#seriously wed love some new members
tangentiallyrelated · 2 years
Hi everyone!! I'm looking for people to join my minecraft server! We have a fun and welcoming small community on discord (we have movie nights and play various games together, etc.), and will be launching our SECOND minecraft server soon as well
There are two servers:
The Argonaut SMP, 1.19.2 vanilla server
And the soon to open MODDED Argonaut SMP!! 1.18.2 Fabric server, using a custom modpack of about 80 mods, taking inspiration from Better Minecraft (and it's shader compatible!)
Looking for people who are new to the game, or not! Must be 18+, optimally we aim for 20+ as most of us are in our mid to late 20s. Extremely LGBT+ friendly, almost always active, and wanting to make new friends (we have quite a few DSMP and/or hermitcraft watchers as well if that's your thing!)
Send me a message for a link to the discord server! It will have all the required info for the mc server
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pilfappreciator · 6 months
I just saw your request guidelines! how about a John Dory x gn!reader that babies him? he's all abt being the leader and bossy and such, it would be cute when he turns soft and lets the reader baby him.
Ah yes, love me some middle-aged dumb jock "all about that van life" squating in the woods and interrupting strangers weddings for no reason ex-boyband member fluff 😘
John Dory x Reader: his ass needs pampering
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Includes: GN! Reader, touch-starved John Dory, mentions of prolonged isolation, slight angst
🥽 It'll take some time (and lots of persuasion on your end) before John Dory even CONSIDERS the idea of letting someone else take the reigns
🥽 He was forced to grow up pretty quick when he was younger. He was the oldest of five and it didn't seem like any of them had parents to fall back during their childhood. Sure, there was Grandma Rosiepuff but it wasn't quite the same... and after Brozone started to take off in popularity, John Dory felt it was his time to step up as a leader
🥽 Obviously, having that kind of pressure on your shoulders while growing up in the public eye doesn't bode well for someone's self-worth
🥽 I feel like John Dory found comfort in being in charge tho?? Like he likes when things go his way so he definitely appreciated the feeling of control lol
🥽 BUT LIKE I SAID, this man CAN be talked into taking the backseat for once!!
🥽 Start out small. Maybe do little favors for him, like grabbing him a tool or item he needs before he goes for it himself, or holding doors open so he can walk through, or using your thumb to wipe some crumbs or sauce off his face (this guys a messy eater, don't even ATTEMPT to convince me otherwise)
🥽 Tbh he probably won't even notice what you're doing at first. He'll just be like "aw thanks babe :]" and move his ass right along
🥽 He'll only start taking the hint once you start escalating those favors. Next thing he knows you're offering to drive Rhonda so he can relax, or making his meals for him, or offering massages
🥽 I mean... he might not refuse that last one but that's besides the point shahlskdja
🥽 It's only when you start taking on some of his chores and usual manual labor that he starts speaking up
🥽 "Look, babe, I appreciate what you're tryin' to do but it's fine! I've got this!"
"No, it's cool, I'll do it."
"Seriously, you don't have to."
"I know! But I want to."
"Really, your boy's got thi---"
"You sit your ass down and enjoy that sandwich I made you, John Dory."
"Okay o_o"
🥽 Yeahhhh you're definitely gonna have to be firm with this man if you actually want him to relax. Maybe make his ass do a puzzle or something askjdhas
🥽 I mean it's not like you're taking away his whole sense of agency or anything. He still has the freedom to go and do as he pleases, it's just that now he's got you looking over his shoulder, ready to jump in once he so much as STARTS overworking himself. It's gonna take him some time to get used to being doted on. Fully expect some pouty looks being thrown your way and to hear him grumbling under his breath
🥽 BUT THEN YOU START ESCALATING EVEN FURTHER?? Suddenly you're buying/making him things he needs, like new tools or equipment??? Maybe you two are out on the town one day and you spot him eyeing something through the window of one of the shops, and a few days later—
"Oh, I just saw it the other day and thought of you! :D"
"...Babe, that's a grappling hook."
"Did I stutter?"
🥽 John Dory starts coming around to the idea of being spoiled after that lol
🥽 I'm like 99% sure everyone in the fandom agrees that this man? This guy who's been living all alone in the wilderness and probably eating insects for nutrients for like 20 years??
🥽 I mean he was already pretty touchy-feely BEFORE you started pampering him... but then you start giving him more massages (specifically back/shoulder/foot rubs)... and getting him to lay his head on your stomach/lap after a long day... and running your fingers across his scalp all the while...
🥽 Better have a mop and bucket on standby cuz if this man melts any further, he'll be a puddle ;))
🥽 Definitely starts to seek you out after he's had a bad day/been in his head too long. Lay some kisses on his forehead pretty pls <33
🥽 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION!! DROP SOME PRAISE AND COMPIMENTS ON THIS GUY!!! I mean he probably got plenty of that during his Brozone days but most of them were aimed at his looks/music
🥽 I mean he's definitely not gonna complain if you call him a hunk but I digress
Not even gonna lie to yall... When the first teaser for the movie dropped I was like "Hmm... idk if the movie's gonna as good as the last one but at least Branch's long lost brother is hot"
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saintsenara · 2 months
Do you think the wizarding world even has a concept of rape? I don't think this was JKR's intent but love potions are considered perfectly legal, Romilda Vane doesn't get in trouble, Dumbledore doesn't seem to think Merope did anything wrong to Tom Riddle Sr., and despite a member of Magical Law Enforcement witnessing lots of sketchy stuff at the Gaunts' no one steps in to help Merope. Plus we know their society is archaic and lacks modern values - ie. quills, slavery, lack of democracy
it's a great question pal.
the answer for which is under the cut, for the obvious reason that it comes with a trigger warning for rape.
when the statute of secrecy was signed in 1689, rape - defined as "the carnal knowledge of a woman forcibly and against her will" - had been illegal under english law since the middle ages.
however, the "against her will" bit is important here. in the seventeenth century, it was a legal requirement for a victim of rape to prove that she had maintained a continuous state of physical resistance during her assault. in cases where a victim could not prove this, her consent was presumed - even if she had been incapacitated in some way. unsurprisingly, consent was always assumed between husbands and wives.
men could not be raped under the letter of seventeenth-century english law - but the rape and sexual assault of men was illegal under buggery [sodomy] laws, and was often taken much more seriously by the state...
and i think we can plausibly say - should we want to - that, on the basis of what we find in canon, the wizarding world might retain this legal requirement for rape to be indisputably resisted, and that this explains why love potions seem to have no repercussions attached to them.
because, of course, love potions essentially function like date rape drugs, even if they leave their victims appearing to be of sound mind [the officiant who married tom and merope wasn't suspicious of anything, for example - and the only reason ron is so badly affected by the love potion he takes is because it was out of date] . they incapacitate a person to the extent that they cannot offer legitimate consent to sexual acts, and they also incapacitate them to the extent that they cannot physically resist their attacker - in their case, by compelling the person dosed with the potion to regard their attacker as someone they want to have near them.
therefore, if wizarding law only considers rape to be something which is accompanied by evidence of resistance... then using a love potion on somebody would not be rape.
the cultural implications of this are fascinating - especially since [no matter what jkr thinks] the wizarding world appears to be restrictive [by the standards of muggle britain in the 1990s and 2000s - although, unfortunately for those of us on our high horses about coming from a superior nation, not by the standards of muggle ireland...] in terms of conventions surrounding sexual behaviour and gendered expectations placed upon women.
the marriage age for women is extremely low [any woman whose wedding date we can pin-point in canon - molly weasley, andromeda tonks, lily potter, fleur delacour - gets married as a teenager]; the age for having children is also much lower than it was in the muggle world - and even than it was in the muggle world of the 1940s-1980s [all four of the women above fall pregnant before they're twenty-one, for example]; unmarried couples don't seem to live together, and there's clearly a social taboo against premarital sex [molly weasley gets a lot of flack from the fandom for making bill and fleur sleep in separate bedrooms, but nobody in the story regards this as prudish or old-fashioned]; divorce doesn't seem to be common [and blaise zabini's mother killing her husbands certainly takes on a new flavour if we assume that divorce is extremely difficult... or even illegal]; and married women - at least in the middle- and upper-classes - don't seem to work.
i also think that it's canonically plausible that arranged marriage, including between cousins, is a common cultural practice [sirius' comment in order of the phoenix about parents "letting" their children marry basically confirms this, i think] - which means we can also imagine, if we'd like, that there's perhaps little legal distinction between arranged and forced marriage.
obviously - obviously - i don't think that any of these are things the doylist text intended. the reason the story says very little about sex - both consensual and otherwise - or law or gender norms is because the harry potter series is a story about a boy-wizard who goes to a cool magic school and fights a good-versus-evil battle to the death which was written for children. i don't begrudge the publishers for not fancying a hundred pages on harry learning how to put on a condom...
[and the low marriage/childbearing ages genuinely seem to be because jkr is functionally innumerate and didn't realise how young she was suggesting everyone was...]
but from a watsonian perspective, they're really interesting - especially for the extremely disturbing paths they can lead us down as authors when we're trying to flesh out the worldbuilding of magical britain.
what - for example - is the wizarding age of consent? and how would this impact how wizards understand sexual maturity, adult-child power relations, and child abuse?
[after all, if the age of consent is unchanged from 1689... it could be as low as ten. which goes some way towards explaining why nobody thinks of tom riddle as grooming ginny...]
and does the law consider it possible for a wizard to rape his wife? and if it doesn't, what does it think about him beating her?
what legal rights do sex workers have in the wizarding world?
is abortion legal? is contraception? is homosexuality? does gay sex have a higher age of consent?
is divorce legal? can women initiate a divorce? how are single mothers treated [and, therefore, what was lupin willing to do to tonks by walking out on her]? how are the children of unmarried parents treated? what property and inheritance rights do women have? are marriages performed by muggles - or dissolved by them - recognised by the wizarding state? what position does this put a witch [like eileen snape] who marries a muggle man in? would a wizard who marries a muggle woman and then abandons her be committing bigamy if he married a witch?
would wizards ever be punished for sexual offences against muggle women? does merope get away with attacking tom sr. in the eyes of the wizarding state because of her gender or because he's a muggle or both? could a muggle raped by a wizard even report the crime?
what modesty standards are there in terms of dress and behaviour? what would wizarding feminism look like? what is it like to be muggleborn [especially from the 1960s onwards] and enter this world?
i think i'm inclined to take the grimmest possible view of all of these questions, to be quite honest...
the wizarding world is fucked up.
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
Firefighter Friends
Requested Here! This was requested as a part 2, but I made it a prequel to Firefighters: Friend or Foe!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!shy!wife!firefighter!reader (these keep getting longer)
Summary: After you become a firefighter, your friends convince you to make a funny video. Tim walks in while you're filming and finds a new reason to tease you.
Warnings: fluffy fluff! OC firefighter Jay flirts with Lucy, mentions of pregnancy at the end.
Word Count: 1.9k+ words
Picture from Pinterest (the look on his face when he finds his wife filming the video)
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“You can’t hide forever. I’ll figure out what you’re lying about eventually.”
Huffing, you press your face closer to Tim’s neck. His arms are around you, so you know he’s just trying to tease you, but you’re not sure how to tell him.
“If you don’t love me anymore, just say so,” Tim continues.
“I got a new job,” you whisper.
“What?” Tim asks, gently pushing you away to look at you. “When? Where?”
“I got a new job; I’ve been working on it for a while. Just… didn’t know how to tell you I guess.”
“How long is ‘a while’?”
You mumble your answer, looking down so Tim can’t hear you. He taps a knuckle under your chin, his eyes steady on you.
“A few years.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? That’s amazing! It’s amazing, right?”
“You won’t think so.”
Tim raises your left hand, pointing to the wedding ring on your finger. “This means I’m amazed by everything you do.”
“Stop,” you plead. “I’ve been working toward becoming a firefighter.”
“Did Darry put you up to this? I knew he was a bad example,” Tim replies.
“Tim, I’ve been… I seriously want to be a firefighter. To do some good.”
“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t meant it like that. Tell me more?”
Tim nudges his hand between your cheek and shoulder, attempting to ease your shyness and encourage you to stop hiding from him. You shrug your other shoulder, leaning toward Tim.
“I finished training a few weeks ago, passed the qualifications and everything, but there weren’t any openings,” you begin. “Until Darry’s chief retired and one of his team members got promoted.”
“And you took his job? Well done.”
“You’re not going to leave me now that I’m a firefighter?” you ask softly.
“Are you kidding? If I can make you this shy just by being your husband, imagine the possibilities when we’re rivals at work.”
You groan, attempting to climb off Tim’s lap, but he holds you in place, laughing as you turn away. Becoming a firefighter, accomplishing one of your dreams, is a big deal, but you’re already starting to regret it.
“I’ll ask Bailey for pointers,” you murmur.
“Sure, you will.”
“LAPD’s meeting us there,” Jay announces as the fire engine turns out of the station. “Bank robbery gone wrong and a fire broke out.”
“Where’s the bank? Please tell me it’s in Mid-Wilshire,” Darry replies, glancing at you.
“It is…” Jay pauses to check the map before finishing, “in Mid-Wilshire.”
“He’s not going to be there,” you tell Darry. “And stop.”
“But it’s fun!” Darry and Jay cheer together.
Darry and Jay are two of your best friends. They’ve been by your side through everything, and now that you are a firefighter, you like knowing that they have your back. Despite their constant teasing and efforts to make you shy, they support you in everything, and when you’re in your turnout gear, they are your equals. But not a moment before.
“I know you think Tim is hot,” Darry begins.
“Think?” Jay scoffs.
“But the goal is to put out the actual fire. Need you to remember that.”
Darry bumps his fist against your shoulder, but you look toward the window. If Tim is there, you will do your job and then deal with him. Most people don’t view running into their spouses as something to be dealt with; most people aren’t married to Tim Bradford, having to spend every moment fighting not to let him get to you. You love him, and he loves you, but your shyness is an invitation to him.
“Maybe you should just ignore him,” Jay recommends. “Like the dirty, no-good cop he is.”
“The day this one can ignore Tim Bradford is the day I-“
“We’re here,” you interrupt. “Sorry for this conversation to end, though,” you add.
“It’d be nice if she was as shy with us as she is with the husband,” Darry tells Jay.
“Hey, I’m Officer Lucy Chen. We were the first responders.” She looks over at you and smiles.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Officer Chen,” Jay replies, smiling as he leans against the truck.
“You’re blocking the hose, Jay,” you tell him, gently pushing him out of the way.
“Maybe we could talk after then.”
“Sure,” Lucy answers with a laugh. “Fire takes precedence though, right?”
“One would think,” you grunt, pulling the hose toward Darry.
The fire roars and Jay jumps to action, helping the rest of your team put it out. All bank employees and customers were out before you arrived, so saving the building and the block is your priority. Keeping your eyes away from the crowd to avoid finding Tim is included in that, of course.
“No way!” Lucy exclaims when she sees Jay take off his helmet. “I follow you on TikTok!”
“You’re kidding,” Jay replies. “Do you have a favorite dance? I’m trying to convince my friends to do one in turnout gear, but they won’t.”
“I’ve been trying to get Officer Bradford to dance with me, but he threatens to get me fired every time I ask!”
“Oh, I know someone who can convince Bradford.”
“Jay!” Tim yells. “Do not bring my wife into this!”
You shake your head as Tim approaches you, his eyes roaming over you to ensure everything is okay.
“Wait, that’s his wife?” Lucy asks behind you.
“Boot! Find something to do.” Tim watches her leave, then turns back to you and smiles. “Maybe there is a future for firefighters.”
“I’ll see you at home tonight?” you ask, changing the subject.
“Not if you keep up the shy act and can’t look me in the eye.”
Dipping your chin, you ignore Tim’s chuckle. He hugs you quickly, whispering a half-true apology before returning to his shop.
“We need to get back to the station now,” Jay calls. “It’s urgent.”
You climb into the truck beside Darry, but Jay won’t give any additional information.
“What was so urgent?” Darry asks.
“No, keep the gear on,” Jay says as you begin unhooking your coat. “We need to do this.”
He raises his phone, showing a video of three people dancing together. 
“You made us rush back here to dance with you?” Darry asks.
“Not just dance, no. Our video will be way better. I think we dance in a few clips, then play with the hoses, just show the internet how cool firefighters are.”
“Uh, I’m out,” you interrupt. “Being on camera isn’t my thing.”
“Keep the helmet on,” Jay answers with a shrug.
“Jay,” Darry sighs, rubbing his hand over his jaw. “This is the only good idea you may ever have. I’m in. She is too.”
“Excuse me?” you ask, but they begin planning what to do rather than looping you in.
“And we turn the lights on, of course,” Jay adds.
“Oh, yes!”
“Guys!” you yell. “What do you want me to do?”
Tim rolls his head to the side, cracking his neck as he climbs into his truck. He looks at the clock and smiles when he realizes he has time to surprise you before you leave the fire station. He drives to the station but freezes when he walks inside.
The interior lights are off except for the lights on the engines. Two of them are parked side by side, and there’s music playing. What really catches Tim’s attention is the firefighters dancing and playing jump rope in the flashing lights.
Jay turns on his music, and you begin dancing and playing with him and Darry while his phone records everything. His official instructions were, “Have fun! I’ll edit it later.”
As you climb onto Darry and Jay’s backs, topping a pyramid, you feel like someone is watching you, but you’re having so much fun that you don’t stop. Darry says your name as he picks up one end of the hose. Jay swings the other end, and you rush to stand between them, jumping over the hose every time it skims the floor.
“Dance break!” Jay yells, lining up behind you and Darry for a choreographed dance.
They grab your arms at the end, and you jump, kicking your feet up before swinging back. You giggle as the music ends, leaning over to catch your breath. A slow clapping brings your attention back up.
“Wow,” Tim calls slowly, leaning against a fire truck. “That was… something.”
“What are you doing here?” you ask softly, standing straight.
Jay and Darry remove their helmets, but you keep yours on to hide the embarrassed look on your face and the heat rising in your cheeks.
“Enjoy the show? We usually charge extra for cops, but the first visit’s free,” Jay teases, ending the video on his phone.
Tim nods slowly, his eyes still on you. “Are you gonna take the helmet off?”
You shake your head, pressing your gloved palms against your thighs.
“Do I need to come take it off?”
Shaking your head harder, you step backward. Tim looks at Darry, who shrugs before nodding. Tim takes a few long steps toward you, placing his palms under the sides of your helmet before lifting it over your head and tossing it to his left.
“Thank you,” Jay says as he catches the helmet.
“That was the cutest thing I have ever seen,” Tim says quietly, smiling as he holds your face toward him.
“Shut up,” you whisper.
“I came to surprise you before taking you home, but you surprised me.”
Tim says your name, shaking his head. He points toward the locker room, and you drop your head to go change. You roll your eyes when you hear him start laughing.
As you exit the locker room, Tim is lying on the floor with Jay’s phone in his hand. He’s laughing so hard he can barely breathe, and Jay and Darry are leaning against the fire truck in a similar state.
“I’m quitting,” you call loudly.
Tim laughs louder at your bold claim, rolling to look at you. He copies one of your dance moves as he stands, reaching out for you. You miss him throughout the day, and that’s the only reason you accept his hug.
“I hate all of you,” you mumble against his shoulder.
“I’m sending the video to Lucy before I post it,” Jay announces.
“I’m moving to a foreign country and getting a nicer husband.”
“You don’t mean that,” Tim whispers in your ear.
“No, I don’t. As long as Jay doesn’t send you the TikTok link.”
“I did one better!” Jay yells. “I sent him the uncut original!”
You practically fall into Tim’s arms as you pretend to cry. Tim catches you, though he laughs the entire time he tells you how much he loves you.
✯✯ 8 Months Later ✯✯
You’ve been sitting in the same spot since you got home from your doctor’s appointment. Tim will be home soon, but you haven’t decided how to tell him. The door opens, and you look up, hoping to know when the time is right.
“Hey, we just got Darry’s wedding invite,” Tim says, tossing the envelope toward you. When he sees your face, he asks, “Are you okay?”
You swallow rather than answer, handing him the small printout. The ultrasound changes everything, including your job, but as Tim’s smile grows and he pulls you into his arms, you know you can handle all of it with Tim at your side.
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So I had some time to think tonight at work (in between operating heavy machinery, swearing at the materials, and trying to keep the line running, fun times!) And I asked myself, "self, hypothetically, what might @inexplicifics Accidental Warlord AU look like in another generation or two - once people really get used to witchers being The Good Guys (TM) and helping out?"
And I was like "well, they'd probably get invited to social events - ooh! Who'd like which events best?!? What would that look like?"
Geralt, as we all know, detests anything too formal or Warlord-focused. He enjoys weddings and receptions, but his TRUE favorite is baby christenings. Seriously. Put him in a room with a tiny baby and he's happy as a clam. He'll happily growl away (or weaponize his puppy-dog eyes against) grannies, aunties, and other family members to hold the baby for as long as possible. He's also 90% of the reason that witchers are now rumored to be able to bless babies.
When Mouse and Treyse bring this new rumor to the council, everyone has to just sit. And process for a minute. Because what the ever-loving fuck?!? (Jaskier immediately writes the sweetest lullaby ever, "A Witcher's Blessing", and it is the ONLY song that Geralt ever sings in public, and only ever to babies and small children. Multiple women blame this for their immediate conceptions.)
Jaskier adores weddings and festivals of all types, and if a happy couple includes details of how they met and/or fell in love with their wedding invitation, there's at least a 50% chance that he'll show up to the wedding with a personalized love song, holy shit.
Ciri loves tourneys. Loves watching them, loves displaying in them, loves sneaking into competing in them (omg, heir, NO), loves WINNING them. She's a menace. She has various stealth coats of arms that she rotates between when she's not supposed to be competing, but her favorite is the battle goose. Obviously.
Eskel doesn't like crowds or being the center of attention, which are almost inevitable with public invitations, but he does enjoy being the +1 for his family. Several of his and their interests overlap, and even where they don't, he likes to see them enjoying themselves.
Yennifer becomes well-known as an extremely efficient - albeit terrifying - treaty negotiator. She'll talk to both sides, get a list of their must haves, deal-breakers, would-likes, and don't-wants (as well as - perhaps more importantly - the reason why each of those are on that particular list). Then she draws up a draft and viciously negotiates a compromise. She is genuinely surprised the first time that both sides thank her for her help.
Vesemir, with all his long years of teaching, loves visiting schools and seeing any sort of student performance or sporting event. Kindergarten to university, drama to music to dance recitals to track and field meets to football games to student symposiums to science contests to... He buys out bake sales and funds club field trips and donates several fortunes worth of antique knick knacks to various schools. He's invited as a guest lecturer, a commencement speaker, a competition judge, a referee.
Lambert and Aiden, at some point, discover bachelor's parties, call dibs, and never look back. People learn very quickly not to invite witchers to their stag nights unless they want the entire party to get horrifyingly drunk - but at least Lam and Aiden will make sure that everyone makes it home (or to the wedding) safely. Perhaps not soberly, or sans hangover, but definitely without major injury. (And if the bride asks nicely and the groom and friends weren't total jerks, Lambert can usually be counted on to make a hangover cure. He really is a softie at heart.)
Dragonfly and Serrit get tapped for the odd bachelorette party or ladies' birthday parties. Anything that falls under "I want to be able to drink and party with my friends without worrying about some strange guy hurting one of us." They are extremely protective and have both been drunkenly proposed to several times. (Livi finds this terribly amusing. Gweld just wants to know if he can watch.) Milena and Zofia sometimes go with them.
Milena loves going to wedding showers and baby showers, but outside Kaer Morhen, she has to stay in sight of Lambert or one of his brothers. Lambert's rule. (She got KIDNAPPED, okay? He's allowed to worry!) Usually she'll take Geralt (there might be babies! He's excellent protection!) or Eskel (he's very quiet and has excellent manners, and his signs are impossible to fight) for the more, ah, female-heavy events. If anyone asks, they're her brother-in-law and genuinely like spending time around kids. And very, very married.
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 8 months
I LOOOOVE Ur Alfie fics. Could u do just general headcannons about being married and starting a family with him? ❤️
Hi bb!!! Im so glad you like them! I hope you enjoy these HCs, I know I kind of went overboard! Maybe I’ll do a continuation?? Maybe I’ll focus on different aspect of life with him? Idk we’ll workshop it. As always, sending all my love 💕💕💕
Married Life with Alfie Solomons - HCs
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In planning the wedding, you initially were planning on a small wedding. Nothing too extravagant, just close family and a party at the house.
That’s what you planned anyway. It grew and grew with every family member that “HAD to come treacle!” Both of your families are rather large and extended. Mixed with business associates that had to be invited for sake of peace… it exploded into a 200 person affair.
Despite the fact that Alfie prefers to not be disturbed, it ended up being a grand affair. Drinks flowed. Laughter was raucous. The dancing never stopped! And there were only 3 fights, which Alfie involved himself in only 2 of them. Needless to say, it went rather well!
But your favorite part of the night above all was when you got home. Still giggling and warm from the party, you’re pulled into the parlor by your darling Alfie. Shirt half done, and hair a disaster, he looks so so handsome. His eyes so soft, he puts on the radio, bringing you in close to him, “Mrs. Solomons… would you give an old man a dance?”
And you do. Song after song, twirling around the parlor, enjoying the life that had a new layer of meaning.
Despite Alfie’s insistence that you shouldn’t keep working because, “No love of mine should be lifting a finger.” You kept your job at the distillery as his secretary and head of the jewelry shop. You insisted to Alfie that keeping your job that still made you feel like your own person, not just Alfie’s spouse.
There was something so intimate and special in waking up every morning with him, walking to the office with him, going through the work day, and coming home with him. If Alfie was clingy before, it had only grown worse since your nuptials. He loved having you near. He never wanted you away from his side.
Though the mornings were sweet, the evenings were by far your favorite with Alfie. Coming home, drawing the curtains closed to hide away in your own little oasis of solitude and quiet.
Instead of leaving you to do all the cooking and cleaning for the evening meal like other men of the time, Alfie stays wrapped close to your apron strings. As you craft a soul warming meal, he stays chopping and cutting, washing up the dishes as you go to ensure that the evening is free of any impediments.
Alfie takes Shabbat incredibly seriously. He is on a strict schedule on those days, and actually forbids you from working on Fridays, to let you prepare anything needed for the Sabbath. Many times your family joins you in your home, and Alfie takes the lead in prayers. Though you didn't think it was possible, your heart grows with adoration each time you watch him quietly go through the ritual. Watching his devotion and care to the faith and your people's history reminds you of the type of man he his.
Marriage with Alfie does not come without some arguments. It is Alfie Solomons. Both of you stubborn and passionate, it’s what makes you a formidable force together, but it also brings some… loud outbursts.
It usually is about whether or not he’s being wise in his decisions. But it also comes out when he thinks you’re not being careful. When a jealous flare rises up in him. Or just when he gets a little snippy.
But it doesn’t take much to make up. Once you and Alfie have let it all out, either one of you will go to the other and bridge the gap. When he’s particularly cross, all it takes is for you to find him in his favorite chair. Lean over the back of it, draping your arms across his neck. “I’m so sorry Alfie,” you whisper in his ear, a particular weakness, “I know you’re just looking out for me. Forgive me?” A few kisses in his neck and he’ll be dragging you into his lap, grumbling about how much of a vicious siren you are.
When you’re cross… Alfie pulls out all the theatrics. He comes to your room where you’ve holed up, seething. He gets on his knees, taking your hand in his, “Awe treacle… have pity on an old man. I’m sorry my love, I am. Don’t punish me too harshly now! Please give you husband a kiss yeah? This life is so short! Let’s not go to bed angry my love!”
And of course you forgive him. How can you not when he kisses you so sweetly, and begs so beautifully.
It will be a few years before you and Alfie have children. Alfie was worried that he wouldn’t be a good father due to his age, but in his heart of hearts he wanted little ones. He yearned to play with the kids on the floor with the dogs. To swing them around in the garden. Watch you be an incredible mother. Though he was afraid, you knew he would be the perfect father.
Once you both confessed your mutual desire for kids, it happened shockingly quickly. But is anyone really shocked? Alfie is determined and disciplined above all else.
Once you do get pregnant, Alfie does put his foot down. You are not coming into the office. It is far too dangerous for you to be coming in around all 'that business'. And Alfie heard from someone (he made it up) that working isn't good for birthing or babies.
He benches you for the entire pregnancy, and brings his former housekeeper Sarah out of retirement to help tend to you.
Every night Alfie would come home with something new for you. Brilliant and fragrant flowers. A sweet from the bakery. A new necklace or bracelet that you just had to have. "Growing a baby is hard work love! Especially with my kids! Big ol brutes growing in there eh?"
Whenever you became shy or uncomfortable about your changing body, Alfie would just croon in your ear, "Oh my love, you are absolutely radiant. An angel from God yeah? No no, a goddess. You're an absolute goddess yeah?" He'll rub your swollen feet as you cry, kissing your ankles as you release your stress and worries about the day.
As you can imagine... naming the baby (or babies as he liked to remind you of the possibility) was an incredible ordeal. No name was suitable.
"No no, he'll get hit. If I knew a little boy with that name in school, I would decimate him." "Now treacle that doesn't even sound good with Solomons!" "Mmm no. I don't like the meaning of the name. Not a good omen." "Can't do that name. I killed a man with that name."
After six days!! You both are able to come to an agreement. Joseph for a boy. Chava, after his mother. In the evenings, Alfie takes to reading to the baby, referring to them by both names. "Alfie dearest, there's only one in there!" "No no treacle. I know they're both in there. You may only feel one, but that's because Joseph is just a little shy ain't you my boy? Chava is going to be a little spitfire, just like her mum. They're in there, I know they are."
At night, Alfie pulls you to his side as he always does, with a protective hand splayed over your swollen belly. It's getting harder for you to sleep at night, so many times you lie awake, staring at your husband, running your own hand over your stomach, feeling the kicks and turns.
The prospect of twins is near impossible. But Alfie... he is so certain. And sometimes... sometimes you feel an extra flutter. An extra bit of energy that is almost missed.
The labor is hard. Long. Your mother comes to help along with Sarah and the midwife, and you had never felt pains like that before. Despite Sarah's admonishment, Alfie pushes himself into the room, wanting to be right next to you the entire time. He never leaves your side, brushing the sweat off your brow, kissing your head, reminding you how strong you are.
After 12 hours of labor, Joseph finally makes his appearance in the world. A large baby, with fat cheeks and long limbs. After a few announcing cries, Joseph settles into the arms of his father, fast asleep after his long journey. Alfie rejoices with you, holding up his son with joy, "Joseph! My boy! Welcome my son!"
You smile, a final sense of relief washing over you, until you feel another push coming.
7 minutes later, Chava comes careening into Earth, as loud as the choirs of heaven. Alfie catches Chava, marveling at how such a little body can produce such a sound. As Alfie cleans her face he just whispers, "This one... she will be an opera star."
Alfie joins you in bed once everything is settled. You spend the rest of the evening in and out of sleep. When awake you and Alfie just take turns holding the babies, marveling in how precious they are. How absolutely beautiful they are. While you sleep, Alfie walks around the house with both in his arms, just talking to them.
“Now you might not know this yet my angels… but you have the absolute best mother in the world. No I know, I don’t know how I got to marry her. But she is perfect. The best. We gotta protect her yeah?”
Alfie is the one who gets up in the night. Doesn’t want you to do more than you have to. And you’re already doing so much. Plus, he feels like he missed so much already, waiting till he was older to have a family and all. He doesn’t want to miss a single moment.
Alfie becomes even more soft and tender with you. Each morning he starts his day worshipping you almost. Telling you how much he loves you, how much he loves your children, how much he would give to protect you.
But he does become more paranoid about the dangers surrounding him. There’s two men posted at the door of the house at all times now, and you aren’t to go anywhere without either him or another trusted member of the gang. Though you fought him on it at first, you relented when you saw the palpable fear in his eyes.
He loves to show off the kids. He’s just so proud. He loves how much they look like you. “Better for them eh treacle? Glad they got the more beautiful out of the two.”
And while they did favor your features, they both carried Alfie’s eyes. Both gentle Joseph and powerful Chava carry that roaring ocean behind those dark lashes that brought you to Alfie all those years ago.
As the years go by, you only grow to love each other more and more. And every risk and every trial is worth the beautiful dream you get to have with Alfie.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/28/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&CrewSightings; Rhys;Taika; HowToHelp; Guardian Survey; Ranker; AdoptOurCrewAnalysis; 50DaysInTheGravyBasket; New Watch Parties; Pirate Radio and Yes Man; Watch Party Reminders; California In Person Events; Fan Spotlight; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
Another VERY eventful day crew. There's actually more but I needed to get some permissions to share so hopefully I'll have them up tomorrow! Hope you are all having a lovely day/night! <3
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is out here being silly and thoughtful on his IG Stories again!
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== Taika Waititi ==
Rita has been so kind to us fans by providing us footage on her IG Stories! We get to see our silly guy being happy and silly!
== How to Help ==
= Guardian Survey Link =
The Guardian would LOVE to hear your feedback! If you have a few moments to help, feel free to fill out the survey! Survey Link
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= Ranker =
Great job all! Looks like we're already up to #1! Thanks @_irene_adler on IG for capturing this!
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== Adopt Our Crew Analysis ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew have put together some awesome data regarding our Captain Rhys Darby!
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== 50 Days in the Gravy Basket ==
@saveofmdcrewmates posted this video today marking "50 days since the cast, crew and fans of Our Flag Means Death were plunged into the Gravy Basket."
@giulianaazr has created this video to remind us that there is a way out! 🏴‍☠️🥹
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== New Watch Parties! ==
= Pirate Radio! =
More details coming tomorrow!
= Yes Man! =
Join us for a Yes Man Watch Party!
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Graphic by@ICouldBeFamily
Where: #RhysDarbyFaction Discord When: March 10th 12 Noon PST / 3PM EST / 8PM GMT Who: Need Access? Reach out to @AspirantAbby42 on twitter, or @gentlebeardsbarngrill here on Tumblr!
Watch Party Hashtags:
= People of Earth S2 =
People of Earth S2 continues tomorrow Feb 29 at 9 pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 1pm PST. Need access? Reach out to @iamadequate1!
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= Uncle Season 2 Watch Party! =
Wed 28th + Thurs 29th GMT - 8pm / ET - 3pm / PST - 12 pm Streaming on I-player! Outside the UK? Follow this VPN tutorial to learn more. 
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== In Person Events ==
Nothing Moves Without The Crew!
Thank you to @WGA_fandomLove on twitter for letting us know about this meet up in Los Angelos California! Please visit their twitter and follow for more information!
Gay Pirate fandom friends in the LA area - let’s rally in solidarity with @IATSE on the eve of their negotiations with the AMPTP. They represent Hair & Makeup, Costumes, Grips, Set Decorators, Props, Camera Operators - basically all the magical people that made OFMD shine!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= February Love Collage Fest! =
Thank you again to @wndrngnomad for these collages!
Day 28: The friendships of the cast and crew!
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= Cast Cards by @melvisik! =
Our wonderful crew-mate @melvisik has been kind enough to share their trading cards of the cast members with us over the last several weeks! These are super cool because you can see some other shows they've been in as well! They've said it's okay to print them out, use them as trading cards, or anyway you'd like :) Wanna see more? Check them out over on the Repository!
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== Articles ==
"The Best Series In March" - German Article ty to @Addie__H for the translation of the title.
== Loves Notes ==
I apologize lovelies, I think the last few days are finally catching up to me so I'm going make this short tonight. HOWEVER, I WILL SAY -- I saw so much Safe Space Ship today and it warmed my heart so much. So many of you are reaching out to crew-mates and giving encouragement and I'm so very proud of you <3. Seriously, I don't know of a better fandom out there (and I've been in a quite a few in my day) where there has been so much acceptance and support. I know we're all struggling a bit with disagreements/concerns over renewal efforts, but you all are still just out there giving love left and right. You really are just the most amazing group of individuals and I'm so honoured to be here with you. I've probably said this a thousand times, sorry but it's what runs through my head whenever I see the love you're sending out. I am going to take advice from @thelatestkate and sign off and go get some rest. See you all in tomorrow-world, love you dearies <3
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Just some goof for tonight. Nothing too similar except I know quite a lot of us look at Taika like that all the time (respectfully).
Tonight's gifs are brought to you by:
Rhys: @fandomsmeantheworldtome
Taika: @ofmd-ann
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daceydeath · 1 year
Skz as the father when you go into labor
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Pairing: OT8 x reader Word Count: 2.2k Genre: Fluff, Comedy. Warnings: Swearing, fainting, Stray Kids chaos (is that a warning though?)
A/N: This is just for fun, it was something that I thought up after telling a friend what I went through when I had my kid so please don't take it too seriously.
How Stray Kids would react as your partner when you go into labor with their child.
When you and Chan got together, he had been very honest that he did want to be a father someday and you were grateful for that since it meant you weren't going to be wasting your time if this was where the relationship ended up.
After a year he proposed and told you he was ready to settle down now with you so you stopped taking your birth control and decided to see what happened.
It took 6 months for you to fall pregnant and when you found out he actually cried. So excited for the future of his little family.
Your waters broke just after you ate dinner and while Chan was on his way home rather than causing him any panic you simply sat on a towel and waited for him to come home
When he walks in drops his stuff and comes into the lounge he sees you scrolling your phone on a plastic chair.
"What's going on baby? Why aren't you relaxing on the couch?"
"My waters broke" you smile looking both scared and excited.
"Show time then" He grinned looking so excited he might burst.
He leaves you sitting there while he gets your hospital bag, the baby bag, his bag, your birth plan and your medical records before helping you to stand.
"I will need the towel too my love, otherwise I am going to destroy the car seat" you laugh when he pulls a face. "We are not even at the gross bit yet".
"I know and it's fine I'm ready for anything and so are you baby".
Lee Know:
You had met after bumping into each other, quite literally, at a JYP event, where you were working as a waitress. He had apologized profusely for causing the accident, that was not entirely his fault.
After the event was winding down he had asked a co-worker of yours if you were still there so he could check on you one last time before he left. The conversation went well and you ended up with his number and a date and time for your first date with him.
You were both totally happy with just having your cat children until you went to the doctors after feeling off and found out you were actually pregnant. He took it really well getting excited that he would be a father and that his child would have you as it's mother.
Your waters broke while he was filming a few hours out of Seoul so you had called his parents to take you to the hospital. You had phoned him after you had spoken to them and he instantly was yelling to Chan that it was happening and he needed to go right now.
You could hear the cheers from the others as he collected his stuff and you could also hear Chan telling him to breathe and think so he didn't have an accident.
By the time he got to you he was almost back to his normal self the only give away to you that he was at all nervous was the occasional fidgeting.
"Everything will be fine kitten this hospital has the best doctors".
You had met after being set up by some mutual friends who thought you would suit each other, and they had been right, Changbin was everything you had wanted in a boyfriend and eventually a husband.
He had proposed to you at Christmas and you had begun planning your wedding when the slight spanner of a world tour came about, putting your nuptials on the back burner for the time being.
In a break in the tour they all came home for a few weeks and by the time he got back the the US to continue the tour you had discovered you were pregnant.
You told him over face time which turned into him yelling so much his members all broke into his room piled in to see what had happened only for you to repeat the news and start him up again.
He insisted that you let him call his parents and arrange with them for you to either stay with them or have his mum stay with you to take care of him while he was away. He also made sure Chan could make sure that your due dates wouldn't clash with any other schedules.
When you finally went into labor he had moved your mum and sister in with you both so that you would never be alone in case something happened. So when your waters finally broke all four of you were there which was a blessing you had his sister to help you get organized and in the car an his mum to help calm him down as he started yelling at the top of his voice.
"Yah! my baby is having my baby" he shouted.
"Calm down it's not instant" his mother scolded as he carried the bags to the car.
You and Hyunjin had sort of fallen together in a sort of oops I fell in love with you sort of way after becoming friends while he was filming a three part SKZ Talker.
It was a pretty whirlwind romance with him telling you in a matter of months he was going to marry you when the company gave them all a decent break and because of that you had also quickly fallen pregnant.
Hyunjin had taken the news well he was surprised but happy his parents were shocked but happy and Kkami tolerated you so everything was pretty much perfect.
Hyunjin proposed within a few days and told the members what was happening telling them that the next decent break you were getting married so that you could be the perfect family.
When your waters broke you were visiting him at the studio, it wasn't a gallons of fluid situation just a small popping sensation and slight trickle that made you gasp.
"What's wrong my love?" he frowned thinking you had hurt yourself.
"Baby, my waters just went" you smiled wide eyes and slightly surprised.
"What! Right now! You're having the baby now!" he shrieked before almost slumping against Felix who looked panicked and lowered him to the floor.
"Who ever bet against him fainting owes me money" you announced calling your future mother in law who was staying with you as Chan tried to rouse Hyunjin.
"Hi Mum... my waters went.... yes I told Hyunjin... no he's passed out...yes that is what I thought too" you sighed looking at your fiancé fondly.
After marrying Han he had told you that although he wanted kids he was in no rush so when it happened it happened, you were thrilled with this since it meant there was no pressure on either of you so you simply enjoyed married life.
So almost two years later when you watched the pregnancy test say thee weeks+ you were thrilled and so was Han holding you so tight and telling you how wonderful you would be as a mother.
Your pregnancy was not easy and you were sick constantly But Han was always there telling you how well you were doing even if you felt awful.
Your waters broke on the way back from the bathroom in the middle of the night and you fumbled around to turn on your bed side lamp.
"What's wrong baby?" he mumbled lifting his head slightly off the pillow.
"My waters have just broken" you whispered in confusion.
"Shit I'm on it" he yelped rolling out of bed and putting on one sock before coming around the bed to help you.
"One sock will help how?" you giggled as he quickly woke up properly.
"Umm don't really know to be honest" He flushed looking at the water on the floor and not moving.
"Can you get my hospital bag please? just checked it's zipped up before you grab it" you smiled knowing that he was trying his best.
"Of course....I think the car is out of fuel we will need to get some on the way" he blurted looking at you with big eyes as he picked up your bag not checking the zipper and sending things everywhere.
"Uhuh we are soooo ready for this" you laughed properly this time.
You had met and married Felix within a year, he was the most caring, sweet and loving person you had ever met and you were as sure as he was that you were meant to be.
Felix had long proved to you that he was always going to put you and your wishes first when it came to the birth of your first child so when he went to Chan and the other members to tell them that you wanted to give birth in your home country with your mum by your side they were surprised but supportive.
Chan had arranged for Felix to go on a hiatus with the company to ensure a little privacy for you both and the company had agreed that when you returned they would not confirm or deny any rumors on your behalf unless you both wanted to make it public that you were now parents.
When your waters finally went you were both feeling so excited that there was little room for worry, Felix had everything ready to go and held your hand the whole way to the hospital while he drove. Your mum met you there and he was adamant with all the nurses and midwives that the pair of them were going to stay with you regardless of what happened.
Spends the whole time you check in and get comfortable in the hospital either holding you, kissing your forehead or holding your hand for support.
"You are doing amazing cupcake, but if you need anything you tell me and I will make it happen".
Seugmin was your dream husband, he was so caring and soft with you but also trusted you fully to live your life independently from him when he was away on activities or on tour.
You had been married for five years before you even brought up the possibility of having a child and he couldn't have been more excited asking if you could start trying straight away. Which you did throwing away your birth control and hoping for the best you fell pregnant far more quickly than you expected, within a month, which was a blessing and also made Seungmin insanely smug.
Your waters broke during the first snow of the season and Seungmin was much calmer than you telling you that he had already had your hospital bag and the babies bag already packed in the car, he made sure that they had been there for the last two weeks. You laughed and kissed him on the cheek while he tried his best to get your very pregnant body into you not designed for pregnancy winter coat.
"Well this is not going to work" he muttered to himself mainly quickly trying to think up what to do next "Here I'll wrap you in this and then you will stay warm"
"Min that is the blanket from our bed" you giggled as he made you a sort of cape/toga hybrid to wear.
"I didn't factor in the whole coat scenario alright but I have everything else totally under control".
You and Jeongin had met through friends, you had clicked and your relationship always felt easy and loving. So no one was shocked when he proposed after almost a year together.
Although you had gotten engaged neither of you had even talked about having a baby the test you took for a prank showing two pink lines made the conversation happen pretty darn quick.
Although both of you were scared of how big a responsibility having a child was going to be you quickly realized that having a child with Jeongin would be a wonderful thing, he was going to be a wonderful father so it was going to be alright.
When your waters broke Jeongin tried his very best to not panic, while you called the hospital he called Chan. While you called your mum he called Lee Know and when you called his mum he called Changbin. The three of which all turned up pretty damn fast if you really had bothered to stop and think about it.
"Alright, I have the car running" Chan announced letting himself into your apartment.
"Are the bags in your room or the nursery?" Changbin called walking straight through to get them for you.
"It's important you stay hydrated and try to eat something now to keep your strength up, I've bought all the snacks you will need for at least the rest of today depending on how it all goes" Lee Know smiled softly handing you the bag before patting Jeongin on the shoulder.
"Are you going to help the mother of your child to the car or should I?" Chan smiled softly taking your hand and leading you to the front door to put some shoes on you.
"Oh... I'm on it" Jeongin nodded trying to look like he was holding it all together as Changbin walked passed with the bags and Lee Know picked up your cat to take back to his place until you were home again.
"I didn't realize you were going to need back up" you laughed softly as Jeongin shut the apartment door behind you all making him blush.
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @armystay899, @damnyouficcc, @roamingpolar, @tara-skyhold, @bakedlilgoonienie,
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privatebooth · 10 days
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I was never a fan of the idea of protective family members intruding into a character's personal life and "threatening" their love interest. If you hurt them I'll kick your ass and all that... Meh.
Still, if even Varric got to voice his friendly concern, how could Carver - the only warrior and protector in the family remain silent?
No, this would be nothing like Ross/Chandler pre-wedding warning
Carver was there when they first met. Fenris had made his stance on magic very clear, and it would be perfectly understandable for Carver to make some inquiries once he learned about this new relationship. He hasn't been part of this team for years, and doesn't really know much of the development. How did he even find out? Did Hawke write about this in his letters? Did any of the friends feel the need to share this vital information with him? Anyway, he knows now. And he ought to say something.
-So, my brother. You're together now? -We are.
Short and simple. What more could be said? Maybe Carver has to wonder if Fenris's opinions changed over the years. No they didn't. Well, this is awkward. How do you go from there? I can only imagine that Carver voices his hope that Fenris won't ever feel inclined to break his brother's heart (that he saw him do literally to some other people).
This is not a threat or a warning... just prodding? Carver already gave his warning upon first meeting him, and Fenris hadn't forgotten. You'll have a problem with me. Ah, they are so similar with their big swords and reckless combat behaviour...
I think Fenris might be a little amused. The idea of him deliberately hurting Hawke. The imagery of Carver protecting Hawke from him. Of Carver hoping to overpower him?
The kid has no idea what they mean to each other, but his words come from heart. Fenris respects that. We know how lonely he was and how much he yearned for his own family. I like to think that watching Hawke and Carver bicker and care for each other in their first year together played a part in his warming up to the entire group.
So he doesn't mock him or take offence. He tells him very seriously that he would die sooner than let any harm come to his brother.
And Carver accepts it and believes him, because this annoyingly cool brother of his always had a way of winning people over.
Do they even realise that they are all family now? This will take some getting used to.
I was dying for some Carver/Fenris interaction, but, honestly, I just wanted to show off more of my grown up little brother.
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redbleedingrose · 2 years
Pretty? - Eris x Fem!Reader
Summary: It was expected that when you become of age, as the daughter of a member of the Autumn Court, you will wed. As you enter the court as a woman, potential suitors make comments about your looks, specifically your weight, and you are devastated. Your best friend, Eris Vanserra, heir of the Autumn Court, comforts you and will always have your back. 
Warnings: 18+/MDNI: men being disgusting pigs (seriously), cursing, men degrading women, self degrading thoughts, topics related to weight and feeling insecure, there is some fluff, and some minor smut? (not really in terms of the smut, but just in case yk?) 
Word count: -8.7k 
A/N: Hey beautiful people, so uhhh what was supposed to be a minor fanfic, really only a drabble, max 1k words, but then it turned into a full blown fic. This concept came to mind because of comments that have been made about my weight practically all my life, and especially these past couple of days since I came home for the holidays. I was crying yesterday morning after being asked if I am hungry even in my sleep, and viola, I was inspired to write this fic, because I just know that Eris would be a real man and would love me in any form. I hope that you know, you are stunning and the only thing that matters in reality is your heart. As always, please show some love by liking, commenting, and reblogging. It means the absolute world to me. Remember to eat something, drink a sip of water, and take your meds. Lots of love!
You didn’t mean to hear him. Your betrothed that is. A male, named Buchanan, you had only recently met weeks prior at a ball the high lord had thrown at the Forest House for the sole purposes of matchmaking. You were presented by your father as a female of the Autumn Court society, a female who was available to be wed. Your sole purpose in life, at least from what your parents had told you since you were a toddler, had been nearly fulfilled when Beron had arranged for you to be married to the male on the winter solstice. 
You didn’t know much about him. Only that he was the army general's youngest son, and he was training to be a warrior. After Beron had decided you two would be “perfect” together, you tried your best to get to know the male. Buchanan did not give you much to work with, in all honesty. The male silently glared at you every chance he could get, only speaking to you with short, cold remarks. All you had learned about him came from the other females of the court, who gossiped about anyone and everyone whenever they were given the chance. They had spoken of his trysts to brothels, taking so many as three females on the same night. They had spoken of his cruel views towards females. How he believed females were only meant to be housewives and had no place in the workforce. How a female's only true duty was to tend to their household, children, and husband, and keep themselves in shape after having said children so the husband would find them desirable enough to use her whenever he pleases. 
Deplorable. Every last word. And frightening. 
You were frightened by the male. At first, you tried to ignore what the females had said, citing it as harsh rumors that were only bound to tarnish his reputation. But the more time you spent with the male, the more you began to believe that maybe the females had been speaking the truth. It was the complete opposite of what you wanted in a potential partner, a potential husband. And you were terrified for your future, a future that was nearly upon you, a future that was only a couple of months away. 
A small part of you hoped that you would be able to change Buchanan’s mind about females, maybe change his values? Maybe, if you let him get to know you, let him see your personality and wit, let him see your love for reading and writing and learning new things, let him see your fascination with healing, maybe he would fall in love with you. And maybe he would try to be a better male for you. And so, you kept trying. 
You went out on walks with Buchanan, hanging onto his arm and letting yourself lose the ‘quiet girl’ mask you usually wore in court, exposing your true self. You would invite him over for brunch, showing him your less than impressive cooking skills and offering him your favorite stories and anecdotes from your life. You took him to your favorite cafe in town to tell him your own dreams and aspirations in hopes that he would love that you wanted more out of your life than just marriage. He… 
Well… he listened, you guess you could say. He didn’t offer you anything in return, never commenting on your stories or anecdotes or your dreams or aspirations. He only watched you, silently brewing in whatever thoughts he had. He never had anything to add to your conversations, and often, it was only your ramblings that would fill the empty silence. But… he listened. 
He listened. 
He was also polite. He would nod in greeting and would hold his arm out for you to grab onto whenever you went walking. He would move you to the inside, away from the cobblestone streets, whenever you were walking on the sidewalk. He would open the door for you, and take out your chair for you and push you into the table. He did all the things a normal gentleman would do. He was amicable at the very least. And maybe, maybe that was enough for you. Enough for a partnership or friendship. Or enough for an understanding in your marriage. At least that was what you had hoped for. 
And that's why when you heard his older brother ask Buchanan what he thought of you, at the party Beron was throwing to celebrate your engagement, you halted outside the door, leaning in and pressing your ear against the stained oak, unable to control yourself from eavesdropping. Your mother had informed you with urgency that he had been dragged from the ballroom by his two older brothers so they could give him advice on, “taming a female,” and she pushed you to go retrieve him so the high lord could see his match of the season interacting in front of him. 
You didn’t know what you were expecting. Maybe you were wishfully hoping that Buchanan had grown to like you, had grown to see you as more than just a match made by Beron, had grown to enjoy your presence. Because if he hadn’t, then you were too afraid of what your future would be. You didn’t know what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this. 
“What a fucking cunt, I cannot believe the High Lord wants me to marry that pathetic excuse for a female,” he scoffed out with a harsh laugh, his words laced with acid pulled from the depths of the couldron. Your stomach was suddenly heavy with lead as it churned, your heart leapt up to your throat beating impossibly fast. Waves of nausea rolled over you, threatening you with every passing second. Harsh breaths were slipping past your lips as your lungs heaved in your chest, trying to catch your breath, trying to calm yourself. Your brain had shifted into a fight or flight mode as adrenaline thrummed through your veins, but you were stuck. You couldn’t move, you couldn’t think. You only pressed yourself closer to the closed door, clutching your soft stomach in an effort to self soothe as your toes curled within the heels you had worn. 
One of his brothers let out a loud snort, “Damn Buchanan, speak your truth. Is she a slut?” Horror coursed through you. You were stunned. Absolutely floored. You had thought things were going at least alright with Buchanan. Your eyes began to sting, lining themselves with tears that blurred your vision. Your cheeks were burning as the heat of your blood raced throughout your body, desperately trying to send oxygen to your tissues and organs in an effort to stop them from shutting down. “Gods, no,” Buchanan replied, sounding incredulous from the disbelief. A small bit of relief coursed through you. “Have you seen the fat bitch? What sane male would ever want to fuck a female like her?” 
Disgust. Shame. Utter self loathing replaced that small ounce of relief a hundred fold. 
Your throat tightened shut, a lump forcing its way into your voicebox blocking off any air as you stood still. Silent tears began seeping out from the corner of your widened irises, slipping down your rounded cheeks and meeting at the chin, only to drop onto your chest forming a wet spot at your gowns neckline. You begged Mother above for that to be the end of it, for that to be Buchanan’s final words, but he only continued. Like he was on some sort of tirade. “She is not appealing to look at in any way, seriously my dick goes limp every time I have to look at her. And not only that, she is driving me fucking crazy. The cunt never shuts her fat mouth, and rambles on like an idiot any time I am near her. She keeps going on and on and on about finding happiness and love in marriage, but who could ever possibly love her?” His two older brothers roared with laughter at his rant, Buchanan’s own chortling striking straight through your shattering heart. 
It was the last straw. It was your last straw. Sobs began wracking your body, you pressed your hand tightly to your lips in an effort to silence them, as your biggest insecurities were voiced by your betrothed in such a vicious way, mocking you in front of your future brother in laws and then laughing together. At you. They were laughing at you. Shuffling behind the door alerted you of their movements, possibly approaching the hallway you were standing in. Panic flooded you, your muscles suddenly snapped out of their paralysis and into action. You darted into the room across the hallway, quickly opening and shutting the door to hide yourself from them. To hide yourself from the world. Only when their footsteps receded down the hall towards the ongoing party did you let out a slight sigh of relief that the males hadn’t heard you, hadn’t noticed the scent of you in the hall, that you hadn’t been caught. 
You leaned your back against the door, sliding down as loud choked sobs you were holding back moments ago began leaving your lips. Mangled breaths formed as you tried, and ultimately failed, to inhale a proper breath. Your heart was beating too fast, too hard, trying to make up for the lack of oxygen in your inhales. Your entire body was screaming from the inside, each muscle tightened and every organ twisted up inside until it felt like you were being stabbed at every inch of your skin. Pain, pain, pain.
Pain. It was all you felt. All you could think. 
Your hand that had been clutching your stomach was now holding your head as you hunched forward between your knees. The wave of nausea had become so strong, that saliva had flooded your mouth in order to coat it with some sort of basic liquid before stomach acid would burn at the membranous tissue. Your vocal cords had been pulled taught, only allowing ugly wails to leak out. Self deprecating thoughts flew through your mind, throwing themselves at the base of your skull. The pounding in your head resembled a migraine, throbbing right at the base of your eye meeting your nose. 
Your other hand palmed the floor, trying to find steady ground that you could sit on. Some kind of flooring to prevent you from falling over. But you were already falling. Already falling into a deep pit of hate for yourself. After a couple of minutes of letting the agony sink into you, your throat opened a little, allowing for you to finally breathe some short breaths. In and out. In and out. In and out. Over and over and over and over again. Until, finally, there were no tears. Just the streaks they left behind marking your cheeks like scars. Where the pain once reeked within you, you were now numb. You were finally able to look up from the ground, glancing around the room only to realize that you were in Eris’ private library. You weakly pushed yourself off the floor, gripping at the door to help you stand. Eventually, slowly, you made your way to the small couch at the very back of the room that faced the expansive windows facing the outside forest. The one you and Eris often laid on for hours on end, reading whatever books we could find that were the slightest bit interesting, and silently enjoying each other's presence. You slumped onto it, lifting your feet onto the coffee table in front of you, and stared out into the dark forest, the outlines of which were highlighted by the moonlight.
You allowed your thoughts to let go of the terrible words that had brought you here in the first place, and allowed them to wander off to the irony of the entire situation you were forced into. When you were teenagers, one thing that you and Eris had always joked about is the fact that Beron likes to play matchmaker, and has tried for years and years to create pairs who would be unyieldingly loyal to the high lord, and yet, has never made a successful match. The glaringly obvious failure being Eris himself and that one female from night court. Even his own marriage was, and still is, in shambles, taking out his pure hatred and evil on his wife and children through physical, emotional, and verbal abuse. He was to be feared, the high lord. His word was the law. His matches were the law. No matter how awful they might actually be. 
Beron liked to use status and power to make his matches. He didn’t care about a person's beliefs, a person's values. He didn’t care about kindness, friendship, or love. He didn’t care about partnership or finding a balance between two individuals. He only cared about whether or not the person had enough wealth to shove up his ass. 
You had grown up as the daughter of the chief accountant of Autumn Court. Your father, a ruthless male, was claimed by the high lord himself, as his favorite court member and most loyal supporter. The both of them loved to line their pockets with the hard earnings of the general citizens of the court, taxing them on Tithe without mercy and creating trade laws that would only benefit the most senior members of the court, while obliterating the income of the truly hard working. 
Your mother was no better than your father. Beron’s father had played matchmaker for them, evidently the role running within the family, and it had actually worked out for once. They truly were the perfect match in the worst way possible. As the only child of your mother and father, you were raised with the strictest standards and unrelenting criticism that surely ruined your self image. 
Constant comments on how you dressed, constant comments on how you carried yourself, constant comments on you being chubbier than your cousins, constant comments on how you would never find a suitable match because of all of these things. The critics were never ending. They were heartbreaking coming from your mother, and mind-shattering coming from your father. 
The amount of tears you had shed over your lifetime were too many to count. The amount of times you went to bed, crying yourself to sleep, loathing and despising yourself, were too much to count. 
The constant comments from your family was enough to make you unsure. Unsure about your future, unsure about who would want to marry you, unsure about who would ever possibly love you. Because, surely, the way you looked, the way your stomach carried a little pudge, the way your hips had dips that made dresses fit awkwardly on you, the way your thighs were covered in stretch marks, surely it would make it impossible for anyone to ever find you beautiful enough to want to marry you, let alone, love you. 
Two things had been made very clear to you very early on in your life though. The first being, you were to marry whomever Beron chose for you, and you were to be an absolutely perfect bride for your match. And you would need to shape yourself into a quiet and shy bride, beautiful and thin, who followed whatever rules her husband laid without question. That was the only way, your mother mentioned during one of her sessions of berating, that you would be pleasant enough for any male to look in your direction. Truthfully, you were just praying to mother above that whichever male Beron decided to match you with would never lay a hand on you.
The next thing being, there was only one reason you were grateful for being born into the family who had inflicted you with so much pain, so much trauma. One reason. One person. Eris Vanserra. The heir to the Autumn Court. Your best friend. Your person. Your other fucking half. You loved the male, and sometimes… sometimes you would allow your mind to dip into the thought of being in love with the male. But you would quickly yank yourself away from it, not letting yourself even daydream of what it would be like to be more than just friends. 
You had met Eris at the ripe age of five. It is almost impossible in fae culture to have known someone, been friends with someone, loved someone as long as you have known, been friends with, and loved Eris. Eight hundred years of friendship never grew old, never grew tiring like other relationships had. If there was one thing your parents approved of, it was your friendship with Eris, only propelling your family closer to the Vanserra’s. 
Eris… Eris protected you. He had always protected you since you had first met when he pushed the boy who had stolen your favorite plush, snatching it back before handing it over to you. You leaped into a hug, holding him close and thanking him profusely. From that moment on, you and Eris were friends. Your friendship only continued to grow as the years went on, as you became more aware of the horrific abuse he experienced on a daily basis, as he showed up to your house in the middle of the night as your parents slept, as you snuck him into your bathroom and pushed him to lean against the counter so you could clean his wounds, as you would hold him close as he sobbed into the skin of your neck, as you whispered your own traumas despite them being more emotional in nature, as you read to him your favorite book and visa-versa, as you baked pecan and cinnamon apple pies together, as you went horseback riding together, as you trained in weaponry together, as you went hiking together, as you did everything together. 
He protected you against the words of your mother and father, constantly reassuring you that you would find a male who truly loved you the way you deserved to be loved. Eris had never once tried holding you back. He never once judged your expressive nature. He never judged your outgoing personality and often found himself craving your ramblings and anecdotes. He never once said a word about the way you looked, only once on your hundred and fiftieth birthday had he breathlessly whispered into your ear how stunning you looked. He never once judged you. He never once made you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. In fact, he only ever adored your true nature.
But after one particular night, when you were two hundred something, Eris had drawn a line. Not daring to cross it out of fear of what Beron might do to you if he ever found out how either of you felt for each other. And Eris was a stubborn male if anything, so he would not let you or himself cross the fucking line. The night Eris found it necessary to make it clear to both of you that he didn’t think it was possible we could ever be more, he had accidentally walked in on you half naked, seeking out your comfort after a particularly hard night, as you were undressing yourself from some sort of function in the town your parents had dragged you to. The only garments that covered you were your panties and a corset bound so tight, your tits almost spilled out past the lacy fabric. He stopped in his tracks, standing stiffly, as you stared at each other through the bathroom mirror, frozen in each other's spots as you eyed each other up and down. His fists clenched at his sides, trying to find some semblance of control, and a flush curled up his neck towards his pointed ears. His eyes locked onto yours, and you could see the dark ambers in his irises light with fire as he stalked towards you, pushing you forward right up against the mirror, and pressing his entire front to your back. His quickened breath puffed into your hair, and down the expanse of your throat as he buried his face deep into your neck, picking up every last bit of your scent. 
You could only watch through the mirror, your arousal slowly dripped into your panties, soiling them as you felt his taut chest move up and down, up and down, up and down against your back. One of his hands gripped roughly at your waist, feeling the slight sinch in it while the other roamed the expanse of your hips, squeezing ever so slightly at the plush before moving on to explore every inch of your covered skin. Mist from your warm exhales collected on the mirror, dew drops forming and slowly slipping down as Eris held you tightly against the glass. You felt a shot of courage, and arched your back toward his chest, rubbing your full ass against the strain in his pants, a soft moan escaping you at the stimulation. Hot energy struck through your stomach, and down to where you ached for Eris to touch you. The lordling hissed as the musk of yours and his arousal intermingled in the air that surrounded, suffocated and intoxicated you both all at once. 
He lifted his head from where it had been buried into your neck, watching you through the mirror, pupils blown wide open with lust, knocking the breath right out of you. You sucked in a shaky inhale through your teeth as his fingers snuck down to the waistband of your underwear, toying with the edge, before pinching the fabric and allowing it to snap back onto your skin. He did this again, once, twice, three times. A groan of frustration was making its way through your entire body, and you wriggled your hips to get the male to do something, anything. His pink tongue poked out between his lips, lapping at the shell of your pointed ear, sneaking in a soft nibble, almost as if he could sense the growing tension within you. Your sex was throbbing, all the blood in your body had rushed down to focus in on the one area Eris couldn’t seem to bring himself to. 
“What the fuck are you waiting for Er?” The taunt in your voice muddled with his favorite nickname you had gifted him at thirteen years of age… it had a growl reverberating from his chest straight into your back. His hand came down so hard on your ass, the smack echoed in the bathroom and you were sure that a burning sensation would leave behind the mark of his palm. The heir rubbed at the redness that was forming there, massaging the muscle beneath the soft, stretch marked laidden skin, “So fucking needy,” he murmured, voice raspy as the air in the bathroom dried out from the heat. He gently tugged once at the lace. Another tug, this time with enough force that it shredded the fabric lining your cunt. And then he stuffed the ripped red number into his back pocket. Your eyes had fluttered shut, unable to maintain the focused eye contact. Your nerves were on fucking fire, every cell within your body was shunting out desire that rippled in the striations of your muscle and layers of tissue, shaking you to the very core. Several missed beats of your heart had you almost worried you would go into cardiac arrest, but you didn’t care. You would die a happy female, if you died in this moment. 
One of his hands, adorned with gold rings that embodied the lavish wealth of the male, wrapped itself around your throat, squeezing tenderly, but with enough pressure that your eyes snapped open. Your irises were missing, replaced by the dark depths of your pupils as they met his through the mirror. A smirk lilted his face, looking smug as ever, when his other arm snuck from behind you, brushing over the soft, supple skin of your thigh that was damp with your arousal. Strangled gasps turned into pants as the lordling finally reached your swollen clit, the pads of his forefinger pressing down firmly for a second, sending the rest of his digits through your slippery folds. The grasp on your throat tightened imperceptibly, Er bit his swollen lips, trying to hold in the croaking groan that was bubbling within him but coming up short. The beautiful sound from the male was enough to send another wave of liquid pleasure from your cunt. So much so this time, that your slick began to coat the inner-most portions of your thigh, some even daring to dribble down your legs to the tile beneath you.  
You both had been knocked out from the heat of the moment when a loud crash from downstairs, reminding you that you were in your home, where your parents were present, where anyone could catch you both. Before you could say or do anything, something within Eris had snapped, ripping his fingers away from the ministrations he was making at your sex and yanking his hand from its grasp on your throat. He jerked away from your body so fast, you nearly gave yourself whiplash watching him through the mirror. When you turned your body to face him, your heart was beating so fast, you wouldn’t be surprised if he could hear it across the room. And the butterflies in your stomach that rammed against every internal organ within your abdomen had your knees nearly buckling, as you tried to regain your composure. He had bent over, digits slick with your arousal grasping onto both of his knees, trying to catch his breath with his eyes squeezed shut, as if it had pained him to pull away. You opened your mouth to ask what had happened, why he was here, why he had stopped, but he didn’t give you the chance. He stood stalk straight from his position, giving you a once over as his face dropped into a cold mask that was usually reserved for everyone except you. The neutrality, the ice in his usual burning eyes paused you, your chest heaved for a second as shock settled in you, and with a blink, the heir had vanished, winnowing away to mother knows where.  
You hadn’t spoken to each other for seven months after the incident. You had worried that the moment of stupidity, the moment of lack of self control was going to be the knife that tore into your friendship, damaging it irreparably. But you needed him. He was yours, and you were his. And if that meant that you couldn’t be with him in that way, then that was something you were willing to accept. So one day, after seven months of heartbreaking silence, you marched right up to him while he was in the stables with his sixteen horses and twelve ghost hounds. You reached up and yanked him down by the collar, his eyes widened with surprise as you leaned in close, “Please Eris, lets just go back to how things were. Please, let's forget it ever happened. Please.” It came out as a whimper, not what you had wanted as you had spent days preparing a long speech on how best friends don’t abandon each other. But… it had worked. 
The lordling nodded numbly at your words, before pulling you in for a tight hug. Shaky breaths misted in the cool air as you pushed your face into his neck, leaning in as close as you could while he pressed a soft kiss to your temples in apology for avoiding you. And there it was. The silent agreement. To forget. To never try again. Even if it hurt you, you could live with it. Because the hurt of not having him in any capacity was too unbearable to even think of. And now, almost six centuries later, you were stuck in an engagement with a male who apparently loathed your looks, your personality, every part of you really. And Eris was still only your best friend, never toeing the line. And he would only ever allow himself to be your friend, nothing more, with Beron still alive. 
Maybe… maybe if the high lord was dead… maybe things would be different. 
You had been so entrenched by your reminiscing, you hadn’t realized the lordling made his way from the party with a bottle of chardonnay, to the library in which you were seated. You heard the creak of the door swinging open, “There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you doll,” his deep playful voice brought a watery smile to your face as a fresh wave of tears appeared in your eyes. One slipped out, and you hastily wiped it away with the sleeve of your velvet dress, the dark emerald color blending into the upholstery of the couch. You didn’t want him to see you like this. You didn’t want him to ask what happened, because you wouldn’t be able to hold your tears back if you spoke of it. Because you were embarrassed by the entire situation. Because telling him would involve you speaking the words Bucahnan had spoken about you. Because telling him would mean that Eris would be able to share his own thoughts and opinions. And you didn’t know if you would survive Er agreeing, even in the slightest bit, with Buchanan.
And also because Er wouldn’t hold back. When it came to you, he never could. You knew that if you told him about the nasty words Buchanan had spoken so cruelly, Er would hunt him down, rip the male into pieces, and then feed what was left behind to his ghost hounds. Literally. And Beron would not be merciful towards his eldest son, with his evil nature ruling his every decision, a punishment involving a beating would likely not suffice. And there was no way you would ever risk Er like that. So, you would just have to swallow the fact that you would be in a loveless, probably abusive marriage. 
But for Eris… for him… for his safety… you would. You would do anything. Even if it meant you getting hurt. 
You cleared your throat, removing the lump that had been stuck in your throat since you had heard Buchanan talking with his brothers. A short laugh was forced from your throat, even though your vocal cords were still stiff, “Here I am.” You swiveled your body to watch as he made his way to you, smoothly and swiftly. A grin that had been reserved for you and his mother filled his beautiful face, moving around the couch to plop himself right next to you, so close that his entire side was pressed against yours. The shifted one of the two wine glasses into your hand, popping the cork from the white wine, “Why is the guest of honor to this hideous party hiding herself in the personal library of the most famous, most handsome, most dashing, extremely powerful heir to the Autumn Court?” You snorted at his arrogance, slightly tilting your glass so he could pour in a quarter of the bottle. You leaned into his side and rested your head against his broad shoulders; he slumped further into the couch so you would be comfortable against him, leaning his head onto yours as he took a sip of the crisp wine, waiting patiently for your response. You took a deep breath to calm yourself. Another. Again. Another. But it had seemed the lump in your throat had lodged itself deeper into the very muscles that were supposed to sound out words. So you just sat. Hoping that Eris wouldn’t question it. Wouldn’t question you. Wouldn’t press you further. 
But the lordling was a perceptive male. Nothing ever, ever slips past him. Especially where you are concerned. 
The pause you gave was long enough for him to grow concerned, setting his already half empty glass on the coffee table in front of him as he rotated to face you head on. His dark amber eyes narrowed in on you, focusing and studying your figure, your face. You shifted uncomfortable against his penetrating gaze, avoiding eye contact with the male knowing that the whites of your eyes were bloodshot. “Have you been crying?” 
Damn it all to the cauldron, how had he figured you out in a matter of seconds? You again forced a laugh out, crossing your legs sending one thigh over the other, “No, Er, don’t be ridiculous.” Your voice came out shakier than you had intended, and there was no way he hadn’t picked up on it. “Don't give me that doll. The tip of your nose is red and I can see the streaks on your blushed cheeks. Who the fuck made you cry? Tell me. Right now.” The tone he had once used had changed entirely too fast, going from playful to ice cold laced with finality. A shiver ran down your spine, your mind racing to come up with any plausible excuse to account for your recent tears. 
Your heart began pounding within your chest, a new onset of anxiety coursing through your arteries. You couldn’t let Eris find out, because he would do only Mother knows what to Buchanan, and Beron would do only Gods know what to him. “I was um… I was just reminiscing–” He cut you off swiftly, “Don’t bullshit me, Y/N. Tell me who made you cry and what they did.” His hands tightened into fists at his side, continuing to pierce you with his stare. You had never been able to properly lie to the male. You didn’t think you could start now. 
“Don't freak out Er–”
“Mother above, Y/N, tell me. Right now.” You flinched as he cut you off once again, reading right through you. Any chance of you getting away with a half truth had been thrown out the window the second he realized you were upset. He sighed, reaching out his fist unfurling to gently tug on your wrist, “Just tell me what happened doll. You know I will always protect you.” 
Leave it to Eris to say something that would make you smile, even in your darkest moments. The corner of your lips rose slightly, staring up at the heir who had burrowed into your heart. Sometimes… sometimes you thought about how if you got married, there would be no space in your heart for any other male because Eris had taken every corner, every ridge for himself. Unintentionally of course, but nevertheless, benevolently. 
“Do you think I'm pretty Er?” Damn it all to the cauldron, the words had tumbled out, without permission. And there it was, sitting in the empty space between you. He blanched, “What?” The ice in his voice had completely melted into shock. Clearly, it was not what the male was expecting for you to say or ask. You would have laughed at his face if the nervousness of his lack of response wasn’t seizing you, “Well? Do you?”
He scoffed at your question, perturbed that you still hadn’t told him what had happened, “Of course I do, Doll. Only a fool wouldn’t.” His eyes flicked back and forth, locked in on yours, trying to dissect whatever it was that you were thinking. He opened his mouth again, sucking in some air, probably to continue to interrogate you on why you were crying. But you didn’t let him, “Why?” 
“Why what, Y/N?”
“Why do you think I’m pretty?” This was not the way you had expected for the conversation to go. Suddenly, the topic that you had avoided for years, centuries with Eris was becoming the elephant in the room as the questions continued to stumble out. All the self doubt, all the self loathing, screaming into your brain that it wasn’t possible for the lordling to find you pretty. You were too fat, too annoying, too much. He continued to stare at you, gaping at the obvious shift in conversation. 
“What is this about Y/N? Just tell me what happened.” 
“No.” Simple yet final and firm. You became impassive, lifting your legs to face away from him, turning your back to him. You didn’t want to have this conversation with him. You didn’t know how to. Because even if Eris “took care” of Buchanan, there would be another male, and another, and another. And it was possible that all of those males felt the exact same way Buchanan did. The train of thought returned the stinging in your eyes, and this time, there was no holding back. Your lip trembled, pressing together to hold in the sobs, as Eris continued to stare at your back. 
His tattooed arms lifted, wrapping themselves around your waist, hands pressing into the velvet of your dress. He ever so gently, with so much care and worry, pulled you into his lap. You immediately lifted yourself, trying to scramble out, not wanting to crush him under your weight. But his muscled forearms, on display from rolling up his sleeves, held you in place, not letting you budge. A hand came up to grasp your chin, softly turning your face towards him so he could look you in the eye. The immediate eye contact had your eyes dropping down to stare at the rising and falling of his chest. “Look at me, Y/N,” the seriousness of his command had your eyes snapping up to meet his, tears fell down your cheek, hot streaks pressing into the skin below. His eyes were filled with so many emotions, concern at your tears, worry over your recent questions, love and adoration that he held for you, his best friend, and burning anger at what prompted all of this. 
“There are no words that can describe your beauty doll.” You huffed shaking your head, not believing a single word, but the grasp on your chin tightened, not painfully but enough that imprints of the pads of his fingers would be left whenever he would decide to let go. “Hey– stop that right now doll,” he exclaimed, putting a pause in your display of skepticism. “There are no words or expressions that I can use to describe your beauty Y/N… your beauty is not quantifiable. It is everything about you. I– I can’t– Maybe. Maybe I can try.” Desperation started to seep into his voice, his eyes flitting back and forth between yours, trying to convince you that he saw you. Truly saw you. That he adored what he saw. 
“I– I think you are the most divine being I have ever had the absolute delight and luck coming across.” He paused, exhaling softly, “We met when we were only five. Some punk had stolen your favorite doll, and you were fighting him valiantly, not afraid, not cowering. You faced him head on, throwing your tiny fists into his back, and I just knew. I knew that you were different from anyone I had ever met” His hand that was on your hip unconsciously squeezed once, twice, thrice at the recollection of the memory. “You know that's why I call you doll, right?” You shook your head, and his palm came up to rest against the roundness of your cheek. Thumbing away at the final tears that had dripped out. “You had this elaborate richness to you, and it reminded me of your doll. Anyway, over the years, I got to know you. Really know you. I guess what I am trying to say is that I have loved your personality, the female that you were shaping yourself into. You opened up like this flower waiting to bloom in spring, sharing every part of you with me. And letting me do the same. No one had ever done that, Y/N. No one ever listened to me, but you did. No one ever let me be me, but you did. In fact, you loved me for it.” 
He leaned in closer, so close that your mind began to fuzz. His warm breath that smelled of whiskey and chardonnay kissed your lips and nose, as he continued to eye you, tracing every inch of your skin, dimples, bumps with his blazing embers. You wanted to cower, you wanted to hide. You didn’t want him to see what you saw. “When I look at you Y/N, I feel unbridled joy. Joy that I so rarely feel. All my fears, all my worries, they slip away when you look at you. When I look at you, I feel like you are my breath of fresh air after drowning. I feel like you are my warmth that shields me from this cold world. I feel like I am awake after a thousand years of coma. When I look at you, I see all of what is good in the world.” He pulled you closer than you already were, your full thighs spread apart and pressing against the sides of his, the grasp on your chin leaving, favoring running his digits through your hair and massaging at your scalp. Twisting and twirling the strands between his fingers, his next words coming out in hushed whispers as if he didn’t want anyone, not even the air between you, to listen. “I have studied the color of your eyes since the day I met you. I have gotten lost in them countless times, and I still cannot think of a way to describe them. There is nothing I could say that could ever fully encompass the depths of your beautiful irises. And Gods, Y/N, whenever you smile, this little glint appears right in the corner of your pupil before disappearing. I pray I get to see those glints. The way your eyebrows furrow, giving away every thought at a moment's notice. If I am trying to gauge your mood, I only need to look at your eyebrows because they will tell me if you are annoyed, sad, happy. And Mother fucking above–,” 
“Eris,” a laugh sped out of you, trying to scold the lordling for his blasphemy. 
He only smirked at you in response, “Mother fucking above, Y/N. Have you ever looked at your beautiful lips and cheeks?” He tilted his head back in a groan, “No, no you fucking haven’t. Gods, they are my favorite part of you. The color of your lips, the way your smile brightens up the room even in the darkest of days, steals my breath away. Your fucking cheeks, doll. I mean they are so adorable and sexy, all at the same time. How is that even possible? I don’t know, but clearly, your cheeks know. The flush they get whenever I tease you Y/N? Blood goes straight down to my cock.” You gasped out another laugh, slapping his taut chest and squirmed to get out of his unbreakable grasp. 
He only pulled you closer. 
Till your chest met his, and you could feel the beat of his heart through the fabric of your clothes. Your breath hitched, “Y/N, I could stare at you for days, for centuries, and never grow bored. It– It feels like I am looking at a goddess when I look at you. And your body, Y/N. Don’t get me started on your fucking body. Gods. It is so fucking soft, and lucious, and irresistable, and mesmerizing, and alluring, and all the fucking words one could use to create a synonym with beauty. And none of those words are enough Y/N. Gods, you don’t fucking understand how utterly perfect you are. Your tits are the perfect fucking size, and whenever you wear those necklines that fucking dip? I– I have to hold myself back from bending you over and fucking you into oblivion. They are round and full, and I daydream about touching them, kissing them, tonguing and sucking at them. Your waist, it sinches in and is my favorite place to wrap my arm around. Whenever I am around you, my arm grows heavy, begging to be placed around your waist. Your hips are wide and dip, giving these love handles that I just want to bite. Honestly Y/N, they are sexy as fuck. It– It reminds me of depictions of ancient goddesses. And it makes me think of you, swelling with a babe. My babe. And Mother above, you don’t know how many times I’ve fisted my cock at the thought.” 
Tingles began erupting from the places Eris had grasped, all the way into the very cells that made up the skin, up the nerves that lined your entire body, and shot down to reach the bundle of nerves that rested at the apex of your thighs. The way the lordling was describing you with such passion, it had awoken something within you. His hand began to squeeze your hip so hard, you thought it would leave a bruise of his handprint, one that you would gladly welcome. He cleared his throat because his voice had become saddled with lust, “Your thighs are so thick, doll. They– I think about them. Wrapped around my hips. Wrapped around my waist. Thrown over my shoulders. Wrapped around my head as I savor the sweet taste of your arousal. And your ass is perfectly spank-able. Every time you bend over, I have to physically restrain myself from slapping it as hard as I can, just so I can see the ripple of your skin from where I hit you. I yearn to see the bruises that I would leave behind on it, I yearn to rub lotion into those very bruises, and I yearn to kiss and bite into them.” 
Your arms had found their way around his neck at some point during his speech, only a hair width separating you two at this point. “And this… these words… they aren’t enough. They aren’t enough to describe your captivatingly, heavenly, beauty Y/N.” You eyed him, studying the pure sincerity, the truth, the longing in his irises. You didn’t need him to say anything more. Because… because, what he had said… it had been enough, for you at least. You tilted your head forward, pressing a featherlight kiss into his chapped lips before quickly leaning back to see his reaction. He didn’t let you get far though, adjusting his grip at the back of your head to slide down to your neck, his other hand jolting your hips down to his as he surged forward, pulling you in for another kiss. And another. And another. And another. And another. Soft pecks, slowly turning more desperate. Quiet moans escaping the both of you, the sensation of your tongues swirling, first in long, smooth strokes, and then in short, quick strokes. His body shuddered against yours, trying to pull you impossibly close. You kissed for what felt like a lifetime. It naturally slowed as you finally pulled back for a breath. Your chest heaving against his, heart fluttering, mind muddled with only thoughts of Eris. 
He leaned in again, encasing your bottom lips with his in a soft final kiss. You were still trying to catch your breath when he let out, “Well now we’re fucked aren’t we?” A startled laugh left you, but the seriousness in his face had your mood dropping from elation into the ground beneath you. It all hit you. You were still betrothed. You were still to be married to Buchanan. Eris still didn’t know why you were in here kissing him, and not out there, enjoying what was supposed to be your engagement party. And you were scared. You were scared for yourself, for your future. You were scared of Buchanan. Because if he could say such cruel things behind your back while playing amicable in front of you, what else was he capable of? Would his words behind your back one day turn into words spat at you in front of you? Would his words one day turn into a hand lifted at you? 
“I am terrified, Er. What the fuck am I gonna do?” He shook his head, before resting his forehead against yours, murmuring through his swollen lips, “Baby, please just tell me what happened. You don’t need to be scared, I am right here. I won’t let anything happen to you, you know that. I have said this before, and I will say it again. I will always protect you. Always, Y/N. No matter the cost. Please, Y/N. Tell me.” So, you did. 
You told him. You told him everything. Heartbreakingly slowly, sometimes with muffled sobs into his shoulder and has stroked your back in an effort to calm you, you told him. You told him of your parents' abuse, their verbal lashings leaving their mark on your inner child, making it inherently difficult to believe that someone like Eris, anyone really, could ever find you attractive, could ever fall in love with you, could ever be in love with you. You told him you were dreading marriage with Buchanan, how you had tried to cultivate a friendship with the male, how you had hoped the friendship would transform into love. You told him how you were sent to look for him, and how you overheard him. You told him exactly what Buchanan had to say. You told him how his brothers laughed at you. You told him how Buchanan laughed at you. How you had hidden yourself away, trying to bury the shame deep within you. How you feared to tell Eris, knowing that he would in fact, protect you. How you feared that Beron would go after Eris, how if Eris wanted to protect you, what makes him think that you don’t want to do the same for him? You told him that you loved his friendship. How it meant everything to you. How having him, even in the form of a friendship, was enough for you even if you wanted more. How you would wait for him. And you finished by telling him how you were in love with him, and how you hoped that he was in love with you. 
Er had listened to every word you had said, not interrupting once, only offering you comfort and support when you needed it. Only when you finished, did he pull you in for another soft kiss, his own voice breaking as he mouthed, “I love you, I am in love with you, I will always be in love with you,” against your lips. He hugged you close for a minute. And another. And another. And another. And another. Rubbing at your back, your waist, and hips, squeezing ever so slightly every couple of minutes as if to remind him that it was you he was holding so close to him.
You only separated from each other when you heard your name being called out by Buchanan, maybe your mother sending him after you, or your father, or even Beron who wanted to see the “happy couple” dancing before his subjects. Eris sighed irritated by the interruption, pressing a finger to his lips before he moved you delicately off his lap, handling you like you were a priceless jewel in his hands. You tried to reach up and grasp at his sleeve, silently begging for him to stay with you, to not do anything stupid, but Er wasn’t having any of it. 
“He made you cry,” it came out as a hiss not directed at you, but a hiss regardless that only showcased his rage that was beginning to bubble through as he heard Buchanan again call out for you. “He hurt you. And I will kill him for it.” Determination shown through his eyes and inflection, and you knew, there was no stopping him. “We will face this together, my beloved. Fuck, when I am done feeding him to my hounds, I am finding you and taking you to the nearest temple, and we are gonna get married. Consequences be damned.” You laughed out another sob, this time, from happiness, “Promise Er?” You lifted up your left ring finger to link with his, and he brought your laced fingers up to his lips, kissing them, “I promise, beloved.” The tingle of the newly formed tattoo inking into both of your ring fingers, spreading across the dorsum of your hand till it reached up to your wrist, connecting you both into a promise-forged bond that would hold till the end of time.
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jackles010378 · 7 months
Guys I am so sorry, I seriously thought I posted this on Thursday 😶‍🌫️ I must of dreamt I did, anyways hope you enjoy it ❤️
(No warnings needed)
Happily Ever After part 1
(this story takes place immediately after I Can't Do This Anymore and will be in two parts)
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Straight after Jensen proposed to you, you both had an eventful night. He wanted you to feel loved and wanted and boy did he make you feel just that!
The morning after you phoned your best friend Becca and told her the great news. You asked her to be your maid of honour to which she practically screamed yes down the phone to you.
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3 months of planning, 3 months of nothing but looking at wedding venues and flower arrangements, dresses, tuxedos and caterers. You and Jensen didn't want to wait too long to get married so you chose the earliest date that the registrar could give you which was 4 months after he had proposed.
Sitting in your living room with Jensens mom Donna the one side and his sister the other. Gen had come over too. They were helping you put the wedding favours together. Jensen had offered to hire a wedding planner so you weren't overwhelmed with all the planning, he knew he wouldn't be able to help much because of the press tours he had to do, but you told him you wanted to do it because it would be more personal.
You got up of the couch and offered to get everyone a drink. Just as you were about to enter the kitchen your doorbell rang. Opening it up you felt arms wrap tightly around you nearly knocking you off your feet "Jesus Christ Becca, come in why don't you" you said through a laugh as your friend clung onto you. "What can I say I missed my friend". You hadn't seen Becca since you moved in with Jensen. You obviously messaged and video called each other, but it wasn't the same as how it used to be.
Hearing the noise Gen came to investigate "y/n, you okay" you let go of your friend and introduced her to Gen "wow, Gen Padalecki, I'm a big fan of yours and Jared, I mean you guys are great" you bumped your friends shoulder to stop her making a fool of herself. Gen hugged Becca and you went to grab the drinks.
You introduced Becca to Jensen's mom and sister and showed her what you were doing. You were all sitting in the living room now putting the favours together talking about the wedding and how much was left to do. Jensen had spoken to Danneel about having the wedding at the brewery. To your surprise she was okay with it, even said she would help decorate. You got on with Danneel which you didn't think would ever happen but when she had spoken to you after you nearly left him, you two became good friends, she had settled some insecurities that you had by telling you her's when she was with him.
You made it clear to Jensen that you only wanted a small wedding, nothing too over the top. Just close friends and family. That part saddened you, your father was no longer with you and your mom was too ill to travel. You had spoken to him about how only a handful of your family members were going to be able to make it so you just wanted something simple. Jensen had told you as long as you were there he didn't need anyone else, just you.
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Finishing up the last of the favours you heard the door open then close, Jensen was home after 2 months of non-stop press tours. You bounced out of your seat to meet him half way. He didn't hear you sneaking up behind him as he shook his coat off and put his suitcase by the door. As he turned around you snaked your arms around his waist and hugged him tight "woah easy sweetheart, anyone would think you missed me" you looked up at him and kissed him deeply. Jensen started to get a bit handsy so you had to stop him "your mom and sister are here" you said between kisses "Gen and Becca too". He sighed and let go of you but not before giving you one last peck on the lips.
"Does this mean your free to help out now with the wedding prep son" Donna asked Jensen after he had said hello to everyone and gave them all a hug. He sat down by you wrapping his arm around your waist, tugging you a little closer to him. "Yeah ma, I'm free for the next couple months now to be exact, oh, well apart from that one con me and Jared have got in a couple of weeks" he kissed your temple squeezing you slightly. "Gen, can you make sure he didn't forget anything this time" Jensen pleaded with her which made you all laugh.
After saying goodbye to everyone including Becca who insisted on staying in a hotel so you and Jensen could be alone, you both let out a heavy sigh. He wrapped you up in a tight hug and to your surprise picked you bridal style "Jay, what are you doing" you asked through laughter. "I'm taking my fiance to bed, if she doesn't mind. I haven't seen for over 2 months so we have a lot of catching up to do" you let out a tiny squeal as Jensen went running up the stairs to your master bedroom.
The next morning you woke up to the sounds of soft snores. You felt a heavy weight across your abdomen which you welcomed. As if he knew you were awake Jensen stirred, pulling you closer to him and kissing you softly. "Good morning future Mrs Ackles" that brought a smile to your lips and you kissed him back, "good morning my soon to be husband". You both lay there for a while, glad to be in each other's arms.
"Y/n, I wanna ask you something and feel free to say no, but...." "Why don't I like the sound of this Jay?" You perched up resting your chin on his chest " oh no, it's nothing bad, I just wanna know, well, I would love it if you would come to the con with me. You don't have to go out on stage or anything and Gen is gonna be there with the kids so I'm sure she'll.........." You placed a finger on his lips as a way to shush him before you pecked them "I would love nothing more than to go to the con with you". Jensen's smile grew and he rolled on top of you kissing you hard. He knew how much guts it took for you to do this and well it would be a nice break from all the wedding planning.
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Con weekend, you had never experienced anything like it! Jensen had made sure you were kept out of the limelight. But that didn't stop his fans asking questions about you or the wedding at the first panel. You thought it was cute how he blushed when he spoke about you as you watched on the screen in the green room, Gen had been amazing too. You helped her look after the kids while the boys did their thing.
You both were watching the main panel when you heard one fan ask Jensen if they'd ever get the chance to see you on stage, he looked at Jared and cleared his throat "as much as I would love to share y/n with y'all, she's extremely shy, she's not great with big crowds but she's working on it so, hopefully at a future con maybe" the girl thanked Jensen and went back to her seat. You stood up and told Gen you needed to stretch your legs, but what you did surprised even you.
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You found yourself behind the black curtain you saw Jensen and Jared appear out of. Just as you were about to walk away Rob came up behind you " hey y/n, you okay, you need something" you looked at Rob and told him to tell the crowd there was a special guest waiting. He smiled at you and walked out on stage. At this point Jared and Jensen were winding the panel down getting ready for the last question as Rob started to talk " now guys I just bumped into someone backstage who said she'd love to come and meet y'all" Jensen and Jared looked confused at Rob, wondering what was going on "guys give a nice big cheer for Y/N L/N". The crowd started to go wild as Jensen swung round to see you walk from behind the curtain. Sure you were nervous as hell, but you needed to do this, not just for yourself but for Jensen too. It didn't take long until Jensen was right by you hugging you tight as the crowd let out a collective 'aww' at the same time.
Leaving the stage with Jensen you couldn't help the smile that was on your face, you actually just did something you never thought you'd ever be able to do. As soon as you got in the green room Gen hugged you tight "I knew you could do it girl, your stronger than you think" she released you as you felt another pair of arms hug you from behind "I am so unbelievably proud of you baby, what you just did took guts, you were great out there" you turned in his arms and hugged him back "it was more fun than I thought it would be, you guys have got some great fans" you pulled back enough so you could give him a kiss, to which you heard Shep and Tom say in union "eww gross".
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It was now a week till the wedding, everything was booked and paid for, Danneel was still insisting on decorating the brewery so you gave in and gave her the go ahead.
You were making breakfast for you and Jensen before you had to leave to pick up your dress, the maid of honours dress and the 3 bridesmaid dresses you had made for JJ, Arrow and Odette. Jensen was going to pick up his suit, Jared's, Zeppelin's, Toms and Shep's. You were happy that the kids liked you, it made things a lot easier. As you were flipping the bacon, it felt as if your stomach was doing somersaults. Jensen came into the kitchen as you threw the spatula on the side and darted to the bathroom. After the sickness subsided you made your way back to the kitchen where Jensen looked concerned "you okay sweetheart?, you don't look so good" he felt your head but you weren't burning up " I must've caught a bug or something, I'll be fine" Jensen looked at you again and phoned Becca and asked if she could pick up the dresses for you, which she said she would.
While Jensen was out picking up the suits and now Becca was picking up the dresses for you, you couldn't help but feel nauseous again. You tried to recall what you had eaten or who you had been around that would make you sick like this. Then a thought hit you, but no, you couldn't be, could you? You did the math in your head and as realisation hit you, you grabbed your car keys heading for the nearest pharmacy, your mind was racing.......
Is she or isn't she 🤰🏼🤫🤔we shall see!
Thanks for reading guys , hopefully it won't be too long of a wait for part 2 🥰
TAGLIST: @k-slla @cevansbaby-dove @kaleldobrev @janineb86 @deans-daydream @alternativeprincess94 @tmb510
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canirove · 11 months
Granada | Chapter 11
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"It's so nice to see you again, Lady Rowena."
"You too, my lord."
"And look at you, you are smiling! Such a difference from your wedding day!" Rúben's uncle said.
"Well, she was marrying a stranger. But looks like he has now won her heart, hasn't he?" his aunt asked.
"Aunt, uncle!" Rúben said, joining the conversation. "Thank you for coming."
"Of course! We couldn't miss your birthday, could we?"
Rúben's friends and family members had started to arrive at the summer palace ready to celebrate his birthday, and for the past couple of days, Rowena had spent most of her time welcoming people and hearing the same thing: how happy she looked. 
And she was happy. She was thoroughly enjoying her time at the summer palace, already used to all the new traditions, and she had made some good friends. Even her relationship with Rúben had changed. 
They still were constantly bickering and teasing the other, but something was different. Instead of eyes rolling followed by angry silences, they would find themselves trying not to smile and then continue with their conversation or whatever they were doing. It was just like what her parents always did. 
"Are you and Diogo ready for this year's game?" Rúben's uncle asked. "The boys have been training daily."
"Game? What game?" Rowena asked.
"Each year for my birthday we play a football game. Lords against servants. We started when Diogo and I were kids, and we've kept doing it, it's become a tradition" Rúben explained.
"Why didn't you tell me you played football?"
"You never asked" he shrugged.
"Are you familiar with the sport, my lady?" his aunt asked.
"Both my parents love it and they taught my sisters and I how to play the moment we were able to walk."
"Then you should join the boys!" Rúben's uncle said. 
"I don't think that's a good idea" he replied.
"Why not? Because I am a woman?"
"You know it isn't because of that."
"Then what? Afraid I may be better than you?" Rowena smiled.
"You probably are better than me, yes" he chuckled. "I just worry you may hurt yourself. My cousins take this very seriously and they don't like losing."
"I'll be fine, Rúben. You know I can take care of myself."
"Yes, you can" he smirked.
"Then you should let her play!" 
"She doesn't need my permission, uncle. I'm her husband, not her owner."
"Thank you" Rowena said, feeling her cheeks get warm.
"Well, then it's settled. Looking forward to seeing you play, my lady. The boys' team needs some fresh blood."
"Oh, I'm not planning on playing with them, my lord."
"What?" Rúben's uncle said.
"I'm playing with the servants."
"I can't believe you chose to play with the servants" Anne said while Rowena stretched. 
"Why not?"
"You are a princess! And you will be playing against your husband, who happens to be the birthday boy. What if you win?"
"Then I'll celebrate" she smiled.
"You two are so weird… Why can't you show your love for each other like normal people do?"
"Anne, I've already told you. I don't love Rúben. And he definitely doesn't love me."
"He's coming."
"My prince! Good luck on your game" Anne said before joining Diogo.
"Thank you, Anne. Wife."
"Hello" Rowena said, standing up and stretching her arms. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Your legs."
"I have legs, yes. All women do. Didn't you know?" she chuckled. 
"Of course I do. I'm very familiar with them."
"Of course you are" she replied, rolling her eyes. "Why so surprised, then? You've already seen mine before."
"Not like that. Turn around."
"Just turn around."
"Fine" she sighed.
"Good lord, Rowena" Rúben whispered.
"What. What is it? Please tell me I didn't rip my trousers."
"No, you didn't. But I may rip them from you."
"I beg your pardon?" she said, quickly turning around, the way Rúben was looking at her almost making her trip. He had never looked at her like that, with such intensity. It was as if he wanted to… devour her.
"Rúben, are you ready?" Diogo called.
"Ready!" he replied, his eyes scanning Rowena's body one last time before leaving to meet his brother.
"My lady, are you ready? My lady?" one of the servants asked her.
"Yes, sorry. Let's go" she replied, trying to focus on the game and forget the way Rúben had looked at her. Easier said than done.
"Did you know she was this good?" Diogo complained after the servants' team scored another goal.
"I did not" Rúben said, his eyes following Rowena as she celebrated.
"We've never lost your birthday game, brother."
"There is a first time for everything, Didi" Anne giggled from where she was watching.
"So not funny, love" he replied. "We must do something with your wife."
"Leave that to me" Rúben said. 
"Ouch!" Rowena said when she crashed against someone's chest. A very muscled and naked chest, because the Princes' team had decided to play shirtless just in case the players got confused.
"What they want, is to show off" Anne had said. "Though I'm not complaining."
"Rúben, move."
"No" he said, putting his arms around Rowena.
"Rúben, this is cheating."
"A husband hugging his wife? Since when?"
"Since we are playing a football game. Let me go!" she said, trying to free herself from his grip but making the big mistake of touching his arms. His big and strong arms like Anne called them. The moment she felt them under her hands, she was trapped. They were so… so big and strong.
"Goal!" Diogo yelled behind them.
"They scored! They scored and I couldn't help because of you!" 
"Sorry, wife" Rúben grinned. "I'll let you go now" he said as his hands moved from her waist. But they didn't leave her body. They kept moving down to her butt, giving it a squeeze before finally letting her go.
"Couldn't help myself, cupcake. With those trousers you were asking for it."
"You… you… urgh!" she grunted before running to join her teammates, somehow feeling Rúben's eyes on her back. Or on her lower back to be precise.
"To your left, my lady!" a servant said.
One goal. They just needed one goal and the game would be theirs, the servants winning for the first time. The only thing between her and achieving that, was Rúben. 
"Now!" the servant said again, Rowena managing to pass him the ball. The one who didn't make it tho, was her. 
She crashed against Rúben’s body, doing with such force that it knocked the wind out of her. Though it was nothing compared to what she felt when she fell to the floor and hit her head.
"Rowena!" she heard him say. "Rowena, are you alright? Go fetch the doctor, she's bleeding! Now! Rowena, don't close your eyes. Stay with me."
"I'm here. Please don't close your eyes, Rowena."
But she couldn't. They felt so heavy and her head hurt so much…
"Where is the doctor? Rowena, no… Rowena!"
"Water" she repeated, her throat feeling as if she had been eating sand. 
"Of course, water" Rúben said, helping her drink. "Better?"
"Yes" she whispered. "What happened?"
"That you scared the hell out of me, that's what happened. And it was all my fault."
"Don't you remember the game? When I hit you and you fell?"
"I… I remember crashing against you."
"I hit you and you almost opened your head in half when you fell to the floor."
"My… ouch" she hissed when she moved, one side of her head on fire. "Is it too bad? How do I look?"
"Is that what you care about now? How do you look?" Rúben chuckled.
"Yes" she replied, trying to shrug but being stopped by the pain.
"You look like a mess."
"Then we are matching. You could have put on a shirt or something."
"I was too worried."
"To get dress?" Rowena laughed.
"I was too worried about you to care about anything else. I thought… I thought I…"
"Rúben" she said, reaching for his hand. "I'm fine. Sore and tired, but I'm fine."
"It was my fault, Rowena. I hit you and you fell and…" he said, holding her hand and kissing it. He had never done that before.
"I'm fine, Rúben. And it wasn't your fault. I crashed against you, you didn't hit me. If you want to blame yourself for something, do it for being built like a thick wall."
"Oh, don't try to look clueless. You know what I mean."
"Maybe I do" he smiled. "But I really thought you were leaving me, Rowena."
"Like this? No way. The day I leave you, it'll be because I've managed to finally run away."
"Is it happening any time soon?"
"I'm quite enjoying the summer, so I'll postpone it for the winter."
"Good" Rúben smiled. And like his previous smile, it was one of those he seemed to only show around her. For her. "Can you promise me something, tho?"
"It depends on what it is."
"Don't do anything that could end up scaring me like this. Please."
"I'll try. But only because you used the magic word" Rowena replied with a teasing smile.
"Thank you" he said. And, again, there it was. That smile. "I'm going to tell Anne you are awake."
"Maybe have a bath too?"
"Yes, that too" he chuckled. "I'll come back later to check on you."
"You know where to find me" Rowena smiled. "And Rúben…"
"Thank you. For worrying about me and taking care of me."
"That's what husbands are for. Now rest" he said, kissing her forehead and leaving a tingling sensation on her skin. 
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writer12 · 10 months
• Relations with them | Nami, Usopp, Robin
A/n: Attention! Perhaps OС's characters and all this is a collection of my headcanons and thoughts.
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I don't have many ideas for getting to know Nami, but it seems like a good idea that you are a new member of the team. She is slightly suspicious of you and may even take a couple of coins while you are not looking.
But her attitude is easy to change with a couple of actions. If you are strong enough to protect her, it will make Nami warm to you and protect you in return. But if you are not too strong, then just pay attention to it. Nami loves attention to her person and will only warm up to you even more.
After a while, Nami will want to answer you in kind. From simply not taking your money to buying you small trinkets. Nami likes to give gifts, but she likes to receive them more. Therefore, she expects that after her gifts to you, you will do something nice for her in return.
Nami easily understands her feelings for you, but doesn't know how to express it. She understands that her simple courtesies are not enough and she wants to do something special. Nami might even ask Robin or Sanji for advice, but she doesn't really want too many people to find out about her crush ahead of time.
Her confession will be rather unusual. On the new island that she specially chose for her confession, Nami went with you separately from the rest of the team. She will take you to all the shops, allowing you to choose whatever you want, and in the evening, a romantic dinner awaits you on the ship with a confession at the end.
In a relationship, Nami loves to receive gifts and attention. As with friendship, she expects her partner to give her the best possible attention. In return, she will try to do so in return.
In my opinion, Nami can be quite jealous in relationships, but not over the top. She can become jealous if she sees that you are spending too much time on someone other than her (especially if that someone is beautiful, I feel like Nami has some self-esteem issues). But she will stop being jealous of you if she realizes that you are not seriously interested in the other person.
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I have an idea that you as a member of the team were before him and perhaps more experienced than him, so all he wants is to get your help and approval.
Usopp already has self-esteem issues so he could use a trusted person like you to support him. Give him a compliment, he will blush and try to say something in response, but will only stutter. Give him a gift, he too will blush and with difficulty take the gift with sweaty hands.
Usopp is one of those guys who thinks women can't love him. Therefore, it will be very difficult for him to accept his feelings for you and confess. He will simply try to hide somewhere on the ship or in his workshop and will think about it for a long time.
Usopp may be a romantic, but he always gets out of hand. I'm sure Usopp will try to give you some kind of gift to acknowledge his feelings, but due to his shyness, he will either not give a gift, or due to his carelessness, the gift may break.
He would do a lot, but none of them lived to see this thing intact. The poor guy is just tired of trying to give you the "most perfect gift." Therefore, he simply confesses his love to you out of fatigue. Maybe he was upset that his confession would turn out to be so "less romantic", but he was in seventh heaven with happiness that you accept his feelings.
He is so shy! No matter how many times you kiss him and do other romantic things, he will still blush a lot.
Usopp tries to be romantic. He does not have much money to take you anywhere or buy things for you (because he spends money on materials for inventions), but he will gladly make you something that will be useful to you around the house or in life. (He'll definitely make the two of you wedding rings in the future!)
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(This woman deserves a lot of love and attention, if you don't give it to her, then I will!)
I don't have too many ideas for Robin either. Maybe you became a new member of the team and Robin just couldn't get interested in you. Maybe because of your appearance or character, this is not entirely clear. It is clear that this helps her to strike up a first conversation and friendship with you.
If you are a restless person and cannot see on the spot, then she will watch you with a smile on her lips. But if you are a quiet person and love to read, then Robin will bring you interesting books and make tea so that the two of you can discuss books.
Robin will immediately understand her attitude towards you, but she needs time to notice and make sure that you think the same. As soon as she noticed from your slightest gestures that you then thought the same thing, she began to act.
It all starts with the fact that she gives you small signs of attention. From making tea and small compliments to gifting books and semi-hidden flirting. Robin will do this until she understands that you also feel your feelings for her.
Her recognition can be simple or complex. She might just set you up with a date in the library or with books and put a written confession in the form of a bookmark. But she can also arrange a nice candlelight date for the two of you and confess at the end.
When in a relationship, Robin will shower you with love in every possible way. Her favorite way to show love is by giving gifts and showing love in the form of hugs and kisses. But she shows it more gently, she loves to give you subtle and beautiful hints. For example, she can make you some kind of romantic gesture like one of the characters in your favorite novel did.
Robin in a relationship will also become more protective of you. You will no longer be able to fight without her help and supervision if the battle becomes very serious. She loves you with all her heart and does not want you to die in battle or from wounds.
A/n: I haven't written in a long time, I know. But in return, soon I will open requests and write about One Piece and other fandoms! (I'll also start writing for One Piece on Netflix soon, so stay tuned!)
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graylinesspam · 6 months
Weapon trading ceremony
Din Djarin x ex jedi reader/oc
The Mandalorians were not short on ceremony. Even Din's faction whose traditions could be described as a lot more bare-bones had ceremony. Granted they were a lot more private, which suited your love just fine. He was a very private person after all.
But he was also a rule follower and even his interpretation of the code had rules about courting. You both had blown past a few of those steps in the time that he'd been considered dar'manda, like learning his name outside of the private name trading. But since he'd been redeemed Din has become determined to do things the right way this time.
So even though you've both decided it would be best for you to become a more official member of his clan that, whatever government the Mandalorians try to cobble together, will recognize. And even though you're wedding will consist of vows shared quietly between the two of you in the privacy of his ship, Still Din insists on completing the courting rituals in order.
Which brings you to the weapons trading ceremony. You'd sort of gathered that this was a step in the courting process that had been created to fill space in the time that it would take an armorer to craft or to reforge pieces of armor bearing new clan symbols. This was the last step before trading Beskar. Mandalorians had no gender roles but they did have strong clan loyalty, so whoever had agreed to join the clan of the other would give their partner the piece of armor (usually a pauldron) bearing their former clan symbol and in exchange, they'd replace it with a piece of their own armor bearing the correct clan symbol until the pauldron could be reforged. And after the pauldron was reforged the pieces would be exchanged during the vows ceremony cementing them as a married couple.
The weapons ceremony was essentially the official proposal step in the ceremony. All previous gifts and gestures aside, the gift of a weapon from a suitor was when you needed to decide whether or not you wanted to commit to them. At least that's how Bo had explained it to you. She seemed a little iffy on some of the finer details but Bo had been learning all she could about the more private sect of Mandalorians since she'd taken leadership of them with the endorsement of the Armorer.
You were nervous about what weapon you could possible trade him, you owned so few in comparrison to a mandalorian. Actually all the weapons you owned could probably fit in a shoebox. Meanwhile Din had a whole rack bursting with weaponry. And every weapon you owned you were somewhat reliant on. After a lifetime of an unstable life you learned not to own anything you didn't need to carry on you, and all of those weapons had become a needed item. Besides they were too small to be as useful to Din. Bo said you could purchase something for him, the symbolism was more important than the weapon it's self. But knowing how meticulously picky he was about every aspect of every weapon that felt like a daunting task as well. And you knew by the way he was taking this whole courting process so seriously that he definitely had something specific in mind for you.
You could give him your first knife. But it had been a gift from your brothers during the clone wars and you didn't want to give up that piece of them.
You only really had one other idea, and it definitely seemed out of the box. With the pressure mounting you were deffinitly grateful that these ceremonies were private for his faction and not the clan-wide public displays of the old clans like clan Kryze.
You'd agreed on a rough time for the ceremony, After you were in hyperspace on the way back to Navarro. With the kid tucked into his little hammock and the ship's controls on autopilot Din swiveled his chair in your direction. He was a bit more rigid than normal, neither leaning back or forward he was almost sitting rigidly upright except for his downturned shoulders. His hands were clasped awkwardly in front of him. You half expected to hear him clear his throat the the static of the modulator before he spoke. But he was direct as always.
"Are you ready to do this?"
You nodded your head fidgeting in your seat as he reached one hand into the satchel he'd slung over the neck of the headrest on his chair. A cloth-wrapped lump was obscured in his large hands. He carefully unwrapped the bundle laying the corners of the cloth out until a plain silver vambrance was left cradled in his palm.
"Din." you start but emotion chokes you up, "You aren't supposed to give me armor unless we're married," You joke to recover.
"It rides the line between armor and a weapon. It doesn't break any rules." He argues. "It's bare now, just a commlink and a shield. You'll have to train if you want to add anything else to it. But a shield will be plenty. you rely too heavily on evasion in conflict to keep from getting hit. you need to learn how to guard."
It should be irritating the way he picks apart you're technique and critiques you, as if you haven't been fighting in wars since before he took his oath. But his concern is, in this case, endearing. Especially since he's offering you an actual solution and not just telling you to do better.
He holds the vambrace out and you give him your wrist letting him open the metal up and clamp it around your arm. He opens and closes the metal a few times slowly, letting his fingers slide with meaning over the joints and catches to show you how to do it yourself. When he releases your arm you test the weight of it, knowing it will take time to get used to. You haven't worn a vambrace since the war.
Instead of leaning back, Din has taken to looming before you with his elbows on his knees and his shoulders hunched low. You think he may actually be attempting to look smaller and less demanding. He does a poor job of it.
Hesitantly you tug the chain around your neck pulling the well worn necklace out from under your shirt. It's clunky and sort of industrial looking. A sturdy metal ring just smaller than your palm, beveled around the edge and marked with scratches from continuous wear, was poorly corded through with a thick sturdy woven chain.
You'd worn it every day since the Empire rose to power, but now you unscrewed the sturdy clasp and let it fall into your palm. "Let me explain." You rushed out with a shakey breath.
"The Jedi taught us that our lightsabers were our lives. Most of that was to keep up from letting anyone else get ahold of it. An untrained idiot wielding a saber is...well y'know. But there was more to it than that. It was our weapon of last resort. Our identification. And it served as a conduit with the force. When the jedi fell and the last of us had to disappear, we had to lose our lightsabers. We couldn't risk being found with one. And we couldn't risk them falling into the wrong hands either, So we destroyed them. Hid away the kyber crystals and destroyed the hilts. But it's hard to let go of your life, even when most of it has already been destroyed." You plucked the ring up with two fingers and held it up so that Din could see it better.
"This used to be the outer ring of the emitter on my lightsaber. I remember picking it out to match my master. It's the only thing I have left of that part of my life. I know as Riduur we're supposed to be one, to live one life together. Well, this is the oldest piece of my life if I give this to you, then you have all of me. I know it's not a functional weapon, but it's the only thing I own that means the same thing to me that your weapons mean to you spiritually. It's like, part of my soul."
You glance up from under your lashes as his shoulders seize with a halted breath. He straightens in his seat and holds out an open hand. Hesitantly you place the ring down into his much larger palm. He turns the ring examining it with curiosity despite the fact that he must have seen it many times around your neck.
"Is that ok?" you ask hesitantly.
"Yes." he replies hurriedly. "If you're sure you're willing to part with it."
"Yes, I want you to wear it. I-.." You flounder for words. "I want this part, the engagement to feel like it supposed to. I mean-" You huff in frustration. "I want you to know, even though we have some religious differences, that I'm not just going along with your courting process to appease you. I care about what all this is supposed to mean. And I'm trying to find the places where we're similar."
Well that wasn't entirely what you meant to say but you hoped he could understand what you were trying to say, that you didn't just love and respect him, but also the life he wanted to build with you and the moral code that was the foundation of that life.
"Thank you." you weren't sure but he might've sounded choked up through the modulator. He stood before you could pry into it though and used his fist with the ring clenched in it to tilt your chin up so he could press his helmet gently against your forehead.
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real-life-senshi · 9 months
10 (Mostly) Spoiler-Free Reasons to Watch Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 2003 Live Action
A countdown to the 20th anniversary of Act 1 air date!
Speaking of the casting of UsaMamo, let's actually talk about the live-action cast!
Reason 7: The cast!
If you become a fan of the series, despite the show approaching its 20th anniversary and sadly not being greenlit for more than one season, your joy DOES NOT end there.
The love the Senshi cast have for the show and for each other is ABSOLUTELY legendary. If one dabs into Japanese entertainment news even for just a little bit, then it's pretty impossible for them to forget this show existed because it gets brought up yearly, especially because Rei's actress Kitagawa Keiko' is 's career took flight and became insanely famous in Japan's acting industry a few years after the live-action.
Seriously, please see the following clip subbed by me and hear how Ayaka (Venus/Minako) talks about the live-action Senshi team. <3
Without further ado, please see some other examples of their lovely ongoing love for the series, the overall franchise, and each other.
Cast Reunions/Gatherings
Senshi Reunion "戦士会" A well-known term coined for the live-action 5 Senshi gathering. As Ayaka said, it includes birthday parties, Bonenkai and Shinenkai, engagement parties, and more!
My record of their gatherings dates as far back as 2006, and that's NOT counting the times when any of these ladies meet up in pairs or smaller pods and post about them on their social media and then practically. yell into the writing that they want all five of them to meet up soon. lol For a more "structured" Senshi reunion, usually they manage to get at least four of them together, if not all 5, due to work scheduling clashes.
At Keiko (Mars)'s wedding ceremony, the Senshi cast also all sang the show's insert song Friend together. :')
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The girls have so much fun together, they are also known for taking blurry photos because they laugh themselves silly. (Adorable!)
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PGSM 10th Anniversary Cast & Crew Celebration (2014) *Logistics of the event organization and individual's work schedule delayed them from actually celebrating in 2013 October.
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2016 Super Moon Sighting (Cast & Crew Gathering)
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The Senshi-exclusive reunion (2015) The gang claimed all the news of the Senshi reunion was making them jealous and feel left out, so they chose to have their own gathering without the Senshi. For a while that led to a hilarious back and forth between them and the Senshi on Twitter about making it a regular thing and maybe they'll invite a Senshi one at a time for further gatherings. lol
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Here is hoping we get a 20th anniversary celebration cast and crew gathering. If the 10th anniversary celebration was anything to go by, the event might not necessarily happen right on the dot of the anniversary. Still, if not the day-of, this weekend, or this coming weekend will still be a key period for live-action fans to monitor the casts social media and blog accounts for any celebratory posts!
Supporting each other's work
The Senshi cast, Naoki (Shingo), Akira (Kunzite), and Jouji (Mamoru) show support for each other's stageplay appearances across the years.
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Miyuu guest starred in Ayaka's live broadcast, and Ayaka promoted Miyuu's stageplay as part of the broadcast
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Ayaka joining Miyuu on her Japanese shave ice eating and promo Youtube videos. (Twice!)
The cast members are always excited when they get to guest star in a JDrama Keiko (Mars) is a main cast of.
Ayaka in Buzzer Beat (2009)
Miyuu and Jouji in Iie ru Onna (2016)
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The Senshi cast sending flowers and showing up in person to Ayaka's own unisex apparel brand - 502EASY's popup store!
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Ongoing Mentions of Their Time in PGSM Lovingly
Last but certainly not least, there is no lack of ongoing mentions and positive reminiscing of their filming experience from this cast!
Keiko (Mars) fangirling over meeting Usagi's anime voice actress!
Video here! (Tumblr keeps giving me error when embedding...)
Usagi, Mamoru and Motoki reunited in Ryusoulger
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Miyuu's PGSM Viewing Party
Sawai Miyuu (Usagi/Moon) does periodic live broadcasts on her Youtube channel, and has been hosting viewing parties of her rewatching the live-action. She's done Act 1 - Act 18 already!
Ayaka's talking about PGSM and Senshi team in multiple of her Youtube Q&A videos
Ayaka at Brazil ANIME FRIENDS CON 2019
Ayaka & Miyuu as Guest in Sailor Moon events
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Director Suzumura's Glasses Night Talk - Ayaka (Venus), Jouji (Mamoru), Mew (Jupiter)
Director Suzumura’s Glass Night Take.017 (Feb 26, 2022) - Komatsu Ayaka (Summarized Translation here)
Director Suzumura’s Glass Night Take.034 (July 7, 2023) - Shibue Jouji (Summarized translation to come!)
Director Suzumura’s Glass Night Take.037 (Oct 17, 2023) - Azama Mew (UPCOMING SOON!!!!)
Kitagawa Keiko spoke about her relationship with Sailor Moon franchise and the Senshi Team when promoting her voice role as Sailor Cosmos
And you can also find multiple fan-translation of Keiko's interview articles here on my blog!
This post got really long, but it's not even near all of the mentions and references this amazing cast have made, speaking positively and endearingly of each other and the show!
You can watch the subbed versions of the series at:
Miss Dream Fansubs
Sea of Serenity Fansubs
The series is also on other online streaming sites, but be cautious to only visit them with good adware and firewall installed.
Additionally, if you ever want to receive info about the PGSM cast without being bogged down by content with fanart, fanfic posts like this blog, I recommend following @pgsm-gal!
4 days till the 20th anniversary of Act 1 air date!
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
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beautifulpersonpeach · 5 months
BPP, I thought JK was the one who was brave and reckless enough (lol) to show ARMYs an actual living woman in his MVs. But he kinda destroyed it all explaining that he did everything like a robot (in case of snty), that he just did what the director told him.
But V. That was unexpected. IU is not just some random girl. Also the wedding dress? The softest touches and sweet glances. V is a member I always found difficult to understand and relate to. But since chapter 2, I totally changed my opinion about him. Very interesting.
I don’t think Jungkook “kinda destroyed it all” by saying Seven wasn’t autobiographical. Regardless of what Jungkook feels, Seven left an impression. Especially with the crowd of y/n delulus in the fandom. Every little showing helps them get used to the idea.
Anyway, your main point is Taehyung and god, yes! In Chapter 2 I’ve fallen a little in love with Tae. He’s just so… interesting. I’m starting to more clearly see the colour he adds to BTS. It’s really remarkable that all seven guys are individually such monsters to begin with. Their brilliance as a group is almost unthinkable.
Because sometimes, years back, I used to wonder what was so special about Taehyung that Jimin would call him his soulmate. And vice versa. Yeah Friends was suggested to Jimin by Bang PD (taking Jimin’s solo song and turning it into a duet), but Jimin wouldn’t have agreed if he didn’t feel like doing it. I mean remember his qualms about singing something he didn’t understand in the BTS book. And also, his ‘soulmate’ is just not the kind of thing he’d joke about or not take seriously. I consider Jimin to be exceptionally talented, and in Chapter 1 I kinda sorta saw Tae’s potential of the same, but it’s only in Chapter 2 I’ve become fully aware of it.
Taehyung is exceptionally talented. Vocally, visually, in acting, dancing, and variety. He’s the whole package. And this is before we consider he looks like the (pre-problematic) Brad Pitt Korean version, who could also moonlight as a Bollywood male lead.
Tae’s acting in that MV is stellar. IU isn’t slacking either. But I have to say, I’d be cautious about giving so much weight to it alone. IU is openly dating Lee Jongsuk, and in some conservative pockets there’s no bigger deterrent than a taken woman. But the effect compounded with earlier news of Tae and Jennie breaking up, how even if that was fake it added a smidgen of credibility to them having dated in the first place. Then seeing how IU touched his face, the way his eyes fell when she covered his good eye…
Tae is talented and I’m so glad we got to see him in this MV. He looks incredible.
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