#shadow fight 3 play store
libraryofloveletters · 6 months
chapter nine: secrets come back to haunt
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Sebastian Vettel x Fem!Reader
Warnings: old faces return, seb's world is turned upside down, secrets are revealed, hidden relationship status so to speak, y/n is trying her best here, a bit of bashing, mentions of postpartum depression, a lot of back and forth, a small bit of crude/flirty humour from seb, dragging up the past, sadness - this is a really emo chapter sorry.
Word Count: 3.8k
Author’s Note: again, I'm sorry for disappearing. there's a lot going on lmao, but I'm back (for now) so take this :)
sugar and spice; all things nice masterlist
Sundays were reserved for racing, they always have been.
Since Sebastian was 3 years old, all he's known was the race track. He'd spend hours with his family, going round and round on the track until he was forced out of his kart. Even as a grown man, it was the same; fighting for race wins and championship titles, Sebastian Vettel found himself surrounded by mechanics, loud cars and screaming fans.
Sunday mornings were a bit different now.
The scent of oranges and peaches filled the air, the clattering of shopping cart wheels were a change in pace from the ones he was used to. Amelia tugged her father's hand, getting his attention.
"What about this one, papa?" She asked her dad, blonde curls unruly and framing her face. Sebastian looked at what she was showing him, an apple with no bruises or dents, and nods.
Milly dropped the apple into the bag she was holding, looking for another one as her father watched her.
It was quiet in the store, a few people shopping as well as the workers chatting as they did their jobs. Sebastian's mind drifted to you as he watched Milly pick out apples. Never would he have envisioned his life this way after everything that happened; happy, content.
There was a feeling building in his chest, not one of happiness but as if he was being watched. He lived a normal life now that he's retired but it's not abnormal for him to be noticed. More often than not, the person would say hello and ask for a photo, then they're on their way.
Today, for some reason, Sebastian couldn't shake the feeling.
This was a bad feeling.
Sebastian tries to shake off the thought, thinking it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. But no matter where he went, that feeling stuck with him like a stubborn shadow.
Unable to shake it off, Seb glances over his shoulder and his heart stops, skips a beat, and drops to his stomach all in the matter of a second.
He wasn't certain if he was seeing right or if he was imagining things.
Brown hair cascaded over the woman's shoulders, her eyes scanning what was in front of her for a moment before she looked up - as if she felt him looking at her.
As he lived and breathed, he didn't think he'd ever see her again, let alone at the grocery store on a Sunday morning.
The woman smiles at him, Sebastian turns away and his attention is back on Amelia. "Sweetheart," he calls out to her, the little girl puts the bag with apples into the cart and looks at her dad.
"We need to go," he grabs her hand and her brows furrow, confused by her father's sudden actions. "What? What's going on papa?" She asks, following her father as he walks towards the exit with her.
The shopping cart abandoned in the middle of the produce section, Milly's little legs moving as quick as they can as she follows her father out of the store.
"Papa," she calls out of him, the man helping her into the car.
"I think I left the oven on," he fibs, the concern on his face was enough to sell it. A small oh left her lips as he shuts the door and gets in himself, the two of them heading back to the house.
Sebastian lets her in, Milly stays by the front door as Sebastian walks to the kitchen. The girl follows behind her father, peeking from the doorway to see that the oven was in fact off.
"It's not on," she tells him, brows furrowed as they were before they left the store. Seb hums, shrugging. "Better safe than sorry, hm?"
She pouts, "can we go back to the store, papa? I wanna get cookies!"
"We're already home, love bug." He walks over to her, scooping her up in his arms. Sebastian twirls her around, her giggles settling his feelings - all the worries melting away. "How about we order something for lunch and then we can go over to y/n's? I'm sure Liv would love to make cookies with you."
She nods, a big grin on her face - granted a tooth or two that were missing. "Yeah!"
Sebastian puts her down, kissing the top of her head before she runs off to the living room, putting the tv on.
It takes Sebastian a minute to gather himself. All of the thoughts running wild and the most horrifying feeling passing through him when he saw her in the store today. A million different things happened at once and he wasn't sure what to do, or how to react, or if he should go up to her or not.
He couldn't think of putting Milly through that situation yet again, it was hard enough when she started growing up and asking for her.
The doorbell rings, and once again Sebastian is paralyzed with fear.
Fear of what's to come, what she could possibly want, what he would tell Milly if the situation were to escalade.
He never moved, the same house they started to build their life in was the same house she walked out of and never looked back. Why would she come back now?
There's a knock this time, small and gentle but loud enough for him to hear.
Walking to the door, he sees not one but two figures on the other side of the frosted panel. One taller and one smaller, he smiles when he realizes who it is.
"Hi Mr. Seb!" Liv smiled at the man, he smiled back at her. "Hi sweetheart, come in." He steps aside from her to come in and all the noise alerts Milly that someone was at the door.
"Hi Liv! Hi y/n!" The blonde girl waves to you, you wave back to her as she and Liv run upstairs to her room to play.
Sebastian pulls you into a hug after you shut the door, his hands slipping under the hem of your shirt - you're here, you're real, you're home.
"Are you okay?" Your question comes out quietly, your own fingers tangled in the unruly curls at the nape of his neck - you should remind him to get a haircut soon.
Sebastian hums, sighing as he lets you go. "I'm okay, just needed a hug." He says, now holding your hand as you two walk to the living room. He sits down, pulling you into his side and the sound of SpongeBob's laughter breaks the silence in the room.
Despite Seb assuring you that he's fine, you still felt as if he was hiding something from you. An arm stretched over the back of the couch, mindlessly twirling his hair.
"Seb?" You called.
"Yes honey?" He turns to look at you, a soft smile on his face.
"What's on your mind? You look.. tense."
"Nothing a good back rub won't fix," he says, suggestively wiggling his eyebrows.
"Sebastian.." You rolled your eyes playfully but your tone was enough to let him know you weren't fond of his change in topic.
He takes a deep breath, his eyes shifty and his chest rising and falling as if he had just finished a race. "I uh.." he starts, taking another deep breath. "I saw Lilly."
Your brows furrow; it takes a moment for you to connect the dots but when you do, your jaw hangs open, looking at your boyfriend. "You saw.. Lilly?"
"Yeah." He says, nonchalantly.
"Where- um.. did she.. where did you see her?"
Seb sinks back into the cushions, looking at you. "She was at the grocery store. Mils and I were shopping and I felt someone staring at me. I turned around and there she was, alive and well."
"Did you talk to her? Did she come over to you guys?"
"No, I grabbed Milly and left before she got a chance too. I don't even know if she really registered that it was me or if she was just looking in my direction."
You nodded, going quiet for a moment. "Do you think.. maybe she'll come looking for you guys? I mean, I know you looked for her after she left but, did she ever try to reach out to you guys?"
"No, never. After she left, she never looked back. I searched for her, hired PIs, called her family, I did everything I could but she was gone. I don't know why she's back, I didn't care to find out."
You understood where he was coming from. You felt the same way about Olivia's father but after all, Sebastian is his own person with his own feelings.
"Maybe she's got her reasons, and like you said, maybe she didn't even register that it was you. Perhaps she's back for something that has nothing to do with you and Milly." You say, squeezing his shoulder softly.
Sebastian nods, leaning into your touch. The two of you sat there in silence for a bit, not bothering to change the cartoons Milly had left on until Sebastian stood, announcing that he was off to take a shower.
You left him in the living room, off to make yourself some tea when he hugs you from behind. His chin on your shoulder, "wanna join me?"
"Join you where? In the shower?"
"Yeah," he whispers, kissing your neck softly.
You roll your eyes, "keep it in your pants, Sebastian. We've got children upstairs."
"It's okay, we can use the bathroom down here, and they won't hear anything over the water."
You laughed, "how sweet of you to come up with a solution. Go shower, I'll see you after." You turn, giving him a kiss before sending him off his way - begrudgingly if you asked him.
As he disappeared up the stairs, you made yourself busy and cleaned up the kitchen a bit. You loved Sebastian but between his affinity for trying new things and his messiness, the kitchen was a disaster zone. Something resembling pancake mix sat almost empty on the counter and there was a stack of plates in the sink, utensils sticking out between them.
If you cleaned up a bit, the four of you could head out for an early dinner with the girls and perhaps catch a movie afterwards.
Hands covered in soapy water when the doorbell rings, you didn't think Sebastian was expecting anyone. Perhaps it was his parents coming for a visit or a neighbour seeking out something. There's a knock, yet a few seconds after the bell rings. Well they're rather impatient, you think.
"Coming!" You shouted, wiping your hands on the hand towel, slinging it over your shoulder as you made your way to the door.
Upon opening the door, you're met with a woman. Slender and tall, brown hair tossed over her shoulders and brown eyes to match. Her face shows an expression of confusion as she tries to look past you into the house.
"Hi, can I help you?" You asked, shifting slightly to block her view of the entryway.
She looks you up and down, before making eye contact with you. "I'm looking for Sebastian."
"Sebastian.." You trailed off, not 100% sure if she meant your Sebastian or just any random man off the street named Sebastian. Well after all, she probably meant your Sebastian as she was at his house.
"Vettel," she says, her brows furrowed and her face seems displeased with your answer. "Sebastian Vettel, does he live here?"
You aren't sure how you're supposed to handle this. What if she was some stalker? You're not gonna tell her yes.
"Can I ask why you're looking for him?" Yet again, you're met with a look of displeasure and annoyance.
"I'm Lilly, his wife."
Your heart drops to your stomach; his wife. It was obvious to the woman standing outside that you knew who she was now, that you knew Sebastian and clearly you weren't aware he was married.
"I- give me a moment." You tell her, shutting the door and heading up the stairs.
You find the bathroom door unlocked and Sebastian turns to see who came in, towel wrapped around his waist. He smiles when he sees you.
"What? Decided you wanted a piece of this after all?" He gestures to himself, making an obscene face while wiggling his eyebrows.
You shook your head, "she's downstairs."
"What? Who's downstairs?"
"Lilly. Lilly's downstairs. She's outside, looking for you. She also said-" You shook your head, sighing. "Never mind."
Sebastian gives you a look, getting dressed as quickly as he can. "What? What did she say?"
"She said she's your wife."
His forehead wrinkled, clearly confused. "We weren't married. Engaged, yes, but she left. I haven't thought about that in years."
There was more to the story, you didn't want to press him, at least not right now. "Okay," you nodded. "What do I tell her?"
"I'll deal with her," he says, stepping past you.
You follow him down the stairs, Sebastian heading towards the front door and you were off to the living room, feeling slightly out of place. He grabs your hand, "where are you going?"
"I don't-" "No, I want you with me." He says, holding your hand as he leads you back to the front door.
He takes a deep breath, opening the door to see Lilly there. You're stood in the doorway, door pulled half way shut behind you and Sebastian steps out onto the porch with Lilly.
"Hi honey," she says to Sebastian, her words laced with sweetness. You swallowed, watching the exchange between the two of them. Sebastian was a few feet away from her, "hello Lilly."
"So formal," she smiles at him, almost teasingly. He doesn't react. "How are you?"
He's straight to the point. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to see you, and Milly."
"Amelia," he corrects her, "you don't get to call her that."
"Why not?" She asks, "she's my daughter, Sebastian."
He can't help but scoff, shaking his head at the woman. "You can't call yourself her mother if you haven't been in her life, Lilly. You've been gone 6 years, do I need to remind you of that?"
Lilly's eyes widened, feigning a look of surprise - as if she wasn't expecting Sebastian to say that, as if he'd just let her walk back into their lives.
"What do you need? Money?" He asks her, unsure as to what her actual motive was.
"No," she shook her head, huffing. "I'm here to see my daughter, and you."
"You can't see her."
"Why not?" She fought back, stepping closer to him. Sebastian takes a step back. "I need to see her, Sebastian."
"I'm not letting you see her, Lilly. You walked out of our lives, out of her life and you don't get to walk back in just because you feel like you're ready to be a mother."
Lilly rolled her eyes at the man. "I am her mother."
"Only biologically."
There's a noise from behind you, all three of you turning to see what it was. Milly and Liv were coming down the stairs, looking for you and Seb. You glance at your boyfriend and he nods towards the girls, you take that as you sign to leave them and head inside. The door shut behind you, the silhouettes of the two people on the porch seen through the panel of frosted glass.
"Who's outside?" Liv asks you, the girls look towards you for an answer.
You fib, "just a neighbour, they needed Seb's help with something. How about a snack ?" You ushered them towards the kitchen, glancing over your shoulder to the door before walking away with the girls.
The brown haired woman looked through the panel, seeing you with the two girls. "Is that her? Milly?"
Seb glances to see the blonde girl sharing something with her best friend and he nods.
"So who's the woman? My replacement?" Lilly looks towards him for an answer. Her tone ignited an anger in him but he bites his tongue.
"She's not a replacement, you've been gone for 6 years. I'm allowed to move on with my life. Don't speak about her that way."
Lilly raised her eyebrows, yet again surprised by Sebastian's feistiness. "Is that so?"
"She's my girlfriend, have some respect. She's been in Milly's life long before that, treating her as if she was her own. She's more of a mother to her than you are."
"You have another woman raising my child?"
"You didn't raise her, so frankly I don't think you have a say in that. She's been nothing but good to Milly, she loves her and cares for her. She's a good influence, and never has she ever done anything to make anyone think otherwise."
Lilly asks the question he knew was coming; "Do you love her ?"
It was a simple question, really. He didn't even need to think about the answer. It was instinct.
"Yes, I do."
It goes quiet for a moment, Sebastian can see the hurt on Lilly's face. A part of him feels bad but he also shouldn't feel bad as it's not his fault they're in their situation, is it?
"Why are you really here, Lilly?"
"I told you," she starts, "I want to be a family, Seb. I want you and mil- Amelia," she corrects herself, "back. I want us to be together again. I know I left, but you have to see with me, it was so hard. You were never there, Seb. It was me and Amelia by ourselves, it's so hard caring for a baby, especially one that cried and screamed all night. I was restless and tired, and upset that you weren't there for me, I couldn't do it anymore. I didn't know what else to do."
It breaks Seb's heart to see her like this, after all she is Amelia's mother and once his fiancée, but it's not fair to him or to Amelia either.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, I really am but I did the best I could, you have to understand my side of things too." He sighs. "I had a job, you knew how demanding it was, you knew I'd be away from home a lot. I didn't party, I didn't go on lavish trips with the team, I turned down events and brand ambassadors so I could have as much time as possible at home with you two. I tried, Lilly. You think I didn't want it to work? For us to be a family?"
She looks at him, it felt like it did 6 years ago, the two of them fighting over the things they can't change, the impossible circumstances in which life had dealt them.
"Had you told me you needed a break, that you needed to be alone for a bit, we would have figured it out but you didn't. You left, Lilly. Snuck off in the middle of the night without so much of a warning. I didn't know what else to do. I looked for you, for months, calling you, your family, begging for them to tell you to come home and you never did. I'm sorry but I can't let you walk back in after all of that. It's not only you that went through a rough time, so did we."
"We were engaged," she says, words coming out quietly. "Does that mean nothing to you?"
He looks at her, heart in his hands, the feeling weighing heavy on him. "No," he shakes his head, words just as soft and full of sorrow. "Not anymore."
She lets out a shaky breath, nodding. There's a feeling of despair, perhaps even disappointment lingering. The idea of what could have been, what life would have been like had she stayed, the good and the bad. Who's to know if they'd still be together after all of it if she had stayed or if they'd be on the same path they were on now.
That's the harsh reality of life.
"Tell her I love her," Lilly tells him, stepping off the porch. "I always have."
"I know," he nods, "she knows that too."
And with that, she's off. Much like the first time, yet so different. All the things that should have been said were out in the open and a weight was off of Sebastian.
He stepped back into the house as the girls were headed back upstairs. "What did the neighbour want, papa?" Milly asks her dad, her sweet face looking up at him.
"Nothing really, baby. Just needed my help to move something from the garage into their house."
She nods, she and Liv head back up to her room to play. Sebastian sees you leaning on the counter, arms folded over your chest as you watch him with your daughters. He smiles sweetly at the girls before making his way down the hallway to you.
"Everything okay?" You rub his back softly as the man collapses into you.
"Yeah," he whispers, holding you a little tighter. "Everything is okay."
"Has she left?" You let him go, he moves to stand beside you and mirrors your lean on the counter. "Mhm hm, I don't think she's coming back."
You hum, unsure what the right thing to say is. If you say good, it seems like you want her gone. If you say okay, it seems like you don't care. A hum is simple, an answer in itself.
Sebastian can see the wrinkles on your forehead, his finger pointed as he counts. "One, two, three, four.."
"What are you doing?"
"Counting your wrinkles," he says with a smile. You laugh, swatting his hand away. Sebastian pulls you into his side, an arm slung over your shoulder. "What's on your pretty ol' mind? Penny for your thoughts?"
"My thoughts cost more than a penny, Sebastian."
"Well, lucky for you y/n, money is no objective."
You give him a small smile, shifting to look at him. "Why did you never tell me you were engaged?"
He takes a moment, before shrugging. "It's not that I was hiding it from you but it was a long time ago, it's not something I like to talk about. It just reminds me of a bad time in my life, that's all."
It was a fair enough answer, you don't need to know everything about his life. He didn't know everything about your life.
He nudges your shoulder, "why? Do you have a secret engagement you're hiding from me?"
"Oops, did I forget to tell you?" You play a look of shock, a hand over your mouth. "The prince of Dubai and I are set to get married next weekend.
Sebastian smiles, "you know, I've met the prince of Dubai, he's a really nice guy. I think you'll be very happy in your marriage."
You laugh, swatting his arm. "I'm sure I will be."
taglist: @lighttsoutlewis @hc-dutch @laura-naruto-fan1998 @dubistweltmeistersv5 @kakorrhaphiphobia @myescapefromthislife @f1medlife  @charles-dimple @hockeyshmockey @handsupforamiracle @ads-skywalker-leclerc @anicega @ship-slut @bigdicric @mysticalnightenthusiast @ellalovesvettel  @coincidence-ithinknots-blog @coldheartedmar @koufaxx @alexander-hamilhoe @charlewiss @mistrose23 @mehrmonga @eclairmcqueen @consisedictionaryofmistakes  @nyenye @callsign-scully @molliemoo3 @like-fire-love-blog @agentstarkid @rose-tinted-juls @lynnismypseudonym @gagaga167  @dreamycloudsworld  @motorsp0rt @22yuki @renewing @pitconfirmbutton @anythingandeverything97   @gracesferrari @vitadimoda @woncloudie @raaaaabzzz  @lunnnix  @incontention @belledawnidk  @whore8io  @getourade @kickinganddriving @pretty-little-bunny382728
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shveris · 2 months
my jjk headcanons, part 2
part 1
part 3
part 4
if someone asks satoru for some change to buy snacks at the convenience store, he’ll give them a batch of ¥10.000 bills with the only request to get him some candy (shoko has been stealing money from him like this ever since their first year; rip toji he would’ve loved this)
current conversion rates (july ‘24): ¥10k ≈ $64 ≈ 58,50€
whenever yuuji passes out — from exhaustion, a punch to the face, blood loss, anything that’s not sleep sleep — he lands in sukuna’s domain. they argue &/ fight until yuuji wakes up again
satoru owns one of those password protected diaries that plays “oops! i did it again” by britney spears upon opening. he writes in it with colourful [glittery] gel pens, doodles the people he mentions in his entries, decorates the pages with stickers, etc.
megumi regularly buys treats and dog beds for his shikigami because he thinks they might feel lonely in his shadows (satoru actually started doing it first when he met the divine dogs for the first time)
toji needs reading glasses
satoru is immune to poisons and other toxins (insert traumatic childhood in which he got forced to endure all kinds of poisons etc. from the gojo clan). he says it’s really convenient in case someone tries to assassinate him with food (has happened a lot in his life already) or a cursed spirit has a CT that utilises them. shoko and suguru punched him for that statement
when they’re out in the city, model agency agents regularly try to recruit satoru, suguru and shoko
they tried the same with megumi too, at a later point in timeline — nobara shoos them off every time
the big bone structure we see in sukuna’s innate domain is yuuji’s ribcage
modern!au sukuita twins suck at school. yuuji’s only good subject is PE and sukuna’s is japanese
satoru can use the mental abacus technique (everyone is mortified whenever he does; no this is not a CT, it’s maths- no yuuta, you can’t copy th-)
modern!au sashisu live together and have no sense of privacy — shoko is taking a bath? well sucks to be her, satoru needs to pee; suguru is rubbing one off in the dead of night? well sucks to be him, shoko is drunk and needs to rant and he was stupid enough to leave his door unlocked; satoru has a migraine and is hanging over the toilet bowl, throwing up? well sucks to be him, suguru needs his help with his physics homework that’s due in 1 hour
megumi and nobara have a “if we’re still single by the age of 30, we’re marrying for financial purposes”-pact
sukuna is aroace
satoru hates drinking water. he says it tastes like nothing / it’s bland and boring and he, gojo satoru, cannot be drinking something so unworthy of him
yuuji really enjoys teas, he grew up drinking them with his grandpa
satoru can’t handle spicy food
nobara heavily dislikes anything slimy & rubbery, especially food (means she avoids seafood by default but she also doesn’t like it because “the smell is not lady-like”)
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fisheito · 2 months
here's your accursed tier ranking
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sex yakumos that i had to meticulously screenshot and edit into slottable little squares
times i redid this list (over the course of several days)
The tiers (in words):
😔👌: Unfortunately, I Am Into That Shit (☆•̀‿•́): i quite enjoy these 🤔( ͡ಠ_ಠ)🔎: some parts i like, some parts i don't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯: ehh i'd rather watch something else
i COULD rearrange these rooms over and over and over (especially the middle tiers)
but we are nOt GOing to because if i spend ANY MORE TIME sliding yaku's horny squares around i'm goign to fmkkin lose it (it being my peanuts) I could end up rambling about specific rooms at a later date..... but not today. Today we will Restrain Ourselves.
So for now, here's 1 thing about each room that i like (same order as above)!!
Crimson Phantom R5: i can be uyuor devil
Ocean Breeze R2: the way he tries to keep his voice down thru his pathetic little whimpers
Story H scene: ok.,, but he actually stopped. when eiden said slow down. tha't's unheard of in typical yaois
Cocoa Liqueuer R5: eiden purposely chooses the wrong dialogue option at every prompt and i'm laughing so sahgrd
Cocoa Liqueuer R2: yaku's stupid blissed out face *grips my glass so hard it shatters*
Shadow Lineage R5: *adds Snake Bondage [Quantity: 999] to cart*
SR R5: something about those big doe eyes staring up at eiden while pounding into him
Shadow Lineage R2: yeah sure crush me against a wall
Ocean Breeze R5: the ECHO 🤣
Fateful Aegis R5: eiden predicting yaku's AssPoundXXXL initiation sequence with the foreboding "i'm sorry"
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Crimson Phantom R2: b. bite.
OG SSR R5: eiden worrying about getting yaku's ceremonial robes dirty and yaku's response is an instant I Don't Care 😳 (tbhypothetical if i were wearing an intricate cosplay that i spent foREVER on, all handstitched and made of expensive silks and crafted by my own labour,, and i was about to fuck someone against a wall? I am DEFINITELY taking that thing off. NO ONE is getting cum on that. you will sit there in horny silence while i safely store this garment out of range of the Splash Zone. so for yakumo to have no regard for his FANCY CEREMONIAL OUTFIT? to IMMEDIATELY focus on sloppy makeouts with eiden? that either speaks to his textiles skill or all-consuming horny.)
~~~ and if, for some reason, u want to know why the lowest 3 are , well, the lowest 3:
OG SSR R2: the room itself is aight, but it is unfortunately a near copy of the story H scene. Ahhh, death by comparison. This one gets shrugged to the side simply because i like more things about its twin.
Crimson Phantom R2: yaku is not having a good time, y'all. he is not in the right headspace and his evident suffering is a boner killer. if i were ranking based on character development and lore, this one would rank higher (thank you, surprise tragic stories about yakumo's childhood), but. he's kinda fighting a losing battle against his self-hatred so can eiden give him that hug pls
OH!! and no lie-- his voice unsettled me here. i know he's playing big into the roleplay thing but that Uncharacteristic Vocal Behaviour mixed with Big Sad spiralling is uhhhhhhh . so where's that Eiden hug??????
OG SSR R5: i unlocked this waaay late so it had to (unfairly) compete against newer rooms that I unlocked before it.
it's similar to when I played FF/X-2 before trying FF/VII (original PS version)?! i wish i had played the older one when it first released. that way, i would have appreciated it properly? BUT!! because i played out of order, i was spoilt with modern graphics and improvements that made the old game impossible to finish. I was too warped by then...
and that's what happened with this room. although i liked the concept + their dialogue, the art was too off-model for me to fully engage. i kept fixating on the anatomy or eiden's face. sigh... it was one of the earliest rooms so of course the art's improved since then!! but i was unlucky and watched it too late :( i could not enjoy its full splendour :(
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readychilledwine · 11 months
A Simple Favor
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Summary -
Warnings - 3 some, mentions of a 4way, anal, oral, overstimulation, dominant sub dynamics, boarding pet play
A/n - I too wish I could be the middle of an Illyrian Sandwich. If you haven't read Early Mornings or Training Tensions, peep them here 💜 Irelina, the OC, isn't mentioned much, but she is a catalyst.
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Irelina rested her forehead against Nesta's, "It's only a couple nights tops, my love. Azriel and Cassian will be here with you, and Emerie and Gwyn are here, too."
Nesta held a tight grip behind her elbows still, "We haven't been apart since Windhaven."
"I know, Ness. I promise when I am back the we will have a book night just the two of us. I'll even bring you home a few new books if you're a good girl."
Nesta nodded. "We will need 3 copies."
Irelina smiled, her heart warming as she played with that friendship bracelet adorning her mate's wrist. "Anything for you, Ness. Let me say goodbye to our idiots." Nesta kissed her with a soft goodbye before moving to where Azriel and Cassian stood. 
Azriel moved to Irelina first, taking her chin gently in-between his two fingers. "You will call for Rhysand if I need to come help you. You will not fight your way out of a camp again. Do you understand me?"
"Yes sir. Take care of our loves for me?"
Azriel nodded, kissing Irelina quickly before moving to rub a hand up and down Nesta's back and placing a kiss on her temple. He whispered gently into her ear words of comfort, of how Irelina has been sent to countless camps alone, and how she always comes back.
Cassian took his wife's hand, pulling her out of the door and grabbing her bag. he held her tightly the second they were alone outside, cradling her head to his chest. "I love you," Irelina told him. "I love you so much."
"I love you more, baby." He pulled her into a passionate kiss. Pouring every second of love, longing, and feeling into it and the bond. "Ness will be okay, I promise."
Irelina smirked, as a couple shadows weaved their way into her hair. "Speaking of Ness, I need a favor from you and Azriel."
Azriel was hiding the growing anticipation as he looked at Cassian. The male has been rubbing Nesta's neck and shoulders as she read. It was one of her smutty novels, they could tell from the twitch in her brow, her bated breath, her flushing cheeks.  
"What are you reading, Ness?" Azriel leaned forward as he asked, gently taking the novel from her hands. The scene in the book was explicit to say the least, but juvenile compared to what the two males had in store for her. "Sounds boring," he handed the book to Cassian. 
The general shook his head. "Ness, I feel like you, Irelina, and I have better nights than this."
The made sister's cheeks were flushed red, "This is different. It's-"
Cassian interrupted. "Two males with one female. I noticed. Did you want to try that, Ness?"
They watched as her blue eyes went wide, her breath hitching in her throat. "Irelina isn't here."
Azriel smirked, taking Nesta's chin in his hands like he had done to Irelina earlier. "Do you not remember she isn't in charge, sweetness? Answer his question."
Nesta nodded, almost eagerly. "Yes." 
Azriel ran a scarred thumb down her lips, "Is it something you want to try with us?"
Her voice was breathless, lips still slightly parted, "Yes"
That was how Nesta found herself on her knees in front of Cassian, Azriel's hand tangled into her hair as he dictated her movements based on Cassian's good or bad behaviors. "Eyes up here, soldier," Nesta shivered at the dominance radiating from Azriel as he pulled her off of Cassian making the male whine in the process. "Eyes stay on me, or I take our pretty little Nesta to bed and force you to stare at a corner while I fuck her. This is your last warning. Understood?"
Cassian swallowed hard, looking back up to Azriel as the grip in his hair grew tighter. "Yes sir." 
"Good boy," Nesta was guided back to Cassian's cock, taking it back in her mouth eagerly. She moaned around it, causing Cassian's mouth to part. "Look at my pretty obedient pets." 
Azriel allowed Nesta a little more control, letting her use the skills he knew she had to suck and lick every inch of Cassian down until the male was whimpering and groaning for release. 
Azriel ripped her away again, causing Cassian's eyes to open and go wide with frustration. "Pick her up," Azriel demanded. 
Cassian obeyed immediately, lifting Nesta so her long smooth legs went around his waist and her wet aching core hovered above his cock. Azriel moved behind her, releasing her from the shadows binding her hands, and then gently brushed her hair over to one shoulder. "Fuck her."
He didn't have to be told twice, lowering Nesta onto his cock and watching as her head fell back and she moaned in bliss. 
He had grown to love her independence, her rage, her fire, but he loved her like this more than anything. Walls completely down, vulnerable, truly happy. 
He began pumping into her slowly as Azriel ran his hands down her back. They had prepped Irelina for weeks to do this, gentle was their only option since they had not given Ness the same courtesy. 
She leaned back up, walls clenching around Cassian as he hit impossibly deep inside of her. His cock hit every nerve inside of her, lighting her on fire and causing a tight coil to begin. 
She hardly heard Azriel opening a bottle behind her over the sounds of her open moans and whines pleasure. 
She felt her breath hitching in excitement as one of Azriel's fingers swirled her other hole before gently pushing in. Azriel chuckled behind her, immediately knowing something Cassian didn't. "Little dove," he whispered into Nesta's ear, "Has my little bat been getting play back here?"
Cassian groaned at the idea of Irelina dominating Nesta, of his normally submissive beautiful wide fucking her with one of the straps Nesta normally used on her. He gave a hard thrust as Nesta nodded with a whimper, the bond instantly reaching for the missing member. "That changed things," Azriel kissed her shoulder, pulling his finger out and reusing the lubricant on himself. "Relax into Cassian, Ness. This is still going to be different." As if that missing link knew, a gentle wave of calm hit Nesta, allowing tension to leave her body as it wrapped her heart and soul in a comforting embrace. 
Azriel pushed into her ass slowly, and Nesta felt like her body was about to go out. "Good little dove," he praised her. His own hands found her plush thighs, helping Cassian support her. "Want us to move?"
"Please," she pleaded. "Gods please?"
She had watched Irelina take both of them once as a punishment. She had fallen into this mess of slick, drool, and incoherent thoughts so quickly, and now Nesta understood why. 
They set their own paces, chasing their own highs as they used her like their own personal cock sleeve. Nesta leaned her head into Azriel's neck, whining and moaning at the almost painful stretch of how full she was and the way this bordered on too much but not enough. 
She could feel their cocks rubbing together against her gummy walls, that coil tightening more and more as her mind went completely blank, drunk on nothing but pleasure. 
Azriel moved one of his hands, finding the front of her core and that swollen bundle of nerves. He knew Cassian was close as he watched the general become a mess of growls, moans, and his head fall back while his wings fluttered. He gave Nesta one last stimulation, circling her clit with his scarred finger. "Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! Gods please?" Nesta became even more pliant, her breathing turning into rapid pants. 
They both felt it when it came, Nesta went silent, her nails digging so tightly into Cassian's shoulders he hissed in a mix of pain and pleasure. Then she screamed. She screamed as her walls milked them, slick coming out of her and soaking both of them. She screamed as the force of her orgasm was continued by their unstopping thrusts. Then she went limp, allowing them to fully and truly use her. 
Cassian went next, causing Azriel to tip over at the same time from the change in his movements. They both spilled into her, triggering another small orgasm from the female that was all whimpers and babbling. 
Azriel pulled out first. Grabbing the rag he had brought in and cleaning himself and Nesta before waiting for Cassian to pull out to do the same. "She needs a bath and food," Cassian said gently. "I think we've earned that, too." Azriel nodded as they moved her into the already waiting oversized tub. Cassian handled her to Azriel, watching as she placed her chest tight against the shadowsinger and he walked them into the tub. They let her fall into a false sense of comfort, relaxing a little until they were both hard again. 
And then they began. 
"She's been talking about it for 12 nights," Irelina's voice played in Cassian's mind. "Saying she could handle both of you better than I can, saying she could go round after round with both of you inside of her. I want her fucked to stupidity, I want her a babbling mess while I watch from the bond. I want her fucked so throughly she never questions how hard pleasing both of you is again," she had kissed Cassian then, the scent of his and her arousal mixing. "Make our little mate's fantasies come true, and I'll let you two watch me fuck her." 
That next morning, Nesta could hardly walk. She was carried down the stairs by Cassian, her mind still blank as the three of them sat down for breakfast. The males had fucked her all night, and already twice this morning. She was exhausted, wondering how Irelina managed all three of them dominating her, and frankly, the thought of going one more round had her almost cringing.
12 times. They had fucked her 12 times in ways she had never read about or imagined. She had been fucked with Azriel in her cunt, her head hanging off the bed as Cassian made her choke on his cock and fucked her throat. She had been suspended from shadows, Azriel eating her out as Cassian took her sore asshole. She had been laid on the bed, fucked by Cassian as Azriel took him forcing each thrust to be harder and harder, deeper and deeper.
Azriel paused a brow raised at her, "I thought you were too sore to keep going, little dove?" Cassian had also paused, his fork half way to his mouth as he began to smirk. "Should I let Cassian fuck you on the table? I'm enjoying my breakfast, but I'll never say no to a show."
They all perked up as the door opened, Cassian standing instantly and rushing to the threshold where the living room met the dining room. He picked up a familiar smaller figure, hugging it tightly before setting them back down. "You're back early."
"False report. Every single female there is intact and trains anywhere from 2 to 4 hours a day, as I set it up to be. Rhys should have known better. It was my homecamp." Irelina paused as she walked into the room and sniffed. "Smells like sex in here." Irelina walked over to Nesta, taking in how tired she was and the scent of Azriel and Cassian cum clinging to her skin like a lifeline. "Did you handle them better than I do dove?"
Nesta's eyes snapped to her, going wide. "No. I- I don't know how you do it."
Irelina shrugged, crossing her tan toned arms. "Well, you better learn and get some rest today. I bought new toy, and you're going to choke on it when they fuck you again later." 
Nesta swallowed hard at the thought and began eating her breakfast, a slow realization hitting her as she did. 
Nesta had bit off more than she could chew, but she regretted nothing.
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Hey, guys! Have you enjoyed it? :) A break from my SOTE spam? :) LMAO TOO BAD HAVE MORE OF IT LOL
1) I've met the purple person sleeping in the flowers from the first DLC trailer!
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Turns out that he is a he, lol. Also a literal twink; he talks about how he has been weak, frail and useless in combat since birth but he however excells in poisons. He functions as a merchant and his store is ALL the poison-related items thinkable
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2) Speaking of Perfumers, I love the bit of lore that they are versatile and are always looking for the ways to find more useful herbs
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3) Okay, so they've FINALLY committed to the Red Spider Lily imagery (also known as "that one sad anime flower" fgfhhvgg). Grave Violet already looked like this flower but purple, but yeah, now it is blatant
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These grow in the place affiliated with death.on the map it is Charo's Hidden Grave, very red cliffs above the very blue cliffs (Cerulean Coast). You fight Tibia Mariner and Death-Rite bird there!
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Also yeah.. My idea that pale blue and purple are both colors of death seems to be confirmed. It started with coloration of Trina's flames and Tibia Mariner's magic!
4) So these things were crafted, not born!
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5) I found a tool item that transforms your body into a kind of a Crucible (a type of hornsent given they ARE the kind in Land of Shadows?) if you are not wearing any clothing item!
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I took better screenshots that I'll load later via USB exchange, very interesting stuff! Fuckin Beast's Embrace Rune tier stuff gghhvhn
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You get this full set and the dual swords after defeating her as a boss in Southern Nameless Mausoleum! You can easily access it from Cerulean Shores; find the Cerulean Coast West grace (found on.... west-most side of this area... yeah shocking I know fvhkfffc) and go along the shore backwards (towards east) until you see the path downwards, you will find the cave! It forks in two directions, one of these is an item/cliff and another is an underground passage to an island you could see!
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This boss uses strong slashing attacks and also the fire attacks! Fire is not a skill of the weapon, but a tool! You can find the tool that gives this ability at the top of the very place where you come out of the cave!
Also this lore reminded me of Tanith, who was also a dancer from a foreign land once.. I wonder whether this is connected ;-;
7) The goddamn catacombs and gaols in this DLC are super hard and tangled, I wandered in Lamenter's Gaol for a good while -_-
8) On the other hand, by now I am feeling the same joy of discovery and fun as I did when I first started playing Elden Ring! Damn, Soulsborne REALLY needed an open world game <:3
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ghostkidsblog · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about the Shadow Boys when it comes to food? (I know that's random but I'm hungry so this came to mind)
Of course I don't mind, although I don't know which category of food your asking so I'll try to name at least 5-7 food types.
Griffin stagg
I see Griffin actually loving the flavor of mint chocolate chip ice cream or strawberry ice cream but it has to have small bits of strawberry in it or he refuses to eat it.
Spaghetti and meatballs, his mom made it for him once testing out a recipe and now forever loves them and asks his mom to make them for dinner at least 2 or 3 times a week. He would also help his mom make them whenever he can.
Animal cookies, his favorite would always be the lion shaped cookies, I mean like it's animal cookies, besides I think he used to play with them when he was little
Apple juice and cherry/ strawberry sodas are his all time favorite drinks, you can't tell me he doesn't enjoy cherry or strawberry soda. Also it's a funny moment when there is a fight going on and he is just there drinking his apple juice box in the background.
Billy Showalter
Billy gives me the type of person to like apple pie, along with any dessert that is apple flavored
Chocolate ice cream all the way. He loves and I mean loves Chocolate ice cream, he also enjoys sherbet ice cream
Hates root beer soda, he actually is a fan of coca cola, he likes the classic cola can.
Loves and I mean LOVES Caramel apples on a stick. His sister introduced him to the dessert ever since he was little and they went to the local fair, and has loved it ever sense then.
Vance Hopper
I haven't thought much about Vance so most of these if not all are ideas from a couple of friends on discord gc!
Vance would like to eat old fashioned recipes because his mother would make them for him growing up. ( It can be french,Italian, heck even Greek whatever you headcanon to be he will always love the old recipes)
He is a meat lover, meatloaf,hamburgers,hotdogs,etc. He will love it if it has meat in it.
Rocky road ice cream, I thought long and hard for this one, I genuinely think he would love the rocky road or any Flavor with huts in them.
Spicy chips, he would eat them without a problem. He has a high tolerance to spicy foods and he loves them to snack on.
Cookies, personally snickerdoodles or sugar cookies. He baked them with his mom and molded them with cookie cutter with whatever shapes they had. I like to think vance liking cinnamon treats sue me for headcanoning that.
Bruce Yamada
Mint chocolate chip & chocky chocolate ice cream, I had that idea in my head since freaking October. He would love those two flavors.
Chocolate desserts/treats he would love to have anything chocolate flavored.
Peaches and apples would be his favorite fruit in my book. He would share his peache or apple in slices with his friends/shadow boys.
Big league bubble gum, he also likes other flavors but I can't seem to find what type of flavors there are.
Robin Arellano
I don't care what anyone says Robin is a HUGE SWEET TOOTH KID, he definitely likes those bonbon cookies in the Mexican store
His mom's cooking is the best, whether that be empanadas, enchiladas, heck eve chicken soup, it's his favorite because his mom makes the best food
He strikes me as a sour gummy worm kid, like he would enjoy eating sour gummy worms while everyone else he knows dislike or hate the taste of them or how they look
Chicken tenders was his favorite school food, the only thing that looked safe to eat was chicken tenders and he would gladly give you a full on lecture/rant on how the chicken tenders are the best option (he also like dinosaur nuggets!)
Mangonada & cookies n cream is his favorite ice cream in my book
Finney Blake
M&Ms and 100 grand chocolate bar is his favorite candies (he definitely separates the cold tone M&Ms and warm tone M&Ms then eats the cold tones ones first)
Vanilla ice cream lover but doesn't mind eating other flavors (he would put sprinkles & other toppings on his ice cream you can't change my mind on that)
Grape and cherry soda lover (he definitely goes to the store only getting grape or cherry soda and nothing else)
Garlic bread is his favorite bread to snack on (his mom taught him how to make it when he was a bit young and still has the recipe on how to make it)
He strikes me on loving a chicken Alfredo and beef stroganoff dish (he was sleeping over at Robin's at the time and robin’s mom made these two dishes and Finney loved it so much he asked Robin's mom on how to make them afterwards)
Sorry for such a late response, I've been busy with both personal and school problems. Thank you for being so patient with me and I hope you enjoy this answer for your ask! :D
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aheckinmess · 6 months
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(One-Shot series 2/3 - regularly updated every Saturday. Toshinori fanart used in title card was created by @yokkisu! You should go follow! There's great stuff over there!)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Toshinori Yagi, All Might, Toshinori x OC, All Might x OC, Smol Might, All Might is a Ray of Sunshine, I Just Want Smol Might to Eat, Symbol of Peace to the Rescue, Damsel in Distress, Oh Wait She Saved Herself, Well Kinda, Endeavor is An Electric Blanket
Word Count: 2,759 words
Summary: When someone catches wind that Ichijiku is All Might’s love interest, she’s taken hostage and on a time table, buried underground. While she struggles to remain calm and try to escape, All Might must not only fight the villain, but also pull a confession of her location from him; if the villain refuses, will the Symbol of Peace fail to save the one person who’s life matters most to him?
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Chapter 2: The Underworld
Ichijiku (Tigress)
Knowing Toshinori and All Might are one and the same shakes my world, but ultimately isn’t too overwhelming once I get used to it. In fact, it makes some things a little easier whenever he has to leave abruptly or how he only has to give me a certain look and I know plans have to change. However, it’s not until a tanned hand slaps around my mouth and I’m pulled against a taut chest that I realize exactly why Toshinori kept it a secret for so long.
I try screaming through my nostrils and my muscles push against the person behind me in a flight response, trying to escape. A deep voice growls in my ear.
“You’re All Might’s girl, aren’t you?”
I bite his hand in response.
“Easy now,” He grunts, fingernails digging into my cheeks and making me grit my teeth. “If you want an easier death, you’d better comply.”
You’re a dumbass if you think I’m going quietly. I think, but I nod as I wrack my mind for strategies to escape this situation. Forcing deep breaths into my lungs, I make myself remain calm. When his grip loosens, I only get a glimpse of two golden eyes before the world spins into darkness.
. . . . .
All Might’s smile lights up the streets as he scans the city for trouble. He’s starting to learn that with his injury, he doesn’t have as much time patrolling as he used to, but he’s too stubborn to take it lying down. He alternates between walking and encouraging citizens with floating across the skies to remain vigilant for danger.
A bank alarm shrieks a block from his location and he speeds off in a flash of blue. It appears to be a typical robbery, something easy for the robust hero to put a stop to. He’s got four men and their bags of money outside the bank when one of them speaks, fighting his restraints.
“You…ergh! You have no idea what’s in store for you, All Might!”
“Hahaha! Perhaps not, villain, but I know that justice is in store for you!” His iconic smile stays cemented in place as red and blue lights dance in his vision.
“I wonder what your precious girlfriend has in store for her?” The man snarls, lifting his head with a vicious grin.
“Girlfriend? Ha! What gave you such an idea?”
“You can’t hide that shit from me. My boss has already looked into it. You can act like you don’t know who I’m talking about all you want to, but it’ll only make her die faster.”
A menacing blue glow emanates from All Might’s eyes as he tilts his head down towards the villain, face now shrouded in shadow. He grips the front of the man’s shirt and pulls him up to his face.
“What are you playing at, fiend? Who do you work for and where is she?” He growls, making all four men cower under his gaze. Even the man he’s talking to loses his smirk and trembles in his grasp.
“G-Got your attention now, d-do I?” He scoffs, trying to brush off his intimidation.
“Where is she?” All Might repeats.
“Why should I tell you?”
All Might pulls the man away from the wall and then slams his back into the brick building. He doesn’t utter a word, only glares at him and waits for an answer.
“I’m not obligated to tell you anything, Big Man. Catfish has the location hidden. Even if you could fly up and find her, she’d be dead by the time you got there.”
All Might’s heart stops momentarily in his chest as menace drips from his aura.
“Where is your boss, then?”
“He’s waiting for you in the Roppongi district.”
Close to my agency. All Might leaps from the scene as the police officers arrive, promising explanations and leaving bank tellers to give the rest of the account. When he coughs up a handful of blood, he knows he’s in trouble. I’m going to need help on this. Ichijiku needs me.
As he floats across the city towards his agency, he’s on his phone.
“Endeavor Agency, this is Endeavor speaking.” The familiar voice of his rival huffs.
“Endeavor! This is All Might. I need your help in the Roppongi district immediately. This is an emergency!” He keeps his smile in his voice, but the panic can’t be helped. Not when his reason for living could die at any minute.
“All Might!” He wonders just how hard Endeavor is clenching his jaw to keep from saying some quippy remark. “I’ll be there soon. Is there anything I should know before I reach your location?”
“It’s Catfish.”
. . . . .
When I open my eyes, I’m trapped. Darkness surrounds me and breathing is difficult. As I start moving to feel around for my surroundings, my shoulders and legs bump against hard wood. Panic settles inside me as I reach above me to feel the same thing.
I’ve been buried alive! That bastard buried me down here. How am I going to get out?! Am I going to die down here? The more frantic my thoughts, the more frantic my breathing. As soon as I realize this, I close my eyes - not that it makes a big difference - and inhale deeply, holding for a moment, and then exhale. I can get out of here. I just can’t panic. Toshinori will find me, but I have to find a way out of this coffin first. The box is made of wood, so it’s not metal or anything reinforced that we can’t break.
I remember reading an article somewhere about tying my shirt around my head to keep dirt particles out of my face. Though it’s a tight space, with steady breaths and a stubborn disposition, I wriggle out of my shirt and tie it around my head. I brace my back against the box and kick the top above me.
There’s no telling how long I work at it. My bones shiver with despair and I worry this will all be for nothing as it becomes harder and harder to breathe. But then a loud crack encourages me to redouble my efforts. When I shove harder with all the strength in my legs and dirt starts pouring in, I have to remind myself to keep my breath steady.
I shove all the falling dirt down to the empty space at my feet, slowly making my way to a seated position as loose earth continues to rain upon me. When I can finally stand, I let the remaining dirt compile under my feet, and shove the rest out of the coffin. When I finally breach through the surface, I can see the colorful world filtered in the blue fabric of my shirt.
I untie my shirt and pull it down to more clearly see my surroundings; tears trickle down my cheeks as I locate a ledge I can reach. Clawing the edge of it, I hoist myself up and haul myself out of the hole.
The metal ends of five guns swivel in my direction and take away all the breath I’ve just earned.
. . . . .
“I thought you’d put this guy away months ago!” Endeavor roars, focusing on minimizing collateral damage while All Might fights a dark-haired man.
It’s been a minute since the fight started and Endeavor can see Catfish is already winded. The only thing in his favor is his quirk. With the ability to manipulate tectonic plates, minor earthquakes cause the number two hero to help civilians and avoid as much damage as possible while All Might fights.
Regardless of the wild goose chase, All Might has Catfish restrained in minutes.
“Where did you put her?” He grounds out, fighting against every murderous urge in his body.
“What’s it matter to you?” Catfish grins broadly even as he trembles under the large man’s gaze. “She’s dead by now anyway. You can only last two hours tops when you’re buried alive.”
Buried alive?! No. No, no, no! All Might’s face gives him away. Agony flashes across his features, and Endeavor speaks up to cover for him.
“If she’s dead now, then why keep her location a secret? You seem proud of your work, then show it to us.” He says.
“You’d be surprised how many isolated parks there are in Tokyo to hide dead bodies in. All it took was a keen observer to choose the right one.” Catfish taunts.
All Might slams a fist into his face, knocking out the villain as he restrains him.
“What did you do that for?!” Endeavor barks.
“I know the park. I know exactly where she’s at. Hurry!” All Might takes off, speeding off as Endeavor stubbornly attempts to keep up with him.
“How do you know?”
“Odaiba Seaside Park. It’s the only place Ichijiku and I could have been seen together recently.” He grunts at himself, doubling his pace as the world flashes by in a blur of color. “I’m so stupid! She’s going to die because of me!”
“Not with both of us on the scent.”
. . . . .
“Catfish! What are we supposed to do if the girl makes it out before All Might gets here?!” One of the gunmen speaks into an earpiece.
When another pair of arms grip mine, instinct takes over. I did not work this hard to be trapped again! I yawn, exaggerating the sound to make it louder and more potent, even as the cost of my action wreaks havoc on my throat.
Their bodies drop around me, fast asleep in a circle. As much as I want to take the time and bask in my freedom, I don’t have the luxury. I take only one minute to realize I know this park, before the sound of dogs barking in the distance sends me running.
“The dogs will find her!” I hear a voice call. “The rest of you search the park!”
Where do I go? I don’t have my phone so I can’t let Toshi know I’m safe. But I need to find somewhere to hide until he can get here. Up a tree. The idea seems the most likely to keep me hidden so long as I put some distance between the dogs and my captors. I drive my toes into the dirt, pushing my asthmatic lungs to keep going so I can make headway.
When I see a small pond, I rush over and slide into the murky water despite the frigid temperature. It seems a small price to pay for another chance at life. I hold my breath and duck under the surface before coming back up and hearing the pack of dogs closing in.
I swim downstream a little bit before hopping out and sprinting again. My poor lungs burn for oxygen, but I make a mental promise to them that they can breathe all they want to when we’re safe. A large ginkgo tree comes into sight and gives me the remaining motivation to push my legs harder across the grass.
Since I’ve been scaling trees since I was small, the hardest part of climbing is just getting to the lowest branch. I leap and hug the tree with my arms and legs, channeling Toshinori and forcing myself to use every muscle to its full potential. Once I’m secured on the lowest branch, it’s smooth sailing. I pant and wheeze as I ascend higher and higher, until the limbs feel too flimsy to hold me anymore.
I hug the limb I’m laying on, keeping my eyes trained across the expanse of the park. I shudder when the dogs come into view.
. . . . .
All Might catches sight of the disturbed earth quickly, hope alighting in his eyes when he sees five unconscious bodies surrounding the open circle.
“This is a sign she used her quirk! She must have escaped–” All Might barely gets the words out when he hears dogs barking across the park.
“Hurry! They must be chasing after her!” Endeavor warns.
The Symbol of Peace reaches the men and their dogs in seconds, shocking them when he moves faster than they can think. All Might uses the leashes on the dogs to simultaneously restrain their handlers and keep the pups from going anywhere.
“ICHAN!” He calls across the park, scouring the trees, the pond, the vast expanse of grass before them. “I’m here! Where are you?!”
Nothing. He uses his strength and jumps through the air, turning this way and that to get a good look among the horizon while Endeavor searches along the ground with a calmer head to help with focus.
When Endeavor finds footprints near a pond, he doesn’t voice his discovery at first. He follows the stream downwards, thinking she must have tried to cover her scent and gain distance. He grins when he’s proven correct as another pair of footprints shows up further down the stream.
The prints lead him to a group of trees, where he looks around for hiding places on the ground while All Might scours the sky. He’s bending at the bough of a gingko tree when a drop of water makes the flames on his hair sizzle. Rain? He looks up.
And there she is.
. . . . .
My eyes close as I listen for dogs and villains alike. Fire swims through my aching muscles while the freezing weather numbs my skin. Dogs keep barking for what feels like hours before I hear a new sound.
All Might’s voice echoes in the distance, there’s no mistaking it. I barely crack my eyelids as I try and search for him. A flash of orange follows the pondstream below, getting closer to me. A flash of red floats upwind above the trees, moving a little slower as it tries to find me.
“All Might…” I whimper, throat crusty and torn. I turn back to the orange growing brighter and looking more like flames the closer it gets. I suddenly understand. “Endeavor…”
When the flame hero reaches my tree, I try to move. My limbs, numb and cold, refuse even to twitch. Water drips from my shirt until I see him look up at me. Please… I want to say. I’m right here. Help. His eyes meet mine and I know I’ll be safe.
Thump. I blink and All Might hangs onto the base of my tree, looking me over.
“Ichan!” His eyes glisten as he takes my limp body in his arms and hops from the tree to the ground. “I thought you were dead.” He whispers, squeezing me close.
“I…am…here…” I squeak out, my lips twitching when I see him so distraught. I’ll be your smile when you don’t have the strength to find it.
A strangled laugh escapes him before he repositions me.
“Endeavor, she’s freezing. I’m trusting you to keep her warm while I lead the police here.” He offers me out to Endeavor, before kissing my forehead. “I’ll be right back, I swear. Hold out until then.”
Warmth floods every nerve ending and thaws me as Endeavor’s body and quirk heat sinks into my skin. I sigh and shudder, slowly starting to bend my fingers the more I feel able.
“Good. Try flexing your toes, too.” He encourages.
“You’re like…giant…” I grunt, eyes rolling around as the world tilts. “Giant campfire…”
“Hey, stay awake. We want to make sure you can give a testimony to the police, okay?” Endeavor explains.
“But I’m so tired…” I whine, head lilting back. He moves his arm and it’s tilted back up.
“I know, but you’ve got to stay awake. If you start falling asleep because I’m too warm, I’ll be forced to let you get cold again.”
“You’re much ruder than I’d expect an electric blanket to be.” I huff.
“I’ve been told something like that a time or two.”
“It’s okay…dun conform…” I yawn and pat his arm. “To stereotypes.”
When All Might finally returns, it’s with a posse of medical personnel and police officers. A bright light shines in my eye and I’m asked a multitude of questions, all of which I’m able to answer.
The questioning ends and they set me on a stretcher and tuck me into the back of an ambulance. All Might assures me around a cough that he’ll meet me at the hospital, which I only allow because of the blood I see on his hand. But before he can leave, I call out for him one last time.
“All Might?”
“Please don’t charge me an ice cream fee. I swear it wasn’t my fault.” 
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Continue Reading -> Ch. 3
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thesims3help · 10 months
Sims 3 - Gameplay enhancing mods: In-game fixes and other mods.
A category-based mod post. Mods and links previously featured in our Masterlist. All credits to their rightful owners.
Categories include small mods fixing in-game issues, No More Autonomous, Autonomous mods, and mods that don't fit previous categories.
Honorary mentions to: Anach's Sims 3 Mods, Ani's Sims | Downloads , aa6x7 : Quick Links, simlogical.com
Just Sit (script mod)
Invisible Sim Fixer Mod by Consort (simlogical.com)
Change At Home After Work
Opportunity phone call fix (and more)
Trait Discovery Fix
Harvester Fix
Random Sim Fixes 2.0
Get to Know Fix
Certificate Reward Fix (UPDATED for Late Night)
Sunbathing Fix by Inge (simlogical.com)
Interaction on sloped terrain enabler
Base Game Half Walls FIXED!!!!
Write Thank You Notes Fix
Inventor's Workbench fix for Bridgeport.
Read Toddler to Sleep - Fixed Interaction
Pet Tombstone Shadow Fix
Fixed horse tails (no more shiny horses!)
University Life Visual Fixes (Send Insulting Text, Texting Idle, Heat of the Moment Kiss)
A Proper Fix to the Proper Trait for 1.67 [UPDATED:~8/1/2016] - *Supernatural Required*!
Restoration Spell Fix
Hanging Lantern Fix
ITF Perigee Planter Fix
Watch Laser Rhythm-a-Con FIX
Spicy Animation Fix
Better Bloom Interaction
Pigtail Glitch Fix
Opportunity Phone Call Fix
Laundromat Fix
Nectar Squishing Makes You Dirty
Fix for photograhy issues. Patch 1.55 (moreawesomethanyou.com)
(No) Autonomous mods:
No Autonomous Go To Home at The Sims 3 Nexus
No Autonomous "Check out new object"
No more autonomous computer use (1.67)
No Autonomous "Read Something" Interaction
More requested no autonomy mods for Pets and Generations.
No Autonomous Sprinkler
No Autonomous Tag
No Autonomous Skinny Dipping/Get in HotTub/Pool with Flavours
No Auto make Processed Baby Food
No autonomous Deep Fryer or Ice Cream Maker
No Autonomous Wishing Well interactions by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
No More Autonomous Scatter Hay by CyberBob (simlogical.com)
Autonomous "Clean Up" Plate
No (or fewer) automatic memories (with custom tool to make your own mod)
No More Autonomous 'Put Away' Fire Pit Action
No Autonomous Play In The Ocean
No More mods:
No Sledgehammer Flash
No Relationship Sparkles
No Woohoo Hearts
No Simoleon Effects When Selling Paintings
No Fight Effects/No Slap Effects
No Musical Notes!
No Build Sparkles!
No more stupid outfits. +Sniper296's Curfew remover integracion.
No Sleep Zzzs - Now with No 010101s (Amb) and No Vvvs! (LN)
No Pregnancy Chime and No Woohoo Harp Sound
No Parasols (XML tuning mod) by Consort (simlogical.com)
No Unfinished Room Moodlet by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
Showtime Mechanical Bull: No changing into Cowboy/Cowgirl outfits by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
No More University Life NPC Protests
No Bad Night Sleep & Backache Moodlet
Snoring be gone!
No Romantic Interest On Kiss (1.67 compatible)
No Mutated Hair/Eye Colour
No Scales for Human Mermaids
Curfew Disabler
No Foot Tapping While Waiting For Clear Route!
Perfect Honey and No Auto Clean the Hive
Bog Off, Bobby: No/Reduced Curfew for Teens and Children
No More Crying Over Plants
No More Heckle
Other mods:
Annoyances Disabler
Online Center V30 (December 2nd, 2014)
The Third Person Mod
Burglars Steal Simoleons Too
More Senarios Upon Moving
[Public Beta] The Randomizer Mod - REWORKED!
Moar Interactions
WrittenWord - Sim written books found in Bookstore under General tab.
World Loading Screen Overhaul v2.0
No pets waking up sleeping sim, less ice cream truck and more or less CAS money
Put Away All Books *Compatible with 1.67*
Put Away All Scraps
Store All Fish and Harvestables at Once *Compatible with 1.67*
More Gem Cutting Options (Best, Random, Hidden, Unlocked Cuts) *Compatible with 1.67*
SimTransformer for TS3
Portrait, StillLife, MemorizeScene quality fixer
Cow Plant mod: Only Paparazzi can Eat Cake & Occult can Eat Cake Redux
Throw Bigger Parties whenever you want!
SmartPhone Camera Upgrade
More Unique Adventures per Day
Make Travels Free of Charge (Supplement to NRaas Traveler)
Umbrella Tuning (Unbreakable + More)
Greatly extend lot opening hours - The City That Never Sleeps
More Frequent Burglars (5 Flavours)
More intense fire
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hirik0 · 1 year
In his shadow part 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Price POV
Everytime they are picking up a new information packed from Nik there is a chance that Niks cover is blown and the Russian dead. But every bit of the rare pieces of information Nik gave them was from unspeakable value. Price looks at Kate who is setting across him. "We need to pull Nik", she sudenly speaks her thoughts sounding worried. "Why?", Price asks concerned a knot forming in his stomach "It's getting to dangerous, they are planning something big and he will get caught", Kate tells him, what she can in vague terms. "They want to sacrefice him", Price speaks out the obvious, the knot getting bigger as Kate nods. "Should mean they would give a fuck about such a high value informant", Price says disgusted. The Russian looked like he know this is his death sentence 4 months ago. "Hes unless for them the moment he's out", Kate explains voice empty. "What are your orders?" Price ask having a feeling what the answer is sacrefice Nikolai. Kate face turns sad and its all Price needs as an answer.
Price dont even knows when he starts caring for Nik in the last 4 months. It is probably when the blood soaked information arrived. The Russian clearly had to fight to get this information to them. His job today is to make sure Nikolai gets his news orders, which means telling him to stay put and die. He notices the men that is predenting to read the papers, but is watching the dead letter box. There first dead letter box is compromised, he changes to the one that is the furthest away, nervously playing with the chalk in his jacket pocket he needs to leave a sign for Nik to look for new instructions. He is about to walk to the dead letter box 4 when he gets the feeling he is being watched. Another compromised dead letter box. That 2/6 if two more are compromised they have to assume Nik was discovered, tortured for information and sold them to the enemy. Instead of directly going to one of the next letter boxes he goes into a book store, predenting he is intresteted in some of the books hoping to get a look at who ever is watching him, while planning with is the next spot he should go. From here he has to go through some small alleys, perfect to get away. By know the CIA and MI5 where able to give most members of the group a name and face, but Price dont reconices the man that is walking past him to the history section of the book store. Price grabs a random books to buy, to keep up his cover. The cashier, an man in his 40s, looks a bit strange at him when he gives him the book. "For your mother?", he asks him making conversation and Price has no idea what kind of book he picked. His russian improved but he did not look at the book at titel when he grabed it. "Yes", Price answers hoping that is the right answer and the cashier nods the strange look disappearing. "Not many sons would so openly buy this for there mothers", the cahsiers says while finshed the purchase. What did he just buy, Price is asking himself. "I'm a only child", he lies this being the only thing he can came up with and well if he thinks at the stage of his family this is maybe a half lie. "It's her birthday soon?", the cashier asks further and Price nods. "Hope she enjoys the book", the older man says to him and Price takes the book and walks out of the shop.
The man from the book store is not following him, but this don't means he that the next box is not also compromised. He is sudenly pressed against a wall a pistols against his head. "What's the SAS doing here?", the man asks him and holy shit how does he know. "Can't I go on a vacation?", Price asks back, a bad lie. "Oh and you always go to dead letter boxes when on vacation?", the Russian asks, pressing the weapon harder against his skull. "Don't know what you're talking about", Price says. "We know that you are having dead letter boxes all over this small village, don't lie do me. Watching you guys for 2 months now." Price is trying to figure out the time line of when Nik cover blow, but they just got the bloody information 6 weeks ago. "I can bring you to the police as a foraget agent", the man says and now Price is understanding that this man is from the FSB. "What do you know?", Price aks him, having to figure out what the Russians know at least a littel bit. "That you have 6 dead letter boxes you leave information we know about 2 you revive information, but they are well.. worthless to us. Price knows this is a gambel not giving up to much information but giving enough to share a bit to stay alive. "We have a informant in the region", Price admits something the FSB likely knows already. "Tell me something we don't already know", the Russian is growling clearly not impressed with such a obvious information. "I just know where the drop of areas and where to put the marks, it's need to know that's all I need to know to do this", Price lies hoping the agent is believing him. "How long?" He hears a clicking sound knowing if he gives the wrong answer he's dead. "5 months", Price answers his heart racing, the weapon is removed from his head. "Nice talking with you", FSB is sating before walking away. He survived, still he's in trouble for telling something true. He places his message, the agents clearly having left there observation spots, he still his hyper aware of his surroundings. Same at the spot for the marking.
Price is standing in the office the polish base leader lended them for their stay, wanting to fusion with chair is sitting in. The look the Captain is giving him is the worst nearly unbareble, Price never saw the man that angry. "Tell me what happened", the Captain finally says after 10 very long uncomfortable silent minutes, after Price reported his return and the mission being compromised. "The FSB knows about 8 of our 10 drop of points with Nikolai. They likely saw our last drop from Nik, but because of how spare the informations are we get they couldn't figure it out. So they put people on all the compromised boxes. One cornered me in a ally and asked me some things", Price starts the first part of the what happend, he squirms on the chair knowing he has to tell what he gave up a important information. "He let you go", the Captain just says, the why is silent. "I... told him the operation is 5 months long so I don't die, they also know I'm SAS", Price says, looking at the floor, mentally preparing himself to be told they expected more from Coronel Prices son. "That you came back alive to tell us the FSB is now involved don't weights out the information you gave them. But we also don't think that Nikolai can do his job much longer and thanks to him we have some promising leads and potential intel hiding spots. I will talk with MacMiller about your punishment. Good to have you back alive", the Captain tells him and Price cant believe it, not one word about his father when he fucked up this bad? A miracle honestly, so now he can fully worry about Nik.
Kate brought the bad news only 30 minutes later. "He got compromised", she tells him. "The whole operation is compromised now", Price sighs. Kate sliddes a piece of paper over the table.
In Saint Petersberg for a while
That's not how Niks messages work, at all, but it is his handwriting. "Fuck", Price wispers at this looking at the price of paper, turning it around in his hand. Kate is telling him something but he dont listen really to focused on a strange smell for a piece of paper. "John?", Kate asked him when he smells the paper. "Does the paper smell like lemon?", Price asks giving her the paper back. She also smells it aswell, before slowly nodding. "I think it does", she agrees. They look at each other before leaving the room together to go test their theory in Kates office. Kate turns the desk lamp upon before holding the paper as close as possibel to it. Slowly parts if the paper turn brown, revealing a second message.
Kaliningrad 14.10 weapon delivery
More like messages Niks leaves them, but it still could be a trap. Kate turns the paper in case on the lower half is also a secret message.
Some numbers apear and Price is starting to analyse what they could mean. "They made him writte this, so he was alive till today atleast", Kate speaks what they are both thinking, staring at the piece of paper. "They got him with the last one", Price agrees his face pale, did he had his problems with the Russian sure, but he gave them information about an organisation that wasn't even on their radar and he deserved better.
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iiguess · 9 months
BOLD for always, italics for sometimes/in some AUs only.
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APHRODITE. laughter-loving. sweet smiles. dressed in silk and satin. flower in their hair. sees the world as a runway. unapologetically sexual. the sea washing their ankles. in love with love. stirrer of passion. cunning concealed by painted lips. secret daggers. doves. revolution in their kiss. delighting in the waves. flirtatious winks. strolling along the beach. staring wistfully from a balcony. this is how to be a heartbreaker. wants to be adored.
APOLLO. glitz and glamour. art galleries. turning the volume up. being made of gold. neatly organized music sheets. notebooks filled with poetry. bathing in the sunlight. the powerful urge to create. collecting vinyl records. beautiful cover of wonderwall. playing multiple instruments. tasting like sunshine. healing touch. speaking in prophecies. smile mingled with wrath. shunning lies. sporting shades. hanging out at music festivals with their friends. sleeps naked. arrow to the heart. paintbrushes. probably has a tinder account.
ARES. armed for battle. wants to raise a dog with their significant other. soft spot for children. gives piggyback rides. scarred body. blood on their hands and face. willing to fight the world for the ones they love. fights against injustice. warm hugs. well worn combat boots. boxing gloves. bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles. fist raised in protest. ignites revolutions. fear is a prison. more sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think. exhausted. damaged goods. force to be reckoned with. red roses. curses under their breath.
ARTEMIS. keen sense of a hunter. freckles like constellations on their skin. piercing eyes. disheveled braid. moonlight peeking through the shadows. the calm of the forest at night. lying on the grass and staring at the stars. mother doe and her fawn. protecting their kin. the moon shimmering on a still lake. quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree. running with wolves. bonding while circled around a campfire. not being much of a people person. arrow hitting a target. popping egos. patience on 3%. touches heaven and returns howling.
ATHENA. discerning gaze. unreadable face. quiet museums. owl perched on their finger. armor that intimidates. eye for architecture. plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses. studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid. big fan of logic. loves brain teasers. ancient buildings. sweaters in neutrals and cool colors. hair done up. can kill you with their brain. heads to the library often to research. sharpened pencils. abs that can cut steel. stoic statues. pottery classes.
DEMETER. soil covered hands. smile that can bloom flowers. skin loved by the sun. being the mom friend. can lift you and your friends. flowers kept in the pockets of overalls. takes pride in their beautiful garden. speaks to their plants. leaves rustling in the wind. stalks of wheat. picking fruit. greenhouses. heart as strong as a mountain. values simplicity. daisies dotted across a collarbone. curls crowned with flowers. folded pile of sweaters in warm hues. pulling out fresh baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
DIONYSUS. drunk shitposter. on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second. seductive smirks. untamed curls. rich fabrics on dark skin. sleek furred panthers. theatre masks. stage productions. receiving a standing ovation. rose caught between their teeth. being the baby of the bunch. wild parties that last from sundown to sunup. creeping vines. inspiring loyalty. grand opera houses. masquerade balls. rolls of film. shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine spilled floor. pouring champagne into flutes. lives for the applause.
HEPHAESTUS. the calloused hands of someone who knows labor. sweaty brow. flame burning in their eyes. inventive mind. broad shoulders. steampunk goggles. nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes. ashes. striking a match. blueprints for future projects. fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades. wrestles with bitterness. work boots have seen better years. wrinkled plaid shirts. iron melted in blazing fire. huge jackets. crafting masterpieces. greased stained overalls. fascination with robotics. pain is fuel. stack of weaponry. even their muscles have muscles.
HERA. resting bitch face. dressed to the nines. cows grazing on a pasture. cool rain. loving and hating fiercely. hand clutching a string of pearls. large chandelier with glittering crystals. plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims. romance to realism. pictures of the sky while flying on a plane. files that under fuck it. downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix. like their selfie or you’re grounded. knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man. dark eyes that penetrate your soul. marble and gold.
HERMES. devil - may - care smile. always up - to - date on the latest technology. will steal your french fries. does it for the vine. shitposter. puts googly eyes on everything. meme hoarder. long drives on the highway. ma and pop diners. spontaneous road trips. folded maps. fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop. shooting hoops on the basketball court. chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations. goes jogging in the morning. mixes redbull with coffee. menace on april fool’s. hoodies and sneakers.
POSEIDON. storm with skin. colorful coral reefs. waves crashing against the shore. stroking the soft fur of a cat. their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop. tousled locks. clothes smeared with paint. owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more. leather jackets. fondness for diy projects. handwriting that flows across the page. nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin. velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams. mood as ever - changing as the sea. the roar of a motorcycle. compass with a spinning arrow.
HADES. walking home alone in the early morning. back alleys. drinking alone in a graveyard. crippling loneliness hidden by sarcasm and cynicism. crows picking a carcass. untended dead flowers. the black sheep of the family. black coffee. money can’t buy you happiness. murder mystery dinner parties. blood on your shirt collar. dust illuminated by sunlight. classical music. dogs are better than people. a quiet wrath. shady business deals. taking what you are owed. paint it black. seasonal affective disorder. popping the suit collar. grey rain on a cityscape.
ZEUS. thunder in their heart. running on coffee. flash of lightning. unnatural charisma. eloquence. badass in a nice suit. an aficionado of history. force of nature. lennyface. nightmare-filled nights. proud arm around their lover’s waist. high-rise buildings. planes soaring through a cloudless sky. technician on the piano. maintains order. strong handshake. juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease. expensive watch.
STOLEN FROM: @phantomuheist TAGGING: Steal it from me my dudes
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queen-of-the-avengers · 10 months
CAFTA: Final Part
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: canon violence, and angst
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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"Arrogance may not be a uniquely American trait," Schmidt says as he comes from out of the shadows, "but I must say you do it better than anyone. However, there are limits to what even you can do, Captain. You may have all the powers, Y/N, but they do not compare to what I have in store for the world. Or did Erskine tell you two otherwise?"
"He told me you were insane."
"Ah. He resented my genius and tried to deny me what was rightfully mine, but he gave you everything. So, what made you so special?"
"Nothing. I'm just a kid from Brooklyn," Steve answers.
Schdmit gets angry and punches Steve twice in the jaw, and you yell out for him to stop hurting your friend.
"Don't fucking touch him you piece of shit!"
Schmidt turns to you and grabs your jaw so hard that it starts to leave bruises where his fingers are.
"The power you hold. The things you can do. You'd make a valuable pet, won't you?"
"Go to hell," you spit in his face. He backhands you, sending you crashing into the two guards who are holding you. "We can do this all day."
"I'm sure you could. Unfortunately, I am on a tight schedule."
Schmidt takes out his weapon and points it at Steve's face, but the Captain isn't worried about it. There is a huge window that overlooks the snowy mountains, and Schmidt notices four men o ziplines racing towards the glass.
"So are we."
Schmidt tries to shoot Steve, but he grabs one of his guards and places him in front of himself. The shot disentigrates the guards right as your team busts through the windows. Schmidt takes this moment to escape while your team starts shooting at Hydra. Your team can handle the soldiers while you and Steve search the place for Schmidt.
Peggy, Colonel Phillips, and the rest of the 107th are on stand by, and as soon as they get the word, they all start to move in.
Schmidt is located in one of the tunnels leading further into the base, and Steve rears his hand back that's holding the shield. He swings it so that the shield bounces off the wall and sticks in between the doors that Schmidt escapes through, stopping the doors from completely closing.
You and Steve run toward it but get stopped by a man with flamethrowers. There is a door next to you that you hide behind so that the flames aren't touching you.
"Now can I play?" you ask.
"Give 'em hell."
The man stops using his weapon to see if you're going to come out, and you do. You stand in the middle of the hallway just as he uses his flamethrower on you, but instead of dying like he hopes you would, you absorb all that fire to give you more power. The flamethrower stops but your body is still on fire. You extinguish the flames from toe to head, and you cough to let out the smoke you breathed in.
"My turn," you growl.
You thrust your hands out in front of you and a wall of fire forms between you and the guard. The wall of fire shapes and molds to the hallways dimensions so that the guard has nowhere else to run for safety. You heat the flames ten times hotter than what a human can withstand. When you take a step forward, the wall of fire moves further from you. The guard tries to use his flamethrower but he can't fight fire with fire. The fire is going to kill him whether or not he wants it too. You push the wall of fire down the entire length of the hallway, allowing it to burn the guard's body from the outside in.
By the time the flames die out, he's a charred body on the floor.
"Damn, you didn't have to go so hard," Steve says.
"You said 'give 'em hell', so I did. Let's go."
Steve yanks his shield from between the two doors which close once you two pass through it. Schmidt is already getting on the plane to escape that's at the beginning of a runway. If you don't get on this plane before it takes off, you're not getting on it at all. Soldiers from both sides are fighting everywhere, but you have a way to bypass them all.
"Get ready to fly, Steve."
You grab his upper arms and lift him in the air with your areokinesis. The plane is already taking off but you're faster. You fly with Steve down the runway to catch up to the plane. It has big blades swirling on the back of it that you have to watch out for. One mistake can cost you or Steve's lives.
Schmidt starts to take off just as you landed on the landing tires. They have not yet been pulled back into the plane, giving you the only access available to get Schmidt. You look back at the runway to see Peggy and the Colonel inside a car just watching you take off. She has such a worried look on her face because she cares so much about Steve.
After this, you're going to buy their hotel room.
Once inside the plane, you see bombs with different state names written on the side of them. This Red Skull is going to send bombs to different parts of your country if you don't stop him.
"He's going to kill a lot of people," you whisper.
"Come on."
There isn't a single guard on board which is kind of stupid on Schmidt's part. If he thinks he can outwit both you and Steve, then he's got another thing coming for him. You two make your way into the cockpit where Schmidt is supposed to be. He's not sitting at the control desk so he must be around here somewhere.
"You two just don't give up, do you?"
You turn and see Schdmit holding one of the Tesseract weapons which he fires upon you. Steve uses his shield to protect the both of you so you won't get hit. You send a gust of wind at Schmidt, casing the gun to be knocked out of his hands. 
That gives Steve a fighting chance against him.
Steve can handle Schmidt all on his own, but if you had the weapon he made from the Tesseract, you can end this whole thing. The weapon is off tot he side just begging someone to use it. As they fight, you manuver around them to get the gun. Schmidt sees what you're doing, so before you can get to the gun, he grabs you and throws you over to the control panel. Your weight causes the panel to be broken in some spots, allowing for auto pilot to be taken off.
The plane goes down but everyone else goes up. There isn't gravity whe you're free falling, which Steve can use to his advantage. You have your air powers to help you stay in one place but Schmidt and Steve don't have that ability. The plane is going to crash if you don't do somethign about it. You have to level her out.
There are a bunch of buttons on the control panel that still work, and thankfully, the auto pilot just needs to be flipped to the "on" position. Steve and Schmidt come crashing down to the ground loudly.
"You could have the power of the Gods! Yet you wear a flag on your chest and think you fight a battle of nations! I have seen the future, Captain! There are no flags!" Schmidt yells.
"Not in my future!"
Steve grabs his shield and throws it at Schmidt, sending him crashing into the middel console. Whatever is inside of it pops out, and you stand there in complete shock from seeing the Tesseract face to face after so many centuries. This thing will give you answers about who you truly are and what power you possess. If you can get it from him, you can start running tests on it.
"The Tesseract," you whisper.
Last you heard it was back on Asgard, so you don't know how it got on Earth to begin with.
"What have you done? No!" Schmidt gasps.
He picks the cube up to study it but the cube has had enough of his constant abuse. Energy starts to pour out of the cube before shooting straight up to the cieling. The Space Stone can be sued a portal to wherever the user wants it to go. Schmidt had no idea of the power it truly possessed, so he doesn't know where he wants to go.
The Tesseract chooses for him, and it creates a portal to somewhere in space. This is what you can do. The Tesseract allows you to create portals to wherever you want to go. You can't do the other side of space, you can't go anywhere you haven't seen before, and you can only make a portal for things a certain distance away from you. You've jumped a few planets at a time, but you've never tried for more than that.
The Tesseract's energy envelopes Schmidt as it transports him somewhere in the universe. You're not sure where, but at elast you'll be rid of him. The cube falls to the ground once Schmidt is gone, but it's so hot that it burns right through the metal of the plane.
You try to grab the Tesseract, but it falls through the hole it burned and down to Earth. You could go after it, but Steve needs you right now. He rushes to the control panel to try and find a place to land this plane, but he doesn't know how to fly a plane any more than you do. Schmidt made it so that the plane won't stop until it reaches it's destination--New York.
The only way to land the plane is to crash it.
Steve finds the line of communication in hopes someone out there might hear is distress signal.
"Come in. This is Captain Rogers. Do you read me?"
"Steve, is that you? Are you alright?" Peggy asks from the other side.
"Peggy! Schmidt is gone!" you yell to her.
"What about the plane?"
"That's a little bit tougher to explain."
"Give me your coordinates I'll find you a safe landing site."
"There's not going to be a safe landing, but I can try and force it down," Steve replies.
"I can get us out of here, Steve. I can fly us to safety."
"But then thousands of people will die. We have to land it somehow."
"I'll get Howard on the line he'll know what to do," Peggy says.
"There's not enough time. This thing's moving too fast, and it's heading for New York. I gotta put her in the water."
"Please, don't do this. We have time. We can work it out," she begs.
"Peggy, right now we're in the middle of nowhere. If we wait any longer, a lot of people are gonna die. Peggy, this is our choice," you say as Steve begins the decent into the waters below.
"I'm here."
"I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance."
"Alright. A week, next Saturday, at the Stork Club," she says. Even though you can't see her, you know she's crying. "Eight o'clock on the dot. Don't you dare be late. Understood?"
"You know, I still don't know how to dance," he chuckles nervously.
"I'll show you how. Just be there."
"We'll have the band play something slow. I'd hate to step on your—" 
The plane crashes into the ice below, cutting off all contact between you two and Peggy.The plane was too fast to hit the water so it hit the ice instead. Both you and Steve are thrown from your places at the front to somewhere else. The back of the plane is ripped off on impact, and you're ejected from the wreckage.
You hit the icy cold waters with a gasp while Steve sinks into the ice below. Everything is so peaceful below the surface of the water. You could be here forever just to escape your life. No one would ever know where you are.
No, you can't do that to Steve.
You gasp awake and allow your air powers to create a pocket around your head so you can breathe underwater. You breach the surface in the middle of the wreckage with no sign of Steve anywhere.
"Steve!" you yell and haul yourself out of the water.
Your pyrokinesis allows you to stay warm so you don't get hypothermia--not that you could if you tried.
"Steve!" you yell again.
Steve is either in pieces, dead, or just missing. He could have sunk deep into the water which would take weeks or months to try and find him. He could have gotten stuck in the ice, but if you were to melt all the ice, then you'd create tsunamis across the world from the rising sea levels.
First Bucky and now Steve. When is this heartbreak going to end? No one is around to hear you scream, but you let out the most heartbreaking wail for your best friend and the love of your life. Earth was supposed to be a new start for you, and for the first nine hundred years, it was.
Now, it's a painful reminder of what you've lost.
Peggy, the rest of your team, Colonel Phillips, Howard Stark, and everyone else thinks you and Steve are dead. You can leave Earth without worrying them because they don't know to go look for you. Searchers will make their way eventually, but who knows in what year they'll find this wreckage.
You need to leave Earth now. It's taken so much from you, and it's time to find a new planet to call home.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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spidermannotes · 1 year
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PlayStation 5 Console - Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Limited Edition Bundle
What's in the box?
This console has a disc drive.
Game requires download before it can be played. Voucher code supplied within box, redeemable on PlayStation™Store.
Only 1 DualSense included.
1 Player.
PS5 bundles will ship separately when additional items are in the order.
A signature will be required upon delivery for this product.
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Limited Edition PlayStation®5 Console 
Limited Edition DualSense® Wireless Controller
 HDMI Cable
 AC Power Cord 
USB Cable
Printed Materials 
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 voucher for a digital copy of the Standard Edition of the game* (redeemable from Oct 20, 2023)
Pre-order incentive items: 
Arachknight Suit for Peter early unlock (includes three color variants). 
Shadow-Spider Suit for Miles early unlock (includes three color variants). 
Web Grabber gadget early unlock. 
+3 Skill Points. 
ASTRO’s PLAYROOM (Pre-installed game)**
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PlayStation 5 Console Features
Lightning Speed - Harness the power of a custom CPU, GPU, and SSD with Integrated I/O that rewrite the rules of what a PlayStation® console can do. 
Stunning Games - Marvel at incredible graphics and experience new PS5™ features. Play a back catalog of supported PS4™ games. 
Breathtaking Immersion - Discover a deeper gaming experience with support for haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, and 3D Audio*** technology.
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Game Features
Experience an original Marvel’s Spider-Man single player story. Switch between two playable Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, while exploring Marvel’s New York. Wield Peter Parker’s new symbiote abilities and Miles Morales’ explosive bio-electric venom powers. Fight a rogues’ gallery of Marvel’s Super Villains – including Kraven the Hunter, Lizard, an original take on Venom, and many more!
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Available at Amazon.
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notwarriorswiki · 2 years
How do things with the kin end up? Especially with Violet and Twig being taken in by them, and Alder joining?
The Kin make their first appearance during the Po3/OotS arc. Like in the books they had previously terrorized SkyClan, however in this AU we blend what happened in SkyClan and the Stranger with Hawkwing's Journey in a way - in that the attack happened in that interaction with who we know as Sol. In this rewrite, he was always Sol, not Harry. He seems friendly at first, bringing his then small group at the time and assisting in rescuing Leafstar and her then kits from the Twoleg Nest. As thanks Leafstar welcomes Sol and his group into SkyClan, just as she had done with plenty of cats before. They felt no reason to be scared. However, this was a ploy to make the cats vulnerable, and after gaining their trust, Sol and his group would launch an attack on SkyClan, taking one of Leafstar's lives and killing Patchfoot, Shrewtooth, and Nutpetal (Nutmeg from SkyClan's Destiny). SkyClan works together and does manage to drive the group out thanks to their numbers and allies in many places, something Sol hadn't expected. The clan grieves the loss of their clanmates, but move on anew, believing things would move on as usual.
When Jaypaw, Dawnpaw, Kestrelpaw, and Pebblepaw leave to find SkyClan, they unknowingly pass The Kin, even asking them about the fabled clan. Darktail thinks they should take them prisoner, but Sol waves them off and thinks they dare not slow their journey further. They feign niceties with the apprentices before going on their way, heading to the Lake where the plan really takes motion. The Kin settle in on the edge of RiverClan territory and make use of parts of Twolegplace as well. With their group having grown through Sol's silver tongue, the mysterious tom begins to insert himself into clan affairs and starting violence through manipulation. Darktail does the dirty work, while Sol plays people and have the clans turning against each other.
When Jaypaw, Dawnpaw, Kestrelpaw, and Pebblepaw return with SkyClan, they're the force of knowledge and power they need to not only unite the clans to fight off The Kin, but drive them out as well. Sol and Darktail, alongside their group, flee for now, but that's not the last they're seen. Darktail is the brawn while Sol is the brains. The group truly does respect Sol due to his way with words charming them, while Darktail is far more fearmongering. Darktail wants to attack again, but Sol takes a more backseat approach and insists the clans will come around once they see "the truth of what the world has in store for them". The group largely takes a backseat after this point in the Po3/OoTS arc, with Darktail and his closer followers making an appearance later when they come to collect the injured Frosty from WindClan, as well as when Darktail infiltrates the final battle to take his revenge on his father Onestar and his half-siblings. Darktail kills Onestar during the Great Battle and greatly injures Harespring to the point he barely survives, traumatizing Harespring.
Now we reach AVoS finally. Peace only lasts for 3 moons before Darktail returns to make his claim on the clans. After the Great Battle, with StarClan now locked away, many of the clans feel hopeless and uncertain of their future - the ones who weren't so close with the 12 aren't going to exactly understand the ins-and-outs of all they went through. Darktail now sees what Sol meant when he said "the truth of what the world has in store for them", and takes advantage of the hopelessness amongst the clans. The Kin had hurt them, yes, but many were wondering if Sol's words had been true, and if perhaps they were nothing more than rogues now if they didn't have the guidance of StarClan. This is the sway Darktail uses to recruit cats to his side and divide the clans, particularly those young and know little of the world of stars. Alderpaw ends up joining Darktail because he sees the injured amongst Darktail's group, and wishes to help them, perhaps even hopeful he can reason with Darktail and persuade them against attacking when the clans are at their lowest point. Like if Darktail had attacked right then and there, the clans would be on the brink of destruction with their instability. Surprisingly Darktail takes Alderpaw up on this and brings him back to camp alongside the one other cat who steps up wanting to come along - Needlepaw, much to her parent's dismay.
Other recruits join later for one reason or the other. These include:
ThunderClan: Lilypaw, Seedpaw, Sorreltail, Rosepetal, and Bumblestripe
ShadowClan: Berryheart, Starlingwing, Juniperpaw, Sleekpaw, Puddlepaw, Yarrowleaf, Pinenose
WindClan: Oatclaw, Furzepelt, Slightfoot, Hootwhisker, Frostysnow, and Owlwhisker
Riverclan: Icewing, Grasspelt, Shimmerpelt, Sneezecloud, Heronwing, and Copperpaw
SkyClan: Sunnypelt, Bouncefire, Plumwillow, Sandynose, and Bellaleaf (Twigkit and Violetkit have been here since The Great Battle)
Things actually start... good? Alderpaw is surprised by how close many of The Kin are, taking care of each other and working together just as a clan would. Alderpaw is the sole knowledge of herbs and is busy taking care of many cats, quickly earning their favor with his kindness. This actually becomes a liability for Darktail over time because soon Alderheart will have more sway over him in who people look to for clan decisions.
As the first to join The Kin, Alderpaw and Needlepaw are the first clan cats to learn what really happened to Hawkwing's kits - who have been nursed by a she-cat named Silt up until that point alongside her daughter Dragonfly. Silt is rather quick to clarify they're not her kits, saying Darktail brought them to her, and things fall into place from there. Alderpaw makes sure the kits are growing well, while Needlepaw declares herself Needletail despite clearly still being apprentice age. Needletail thinks this is all great and she loves the freedom she has as cats don't talk to her and treat her as an equal. However, Darktail's cruelty soon begins to show itself as he lashes out as his own cats when they do wrong in his eyes. It seems the name Sol greatly upsets him, the name of the group's former leader who left them...
Alderpaw and Needletail become very close with the kits, looking out for and protecting them under Darktail's continuously cruel reign that they realize they have no way to escape. When recruits begin wanting to go home, Darktail doesn't allow it, and makes an example of what will happen to those who try and flee. He drowns and kills Furzepelt and Heronwing after their attempt, placing the clan cats in a state of submission. Slowly Twig and Violet grow, the two asking to have clan names like the rest of the cats they've been growing with, and Alderpaw and Needletail name them Twigpaw and Violetpaw. In return, Twigpaw names Alderpaw Alderheart because of his kind heart that always looked out for them. The clan cats, who regret their choice to join Darktail's group and feel stupid, become incredibly close and tight knit, leaning on each other in these times. We learn more about what drove cats here, Juniperclaw and Alderheart bonding over their mothers being often too busy to spend time with them when they were little due to their deputy duties, and how their fathers died before they had the chance to see them receive their full names. Eventually a coup is planned to overthrow Darktail, but there's a spy in their midst - Sleekwhisker warns Darktail and he takes the masterminds behind it all to be executed via drowning: Alderheart, Needletail, and Juniperclaw. Needletail is executed first, much to the horror of Alderheart and Juniperclaw. Twigpaw and Violetpaw desperately try to intervene, but are held back by Darktail's goons. Just when Juniperclaw is next though, WindClan cats Sunstrike, Breezepelt, Thistleheart and Smokepaw ambush the camp, led by the still unnamed leader, Harespring. This is a big moment for Harespring as since the beginning of the arc he had been terrified of Darktail and feeling hopeless due to his inability to lead his clan. Learning he can be WindClan's leader with or without StarClan's blessing, he attacks Darktail and gives the clan cats the opening to fight back. Sorreltail, Owlwhisker, and Thistleheart are killed though.
Alderheart hasn't seen his family in so long and is excited to reunite with ThunderClan fully, but Twigpaw refuses to leave his side, and Violetpaw is especially shaken after watching Needletail die. Knowing the two sisters are SkyClan cats, the still grief-stricken Alderheart brings them to SkyClan and reunites them with their father, Hawkwing. Even when he tries to leave though, Twigpaw panics. She wants to go back to the way things were before - where they played with Plumwillow's kits, wrestled with Juniperclaw, and cuddled under Alderheart's soft fur. Those days were scary under Darktail, but they were all Twigpaw knew, and she didn't want to be left here with these strangers. Hawkwing gives Alderheart permission to bring Twigpaw with him to ThunderClan for the time being, unable to see her in such a state. Violetpaw stays with SkyClan, looking for stability after all this time of longing for it. The two sisters say their goodbyes before separating.
Alderheart returns to ThunderClan, who welcome him back joyfully. Squirrelflight, Hollystar, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather are the first to embrace him, before he's reunited with his sister Sparkfire. They get to catch up, Alderheart learning she had a budding relationship with Ambermoon and Toadstep's son Larksong. He gets to spend time with Lionblaze's kits, Bramblepaw and Leafpaw. He's finally home, surrounded by the people he loved, and yet... it didn't feel like home. He was thinking about how Juniperclaw was doing back in ShadowClan, if Violetpaw was settling in ok in SkyClan, if Frostysnow and her kits had managed to stay together on their way back to WindClan, and if Copperpelt had been able to make up with her brother like she said she would when she got to RiverClan. He had Rosepetal, who felt the same, as well as Lilyheart and Seedflare who did their best to show Twigpaw around and how she could make friends her own age with Bramblepaw and Leafpaw. But Twigpaw too felt it. Many of them felt it. Not all... but many.
They missed each other.
Darktail still wasn't gone though. Alderheart had a newfound conviction to see his friends again, in a place where Darktail didn't rule them. He saw what a world of cats was like even without StarClan, without the same laws, and the way they loved and cared. They were a clan, but they were also different, and Alderheart wanted to preserve that. Twigpaw is named Twigshade by Alderheart, as the she-cat denies Hollystar's name of Twigbranch and insists Alderheart should be one to name her. Alderheart manages to get his family to back him up in forming an alliance with the other four clans, all except for Sparkfire, who wants to put things to rest and move on with life. She finally had her brother back. She lost him once and didn't want to lose him again to Darktail. She refuses to fight in the battle and stays in camp, the she-cat's belly beginning to show signs of her pregnancy. Hollystar easily manages to get the newly named Harestar and WindClan on their side, as well as Leafstar and SkyClan, with Mistystar slower to accept but coming around at Pebblefoot's request. Rowanstar is the toughest, the tom having the hardest time with his clan after things with Darktail, and his deputy Dawnpelt having to step up and keep things in order. We learn Juniperclaw is not having a good time as Dawnpelt treats him with scorn due to his betrayal, telling him its his fault Crowfrost was dead. Puddlepaw is still being refused his full medicine cat name by Littlecloud, Yarrowleaf is being shamed for falling pregnant with Nettle's kits, Berryheart and Starlingwing are mourning their only daughter's death - it's a mess all around. It takes some arguing, but Dawnpelt comes around, her and Rowanstar agreeing to assist.
The clans unite and go to war with The Kin once more. Harestar goes face to face with Darktail, who still believes the WindClan leader lacks his nine lives. In the battle Sandstorm, Larksong, Rowanstar, Pinenose, Lioneye, Frostysnow, Morningflower, Gorsetail, Petalfur, Copperpelt, Rushtail, Firefern, Sandynose, Reedclaw all lose their lives. Harestar kills Darktail without losing a life, symbolism for him not necessarily needing the lives to defeat Darktail, and also finally putting an end to his terror. The Kin flee without their leader, and Alderheart rallies his once clanmates.
The Kin was disbanded, but Alderheart surprises his family when he wishes to leave ThunderClan and join SkyClan to be with Twigshade and Violetshine.
This obviously skips over a lot like Violetshine's SkyClan stuff, Smokehaze's POV in WindClan, Sparkfire things, Tree, The Sisters & Sol stuff, the last third of AVoS with Shadowpaw and Sparkfire, Harespring's nine lives, Willowshine's StarClan connection, etc - just things about the The Kin.
I hope you enjoyed reading that though, and thank you for supporting Power of Twelve!!
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pendarling · 1 year
Methods Of Havoc 3
Exorcist x Ghost // Exorcist vs Ghost
TW: Violence, torture, death
<< Start < Part 2 • Part 4 > End >>
A creaking against the mattress was what startled them. Not their body, but their consciousness was stirred. 
A sleep paralysis, this heavy weight wasn't uncommon. Despite not sleeping, the effects they were going through were still the same. Exorcist had gone through this phase in every building that needed to be sorted. All ghosts had this feature in common. It was cute how they presented themselves with the same routine every time. They were sure it had to be; their body was not moving.
This would be the part where the ghost would introduce themselves.
Exorcist saw a shadow whisp by them through the corner of their vision. Books flung off the shelf, and instead of landing helplessly on the floor, they slammed straight up to the roof in perfect lines. Dust clouded the air and spiralled in unusual patterns. 
They still had enough energy stored inside them from the trip. Although they were significantly weaker from past exorcisms, Exorcist was confident they could still unlock their second form. It took them years of meditating to finally become powerful enough to control a demon or interact with it beyond the border. Yet, since the past few weeks had them give their strength to needy villagers and fight off the paranormal, Exorcist had lost a bit of that power and would need more time to restore it.
The weight on their chest turned into the unmistakable shape of another human. Exorcists squeezed their eyes several times to try and open them up, but for some impossible reason, they could see what was around them without having to open their eyes.
"Oh, I wouldn't bother." the ghost's voice was whispy, nearly distorted, but still comprehensible. Exorcist could finally make out who they were dealing with, and what was supposed to be a fear-inducing being of the night turned into a rather... well, this was unprofessional of them, but they were an alluring individual. Exorcist would have to come to that conclusion, admitting it now was better than later.
Ghost let their hand travel from their pinned chest to their chin and smiled.
"Mhmm!" Exorcist tried to move themselves from the bond of the invisible chains holding them down.
"Awww~ are you trying to fight back?" They tapped their nose, "You should've kept that cute little face of yours out of this place."
Exorcist huffed with annoyance, attempting to stop the blush from forming on their face, although it might've already looked obvious. They heard them chuckle. The damned thing knew how far their looks could take them. They took a deep breath, their jaw still clenched and body rigid as stone. They could free themselves from this state if they tried to concentrate on moving one hand. 
Ghost cackled as they watched them struggle against the binds. "But I wouldn't mind having another toy to play with." Their hand brushed against Exorcist's hair, examining them. Their eyes left momentarily, and they spotted the weapon next to their head, "And what's this?" They pointed at it curiously.
Exorcist tensed. 
Ghost leaned down and touched the handle of the Spirit Wand. A bright blue flash pounced up their arm, and Ghost snapped their hand back, "The fuck!?" They winced with a pained look. Exorcist internally smirked.
'Idiot,' They thought. 'What stupid spirit can't sense the energy I've concentrated into it?'
"You must think you're clever." They sneered with a tilt of their head. 
Exorcist hummed positively, a slight curve of their lips appearing. It would take less than a minute to recharge their ability fully, and now they've garnered enough time to make their move. 
They'd need to eliminate it now; this was their only chance. 
Lean into dawn.
A pulse of light warned Ghost of a change in activity in the air. Exorcist finally flung their eyes open just as the spirit pushed off their chest. A ray of gold layered itself onto Exorcist's eyes, emitting a tranquil light through the dark room. With a painful tension against their muscles, they sat up.
"Lay rest to your nightmares, vile entity." They gripped the weapon beside their pillow and followed Ghost's position across the room.
"Vile is a bit much, don't you think?" With those final words, they faded.
The rod shifted into its grander form, and Exorcist felt the walls tremor around them as objects tore through the room. Their fear wasn't present, and their eyes were trained on the target; they dashed out of the room, meeting with a distorting hall and shifting tables. 
It was a chaotic scene of all instruments launching their way to Exorcist. They took a mental note, with shaking breaths of air, to not let themselves be distracted by this show of force and track the monster. Their spiritual powers would be unable to carry them out for the night, so unleashing them now was an all-or-nothing promise.
With their Gold Vision, they could see threads of light leading them to Ghost's location, even if they were to fizzle out into an unseen dimension. 
Their legs halted just as a pan struck too close for comfort against the wall before them. 
Exorcist banged the bottom of the rod to the ground, punching a hole into it but emitting a blast that countered all attacks from all sides. Their body was shoved to the end of the hall. Hard wall meeting their back and an audible snap. 
They stuck to their goals as soon as they came down and ran past the pieces of wood stabbing through the floorboards, their feet aware of every odd mishap and oncoming danger.
"Really resilient, aren't we?" Ghost echoed through the walls.
Exorcist turned a corner and met the stairs down to the living room; a powerful gust of wind signalled to them that the windows had been smashed open. Entertaining the threat was far from their objective, so Exorcist didn't respond.
They wouldn't be at the mercy of foreign objects shooting at them if they could get outside. 
Their heart hammered against their chest, still running for a way out, eyes clearing each room for the source of the being hidden behind a dimension they couldn't see. 
In their confusion, Exorcist had felt lost in the rooms they were confident hadn't existed or were repeated. It was likely a trick Ghost could cast onto the house. Running a maze would only help them avoid their doom with cowardice. They clicked their tongue again as another door leading to a wall of stairs in unorganized chaos appeared. Miracles were once in a lifetime; death was, too, so any mistake would lead to their immediate death. 
A familiar flicker of light emerged from the empty air beside them; Exorcist was slammed into another wall; it held them at the throat and pushed them to the furthest side of the house. Exorcist clawed at the air in front of their bruised neck, saliva trailing their lips, desperately searching for Ghost's hand. A cluster of golden threads created the figure of Ghost.
Cups and other utensils from the kitchen aimed at their vulnerable position. Exorcist lifted the weapon, their eyes still delirious and unable to determine whether they saw more forks than knives. 
"Under- under the sun--!" They gasped, "I seek your protection!" Another shield built itself around them, covering them from the oncoming death penalty of a cutting board knife. 
Their neck was released, and they fell to the ground, slightly twisting their ankle. Yet, Exorcist couldn't see themselves failing just yet. Even with a spinning room and blurring vision, their adrenaline grasped their mind. Their body slumped against the tall cabinets. 
Their eyes fluttered, still monitoring the energy gliding around the room. Until the glowing golden streaks of light curled into one point in the centre of the room, indicating Ghost was manifesting. 
"What? Don't tell me you're done playing?"
Exorcist had to come up with a better plan. Their back was pressed on the cabinets behind them, dishevelled and tired. They reached for their staff beside their leg, feebly aiming with shaky hands. A small flicker of light poured out; Ghost smiled again and kicked their arm off to the side. Their grip slipped from its handle and fell further. 
Exorcist sensed their time with the limited powers they had left was beginning to strain them. Sweat poured streaks against their head as their lungs burned; the pain in their twisted ankle was more prominent as their adrenaline dwindled. 
Ghost knelt before them and pressed a hand to Exorcist's chest, "Wanna know how I've survived in the living world for so long, doll?" they smirked; Exorcist gasped as soon as their hand slipped into their chest.
Their entire essence screamed for release from the damaging hand that grabbed their soul. 
Tears welled in their eyes, and Exorcist watched the hand pull a transparent light fabric. 
It was their soul-- they were--
"Stop! Gah!" Their hands rushed up to their chest, fists curing into the fabric of their clothes, attempting to return it.
Their golden sight flickered away as their consciousness switched back and forth from the reality of it all. 
Was all they did for their family heritage enough? Did their students learn from their lectures? Would they never meet any of the scholars they admired?
Exorcist choked out a bloody cough and watched it stain their knuckles. Their eyes rolled to the back of their head and slipped into a fate entirely unknown. 
<< Start
< Part 2
Part 4 >
End >>
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sege-h · 8 months
Thoughts on the State of Play reveal
Under a readmore just in case
1- I know I said I'd keep the Son*dow tag blocked for a bit after Prime ended but I think I'll keep it blocked till the end of the year now lmao
2- I know the rumor has been going around since yesterday but I took it with a grain of salt since it's. Yknow. A rumor. But even when I let myself think 'what if its real tho' this is SO FAR FROM WHAT I EXPECTED. A!!! I thought at most we'd get is a remaster that'd also make Shadow playable! As soon as I saw the new level I was like WAIT WHAT. WAIT WHAT!!?!? and it just kept going from there!!!
I'm so happy we'll be getting a HD biolizard fight! He'll no longer be contained to the 3DS! Also from what little we saw Shadow will get to have some dynamic posing in the boss fights, like Super Sonic did in Frontiers. Good! I loved those!
3- Ian Flynn has #KnowingSmile'd the announcement and I'm hoping this means he got to write for whatever new content there is.
And speaking of Frontiers! I'm hoping that this ends up being Shadow's 'Frontiers' moment. In that his writing and character get what Amy's, Tails', and Knuckles' did in Frontiers.
4-I had the stream off to the side in another tab since I wasn't interested in most of what was shown. And then I heard the first few notes of the Generations music and i immediately switched tabs and I just!!! Feel like I did in 2011 except my computer/internet is way better, and you tube is shittier!
5- I'm excited for this for such Me reasons. For those new here- I live in a country that had no Sonic stuff for...well, never, really. Not until about 2022. The second movie did what I'd hoped the first movie would do (but then the pandemic happened) and brought over Sonic stuff here. For the first time in my life I went to a toy store here and it had Sonic stuff. I got to buy physical Sonic comics for the first time. For the first time in my life I can go to a video game store and actually see Sonic games there. It's been wild
That being said, 2011 had Nothing. Sonic Generations came out. And I didn't want to pirate it because a friend of mine had worked on it. I was determined to find it. And I only saw it irl one time- for the Playstation. A console I've never had. It was pretty upsetting! I remember posting about it here even....I've been on tumblr too long SHDGSHDHS
Later I'd find that there was a 3DS version. I have that! So I looked for that version of it alongside the PC one
So, for almost a decade, I looked, to no avail. And for this whole time I refused to look at any playthroughs! Any knowledge I had on whats in the game came from the trailers we saw
And then in 2019 my best friend helped me buy the 3DS version. I had 9 dollars on my 3DS and whenever the game went on sale it'd be on for 10 dollars. So he gave me a dollar and helped me get it SHDGSHDH
So I finally experienced Generations! It was surprise after surprise in that one, because I knew it was different but I didn't know how. I didn't expect a Rush level in it, or for the Biolizard to be in there!
And then in late 2020 when I got my new computer and could finally get steam, another close friend got me Generations for the PC! I'd somehow managed to dodge spoilers on it all those years so all I knew about it was: Theres Green Hill, Chemical Plant, City Escape, and a Silver boss fight.
I got to play modern City Escape for myself- which is the level that inspired the current iteration of my main OC, Storm. It was a joy
All this rambling to say...it's wild to think that once this remaster comes out, I'll be able to get it day 1, at least I hope I will. Still-it won't take me almost a decade to get to it
And if there's a physical release? I'll be able to go to a store here- HERE, not in one of our neighboring countries, not from somewhere else, but in a store here. Right across the street. And I'll finally have a physical copy of Generations. That was my final goal with the game-- I love it, I have two versions of it! And the plan was always that even though I'd gotten to play them now, if I ever ran into a physical copy of the game, I'd buy it. And now I'll really get to do it
6- Bonus thought of me being silly: Wowow my OC was shown at the State of Play--
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lcveblind · 9 months
BOLD for always, italics for sometimes/in some AUs only.
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APHRODITE. laughter-loving. sweet smiles. dressed in silk and satin. flower in their hair. sees the world as a runway. unapologetically sexual. the sea washing their ankles. in love with love. stirrer of passion. cunning concealed by painted lips. secret daggers. doves. revolution in their kiss. delighting in the waves. flirtatious winks. strolling along the beach. staring wistfully from a balcony. this is how to be a heartbreaker. wants to be adored.
APOLLO. glitz and glamour. art galleries. turning the volume up. being made of gold. neatly organized music sheets. notebooks filled with poetry. bathing in the sunlight. the powerful urge to create. collecting vinyl records. beautiful cover of wonderwall. playing multiple instruments. tasting like sunshine. healing touch. speaking in prophecies. smile mingled with wrath. shunning lies. sporting shades. hanging out at music festivals with their friends. sleeps naked. arrow to the heart. paintbrushes. probably has a tinder account.
ARES. armed for battle. wants to raise a dog with their significant other. soft spot for children. gives piggyback rides. scarred body. blood on their hands and face. willing to fight the world for the ones they love. fights against injustice. warm hugs. well worn combat boots. boxing gloves. bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles. fist raised in protest. ignites revolutions. fear is a prison. more sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think. exhausted. damaged goods. force to be reckoned with. red roses. curses under their breath.
ARTEMIS. keen sense of a hunter. freckles like constellations on their skin. piercing eyes. disheveled braid. moonlight peeking through the shadows. the calm of the forest at night. lying on the grass and staring at the stars. mother doe and her fawn. protecting their kin. the moon shimmering on a still lake. quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree. running with wolves. bonding while circled around a campfire. not being much of a people person. arrow hitting a target. popping egos. patience on 3%. touches heaven and returns howling.
ATHENA. discerning gaze. unreadable face. quiet museums. owl perched on their finger. armor that intimidates. eye for architecture. plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses. studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid. big fan of logic. loves brain teasers. ancient buildings. sweaters in neutrals and cool colors. hair done up. can kill you with their brain. heads to the library often to research. sharpened pencils. abs that can cut steel. stoic statues. pottery classes.
DEMETER. soil covered hands. smile that can bloom flowers. skin loved by the sun. being the mom friend. can lift you and your friends. flowers kept in the pockets of overalls. takes pride in their beautiful garden. speaks to their plants. leaves rustling in the wind. stalks of wheat. picking fruit. greenhouses. heart as strong as a mountain. values simplicity. daisies dotted across a collarbone. curls crowned with flowers. folded pile of sweaters in warm hues. pulling out fresh baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
DIONYSUS. drunk shitposter. on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second. seductive smirks. untamed curls. rich fabrics on dark skin. sleek furred panthers. theatre masks. stage productions. receiving a standing ovation. rose caught between their teeth. being the baby of the bunch. wild parties that last from sundown to sunup. creeping vines. inspiring loyalty. grand opera houses. masquerade balls. rolls of film. shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine spilled floor. pouring champagne into flutes. lives for the applause.
HEPHAESTUS. the calloused hands of someone who knows labor. sweaty brow. flame burning in their eyes. inventive mind. broad shoulders. steampunk goggles. nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes. ashes. striking a match. blueprints for future projects. fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades. wrestles with bitterness. work boots have seen better years. wrinkled plaid shirts. iron melted in blazing fire. huge jackets. crafting masterpieces. greased stained overalls. fascination with robotics. pain is fuel. stack of weaponry. even their muscles have muscles.
HERA. resting bitch face. dressed to the nines. cows grazing on a pasture. cool rain. loving and hating fiercely. hand clutching a string of pearls. large chandelier with glittering crystals. plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims. romance to realism. pictures of the sky while flying on a plane. files that under fuck it. downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix. like their selfie or you’re grounded. knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man. dark eyes that penetrate your soul. marble and gold.
HERMES. devil - may - care smile. always up - to - date on the latest technology. will steal your french fries. does it for the vine. shitposter. puts googly eyes on everything. meme hoarder. long drives on the highway. ma and pop diners. spontaneous road trips. folded maps. fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop. shooting hoops on the basketball court. chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations. goes jogging in the morning. mixes redbull with coffee. menace on april fool’s. hoodies and sneakers.
POSEIDON. storm with skin. colorful coral reefs. waves crashing against the shore. stroking the soft fur of a cat. their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop. tousled locks. clothes smeared with paint. owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more. leather jackets. fondness for diy projects. handwriting that flows across the page. nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin. velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams. mood as ever - changing as the sea. the roar of a motorcycle. compass with a spinning arrow.
HADES. walking home alone in the early morning. back alleys. drinking alone in a graveyard. crippling loneliness hidden by sarcasm and cynicism. crows picking a carcass. untended dead flowers. the black sheep of the family. black coffee. money can’t buy you happiness. murder mystery dinner parties. blood on your shirt collar. dust illuminated by sunlight. classical music. dogs are better than people. a quiet wrath. shady business deals. taking what you are owed. paint it black. seasonal affective disorder. popping the suit collar. grey rain on a cityscape.
ZEUS. thunder in their heart. running on coffee. flash of lightning. unnatural charisma. eloquence. badass in a nice suit. an aficionado of history. force of nature. lennyface. nightmare-filled nights. proud arm around their lover’s waist. high-rise buildings. planes soaring through a cloudless sky. technician on the piano. maintains order. strong handshake. juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease. expensive watch.
STOLEN FROM: Just wanted to do this again-- TAGGING: You!
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