ohhmydyosfics · 5 months
(Seungseok)(Seoksoo) superimpose
He considers their current predicament. He’s going to fall in love with Seunghan. He’s going to pay for it.
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momobani · 1 year
every day i wake up and i hate sm ent more, like how do you fuck up the perfect group this badly???
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littleragondin · 2 years
Spotify Wrapped: BL edition!
Sort of stolen from @theflagscene : Put your top 100 (101) songs on shuffle and assign the first ten random songs you get to a specific BL couple, doesn’t have to make complete sense to anyone but you.
Two of my favorite activities are listening to music and assigning songs to my current blorbos, so as you can imagine I couldn't resist that one.
"Rule #2: Moonlight" by Fish in a Birdcage - Choco, Milk and Jungwoo (Choco Milk Shake) I miss you my dear, there's something that I have to say: All I need is to come home to you, all I want is to be close you.
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"Maraschino Love" by EZI - Mangkorn/Yai (Big Dragon) [...] not to worry, we were both fucked up in the story. You lips a sugar rush, like candy on my tongue, once I got a taste I couldn't stop
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"Quelqu'un d'autre que toi (someone other than you)" by Les funambules - Tar/Tum (Tharntype) I looked at you (and I watched you) and you were right (slowly drifting away) you were my chance, my care, my home (and stopping yourself from being happy)
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"Sternenhimmel (starry sky)" by Hubert Kah - Daonuea/Khabkluen (Star in my mind) And as soon as I feel the first rush, the love comes back too. But in my little heart, I feel this despair.
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"Hello" by Evanescence - Mitsuru/Koichi (Eien no Kino) Hello, I'm the lie living for you so you can hide Don't cry...
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"Ne me dis pas (don't tell me)" by Maud Lübeck - Bai Lang/Xun An (My tooth your love) Do not tell me you love me, others said it. Others said 'I love you' and then left me.
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"Habit" by Sekai no Owari - Nozue/Togawa (Old fashion cupcake) I'm not saying you have to have a dream, I wouldn't be so irresponsible. I'm just saying, don't be consumed by those habits, when you drop them you'll see your real worth.
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"Sonne (sun)" by Rammstein - Mork/Tawan (My Ride) One... here comes the sun. Two... here comes the sun. Three... she's the brightest star of all.
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"Don't call me" by SHINee - Seo Jaeyoon > Yoo Seungseok (Roommates of Poongduck 304) I'm gonna find love, a more beautiful love that can help me forget how you and I were awful together.
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"Think about you" by Sture Zetterberg - Kim/Mek (My Secret Love) Should I close my eyes and never again hold you tight, call you mine, think about you every time I remember that it's over?
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('dead garden' from Nick Wong - almostpoetic)
It's not really a tagging challenge or anything but as always, if you do it after seeing mine please please please tag me so I can have a look?
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roseband · 2 years
ok how is the show idol band working bc like i know one of u guys have to be watching it
and i just came across a vid of a performance w/ a guy shredding fnc style like [redacted ex-fti member] with a trumpET plAYER in the same band and im hooked
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sivavakkiyar · 2 months
from Contemporary Pansori 4, by Han Seungseok
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petrichoraline · 2 years
see, i knew seungseok was a piece of shit but i did not expect him to be THAT much of a human trash. imagine pining for a straight guy for years, going out of your way to do him favours, spending money you need on the useless shit he sells, putting up with his bitter remarks about your education and success, meeting with him only when he needs you to deal with the consequences of his stupid life choices. and then, after all those pent up feelings of affection and self-hate, all those nights of drinking to ease the pain of rejection and the humiliation, you realise he sees you as nothing but an easy money bag, an idiot, that the man you've loved quietly for years has been bragging to anyone who'd listen about how naive you are and how he can do whatever he wants with you. for someone whose heart was broken, jaeyoon did brilliantly at the end. seungseok's cartoon villain level of awful and i'm so glad we're done with his ass.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
HoJun wondering why JaeYoon is so easily manipulated by SeungSeok and the answer, my dear, is that he's gay and has a giant crush on him just like how you literally took him to the beach in the middle of the workday because he looked sad.
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Stigmata - @killerandhealerqueen
Hoofdstuk 01
Een introductie van de wereld en de hoofdpersonen. Deze 'Killer and Healer fanfic is een au waarin team gevormd wordt rondom Chen Yuzhi, omdat hij een heeft waar hij de laatste momenten van het slachtoffer beleeft en de wonden op zijn lichaam verschijnen. Perfect voor halloween leek me.
Roommates of Poongduck 304
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Episode 03 en 04
JaeYoon gebruikte het woord liefde in zijn beklag aan HoJoon over SeungSeok en wat hij allemaal voor hem doet. En hoewel dit ook binnen een platonische context kan vallen, blijven ik bij mijn hypothese dat hij een kleine crush heeft op zijn oud klasgenoot. Iets wat SeungSeok maar al te graag gebruik van maakt, plus schuldgevoelens die JaeYoon blijkbaar heeft omtrent hun situaties? Tenminste, het leek er op dat SeungSeok schuldgevoelens probeert op te roepen bij hem als hij iets aan JaeYoon wil verkopen. Niet zo netjes.
HoJoon wil niet over zijn grenzen gaan, maar ik denk dat het wel een goed idee zou zijn om een gesprek te voeren met JaeYoon en hoe hij over zich heen laat lopen als het om zijn SeungSeok gaat. Op zich is het niet erg om veel over te hebben voor mensen om wie je geeft, maar als je er niet goed bij voelt en je ergens het idee hebt dat de dingen die je voor de ander doet, niet gerespecteerd of gewaardeerd wordt. Is dat een ander verhaal. En moet er zeker over gepraat worden.
Hocus Pocus 2
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Heerlijke film.
Wist dat Mike geen pestkop was. Hij kwam zo niet over als iemand die gemeen was. Hij was gewoon oliedom en high energy.
De film was erg grappig en aan het einde moest ik zelfs een traantje laten? Wie had dat gedacht?
Time Raiders
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wonhes · 5 days
no way yall are rooting for seungseok when they both fight want sohee...enemies to lovers ig 😧😧
seunghan and eunseok are literally besties they’re just in denial frfr
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kbandtrash · 1 year
Fell From the Sky (Hwayugi-inspired AU) (Part 4)
When Cha Hun fell from the sky and landed at your feet, you had no idea he’d bring your entire world crashing down with him.
Cha Hun x Reader
(It has been a year almost to the day since part 3 lol if anyone actually reads this series I'm so sorry but I promise the next part will be the last one)
Warnings: mentions of violence, near-death experience
Word Count: 3.3k
“I think I fell in love with a human,” Kwangjin said, avoiding your gazes. “And I don’t know what to do about it.”
You and Hun exchanged worried glances with each other; you had never expected this, especially from Kwangjin.
“Your options are the same as ours,” you stated solemnly. You can continue meeting her in secret, you could descend to be with her…”
“Or I could come forward,” Kwangjin said. He didn’t like any of those options. “It’s so dangerous to visit the human world, but I’ve worked too hard to give up now.”
Two predicaments of love was too many. Hun leaned his head on your shoulder and you felt him sigh.
“How did you meet her?” you asked.
Kwangjin smiled. “Unexpectedly,” he answered.
The morning came hard and bright, without mercy. This was not the first time the boys had all ended up passed out at your house, but perhaps it felt more dangerous because there was some intent behind it this time.
Hun helped you pick the clothes that would aid your cause the most--that is to say nice, but not nice enough to appear prideful. Humble, but not humble enough to portray you as disposable. Luckily, the place the boys lived was close to you, so it wasn’t hard to stop at their place to pick something similar for Hun to wear. The others wanted to look nice as well, but they didn’t have the same pressure that the two of you faced. Everything had to be perfect, but those standards changed constantly and were nearly impossible to predict.
You approached the gates of the palace, and the boys stood supportively behind you and Hun. For the first time, you laced your fingers with his in public.
“Ah, I want to tease you,” Hwerseung sighed from behind you.
“Let’s see a kiss for good luck,” Seunghyub suggested cheekily.
You turned around to give him a dirty look as Hun protested vocally, but Jaehyun furthered the request. So the two of you looked at each other and rolled your eyes. Two hundred years had passed, and what was the point of waiting any longer? So you obliged their silly demand, and as short as it was, it made your heart race. Perhaps soon you might get to do that whenever you wanted.
The stupid grin on Hun’s face must have matched yours. You felt confident now.
“Let’s go in,” Hun said. You nodded.
But the doors swung open on their own, revealing the court. The aura was a stark contrast from the joy you were sharing with your friends.
Your heart racing at a different beat, you looked again to Hun for reassurance. We’ll be fine, his expression seemed to say, although you could tell he wasn’t sure he believed that. So you entered the court and the gate closed behind you.
“The elder gods were of a particularly bad temper that day,” Kwangjin recalled solemnly. “Even though lately, they’ve been less oppressive about courtship in the heavens,  they’re still volatile, and these two just ended up with the short end of the stick that day.”
“Did they force her to descend?” Hwan asked.
“No, she’s not descended like us,” Seungseok reminded him.
“They tried to end her life altogether,” Hun said, finally speaking up.
“After all we’ve done for you?” one of the elders scoffed. “We gave you a second chance at ascension, and this is how you repay us?”
You tried to argue your case, but they were having none of it. “It’s been nearly two hundred y--”
“Your responsibilities to us outweigh your personal desires,” another deity snapped.
“Your arrogance is astounding,” another chimed in condescendingly.
You fell to your knees in a desperate bow. “Please,” you begged,” this is the only thing I’ve ever asked of you.”
Hun knelt next to you. “She has been nothing but obedient since the day she entered the gates of the heavens,” he pled, “and so have I.”
A discontented murmur raced through the council.
“Is this what you call obedience?” the eldest of the gods sneered, standing up and drawing their sword. They looked down at you and the eye contact sent chills down your spine. This was the end, and you knew it. “How impertinent.”
“The elders were much angrier with her than they were with Hun, and they quite nearly killed her in their rage,” Kwangjin recounted solemnly. “We heard the commotion, and this could have been stupid of us, but we couldn’t do nothing. We opened the doors ourselves to try to intervene.”
Cheolmin’s eyes widened in shock. “And they still let you all live?”
Kwangjin wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t find it in himself. “We had to beg for our own lives before they would allow us to beg for hers, and even then, it didn’t look good for any of us.
“Until you stepped in,” Hun recalled.
Kwangjin lowered his head humbly. “I had my own reasons as well, you know that.”
“But it doesn’t change the fact that you saved everyone.”
Kwangjin looked up again, and there were tears in his eyes as he smiled. “I offered my status in the heavens as collateral,” he said. “I said I would descend if they would save her and leave the rest of them alone. Normally, I don’t think they would take a deal like that, but they were intrigued.”
Kwangjin’s phone buzzed on the table, interrupting the story.
“Ah, is it already that time?” Hwan asked, checking his watch.
“I can just tell her to meet me at home today,” Kwangjin said, unlocking his phone to answer the text.
“Why? Your wife hasn’t met Hun yet?” Seungseok wondered.
“She always meets you here after work,” Cheolmin added. “She’ll get suspicious.”
“We met once,” Hun said. “She helped me pick out the coat (Y/N) wore today.”
“That sounds like her,” Seungseok said with a smile, which quickly fell. “Does that mean she knows about (Y/N), too?”
“Not in detail, but she knows why I look after her,” Kwangjin answered, setting his phone down. “She’s coming like normal, so we should wrap up our story quickly.”
The memory of the eldest deity’s sword piercing through your body woke you in a cold sweat. Your clock told you it was nearly 3 am, but you were wide awake now. The nightmare that had woken you felt too real to have just been a conjuration of your imagination, but it felt too far away to be true. As you grasped for the details of your dream, they disappeared, leaving a headache behind in their place.
Everything about the previous day had been so strange and so familiar. Truthfully, nothing about your life felt quite like it fit. You felt out of place from your surroundings and the people you knew, and now that you looked for them, all your memories were just out of reach. You had a feeling that Hun knew the answers because he was the only thing that had felt like he fit, maybe ever.
You curled up in your bed, trying to neutralize your pounding head by squeezing it between your arms. Tears leaked through your closed eyes as you tried to reach through the empty space to find something to hold onto, but it was trying to grab water. You knew there was something you missed terribly, and you felt it every day, but there was nothing you knew to be missing. 
Kwangjin’s restaurant made it feel better, and Hun had made you feel almost whole again, but that made no sense. You had never met him before--even though you had been in love with him for centuries.
You had been in love with him for centuries.
Images surfaced in your mind of a place, sunny and bright, where you had spent a long, long time. You knew it as somewhere you used to call home--and he had been there with you. That was the time you missed so much, and your heart ached more for it. 
While you still had the picture in your mind, you reached for your journal and wrote down everything you remembered. It felt more like an imaginative retelling of a dream, but you could feel it resonate in your heart as something that used to be part of you.
You woke up hours later with your journal and a pen still in your hand, the pages covered in not much more than chicken scratch. What of it that you could read was nonsense, and most of it was either, “I miss you,” or, “I love you.” Shaking your head and sighing, you closed the journal and set it back in its place on your nightstand. You must have slept terribly.
Looking at your clock, you realized you still had a few hours before you had to get up, so you gratefully wrapped yourself back up snugly in your sheets and dreamed another dream.
Your grip on his hand and on reality became looser by the moment. Hweseung had tried to use some of his divine power to heal you, but it was pretty much useless against a wound inflicted by the elder gods. Your skin was ashen and cold from the blood loss, and even though Hun was shaking, he felt warm.
“Just a bit longer. You just have to hold on until sundown,” he encouraged you.
“I’ll never see you again, will I?” you whispered.
“I’ll find a way,” he promised. “I won’t let you be alone for long.”
His skin glowed in the golden hour of the sunset. You kept your focus on his eyes; his beauty distracted you from the pain, both from your wounds and from the thought of what would happen next. Your eyes welled up with tears as you fought for the strength to hold him in your arms.
The light was fading from the sky.
Kwangjin returned to the courtyard, the few things he was allowed to take with him wrapped up neatly in a bundle. “You’ll make it,” he assured you as he knelt down next to you. “I’ll make sure of it.”
You nodded weakly. “I’ll repay you,” you promised.
He shook his head. “There’s nothing to repay.” He set his hand on Hun’s shoulder and then pulled him into an embrace. “Make sure Seunghyub eats enough. He looks too thin these days for how much he does.”
Hun realized the shift that was about to occur within their little group meant more than just you and Kwangjin going away. Responsibility was going to shift, and Kwangjin was leaving one last gift of guidance to help Hun manage it.
“Hit Jaehyun over the head if you need to--he needs to sleep whether he feels like it or not.”
Hun bit back a laugh with the tears that were threatening to spill.
“And even though Hweseung is cute, he knows it and he’s dangerous. Don’t let him get away with too much.”
You laid a light hand on top of Hun’s knee. “Let them help you, too,” you admonished. “Don’t be alone.” You reached for his arm and stroked it with your thumb. “Please.”
The last rays of the sun disappeared, and without knowing whether he accepted your counsel, so did your dream.
You called into work sick, although it was ridiculous that you had to do that in the first place. You were a divine being; they should be shaking with fear and begging you to bless their company with good fortune.
With a pass of your hand over your burned coat sleeve, you restored it to its original state. You now recognized it as something Hun would have picked out for you, and it was now even more precious to you.
Having your memories stolen and your power repressed had never been mentioned as part of being sentenced to live on earth. You were done. You were far more powerful than you had ever let on, and at last, you were going to use it. However, now you were surrounded by mortals, and your anger made it hard to control your power, so you had to get out of here fast.
But you were not leaving without him.
Seungseok could feel you coming as soon as you got to the nearest subway station, and he was rightfully terrified. He knew he wasn’t the one who was going to get hurt, but he understood that that kind of power required a ridiculous amount of control, which you might not have right then.
“Hyung!” he shouted to Kwangjin. The store had yet to open, thankfully. “Hyung, she knows.”
Kwangjin understood what Seungseok meant by the sudden pallor of his face.
Hun was woken up by the buzz of Kwangjin’s wife’s phone, which was left for him in case of an emergency. 
“Hun, you have to come by the restaurant now.”
He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked around for his slippers. “You have three trained employees, and I am not one of them.”
“Hun,” Kwangjin snapped as the door to his restaurant flew open, “(Y/N) is here and she needs to talk to you now.”
Hun pulled the phone away from his face and looked at it. Had he actually just heard that? “I promised her I would tell her everything, remember? I can’t just go there because she’s curious.”
“No, you won’t need to tell her anything. She knows.”
This had to be a cool, wishful dream, because there was no way you had magically remembered everything overnight, not with whatever block they had placed on you. But, then again, you were determined and very powerful. If it could happen to anyone, it would be you.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
He was still too tired to decide if this was real or not. His senses were all working fine, and his sense of balance was definitely correct. He definitely felt awake. The cold on his face outside definitely felt real, but even when he got to the restaurant and felt your aura, looked into your eyes, it felt impossible.
“You took too long,” you joked, really seeing him this time.
“I came as fast as I could.”
“No,” you said, shaking your head. “You took too long coming to find me here.”
He had left you alone on this world too long, you were right. He hoped you would let him make up for lost time, and he was not disappointed as you pulled him into your arms. 
Your energy was wide open in allowing him to feel all of your emotions. He was worried that it was so strong that the humans might feel it, but at the same time, he knew that this was only for him.
“We have to go back,” you said. “I need to make sure they know they made a mistake.”
Hun hid his face in your shoulder. “I just want to hide here for a little bit.”
“The longer you’re here, the longer the others are in danger,” you reminded him, but your tone was understanding. “I can’t let anything else happen to them.”
He held you just a little tighter for a moment. “Okay.” he conceded. “I think the kids want to talk to you first, though.”
Cheolmin, Hwan, and Seungseok had been watching you not so subtly from the kitchen. Now that you knew who you were, you recognized them, too.
“Oh, I do know you boys,” you noted. “Where’s the fourth one?”
Hun cut in. “He’s ours now. You know we’re always best when we’re five.”
Oh, that was uncommon. “You’ll have to tell me that story another time,” you said, “after I get some revenge.”
Hun held you at an arm’s length to take you in. “You’re very different than you were before they forced you out,” he remarked.
He was right about that. You used to take anything, do anything asked of you. You were so quiet, especially as the time led up to your plans to come forward. He was relieved to see you changed like this.
“I’f fighting for you now--for us. Things are going to have to change.” You looked back over at the boys in the kitchen, and over to Kwangjin sitting at a table pensively. “You don’t want any part of this, though, do you?”
Kwangjin almost laughed as he shook his head. “I’m happy here now. I wouldn’t mind a visit every now and then, but I would never go back if I were given the choice.”
You looked back at the kids. “And you?”
“It’s been hard,” Cheolmin stepped forward, “but I think I would have to say the same.”
Hwan nodded. “It may be a bit boring, but it’s safe.”
“We get to choose what to do with our own lives now,” Seungseok said, “and that was something we would never have gotten to do as divine beings.”
“Our only duty is to ourselves and the people we love,” Kwangjin agreed.
The sentiment was so wonderful that you wished you could join them, but as you looked back at Hun and you thought of your friends and all the other divine beings you had met and loved, you knew your fate was going to be much different than that of Kwangjin and the boys.
“We should go.”
Hun nodded in agreement, although he was starting to think that being human would be a pretty nice deal, too. “There’s just one thing I want to do first.” You raised an eyebrow and he glanced over at the other boys. “Maybe not in front of them, though, maybe.”
“Whatever you’re about to do, please go far away, because I don’t want to know,” Seungseok said, averting both his eyes and his whole body from the two of you. “I’m already getting so much TMI from the energy you’re both spewing right now.”
“Message received,” you laughed. “We’ll return and report once we win our fight.” Cheolmin opened his mouth for one more request, but you beat him to it. “And I will personally make sure that Dongsung stays safe.”
The boys exploded into touched whispers. “She remembered his name,” Cheolmin said with a sniffle.
“He’s our precious baby now. We take good care of him, too,” Hun told you.
“Even Hweseung?” you asked, surprised. “He’s not jealous?”
“Especially Hweseung.”
Now that your power was freed, you noticed that there was a lot that you didn’t think was there before. It was entirely possible that the elders had sealed away your power, and now that you felt the full extent of your broken seal, you were almost sure that had happened, because you felt as powerful as an elder god.
So, as you and Hun walked hand in hand out of the restaurant, you used some of this new power to take you to your apartment in an instant. You took advantage of your privacy immediately. You pulled him as close as you could get him, and you kissed him almost like your life depended on it.
He wasn’t expecting it, but he leaned into it, losing his bearings as quickly as he had gained them. This new confidence of yours was dangerously attractive, and he was a little scared he wouldn’t be able to keep up with you now.
It really would be nice just to hide here for a bit like a human, but the sooner you returned to the heavens, the sooner he would be able to marry you properly, and then he could be all yours.
As his heart pounded and he gasped for breath, he told you it was time to leave. He kept to himself that if you didn’t go now, then it was going to be hard for him to keep controlling himself.
You were still almost as close as two people could be. He leaned his head forward so his forehead touched yours, and the next time you opened your eyes, you were back in your old house in the heavens.
Part 5
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tiffanyandblues · 2 years
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Coolest duo ever 💗
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nfly5 · 3 years
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(210626) happy birthday seungseok! ♡
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faveficquotes · 2 years
"Can you two please continue flirting somewhere else? Far away from here but within sight because unfortunately, I'm invested."
at the tone, please (say i love you) by snapchat (orphan_account)
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heechanes-fiancee · 3 years
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lcveades · 5 years
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🌃 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴, 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩.
𝘹1. 𝘤𝘩𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘯 & 𝘬𝘪𝘮 𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘰𝘬.
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Be:First - Message
To Sir, with Love
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Episode 01 t/m 03
Ik denk dat de relatie tussen de twee broers nog wel mijn lievelings aspect van deze serie gaat worden. De manier waarop die twee voor elkaar zorgen.
Het moment dat Yang beseft dat Thian op mannen valt was erg ontroerend. Hij zegt niet tegen hem dat hij het weet, maar laat Thian weten dat hij altijd aan zijn kant zal staan. Dat hij hem nooit anders zal behandelen.
Roommates of Poongduck 304
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Episode 01 en 02
We krijgen een introductie tot de twee male leads en deze serie gaat hilarisch worden.
Waar ik blij om ben, want Kissable Lips was een tragedie en dat ga ik niet nog een keer aan kunnen zien.
Plus we zagen twee andere bekenden gezichten. 🙋‍♀️Holland en Kang Woo Jung (Joo HyungJin in Once Again). Leuk om jullie hier ook in te zien.
Ik vraag me af of JaeYoon een kleine crush heeft op SeungSeok.
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