that I wish the books explored. This just kind of goes with the underdevelopment of Jason in HoO, but how cool would it be if Jason had this understanding of Jupiter. Like, yeah, in canon Jason points out that Jupiter is stern and distant, but it never gets to all-powerful controller of life levels. Having Jason see his father's distance as right and just would make him an incredible contrast to Percy, who just spent the last 5 books trying to get gods to be more open with their kids. It would add so much to Jason's arc about being torn between Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood. As a Roman and Praetor, Jason understands why his father never speaks with him, but as a kid, he wishes he could know the humanity of the Greek side of his father. (ofc in pjo Zeus sucks either way but Jason doesn't know that)
3.Juno was actually seen as much nicer and more matronly than Hera, and was said to watch over every woman from her birth until her death.
I just think this would do wonders for Hera's characterization in the riordanverse. Imagine if we got to see her actually help one of the girls on the Argo II as Juno, especially since she basically put EVERY SINGLE MALE CHARACTER on the Argo II personally, yet had nothing to do with he female characters??? Seriously, Hera was behind Leo, Frank, Jason, and Percy being a part of this quest, but as far as I can remember, she had nothing to do with Annabeth, Piper, or Hazel being there. What is up with that? It would've been so cool to see Juno watch over Hazel, or help Annabeth (Could lead to some awesome character development for both Hera and Annabeth), or even just give some advice to Piper. Seriously we were robbed.
4. This isn't really a difference, but there is actually a period in Rome where Apollo does not seem to have been worshiped at all, or at least not in any major capacity. One temple is noted to have been built for Apollo in 430 B.C.E., but we don't really see him again in any sort of public way until Augustus takes power hundreds of years later. Seeing as Apollo was one of, if not the most popular Greek deity, this is a rather large change. Of course, once Augustus brings him back to the limelight, worship of Apollo becomes hugely popular, with many emperors claiming his moniker to show their own divinity.
This could actually fill a big plot hole in the riordanverse. It makes no sense that Apollo has 6-7 Greek children as of the end of ToA, yet he has no roman kids at all? However, in this light we see Apollo as a god who never really connected with Rome, and was a bit of a late runner when it comes to Roman worship. If you look at it from a character standpoint, instead of a strictly historical or mythological view, it almost seems like Apollo was holding onto Greece. The Romans started taking Greek colonies in the 200's B.C.E, and have fully taken the area by 146 B.C.E.. In this time, and even before it, almost every Greek deity was co-opted into Roman worship. Apollo, however, stayed steadfastly Greek, until Augustus started to pray to him for victory in battle. (Fun fact: Augustus actually credited Apollo with his victory over Marc Anthony and Cleopatra in Actium) This whole thing makes it look like Apollo just didn't want to be Roman, or at least he didn't want to let go of Greece like the other gods were. And it seems like he didn't let go of Greece at all in the end, as there are very few notable differences between his Greek and Roman depictions. From this, I take two things. One, Apollo was probably never Roman, at least not in the way HoO depicts a god being Roman. This creates some interesting implications for how Apollo lived during Roman times, but that's a whole other thing. Two, because of this, Apollo might not be able to have a Roman demigod child. After all, the demigods at Camp Jupiter are classed as such for being born to specifically roman counterparts of gods. If Apollo has no such counterpart, he can't have the kids. Of course, this begs the question of Octavian, but I'll expand on that later.
5. When you look into it, the Roman god Diana is actually much closer to many characteristics of Hecate than she is the Greek portrayal of Artemis (though this is mainly because Artemis and Hecate were mixed together often, even in Greek times.) It is said that Diana has three forms: In the heavens she was Luna, the moon; on earth she was Diana, the goddess of the hunt; and in the underworld, she was Proserpine, a malevolent master of witchcraft.
Ok, ok I know this actually makes no sense in the context of HoO, but wouldn't it be so cool if Hazel worked with Diana instead of Hecate. I just think it would really expand the arc!! Seeing a different side of Artemis, one of the godesses we've probably saw the most of in the original series, would be so neat. Also, Diana as Proserpine having connections to both witchcraft and the underworld makes her a perfect fit. IDK IDK I just think it would be really cool. PLUS it would give Hazel and Frank a fun little parallel bc Frank would be inspired by Apollo while Hazel was trained by DIana. Vague sun and moon parallels my beloved.
6. The job of an Augur is actually much closer to the Greek's soothsayers than it is their oracles. While oracles are said to interpret the god's will, soothsayers and augurs see the future simply through simple acts of nature. The way in which augurs tell the future actually has a lot less to do with the gods than one might assume.
I just wish this fact was mentioned in HoO bc honestly it clears up so much for me. Also when it comes to Octavian, I think it makes more sense for him to be blessed by Apollo instead of descended from him (I know he says he's both in the book but shhh wait let me keep going for a sec) Soothsayers and Augurs were priests, directly picked by the gods to divine the future on their own. While oracles were basically the gods mouthpieces, Augurs would be allowed to divine their own interpretation of the future from what they saw in nature, all condoned by whatever god blessed them (probably Apollo). In this way, the whole "Apollo is turned mortal bc he supported Octavian" thing makes a lot more sense. In canon, we only get told through a throwaway line that Apollo was "totally swayed by Octavian's promises of power guys, trust me." It always just seemed so out of left field to me. If I were to take it in a new direction, I would lean much more into the fact that Octavian was an appointed priest of Apollo, who abused his supposed ability for prophecy to cause war. Apollo is now directly stated to be Octavian's willful benefactor, so of course he'd take the fall this. It would show Apollo's callousness. He doesn't care for Camp Jupiter as much he does Camp half-blood (see point 4) so he let the position of Augur become corrupt with little complaint. Also, if Octavian isn't Apollo's descendant, my whole "Apollo can't have a roman kid" theory is FOOLPROOF HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
7. While both cultures had large religious festivals, Rome's were much more centralized and documented. This is mainly due to Rome being ruled by a single republic or emperor, as opposed to Greece's city-states.
This isn't changing anything in canon as much as wishing there was more of it. Man, I wish we could've seen more of the Roman festivals. We're always just told they happen, but I wanna know the specifics! These are huge religious events! Are the New Romans actually fully worshiping the gods these festivals celebrate? How do the Roman characters we have feel about the festivals? Does Jason miss them while on the Argo II? Do Hazel, Frank, and Jason try to put on a small celebration for the festivals that pass while they're sailing to Rome? Let these things be important dangit.
8. When the Greeks sculpted, they focused on the ideal form, with emphasis put on the athletic male figure. Because of this, the face of the figure was not specific to any individual, as it was not the focus. In contrast, the Romans put a heavy emphasis on the face. In Rome, you wanted your lineage to be known, so you had your face sculpted with intense detail. That way, sculptures of your face could be compared with sculptures of your forefathers, or your children.
Again, I wish we were shown more of a difference between Greeks and Romans than "Romans are strict and organized, Greeks like to have fun" They're two entirely different cultures!!! Imagine if we showed the Roman emphasis on lineage in someone other than Octavian. Have Jason be genuinely proud of the affluence being a son of Jupiter gives him, let that be a flaw of his, a point of contention on the Argo II. Show how family pride can be important in arcs like Frank's, where he learns how to accept the fact that he is Mars' son, and grow into that role. Put the emphasis of these arcs on the fact that they're struggling with the ROMAN idea of family lineage. Let being from New Rome be an real identity. I feel like the synopsis of this whole thing is that I wish the Romans had whole beliefs that were wildly different from the Greeks. They could value different things, interact with the gods in distinctly different ways. We always see the conflict of swords between the Greeks and Romans, but never the conflict of beliefs, and I think that kind of sucks. Also it makes NO SENSE THAT THE ROMANS HATE THE GREEKS ANYWAY! Ancient Romans fucking loved Ancient Greeks! They saw the Greeks as their ancestors, adapting all of their religion and art out of a genuine appreciation for the culture. If anyone should hate anyone, it should be the Greeks, bc the Greeks were the ones who GOT CONQUERED. But in HoO, all of the Greeks just seem mildly disgruntled by the idea of Romans. idk it doesn't make much sense to me.
If you got to the end, I hope you got something out of my rambles. I honestly still feel like I have more to say about this stuff, so if anyone has any questions or wants me to expand on anything lmk! If not tho, thank you for reading!
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Just wanted to ask what your *favorite* like, Top 10 furniture/build cc is? also where we could get it? sry if you dont do asks i just like your stuff
Hey! Okay, this is SUCH a hard question asdfghjhgfd so i'm gonna be super annoying and do a broader version with some of my favourite buildbuy creators. because i am not joking when i say i could easily list like hundreds of my top cc asdfghjkjhgfdfghjjhgf i hope thats okay!!!
asdfghjjhgf this post uhm. got away from me and ended up being SO LONG lmao but i think its worth it!
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If you like retro/mid century modern style cc, then teekalu's stuff is ESSENTIAL!!!!!!
literally obsessed with their colour palettes! everything matches SO nicely and you could easily decorate whole rooms/houses with just their stuff alone
THE WALLPAPERSSSSSSSSSSSSS argh my ultimate favourite!!!! like, i mean it when i say that if i could only have one set of CC in my mods folder and nothing else, it would be teekalu's wallpapers. i use them in every single build ever and would actually be bereft without them
not JUST build buy cc but also lots and cas cc!!!! and its all amazing and such a vibe!!!!
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did somebody say colour options? because there's COLOUR OPTIONS GALORE!!!!!!
MATCHING!!!!!!!!! leading on from the point about colour options, most of her cc comes in MULTIPLE colour palette options, so the options for matching different sets is ENDLESS. seriously, it's like, incredible and sooooooo appreciated
awesome mix of build AND buy!!! i must admit that i go ham mostly on her wallpaper cc (are we sensing a theme here? listen i hoard wallpaper cc like there's no tomorrow i cant help it) BUT the buy items are ALSO AMAZING???? and again, everything MATCHES!!!!!!!! oh, AND there's some incredible builds, too?!?!? the talent!!! and it would be remiss not to mention that pictureamoebae is like, the reshade master
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as we all know by now, i LOVE quirky cc. if it's colourful and fun, i'm THERE, and kiwisim4's content totally fits that bill
the tui series is my FAVOURITE!!! the COLOUR! the STYLE! the PIZAZZ!
ANDDDDD for those who want something a lil' more mainstream and less super specific, there's also a bunch of other sets in different styles that can fit any type of aesthetic and decor choice!
FOR EVERY ROOM TOO! kitchens? bathrooms? studies? living rooms? kids bedrooms? check, check, check, check and CHECK!
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aight buckle up y'all because i am constantly perplexed that zx-ta doesn't receive more love because LET ME TELL YOU, her cc is SO! FREAKING! GOOD! STOP READING MY POST RN AND GO CHECK OUT HER CREATIONS!!!!!
truly consider this to be the swiss army knife of cc creation - you want ts3 and ts2 to ts4 conversions? what about medieval and historical cc? genius additions to existing game content like separated sinks? wall art? planters? WELL HERE IT IS! literally every style/aesthetic/era/furniture type you could ever wish for
ik i mentioned it already but the SEPERATED SINKS!!!!! GENIUS! GALAXY BRAINED! also the movie hangout kitchen set IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOOD
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aaaaaaaand no build/buy cc list of mine would be complete without mentioning the incredible sforzinda. listen, if you see cool clutter in any of my pics, there's a 90% chance its by them
aight they do truly chefs kiss CAS cc, BUT, i am OBSESSED with their separated clutter sets in particular. how many times have you looked at game asset and thought, hey, there's some rlly cute bits in this but then its like, part of a MASSIVE object that you never really use. well, sforzinda basically solves that time and time again and me and my mods folder are SO thankful. AND THE WALL ART ITEMS!!!!! THE MESH EDITS!!!!!!!!!
my most favourite one is undoubtedly the separated little campers clutter set, but also THE HIGH SCHOOL YEARS BED PACK!!!! ARGH!!!! SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
im sorry i didnt like answer your question really asdfghjhgfds i just, i have SO many favourites id never be able to narrow it down asdfghjhgfds. if you (or anyone else!) ever wants like a specific idk top beds, top coffee tables, top floors etc tho pls let me know because i'd definitely be able to make myself be SLIGHTLY more specific then asdfghjhgfdsdfghj. this was rlly fun tho!!! thank you so much for your ask, I hope this was at least a wee bit useful asdfghjkjhgfdfghjkjhg
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destinyc1020 · 13 days
You are right, fans shouldn’t compare actors. But when as fans you see other actors having movies that aren’t well received by critics or don’t do much money at the box and You don’t see the media writing essays about how bad they performed, then you see Tom and how everything he fails is overblown, how his play was insanely criticized because his co star was black, when other actors have had black leads and nobody blinked an eye or cared. We as fans see this and feel that is so unfair to Tom. If Tom had been the lead in a movie like Challengers, I can bet on that the media would had written essays calling him a flop because the movie underperformed at the box office. It seems all the actors have a free pass but Tom is not allowed to. Even NWH having the other Spider-Men, instead of becoming something good, help to create this narrative that he is not good enough and Sony should do more movies with the others.
If Tom had been the lead in a movie like Challengers, I can bet on that the media would had written essays calling him a flop because the movie underperformed at the box office. It seems all the actors have a free pass but Tom is not allowed to. Even NWH having the other Spider-Men, instead of becoming something good, help to create this narrative that he is not good enough and Sony should do more movies with the others.
I'm sorry, but I had to stop reading when you claimed that "Challengers" "UNDERperformed" at the box office.
Last I checked, Challengers did pretty well at the box office! Especially considering that it was a film that wasn't based on a franchise, a sequel, and wasn't part of a huge IP and had an original screenplay.
I mean, these smaller films are doing pretty well imo. It probably did BETTER than expected actually.
And since when has Tom had a box office film that was called a "flop" Anon? Seriously.... I'm waiting. From what I've seen, most of Tom's films since Spiderman have done pretty well at the box office? Maybe CW would have been a flop had it actually come out to theaters, but it didn't.... it went straight to streaming. 🤷🏾‍♀️
So which imaginary film is this that you've said Tom has had come out to theaters, and he's been called a "flop"? I swear sometimes you all just make stuff up. 🤦🏾‍♀️ The Avengers films did AMAZING at the box office, the Spiderman films did awesome at the box office, Uncharted did amazingly well (even surprisingly well) at the box office. Sooo...... 👀
And what actors are you saying get a "free pass"??? I just posted an article where Tom Hardy's film with Austin Butler got called a "flop". Tom Hardy didn't get a free pass did he? 🥴
Look, you can't take these media articles this seriously. EVERY single actor has had a bad review of their film or TV show at SOME point in their lives. Guess what... they're still acting!
Some people HATED the "Venom" films. Well guess what? Tom's 3rd Venom movie is STILL coming out in the future.
Like seriously y'all.... 🙄
You are right, fans shouldn’t compare actors. But when as fans you see other actors having movies that aren’t well received by critics or don’t do much money at the box and You don’t see the media writing essays about how bad they performed, then you see Tom and how everything he fails is overblown,
Please see my points above ☝🏾
how his play was insanely criticized because his co star was black, when other actors have had black leads and nobody blinked an eye or cared. We as fans see this and feel that is so unfair to Tom.
Now hold up. ✋🏾
I know you're not going to blame the racist hate that Fran got from weirdos online, and put that as "proof" of Tom getting crapped on?
SERIOUSLY Anon? 🤨 That's a horrible take. Not to mention, it's very insensitive and dismissive to Fran, when SHE was the one who was at the brunt of the backlash and hatred. 😒
Anything that I've read about Tom's play had nothing but good things to say about Tom's performance! Maybe some didn't care for the austere vibe of the stage set, or didn't really care for some of Jamie's decisions with regards to this play, but I rarely saw anyone criticizing Tom's acting in the play. And if the crowd size is just a snippet of how people felt about this play, then I'd say that most of the general public liked it? 😅
The play sold out in HOURS with just Tom's name being announced Anon. 😒 Idk how anyone can say that this was a "flop".
With regards to Tom's other projects on streaming platforms, I actually recall TDATT getting pretty good reviews? 🤷🏾‍♀️ And with Cherry and TCR, the critics may have had issues with the Russo brothers and their directorial choices, or with Akiva and his writing or his refusal of wanting critics to mention DID in their reviews, but that's not TOM'S fault Anon.
Anon, as long as an actor is an actor, they are GOING to get bad reviews. It's just a fact of life.
Every actor has a "flop" at some point in their career. Even the great Meryl Streep. Yes, even Mr. Timmy Chalamet. 😏
"Bones & All"... hello?? 🥴
But look, there are plenty of smaller and indie films out here that aren't MEANT to be box office kings. They are just made for the art of film. "Saltburn", "Challengers", "The Bikeriders", "Bones and All", "Kinds of Kindness", etc.
I think fans need to stop looking at Tom's work as always needing to be on the level of Spiderman success and acclaim. Just be happy for Tom that he's doing the types of work that he wants to do! 😊
Whether critics like it or not, oh well!? 🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm sure Tom isn't taking on projects for critic review. Most actors take on roles because the script or the story appeals to them in some way.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
You know, when I used the Pandemic, and the took the time to reflect on everything including me, as a person. I realized a lot of things...
I love to watch drama unfold, but no way in hell, do I ever wanna be part of it, or the reason for it ever again. - a good friend on here told me that we've all had a dark streak in high school. That really made me feel better. Because I feel really bad about what I did and said during that time. And recent events concerning an Evil Relative (still going to deny my actual connection to that person), make me realize, I just want to enjoy life. Have fun with friends, family, myself and to support and bring up people! I guess that's part of the reason I came back to Tumblr after 5 years, and got inspired to write, and share very strong opinions about certain dramas that don't include me. Those all connected me with different awesome people on here! And I appreciate and admire every single one (even ones ready to kill each other for whatever beef they each have).
If anyone talks bad about me, it's okay. They don't know me, as well as I know myself - I'm shutting up unless I'm personally attacked (like those hate from evil anons). I'm confident in myself, and I'm mostly okay with being me. So, take with that, what you will...
Does anyone really give a damn who I follow or interact with on here? - I seriously sound "unbearably naive", to quote Ultron. But seriously, I don't care who posts what, or what you believe, unless I blow it out of proportion because that's how I feel, like in the case of Chris. So, if y'all hate each other there, and I wasn't even "existing" as far as y'all are concerned when y'all started having Bad Blood, DON'T FUCKING DRAG ME INTO IT.
And finally, just know, that this place is my escape, and my venting place - the problems I have in real life, aren't anyone's business, and y'all might only get vague descriptions here and there, but I need to let my feelings out somewhere. Or I will explode towards the worst direction possible. And anyone who thinks I shouldn't can fuck off! THIS IS MY BLOG, AND I WILL DO AND POST WHATEVER I PLEASE
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Thanks for reading my screaming into the void post! It's just for me to be able to actually forget the stress I have on and off the app/website.
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otonymous · 2 years
About Me Tag 🤔
Thank you so much for the tag, dear @otome0heart! 💕 Sorry it's coming so late! 🙈🤣
Nickname: Otonny
Sign: Leo 🦁
Height: 166 cm
Last thing googled: William Butler Yeats
Song stuck in my head: Not really stuck in my head per se, but I do have the soundtrack for First Love on repeat right now as I write!
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(Takeru Satoh is too hot!! 🔥🔥🔥 Somebody save me!!)
Number of followers: an immeasurable amount of pornbots (seriously, I'm getting sick of blocking every hour lol). But I love every single one of my human readers and supporters! 🥰😍
Amount of sleep: If I had my way, 8-9 hours is optimal. I typically average around 6-7.
Dream job: Writing, writing and more writing 💗🤩 Would also love to own a cozy bookstore that sells awesome stationery supplies 😍
Lucky number: Anyone else here with a Master Life Path number 11? 🤣
Movies/books that summarize you: Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, because I am forever seeking and always on that journey...🐎🏜️🐑
Favourite song: Right now, let's say it's The Wuthering Heights by Ryuichi Sakamoto
Aesthetic: ...don't really have one as I'm all over the place, but I am a huge fan of cottagecore Minecraft building tutorials on Youtube 🤣
Favourite instrument: The human voice (sing it out loud!!) 🎤🤩 Also a big fan of the guitar and piano.
Favourite authors: Charlotte and Emily Brontë. Silvia Moreno-Garcia is a modern day genius (her work is absolutely amazing). Koji Suzuki's Ring Trilogy blew my mind. And the late Thich Nhat Hanh was sublime.
Favourite animal noises: The call of a loon at daybreak. Or a pack of wolves howling at night (even though it freaked the sh*t out of me when I heard it while camping LOL)
Random: Drink a glass of hot lemon water in the morning 🍋🤩
Tagging (no pressure y'all - only if you want to play, beautiful people!): @hisbeautifulnightmare17 @purple-cat-demon @redheadkittys @janumun @dear-mrs-otome @lin-ful 💕💕💕
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rakumel · 3 months
Haven't done a games post in some times, aaaaand....I still won't.
Summer's the busiest time of year at my job, so a lot of it's simply a lack of time. Most of what I've been playing when I do have time is Balatro, and there's not a whole lot to say about it that hasn't already been said, better, by other people. It's poker and then some. I mean, I could go into some of my favorite jokers and setups I'd like to use if the game was kind enough to let me, but honestly I think that would bore the shit out of most of you, and I don't blame you.
I wanted to revisit Tomodachi Life a few months ago, after watching an old let's play of it. I think I still have the data on my 3DS, I don't think I ever formally deleted my island. But unexpected difficulties torpedoed that idea. I don't have the cartridge anymore, and I'm not paying over a hundred bucks to replace it. Especially when I remembered why I stopped playing Tomodachi Life in the first place: after about a few weeks it gets old. By then you've seen almost every major development the game has, and mostly all it can offer is new things in the shops. (Which it probably can't even do anymore, since Nintendo's long since moved on to newer consoles.)
Why not just...emulate it? one might ask. Partly because the major 3DS emulator had to cease and desist back in April, and I'm too emulator dumb to get the others to work. But even if I wasn't, I just don't think there's any way to make a fully working Tomodachi Life rom, because so much of the gameplay relied on hardware gimmicks. Things like blowing into the mic and rocking the 3DS back and forth. It might? be possible? to do on like a tablet or something, but I wouldn't know and don't have the spare time or funds to find out.
Last month there was another update to Xenoverse 2, so I fired that up one evening only to find...it was just a new currency they were introducing soon. Oh boy! A new super special awesome currency in addition to the two they already have!
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Seriously, I don't give a single ass of a single rat. I dutifully started up the game with each character I had on there to get the message out of the way, then shut off the console, and I haven't been back to it since. Don't get me wrong, I still like the game, and the characters and story I made with it. But a lot of the extras just don't interest me at all, and I wish there was a way to opt out of them. Battle Simulator? I don't care how much Bulma loudly and cheerfully announces it, I can't be and never will be arsed. Daily Missions? Meh. Online play? No thanks, I hate the general public too much. Working a service job will do that to you.
Last October or thereabouts, I played through a rom hack of Pokemon FireRed, Rocket Edition. Bascially it lets you play as a member of Team Rocket instead of a regular trainer, but they did more than swap some sprites around. The author actually rewrote the basic storyline, and while it's kind of '90's grade edgy in parts, it's not terrible. It's a bit harder - most people that would help you out in the original game now don't want anything to do with you, which makes sense since you're a criminal. But hey, in the spirit of Team Rocket, I was going to cheat anyway.
What I had originally wanted to do was let y'all vote between two of my Team Rocket characters that I'd made years and years ago. Rion's challenge would have been to complete the Pokedex by any means necessary: catching, stealing, hacking the Game Center, whatever. Hyacinth's challenge would have been to complete the game with only Poison types. Then I was going to sketch little comics as I progressed through the game, and at certain points ask y'all if you wanted the protagonist to basically play it straight, or just be the most evil little bastard possible (there is a moral choice system, and there are consequences. Unless, of course, you cheat. Haha)
I lost interest in the idea when I booted up the game a second time and remembered: oh yeah, you don't get a choice between a male and female trainer in this game. You're just a dude the whole time. Well, that makes the choice for me, and that's no fun.
I guess I could blend the two characters and their challenges together (I even came up with a name for them, Ricin). But again, I don't know how much time I'd be able to devote to this.
So...we'll see. Maybe I can properly get into something once the summer season lets up.
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mono-rogue · 8 months
Oh hey there's actually people???
Literally throughout the day I just see people actually seeing, liking, AND reblogging the THREE posts I've made?? Seriously, thank you all for the support, can't wait to give you all more!
So, I'd like to give a general idea of what I'll be posting on here for all you people who followed or want to follow B)
Art (obviously), it'll mostly be a mix of interests, not just Hazbin (UT/DR, Celeste, Hilda, and more...)
Art (reblogged), other people's work are cool and awesome so for sure I'll be highlighting incredible work!
Banter and discourse... kind of. Not a lot, but when I feel like there's personal life or real world stuff worth talking about, it'll be here.
While I'll likely indulge in adult themes, I will not be including NSFW or distasteful content here :)
With that, there's also some general ideas I want to go over:
Asks are up and running! I won't be able to answer every single one, but it's open for your asking pleasure.
Sketch Requests? I'm not sure, but it'll likely be during specific time windows that I'll open up sketch requests. More details at a future date when I feel like it (And maybe commissions for art if y'all are interested...)
Tutorials? Hmm, maybe. Check back on me in another time.
While things may change, this'll likely be the general vibe here. Again, thank you for your support and I hope you'll enjoy whatever chaos this blog will ensue!
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mrstsung · 2 years
Sorry not sorry. I don't think Richard epcar does raiden well. It's too stiff. Plus i can't take it seriously. All i hear is Joseph joestar. And that makes me sad.
Raiden is supposed to have a deep and commanding voice but its calm and protective but he also has a light hearted feel to him and sense of humor. It's not supposed to be stiff or no offense,boring.
Clancy brown,Jeffrey meek,and Christopher Lambert to a small degree as his portrayal is also stiff sometimes. All portrayed that very well.
Clancy ironically as hell. Does raiden so damn well. its so underrated. Its sarcastic,its soft,its deep enough and commanding without being too harsh. It's everything that raiden embodies. Like a thunderstorm. God why can't people see this?!
Look richard. I love him dearly as a voice actor. AMAZING talent . But to me his raiden is weak and generic. No offense to those that love him as raiden.
But the thunder god i know n love doesn't sound like that.
Plus no offense. I feel that people only like him because of jojos. And nothing else.
I say this too as a jojo fan. But y'all need to not be so damn blind when it comes to these things.
Just because they are awesome as a voice actor. Don't mean every character they portray is good. It doesn't mean that every single one fits the character.
I just don't get why people love his raiden so much?
Raiden isn't THAT serious sounding.
Again im not knocking it. I just don't see the appeal? It doesn't do it for me.
I can't take raiden in mk11 seriously. Tho some aesthetics are badass and the gameplay seems fun for him so far.
But as for the voice acting. Nah. I lose the immersion.
I thought I'd love his voice. But sadly. I just don't.
I tried to make it work but compared to other voices in the game. It sticks out like a very sore broken thumb to me.
Again these are my opinions. You can think whatever about it. But for me? Nah.
They haven't done raiden good or justice for a while now.
If anything its only slightly better in mk11. But only slightly for his character.
Like you can smell the favouritism from NRS.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Destiny, I’ve just got to get this off my chest. I was looking at an insta account someone posted on tumblr and it was about Tom’s soft launch of his relationship with NP. I guess the thing that burns my beans about it is that they both still have their mutual photos up from that time and he follows her . I guess I’m a jealous person, but if was Z I’d be saying that needs to be gone. I haven’t seen that she posted JE permanently on her page 😡 does it bother you or not?
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Y'all need to STOP giving these REBOUNDS this much attention, I swear. 🤦🏾‍♀️
I guess the thing that burns my beans about it is that they both still have their mutual photos up from that time and he follows her . I guess I’m a jealous person, but if was Z I’d be saying that needs to be gone.
First of all, why are YOU getting upset over something that Z herself isn't even worried about? 🥴
TZ have been living in London together, setting up their home, are traveling the world together, having an awesome time being inseparable this year, and their families are practically all merged together as one at this point, and two silly pictures that were posted 3 YEARS ago (one w/out even so much of a caption at that lol 😅) is what is bothering you Anon?? SERIOUSLY??
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I'll have you know, that I still have plenty of pictures of exes and even frienemies that I no longer associate with up on my social media account. I haven't deleted them because to me there's no need to... That was simply a moment in time. Plus, who has the time and effort to go back and delete EVERY single pic of your ex or former friends? I know I sure don't. 🥴
You all have to stop giving social media so much importance honestly. Social media means nothing if you don't have the BIG picture.
Case in point.... Vanessa Hudgens STILL has pictures up of her and Austin from YEARS ago on her social media. They've been broken up for OVER 3 years now, and Austin didn't even stop following her until late last year.
Vanessa is engaged, and he's moved on too. From what I know, none of their fans are worried or thinking their new SO's would be jealous over stuff like that, and they dated for nearly 9 YEARS!
Tom and N only dated for 5 MONTHS (if even THAT). How on earth are you gonna be worried about some pics still being up when they didn't even date a year?? It's not even like they were in some serious relationship that lasted YEARS upon years. It was 5 months Anon. 😒 During COVID at that lol. Basically a Covid Fling imo.
Remember, Tom said in an interview that he wouldn't want fans to hate on a girl he's dated since the breakup might not have even been her fault (loosely paraphrasing). It was obvious they were trying to QUIETLY break up and not cause any drama so that fans wouldn't go dragging her in the mud. He probably kept the photos up so she wouldn't get massive hate. She in turn probably keeps his photo up because he's the most famous man she's dated thus far, and having him on her social media account garnered her a huge following.
Sometimes it's not that big of a deal Anon. 🤷🏾‍♀️ TZ barely even go on IG (let alone their own accounts lol) much anyway these days. 😅 The old photos on there are far down by now lol.
T and Z's rebounds (JE included) are non-factors and have been non-factors for YEARS now Anon.
Idk how much clearer I have to make it.
And in answer to your last question, NO it doesn't bother me, because Z's not thinking about JE, and Tom isn't thinking about Nadia. End of story.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 279: Here Comes the Airplane
Previously on BnHA: Gigantomachia gathered up the rest of the League and headed off to go help Tomura. Also he is now 80 feet tall. The heroes were all, “whoa this guy is really big, we should probably stop him and maybe even devote an entire chapter or two just to that,” and so they sent three whole people after him, which sadly is pretty much the exact sort of strategy I’ve come to expect from them by this point. Anyway so Mt. Lady tried to hold Machia off but kept getting flung aside, and Kamui Woods tried to catch him but was set on fire by Dabi who is just having way too good of a time setting all of the flammable heroes on fire today, and Midnight tried to put him to sleep but Compress threw a bunch of debris at her and so she fell like 80 feet. The chapter ended with Midnight being all “fuck this” and calling Momo, who ordered the rest of the child soldier squad into action as Machia approached. I’m not really sure what they’re gonna do, but I honestly don’t really care, because it’s Momo, and so, YES.
Today on BnHA: U.A.’s first-year hero students, who apparently had nine hours to prepare their battleground instead of the fifteen seconds we had all assumed, launch a complex multi-staged assault which is actually really fucking impressive because these kids are actually awesome. First they pin Machia down in one of Honenuki’s mud pits, and then they take turns making impassioned attempts to take out the other League members chilling out on Machia’s back. Unfortunately none of these attempts work because of Dabi, who’s working overtime while the rest of the League sits around shooting down each other’s escape plans. Basically a lot of stuff gets set on fire, and then the chapter ends with Mt. Lady pinning Machia to the ground while MINA, YES, MINA, charges at him covered in acid like some sort of video game boss that you need some kind of specific item to defeat. DID YOU KNOW YESTERDAY WAS MINA’S BIRTHDAY YOU GUYS. Anyway so this chapter is basically pandemonium from start to finish, and it’s great. It is a RUMPUS, y'all. A STRAIGHT UP HULLABALOO.
but first, the color page we were promised, in celebration of Six Whole Years Of This Bullshit!!
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oh god oh god so much to love so little time
some of the rowdier characters are making MULTIPLE APPEARANCES IN THIS SHITSHOW, including Kaminari who appears to be in a record-setting THREE of these! who exactly was taking all of these pictures, and why are they so obsessed with him. also how many of these are going to be used as evidence in the latest Kami Traitor Theory posts and is it too early for me to get mad about it
Mirko however is not here, I assume because if she was, Horikoshi would have forgotten to draw all the rest of the characters again. she’s too powerful
Midnight is so sexy I don’t even ksdfnkl
Cementoss’s face is the runner-up MVP and one of the greatest things I’ve seen in my life
half the people here seem to be attempting to flirt with whoever is taking the pictures. I am starting to suspect that the culprit is Momo. change my mind
for some reason I am really shocked to see Endeavor getting his drink on. and he’s literally the only one, too
Bakugou’s half-assed I SAID NO PAPARAZZI skills are no match for Tamaki’s legendary “I WILL LITERALLY DIE IF YOU CAPTURE ME ON FILM” abilities
I literally didn’t notice Deku until like three quarters of the page in. he sure does blend right in there
Tokoyami is approximately 97.3% done and ticking EVER CLOSER to full 100% doneness, and when that happens even I can’t tell you what is going to go down
do I even need to mention how sexy Aizawa’s hair is. apparently I do
anyway, so that was nice! NOW ON TO THE MOMOLOVIN’
oh my freaking god Tokage
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somehow her quirk didn’t freak me out quite this much the last time we saw her. she is really something. has she always had shark teeth
also WHERE IS MONOMA’S GROUP. I immediately want to know!! is he with the Shouto group? or is there yet ANOTHER student group we don’t know about? what would they even be doing
or did Horikoshi actually get three quarters of the way through writing this arc and then suddenly slap his forehead as he realized that if Monoma just casually copied Machia’s powers he would either DIE IMMEDIATELY or else become SUPER STRONG and also grow 80 feet tall and this would suddenly be a very different battle with the scales tipping decidedly in the heroes’ favor. and so he had to quickly write him out of the battle in this very half-assed way
anyway, so while I ponder that, Tokage is peeking the top of her head out over the trees and staring at Machia who is, you guessed it, still heading right their way! just like he’s been doing pretty much this entire time
and now there’s a whole page of reaction panels you guys. this is why Horikoshi tries to avoid these massive Endgame-style battles with every single hero known to man participating. hopefully we won’t have too many of these. like I mean thank you for the roll call and all but I’d like to get to the action now
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Mineta of all people is stealing this entire page with that expression though. he is not fucking around. this is twice in as many chapters that he’s been a page-stealing face-making champ. dare I hope this could be the start of a new niche for him? lord knows it would be so much better than the old niche
also this page is just sweatdrops galore. these kids are so nervous. MANGA GODS PLEASE KEEP THEM SAFE, although I’m honestly not too worried about them compared to the adults. I’m sure I should be, but I just am not
all right so now Momo is explaining what those little canisters are!
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okay but someone please explain to me how it is that they had time to stop and lay all of these traps?? not just Honenuki’s, but Mineta’s and what looks like some of Shiozaki’s work as well?? did Machia just STOP MOVING for like five whole minutes all of a sudden for no reason at all? while they were all sitting out here saying things like “with that speed...”? ????? ????????
also lol wtf. “we’re gonna have to make him eat it.” I still have no idea what their plan is, but it’s getting more entertaining by the minute I’ll say that much
okay so Momo says that if they can get him to swallow just one of these, then that should be enough to put him to sleep. oh my god this chapter is going to be AMAZING isn’t it
meanwhile Mineta is worrying about Midnight. I swear to god if they turn this into something where he’s only worried because she’s hot, I will take one of these canisters and shove it right up his...
okay good, Mina’s reassuring him that it’s gonna be okay, and then we’re just cutting to Machia stampeding in with Mt. Lady and Kamui still clinging to him
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“we’ll just stand here adjacent to him and just kind of watch as he rushes straight at the children.” someone help me, I’m having difficulty finding a synonym for “useless” that carries the full amount of emphasis I want to place on it right now. this requires a degree of language the human race is not yet capable of
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ngl, for a brief spiteful moment I was disappointed he hadn’t actually fallen on them :/
and they’re still JUST STANDING THERE, I CAN'T EVEN?? we’re getting to the point where I honestly think actual civilians might have been of more use in this situation
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also, sorry to keep harping on this, but the juxtaposition of that earlier panel with all of the fully grown and experienced pros just standing in dumb awe, immediately followed by this panel of BRAVE BUT DETERMINED CHILDREN CHARGING IN AND YELLING “GO GO GO”, is just... it really is something. shit. if I was the HPSC and this was what I had to work with, I too might have seriously considered fudging a few age requirements in hopes of finding someone who could actually get the fucking job done
also what the hell is going on down there with Shishida and Satou and that third person? what are those Blackwhip-looking things?? I’m confused
ohhhhh no
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Shiozaki is about to be sent flying through the air courtesy of her own hair vines omg
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I still can’t figure out what the hell those are though lol. did Momo make some steel cables?? I feel like Machia would be able to break just about any kind of rope or chain they could concoct just by sheer brute strength alone
ah fuck
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although I do appreciate how they’re all “U.A.!!” in kind of this “oh shit, these guys we actually have to worry about” sort of tone lol
this look on Toga’s face is a bit concerning! well but Deku and Ochako aren’t here though, so I wonder who she’s gonna fight if it comes to that. huh
(ETA: seriously, does anyone have any idea what Toga is planning cuz I sure don’t.)
Shouji and Ojiro, who I might remind you are normal people with no enhanced physical abilities aside from extra appendages, appear to have somehow circled all the way around to Machia’s back and are now climbing up oh shit
oh and Aoyama’s there too! -- is Shouji carrying him omg
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he’s using him as a human ray gun omggg. this is the most delightful thing I’ve ever witnessed
lds;afksjdl;fkj WERE THOSE JIROU’S EARJACKS??!!
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okay you know what fuck you Dabi. you think it’s funny to set a little girl’s ears on fire?! don’t expect any sympathy from me when Aoyama lasers you in the face
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oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my
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(ETA: it would have laid them all flat in seconds. Kaminari is to be feared you guys.)
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it is sincerely frustrating to me watching the League carelessly toss aside all of their painstakingly accumulated goodwill from the MVA arc in the span of just a few short pages. hey Compress, you think it’s cool to hurl a bunch of rocks at my six-and-a-half-year-old son?? I hope someone rips that cool robot arm off and uses it to punch you in the dick
here comes Sero!! and how are you going to die, Sero
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what in the
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did he just... sneeze them all into space
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okay but hear me out, what if Shouda absorbed that impact. SHOUDA YOUR TIME HAS FINALLY COME. CLASS 1-B’S ASCENT TO GLORY
(ETA: watch this space!! Shouda is here for a reason mark my words.)
meanwhile on Machia’s back, Dabi is soliloquying about Machia’s quirk while his arm is doing... something
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please forgive me for not being able to drum up any sympathy for poor Dabi’s arms right about now. quit trying to set all my kids on fire
wait whaaaaat lol
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so I scrolled back up to the previous page, and... that was fire?? lord help me why am I still so terrible at being able to tell when Horikoshi is drawing fire as opposed to just air randomly whooshing through trees. I have really got to memorize that foossh sound effect
so can Gigantomachia just BREATHE FIRE now?? or was ALL OF THAT Dabi??? if it was the latter then at least he had the decency to wait until all of the kids got blown out of range before setting the whole forest aflame to keep them back. I’ll admit it, that was thoughtful of him as far as villain power moves go
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once again I have to ask myself exactly how much prep time they had here. Horikoshi would have you think it was mere seconds, but that clearly cannot be the case?? maybe they set some of these up beforehand to catch any stray villains trying to flee the area?
lmao Spinner’s all “wait why doesn’t he just dig his way out”, because apparently Machia can tunnel himself under the ground. but Compress is all “um because we would die” and Spinner is all “oh right”
though I gotta say, it’s not like they’re that much better off as things are now, either. pinned down in the woods surrounded by fire and explosives. definitely a conundrum
oh snap Compress has realized that their presence is holding Machia back. don’t tell me Machia is gonna head off on his own and leave the rest of the League to square off with the kids
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there you go, League! free cannon fodder to get you all pumped and confident again!
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“I’m leaving it to you, U.A.’s youngsters!” yeah, you and everyone else. ah well, can’t deny they get the job done
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holy fucking shit this whole arc is just one big Arc Of Ladies Getting To Do Stuff and I am 1000% living for it. THIS ARC IS MY FAMILY. I WOULD DIE FOR IT AND LEAVE EVERYTHING TO IT IN MY WILL. ahhhhhhhhhh
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
Which of your ocs would go to therapy for or with their darling? How much effort would they actually put into it?
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This is like tricking your dog into going to the vet.. y'all are evil
This story contains: them talking about their dark past, incest(twins), talk of sex
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Absolutely not.
He's a doctor so he would argue that he would know his own body pretty well
"i don't need therapy sweetie, I'm mentally healthy"
This is the same man who flinches at the sight of a butcher knife and has so much mental trauma he still gets scared touching you
If you beg he'll do it though..of course he'll be passive aggressive but he'll go.
Tries to out logic the damn therapist
"so theodore, describe your childhood"
Theodore pushed his glasses up and clears his throat, this was definitely not going to be good. "I'm well aware that a person's childhood shapes their mental state but I assure you this is a waste of time."
"theo, let them help y-" you shuddered at the sharp glance theodore gave you. You've never seen him so aggressive before but it was clear he wasnt having fun. He hated the thought of someone analyzing his every movements and play with his head since it's something he does to you so having it done to him is less fun. "I assure you, I'm mentally sound..nothing is wrong with me"
"alright well, how about we talk about your childhood anyways just chatting nothing serious?"
Theodore scowled before glancing your way, you were doing this cause you loved him..so he should go along with this right?
You have to trick him
You brought it up once and he lashed out at you so badly he actually hurt you pretty bad
You told him you wanted to shopping but when he saw you two were infront of a building that definitely wasn't a mall he was PISSED
He was about two seconds away from hitting you but he saw how much you wanted to help him so he gave it a shock
Aggressive as all hell
He couldn't believe he was here, a group therapy session for victims of sexual abuse. The male sat there in his expensive clothes with his diamond encrusted shades on a scowl on his face.
"so, would you like to introduce yourself and tell us why you're here?" You flinched lightly at the single question the therapist asked before glancing at hikaru who in his legs and pushed his shades up his blue eyes flickering with rage.
"I'm here cause my bitch of a soulmate decided to drag me here instead of a shopping trip like they promised, I could be at home getting my dick sucked but no in here surrounded by idiots" hikaru was definitely in a fiery mood.
"well hikaru, y/n brought you here bec-"
Hikaru huffed in anger cutting the doctor off his anger being never ending. "they brought me here cause they think they are so smart. Their job is to please me in anyway I see fit, in return I spoil them once in a while and I am NOT pleased." With that Hikaru got up before shooting you a dirty look.
"you have ten minutes to meet me in the car or you're walking home" he snapped before walking out the room. You apologized for hikaru before going to join him.
The first one willing to go
He thinks it will make a great date
Tells his therapist EVERYTHING
Honestly he sounds so chipper about it they look so worried for him
Like sir are you okay?!
Clams up when it comes to insecurities
Like nope.
He only goes once though cause in his eyes therapy is a going once event
"- then my brother salem poured bleach in my eyes! I know it was bad but I of course forgive him cause all siblings fight right? He's really great though! Like one time we were playing hide and seek and he couldn't find me for six hours haha!"
you nervously glanced at the horror stricken expression the therapist had, they were so shocked they werent even taking notes. "Your brother sounds extremely toxic and incredibly dangerous" they stated and axis paused with a light pout clearly offended.
"salem wouldn't hurt a fly!" He huffs out and you weren't sure this was helping too much..though you were glad he decided to go.
So his therapist had to see a therapist
The first three minutes he had to wear a muzzle cause he tried to eat his therapist and not in the fun way
He is so feral he just speaks in slurring words and barks
You have to put a collar and leash on him
He did leave with a mouth full of blood though cause he bit a huge chunk off his therapist.
"s-s-so, salem w-what do you think c-caused you to be this way?" The doctor spoke while standing on their desk as you tried to pull the leash hard to pull salem away. "Bad boy! Stop it!" You snapped out at salem who got his muzzle off and was attempting to devour the poor therapist. "I-im sorry he's usually much calmer than this, strangers make him hungry" you explained before seeing salem bite the therapist on the leg.
"salem! No! You don't bite people!" You scolded as you tried to pull the male off and once you did you decided it was time to go home now. "W-well thanks doctor this has been fun, let's go salem!" You dragged him away while shaking your head.
"...yes salem?"
"I love you!"
You glanced at him seeing he was docile once more and you sighed "I love you too babe" you mumbled out not sure what to do.
His therapist quit.
He trolled them so hard they gave up
Spoke in meme quotes the whole time.
"rin, would you say you were a happy child?"
You face palmed at your boyfriend who was hellbent on annoying the therapist to death. This session has already been thirty minutes and while rin was holding back his laughter the doctor looked like they wanted to snap their clipboard.
"please rin, work with me here..."
Rin beckoned the therapist to come closer and when they leaned in feeling excited thay they made progress rin's eyes sparkled widely. "Big...chungus"
You and rin walked out the office after being kicked out since the therapist had an absolute mental breakdown. "You're an asshole.." you mumbled and rin wrapped an arm around your shoulder with a wicked grin. "I'm your asshole, babynow how about we dress you up then have clown sex? I say that's equal payment for this"
He hated it
He was quiet the entire time
Like the entire time
He wouldn't answer a question or nothing
He legit fell asleep with his head in your lap and now sees therapy as a place to nap
He doesn't like strangers so there was no way in hell he's speaking to a stranger.
You sighed at the tense silence in the room as yuki buried his face into your stomach his head in your lap. The moment he got here he took a nap not really caring about the doctor or his questions..it's been this way for a full hour. Slowly yuki opened his eyes and sat up with a low hum, he leaned in to kiss you feeling really clingy until he heard the shuffling of another person.
yuki tensed up suddenly wrapping his arms around you his chin rested on your shoulder. "Y/n, home?" He questions with a grumpy pout. You ran your fingers through his hair with a loud sigh.
"yeah yuki, we can go home.."
He sees himself too cool for that stuff
"I'm not going, therapy isn't my vision of a fun date. Foreplay and sex is a good date"
He doesn't like the idea of sitting in a room and talking about his feelings.
If you promise to let him finger you during the car ride he is totally In though
He doesn't take it seriously at all
Avoids all the questions
Ends up just boasting about his sex life for an hour
"y/n moaned louder that night than ever before, it was so fucking awesome" prince cheered out his eyes lit up. You were covering your face with your hands feeling nothing but embarrassment as prince went all and on.
"t-the question was what makes you happy" the doctor stated and prince gave a confused look. "Yeah, and I said sex I mean wasn't that clear?"
"prince could you perhaps be a nymphomaniac?"
"shit, maybe? If I don't bang at least twice a day I get all grumpy...speaking of bang on the car ride here it was fucking great y/n let me-" you covered his mouth not being able to handle anymore of this. "We'll be going now!" You snapped out now dragging prince away.
"you're sexy when embarrassed"
"shut the hell up"
He is literally the least dangerous yandere
He thinks he's fine
But he goes and actually speaks about his life
Everything about his life seems so cheerful and good...until..it isnt
Like axis he speaks as if it's okay
He's a dumbass so therapy doesn't really help him
He just uses it as a way to spend time with you
"so what was your childhood like?"
"well, I grew up in a small village we owned a pretty big farm. My mother and father kinda liked to spoil me.."
You've never heard about his childhood so you were very engaged in this story..it sounded pretty nice. Rocket paused to think when suddenly his eyes lit up
"I ended up being chosen to be the village pet! It was such an honor!" He cheers out with a happy hum. Instantly you knew this wasn't going to be good but you let him explain.
"the village pet is like...hmm a handyman, they do basically anything the villagers don't wanna do it's hard work but it's good work." He explained
"what were some of the things you had to do?"
"well...solves disputes, help out on there people's farms, help procreate, honestly anything! Only way to leave the village as a pet is to choose a new pet. It was hard to pick someone..but I'm glad I did"
The room got very very silent...very fast.
Rocket gazed at the time before getting up. "Hey y/n we should go yeah? You promised we could go get ice cream if I do this with you"
Yuuji& yuuta
Lord...these two got so much fucking baggage
They go, but they see it as entertainment
A fun little joke
Until it's not
The therapist manages to make them fight
And that NEVER happens
Like never.
It gets super damn intense
You're over there like "damn okay."
You watched the two boys argue clearly upset with each other. The question was that if yuuta found yuuji attractive..and yuuta hesitated.
"so you don't think I'm cute or anything?"
"I never said that! I just think, you're not my type."
"how the hell could I be not your type?! I know exactly what you like and don't like! I please you all the damn time!"
You cleared your throat awkwardly, not sure if going to couples therapy was a good idea anymore.
"I'm just saying! You sometimes..don't hit it quite right I mean..it's fine everyone has their ups and downs"
"OH so I'm bad at sex now?! You're such a liar cause on the drive here you were screaming like a little whore!"
"anyone can fucking scream yuuji! Doesn't take damn rocket science! Y'know I'm starting to see why ushio fucking hates you! You think you're so damn high and mighty! This is why we can't have normal relationships with our siblings!"
The room got silent as the two panted softly the screaming working them up and yuuji turned his head away eyes glimmering with tears. You honestly..felt like you were watching a drama show and was totally into it. "I-i didn't mean that- I'm sorry I just-"yuuta mumbled out and yuuji sniffled.
"do you..hate me?"
"ever since we came out when we were younger, you've been trying to be such a tough guy..you don't even say you love me as much. So, do you hate me?" Yuuji explained and you watched as the two hugged.
"of course not! I-i just didn't want anyone to still see me as that girl who was scared of her own shadow" yuuta whimpers out and yuuji smiled at him "you're not her, you're a strong guy.. our strong guy and we love you so much me and y/n" yuuji whispers out planting a kiss on the boy's cheek.
As the three of you left you suddenly felt an arm link with yours on either side. "Enjoy the show dollface?" Yuuta chimed before yuuji giggled "it was very fun!"
"you two were faking it?!" You huffed out seeing them both nod. They were totally lying but they didn't want you to know that, after all they were twins..fighting was basically illegal to them.
Another person who isn't happy with therapy
Straight out refuses
Like nope.
It takes A LOT of convincing til she agrees
Another member of the "has a bad childhood but sees it as normal" group
Hers is downright horrifying
But she giggles it off
"my childhood? Hmm..well my father was a doctor, I was his little nurse" she said softly in thought and you immediately didn't like this.
"he taught me all about plants, poisons and human biology. He was studying human mutations he wanted to know if it was possible to have humans evolve animal like traits, by replacing their body parts for animal ones of course" she cheers out and interlaced her fingers together.
"such an interesting study, some of them works in some ways..though it seems the human body can't handle some things..we are such fragile creatures are we not?"
Scarlett had this creepy dangerous vibe about her and the session was instantly cut short due to your therapist feeling unsafe. As you two walked out you couldn't help but gaze her way.
"who were his victims?" You asked out softly before feeling her hold your hand with a smile. "Well, children from my school. Then..me" she stated softly causing the haira on the back of your neck to stand.
"what animal part did he give you? Did it work?"
"it worked.."
That was all she stated and you didn't hear anything about it ever again so you were left to wonder about it.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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As promised, two chapters in one day! HBD to this trash rabbit. I just get thirstier with age.
Rating: Explicit.
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it's own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV. DRUG USE IN THIS CHAPTER. Just generally an uncomfortable vibe, thread carefully.
Summary: You're Peter's classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don't know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you're lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: Ooh, boy. This is a whole mess. Angst. [insert drugs owl meme]. Steve doesn't pass the vibe check yet again, stupid old man. Bruce + Tony be like: I CAN'T GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF Y'ALL.
My beta, whomst I love more than cake - @miscmarvelwritings . She's so beautiful though. And so smart. Wow.
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The strobe lights pulsated to the rhythm of the music, bodies swaying, gyrating to the tune. The club was banging this time of night, people were living it up like there was no tomorrow. For me, in the VIP zone it was quieter, calmer, but no less exciting. The atmosphere here was distinctly different from the one on the main floor.
It was hard to wallow in misery even if it only took me an hour to stop resisting the gratuitous amounts of white powder on the silver platters. "It's better when you're there to watch them, they'll do it anyway but at least you can know that they're getting the good stuff!" My idiot father proudly announced, looking at me snorting a line through a rolled up hundred dollar bill.
Whiskey and vodka wasn't doing it for me. It made me feel low and Dad, being Dad, of course noticed it and immediately called a guy who knew a guy and suddenly all of his friends and their baby-faced companions had white under their noses. Cash flew like autumn leaves.
As I went out to the main dance floor to get a closer look at Billie Eilish in all of her edgy, beautiful self, the drug hit me like an avalanche. No trace of the grogginess or the mortification that had hitched a ride on me from Stark tower. I danced and sang and saw dad smiling at me in approval, his equally high and important friends all wearing identically predatory smirks. They were good at spotting the obvious - beauty, talent, money. I had no qualms about the fact that dad was off bragging about my close relationship with Tony. If my father was feeling particularly bold, he'd be telling them he knew and encouraged it all along, his buddies pretending to believe the white lie in turn.
I had exchanged my pants and sneakers in favour of a skirt and fishnets with high heels combo, a decidedly inappropriate attire for a daughter having a family night with her father but he insisted I dress trendy. I loved my dad, I really did, and I knew he meant well - I'd definitely be out of place amongst these TVscreen worthy people in my jeans and sneakers but...Tony was one of those people, and he had never ever said anything bad about the way I dress. Even when I obviously and purposely put on obscene clothing just to get a rise out of someone.Tony just smiled and played along.
Tony Stark was the heartless asshole here? Really, press? Really, haters?
"Standing there, killing time, can't commit to anything but a crime..." I sang along quietly as I hurried back to the VIP area. My dad was standing up and so were a couple of his buddies. "Where's ya goin'?" I asked, taking a seat.
"Be right back baby girl, if you find better company then go on without us," Dad winked, throwing a totally nasty glance at one of the girls. She was not much older than me but her body was stick thin and bolt-ons and Botox were her two best friends. She gave me a dirty look and I returned it, extending a waiting hand towards my dad. He chuckled, depositing a neatly rolled stack of hundreds into my palm.
"Dad, I want a new purse," I whined, just a tad. Just to see the girl's eyes go wide with acrid envy. Dutifully, another couple of stacks landed in my palm without any objections and the company retreated towards the back door.
I sighed.
Fiddled with the straw of my drink a bit, contemplating my options. I could always ditch this party and go somewhere more active, somewhere with better music and kinder people.
"Ay, baby girl, you wanna party with us?" A tall, handsome man from dad's previous company approached me. "We'll have some fun." He maintained a respectful distance but the intentions were clear.
"Nope," I popped the sound, not even sparing him a glance. A few lines of cocaine stared at me from the table beckoning with a better high, a stronger sense of euphoria, confidence and energy to dance, to sing, to be happy. I picked up one of the discarded banknotes, quickly rolling it by a sheer force of habit and cleaning up the tray. One line.
"Holy shit, is that..."
Two lines.
"The fuck?!" I recognised that voice. I have been hearing it every day in the labs, I've been hearing it in my dreams.
Tony was gaping at me, in front of me.
"Hey, Tony. Fancy seeing you here." Any other time, I'd be cringing at my lame greeting but I was feeling way too good to care about trivial things like being clever or being appropriate.
"I was looking...for you," He slowly said, putting a single finger on the tray with the last line of coke and pulling it out of my reach.
"That's funny," I snorted, hastily wiping at my nose to cover the tracks of my very bad, very immoral, very illegal activities.
"It's not, Princess, it's not funny at all," He frowned. "C'mon, we're leaving." And extended his hand. I decided to follow along - there was nothing for me to do at this club anyway, the music was lame and the people were stuck-up.
"I look like a prostitute, Tony, I'll take the back door," I attempted to pull him towards the aforementioned but he didn't budge, just stared straight ahead and towed me along like he was wearing one of his iron suits under the stylish jeans and tee get-up.
He stopped in front of the exit, giving me a critical once over. Wiped my face, again, brushed my hair back. Gave me his shades - I dutifully put them on, figuring the manic look in my eyes was anything but attractive right now. "Jesus Christ, Princess," He sounded desperate. "You're beautiful, don't you fucking worry."
And we made our exit, arm in arm, me trying not to stumble in my high heels, Tony being my rock, my solid foundation. In other words, I was hanging onto him for dear life trying not to fall over and give a reason for a sneaking paparazzi to make a scandalous headline.
"You're doing great, Princess," Tony helped me into his Tesla, slamming the door behind me and hurrying towards the driver's door. I managed to unclasp and kick off my shoes, curling up comfortably into the passenger's seat.
I watched the man as he started the engine and watched him wrestle with whatever personal demons that tormented him as he peeled off and raced into the Friday night city.
"What in the everlasting fuck..." He started, stopping abruptly mid-sentence. "How did you even get in there?"
"I came with dad. He literally ditched me to fuck some whore, like, twenty minutes before you showed up." I shrugged, eyeing the modified panel of the car. It was very obviously Tony's own design. I wondered if he could introduce me to Elon Musk someday.
"What the fuck? And correct me if I didn't hear you clearly," Tony pinched the bridge of his nose. "Your father took it upon himself to drag you to a club, get you drunk, gave you cocaine and fucked off with some groupies?"
"Yah, that's about it. My dad is all about cocaine and whores, the more the better," I replied, leaning in to take a closer look at the car's panel. "Hey, could, like, introduce me to Elon Musk someday? That would be fuckin' awesome."
Tony went eerily quiet, I saw his knuckles on the steering wheel go white. Vague expletives were muttered under his breath. "I'm guessing you're good on sleep?" He finally asked through gritted teeth.
"Sleep? Don't know her," I laughed. "I wanna dance, Tony."
"Of course you do, Princess." His smile was tired and forced and full of pity. "You know, I don't think I'll be able to sleep now, either," He admitted, taking a sharp left. "How about we get some McDonald's and camp out in my lab?"
"Sure, whatever," Not like I had much choice in the matter. What I really craved was a good, long, hard fuck (by Tony himself preferably) but if science calls... I have no choice but to comply. "Get me two Big Macs," I demanded least he try to joke and get me a Happy Meal or some shit.
He did get me the food without any usual grumbling. I didn't like this Tony. Tired Tony, sad Tony, angry Tony. Wrong Tony.
"Huh?" He said and I realized I'd said the last part out loud.
"I don't like a sad Tony,” I said. "It's the wrong kind. Sassy, snarky and perpetually caffeinated Tony is the best Tony. The only proper kind, in fact." I stated with seriousness, shoes dangling from one hand and my McDonald's in the other. Man, I have been seeing more and more of this god-damned elevator recently.
"You're high as a kite, darling," He chuckled then, a real laugh.
"Who's high?" Bruce's voice came from the kitchen.
In a state of blind panic, I jumped behind Tony. "Not me."
Tony palmed his face.
Steve came over from the fridge, leaving the rummaging to Bucky. He took one look at me and suddenly I felt small, insignificant like an ant. I didn't like it much. "Holy hell, the fuck happened? Tony, explain." The Captain demanded, giving me the world's biggest stink eye.
"It's her piece of shit of a father, dragged her off to some night club and left her hanging with his buddies, fucking off god knows where. It's not her fault so lay the fuck off, Rogers, with your self-righteousness," Tony exploded all over Steve, the pent up frustration rearing it's ugly head.
I mustered enough courage to tiptoe around the dick measuring contest to sit at the counter. My appetite was gone and my burgers were turning colder and soggier with every passing second. Just like my life.
"Hey, Princess," Bruce's gentle voice halted my train of thought. He approached me carefully, ignoring the men behind me in favour of simply wrapping me up in a quiet, comfortable hug. "You feel alright? Want some water?"
"Nu-uh," I mumbled, unwilling to part ways with the warmth of this embrace.
"... Steve, I found her snorting miles of coke all by herself while an some jackass was waiting for her to be even more out of it. It's rare that I say this but I had literally zero words." Tony punctuated his words by tapping his fist against the wall multiple times.
Bruce tightened his hold on me, a sudden influx of strength accompanied by a quiet, low growl in his throat.
I felt the sudden need to clarify the situation. "Tony, chill. It takes me a lot more to be out of it, I'm fucking coherent and I'm talking sensibly. It's not my first rodeo."
Apparently I'd gone and said the wrong thing because all the men in the room were suddenly growling. I even totally forgot about Bucky who had the uncanny ability to exist in a room without making absolutely any sort of noise.
"The fuck do you even mean by that, Princess?" Tony screeched, probably already knowing that answer.
"From one rich kid to another, you should damn well fuckin' know," I spat, unwilling to admit my misery.
He sighed, audibly deflating behind me. I refused to listen to him, refused to be humiliated and exposed like that for my perfectly human desire to be happy. To not be a disappointment, to not be disappointed in everything and everyone. Bruce was nice and kind and warm and selfless but even he couldn't love me the way I wanted to be loved. Cherished, taken care of. All that mushy stuff. I was selfish, so I snuggled in closer to him, muting the world around me, replacing it with the smell and feel of him.
Cocaine made it a whole lot easier to imagine. Maybe that's why it was so addictive.
"Guys, calm down, you're stressing everyone out," Bruce rumbled quietly. I loved the way his deep voice seemed to reverb throughout his chest.
"Get me a cup of coffee, would you, Buckaroo?" Tony sighed again. I heard the sound of him slurping at his coffee. I heard Bucky's metal arm clunk against something equally metallic before the supersoldiers bid everyone good night and walked off.
Only then I removed my face from Bruce enough to take a good look at Tony. He was eyeing me, too.
"We have a caffeinated Tony," I said, softly. "Now we just need some science to have a happy Tony."
He smiled but it came out watery. He wanted to say something but choked on his words. "C'mere," He finally said, turning in his chair and opening his arms.
I unashamedly made grabby hands, the universal gesture for ‘I want, gimme’, and Bruce delightfully deposited me into Tony's waiting arms. It was like my birthday and Christmas came out all at once. Tony's embrace was warm, like Bruce's, but tinted with an unexpected familiarity. He smelled like motor oil and fancy cologne. It was heavenly.
"You keeping tabs on me, huh? Coffee, science and sass? That's your recipe for happiness?" The engineer asked me, a seriousness that didn't match the joking tone of the conversation at all.
"I think I got you figured out. Peter, too, is important for happiness. But in controlled amounts," I said, giving it a careful thought.
Tony chuckled, sounding a little bit shocked. "What about you?" He said after a brief moment of silence passed, interrupted only by Bruce's tea kettle coming to a slow boil.
"I don't think you need me for happiness," I said, meaning it. "But let's be honest, I'm a nice addition."
He stilled under me, briefly. Bruce cleared his throat.
"Brucie needs me, I think. He's lonely," I told Tony with a sudden influx of desire to be completely honest and 100% transparent. "And it makes me happy, because I need Bruce too. He's the best," I finished.
"Is that so?" Tony sounded vaguely tearful so I attempted to pull back to take a good look at his face. He didn't let me though, gently but firmly pressing my face back into his chest. "And me?"
"I do need you, Tones," I admitted without spilling any unnecessary details.
There was a child within me, small and scared and lonely, like Bruce. I hated her, hated being so soft and needy when everybody else obviously (and understandably) was busy with figuring out their own lives. I wished, desperately so, to just boom-boom-whoosh her away like Doctor Strange magicked away unwanted visitors.
Tony said nothing but his hands betrayed him. They shook and they held onto the skimpy see-through fabric of my top like he was a drowning man and I was his only floatie. For the moment, I closed my eyes and let myself believe he needed me, too.
"I'll catch a wink or two, wake me up if you need something," Bruce broke the silence, having finished off his tea. I didn't notice the time pass so quickly, too lost somewhere between here and there and Tony. In short, I was being lovesick all over the billionaire.
"Bwucie," I leaned backwards, pushing until Tony caved and let me rest my back against the counter, elbows on top of it, legs dangling freely on the sides of his legs. It put a lot of me on display. Tony had called me beautiful earlier so none of my usual habits of being appropriate around the man concerned me. He thought I was pretty!
"Princess," Banner came over to wrap me in a hug that was quite awkward, considering the fact I was sitting on Tony. It took some maneuvering to get it right.
"Night night," I said the usual and got a brief kiss on the cheek before Bruce shuffled off, yawning.
Tony was watching us with an unreadable expression. As soon as I turned my head to look at his face instead, something in him changed. His eyes grew big and round, the crease between his eyebrows disappeared. The corners of his mouth tilted up.
On a sudden impulse, I reached over to run my palm gently over the neatly trimmed line of his beard, following from his chin to his jawline, to his soft tousled hair. His eyelashes shook, fluttered, as the engineer leaned into my touch with the grace of a cat. "Kiss him, kiss him" my brain chanted. I knew I was a coward, I wouldn't do that. "Pretty," I said instead, the word coming out in a whisper.
He gulped, audibly. "Princess, you have no idea..." Shaking his head, as if he was surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes, Tony briefly looked away. "You have no idea what you're doing."
"Nope," I agreed solemnly. "But at least it feels good. It feels right."
"God," He frowned, one of his hands coming to nervously card through his hair. "Nothing about this is right."
My face fell. Just like I thought, Tony wanted exactly nothing to do with a clueless little teenager. It stung and tears pooled in the corners of my eyes where I stubbornly refused to let them escape and make me into a crybaby. "Whatever you say, Tony." I was ready to agree with anything he said, really, if he would just keet holding me like that.
"Don't," He raised a palm. "Don't close yourself off like that."
Now I was genuinely confused. What exactly did he expect from me? I shrugged.
"You're clever, brilliant and beautiful, you can and should do so much better than all of this," He vaguely gestured towards me, towards himself, towards us and the whole damn city.
I contemplated my answer, briefly. "A lot of people tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing. Don't I get a say?" The bitterness had fought its way out and won. "I just want to be happy for a bit. All the usual bullshit."
He looked taken aback, really. Like he hadn't even considered the option. Typical.
Meanwhile, I continued my word vomit. "I want someone to give a damn about what I want and what makes me happier. Until then, I have no other choice but to take care of myself the best way I know how. Like everybody else does," The weight of his arm landed on my waist, pulling me close to his chest yet again. I didn't resist. No fight left in me. The tiredness seeped deep in my bones, chilly.
The sudden change of altitude startled me. The engineer had picked me up and started walking off towards the elevator, directing it to the lab. His personal lab. The tiles felt cold under my feet where he put me down to make his own beeline for the bar. I would've joined if not the drug in my system - the last thing I wanted was to land in a hospital yet again.
I took the moment to browse my social media, untag myself from all the unflattering pictures, post my usual shitpost. A tiny skirt, equally tiny top and fishnets - I felt out of place in his lab although I've worn more outrageous things previously. I was raw, torn open, bleeding my misery all over the room. That was not in my plan, but then again, when did ever life go as you planned it?
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit @littlegasps @pilloclock @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @as-i-layhereinyourbed @sleep-i-ness @gigglyfox01
please check your blog settings before tag request or, alternatively, follow the "party favours" tag itself if Tumblr doesn't let me tag you - it does that for some reason. love you all 3000.
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Oooo boy idk what we should do to celebrate!
Should we keep doing the games and the winner gets a letter from any MM characters they want??
(I've decided instead of posting them in order, I'll post the ones I'm mostly in the mood for writing, since I don't wanna half anything so I hope y'all don't mind!)
Maybe send me any sentence starter you want, it can be from any prompt list you find or a line from a song -i won't make a song fic, but I can use the line!-, make it as ambiguous as possible if you want too! And just tell me if you want it to be fluff, angst (with or without happy ending), nsfw etc etc and the characters!!!
Uh uh, what else can we do???
I wanna do lots of things now hehe, especially since it's 600!!!! Dats a lot PFTTTTT
And of course, I need to thank you all for your support! Honestly each and every one of you is such a beautiful and amazing human being, and I feel so lucky to have all of your support, thank you for everything!
I would've never in my life thought we'd get to this point! Honestly I didn't even think I'd ever have a blog!
I want to thank you all, and the blogs that have inspired me and motivated me! (I- I just now realized this is like a weird speech PFTT I wAnT tO tHaNk ThE aCaDeMy) nah but really I just wanna say thank you to all of you wonderful people so I hope y'all don't mind ajsjsjsj)
@cafedanslanuit, your blog was one of the main reasons I decided to make one, I used to read your MM posts and just go crazy ajsjsjs I've always wanted a blog and I can't believe now I get to even talk to you! Thank you for being one of my first ever writing buddies in here 💕
@jihyuncompass also inspired me so much and I just shrieked when I saw them like one of my posts I was about to die pftttttttt I seriously did not believe it! Thank you for being so nice to me 😊
@space-kitten-606 DUDE I LITERALLY- PFTTTTTTTTTT when you reblogged one of my posts? Yeah uh, WHAT HAHAHA I- you were one of the first blogs that I followed and I- I was about to cry AJSJSNSJSBS seriously I really love your work and you were also one of the reasons I made this blog 💜
@shittylongcatposts HI I LOVE YOUUUUUUU thank you for being such a sweetheart! You were also one of the blogs I've been following since 2019 and you also made me screech PFTTTTT thank you for everything you absolutely wonderful human 😊💕💕💕
@darling-aries hiii! We haven't talked in a while so I hope everything is aight, and thank you for your support and for every single one of your beautiful drawings! Keep working hard, you can do it!!!!
@bootiful-face we've recently started talking and I've officially adopted you now PFTTTTTT nah but really thank you for the kind words you always say, honestly you have no idea how much they inspire me and make my day :3
I love you, and you just have to deal with me now, you can't get rid of me PFTTTT. Nah but really thank you for everything, for being so nice and AWESOME!!! Your messages and reaction memes really make my day and I love you! You are an amazing person :3
@truth-be-told-im-lying thank you too for your support ahhh! You're an amazing writer and you were also someone who inspired me to make a blog too :3 You're an absolute sweetheart and I luv ya a lot 💗
Mystic Messenger has seriously been ✨life changing✨ even if the game has given us all mental breakdowns and a very unstable sleep schedule, it has also given us such wonderful people and moments and just- yeah I love y'all and mystic messenger hehe
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toujourspvrx · 3 years
Artist appreciation post!
So recently, many people have been hating on some of the digital/traditional artists online. And I dont think that they( the people obviously) should get away with it. It ruins what little self confidence one has, and even if they are someone with a very big positive audience, it does affect them. Some reasons people hate on art are:
Art being wonky.
ExCusE mE but do you have any idea on how long it takes and how much hard work is put into every single piece that you see? And art is never wonky, art is art, and it is according to the people making it.
Artists not making things according to the viewers.
Have you ever heard of something such as personal boundaries???
Art is not appropriate.
Art not being appropriate is okay. But hating on it is not. The thing that should be done is to talk to the artist themself because for them, the "inappropriate art" might not be inappropriate. So it's better to let them know so that they might be able to make different ones next time. But even if the artist does not listen and continues then maybe just stop following. Why? Because the artist has a right to be themself.
These are just some of the many reasons an artist gets hated on. And one major one being; Why Art? Why not some other way for income? Please, a person has their own interests, for goodness sake. And it isn't your place to ask them.
All these little things, no matter how little, hurt one's feelings deep down to the core. These make the people think that maybe they should stop doing what they love. And this goes for everyone, not just artists. Hating on someone or their work is not okay, specially not when they never did anything wrong to you.
A message for all artists: y'all seriously I admire every single piece of that spirit you've got in you. Even if you dont have to put up with all the shit, you still are an awesome person, and remember; you are not defined by what people say or think, it's what you know♡ And also how do you do all that art work?😢I'm jealous.
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