#shadow collective
fonmythenmetz · 9 days
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Sith Apprentice
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gffa · 1 year
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This is the most bare-bones recap you could do of “What the fuck is Crimson Dawn?” and it still takes up a page and a half of comics!  It doesn’t even mention Maul’s name!  To be fair, the people recounting this don’t know Maul’s name, so this works narratively, but what gets me is that I really do enjoy how Star Wars is structured, especially with how it’s this giant cascade of dominoes. Think about how complicated all of this is! - Maul is given to Sidious by Mother Talzin, he’s raised as a Sith apprentice - Maul is defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi, becoming obsessed with revenge on him while living on a garbage planet as a half-Zabrak, half-spider person - Mother Talzin creates a new Sith apprentice for Dooku after Sidious forced him to kill Ventress (not that that worked and now Ventress wants revenge, so she went to Mother Talzin), which is eventually a wash. - Savage goes back to Mother Talzin and she sends him on a quest to bring back her son Maul, where she cures Maul’s madness and gives him more Zabrak-style legs, and they go try to kill Obi-Wan and fail at it again. - They float around in a dead ship until rescued by Death Watch, whom they ally with to create a Shadow Collective, in a bid to appear as villains for Mandalore to fight, so Death Watch can swoop in as heroes and win the people’s support to depose Duchess Satine Kryze. - Basically, two Force-sensitives (and honestly Maul could have probably done it himself) were enough to force the Pykes and Black Sun to agree to work with them, even though neither group wanted to. - They also tried to force the Hutts to join, but they refused, so Maul killed Oruba the Hutt (the only one in person at the meeting instead of on holo) and then go to Tatooine to kill Jabba, who decides, okay, he’ll join the Shadow Collective after all. - The plan on Mandalore is put in place, the Shadow Collective attacks Mandalore, Death Watch looks like heroes, Pre Vizsla is the puppet master of the Prime Minister they install, Death Watch tries to betray Maul and Savage, but they’re like, dipshit, we’re Sith Lords and fight their way to Pre’s throne room.  Maul challenges him to a fight, Maul wins, Bo-Katan Kryze (who was part of Death Watch up to this point) refuses to let a non-Mandalorian rule Mandalore (since Maul has taken up the Darksaber that Pre had and leads Death Watch and thus Mandalore now) and leaves. - Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious decides Maul’s become enough of a thorn in his side to deal with this, goes to Mandalore, kills Savage, puts Maul in prison and dusts off his hands like no big deal. - Maul is rescued by members of Death Watch and the puppet prime minister who are loyal to him, wins back the Darksaber, returns to Mandalore, sets up another trap to try to lure Obi-Wan there, gets Ahsoka instead (along with a whole lot of Republic troops, because Bo-Katan asked for a Republic intervention, by way of having Ahsoka ask for it), they battle it out and are relatively evenly matched, but he eventually loses.  This is the Siege of Mandalore, which puts the Republic there riiiiiiight as the Republic is turning into the Empire. - So everything goes pear-shaped in the galaxy, as the Jedi genocide is enacted, chaos erupts everywhere.  When the clones attack Ahsoka because of Order 66, she frees Maul to cause chaos and he destroys the core of the engines, forcing the ship down, but he himself escapes. - Maul regroups again and takes over Crimson Dawn, but uses Dryden Vos as a figurehead.  Vos has an assistant named Qi’ra, who is the first love of Han Solo, and when he crashes back into her life, things go pear-shaped again, resulting in a big adventure that ends with Dryden Vos’ death and Qi’ra stepping up to take his place as Maul’s new figurehead. - Qi’ra learns much about the Sith from Maul and, after his death, she takes over Crimson Dawn for real and begins to plot how to take down the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, aka Emperor Palpatine. As much ridiculous bullshit as Star Wars often is, I love that they genuinely have a galaxy that is connected together, that one plot ripples out in these surprisingly massive waves.  You don’t get to any one point on this timeline without the other points happening first, just like you don’t get to the OT without the events of the prequels happening first, you don’t get the Empire without the Republic and the Separatists both. In many ways, Star Wars is separated into periods of time, the films still largely define different eras, but there is a throughline with so much of it, the political timeline spans decades in this universe, you can follow the trail all the way back to The Phantom Menace and even earlier.  Yeah, Star Wars is often silly bullshit, but I appreciate the dedication to showing that ramifications happen when major political and criminal upheavals happen!
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meadforspeed · 1 year
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I’m sure there’s lots of reasons why Maul left all the admin stuff to lieutenants like Almec and Vos,but i’ve got to imagine that ‘handles frustration during long boring meetings very poorly’ is near the top of the list
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 3 months
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rare pov: you're taller than savage and he has to actually look up at you.
(fr it's a daily struggle not to ask him how the weather is up there)
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minisandmonoliths · 8 months
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Had some fun painting up these minis for my Star Wars Legion army. I chose the Shadow Collective purely because I wanted to paint some Mandos.
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evaarade · 22 days
My Favourite Mandalorian Headcanon...
... is that the true reason why the Death Watch stepped in when they did during the take over by the Shadow Collective because other Mandos were kicking their ass
Like, in a planet with 4 million people Vs 5 thousand (maybe less if a few groups were arrested already - and this is talking about which one is more likely to take out an army of crime syndicates), which one has the bigger amount of warriors? Especially if you go with the "everyone was a warrior and there just existed warrior centric clans that were in charge of the sector until the New Mandos appeared" it means that the majority of the population knew how to fight and stand up to themselves and the only reason we saw people running was because they decided to leave their weapons at home or because they were operating under 1st rule of fighting which is that if you are outnumbered, the other side is better armed, stronger, faster or Everything I just stated you run
Are you telling me people who are part of a warrior culture wouldn't know those basic rules?
I 100% believe that the Shadow Collective was getting their asses kicked because they were Mandalorian Turf
Sure they were attacking specific targets but like. Are you really telling me that no one else would have stepped up to defend those places in a planet full of warriors???
Sure you could argue that maybe no one around beyond the guards and those were getting overwhelmed...
... Which just means that the Death Watch stepped in to avoid the Guards from getting reinforcements and ending the whole thing.
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warchirfsminitures · 11 months
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Just finished some Mandalorian reinforcements from the shadow collective box. Although they dont look like Mauls Boys, the Maul im painting looks more ‘jedi’.
I now can build three mandalorian units with sabine or ahsoka in a very elite rebel list.
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retiosanti · 2 years
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Eight criminal lizards ready to start blasting
Hobby Count:
Finished/Bought: 221/204
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Star Wars: Legion - Shadow Collective Box Art by Alex Kim
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soracities · 2 months
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Theodore Roethke, from "In a Dark Time", The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke [ID'd]
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usernameyettocome · 1 month
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i’m running out of funny things to caption my art with but here’s my favourite sharpshooter guy
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dykejaskier · 9 months
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We have to remember that there's the family that you're born into, and then there's your chosen family. That's what we are. We're a chosen family, and it's a rare thing. — Guillermo de la Cruz, "The Portrait" (S3E10)
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karofsky · 2 months
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What We Do In The Shadows (2019 - )
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girlsonic · 10 months
i really like the thing that lego dimensions puts forward where shadow isn't really sure how to fulfill maria's wish for him to bring hope to humanity . because saving the planet a few times isnt enough. so he lands on flower arrangements
it is silly but i like to imagine him trying a lot of different little hobbies. no shadow cant race right now hes figuring out a new pattern on the rainbow loom
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 2 months
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confession: i liked a lot of things about this movie. what i did not like, in the slightest, was the maul cameo.
i could go off for a big ol droll paragraph about it, but i could also just summarize with 'his costuming sucks and they made him smile super creepy and play with his lightsaber like he's a child with a toy, not an elite wizard assassin trained with a saberstaff since childhood.'
why is he playing around with his staff on screen? it's not even a bored, idle fiddling. he's like wooo~ look at my liiiiiightsaaaabrrrrr. it's fuckin comical, not intimidating. boo.
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celerydays · 4 months
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The Curious Case of the Missing Ties
Ominis seems to know a bit more about the misplaced ribbons and ties than he lets on 🤔
🔞 NSFW // MDNI 🔞 under cut–
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Full version on [TWITTER] and [POIPIKU]
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