#seriousy tho
dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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Ranulf is by far one of the characters with the most potential that I wish they went more in depth with. He's such an important and prominent character, but the fact that you don't even hear he's been having these nightmares for the past three or so years now unless you get this specific dialogue is such a shame.
I think he's a perfect comedy relief/plot serious balanced character, but the amount of personal information we have about him/his feelings/his life are minimal. We see a completely different side of him when they went to Gritnea Tower in PoR, but it's something we only see again one more time, and that's in this chapter.
It's basically like, he has a lot of depth and personality, but they only sprinkle it very sparingly. I just find that to be so odd considering his importance in both games, and the fact that he's one of the central characters in RD in general (that is, he's even more prominent in RD than he was in PoR, and he was still relatively important in PoR). He's no less filled with characterization than other main characters like Ike and Soren, but we're given it so infrequently that it's much easier to gloss over and not think much about again.
I wish they did more with the other facets of his character, outside of him being one of the most kind, intelligent and empathetic characters (especially among the beast laguz, since the general impression we're given is that the bird tribe uses logic over emotion in comparison to the usually emotional and erratic beast laguz, and those are the two most prominent laguz species in the story).
Like, it's great that he has those qualities, but people get angry. They get aggressive. They get enraged. No person is just a solid funny and nice person, and Ranulf has all of those kind and angry qualities, but they skimp so much on this amazing writing of him. You learn so much about him and what he's been going through from these few brief instances of him becoming angry, but they just don't touch on it enough. They had a chance to continue his first base conversation with Ike and bring it up to him. It would've been the perfect time, because we have this dialogue in their first conversation:
Ike: You can come talk to me anytime you want. Don’t think you’re alone in all this. Ranulf: Heh… What are you, an inquisitor? Ike: A guy’s got to do something between battles. Talk to you later. Ranulf: …
At first Ranulf was talking about feeling bad for bringing beorc into a laguz affair, and then they discuss that Skrimir is giving Ranulf a headache with his behavior. That could've been their first conversation, but then they could've had a follow up based around the end of their conversation (the above). It would've been the perfect opportunity to give us another base conversation where Ranulf does go to talk to him because of these nightmares and all the stress he's been having. Imo the way they end the conversation with "...", makes it sound like there's more on Ranulf's mind than just what he was open about.
If you consider that he's been having nightmares about what he saw at Gritnea Tower for the past few years, then you consider that the laguz all just found out from Rafiel that the Begnion senators started the rumor about the herons to get them all killed, it's reasonable imo to consider that Ranulf is intelligent enough that he may have been starting to put the pieces together.
We learn late into part 3 that Izuka was working with the senators, and I feel like Ranulf's suspicions should've been raised. I don't think it's necessarily bad writing that he didn't catch on, but more of a missed opportunity. The whole situation affected him very deeply and they were very expressive about that in both games, but it's just that we don't see enough of that side of him, as in, we don't see it enough times.
In a way I feel like it also hits harder when you have the fun/funny, friendly, kind person experience something that tragic - witnessing the result of his race having been used for experiments and seeing their rotted corpses. Knowing people see his race as expendable and on top of that, left their carcasses to rot after pure torture. He saw innocent lives that had been taken and after all that horror, not even given any sort of burial, let alone a proper one.
There's also the fact that he's a cat - he has a very good sense of smell, and that's how he realized who the Black Knight was before anyone else. The smell of rotting corpses alone would be a lot to handle, but to be able to smell it better than anyone else in the room would have been absolutely traumatizing.
Again - the fun and funny, friendly, kind person experienced something horrible enough that he had a breakdown over it (and (presumably extreme based on context) subsequent emotional distress for years following). Tibarn and Reyson had their own ways of dealing with it that we were also shown (Tibarn was more much collected about it, and he put his rage into his strength, which Reyson similarly did, versus Ranulf's very outward emotional response), but Ranulf has never been subjected to anything that horrendous through the events of the game prior.
To have it be a one off situation in both games (as detailed as they were at the times they happened) is a huge shame imo and deserved to be expanded upon. It's clearly not something he got over over the years, and may never have gotten over post RD (even if he did feel better about it after killing Izuka or, if you didn't have him kill Izuka, if he felt better about it knowing Izuka had been killed for his crimes by the army Ranulf was part of).
I just wish they went more into detail about his feelings, because they were very powerful and emotional and felt like they should've been a stronger part of his character as a whole. Considering his role in RD is about as important if not more important than Elincia's PoR presence, it's something he really deserved as a central character. I love this battle dialogue because it shows you his raw feelings outside of that good ol' sweetheart guy. We can see something he's been struggling with, and we can see him express that so well in the scene they did give him that it would've been amazing to have more of that.
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discountdyke · 3 months
idk why but some of yall think that being a trans man makes you nothing like a cis man and then turn around and start attacking women and claiming that women as a class are oppressing men. and idk how to explain to you that this is exactly what cis men do. and that's not a good thing
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serenas-star · 3 months
I’m so interested in what the fear powers will be this season like its so hard to guess especially because the rules could’ve changed
So far we know
1. Mr. Bonzo, some stranger esc mascot horror power
2. Needles okayyy fear of needles? trypophobia too maybe? possibly posions but that’s just theory
3. Plants??????? i seriousy cannot guess what this one is
4. Tattoos that become real??? Like. Ink5oul def just has some weird way of manifesting their power/powers. We know they’re marked by a god tho… like they want to be seen but the fear they inflict on others has nothing to do with that idk im seriously lost. Maybe something like the web where the tattoos manipulate things to happen but could be anything
5. That one liminal space episode yea that’s def a widespread fear but not enough for a power of its own so I think its a way a bigger power manifested
6. The violin episode and the lady okay so ik it seems weird to use these together and yea me too, but they both have the theme of using others for selfish purposes. At first glance from a tma lense they seem slaughter and hunt however! this is not tma anymore and as much as I love both those horrifying powers I don’t think they’ll straight up return like it feels they did
7. The Dice listen ik i just said no returns but I seriously cannot think of anything but the end maybe the magnus institute statements are still related to old powers somehow? i don’t think so but idk just throwing thoughts around
8. That one app the crypto bro was on honestly this is the one I can connect to the dice without using the end maybe a fear that life is never in your control? maybe the app was made by the same power mentioned in 6
9. Voyeur movie dude this is literally the eye of something similar like??? i wanted to avoid the thought of fear powers returning but this is just the eye
To close this longgg text post out im gunna mention the things im clueless about
- the volunteers
- the snakes
- the doppelgänger (could be a fear power could have something to do with universes merging)
- And whatever’s going on in the magnus institute
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kousaka-ayumu · 11 months
the star sensed his protagonist powers/j
Seriousy tho that's. Very interesting. Unless its scan picked up Stardust which makes a bit more sense given he's the failed Moonlight
Though I can only hope this foreshadows Gingerbrave getting a freakishly huge buff somehow heh
Neither that or he's gonna get a legendary costume, if costume one is true, then I'll be happy for him
Probably they are making the rest of the starter team(Strawberry, Wizard, Custard the III and Chili)
Or that he has a relation with a legendary cookie that we didn't know yet.
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baba-the-yagaa · 2 years
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this is Auryon, pirate oc of the lovely @unicornacopia
I had so much fun making this and the overlay layer looked hilarious, so i do hope you reblog it. you can like too if you want but reblogging would help out a lot more than just likes. Seriously.
also, for a limited time ofc, you too can submit a request and I'll draw it!! I'll tell you when the requests are closed, but if you're not sure just check the pinned post.
anyways, i hope your soup is flavourful, that your weather is good to you, and that you have a nice day :D
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alildritten · 3 years
Okay, apologies in advance, this post became really long!!
I have had such frickin’ brainrot for Sundrop/Moondrop, and ended up making a whole au that isn’t even focused on them at all lol.
Ok, so here’s some ideas I had:
-Two new animatronics
-Nova: A dragon animatronic that was made for the role of security, and is there to protect Vanessa/current security guard. (Very fuzz)
-Mocha: A tiger animatronic that runs a small coffee shop within the building, slightly nearish to DJMM’s area. (Also very fuzz)
Excuse me, I currently have songs running in and out of my head, I just need to scream for a sec- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Okay, back to work. Nova was purposefully made, because I wanted to try to make an AU. I have never made an AU before, so… we’ll see how this goes. Mocha, on the other hand, ended up just sort-of…. existing in the end. So, yeah.
-Eclipse: Human, (I don’t know much of the lore for the previous games, but I bet I can have my brother explain the whole shabang, who had a FNAF phase and all), Eclipse would’ve worked at all the previous places as a night security guard. For some reason, they suddenly quit before SB came out. (Idk which was the most recent before that, but I keep thinking it’s Sister Location. Should be pretty obvious by now, but I’m a scaredy-cat who never had a FNAF phase before now.) Eclipse came back when she heard of the new pizzeria. Just to check it out, and stuff. Y’know, check up on security, see if the bots are in need of scraping, yeah. Oh, right, they also (use she/they pronouns) have a full security pass, as compensation for surviving and working at the company so long.
-Eclipse becomes close friends with all the animatronics, in particular Nova, and has a tendency (okay, every day, sometimes multiple times a day) to go to Mocha’s little coffee shop, because, unlike me, they are obsessed with drinking coffee.
-Sun and Moon are separate beings, and consider the other as a brother. Sun is still hyper and wacky, (might have trouble writing them), and Moon is going to be patient and calm. (Most of the time.)
-Eclipse has a sword. That can cut through metal. Don’t ask, I don’t know either, but I keep imagining them with a cool sword that can ACTUALLY DO DAMAGE TO ANIMATRONI-
-Eclipse and Roxanne are good friends, many similar interests
-Freddy is still the kind father figure, Chica… idk, you figure it out I really don’t know, Roxanne is still an insecure little wolf and likes slightly more intense music and acts really cool but is constantly questioning herself and reality, and Monty is still the aggressive little gator that he is.
-Monty and Roxy like to go golfing together, where they golf as they talk about all their problems and can have arguments that don’t affect their friendship, including talking about the absence of Bonnie and Foxy, as well as what that entails.
-Monty did NOT attack Bonnie, and was actually close friends with him. I also go with the headcannon that the bucket thing ended up smashing Bonnie to the point where they just gave up and replaced him with Monty.
-Yes, Vanessa exists in this AU. She and Eclipse become close friends.
Alright, I’m done for now, though I have thought this AU through SO MANY TIMES OH MY GOSH-
Also, a little thing too. :>
On Valentines Day, Eclipse went to the pizzeria. Like usual. When she entered, she spotted Vanessa patrolling. They were closed today, so she wasn’t too surprised. She called out a quick, “Hey, Vanessa! Happy Valentines Day!” and gave a wave. Vanessa returned her enthusiastic greeting before getting back to work. There wasn’t much different in scenery for the pizzaplex. Perhaps, yes, maybe a few more hearts than usual, and perhaps the lighting was only slightly more pinkish, but not much overall. Eclipse frowns, just slightly, before suddenly getting tackled by an enormous… puppy? That’s what it seemed like, almost, from the way Nova acted. They were panting, tongue out, tail wagging furiously in excitement. “Hi Eclipse! How are you? It’s nice to see you again!” Eclipse pushes them off, laughing at their enthusiasm. “Hi, Nova.” She gives Nova a boop on the nose, whose face goes from excitement to confusion as they contemplate what that was. “Happy Valentines Day!” She says, whipping out a heart sticker and putting it on their muzzle. “What’s Valentines Day?” Nova asks, even more puzzled. “Oh! It’s called the day of love.” Nova gives her a suspicious look. “No, no. Not like that. I mean it in a platonic way, silly! Others use the day to show romantic feelings, usually, but I just use it to show my friends some appreciation!” Nova nods, understanding. They boop Eclipse’s nose, and yell “HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!” with a massive grin on their face. Eclipse bursts out laughing, their happiness contagious.
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lilakennedy · 5 years
... I may have gotten the words wrong
KJSDHGSDF I MEAN THAT’S FINE - honestly, the change from “you need to wake up” to “it’s time to wake up” ? pretty dope, not gonna lie. 
sounds more ominous in a way, i dig it -
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messyspacespades · 6 years
Everyone says Alex Mercer would listen to some sort of Death Metal or (humorusly) Beethoven.
(I’ve recently gotten into Linkin Park, and honestly, it just sounds like something Alex Mercer would listen to.)
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ladysantos · 6 years
this is prolly my 10th time watching kda popstars
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Did anyone else see that?
Did anyone else see the LAZIEST transition in the latest episode of the 100? When Madi and Clarke are watching McCreary execute defectors and then it’s this terrible amateur fade transition --- DID ANYONE ELSE SEE THAT CAUSE I’M STILL CRINGING!!!!?????
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kiri-tired · 3 years
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Just made a spotify playlist for Hope to Die and never before have I felt so motivated to work on a fanfic
Really wish someone would've told me about this forbidden writing technique sooner because finding out about it at 1am is going to hit my sleep schedule pretty hard going forward
On the bright side tho, I am definitely updating this Sunday, so that's cool
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daugtherofgreed · 3 years
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"Sorry for the inactivity the mun was playing favorites with his blogs!'
"No I wasn't-
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"Quiet you!'
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soupfool · 4 years
hullo i am drunk but i need to know how the teenage mutant ninja turltles are allowed to say sexual stuff all teh time liek maybe they are always the ones saying it (ie sexualizing megan fox) and like yeah its never reciprocated but considerhngn 25% percent of the title is that they are underage i feel like this is not okau... like yeah i get turltles aitn 6ft tall or whatever but how the fuck thte be lettign this on m computer screen
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sleepyselfships · 4 years
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sevenpeaches · 5 years
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Its moments like these I’m so thankful to have such a warm and caring family. I opened my suitcase last night, feeling out of place and a bit alone, and was met with these envelopes. Not gonna lie, that was the tipping point for me — there were tears. 🥺🤧
My family knows how stressful starting this new job and venturing off alone has been for me, so they took the time to write letters with words of encouragement and comfort for each day of my first week working here, and snuck them into my suitcase without me knowing. It’s such a thoughtful gesture I might just start crying again~ And I’ve gotten so much support from you guys whenever I start stressing about things — I just want to say thank you, truly 💞 I’m so lucky to have friends and family like you 💜
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