#dritten rambling for a bit
alildritten · 3 years
Okay, apologies in advance, this post became really long!!
I have had such frickin’ brainrot for Sundrop/Moondrop, and ended up making a whole au that isn’t even focused on them at all lol.
Ok, so here’s some ideas I had:
-Two new animatronics
-Nova: A dragon animatronic that was made for the role of security, and is there to protect Vanessa/current security guard. (Very fuzz)
-Mocha: A tiger animatronic that runs a small coffee shop within the building, slightly nearish to DJMM’s area. (Also very fuzz)
Excuse me, I currently have songs running in and out of my head, I just need to scream for a sec- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Okay, back to work. Nova was purposefully made, because I wanted to try to make an AU. I have never made an AU before, so… we’ll see how this goes. Mocha, on the other hand, ended up just sort-of…. existing in the end. So, yeah.
-Eclipse: Human, (I don’t know much of the lore for the previous games, but I bet I can have my brother explain the whole shabang, who had a FNAF phase and all), Eclipse would’ve worked at all the previous places as a night security guard. For some reason, they suddenly quit before SB came out. (Idk which was the most recent before that, but I keep thinking it’s Sister Location. Should be pretty obvious by now, but I’m a scaredy-cat who never had a FNAF phase before now.) Eclipse came back when she heard of the new pizzeria. Just to check it out, and stuff. Y’know, check up on security, see if the bots are in need of scraping, yeah. Oh, right, they also (use she/they pronouns) have a full security pass, as compensation for surviving and working at the company so long.
-Eclipse becomes close friends with all the animatronics, in particular Nova, and has a tendency (okay, every day, sometimes multiple times a day) to go to Mocha’s little coffee shop, because, unlike me, they are obsessed with drinking coffee.
-Sun and Moon are separate beings, and consider the other as a brother. Sun is still hyper and wacky, (might have trouble writing them), and Moon is going to be patient and calm. (Most of the time.)
-Eclipse has a sword. That can cut through metal. Don’t ask, I don’t know either, but I keep imagining them with a cool sword that can ACTUALLY DO DAMAGE TO ANIMATRONI-
-Eclipse and Roxanne are good friends, many similar interests
-Freddy is still the kind father figure, Chica… idk, you figure it out I really don’t know, Roxanne is still an insecure little wolf and likes slightly more intense music and acts really cool but is constantly questioning herself and reality, and Monty is still the aggressive little gator that he is.
-Monty and Roxy like to go golfing together, where they golf as they talk about all their problems and can have arguments that don’t affect their friendship, including talking about the absence of Bonnie and Foxy, as well as what that entails.
-Monty did NOT attack Bonnie, and was actually close friends with him. I also go with the headcannon that the bucket thing ended up smashing Bonnie to the point where they just gave up and replaced him with Monty.
-Yes, Vanessa exists in this AU. She and Eclipse become close friends.
Alright, I’m done for now, though I have thought this AU through SO MANY TIMES OH MY GOSH-
Also, a little thing too. :>
On Valentines Day, Eclipse went to the pizzeria. Like usual. When she entered, she spotted Vanessa patrolling. They were closed today, so she wasn’t too surprised. She called out a quick, “Hey, Vanessa! Happy Valentines Day!” and gave a wave. Vanessa returned her enthusiastic greeting before getting back to work. There wasn’t much different in scenery for the pizzaplex. Perhaps, yes, maybe a few more hearts than usual, and perhaps the lighting was only slightly more pinkish, but not much overall. Eclipse frowns, just slightly, before suddenly getting tackled by an enormous… puppy? That’s what it seemed like, almost, from the way Nova acted. They were panting, tongue out, tail wagging furiously in excitement. “Hi Eclipse! How are you? It’s nice to see you again!” Eclipse pushes them off, laughing at their enthusiasm. “Hi, Nova.” She gives Nova a boop on the nose, whose face goes from excitement to confusion as they contemplate what that was. “Happy Valentines Day!” She says, whipping out a heart sticker and putting it on their muzzle. “What’s Valentines Day?” Nova asks, even more puzzled. “Oh! It’s called the day of love.” Nova gives her a suspicious look. “No, no. Not like that. I mean it in a platonic way, silly! Others use the day to show romantic feelings, usually, but I just use it to show my friends some appreciation!” Nova nods, understanding. They boop Eclipse’s nose, and yell “HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!” with a massive grin on their face. Eclipse bursts out laughing, their happiness contagious.
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alildritten · 3 years
I was just kinda chilling, crocheting a bit, got 5 NOTIFICATIONS FROM TUMBLR. HELLO?! I was not expecting that…. Anyway, then, in the car, going to get some food….
Me: *casually scrolling through tumblr*
Mom: *ranting about the argument she and my oldest brother had*
Mom: *mentions transgender and bisexual and I think another gender or sexuality*
Me: *starts paying attention*
Okay, well… I asked what the argument was about, she explained, and yes, she did mention trans and bi. ‘Cause my oldest brother went right out there and argued about them…. (Idk, something, he is supportive, though, don’t worry) SO I at first thought: Good to know, she is a homophobe. No, she’s not really, just thinks its a sin to… y’know… “do” people of the same gender. She mentioned how “She thinks that a man was made for a woman and a woman was made for a man.” WELL…. They might’ve, but we kinda have found that this logic has been broken by society a long time ago. Seriously, “they were roomates!” “Best friends” “friendship goals” blah blah blah. Whatever you call it, it was love, in romantic, sexual, both, platonic, or whatever. So, my understanding is she hasn’t done research (which she mentioned she did not), thinks that same-gender attraction exists, but is a sin to do anything on it, and I was completely wrong on what I thought her views of the community were. Maybe I’d have better luck coming out to my brothers and dad…. All I know, I am NOT going to come out to her- not yet. Maybe wait a few years. SO HECK. If she ever finds out about the asexual flag, WELP. She will probably remember the ankle bracelet I have and how it has the ace colors, because she HAS SEEN IT. HECK. (And also, I know I’m aroace, and she’d probably be fine with that, NOT CERTAIN THO, but from my understanding, I don’t want to tell her I’m non-binary. (Possibly agender) I think she thinks that transgender is just a gender, not a transition from male to female (or ftm). SO HECK.) She did say she has friends that are gay, lesbian, bi, and she respects them. So, uh, yay…? Possibly…?
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alildritten · 3 years
Just want to talk about how little kid me actually helped me now to accept myself. So, as a child, I was taught of everything bad that people have done (so that we don’t do those things), and in the process, I hated the fact that I was human. So, I decided, I wanted everyone to call me a dritten. Not a human. (More so my family, I never told my friends about this.) So, my mom still calls me “her little dritten” and it’s been making me uncomfortable. Considering, I’m out of that phase, because I’ve been seeing more and more of how good people can be, ever since I joined the LGBTQIA+ community. I’m alright with being human. So, it makes me sad when I hear people invalidating us, and saying we aren’t human. But, it gives me a smile when I see others of our community saying we’re “gods” or other creatures that are really cool. And you know what? I’m a non-binary, aromantic asexual DRAGON. That’s right. You’re talking to an amazing DRAGON here, who loves you for you, and tells you to do good deeds. And there is nothing you can do to make me feel unhappy with myself. I’ve hated myself for too long. I’m realizing who I am, and I’m PROUD. Of course, I have a dritten form, I use it around family. :) Have a good day/night, and thanks for listening to my crazy thought processes. You are valid, and goodbye. See you next time.
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alildritten · 3 years
This is the worst. Heck, tomorrow I have school, and I keep imagining that I fall asleep in the middle of class because I couldn’t fall asleep last night. NOTHING IS HELPING. Either I get scared by another thing, or I just can’t fall asleep in general. ACKKKKKK I HATE THIS I’M SO BORED BUT CAN’T SLEEEEEEEP AND NOTHING IS INTERESTING MEEEEEEEE
Save me. Nothing is happening (except my cat purring which is nice) and I’m so boooorrreeddddddd. Time is moving SO SLOWLY. I can’t read anything, I don’t want to be on devices, it’s too dark to crochet, I CAN’T THINK OF ANYTHING TO DOOOOOOOO. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Is this what I get for having a nice, chill Sunday? Is this what I get? I hate it. Please. LET ME SLEEEEEP! UNIVERSE WHYYYYYYYYY
Update: 4:20 am, still awake, still bored. Can’t sleep. I AM STILL PERFECTLY AWAKE WHY. At least I was keeping my cat company, holding her paw while she slept, for probably at least an hour. That was nice.
Update 2.0: 7:10 am, apparently I fell asleep for a little less than an hour. I’m lucky my parents aren’t forcing me to go to school today. *sheepish laughing* hehehe… he… hehe… I’m running on 40 minutes of sleep. Yes, I am definitely not okay. Everything feels slightly sore, yet perfectly fine. I hate this. How much worse is it when you don’t sleep at all? Seriously, health check for everyone with insomnia? And I see no pleasure in staying up all night anymore. Why is that a thing, anyway?
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alildritten · 3 years
Why is the thought- no, not even actually doing- just the THOUGHT of coming out to my family/friends so hard? ACK. I have been thinking on this for WEEKS now, POSSIBLY EVEN A MONTH/MORE. I keep trying to think of a subtle way to do it, BUT I’M SUCH A NERVOUS HECK THAT I CAN’T. Like, seriously, my parents have always said they want the best for me, no matter what. And that’s wonderful, and with everything about them, COMING OUT WOULD BE PERFECTLY FINE AND SAFE AND I DON’T HECKING NEED TO WORRY SO MUCH. BUT I DO. And so here I am. Ranting about it. Like, seriously, a friend of mine came out to me as trans, and so it’d be fine to come out to them. Y’know. Right? ACKKKKK WHY CAN’T I JUST CALM THE HECK DOWN AND COME OUT WITHOUT WORRYING SO MUCHHHH?!?! I mean, I don’t need to, but I want to. I really want to. I’m just a heckin scaredy-cat about it.
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alildritten · 3 years
Okay, tbh I never thought I’d get into a social media thing like this. I used Instagram once, realized I was getting a lot of followers out of literally FREAKING 2 OR SO POSTS and kinda just, dipped. The posts weren’t even that good, like seriously. Just a modified picture of a cat I found on Google and a modified image of a puzzle of a turtle I did. Seriously, really bad posts. And now I start using Tumblr, and get ADDICTED to this app. SERIOUSLY THO. Some of the artists here are absolutely amazing and deserve more attention, and I’m liking the system here and all. Don’t want to ever touch Twitter, considering the few things I’ve heard about it. This place is pretty chill from what I’ve found. Also, don’t mind my ramblings, I be like that some times. <3
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alildritten · 2 years
Okay, okay, I just had this idea. It’s the middle of the night, but whatever. I might not explain this too well, but I’m gonna anyway!
So, you know Adaman and Irida from Pokémon Legends Arceus? What if they had a hateful love kind of relationship? As in, like, they’re really good friends, and like to argue and yell at each other, basically ranting, and that helps so that they don’t take their anger out on their clan/the other clan. Whenever anyone else is around, however, they make it sound like they’re arguing about ‘almighty Sinnoh.’ Really, they’re just ranting about everything going on in their life, just being vaguely hinted at with ‘almighty Sinnoh’ talk. Nobody knows that they’re actually good friends, though. I mean, they still think the other is following a false ‘almighty Sinnoh,’ but that doesn’t stop them from being friends. Yeah, the friendship goes through some rough spots from time to time, but in the end? Still good friends.
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