#seven minutes past midnight
stilltheblob · 2 years
I finished two books in the past 15 days. A monster calls and Skandar and the unicorn theif :) I enjoyed both of them a lot
feeling quirky might make some fanart later
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poeticmystery · 6 months
:・゚✧:・゚ RAY OF SUNSHINE (p.j.)
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summary : in which percy jackson feels attached, in some way, to a girl he just met.
w.c. : about 1k
a/n : part 2! thank you for all the support on the firsg part, there will be more to follow!
this is also on my wattpad: poet1cmystery
warning(s) : none!
| riordanverse masterlist | navigation | part 1 |
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percy awoke near midnight, having slept for almost seven hours. he had been woken up by a nightmare, just like usual. The stars hanging in the sky painted a serene picture for him as he stared out through the small infirmary window, the view calming him quickly. for once, the camp around him was quiet. no bustling demigods, no chattering kids. just quiet. 
the son of poseidon sat up, looking around more. he was never in here for as long of a time as he had been currently. he never noticed how old the withering wood was, its brown shade falling to a reddish-beige. they were surrounded by magic but still couldn't repair the infirmary. huh. he could definitely see the imprints the apollo children had made, even just in the small room he was in. there was an overall sense of brightness, despite the late hour it was. it felt welcoming, in a way. 
he debated on going back to his cabin now or staying here until morning. the harpies would be out, so that definitely wouldn't be preferable. still, could he really stay for this long? y/n had told him to stay until he felt better...
so, he stayed, in hopes of seeing her again. he was still curious about the connection he felt to her. curious about why her eyes felt so familiar. he tried to rack his brain for answer, yet nothing came to mind. there was a faint image of those eyes on a little girl, their e/c being illuminated by a ray of sunshine. but that was where the memory faded. nothing around the young girl seemed familiar, none of the scenery. he couldn’t even tell if the memory was indoors.
percy noticed the lack of movement, even inside of the infirmary. apollo kids had to sleep too. the only sound he heard was the low chirping of crickets, occasionally seeing one of their tiny bodies hopping by, being illuminated by the fading moonlight.
the lack of light was seamlessly replaced by an orange hue, accompanying the rising sun in the distance. it must’ve been closer to morning than what he had thought. well, that just meant he got to see this mysterious girl sooner.
the stars faded slowly, as if running from the intruding daylight.
y/n walked into the infirmary, smiles and all, the view causing a small grin to even grow to his own face. the optimistic attitude she often boar wasn’t new, but still found a way to draw him in.
“oh!” she looked surprised to see him, was that bad? should he have left when we woke up? the wide smile said otherwise, but he was beginning to think it was permanent, regardless of the situation. his mind raced, and he didn’t know why. it wasn’t like this with anyone else that’d help him. why her?
“i didn’t realize you were still here. are you feeling better at least?” she questioned, concern lacing her features.
“uh, yeah,” he swallowed, trying to get the ugly taste out of his mouth, “ ‘m feeling a lot better. thank you.”
“it’s what i’m here for,” she replied cheerily, spinning on her heel and moving away from the open doorway.
 he gave it a few minutes, then slowly sat up. as the blanket fell from his shoulders, a sudden wave of cool air reminded him of the shirt he wasn’t wearing.  his eyes roamed the enclosed area, searching for the familiar orange fabric of his camp-tee. then, he saw it hanging on a plastic hanger, seemingly clean. he took slightly shaky steps towards it, eventually shrugging it over his shoulders, letting it fall past his arms. 
he walked out of the room he was in, slightly zoned out. unfortunately for him, he bumped into the girl he had been trying to figure out.
“ah, shit, sorry y/n,” he said quickly, gently reaching to grab her arm to steady her.
she didn’t seem bothered. “it’s alright, are you going?”
he nodded, releasing his grip from her arm. “i’ll see you around?” he asked, hoping the answer was yes. maybe then he could figure out where he knew her from.
“of course, percy.”
her words made him smile, even if she just meant them half-heartedly. (she definitely did, he could tell.) he stepped out into the now fully-risen sun, its rays beating down on him despite the chill held by the autumn air.
immediately, he was greeted by his short, fast-talking friend. the one and only, leo valdez.
“where have you been?” the boy exclaimed, his head tilting slightly upwards to meet percy’s eyes.
“dude, it’s been like a day,” percy said flatly.
almost on instinct, percy checked his pockets for his trusted pen. no matter how long he had had it, he still wasn’t used to the fact he couldn’t lose it. just like he suspected, it was safely sitting in the back pocket of his jeans.
percy’s gaze wondered back towards the infirmary one last time, before quickly flicking back to leo, trying to listen to what the boy was discussing as they walked further and further away.
he noticed leo looking at him expectantly, and just nodded his head, seemingly agreeing to what had just been said. “yeah, of course.”
“you weren’t listening, were you?” leo groans.
“not at all,” the boy admitted, not wanting to lie to one of his closest friends.
“tell me again?” he offered, smirking sheepishly down at leo, who rolled his eyes. still, the boy repeated what he had said, this time earning a real response from percy.
the two boys conversed, occasionally shoving each other around as they walked over the dirt pathways winding between the camp cabins. eventually, they heard a horn blow, signaling breakfast.
arriving at the pavilion, percy noticed y/n walking towards a table seating annabeth chase, piper mclean, and luke castellan. wait.
luke castellan?
why was she sitting with luke castellan? 
why did percy care? 
he didn’t. right?
no, of course he didn’t. why would he?
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taglist : @iamforeverandalwaystired, lmk if you wanna be added!
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munson-blurbs · 2 months
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Living After Midnight (Failed Rockstar!Eddie x Motel Worker!Reader)
♫ Summary: News from an old friend had you wondering if Eddie's sour mood had turned downright destructive. (4.9k words)
♫ CW: slowburn, strangers-to-lovers, angst, misunderstanding, coming out, vandalism, parental conflict, poverty, jealousy, eventual smut (18+ only, minors DNI)
♫ Divider credit to @hellfire--cult
chapter seven: offense and defense
Your version of a truce came in the form of wallpaper panels and a bucket of glue. 
You’d placed it on top of the canvas sheets that would protect the floor from any spills, though it wasn’t as if that was presentable, either. Still, you would be grateful for the splash of color rather than the stripped down walls that only highlighted the motel’s defeated aesthetic. 
Like lipstick on a pig, your cynicism taunted, but one that you’ve stuck on a spit to roast. 
Your fingernail picked at a small groove in the desk’s wood as if digging a hole to bury your anxiety. Despite the police sirens blaring in the distance, all you could hear was the sound of the mailbox clanging shut, trapping your acceptance letter and effectively sealing your fate. 
Your breathing sped up and sent your heartbeat into your ears, inching you towards a point of no return where the world became hazy. Suddenly, Eddie’s mood was irrelevant; you just needed a distraction, even if that meant contending with his strangely defensive attitude. 
But when eleven o’clock rolled around, a full hour into your shift. there was still no sign of him. You’d give him another thirty minutes before you knocked on his door; he had a job to finish, after all. 
That was all it was: ensuring he earned his keep, preventing him from becoming the deeply feared charity case.
In the end, there was no need to intrude on him. Eddie shuffled through the lobby not even fifteen minutes later, seemingly without the intention of stopping to greet you. He looked straight ahead as though any eye contact would burn his retinas from the inside out. His tattooed arms were on full display in a black tank top, the holes cut down nearly to the waist. A chain hung off the side of his jeans, gleaming even in the harsh lighting. The whole outfit was a far cry from the sweatpants he’d donned during the wallpaper removal.
He stopped but still refused to glance in your direction. There was no use ignoring the confusion in your voice; he didn’t even bother waiting for the formality of a question. “Y-Yeah, I, um…I gotta run some errands.” His teeth dug into the inside of his cheek at his pitiful excuse. 
Errands just before midnight? He certainly wasn’t dressed to make a last-minute dash to the corner bodega, nor would that take all night.
He was lying; that much was obvious. What evaded you was why. Was he embarrassed about his outburst at Eisen’s? Angry at you for freezing him out during the ride home?
“What about the wallpaper?”
“Oh. Right.” He softly chuckled, the kind that someone gives when they’ve been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. “Tomorrow, I promise.”
He didn’t stick around for further questioning, letting in a cool evening breeze when he barreled out the front door. 
Aggravation clenched your fists. His lackadaisical approach to work was infuriating enough, but the way he’d attempted to sneak past you had you seething. Did he truly believe he could camouflage himself and walk out unnoticed?
The untouched wallpapering materials mocked you, taunted your optimism. Or perhaps it was naivety. You’d all but told him to piss off last night, yet you expected him to flounce into the lobby, eager to work alongside you–and only you–for the next few hours? The thought alone was so pathetic that you were glad no one else had been around to witness it.
You hoisted the panels and glue back to the supply closet, gripping them with palms slick from embarrassment and frustration. Tonight could have been an opportunity to clear the air about the Ben fiasco and resume your usual lighthearted conversations. His brusque laughter didn’t showcase the subtle dimples that pressed from the corners of his mouth into his cheeks, so unlike the genuine smiles that reached his eyes. Those warm eyes like chocolate chips on a summer day, except they melted you with each foray into his past, each glimpse into what made him, him.
Without them, the night was stagnant.
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Amy’s Cafe was a favorite among the student population, especially during finals week. The coffee was usually burnt or weak, but it was cheap and conveniently located near campus, so it stayed afloat. Overworked baristas slid filled-to-the-brim mugs and to-go styrofoam cups to the edge of the counter, hissing espresso machines punctuating the pop music that was piped through the sound system. Exactly the kind of music Eddie would hate.
Eddie. He must have had an extensive errand list, because he still hadn’t returned when your shift ended. Your chest ached with a sadness that burned hotter than your curiosity. You no longer cared what he was up to, just that he preferred it to spending time with you.
Ben already sat at a small table when you arrived, the steam from his cup rising up and fogging his wire-rimmed glasses. He offered you a weary smile, one wrought with fatigue and a nervousness you couldn’t quite place. 
It wasn’t until you plopped into the seat across from him, careful not to spill your own coffee, that you noticed the gray crescents below his eyes that weren’t there on Sunday. Stubble coated his cheeks and chin, more five o’clock shadow than beard, and you were hard-pressed to remember a time he’d seemed this disheveled. 
“You look like shit.”
He raised his brows as he blew on his tea, sending tiny ripples through the citrusy-mint blend. “You sure know how to flatter a guy.”
Between the usual end-of-semester stress and whatever issues were simmering between you and Eddie, you lacked the patience to beat around the bush. “Seriously,” you insisted, “what’s wrong?”
Ben’s sigh held immeasurable weight, and you quickly understood why. “Eisen’s was vandalized last night,” he said quietly. 
“What?!” Your blood ran cold. The mental image of the always-pristine shop abruptly destroyed marred your psyche. 
He nodded. “Yeah. We empty the register at night and put the cash in a safe, so they didn’t get any of that,” he explained, a small consolation. “But they smashed the windows and graffitied the place. All of the shelves, our whole inventory…covered in it.” 
“Is everyone…is your family okay?” If the alarm had sounded and Uncle Mo or Aunt Tam came running in…if the intruder was carrying a weapon…
“We’re fine,” Ben assured you. “I mean, we’re all pretty shook up, but no one’s hurt.” His bottom teeth scraped along his upper lip. “I swept up most of the broken glass after the cops left, but it’s gonna take a while to scrub off the spray paint.”
“I can help,” you volunteered without hesitation. “I can swing by on Thursday afternoon.” There were no formal classes this week; you just had to drop off your paper and then you could go to the shop. 
“Thanks.” Ben kept his attention focused on his mug, dunking the bag aimlessly through the hot liquid. “Um, was your, uh, boyfriend with you last night?” When you wrinkled your nose, he elaborated. “That Eddie guy. He’s your boyfriend, right?”
You shook your head and tried to ignore the internal fluttering spurred on by the thought of Eddie being your boyfriend. “No. He just works for us.” Thirty-six hours ago, you would have referred to him as a friend, but you didn’t know if that was still true. 
Ben cocked an eyebrow. “You sure? Because he seemed pretty…” He searched for the right word, “...territorial over you.”
Territorial. As if you belonged to him. The notion was almost humorous, considering his desperation to avoid you at all costs. If you were his property, he must be a very hands-off landlord. 
“It’s not like that. He just gets competitive.” You filled Ben in on the wasp nest saga, even managing to pull a few chuckles out of him. 
“Okay, fine.” Something in Ben’s tone informed you that he didn’t quite believe you, but he pressed on, both of you well-aware that your love life wasn’t the most urgent issue. “But was he around last night? Hanging the wallpaper or something?”
He wasn’t. You wished more than anything that you could offer an alibi, but you didn’t have a clue where he was. 
It’s a big city; there were millions of places he could go besides Eisen’s. And yet you couldn’t name a single one, your throat bone-dry despite just taking a sip of coffee. 
“N-No, but he wouldn’t—”
“I’m not saying he did,” Ben interjected, firmly but not unkindly. “It’s just, I dunno, a little suspicious that this guy comes to our shop for the first time, hates my guts for some reason, and then the place gets destroyed the next day.” 
There was no denying how strange it was, especially coupled with his poorly explained absence. Something inside you insisted that it wasn’t Eddie, and you clung onto that hope. 
“I’ll talk to him tonight.” Bitterness churned in your stomach and crept up your throat, and you knew it wasn’t from the coffee. Was there anything about the way he’d been dressed that provided insight into his whereabouts? Anything he’d mentioned in passing?
Despite scouring the depths of your brain, you came up empty.
Ben exhaled and squeezed his eyes shut like he was actively trying to forget the memory of the break-in. “Everything was completely smashed. Like someone took a baseball bat to it or something.”
You flashed back to last week when Eddie went after the wasp’s nest with Phyllis’s bat. Did he ask her to borrow it again?
Stop it, you silently scolded yourself. It couldn’t have been Eddie. He might be hotheaded, but that didn’t mean he would destroy Eisen’s. 
Except he had trashed that hotel room because the manager issued a noise complaint. He’d seemed proud of it, laughing as he retold the story, like he’d carried out some meticulously crafted revenge plot. 
“You’re sure there’s nothing going on between you two?” Ben asked again, ripping open another sugar packet and dumping it into his drink. 
“Positive.” Certainly not now when you were barely on speaking terms.You didn’t have time for a relationship; school and work kept you sufficiently busy. 
Not that you wanted anything going on with Eddie. What would you even do together–go on dates at six AM after your shift? Hold hands across the lobby desk? Steal kisses in the supply closet? The two of you making out amongst piles of linens and a rusty toolbox? Your fingers tangled in his hair and your lips pressed to his; his hands gripping your waist and tugging you impossibly close? You couldn’t allow yourself to even consider it a possibility, to allow yourself to want it.
You noticed Ben giving you a wry smile, like he knew something you didn’t, and you snapped back into reality to volley a question back to him. “What about you? Meet any cute girls in dental school?” 
His unexpected cloudiness didn’t match your breezy, teasing tone. “No cute girls.” He paused, mulling over his words for a while before talking again, so softly you could barely hear him over the muzak playing over the café’s sound system. “There were some cute guys, though.”
The admission hung in the air for a moment while you slowly absorbed it. Cute guys, not girls. So Ben was—
A soft throat clearing grabbed your attention; he was anxiously awaiting your response. 
Reaching your hand across the Formica table, you draped your fingers over his and left them there. “How did you…know?” You winced at your own awkwardness. “Sorry, I meant, like, is this something you figured out recently? Or did you know back when we were kids?”
Ben laughed lightly, his shoulders sagging with relief. The worry of rejection left his eyes as he spoke. “Part of me always knew, I think. I just didn’t have a word for it.” He sighed, his breath trembling with residual nerves. “It’s not like we grew up talking about these things.”
He was right; you couldn’t recall a single time that his parents or yours discussed non-heterosexual romantic relationships. A man and a woman get married and have babies. The end. No mention of when two men or two women love one another. 
“Have you told your parents?”
“No.” His voice caught, throat blocked with emotion, and he cleared it again. “I wanted to wait until I finished school and got my own place. Y’know…just in case.”
He didn’t have to finish his sentence. 
“Would they really do that?”
He shrugged, his shoulders once again bearing the weight of the unknown. “I don’t think they’d kick me out,” he admitted, “but they’d definitely be disappointed. Like they did something wrong.”
“You know you can always stay with me if you need,” you said. “I’ll set aside a room for you.” Far away from Eddie’s, you added silently.
Ben’s smile was tight but genuine. “After all of these years, nothing’s changed.” He let out a hoarse laugh. “Does it get exhausting, being the best person ever?”
He was joking, trying his best to shift to a lighter tone, but the accuracy of his question had you temporarily reeling. You weren’t the best person ever, but it was exhausting constantly trying to be. He must have sensed that he grazed a nerve, his eyes softening as he leaned in. “You okay?”
You nodded, your head suddenly acquiring the heft of a boulder. The sound of the mailbox clanging shut and sealing your fate reverberated in your ears. And then Eddie had seen, had cleaned your smudged mascara so warmly that your skin simmered at his touch. Those same fingers might have grasped a can of spray paint or and wielded a bat with the intention of ravaging an innocent business. 
“You always were a terrible liar.” Ben said. He knew you too well, a blessing and a curse. “C’mon—a secret for a secret.”
His permission had your own confession slipping from where it had been tucked away and spilling into the conversation. “I’m majoring in psychology and I’m going to study social work at NYU.” When Ben offered you a confused look, you humbly elaborated. “And, I mean, I know it’s not the same thing as your situation, but I haven’t told my parents about it either.”
The shame burned you, flames nipping at your neck. 
Ben drummed his fingers against the mug’s handle, his nails making a soft cling. “The motel…” he trailed off, mutual understanding replacing the rest of his words. 
Neither of you said anything else for a while, only taking small sips of coffee until you mustered up the energy to speak again. 
“I don’t think they’d kick me out either,” you said, “but that might not matter. Without me to take over, they’d have to sell the place anyway.”
Ben thought for a moment. A teardrop of coffee trickled down the lip to the base, staining the white porcelain with a hazel streak. “Whatever happens, I’m here for you.” It was his turn to hold your hand, enveloping it in the comfort that can only come from a lifelong friend. “And if worse comes to worst, you can always bunk with me. As long as Eddie won’t mind,” he added with a mischievous edge. 
You rolled your eyes as the heaviness evaporated. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Am I?” He raised his brows. “You didn’t see the look on his face when I hugged you. I thought he was gonna knock me into tomorrow.”
“Whatever,” you said evenly, swiftly pivoting the subject to his own romantic endeavors. But the image of Eddie getting upset when Ben hugged you tugged at your mind for the rest of the conversation. You’d initially thought he was irritated about Ben encroaching on his job, but the hug came well before the offer to help. 
Trying to figure out Eddie Munson, you realized, was like jamming a puzzle piece where it didn’t belong. He would remain an enigma until you found the right spot. 
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Afternoon bled into night, the overcast skies resulting in a noticeable absence of stars. Rain had been threatening to fall all day, but the humidity still bogged down the clouds when Eddie walked into the lobby at ten-thirty.
“Hey,” he said, raising one hand in an enthusiastic half-wave. His eyes met yours for only a second before pulling away. “I’ll just grab the paper from the supply closet.”
You tossed him the key and he caught it, clenching it in his palm. He smiled, victoriously but fleetingly once he realized it wasn’t being returned. Defeated, he trudged over to the closet. You normally would have followed and helped, but you were held down by what you knew–what you might know, you reminded yourself.
“You, uh, didn’t set up,” he said, shaking out the drop cloth and positioning it against the molding.
“Didn’t know if you had another secret errand to run.” The retort left your lips before you could stop it, and you pinched them together in a belated attempt to quell your anger. 
Eddie bristled, his brush halfway in the vat of glue, but he quickly composed himself and got back to work. You focused your attention on your essay, scanning it for the millionth time in search of misplaced commas or missing words. 
Perfect. It needed to be perfect. 
Silence once again overtook the motel lobby, broken only by the sounds of Eddie slicing the wallpaper at the edges, not bothering to measure before adhering it to the exposed plaster, and the outside traffic. 
You were comfortable with the prolonged quiet, though admittedly less so than before Eddie arrived a few weeks ago, but it must have gnawed at him. He started humming after only fifteen minutes, an unfamiliar tune, smooth in some places and staccato in others. 
“Are you still mad at me or something?”
You loathed the way his voice startled you, your mind too deeply buried in your paper. It caused you to look up and lock eyes with him. His question was wrought with frustration, though you couldn’t tell if it was directed at you or at his own inability to decipher the situation. 
“No.” Yes. 
Eddie sighed and continued working. “Well, if you change your mind, just know that I’m sorry.”
His apology brought back memories of his previous attempt—though ‘attempt’ might be overstating it, and you didn’t want to bite back your response. “It isn’t me you need to apologize to.”
He didn’t bother turning to you when he spoke. “You’re talking about that Bill guy?”
“Ben,” you corrected him, willing yourself to unclench your jaw, “and yes. You were rude to him for no reason.” You pushed aside Ben’s explanation, an improbability in itself. 
“I had a reason.” Venom dripped from each word. “Trust me, I could’ve done worse things than hurt his feelings.” 
And as his grip tightened around the brush, one bluish vein bulging in his forearm, you remembered how gleeful he’d admitted to trashing the hotel. How Ben had said that Eisen’s looked as though someone took a baseball bat to it.
“The store was vandalized last night.” 
All of the oxygen in the room evaporated. Eddie’s unamused chuckle, low in his throat, fissured the silent tension and made it palpable. Real. “And you think I did it.”
“I never said that.” 
But you and he both knew that you didn’t have to; the slight tremor in your voice giving away your true intentions. Even if you weren’t outright accusing him, your tone had too much bite to be conversational.
He threw the brush to the ground and it landed against the cloth with an audible thud. “Whatever.” Another grim laugh, each step towards the desk had your heart sinking further into your chest. “Y’know, I’ve already had a pretty shitty week, and I thought talking to you could turn it around. Should’ve known better.” He wiped his palms on his blue jeans and procured a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket, lighting one and taking a long drag. 
You could only imagine the restraint it took for him not to exhale a cloud of smoke directly in your face.
It was a replay of the situation with Izzy’s mother, the assumptions that steeled you against her before you’d ever met and had you painting her as a neglectful parent. Her palpable worry was a slap across your face, and you felt that same sting now with Eddie.
Ruined it. With one stupid comment, you’d obliterated all of the trust built between you. 
“Excuse me, but I have a very busy evening ahead of me,” he said, pointing the cigarette in your direction like an accusation of his own. “I’m supposed to commit arson in fifteen minutes, and if I have time, I might just murder someone.”
No doubt you were at the top of his list.
The realization of your mistake released an anchor of guilt down your stomach. You should have trusted your instincts, should have immediately eschewed any notion that he was the culprit.
You hated yourself for even considering it a possibility, let alone a probability.
“For a sophisticated city girl, you sure remind me of the small-town pricks I grew up with,” Eddie continued, spittle gathering at the corner of his lips. Rage burned in his eyes. “Guess none of those textbooks taught you how to ask questions, huh? Like, ‘Eddie, where were you last night?’ That might’ve been a good start.”
His words were submerged in a poisonous vitriol, purposefully launched with the intent to maim. And yet they weren't inherently aimed at you. Not all of them, anyway. 
In that moment, you were everyone who had ever accused him of a crime he hadn’t committed. You were the security guards who ‘kept an eye’ on him when he went shopping, the middle-aged women who scowled and clutched their pearls at his tattoos, the people in his hometown who wrote him off as a devil-worshiping freak. 
Guilty until proven innocent. 
The fingers on your left hand slotted between the gaps on your right and pressed into your palm, a distraction from the lump forming in your throat. Crying was not an option, it exposed your vulnerability and opened you up to further ridicule. The only thing worse than Eddie using your tears against you was if he took pity on you; there was no way you could handle that level of humiliation. 
“Eddie, I—” 
You’d finally found your footing in the conversation, and it was promptly clipped. “Just assumed that I was off breaking and entering. A little blue collar crime is nothing new for trailer trash like me, right?” He shook his head in faux disbelief. “Is this how you’re gonna treat your clients?”
That final comment was a lit match that ignited a powderkeg within you, and since you refused to shed a single tear, it exploded in the only other way possible.
“You,” you jabbed your finger into his chest, no longer caring about whatever professional boundaries you might be crossing. Those had flown out the window once he’d purposely dredged up your insecurities. “You are the one who bailed on your job with the lamest excuse I’d ever heard and expected me not to get suspicious.” Your heart beat double-time, pumping raw anger in lieu of blood. “And you are the one who bragged about trashing a hotel room when the manager had the audacity to enforce a rule.” 
Eddie took a small step back, your biting reply an arrow to the gut. Perhaps even he felt it, too; the way he’d taken his tirade over the line. Gray flakes fell from his cigarette and onto the desk, the ashy clump having grown too heavy for gravity. 
You weren’t done, despite his apparent surrender. “You’re not my client. And I’m not Nancy Drew, so don’t act like I’m responsible for solving your bullshit mysteries.”
His nostrils flared as he regained his composure. “Asking a question isn’t—” a door creaking open and subsequent irritated footsteps halted his retort. Both of you broke eye contact to watch as Phyllis padded up the hallway and into the lobby. Irritation accentuated her smeared-lipstick frown, and she pulled her robe across her body, tugging on the belt in frustration. 
“I don’t know what this little lovers’ quarrel is about,” she hissed through clenched teeth, dragging an arthritic finger between you and Eddie, “but it’s killing the mood. So if you could wrap it up, we’d greatly appreciate it.”
You nearly choked on your tongue, and pink splotches decorated Eddie’s stubbled cheeks. 
“We’re not—”
“It isn’t—”
But Phyllis had already stalked back to her room, never one to keep a gentleman caller waiting. 
Neither you nor Eddie said a word for a few seconds, the heat of embarrassment still nipping at your bodies. A lovers’ quarrel? Phyllis clearly had a convoluted sense of romance if she thought you and Eddie were lovers. 
Eddie shattered the silence first, mumbling something nearly unintelligible about needing an ashtray. The dam that restrained your snarkiness had apparently buckled and burst, because when he turned to leave, his back to you, you called out, “see how easy it is to tell me where you’re going?”
He stopped, the cigarette between his fingers now ash down to the filter, but he didn’t turn around. His voice was low in his throat, a slight tremor as he spoke. “That’s real rich, coming from the person whose parents think she’s going to school for hospitality.”
That was low, but unlike his comment about accusing your future clients, this one was true. There was nothing you could say in response, no rebuttal would suffice. You hated the way words stilled in your chest, wishing you could fling insult after insult about his failed music career, but you were simply too tired.
You managed to stave off your tears until he had fully rounded the corner, burying your head in your hands to muffle your sobs. Pathetic. That’s what you were: a pathetic mess, bold enough to start an argument but too cowardly to finish it. And so there you stood, elbows digging into the wooden desktop until splinters pierced your skin, the distance between you and Eddie growing with each passing second.
Holding your own with other guests was usually second-nature for you, but other guests weren’t Eddie. They weren’t hanging around the lobby and asking you about your hopes and dreams. They weren’t willingly offering up their most vulnerable selves just to reassure you. They weren’t tagging along on errands and turning ordinary subway rides into small adventures.
They also weren’t sneaking around and making watered-down excuses, then painting you as the bad guy for doubting their intentions.
Half of you ached to apologize; the other half wanted to toss him and his trash bag luggage to the curb and not look back.
Warm tears slid down the slope of your nose until you tasted their salt on your lips. Stopping them seemed an impossible task, your mind hovering above your body like a separate entity altogether. Your breaths were jagged and uneven, an irregular pattern of shallow inhales and strained exhales. 
There was no sense in throwing yourself a pity party, not when you got yourself into this mess. If you were going to wallow in your own misery, you could at least be productive while you cried. 
Eddie had barely started the re-wallpapering, so cleaning up was not a daunting task. You rolled the paper back around the tube, keeping it tightly wound for easier transport. It was clunky; you had to adjust it twice in the short distance to the closet, but you managed to get it there with it unraveling. 
A gentle scrape across the desk made you peek out from behind the closet door, your red-stained, swollen eyes landing on Eddie once again. An unlit cigarette dangled from his lower lip, his fingers clenched around the jet-black lighter you hadn’t noticed he’d left behind.
He saw you, too, his lips forming a tense smile. 
“Forgot this,” he said, holding up the lighter with a little shake. The jaded lines of his face softened when he clocked your tear-streaked cheeks, and that minor show of sympathy had you eager to crawl beneath a rock. 
You waited for him to say something, anything, but he just let his gaze fall to where you were twisting the lid back onto the glue. Tucking the cigarette behind his ear and covering it with a curtain of curls, he hoisted the bucket and brought it back to the supply closet.
“Thanks.” It was safe yet genuine, not an invitation for a conversation nor a dismissal. 
Eddie shrugged. “S’fine,” he lisped, the cigarette placed back between his lips as he lit it. “Needed to clean up anyway.”
Optimism—whatever you could muster up of it—rattled against your ribcage like a prisoner yearning for freedom. If he cared about cleaning up, maybe that meant he was going to finish the job another time. You didn’t dare ask him, only nodding your head in acknowledgment. 
Friends fight, right? Your nagging need for reassurance poised the question on the tip of your tongue, but your fear of looking desperate anchored it there. I didn’t ruin everything, did I?
The flick of the lighter sparked a flame, Eddie’s hand protectively cupped around it. “Well, um, g’night,” he said, giving an awkward half-wave. 
“Good night.” Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow. But you didn’t manage that addendum, and Eddie retreated to his room. 
When you slept that morning, you dreamt that he turned back around. 
taglist (now closed ♥):
@theintimatewriter @mandyjo8719 @storiesbyrhi @lady-munson @moonmark98 @squidscottjeans @therealbaberuthless @emxxblog @munson-mjstan @loves0phelia @kthomps914 @aysheashea @munsonsbtch @mmunson86 @b-irock @ginasellsbooks @erinekc @the-unforgivenn @dashingdeb16 @micheledawn1975 @yujyujj @eddies-acousticguitar @daisy-munson @kellsck @foreveranexpatsposts @mykuup @chatteringfox @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @sapphire4082 @katethetank @sidthedollface2 @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @mysteris-things @mrsjellymunson @josephquinnsfreckles @the-disaster-in-waiting @eddielowe @hugdealer @rip-quizilla @munson-girl@fishwithtitz @costellation-hunter @cloudroomblog @emsgoodthinkin
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Seven Minutes In Heaven | Stu Macher
Pairing: Stu Macher x female!reader 
Word count: 4.1K
Warnings/contents: Light smut, sexual innuendos, mild language, mentions of future sex, light clit stimulation, slight name calling. 
Notes: Well… I was gonna do Billy… But… here we are, and this is not Billy. Stu has been living in my brain rent free the past couple of days and I’m not sure how to get rid of him. Do I want to? I hope that you all enjoy this chapter, it was fun to write! 
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The party was crowded all around you. It was nearly midnight, but there was no sign of the lively crowd leaving or dropping any time soon. You leaned against the wall in the room beside the kitchen, watching everybody laughing, singing and dancing. You’d been going hard all night— drinking, dancing, singing, and bouncing around the rooms with Sidney and Tatum. So you were taking a break with a fresh drink. 
Your stomach had started to hurt less than an hour ago, but you ignored it and took another swig of your drink. Everything tonight was sort of a blur. You weren’t sure if it was because you’d drank too much, or because everything was going fast; people were everywhere, and yet, you hadn’t seen Stu, Billy or Randy in the past few hours. You had seen Tatum and Sidney constantly throughout the night before you departed to get a new drink and they went to the bathroom. 
An arm wrapped around your shoulder, nearly making you jump before you looked and saw Sidney. 
“You scared me,” you feigned annoyance at the woman who sent you a grin. “I thought that you were some creep.” She laughed and took a quick sip of her drink. 
“It’s only Tatum and I,” she said as Tatum rounded the corner and sent you a smile. 
“Guys— have you seen Randy tonight?” 
“Uh, I think he was in the kitchen last I saw,” you said innocently, earning a cackle from Sidney. 
“She means that she thinks he looks hot.” You gave a quick laugh and tossed your head back on her shoulder. 
“No! Not Randy Meeks!” 
“What— it isn’t my fault. He looks hot tonight.” You and Sidney shared a laugh that made Tatum roll her eyes. “Come on guys— let me get over Stu how I please.” Her words felt like something that should have made you stop laughing and teasing, but you knew for a fact that she was over the man she’d previously been with; shockingly, he had been the one that broke up with her, despite Sidney’s constant bothering Tatum to break up with him. 
“Any way you want— just not with Randy.” You heckled the woman who sighed dreamily and leaned against the wall on your other side with a cup in her hand. You took a quick glance inside of it and chuckled. “Maybe you’re losing your mind because you’ve been drinking too much.” 
“It has to take a lot of shots to get with Randy,” Sidney sent Tatum a grin that she ignored. 
“I haven’t drank that much.” She told you, but you were quick to raise an eyebrow. You’d been with the two a majority of the night, and you knew for a fact that Tatum had drank nearly as much as you— possibly more in the short time that you had been separated. 
“Sure, Tate,” you shrugged the conversation off, knowing not to argue with her about this right now. She was far too drunk to accurately retort right now and it felt crude of you to continue teasing her. “If Randy is what you want…” You gave a soft blow from your mouth. “Fuck it. Then go for it.” Tatum hesitated, a slow smile spreading across her face as she pushed herself off of the wall with her shoulder. “Whoah— I do not like the face you just made,” you watched the woman start to head off across the room and shared a worried look with Sidney. 
“Should we… follow her?” 
“Probably.” The two of you made your way through the crowd, trying to follow the back of her head as quickly as you could to not lose her, but you were worried you’d accidentally end up following the wrong person if you got bumped into or blinded for a moment. By time the two of you made it off of the crowded makeshift dance floor, you saw Tatum across the room whispering something to Stu. 
You shared a quick, shocked look with the woman beside you before you looked back and saw him laughing and nodding. Tatum met your gaze across the room and waved in the air, beckoning the two of you over. 
“What are you talking to Stu for?” Sidney asked with a raised eyebrow. “I thought that the two of you were… well, not on speaking terms.” 
“I have a plan,” Tatum said with a cheerful grin. “We’re going to play seven minutes in heaven! It’s the perfect excuse to get Randy into the closet with me.” After a moment of silence, you spoke. 
“Why don’t you just get him into a bedroom upstairs with you?” She seemed to think for a moment before she shrugged. 
“I didn’t think of it.” You went to speak again, but she cut you off. “Well, it’s too late now. We both have something to gain from this anyways.” She sent you a wink that made your stomach tighten. 
What the hell did she mean by that? 
A whistle came over the room as the music abruptly stopped. People groaned and looked around in confusion. Stu stood on a table, waving a hat around the room. 
“It’s time for seven minutes in heaven!” Drunk people in the room started to cheer at his excitement. “We’re splitting into 3 different groups since there’s so many of us. Those of you who don’t want to play can stay here. Everyone else, split into groups and follow me.” Tatum grabbed your hand, so you grabbed Sidney’s hand, and quickly ran towards the direction Stu was going. You nearly stumbled over your feet on the way to the living room. “Alright— so we have 3 hats, I’m gonna do a headcount and put a slip of paper into the hat for every person in the room.” 
“How do we know who’s who?” Someone called. 
“I know. Billy knows.” 
“What if we don’t trust you?” Sidney asked with a raised eyebrow at the man who chuckled. 
“Okay— I’ll let one more person know the numbers for each group. (y/n)— you can have the numbers for our group,” your attention drifted off as you watched the man continue to speak, anxious about the game. You didn’t want to play— you did not want to get trapped in a room with any of these drunk people. But at the moment, it didn’t seem like you had a choice as Tatum squeezed your hand. 
“Thank you,” Tatum whispered to you quickly. You sent her a small, tight smile and watched the room start to disperse. Stu walked towards you and gestured for you to follow him. You let go of the girls hands, your own feeling clammy and numb. You hadn’t realized that you were anxiously squeezing their hands so tightly. 
“Whatever number Randy or Tatum picks doesn’t matter. We’re gonna say it’s theirs so they get locked in a closet together.” He spoke simply. “As for everyone else, we’re gonna go clockwise so that it’s easy to remember. I’m not sober enough to remember everybody in this room.” Feeling queasy, you sent the man a quick nod. 
“Sounds good to me.” You were quick to walk away from the man when he turned to Billy and went to sit between Tatum and Sidney. Sidney sent you a pat on the back while Stu jutted out the hat at the first victim of the circle— someone that you didn’t know the name of. He pulled a slip of paper out of the hat and called out the number. 
“Six.” You quickly looked around the group, counting clockwise to the sixth person and seeing another girl. She had long red hair, but you weren’t sure what her name was. For the most part, you knew about a total of five people at Stu’s parties— him included. 
The two got up, following Stu to the coat closet across the room. There were several spread throughout the house, giving plenty of room for every group to have one party go at once. 
He blocked the door with a chair and walked back to the group with his phone in hand, starting a timer for seven minutes and sitting down with the group while it counted down. The thought of spending seven minutes locked in a tight space with anybody in this room made your stomach churn. 
“Randy, I dare you to take 3 shots of (y/n)’s drink.” You looked at Stu, shocked: nobody said anything about playing another game while people were in the closet. 
“What— you didn’t let me choose between truth or dare!” He complained. Stu shrugged, clearly not caring and not going to change his mind. Randy looked at you and sighed, scooting closer and reaching for your drink that you outstretched tentatively. 
“Don’t give that back.” Randy almost looked offended. 
“I’m not sick!” 
“I don’t want your germs in my mouth.” Randy rolled his eyes, moving back to sit where he was previously since you didn’t want the drink back, and took 3 large shots into his mouth and winced. 
“God, (y/n)— this is strong,” he complained. You laughed at the man and watched him set the drink down with a grimace. Randy took a moment to get the taste from his mouth with his own drink before he looked around the circle for his next victim. “Hmm… Sidney… truth or dare.” 
“Truth,” she said, not trusting the look on Randy’s face. 
“Did you or did you not fuck Billy last weekend?” Her face warmed and you snickered; she should have known a truth would be just as bad from Randy as a dare. 
“Uh… I did.” She avoided eye contact with Billy who stole a quick glance at her. “God, you’re a pervert,” she mumbled, glancing at Tatum and wondering why she wanted to be locked in a closet with him. Just before Sidney spoke to pick her next person, the timer on Stu’s phone went off. He held a finger up to pause the game and got up, walking towards the closet. He moved the chair and abruptly slammed open the door, clearly wanting to catch the two in the act of doing something, and yet he only found them kissing sloppily. 
“Time’s up, love birds.” He shoved the two out of the closet, snickering when the girl was flushing and went back to the circle with her head down. Stu shook the hat and walked towards you, stopping with the hat right in front of your face. You reached up and into the hat, digging around until you felt like you found the right piece of paper. 
You pulled it out and looked at it. A 4 was scribbled on the paper. You looked to your left and met Sidney’s eyes. 
“Thank god,” you mumbled quietly, watching her laugh. 
“Well, then.” Stu smirked. “Come on, ladies.” Sidney rolled her eyes at the man and stood up. 
“Don’t be a pervert.” She grumbled, walking towards the closet with you. A quick look was shared between you and Stu. He sent you a wink as you walked into the cramped closet with Sidney. Stu shut the door and almost immediately you heard the chair scrape across the floor. 
“Seven minutes!” He called before he walked away. You gave a sigh and leaned back against the wall, brushing your hair back from your face. 
“I’m so glad it’s you I’m in here with.” The room was so dark you could barely see her, but you could see the woman enough to watch her smile. 
“Yeah— I agree. I did not want to be in here with one of those drunk guys. They look like they could barely stand.” You laughed and shook your head. 
“I wish Tatum had wanted to play this game when everyone was more sober.” 
“Or not at all,” Sidney grimaced. 
“Well, maybe you’ll get locked in here with Billy.” You teased the woman who gave your shoulder a slap. “Alright— alright!” You shoved her hand away with a grin. “I’ll leave you alone.” 
“Speaking of being locked in here with people…” She hesitated, confusing you. 
“What do you want to do, make out?” You teased the woman. 
“Absolutely not. I was wondering— have you seen Stu tonight?” 
“Uh— yeah? I was talking to him not that long ago about the game.” 
“Yeah, but that isn’t what I meant.” 
“I’m confused.” 
“He’s eyeing you like he wants to fuck you right there.” You choked on your own spit and nearly had a coughing fit. “I’m serious! He’s so eye fucking you.” You couldn’t tell if she was annoyed or not by her tone. She sounded half-disgusted and half-teasing. “The wink?” She added. “Stu doesn’t just wink.” 
“Stu flirts with everyone,” you said when you finally caught your breath. “He’s not eye fucking me, he’s just being… ugh.” You didn’t know what to say. You weren’t oblivious. You had seen him out of the corner of your eye a few times, but that didn’t mean that you thought that he was staring at you specifically. Wasn’t he just kind of a whore? 
“All I’m saying is that you better wish upon a star you don’t get locked in here with him or you’re gonna be caught naked.” You gasped and made her laugh. 
“I don’t want to fuck him. Even if he wants to fuck me— nobody said that I wanted to fuck him.” 
“Tatum fell for him.” You gave a soft scoff and looked down. 
“Whatever.” She reached over and gave you a gentle pat on the shoulder; the two of you stood in silence for a few minutes before the door opened and Stu looked in. He raised an eyebrow and stepped aside. 
“Boring.” Was all he said. “Randy, Tate— you’re next.” You raised an eyebrow and looked towards Tatum who stood a little too quickly. 
“We let Tatum choose while the two of you were still in here.” Stu sent you a knowing look and let Randy and Tatum inside the closet. She sent you an excited look and you swore that you saw Randy blushing before Stu shut the door and put the chair in front of the door. He took his time starting the timer on the way back to the circle. You went to go sit beside Sidney, but a cold hand caught your wrist and pulled you down. You gave a soft sound in shock and looked at Stu as he turned on the timer and leaned towards you. 
“What’s up with Tatum wanting to fuck Randy?” He asked, his breath hitting your ear. You felt ashamed as your face heated up as he spoke. 
“Uh, I don’t know.” You chewed on the inside of your cheek and gazed across the circle at Sidney who looked like she was going to burst. You sent her a sharp look. “She just mentioned it tonight. Maybe she’s just drunk. Why? Jealous?” You finally looked at the man again. He had a single raised eyebrow. 
“Me? Jealous?” He laughed. “No way. I have options.” You quickly looked away as the man eyed you too intensely. “Sidney,” he spoke, eyes still trained on you for a moment before he looked at her. “Truth or dare?” She hesitated for a minute, thinking about her last choice and the truth she had to answer. 
“Dare.” He smirked at the girl and looked at Billy that sat a few feet away from him. 
“Sit on Billy’s lap until I pick out of the hat.” 
“What’s the matter? You were just on his dick last weekend.” He said, as innocently as he could. She shot him a look and almost pleaded with her eyes at you. 
“I can always, uh… take the dare instead.” You said in an attempt to save your friend from the embarrassment. 
“No,” Stu spoke quickly, shaking his head. “This is for Sidney. Sid, sit on Billy’s lap for the next few minutes.” You shrugged gently and sent her an apologetic look. 
‘I tried’ you mouthed at the woman as she stood and walked over to Billy. You didn’t bother looking over and watching her, knowing that she certainly didn’t want to be seen in a moment like this. With a content hum, Stu looked around the circle then at the timer on his lap. There were still four minutes left for the two in the room and nearly half of the people had left while you and Sidney were in the closet. 
“Well… unless you wanna kiss me, there’s not much else we can do.” Stu spoke. It took a moment for you to realize that he was talking to you. 
“I’m not going to kiss you. I wasn’t going to choose dare anyways! It’s not even your turn again!” You blurted out shakily. He snickered and rested back on his hands. 
“Alright. Guess we get to wait.” The room was awkwardly silent. The music was quieter than it had been all night, but it still made your teeth feel like they were buzzing even after all of this time away from the loud room. 
Being able to hear your breath made you feel self-conscious, so you glanced at Sidney and saw her stiff against Billy who had a hand on her leg. She caught your gaze and gently shook her head as you bit back a smile. 
The timer going off nearly made you jump. Stu got up slowly, stopping the timer and grabbed the hat instead of heading for the closet. You looked up at the man as he shoved his hand into the hat. All of the papers were still in there, even for the people that had left, but he smiled when he picked up his piece. He handed it down to Billy as Sidney scrambled off of his lap and stood up. 
“Gotta run to the bathroom,” she mumbled to you as she passed by you. You were too distracted watching the two share a quick, quiet conversation. Billy sent Stu and quick smirk as Stu laughed and stood up straight again. He headed over to the closet as Billy pocketed the paper and looked at you. 
“Let me guess, you?” You asked hopefully. Billy stood and stretched his legs with a shake of his head. 
“I hope your breath smells good.” He teased, moving to sit on the sofa as your face fell. You watched as Tatum straightened her shirt and sent you a grin. Randy’s face was bright red as he aimlessly followed Tatum towards the other room. Nobody was left but you, Billy and Stu. Fingers grabbed your own, the same cold, slender fingers that grabbed you before. You dug your nail into the side of your free thumb and looked at the man. 
“Just you and me now,” he winked at you and tugged you towards the closet. Billy followed the two of you to the closet, giving Stu a slap on the back as he got into the small, cramped space with you, and shut the door. The chair scraped across the floor and hooked underneath the handle. 
“Seven minutes.” Billy spoke through the door and walked away. You were dead silent, fearing to even breathe. Stu shockingly didn’t smell purely like alcohol. Instead, he smelled minty, like he’d recently had gum. The lingering scent of his cologne was in your nose as he stood so close that you swore you felt his body heat. 
“I’m guessing you and Sidney didn’t do what we’re about to,” he spoke in a tone you had never heard from him before; enticing, flirty— dare you say it— sexy. You clenched your jaw and tried becoming one with the wall. Stu got closer, his breath along your warm cheekbones. 
“We don’t have to do anything.” You spoke quickly. 
“This is seven minutes in heaven. That’s the golden rule of this game.” He grasped your waist and pulled you flush against his chest. You gave a soft gasp and pressed your palm flat to his chest. “You’re gonna tell me that you don’t want to kiss me like I wanna kiss you?” He teased. “You’re not struggling. You’re not yelling or hitting me.” Stu nudged your chin up and leaned in, his lips brushing gently across yours with the slightest kiss that you didn’t return. 
Your breath hitched and earned another laugh from the man in front of you. 
“Yeah. You don’t want to kiss me.” He mumbled beneath his breath, ignoring your silent protests as he pressed his lips to yours. Your fingers grasped at his chest, legs shaky as the man held you close. You struggled for a moment in his arms, but Stu was persistent. His tongue brushed along your bottom lip and made you flush. Involuntarily, your mouth opened for the man that pushed his tongue into your mouth and grasped tighter at your hips. 
The fight in you seemed to have abandoned you as you finally leaned into the man. Stu reached his hand down, groping at your ass and earning a soft gasp from you as he pressed your hips to his. His fingers grasped your thigh, edging it up to wrap around his waist in an attempt to feel your body completely pressed against his own. Your face was hot as you felt the obvious hardness in his pants. 
“You feel how hard I am for you?” He teased between feverish kisses that you leaned in to even when he pulled back. “It’s sure as hell not for Tatum fucking Randy in the bathroom upstairs.” He snickered, sliding his hand up your side and groping at your breast over the bra that you wore. 
Stu left your lips with a soft ‘smack,’ but before you could even react, he leaned down to press a few scattered kisses to your neck. Stu’s fingers were long and strong, groping at your breast and making you give a soft moan in return to his lips sucking on your skin. Stu gave a devious chuckle and pulled away from your neck, shoving his lips back to your mouth as his opposite hand slid along your thigh. You shifted against the man, leaning closer to him and making it easier for his fingers to press to your clit over your clothing. 
“Better stay quiet. You wouldn’t want anyone thinking that you cave so easily, would you?” He laughed at you as you gave another small moan at his fingers rubbing small circles on your clit. Your body tingled at his touch, at the kisses that he pressed to your lips. Stu knew he had you when his fingers pushed into your pants and you didn’t even falter. His fingers pressed to your entrance over your underwear and he gave a chuckle. “You’re wet,” he mumbled against your lips. “Are you a little slut? Getting horny for me in the closet? Are you into the thought of Billy hearing you moan for me in here?” 
“Mmm, Stu—“ you grumbled in complaint as he chuckled. He pressed another kiss to your lips and shoved his fingers into your panties. You squirmed against the mans hands as his fingers rubbed bare at your clit. You were getting desperate, the alcohol in your system wasn’t making it easy on you to make the right choices. 
And as Stu pushed one of his long fingers inside of you, it was too hard for you to stop. 
Stu easily sensed how desperate you were as you clenched slightly around his fingers. He chuckled, pulling his hand back and sucking off his fingers before he reached over and pounded on the door. 
“As sexy as this is, I’d rather go to my room and keep your moans and screams to myself,” he pressed a kiss to your neck as footsteps started heading to the closet. His warm breath hit your ear as he whispered to you. “I’m gonna strip all of this off of you and fuck you until you’re soaking the bed.” You gave a soft sound beneath your breath in embarrassment to his vulgar words, something that earned a devious chuckle from the man that stood over you. 
The light coming from outside nearly blinded you as you squinted and tried to adjust to the drastic light change. 
“That wasn’t seven minutes.” Billy’s familiar voice spoke as slender fingers grabbed your own quickly and started to lead you from the closet. You glanced over, seeing Sidney sitting on the ground with flushed cheeks. She sent you a confused look, something you shrugged at. 
“I decided I need more than seven minutes.” Stu sent his best friend and wink before he tugged you after him. “Come on. Let’s go to my room. You won’t regret it.” 
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 5 months
ToA Fic Recs!!!
Tag List: @itscharliebabey
I probably forgot a LOT but these are the ones I tracked down via bookmarks and frantic searches upon realizing they Were Not bookmarked rip 😔
Apollo & His Kids
A Heart Heavy With Memories by @summerbummin
After reclaiming his godhood, Apollo visits his children often, and on one of those visits he tells them about their mortal parents. He shows them memories of their time together. And ends up reminiscing a little more than he bargained for.
How I Met Your Mother(s and Fathers) by NebuchadnezzarII
Around the Cabin Seven table, Apollo tells each of his six children how he met their parents.
Through The Son's Eyes by @literallyjusttoa
A journey through Asclepius' relationship with his dad, from Ancient Greece to modern day.
demand nothing less (than transformation) by tissuebocks
Dad is quiet for a moment, stroking her hair. Then, with a surge of his usual flamboyant excitement: “At what time is your date?” Kayla blinks. She pulls back a little to look at Dad. He’s still a little blurry from the tears, but she feels much calmer now. “He’s picking me up at six. …Why?” Dad’s eyes—cobalt blue—sparkle. Literally. “We’re going to dress you to the nines.” (or: apollo loves his daughter. he also loves fashion. even better is when the two intersect.)
Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Naomi Solace is performing at a black tie event, and neither her son nor his boyfriend know much about formalwear. Day 2: Black Tie Event
Fatal Flaw
Every demigod had one, and every demigod had their trial where they had to face it head on and hope they had the strength to defeat it before it defeated them. Day 24: Injuries Beyond Healing
A Right To Emotions
Apollo had abandoned his son when he needed him, and the worst thing was that he’d never realised until Nico told him. Day 30: Forgiveness In A New Day
Childhood, Or A Lack Thereof
Demigods grow up too fast. Day 23: How long does youth last for?
Memories of Sunflowers
He first met his dad in a field of sunflowers. Day 2: Alone in a Sunflower Field
Shuttered Heart
Apollo loves fiercely and his losses hit all the harder for it. It's a trait his children inherit.
Daughter of Archery
If there’s one thing Kayla knows, it’s archery. Day 17: Perfection Is A Must
Apollo & Meg
Movie Night by @falconfrost
Meg and Apollo attend a midnight horror movie showing. Everyone likes clowns, right?
yesteryear by @m-arnie-xx
yesteryear (noun) — last year or the recent past, especially as nostalgically recalled; often a period in the past with a set of values or a way of life that no longer exists. Or, There is eighteen hours, thirty-five minutes, and nine seconds, between when Meg last sees Apollo, and when Artemis sends a sign to Camp Half-Blood to tell them that he has survived and defeated Python.
lesterlicious by apopcornkernel
yazz_ • 1 week ago This dude is straight up LARPing as the god Apollo or something 4.7K likes REPLY View 25 replies
Meg & Apollo's Highly Limited Roadtrip Playlist by Curioser
Fourteen hundred miles. Four radio stations. Two friends trying hard not to kill each other, or to acknowledge the fact that in less than a week, they may never see each other again. And Lizzo. So much Lizzo.
visions of beasts by UKULELEchildren
Suddenly, a figure appeared in the dark haze. A vague smudge of purple appeared. His cloak. “No.” I whispered. “You’re dead.” What would Meg have visions about?
Apollo & Olympus
Beneath the Rhododendrons by Lepidopterrain
Carefully, she slipped past the hyacinths that had popped up around the bush like a small protective wall. They'd been the only reason she'd looked down at that spot really, and noticed the flash of gold curls amongst the pinks, reds, and purples of the rhododendrons. Artemis let her fingers linger on the petals of one of the small little guardian flowers, just for a moment. She'd never been sure if her brother had noticed just how little control he actually had over hyacinths, for a flower that was supposedly 'his.' She suspected Demeter and Persephone knew, if anyone. But neither goddess had deigned to talk of such matters with Artemis. Perhaps for the best, Artemis wasn't really sure what she would've said if they had tried to bring the subject up. There's a very good chance she wouldn't tried to shoot one of them and then escape while they were distracted. Emotions weren't her forte. She was grown enough to admit it. 
The Older Twin
Apollo could lie all he wanted, Artemis was the older one. She’d never felt that as keenly as she did now. Day 26: Missing You
Third Strike
Zeus loved Apollo, once. His favourite son, his golden child. His greatest threat. Day 19: And So The Sun Sets
Ancient Greece
A Sun's Forgiveness by @hazardous-lightdas12
“Mortals die Artemis,” Apollo whispers. “Their lives will forever wax and wane. Like the moon. The ebb and flow of Uncle Poseidon’s waves. But us. We are eternal. You must remember that.” Her brother sounds like he has said the words to himself too many times. – Apollo does not scream when the lightning bolt strikes him. -- Alt Summary: Fathers make mistakes sometimes. Hippolytus’ father has made the teensy, easily understandable and forgivable mistake of beheading his son due to unproven and untrue allegations. Artemis grieves. Apollo tries to make everything all better, and somehow ends up making everything worse. . Zeus is so good at daddying! Admetus worries about the logistics of cow-herding
Of ravens and songbirds by Cassiethewriter
The godling whimpered and fought, and Python refused to let the hiss of frustration fall out. “Quite understandable, too.” He said, coils growing tighter and making the godling cough again. “Poor fair Leto being hunted by the issued Hera, the Queen of Olympus and the only child raised by Rhea. You heard of Leto’s suffering from day one, and sought to bring justice to it. Very brave and god-like.” Python snorted again. “But I’m afraid this is where you myths start— and end. Right here, right now. Like a moth to the sun.” Or, The battle with Python.
Party On Olympus (gone wrong)
Mother’s hand was holding onto him firmly. Probably to stop Hermes from running down the hall and around the finely carved pillars decorating the sides of the palace. Despite the fact that if he were a mortal he would not even be walking yet, he already got himself into trouble recently.
Puppies (and why they can fix anything)
"Aww look at the puppy!” He raced forward, voice an octave higher than usual. As is normal when speaking to such an adorable creature.
Apollo & His Lovers
Naomi Solace
thinking about it, had a breakthrough by @thesungod
“I’m Naomi Solace!” “Okay?” “The singer?” Fred shakes his head, a smug smile on his lips. “Never heard of you.” “As Long As The Sun Shines? It was number 1 on the billboard for like, a month!” Hating herself, she starts mouthing the melody. There’s no way this asshole doesn’t know her stupid song. Naomi Solace meets an arrogant, young producer that she really wants to kick in the balls. Unfortunately, he seems to know what he’s doing.
Solar Powered by @curseofdelos (:D Glad to see you reblogged this hehe here's a tag :3)
Apollo, god of music, was how he had introduced himself. Naomi had assumed he was joking, and he didn't correct her. She had dated musicians and poets before. They all had an ego, and those same words would not have felt out of place from either of her exes. She merely downgraded Apollo from potential boyfriend to potential fling, and didn't think twice about it. Now though…. Now her son could heal wounds with a single touch, and her world was tipping on its axis.
Plaything of the Gods - Daphne's Story by @the-primordial-archivist
When Apollo finally decided to wear a crown, it was her leaves that topped his head. But it wasn’t just he who wore her branches. Winners had her leaves on them too. Laurels. The symbol of victory.
You make a fool of death with your beauty (and for a moment, I forgot to worry) by @ukelele-boy
Sometimes as a god you lose track of time. With all his prophetic powers, Apollo never saw it coming.
His Flowers byshotar1s
Meg notices her servant, Apollo, is quieter than usual. Oh, the flowers in his hands explain why.
I Woo The Asgardian Hipster God by ladanse
"Another time, in a Stockholm tavern, I met this god who was smoking hot, except his talking sword just would not shut up." -The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan
Conversations (regarding a certain half-brother) by Phoenixrising007
Walking out of the council meeting Ares did his best to make sense of what just happened. Apollo was there. Back just like Athena said he would be. She won the blasted bet. Again.
The Sun
Apollo plays the role of an idiot well enough that often, it’s forgotten that he’s one of the most powerful gods - and one of the most wrathful. #140: Setting Heaven on Fire
Seven Days and Seven Nights
A warning, a storm, and Will’s world gets flipped upside-down. Day 11: Storming
Secrets of the Sun by @sierice and beta'd by @ukelele-boy
“No, that kid is too similar to me… way too similar... Almost like he’s…” Apollo’s eyes widened. “Like he’s you from the future?” Persephone finished. Dionysus asked incredulously, “You don’t seriously think that right? There’s no way you would ever dare to look like that!” --------------------------  This is literally just a Trials of Apollo reading the books fic. Hope you enjoy!
time eats all his children by IzzyMRDB
There is something sickly in the passage of time. Time is a rot. A disease or a plague, a festering in your very being that blurs the past until it is tainted with the present. Until the present is tainted with the future. The Greeks were well aware of this sickness, for all their depictions of time, while divine, were also rotted. AKA Apollo is the god least touched by the passage of time, yet the one most affected by it. There's so much of the present that he could change. AKA Time Travel with Post-TOA Apollo
Flowers For Apollo by @soleil-in-retrograde
As far as Lester Papadopoulos was concerned, he was seventeen years old and lived at home with his elderly mother just outside of Tampa. He had a(n older? younger? twin?) sister who visited regularly and a baby sister(?) in California who called him her dummy and would help out with his mother's garden when she visited and he was teaching piano to. He also had a myriad of cousins who went to a camp up north he wrote constantly. He didn't know what he wanted to do with the life stretching in front of him. ----- The God Apollo has a bad habit of not telling people when something is wrong. It doesn't help he doesn't quite remember until it's too late. It's not his fault.
Over The Palisade by @aeithalian
This was an old dream. He’d had it many times before. Jerry, standing before the Roman Senate.  Mars, waving his hand. A lyre, appearing on Jerry’s arm.  Jerry’s prophecy: “Crowns will fall to ash.”  Jupiter, standing between the new augur and a towering statue of himself.  Apollo, standing between his father and his son.  Olympus, Apollo on his knees, trembling, electricity jumping over his arms. A stranger’s face, dark and stony. He says something, but the words are quiet.  The doors of the Palace of the Sun. Chained shut.  Or: Apollo has been missing for two and a half years, and there may or may not be an impending apocalypse.
Sunrise by IcyDreams_and_FieryWishes
At 10,000 years of age, Apollo falls to Chaos. With the last of his strength, he sends his memories through the fabric of Space-Time. At 1 day of age, Apollo refuses to let the story be the same as last time. Vi Va La Revolution. SkyFall: Season 1, Arc 1- The Rising Sun. In which Apollo lives through his early life, forming alliances and rewriting mythological history while striving to keep his siblings and family safe from threats outside and within their home. Will he succeed? Or will Fate prevail once more? One thing is for sure, Apollo remembers. And he will take his vengeance.
THE MUST-READ Eclipse!!!!!!
According to the prophecy, Will has to go to on a quest to Tartarus. According to Apollo, that isn’t going to happen, even if it means he has to break the Ancient Laws.
The Stolen God is a ToA/MCatGoA crossover!
Python is defeated. The prophecies are restored, and Nero has fallen. Apollo has not been seen since. His trials are over; why isn’t he back on Olympus?
Memories of Godly Selfishness
Chapter 1: Apollo and Meg watch Apollo's interactions with the demigods (and Grover) in Blood of Olympus and the Singer of Apollo. They don't like what they see. Chapter 2: Apollo, Meg, and Percy watch the fight with Otis and Ephialtes in Mark of Athena. Apollo gains new perspective on gods’ relationships with demigods. Chapter 3: Apollo, Meg, and Annabeth watch the final battle against Kronos and the aftermath, with a surprise guest later on. Chapter 4: Apollo and Meg watch “Welcome to Camp Half-Blood”. Apollo gives a long over-due apology. Chapter 5: Side Story - Satyr School: Apollo teaches some young satyrs. Chapter 6: Apollo, Meg, Thalia, and Will watch Thalia's and Luke's encounter with a certain son of Apollo.
A Convergence of Apollos
Percy had been hoping for a quiet afternoon celebrating Grover's birthday with him. Then Apollo arrived, and their peaceful afternoon got a lot less peaceful. It got even weirder when two kids popped out of thin air who both seemed to know him.
Apollo & The Aftermath
The Roman emperors and Python have been defeated, the oracles reclaimed, and Apollo restored to godhood. He's having somewhat of a hard time adjusting to being back among the gods, which is understandable after his six-month grow-a-conscience speedrun. But something else is rotten in the state of Olympus, and before it can really feel like home, it's going to require some serious renovation.
The Tail of A Pollo
The hunt for the Teumessian Fox hasn't been going great, but thanks to a new prophecy (of sorts), it looks like Apollo may be key to aiding the Hunters of Artemis in the beast's defeat. In like, a super badass, heroic way, of course. Actually, on second thought, maybe just imagine the monster's defeat in your head. You definitely don't have to read this. I'm certain you get the gist of it already. You can simply exit this tab real quick, no biggie. Have a lovely day!
Bad Sons by @thesungod
Hades turned to the demigods that were still kneeling. “I need to speak with Will Solace,” he said to the shocked room, in the tone he could have used to say “I came to ask if one of you could lend me a pen.” “Alone,” the god added after a moment, staring right at Nico. Or, Will and Nico go on the stupidest quest ever. And it’s all Apollo’s fault.
Fall of The Sun
Five times Apollo fainted and one time he didn't.
The Trials of Apollo: The Forgotten Acres
When their truck breaks down on the way to New York, Apollo and Meg get a few days of downtime in a refuge called the Forgotten Acres. While there, Apollo confronts a decision he's been putting off for weeks, and finds that it's one of the hardest choices he's ever had to make.
Kill The Sun
Even restored to godhood, Apollo still wants to be around his friends and mortal family, even at the risk of Zeus'...dissatisfaction. This is the four times Apollo got away with helping his demigods and the one time he didn't.
Mourning Sun changed my brain chemicals
Percy has the Chalice and all he has left to do is hand it over to Ganymede. Then he notices Ganymede might not be the only one being mistreated by Zeus. Apollo's at brunch, too.
the grace of gods is a grace that comes by violence by @californiannostalgia
Were I That Burning Star, the first fic in the series, is an absolute Must Read imo
An old panic gripped me—the breathless fear of being forgotten, being lost. Would anyone remember me when I was gone? Would someone think to lay a flower down on my grave and say some fond nothings like, “Was a pretty cool guy, that Lester,” while wiping off a single dramatic tear rolling down their cheek? Oh, who was I kidding. So what if no one remembered? There wasn’t much I was proud to be remembered by anyway. After defeating Python and bringing down Nero, Phoebus Apollo reclaims his godhood. He is glorious once more. But for some reason, he can't quite make himself go back to how things were before. (A Character Study of Various Gods, including but not limited to: Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Hephaestus, Dionysus, and maybe Zeus)
Gods' Eye View by @flightfoot
Carefully, I picked out Apollo’s string. It glowed vibrantly, as the strings of all divine beings do. Mine most brilliantly of all, of course, though Apollo’s always seemed to be trying to outshine it. I firmly grasped hold of it, matching its own glow with my own. Slowly, I exerted my will, my power, pressing my radiance against the manifestation of Apollo’s, slowly increasing my light until it overpowered his. Yet, it resisted me, its glow strengthening, refusing to surrender. I grit my teeth. “I am Zeus, King of the Gods, and your father. Submit to me.” ----- Zeus tries to turn Apollo into a mortal. It does not go as well as he expected. That only incenses him further.
The Hidden Oracle+1 spin-offs by @garecc
Artemis falls to earth with Apollo in the hidden Oracle. Flames streamed off her body as she fell. Features sibling banter, protective Artemis, and far too many headcanons. ON AN INDEFINITE HAITUS.
rip hiatus😔
Memories of Dust and Gold by @moodyseal holds lots a variety of fics!
Companion Fics
The Healing Sun by ReadTheBooks. Companion to Eclipse
You are Asclepius. You are 9 and just want to help people. Your father is kind, and warm, and you love him dearly. Or, a look at a relationship hindered by loss but persevering through love. Asclepius and Apollo throughout the ages.
Other, But During ToA
A Single Drachma by @tsarinatorment, podfic by @stereden
Alone. Injured. Hunted. Michael doesn’t know where he is, but he knows he’s running out of time, and he’s only got one shot at calling for help. He’s got to make it count.
In Dreams by @m-arnie-xx
Zoe did not like Lord Apollo. He was too arrogant, too vain, and flirted with her and her fellow hunters incessantly. He always appeared in their camp at the most inconvenient times, offering archery tips that no one wanted and being a persistent source of annoyance to Lady Artemis near constantly. Zoe did not like Lord Apollo, but sometimes, when Zoe asked a Hunter how they knew something they couldn’t have possibly found out by themselves, and they told her about their dream, she would look up at the sun, and she would wonder… or Zoe did not get demigod dreams… until she did.
Hunger Games AUs
Bloody Eclipse by AmeliaAndreas3
The Sun Must Go On by @please-help-this-little-lesbian
The Golden Gates by SAM_42
Still The Mockingjay Won't Sing by SunnySky_11
The Copollo Masterlist - Collection of Ao3 & FF.net fics of Apollo & Commodus </3 Trainwreck beloved
And of you'd like, my fics:
The Works of Apollo - Canon Compliant Fics!
Alder's Mess of ToA AUs - AUs!
Adventures in (Grand)Parenting: Featuring Koios - My obsession with Koios spawned this!
The Crew of Dodona - Pirate AU! Random fic ideas written whenever the itch strikes!
198 notes · View notes
ichorai · 11 months
hell, yeah ; roman roy ; part one (m).
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track ten of BROKEN MACHINE.
pairing ; roman roy x f!reader
synopsis ; pain was an old friend for the both of you.
words ; 16.2k
themes ; fluff, angst, drama, slowburn, suggestive, childhood friends to lovers
warnings / includes ; drugs, alcohol, depictions of abuse, mentions of death, hospitals, a lot of sexual jokes and general foul language, reader accidentally walks in on roman jacking off, reader is logan's goddaughter, a lot of business talk, roman being an asshole
series masterlist. main masterlist.
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Pain was an old friend of Roman’s. A friend of shadows and light, a simultaneous whisper and scream, a slap and a smile. It followed him throughout his childhood, where his father had beaten him with his leather belt for spilling a cup of orange juice all over an expensive carpet. It followed him throughout his teenage years, when his mother admitted to him that she never quite loved him. It followed him into adulthood, seeping into every porous crack of his being as he so desperately tried to wrangle it away. The pain was a friend, but it still stung no matter how much of a familiar presence it was.
There were very few constants in Roman’s life—there were his siblings, who were far too erratic to be considered constants. There were his parents, both of which were neglectful and abusive in their own ways. There was the pain, sure…
And there was you.
You were his father’s godchild, having been a close family friend of the Roys for as long as Roman could remember. In every one of his blotted, hazy memories of his past, he could faintly recall you always being there, a beacon of light within the desolate seas of his adolescence. Roman didn’t like admitting it, but you were the closest thing he had to an actual friend. How you’d witnessed dozens upon dozens of his beatings, and in turn, never laid a cruel hand on him. How you’d offer him sweet smiles and comforting words—words that he pretended not to listen to, but he did. He always listened. 
One of Roman’s earliest memories with you was when he was seven and you were six. He had pulled his mouth open excitedly, leaning forward to show you the gap between the bottom row of his teeth. 
“You lost a tooth?” you had asked, voice lilting with jealousy. He’d lost far more teeth than you. 
“Yup.” He didn’t want to tell you that he’d lost this one because his father had backhanded him over his jaw.
“Can I see it?” you asked, childish curiosity dancing over your irises. He held out the small tooth in the palm of his hand, watching the way your expression melded into one of excitement. 
“If I put it under my pillow, I’ll get a quarter,” bragged Roman. He knew he wouldn’t—there was never any money under his pillow when he’d lost teeth in the past. Maybe the tooth fairy didn’t care about him enough, just like his mom and dad. 
Your eyes widened. “I want a quarter.”
“Lose your own tooth, then.”
You smiled, roguish and wide. “Or I could just take yours.”
The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon gleefully chasing each other in the large, manicured yard, until you were both damp with sweat and your chests rose and fell in haggard, breathless motions. The tooth was long lost, abandoned somewhere in the grass, but the two of you had somehow completely forgotten about it, anyway. When the pair of you came slinking back inside, tracking mud and dirt onto the pristine floors, Logan yelled at his youngest son until he burst into a fit of hiccuping tears—but Roman tried not to think about that part as much. 
Another one of Roman’s prominent memories was during a New Years party. He was fifteen, picking at his nails in a bored fashion, sipping on a drink that most definitely had alcohol in it, but nobody cared enough to stop him. Dozens of faceless people strode by, laughing and dancing the night away. It was only minutes before midnight when you approached him, a flustered wave of heat sewn over your cheeks. The two of you were practically attached to the hip, so it wasn’t at all a surprise to Roman that you’d come seeking him out.
“Hey, Romeo,” you said, offering him a gentle smile. The affectionate nickname was one that only you called him—one that Roman often pretended to gag at but really, he couldn’t get enough of hearing you call him that. 
“Hey, fuck-face,” he responded, earning him an amused wrinkle of your nose. You were so pretty then, beneath all those dewy chandelier lights. “So, are you, uh, planning on kissing any of these corporate cocksuckers tonight?”
You exaggerated giving his question a long, hard think, sweeping your gaze over the mingling crowd. “Well, my options are between an old white man… and oh, look at that—another old white man. I’ll give it a pass.”
A snort fell from his lips. “Yeah, well, there’s me. I may be a pasty white, but I’m not old. I don’t look a day over forty.”
It was your turn to laugh, though it was more of a scoff than anything. He took another sip of his drink, before grimacing and setting it down by the edge of the table.
When the clock struck midnight, you leaned over to press a chaste kiss to his cheek, but for reasons unbeknownst to him, he turned his head at the very last second so that your lips fell against his. You pulled away quickly, eyes wide. Roman could feel his heart sinking down to his stomach—oh, he fucked up. He fucked up bad. He wanted nothing more than the ground to open and swallow him whole. 
Though Roman had expected you to crack a joke about how gross he was, you did nearly the exact opposite. You smiled, tilting your head to the side. 
“Happy New Year, Ro,” you whispered. 
The two of you never spoke of the kiss again.
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As the years flickered by, you and Roman were near inseparable, especially once you landed a top manager position at Waystar thanks to your godfather, Logan.
It was his eightieth birthday, and you along with the rest of the Roy family gathered at his lavish house to surprise him. He seemed none too pleased at the sight of a dozen people crowding the entrance to the elevator, but he went on to hug his kids nonetheless. 
Then his gaze swung to you, and you suddenly felt like an eight year old again, cowering beneath his scornful gaze with bated breath. Unlike Roman, Logan never laid a hand on you—though you weren’t exempted from his sharp insults and ridicule.
“Hi, Uncle Logan,” you said, trying your best to smile in a way that didn’t seem unnaturally forced.
Eyes brightening, Logan wound an arm around you, catching you off guard. “Y/N, my dear, it’s been so long! You look beautiful.”
“Ah, thanks—thank you. You look great, as well.”
You glanced at Roman, who gave you a thumbs up and mouthed, cocksucker.
Once Logan pulled away to go greet Connor, you jabbed your elbow into Rome’s side, who snickered under his breath. 
Soon after, Logan herded all his children off to another room, leaving you to greet Rava and her two kids with a kind beam. When Roman came slinking out of the room a few minutes later, he made a bee-line for you, a wiry smile on his face.
“What happened?” you asked, placing a hand on your longtime friend’s forearm. “What’s going on?”
“Dad fucked Kendall. He’s staying on as CEO.” Roman burst into a fit of giggles.
You narrowed your eyes. “That’s—that’s not funny, Ro. Why would he stay on?”
“I don’t know, because Kendall is a limpdick with bad ideas?”
Before you could respond, Logan burst into the room, shouting, “LUNCH!”
It didn’t go past your notice when Roman tensed beneath your touch. You squeezed his arm reassuringly, before gently nudging him into the dining room to be seated by a motherhenning Marcia. 
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The hospital was a cold and foreboding place. Logan had collapsed in the helicopter on the way back from the softball field, and never before had you seen Roman look so terrified. 
In the waiting room, Rome paced back and forth along the seats, his large coat suddenly looking twice its size and his knuckles digging into his squeezed-shut eyes as if he were a kid all over again. 
You took his hand, gentle and slow, lacing your fingers with his. There was a pause when Roman gave you a sidelong glance, the air stilling between you. 
“It’ll be fine,” you whispered, voice warbling. It was clear to the both of you that you didn’t quite believe in your own words. But he leaned into your lies nonetheless, like a fly driven to honey. “Ro, it’ll be okay. It’s Logan—he’s… he’ll fight through.”
The man sucked in a breath. Instead of replying, he pulled his hand away from yours and continued his pacing. 
Hours later, you were curled up on a seat, eyes drooping with exhaustion. Rome sat on the floor in front of you, the back of his head resting against your knee. You knew he was stressed, wanting to sign off the papers as per Logan's wishes, whilst Shiv and Kendall were starkly against the idea.
“He’s not gonna die,” Roman mumbled when Shiv began yelling at Kendall for discussing who would take over the business while Logan was unconscious in the other room. Then, he turned to look up at you, desperate to hear you backing him. “Right? He’s not gonna die.”
“He won’t,” you told him, brushing away a stray strand of his hair from his face. “It’ll be okay.”
Shiv’s tired eyes darted back and forth between the two of you as she huffed out a sigh. A large part of her had always felt jealous of your relationship with Roman—how you weren’t even dating her brother and yet you seemed closer to him than she would ever be with Tom.
When the doctors told the family that Logan had a hemorrhagic stroke and it wouldn’t be wise to operate, they moved him to a much larger and fancier room to keep a close eye on him. It wasn’t long before Kendall, Shiv, and Rome broke out into another large fight over who would take the company. To your surprise, Roman had even offered up himself, which was quickly shot down by Kendall.
“He was fucking playing you to get you to sign the change of trust! Do you even know what it fucking involves?” 
Roman reared back, both of his hands resting on his hips. “Are you calling me a dipshit?”
“No. I love you, man, but you’re not a serious person.”
Clearly upset, Roman strode away from Kendall, making his way to you and curling up by your side, his arm thrown over your shoulders. “Fuck you, Kendall. He’s alive, and you’re not the fuckin’ boss.”
A headache began to pound at the forefront of your head. “Guys, can we please not do this right now? Please? Can’t this wait until morning, at the very least?”
A frown graced Kendall’s weary countenance. “You’re not even a part of this, Y/N—”
Roman’s grip on your shoulders tightened. “Hey, don’t you talk to—”
“Stop!” Shiv barked out. “Let’s not throw shit around. We’re right in the middle here—we just sit tight for now. No sudden moves.”
“Well, we need to move! The markets are going to want to know who’s behind the wheel. We need to control the narrative.”
Rolling his eyes, Roman scoffed, “‘Control the narrative.’ You probably yell that when you cum.” Obnoxiously, he stood up and rounded the couch just behind you, pretending to thrust into it while moaning out control the narrative! 
“Ro, stop,” you gently reprimanded, which made him straighten up with a sharp clear of his throat. 
“Fuck you,” Kendall hissed. “We’re in a goddamn hospital. People know. We have to say something!”
“No, actually, we don’t!” retaliated Shiv. “Nobody knows how serious it is, so we don’t have to say anything.”
The siblings burst into another round of arguments, and you finally got up onto your feet, effectively silencing them. 
“I’m just gonna—I’m gonna go home,” you said, voice quiet. It filled you with hot shame when tears pricked the corners of your eyes. You were overwhelmed, tired, sick of all the fighting, and worried for your godfather. “Can one of you please just… let me know if he’s okay?”
“Oh, yeah, uhm… alright, uh, sorry if we…” Roman made an incoherent gesture before roping you into a one-armed hug. You kissed his cheek, before turning to do the same to Shiv and Kendall. As much as they all frustrated you, they were practically your family—the people you grew up side by side with.
The three siblings watched as you gingerly shuffled up to Logan on the hospital bed. He was breathing funny—tubes up his nose, chest rising and falling shallowly. Your bottom lip trembled as you fought to keep the tears at bay. Sniffling, you leaned down to kiss your godfather’s forehead, before straightening yourself and walking back.
As you made your way out of the hospital room, you could hear footsteps shuffling after you. You turned, eyes softening upon seeing Rome leaning against the wall, acting as if he hadn’t been following you.
“You okay, Rome?”
“Yeah, I’m just—seeing you off. I don’t know. Can’t trust hospital hallways these days.” There was a melancholic look to his face. A plea for you to stay was on the tip of his tongue—how was he supposed to go about pretending like everything was fine without you there to back him?
With a gentle sigh, you leaned forward to press your nose against Roman’s cheek, forehead resting against the side of his head. “I’ll see you soon, Ro. I just need to be alone for a bit. Is that okay?”
He swallowed uneasily. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s—fuck. That’s okay.”
You gave him a smile, one that didn’t quite reach your eyes. “That’s a good boy,” you teasingly said in an effort to make him laugh.
Rome stepped away from you, scratching the back of his head and chuckling nervously. “Hah, yeah, fuck off. Bye, dickhead.”
“Bye, Romeo,” you replied with a certain kind of tragic fondness, and he turned to stiffly walk back into the hospital room.
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After several nights of limited, restless sleep, you found yourself back in your office, leaning back in your chair tiredly. Hundreds of emails flooded your computer screen—a large portion of them asking about the wellbeing of your godfather. It made you angry—almost irrationally so. You didn’t know. You didn’t fucking know a single thing. The constant reminders that you didn’t know anything about Logan’s fate weren’t helping one bit. 
The glass door to your office was pushed open by none other than Roman, the new COO, sporting a tired grin. 
“God, my back is fucked from this new trainer I have,” he announced, groaning as he sank into one of the pristine seats in your office. 
“You have a new trainer?” you asked, grateful to take your attention away from all those damn emails.
He scratched at the back of his head. “Yeah—I don’t know. Just trying it out. Whatever.”
“Shame, we could’ve worked out together,” you absent-mindedly responded, getting up from your desk chair to sit next to him, burying your face in your palms. “I could use the distraction.”
Because you weren’t looking at him, you missed the way Roman’s features softened for you, his hand patting your back. 
“I saw dad a while back,” he said, voice suddenly small. “He got like… tubes and shit up his nose and—” The words caught in his throat. 
You leaned your head against his shoulder, shutting your eyes for just a second. 
“I think I’m…”
“Scared?” you tried to finish for him when he trailed off.
There was a long pause before Roman cleared his throat. “Yeah.”
“It’s okay to be scared, Ro,” you said, lifting your head to meet his gaze and offering him a kind smile. “I’m here for you.”
Abruptly, Roman pulled away from you, standing up despite his stiff back. “Ugh, fuck. Don’t—don’t make those eyes at me.”
Brows kinking, you crossed your arms. “What eyes?”
“Those fuckin’... seductive eyes—I don’t know!” he glared at you before waving the matter away entirely. “Whatever, I just—”
“Ro,” you interrupted, voice still kind despite him lashing out. “I understand you're stressed out, but don’t make things weird between us because you’re so out of touch with your emotions.”
His voice raised an entire octave as he protested, “I’m not stressed. I’m fuckin’ peachy. Peachiest fuckin’ peach that’s ever peached. Look at me!”
“I’m looking,” you said, unimpressed.
With a frown, he made his way to the door. “You know what, fuck off. I came here to take a nap but I guess I’ll go find a breakroom or something.”
You narrowed your eyes, knowing damn well that he had his own lavish office to lounge in and he was just trying to make you feel bad for him. 
“I’ll come by later, Ro,” you told him. “We could get lunch?”
“Yeah, sure, whatever, fuck-face.” His words were harsh as ever but you could see right through his facade—he just needed someone to be there for him. 
He disappeared out the door, and you blew out a long sigh. Two hours flew by, and you managed to answer all your emails and organize some files, constantly interrupted by people coming in asking for you to sign contracts you barely cared enough about to read.
When your lunch break finally rolled around, you were quick to dash out of your office, eager to get away from work for a bit. The atmosphere around the building was so different now—what with Logan temporarily gone and Kendall as acting CEO, Roman as COO. 
You made your way to Roman’s office, eyebrows raising upon seeing that all the blinds were shut. Well, he had mentioned taking a nap. With pursed lips, you quietly pushed the glass door open, ducking past the beige-hued blinds.
Immediately, a breathy whine hit your ears accompanied by the unmistakable sound of—
Your eyes widened upon seeing Roman facing the window, both hands down his pants. 
“Oh, my god—oh, fuck—” you began, hurriedly backing up against the wall and throwing a hand over your eyes. Startled at the sudden noise, Roman turned his head over to see you blindly grappling for the door, trying your best to duck past the blinds. Before he could say anything, you were blurting out an apology, rotating on your heel to quickly throw yourself out of his office.
Fuck, Roman thought. His dick was even harder than it was before. Aroused shame curled within his stomach when he resumed touching himself, this time your shocked features imprinted into his thoughts. His forehead fell against the window when he came, a string of obscenities falling from his lips, and your name tumbling out with them.
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Lunch with Roman didn’t happen—you were far too embarrassed to answer any of his texts (he had spammed you nearly twenty separate messages by now). By the time dinner came around, you were just getting ready to go home when you heard a voice say, “Knockity knock knock.”
Roman came into your office without knocking. 
“You’ve been ignoring me,” he plainly stated.
“I’m just busy,” you said, refusing to meet his gaze, cheeks burning. 
The man across from you tilted his head. “Look, about what you saw, back there—”
“I didn’t see anything,” you quickly said. 
“Okay, well, you want me to explain it to you? I had my hand down my—”
Hurriedly, you shook your head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t even go to your office today.”
Roman narrowed his eyes, before smiling in a mischievous manner, patting your flushed cheek twice. “Look at you, you little liar! Come on—let’s go get dinner. My treat.”
Begrudgingly, you followed after Roman, allowing him to pull you into a car, and then into a fancy restaurant you couldn’t even pronounce the name of, and hoard you into your seat. It was nice spending time with him—even though you’d walked in on him jacking off in his office earlier, he was still your best friend nonetheless. Besides, it wasn’t often the two of you hung out together outside of work.
“So—charity gala next week. You got a date yet?” he asked, forking pasta into his mouth.
“Easy. You go with me,” said Rome. 
A frown crossed your face. “You could at least ask.”
“Why should I, when I know you’re going to say yes?”
“You’re so annoying.”
“Yeah, love you, too, schnookums,” he teased. “Eat your fuckin’ pasta before it gets cold. One noodle strand here costs, like, a hundred bucks.”
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“You need to tell dad to back the fuck off,” Roman announced as he stomped into Kendall’s office, startling his older brother. “You know he rehired Frank to babysit me? I don’t need a babysitter, okay? Especially one I don’t get to fuck. I already have Y/N for that.”
Flabbergasted at the sudden barrage of information, Kendall pushed back from his desk. “Really? Frank is back?”
“Yeah, I mean, you’re CEO. Can dad even do that?” 
“I don’t… it’s, uh, it’s a question.”
Roman rolled his eyes. “Okay, well, have a talk with him and tell him to butt out because we are running the show now. Go back to bed and, I don’t know, fuckin’ eat some soup. Get some rest. Old man shit.”
The older of the two stood up, holding his hands out in a placating manner. “Hey, relax, alright? The, uh, you know… the dinosaur is having one last roar at the meteor before it wipes him out. But look—you’re doing a great job.”
Roman dipped forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his brother’s forehead. “Thank you. Thanks, man, really. Urgh—it’s actually so fuckin’ good to hear. It’s a big job.”
“I know.”
“Well, do you want some help? We can tag-team it on Dad’s speech at Sad Sack Wasp Trap.”
There was a pause. “Uhm, yeah, I guess. I mean, it is a CEO thing, so, like, I have a whole thing prepared… with jokes and stuff—”
“You’re doing jokes?” Roman snickered.
“Why does everyone keep saying that? I’m funny.”
Giggling, Roman sarcastically bit out, “Yup! Of course you are, big bro. I’m sure you’re gonna kill it out there. Who you taking?”
Kendall’s face twisted with discomfort. “Uh, no one… Rava’s busy.”
“Doesn’t wanna go with you. Got it.”
Kendall didn’t have the heart to glare at Roman. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll roll solo.”
“How’s that gonna look? CEO can’t even get an ugly sister to go to the ball? You’ll be laughed at.”
There was a pause before Kendall offered, “You know who I’d like to take? Anna Newman—blonde chick from ATN.”
Roman took a second to think about who that was before saying, “Oh, shit, yeah. No, yeah, I’d fuck that in a minute. Take her!”
“It’s not cool. I’m her boss.”
“Oh, come on. What a pathetic beta-cuck!”
“Jesus, Roman, you’re a walking fucking lawsuit.”
“No—I’m just honest. I’m like, ‘Hey, you have a nice face, I wanna fuck your face, can I cum on your face?’ Which is exactly why my face is drowning in pussy and you don’t even fuck your wife.” After a second, Roman realized he probably stepped a bit too far. “Eesh, yikes. Too far. Sorry. Them’s the facts, though.”
Huffing out a sigh, Kendall asked, “Okay, then, who are you taking if you’re always drowning in pussy?”
“Well, I’m taking Y/N, even though I’m technically her boss.”
Shaking his head, Kendall sighed. “You’re taking Y/N? Are you guys finally dating or something, then?”
“Dating? Fuck, no.” Roman blew out a breath. “Hold on—what do you mean finally?”
Kendall’s lips slanted to the side. “I don’t know. We always just thought you two… you know…”
The memory of you accidentally walking in on him jerking off flashed across his mind. Roman clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Nope. Nuh-uh. Nothing there. Y/N and I are… pals who want to fuck each other but never have, never will. Because we love each other too much.”
Because he was scared of you becoming something he could truly lose.
“You wanna fuck Y/N?” Kendall’s brows inched closer to his hairline with the question.
Roman pursed his lips. “I didn’t say that. What? Fuck you.” 
“You just—”
Already, Roman was on his feet, swinging out of Kendall’s office with an elongated bye!
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Camera lights, flashing everywhere. Bright and blinding, leaving faint memories of colors in their wake dancing over your irises. Roman’s hand was curled over your waist as the two of you smiled wide for the paparazzi. You had coordinated your outfits—him in a regular black tux that you went out of your way to call boring, and you in a silken black dress with a plunging neckline that he went out of his way to call slutty. The two of you laughed about it regardless.
You were well aware of the headlines you’d make. Childhood Friends Reunited! Logan Roy’s Goddaughter With Youngest Roy Son: Star-Crossed Lovers.
It happened nearly every time you were seen out in public with Roman. And now that this was a large charity event, you only expected the headlines to double in number and grow more ludicrous in nature. Especially when Roman was not one to hold back, always cracking crude jokes.
Once the two of you made your way into the event hall, away from the snapping cameras, Rome leaned close to your ear to whisper, “Can I just say, you look fan-fucking-tabulous right now. Whew, I could just bend you over and—”
“God, Ro, have some decorum,” you replied lightly. “And don’t promise me things you won’t hold up to.”
He smiled, his lips faintly brushing the golden earrings you were wearing, before pulling away. 
“I gotta go talk to Dad,” he whispered, patting your hip as he slid away from you. You gave him a nod and a smile before making your way to your designated table, brushing past a frantic Connor who was murmuring under his breath about how the butter was fucked.
And as you took your seat, a handsome waiter with pretty eyes and dark curls came to your table, pouring you a drink with a smile. 
“Thanks,” you murmured.
“No problem,” he replied. With a charming twinkle in his eye, the waiter asked, “So, did your date leave you here all alone or did you come here by yourself?”
“He’s off doing… business. As he often does. He’s a friend.”
“A friend, huh?” the waiter echoed. It didn’t go past your notice when his brown irises darted down to glance at your form, the slopes of your curves accentuated just perfectly by the dark dress.
It was only then that Roman came skipping back, head cocked and brows raised at the unfamiliar face. 
“Hi,” he greeted, placing a firm hand on your back. 
When the waiter, looking awfully embarrassed, began to scuttle away, Roman only held his hand out to stop him, tutting as if he were scolding a petulant child. “Mmh. Fill my glass for me.”
It was a power play—an obvious one. You glared at Roman, but watched silently as the waiter you didn’t even know the name of poured your date some rich wine.
“Thaaank you,” he quipped, drawing out the first word obnoxiously long.
Just as the waiter turned to walk away, Roman stopped him once again. “Ah, ah, ah. You stick around, bud.” At your dismayed countenance, he quirked a brow. “What? Was I interrupting something? If you like my date so much, why don’t you just ask for her fuckin’ number?”
You blew out a sigh. “Rome—”
“No, I mean, you clearly want to, right?” Roman placed a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N, you wanna give this guy your number?” 
Almost out of spite, you nodded your head. “Yeah, I’d love to give him my number.”
You locked eyes with Roman, watching the way his expression seemed to shift and harden. He was enjoying every bit of this.
Finally, he tore his gaze away from you, looking back at the waiter. “Why don’t you ask for her number then?”
There was a long pause. Hesitant, the waiter asked, “Can I get your number?”
A wheeze of a laugh escaped Roman’s lungs when you asked for a pen, quick to jot down your number on a tissue.
“That’s actually her number. Wowie. Y/N’s getting lucky tonight, huh?” You couldn’t quite tell if the lilting tone in Roman’s voice was mirth or jealousy. Maybe both.
“Just don’t blow your nose with this, alright?” you told the waiter with a sweet smile, handing it over to him. 
When the waiter turned to leave, Roman called out after him, “Fetch another bottle for us, will you?”
Once he was finally gone, Roman sat down in the velvet seat next to you, grinning like a maniac.
“I’d slap you if we weren’t at a charity event, Ro.”
“Oh, don’t talk to me like that. You’ll get my dick hard.”
“You were being rude.”
“I’m sorry, and who was the one flirting with other people when you already have a date for the night?” 
You sent him a sharp, heated look. “You’re my friend, Roman. What does it matter to you if I flirt with someone else?”
The man beside you pretended to give it a long, hard think. “You know when a dog gets really attached to a chew toy? And another dog comes and tries to take it?”
“Oh, you did not just compare me to a chew toy, Ro, I’ll fucking—”
Before you could finish your sentence, you were abruptly cut off when music started playing on stage, and performers in bright orange fabrics began carrying out an intricate dance. You wrapped your hand around Roman’s tie, yanking him close and snarling into his ear, “We’re continuing this conversation later.”
You let him go just as quickly as you grabbed him, leaving Roman disoriented, giddy, and mildly aroused.
Not long after the performance, Logan came hobbling up for his speech. He congratulated Shiv and Tom for their engagements, and drawled on about his pride for his children. Roman seemed to fidget uncomfortably at his words. And for the last announcement, Logan proclaimed that he was officially back in Waystar.
You and Rome glanced at each other rather incredulously.
By the time the party was coming to a close, Kendall was being blown off by his blonde date—Anna something—and Roman had come to console his brother on his loss.
“This is our charity. How much is a plate? You gotta get a blowjob at the very least,” he scoffed. “Right, Y/N?”
With a scowl, you rolled your eyes. “She doesn’t owe you jackshit. And I’m not giving you a blowjob, you asshole. Not after that stunt you pulled back there.”
“Oh, so you would’ve given me a blowjob if I didn’t nudge that waiter’s cock right into your vagina?”
Pulling a sour face, you crossed your arms over your chest. “God, Roman, you’re disgusting.”
It seemed both of you were too caught up in your argument that neither of you noticed when Kendall slipped away, too glum to try to break you two apart. 
On the ride back home, Roman had suggestively broached the idea of coming up into your penthouse with you, but you were quick to shut him down. He’d come over to your place a million times before but… tonight felt different. You didn’t think it was right to let him in tonight.
“Good night, Romeo,” you told him, kissing his cheek lightly. “I’m still mad at you, by the way.”
“Good. I like you mad.” The brown of his eyes sparkled with his admission. You had half a mind to carve them out with a hot spoon. The other half yearned to kiss them. 
You did neither.
You shook your head before slipping out of the car, watching as the driver pulled away from the curb and disappeared behind a row of tall buildings. 
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Logan always had you over for Thanksgiving. Your parents often traveled abroad for the holidays and you were far too busy to join them on their expeditions that usually lasted no fewer than two weeks. And thus, you always spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with the Roys ever since childhood. 
The holidays in your past were filled with fond memories from when you and Roman were small children playing out in the snow until your limbs began to freeze, stuffing dark charcoal down Kendall’s stockings, and exchanging silly, obnoxious gifts that had no real practical use to either of you. Of course, the laughter and the snow waned away after the years, turning more into promiscuous jokes and warming up by the fireplace together as the time drew on by. Nevertheless, the two of you were always together for the holidays.
Dinner was a large and lavish feast, consisting platters of fresh bread and butter, creamy mashed potatoes, juicy turkey meat, and so much more. Roman was stealing just about everything from your plate despite all the food laid out right in front of him. 
Once the meals were polished off, Logan had taken to showing off the war medals he had bought (not earned), but it was quick to dissolve into a fight with his estranged brother, Ewan, that brought back memories you’d really rather not think about anymore. It quickly ended with Ewan cursing the family out and storming out of the room and into the elevator to take his leave.
“This whole family is a nest of vipers,” he had said to his grandson, Greg. “They’ll wrap themselves around you and suffocate you.”
Though you doubted Ewan even knew who you were, his words resounded with you more than you were comfortable to admit. This family was poison—you knew it well by now. 
To ease the tension, Marcia herded everyone back into the dining room for dessert. It was a creamy pumpkin pie, with deliciously buttery crust and airy whipped cream sitting right on top of the thick filling. Roman had swiped off most of the whipped cream from your pie with his finger, licking it away before you even had a chance to protest. 
“Fuck you,” you gruffed under your breath, lightly kicking at his foot beside you.
“On Thanksgiving? For shame,” he teased, forking at his own pie with an impish grin.
“Can we do what my family does on Thanksgiving?” Tom asked everybody, smiling nervously.
After shoveling a piece of dessert into his mouth, Roman guffawed, “What? Fuck the turkey?”
Shiv laughed over her glass of wine.
“Go to other people’s dinners,” Logan dryly remarked. 
More prickly laughter.
“No, no,” said Tom, fidgeting with the collar of his dark turtleneck. “We go around the table and we each say what we’re thankful for.”
From beside you, Roman let out a loud retching noise. “Blegh.” This time, you couldn’t hold in your laughter, hiding your embarrassed smile behind a hand.
“I’ll go first!” chimed Marcia. “I’m thankful to have the family all together.”
“Nice!” Tom excitedly agreed, happy that his proposal wasn’t being completely disregarded. 
Surprising you, Roman was the next to go. “I’m thankful that, uh, Y/N used to sneak quarters under my pillows whenever I lost a tooth as a kid. I am… four dollars richer because of that. Oh, and that I wasn’t born a Siamese twin.”
You shot him a soft smile just as Shiv said, “Yeah, I’m also thankful for that—because being attached to you would be an absolute nightmare. But, mmh, I’m also thankful for the food.”
“Yeah, yes. Good food,” Kendall agreed.
There was a soft frown to Shiv’s features. “You can’t just piggy-back off of my thanks. Have your own.”
Before Kendall could even formulate a response, Greg cut in to say, “I’m thankful that Logan’s feeling better.”
Roman lolled his head to meet your eyes as he mouthed, suck up!
“I think we’re all thankful for that. It—it goes without saying,” Tom said in a haughty manner. “I’m thankful that I’m going to be marrying into one of the most vital and interesting and… kind and loving families in the world.”
 “Are you not going to marrying Shiv anymore?” asked Roman, feigning innocence. Laughter scattered around the table as Shiv flipped off her twin brother. 
Clearing his throat, Connor began speaking, “I have a little announcement. Uhm… Willa and I are pleased to announce that I’ve asked her and she’s agreed that we are to… take the next steps.”
Brows raising, Logan asked, “What? You—you’re not getting, uh…?” Married was what was left hanging in the air. 
“No, we’re, uh… going steady.”
Roman began giggling under his breath. “Jesus Christ. You guys are going steady? What are you, nine?” At his eldest brother’s slightly crestfallen expression, Roman shook his head. “Happy for you, man.”
Everybody else chimed in their thanks, before you were finally the last one left. With the entire family’s eyes set on you, you folded your hands over your lap and offered Logan a timid smile. “I’m just grateful to always be welcome here. My parents were never around so… it was nice to still have people I could call family. And I’m also grateful that I have the honor of being Roman’s only friend.”
Marcia abruptly clapped her hands, sensing that the two of you would’ve spiraled down into a childish argument. “Alright, everyone! Shall we play a game? Let’s gather the kids.”
As if you were cattle, she rounded up everybody into the living room, looping her arm with her husband’s, which Logan barely even was. 
The game was one of memory. A cold can of condensed milk was passed around the group as they chimed in what they’d bought from the market, along with what everyone else before them had bought. 
Once the can got to you, you smiled as you repeated, “I went to the market and bought… a shark tooth, a pony, a big fat hen, and this.”
You passed the can off to Rome, his hand brushing yours. “Uh, I went to the market and bought a crack pipe—”
A litany of protests burst out in the room. Rava covered her daughter’s ears and Kendall sighed out, “Roman!” 
“Alright, I went to the market and bought a gimp suit—”
“Oh, my God. Fine—I bought a, uh, potato, a shark tooth, a pony, a big fat hen, and this.”
Finally, Roman passed the spotlight onto his father, who seemed like he hadn’t really been paying attention to the game. 
“What’s it gonna be, Dad? A hot dog? China? Immortality? Souls of the innocent?” Roman asked, draping an arm over your shoulders. 
There was a long pause. Longer than what was deemed normal. Logan glanced around blankly. 
Marcia gently reminded him, “I went to the market…”
“Yeah, okay. I went to the market, and I bought… local TV.”
Tilting her head, little Sophie asked incredulously, “Can he buy that?”
“Yeah,” snorted Rome. “Dad can buy whatever he wants. So? Local TV and…?”
“Clock’s tickin’. Time’s running out. Local TV, and what did I say?” Rome drummed his fingers along your arm—a nervous habit. When Logan took far too long to answer, you pursed your lips, displeased. Of course he hadn’t been listening to Roman. Of fucking course.
Finally, Shiv cupped a hand over her mouth to whisper, “A potato.”
“Hey! That’s cheating!” Roman bit out, suddenly taking the game far more seriously than he should’ve. “No hints. Come on, Dad. You got this.”
Did he?
You watched curiously as Logan glanced down at the can, as if only just realizing what he was holding.
“We can skip a turn,” you said, apprehensive. “It’s okay, it’s no big deal.”
Nodding, Tom said, “Marcia, you can go.”
The wife vehemently shook her head in a defensive manner. “No, he—”
Suddenly, Iverson stood up from his seat on the couch, trying to take the can away from Logan. “You lost, Grandpa,” he said. “You lose.”
The words seemed to anger Logan, and his grip tightened around the can, refusing to let the young boy grab it. 
“You lose,” repeated Iverson.
Infuriated, the can came crashing across Iverson’s face with a sickening thud, and the young boy’s head went snapping sideways with the impact. You were on your feet immediately, too stunned to say anything as shocked yells and curses flooded into the room. Repressed memories of an equally young Roman on the ground, being kicked around bloody by Logan’s expensive foot flashed across your mind. On instinct, you pressed yourself closer to Roman, fingers curling around his arm. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Kendall yelled, getting in between his father and his son. 
“I hardly touched him, it was just shock!” barked the older man. “Relax, son! Relax!”
“Take your hands off him! Get the fuck away!”
Both Rava and Kendall led a crying Iverson away into another room to inspect how badly he was hurt.
Silent, you slipped out as well, letting go of Roman to turn down the hall. You were breathing rather erratically, and had to press a palm to your chest to try and get your racing heart to quell its frantic pace. 
When Roman called out your name, quiet and concerned, you could feel tears prick the corners of your eyes. You hadn’t realized that he followed you.
“Sorry, I just—I’m sorry. I got overwhelmed,” you said, wrapping your arms around your stomach. You suddenly felt like a child all over again.
There was a lump in Roman’s throat as he watched you slump against the wall. He twisted his face in what he hoped was a reassuring expression. “No, yeah, it’s uh… a fuckin’ mess in there right now. I don’t blame you.”
“It just… reminded me of some bad memories. Of you. And your dad.”
The two of you locked gazes for a long while, both unsure of what else to say. Roman shifted his weight from foot to foot, scuffing the heel of his shoe against the pricey beige carpet.
“Fuck,” was what he finally came up with. “Sorry. C’mere.”
He held one arm open, and you leaned forward to just sink into him, loosely lacing your hands together around him, your forehead resting upon his shoulder. Neither of you really needed to say anything else—there was a silent understanding stretched thinly between you. You were there to witness the worst parts of him, and he was there to pick up the pieces of you that broke while watching.
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“Hey, fuck-face,” greeted Roman as he swung into your office, looking a bit more weary than usual. “I have an offer to make you.”
“That can’t mean anything good, knowing you,” you responded, raising an eyebrow. The click-clacking of your keyboard halted to listen to him, encouraging him to continue.
Fiddling with his tie’s knot at the base of his neck, he pulled a grimace. “It’s good, actually. Great. I don’t know. Dad wants us to do family therapy together—publicize the whole thing to make it look like our family business is still… a family business.”
“Oh,” you said, still miffed. “That’s… manipulative. Family therapy? Have you, uhm, met your family?”
Roman leaned his weight onto your desk, staring at you expectedly. “Come with me. It’ll be fun. Sand, scorpions, and drama. Imagine it like a weekend getaway.”
The thought of sticking yourself right between a family feud didn’t sound at all appealing. “I don’t know, Ro…” You paused to pinch between your furrowed brows. “With everything that’s happened—what with Logan firing Kendall and what happened with Iverson last time…”
“You don’t have to go to the fuckin’ therapy itself. Just come down to New Mexico.” Roman reassured. With a sigh, he tacked on, “Dad wants you there. It’s good for the image. You’re his goddaughter, remember?”
“How could I forget?” you dryly replied. “Fine. But I’m only going for you, not him.”
A smile etched over his features. “Aw, you love me. You fuckin’ sap.”
“Yeah, fuck off, Romeo.”
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You’d fallen asleep in the car. And, as per typical Roman fashion, he startled you awake by repeatedly flicking at your cheek until you swatted his fingers away. 
“We’re here,” he said in a sing-song voice. “New Mexico, baby.”
“Ugh, stop being so loud,” you replied, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
The two of you made your way onto Connor’s ranch. It was large and spacious, undoubtedly lavish while still keeping its old history intact—Connor was especially proud to point out the church on his property dating back all the way to the 1800s. Once inside, you greeted Shiv and Willa with a hug, Marcia with cheek kisses, and Tom with a steady handshake. Logan was last, who you awkwardly embraced, patting him on the back twice before pulling away.
“It’s good to see you here, Y/N. Thank you for coming,” he said. 
You knew he only wanted you here for the image. Did he even really care about you? 
“It’s good to be here,” you replied with a faux warm smile.
“You’ll be here for the photos tomorrow, yes?”
Roman watched as your smile faltered ever so slightly. “Yeah—yes, of course. I’ll be here.”
“That’s a good girl,” said Logan, taking another sip of his champagne. It seemed like every time you were around Logan, you were reduced back to a little child, nothing but an accessory to be dragged along and made the family look nice. 
There was a frown marring Roman’s features as he led you away from his father, to the other end of the room where his sister sat. “This is like a—like the first stages of an orgy. Kind of exciting but also super awkward.”
“And how many orgies have you been to?” you asked with a laugh, bumping your hip against his, knowing full and well that the answer was none.
“I’ll invite you next time.”
The atmosphere between Roman and Shiv was statically tense. They bickered for a few minutes about how Roman had left Shiv in the dark about the vote of no confidence. Your eyes darted back and forth between their argument until it finally ended with Shiv punching him in the arm.
“Ow,” Roman moaned, clutching his bicep. “Fuck you.”
Finally, the two of them begrudgingly smiled at each other. 
“I bet Dad’s gonna try winning at therapy,” said Shiv. 
“Well, he hasn’t done therapy with me yet. I’m an expert,” Roman quipped.
Both you and Shiv glanced incredulously at each other. “Really?”
“Mhm. This—” Roman pointed at himself, “—is what it looks like when you resolve all your issues.”
“Uh-huh,” Shiv skeptically said.
With a smile, you teased, “I don’t think someone who’s resolved all their issues would use humor as a deflecting mechanism.”
“Ugh. Shut up. You’re just jealous I’m funny,” Roman fired back. “Don’t even deny it. I see you giggling and hoo-ha-ing at my jokes all the fuckin’ time.”
Crossing her arms over her chest, Shiv said, “You know, my guy says that if Dad had had therapy, I wouldn’t need so much.”
You scoffed. “My guy says I have two father figures who didn’t really father me and left lasting impressions—which is just a nice way of saying they’ve fucked me up bad.”
“My guy’s surprised I got through it at all,” Roman chimed in. 
“I don’t think you got through it all,” snorted Shiv.
The two of them burst into another round of mocking imitations. 
Finally, Roman said, “I will have you both know that I’m very well-adjusted. You guys are just good at hiding it.” Then, as if to prove his own point wrong, he turned to tap Connor on the shoulder. “I just wanted to let you know that I think I’m going to reveal to him that you sexually abused me when I was a child.”
“Excuse me?” said Connor, baffled.
“Yeah, you just would not stop.”
You scowled. “God, Ro, that’s not funny.”
“You are one sick puppy,” Connor agreed. 
“You’re the one who kept trying to fuck me!” said Roman through a fit of giggles.
“Why would you say that? Stop saying that! You don’t really think that, do you?”
“Mmh, no. I’m fuckin’ with you. Like the way you fucked me as a baby.”
Connor frowned. “What is wrong with you? You’re exasperating.”
Both you and Shiv shook your heads. 
“Good luck with family therapy,” you told her. “Looks like it’ll be interesting.”
“Thanks,” she grumbled. “Really gonna need it. Ten bucks on someone running out before it’s finished.”
With a humored hum, you nodded. Though none of the siblings really wanted this to happen (well, Connor was up for debate), you doubted any of them would actually flake. “You’re on.”
When the therapist finally arrived, he went around the room, shaking everybody’s hand. Logan went up to the center of the room to acknowledge everybody present. “Right. Family. Mmh—we’re all gathered here in this beautiful home because there are things to address… and I believe we should address them. I think I explained all around that we’ll also have a small celebration of our coming together with photographs, tomorrow. Nothing fancy. Just a few simple, candid shots. Anyway, without further ado, Alon Parfit.”
The therapist stepped up next and gave his little speech about the courage it takes to go to therapy. Rome rolled his eyes to the side. It’s not like any of you were really given the choice.
“Thanks. This family is broken, and that has consequences,” said Connor. “A missed phone call today, and a couple dozen kids lose their jobs in China. Butterfly wings, but bigger. Huge wings—like a pterodactyl. Or the Smithsonian. So… let’s fix our wings.”
Both you and Roman glanced at each other, trying your best to smother down your amusement. 
“Barely comprehensible,” retorted Roman, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
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You strode out of your bathroom in your pajamas, having just brushed your teeth and done your nightly routine before bed. It didn’t at all surprise you that Roman hadn’t moved from his spot, eagle-spread over the mattress, playing a little game on his phone.
“Move over,” you said, shoving at his legs to climb on beside him. “You have your own room, you know. Why are you here?”
Ignoring you, Roman asked, “Why the fuck is it so cold in here? We’re in the goddamn desert. My nipples are so fucking hard—feels like they’re going to fall off. Touch them!”
“Ew, Ro, I don’t want to touch your nipples—”
Roman took your hand anyway, pressing it against his chest.
“Wow. Hard nipples,” you dryly remarked, fixing him with an unimpressed stare. “Thanks for showing me. Good night.”
As you began clambering beneath the comforter, Roman kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned a few top buttons of his shirt. Despite your half-hearted protests, he slid into the space beside you.
“Just like when we were kids,” you whispered, staring up at the ceiling with a faint smile. “I swear we slept in each other’s rooms more often than in our own.”
“You talked in your sleep,” Roman snickered.
“Yeah? You snored way too loud.” You began mimicking the way he snored in between giddy laughter. “Honk shoo. Hoooonk shoo—”
Prodding a finger into your side, Roman retaliated, “You moved around too much.”
“You liked to be the small spoon.”
“You would kiss your stuffed animals before going to bed.”
This time, you let out a loud laugh. “God, I forgot about that. I miss them. I missed this.” Your hand found his beneath the blanket, lacing your fingers together. 
“Don’t draw anything on my face while I’m asleep,” he warned, turning on his side to face you. 
“Shut up and go to sleep,” you replied, eyes already closing. “G’night, Ro.”
“Nighty-night, bitch.”
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He was nervous. You could see it in his eyes. The therapist had already called for the siblings and Logan to gather in the church for their session, but Roman lingered behind, scuffing his shoe against the sand. 
“Behave yourself, okay?” you told him, trying your best to give him a reassuring smile whilst buttoning up the top button of his dark blue shirt that was still hanging open. “Do it for Con and Shiv. I know this must be tough on all of you.”
Grateful for your tender comfort, Roman seemed a bit less nervous to head inside with the rest of his family. “Yes, mommy,” he teasingly bit out.
With a roll of your eyes, you shoved him away with a snort of indignant laughter, and watched as he slunk off to follow after his sister. Though Marcia and Willa and Tom offered for you to sit with them while waiting, you politely declined, needing some time alone in your room with your thoughts and a good book.
Not even half an hour later, Roman slipped through the doors of your bedroom, appearing slightly trodden on, scratching the back off his head in an anxious fashion.
“Ro?” you asked, sliding a crumpled receipt between the pages as a temporary bookmark, turning your full attention on him. “How’d it go?”
He gave you a smile—a weary one, full of secrets and doubt. “It was bullshit,” he whispered. For a moment, you wondered if tears were pricking his eyes, but that could’ve just been a trick of the broiling New Mexican sunlight. 
“You wanna talk about it?” You shifted on the bed to pat the spot beside you. With a small sigh, Roman crawled beside you, tugging his knees up to his chest, as if he was a child all over again.
“No. Fuck. Maybe later.”
“Okay, Rome. Are you okay?”
The man beside you rested his cheek against his leg. “Yeah, just… I don’t know. I fuckin’... I just clammed up.”
Without another word, you pulled him into a side hug, your nose pressing against the side of his head affectionately. 
“That’s okay,” you whispered, shutting your eyes as you leaned into him. “It’s okay to clam up sometimes.”
A hum, followed by a sigh. “Shiv is leaving. She has a meeting.”
“Lucky her. Will she be back?”
“I don’t know.” His voice was so quiet. Your heart ached for him. “Therapist wants us to reconvene this afternoon. If it’s just Connor and I with Dad… I don’t know. Doesn’t sound all that fun anymore.”
“Was it even fun in the first place?”
He gave you a half-hearted shrug.
You rubbed a comforting hand along his back. “We can always just bail.”
Pulling a grimace, Roman replied, “Dad would kill me.”
“Shiv bailed?”
Snorting, Roman shook his head. “Shiv doesn’t give a shit. Dad loves her anyway. Whatever fucked up version of love that is.”
A hesitant pause. “Well… if you’re staying, I’m staying.”
Your friend smiled loosely. “Don’t you ever… get sick of me?”
“Yeah, all the time, Ro,” you replied with no hesitation. “But I love you anyway. You know that, right?”
“Yeah. Whatever.”
The two of you laughed quietly, before you slipped your hands away from him, heading over to your bag to fish out a swimming suit. 
“C’mon—I saw a pool out in the back. How do you feel about going for a swim?”
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The two of you were sitting side by side by the pool’s edge, legs dangling in the lukewarm water. He would flick water at your face every once in a while, taking great pleasure in the way your nose would wrinkle and how you’d lazily tell him to knock it off. 
Just as you were about to sink into the pool, the therapist came up to the water, shedding his fluffy white robe onto a chair. 
“You coming in for a swim?” you asked with a sweet smile. “The water’s nice.”
“Mmh, yeah, don’t be afraid of what’s down there. Pretend it’s our subconscious and just go for it,” Roman chimed in.
Parfit hummed, stepping closer to the edge. “Yeah, I know how to dive.”
“You gonna jump?” you said with a laugh, not really being serious. 
“You want me to jump?” asked Alon.
Both you and Rome grinned at each other. “Jump, jump, jump!” the two of you chanted.
“Jump, you fuckin’ pussy!” exclaimed Roman, though he was quick to shut his mouth when his therapist flung himself into the pool face-first.
“Oh, my God,” you said, flinching back as a wave of water drenched the both of you. It was all a blur, really. One moment you saw the pool water darkening with blood, and the next you were jumping in to help Parfit out. Roman was yelling for help as you dragged him up over the edge, eyes widening.
He was conscious, which was a good thing, but when he parted his lips to croak out a question, you noticed with horror how the entire front row of his teeth had been knocked out. Unsure of what else to do, you wrapped a towel around him and told him to put pressure on the wounds.
When Connor and a few cleaners came asking what had happened, Roman told them, “He just dived in and hit the bottom!”
“Did you hit your head?” asked Willa in concern. 
The therapist said something, but it was muffled behind the towel.
“He hit his teeth?” said Connor.
“Well, his teeth are in his head—kind of a central feature there,” said Rome, wincing as he saw all the blood pouring out of Parfit’s mouth. “I didn’t think he’d jump in head-first!”
“Yeah, well, just don’t let him go to sleep,” you said.
Parfit’s eyebrows pulled together. “I don’t wanna go to fuckin’ sleep!”
As they checked out his mouth, Willa told him that he should go to the hospital, despite Roman’s half-hearted protests that he looked okay. Eventually, it was agreed upon that Connor and Willa would take him.
“Fuckin’ great!” you heard Logan grumble. “And I was about to take advice from a clown who dives head-first into the shallow end of a pool! And now everybody’s fucking off!”
Marcia rubbed a consoling hand on her husband’s shoulder. “No, no, Roman and Y/N are still here. They’re here for the photos. Right?”
Subconsciously, you stepped closer to Roman just as Logan swung his gaze onto the both of you. The last ones standing.
“Sure,” Rome reluctantly said with a shrug. “I give good cheekbone. You?” He turned to look at you with pleading eyes.
You pursed your lips. “Yeah, uhm, yes. I just gotta go wash the therapist’s blood off of me.” With a half-hearted grin, you shook your head. “That’s a sentence I never expected to say.”
With that, you scuttled off upstairs, Roman following after you, the both of you leaving a trail of pool water in your wake.
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The photoshoot went as well as it could’ve gone, considering both you and Roman were treading on thin ice around his father. You stood idly by the cameraman as Roman and Logan slowly treaded through the yellowed grass, discussing business matters beneath their breath. It wasn’t long before you were called forward, dressed in a smart white blouse and black slacks, to stand beside Logan while it was Roman’s turn to be benched. 
The fucked up godfather-goddaughter duo.
“So, uh, how has New Mexico been treating you, Uncle Logan?” you asked as politely as you could, walking alongside him. 
The older man shot you a sidelong glance. “Hot. Dry. Sandy. What else?”
“Ah, I, uhm—”
“Listen here, Y/N.” He stopped striding, and so did you. “You’re a good, dependable woman, with some wits about you. My son seems to be just the opposite.”
You frowned at his words, not overly fond of the way he always belittled your closest friend, his own son.
“I need you to guide him. Keep his head on his shoulders. I’ve just told him to call Japan, as COO, and handle a rocket launch. He’s in a big role now—we can’t afford him to be… easily swayed.”
We? you thought. 
“What are you asking me, Uncle?”
Logan resumed walking, taking your arm to gently tug you along for the photographer to snap more shots. There was a tight feeling in your chest.
“I’m asking you to keep him by my side. Deter him from any of my enemies, which have already corrupted his brother and sister. You’ve always been a loyal member of our company, and I see you as a daughter, more than anything. With you, Romulus will be a much more formidable force.”
You swallowed hard. Why did his words feel so hollow? “I…”
“Smile for the camera,” he said.
You nodded, smiling stiffly.
Finally, the photographer asked for Logan to step away so he could get a couple shots of you and Rome.
“So…?” your friend asked, immediately winding an arm around your waist. “Spill. What did pops say to you? You looked like you were about to shit yourself.”
“Shut up,” you told him. “I’ll tell you later.”
The cameraman waved his arm to catch both of your attentions. “Can you guys move closer?”
Obnoxiously, Roman tugged you towards him so any remaining space between the two of you was effectively gone. He smushed his cheek to yours with a wide beam, your heads bumping against one another. “This close enough for you?” At the photographer’s thumbs up, Roman retorted under his breath, “This guy probably has a kink for nonconsensual filming during sex. Bet he has an entire USB filled with this shit in his mom’s basement or something.”
You couldn’t help it—you bursted out laughing, clutching onto Roman’s forearms as you grinned so large it was a wonder your face didn’t split into two. Whether you were laughing at Roman’s crude predictions, or the ludicrous nature of the way your faces were pressed up against one another, you didn’t quite know.
The photographer snapped a couple dozen photos of you genuinely laughing with Roman grinning like a fool before finally saying he had gotten plenty of pictures. More than enough to appease the press, that was for sure.
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Kendall was in New Mexico, much to both your and Rome’s surprise. And, to worsen it all, he was high.
“Uh, can you drop me a pin so I know you’re okay?” Roman asked over the phone to his giggling brother, most likely coked up and inhaling several lungfuls of secondhand smoke. From your seat beside him, you could hear Kendall’s faint voice murmur something unintelligible. Growing frustrated, Roman spoke again, “Just drop me the fucking pin. I’m not going to come get you.”
He gave you a glance. You knew what he was asking almost instantly. The two of you were going to go get him.
“Just do it, Kendall. Do it now. Are you doing it?”
Another pause. Then a notification popped up on Roman’s phone. 
“Alright, Y/N and I are coming to get you, man. Just, uh… sit tight, okay?” With that, Roman hung up. 
His father, who had overheard the entire conversation, furrowed his wispy white brows. “Are you doing the call with Japan?”
Of course, he had just overheard that his son was out there, possibly on the brink of an overdose, and he was worried about a fucking business call. You squared your jaw and turned away from the both of them, shrugging on a coat to get ready to leave in search of Kendall. Though the two of you had a strained relationship at best, he was still more of a brother to you than anything. 
“Uh, yeah… yes, I will,” Roman finally said. “But, um, I’m gonna go get Kendall. He’s here and he’s not great.”
A tense silence. For a moment, you wondered if Logan would tell his youngest son to stay and leave his older brother to fend for himself. His eyes darted to you for a brief moment as you grabbed a set of car keys out of the dozens laid out. 
Kendall dying of an overdose would do Logan’s company no good. With a nod, he beckoned for the both of you to leave. Limbs suddenly unfreezing, Rome jolted towards you, ushering you out of the house to one of the cars. 
The drive was tense and quiet, occasionally interrupted by Roman nervously drumming his fingers against the steering wheel and asking you an absentminded question. You’d reply with a two-worded sentence, before the two of you lapsed into more worried silence. 
The house Roman pulled up to was dingy and dark, looking as if it were somehow sunken into itself. The flimsy metal fences were wilting and rusted. Roman knocked on the door with faded yellow paint thrice.
“Kendall?” he asked. “Kendall! Hey, open up!”
Abruptly, the door rocked open on its squeaky hinges, startling both you and Roman. The stench of piss and weed hit you like a shockwave. You lingered by the doorway, studying the room with narrowed eyes. Kendall was near the door, with a few other men smoking nearby.
“Oh, wow,” said Roman, shifting his weight from his toes to his heels. “Hi. You guys gonna offer me a cup of tea?”
High out of his mind, Kendall took another hit from a bong before slurring out, “Yo, Chang, show them your wolf tattoo, c’mon.”
With a greasy smirk, the man leaned forward and pulled his shirt down to show you a shoddy tattoo that only barely resembled a snarling wolf, howling obnoxiously. “You like my wolf, pretty lady?” He was getting far too close for your taste, so you stepped closer to Roman. 
“Very nice,” you dryly said. “Hey, Kenny D, can we go now? It’s, uh, it’s getting late—”
Ignoring you, Kendall began introducing the rest of the men in the ragtag group, “Yo, this is, uh, Chang, Tanner, and Mac.”
“So great to meet you guys,” Roman quickly replied, scratching the back of his head in a fidgety fashion. “Let’s get out of here. C’mon.”
Another hit. More smoke filled the room and you wrinkled your nose with distaste. Kendall drawled out, “You know, I was thinking I probably shouldn’t talk to you, given the, uh, ongoing situation apropos of my legal action against you as a board member, for your failure to fulfill your fiduciary duty and breaching my employment contract. Then I thought about it some more and was like—who the fuck cares?”
Snapping his fingers, Roman pointed at the white powder Kendall was lining up to snort. “What—what is this? What is that? Fuckin’... crank?”
Snorting, Kendall retorted, “We’ve been having a lot of fun, Mom. Seriously, you should try this.”
Heaving out a dry laugh, you spat out, “No, thanks. Roman and I aren’t looking to kill ourselves tonight.”
“I hear that shit makes you crash like an airbus full of eggs,” said Rome, eyeing his brother surreptitiously. 
“Not if you stay high,” chimed one of the other druggies.
Kendall snorted. “Tanner makes good points.”
“Tanner is too fucked up on thirty different kinds of drugs to make good points,” you haughtily said. “Kendall, please, let’s just get the fuck out of here.”
The older brother tried to click open his lighter, but it seemed to be out of gas.
“Oh, hey, I can fix that,” said Roman, plucking the little prism out of Kendall’s hands and chucking it across the room with a clang. “Great. Problem solved. Let’s go.”
“Fine, fine,” Kendall begrudgingly said. “Alright, I’m coming. Family therapy n’ all that.”
One of the other men blew out a stream of smoke before saying, “Hey, man, your friends fucking suck.”
“Not my friend,” slurred Kendall. “Brother. And his girlfriend.”
Neither you nor Roman had the heart to correct him.
Kendall clapped the both of you on your shoulders as you swung the creaky door open. “You know what, guys? They’re actually pretty okay. Pretty chill.”
The high group yelled a bunch of farewells as you rushed out of the house, the two brothers in tow. The returning drive was much louder than the journey on the way to get Kendall, because he kept turning on the radio to play music obnoxiously loud, and giggled and laughed and made crude noises as Roman took a work call about the launch in Japan. He so desperately didn’t want to disappoint his father, you felt sorry for him.
By the time the three of you made your way back onto Connor’s ranch, you were dead tired and in dire need of some sleep. 
Kendall was still excited and giddy, banging his fists against the windows and flinging the door open to yell, “What up, motherfuckers!” to everybody gathered in the kitchen. “Sorry I’m late. What are we arguing about?”
Shifty eyes darting to both you and Roman leaning against each other by the edge of the room, he barked out, “What the fuck’s wrong with him?”
“I’m off my nuts, folks. Off my fuckin’ nuts!” exclaimed Kendall, making for the fridge to touch everything inside, eventually grabbing an unopened bottle of beer. 
Roman cleared his throat. “Uh, Dad, just so you know—everything’s good with the launch. I talked to the guy, and—”
“He doesn’t fucking care, Rome!” interrupted Kendall. “He doesn’t even notice. Dad—give him a high five, or something. C’mon. He’s waiting… with those fuckin’ puppy dog eyes of his. Fuck.”
“Stop it, Kendall,” you said with a frown. 
Kendall only parroted your words with a mocking tone, which made Roman bristle beside you.
It seemed that Logan had no interest in putting up with any of his sons’ bullshit, instead placing all his attention on a sour Shiv behind the kitchen island. They argued more, Logan angry at his daughter for leaving their family therapy to go meet with one of his enemies. It was until Kendall made a distasteful joke about Logan being a high-class hooker that Willa abruptly stood up, bidding everyone a goodnight and storming upstairs. You felt bad for her, having half the mind to follow her up. But you stayed by Roman’s side, trying your best to swallow around the lump in your throat as Logan argued with Connor now.
Arguments after arguments. That’s all it was with this family.
Shiv was quick to turn tail and leave when Logan called her a coward, Tom hot on her heels. You buried your weary face within your palms. Just as you pulled your hands away, Logan was storming towards Kendall for cracking another distasteful joke—this time about his father’s abusive uncle.
Your stomach lurched with the possibility of witnessing Logan hit another one of his sons, and Roman let his hands slip away from you as he struggled with whether or not he should help Kendall. But before he could decide, Logan called Ken a fucking nobody and staggered off with Marcia in tow. 
Kendall pulled a grimace before taking another swig of his beer. He didn’t seem all too affected by his father’s harsh words.
“Good night, Con,” you quietly said as you slipped past him, going out of your way to ignore Kendall. 
“Night, guys,” Roman whispered to his brothers, crestfallen. 
The two of you wordlessly made your way upstairs and into Roman’s room, which was closer than yours. You didn’t bother changing—simply crawling beneath the cold bed’s blanket, making space for him to climb in after you. Roman dug his knuckles into his tired eyes. 
“I clammed up,” Roman whispered, pressing his nose into the base of your throat as you wound your arms around him. “Again.”
“That’s okay, Roman,” you said, repeating the very same words you had said to him only hours before. “I like clams, you know.”
“Yeah? I’m more of an oyster guy, myself.”
“Mmh. Those are good, too.”
Faintly, you felt his lips brush against your neck just before you fell into the gentle clutches of sleep.
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You’d honestly expected Roman to ask you to be his plus one for Shiv’s wedding. But, to your surprise, he’d found himself a girlfriend at Tom’s bachelor party—a beautiful blonde woman that had sucked the groom off and made him swallow his own load.
When Roman told you, you really thought he’d been joking at first. Nevertheless, you were happy for him, even if he was just with Tabitha to spite Tom in his own twisted way. 
By the time Shiv’s wedding rolled around, you decided to go without a date, more than happy to enjoy the night on your own. You stepped out of the car, thanking the driver with a smile, before heading into the venue, your eyes bright and wide as you took in the intricately decorated space.
You caught sight of Roman with his date by the entrance, his mother on his other side.
“Hello!” she greeted you with her lilting British accent. “Y/N, darling, how’ve you been? I don’t think I’ve seen you since you were a little doll—I remember your pigtails like it was yesterday. How you and Roman tracked mud into the house, covered in twigs and bristles.”
Leaning forward, she pressed kisses to both your cheeks and gave you a loose hug. “Hi, no, yeah—I’m, uh, I’m doing great.”
“Where’s your date, darling? Is he running late?”
For a moment, you let your eyes slide over to Roman, who gave you an apologetic shrug. 
“No date today,” you told her, smiling tightly. “Just me.”
“Splendid, splendid,” she said, and began to prattle on about how marriages were a miserable affair anyway. 
As politely as you could, you moved away from Caroline to hug her youngest son, your oldest friend.
“You look nice, Ro,” you told him, patting his freshly-shaven cheek twice.
“Me? Look at you!” he replied, whistling obnoxiously. Then, in a ridiculous British accent (in an obvious mockery of his mother), he crooned, “Give us a spin, love.”
You didn’t spin, but you rolled your eyes fondly. The dress you wore today was a deep shade of violet, with a tight bodice that criss-crossed over your chest and flowed loosely down past your hips. Your hair was up and away from your face, which effectively took the option for you to nervously fidget with it off the table.
Finally, you turned your gaze to Roman’s date. “Hi, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to finally meet you,” you kindly told her, holding your hand out to shake hers. 
To your surprise, she pulled you into a hug instead, smiling widely. “Yes, likewise! God, Roman’s told me all about you.”
“He has?” You arched a brow to him just as he glanced away, scratching the back of his head. “All good things, I hope.”
“Mostly, yeah.”
With a laugh, you shook your head. “Well, I do look forward to talking to you some more—enjoy the party and the company. Bye, Rome—Caroline.”
The first few hours flew by in a breeze. There was a whole commotion with Shiv being upset that Logan was planning on coming, despite her wishes for him to stay well away. Rome had quietly asked you if you thought he was coming because he was worried about the launch. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that Logan could really care less about it, which is why he handed the job over to Roman in the first place.
Then the party came next, filled with mingling socialites and expensive wines and drinks, food that tasted like it cost a hundred dollars a bite. You floated through, speaking to dozens of people who knew your name, but you didn’t know a single one of theirs. It felt lonely, in a way.
Finally, you were able to find Shiv amongst the packed throng, congratulating her on the marriage.
“You’re tethered to Tom now,” you joked, wrinkling your nose at the thought. “You’ll certainly have your hands full with him.”
The both of you grimaced at your wording. 
“Listen, Shiv, just know that I’m here for you if you ever need anything, okay?”
With a hum, the redhead took a drawn-out sip of her drink. “You took the photos with dad in New Mexico.”
“You with him, then?”
You blinked. “No… I mean, he’s my godfather, sure—”
“Yeah, well he’s my dad, but that seems to mean very little to him.” She regarded you over the rim of the champagne flute. “I can’t get a read on you, Y/N. You’re so obviously not happy with my dad. Why do you keep taking his side?”
Before you could respond, Roman came sidling up to both of you.
“Hey, dipshits! What’re we talking about?” he asked in a sing-song voice. 
“Nothing,” you quickly responded. “Where’s Tabitha?”
Waving away your question, Roman responded, “Eh. Off mingling. You know her.”
“Not really, actually—”
It was then that Caroline came up, having just asked two strangers how long they thought Shiv and Tom would last. She’d been asking just about everyone at the wedding that question, making them deeply uncomfortable as they were forced to stammer out a hasty protest that it’d last forever. Or, at the very least—a long time.
“I like your girlfriend, Ro,” she told her son. 
“Oh, thank you. I met her at a sex party where she was giving the groom a blowjob.”
You did a double take, not expecting him to be so abrash with his words to his mother, right in front of the bride. To your relief, neither Shiv nor Caroline seemed to take him seriously.
“Funny, Ro. So funny,” you said, trying your best to play off your reaction. 
With a nod and a hum, Caroline chimed, “You should marry her.”
This time, it was Roman’s turn to be shocked. “Excuse me?”
For some reason, you felt a sick feeling curl within your stomach. Caroline’s eyes burned into you, but you refused to meet her gaze.
Finally, she turned to her daughter. “Shiv, stop taking everything so seriously. I’m trying to sparkle. When people ask me how long I give it, I say forever. Or—at least, it’ll feel like forever.”
With that, Caroline hurried off, calling after a waiter carrying a tray of hors d'oeuvres. 
“She says she’s being impish,” Roman said.
“Well, we know where you get that trait from, then,” you dryly remarked, earning you a flick to the ear, which made you smile and swat Roman’s hands away.
With a tired sigh, Shiv pinched the space between her brows. “She’s being a stone-cold bitch.”
Roman snickered. “Freud is having a field day right now.”
“Fuck off,” Shiv spat, before taking her leave to find her husband.
“How’s socializing been? I saw you nearly fall asleep on a business associate a while ago,” leered Rome, mischief dancing amongst his molten irises.
“Trust me, you’d fall asleep, too. He just kept talking and talking about the future of cybertechnology—I already put up with enough of that from Connor.”
Clearing his throat, Roman patted your shoulder firmly. “Hey, listen—you heard what my mom said, right? That I should propose to Tabs?”
It felt like static started playing in your ears. “What?” you asked, baffled. 
“She said I should marry her.”
“Rome… you’ve known her for less than a month.”
“She’s—” You stared at him for a moment, incredulous. “Ro, she’s not going to say yes. You guys barely know each other.”
The way Roman’s features contorted into genuine disbelief made you pull your brows together. He scoffed, “Well, just because you said no, doesn’t mean she will.”
Again, you parroted, “What? What are you talking about? When have you ever proposed to me?”
“Oh, don’t pretend like you don’t remember.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “No, Romeo, I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about.”
With a sigh, Roman scratched at his head. “We were like, fuckin’ sixteen or something—I asked you if you wanted to get married, and you said no.”
Suddenly, the faint memory of Roman joking about marriage and the white-picket fence life came to the forefront of your mind. The two of you had found an abandoned playground and sat side by side on the creaking, rusted swings. They were clearly meant for children a decade younger than you, but neither of you cared. The night was cold, and Roman’s nose was red, his breath misting with each sigh he took. A wave of nostalgia overtook you.
“Ro, we were kids. And you didn’t actually ask me. You kind of just… told me that we should. You can’t—ugh. I didn’t know you were being serious.”
It ached within your chest when Roman drew himself away from you. 
“I wasn’t being serious.”
“Then why are we having this conversation?” you asked, hating the way your voice broke under the weight of your words. “You’re a grown adult, Roman. If you want to propose to Tabitha, you do that.”
With an unnecessary amount of hostility, Roman spat out, “Fine. I will.” But you saw right through him. He was putting up a front because of how hurt he was, just like he always did.
“Fuck you. When she says yes, you’re not invited to the wedding.”
There was so much you wanted to throw back at him. The sentences lodged in your throat—too many, all at once. With a sharp inhale and the familiar sting of tears in the corner of your eyes and the bridge of your nose, you turned away and stormed back into the party, your dress fluttering in your wake.
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She was brushing her teeth, and Roman was lounging on the bed. It was a tender moment of domesticity that was rare for the both of them. But her mind was on what she was going to do when she returned home, and his mind was on you. How you’d looked like he’d slapped you when he told you that you wouldn’t be invited to his wedding. If it was even happening. Which it would.
“You know, you’re fucking great,” Roman called out to Tabitha, face smushed against the mattress. 
“Thank you!” she said, smiling around the foamy toothbrush.
“You’re not a head fuck. Or a bitch or a leech.”
The blonde rinsed her mouth. “You say such pretty things.”
“Hm. You never once asked to stay over, or how it works with my dad, or the trust…”
Clearing her throat, Tabitha made her way from the bedroom to sit in front of the vanity table beside the bed. “I’m just pathologically incurious.”
A beat of silence. Roman scrutinized her reflection in the mirror, as she busied herself with rubbing moisturizer into her cheeks. “What if I was prepared to marry you?”
Her hands halted in their ministrations and she locked eyes with him through the mirror. “Hello?” she asked, holding the same incredulous tone you had a few hours ago.
She laughed as if it was a joke, and Roman shrugged. 
“What? Shiv’s getting married. Kendall got married, too—”
The woman nodded emphatically as she pushed away from the table and moved to sit beside him on the bed, “I see. So how about you come down from Mount Olympus and propose to a mere mortal?”
“Yeah, what if?”
The two of them stared at each other for a moment longer.
“No,” she said.
Giggling, she shook her head. “You’re crazy.”
“Why is this crazy?”
It took another prolonged second for Tabitha to realize that Roman was being genuine. “Because this isn’t a normal relationship, Roman.”
“What? Why?”
Tabitha chewed on the inside of her cheek. “Well… for one thing, we never fuck?”
A flicker of insecurity flashed across his face. “Yeah, we do,” he protested.
“Mmh, no, we don’t.”
“C’mon, Tabs. We do—we’ve just been busy, is all.” Roman slid off the bed, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in his own skin.
Shaking her head, Tabitha replied, “No, you, like, kind of jerked off near me once. We didn’t even make eye contact!”
“Yeah, alright, there’s no need to be disgusting.” Shame coiled hot and heavy within his chest.
“To be honest, Roman, I’ve had way more sexual contact with the groom than I have with you.”
Groaning, Roman pulled at his face. “Ugh, c’mon, I asked you not to talk about that!”
“Look, I’ve slept with a lot of guys, Roman Roy, and if that’s gonna be a problem then you’ve gotta say—!”
“No, it’s not a problem. It’s Tom’s issue, not mine. I just—I don’t… look, do you wanna get married or not?” He finally locked eyes with her.
Tabitha smiled again, though this time it was distant and sympathetic. Tilting her head, she asked, “Babe… do you think this is how to get someone to stay?” Another long silence. Roman swallowed hard, and looked away from her. “Are you sure you’re not projecting on me? That you’re not overcompensating in this relationship for another one?”
You. It was clear she was alluding to you. She wasn’t mad about it, either. She could tell that Roman’s heart was given to another since the moment she met him, even if he didn’t know it just yet.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Roman stiffly said. With that, he stood up. “I’m gonna go. Satellite launch shit. Bye.”
Tabitha watched him practically scramble out of the room, uncharacteristically somber. 
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Three knocks on your door. They were soft and hesitant, only barely there. You’d only just gotten out of the shower, toweling off your hair, clad only in a loose white tee and your underpants. When you hastily slid on a pair of sweats, you made for the door, pulling it open just a sliver to see who it was.
Roman was on the other side. His hair was disheveled to no return, as if he’d been endlessly carding his fingers through the strands.
“Are you sucking someone off in here, or can I come in?” he asked.
With pursed lips, you stepped aside to give him space to amble through the doorway, and you gently shut it behind you. Roman was a mess, you could see it clear as day.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. Why would I be? My sister’s officially getting married tomorrow. Woohoo.” He pumped a limp fist into the air.
“I see right through you, Roman Roy,” you said. The faux confidence in his composure seemed to slip right through the cracks of his fingers with each second.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you tentatively spread your arms. Relief flooded his features and he surged forward, embracing you tightly. His nose found your neck as he inhaled your familiar scent in, and his fingers curled within the fabric of your shirt.
“I asked Tabitha. She said no.”
“I know, Ro. Or else you wouldn’t be here.” You held him all the closer. “I’m sorry.”
“Shut up. Just… just hold me.”
And so you held him for what felt like hours, until you drifted off into unconsciousness. Roman stayed awake beside you, watching you, observing all your relaxed features he had already memorized for years by now. By the time the clock on the wall read three in the morning, he gently slipped away from your grasp, and made his way back into his room. 
Tabitha was deep asleep, and his side of the bed was left untouched. Roman bit into his lip so hard it began to bleed, before heading into the bathroom. He laid down in the cold bathtub and fell asleep there, as if he were a dog shunned out by his owners. 
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Shiv was beautiful in her wedding dress. Granted, she was beautiful in her salmon-hued outfit the previous night, but she seemed to glow on this particular day. When you had told her of such sentiments, Shiv merely rolled her eyes and scoffed, before tugging you into a hug.
“I wish I had sisters,” she whispered when she pulled away. “My brothers are so… eugh.”
“I know. Eugh.”
The two of you laughed, and linked arms when the photographer asked for the both of you to smile and look at the camera. Several snaps later, you were ushered off to the side so the families could take pictures with the bride and groom. Finally, when it was time for siblings and their respective partners, it left a dull ache in your chest to see Roman and Tabitha leaning all over each other, as if what Rome had told you yesterday hadn’t actually happened.
“Y/N, get in here,” said Shiv, beckoning for you. “C’mon!”
Hesitant, you scooched into the other end of the group, where Connor and Willa were leaning against one another. You smiled for the camera, and took great relief when you asked to see the picture later on, noting how your smile looked passably genuine. You’d always been good at masking your emotions. It was just a trait you had to adopt, growing up around the Roys.
Once the ceremony took place, the party took off in full-swing. You flitted from group to group, enjoying the amicable atmosphere and all the free food. 
It was when you were in an engaging conversation with Stewy about money laundering schemes did Roman finally rush up to you, a phone held up to his ear. Without even letting you say goodbye to Stewy, he was grabbing onto your arm and rudely dragged you away, despite your surprised protests.
“Shh—I’m on the phone, here!” He glared at you for a moment before speaking into the device again, “Sorry, yeah. Lemme get to some place more quiet. Yup, yeah, I got it—it’s streaming. Connecting.”
“Ro, is this about your little satellite launch thing?” you asked, allowing him to shove you into a ridiculously lavish gilded bathroom, squeezing in after you. 
With a frown, he replied, “It’s not little. I reorganized this shit and pushed the launch for today as, like, a fuckin’ wedding gift to Shiv, or whatever, but she’s being a stuck-up carbon-neutral bitch and doesn’t even wanna bother watching it. So you’re gonna watch it with me.”
You jumped onto the sink, and he leaned back so that your knee was grazing his side. You peered over his shoulder to look at the screen, which was still frozen on the livestream’s loading page.
“If nothing comes up in the next two minutes, I’m leaving.”
“Just shut up and give it a second—oh, there. Rocket.”
The two of you intently watched the shuttle prepare for takeoff. Plumes of smoke filled almost half the screen. That was normal for a launch right?
Then, before either of you could say a word about it, a large explosion tore through the entire spacecraft, angry shades of orange and ochre filling the screen. That definitely wasn’t normal for a launch. The blast looked so severe that it’d be a miracle if any of the billion-dollar equipment survived at all.
Dead silence stretched thin between the two of you. It was broken when Roman sharply inhaled, turning the power off and shoving the phone into his suit. He turned, brows furrowed, meeting your worried eyes. You were still far too shocked to say anything.
He cleared his throat and began to wash his hands beside you, arm grazing your thigh in his haste. Neither of you said a word. Once he toweled them dry, he patted your knee, checked his reflection, and strode out of the bathroom as if nothing had happened.
It took you a few seconds to get over your frozen shock and follow after him, meandering through the crowd. You murmured a hasty apology when you accidentally trod on a man’s shoe, calling after Roman, who was intent on disappearing behind everyone.
When you finally found him again, he was downing strong drinks that he had asked Tabitha to go fetch, having just listened to Gerri tell him that he was looking at potential corporate manslaughter.
“Roman…?” you asked, which startled him into sitting up straight on the couch. You fumbled for your words. “I, uh… are you okay?”
“Good. Great. Yup, yup, yup—I’m doing fantastic. C’mon, it’s time for dinner! Let’s go, mom’s probably going to make some shitty toast about how much of a slut Shiv was in high school. Don’t wanna miss that, do we?”
Pursing your lips, you put a hand on his shoulder. “Romeo, I just think we should, I don’t know, talk about this—?”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” he stressed, stepping away so that your hand fell back to your side. “Gerri’s gonna take care of it. It’ll be fine.” Judging by his petrified countenance, he seemed not to have faith in his own words.
You watched as he walked off, taking Tabitha’s hand and leading her to the dinner tables. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you found your own seat at the end of the family longtable, downing the water in the glass in front of you in one go.
One by one, the Roy family gave their speeches for Shiv. Their words mostly flew over your head—you couldn’t really concentrate on the repeated sentiments when you’d just witnessed an explosion that Roman caused—which he refused to talk about with you. After dinner, it was time for more dancing, which you were really not in the mood for. But when Logan asked for your hand halfway through a song, you couldn’t find it in yourself to say no to your godfather.
You wondered if he knew about the launch. If he cared, even. Probably not.
“What’s wrong, dear?” he asked. “You look down. Did Romulus do something?”
“No,” you hastily said, a beat too soon. “I’m just a bit tired, is all.”
“Well, you know who to come to if something’s gone… awry.”
“Of course, Uncle Logan.”
The rest of the dance was spent in comfortable silence. Or, as comfortable as you could be around your tempestuous godfather. You thanked him for the dance once the song ended, before rushing off to go find a bathroom to lock yourself in for a quiet moment to yourself.
Half an hour later, when you psyched yourself up to slip out, you immediately bumped into Tom.
“Hey, Y/N, enjoying the party?”
“Yeah, uhm—yes, it’s been great. Congratulations, by the way.”
“Thanks, thanks.” He rocked back on his heels awkwardly. “So, uh, you heard about Kendall, right?”
“What? What about him?”
Surprise etched over his features. “You don’t know? He planned a takeover. Yeah, Shiv is furious about it. He’s disappeared for a while now, I don’t know where he is.”
Your mouth dropped open as you struggled for words. “Sorry, excuse me, I have to go.” You brushed past the groom, off to find Roman to ask him what the hell was going on.
When you finally found him, he was just beginning to call Gerri over.
“Did you hear anything yet?” he asked her. He gave you a glance once you came up to his side, and he slung an arm over your hips—which was his way of nonverbally apologizing for being an asshole earlier today. He needed your comfort now more than anything.
“Japan. Like, how many died—how many bodies they found?”
Gerri blinked. “Yeah, you didn’t hear?”
Dread filled your stomach. 
“None,” said the woman.
“None? Like—none none? None at all?”
Shrugging, Gerri said, “Two guys lost their thumbs, and there might be an arm that they can’t save but… they might.”
Instant relief lifted the weight off your shoulders. “So no casualties?”
“No, but it’s still tragic how—”
“Oh, my God,” Roman interrupted. “So—you’re—you fucking kidding me? This is amazing! Just an arm and a couple fucking thumbs? Jesus, this is great!” He burst into a fit of laughter, which made Gerri roll her eyes and walk away, clearly busy with the entire Kendall situation on her plate, as well. 
Roman grabbed at your shoulders, shaking you with his excitement. “Did you hear that? I’m not a murderer!”
You took his hands, squeezing them with a warm smile. “Congrats. The bar is in hell, but congrats.”
With a strange noise emitting from his throat, Roman surged forward to hug you, squeezing you so tightly that you had to tap his shoulder repeatedly to remind him to loosen up. 
“Do you wanna go dance? Let’s go dance!” he exclaimed over the surging music, pushing you to the dance floor. “C’mon, we’ll dance with Tabitha, let’s go, move your ass!”
For a moment, you let yourself forget about business and the takeover, smiling and laughing as you shuffled along to the beat with your best friend and his girlfriend. You let yourself believe that things were going to be okay.
Kendall joined the dance floor with his children an hour later. There was a haunted look to his eyes, but you chalked it up to his guilt for the company takeover without telling his siblings. 
The next day, when you learned of the caterer who got high off his mind and crashed into the lake not too far from the venue, you never put the pieces together that Kendall was in the car with him.
It wasn’t Roman who became a murderer at his sister’s wedding. It was Kendall.
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silly4seojun · 5 months
one kiss is all it takes
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content tags: han seo-jun x reader, female reader, characters are aged up to mid 20s, drinking, lightweight best friend that plays matchmaker, tipsy reader, flirting, kissing at midnight, all lowercase intended
author’s note: sorry it’s very late & all over the place heh btw f/n = friend name
the new year’s eve party was in full swing by the time you’re ushered past the threshold and into the overcrowded venue; you note how everyone was dressed up to the nines for the occasion, with the men in tuxedos and the women in a variety of gowns and cocktail dresses.
in a bout of anxiousness, you adjust the material of your plunging neckline in an effort to cover your dignity— i should’ve gone with the safe option— but f/n turns to you with a knowing look etched on her face, “relax, tonight’s all about having fun.”
the expression that forms on your face is enough to make her bark out a laugh, “you need a drink.” she didn’t even need to attempt a trip to the booming bar with a waiter walking past with a tray full of flutes of, what you figured to be, champagne— your favourite.
f/n takes two easily, smiling a sweet smile at the not-so-bad-looking waiter before turning back to you, handing you a flute.
“to a good night and an even better 2024!” you toast, clinking glasses and then swallowing back a significant amount of the bubbly alcohol before giving a sound of pleasant surprise and bringing the glass down from your lips.
“remind me again, how did you get us on the guest list?” you couldn’t help feeling like you were out of place, but the sweet taste of alcohol on your tongue soothes your discomfort.
f/n shrugs halfheartedly, “oh y’know, a favor from a friend that owes me.”
you hum in acknowledgment as you scan the sea of people only for your gaze to settle on a man that steals the attention of the room. your eyes couldn’t help the way they followed the man in complete awe as he moved around the room. the low lighting catches the pretty glittering of the embellished pinstripes that ran down the length of his black tuxedo, it makes you think— how can someone be so good looking?
your attention is pulled away from the alluring man to find f/n grinning, in the i know exactly what you were just doing kind of way. “i did say tonight’s all about having fun,” she laughs loudly when you smack her arm, “shut up!” although that doesn’t seem to stop her teasing.
“maybe he can be your new year’s kiss?” she wiggles her eyebrows, swiftly evading your expected smack and swapping your two empty glasses for two full flutes of champagne.
at the mention of the impeding new year, you check the time on the live countdown broadcast situated on the wall beside the bar— 11:13 p.m., forty seven minutes and twelve seconds remaining of 2023. playfully rolling your eyes, you turn away from the man in question, dismissing her taunts with a simple, “as if.”
the dance music gets louder the further you move into the venue, you sip on your new flute of bubbly as you eye the decor that littered the room. the decorations were in traditional nye colours, black and gold; matching the over-the-top dress code.
you’re interrupted by a loud, “i love this song! let’s dance.” f/n skulls the rest of her champagne before you get the chance to remind her she’s a lightweight, “please, y/n!” she adopts her adaptation of puppy dog eyes, pouting when you respond with a quick, and embarrassed, “no way!”
“come on, get in the spirit! dance with me.” f/n doesn’t wait for your answer this time, clumsily grabbing ahold of your hand and pulling you in the direction of the dance floor. you easily down the remaining alcohol and send an apologetic smile to the waiter who you hand the empty glass to.
“i’m definitely not drunk enough for this.” you cringe when you’re finally in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by other, drunk, party goers. although, that doesn’t seem to prevent f/n from dancing to a familiar beat.
you start to dance along with the song, deciding to let loose a little, it’s new year’s eve! somehow in the midst of the chaos, you find yourself enjoying the moment. f/n has a wild grin on her face— one that you can credit the alcohol for— as she dances in a way you can only laugh at, it’s how she normally dances and it’s silly, but you love it.
after a dance battle and encore, you’re short of breath and in need of a drink. in her warped vision, f/n looks back to find you gladly grabbing your third glass of bubbly from another passing waitress, settling at one of the nearby cocktail bar tables. the air was full of the stench of alcohol and hum of 2023’s greatest hit songs, it was practically impossible to ignore, though the sweetness of champagne allows you a moment of bliss as it coats your throat.
you struggle to restrain the corner of your lips from quirking up when f/n staggers over to the table, she clutches the edge to keep her balance.
“oh, look!” a hiccup interrupts her, but she shamelessly points to something behind you. “it’s that guy you were totally checking out earlier.” as if on cue, the champagne you were just sipping on suddenly goes down the wrong pipe, causing you to sputter into a napkin.
you look at her incredulously but she seems to ignore the expression. “why don’t you go over there and introduce yourself?” it doesn’t sound too bad, in theory, until she adds, “it’s almost midnight and you need a new year’s kiss, stat!”
f/n ungracefully stumbles into your side, clutching onto your arm, “i don’t think so.” you attempt to pry your arm out of her grasp but she only clings onto you tighter as she moves towards the stranger.
nerves start to bubble in your chest as you get closer and closer and closer. “oh! i need to go to the bathroo—,” you try your luck with a lame excuse, and for a split second relief floods your system as f/n comes to a stop in her pursuit, but it just as quickly disappears as she shoves you forward, “go get ‘em, tiger!”
“shit, i’m so sorry!” your apology rolls of your tongue— this can’t be happening— when you’re knocked right into him, spilling his drink all over his hand. “my friend is annoyingly… enthusiastic.”
“thank her for me.” his lips stretch into a boyish smile, a tinge of amusement playing on his features as he takes in your frazzled state.
“let me help you clean this up,” you go to find a nearby waiter when he reassures you he can do it himself, setting down the now empty glass and taking out a napkin with one hand and wiping away the stray liquid from the other.
“there. now, as i was sayin’…” he grins a cute smile, you could almost mistake it as being… flirty. “i’ve been wantin’ to talk to you all night.”
you flush at his frankness, “is that so?” you feel hot under his gaze, concluding the champagne that you had been drinking all evening had finally hit you. you giggle to yourself, “well, lucky me then.”
“can i get your name, pretty?” his cheeks seem to mirror yours— pink and warm.
the buzz makes you bolder than usual, allowing you to bite your lip when you smoothly respond with, “only if i get yours, handsome.”
at that, he laughs and it makes your heart jump in your chest. there’s a little smile playing at your lips, when he finally folds, impressed with your flirting.
“seo-jun.” he extends a hand, “it’s nice to meet you.”
“well, hi seo-jun,” you test his name on your tongue, “i’m y/n.” you take his much larger hand in, what you thought was a handshake, but he surprises you with a quick kiss to the top of your knuckles.
the action pulls a shy laugh from you, “that was pretty smooth.”
seo-jun is just as sheepish when he pulls away, “well, y/n, i’ve got a lot more from where that came from.” despite his bashfulness, that doesn’t stop him from closing his left eye to form a wink.
he’s closer now, so close you can smell his cologne and notice the pretty way his eyes crinkle when he smiles and your heart thumps against your rib cage because of it.
f/n and what she said earlier comes to the forefront of your mind, and it seems more like a possibility now but it doesn’t stop the flush from spreading across your cheeks; she was right. ignoring the way your breath catches in your throat when seo-jun watches you, you force the words out of you before you can chicken out. “i don’t normally do this but, uh, did you wanna be my new year’s kiss?”
it’s almost embarrassing how quickly you feel the bud of hope in your chest blooming, and seo-jun doesn’t let you down. “i can’t think of a better way to start the new year off.”
the chanting of the guests is what pulls you back to reality and you don’t believe what’s in motion, it’s too good to be true. you try to look to the crowd to confirm for yourself what’s really happening but seo-jun catches you, his hand cupping your jaw as he guides your gaze back to him. “focus on me, pretty.”
he makes the way he draws you closer to his chest seem so natural and it’s dizzying how handsome he is upon closer inspection. all you can do is dumbly nod as your eyes look up into his, drinking in his appearance. the curves of his lips look so soft and supple at this angle, too tempting not to want to kiss.
four! three!
he bends his neck to minimise the distance between you, now millimetres only separating you. at this reach your lips brush against his a few times, his breath fanning across your face as you patiently wait; waiting for the countdown to, at long last, reach its completion.
you don't take notice of the final cheer as seo-jun finally slots his lips against yours. your hands instinctively move to hold the nape of his neck as your lips become familiar with his. you melt into his warmth, his lips buttery soft and sweet. the way he presses himself further into you, it’s sweet and gentle, it makes your stomach twist into a knot.
when you pull away, starstruck and breathless, seo-jun cheekily grins. “we should definitely do this again.” you can’t help but agree with him; the suggestion doesn’t sound so bad after all.
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
No Dinner For You (Lucifer x GN!MC)
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Warning. (Most of) the Brothers doesn’t care about MC/Reader (the story takes place in season 1 when nobody in HoL gives a damn about MC). Hunger. Slight mention of demon eating human. Please tell me if I miss anything :3
Not thoroughly proofread
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Your first day in the Devildom was hectic. You were dragged down to Hell without your consent and without any prior warning and were forced to participate in an exchange program in order to promote peace between the three realms, the dream and desire of the Demon Prince - Diavolo. Living with you were the seven six demon brothers, who could kill you and eat you on a whim. At the end of the day, you were again dragged into another mess between the second born Mammon and the third born Leviathan, the latter of whom you had to help against the former. Needless to say, you were extremely tired, both physically and mentally.
Right after you managed to find your bedroom on your own (since you were technically abandoned by your caretaker Mammon), you threw yourself on the bed.
It’s so warm and soft. I wish my life down here would be like this bed. You said within yourself as you began to doze off.
You woke up, finding yourself still in the clothes you were in when you were dragged here.
How long have I been asleep? You yawned as you got up from the bed. You had the feeling you forgot something but couldn’t remember what it was.
Suddenly, your stomach grumbled.
Oh right, dinner. You finally remembered what the thing you forgot was. You grabbed your D.D.D and went out of your room, heading to the direction that you believed was the dining room.
However, what greeted you when you exited your room was a dark hallway.
Strange, why is the light not on? You wondered as you tried to find your way through the darkness. After 5 minutes, you reached the dining room but it was also covered in the silent darkness.
Wait, just what’s going on? Are those demons trying to scare me? You asked yourself. Let’s check the kitchen. With that thought you turned back because the kitchen was next to your room.
The kitchen was also covered in darkness. But there was a difference, the darkness didn’t cover everything completely, you could still see the light from the refrigerator. As you walked closer, you could still make out a large figure standing in front of the fridge and you could hear chewing sound.
Since you were in the Devildom, the literal Hell and the kingdom of demons, monsters and abominations of various kinds, you thought it would be better to not alert the creature and turn back.
“Oh, it’s you, MC.” Before you could make your escape, the large creature turned back and discovered you. In the darkness, you could make out the orange hair and a pair of purple eyes.
“Yes, it’s me.” The orange head demon nodded.
“What are you doing alone here in the darkness?” You asked.
“To devour whatever food I can find in the fridge of course. But I could ask you the same, what are you doing here, MC?”
“Well, isn’t it time for dinner? I came to the dining room but found no one there.”
“MC, uh…I think you should check your D.D.D. It’s midnight.”
What? At first, you didn’t want to believe Beelzebub but when you opened your D.D.D to check, you found his words to be true. The phone screen’s time showed 23:59, and you were just in time when it turned 00:00, officially ending your first day in the Devildom.
“So I missed my dinner.” You said as you tried to reassure within yourself that the demons must have left something for you, though even you doubted that.
“Yeah, we thought you didn’t want to eat dinner so we already ate your portion. There’s nothing left of it.”
“Oh, so is there anything left in the fridge?”
“No, nothing left in the fridge. I ate all of them.” Beelzebub answered then walked past you, exiting the kitchen, leaving you and an empty fridge.
Your stomach grumbled again. But you had nothing to satisfy your hunger. You could only hold your abdomen as you went back to your room. Looked like you would have to suffer hunger tonight. No one really cared about you here. You might even be dead for whatever reason that they probably not knowing anything until your body started to decompose and they only found out due to the smell. You wanted to cry but you manage to hold the tears back.
Don’t cry, MC. If you cry over a meal and the uncaring attitude of those demons, how are you gonna survive in Hell for one year? You shouldn’t cry because of those demons, they’re just like society, which doesn’t give a damn about you.
“May I ask what are you doing here, MC?”
You turned around and met a pair of crimson eyes. You knew it to be Lucifer, the eldest of the brothers.
Lucifer frowned when he saw your face. Even though it was dark, demons could see very well in the dark, they are creatures of the darkness after all. And what the Avatar of Pride saw were your red eyes that threatened to turn to two waterfalls at any given moment and quiver lips.
“No, it’s nothing.” You tried to dismiss the issue and walk away but the eldest already blocked your way.
“MC, it’s my duty to take care of your need while you are staying here and not letting you suffer any unjust discomfort. Tell me, what’s troubling you?”
You were unsure why but you felt attracted to the pair of crimson eyes when you looked at them. You felt that you could tell him any difficulty and it would be resolved.
“I’m hungry.” You said.
“Hungry? Didn’t you have dinner with my brothers?”
“I overslept and missed it. Your brothers decided to divide my portion among themselves. Beelzebub ate all the food in the fridge so now I have nothing to eat.”
“I’m sorry that this kind of inhospitality happened, MC. I wasn’t home at dinner and my brothers caused trouble for you. Nevertheless, it’s my fault for letting this kind of situation happened. Please let me make it up for you.”
“Ok.” You weren’t sure how the eldest was going to make it up for you but you agreed anyway, better than refusing and letting yourself suffer.
With your permission, Pride led you to his room, where he took out some high quality delicious dishes and a bottle of wine from a hidden cabinet.
“Wait, you store food in your room?”
“Well, yes. Sometimes, I need to enjoy a peaceful and quiet meal without my brothers’ interference, so I hide some dishes from Ristorante Six, a high end restaurant in Devildom, in there. I hope you will not tell my unruly brothers about this.”
“Ok. You have my word for that.”
“Very well.”
After the first bite, you found yourself eating the most delicious dishes you had ever tasted.
“These dishes are so good.” You praised as you were digging in.
“I’m glad you like Devildom food. Eat more.”
“Aren’t you going to eat? They’re yours after all.”
“No need. This is me compensating for you.”
“You should eat too. Or else I would be feel guilty of eating someone else’s food, being no different from your brothers.”
“Alright, if you insist.”
Then you assumed eating. You didn’t notice the pair of crimson eyes looking at you. The owner of those eyes didn’t care about eating, but only fixing his gaze on you.
It’s a good feeling. Lucifer said within himself and smiled. He even poured a glass of wine, whose name you later learnt to be Demonus, for you, saying the best food should be accompanied with best wine.
The next morning,
“MC, do you like our new chandelier decoration?” The eldest asked when you stepped inside the dining room for breakfast.
You looked above and found the five brothers being hung on the chandelier.
“Why am I hung up here? I have carefully disposed of all the bills. Why?”
“Lucifer, please let me down. I still need to watch that special episode of Ruri-chan.”
“I didn’t cause any trouble or prank you. This is you being prejudice against me.”
“Lucifer, being hung up will harm my skin.”
“So hungry.”
You looked at the decoration for a little while before smiling.
“It’s very peculiar. But I like it.” You said as you went to your seat and sat down.
“All of you,” Lucifer looked up and said, “Reflect on your action last evening.”
“Wait, what did we do?”
“Figure it out yourself.”
Why the others were complaining, the fourth born looked at you and frowned.
“Oi oi, I think it’s about the dinner last night.” Satan whispered to the others as they began to discuss among themselves.
It seemed that you would be receiving many apologies that same day. And it was all thanks to the Avatar of Pride.
Even if it’s out of obligation, at least he cares for my well-being.
Author’s words
I had this idea in my head some months ago before writing it. With the brothers don’t give a damn about us in early season 1, there’s high chance we will have to go hungry and have nothing to eat if we miss a meal or come to the dining room late.
Also, Lucifer having taken a liking of us since the start (evidence in Lesson 2-A normal) also inspires details in this fic.
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astraystayyh · 1 year
Snow on the beach
Hyunjin x reader. friends to lovers, but they've always known. implied soulmates.
this basically wrote itself nsbdbd as always feedback is highly appreciated <33 (if you can listen to Snow On The Beach by Taylor and Lana, do it!)
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The ocean laps softly at your feet, and you watch its ebb and flow intently, admiring how each wave always knows precisely where to go- where to finally rest after a long journey of travels. 
This beach is your spot with Hyunjin. Not a secret one by any means, but one that feels yours because of all the memories you've shared here. The ocean has witnessed it all between the two of you.
"I will miss this," you sigh wistfully, and Hyunjin hums from beside you. He's watching the water too, legs tightly hugged to his chest, his cheek resting softly on his knee. 
You've grown up with Hyunjin right in front of this ocean. You weren't lovers but you weren't friends either. You were simply a mirror of one another. Every part of him found its reflection in you. 
"Me too. Remember when we first came here?" he chuckles softly at the distant memory and you smile to yourself. That was seven years ago. 
You are 15, stomping down the beach because you are angry at the world, just like every other teenager. You plop down on the sand and dig your hand into its warm particles. The soothing sensation grounds you and the sound of the waves drowns out your thoughts.  
"Hey," someone greets and you look up to find Hyunjin. He's your classmate in high school. You remember him in passing because you once dropped your pen and he picked it up for you without a word.  
"Hi," you greet back, shielding your eyes from the harsh sun rays with your hand. Hyunjin moves a bit to the side to block out the sun for you. You notice. 
"Mind if I sit with you?" he asks and you shrug, "Sure. But I don't feel like talking." 
"Me too. We can sit alone together." 
Paradoxal words, but you soon understand what he means by them. He's right next to you, but you're both lost in your own worlds. And yet his presence seems to have a calming effect on you. It feels comforting, to have someone exist with you without asking for anything in return.
"I do remember," you smile, turning back to look at the ocean. Your hand starts to pick up the sand once more, and Hyunjin does the same. Your pinkies brush against each other- it isn't the first time this happened. Touching Hyunjin has become second nature to you. 
You are 16, facing the ocean once again. Only this time tears are streaming down your eyes. 'Where are you?' you read in Hyunjin's text and you quickly write back 'Our spot'. He's there ten minutes later. He doesn't ask what's wrong, but his fingers are intertwined with yours and it's enough. It was the first time Hyunjin has grabbed your hand in. You haven't been the same since. 
"And now you're leaving me," Hyunjin teases, a glint of amusement shining brightly in his eyes. He knows you'd never leave. Even if you are no longer near him. 
"Mm, finally getting a break from you after 7 years," you joke as your fingers curl around his pinky, as his hand gently tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. You'll always be here. 
You're 17, and it's nearly midnight, and yet you and Hyunjin are still talking in front of the ocean- the waves drinking in each bit of your conversation.
It's cold and you shiver slightly from the breeze grazing your exposed arms. Hyunjin notices and opens his jacket wide for you, silently inviting you to seek warmth from him. You bury yourself in his chest, his arms coming around to encircle you.
Your ear settles directedly on top of his heart- the first time you listen to Hyunjin's heartbeat. But it feels familiar, as if it's been ringing within you from the moment you met.
"Can't believe you won't be here for my birthday," he pouts and you giggle, inching closer to him in the process.
You've celebrated your birthday together for the past seven years. You've known all his wishes, since he always shared them with you. He didn't care about the superstition that telling someone your wish prevented it from becoming a reality. He believed that you and he are one, so it was only natural to tell you. 
"I'll call you from the other side of the world." You were leaving, not for long, only a year. A work opportunity you couldn't pass on. And yet it felt weird and unnatural to be somewhere where Hyunjin wouldn't be. 
You are 18, and as you watch the waves fizzle out as they meet the shore, your head laying on Hyunjin's shoulder, a sudden realization dawns on you. 
You are an ocean wave soaring too close to the sky, fueled by emotions too raw, too powerful, to be guarded by your heart alone. But as you near Hyunjin, your waves falter, your steps halt. Your worries, your fears, and your anger are no longer forces to be reckoned with. Instead, they become harmless sea foam. A mere shell of what they once were. To you, Hyunjin is the shore, bringing you out of your darkness, welcoming you home. 
"You'll call at my midnight?" he asks, leaning his face closer toward yours. You could clearly see his moles now, the one under his eye, and the one on his cheek. They remind you of the ink of a poet that ended up drying on his face. Everything that made Hyunjin was poetry to you. 
"Missing me already?" you grin at him and his eyes soften at you. "I miss you even when you are with me." 
You are 19, and Hyunjin is laying his head on your lap, dried tear stains on his face. This isn't the first time you've seen Hyunjin cry. But it is the first he sobbed in your arms. It was an agonizing sight, one that made you realize just how far you care for him. His eyes were now closed, as you gently thread through his hair, your touch seemingly calming him down. 
"I think I'm your shore today," you whisper, your voice getting caught up with the wind and the crashing of waves. But Hyunjin catches it. He understands.
"I need to write you a list of reminders, since I won't be here to take care of you," you joke, brushing away his words as if they weren't now imprinted onto your heart.
"If I don't follow them will you come back?"
You are 20, and it's your birthday. You are naturally celebrating it at your spot at the beach. You are laughing loudly at a joke Hyunjin just said when your hand slips from beneath you, and you are suddenly thrown forward, your nose now brushing against his. Hyunjin stares deeply into your eyes, and it makes your heart clench- how unguarded he seems to be with you. So you lean in and place a chaste kiss on the mole adorning his cheek. You've always wanted to do that. 
"This is my birthday gift," you giggle and Hyunjin shakes his head, a crimson blush tinting his cheeks. 
"I'll always come back to you," you say quietly. 
You are 21 and it's snowing at the beach. The first time you've seen it happen in your entire existence. You watch in awe as dainty snowflakes coat the sand- a sight so mesmerizing it renders you speechless for a few moments. But despite the beauty unfolding around you, Hyunjin still only has his eyes on you. You are admiring the snow and he's admiring you. 
"And I'll always be here."
You are now twenty-two, and you are saying your goodbyes to your place at the beach with Hyunjin.
It happens naturally, the way Hyunjin finally tells you that he loves you, right where it had all started. This is the first time he's uttered those three words and yet it's as if you've been hearing them for the past seven years. 
"I love you," you say back, the confession flowing easily from your mouth because you've both always known. 
You've known each time you sat down here, in front of this ocean. Where every past version of yourselves confessed the way they knew best- through stolen glances and subtle touches and comforting words. Where you've slowly grown within ones another's soul, just like the rings of a tree.
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boyfhee · 1 year
⋆ NOW WE DATE ! · psh
CHAPTER SEVEN · ruin our friendship
SYNOPSIS · everyone knew you were sunghoon's biggest fan— or so you claimed to be— it didn't take a scientist to guess after your nonstop gushing about him during enhypen's debut. now, they didn't know you found him 'so babygirl' not until you accidentally tweeted it on your main.
warnings · food mentions + written part under the cut ( 1.02k )
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the weverse live went smoother than expected. 
well, it’s not like you had been anticipating some sort of commotion or whatsoever, but you did expect random bouts of awkwardness every ten to fifteen minutes because first, both you and sunghoon lie slightly towards the introvert side of the myers-briggs type indicator; and second, you both are aware of everything that has went down between the two of you in past two to three days. moreover, being awkward is natural when you’re meeting someone for the first time— which is not exactly true because you did meet sunghoon at the backstage of music bank from nine months ago when iris and enhypen were promoting their respective albums, but if greeting each other in hallways counts as meeting people then you probably have already met three-fourth of the industry. 
“i kind of imagined you as someone who prefers vanilla or something, instead of chocolate,” and you certainly didn’t expect sunghoon to take you out of ice cream just three hours before midnight. 
“i like all the flavours but nothing tops chocolate,” you say before eating another spoonful from your cup. “i even did a commercial for melona as a kid, although it’s not chocolate. you can still find it on youtube, i guess,” singing wasn’t really your forte, unlike acting. you’ve had quite an active childhood from the ‘job’ point of you, for you always had a few commercial shoots here and there every few months. your career as an actress didn’t blow up until after you had debuted in iris. even as a childhood actress, you only had minor to second lead roles except one in ‘crushed,’ which accounts for your first main role and also is the drama that brought you into the spotlight before debut. 
you feel sunghoon smile as he unlocks his phone to switch to another playlist— it’s for both of you since one of his’ airpods is with you and listening to music while having ice cream sounds like a perfect date, as friends, of course. though, you’d be lying if you claim your heart didn’t do a little something when sunghoon offered you his airpods. “why did you ask me to get ice cream with you, though?” 
“i just wanted to spend some time with you,” a pause. you stop on your way, albeit a few steps ahead of him, turning around to look at sunghoon’s flustered face that was adorned by the dim streetlights. a series of silence follows, a string of fluttering gazes along with heartbeats that could be heard clearly if they get any louder. before you could say anything, sunghoon stuffs his phone back into his pocket out of panic. “wait— don’t get me wrong. i mean, you’re cool and fun to be around so, you know— please don’t misunderstand,” 
and a soft chuckle falls off your lips. “jeez, hoon, you’re all good,”
the comforting silence never leaves, it’s rather amusing to the two of you. considering everything that has happened so far, from your silly tweet to him assuming you’re dating jaemin and everything that he ends up blabbering in front of you, anyone would end up getting awkward. fortunately, that isn’t the case for him. perhaps, the heavens are on his side, and maybe that is all he needs to muster up the courage to say his next words. “to be completely honest, ice cream was an excuse because i was sort of hoping we’d get to know each other better,” 
“yeah, i’d love that,” your voice isn’t much louder than a whisper, but you know your words reached him anyway. the smile dancing on his face holds numerous tales, if one could notice closely. “by the way, you still didn’t tell me the thing that could potentially ruin our friendship,” 
“i did, didn’t i? i texted you,” 
“and you want me to believe that?” you scoff, remembering his response. even if it was supposed to be a coverup, you did find yourself too stunned to react at that moment. “i mean, i won’t judge you for the things you like to be called and all, but we both know what you said back then was a lie,” 
another pause, another session of silence trailing around along with the slight tension lingering in the air. you look at sunghoon and he’s looking anywhere but at you. one second, his eyes are on the ground. the next, they’re traversing places with his lips pressed into a thin line. it’s when you realise how difficult it is to read his expression, an exasperated sigh falls off his lips. “okay, i think i’m being annoying, so i won’t force you, even though i’m—”
“you’re not annoying. also, i don’t think i’m ready to tell you so wait for me till then, and i promise i’ll tell you when the right time comes,” and it’s embarrassing how easily his words can fluster you. “besides, i don’t want to ruin our friendship yet,” even if you think you have a faint idea of what he might be hiding, you’d dare not get ahead of yourself because at the end of day, you and sunghoon are just friends. sure, you do like him a little more than friends but you’re almost convinced that it’s just a silly little celebrity crush. it’s not the first time you’re fawning over a celebrity, even if it’s your first time being so crazily interested in someone, but you like to think it’s a stage between strangers and friends, and nothing more. 
“oh, by the way, um, there’s ice cream on your lips,” he points the corner of his mouth with his index finger, hoping it would give you an idea, but when you miss the spot after a couple of attempts, assorting to your phone’s front camera to get a clearer look, sunghoon finds himself taking the tissue from your hand, proceeding to wipe the ice cream off your lips himself, completely and terribly unable to hide the blush on his cheeks. and the moment you tried to tell yourself that you aren’t in love, is when you realised you already were. 
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n : need me a sunghoon, like rn .... also visgenes...visions + engene....iris and vision? yk u see w ur iris and ability to see is vision do u see the vision here bc that's the best i could come up with
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calaisreno · 1 month
The Little Things
255 words / Prompt: Fire
It’s an unending conversation inside that brilliant mind that occasionally spills over. 
The clock on the mantel reads twenty-seven minutes past four, but it’s after midnight. It always reads twenty-seven minutes past four because the ticking bothers Sherlock and John finally stopped winding it. He’s learned Sherlock well enough to understand how his brain works.
Now he’s lying on the sofa, motionless, his hands steepled in an attitude of prayer. Not asleep, he’s in his mind palace.
The room is perfectly still, no sound but crackling in the hearth, no light but the glow of the fire. Outside, John can hear cars passing, their tyres shushing in the rain. 
John sits in his chair by the fire, reading. He’s only giving half of his attention to the book, though. He’s thinking about the man on the sofa.
Sherlock sometimes says things to John when he’s not there. This used to bother John because it wasn’t fair for Sherlock to expect him to know what they’d talked about while John was at the surgery and Sherlock pacing the floor at 221B, expounding on the evidence in his most recent case.
Once John drew a face on a balloon and attached it to his chair, just so Sherlock would have a face there to talk to. A John-substitute. And maybe he’d notice it wasn’t John. 
He’s learned patience. He understands that his flatmate never prefaces his words or gives them a context. It’s an unending conversation inside that brilliant mind that occasionally spills over. 
“That’s when I knew.” 
Smiling, John closes his book. “Tell me more.”
And Sherlock does.
I'd been thinking about a sequel to Things, following them inside 221B and seeing how they carry on after the "thing" is said, two men who don't have to talk a lot to say what they mean. This little story will do, I think.
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bowieandqueen11 · 8 months
Dylan Lenivy With A Protective S/O Would Include...
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Request: Dylan from the quarry with an s/o who’s like really strong. Like wrestle bears strong (or in the quarry case wrestle werewolves strong) and is very protective. Like i mean picking Dylan up and running or taking hits for him.
I genuinely love Dylan so much time to work through my writer's block for him bby!! :)
Warning: Strong language, mentions of blood/ injury, mentions of guns and werewolf attacks!
(I do not own the Quarry or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @moafleco.)
Dylan Lenivy: darling boy, absolute light of my life!! I full on expected to come into this game and have Max be my favourite because I loved Skyler Gisondo in Booksmart and Night at the Museum 3 but Dylan really side swept my ass here and stole my heart I've got to be honest.
You can bet your ass during the whole Werewolf Attack night at Hackett's Quarry, Dylan will use whatever battery is left on his phone sending you cheesy texts just to check in and make sure you're okay. Be ready for your phone to ding about a thousand times a minute, until Kaitlyn finally cracks and shoves it, still vibrating, into one of the cubbies in the nurse's office.
'Hey sweet... baby-heart! Wait that sounds weird let me start again. Hellooo there sweetheart!❤️🥰 just wanted to make sure ❓that you’re still alive! 💘😖 and not ripped apart! 🤞❌ anyway love you please don’t get eaten by a swarm of bears!! 🐻😘'
Ryan had the joy of reading that one over his shoulder in the radio shack, and the groan he emitted was so loud they both ended up having to pitch over each other and duck under the table because it drew Caleb back up onto the roof.
The poor guy keeps peering out between the slats of the radio shack window like a scared meerkat popping up from behind towering rocks, thinking he can see you float past in a mist of lucent white, weaving through the treeline. He keeps pacing back and forth, back and forth sweating buckets because he's so terrified, and so ashamed that he's cowering in here while you may be in danger out there. Even Ryan's awkward offer to let Dylan borrow his earphones for a while: to sit with his knees drawn up to his chest in the corner and just breathe for a minute while Ryan kept watch, was met with an uncharacteristic sharp intake of breath and manic shake of the head.
So when you come bursting through the rickety door: drenched from head to toe in Nick's metallic reeking blood and propping Chris Hackett's shotgun in your arms, neither of the two men know what to do. But when a crash of lightning makes the full moon glowing behind your head shudder, making the pulsating umbra shrouding your head seem all the more monstrous, Dylan suddenly does.
The man starts screaming in a key that only dogs had a chance of hearing.
When he finally realises that it's you and not - you know - the 'Hag of Hackett's Quarry', and he's spent enough time bent over with his hands resting on his knees trying to catch his breath, the nervous butterflies in the pit of his stomach suddenly turn into somersaults. You came back for him. You came to save him. You care for him that much: love him that much, that you were willing to risk your own life just to try and save his.
Even though he's known you since you were seven years old: even though the two of you had met all those years ago during your first week at this very same camp, catching each other's eyes and waving as he bundled up to Chris' office with a brand new tape player he had restored in his arms, and you helped one of the younger girls pull her luggage out from the back of her parent's van, the true extent of how much he could fucking love someone hits him like air freshener to the face.
Even though the two of you used to sneak out of your bunks and meet up at midnight in the Shady Glade, bumping down beside each other on the dewy grass, constantly craving each other’s company. You made him blush one night, when you suddenly grabbed his hand and intertwined his growing fingers over your smaller ones, pointing up at the moon, and the glowing stars, not realising the little side eye, euphoric look he would give you. 
Even though his heart had flipped over there and then: greedily gorging and festering in his chest, even though he had spent years stifling the feeling until he learnt that he was lucky enough to have it returned, it still shocked him to realise you didn't see him as a waste of space. As a spent joke.
And then his hand gets bit, and everything changes. It must have looked at least a little bit funny when it happened, considering there was not a chance in hell you were about to let any mystical creature drag off your poor boyfriend. As soon as Dylan got swung up to the roof: screaming and begging for you and Ryan to get him down, you jumped onto the desk and latched yourself on Dylan's back like koala bear. Your legs are quick to wrap around his waist until your heels kick up onto the slats, your arms wrapping around his waist until you manage to reach past and grab onto thick handfuls of warm... oozing fur.
With a swift punch to the snout, the two of you fall unceremoniously to the floor in a resounding crash. You managed to cover most of Dylan's moans during your fall by cradling him into your stomach, taking most of the brunt of the force. The poor guy for a moment just curls up on top of you in a state of wide-eyed shock, the side of his cheek heavy as he smooshed it against the side of your jaw. It's almost domestic: almost sweet, as he tugs his legs up between your knees and hides his eyes by turning his head into the curve of your neck. It's the same manner in which he wakes up every morning, hiding himself by nestling himself into you every time the sunrise comes falling through the dusty cracks of the Quarry's alpine blinds and makes him jolt awake.
This time, though. This time is far worse. Because then he starts laughing: a hoarse, shaking, unnerving noise that seems to seep through your throat and make you choke on your tongue. You do your best to grab onto his biceps as he starts shaking, his hands beginning to ball into your shirt as the reality of what's just happened to him settles in.
This man has seen enough horror movies in his life. If he's going to die, he wants to do it lying here in your arms.
Before he knew what was happening, he's being lifted up into your arms bridle style and rushed out towards the pool house. The whole way there, despite the agonising pain he's in, he keeps pressing his lips into your collar bone and giggling like a school boy caught head over heels by his crush. Even when your hands finally slip off from underneath his knees and you gently perch him on the edge of a sink, he's still cradling the side of his head on his neck and looking down at you as if you hung every star in that unbridled sky. It doesn't matter if you're trying to use a cloth to clear some of the blood from underneath his eyebags, or using some bandage Abi found in one of the pool lockers, this man is too busy trying to spend every second he has left as him enraptured by you. That means you have to work with him biting his bottom lip and smiling wonkily as he dodges the cloth and instead grabs onto your fingers, pulling them to his lips so he can kiss your knuckles one by one languidly. He looks so soft - so goddamn soft as he nudges his cheek against your intertwined hands, letting them rest against the side of his face.
He gets really fidgety, and it's then that you suddenly understand he's asking for a reassurance kiss: for the knowledge that you're not going to leave him. He’ll never say it outright, because deep down he’s too embarrassed and touch starved to admit it, but you can always tell. He has so many give away signs: he starts looking down at the floor, taps his feet against the tiles and fidgets his hips back against the porcelain, plays with his fingers by threading them through each other until you lean up to kiss the tip of his nose, and then he just beams with pure, unbridled happiness.
'You're so beautiful, you know that?' Even with the tendrils beginning to twist up his forearm, even half delirious with the stress of what had been happening that night, even thinking he's about to die he's still thinking of you. Worried about you. Desperate for you to know, that it's always been you. That it's all you.
'Dylan... I love you too, but if you keep putting yourself in danger to save everyone else I'm going to kick you into Lake Septimus ass first, okay?'
'Look, I've never met the guy, and although I'm sure he's lovely you're the only person I want to fall ass first onto', he replies, trying his best to hide how his eyes were starting to burn: how his eyes were beginning to crinkle with the effort of stopping his face contorting in pain by cupping your cheeks with his large palms and pressing a lingering, needy kiss against the side of your mouth.
'Ew. Gross, guys.' You turn your head to raise an amused eyebrow at Kaitlyn, but she only shakes her head and turns her attention back to the knitting gash on Nick's leg.
He seems to spend half of the time hiding behind your back! Like, you can just feel the slight tremble as his slender fingers touch your shoulder, and then the growing shadow against the lodge chimney as he jolts behind you. He's trying his best, bless his heart, even though the way he tucks the jut of his chin into your shoulder blade and grabs onto your biceps restricts you from shooting off Caleb when he comes clambering up the stairs towards the two of you.
But also even though he knows you're super bad ass he is 100% ready to launch himself, full-body starfish jump, in harm's way at the first sign of danger. Such as when Emma comes jumping out of the minivan, and Dylan straight away launches you away from him and nearly bearhugs her to the stony ground. Thankfully, you manage to tear off a branch from one of the encircling pine trees and strike the werewolf off Dylan; a near home run hit had her scrambling off into the woodland again as fast as her four legs could carry her. For a moment, your boyfriend just lounges against the dirt, shaky breath only interrupted by the sound of his wincing as he begins to flick pebbles off the deep scratches lining his elbow. Then, before you can even blink, he comes scrambling on his hands and knees towards you like a prowling predator, before melting into you. His arms are quick to lock behind your hamstrings; Dylan doesn't even bother to get up off his knees, he just shoves his head into your bellybutton and refuses to move until he can feel your fingers card through his scalp.
'Oh my god!', he finally starts, once you begin to unlatch his rusted fingers from around his legs by pulling at them one by one. 'I can't believe you never told me!'
'Told you what?'
'That you're secretly the sports coach! I knew Jacob was too much of a butthead - I just knew he was too busy playing hookup to look after the kids. That's the real tea from this summer.'
For real though - it doesn't matter where you are: turn around and Dylan's on your heels like your own personal walking, talking, screeching shadow. You have a bet with Kaitlin on whether he's managed to build a teleporting machine during his free time in the radio shack, because you could be down scouting the kitchen and he could be up looking at the weird family pictures in the lodge's attic, but at the first sound of any kind of howl he's there. You barely have time to duck down behind the counter before your boyfriend has made you jump out of your skin; he's standing right by the freezer (how tf did he manage to get all the way there without you hearing him??), completely out of breath and holding a cast iron skillet in his hands like a baseball bat.
'What?', he shrugs down at you with a tired smirk, putting his free hand on his hip and wiggling them a little. 'My mom always told me that it's better to be prepared than to catch anything unexpected. And I'm not letting you get bit too.'
'I'm... not quite sure that's what she meant. But thanks, sweetie.'
The nickname has his face burning a deep-set roseate for the next thirty minutes.
And then the two of you meet Laura, and this man's world just turns upside down. You turn down her offer to join her in trying to find Chris Hackett and end all of this for good, but from where Dylan was sitting on the bench next to the rattling window, he missed out on your reasoning why. He missed out on how you'd admitted that your sole focus: your one care now was to make sure that Dylan was safe. That you cared about him more than anything, and Mr. H could go to hell as far as you're concerned. You had to make sure Dylan survived the night.
Dylan's eyebrows crumpled when you came, cross armed, to unsteadily take a seat next to him again. He was too nervous to ask what the two of you had agreed, so he just fiddled with his thumbs and let the idea that he was holding you back darken his thoughts.
That he was a hinderance. That he was an annoyance.
He doesn't know what else to do, so as the two of you head out to the Hackett scrapyard in search of a new rotor arm, he takes up every silent moment by cracking wise. It starts to worry you - the way he can barely touch you. How he holds his hands in near claws against the meat of his biceps: how he barely lets his leg brush against yours before he jolts away again as if electrified. He even seems anxious when you reach out and grip onto his hand, his hold limp and loose as he lets it sway uneasily in the growing gap between your bodies.
He's just so afraid that if he lets go now, you'll be letting go of him forever. So he doesn't want to hold on at all. He feels it will be easier this way: kinder to you, to feel as if he's just drifting off with the breeze, a fond memory of long summers spent at some strange, long forgotten Quarry.
But you know him far too well not to register the full-blown panic behind his eyes as he dares to take a glance over at you. So please, shove this guy up against the nearest trunk of a tree, hold him up by shoving your knee in-between the seams of his thighs, and kiss him silly until all he can do is saunter off with a dopey smile and a brain so far up in the clouds all he can do is laugh rather than string together a sentence!!!
Literally I feel like this would heal him. Give this poor bby the love he's so desperately craving.
Straight up hefting him over your shoulder and carrying him away from Caleb in the scrapyard. The confused look on Kaitlyn's face as her head slowly turns to follow the set of you sprinting past with a screaming Dylan folded over your back like a snapped ruler is mfcking hilarious I'm not going to lie.
You refuse to leave him in the crane. Not even when he's gouging into the balls of your shoulders, crying and yelling and begging you to leave. To run. To get the hell away from him while you still can. Between his tormented yelps, you do your best to grab onto his face despite how forcefully his body's contorting. Despite how his fingernails are starting to cut into your skin and send blood blooming out in wispy tendrils across your shirt. You just place your thumbs up against the darkness obscuring the sides of his eyes and try to keep Dylan looking at you. To try and make him understand, to try and make sure the last thing he saw before he turned was you not leaving him. Not Ever.
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sempersirens · 11 months
a bird in your teeth, epilogue
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
warnings: mentions of past trauma, ptsd, nightmares. so much fluff
a/n: a little palate cleanser. sun bleached flies joel is on the naughty step rn
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December 24th, (five years later)
God only knows, what I'd be without you...
The TV turned black as the credits rolled, only the warm flickering lights from the Christmas tree left to illuminate the room.
You took a steady breath in through your nose and locked eyes with Sarah, both suppressing a laugh before simultaneously turning to finally face Joel, who had been trying to silently bite back small sobs for the past forty-five minutes.
"How you holding up, boys?" Sarah teased, lovingly.
"You girls are damn evil. Pickin' such an emotional film on Christmas Eve."
"It's heartwarming!" You interjected.
"My heart is feelin' a lot of things right now but warm ain't one of 'em." Tommy murmured, wiping his eyes with the back of his sweatshirt.
"I just can't believe neither of you had ever watched Love Actually."
"May 'swell have, the number of times I've seen you two watchin' it, all damn year round," Joel said.
"Keep talking like that, Miller, and I won't make you an Irish coffee." You warned, earning oooh's from Tommy and Sarah.
You pulled yourself off the sofa and moved to the kitchen, proving your threat entirely empty. As you pottered around the room, collecting all of the ingredients for the drinks, you listened to the noise of the three people you loved most in the world simply existing in the room next to you. The haze of their laughter mixed with the song still warbling through the TV was softened by the wall separating you, a honeyed prayer just for you.
Somehow, life kept moving after that night. Everything thereafter seemed to be measured in the passing of time. Four days for your lip to heal. Three weeks for you to return Daisy's calls. Seven months until you could stop taking the long route to pick Sarah up and drive down that street again. Two years for the panic attacks to stop, for good. Five years, and counting, for an uninterrupted night's sleep.
Two months passed before your tenancy was over, but you had woken beside Joel each morning nonetheless. Sometimes, before the others had risen for the day, you would creep down the stairs and pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit on the porch, and look at that house across the street. You would watch the lights slowly turn on, see the silhouette of life taking shape. A young family had taken over your lease, and it comforted you to know another life was being nurtured within those walls.
Neither you nor Joel had ever discussed what happened that morning in that apartment. And you didn't need to know; you were content with the understanding you both did what you needed to go on. Call it closure.
"What's goin' on in that head of yours, pretty girl?" You felt his chest pressing against your back, his arms leaning on either side of your body, entrapping you against the counter.
His face nuzzled in the curve of your neck, breath tickling your hair against your skin.
"Just wondering if you're on the nice list this year." You turned to face him, staring up through your lashes at the man you love.
"That so? We've got about," he checked his watch, "two hours until midnight. M'sure I can do enough to make it on each of your nice lists for the next twenty years."
"You're planning on keeping me around for that long? Maybe I'll have a love affair with a real cowboy." You teased.
"Good luck gettin' him to watch a Hugh Grant film with ya."
You rested your hands on his face, using your thumb to trace his cheek lightly.
"How did I get so lucky?" You smiled, shaking your head softly in disbelief.
There had always been a surplus of love inside you, even when you were little. Throughout your life, you had poured it into the wrong people, time and time again. Belittled, taken for granted, chastised. Even though the love remained, you had grown to fear it. It would be like riding an escalator and instinctively grabbing the handrail, but being zapped by an electric shock. Each time thereafter, your hand would hesitate in reaching for the supportive grip. Sometimes it would tentatively hover above, trying to gage the sting of electricity a few millimetres away.
But loving Joel came so easy. Everything about him made you want to tear yourself open and offer him everything you had, everything you ever had been, and all you ever would be. You would wake in the night simply craving the feeling of his skin against yours. And every single time you reached out to him, even in his sleep, he would pull you in.
From the other room, an old Christmas song hummed through the walls.
Merry Christmas, baby / Sure did treat me nice...
"I should be the one askin' that question, darlin'." His right hand flexed in and out of a tight fist, the same way it did when he felt a bout of anxiety rise in his chest.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" You asked, concern digging itself into the furrow of your brows.
"I'm no good at this, you know that."
"No good at what, Joel?"
He pulled away from you slightly, lowering himself onto one knee, suppressing the groan you knew he desperately wanted to release at the tightness of his back and knees.
"My sweet girl, I will never understand why y'picked me. Out of all the men in this damn world, even Hugh Grant, I get to be the one who calls you mine."
"I don't know much, but I know that I need t'spend the rest of my life by your side. And I need you by mine. Would you do me the honour of being my wife?"
"Oh my god, yes! Of course, I will, Joel."
Joel slipped the ring he had presented from a small box in his back pocket onto your finger. His smile showed off the creases by his eyes that you often wished you could dive into and engulf yourself in each feeling that caused them to deepen.
"Get up, you idiot. Your poor back. I don't want to be pushing you around in a wheelchair just yet." You laughed into his kiss, your bodies merging together like it was all they had ever been made to do.
"Can we come in yet?" Sarah called from around the corner.
"Yes! Come in, both of you." You replied, cheeks wet and aching from the smile etched into your face.
"No chance of those Irish coffees, I guess?" Tommy smirked, you softly clipped him round the back of the head before suffocating him into a hug. "Welcome to the family, Mrs Miller."
Merry Christmas, honey / Everything here is beautiful, I love you, baby / For everything that you give me.
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back2bluesidex · 11 months
Jungkook × The way I loved you (Angst and happy ending pls :(( )
The Way I Loved You - JJK
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Pairing: Ex!Jungkook X Reader
Theme: Angst, a little fluff, exes to lovers au
Word Count: 1120
Song: The way I loved you
Warnings: heart break, unsatisfactory relationship and nothing else.
Minors and Karens aren't allowed in this blog!!
A/N: Thank you so much for this request anon! And I'm sorry if it doesn't reach upto your expectations. As I said earlier, I'm way too sick these days. However, I still hope you like it.
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"This is not what I asked for, Jungkook!" You scream at the top of your voice. 
"You asked for time Y/N. And I am trying to give you time! Now what the fuck is your problem?" Jungkook screams back. 
"This is not time, Kook. You are asking me to shop for everything I need within 2 hours while the supermarket is 30 minutes away. You can't even spare me time for something as common as grocery. I don't know how trivial you think of me. I just-" you take your purse and storm out of the apartment shutting the door loudly behind you.
When you came back home that afternoon, you found no trace of Jungkook. You don't know why you had a faint expectation that he would cancel his schedule for you, he would give you some time, he would respect what you want, what you need, you just know you didn't get it all at the end. 
Jin nudges your side pulling you back from the grips of the past. 
"You okay darling?" He asks, concern dripping from his voice. That's when you realize you have been too lost in your thoughts to pay any attention to your boyfriend. 
"Ah- yeah. I'm fine." You reply, faking a smile as always. It's a good thing that Jin doesn't get how many smiles you fake in a day. 
"You look beautiful tonight." He places a soft kiss on your temple. Then he goes back to driving towards your destination. You smile again as your heart fills with guilt. 
Jin is a perfect boyfriend. He's handsome, has a decent job, he gets along with your parents really well, he knows how to cook, he respects your choices, he respects your privacy… All in all, he's everything a girl would want. But… he's not the one for you. 
There's only one flaw in your and Jin's relationship, which is that you don't love him. You have poured all of your love on Jungkook and your heart is now a wasteland, which sometimes bleeds during midnights and 2 in the mornings when you curse out Jungkook's name crying on the pillow. 
"Y/N look at me. Try to look into my eyes, okay baby?" Jungkook holds your body tightly in his as you feel the world around you is morphing into darkness. 
"Y/N, can you hear me?" He says again with a trembling voice.
"Yes I- I do." You manage to say. 
"Good. Now listen to me. I am here okay? No one can hurt you. I will never let any harm come near you. You know that right? My baby knows that." Jungkook hugs you with everything he has in himself. One of his hands rubs on your back as another stays wrapped around your waist. 
Jungkook always knew how to calm you down during your panic attacks. That night when a drunk guy followed you to your apartment and you lost your shit, he made you feel secure. You know no harm can touch you when you are under Jungkook's wings. 
You feel your eyes sting with tears. You still love Jungkook till this date. The breakup was mutual. Both of you decided to part your ways given the fact that the relationship was being too frustrating and complicated. But it feels too wrong now. It feels as if there's more to the story. Only now you know you feel way more for Jungkook than you ever thought you did. 
Hence, you feel like a criminal whenever you look at Jin's face. He's nothing but sincere, but you still can't love him. 
"We're here." Jin parks the car beside something like a park. 
It's seven in the evening and you don't know what he has brought you to this park for. 
"Park? I thought we were going to that steak house you love so much?" You ask Jin. 
"We will. But before that I have a surprise for you." He replies. 
"Surprise? Here? But it seems like it's gonna rain?" You stare at the angry red sky from the car window. 
"Don't worry. We'll be done soon." Jin mutters before getting out of the car. 
You two walk through the park with intertwined hands. The park is beautiful indeed, perfect for couples, perfect for taking cute photos, perfect for you and Jungkook.
Fuck! You're thinking of Jungkook again. You're thinking so much of him that you start hallucinating him. 
A figure sitting on a bench approx five meters away from you and Jin looks just like Jungkook. He looks way too much like Jungkook. He is Jungkook! 
No! This can't happen. You tug at Jin's hand trying to pull him towards a different direction. 
"No. You can't walk back, Y/N." Jin says, stopping on track. 
"Y/N.." you hear another voice. That familiar one that you love the most. It's Jungkook. 
"Jungkook.." your eyes start to sting again. 
"Remember I said I had a surprise for you?" Jin smiles at you. 
Your eyes widen as you look at him, "B-but how do you-" 
"I could detect your fake smiles from the very first week of our relationship, Y/N. All I had to do was to dig up a little bit." Jin's hand loosens grip on yours. 
"You deserve to be happy, Y/N. Even if it's not with me." Jin now faces Jungkook, "And you- Don't fuck up this time." With that he walks back, winking at you for one last time. And soon it's only you and Jungkook in this wide, vast park.
"How have you been?" You ask Jungkook. 
"Miserable. You?" 
"Same." You two stare into each other's eyes. Both of you are only moments away from bursting into tears. 
"I- I can't do this without you, Y/N. Life feels like a chore without you. I am only breathing. I have stopped living the day we parted our ways. I- just can't-" Jungkook breaks down into a loud sob. 
You take two steps towards him, placing a hand on one of his arms, you say, "Neither can I Jungkook. I felt like a criminal each time I looked at Jin. Each time I looked at him I only searched for you. I love you. I fucking love you. I never stopped loving you." Your own face is now covered with tears. 
The sky mirrors your emotions and starts crying too. 
You look up at the sky for a moment and then look at Jungkook, you find him looking at you already. He closes the distance between you two and places his lips on yours. You two get so lost in the kiss that you don't even care getting drenched in the pouring rain. 
Jungkook parts first, connects his forehead with yours and whispers, "I missed this. I missed screaming and crying and kissing in the rain. I missed you. I missed the way I loved you." 
"I missed you too, missed you like crazy, kook." You seal your lips with his again wishing it all to stay forever and beyond. 
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someplace-darker · 2 years
Kinktober Day 5: Breeding Kink | Harwin Strong
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Pairing: Harwin strong x reader (no y/n)
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: 18+, PWP (okay maybe a little bit of plot), breeding kink, dirty talk, riding, probably a serious lack of proper terminology, me changing the plot of house of the dragon for porn reasons, mention of 'lady-in-waiting' but no pronouns are used
Summary: it's been a few weeks since you've been able to have a late night visit with Harwin, and you two have some catching up to do
A/N: i kind of Do Not Like this one and i'm cutting it real close posting this ten minutes before midnight but fuck it we ball. Also Harwin if you see this, know that i will give you more children
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Sneaking around the red keep isn’t exactly the most easy of tasks, especially considering what the consequences would be if your intentions were revealed. You were in close relations with the Princess Rhaenyra, yes, but you doubt that would stop Queen Alicent from plucking you of your position as a lady-in-waiting and casting you out onto the streets of King’s Landing. You never did like Alicent, her tongue sounding too close to her father’s at times, and with the recent events you suppose your intuition was correct.
Now isn’t the time for fretting over the kingdom’s current state.
Now, you have to get to Harwin. It’s been weeks since you’ve seen him, schedules never lining up long enough to do anything about the yearning you feel in your heart. You duck behind pillars and take the backways through the castle until reaching his quarters. Reaching up to rap quietly at the thick wooden door, praying to the gods that he answers with haste. They must be listening because you’re quickly being pulled into the scarcely lit room, a handful of candles lit around the space. 
“Seven hells, love, you are nothing if not determined. You could’ve been caught,” he chastises but it’s in vain, seeing as his lips are immediately pressing to yours with a tangible fervor. Harwin’s hands slip under your arms to your back, pulling you into his chest with ease. “I would not have been caught, I know the ins and outs of this keep better than I know myself,” you pant against his mouth “besides, I have a Strong and a Targaryen at my side, I’m practically invincible.” 
He chuckles at that, warm baritone thrumming against your chest as his fingers pluck at the strings of your dress, loosening it until it’s able to slip past your shoulders. Once it’s undone Harwin takes the time to tug at the fabric until it pools at your feet, body bared to the cool night air. His line of sight falls to your now exposed chest, not an ounce of shame when his hand comes back around your front, finger following the curve of your breast before letting his palm cover it. 
Reaching up to cover his hand with your own you start walking forward, careful to step out of the dress, forcing him back until he meets the bed. “You’re wearing too much clothing,” you comment, leaning forward to press your lips to the small area of his chest that the worn shirt doesn’t cover. It’s an older shirt you can tell, something meant purely to sleep in, but it’s currently your favorite thing he has ever worn. His chest hair peeks out from the laced V front, collar bones prominent and flushed red under the press of your mouth. 
Harwin hums, gripping the bottom of the tan fabric and pulling it over his head, hair falling back to frame his face. You take the shirt from his grasp and toss it with your dress, attention moving to the ties on his trousers, desperate to remove the final piece between you and what you need most. “Eager, are we?” his voice is all cocky and teasing, lips turned up into a salacious smile. It quickly drops from his face when you get the string undone, hand pressing to his abdomen before trailing down and past the waistline to grip his length. 
“You haven’t filled me in so long,” you sigh, pumping him in your hand and relishing in the grunts he gifts you. 
“Oh?” he gently grabs your wrist and pulls it off his cock, falling back to sit on the edge of the plush mattress, pulling you forward until you’re on his lap. He shimmies his trousers the rest of the way down and taps your ass, silently telling you to lift your hips. “You want me to fill you up so bad, put a babe in you? Fuck you until you carry my child?” The two of you had talked about it before, but never had he been so outright about it. It makes you shiver, and you remind yourself to nod. 
His hands part your thighs wider to make room for him, notching the head of his dick at your entrance until you’re relaxed enough to sink down onto him an inch at a time. “Gods, you feel so good,” you whine, bracing your hands on his shoulders and shakily lowering yourself before raising up to drop back down again. The warmth of his gaze is not lost on you, the filth of your predicament not enough to take the adoration for you out of the forefront of his mind.
Leaning back to watch you work, he catches the tremble in your thighs and takes it upon himself to plant his feet on the ground and thrust up into you. You yelp and he huffs, shushing you gently as if he’s not fucking up into with a force that makes your head thrum. “Stuff you so full that you’ll walk around with me for days. A reminder of whose cum you beg for,” Harwin groans, pulling you down against him each time he pistons into your cunt. 
“Please,” you gasp, threading your hands into his dark curls and leaning forward to press your forehead to his own. You briefly let your eyes flutter shut, savoring this feeling before it ends and you have to return to your own quarters. They call him Breakbones for a reason, his brute strength enough to force any man to submit no matter their title, in your case it’s to pick you up and twist to lay you on your back against the furs. He’s deeper with the change in position, your thighs being pressed to your stomach as he lays his weight on you, bearing down with enough force to knock the wind from your lungs.
Sweat covers the both of you in a thin sheen, room now thick and heavy with the air of sex. He looks near feral like this, hunched over you as his muscles contract with each thrust, scars splattered across his torso from years of fighting. Harwin knows that the only time he gets to use his hands for anything other than violence is when he holds you, and he doesn’t intend to waste a moment of it. 
You move your hand from his bicep to between the two of you, sliding your middle finger down until it meets your clit, circling it until you clamp down around his cock and keen with a burst of light behind your eyelids. The ripple from you is enough to drive him further into your pussy, groaning into the space between your neck and shoulder. Harwin bites down on your skin to muffle his own orgasm, staying true to his word and emptying himself inside of you. 
He noses against your neck, pressing a kiss to the junction of your jaw before pulling out of you with a hiss. “Satisfied?” he jests, brushing his hand over your cheek. Laughing, you push him off of you and onto his back. “For now,” you grin, tucking yourself into his side and laying your head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. You let your eyes close with the blanket of gratification, savoring the moment you get with him as you lie together, hidden away from the responsibilities waiting on you with the rising of the sun.
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Midnights: Frozen
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Summary: A collection of one-shots of sleepless nights between you and Emily. 
Chapter Summary: You experience sleep paralysis and Emily comforts you. 
Pairing: Emily Prentiss/Reader 
Word Count: 1837
TWs: nightmares, sleep paralysis, comfort 
The first time you experienced sleep paralysis was just over a year ago. 
Your girlfriend, Emily, had just been killed in the line of duty by a criminal from her past, Ian Doyle—or so you thought. 
Seven months later, it was revealed that she’d gone into hiding for her own safety, but she was alive. You felt every emotion possible—relief, pain, anger, joy—but after the initial shock, you picked up right where you’d left off, and Emily had been living with you ever since. You were sure that now that she was back and at your side every night, the sleep paralysis would go away.
Only it hadn’t.
You didn’t tell Emily at first. You didn’t want her to worry or feel more guilty than she already did. So when you opened your eyes and found yourself paralyzed, every atom in your body feeling impossibly heavy, and the man from your nightmares lingering in the corner, raising your heart rate, until he started moving forward to kill you, you fought to keep silent.
The third time it happened, you couldn’t contain the whimpering sound you made, and Emily woke up to find you paralyzed. She tried asking how she could help, but you couldn’t answer. What Emily claimed was only minutes later, but felt like hours to you, you regained control of your body and confessed that this wasn’t the first time.
Emily was horrified and asked if you’d talked to a doctor about it. You had, but the medications he’d prescribed made your symptoms worse, so you’d stopped taking them.
The next morning, Emily was searching for anything she could find about how to help someone with sleep paralysis. That night, when you got into bed, she was ready.
“Do you know why sleep paralysis happens?” Emily asked.
You shook your head. You’d worried that looking into it would make it worse.
“When we sleep, our body undergoes partial paralysis so we don’t act out our dreams; it keeps us from getting up and walking around or talking in our sleep. Sleep paralysis happens when we’re between sleep stages, so your brain is awake, but your body is still in REM sleep, which is why you can’t move.” 
You smiled. “You sound like Reid.”
Emily playfully rolled her eyes. “I may have consulted with him. For some people, if a partner talks to them, taps their shoulder, or even shakes them, it can wake them from sleep paralysis. So the next time it happens, try to make whatever noise you can, and when I wake up, I can wake you up.”
You sighed. “I don’t want to wake you up every time this happens. I can handle it.”
Emily took your hand. “This started happening to you after I left. When this wakes you up, I want you to wake me up. You don’t have to do this by yourself.” 
Your throat tightened, and you nodded. 
“If you can’t make noise, I read that you should try to move your fingers or toes—anything you can. And it helps to focus on your breathing. The faster you can slow your heart rate, the sooner you’ll come out of it.”
You committed that information to memory—you could manage that, you thought. 
“I love you,” you said, leaning forward to kiss your girlfriend. 
“I love you,” she said between kisses.
You both lay down, trying to find a comfortable position. You rolled away from Emily, but moments later, she had an arm wrapped around you and was snuggled up behind you. You nestled into her, feeling perfectly content. 
You drifted off to sleep not long after.
You woke up on your back, suffocated by an all-too-familiar feeling.
At some point in the night, Emily had rolled to the other side of the bed, and you’d ended up on your back. As soon as you opened your eyes, you knew you shouldn’t have.
Your bedroom was cloaked in darkness; as far as you could tell, there was no light peeking through the edges of the blackout curtains over the windows, so it must have been pretty early in the morning. You could make out the faint snoring of Emily to your left, but no matter how hard you willed your head to turn, it wouldn’t.
Your arms lay straight against your sides, palms facing down and resting on top of your duvet. Your racing heart sped up even more when you caught a presence in the corner of your eye.
You thought of Emily’s advice—move your fingers or toes, steady your breathing—and tried to do so. You put all of your focus into moving your big toe or pointer finger, but neither budged. And in front of you, the figure was coming into focus.
A tall, white man with graying, shaggy hair and an unkempt beard. He was dressed in all black, as he had been the last time you’d seen him. His blue eyes were piercing even through the darkness.
Ian Doyle.
He’s dead, you reminded yourself. You saw it happen. He couldn’t hurt Emily anymore. This was just a hallucination from the sleep paralysis.
But, God, it felt so real.
Now at the edge of your bed, Ian stared down at you with a cryptic smile. “Hello, love,” he said, before turning to sleeping Emily. “Lauren.”
You wished you could cringe away, close your eyes again, do something to protect yourself, but every muscle in your body was frozen. 
The only thing left for you to try was to make any sort of noise. Fortunately, that was easy when you were afraid. A whimper bubbled out of your mouth, and you hoped it would be enough to wake Emily.
Next to you, your girlfriend stirred but didn’t wake, so you made the noise again. In an instant, Emily lurched awake and turned her attention to you.
“Y/N?” she said, grogginess thick in her voice. “Can you move?”
Your lack of response was answer enough.
“I’m gonna touch you, okay?” she asked.
At the foot of the bed, Ian’s smile widened.
Even in death, you’re a creep, you thought.
You felt faint pressure on your arms, but it wasn’t enough to pull you from this episode. When Emily saw it wasn’t working, she resorted to taking your shoulders in her hands and shaking you, but that didn’t free you, either.
“Okay,” Emily said, sitting up next to you. “The research said that might not work. But it also said this will only last a few minutes, so I’m just going to talk until you come out of it.”
Your heart ached with how much you loved this woman.
“Oh, please, Lauren,” Ian said, walking toward her side of the bed. You could just make out his movements from the corner of your eye. “I’d love to hear what you have to say.”
The calming effect Emily had on you vanished in an instant, and your heart thumped with fear all over again. The closer he got to Emily, the more you wanted to scream. 
“I would love to finish what I started,” he whispered, leaning toward the woman you loved. 
You whimpered again, and Emily took your hand in hers. 
“Whatever you’re seeing right now isn’t real, I promise,” she said. “I know it looks real, maybe even sounds real. But we’re the only two people in this room. I won’t let anyone or anything touch you.”
It wasn’t you that you were worried about, but you had no way of telling her that. 
“On second thought,” Ian said, making his way back toward you. “It would be far more satisfying to watch Emily,” he spit out her name like it was dirt on his tongue. “Watch you suffer before I ended her.”
“I love you,” Emily said, reaching up to stroke your hair. “This will be over soon, I promise.”
The double entendre that she didn’t know she was speaking sent a chill down your spine. 
Ian stood directly above you now, somehow holding the wooden stake he’d impaled Emily with all those months ago. 
“I’ll be quick,” he taunted. “Though I can’t say I’ll give your girlfriend the same treatment.”
He leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Not that you’ll be around to watch.”
He plunged the wooden stake toward your heart, and you sat straight up with a gasp. You blinked furiously and saw that, sure enough, you were the only two in the room.
You closed your eyes as hard as you could. Ian is gone, you repeated like a mantra. Ian is dead. 
“Love?” Emily said, reaching for you.
You opened your eyes and pulled your knees into your chest, grateful for the ability to move at all, and rested your chin on your legs. 
“Breathe, honey,” Emily said, demonstrating slow, deep breaths. You hadn’t realized how shallow your breathing had become until you joined her and felt your lungs fill with air.
Once your breathing settled, you stretched out your legs but remained sitting up; you weren’t ready to risk falling back asleep yet.
“You never told me what it is you see,” Emily said, rubbing circles on your back. “If you want to talk about it, you can tell me.”
You swallowed. “It’s not easy to talk about,” you whispered.
She nodded. “I understand. The offer stands, if you change your mind.”
Silence cloaked the room for a few moments, and you felt her watching you, waiting to see if you would fall apart. But you felt stable, now that you were alert and in control again. 
So you sighed and nodded. “It’s Ian. It’s always Ian.”
Emily’s eyes widened. “Oh.”
“When you were gone, I saw him killing you over and over again. And once you came back…” you shuddered. “Sometimes I’d hallucinate him coming for you all over again. This time, he came for me.”
Emily wrapped her arms around you, and you fell into her embrace, breathing in her soft scent.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, not for the first time since she’d returned, and you were sure it wouldn’t be the last.
You shook your head. “I don’t want you to apologize. I don’t blame you; I blame Ian. And he’s dead and can’t hurt anyone anymore. I just need to work through that a little more, I think.”
Emily hesitated. “You know… Hotch has had me seeing a counselor since I came back. I could get some recommendations from her for you, if you’d like.”
You’d talked to your primary doctor about your sleeping problems, but you hadn’t considered the idea of therapy before. 
“Think about it,” Emily said quickly. “No pressure. I just want you to know your options.”
You nuzzled against her and hummed. “I think it’s a good idea.”
“Good,” Emily said, and you could hear her smiling. “I’ll call her in the morning. Do you want to stay up a little longer or go back to sleep?”
You closed your eyes, feeling perfectly content. “I’m good right here for a while.”
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