#seriously tho what if they see my brain worms
The idea of reblogging things is so strange to me. You mean that other people are going to see me brain worms? What if they don’t like it? What if I get stabbed? Or arrested? What if-
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
mine WOULD be the justice arcana. if you even care or anything.
#snap chats#LISTEN SOMEONE JOKED ABOUT IT ON MY INITAL POST BUT LIKE#I HAD ALREADY THOUGHT HE'D BE JUSTICE CAUSE IT'S JUST FITTING IN EVERY SENSE LMAOOOO#i just keep thinkin bout it cause it just fits so well#brunette-with-parental-difficulties-and-a-stoic-personality-who-needs-the-protagonists-help-to-be-at-peace-with-themselves gang rise up#'help' he beats the shit out of mine but listen. you can shoot akechi on a boat LMAO#have your duel in the metaverse w/e i'm getting off topic#seriously though the thing is 'justice' is a part of his character#more so 'justice' in the sense of lashing out against opposition to daigo#'justice' in enacting punishment on others who he's deemed have done wrong in one way or another#and then of course he inevitably has to face justice for his own actions which he does without hesitation#as he interprets that as 'the best' course of action and proper atonement#justice also goes more into pursuing The Truth wherein mine's truth is learning about the true value of bonds with others#see typing that just SOUNDS like a persona villain man fuck off LMAOO#see i wasnt going to type a proper essay but i kinda want to.... the worms are festering on my brain....#UGH SEE NOW I WANNA WRITE UP SOMETHING PROPER CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I AINT SAYIN WHAT I WANNA SAY HOW I WANNA SAY IT#like UGH this is why i like doing the persona arcana shit cause like#when you find a match you can REALLY find a match and its just fun exploring how well it fits#ima stop now tho ill go be normal now. and by that i mean rummage around my kitchen and make like. breaded chicken at 8PM#i dont even eat at night but i also cant just let that go to waste it wont be good if i leave it in the fridge overnight#ok whatever this post is everywhere. these TAGS are everywhere my mistake#thats always what i mean though like 'the post' is just like. The Title yk what i mean#the REAL meat's in the tags. because i'm deranged#i don't know why it's more comforting to type in the tags it just is. it's like Extra Bits for the post or whatever idk#ok im done now fr bye#send me more arcana shit if you want because like i said This Shit Gets Fun
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moodymisty · 9 months
Long time listener, first time caller (so to speak XD) and I’m absolutely ADORING the Primarch content so why not officially throw my hat into the prompt-making ring??? My brain worm of the day is something in the same vein (haha blood puns) of Sanguinius’ where there gets to be a private more relaxed moment. Prying our dear Primarch away from his work for just a few precious minutes, maybe longer if it can be managed, to calm tf down for a bit. These guys are overworked to hell, they could all use some TLC let’s be so fr rn. I couldn’t nail down exactly who to pick but I did narrow it down to a top three, Dorn, Rob, and Magnus. Those three I think are the ones most likely to literally pass out at their desks (impressive given their demigod status but I’m sure they’d fuckin manage to somehow XD). Idk if there’s much to really be done with this idea I’m just in my “let these guys be human for 4 seconds plz” feelings again 😭
As always love your writing, Misty! Have fun, no rush, no pressure ❤️❤️❤️
(P.S. Plz tell your cutie chaos birb all us readers say “hi!!!!” XD)
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's note: So you sent this in and then I just kinda blacked out and when I came to I had this in my drafts. Enjoy.
This post has been approved and sponsored by the Imperial Fists.
Summary: Dorn takes a moment of respite during a particularly frigid night on Inwit.
Relationships: Rogal Dorn/Fem!Reader (no pronouns are used tho it's just the vibe if you know what I mean)
Warnings: General 40kness so mentions of war death etc, Dorn being pretty emotionally stoic, Me worldbuilding too much
Word Count: 1567
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Inwit is cold.
Dorn had told you this as the Eternal Crusader moved to finishing mooring on the frozen planet, and you'd nodded in understanding. You lack the convenience of sealed Astartes armor, the cushion of air heated thanks to their unusually hot body temperature.
You knew already that Dorn's homeworld was an ice planet, so you didn't quite understand why he was telling you again.
What Dorn seemed to not specify however, was just how cold.
Your bed is covered in four different pelts, and you're still freezing. You have a blanket just for your feet, and they still feel like they're going to fall right off. At least during the day, you had an outer layer of clothing made of thick fabrics, in a design and shape more than likely traditional to Inwit. You assume Dorn had it requisitioned for you, but he mentioned nothing of it other than sparing a glance in your direction when he first saw you in it.
But now that outer layer lays on the trunk at the foot of the bed, and you're seriously considering attempting to sleep in it.
You know it's snowing outside, it always is, the fresh white layer of snow reflecting the light of the moon and illuminating more than what could be seen on a warmer planet at night. You can see more snowflakes fluttering downward, hitting the icy window. Your teeth feel like they are going to clatter right out of your mouth.
Inwit is cold.
And because of it you haven't been able to sleep, merely lay in bed trying to distract yourself enough to maybe drift off.
It would be better if Dorn was here; His body runs so hot you probably would've been able to leech the heat right from him and perhaps get a few moments of rest.
But Dorn is still tirelessly planning, as rarely does the man ever indulge in rest. He'll often times take on the the extra work to let you, one of the few silent ways to tell you he cares about you. Now is one of those times you so desperately wished he wouldn't do that and just join you before you actually froze to death.
Giving in you lean upward and kick your feet outward, sliding off the massive bed and hauling one of the smaller pelts with you. Your hands pull it tight over your shoulders, while slipping on your shoes. Without them just putting your feet on the floor felt like they were stepping on a solid block of ice.
You know Dorn is still at work in the messy workshop he uses as his personal room. If he won't come to you, then you'll come to him.
It's less cold now that you're on your feet and your blood is pumping, leaving the private quarters and walking into the hall. It's late, so it's largely empty apart from the occasional serf at work. You quickly pass by and keep walking until you find the door down at the far end of the hall. One of many in this maze of a building. You'd call it less so a palace, and more so a fortress.
You open the door and gently close it behind you, looking through the dim lighting across the room. You can see Dorn's outline as he sits planted at that massive desk. He's leaning against his hand, elbow seated firmly against the top of the desk. His hand doesn't even seem to be writing, and for a moment, you almost think he's asleep until he turns to you.
"What are you doing here?" You tug the pelt tighter around your shoulders and try to stifle a shiver.
"I couldn't sleep. Shivering too much." Dorn's face is just as stoic as always, though it softens just the tiniest at you admittance of discomfort.
"You will get used to it soon enough." You sincerely hope you do, because you're not sure how long you'd be able to stand this if you weren't.
Rubbing your hands together you swear you can see your breath, even in a room being warmed by a large but waning fire. Keeping fires blazing nonstop is considered wasteful by many natives of Inwit, given the scarcity of materials. It may be easier now given the ability to import, but Inwit being a Ice World will always remain. Life will never be truly easy. Not even close.
Trying to hold back a shiver you walk closer to him, watching his eyes glance to you for a moment. He's paying attention to what you're doing, even as you slip underneath his arm. You twist and turn until you sit across his thighs, leaning back against his arm as you look over his desk.
There's blueprints on them; Rough ones, scattered with various small notes and adjustments for a future draft.
"What are these for?" You don't really expect an answer, but Dorn does actually surprise you with one.
"Another wing for the Imperial Palace." You hum, looking over the mess of lines as your legs drape over his own. They only make basic sense to you, learning by sight in situations much like this.
His free hand lowers off the desk to cup the side of your thigh instead of leaning his jaw on it, keeping you from sliding off of his lap. It also holds your pelt blanket closer to you, keeping you trapped in a small pocket of warm air. Thankfully he isn't wearing his armor, so you can actually feel the heat of his body against you.
"You should go back to bed." You press harder against his chest as if worried he'll remove you as he continues to plot out rough measurements and structural supports.
"You aren't there." Dorn draws a singular line from one drafted spire to another, writing something along it.
"I don't need to be." You purse your lips.
Dorn has always been like this. He speaks with such indifference one would think that he doesn't feel anything; You wouldn't blame them for thinking it. You know he does, and quite deeply, but he's been harshly trained over so many years to barricade it so deep within himself that it will never seep out.
Dorn wants you to rely on him, not depend on him. He's formed and molded his legion under the same idea; That you should rely closely on your allies as they're pivotal to your survival, but you should be able to stand just as strong on your own. You shouldn't need him to sleep till morn.
At least, that's what Dorn wants to want. Sometimes he finds himself doubting. You aren't an Astartes; He brought you into a world of demi-gods and giants expecting you to hold your own, but he'll always desire to protect you from it all. You provide him with a tiny shard of glass that reflects back the humanity they're fighting for. That him and his sons had resigned to never being able to see. Sometimes he wants nothing more than to indulge in more moments like this.
Your head lays against his chest, and you divulge in the warmth after spending so long near freezing.
These blueprints span the entire desk and even curl off the edge at one end, with various notes drawn over them. There's so many redraws and revisions that it's hard to tell whats what, you don't even know how he reads them. But you still watch him anyways with hooded eyes.
"Dorn..." He knows what you're going to ask, as his hand stays firm and unyielding on the side of your leg so you don't slide.
"When I am done."
You had come here with the hope to bring him back with you, but now you find yourself trapped here with him; His personal vox making noise from the corner of the desk.
He silently hands you the device, and you begin reading them out while he continues to work.
"Requisition orders got approval, news that the Faithful Servant has been waylaid by a severe technical malfunction," You yawn. "Alexis Polux wishes to speak with you."
You remember that name. He's an extremely competent and surprisingly humble Astartes, from Inwit the same as Dorn. He's apparently recently been made Captain, judging by the honorific attached to his name. You remember speaking to him once. He deserves the title.
"And... Something about the Night Lords. They," You yawn again. "One of their ships drifted towards a battle barge a bit too close for comfort." Dorn doesn't find that surprising. The sons of Konrad enjoy those sorts of intimidation tactics, trying to goad fights and spread unease through even their supposed allies.
Dorn holds on your words waiting for you to continue as his pen slides over the parchment, until he finally looks away from his blueprints for the first time since you entered the room.
You're asleep. Your head is leaning against his chest, and mouth just lightly parted as you breathe. You had completely failed in your attempt to get him away from his work, not that it had a high chance of working to begin with. Dorn watches for a moment before he finally sits down his pen and takes the vox from your loose hands, setting the device back down when he'd taken it from. That same hand returns to you and fixes the pelt you'd brought here, keeping it from falling to the floor.
Picking up his pen again Dorn sighs- and continues to work.
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poisoned-pearls · 7 months
When and how did you start shipping Jamiazu? :3
Oh god this is a whole can of worms that I’d love to explain
so I originally was actually a really big riddle fan when I started, he’s the entire reason I started playing (and then I met Azul and jumped ships. Still love riddle tho), I didn’t know a ton abt Scarabia so I kinda just, default shipped Jamikali bc i didn’t know a ton, so my brain just paired them together (now I actually have a lot more intricacies with my ships. I don’t think I ship any of the ships I did at the beginning except for rookvil. Nothing against most of them, I just like them with other ppl more)
then I encountered jamiazu (…I think from zvezdacito’s art? It was definitely art but they were in the background) and was kinda like “huh. This feels really out of pocket. Why do they ship-“ so I looked into it. And then I kept seeing like their moments in game and I just, fell in love with it (I also think that around the time I was falling out of interest of jamikali. Nothing against it but to me I don’t think that they could ever be healthy unless Jamil was like. Away for years-)
the most concrete reference I have is the first time I drew them, which was January ish. They look WAY different from how I draw them now bc I slowly memorized what they looked like and started adding my own details.
and I’ve been in the fandom since… October 2022 ish? That was very spotty tho bc I have adhd and it was only a minor hyperfixation on the side of my main one (which was… Genshin-), but I didn’t seriously get into until December 2022
but yea!! I really really like them. I genuinely think they have the best dynamic and what could be the healthiest relationship. (other than silkali, but neither of them should be in the villain school in the first place so-) (also Jamil’s voice actor agrees that they’d be close friends. So HA-)
a lot of my hyperfixations also center around ships (bc they center on characters usually. Which then goes to whoever I like them with the best,)
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succulent-mud · 1 year
R, T, X, Y for the fandom ask please! 💖
HELLO TATATATA, I hope you're having a good day, thanks you for the ask! :D R . A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
UH, you got me a little hard on this one.
The thing is that my mind starts working when I finish X series or game. I do not know why but I just rush it into my brain like a rat would rush the last piece of pizza in the New York streets. Then, as if God had enlightened me with knowledge, start.
I don't think the ships I enjoy are, like, no-popular (?). I do remember having a ship between Jay (Marble Hornets) and another character, but I completely forgot about it.
Could we say something about Madness Combat? Yes, but the fandom lives up to his name; everything has a ship already and, in one way or another, is popular. But thanks to you now I have this little worm in my head catching serotonine when I see things of HouTata. /pos (They're lovely)
I do, however, enjoy (ironically) Springtrap x Belos. Best ship ever.
T . Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything) -THE ASEXUAL HEADCANNON THAT RANDOMLY APPEARS. IT'S LIKE A WAVE OF LITTLE PEOPLE SCREAMING, FAR FAR AWAY BEHIND ME: "Asexual! Asexual! ASEXUAL!" -ANY character with glasses has the dad squints, I will not elaborate but I will fight with swords to anyone who disagree. -Nightmares, heavy, toecurling nightmares.
1-Kaneki Ken, Eto (Ofc, ma' two babygirls on the list) 2-Vee, The Collector and Lilith (The Owl House) (They need comprehension and care, precious characters truly, I love them so much) 3-Ralsei (Deltarune) 4-Montomery Gator and Roxxane Wolf (Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex) 5-Masky/Timothy Wright and Jay Merrick (Marble Hornets)
Y . What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
YES YES YES, not so many BUT YES!
-Welcome Home -Chainsawman (I'm kinda more familiar with this one since I see some things here and there pretty often, I like it tho) -Sonic the Hedgehog (We all have individual OC's but I still have no god damn idea of anything from lore nor fandom) -Invader Zim
After that, we share the same braincell and, in one way or another, everyone ends up in the same brainrot the other one is in.
BUT I do remember me showing them Slugterra and Skullgirls, and then me and another friend kinda blasted the other one with a Roblox game.
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jymwahuwu · 2 years
So…you saw worm Naoya yet?
Warning: JJK spoilers (190-191)!!!
Yes i read it. i wanted to post a few times but forgot lmao my goldfish brain
when i first heard naoya turned into a worm:
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wait- you said what- is it a joke?
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an irritable worm, an angry worm, naoya you become a big worm 😭😭😭 this looks dumb
i read some jokes about naoya like toji so he turned into a worm 😭 which sounds even more dumb.
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let best girl maki go-
seriously naoya's battle has never been won in manga. i can already see maki kicking his ass again 🤯
i know you are an asshole. i know you deserve it. don't die again tho, naoya :T
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samanuntrakuls · 1 year
Hi if i may join this sharing braincell experience over here!
First of all your post about serving looks thank you i feel validated finally i was watching ep with my fella that i got into the series and needed to stop every time scene changed cause how can this woman look so good each time no matter the situation it's insulting good for Mon tho but she did shortcircuit my brain this entire time.
Second that anon who talked about needing a heart to have heart disease preach both of you cause we all knew that's where they will go one way or another but seriously this isn't what Song died for. At the end fuck both grandmother and kirk even more the fact they made him being the one who set her straight not to mention the fact as you said so yourself both of them woken up after months just when wedding was around the corner, good for Sam so she didn't lost loved one at the end of the day but fuck the redemption arcs. The trio that adopted Mon + the baby later on is just insert Lady Gaga meme here everything we didn't knew we needed, deserved and more. So invested in lesbian drama that her baby almost fell out not to mention being ready to teach them step by step if heavenly water won't work you won't be able to find it anywhere else she is just THE CHARACTER. Poor Tee taking punches left and right we will never forget your sacrifice but at least she got Yuki to make it all better when she isn't busy giving lesbianism 101. Kade not being able to be there 90% of the time just hits different.
Last but not the least about if her parents knew i was laughing my ass off when she was saying goodbye before going to airport because we never got how they found out it really makes it into hilarious picture like oh your boss so nice came to make up with you but shouldn't they be concerned she makes her overwork so she stays over day after day not to mention all the tears in span of all this and at the end ship that saved us all just comes to the house like guess what we getting married and on that note so just you know we dated along the way sorry for late notice, poor Singha almost got scarred with what could have happened in That Scene.
That was a wild ride ain't it happy ep 12 for everyone we got there cheers!
yes yes and yes! like i have little to no complaints about this little show it gave me more in 12 episodes than ive gotten from wlw media in umm, ever? but grandmother needing that final push from kirk was a big bummer. like you’re telling me first of all, song dying because you’re homophobic didn’t do it? getting absolutely fucking eviscerated by our lord and savior khun neung didn’t do it? seeing sam fainting at the dinner table and crying alone every night didn’t do it? but little fucking worm on a skateboard kirk makes it click? get out of here. grandmother was very right when she said the best thing she could do for sam was die.
and god That Scene. it is so funny to me that they were so nervous to fuck because they had basically been doing it for 3 entire episodes. im gonna miss them so much they’re so stupid but now they’re married and get to continue to be stupid together forever and that is so beautiful
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sea-of-dust · 1 month
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Aventurine,Acheron,Boothill x GN! Reader
When your lovers away for a long time, they come back more needy than usual
N: brain EXPLOSION RAAAAA (I'm going insane) also shout out to @lynettess for bringing the cowboy hat thing into play
Warnings: Might be ooc (made before boothills relase, havent finished pelecony), suggestive scenes, swearing, bullet munchin
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He's already a very loving partner also pretty clingy you can't sit next to him without him sitting so close he can feel you breathe, of course if you tell him to back off he would but he'll act hurt about it
You would play games with him, and he'd nearly always try to get a prize if he wins. "My my, if we were to play this going forward, how about a small kiss if I win?" And then you'd beat him 5-3, you can't tell if it's on purpose
He'd show you off alot, so you'd hide behind him. "Stelle meet my future spouse" he presents what he presumes is where your standing only for there to just be air. "The couch?" "What?" His head wips to see nothing, his tone turning somber "Where did they go" he begins to turn around looking around the room with you staying behind him, putting your finger up to ur lips. "They were just here. I'll introduce you guys next time" he sighs, letting Stelle walk out.
He likes to take lots of pictures with you, holding you while you turn away from the camrea. He'd never post them online, but you'd catch him looking at them and chuckling softly to himself
You'd try to show him a really simple magic trick, and then he'd just do it way better. "Watch this" you spread out cards. "Pick a card, any card" he narrows his eyes, smirking when he shows you the card he picked. "Alright" you move it back in the deck move 5 cards, and reveal his "is this your card?" You show it off. "Wow!" He claps in amazement. " I should show you one of my own" he takes the deck and shuffles, telling you to pick a card, and without hesitation, flips over your card along with that the kings of the deck. "Woah" he'd make it his mission to impress you with magic tricks
He's very into the thought of you praising him for something, you catch him daydreaming it's most likely of you holding his hands, a nearly fully red face. "You're so good at this, you're amazing honey" the wide smirk on his face seals the fact he's thinking of your praise. When you do praise him, you could tell he's internally freaking out "You look great today" you smile at him "and what about the other days?" "You just look especially pretty today" You wrap your arms around his neck, giggling at his remarks, "you should pinch me" "I can assure you, you aren't dreaming"
He'd hit you with trick questions. Not straight-fowardly asking them instead leading into them. "You haven't been to the Grand Theater, have you? I heard the family might appear" "sounds pleasant, I guess someone will post a video of them appearing or something" "they don't interest you?" "Not really" if he did actually ask you a trick question straight up, you knew he'd be joking. "Hey, would you love me if I was a worm?" You look at him up and down "did you get possessed?" "Maybe I have, the only way to get rid of the ghost is to answer!" "Of course I would. I'd have to find a way to preserve your clothing tho" "they would shrink with me"
He'd be interested in an activity you were doing, the type to try and play word games with you. "It's enjoy" "there's no j" "seriously?". Trying to join in mundane tasks folding laundry? You should let him help it'll go by faster. Cleaning your fan? Glad you got it open. Let's clean the blades together! "It feels colder now" he lays next to it, letting the cool air smack his face. "It's probably gonna get dirty in a months time" you sigh watching him enjoy the air with closed eyes, you watch his hair fly in the wind his calm smile. "I should do this more often with you" muttering our without a care "you should"
He can't be away from you for too long it'll show, eye bags rubbing said eyes, sighing so much people start counting. He'd start texting you during work. "Get back to work" "you sound like Mr krabs" "next I'll start making the sound when he walks" his co workers would catch him staring at his phone and giggling to himself over you. Him comming home you know he's making it a romance scene. Roses in hand he opens the door, watching your eyes light up not even looking at the flowers he had gotten, embracing him as soon as you saw him. "I should start hiding your keys" "that would be nice"
He wouldn't waste any time as soon as that doors closed he's not letting you go. He wants to feel your touch, your stares, the way your voice makes his heart skip a beat. He's earned it after working this hard. Your teasing over the phone didn't make it any better either. "You're such a jerk teasing me over the phone" he smiles to himself kissing your cheeks as you move your face, avoiding his lips. "And even now" he holds your hands his grip firm, finally landing a kiss on your lips. He makes it last long, you might evade again. It was sloppy to say the least, like he was trying to get every bit of energy out of you, only pulling anyway to catch a breath before going in for a few more. "I should start bringing you along"
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She blames you for getting lost sometimes, you can't be so...thought provoking... is what she says its her way of saying, "I think about you so much It makes my sense of direction worse"
She's quite awkward when it comes to showing affection, but she does have ways to show it. She'd hold your pinky while walking in public, leaning on you. She's not going to be very touchy, and these momments usually don't last long, but watching her slowly get flustered just makes it better
She'd sometimes believe things you've told her. "I remmber seeing a cat fly" "im sure it was a dream" "did you know you could make an egg explode?" "How?" "Really bad cooking" she'd fall for the water cup broom on the ceiling thing. Not that you've been evil enough to try it on her and risk it all
You'd get scared when she'd just randomly know what you're talking about. "God its been like a trillion years how are these songs still existing" "I know right I feel like a monsters a relic crazy to think" you furrow your eyebrows. "Did you just hear it recently?" "Yea it's really good" "Uh huh" the most terrifying thing about her is the fact that she's into 2000s emo music and not her memmories
Taking her out to Golden hour she's pretty shit at the games, she either got jackpot, nothing, or broke the leaver. "What do I do?" "You gotta pull the leaver and see if it lands on what you want" "ok" she pulls it nearly shattering the poor leaver as it spins, landing the max prize. "Goodjob" you clap for her as she goes for the prize, giving it to you. "You won it it's yours" "after spending your credits" scoffing she pulls you to another she wanted to try. Your room service is not gonna be happy seeing a wave full of prizes
Thoughts of trying to keep you from leaving have crossed her mind. Eating your keys, clinging onto you, wagging her finger at you, leaving with you. Scary guard dog privileges.
She'd try to sneak up to you and land a peck on the cheek only for you to turn and kiss her on the lips. "Caught you" you remark in a teasing tone. "I'll catch you off guard" you scoff "I can't wait to see your attempts"
She'd blush over face touching. Poking her nose after staring at her in silence, moving food from her cheek, kissing her cheek. It was strange watching her breath begin to heavy while keeping eye contact. "I've never seen you act like this before" she covers her mouth looking away, you hold her other hand up to your mouth and kiss it watching her get even more flustered
She would go off by herself for a few days. Texting you pictures of things that she thought you'd be interested in and engaging in small talk. There wouldn't be many words exchanged, but when she came back, you wouldn't even know, she gave you a time frame and then would appear 3 days before expected. Opening the door and meeting her eyes, she'd enter silently. "Do you want me to make you something?" "The tea you bought last time was great" you smile going to the kitchen
She'd sit there quietly, fiddling with her hand, her head fuzzy filled with thoughts. Finally getting up, she leans onto you. "You might get burned" her head leans into your neck. "Like I care" kissing your neck, her hands wander near your waist, gripping your clothes. "I missed you" speaking up letting her finally get a peck on the lips, a few more until she finally says "I missed you more" she wouldn't stop kissing you until saliva connects your mouths. Watching her realize what she had just done. Her eyes look to your lips and neck, embracing you from behind she lays her head on your shoulder. "It'll be a while, stay like that as long as you want"
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"We should make out" "what?!" Keep doing that to him and you've got a dead cowboy on the street of pelecony. The most deadpan voice and just you suggesting things is gonna make the poor guy evaporate.
He gets flustered oddly easily yet he flirts with you relentlessly. "I seem to have lost myself in your eyes" you scoff, moving his hair from his eye behind his ear "you should have paid closer attention you would have seen my spouse" "what now?" It would take him too long to get it, and when he does, he's practically blowing steam out of every circuit.
He'd get a bit upset if you refused to borrow his hat. Does it smell? Is it itchy? Do you not love him?! Why do you look at it like that. "Just to be sure, does this of any lice?" "." "Can cyborgs get lice" "no" he says it super quickly yet doesn't actually know as you kept staring holes into that poor hat, when you finally wore it he felt like he could breathe. He felt bald, but you looked charming with it on. He's gonna have to let you keep that one he'll buy a new one
Letting you wear his hat, he wondered if you knew the meaning of that gesture. "Y/n" "yes?" "I've given you my hat" "yea?" He tries to hold back a frown. "I already know you want to see me alot Boothill" His face turns a bright pink. "Maybe I should give it back even though I'm not a cowboy i dont mind seeing you more often" he covers his face with his hands turning away from you with tightly closed eyes
He'd ask you to help him on the most specific cyborg problem. "Can you help me with this" he shows you his hand "with what?" "One of the cords are taken off" "I'm gonna call a mechanic" "man" he'd look at you as if betrayed. "How could you" written all over his face.
He'd drag you to karoke with him, and then judge you like the average chorus teacher. "You're pitch isn't right, go higher for it" "alright og diva" "WELCOME TO MY WOOOOORLLLLDDD" his voice cracks,atleast he's having fun you mumble along with him.
The first time you witnessed him causally eat bullets, you were disgusted. "What?" "I mean, do they taste good?" "I guess?" You still do judge him so he faces away from you when he does. Opponents would tease him for this only to have the same reaction. "Turning away?! You must doubt-" munch munch "ew bro wtf?"
You shouldn't let him drift off on a couch, hed wake up like he's seen the future, when he dreamed about you. "Wake up~" "y/n.." "what took you so long I got bored" you pout, pulling his hat down to his eyes. He chuckles, pulling it back up letting you get a peck in. "You shouldn't have left me alone for so long" you pout, blowing his ear. He's pink, too flustered to even wrap his arms around you. Then he wakes up and looks at you, the softness of your gaze makes him weak
He's dazed, in another world when he has to leave for a long time. Why? You're probably making mug cakes without him! He can't be gone for more than a week without going into a bathroom and sitting on a toilet, just regretting a few life decisions. So when get gets back and sees you just about to start giving into your mug cake related intrusive thoughts he nearly cried, causually wrapping his arms around your waist "well well if it isn't my lovely spouse" "Boothill" the way you speak, the look in your eyes when you see him, the softness of your face, the calm in your expressions. "You there?" you knock on his chest interrupted by a kiss on the forehead, his hands taking up yours. "I missed you" you manage to mutter out as he continues to kiss you all over. "You have no idea how much I've missed you" he barely gave you enough time to breath between eatch kiss, desperate for more. The kisses begin to get more sloppy, his grip on your hands tighter.
"You keep haunting my dreams" he mutters, finally pulling away. "Wonder what I did in them" teasing him, you kiss his cheek. Noticing his hesitation. "What do you dream of me doing" tilting your head, you lean into his ear, he pulls away. "So that's what you dream of" You move his hair away from his face, seeing his flustered expression. "You're adorable"
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dirtychocolatechai · 2 months
lottie, my darling, my sweet, my love, light of my life. i come crawling back to you on my hands and knees to thank you for such a delicious fallout fic. i got the notification at work and it was the longest shift ever waiting to get home to read it lol i haven't gotten a chance to watch the show yet but i've played and loved the games. the way you wrote the ghoul is so tasty 10/10 would let him irradiate the fuck outta me (also so sorry i've been gone, work and life have been keeping me busy) 💜💙 -thirsty nonnie
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OH MY GOD IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!!!!!!!! HELLO DARLING LIGHT OF MY LIFE MY SUN MY MOON MY STARS!!!!!!!!! I've missed you and thought of you fondly❤️🥹!!! I hope you've been well and taking care - life has been wack these last few years istg.
... on another note 😏the ghoul. yes. he's why we have radaway sksksksk.
seriously tho he has wormed his way into my brain and refuses to leave. i thought it was bad enough with hancock and charon then this motherfucker waltzed in. i swore when i first started watching i'd be normal about him and now here i am 🫠
its so on brand for me im kinda mad lol.
i personally loved the show, and think they did a great job!! there were so many fun little nods to the games and it all felt very plausible for the fallout universe.
like, anytime something new happened i was like yep mhm that checks. plus im a slut for practical effects and i'm so glad they used minimal CGI in terms of character design etc 😭
you'll have to let me know what you think if you watch!! there's a specific scene with the ghoul i think will be as much a problem for you as it was for me 👀
anyway asdhkjshfkjs im so honored you read it and im so happy to hear from you❤️❤️!!!
0 notes
infecting you with the brain worms. also imagine a normal human getting isekaied to a fantasy world, getting sick and slowly getting over it, if the sicknesses change their immune system so much, would there be a point where they aren’t considered human anymore? while we’re at it, what’s the medical implications for hanahaki disease? surgeries? dungeon meshi has mana sickness, owl house has the common mold, so it got me thinking of sicknesses very specific to magic users. like a fire user getting a fever that’s permanent after a while, their magic altering their immune system so much
ngl i think i've been infected for a long time, anon XD
lot of deep worldbuilding you could get into here... like "what makes a human human" sort of deep. ship of theseus deep. plus the question on top of how much of our actual, real life biology is due to the influence of microscopic creatures that we can't even see? *chef's kiss*
you know how your gut biology can influence your mood/cravings/etc? imagine it's like that, but with the influence of something magical or ethereal in nature.
plus the double whammy of maybe they change so much that it's impossible to get back home...
i've seen a lot of fics where surgery can cure or cause hanahaki to go into remission, with various side effects tbh. i think my favorite take on it is that surgery only helps up to a point--if the roots get deep enough, it WILL kill you to excise it with a blade, just like any tumor. i also like the idea that once the love is reciprocated, the plant takes time to shrink down and loosen its hold, tho i don't see that much in fics. hurt/comfort, my beloved.......
also ngl, dungeon meshi needs to come back here and EXPLAIN MAGIC BETTER. like is dark magic forbidden just because it's old?? is it legit dangerous, or is it outdated??? because they CLEARLY have what could be considered necromancers who can LEGALLY raise people from the dead (tho only in dungeons, admittedly). so what gives?? why, exactly, is what marcille did so dangerous? I have my guesses, but I demand to know!! that and the mana sickness, like... is learning magic like flexing a muscle and you just have to strengthen your ability and the mana sickness goes away?? can marcille get mana sickness still?? what would it take?? also laios with a bloody nose.... i am looking respectfully (maybe)
this was what i loved about BNHA tho, like for real. there was SO MUCH depth to quirks and their consequences (thank you, deku, for prattling about them all the time, seriously), and you could dig even deeper in fan works. like.... mr. nitroglycerine sweat. and how he can make himself sick if he accidentally ingests his own sweat. the strengths and weaknesses, the uniqueness of them all. iida using juice as fuel LMFAO. loved that so much??
but more generally... imagine chlorokinesis users who can be affected by blight, or root rot, or fungus because their bodies have started to take on plant-like traits. god, or imagine this: a chlorokinesis user who can't take off their shoes and socks because their feet have started growing roots into them LMFAO. psychic users who always feel others' symptoms as if they're their own. diseases that can pass across a psychic link!! immunizations against psychic viruses that alter your brain chemistry!!
good SHIT, man
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icyfox17 · 9 months
anyway though, i need to go become one with the worms o7 <33 thank you for hanging out with me and for letting me randomly just talk about some weird ass aus that pop into my brain hsjshdjdj i know they’re goofy as hell!! so thank you a lot for letting me tell you about em
how was your day today, king? i’m not sure if i asked, so i am!! was it alright?
i hope that the upcoming one is good and not filled w much stress :0 you deserve a break nodders <3 get some rest when you’re able to, and i’m manifesting a sandduo dream for you ❄️❄️❄️ !!! or maybe even a yj one, whatever your brain feels like cooking up!! ^_^
I'm manifesting crimeboys dreams for u eueueue
My day was okay!! What is it, Sunday? Yeah I just kinda idk existed LMAO I wrote lots!! Watched some yt, then went to work. Work was veryy busy but it wasn't boring so I vibed with it. Got to hang out w an 8 week old kitten (my coworker just got a new kibby, he is Adorable)
And uhmm yeah LMAO it was really nice writing tho ehehehe im very happ, maybe I can even finish the one shot by Halloween? That'd be wild
I have work tomorrow and hopefully some school stuff, so we'll see how that goes!! But yeah nothing too crazy coming up
And I LOVEEE your aus, seriously my fav thing in the world are ur AU's tbh so thank you for sharing them :DDD
Ima try my best to go to bed early so I can wake up early tomorrow and keep my sleeping schedule consistent!! We'll see how that goes tho :0
Also WOOO yj omgomgomgomg I love yj I miss yj SM sobs when will dadflash come back from the war 💔 all I want in life is Barry being a good dad to Wally is that too much to ask sobbing
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FEStival Fiasco
Part 2
Part 1, Prologue
You’re Gonna Carry that Weight
Before the competition, the students were given time to research the cultures of the planet they would soon infiltrate. For Centaurus, what interested him the most was the cowboy. He had obsessively watched several spaghetti westerns and read many books detailing the rugged outlaws that prowled the western United States.
To Centaurus, the cowboy embodied freedom. He was a gallant legend that wandered the land, not caring about class or even order he dispensed justice wherever he went. He proudly carried himself with his smooth-talking ways and underhanded tricks that resonated so strongly with Centaurus. At least, that was the image that Centaurus had carved into his mind. I want to be like that. Not a worm, but a cowboy.
Now, staring a real-life cowboy at one of the food stalls in the early festival hours, he found himself unable to even utter a word.
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“Uh, ya see somethin’ ya like?” The man said with a carefree grin. As soon as the cowboy spoke up, Centaurus jumped in his seat. He was still in Ken’s body, but the man’s memory and charisma completely failed. Even his own natural talent fizzled out.
“Um, yeah—no, wait, shit! Didn’t mean it like that,” said Centaurus, now pointedly looking away. He couldn't recall a time when he had gotten this flustered. What was happening to him? “Forget about it, all right?”
The stall owner arched an eyebrow at the two, but she didn’t say anything. She simply served their food with a polite nod.
Centaurus meant to walk away and crawl in a hole, but the cowboy stepped right in his way. Clad in a flannel shirt and a cowboy hat, he wore both his clothes and expression with unrivaled charisma. “Howdy,” he said, carefully enunciating the word.
“C’mon! No need to be shy. Walk with me.” Seeing no reason to decline, Centaurus allowed himself to be guided around by this man straight out of his fantasies. “Name’s Austin,” he introduced himself. “Southern boy by birth and trade. You?”
“C-Cent,” was as far Centaurus said before clamming up again.
“Cent? Funny li’l name,” Austin said with a laugh. “Cute, tho. Like, rolls off the tongue real nice.” His tongue licked his lips just the slightest bit as he spoke. Centaurus nearly melted right then and there.
“So, what caught yer eye?” said Austin.
“Oh, uh, guess… how out there you are,” Centaurus said, mentally kicking himself as the conversation drew on. He had walked into this conversation flat-footed and tumbled in just about every exchange. His heart was racing, and his whole body burned with a desire he couldn't snuff out. “You’re eye-catching, is all I can say.”
Austin leaned in, grinning as he said, “Think I’m more than that to ya. Yer startin’ to pitch a tent, y’know,” with a wink. Centaurus grit his teeth, cursing under his breath as he looked down at himself. Austin continued, saying, “C’mon, let’s get ya somewhere more discreet ‘fore security kicks ya outta this place.”
Without waiting for a response, Austin took Centaurus’ hand and dragged him away from the festival. “Don’t worry, I ain’t roomin’ with any folks,” he said, head bopping back and forth as though he was humming a song to himself. “We’ll be private.”
“I-If you say so,” said Centaurus.
They arrived soon afterward. On occasion, Centaurus caught a few stares from the various guests that ate from the continental breakfast, but he didn’t worry about that. Now he was alone in the cowboy’s room. As he sat on the foot of the bed, he noticed that there was what he figured was the scent of the great southern frontier. Austin was here for merely a day, and already his scent had marked the room.
“It’s my candle,” said Austin, excitedly gesturing to a container with a candle decorated with a tiny, smiling cowboy inside. “Friend o’ mine gave it to me ‘fore I left. Said it’d keep the ranch in my heart,” he said. “Always a romantic, that girl, bless her heart. But still, always makes these sterile rooms feel a li’l bit more like home.” Home…
“How come you left?” said Centaurus.
“Yer a noisy one, ain’tcha?” Austin said, not dropping his smile. “Guess it felt like it was high time fer me to just...travel, y’know? Spent my whole life on the ranch. Felt like I had to break away ‘n’ find m’own path. Wanted to sorta find something. Myself, maybe. Headed to this town and chatted a friend up from my childhood. Planned on goin’ to the festival together, but he got hit hard with the flu. So I walked ‘round the place, lookin’ fer somethin’ to do.”
“And that’s when you picked me up?”
Austin chuckled. “Well, wouldn’t put it like that. ‘d rather call it sweepin’ ya off yer feet, my friend.”
“And you call your friend a romantic,” Centaurus said, tittering to himself. Uneasiness long forgotten, he continued to chat away and talk with Austin until the two of them fell back onto the bed together, slowly undressing. “I’ve never done this with a cowboy before, I gotta admit.”
“Well, I ain’t just a cowboy, Cent. I’m Austin.”
Yeah, Centaurus thought, you’re Austin. What lied before him was no longer a cowboy—a character he so fondly thought of. Instead, it was a man that found him, for whatever reason, charming. “Come here,” said Centaurus, lying down on top of Austin. He could hear his heart gently beating. You’re wonderful.
Centaurus, fully nude, spread his legs. Austin first started by teasing his hole with a finger, then his tongue. “Gonna do this right,” he said in-between his tongue teases. “I ain’t gonna hurt ya. Promise.” Centaurus just nodded, trembling with anticipation. His legs quivered with just the foreplay.
However, the teasing went on for far too long. His hole, initially tingling with pleasure, now felt played with and empty. “Oh, just fuck me already,” Centaurus moaned.
“Beg a li’l more,” Austin said.
“Please, Austin. Tear me in two already.”
“Nah, nah, that ain’t want I’m lookin’ fer.” Austin raised himself and lied on top of Centaurus’ chest with a smirk on his face. “Ask me for a lovin’. Something so sweet yer tight li’l ass will never forget.”
Swallowing, Centaurus said, “Make love to me, Austin. Make me forget about my fucking life,” and Austin complied.
Austin softly whispered, “Yer moans’re so hot,” and, “cry harder for me...” as he pounded Centaurus. “So cute, Cent,” he said before groaning in pleasure as well as he sped up.
Centaurus nearly fainted as he felt Austin fuck him. “Oh, fuck,” he groaned, biting down on his knuckles. As soon as Austin said his name, he shut his eyes and allowed himself to indulge in that fantasy. There was no Ken, no competition, nothing except himself and this man who didn’t feel like a stranger anymore.
“God, fuck, yer so damn tight, Cent!” Austin cried out as he drew back and slammed into Centaurus with wild abandon. “Moan more fer me, c’mon!” he said, pumping Centaurus’ dick as he fucked him.
"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck fuck fuck! Sh-Shit, I’m cumming…!”
Austin took that opportunity to lean in and hungrily kiss Centaurus, who reciprocated. He drank in as much of Austin’s heavy pants and scent as he could. After so many times of hearing another name with a partner, it was nice to feel as though he didn’t have to pretend. He lied bare to this man who miraculously knew so little about him, and it was so liberating.
Centaurus’ midsection tightened, and then he came sticky ropes onto Austin’s chest. The two groaned into each other’s mouths as they came together.
“Maybe it’s just the high I got, but… I love yer company, Cent.”
In-between pants, Centaurus said, “I feel the same way, Austin,” and desperately wished he meant every word. He knew this had nothing to do with the mission or his desire to finally build his career, but he still wished this would last forever.
“What’s the matter, Cent? Yer lookin’ a bit down.”
“Not sure. I… I seriously don’t know.”
“Well, dunno if this makes ya feel any better but, I thought yer pretty nice company if I do say so myself,” said Austin with a small, charming smile.
However, Centaurus still thought about her. Zathina’s bitter and hateful expression remained in the back of his mind. He could still feel her shoe nearly crushing his windpipe. “You’re wasting time,” he imagined her saying with that sneer of hers. Alongside her sickening voice was the word worm over and over again like it was branded directly into his brain. “Indulging in these nonsensical things,” the voice continued, “you’re pathetic. Looks like the winner is clear. I suppose you truly are a worm after all.”
“Kiss me,” said Centaurus.
“Hmm?” Austin hummed, surprised at his sudden interruption.
Not waiting for an answer, Centaurus wrapped an arm around Austin’s neck and pulled him in for a long, deep kiss. “Mmm, mmm!” Austin didn’t initially fight back until he felt something slipping in through his mouth.
Centaurus disconnected himself from Ken’s brain, leaving behind some toxic behind, and quickly slithered into Austin’s open, vulnerable mouth. Eventually, Austin pushed an unconscious Ken off, but it was already too late. The alien was already making its way through his mouth and into his brain. Austin tried to grab at the alien, but he failed to get a grasp. He fell back onto the bed and began to convulse as pleasure and fear overrode his entire body.
Switching host was always a dizzying experience for Centaurus. Not only because looking at his host body disoriented him with the raping changing of faces, but because there remained a little bit of himself in them.
“Wake up,” Centaurus commanded Ken. Wordlessly, Ken sat up in the bed. “Go home to your partner. Don’t even look at me.” Ken nodded and began to leave. “Put your clothes on first! Animal...”
For all members of his kind, the toxic vanishes from the host after about 20 minutes. Ken would be back to normal with little recollection of what he did. The experience that Ken went through would be forgotten. Same with Austin when Centaurus eventually left. Even if by some twist of fate they crossed paths again, Centaurus would be the only one left with that moment in his memories.
He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and saw no trace of the man that he shared that tender moment with. No matter how much Centaurus tried to laugh, frown, or even cry, he could no longer see Austin anymore. All that the mirror reflected was a worm pretending to be a man. He was alone.
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kae-karo · 3 years
2020 fic roundup
howdy pardners 🤠🤠 in order to procrastinate more writing here’s my list of all the fics i posted this year (sorted predominantly by ship and mostly in order of posting) - ft a lot of dabihawks and a surprising amount of todobaku lmao. oh and my personal faves are **starred
dabihawks (x)
a lesson in romantics (x) - 66k across 4 fics - the collection of standalone memory loss fics! canon divergent and centered around either dabi or hawks losing their memories thanks to the wonderful commission :) some solid angst and getting back together content, always happy endings!!
haven’t had enough (x) - 5.7k - silly little quirkless au where dabi goes to claire’s to get his ears pierced. multiple times. bc hawks is hot
last of the real ones (x) - 2.6k - less silly, just as little, set in canon-divergence bc i couldn’t get the idea out of my head of dabi getting red wings tattooed on him before ever meeting hawks
**dancing after death (x) - 25k - one of my faves from this year, a canon divergent sort of getting together story involving nightmares, some bad burns, and a bit of dancing
if you fall (hold my hand) (x) - 7.4k - canon divergence (bc apparently i’m a slut for that) and some hurt/comfort, ft a bit of makeout-level spice
no shame (x) - 16k - ah, and here we really dive into the ‘crack treated too seriously’ category, where the league sells feet/hand/misc kink pics to fund their activities and dabi has some photography skills and a wing kink (or maybe just a hawks kink)
broken parts (x) - 23.9k - i stole my own idea for a vigilante!hawks from my tiktok, then twisted it into a severely angsty (with a happy ending) hurt/comfort fic intended to break my own heart and piece it back together. it worked
freeing icarus (x) - 1.8k - the first fic without a happy ending i think i ever wrote, because the canon dabihawks fight actually broke me. some dabi introspection
**to the stars that burn (x) - 3.9k - the second fic without a happy ending, based more around childhood friends dabihawks working at the commission together. bittersweet but without much sweet
**king of disaster (x) - 119k+ - i poured my entire soul into this series, a fantasy au where dabi accidentally binds himself to hawks (an absolute stranger) and shenanigans ensue - this has also evolved to include todobaku, shinkami, and kirideku
enemy of my enemy (x) - 2.6k - a quirkswap space pirate au that truly tested my ability to write action scenes, part of the random prompt collection i did during october 2020
without a fight (x) - 2.2k - a rival band au ft singer!hawks and a grumpy dabi, another of the random october prompts
todobaku (x)
like i’m bakugou (x) - 2.1k - it was supposed to be a MEME based on a TIKTOK but i made it kinda serious....and here we are. todobaku on a froyo date
take a bite of my heart tonight (x) - 5k - VAMPIRES lmao. honestly it was a blast to write tho lmao
**if we go down, then we go down together (x) - 9.3k - tdbk get stranded on a deserted island bc tropes are fun lmao. also todo tries to freeze the ocean like elsa which i think is where my writing skill peaked
cold rebellion (x) - 4k - quirkless au where its HALLOWEEN and theyre in a CORN MAZE and they don’t LIKE EACH OTHER BAKA (part of the october prompt fic collection)
make it spicy (x) - 5k+ - predominantly todobaku with a healthy dose of dabihawks and some shiggynatsu as well, a bakery and nightclub au (yes u heard me)
**stitch me up (x) - 35k - todo gets split into both halves of his quirks, sort of, and baku has to deal with it (and i love this au so much i had a blast working on it)
rescue me (x) - 11.4k - basically the concept of ‘what if baku and deku were actually childhood friends tho? aka some good wholesome content
**into the dark (x) - 3.3k - afterlife au and originally part of the random prompts, baku didn’t survive the sludge villain incident and deku’s been carrying that weight for a while. and then he doesn’t survive a villain encounter...keep an eye on this one cause i’m working on a part 2 lmao
are you with me (x) - 2.1k - future fic where baku and deku are both heroes and, appropriately, the wonder duo. lil angsty but ofc a happy ending, part of the random oct prompts collection
todobakudeku (x)
**kintsugi (x) - 117k - future fic where they’re all UA teachers, with some established todobaku + todobakudeku getting together, a lil sprinkle of erasercloudmic, a nice dose of shinkami and some great shiggy redemption arc + eri attending UA content
reunion (x) - 1.8k - another future fic lmao with some getting-back-together content. part of the random october prompts collection
kiribaku (x)
rewrite the stars (x) - 2.8k - also a mina&kiri friendship fic, a soulmate au where kiri doesn’t get the soulmate he was hoping for (part of the oct prompts collection)
the mystery gang (x) - 4.1k - tell me how i wrote this much about a scooby doo-styled fic concept lmao. anyway, part of the oct prompts, includes some bakusquad shenanigans
wasteland, baby (x) - 4.5k - bakusquad bodyswap post-apocalyptic au and yes it’s just as chaotic as it sounds lmao. part of the oct prompts collection
like the sun (x) - 2.8k - the beach episode + baku&mei friendship (which i learned is called kat and the hat???? adorable) fluffy content, part of the oct prompts collection!
something sweet (x) - 1.2k - the actual kiribaku prompt i got lmao. coffee shop meets scavenger hunt, we adore a grumpy barista baku lmao. part of the oct prompts collection
oh, worm? (x) - 16.5k - it was supposed to be a joke but oh my god i love the idea of both todo and denki being memelords and falling in love with each other over it
secret tunnel (x) - 3.6k - conspiracy theorist todo meets conspiracy theorist denki in college au format and it’s really just top tier content imo - part of the oct prompt collection
all i want for christmas (x) - 3.5k - it was supposed to be a crack concept but as per usual it became less cracky the longer i thought about it. todokami fake dating babeyyyy - part of the oct prompt collection
**hydrangea (x) - 2.9k - soft todo introspection about his lil dragon hoard of things that make him think of his friends, which he decides to share with denki
shiggynatsu (x)
**death of summer (x) - 28k - the first fic i ever wrote for them and the most chaotic meeting i could come up with within the realm of canon divergence lmao. todofam hosting...shmigaraki
terrible people (x) - 960 - a lil babie established shiggynatsu fic about shiggy’s bday, basically just soft and wholesome - part of the oct prompt collection
shinkami (x)
don’t want to say goodnight (x) - 3.2k - kyouka pov on a shinkami getting together lil thing that lived in my brain rent free for a long time
don’t want to say goodnight (x) - 1k - yes i’m aware i see what i’ve done lmao i see the mistake i made. anyway this one is villain!shinsou and villain!denki so it’s like,,,,,the slightly spicier version. part of the oct prompt collection
**twelve over, seven up (x) - 4.5k - a bit of aizawa introspection after oboro’s death, bittersweet but mostly wholesome
a danger and a wonder (x) - 2.4k - mina&tokoyami friendship and bonding over mina’s kid and hawks’ kid (who tokoyami is babysitting) - part of the oct prompt collection
fish and feathers (x) - 4.1k - my chance to flex my remaining runescape knowledge to have jirou and denki friendship via the interwebs content
a name freely given (x) - 4.2k - shigadabi fake dating royalty au where shiggy’s fae? sure why not lmaoooo. part of the oct prompt collection
kabloom flower shop (x) - 2.8k - a wrong-number tattoo shop/flower shop kirikami au that was lowkey hilariously fun to write. part of the oct prompt collection
awake me from my nightmare (x) - 2.3k - the only fic i’ve ever tagged with mcd, an among us au of all things. baku&uraraka friendship and betrayal, part of the oct prompt collection
**for the record (x) - 2.1k - shiggy&dabi...allianceship? sort of? lmao they’re angel and demon, spies, and part of like a rebellion thing. and they don’t like each other which is always fun! part of the oct prompt collection
a different kind of hero (x) - 1.1k - established tododeku future fic where todo just got his quirk stolen (and deku already lost his in an afo fight), mostly bitter with just a tiny spark of hopefulness. part of the oct prompt collection
forget me not (x) - 2.1k - kiri&uraraka friendship, amnesia and artist au like i really went off here but it was so sweet and wholesome and i had a great time. part of the oct prompt collection
**lightning in a bottle (x) - 4.5k - chaotic kamibaku getting together but they’re WITCHES it’s a MAGIC AU and BEDSHARING IS A THING. part of the oct prompt collection
passing notes (x) - 1.6k - shiggy&eri friendship which is a thing that would be hilarious if it happened in canon tbh. part of the oct prompt collection
no turning back (x) - 6.5k - shiggy&deku friendship but make it royalty au and a 5/1 trope just for kicks lmao. part of the oct prompt collection
worthy adversary (x) - 1k - baku&shinsou friendship/childhood friends au that deserved more than 1k lmao. part of the oct prompt collection
together (x) - 3.2k - denki&mina friendship but they’re allied with vampires to fight some werewolves bc why not right? also lil taste of shinkami just like tiny bit for the flavor™. i should really do a bit more with this au huh? part of the oct prompt collection
a good thing (x) - 1.2k - shinsou&aizawa friendship? fathership? sonship? u know how it is lmao. a little sprinkle of shinkami for the flavor. part of the oct prompt collection
brighter than the sun (x) - 730 - can u tell i don’t usually write miritama lmao. some soft parallels bc they are soft. part of the oct prompt collection
try again (x) - 1.4k - dabi&shouto siblingship but dabi can time travel bc i said so (actually bc the prompts said so but whatever lmao) part of the oct prompt collection
that’s it lovelies!! nearly 600k this year and some of my favorite fics i’ve ever written, and i cannot begin to thank you all enough for your incredible support, i adore you all so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
Drunk Olivia was your first frabble about her! How could you forget about it! It was so short, but so adorable at the same time! But! I was thinking.. How do Olivia, Amara and Mira look? I know more or less, but can you give more details? The more details, the better. It is for science, ofc.
It is not that I don’t like Haytham. I just have mixed emotions about him which makes me more neutral. I am not too excited for him, something is lacking in his character. I don’t know what. The same goes for Arno and Eivor. Maybe because I feel there is a lot of more potential and game developers didn’t do anything more about it.
Buuuut, your latest headcanons. Woooah Babes! They were REALLY imaginative. Connor - I couldn’t imagine different headcanons for him. Edward? After second thought - you are totally right. I can imagine it all. Let’s be honest. THOSE TATTOOS. I live for them. Summing up, we all need shirtless Edward on a daily basis. I am not sure about Shay and Haytham, maybe because I haven’t really thought about it before. They have such a cold aura around themselves, but maybe it’s just me. But on the other side.. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover! Shay is really, really handsome and your smut with him as the main character left some fantasies and imagines. Him being possessive is on point tho. Kinky Haytham? Interesting..
I would love to play Genshin. I really do. But.. After all these years I finally bought The Witcher games. All of them. And well.. Yes, that’s it. I bought them. That’s all. I have no courage to tell my friends about the purchase because they would literally force me to play lol. I loved the books! And since I read them before watching the Netflix series I am quite disappointed. But I am watching to see Eskel. Please, give me my man already. T_T
Thank heavens that you tolerate tattoos on others. I can sleep peacefully knowing that you won’t judge me and think lower of me. My granny didn’t speak to me for a few days because I did it. I am kinda nervous about what she will do after she sees my second one.. It will definitely be more visible.
Have I ever told you that I HATE rain and wind combined together. Because I hate with all my heart. The weather outside is tragic right now. I have no idea how I will make it to the vet tomorrow.
I have some music recommendations!
First of all, have you heard AURORA’s version of Rasputin? Gods, I love it so much!
Manchester Orchestra - The Silence
Paloma Faith - Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Lola Marsh - She’s a rainbow (and every other song by them. I love this band with all my heart)
Ghost - Enter Sandman
AAaaaa, you can laugh but I really don't remember! I even scrolled through my Tumblr and found nothing. I remember writing about Amara. Anyway, you see? Brain worms 😂
As for how they look... Olivia is a ginger, Irish girl. She has average height, a few dots on her nose, rosy cheeks and laughs a lot! She is a happy girl, full of love in her heart, loving nice, fluffy, soft and warm things. Amara is half English, half Arab so she is mixed race. She has darker skin in a similar shade to Altair (he is also mixed after all. I think his mother was also English). She has long black hair, green eyes. She usually wears male clothes. Mira has hair in a shade of a chestnut so it's brown but under the sun it looks golden. She has a typical Slavic look. She is pear-shaped and has bigger breasts and hips, her legs are a bit shorter than those of English women, she has a round face and always wears long braids, sometimes with flowers in them. I get your feeling about Haytham and the rest. Tbh I have mixed feelings about Arno because I hate Elise and I think he deserved so much better. I'm just sad the world kick his ass that hard. Well, you can always get Genshin because it's free! BUt I want to know your opinions of Witcher 1 & 2! Especially 2 and the choice you will make! I'm curious about it! Also, I love my man Zoltan. I love how dwarves swear all the time, they make me laugh so much! I'm sorry about your Granny ;; I hope she will accept your choices because tattoos look amazing. I mean on others. Not on me 😂 And seriously I love tattoos on others, sometimes I even try to gather courage and compliment people on them (I'm a shy bean but sometimes a tattoo is so amazing that I go to strangers only to tell them how epic they look like). I'm sure you will look amazing, incredible and beautiful. Rain and wind? That's a big no no! I hate that! I hate getting wet like that. I hate wind. I hate cold. But I love my blanket ;; Thank you for the music recommendations! I'll listen to the mand tell you what i think 💜 Stay safe and warm KNifey!
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
i’m dying to read some harringrove college stuff, so what about the boys being in some frat party, meeting each other for the first time. Billy would be doing some drinking game or something and Steve would be watching him. even tho Steve’s ”dating” this guy (fuckbuddies) who’s arms are around Steve, he still takes an interest on Billy. Billy would also see Steve, all pretty and long legs and would love to get piece of him after getting that guy off him. then they fuck somewhere in the house 👀
Modern. Nb Steve ayoo.
Read on aothree
Under the cut
Billy shouldered his way into the party.
He was trying to find the kitchen, looking for a drink. He ended up just grabbing the drink out of some douchebag’s hand as he walked behind him.
He met up with his roommate, one of the other pledges from the frat he was rushing, Scott.
“Billy, you motherfucker! Play beerpong!” Scott pulled him to the table, shoving a pingpong ball into his hand.  Billy looked up, his brain shorting out as he saw the other team.
Across from his was a huge douchey-looking guy, in a muscle tank with the sleeves ripped off, and a backwards hat. Billy knows he dresses like a fuckboy on a good day, but at least he’s not like this asshole.
But what this asshole had, was the most beautiful person Billy had ever seen in his entire fucking life. All long legs, and big eyes. They were wearing a pretty bodysuit, a dark purple color with a deep neckline, lace trimming the spaghetti straps, the neckline, the low back. They had a little pin on their little denim shorts that read They/Them.
Billy watched the jock asshole, tuck them under his arm, whispering something to them, making their eyes crinkle so sweetly while they giggled, batting their big fake eyelashes at him.
Billy played the game making eyes at the pretty little thing on the other side of the table.
But the thing was, they were good. They sunk almost every throw, giving Billy a smug little look each time. It only made Billy fall harder. But then the game was over and the shitty jock tucked the perfect darling under his arm and disappeared into the party.
“Who was that?” He was standing with Scott in the kitchen, finally found it to make themselves some drinks, taking a few shots each.
“The asshole in the trucker hat? That’s Chad Weathers.”
“No not-wait, his name is fucking Chad? There are actually humans named Chad that exist on this Earth?”
“I fucking know. Can you believe? Imagine just being like, hi, my name is Chad.”
“Is he a douche because his name is Chad, or is his name Chad because he was always predisposed to be a douche?”
“Definitely the second. You can’t damp pure asshole like that.” Billy turned, seeing the perfect beerpong sweetheart from earlier, pouring some vodka and raspberry lemonade into a solo cup.
Billy laughed, holding out his hand.
“Steve.” They shook hands. Their hand was warm and soft, fingers slender and long.
“You really called your boyfriend a douchebag just now, huh?” Steve gave him a look.
“Not my boyfriend. We just fuck sometimes. Usually when he’s drunk enough to not be weird about my dick, and when I’m drunk enough to talk about my dick to strangers.”
Billy just leaned against the counter, making sure to put on his I WILL eat your ass and you’ll THANK me for it smile.
“Well, I know all about your dick now, so we’re not strangers anymore.” Steve just laughed, touching Billy’s upper arm gently. They moved just a hair closer to Billy. He was totally in.
“So, Billy, tell me about yourself. What are you studying?”
“Guess.” Steve raised an eyebrow.
“Um, you’re a big dudebro so like, business management. Something to get you through while you play football on scholarship and party with your frat.” Billy sucked in some air through his teeth.
“Hate to break it to you, but you were only right about one thing. I’m rushing a frat, but I don’t play football, and I’m not studying fucking business. I’m studying social work. And I’m here on academic scholarship.” Steve was grinning.
“So you’re like, a sensitive dudebro. Good for you.”
“What are you studying, then? Art?” Steve rolled their eyes.
“Just because I’m all queer doesn’t mean I’m studying art. Why didn’t you guess theater.”
“Well, as a fellow queer I just meant you seem like an artistic soul.”
“I mean, I am really great at crafts.” Billy laughed. “But I’m studying education and early childhood development. I wanna teach little kids.” They had this soft look on their face.
“God, you’re just as sweet as I thought you’d be.” Steve raised an eyebrow again, a smile tugging at their lips, painted the same deep purple as their bodysuit.
“You think about me often?”
“Well, you’re just about the only thing I’ve thought of this whole conversation.” And then their hand was trailing down Billy’s arm, tugging him in closer by the wrist, they leaned into Billy’s space, just close enough to be heard.
“You wanna find a room? Think of me some more?” Billy slid his arm around their lower back.
“Lead the way, sweet thing.”
Billy started openly at their ass as they led him up the stairs, hips swaying. The first room they checked was locked, the second unlocked but occupied. But, third time’s the damn charm apparently.
Billy pushed Steve inside, locking the door behind him.
It was some frat bro’s room, shitty basic posters on the wall, a lot of beer cans lined up on the window sill like it was decor.
But Billy wasn’t too focused on their surroundings, not when Steve was getting naked, right then and there in the middle of the room. They tossed a condom from their pocket at Billy as they stepped out of the shorts, sliding the bodysuit off after. Billy groaned.
“Fuck. You’re so fucking sexy.” He placed his hands on their hips, sliding them back to grope at their ass, pulling them forward into him. “Gorgeous.” He figured the deep lipstick was smeared everywhere between by now, but honestly, he really couldn’t find it within himself to care as Steve pawed at his shirt, clumsily undoing the few that were still done, pushing it off his shoulders.
Some base heavy song was playing as Billy kicked out of jeans, pressed against Steve until they were at the edge of the bed, turning them around and bending them over. He pressed sloppy kisses down their spine.
“Can I eat you out?” He heard them groan, hips canting back just a little.
“Fuck yeah.” Billy grinned, spreading them slightly, getting a look at their tight little hole before diving in, licking and sucking with wild abandon. He could barely hear their soft noises over the music of the party, the wet sounds of his own mouth.
He pulled back, spitting one last time before pressing one finger inside, watching as he fucked it in and out.
“There’s, there’s some lube in my pocket.” Steve had turned their head, was looking over their shoulder at Billy, gesturing wildly to the shorts on the floor. Billy leaned back on his knees, kept his one finger pumping in and out of Steve while he got the shorts, finding a few packets of lube and condoms.
“You really came prepared tonight. You go to every party with all this one you?”
“Well it’s mostly just in case.” Billy laughed, muttering MOSTLY just in case under his breath, tearing open the lube with his teeth, pouring some over his fingers and Steve’s hole. He pressed two fingers inside, curling and stretching them expertly.
Steve was whining, fucking back onto three of Billy’s fingers. He still had one hand keeping them spread open, watching his fingers.
“I’m fucking, I’m ready. Just fuck me.” Billy pulled his fingers out, slapping their ass once.
“Brat.” He rolled on the condom, giving himself a few strokes as he did. He lined up, pressing into that tight little spot. He threw his head back, groaning as his hips pressed flush to Steve’s ass, grinding deeply. Steve was face down into the mattress, taking shaky little breaths. Billy dragged a hand up their spine, settling it on the shoulder, the other on their soft hip, using them as leverage to just fuck.
He was slamming into Steve, fucking them with a punishing pace, their skin slapping together. Billy bent over Steve, pushing one arm under their hips, angling them perfectly to slam against that sensitive little spot.
“Oh my God. Whatever the fuck you’re doing right now, don’t fucking stop.” Billy just huffed a laugh, going even harder, slamming their bodies together. Steve wormed a hand beneath them, stripping their cock quickly, bucking their hips forward and back.
Billy groaned when they came, tightening around him lie a fucking vice, crying out.
He kept going for a moment or two, grinding in deep to finish. He pulled out, slumping on the bed next to Steve, flopped in his back. They looked over at him, smiling lazily.
“I’m gonna have to get your number. That was good.” Billy laughed, batting awkwardly at their shoulder.
“Not so bad yourself.” They stood up slolwy, wincing slightly as they got re-dressed, Billy following suit.
“Seriously, I’m gonna be like, actually sore. Haven’t felt like that in a minute.” They were looking the mirror on the inside of the closet door, had just pulled it open like they owned the place to fix their mussed hair. Their makeup was somehow perfectly intact.
They flung their phone over to Billy.
“Put your number in.” They didn’t have a passcode on their phone which was bold, gave them a kinda Fuck with me. I DARE you. I have NOTHING to hide vibe. Billy liked it.
He put his number in under Billy Delta Phi party, so that Steve knew, would see the number and remember the night, the way Billy fucked them so hard they hurt.
“Just shoot me a text sometime. I’ll kick my idiot roommate out.”
“No need, I have a single room. The university was gonna put me with some guy, but my loving mommy and daddy don’t trust me not to be a slut.” Billy raised an eyebrow, cocking his head a little.
“You have a single room and we’re not there right now?” Steve just smirked, a challenge in their eyes.
“You askin’ for another round?”
“Long as you’re not too sore.” Steve took his wrist, dragging him out of the party and down the road back towards campus.
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hanawrites404 · 4 years
17, 18, and 19 please ! Note : please tell me when u post it. Cuz i kinda missed a lot of notifications lol. But idk why tho. it's still a mystery
17. What's something that they find attractive in others??
I really like people who are down-to-earth, mature and knows their shit. They don't need the assistance of anyone and can handle themselves very calmly and rationally. They don't panic, and have solutions to everything and are very resourceful and reliable.
Well, that's the ideal personality I am attracted to, but unfortunately *sighs* the people I am actually attracted to are not really like that.
But that's alright. They don't have to live up to my ideals for me to love them. They are perfect to me the way they are and don't they ever dare to change themselves for me, or I am breaking up with them!! You heard that Julian, Asra, Lucio and Muriel??!! *Is pissed and has a tick-mark on her head*
(The four : (• ▽ •;))
*Huffs and crosses her arms* Good.
Anyways, about the looks. I don't know why but I love people with red or golden hair. Maybe because they remind me of the first time I saw the sunset at Vesuvia. Golden and red meeting at the horizon like oil paints on a canvas, truly bewitching right?? Lucio and Julian fit this preference of mine very well here.
And talking about body types, I have a thing for strong-looking and tall men. That's maybe because my father's influence. Dad is as tall as a pillar and as strong as a bull. He can lift a damn boulder with one finger!! Well everyone is strong and tall, so they all are good enough for me.
And hobbies, I don't really have any preference on what hobbies people should possess for me to get attracted to them. The only thing I care about is that whatever they do and are interested in, they do it with full sincerity and dedication.
Everyone except Lucio are very passionate about their work, because he enjoys the luxuries of being a count of a beautiful city more than actually administering Vesuvia, but that's alright. I'm there to straighten Lucio up. I promise that I will make a good king out of him.
18. Do they have any hobbies??
I do gardening, cooking and other household chores. As I am a village girl, it's crucial for me to know the ways of the household. And honestly, I really like doing them.
I also do painting. I used to send paintings to Asra in the letters I used to write to him from my village. They were sometimes of the sceneries, or the portraits of my fellow villagers, and sometimes even the pictures of me, Dad and Ichigo.
He used to love them all, and he in turn would reward me with charms and herbs fresh from Vesuvia. The gifts he sends me with the letters really makes me anticipate for his messages more and more.
I can also dance, especially belly dancing and ballet. When I was a child, my friends taught me how to do it as this was how they used to earn money by entertaining people.
And surprisingly, I learned it in no time because it was really easy for me!! And I really enjoy dancing, but only if I hear good music, I will surely put on some moves.
I can also do ice-skating. I am as good as a professional you can say *winks*.
Also, I love travelling. When I was traveling to Vesuvia from Kathmandu which took me like 10 days to get there by using many means of transport, I got to see many different places and cultures on my way.
I once went to Pakra with Nadia and I was surprised to see a whole new city. I even went to Muriel's village and the place where Lucio came from and I was really amazed. I have the souvenirs of the places I have visited all around my room!! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
Anyways, the fact that Julian was a pirate makes me so jealous of him. He must have got to see so many places than I ever had in my 22 years.
But he did promise me that he would sail across the world with me one day......a-along with our future children. D-Damn that flirty bastard........*blushes*.
19. Who's someone that they just can't stand??
*Sigh* Except Nadia, Portia, Valerius, Muriel and Dad upto some point, I cannot stand ANYONE. Let me tell you why, and I am going to be quick about this.
*Sighs* Let's start with Ammonium Chloride, also known as Asra. The fact that I'm calling him that because if you leave him for like 5 minutes,*Poof* he is gone!! He sublimates into the air!! Like this!!
Next, Period-head. Also known as fucking Julian Devorak. *Ugh* *holds her hand up* don't even make me start talking. This man is a full-time fuckboy and a goddamn lunatic!!! He thinks that he has brains huh?? BITCH, THINK TWICE. Oh wait.......you can't, because you don't have any brain. Sorry. My bad.
*Chuckles evilly* Lucio Lucio, FUCKING Lucio.....Oh how much I love his stupid face and his golden hair which looks like Plutus himself puked on his head. Not to mention his flat pancake chest and pale skin as if he has anemia.
He is my hero...he truly is.......BUT WHAT'S UP WITH HIS OOPSIES HUH?? The fact that he started a fucking plague in his city and made a deal with the fucking devil and other shady people is A FUCKING OOPSIE?? SERIOUSLY?? (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ
(Lucio : ミ●﹏☉ミ)
*Sighs* Next is the worm-fetish corrupted excuse of a judge Vlastomil. *Ugh* he is such a creep. Can he stop staring at my body like a pervert FOR FIVE MINUTES?? It's like he is trying to devour me through his eyes *shivers*.
And the fact that he calls me the cutest worm he has ever seen is EWWWWW. First of all THAT'S DISGUSTING and second of all I AM NOT CUTE!! *pouts and crosses her arms, blushing*.
And if he really thinks that his 'flirting' is going to seduce me, then please!! 🙏 Go and learn flirting from Julian. At least his cheesy seduction is better than his wormish pick-up lines.
Now if we move onto something serious.....there is this person named Sutekh (@joandarkart) whom I can't really ignore.
I......I'm really suspicious of him, because whenever I see him, I get a very bad feeling in my stomach. I feel like he is planning to do something vicious behind our backs and it definitely has something to do with the devil. I am afraid that if he succeeds in whatever he is doing, the world will be in danger.
I choose to let it be for now..... but I do have my eye on him though.
Well, here is your answer. Have a great day while you excuse me as I have a small punishment to give to a certain blonde count........
*takes her ice sword and goes away with a murderous aura around her*.
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