#sharing wip excerpts and drabbles
hannie-dul-set · 9 months
six quick and easy hacks to 🆙 the quality of your fanfiction!
as promised, here it is! i’m not here to tell you how to plot out your story, or how to write your characters’ personalities. the tips i’m sharing are more on formatting and structure, secret (not really) cheat codes to instantaneously make your already written work even better! 
my qualifications? being a tumblr hag for over five years (my even more embarrassing pre k-pop writeblr included!) so i’ve unlocked quite a bit of secrets and discovered some eurekas throughout my time here HAHAHAH. anyway, let’s start!
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nothing turns me off more than seeing paragraph blocks after paragraph blocks when looking for some new fics to read, especially when you’re reading from a cramped up device such as your phone.
when i write a lengthy paragraph, i try to follow it up with a one-liner, or a mid-sized one. but it’s something i consciously keep track of— when i noticed that, “oh, this gdoc is getting a little too wordy, a little too chunky,” i make sure that my next paragraph is significantly shorter than the current one because it keeps the entire page interesting. one to two sentences of lines of paragraphs after another and another doesn’t look pretty. chunks of paragraphs after paragraphs is boring.
make your pages visually dynamic by ensuring variety.
like this, for example.
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→ fic: home for the bitchless.
seeing a large chunk of text and a singular line immediately after also sort of forces your reader to stick around and read an otherwise intimidating lengthy paragraph because— oh! what could have possibly led to that singular like of dialogue or thought! #subtlemanipulation you get me? 😔🤙
this rule of mine applies to sentences and phrases within the paragraph as well!
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→ fic: love vomit.
and as a bonus, you can use paragraph breaks and cuts to your advantage! manipulating the way a sentence or paragraph ends in a certain way makes your works more rhythmic! and, when you play it around the right way, abrupt cuts and breaks also add the right mood and drama to your work!
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→ drabble: the boy who cried wolf.
part three of tip number one (one…we’re still at number one…) is on sentence and paragraph starters. i keep it as a rule of thumb that if i start a paragraph with “you,” or with someones name, i don’t use it again in the next one to avoid monotony. it’s a very miniscule thing really, and i doubt that people notice this HAHAHA but this is something i religiously swear by because repetitions like this are visually boring.
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→ wip: sunwater.
of course, this can’t be avoided all the time, and repeating the sentence starter “You” or any other pronoun, word, or phrase can be intentionally utilized to strongly drive a point. just don’t overdo it!
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→ drabble: patience, patience.
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→ blurb: monsters don’t hide under the bed.
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→ fic: the psychology of strawberries.
there are other good and strategic uses for repetitions as well! we’ll get to that later.
lastly, variety in sentence and paragraph starters doesn’t simply mean changing up the first word. things can still get really boring even if you use “you” or a character’s name interchangeably if your sentence structure remains the same.
this, for example, is monotonous.
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the structure (and length) of all three sentences are the same. A does this. B does this. A does this. and even if you switch things up but still use the same sentence structure, it still falls flat. case in point, below, a structure i often see in a lot of fics i stumble across.
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those are flat. those are boring. they don’t…you know…make you feel something, even when you follow the rule of not using the same starter twice. let me try improving it by adding more variety in the sentences (+ adding a tip that i’ll be discussing right after!)
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the word “He” here is used twice to create a rhythm and draw emphasis, but the rest of the excerpt maintains a sense of variety to make the narrative more interesting and compelling to read.
before i start a scene, a drabble, or blurb, the first question i ask myself is, “whose point of view do i want it to be in?”
one, it’s a lot neater, more organized, than omniscient point of views in my opinion (unless you’re like a super fucking skilled writer of course HAHAHHA). two, it allows for a bit of mystery, suspense, and engagement because you don’t have access to what other people are thinking about, and three— in line with the first tip— when you know whose brain you’re in when writing, it allows for more dynamic narrations, gives you an excuse to be messy because our internal thoughts are messy as well, and makes the writing a hell of a lot easier when you’re focused on monologuing one person alone!
when writing shorter fics, drabbles, or blurbs, i swear by this rule, no excuses HAHAHAH but when writing longer fics, sometimes i switch around the point of views per scene, just to make a more well rounded story.
sometimes, the point of view doesn’t even have to be any of the main character’s! writing from an external POV is also really fun and adds another layer of interest. see example below, a Jeonghan breakup fic written exclusively from the perspective of the outsiders. very fun idea! 
breakup scene written in Seungcheol’s POV.
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another squabble written in Seungkwan’s POV.
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→ wip: the breakup soup.
this section contains tricks on how to wrap up your fics into one cohesive little present with a pretty ribbon on top! 
first is the use of repetition. use a cool funky line at the beginning of your story, and reuse/rehash/revise it at the end for a neat finish, especially when you have trouble figuring out a way to end your story (lifesaving hack! trust me!) 
i use this mostly in my shorter works—
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→ drabble: you’re my bucket list.
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→ blurb: louder.
—but it works just as well with longer fics, especially when the repetition is all throughout, and not just at the start and finish.
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→ fic: mogi.
sometimes, it doesn’t even have to be a repeated phrase or line! it can be a little gimmick and it’d still work to make your fic cohesive! for example, in the fic below, i use the giving of strawberry candy/strawberry kisses to tie all the different scenes together because this was initially a set of separate drabble ideas wrapped into one long fic.
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→ fic: the psychology of strawberries.
and for this one (another ricky fic….yes…..) i use the whole cat metaphor to do the same. 
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→ drabble: yours to keep.
the next tip to make your work cohesive is to grab a singular theme, object, whatever, and take advantage of it for your narration HAHAHAHHA this can be better explained by looking at the examples below.
theme: citrus.
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→ drabble: citrus in the morning.
theme: storm.
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→ blurb: blizzard.
the above examples are my shorter works, but it can work for longer fics as well! just check out this 36k word monster HAHAHAHHA.
theme: seasons.
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→ fic: love vomit.
these are very simple ways to make your fic more put together! even if it’s just a simply blurb about a confession, adding a theme to aid the imagery bumps your fic quality to a +++++
now this one is quite honestly just a personal nitpick HAHAHHAHA but seeing the word Y/N when i’m reading something really pulls me out of my immersion. (and i only stopped using Y/N’s in my fics at the start of my 2023 comeback….so if you see my older works still using it…hahahha please don’t prosecute me).
anyway, you can do this either by embedding it in the narration—
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→ fic: star studded baggage.
—or by using nicknames and titles instead!
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→ wip: the breakup soup.
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→ fic: can’t handle this.
instead of just saying “Your professor called you,” grab a random last name and say “Prof Yoon asked to see you in his office.” instead of saying you went to the cafe, the mall, the store, grab an actual place or make one up because no one in the world says “they’re going to the cafe to grab a frappe,” (unless the store’s name is actually The Cafe). people say they’re going to Dunkin Donuts or Coffeebreak or wherever.
sure it’s not plot relevant, sure it’s not integral, but little things like this make your narrative and dialogue a lot more realistic and less awkward. it makes it seem like your characters are actually living inside a world of their own.
these are given HAHA but when i talk about grammar, i mean making sure that the commas and periods are consistently inside the quotation marks when writing dialogue. i mean minimizing the use of italics because overusing it can ruin the reading experience of a good piece (i was guilty of this too!) and i mean making sure that the use of tenses are consistent all throughout (unless if it’s a creative and plot choice), because all these things really matter if you want your fic, drabble, or blurb to be of overall high quality.
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and that’s basically it! hope these tips help somehow...hope i’m not revealing my secrets for naught and someone can actually put them to good use HHAHAHHA what’s most important obviously is that you’re having fun with what you’re writing…etc. etc. insert inspirational you can do it speech here.
anyway, happy new year! and happy reading and writing<33
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
Garreth Weasley masterlist
Ao3: cuffmeinblack
Buy me a cuppa 🖤
Full masterlist for all characters is here
Reader inserts female unless specified otherwise.
If you're here you might be interested in the Weasley's Wizarding World discord server...
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NSFW alphabet headcanons 🔞
Garreth in a relationship headcanons
Weasley family headcanons
Garreth Weasley x f!OC
read on ao3 | moodboard
angst, friends to lovers (WIP) 🔞
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Garreth Weasley is the first prisoner to walk free from Azkaban in centuries. As he tries to pick up his life from where he left off, he soon realises that his imprisonment has reshaped the man he once was. Battered and broken, he draws on the strength of a friend to right the wrongs he's suffered. In matters of justice and those of the heart, will truth finally out?
Closing time - suggestive drabble, 500 words 🔞
After hours in their shop, Garreth finds himself tempted by Adanna.
Garreth Weasley x reader
Game On (ao3 link) - smut, modern AU, 3.3k words 🔞
Garreth draws attention whenever he plays, but you've had enough of the spectators' ogling and decide to show them who he belongs to.
A Library Defiled (ao3 link) - smut, 1.7k words 🔞
An tense encounter in the library shatters the barrier between friends and lovers.
Out of bounds - collection of smutty fluff with loose plot, 18.6k words 🔞
You agree to help Garreth sneak into his aunt's chambers to retrieve some confiscated notes. First part reads as gn!reader.
Dreamful Sleep (ao3 link) - fluff, smut, 3.5k words 🔞
Garreth's habit of sleepwalking is driving his friends and roommates insane, until you start to find him in the midst of his dreaming.
Needless Apologies - light angst, hurt/comfort, gn!reader, 1.2k words
Garreth comforts you after a run-in with goblins.
Seek me (ao3 link) - fluff, gn!reader, 2.4k words
Garreth comforts you after you have nightmares
Just a little tingle - smut, explicit, 1.4k wordsn🔞
Garreth has you try an experimental potion.
Love-drunk - fluff, gn!reader, 2.1k words
You have a crush on Garreth, but your pursuit is complicated by Sebastian-fucking-Sallow.
Tamed - smut, 1.4k words 🔞
Garreth is your little Gryffindor bitch boy.
Spills and thrills - smut, 1.6k words 🔞
Detention smut.
Strands of copper - fluff, gn!reader, 1.3k words
You end up idly playing with Garreth's hair.
Guilty pleasure (ao3 link) - smut, pegging, 3k words 🔞
Behind closed doors, Garreth has no qualms about indulging in his guilty pleasure.
Encore (ao3 link) - smut, 2.2k words 🔞
Garreth always gets worked up after a gig, and tonight is no exception.
Painted Canvas - fluffy drabble
Sharing - fluffy drabble
Unexpected - mildly spicy poem
Garreth Weasley x Ominis Gaunt
You need only ask - fluff, smut, 36.1k words 🔞
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Garreth Weasley has admired Ominis Gaunt from afar, offering his secret assistance in their shared potions classes. Ominis finds out and wants to know why.
Audio excerpts: chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3
Lost and Found (ao3 link) - fluff, angst, 5.4k words 🔞
A love story told in five scenes.
Repercussions (ao3 link) - smut, 2.4k words 🔞
Ominis is driven to distraction by Garreth's voice.
My own
'Ominis and Garreth adopt a baby' drabble. Audio.
Garreth Weasley x reader x Ominis Gaunt
Proposition (v1) (ao3 link) - f!reader, smut, 4.3k words (audio excerpt) 🔞
Proposition (v2) (ao3 link) - m!reader, smut, 4k words 🔞
You've always held an affection for your best friend, Garreth Weasley, but he is very much taken by Ominis Gaunt. You weren't expecting Ominis to come to you with an intriguing proposition.
Garreth Weasley x Sebastian Sallow
A dress to remember (ao3 link) - smut, 2.5k words 🔞
Sebastian surprises Garreth with an outfit he knows will get the Gryffindor's attention.
Garreth Weasley x reader x Sebastian Sallow
Uneasy arrangement (ao3 link) - smut, 2.5k words 🔞
Sebastian allows you to indulge your fantasy of sleeping with Garreth, as long as he's there.
Garreth Weasley x Sebastian Sallow x Leander Prewett
Friendly competition (ao3 link) - smut, 5k words 🔞
Garreth and Leander find out that Sebastian has been fooling around with both of them; he thinks he can have his cake and eat it, but perhaps the two Gryffindors are eager to show him the perils of overindulging.
Garreth Weasley x Andrew Larson
Helping hand (ao3 link) - smut, 3.7k words 🔞
When Andrew finds Garreth sneaking ingredients from the potions stores, he lets him go instead of throwing the Gryffindor in detention. That second's hesitation will be his undoing, to his great delight.
Garreth Weasley x Natsai Onai
Potions Prodigy, Romance Genius - fluff, rom-com, 2.4k words
Garreth and Natty find themselves the victims of Ministry bureaucracy whilst exploring their fledgling relationship. After a revelation of the heart, Garreth decides to take action.
No pairing
These Days Worth Living (ao3 link) - fluff, 1.6k words
Part of the Weasley Wednesday Christmas collaboration
As the first wizarding war draws to a close, Garreth spends time with his extended family and reflects upon his long and fulfilling life.
Garreth x f!MC x Ominis 🔞
Garreth x f!MC 🔞
Garreth x f!MC 🔞
Professor!Garreth x f!MC 🔞
Making you breakfast
Receiving a blowjob (f!listener) 🔞
Garreth x Sebastian x Leander 🔞
Garreth and Ominis adopt a baby
Getting pegged (f!listener) 🔞
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marcobodtlives · 8 months
Just as a lil teaser, my WIP closest to being published is an AU where Jean saves Marco at the last second during Trost.
And my favourite little excerpts so far are:
And that… that was a voice Jean knew better than anyone. It’s - it’s only ever screaming like this in his own nightmares, but it’s recognisable in an icy way that freezes his heart in his chest and makes his grip slip as he detaches from his last anchor point…
Marco swears he can hear Jean’s ribs creaking under the force of his embrace. Nothing in the world could drown out that embarrassing, muffled sound the shorter boy makes…
He steadies himself, letting the thumping of Marco’s heartbeat fill his ears as he sucks in air, tugging the boy closer to himself.
It hurts, and he’s scared, but he’s okay, because he’s shrouding Marco’s body, which is warm and alive.
Share your thoughts! Or ask questions about it! Or send lil prompts for drabbles in my ask box! Or tell me about stuff you’re working on ☺️
This is just a lil tease, there’s more going on throughout 🙃
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs- Dribbles & Drabbles: 1K Words Or Less For those of you with a short attention span, short on time or perhaps new to the fandom and just want to get a little taste... Here's a handful of fics with less than 1,000 words. Happy reading!
Be sure to show the authors some love and appreciation with kudos and comments on the fics you enjoyed!
✨ Likes are lovely, but please reblog to share this wonderful content with your mutuals! 😁
*If you have a tumblr (or other socials) you'd like linked, let me know and I'll add it. Also, if anyone doesn't want their socials linked here, please let me know and I'll gladly remove it.
🥛 Six-word stories from every decade by @carnivalrow // nightfall_in_winter [NR, 12] A heart for sale. Used once...* Hawk Part 1- stories from the 60s. Part 2 -stories from the 70s.
🥛 you know, you’ve been rather sweet lately by tangerineflamingo* [NR, 255] They stay like this, wrapped in each other’s embrace, their bodies entwined in the warm glow of sunlight. Part 1 of fellow travelers drabbles 🥛there is no sin in what you & I just did by @beyondxmeasure // Cyantific [M, 250] The burden of guilt weighs heavily on Tim for what he's about to do, but for now, he sets aside any conflicting feelings where God and Hawkins Fuller are concerned, along with the cross around his neck.
🥛 Blessed by @lookturtles // look_turtles [G, 300] Tim is sick and Hawk takes care of him.
🥛 Golden Fire by @itslexduh // ItsLexDuh [T, 478] A little drabble about Tim seeing Hawk with his wedding ring for the first time in 1957.
🥛 so you'll remember me by voidedcat* [G, 548] Hawk finds the cufflinks Tim'd kept after all these years. But now it's too damn late.
🥛 Yours Truly by Cozy_coffee* [G, 630] Love is…the three times Hawk said “I love you” to Tim.
🥛 if i have to switch the lights off, i wanna switch them off with you by @startagainbuttercup // startagainbuttercup [T, 661] "I don't remember our last kiss," Hawk blurted.
Tim's face instantly changed as he parted his lips in surprise.
"The whole time you were there, with the doctors, I thought you were dying, and I couldn't remember when was the last time we kissed." Hawk's voice trembled a little. He looked at his lap. "There were so many, but I just couldn't remember the last one."
Or, a little scene after, "Did you forget that I'm a convicted felon?"
Part 3 of Fellow Travelers 1x06 extra scenes
🥛 You didn't have to love me like you did, but you did, and I thank you. by @in-our-special-place // Cupping_Cakes [M, 708] “He wasn't my friend. He was the man I loved.”
🥛 Cherry blossom by @carnivalrow // nightfall_in_winter [M, 740] There is a moment when they both travel west and Tim falls asleep in the car. An excerpt is provided. This fic examines Hawk's thoughts in that precise moment.
🥛 Liability by @solitudinariann // Dysterscribbles [T, 804] Angstier version of the scene where Hawk asks Tim to write a letter for Mary and calls his friends a 'liability' which makes Tim think Hawk must think of him as a liability too. Angst and something more ensues.
🥛 The Twelth of Never by ghostandwitness* [M, 973 WIP] What if Hawk didn’t prevent Tim from passing the security clearance? A retelling of Hawk and Tim’s story where their affair is continued through Tim’s employment at State, for those of us who want a different ending (but of course, not without a hard time getting there-After all it's Hawk and Tim).
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zombie-honeymoon · 3 months
WIP Game
Thank you for tagging me @lavender-long-stories
Rules: If you’re tagged, make a new post and share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your most recent unposted WIP with zero context.
Unposted chapter, because I'm not working on anything new except when I am but they're just drabbles and ficlets that are already posted.
“Well, fuck me…” Kakuzu wanted to, and just might if they didn’t get up and out of bed. “Enough about me.” He couldn’t help it and leaned down to give Hidan an open mouthed kiss. “I want you to show me around town, we can get lunch while we’re out.” “Right. Yeah. I can show you around.” Hidan nodded, looking more than a little dazed, and sat up on the bed, legs dangling over the side. “Promise we’ll use the hot springs later?” “We have all night.”  “Hey, Kakuzu…” Hidan started, “how about we save whatever it is we need to tell each other for tomorrow?”  With the very real possibility of things taking a turn once their secrets were out in the open, Kakuzu walked over to stand between Hidan’s legs. He leaned down and kissed Hidan until they were both desperate for air.  “Tomorrow then,” Kakuzu agreed. 
Sorry, couldn't decide on just one or two lines, so have a little excerpt from the next chapter of my online dating fic. Honestly though, I can't say when (or if, sorry) it will be updated.
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mi6-cafe · 11 months
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It's Newspaper November!
Specifically, it's Agony Aunt Column November. From November 1-5, we encourage you to submit an in-character letter to our inbox, where it will reach MI6's very own agony aunt, Grievances Goodnight!
Submit your ask (it can be anonymous) and begin it with Dear Grievances Goodnight.
Maybe your letter will be signed Quintessentially Quirky and it will wonder about the best kind of nerd-wear to buy a gentleman used to something more traditional. Or maybe you'll write in as I Have Top-Notch Range Scores Honestly and have a question about working with a coworker you killed injured with an Olympic Arms K2B3 rifle.
From November 6-12, we'll post the letters and ask you to take on the character of Grievances Goodnight and write a reply to someone else's query!
In case you miss out the first time, we'll also run the agony aunt event in the second half of the month as well.
Last Drabble Writer Standing Entries
Thank you to everyone who participated in last month's LDWS competition! It was a pleasure to have people writing for the prompts and reading, giving feedback, and voting on all the entries.
You can read all of the drabbles now with the author’s names in the original docs here. (week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4)
Many of the stories are now on AO3 in our LDWS collection. Even if you’ve already read them, we encourage you to go leave lovely comments and kudos to the authors there, too!
Saturday Cafe: Every Saturday in November
To help those who are doing NaNoWriMo, our Saturday Cafe is every week this month! Come join us in the fandom Slack as we write, draw, sprint, plot, brainstorm, cheerlead, and generally have a good time trying to get things done together. If you’d like an invite to the Slack, go ahead and message @castillon02 or @spiritofcamelot!
Long Fic Readalong (new fic starting this week!), Saturdays at 9pm ET
Join us in the Discord while we read a fic together. This is a chance to enjoy the fun of reading a chaptered work in weekly installments with all the laughter and shared suspense that that involves. The group is starting a new fic this week, so it's a great time to jump in and join!
We’d love to see you there. You are welcome to listen if you don’t or can’t read aloud!    
When: Saturday, October 1st at 9pm eastern/6pm Pacific (your local time here)
Where: We’ll be reading on discord in the readalongs channel. (Invite to discord here)
Please join us to read, to just hang out and listen, and to generally enjoy a good story together!
Weekly events:
WIP Wednesday: You can post an excerpt of your WIP on our post or make your own post and mention the @mi6-cafe. Either way it’s a fun way to show people what you’re working on, Bond fandom or otherwise.
Weekly Bond movies: Hosted by womble every Sunday at 8am Pacific time, join us in Discord to watch one of the Bond movies. Keep an eye on the watch party calendar linked below for updates.
Want to host your own event in the Discord or elsewhere? Let us know about it so we can add it to the calendars!
Watch Party Calendar MI6 Cafe Calendar   If you need help adding these calendars to your personal one, check out this post.
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ghostradiodylan · 11 months
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Main AO3 Profile - Liz Lapin
Short request fills at WolfawayCamp
Particles & Waves: A Ghost Love Story - Longform Dylan/Ryan Paranormal Romance 💕 (In progress)
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One-off A Date with a Chainsaw - Post-Radio Hut Dylan/Ryan scene ❤️‍🩹
Shorts/WIP Previews/Drabbles WIP P&W Chapter Excerpt - Kaitlyn & Dylan Being Besties
P&W Chapter Excerpt - Truth or Dare: Dylan's Version
P&W Chapter Excerpt - Truth or Dare: Ryan's Version
P&W Chapter Excerpt - Truth or Dare: Kaitlyn’s Version
P&W Chapter Excerpt - The Final Girl
WIP P&W Short Excerpt - Mercury in Gatorade
WIP One-Off Excerpt - Thirst Games
✨Thanks to everyone who has been reading, liking, sharing, commenting, and caring, it means so much.✨
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WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @thefact0rygirl 💖💖💖
A little excerpt from my new biker Din au for the pedrostories follower celebration writing challenge and I am soooo excited to share it soon!!!
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No pressure tags @firstofficerwiggles @the-scandalorian @oliviajdjarin @drabbles-mc @saradika @campingwiththecharmings @flordeamatista @dameronscopilot @wildemaven @insomniamamma and whoever else sees this and want to do it 💖
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
hey peeps i'm in an oversharing mood but i don't have enough brain to write a drabble. so pick one of my (non-prioritized) wips and i'll share an excerpt from whichever has the most votes in the next 20 mins!!
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bricky-brikson · 1 year
hey! this is chance & here’s week 3’s prompt. share an excerpt that you’re very proud of from any of your wips.
This one isn't specifically from a WIP, more of a fandom drabble I wrote that I'm proud of.
Nothing graphic, oddly enough for me. Just a mother and her son having a bit of an argument. Includes some...sort of spoilers for Eden? Not much detail though.
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All sound, all sights, all life seemed deafened within the eye of the storm. A black void, with the disgraced King sitting in the centre, reduced to a husk of his former glory. His hair was long and matted, his tattered robes engulfing his emaciated form, his wings reduced to bare bone protruding from his back - sitting limply on the ground, flight now a hazy memory. His aged ears did not hear the flapping of wings, and his old eyes could barely see the light that began to fill his prison.
"Son," a familiar voice. One that no deafness could escape. The voice of Megabird was not a sound that one heard around them, instead something that spoke from within one's own mind.
"Come to gloat, I see ?" Resh spoke bitterly, his voice raspy as if each word was a struggle.
"I would never enjoy the suffering of My Son, even if his actions have brought so much pain to My creations, including himself," Megabird sat in front of Resh, aware he could not see Her, but wishing to comfort him all the same.
"My actions ? My actions ? I wasn't the one who cursed the land- sent plagues and famine to ravage the kingdom just to punish Her Son for disobeying Her ! This is Your fault, this is all Your fault. You did this to me."
Megabird was silent for a moment, turning Resh's words over in her head.
"Feeling guilty, are You ? Good," Resh hissed at his mother's silence.
After what seemed like ages, Megabird spoke. "You think Me responsible for the 'unpredictable' illness of your citizens ? The failings of your kingdom's crops ? The deaths of your livestock ? Son, you took My Light. I was incapable of those actions until only recently, and only a portion of My power has been returned. I was imprisoned without My power much like you are now, for the entirety of your reign over your kingdom. Only when the contraption containing My Light exploded was I freed."
"LIAR !" Resh rose with surprising speed, although as he stood his body trembled like a crumbling building in an earthquake. "You sabotaged me- You ruined me. You took EVERYTHING. Just because I wouldn't play Your little game."
"Son..." Megabird's feathered hands hesitantly found their way to Resh's shoulders.
"DON'T TOUCH ME !" Resh swung his arm wildly, pushing Megabird away while also throwing himself once more to the ground. His breath quivered, feeling the cold endless floor against his face. He pushed himself - slowly, weakly - to his knees. "Don't."
"Very well," Megabird returned to the ground, this time a good distance away from Resh.
The pair sat in silence, the only sound to keep them company being that of Resh's own wheezing, laborious gasps for air as he repositioned himself. Megabird found it hard to look at him, considering how recently - in the timescale of the Goddess of All Creation - he had been a young and energized boy, full of life and promise, supposedly destined to take the helm as a God of Creation himself. But part of that transformation had been Her fault, hadn't it ?
"I am sorry, Son." The words cut the still air like a knife. "I know you are upset with Me...and in some regards, you have reason to be so. I forced you into your role at far too young an age...I thought that as a God you would have understood it, been able to handle reaping the souls of the dead, but I failed to anticipate how, in the manner I created you, it gave you a far more human sensibility. That...that led to all of this. Our fight. My loss. Your kingdom. And now we are here. I am sorry for how My shortsightedness led to all this pain."
"Now You've apologized for the first bit, where's the rest of it ?" Resh snapped. "Where's Your remorse for what You did to my kingdom ?!"
"I did nothing to your kingdom. I have been without My Light for centuries, entirely incapable of even taking a physical form, let alone causing the plagues and famines you blame on Me."
"If You didn't do it then who did ?!"
"No one."
"That's impossible. Someone was behind it all. And You are the only one it could've been, unless You have a sister I don't know about."
"The events which befell your kingdom, although tragic, were purely a result of the natural laws I created long, long before you were even a thought in My mind. The 'plagues' were not actual disease. It was a reaction that the ancestor form has to the minerals you had based your kingdom on. It is a complex explanation, but in simplicity, the 'diamonds' you created expelled a dangerous energy, capable of bringing illness to anyone exposed for a long enough time. That energy spread through your kingdom, along with other harmful things created as a byproduct of the industrialization you brought. It was not Me who caused your kingdom to fall. It was simply nature," Megabird spoke firmly, hoping to leave no room for error nor misinterpretation.
"No..." Resh murmured, his voice already so weak his words were barely audible.
"I had intended to explain all the laws of the universe I had created when you were older, and had completed what I saw as your training in dealing with the cycle of Rebirth. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to warn you."
"No, no, no, my kingdom did not fall because of nothing. It was You, it was always You. You can deny it all you want, but it's all Your fault," Resh lunged forward, grabbing blindly at his Mother's shoulders. "You did this, You did this, now You've trapped me here as punishment !"
"This place is not My doing either, Son. This is your creation. I fear it is your rage keeping you here. It has corrupted you."
Resh tried to wrap his hands around his Mother's throat, but as swiftly as she had arrived, she was gone. His hands closed around nothing. He screamed. A horrible, blood-curdling shriek, echoing off the mountains between the bouts of thunder and crashes of lightning. The storm grew darker around him.
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Please reblog if you enjoyed!
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theragethatisdesire · 8 months
And I'm back for the wip guessing game! I pick the word "undo".
okay i had to dig for this one and i hate this one shot and it will probably never be posted or finished but....
also this is my only fic with the word 'undo' in it i went through my entire drive and the sentence with 'undo' is from a really awful part of the fic so i'm cheating and choosing a different excerpt that's actually half-decent, and you guys will just have to take my word for it that 'undo' is in the fic somewhere hehe
professor!kento nanami x reader drabble excerpt thingy
“Your name tag just says ‘Nanami’.” You point out, unsure of what else to say, but not yet willing to end the conversation.
“That’s my name.” He furrows his brow, confused.
“Professor Gojo’s says ‘Satoru’ on it.”
“That’s because he’s not exactly a professional.” Nanami shoots a scathing glance at Gojo across the room, who’s still brazenly flirting with Ella in front of the entire faculty as if he hasn’t been led to think she’s his student. You brush away the hypocrisy burning in your throat.
“And you are?”
“What do you think?”
“Well, you’ve apparently been keeping scotch in your desk. Who knows what other unprofessional things you might be getting up to?” You regret the words as soon as they’re out of your mouth, far too suggestive to say to, again, your fucking professor. Nanami picks up on it too, eyes widening ever so slightly. A long, pregnant silence stretches between you both; you want to hide your face in your hands.
“My first name is Kento,” he says, taking another swig from his glass, “but don’t tell any of your classmates that. I don’t allow students to call me by my first name.”
---------------- and a bonus just bc i love u guys
Kento follows your instructions, if only to have something to do with his hands that have tensed at that fucking word you keep using. Professor. “You don’t have to keep calling me that, you know.”
“Calling you what?” Your nose scrunches, all cute and confused, and it hits Kento just how bad of an idea it was to follow you up here.
“You are my professor,” you say, shuffling through a few stray bottles of wine on the counter before you hold one up to the light. You deem it good enough to share and begin to scrounge around in your drawers for a wine key.
Kento nods, hating how transparent he is to you. “I told you my name back at the event.”
“You said you don’t like when your students call you by your first name, though. What, am I special?” You smile a little at your own teasing tone, popping the cork and sloshing a laughably large pour of wine into each of the glasses that Kento’s set out for you both. His stomach clenches into a tight knot. Do you really have to keep reminding him how out of place he is here?
“Just…call me Kento,” he sighs, leaning back against the countertop. How rude would it be for him to just…leave? Leave before you can bat those eyes at him above your glass, giggle again and make his heart race, touch his hand again in that feather-light way? Would he even be able to manage it?
“Kento,” you repeat, tasting his name on your tongue.
God help him, it’s worse. It’s so much worse than ‘professor’. Kento swallows around a thick knot in his throat, desperately willing himself to keep his composure.
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det2x-fanfic-dump · 7 months
A masterlist of my headcanons for my long fanfic series:
Title: Yuki's Adventure in a Twisted Wonderland
Summary: [A retelling of Yuu's story if Yuu is Obey Me's MC as well]
Yuki(Obey Me's MC) had accidentally teleported herself to the World of Twisted Wonderland while practicing alone at her room in Cocytus Hall. Upon finding herself inside the coffin, she rediscovered herself in a twisted reality of childhood stories from her human world but also enrolled in a new school. How will she, a human girl adopted in a family of demon brothers return to her home in the devildom now that she’s just a regular magicless girl?
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3813811
These are excerpts I wrote for my TWST x Obey Me TWST retelling fanfic that I think are very memorable and funny that I wanted to share here. This can be in a form of literature or script.
MY BOOK 4 NUTSHELL [Sketch Dump]
Context: Let's say each NRC Housewardens have their designated sins and Obey Me Demon Brother to relate by:
Riddle Rosehearts
Leona Kingscholar
Azul Ashengrotto
Kalim Al-Asim /Jamil Viper
Vil Schoenheit
Idia Shroud
Malleus Draconia
Context: For every Overblot victims MC/Yuu/Yuki faces, there's a life lesson she will share
Riddle Rosehearts
Leona Kingscholar
Azul Ashengrotto
Kalim Al-Asim /Jamil Viper
Vil Schoenheit
Idia Shroud
Malleus Draconia
Context: This segment will serve as reference of my fanfiction TWST x Obey Me Series. Yuu from TWST and Yuki from Obey Me is going to be as one character.
Yuu/Yuki/FeMc: (For TWST and OM MC)
Character Bio ( Mostly Obey Me Inspired Centered)
Her Signature Spell (For TWST lore)
#02 Clothes
Obey Me Characters:
Mammon as an Angel
Levi as an Angel
Twisted Wonderland Characters:
[Since these characters are sus and yet to reveal their signature spells and abilities. Disclaimer: These are just my takes]
Ace Trappola [He doesn't his signature spell by the time of this post]
Dire Crowley [He's sus and my take
[What if] Lilith Lore #1
Adeuceyuu as Cute Animals:
[One shot Fanfic]
[Fanart + Draft WIP]
[To be Added]
Updated: 15-07-24 (dd/mm/yy)
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An (Albeit Late) Writeblr Intro
I'm seeing all the Writeblr introduction posts going around and I'm starting to realize that, damn, I should have started my blog that way. But I didn't, so I might as well post my intro a while after I've written and reblogged other things, because it's the least I can do.
So, with that out of the way: excuse my fuck-ups, and here's a really late Writeblr intro…
Hi! I don't think anyone wants to type out my long username whenever they're referring to me, so just call me 'A.' (He/him). I've been lurking on Tumblr for a while and I figured I'd actually get up and make a blog for writing. I don't exactly have any particular focus outside of just "random crap that relates to writing in any way, shape, or form" so I could be putting up memes, drabbles I wrote, excerpts from my WIPs, writing memes, etc. etc. I'll make other blogs if I wanna focus in on one specific writing aspect later, but for now, I'm keeping things general. 
My current major WIP as of now is APS (stands for 'A Powerful Secret' but I usually just call it the acronym since it sounds cooler). It's a sci-fi dystopia trilogy centering around the idea of superhumans being discovered by an already-corrupt government. There's also a spinoff I want to work on, but that's way off into the future. I'm currently working on B2 of the trilogy; it's currently in the first draft. Considering that this series is still a major work-in-progress, I might not be able to post anything about it until a bit later.
I do have plenty of other side projects that I most certainly want to share on here, since I feel more confident posting those first (when I get back to writing them, of course). Some of these side-WIPs include: 
The Devil On My Shoulder: A fiction centering around a depressed college-aged student, and how his life changes when a demon is kicked out from hell and comes crashing right into his home. 
This is probably the story I'm most excited to work on, given that I've mapped out all the twists and turns in my head already, and all I need to do is write it.
ATM (placeholder title): A story — possibly a series — revolving around a civilization that relies heavily on elemental magic which takes the form of specific jewelry (ex: elemental rings, necklaces, wristbands, etc.). It's often used to fight back against the monsters that invaded the world decades ago. The source of the creatures is something that nobody knows, but the protagonist, Nadeline, is dead set on finding out. 
This story may take a longer while to write, considering that it's a high-fantasy type of story, which is a genre I don't write often but want to write more of.
Don't Leave: (That may or may not be a placeholder title; it depends). A novel that focuses on the town of Bayholde, which forbids anyone from traveling outside of it and has closed itself off from the world almost entirely. Kaguya, a young man who is fed up with being trapped inside, makes his escape from Bayholde one night just to see what lies in the outside world. What he finds is most certainly not pretty.
You can bet I'll be posting at least something related to the first or third WIP sometime soon. In the meantime, though, I'll probably fill up the blog with all the other things I mentioned before: drabbles, excerpts, memes, maybe the occasional writing prompt/idea if I feel like it. 
I really look forward to seeing what the rest of Writeblr brings, along with reading everyone else's works/WIPs! :)
— A.
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drosselmeyerwrites · 9 months
**WIP SHARE** Beneath the Eternal Blue Sky
🧡 Hello. 🧡
It's been a month. I know I've posted more lately than I have in a long time, even if just largely focusing on drabbles and shorter vignettes. That's what life allows right now, so I'm managing within the boundaries of that. But I do still work on other longer fics, the excerpt below being my primary focus right now. It's a project. Nothing about Beneath the Eternal Blue Sky is short or easy for me, but it's my SessKag passion project. So, I'm sharing a little of it. It will be a good long while before it's ready to launch on fic sites, but I may share little bits like this here and there just because it helps me to share what I enjoy as I work on it.
So, to anyone interested, this is just a little bit from the very beginning. It's, of course, subject to editing or changes later, but for the moment, here's a snippet:
Dawn broke.
From the doorway of her home, Kagome sat, silent. The equinox sun crept into the sky and cast its first rays, golden streaks raking over the land. They weakened winter’s chill and melted it away with each crawling inch, and she drew up her knees, resting her cheek on them as she watched and ignored the emptiness that threatened to swallow her heart where it beat in her chest.
She blinked, slowly; the light continued to spread.
Another morning in a sea of many—another in which she had already been awake for hours. The hollow feeling in her chest should have been familiar by now, but even as she held vigil to spring’s arrival, waiting for the village to awaken below the hill where her small house sat, that hollowness held her as tightly as it had all those years ago when everything had changed and came crashing down.
A thick knot blocked her throat, and she swallowed it back as the first signs of life began to stir below. It was the same day in and day out.
Cocks crowed.
A water buffalo lowed.
The emptiness where her heart lay ached.
She blew a heavy breath through her cheeks, the tired voices of the villagers joining babies’ cries as the day’s first cooking fires perfumed the air. Sleepy mothers woke sleepier children, the din of men readying for morning chores blending into the burgeoning bedlam. It was entirely normal and mundane, a repetition of moments she had memorized over the ten years since she had returned, but the familiarity was not the comfort she had once imagined it would be.
No, comfort had long eluded her.
Pushing the thought aside, Kagome leaned into the side of her doorway, letting her head knock against the wood. The sun was almost above the horizon now, its transmutation of orange into yellow settling into day, and she looked out over the field that stood between her home and the woods. The fog had not yet burned away, though it would soon enough.
A faint rumble gnawed at her stomach, disturbing the morning’s peace. She ignored it, not yet ready to face the responsibilities waiting. As long as she sat here, clinging to the last lingering shades of grey, the heaviness that followed her day in and day out wouldn’t be real. Or, so she told herself.
A rustle sounded in the woods, and Kagome straightened, eyes narrowing slightly as she peered through the mists. Her home was situated away from others, secluded. She had found solace in the location, grateful for the solitude it allowed. But that solitude came with its own risks—risks her friends had protested when she picked the spot, claiming the outskirts of the village were too dangerous and too unstable for a single woman. But the isolation had been needed, and she had not regretted it once.
Even in moments like this.
Eyes still on the forest’s edge, she reached just inside, her fingertips brushing the bow she kept ready. The quiver sat beside it, and she hooked her little finger through its strap, ready to pull both it and the weapon into her hands. But before she could, there was another rustle and a white figure emerged from the foliage and underbrush.
The tension seeped away.
Across the field to the woods, more wraith-like than tangible, Sesshoumaru stepped out, half shrouded by the morning’s transient vapors. If he had noticed her alarm, he did not let on and simply continued through the tall grass with only a cursory glance her way.
She lifted her hand, giving a small wave.
He stopped.
For a moment, she held her breath. Golden irises caught the sunrise as they fixed on her, their unearthly glow—visible even from the distance—a reminder of his otherness and lack of humanity. But she wasn’t afraid. Any fear of the youkai lord had disappeared years before, time having proved him a reliable ally. The sense of awe with these inhuman qualities always remained, however, reminders that, despite everything boring and dull, there were still fantastical things to be seen.
It was those reminders that made her losses a bit more bearable.
Dusting off her hands, Kagome stood when he changed direction and headed toward her, quickly tucking the thought away. It wasn’t worth dwelling on now.
It was asked quietly, hardly more than a whisper. But as expected, his sharp hearing picked up her voice, and he gave a brief nod that she could only just make out when he was halfway across the field.
Hooking the noren on the doorway to let him know to come in, she went inside.
A kettle hung over the hearth, hot water ready and waiting as was custom for her every morning, and it took no effort to fill a teapot large enough for two with leaves and set it brewing. As it steeped, she retrieved two cups—one her only remaining token of the home she had left in the future.
Kagome paused, turning the ceramic yunomi in her hand. It was a silly thing covered in cross-eyed squid that had made her mother and her laugh too loudly for public when they saw it on the store shelf. But she had bought it anyway and taken it with, the memory tied to the cup one that she would always cherish when she drank from it.
She missed Mama, terribly.
A soft rustling disturbed her thoughts. Choking back the emotion suddenly rising in her throat, she looked up to see Sesshoumaru enter. The noren swished as it fell shut behind him, and his eyes settled on the cup still cradled in her hands before sliding to hers. Slowly.
Her ears burned. “You don’t have to drink from this.”
There was no response, no outward sign that he’d heard. Brilliant citrine eyes, dulled by the dimness of her home, simply stared. Seeing what exactly only he knew, but their preternatural stillness unnerved her almost more than guessing at his thoughts. Kagome quickly retrieved another cup—plain, dull earthenware—and set it alongside the silly one.
It was almost as absurd for a lord such as Sesshoumaru.
Lips tight and pressed, she looked down as she shuffled across the hut to retrieve her kettle. “It’s been a while since we’ve seen you.”
To be continued...
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melisusthewee · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
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@greypetrel​ got to me first this week.  Thank you for the tag and for kicking off this week’s share-fest!
No art scraps from me this week.  I have no excuse other than I have just... chosen not to work on anything.  I’ve been trying to make progress on at least one of my WIPs.  I’ve got an inbox full of DADWC prompts and haven’t been able to finish a drabble for any of them.  So here is an excerpt from one I have been trying to put words in a good order for a couple weeks lol.
For context, the prompt is from a list of “wordless ways to say I love you”.  Quinn ends up contracting the Thedosian equivalent of malaria in the Fallow Mire.  It was originally going to be a larger fic establishing a Quinn/Cass/Solas polycule aka The Throuple, but as I worked on it I realized that Quinn would likely say he was poly but he really isn’t.  He gets jealous too easily or demands too much attention.  He can barely navigate a meaningful relationship with one partner never mind multiple.  But I had put so much time and effort into researching medieval medicine and science to throw the entire idea away.  So while the polycule is itself dead, parts of the fic remain as it’s still a solid headcanon/part of my Inquisitor’s story which mostly exists as prompt fills these days.  (Fun Fact: Inquisitor Trevelyan invented the gin and tonic.)
Quinn has left his bed when she returns, having settled himself in her vacated chair.  He’s retrieved a small mirror and seems singularly focused on his appearance.  Every now and then a hand reaches out to comb straps of hair out of his eyes.  A deep frown is etched in his face that seems to linger even as he looks up at her approaching footsteps.
“I look terrible.  Why did no one tell me I look terrible?”
Cassandra does not think he looks terrible at all.  He looks tired, he looks thinner than usual, and considering his lack of modesty she thinks he looks rather cold.  But she knows these are not what Quinn is complaining about.  She isn’t certain if the growth on his face can truly be called a proper beard, but his moustache and chin have gotten considerably thicker and longer.  It is uneven in places and while there isn’t much more than patchy-looking growth on most of his cheeks, what she can only describe as scruff has spread along his jaw.  It is in her opinion somehow both adorable and rugged.
“You just need a good wash,” Cassandra says, setting down the basin and jug on a nearby table.  “And perhaps a comb through it.”
“I must protest, Lady Seeker,” he says, though he takes the basin when she offers it to him and bows his head over it obediently.  “You know I’m very particular about my hair.”
As always, if you would like to be added or removed, please don’t hesitate to let me know!  You can even shoot me a private message and no one has to know if you’re shy or embarrassed about it!
Tagging: @rosella-writes​ @roguelioness​ @potatowitch​ @cleverblackcat​ @noire-pandora​ @darethshirl​ @kittynomsdeplume​ @little-lightning-lavellan​ @little--abyss​ @plisuu​ @blarrghe​ @inquisitoracorn​ @morganlefaye79​ @knuttydraws​ @silvanils​ @n7viper​ @sulky-valkyrie​ @drag-on-age​ @oxygenforthewicked​ @bluewren​ @nirikeehan​ @effelants​ @scribbledquillz​ @jellydishes​ @absyntthe​ @idolsgf​ @terencessong​ @rakshadow​ @delicatefade​ @in-arlathan​ @zoannearts​
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mi6-cafe · 1 year
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Occult October!
Sp00qy season is upon us! This month we want you to make or rec fancreations that involve Bond characters and anything that’s uncanny, wyrd, monstrous, magical, or spooky. (Or, you know, anything that has to do with the characters celebrating Halloween or related holidays.)
We challenge you to create sp00qy content using less represented "halloween monsters" like swamp monsters, mind flayers, and any other eldritch beings that catch your fancy.
As always, all ships, gen fic, and genres are welcome!
Trick-or-Treat Mini Event
From October 24th to October 31st, we’re asking you to choose a specific 48 hours to do your personal comment-a-thon. The idea is that you’ll be passing out comment goodies just the same way that people would pass out Halloween candy! But we know that not everyone has the 48 hours around Halloween free, so we invite you to comment on the days that make the most sense to you.
What counts as a comment? Positive comments on AO3, kind words directly on tumblr reblogs, or happy rambling in tumblr tags. Publicly visible tweets and comments on other social media like Facebook and Instagram are also great for our participants on other platforms.
When your 48 hours are finished, you’ll fill out a Cafe form with your total number of comments and we’ll update the running Cafe total!
We hope you’ll have your own personal goal, but our fandom goal is to pass out at least 107 comment treats during Halloween week!
Last Drabble Writer Standing has begun!
Each week, for four weeks, we will be sending out a specific prompt to our LDWS participants. Prompts include a topic or image, a word count, and sometimes a genre or an extra challenge! Each writer creates a drabble inspired by the same prompt, and then those drabbles are posted anonymously and voted on/given feedback by amazing readers! 
In addition to the weekly rankings throughout October, there will be one final drabble writer at the end who has the top number of votes overall--the Last Drabble Writer Standing! 
You can read and vote for the first round of drabbles by following this link here!
Saturday Cafe: October 7 and October 21
Come join us in the fandom Slack as we write, draw, sprint, plot, brainstorm, cheerlead, and generally have a good time trying to get things done together. If you’d like an invite to the Slack, go ahead and message @castillon02 or @spiritofcamelot!
Long Fic Readalong (spooky one shots), Saturdays at 9pm ET
Join us in the Discord while we read a fic together. This is a chance to enjoy the fun of reading a chaptered work in weekly installments with all the laughter and shared suspense that that involves. The group is reading spooky oneshots this month, in addition to each week's LDWS submissions.
We’d love to see you there. You are welcome to listen if you don’t or can’t read aloud!    
When: Saturday, October 1st at 9pm eastern/6pm Pacific (your local time here)
Where: We’ll be reading on discord in the readalongs channel. (Invite to discord here)
Please join us to read, to just hang out and listen, and to generally enjoy a good story together!
Weekly events:
WIP Wednesday: You can post an excerpt of your WIP on our post or make your own post and mention the @mi6-cafe. Either way it’s a fun way to show people what you’re working on, Bond fandom or otherwise.
Weekly Bond movies: Hosted by womble every Sunday at 8am Pacific time, join us in Discord to watch one of the Bond movies. Keep an eye on the watch party calendar linked below for updates.
Want to host your own event in the Discord or elsewhere? Let us know about it so we can add it to the calendars!
Watch Party Calendar MI6 Cafe Calendar   If you need help adding these calendars to your personal one, check out this post.
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