#sharyrazade plays
sharyrazade · 1 year
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True story, BTW.
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sharyrazade · 2 years
Three Hopes first impressions (I know it’s late)
- You know, this is actually pretty fun. They definitely recognized the first Warriors’ entry’s weaknesses and built on them. I can’t believe they only now put in a guard button/command, holy shit.
- Ashen Demon, huh? I get that was their (seldom-used) title to begin with, but they were really going all in with the Lloyd-Emil thing, weren’t they? Only that Byleth is really Ludger-like to begin with.
- Late-00s emo throwback look notwithstanding, Severus Jorah Hubert is as...off-putting as ever. Still gotta give him credit for having his this-is-a-real bad-idea moments, his canon, barely-concealed thirst aside.
- Leopold von Bergliez? Waldemar von Hevring? Gregoire von Varley? Aw, crap, they have actual names. I mean, I was gonna proofread the stuff I wrote anyway and it’s not THAT much all things considered. I was pretty dead on with their respective demeanors though.
- Holy shit, he actually is the King in the North now.
- They know what they’re doing, I promise you, just like when they gave Christmas!Felix a bow in Heroes. And you can see why I was real tempted to make him an archer/sniper. I don’t even write Felix as being THAT racist either...
- Wait a second, braids...? And again! IntSys and Koei Temco just brutally murdering any hint of subtlety. And anyone wonders why I always make her a wyvern class?
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sharyrazade · 4 years
I mean, Ashe IS best boy, after all (Cindered Shadows)
But I feel like they should have made Sylvain the other Blue Lions representative and done away with the pretense, since, apart from Punished Ephraim, you’ve got Daenerys Targaryen and Alfred “Alvin” vint Svent and his sass getting them all into a fight with literally Yuri Lowell and his band of self-admitted outlaws and outcasts, one of whom literally being Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear to boot
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sharyrazade · 4 years
I know what it is I wanted from 3H DLC now (semi-shitpost-in-progress)
Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying Cindered Shadows immensely, but I know what it was missing. Or rather, what I wanted from IntSys team as far as (minor) content like costumes or items is concerned. These included, but are by no means limited to, by character:
Byleth: Suspenders of Proof: Grants access to the “Ritual of Destruction,” “Form Destroyer,” and “Eternal Waltz” combat arts and a special battle theme against the house leaders
- Suit of Victory: Gift from Edelgard after the timeskip. Grants access to the “Ritual of Destruction,” “Form Destroyer,” and “Eternal Waltz” combat arts and a special battle theme against any named enemy character from the academy phase. Extras include an optional mask and a skirt version for F!Byleth, in addition to Byleth’s idle animations seeming kind of...mildly unhinged with the costume equipped
- The One That Was Promised: Gains one free resurrection from Byleth’s HP reaching zero
Edelgard: Emperor class now includes a complete immunity to fire magic/fire map hazards in exchange for a (n even more pronounced) weakness to blizzard, especially when snowing. Alternate costumes:
- Yulia’s Wilhelm’s Descendant’s Armor: Grants access to the Imperial Slaughter-Celestial Elegy-Ancient Requiem line of combat arts; note that Constance will be EXTREMELY offended if Edelgard has this costume equipped
- Commandant’s Armor: Grants access to the “Brilliant Cataclysm” combat art; note that Yuri will be EXTREMELY offended if Edelgard has this costume equipped
- Or if you want to take magic!Edelgard to its logical extreme, you have the “Fallen Angel A” and “Fallen Angel B” costumes which allows the “Indignation Judgement” combat art. Don’t @sharyrazade at me, her post-timeskip costume is already a fallen angel.
Dimitri: The “Punished Prince” costume doesn’t grant him any particular combat arts, but increases dexterity and speed by +10 and gives enemies a not-insignificant chance to pass him by
Claude: Failnaught now grants access to the “Terminus Pride” combat art. Powers up when Claude has “Foreign Nobleman’s Disguise” or “Foreign Nobleman’s Disguise B” equipped
Hubert: Receives a bonus in every stat against human enemies, but gains a weakness to Children of the Goddess and reptiles in general; turning his non-Fire spells green is optional however. The “Twilight Servant” costume also gives him access to the “Agarazium” and “Leonazium” combat arts
Ferdinand: Noble Knight: Not only gives him a new costume and hairstyle, but access to the “Radiant Dragon Fang” and “Firebird Flight” combat arts. Gets a special battle theme for battling Yuri
Caspar: The “Skull Warrior” costume gives him complete immunity to lightning magic. For real.
Dorothea: Training her in the in the Thief-Assassin line gives her a special costume and dual wielding knife model once she becomes the latter
Dedue: Bobcat’s Duster: Gains complete immunity to non-magic ranged attacks; Dedue will occasionally compliment a powerful opponent as being “pretty good”
Felix: Grants access to the “Rinnegan” combat art
Sylvain: Chosen Garb: Grants access to the “Shining Bind” combat art learned from Seteth; can also get “Sinister Crystal-T” from Edelgard which gives him +10 to all stats but permanently takes up an inventory slot and can’t be removed
Mercedes: Clumsy Devotee: Grants to the “Holy Judgement” combat art; can also get “Sinister Crystal-S” from Edelgard which gives her +10 to all stats but permanently takes up an inventory slot and can’t be removed
Lorenz: Eccentric’s Garb: A regular white dress shirt-black pants combo that grants access to the “Goemon” combat art and raises all of his stats with Ignatz or another art aficionado on the field
Lysithea: The “Mana Mistress” costume allows access to the “Indignation Judgement” combat art. The “Fallen Angel A” and “Fallen Angel B” costumes on Edelgard also respectively halve and double the rate at which she gains support points with Lysithea
Leonie: Green Dragon’s Jacket: A jacket-skirt combo that raises all stats considerably when using greaves or unarmed; grants access to the “Mind Slice” combat art
Seteth: The “Mysterious Mercenary” and “'Traitor’ to Humanity” costumes both give him access to the “Shining Bind” combat art, an affinity for swords and middling magic, and increases all stats by +10 with Flayn on the field
Yuri: Rogue’s Outfit: Grants access to “Savage Wolf Fury” and “Heavenly Bladewing” combat arts. Fuck it, IntSys and Bamco should have just actually given us this costume and dropped the pretense completely
Balthus: Loyal Warrior: Gives Balthus an affinity for axes and heavy armor, along with an exclusive hero’s relic
Constance: Scion of Lanvaldear-Nuevlle: Gives Constance an affinity for bows and access to the combat arts “Astral Rain” and “Noble Roar.” Note: Edelgard will be EXTREMELY offended if Constance has this costume equipped. Fuck it, IntSys and Bamco should have just actually given us this costume and dropped the pretense completely
Hapi: Desert’s Daughter: Gives Hapi an immunity to movement penalties on sand but halves the rate at which she gains support points with male units, Byleth included
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sharyrazade · 5 years
When you have the odd realization that
Apparently, Fates gave me a thing for an M!Avatar especially falling for his spouse/SO after hearing her singing voice.
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sharyrazade · 4 years
Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Julius Caesar - Shakespeare, Fire Emblem Series, The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Dorothea Arnault/Edelgard von Hresvelg/My Unit | Byleth, Ferdinand von Aegir/Bernadetta von Varley, Julius Caesar/Calpurnia Pisonis, Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger/Porcia Catonis Characters: Majora (Legend of Zelda), Edelgard von Hresvelg, Hubert von Vestra, Linhardt von Hevring, Ferdinand von Aegir, Bernadetta von Varley, Petra Macneary, Dorothea Arnault, Caspar von Bergliez, Mercedes von Martritz, Jeritza von Hrym, Linhardt von Hevring's Father, Caspar von Bergliez's Father, Caspar von Bergliez's Brother, Caspar von Bergliez's Mother, Happy Mask Salesman (Legend of Zelda), Background & Cameo Characters, Bernadetta von Varley's Father, Bernadetta von Varley's Mother, Fire Emblem: Three Houses Ensemble, Demise (Legend of Zelda), Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda), Minor Characters Summary:
Absurd as it may have sounded, even in her own mind, the Emperor could not help but feel as though this mask was watching her. Which was utterly ridiculous- there was no such thing as a living mask!
"I don't like this mask, Hubert." she said at last, handing it off to her loyal retainer. "Dispose of it at once."
Well, here’s something I’ve been threatening to do for...actually, years now. Namely an FE/Shakespeare...thing. I mean given what Adrestia literally is, who it’s ruled by and the fact that one of George R.R. Martin’s favorite Shakespeare plays is Julius Caesar, IS kinda sorta begged someone to write this.
Interestingly enough, concerning the three main (human) players in this fic, I’d apparently had a certain trio of KMFDM songs in the back of my mind concerning those three. Not (just) because of the titles either.
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sharyrazade · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Persona 5, Persona Series, Catherine (Video Game) Series: Part 8 of Children of Men - Fallen PT AU Summary:
Finale or: Don't lie to yourself. You can exactly see this kind of thing happening to these dorks.
For such a relatively depressing series of one-shots, I actually decided to end this on a rather humorous note, clarifying a series of “incidents” taking place over the years. Non-explicitly, of course, (but feel free to make them so if you’re so inclined) but incidents such as:
- About to confess to Joker a bit after the game, Makoto walking in on him getting the succ from Ann; this one’s played more for angst than anything though
- Sojiro flipping out after learning about Futaba’s boyfriend in a very awkward manner
- Hifumi, the Venus of Shogi, learning what happens when you take your eccentric, artsexual husband to the Lourve
- Sae and Mitsuru’s night at a lesbian sex club interrupted by the former figuring out their anonymous conquest is actually Haru
- And of course, Yuuki being cuckolded by Haru and walking in on her and Makoto in bed
And finally, the guys unwinding at their favorite bar that night notice Mishima in a really bad way. Then again, so do Lavenza and Dumuzid Boss Mr. Mutton
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sharyrazade · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Persona 5, Persona 3, Persona Series, Catherine (Video Game) Series: Part 5 of Children of Men - Fallen PT AU Summary:
This was supposed to be a happy occasion, dammit! Everyone kept going on and on about just how romantic and magical Ann's wedding to Akira was or was going to be. So why did she feel so utterly miserable?
This was actually an addition I added to the series after its completion, but it was just too good an idea to pass up. But I decided to combine wedding fluff with some Makoto torment (Haru to a lesser degree), which I KNOW from experience, is a very real way of dealing with this kind of thing.
Also pay attention to the bartender; a reference to another concept I’m playing with.
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