#sgu crossover
docjacksons · 3 months
I have the inexplicable desire to see a crossover between Stargate and the Alien series despite the fact that none of my favs would probably do well in the Alien universe. The Stargate series has some darker episodes but is overall optimistic and the Alien universe is pretty damn bleak lmao
Probably only some characters from Stargate Universe would do well in the setting of the Alien series since that show had a darker, more serious tone
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teecupangel · 1 year
Have you seen much of Stargate SG-1? Cause Desmond needs an actual good dad other than his ancestors and I think Jack would be a good one for both of them. Especially if it wasn't too long after his son's death.
Maybe a way this would happen would be that Minerva feels bad about either him dying or just being 1 upped by Juno and gets SGC's attention somehow to avoid the flare another way
Stargate SG-1 is one of my most favorite scifi series (and I have a soft spot for the original Stargate movie)!
Okay, so for this one, we need to setup the timeline first.
As far as we know, the Stargate movie is still the canon prequel of Stargate SG-1 (even though a running gag is Kurt!Jack only has one ‘l’ and might have been a different dude) which means that Jack lost his son and became part of the ‘first’ Stargate project around 1996.
At that point, Desmond would be 8 years old.
So, for this to work, we’ll tweak the AC timeline a bit and we’ll use Minerva to set it up. Minerva realized in 2012 that Desmond, as he is right now, would not let the world burn so she uses what time she has left to change the calculations. For this one, let’s assume all Isus is either a Goa'uld or Tok’ra but the distinction between the two started after the Solar Flare on Earth when many of them left Earth to escape the Solar Flare. This is also how humans started to be ‘dispersed’ in many corners of the galaxy.
With that brief explanation out of the way, Juno’s imprisonment would actually be her actual parasitical body being confined in the Grand Temple, connected to the POE network (and the Grey) and reviving her means Juno using Desmond as her host.
Back to Minerva’s plan, she realized that for Desmond to fully understand why it’s better for him if he let the world burn, he must understand the true threat of her species so she pushed forward a new calculation where an 8 year old Desmond sneaked out of the Farm by hitching a ride with one of the Assassins on his way for a ‘milk run’.
He just meant to look around for a bit then sneak back into the pickup but he got distracted by all the strange things he had never before seen. He bumps into Jack who had just returned from the Stargate mission and is trying to take a break and Jack notices the many bruises such a small boy has.
At this point, Desmond knows that he can’t say anything about the Assassins and Templars but he’d already started to think that it’s all bullshit. Still, he keeps his mouth shut because he’s scared that his dad would punish him.
That only raises more alarm for Jack and it doesn’t help that Desmond is around Charlie’s age. So he takes the kid to the police station because that’s the right thing to do (in his eyes) but he keeps checking up on him, even after Desmond gets placed into child services’ custody.
By that point, the Assassins know Desmond is missing and they find him but their ‘rescue attempt’ is thwarted because Jack was there for the first time. This would be the part where Jack and Desmond had started to form some kind of bond and Desmond has slipped quite a bit that Jack believes he’s from a secretive cult that might be training child soldiers for nefarious reasons (also, being called an Assassin Brotherhood? Always suspicious).
At the end, Jack adopts Desmond because of their bond and Desmond starts living with him. Because the Assassins haven’t given up on Desmond though, this meant Jack needed to keep a close eye on him. That’s when Stargate Command gave him an offer he couldn’t exactly refuse. In exchange of him leading the flagship team, Desmond could stay in the most secure military base in America while Jack is offworld.
Unorganized Notes:
So, in this scenario, Desmond would grow up more like Wes from Star Trek (but not as annoying).
Desmond would also grow up having Carter and Daniel as his aunt/uncle and the research team would be more or less his teachers (although it's more of a self study thing). He’d have an interest in anything he doesn’t know because of how the Farm lacked such diversity of information.
He would also serve as some kind of son surrogate for Teal'c who teaches him their way and fighting style. Desmond enjoys it because Teal'c is a kinder teacher than William Miles.
His favorite time will always be fishing with his dad though.
Let’s be honest, Jack got swindled considering how many times Stargate Command got attacked/infiltrated/had a bad day but, at that point, Jack trusts Hammond to protect his son when he’s not there. Also, the Assassins can’t get to Stargate Command which is a plus.
To be fair, the Brotherhood stopped around 2000 because that’s when Cross killed the mentor so the Great Purge was in full swing (at the same time, Stargate Command is busy with the whole ‘Russians have their own Stargate’ thing).
The Isu DNA is more or less related to the Ancient DNA in some form or another. Desmond also has an easy time understanding off-world tech (of Goa'uld origin or inspired by Goa'uld tech) but everyone just assumes it’s because he likes to listen to Carter and Daniel.
Would Desmond still get kidnapped by Abstergo at this one? Probably, considering, 2012 is around the time of SGU which meant Jack is out of the Stargate Command (sorta? Kinda?) and Desmond would be old enough that Jack would let him take his own path. Maybe he’s in the military, maybe he’s part of Stargate Command. Either way, Abstergo would have a harder but not impossible time to take him.
You know what would be funny? If Minerva’s end game had always been for Desmond to be offworld by the time the Solar Flare hits Earth. I mean, it’s highly possible that Stargate Command would find out about the Solar Flare earlier (especially if maybe a friendly like the Asgard told them about it) but a sad ending would be that Minerva’s end game was for Desmond to never learn about the Grand Temple. Maybe even make sure he can’t get back to Earth in time by ensuring the calculations would push him to be part of the Icarus Project and becomes one of the highest-ranking officer stranded in Destiny (also, since he has Ancient DNA, this means SGU’s people would have an easier time in Destiny… sorta)
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SGU Week Day 4 (oh are we still doing this): Favorite shi
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Eli and Ginn were precious, and it's criminal that we didn't get more of them. C r i m i n a l . To say nothing of that double-fridging (that they did twice... ffs).
I like to think that Ginn would be all in for going to earth, and she eventually gets her wish after her file is removed from quarantine (with a sweet clone body grown from DNA harvested from her old clothes, which were initially saved to be backup clothing for some of the ladies on board Destiny, but later saved for cloning purposes [yes I'm aware this means her body would have been buried in some state of undress, but it was off camera anyway so it's fiiiiiiiine]).
Y'all say what y'all like about Family Guy, but the cutaways have tons of cultural references (I am frequently "Peter Griffin Explains the Joke when I watch with my husband). My thought is that Eli shows Ginn episodes of Family Guy to teach her about earth, which you can imagine leads to some pretty ridiculous misunderstandings.
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Please do not enjoy this excerpt from The Eli Wallace Guide to Getting a Cute and Smart 3D Girlfriend
A while back, whilst hunting for meme fodder, I found a mean article written back around when SGU was airing. The gist of it was basically that Ginn was too "pretty" for Eli, and that a "schlubby" guy like him didn't deserve to be with someone conventionally attractive. Idk, maybe I'm old, but I think they're around the same level of cuteness. Also, bear in mind that in the past, having some extra weight was considered a sign of wealth and a positive trait. Eli's body type could easily be a selling point for Ginn, who is apparently interested enough in leaving the Space Cartel that she's willing to risk her life for it. To her, Eli is sweet, smart, cute, and her ticket to a life so cushy that luxuries she can't even imagine are considered commonplace. He's the entire package. 🧡
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Look, I'm not creative. This is verbatim from Family Guy, but it's funny as hell, so it's going in the post.
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This is Vital Information, mainly because Eli is definitely dragging her to a comic con at the first opportunity. God, imagine being an alien and going to a con, and it looks no different from that trading post you used to go to every month
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Gotta learn about Halloween, AKA the best holiday! I do wonder what kind of holiday celebrations they might try to have on the Destiny in some hypothetical future where they can get supplies from earth, especially with all those Lucian Alliance members from various other planets. Obviously not something worth showing in a show that was mainly focused on survival, but it's a fun idea for fics.
And yes, at this point, Family Guy is the only TV show Ginn knows, except for the ones they mention on the show.
Please enjoy the references to Mean Girls and Parks & Rec.
Apparently raisins are a universal constant, too, which is good because I love them and will tolerate no raisin-slander on my page
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"Shut up, Eli, you don't have a band." Fr tho "Spaceship Full of Bees" is an awesome band name
This is actually one of the shorter "episodes" I've done, in which Dale gets the bright idea to keep bees on a spaceship. I looked it up, and you can't keep honeybees inside, not even in a greenhouse, because they need more space than that to roam around. Maybe they could genetically engineer some that are suitable for pollinating weird space plants on a starship. No way will that hilariously backfire. Ginn is clearly familiar with the steroid bees, so she will probably think they're normal.
Dale's other idea is to get chickens. Maybe they can get some domestic space quail instead. They're smaller.
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"So after we finished Family Guy, we watched some of The Cleveland Show. Then, when I took her to the zoo, she threw a beer into the bear enclosure, and that's how we both got lifetime bans from The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo."
But yeah imagine learning all this random pop culture info from some raunchy cartoon so you can fit in on an alien planet, but no one bothers telling you that the second-most common pet on that planet can't talk. Good luck to everyone when Ginn meets a parrot...
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charlotteashmore13 · 1 year
Another Chance (at Love)
A few of my friends decided I needed to dust off my Rushbelle fic I had taken down for extensive re-editing. They insisted I had fooled around long enough. So, here’s the first chapter I’ve posted on AO3. 
Air Part I
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
Since I'm currently binging it, You've seen Once Upon a Time, right?
(For that ask game)
yes I have!!! and my god... it's been so long... I only really watched the first couple of seasons (it kinda got too soapy for me after that) but yeah like my god... the way that series started so much for me (including the stargate connection)
Favourite character: Rumple. Always has and always will be Funniest character: Also Rumple that fucking guy made me giggle like hell I love a great trickster dude and he fucking fits the bill for me Best-looking character: Christ it's such a toss up between snow and charming. they were so hot like what the fuck 3 favourite ships: Rumbelle, snow x charming and Least favourite character: whoever the fuck they got to play the wicked witch like that shit just got silly. Also RIP Baelfire like mf just can't catch a break not playing a major asshole in anything Least favourite ship: Any of the Swan ships honestly like I can't be fucked. Reason why I watch it: Robert Carlyle put his whole pussy into Rumple and I respect him for his work so yeah. rumbelle was also really sweet for the first few seasons like what the fuck that took me by surprise. I'm just a Robert Carlyle enjoyer in general and he's literally what got me into stargate. Why I started watching it: One of my friends in high school recommended it to me and I was forever changed. It set off the chain reaction that led me to stargate tbh so there u have it
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stargatefests · 3 months
Stargate Microfic Challenge
Since we're celebrating the Stargate Anniverary fest for both SGA (20 years) and Stargate: The Movie (30 year), thought we'd throw another opportunity to join in the fun.
What is a 'microfic' -- as used on Tumblr, a microfic is 50 words. Half a drabble. Now, we're not going to be the microfic police. If you want to write more or less than 50 words for any of these prompts, you're more than welcome to do so. But a goal of 50-ish words is a challenge. Or, heck, do art... icons, drawbles... whatever you think fits is good enough for us.
The list below are 35 prompts originally from the McSheplets list on Live Journal. Use them in any order, or go back to the original McSheplets list (here) and find some prompts you do want to write.
MCSHEP NOT REQUIRED, we're just stealing the prompts. Write any pairing, no pairing. Write SG-1, SGU... any forms of Stargate works are welcome!
No promises, but if you @stargatefests on Tumblr, we'll try to reblog your work. And/or we'd love to have your work on the AO3 collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Stargate_Anniversary_Fest_2024
The overall fest deadline is October 31, 2024. So that also applies here. Do what you can, when you can! We all win when you share something with us.
List of prompts below:
challenge: 040 - season 1
challenge: 041 - secret
challenge: 042 - pretending
challenge: 043 - crossover
challenge: 044 - at first sight
challenge: 045 - sacrifice
challenge: 046 - anticipation
challenge: 047 - home improvement
challenge: 048 - hope springs eternal
challenge: 049 - wet
challenge: 050 - return
challenge: 051 - handy
challenge: 052 - destiny
challenge: 053 - attention
challenge: 054 - mixed signals
challenge: 055 - movie
challenge: 056 - post-series
challenge: 057 - just in time
challenge: 058 - hindsight
challenge: 059 - tease
challenge: 060 - accident
challenge: 061 - the other side 3 (amnesty or wild card)
challenge: 062 - borrowed
challenge: 063 - fall
challenge: 064 - epiphany
challenge: 065 - dadt
challenge: 066 - honor and obey
challenge: 067 - matchmaking
challenge: 068 - play
challenge: 069 - awkward
challenge: 070 - high
challenge: 071 - history
challenge: 072 - animalistic
challenge: 073 - coming out
challenge: 074 - forgotten
challenge: 075 - pride
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aintgonnatakethis · 5 months
twenty questions for fic writers
Tagged by @bagheerita ❤️️
How many works do you have on AO3? 29
What's your total AO3 word count? 208,847
What fandoms do you write for? Stargate Universe mainly, though I've also tried out Stargate Atlantis and James Bond.
Top five fics by kudos: what do pretty monsters dream of? (SGA, Sheppard/Todd) down here they call us animals (SGU, Rush/Young, vamp AU) Valentine's Day (James Bond, asexual Bond) Consultancy Opportunity (SGU, Rush/Telford, PWP) Good Things Come In Threes (SGU, Rush/Young/Telford, P-with-P)
Do you respond to comments? Yes, every one. I know how anxiety-inducing it can be to leave a comment, so I really want to put the effort in to respond. It might take me a few days, as per the anxiety, but there's nothing I love more than discussing my fics!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? so i bite my tongue and hope for blood (warning for non-con) Rush is drugged and does things to Telford. Telford understandably reacts poorly. No working through the trauma here - just trauma.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hmm, looking through my fics I guess I'm not a happy endings kind of guy. 😂 Think the best I can do is Valentine's Day, with Q worrying for a lot of it that Bond is sexually pursuing him only for things to end up firmly in the asexual category with cuddling and talking and petting cats.
Do you get hate on fics? Nah, everyone's pretty chill. Though of course I'm not involved in any large fandoms and that's where the more aggressive people tend to end up.
Do you write smut? Hell yeah I do! When I started posting to A03 near the end of 2022 it was the majority of what I wrote. Recently I've not really been feeling it - ever since I really had to force things so I'd be able to finish the 10k final chapter of the threesome fic - so I've been writing other stuff. I'm sure the smut will reactivate at some point.
Craziest crossover: I've never written any, and I'm afraid I'm not a fan of crossovers at all. 😂
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nah, not to my knowledge. Though I guess with AI scrapers you never know these days.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, though of course I'd give my permission for it.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nothing posted to AO3. Back in the day I RPed Doctor Who smut and stuck it on FFnet, and got a warning slapped on my account for it. 👎
All time favourite ship? Young/Telford/Rush, either all together in a threesome, or paired off in any possible permutation. These three guys are the revolving door of my brain.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I haven't worked on Your Own Worst Enemy for a long while, a fic where Rush, Young, Telford, and Destiny are all recovering from different forms of sexual assault. Though I'm really pleased with what I've got so far, I'm not sure where the plot goes next and I want to handle the subject matter with care. I think it's the kind of fic I have to complete before I start posting.
What are your writing strengths? I really enjoy taking a character and changing their sexuality to all the possible options to explore the possibilities. I've been told I do this while still remaining in character because I do the work to get there instead of just slapping a label on. For example, I've written fics where Telford is straight, bi, gay, aromantic, and am currently working on one where he's asexual. I love seeing what shapes I can bend characters into while still remaining true to canon.
What are your writing weaknesses? I see writeblrs talking about doing big cuts in their editing process, trimming off thousands of words at a time! While I understand why, cutting a scene I've worked hard on is something I can rarely bring myself to do.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I think my knee jerk response would be to say yes, but don't overdo it. Even if the translations are readily available (found this skin which works for both desktop and mobile users and uses HTML instead of making the author fiddle around with editing the workskin for each individual translation) having to move to hover/click can take the reader out of the story if it's done to an extreme degree.
First fandom you wrote in? Doctor Who, in... 2007 I want to say.
Favourite fic you’ve written? down here they call us animals is the first one that springs to mind, as it was such a massive sense of accomplishment to finish a long project, and making my own vampire lore and history was really enjoyable. I have to give a mention to a memory, a distant echo (warning for memories of non-con) as well though. I feel like I crafted that with my bare hands from clay, you know? Telford's trauma... I could wax fucking poetic about it for days.
No pressure tagging: @fortunatetragedy @frostysfrenzy @wolgerrswraith @frostedlemonwriter @galadhir + open to anyone who wants a go!
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abovethemists · 11 months
Twenty questions for fic writers
Tagged by @saxgoddess25
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Once Upon A Time, SGU (but just Rush)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Purgatory (910)
Little White Lie (594)
The Future's So Bright (576)
No Two Hearts (556)
A Twist in Time (501)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to. I used to not because I felt weird about it, like I was trying to repost my fic constantly by responding to everything (on tumblr). But then I thought about how I like to get a response from an author when I comment on something and got over myself.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't do angsty endings really. I like angst with a happy ending. If nothing else, my fics all end hopefully. I think. I might be forgetting something.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean they pretty much all end with my babies happy and together so all of them.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really hate specific to my fics. I have on occasion had a comment from someone who just hates Rumbelle but that hasn't happened in a long time. Ship wars were weird.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yes. It's expected in the Rumbelle fandom. It's not my favorite thing to write though. I have trouble just writing pure smut. I need there to be backstory and feelings involved. I do emotional smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I write Anyelle, so yes. Pairing up Rush and Lacey was pretty crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have every intention of finishing everything I've ever started. It might take a decade, but I'll do it eventually.
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action. Kill me if I ever had to block out a sword fight. It's why smut is hard. I get caught up in where everyone's limbs are.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I only speak one language fluently and wouldn't dare bastardize another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. Waaaaaaay back when. Also Jane Austen. Not sure which I wrote first.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm always partial to my Rush/Lacey stuff. My favorite Rumbelle fic is probably A Sharp and Glorious Thorn, if I ever get it finished. It's exactly my type of angst.
Tagging @kelyon, @emospritelet, @phoenixwrites, @gingerdreams15 and anyone else who wants to do it.
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galadhir · 11 months
Tagged by @aintgonnatakethis and @judgeverse
Thank you! :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm a serial monogamist as far as fandoms go, concentrating on one at a time until I move on to the next. Over the past 15 years I've written
Star Wars (Prequel trilogy - all about Qui-Gon Jinn)
Tolkien fandom (all about Celeborn)
Pirates of the Caribbean (started off with Commodore Norrington/Jack Sparrow, couldn't make it work for me and jumped sideways into Norrington and Lt. Gillette)
Marvel - (the Thor movies reactivated a nascent fascination with Loki, so I dragged a whole bunch of mythology into the MCU fandom.)
Stargate Universe (all about Colonel Young)
Star Wars (Sequel trilogy - all about General Hux)
The Untamed (all about Jin Guangyao)
I've also done a couple of little shorts for Torchwood, Motive and Talented Mr Ripley
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Kindness Repaid - in which Loki and Captain America become friends
Supervillain Honeymoon - someone wrote a fic in response to A Kindness Repaid in which Loki and Steve got married, so I had to write a fic in response to that, in which I figured out how the Asgardians and the Avengers would take the news
The Same Last Name and the Same Coloured Eyes - in which Jin Zixuan decides to be a good big brother to Jin Guangyao, and averts most of the tragedy of The Untamed as a result
Defying His Doom - in which Doctor Doom inspires Loki to improve his public image, and they end up winning a Nobel Peace Prize.
Stepping Stones - an epic Stargate Universe fic I wrote with @seekingidlewild, in which an accident with the communication stones leaves Rush and Young bodyswapped and all communication from Earth cut off
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Of course I do! I've met all my best fandom friends by chatting with them in the comments of fic (mine and theirs.) Also who doesn't love talking to people about their writing?
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I tend to avoid angsty endings if I can. That said, it's probably Battle of the Golden Wood which ends with Galadriel and Celeborn saying goodbye, as she leaves Middle-earth and he refuses to follow.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hard to say - I tend to make them all as happy as possible. If I can save the world at the same time, I'll do that too. Maybe Seeds of Old Trees, which gets Celeborn and Galadriel back together and sets Tolkien's elves on a path towards a future of exploring outer space.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have had some rude and entitled comments. People trying to convince me that my blorbo is actually a terrible person who should be locked up (SGU) or that my understanding of the lore is faulty (Tolkien) and therefore I should have written a different story from the one I actually wrote. But I wouldn't really call that hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Heh, it's funny. I came into fanfic repressed and writing gen. Then I unpacked the repression, had about ten years writing slash, during which I discovered the queer community, wrestled with God and came out as an asexual queer Christian. Then I leaned into the asexuality and ended up writing gen again.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
In general I don't, but the craziest one is also the only one I've written - Strange Meetings in which Qui-Gon crash lands in Middle-earth and meets Legolas. They were going to go to the drowned ruins of Doriath and recover a Silmaril, but I lost interest after a couple of chapters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
The same last name and the same coloured eyes has been translated into Russian, and I think one of my Tolkien fics was translated into Chinese, but that was on a non-Ao3 site.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Absolutely! I wrote a number of Elu Thingol/Celeborn fics in the Tolkien fandom with Mirien, and Stepping Stones (where Rush and Young are bodyswapped, and Skipping Stones (where Young is age-regressed into a child) with @seekingidlewild
I loved it! It's a great experience writing with someone whose writing you already enjoy. Lots of bouncing ideas off each other and excitement - and of course it's half as hard and twice as fast as doing it all yourself.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't think I have one. I'm honestly a single blorbo at a time writer, and I will read and write fics in which that blorbo is paired with just about anyone. I'm not particularly bothered which ship they're in.
I do have a soft spot for Rush/Young though, because they have such in-your- face dysfunctional obsessional chemistry on the show. And in contrast I also love Xiyao (Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao) because they are so obviously in such a gentle, radiant sort of love, that I choose to believe would have survived the revelation of Jin Guangyao's multiple murders.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I would have said Do Not Bear Grudges, which was going to be my JGY resurrection fic, but it fought me so hard that I ended up deleting what I'd already written and I'm glad to have it gone.
I still vaguely wish that I had finished The Stolen Ones however, which was about Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi and was jossed by the Jedi Apprentice books. (I still think mine was better.)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at description/settings/worldbuilding, and I often have an unusual take on things due to my non-neurotypicalness.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not great at giving each character their own unique voice, so my dialogue can get a bit samey. Also I forget that characters can lie - all my characters pretty much tell the truth all the time, which makes it difficult writing the kind of sneaky characters I so love, like Loki, JGY later movies!Hux and even Rush.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I could not do it. Massive respect and kudos to anyone who writes in a second language. It is beyond me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, when it first came out. The internet was on dial-up and fandom was on yahoo groups. It was the first time in my life I'd ever been able to speak to other sci-fi geeks like myself. An amazing experience, and good times!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I know it's cheating a bit to choose more than one, but these three hang together as a series, telling the story of Celeborn and Galadriel from first meeting, to tragic parting and final reunion Oak and Willow, Battle of the Golden Wood, and Seeds of Old Trees. At about 140,000 words, it's a good size novel. And of all the characters I've stanned over the years I still feel Celeborn needed me the most. (Though Colonel Young comes a close second there.)
tagging @seekingidlewild @darthlenaplant @darthnostra @wyomingnot @gamebird
and anyone else who wants to have a go! :)
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making this a special post to pin but if you'd like id really like it if you'd send asks with like technical and scientific fandom questions!!!!
any stargate technology or science (except sgu i didnt get through it but i love those lil floaty cameras)
star trek or orville!!!
epic the musical!! but this will be less technical lol i just like talking about it
hypothetical super powers!!! (fair warning if you reference actual superheroes i cant promise I'll know who you're talking about)
crossovers of the aforementioned fandoms!!!
our universe!!! theres so much cool stuff in the real world!!!!
anything I can't figure out myself from the source material i can research and i find it fun!!! i only included stuff i know really well but thats pretty much what you come here for lol
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Jack/Daniel Stories on Fanfiction.net
(disclaimer, I have only read one of these and cannot vouch for the content of any of them, I am just making a list for some friends)
*Also, I had these all nicely linked, story and author, but Tumblr is being a bitch and won't allow it, sorry it's not more convenient)
K & K+ Rated
Confirmation by WritinginCT
Scars Upon The Heart by SecretArt
Things You Miss by SecretArt
Whispers In The Dark by xfirefly9x
A Study of Squabbling by HeartofSword26
JackDaniel's by corbeauprophet (this one is in French)
A Midnight Call by WritinginCT
Bringing Home Baby by LadieLazarus
Against Earth Customs by Pixie Child (Crossover with SGA, including John/Rodney)
Flashes of Loss by WritinginCT
Speaking O'Neill by Jaz22
The Reason by Chance
Danny Boy by ninja-hamsters
Rêve ou réalité by Cybelia (this one is in French)
A Better Offer by magickmoons
No Time by magickmoons
Pendulum by Eilidh17
Trust Me by abstractwhisk
Big Boss Man by cestmoi01 (mild slash only)
Chapstick by Couldbeaswampdudette
After the Abyss by JackDanielForever (preship)
Dreams of Another Life by lilyleia78 (UST)
They Can Too by gatehead81
Most people notice when they've been teleported by KitCatty
Not What I Had in Mind by Daria234
Vows He Never Broke by WritinginCT (includes Jack/Sara)
Are You Lonesome Tonight? by cestmoi01 (implied only)
Daniel's Gift by WritinginCT
You can't always be his prince in shining armor by Daria234
Zonck, the magic word by Malin o Frida
The Idiot's Guide To Relieving Boredom by Amarin Rose
All Shook Up by cestmoi01 (mild)
Sara's Gift by WritinginCT
Grippe by Schattentaenzerin (this one is in German and includes Sam/Janet)
Five People Jack Wishes He Could Have Saved by WritinginCT (implied)
First Sights by Schwester Aurelia (SGA crossover, background only)
Be careful what you wish for by Malin o Frida
Coming Out Of The Closet by LaurAmourFromOz (SGA crossover, includes Jack/Daniel, Shepherd/McKay, Sam/Janet, Lorne/Zelenka)
Conversation qui fait mal by Ptitepointe2 (in French)
I'll Do It! by T4L3R
Zawsze, gdy by euphoria814 (this one is in Polish)
The Case of the Summer Flu by T4L3R
The Eagle Has Swooped: And The ANZACs Are Not Happy by LaurAmourFromOz
T Rated
The Things We Couldn't Say by Gypsy Lupin-Black
Distracting by Rivulet027
Tal Pat Ryn by Orrymain
Destiny by JackDaniel4ever
Jack Daniels Straight Up by Crossbow
Jack's True Love by Emono
Sharing Recipes by magickmoons
Warnings by kangeiko
Coffee Shop by stage crew
A Little Gift by WritinginCT
Subtle by Sorrel
A Little Gift by WritinginCT
Learning to Get Along by Rivulet027 (SGA crossover)
CG 5: Truth by Foreverwolf (this is fifth in a series)
Great Minds (Galian Alliance Part 1) by Alobear (preslash)
Honesty by Alobear
Birthday Smutfest I by ellenscult
Reflections by Alobear
Someone I Trust by samantilles (SGU crossover, includes slash version and gen version)
Carbon Copy by JolinarJackson (SGA crossover, includes Rodney/Carson)
Artifacts by EntreNous
Don't You Know My Heart is on the Line? by catiepie182002 (preslash)
I Know You Need Me by Classical Sorrow (dark!Jack, also OOC Jack)
Speaking in Tongues by Ssergit
Anyway You Want Me by cestmoi01
Running With Blue Eyes by Fidella
Indian Summer by failsafeparoxysm (is actually Daniel/Sam, Daniel/Jack/Sam)
A Cold Homecoming by KalipsoRed (this is actually Sam/Daniel/Jack/Teal'c)
Pi pies are the best pies! by Schwester Aurelia (SGA crossover, includes Daniel/Jack, John/Rodney)
Saving Sam by JackDanielForever
The Runaway by Alobear
Some Things Are Meant To Be by T'Pinto
The Storage Closet by T4L3R
My Immortal by T4L3R
Books aren't worth risking your life by MelimeGreenleaf (English version)
To say I love you by MelimeGreenleaf (English version)
Inquiétude by Miss Emeraude 13 (this is in French)
What about that? by T4L3R
Le jour sans fin by nardy (also in French)
Can't Stay Away by T4L3R
Belated Observations by Gryvon
M Rated
Rumeurs by Sevy Snape (this one is in French)
Caveman by Yami no Ryu
The Walk by AnnieBooker
Clue by Four by RaeC
Surprises by Deaddlykissesno3
Resurrection I - The Ties That Bind by Annejackdanny (This is an 8 part kid!Daniel series, not linking the other seven to save space)
en l'homme l'existence précède l'essence by numb22z (also in French)
Good Idea by Deaddlykissesno3
Fireworks by lilyleia78
Adoration by lilyleia78
Then and Now by magickmoons
A Shadow Falls by Kitchyy (includes one-sided Sam/Jack)
Broca Boy by djenie
Teach Me A Lesson by Lady Shyla (dom/sub)
Spring Cleaning by Kitchyy (very adult themes)
Unification by MicheleB (sequel, is actually Sam/Jack/Daniel)
Star Light, Star Bright by magickmoons (actually Sam/Jack/Daniel)
Happy Halloween by KroBlack (this one is in French)
Driving me Crazy SLASH jack daniel by Ximeria
Across Worlds, Throughout Time by ellenscult (contains explicit sex)
The Road to Follow by Annejackdanny
Gate to Vannas by AkinaSky (an 8 part series that includes adopted children, Sam/Teal'c, and mpreg.) <- the only one I actually read.
Believe - Traduction by Lady Arianna (this one is in French)
Boucle temporelle by SongePermanent (also in French)
General O'Neill by T4L3R
Battles of Jealousy by T4L3R
Battles of Jealousy II by T4L3R
On the Edge by babs-sg1
The Whole Story by magickmoons
Believe by MelimeGreenleaf (this is the English version)
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by MelimeGreenleaf (English version)
Can't Stay Away: Trouble by T4L3R
Infinitas by FireKali Chaos
Knocking At Death's Door by Aussie-mel
Blindfolded by Aussie-mel
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gender-luster · 1 month
the things i would do for a sgu x farscape crossover fic
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SGU Week Day 2 (still????): Favorite Character (another one????)
I already stayed up all night writing a damn novel about why I'm obsessed with a character that only showed up in 4 episodes, but while Amanda is definitely Best Girl, I'd be remiss in leaving out Best Boy.
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Master Sergeant Ronald Greer~
I really wasn't sure what to think of Greer at first. He seemed like kind of a wild card, eager to shoot first and ask questions later, but also super wholesome and selfless, always putting others first. Towards the end of the series, he had secured his place in my heart as Best Boy (sorry Eli).
Here are some of my favorite memes I've made starring Greer.
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This is the second SGU meme I ever made, a Rick and Morty mashup. I thought Greer and Krombopulos Michael were similar, in that they're both surprisingly wholesome despite their chosen professions.
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Given Greer's expert marksmanship and his eagerness to show it off, I was reminded of this scene from My Cousin Vinny, featuring Vanessa delivering the deer monologue.
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I was 100% on board with Dale x Lisa until Ronald Greer entered the chat. They are so precious together. It's so rare that I like canon ships because they always feel so forced, but SGU is so good that I can't think of a canon ship I actually dislike. The characters are so fleshed out, even the obvious "designated love interests," that they feel like people who came together naturally instead of being forced together by writers who want pretty people to suck face for ratings.
Anyway!!! Apparently Lisa said her favorite food was chicken parmesan, but in The Hunt, she declares herself a vegetarian. She's not a biologist, so I guess we can give her a pass.
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Speaking of meat... Anyway, I'd love to know how the conversation that led Rush to assert that there's no beef jerky in space started.
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This is an excerpt from a longer comic, but I think it can stand alone. Most of my content takes place after the show's end, but this one takes place between Hope and Seizure (or idk, maybe post-stasis after Waifu_01.exe and Waifu_02.exe are jailbroken [jailbreaked???], and Greer somehow missed all of that drama before because he had actual work to do), as himbo Greer grapples with the logistics of how one might date a ghost.
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Speaking of ghosts, I loved how Greer was Eli's wingman. It was so sweet, and I loved seeing their friendship.
Also my thought is that, due to its numerous cutaways, Eli shows Ginn Family Guy to teach her about earth culture. It's actually not a terrible idea, except that it's definitely a terrible idea.
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I'm gonna post the context for this on my Day 3 post. For now, POV you are Lisa Park and your himbo boyfriend is really excited about nonsense 💖💚
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picnokinesis · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Got tagged by the fantastic @wykart ahh thank you for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
32, most of which are Doctor Who!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
859,228!! (but it's gonna keep climbing until I finish posting part 6 of campervan sksk)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Pretty much just Doctor Who right now, but I have posted fics for Stargate Universe, Marvel and The Greatest Showman. And then I have written for other fandoms - most notably Venom, which I never posted anything for but I did get 40k into a multichapter one time.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In this order: Liminality, Tropospheric Disturbance, campervan part 1, watchfires and Renegades in the Ring (my TGS fic that I never finished, rip in pieces)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try and respond to comments!! Mostly because I love talking about my fics and also don't know when to shut up hahaha - but I also have some absolutely fantastic commenters who have such interesting things to say! And also like, idk I really appreciate people taking the time to comment, so I reckon it's polite to say thank you at least. The only time I don't reply to comments, mostly, is if it's a REALLY long comment and I just don't have the energy rip (but when that happens I definitely read and cherish the comment dearly haha)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. MOST OF THEM RIP. I'm genuinely not sure because I always try and end my fics on a vaguely uplifting note. Maybe Campervan Part 4, simply because of all the uni-era angst? But tbh the ending of Part 6 is definitely a contender, now I think about it. Canon-fic wise, though.......hmm I think it's got to be notches in your spine, since that ends with the Doctor just straight up leaving the Master without warning sksksk
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hm. I think I'm gonna go with In the Wind for this one, which is hilarious since I wrote it THREE YEARS AGO, but it's a multi-chapter mid-series adventure that rounds itself off in a satisfying way, with everything being resolved nicely, so I think that's a decent contender!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hm, no, other than people complaining about the show in an attempt to compliment my writing, but that's stopped for the most part since I got annoyed about it in my author's notes one time ksksks. I did get a weird comment recently that started out very complimentary but then turned really weird in a pretty upsetting way (and, frankly, it would have been very triggering if that sort of topic had been something that was something that affected me a lot? Luckily it wasn't, but the commenter did NOT know that). So I just deleted the comment because I didn't want that sort of thing in my comment section, especially when I know other readers comment lurk.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No I'm sex-repulsed lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I wrote a crossover that was The Greatest Showman crossed with the X-Men Comics one time SKSKSKSKSK (and it was specifically the comics not the films, I did so much research on historical terminology for mutants HAHA) which was actually SO much fun - I never finished it, but I do think back on it very fondly. But I'd class that as more of an 'x-men au' rather than a crossover tbh, bc it was wholly focused on the TGS characters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't believe so
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! We never finished it LOL
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Currently spydoc, but this will probably change. I have a MASSIVE soft spot for rush/young from sgu, clintasha from the MCU, newt/hermann from PacRim, and symbrock from Venom.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hmmmm there's a bunch, but probably The Grandfather Paradox? I genuinely love that one so much. But who knows, maybe one day. I feel like it would make a great pitch for a Big Finish audio sksk. Oh, and Deathless will probably never happen. I'm not going to put Trestle on this list because I am SO DETERMINED to finish it some day HAHAH. Oh - and I don't think I'll ever finished Trouble With Entropy, which was my unfinished Venom fic, or Renegades (aforementioned TGS fic) even though I love them a lot, it's just....very unlikely at this point rip.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Going off what other people have said to me, I'm good at creative immersive worlds! Which is mostly because I really want my stories to feel 'lived in', so to speak, and broader than what you actually see in the immediate plot. I think I'm also pretty good at pacing, and also writing narrative prose with a character voice! The latter one I definitely pushed myself with when writing part 6 of campervan, as well as my recent doctormaster oneshot, where I had to weave together both the doctor AND the master's characterisation into one seamless pov
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I definitely worry too much about making sure the reader DEFINITELY gets what I'm trying to say, and so sometimes I'm repetitive and I hammer things home a bit that can be more subtle. I also think that sometimes I can be a bit repetitive in my longer fics where I know a gap needs to be filled but I'm not sure with what sksksks. There are other things too. I definitely struggle writing shorter things and getting to the point and TRUSTING that the reader will come with me. I often feel this urge to make sure all the steps are there for the reader to follow where I want them to go.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oooh so I actually did this in campervan part 5 with Gabriela and Jamila speaking a bit of Portuguese! And I think there's like, obviously nuance to it, but when I had the pov characters who understood portuguese (namely Jamila in the prologue), I had the dialogue in portuguese, but the translation in the prose, either literally just next to the dialogue or explained in the narration by Jamila. But then in later chapters, when Yaz is trying to talk to Gabriela, because Gabriela is upset she's occasionally saying things in Portuguese....but Yaz doesn't understand them. So they don't get translated. And so I think that works for the story in that context, bc what Gabriela actually SAYS is less important and it's more showing the emotion of it. Another case I can think of was in Force Over Distance by cleanwhiteroom who wrote a LOT of ancient into the fic (which is basically latin) and when it was on ao3 there was this sort of 'hover to translate' thing which worked REALLY WELL, bc the translation was there but it didn't disrupt the flow of the fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Okay so I wanna know what counts here - if it's like, the first fic i POSTED, then that's Marvel (specifically the Avengers). If it's the first fic I wrote when I actually understood what 'fandom' was, then...I think that was also Avengers....or maybe BBC Sherlock. If it's the first thing I actually WROTE DOWN properly, then it was Doctor Who (specifically Ten and Rose and my oc companion sksk). If it was the first thing I played with creatively for media that wasn't my own...then that was probably me coming up with elaborate ocs out of two unicorns on the credits for the My Little Pony vhs tape we had SKSKSKSK SO. I don't know. One or all of those.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Oh this is hard because I'm proud of a lot of what I've written. My gut reaction at the moment is actually Trestle, even though it's unfinished and no one has read it HAHAH but I'm just so proud of some of the writing in that so far. And I'm extremely proud of Campervan AU as a whole entity. However I do really really love see me bare my teeth for you - which I actually forget about a LOT because it's not one of my thoschei fics sksksk. But I'm super proud of how that one turned out. And then also and they did live by watchfires because that one just has such a special place in my heart.
THANKS FOR THE TAG LIV!!! I'm gonna tag hmmmmmmm @sunshinedaysforever @taardisblue @novantinuum @emptyofdust @strikingtwelves @walker-lister aaaaah basically anyone else that wants to do this! :D
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docjacksons · 3 months
I recently made a post wising there was a crossover between the Alien movie universe and the Stargate series. In the absence of other content, I have decided to make an Alien series AU for some Stargate characters. It’s an AU rather than a crossover just because that’s what made the most sense to me. This will just be a short list of some characters from the Stargate series and what kind of role I think they might have in the Alien universe
SG-1 characters :
Let’s kick it off with my bae Daniel.
— Daniel Jackson: Considering that Daniel is fascinated with the Ancients for at least half of SG-1, I could see him being somewhat similar to Elizabeth Shaw in Prometheus. That is, I could see him believing, as Shaw did, that the Engineers created humanity and being very driven to discover the secrets of the Engineers and humanity’s origins. As in SG-1, this pursuit would probably lead to him dying, but also as in SG-1, I’m certain he’d be brought back from the dead somehow and would continue his search for the truth, albeit more cynically.
— Jack O’Neill: Although he’s in the Airforce in SG-1, in the Alien universe, I see him being part of the United States Colonial Marine Corps. I don’t see his personality being much different than it is in SG-1. He’s probably been sent to xenomorph infested planets many times and is very over it.
— Sam Carter: I think Sam would be part of the USCM too, albeit in a more technical role than Jack. She might be an engineer or something similar to that. As in SG-1, she would still have copious amounts of UST with Jack.
— Teal’c: I can’t currently come up with a canon position for him to occupy, however, I think it’s reasonable to assume that Weyland-Yutani has private security they hire. I could see Teal’c being high up in W-Y’s private security and is privy to many, many of their dirty secrets and eventually turns against them, perhaps joining up with Jack and Sam in the USCM.
SGA characters:
— Rodney McKay: Okay, Rodney would absolutely be a neurotic Weyland-Yutani scientist that secretly has some misgivings about what they’re doing. He’d probably eventually turn against them, likely due to Sheppard’s influence.
— John Sheppard: Also definitely in the United States Colonial Marine Corps. Maybe Rodney was sent as a company man to oversee a mission the USCM were sent on. Perhaps his Rodney’s directive was similar to Burke in Aliens where he was supposed to capture a living xenomorph specimen. However, he had misgivings unlike Burke, and Sheppard persuaded him to turn against W-Y. (And also persuaded him to be in a relationship, lbr).
— Teyla and Ronon: I put them together because I could see them both living on the same planet in this AU. Their planet was probably overrun by xenomorphs and Sheppard and his division were sent to eradicate the problem. This is also where they met Rodney.
SGU characters:
— Nicholas Rush: Only one character for this category, but I think Rush would 100% be a morally grey W-Y scientist who is studying the xenomorphs. Anything unethical he does is for the greater good. If you’ve ever read the Aliens: Labyrinth comic, I could see him being a bit like Dr. Church.
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judgeverse · 11 months
thanks @bagheerita for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
91 for my SG pseud, 104 total
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
665,899. 276,600 of which were in 2023. lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
stargate baby!!! specifically, stargate universe. occasionally also sg1.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
it's all old mortal kombat fic; the top two have 323 and 199 respectively (and the #1 is so successful because the ship got big after the latest MK game; given that I'd essentially made it up at the time of writing, I got lucky lmao). the others are double digit kudos :/
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
ALWAYS, at least for stargate fic. love to talk about the brainrot and make friends
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably this one, an installment of a rush/ba'al AU where ba'al dies for a while there. kind of a way to deal with grief about cliff simon too. hurts sometimes
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't think I have any that are legitimately happy endings and not bittersweet, but probably this one for SGU week, in which the crew actually gets to go home (and rush eventually finally realizes they don't hate him)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not yet lmao
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yes, frequently. mostly rush/ba'al which is kind of my thing (and it's a trans rush AU, suggested by another nb sgu friend and it lodged in my brain and wouldnt let go). so that's pretty much all I write for the filth side of things now
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
not really. I figure if I'm putting in enough effort to cross something over and fuse the concepts, at that point I may as well write an original story instead (and often do)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no but I'm down to do it!!!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
rush/ba'al, their dynamic is [chefs kiss] and has made me write more this year than possibly EVER before (it kicked off my 2023 writing which is currently at about 418,000 words) so thanks boys
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
destiny ao3 au lmao where the crew all writes fic to pass the time. love it but other fics keep taking priority
16. What are your writing strengths?
DIALOGUE AND BANTER i could let them talk all day long and I usually do.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
generally speaking, anything that's action-driven with no dialogue. I always gotta let them talk. it's embarrassing how much dialogue my nsfw fics have
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I wouldn't tbh
19. First fandom you wrote for?
EVER ever? honestly not sure. current ao3 account? mortal kombat
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
this one's got it all - the SGU crew, goa'uld shenanigans, ba'al and rush being deliciously bitchy, just everything i write about is mixed together in this one lol
tagging @nonbinaryezrabridger @aintgonnatakethis @b2em-ho @galadhir @anomalousrobot @mx-seraph
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