#sfw billy hargrove fic
ANIMAL MAGNETISM ~ Part 2 ~ Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader - SFW, slight angst, building tension, Lifeguard Billy x Lifeguard Reader, bossy boss Billy 💖
A/N: This is a continuation of a previous blurb you can find here! This was a request from a lovely follower, but I can't answer the ask on this blog, so I'll have this post linked to the ask on my main. Thank you to all who have enjoyed my work so far! You inspire me to keep writing, and I love you dearly 🥰
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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Clang! The cage to the front entrance of the Hawkins Pool was open, and the line of eager children waiting to take their plunge and cool off started to file in quickly. You had a long shift ahead of you opening and closing, and you knew the first half of your shift would run smoothly with Heather’s help. You hopped up and swung your legs over the front counter, making your way to the clipboards covering the wall in the office to see who you’d be closing with.
“Shit,” you said to yourself, eyes closing in disappointment. Billy Hargrove – of course it was. Your cheeks glowed pink with embarrassment at the thought of the last closing shift the two of you shared.
You had been able to avoid speaking directly to him since then, but you always caught him looking at you with that smug smirk permanently painted just above his sharp jawline, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t take an extra second to breathe in his intoxicating aroma each time you passed him in the staff area – mint, chlorine, and Paco Rabanne pour homme. You knew you would spend the entirety of your shift mentally preparing to defend yourself against whatever hold he seemed to have on you, and you would not let him win this time.
Tossing your whistle around your neck, you made your way out into the blistering sun and took your place atop the chair tower opposite Heather’s to wait out the day and reinforce your mental fortress. You weren’t easy like the other girls Billy had wrapped around his finger, and you were going to make sure he was aware of that.
“Looks like we’re closing up shop tonight, princess.” Billy spoke to you for the first time in almost two weeks, and there it was again – the nickname. It surprised you, but after overthinking all through your shift, you were ready for anything he might try.
“Don’t sound so excited. People might get the wrong idea,” you fired back, keeping your sunglasses on and your nose in today’s paper. Of course he showed up to start his shift just as you were taking your break.
“Or the right idea.” Billy’s voice turned to suede and melted honey, and you felt his tone start a fire in your belly. His eyes stuck to you as he unwrapped a piece of gum and hesitated just before it touched his tongue. You still weren’t looking at him, but you could feel him staring daggers at you. “Hey,” he pestered sharply. The change in mood made you jump in your seat, and you finally looked up at him. “That’s better.” Billy took his gum into his mouth, an obnoxious smacking sound competing with the soft playing of the radio in the staff area.
He closed the gap between the two of you, towering over you where you sat, and you could tell his intimidation tactics were kicking in again. He bent over at the waist, his face just inches away from yours, his fingers coming up to meet with both sides of your sunglasses, and he slowly pulled them off, staring directly into your unprotected eyes.
“You look at me when I’m talking to you.” The gravelly drawl turned your inner fire into an eruption, the heat reaching all the way up your body to your cheeks, and you knew he noticed. He dropped your sunglasses, letting them clatter onto the table in front of you.
Walking away towards the staff entrance to the pool, Billy crinkled up his gum wrapper and threw it behind him, completely missing the garbage can. “Pick it up, princess,” he called over his shoulder, never looking back at where you were still completely frozen in place. You could feel the heat coming off of your face as you, once again, did as you were told, picking up the discarded gum wrapper and throwing it into the trash can.
“What was that?” You were oblivious to Heather’s presence throughout that interaction, and you cracked under the embarrassment of knowing she had witnessed the whole thing.
“N-nothing! Not a single thing at all. God, he’s such an asshole, right?” You stuttered and fidgeted with your sunglasses while you spoke, and it was obvious Heather didn’t believe a word you were trying to say to her.
“If you say so,” she replied with a skeptical smile.
“Whatever. My break’s over; I’ll see you out there.” You folded the paper up, put your sunglasses back on, and squared up your shoulders as you marched back out to your chair tower. You wouldn’t let him get to you like that – not again.
Part 3 ❤️‍🔥
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Billy Hargrove X Little! Reader: Diner Stop PT. 2
Summary: Maybe Billy has room to grow, especially when he’s comparing himself to his mom.
WC: 1214
Pt 1    Pt 2
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Steve Harrington was standing there, hands on his hips. He looked mad. Dustin and Robin were close behind him. 
“Oh… Hi Stevie!” (Y/N) tried to seem cheery and not at all nervous about her friend.
“What are you doing here? With him.” Steve asked, annoyed to be having to ask the question in the first place. She tried to reply and her words failed her, she looked like a gasping fish.
“I was giving her a ride home, and we got hunger. It is none of your business though, Harrington.” He said, not stopping cutting up (Y/N)’s food. Although, she was suddenly not hungry for the food he was preparing. Let alone being babied right now. 
“(Y/N) you were meant to wait for me. You know how we feel about… him…” Steve sneered, fuming. It was almost like he had steam coming out of his ears. Billy was now paying full attention to the interaction infront of him. He was watching Steve’s every move and the way she was reacting.
“It was just he offered and you were not gonna be around for a while…” (Y/N) began to tear up at the yelling. This was not helping her current situation. 
“Get up, I am taking you home. You shouldn’t be around him.” Steve said, he moved to grab her. Stopping as Billy grabs his wrist.
“Do not touch her. Ask if she wants to leave. She isn’t your pet.” Billy snarled at Steve, twisting his hand. “Do you want to go home with him? Or would you like to stay here for a little longer?”
“I should go with stevie, don’t wanna upset him…” She mumbled to him, wrapping her arms around him. To that he hugged her back before packing her food into a to-go box. 
“Okay, here is your dinner.” Billy said, putting the box into Steve’s hand. Quickly standing up, grabbing (Y/N)’s coat. Once she stood up, he helped her in one arm at a time. A piece of paper was stuffed into her pocket. 
Steve and (Y/N) quickly left. Steve glaring over his shoulder at Billy. He was unfanzied, a small smile on his lips, watching the light pink jacket retreating, every once and a while peaking over her shoulder. He smiled knowing he would see her tomorrow. 
The drive home was awkward for (Y/N), Steve was quiet other then sighing and shaking his head. However, as they pull into her drive way, he spoke, “You shouldn’t hang out with people like him, he isn’t a good person. You need to understand that he could have done something bad to you.”
“He wouldn’t hurt me, he’s my friend.” (Y/N) replies quick to defend her friend.
“That’s not true! That’s what he want you to think!” Steve yelled, startling tears into her eyes. The way she trying to shove herself into the car door to get farther away from him caused him to sigh. He began again, “I don’t want to see you hurt. He is bad news, he has hurt Lucas and countless others. You can make your own choices, but i recommend getting as far away from him as possible.”
All (Y/N) does is nod, collecting their stuff and saying goodbye. She rushed inside of the house not wanting to be seen crying again. She threw her food into the fridge rushing to her room, not bothering to take off her shoes or coat. 
Once comfortably in her room, she slipped out of her shoes and shimmied her coat down her arms. The shaking of the coat caused a paper to fall out of the pocket. This quickly caught her attention. After shoving her shoes under her bed and chucking her coat at the chair by her desk, she picked it up. Once unfolded, the paper showed 10 numbers and the name ‘Billy’ at the top. 
Her eyes widen, before she rushed to the phone on the table by her bed. Her hands moved faster than her logical side. She wanted to hear her friend ago, she wanted to be small with him again and wanted him to reassure her that he wasn’t a bad person. She knew he was bad, but for a moment in time she wished to believe there was good in Billy Hargrove.
The ringing of the phone was deafening, until it wasn’t. “What do you want?”
Well that was a rude way to answer the phone, a pout rested on her lips. She spoke quickly, “Hiiii”
“Oh,” Bill took a deep breath, his voice turning softer, “Hey. Did you get home safe? Harrington didn’t say or do anything?”
“‘M home safe, gonna put jammies on soon. He said you were a bad guy and you huwt people, n that you gonna huwt me.” She said, the final sentence causing her to let the tears finally fall again.
“Oh baby, I would never hurt you.” Billy clenched his fist, he hurt a lot of people but (Y/N) was different. She was pure and sweet, and needed someone to look after her and care for her. He would do anything to keep her safe. It wasn’t a selfless appointment, as he liked how he felt like the type of person his mother was when he was with her. He wanted to be that person, “What kinda jammies are you gonna wear?”
“Mmm, Don know.” She said, as ruffling sounds fill the silence of the call. “Got rainbows or carebears… cant pick.”
“I think you should wear the carebears one, bet you look so tiny in it.” Billy said, a smile forming at the thought of her in it. However, he quickly realized you would be so tiny, and unable to care for yourself.
“Gon wear dat” She mumbled, haphazardly pulling at her uncomfortable big girl clothing. A thump could be heard as she pulled off the last article of clothes, sniffles and cries soon filled the call.
“Baby, what happened? Do you need me to come help you? I can be there in no time?” Billy rattled off question after question, stressing over the little one on the other side of the call. 
“Nu-uh,” sniffle,” I otay now, hit my knee.”
Billy took a deep breath, she was okay. He quickly spoke, “That must have been scary. How about you get dressed and I will read you a bed time story. I think its past your bed time.”
“It not late, wanna pway!” She whined, while pulling the PJs onto her body.
“Don’t start talking to me like that little miss, otherwise I won’t get you hot cocoa and drive you to school tomorrow.” Billy threatened.
“You take me?” The surprise was evident in her voice, as well as the fact she was getting into her bed now.
“Good girl, I am gonna drive you from now on, gotta make sure my big girl gets to school safe.” Billy said.
“Otay, we go togedder.” She said, “Stowy?”
“Of course you can have a story, I’ll tell you my favorite one.” Billy said, pulling a book from his childhood out of a box hidden under his bed. He would read his favorite story as a kid, to you, just like his mother did for him.
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rattkween86 · 1 year
Hi! I commented on your recent Billy Hargrove x Reader fic with him bossing the reader around while working at the pool (didn’t see a story name), and you said I should do an ask for a continuation. I've actually never done this before, and I'm not entirely sure what to ask for.
I really liked the tension that you created between them. Maybe continue with building the tension? Like, maybe the reader finds herself getting more flustered by him, and Billy, of course, just loves toying with her, but she tries to continue holding her ground regardless. Maybe Billy is charmed by her feistiness, and something eventually happens between them. Not sure if you do smut, but if it got smutty, I certainly wouldn't be mad about it 😁
YES!!! Thank you so much for requesting this, and I'm so excited to write it for you!!! I couldn't answer this on my writing blog, so I'll link everything here! (I'll probably be merging and moving my writing to this blog soon just for the ease of access) Thank you so much for supporting my work, and I'm so happy you have enjoyed it! It inspires me to keep writing when I receive requests and positive comments, so truly, thank you so much. 🥹💕
Anyway, HERE IS THE PART TWO ❤️‍🔥 And there will definitely be a part three, and probably a part four, and I REALLY want to write some smut in this context because I absolutely love bossy boss Billy lol.
And if anyone is curious, HERE IS THE PART ONE ❤️‍🔥Both parts have links to each other to make things easier, too. If anyone would like to be added to a tag list as these come out, please let me know, and I will make one!
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malereadermaniac · 4 months
Miscellaneous x Male Reader Masterlist
Key: ❤️- Smut 🖤- Angst 🩷- Fluff
Ordered by Fandom and then by Character
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❤️ Pervert - Adrien likes you as more than a friend
🩷 Bug-a-boy Adrien and Luka fall for a new Ladybug miraculous holder
❤️🩷 sfw & nsfw alphabet - Billy Hargrove headcannons
Avatar (last airbender & LoK)
🩷Serial Cheater - Mako (LOK) tends to have his girlfriends overlap, and that happens to you too - no angst!
🖤 Bloodbender - Story driven fic with graphic violence! Plus a tiny bit of Avatar Wan x gn reader
🩷❤️ Betrothed - Alpha FireLord Zuko has to find a mate to produce an heir!
🩷Daddy! - Drabble/imagine with Kakashi as your boyfriend
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billys-pretty-babe · 2 years
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Here you'll find everything that I write including requests. Below are symbols and abbreviations to navigate each fic :)
Fluff (F) Smut (S) Angst (A)
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Kiss My Scars (F)🚬
Would It Be Better? (A & F)🚬
Happy Birthday, Baby (F)🚬
May I Have This Dance? (F) (Part 1)🚬
Can’t Help Falling In Love (F) (Part 2)🚬
The Angel (F)🌊
Ouch Sharky (F)🚬
Options (F)🚬
Comfort (F)
Let Me (F)🚬
Better Off As Friends (F)🚬
Personal Supply (F)🚬
Domesticity (F)🚬
Red (F)🚬
SFW Alphabet (F)🚬
Traumatic For All Parties (F)🚬
Prevention (F)🚬
My Girl (F) 🚬
Mr Steal Your Girl (F) 🚬
Mr Stole Your Girl (F)🚬
Pretty Babe (F&A)🚬
Touch of an Angel (F&A) 🚬
Cliche (F)🚬
Lips of an Angel (F&A)🚬
What's It Like? (F&S)🚬
Objection (F,S,A)🚬
What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas (F)
Piece of You (F&A)🚬
Nights with Him (F&S)🚬
The One I Was Looking For (F&A)🚬
At Peace (F)🚬
How Could You (F&A)🚬
Cover Worthy (F&S) 🚬
The Proposal (F&S) 🌊
The Ceremony (F&S) 🌊
Billy (F&S) 🌊
Sick Babe (F) 🚬
Good (F, S, A) 🚬
The Anniversary (F)🚬
Morning Sun (F)🚬
I Love You (F)🚬
Tropicana’s Where I Lost My Heart (F, A,S) 🌊
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Hannah Willow Hargrove "H" - born December 7, 1985
William Austin Hargrove - born March 26, 1989
Better (F)🌊
Late Nights with H (F)🌊
Playtime (F)🌊
A Day With The Hargrove Family 🌊
Teacher 🌊
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Pineapple Juice (S)🚬
Return the Favor (S)🚬
Bad Habits (S)🚬
Uh-Oh (S)🚬
Happy Birthday, Beautiful (S)🚬
Focused On You (S) 🚬
The First (S&F)
Guide (S) 🚬
Different but Still Home (S&F) 🚬
Cramped (S) (2024 birthday smut) 🚬
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Strong Enough to Bring Sun to the Darkest Days (A & F)🚬
Gone (A)🚬🌊
Swap Our Places (A)🚬
Club Heaven (A)🚬🪽
Last Kiss (A) 🚬
We Were Just Kids, Babe (A & F) 🚬
It Was Rare, I Was There (Part 2 of Real)
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Favorite Thing You Love To Do SMUT
Sweet Sweet After SMUT & FLUFF
Come Here, Dressed In Black Now SMUT
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Week of October 1-5 : Dad!Billy
Week of October 6-12 : Older!Billy
Week of October 13-19 : Billy
Week of October 20-26 : Dad!Billy
Week of October 27-31 : Older!Dad!Billy
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whataboutthefish · 11 months
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it's a lonely world when everyone knows your name
Explicit | 32k | Posted in full
Author : @whataboutthefish
Artist : @hawkinsleather and on Twitter
Betas : Iri and Tukru
Written for the Steddie Big Bang 2023 @steddiebang
Steve Harrington had a nemesis, Eddie ‘The Face’ Munson. The only thing was, Eddie didn't know. Eddie Munson was the face of the decade and fashion’s darling, but his hard partying ways and lack of professionalism- in Steve’s opinion- had him seething. When Steve was paired with Eddie for a photo shoot he was already anticipating hating the whole ordeal. What he didn't expect was Eddie being more than just his persona.
Hottest Alpha Model Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington just might be wrong about Omega Supermodel Eddie ‘The Face’ Munson.
Fic | sfw Art | nsfw Art
Pairings : Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Characters : Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Murray Bauman, Chrissy Cunningham, Will Byers, Jonanthan Byers, Joyce Byers, Gareth Emerson, MENTIONS OF: Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Billy Hargrove, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Dmitri "Enzo" Antonov, Barbare "Barb" Holland, Scott Clarke
Tags : Omegaverse, Alpha/beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Steve Harrington, Omega Eddie Munson, Supermodel AU, 90's AU, Feminine Omegas, Photo Shoots, Gossip Magazines, Recreational Drug Use, Enemies to Lovers, It doesn't take them long, Flirting, Dating, Scenting, Alpha Fangs, Lap Dancing, Fingerfucking, Oral Sex, Belly Bulge, Knotting, Morning Sex, Steddiebang23
No archive warning apply
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pyr0-kai · 11 months
Masterlist / Requests
I realized I have never actually said if I take requests, but I absolutely can!
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Request Status: Open
☑️ I will Write anything SFW
Fluff, some Angst
Mostly Fem, and gender neutral.
(I can try male reader, but I am a female so no promises if it would be any good)
(maybe some smut in the near future)
❌ I will not write anything violent
(past small injuries)
Anything Pedo related
Anything SA, SH, or ED
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Characters I will write for
Mike Schmidt - FNAF Movie
Vanessa Afton (?) - FNAF Movie
Josh Futturman - Future Man
Billy - Burn
Derek Danforth - The Beekeeper
Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove - Stranger Things
Graverobber- Repo! The Genetic Opera
Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice Musical
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Master List
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Headcannons #2
Fic Idea (1st I ever wrote)
Pick me up?
Treat (request)
Abby, The Little Matchmaker (Request)
Sweet Dream
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Game Date
Game date ep.2
YT/Streamer reader HCs
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None Yet
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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steddiebang · 11 months
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it’s a lonely world when everyone knows your name l Explicit | 32k
Author: @whataboutthefish Artist: @hawkinsleather and on Twitter Betas: Iri and Tukru
Steve Harrington had a nemesis, Eddie ‘The Face’ Munson. The only thing was, Eddie didn’t know. Eddie Munson was the face of the decade and fashion’s darling, but his hard partying ways and lack of professionalism- in Steve’s opinion- had him seething. When Steve was paired with Eddie for a photo shoot he was already anticipating hating the whole ordeal. What he didn’t expect was Eddie being more than just his persona.
Hottest Alpha Model Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington just might be wrong about Omega Supermodel Eddie ‘The Face’ Munson.
Fic | sfw Art | nsfw Art
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Murray Bauman, Chrissy Cunningham, Will Byers, Jonanthan Byers, Joyce Byers, Gareth Emerson, MENTIONS OF: Maxine “Max” Mayfield, Billy Hargrove, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Jim “Chief” Hopper, Dmitri “Enzo” Antonov, Barbare “Barb” Holland, Scott Clarke Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha/beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Steve Harrington, Omega Eddie Munson, Supermodel AU, 90’s AU, Feminine Omegas, Photo Shoots, Gossip Magazines, Recreational Drug Use, Enemies to Lovers, It doesn’t take them long, Flirting, Dating, Scenting, Alpha Fangs, Lap Dancing, Fingerfucking, Oral Sex, Belly Bulge, Knotting, Morning Sex, Steddiebang23
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masterlist ┉ billy hargrove
You’ve reached my masterlist for ( billy hargrove ). Below is a complete and mostly up-to-date list of pieces I have written for ( billy hargrove ) and a little list of symbols and their meanings to better help you find exactly what you’re looking for.
♡ Fluff | ♥ Filth | ☁ Angst | ☠ trigger warning needed | ★ Personal Favorite | ϟ Most Read | ☺ Work In Progress | ☻Abandoned
Happy reading, my darling!
↪ here
↪ here
↪ ♥ a/b/o part one ♥part two ♥part three, lazyghouls kinktober 2023, read all warnings on post.
↪ here
↪ blurb 1
↪ here
Fic Name
↪ info post
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calicheer-cove · 10 months
📣Welcome Angels🌴
Hello Angels, welcome to my side blog for all things Calicheer (Chrissy Cunningham x Billy Hargrove). This blog is dedicated to the rare pair/crack ship of Hawkins’ Queen and the California Bad Boy. I was introduced to this ship by the wonderful @denkiddo1 @lilkiwiboi42 and @roxymorondraws. Please check them out!
This blog will include sfw and nsfw content so if you're under 18, please consider finding a different blog to follow.
Reblogs of amazing Calicheer content will be included here.
This blog will include:
• Art
• Calicheer fics
• Calicheer blurbs
• Headcanons
• Calicheer Moodboards
Main blog: @nature-and-music
Art blog: @nature-and-music-art
Hellcheer blog: @hellcheer-heaven
Ao3: nature_and_music
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dearramiel · 2 years
I n t r o d u c t i o n -
I'm Ramiel and this account is dedicated to Stranger Things only.
I'm very private and reserved but I'm 18-20
Anons (currently accepting!)
🎀 (she/they)
I w r i t e f o r -
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Chrissy Cunningham
+ more on the way ~ ! +
B o u n d a r i e s -
I write smut, sfw content, and occasionally will pop in with angst. Song fics are okay too! (Though I'll probably only write it if it's my favorite band or artist)
☆ Spoilers will be tagged and mentioned in the summary / beginning!
I write anything, including things such as Mommy/ Daddy kinks (excluding - ddlg), piss kinks, breeding kinks,somnophilia, voyeurism, dubcon(no noncon), Polyamouros relationships / threesomes and up, stepcest, and other things.
Feel free to message or send asks about other things I'm comfortable writing!
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ANIMAL MAGNETISM ~ Part 1 ~ Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader - SFW, slight angst, building tension, Lifeguard Billy x Lifeguard Reader, bossy boss Billy 💖
A/N: This was originally supposed to be a small oneshot blurb, but a lovely follower requested a continuation, and you can find it here! I'm so excited to have given this a title, and there will be more to this story. 😎 Thank you to all who have enjoyed my work so far. You inspire me to keep writing, and I love you very much!
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"Go fish out the change that kid dropped in the deep end. I don't want to wash my hair again." Billy was crunching potato chips in the shade as he barked orders at you while you were both supposed to be closing the Hawkins Pool. Typically you ignored him, but it was just the two of you for the end of the shift, the work needed to be done, and you knew he wasn't going to be the one to do it. You rolled your eyes and took the plunge just to get it over with.
"Put the cover on so we can get out of here." He didn't even look at you while he spoke this time. You finally had enough of him telling you what to do, so you stormed over to him.
"Why don't you do it yourself?" Billy's eyes snapped up to meet yours. You held your ground, standing with your hands on your hips, not breaking the stare. "What? Big, strong Billy Hargrove can't put the cover on the pool all on his own?" His blue eyes darkened like the sky before a storm, and he started to take slow, methodical steps toward you.
"What did you say?" He was trying to intimidate you, and you knew it. You weren't going to let him win this game.
"You heard me, Billy," you replied as he continued toward you until he stood right in front of you, your faces just inches apart. He jutted his chin upwards slightly and scoffed.
"No one tells me what to do, princess. Now go cover the damn pool so we can get out of here." The nickname sent a jolt through your stomach and up your chest -- electric butterflies.
"You've been ordering me around all day, and I'm so tired --" Billy put two fingers up against your lips and stopped you mid sentence. What the hell was he doing?
"Open," he demanded, his eye contact unwavering. You felt fire rise to your cheeks as you obeyed without question. He ran the pads of his pointer and middle fingers along the top of your silky, wet tongue back and forth, and slowly pulled them back out again.
"See," he started, tilting your chin up and running his thumb along your lower lip, cleaning up a small spot of escaped saliva, "you do know how to listen." Your mouth snapped closed when you realized what he had just done to you, and your trance was broken.
"That's not fair," you pouted, your brows furrowing as you took a step back. Billy donned his signature smirk and unwrapped a piece of gum, the scents of mint, chlorine, and Paco Rabanne pour homme pulling you back under his spell like a moth to a flame. He turned on his heel and strutted back toward the office, leaving you standing there to process what had just happened.
"Pool cover, princess!" His harsh tone made it obvious that you would still be receiving no help from him despite your attempt at leveling the field. Why did you obey him? Defeated and mortified, you left your desires to swirl around in your mind, reluctantly sauntering over to the cover and rolling out the long mat onto the top of the pool.
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decadentworld · 2 years
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Art masterlist
Masterlist for my artworks. (Art archive account: @grapes-in-velvet .)
Will update as I upload more artworks.
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Steve Harrington/Male Reader
Artwork for my 18+ fic Notions. ※ SFW artwork for 18+ fic (@decadentworld) ※ High resolution versions linked in the post. ※ AO3 link.
Eddie Munson/Male Reader
※ Suggestive artwork (@decadentworld). ※ High resolution versions linked in the post. ※ AO3 link.
Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington
※ SFW artwork (@grapes-in-velvet) ※ AO3 link.
Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington
※ SFW artwork. Three (3) pictures.
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writethrough · 2 years
Requests Closed
Hey all!
My requests are closed for the time being so I can focus on getting through my inbox. Please ignore the below information until requests are reopened.
Updated: January 8, 2024
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Characters I write for:
DC's Titans - Conner Kent
Castlevania - Adrian "Alucard" Tepes, Hector, Trevor Belmont, Vlad "Dracula" Tepes
Free Guy - Walter "Keys" McKey
Howl's Moving Castle - Howl
Lucifer - Lucifer Morningstar
Prodigal Son - Malcolm Bright
The Sandman - Morpheus
Stranger Things - Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington
9-1-1 - Evan Buckley
I will slowly add more as I narrow down my WIP.
Content I will write:
SFW / Suggestive Situations
Female / Gender-Neutral Readers
Fluff / Angst (Angst will most likely end in fluff)
Content I will not write:
Real Person Fics
Character x Character
Physical Descriptions of Reader
Reader Pregnancy / Having Children
I think that's all I wanted to cover. I will update this post when requests are closed or if any of the above criteria expands and/or changes.
As always, thank you to those who've requested fics and who will request them in the future. I love doing this! It makes me so happy to see your ideas and I'm glad I can have a small hand in making them come to life!
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cheerscoops · 2 years
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Requests are currently OPEN
Before you send me any prompts, please read the guidelines below.
Characters/Ships I am currently writing for:
Hellcheer (both platonic besties and romantic partners)
honestly Chrissy x pretty much any teen character at this point tbh
Wayne Munson (familial fics with Eddie or backstory only)
If there's a character or ship that you're interested in and it isn't listed, you're welcome to ask about it before sending a request. It might be something I've never considered but am open to trying! I reserve the right to say no to any ships that I don't vibe with though.
Types of fics I'm willing to write:
canon compliant fics
fix it fics
modern fics
Again, feel free to ask if there's something you're interested in seeing but aren't sure if I'm willing to write it. If you ask nicely, I'm open to a lot of things.
Things I WILL NOT write under any circumstances:
Anything where Robin is shipped with a man
Billy Hargrove ships
Anything ship wise with the kids - it's fine if your prompt involves them in some way, but I don't feel comfortable writing anything romantic for them
smut - I'm open to maybe writing it in the future, but as of right now, everything I write is 100% sfw, and I don't want any smut requests
apocalypse AUs - I love to read them, but I suck at writing them
I only accept requests in my ask box, so please refrain from sending them in private chat messages. If you send me anything that way, I will redirect you to my ask box.
If you sent in a request, and I haven't posted anything about it yet, feel free to send it again or ask me about it. Chances are I've seen it, and I'm doing something with it, but I saved the ask as a way to post about the fic when it's finished.
I reserve the right to decline any request for any reason whether it's because it features something I'm not willing to write or if it's because I feel like it's not something I can complete to the best of my abilities.
Please be patient with me. I am only one person, and I do have a full time job and a life outside of my writing. This is my favorite hobby and one of my favorite ways to relax, but I don't let it control my life. I promise I will get to your request as long as you're nice to me and follow my guidelines.
Thank you for taking the time to read this <3
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Welcome to my blog of horrors
Requests OPEN Anon Emojis Taken: ☕ ➜ My ao3 account
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🔞 Minors, blank and no-age blogs are not welcome. You will be blocked🔞
From fics to art, we have it all here. Most of the posts on this blog is of the erotic kind so, please, minors DNI. That does not imply that there will never be any fluff/SFW works on this blog — because there will be! I just want everyone to be safe🤗
➜ You can call me Page or Lost (I do not mind either) Be sure to check out MY RULES before sending requests.  This is a side blog. I follow from my main Jack-is-lost. If you receive an anon ASK from me my signature emoji is 📃
➜ The basic tag system is as followed: The Pages Speak (when answering asks) Stains on Paper (when posting art I’ve done) Lost In A Story (when posting stories I’ve done)  It’s but a Dream (When posting headcanons)
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🦇 The Lost Boys
Poly!Lost Boys
🎧  Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson 
Steve Harrington 
🔪 Multiple Slasher Fandoms
(Including DBD Franchise Characters)
The Shape ( Michael Myers )
The Trickster ( Ji-Woon Hak )
The Pig ( Amanda Young )
Legion ( Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey )
The Huntress ( Anna )
Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
Ghostface ( Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Danny Johnson )
More might be added eventually —
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