#shawn spencer fanfiction
crazyk-imagine · 4 months
Stealing is Not the Answer, but It Could Be
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Pairing: Shawn Spencer x Detective!reader
Characters: Shawn Spencer, Detective!reader, Burton "Gus" Guster, Chief Vicks, Carlton Lassiter, Buzz McNab
Warnings: Fluff, humor, Shawn being Shawn, Gus and reade being besties, Shawn trying to use his Shawn psych, Shawn trying to steal something, reader putting Shawn in his place, Shawn and Gus doing shenanigans
Word Count: 615
You walk into the department, aiming for chief Vicks office when you hear an alarming statement from your favorite chaotic duo.
“Sometimes I think it would be easier to steal something than ask for it,” Shawn blurts out.
You owlishly blink, wondering if you heard that correctly.
“That is both frightening and alarming, Shawn.”
He turns to face you, putting on an innocent face. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to disagree.”
You look over his head to see what his buddy’s expression is. “Gus?”
He nods, gesturing to you. “I’m with her.”
“What? Gus? Aw, come on.”
He shakes his head, “I am not agreeing with you on stealing. Last time I agreed with you, we wound up in jail.”
“That was here though!”
He turns towards Shawn, “Lassie kept us there for five hours.”
“Yes, but then Buzz let us out.”
Gus shakes his head, “no, I’m not going back in there.” He stands up, whispering in your ear, “I almost had to pee in front of the other people locked up. You know how I feel about that.”
You nod, patting his shoulder to comfort him. “I know, Gus. I know.”
“Well, this has been nice.” Shawn tries to slip past you, “I’ll be off now.”
You shake your head. “Not so fast.” You hook your arm in his and pull him back. “Where do you think you’re going with the chief's favorite figurine?”
He yanks his arm from you, “how dare you! How could you even- okay, that was a little dramatic even for me but look at it.” He presses his face against the fish figurine. “It’s so cute.”
You shake your head, “put it back.”
“Fine,” he sighs. “It was just a harmless little prank."
“Harmless or not, you tried to steal in a police station, how smart is that?”
“You tell him.”
“Can it, Gus.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Shawn snorts, “ma’am? What are in the 1950’s and you're the little harmless housewife?”
“No, it’s called I have respect for those who are in a higher power than me.”
You smile at him, “thank you, Gus.”
The doors open.
“Anything I can help you three with?”
You cut the psychic off and grab his arm. “Nope, thanks, chief. Keep being awesome.”
You sit him down at his dad’s desk and stand in front of him, holding a pen and a piece of paper. “Now make with your chicken scratch and write, stealing is not the answer fifty times.”
He opens his mouth to whine.
“Whine and I’ll add twenty-five.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You smile, patting his shoulders, “attaboy.”
Gus covers his mouth to hide his amusement.
“Come on, Gus. Let’s go make like Shawn’s humor and scram.”
“Hey! Where are you two going?”
“To get some jerk chicken and a pineapple smoothie.”
“I want to come!”
“That sounds amazing,” the pharmaceutical rep adds.
“I know right.” You close the door only to be hit with a breeze before the car shakes.
“Here. Now let’s go.”
You grab the paper. “Wow, you already, did it?”
You look in the left corner, “wait- nineteen- this is from when we were fourteen.”
“You never specified when I had to write it.”
“Shawn that’s not- that’s actually really good, you got me.”
He lets out a victory chuckle. “See, Gus. I told you; it would work.”
You gasp, “how dare you. Gus, I thought we were besties.”
“Uh- you see the thing is-”
You shake your head, “no. I’ve been betrayed enough.”
You lean against your arm, watching the world go by as he drives, unable to hide your smile as Shawn tries to bug you and tell you it was all him.  
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superwhumpage · 1 year
I’m writing a Psych fanfiction. 
I haven’t written fanfiction in a really long time, but this idea has been stuck with me for weeks. I’m hoping to finish it before posting any of it. Below is the vague summary if this sounds like anything anyone would be interested in. :3  Summary: 
When Gus was 5 years old he remembers telling his mom that he met a boy that talked funny. 
A case involving the Irish mob, an old case of Henry’s, sends Shawn running headlong into danger. The team is left trying to track him down while learning more about Shawn’s past than he’s ever shared before. 
A Shawn-is-adopted AU that still closely stays within canon. Pre-slash (Shassie).
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writing-write-now · 5 months
“ The Kingdom of Santabarbra has had a magic ban for almost 20 years -- Shawn would say it's been around as long as he could remember...
Lassiter doesn't remember anything before his wife, the Queen, died -- But that's not entirely true, his last memory was her smiling face on their engagement day almost 20 years ago... ”
This fanfiction is planned and will be coming out in regular intervals.
Fantasy, specifically D&D, AU with a fun mystery twist!
The shassie stuff is really light in the first chapter but trust, the burn is not slow.
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webtrinsic1122 · 7 days
I’m imagining Gus doing Shawn’s taxes or looking at them or something because Shawn’s like something’s off but I’m not sure what.
And Gus realizes they’re different because Shawn is apparently married according to the U.S government.
Something he as Shawn’s best friend would have known, and something Shawn definitely should have known.
But it turns out Pierre forged a marriage between him and Shawn so Shawn can’t testify against him in court.
Shawn does nothing to divorce him.
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typicalopposite · 8 months
Pspspsps psych fandom! Are yall still out there, cause I need motivation for this fic that has been poking me in my brain for the past week+
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pineapple-psychic · 25 days
Gus walks in on Shawn packing bags.
He stops in the doorway, chest tightening painfully at the mere idea of Shawn leaving again.
Of waiting years for him to come back, for a one-week drunk fever dream and then waiting again.
Of waiting patiently for phone calls, for post cards, for anything that tells him his best friend is still alive.
Of waiting again.
"Are you leaving?" His voice is quiet, afraid to speak it louder for fear it's true. Shawn hears anyway.
He turns, and his expression isn't panicked. It isn't pained. It doesn't have the fierce determination of an 18-year-old about to leave everything he knows for a chance at anything better.
"Just for a little bit buddy." His voice is quiet too. "Just a couple of days. Then I'll come back."
Gus nods shakily, takes a couple of breaths, and prepares himself to say it.
"Take me with you."
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Started writing a psych/Hannibal crossover lmao
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@gargoyl3city they’re soooo silly
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thespiritssaidso · 13 days
Social Norms and College Dorms
Summary: Lassiter was only gone for a few hours.
“No. No no no no no! They were right here!” Lassiter frantically dug through his backpack. He could have sworn he’d placed his loose-leaf notes right in front of his Criminology textbook. But all he saw was some stupid flyers he thought he’d.. thrown… into the recycling bin…
He smacked his forehead, muttering to himself how stupid he was. He must have grabbed the very important notes — the ones he’d hand-written covering all the basics he’d need to study for the criminology exam the next day — into the recycling instead of the useless flyers he’d meant to dump.
Lassiter tiredly rubbed his eyes. He hadn’t been getting a lot of sleep lately, too busy stressing over the upcoming test. And it was very apparent. Just the other day he’d almost thrown his cup of coffee onto his bed and taken a sip from his phone. He’d caught himself just in time, thankfully. That would have been a very awkward trip to the laundry room, carrying coffee-stained sheets down multiple floors.
Where was he? Oh yeah, the missing notes.
He began pacing the small dorm room, fingers tugging at his hair and pulling a few strands loose as he quietly panicked. What was he going to do? Those notes covered everything he’d learned over the semester!
Lassiter was so caught up in his pacing he didn’t notice the desk leg until he’d accidentally kicked it.
“Ow! Son of a-” before he could finish his sentence, an idea popped into his head.
‘Wait a minute. O’Hara takes the same class as me! I could ask for her notes, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.’
On his way out, Lassiter grabbed a thin magnetic strip he’d bought from the campus store and stuck it over the hole where the latch usually slid into and locked the moment the door closed. It would just be a quick trip, a short walk downstairs to grab the notes from Juliet. He wouldn’t be gone for long. And besides, he didn’t exactly have anything worth taking in his dorm.
Oh how wrong he was.
Juliet had given him the notes, but only after sitting him down in a plush beanbag chair to rant to him about how one of the girls in her group project for some other class was taking on all the tasks and simply not doing them.
He’d kept trying to bring up the criminology notes in some way, but it always backfired, each attempt in switching the topic only prompting Juliet to complain about some other thing Victoria was doing. Don’t get him wrong, he didn’t mind listening to her talk. It was one of the many things that kept them as friends: he’d listen while she spoke. Juliet would oftentimes ask if he was sure he didn’t have anything he wanted to say. It was considerate of her, but he’d reassure her time and again that she was fine and that if he had something to say he’d just say it. And he very much kept true to that promise.
It was a strange relationship, some of the students and even a few professors would often speculate if they were dating, or if they were siblings.
Neither were true, although Lassiter did sometimes consider Juliet as his little sister.
After nearly three hours of sitting through Juliet’s ranting, he managed to steer the subject to what he’d come for: her criminology notes. As he’d suspected, she had no problem handing them over.
It was very dark outside, nearly 1 in the morning, when Lassiter slid the door to his dorm open, expecting an empty room (his roommate, Dobson, was almost never there). Instead, he saw-
“You have got to be kidding me.”
Somehow, in the span of time he’d been gone, some rando had found their way into his dorm room and fallen asleep on the floor. It definitely wasn’t Dobson. This guy looked nothing like his routinely absent roommate. Actually, if lassiter was being honest, he looked… a lot better than him, in a conveniently attractive kind of way.
Lassiter rolled his eyes at the sight. “Great,” he mumbled to himself, “just what I needed the night before the exam.”
The man on the floor let out a snore, and twitched slightly in his sleep, as if to get comfier on the very much uncomfortable carpet floor.
Normally, More Awake Lassiter would have either dragged the squatter out of his dorm and slammed the door or called the RA to handle the situation. But this was Tired Lassiter. Tired Lassiter did not have the strength to drag a bag of sand out of his room, much less a full human being. And he was pretty certain that McNab was asleep by now.
So he stood there, Juliet’s notes still in his hand, contemplating on what the heck he was going to do about this whole person that was sleeping on the floor in front of him.
Lassiter tried walking up and nudging him with his foot. No response. Then, after setting the notes down on his desk, he began poking him on the shoulder. Still nothing. As a last resort, he grabbed the unconscious man and began shaking him by the shoulder. He got a little movement out of that, but not enough to show that he’d woken up.
So he did the only thing he could think to do: just ignore him.
Lassiter pulled out the chair from under his desk and began poring over the notes, transcribing them onto another set of paper so as to better remember the material. And so it was in his note-taking style. He thanked whoever was out there that Juliet took the time to write down everything the professor taught them word for word, instead of summing it up like he did.
It had been maybe thirty minutes or so of complete silence, broken only by the light scratching of lead on paper, that he felt his mind wander to the person passed out on his floor. He had to be uncomfortable. And the position that he was in made Lassiter cringe.
‘His neck is going to be extremely messed up when he wakes up.’ The thought pinged around his head, over and over.
‘What am I going to do about it?’
‘Let him use Dobson’s pillow. He’s never here anyways.’
It was a lot more tempting of an idea than it should’ve been. Why did he care so much about this stranger’s comfort? The guy literally broke into his dorm and passed out on his floor.
But he couldn’t stop staring, a strange feeling growing deep in his chest.
“Okay, fine!” He said to no one. After an awkward silence he got up from his chair and grabbed the pillow. Carefully, he lifted the other man’s head and gently placed it underneath, allowing his head to fall onto it.
Satisfied, he stood back up and returned to studying, his mind officially unoccupied by the other guy. As he wrote, however, he could feel himself getting drowsy. His eyes were blinking slower than usual, his head becoming heavy.
‘No! Stay awake! You need to get all this down before-’
An alarm blared somewhere, jolting Lassiter out of a deep sleep. He frantically looked around for the source, sight still blurry from his rest. The moment he registered where the beeping was coming from – the alarm clock, of course – he slammed the snooze button, getting rid of the annoying sound.
He blearily rubbed the sleep from his eyes, vaguely feeling small indents all over one side of his face. A pencil that had stuck itself onto his cheek fell off the second his hand brushed against it.
Then Lassiter remembered what he was doing last night. Mild panic took hold as he scanned his desktop. Almost immediately his eyes landed on the notes. All of them were neatly written, except for the last line, which looked a bit sloppy. He must have fallen asleep right after writing it.
Then he noticed the small bit of folded up paper next to his pile of notes. He unfolded it, and saw tidy handwriting. It said,
Sorry for crashing here, was super high and thought your dorm number was mine. Thanks for letting me sleep on your floor and for the pillow and for not getting me in trouble for using ur dorm :) -Shawn
P.S. I think ur cute. meet me at the cafe on 7th at noon. Or not, if ur not into that
Lassiter, despite himself, blushed at the last bit. So his name was Shawn. And he wanted to meet him at noon, huh? He might make it, it depended on how long his exam went for-
Oh shit, his exam.
“Shit!” Lassiter hurriedly began shoving Juliet’s notes into his backpack once more and sling the straps over his shoulders. He dashed out the door down the hall and outside the dorm building, running as fast as he could towards his Criminology class.
Ao3 link
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afewproblems · 2 months
Difficult Days Part One
Even at ten years old Shawn knew he was different. 
It didn’t take a genius to notice, and Shawn was certainly good at noticing things --observing, his dad would be quick to say, correcting him as usual. 
His dad did that a lot, correcting, insisting there was a right way to do things; there was a right way to play hide and seek, there was a right way to camp, to relax, and more often than not it was the opposite of what Shawn was doing. 
While other kids learned how to play baseball and spent their loose change at the arcade, Shawn was instead learning how to navigate through the woods without a compass, escape from the trunk of a car, and how to spot a squeaky floorboard from four paces. 
While his classmates were at the beach, searching for jellyfish in the low tide pools, Shawn would memorize the layout of restaurants and describe the last three patrons to walk through the door in the time it took him and his dad to get their drink orders. 
‘You can’t skate through life Shawn,’ his dad would tell him, breathing the words out sharply, ‘you have skills others don’t and you need to use them the right way, I don’t get why you can’t see that’.
It was exhausting. 
Why was the right way only his dad’s way? It had never been very clearly explained to Shawn, other than how great of a cop he could be -maybe even a detective. But why couldn't he use his observation skills the way he wanted to? This grownup stuff was years away!  It wasn’t like it was something he could turn off, so what was the big deal?
Like Mr. Cooper’s homework spot checks. 
None of the other kids had managed to figure out his system, the pattern to the days when their teacher would ask for their math homework.
Tommy Decker insisted it was completely random, that the man asked for it on a whim -just to torture them all. 
Mandy Holloway on the other hand, whose sister had Mr. Cooper for math the previous year, argued that it was based on the moon cycle and every second new moon the pattern would change - you just have to track it Tommy.
But somehow Shawn always, always, seemed to know without fail the day that Mr. Cooper would ask them all to pass their work to the front of each row.
It wasn’t Shawn’s fault that Mr. Cooper was incredibly obvious, so why shouldn't he take advantage of it? Besides, it was almost mind boggling how the other kids in his class couldn’t see the many, many, tells their teacher had. 
First, there were the heavy purple bags under Mr. Cooper's eyes that would tend to show up a few days before the homework check. 
Mr. Cooper would also become noticeably agitated over the smallest of incidents in the classroom, whether a student was running late or even opened their book bags a little too loudly - it didn’t matter, detention was in their future. 
That coupled with the noticeable creases in Mr. Cooper’s shirts, unironed, and lacking the normal meticulous care --probably on the outs with his wife based on the intermittent wearing of his large gold wedding band.
Finally, and honestly how no one else in his class seemed to see this one, if Mr. Cooper brought in a gas station paper coffee cup as he walked into the classroom -instead of his usual metal thermos from home, that was the nail in the coffin. The final sign that Mr. Cooper would be demanding their homework the very next day. 
It was so, so obvious, at least to Shawn.
But then, so too was Shawns ability to avoid the seemingly random spot checks.
“How do you always know?” Tommy whispers to Shawn near the end of the school year, his voice quiet to avoid Mr. Cooper’s notice as the man wanders up and down the rows of desks.
“Know what?” Shawn says, his voice equally soft as he turns towards Tommy, whose face twists into a sneer at the question.
Tommy scoffs with narrowed blue eyes, “Duh, Cooper’s homework checks, you’ve never not handed it in - what are you some kind of nerd?” 
Shawn blinks, the way Tommy spits out the word, nerd, can’t bode well for him. He remembers just the previous year, how Tommy and a few of the other boys in their grade had given Gus a hard time, even going so far to give his best friend a swirly. Shawn shivers at the memory and shakes his head rapidly, he opens his mouth to argue when suddenly a shadow appears over his desk. 
He manages to quickly turn back to his paper, away from Tommy’s glare, and writes down an answer to question seven from their textbook. It’s not the right answer, he knows that already, but it’s enough to throw Mr. Cooper off his scent.
Their teacher shifts away from Shawn, seemingly satisfied, and looks at Tommy who isn’t quite fast enough.
“Eyes on your own paper Thomas, I don’t want to have to tell you again,” Mr. Cooper says sternly, but his voice is tired at the edges. Whatever fight the Coopers had must have been a real doozy this time. Shawn tries not to think about his own parents' fights and the silence that would drift through the house for days afterwards. Did Mrs. Cooper shut down the way Shawn's mom so often did? Maybe Mr. Cooper yelled, like Shawn's dad. It seemed likely given the number of detentions the man had assigned their class this year. 
Mr.Cooper waits for another beat between their desks until Tommy finally shifts in his chair and lowers his face to his desk, the tips of his ears quickly flushing pink beneath curly blond hair. 
“Yes Mr. Cooper,” Tommy mumbles into his desk. 
Their teacher nods and leaves, making his way over to a pair of girls on the far side of the room hiding a magazine under the desk - or trying to. 
“You did that on purpose,” Tommy hisses, shooting a withering glare at Shawn, “you knew he was there-”
“What am I psychic?” Shawn huffs with a roll of his eyes, “how was I supposed to know he was there, huh?”
Tommy turns away again, glaring at the paper on his desk. Shawn watches as Tommy catches the eye of Marcus Boon across the classroom.
Shawn stifles a low groan as the other boy's eyes flick between him and Tommy; Marcus levels him with a sneer to rival Tommy’s own and lifts a finger to his throat before dragging it across in one smooth motion. 
Well, shit. 
So much for making it through at least one school year without getting into a fight. 
“You should’a just told him,” Gus breathes out, his chest heaving as he and Shawn scramble over the fence of the Spencer front yard. Both boys make a beeline for the porch, Gus keeps watch while Shawn stops first at the small garden to grab the spare hide-a-key out from the fake rock beside his mom’s hydrangeas.
Shawn is lucky that Gus had been with him on the way home from school, not that it had stopped Tommy Decker and Marcus Boon from making good on their threat from math class, chasing Shawn down the road to the boardwalk.
Shawn winces as his fingers grip the key, his hands hurt from where he had managed to stop himself from falling face first into the gravel after being shoved by Marcus. 
Thankfully Gus had managed to distract the pair of boys long enough for them to make a run for it. 
“Tommy’s an asshole, they both are, why should I tell them anything,” Shawn mutters, wincing as his split lip opens again, the smell of copper invades his nose, making him nauseous. 
He gets the key in the door and opens it, bringing in the fake rock with him. He’ll have to explain to his dad that he ‘lost’ his house key again, knowing that Tommy and Marcus had taken it from him and thrown it into the trees off the side of the road. One more thing for his dad to lecture him over.
Shawn can feel Gus staring as he brings the hide-a-key with him into the kitchen, but says nothing as the pair make their way through the quiet house. 
He places the rock on the counter with the spare key beside it. Gus opens the pantry door and takes a pair of Wagon Wheels out of the already open box, the cellophane crinkles as Gus tosses one to Shawn. 
“All I'm saying is you might get beat up less,” Gus says before taking a large bite of the chocolate snack cake, he wipes the mess of crumbs from his cheeks onto the floor and shoots Shawn a grin at the mess.
“And I'm saying, they don't need much of an excuse,” Shawn counters, matching Gus’ grin as he watches the collection of crumbs grow on the kitchen tile floor.
Shawn chews on his lip, playing with the thin cellophane around his snack cake, “It’s…it's weird, right?”
Gus blinks, his lips quirk into a half frown as he takes another pensive bite of his cake before finally shrugging. 
“Well, who cares? I think we're cool so if that's weird, then we're weird together”.
Shawn lets a groan out and shakes his hands so hard his own snack cake goes flying onto the counter with a soft thunk.
“No!” He breathes out sharply, “I mean, it's weird being able to know things about people without trying, I don’t want to know them, I don't want to be in this situation, it’s weird and it sucks and dad thinks its so great but--”
Shawn stops speaking as the last of Gus’ chocolate cake is suddenly smushed into the side of his face. Crumbs and icing litter the tile around them, some has smeared from Gus's shoes in his haste to dart out of the line of fire. The previously spotless kitchen is now completely filthy in just a matter of seconds.
Shawn slowly looks at Gus, who has the widest grin on his face, and breathes out a startled laugh.
“Dad is going to kill you,” he says, wiping cake and icing from his cheek. 
“He's not my dad,” Gus snorts as he tries to dodge Shawn's swipe of cake hands.
He might as well be, Shawn thinks to himself as he reaches for more cake crumbs from the floor and manages to smear them onto Gus’ face. 
At least one upside to Shawn’s memory is he’ll be able to hold onto this, their laughter in the afternoon sun, the smell of chocolate, for a really really long time.
Wrestling in the kitchen with his best friend, previous hurts forgotten for now and with chocolate smeared all over their clothes, their faces, and the floor, Shawn had never felt less like an only child. 
Tag List: @adaed5 @drakkywolf
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eepyassassin · 7 months
No actually, I will take the lack of shassie fanart and fanfiction personally
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aut189 · 8 months
Your prompt:
Shawn: I turned out perfectly fine!
Gus: Shawn, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
The Coffee is Not the Murder Weapon
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Pairing: Shawn Spencer x Plus!size!reader Characters: Plus!size!reader (aka Beans), Shawn Spencer, Burton “Gus” Guster, Carlton Lassiter, Juliet “Jules” O’Hara, Woody, Greg (the murderer), Buzz McNab (briefly mentioned) Warnings: Mentions of guns and bullets, violence, this man Greg is crazy, coffee shops should not be a place for murder plots, Woody being “prepared”, okay plot but stay for the fluff, friends to lovers, my love for writing for these peps returns Word Count: 2,466
A/N: Bad plot but I tried, and it didn’t turn out completely horrible so yay. Yes, I’m giving myself a pat on the back, don’t judge me :p
“Push on the gas, Lassie or else someone is going to get hurt and it’s not gonna be me,” Shawn says, his voice elevated as he thinks about what could happen. 
“What’re you talking about, Spencer?” 
“Shawn, calm down and tell us what’s going on,” Juliet tried to reason with him. 
“No! I can’t- I- you just gave to trust me on this.” 
“If you want us to trust you, you have to explain what’s going on. Do you feel something?” 
“Oh my god,” Gus says, after Shawn hands him the phone. “Floor it, Lassiter!” 
Shawn rubs his hands across his face. “The barista did it. We were wrong about the manager being poisoned.” 
Juliet furrows her brows, trying to make sense of the words flying out of the psychic’s mouth. “But Woody said-” 
“He’s calling me,” Gus announces, showing his friend the phone. 
Shawn quickly snatches it out of his buddy’s hand, answering it. 
“Shawn, you’ll never believe the story I overheard last night when I was at the bar. So, this girl, who was close to turning thirty, although I think she was lying. Anyway, she was saying-” 
“The barista did it with one of those skinny tongue depressors.” 
“Yes! It never ceases to amaze me how well your skills are.” 
The psychic tosses the phone up in the air for his friend to catch. 
“Sounds like we have the right to arrest someone.” Carlton speeds up, maneuvering himself, safely, between cars. “Where am I going, Spencer?” 
“Where do you think?” 
“If I knew, do you think I’d be asking you?” 
“The coffee shop. Beans told me she had a shift, and our killer does too. She put it together before my visions became clearer. If we don’t get there within the next five minutes, it’s going to be a manhunt and I’ll be the first in line.” 
“We’re not going to let anything happen to her,” Juliet tells him. 
“I’ll believe it when I can see that she’s safe.” 
“We’re here. Spencer, I’m only going to say this once and only once. Do not and I mean, do not go in there.” 
“But, I can-” 
“No,” Carlton tells him before he and Juliet rush out of the car, standing by the front door with their guns in front of them before they sneak into the building. 
“I’m going in.” 
“Oh, no you are not,” Gus slams his hand onto the door lock. 
“Yes, I am.” 
“Sha- Shawn.” Gus makes the noise people typically make when trying to call a cat over, “psst. Psst. Shawn, no.” He gets out of the car when he realizes his friend isn’t going to follow him back towards the safety. 
The two make their way into the building, sneaking through the front door, only pausing when they hear a strange noise. 
“Are we really going to go in there, Shawn? I mean, what if he has a gun or some other weapon?” 
“That’s when you selflessly throw yourself in front of our bad guy while I, the hero, save the day.” 
“I don’t like that plan.” 
“Well, it’s the only one I have so far.” 
“No, it’s not.” 
“Fine, it’s not but this one makes us both look like heroes.” 
“I understand why you’re making jokes, but we need a real plan if we want to make sure Beans doesn’t get hurt.” 
The psychic sighs, “I know, Gus.” He leans off the wall, glancing back over his shoulder. “I have a plan.” 
“What is it?” 
“You stay here and I’m gonna make a distraction.” 
“Okay- wait! What?” He turns around, finding his friend nowhere near him. “Dammit Shawn.” 
Shawn walks around the corner, hearing clattering coming from the back and rushes forward only for you to duck behind the counter. 
“Shawn?” You stare at him with furrowed brows. “Duck. Duck.” 
“Duck?” He dives to the floor when bullets come flying through the door, breaking the glass window. He wraps his arms around you, covering your head as he pulls you closer, making sure nothing happens to you. 
Once the firing stops, you lift your head off his shoulder. 
“Do you know the way out of here?” He whispers. 
“We won’t make it without being seen. Why are you here alone?” 
“I remembered you told me this place has a really weird back entrance, so it takes a few minutes to get in here. If we stall him long enough, then maybe we can make it out of this alive while Lassie and Jules do their thing.” He stops talking and becomes quiet. “I have an idea.” 
“You are not going to try and make a conversation with him. Are you?” 
“It’s called a distraction.” 
“A terrible one, at that.” 
“I could do it.” 
You glance over his shoulder. 
“He’s right behind me, isn’t he?” 
You gulp, nodding. Your former coworker, Greg, grabs your arm, yanking you away from your friend. 
“Hey. Hey! Let her go.” 
Greg shakes his head, “no, I don’t think I will.” He forces you into the nearest chair. 
“You don’t need to need to manhandle Beans like that.” 
“It’s her fault.” 
“What’s her fault?” 
“Ruining my plan and you, the psychic coming around wasn’t any help either.” 
“It sounds like you have a problem with me and not-” 
He waves the gun around in Shawn’s face. “You stay over there. She stays here.” 
You tense up at the feeling of the metal on the back of your head. 
He nods. “I’m staying over here. You don’t need to keep waving the gun around.” 
“Santa Barbara PD, drop your weapon,” Carlton says, keeping his attention on Greg. 
“I don’t think I will.” 
“You sure you want to do that?” 
“Why not? I’ve got a hostage right here,” he steps to the side, letting the officer get a view of your back. 
“Let the civilians go so we can talk.” 
“No,” he clicks the trigger of the gun. 
You close your eyes, trying not to shake as you hear everything going on behind you. 
“No,” Shawn takes a step closer, and everyone’s focus turns onto him. “Remember it was me. I’m the psychic, I know why you did it. He wasn’t giving you the proper respect, right? And he should have, you’re the one who made sure everything ran smoothly around here especially when he would take his sporadic trips. You did everything he should have done and he- he-” 
“He was gonna fire me and give my job to Janet, but she put it in her two weeks’ notice after that and then she,” he spits in your direction. “Was the next one.” 
“And, you believe she would have taken your job without hesitation?” 
Greg nods. 
Shawn nods before he starts to chuckle. “And that’s when you need to listen or pay attention to all employees because she’s a very kind woman who would never do that and I’m lucky to know... that took a minor detour, I’ll admit but it just proves that she isn’t what you created in your mind.” 
“Are you done?” Carlton asks. 
“Hmm? Oh, yeah.” 
That’s all the detective needed to hear as he takes another step forward. “Let her go.” 
“I don’t think I will.” 
“What are you doing?” Shawn whispers. 
“Do you know why our boss would take sudden trips?” 
“Yeah. He’s a greedy bastard who wants to blow away his money.” 
“No, his wife is sick, and she’s been in a home that specializes with her condition. She has her good days and her bad days, so when it’s not looking good, he rushes over there in case it’s going to be his last time with her.” 
“Really?” He jerks your arm. “How do you know?” 
“He told me because I found him crying in the storage closet when it was my turn to close the shop a few months ago. He trusted you, that’s why he was confident with you being in charge.” 
He lowers his hand. 
Shawn sees the way you’re eyeing your coworker and shakes his head. 
Greg drops his gun. 
You take this as your opportunity to run away from him before anything else could happen. 
Shawn pushes you behind him. 
Juliet and Lassiter do their thing, arresting him just as Gus rushes in, holding a broom as his weapon of choice. 
“Nice timing, Guster,” Carlton tells him as he passes by to put the, now, arrested man in the nearest squad car, which of course happens to be Buzz’s. 
“Is he gone?” 
“Yes, Gus. He’s gone, you can stop now.” 
The frightened man takes notice of the scene and slowly sets the broom down before sniffing as he wipes his nose. “I knew that; I was just testing you.” 
“No, you weren’t,” you chime in. 
“I’m gonna let that slide for right now.” 
“You’re so nice, Gus.” You groan, holding your side. “I think it’s time for me to get checked out.” 
Two paramedics run in, asking which of three needs to be checked out. 
All three of you answer, informing the gentleman that it’s you. Once they make sure you’re all good, they give you one last recommendation to get a full check up at the hospital to make sure you’re all good and don’t have any underlying injuries they may not have caught. 
You wave them off, “yeah, yeah,” your words fine out slurred before you pass out. 
The whole way there, everyone was worried about you, Shawn more than the others. 
Henry walks into the room, placing a hand on his boy’s shoulder. “When was the last time you left the room?” 
“Not once.” 
“You need to eat something, Shawn.” 
The psychic doesn’t say anything else. 
“You know, you need to eat something if you want to confess to her.” 
“Confess what?” 
“I raised you better than to play dumb, Shawn.” 
The younger man gets up out of his seat. “Fine, so maybe I do know what you’re talking about but why would I-” 
“No, no. Don’t distract me.” 
“Why are you-” 
Henry sighs and spins his son around, leaving his boy to get the girl. 
“Oh, you’re up.” 
“I am.” 
He grabs the water by your bed and holds for you. 
“I can drink water on my own.” 
He nods, slowly placing the cup in your hands. 
“How are you?” 
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” 
You set the cup down onto the table. “You could but, you’re antsy and an antsy Shawn isn’t a good Shawn.” 
“Usually, you’d have some witty comeback when I say things like that, what’s going on in your head?” 
“You could have died.” 
“But I didn’t.” 
“But you could have.” 
“I didn’t though.” 
“But… you could have and- and-” 
You slowly push yourself up, reaching out for his hand, bringing him closer. 
He’s careful as he sits down beside you. 
“What would have happened, if it did happen? Can you find it in you to explain that bit to me?” 
“You mean, other than the fact that the woman I’ve been in love with since we were kids would be dead, not much.” 
“Wha-” Your jaw drops. 
“I wouldn’t have been able to come up with a clever plan and pretend like I didn’t know how it happened even though you know when I’m lying.” 
“So, what you’re saying is you like me and you want to ask me out?” You ask, a sly smile dancing across your lips. 
“That’s it?” 
“I feel like there’s something else you have planned.” 
“Yeah, you’re gonna go find my doctor, ask when I can leave so then you can take me out on our date and fall asleep on my couch.” 
This is the first time he’s smile since this morning, and it feels great. “Don’t move.” 
“I won’t.” 
Woody rushes in with a black bag. 
You raise a brow. “Did you really think I was dead?” 
“Wha- oh this,” he points to the bag. “No, no. I was just- I thought I needed to be prepared.” 
“Get out.” 
“I’m the one who brought the flowers.” He points with a weak smile.  
“Thank you, they’re beautiful but get out.” 
“Yep, got it.” Woody manages to move out of the way before he could bump into Shawn and your doctor and continues to run out of the building. 
You and Shawn had a wonderful time getting dinner (with Gus driving so you could pick up the food) and dropping you guys off at your place (after being told he wasn’t invited). 
“If I’m not a part of this date, why did I drive you two to go pick up jerk chicken?” 
Shawn shrugs, “sorry, buddy.” 
You jab your elbow into his side, “I don’t know. I’m sorry, he used you. How about tomorrow we all go out and get breakfast before we head over to the station?” 
“Thank you, I think that would be a great idea.” Gus doesn’t move from his spot. 
“Do you want to take some for the road?” 
“This is why I like you.” 
“You’ve liked me being around since we met, I used to pretend you weren’t involved in whatever it was he,” you point to Shawn. “Was doing so you wouldn’t get suspended.” 
“And that’s exactly why I’m happy he’s partially your problem now.” He takes his napkin wrapped portions and waves you two off before he leaves. 
“Can we go upstairs now? It’s getting cold.” 
“Quite whining and maybe you’ll get a blanket.” 
He leans against the doorway as he waits for you to pull out your keys. “Is there anyway, I could persuade you?” 
The doorknob clicks, you open the door and smile at him. “No.” 
“I think you’re lying.” 
“Your psychic abilities tell you that?” 
You roll your eyes and step inside. “Come on, I’m hungry and I’m not afraid to take the food from you.” 
“But then you’d have a starving man in your home, rummaging through your fridge searching for a pineapple.” 
“I’m not afraid to take that risk.” 
You chuckle, “hurry up and get over here. We can watch a movie.” 
“I’m getting us some drinks. I can’t die of thirst after fulfilling my need of food.” 
“And here is your drink,” he sets them down on the coffee table. “And your food.” 
You practically snatch the food from him. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
“I mean… for everything that’s happened.” 
He settles on the couch beside you, turning for you to see his soft smile. “I know.” 
You shake your head. “You’re so cocky.” 
“Only for you.” 
“I feel like I should be ending things here.” 
“But you’re not. You love me too much.” 
“Shush and watch the movie.” 
He smiles to himself, knowing he’s made you all flustered.
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corvuschronicles · 1 year
finally gonna make a post better explaining my real fake psychic shawn spencer au so this might be a long one bc in the past it was mostly rambles as i came up with ideas and trying to make them fit together
i am in the process of actually writing a fic for this and it’s looking like it may be the first part of a 3 part series, below the cut are a lot more details to give context to my au
okay! couple of important things for the overarching universe:
the supernatural exists! though the population is not as prominent as it once was, so the supernatural world learned to adapt and stay hidden, basically for every 20 claims of something supernatural only one is real, and obviously some cities have higher populations compared to others
because of the dwindling population of the supernatural and the growing population of the mundane, it is expected that both would intermingle, so it is actually a lot more common than you’d expect for people to have supernatural bloodlines, though it is often insignificant enough that it doesn’t matter. sometimes that is not the case. sometimes people are born into still active bloodlines so they grow up in that world and sometimes people never know that they even had supernatural blood, let alone that the supernatural exists. sometimes, even though someone’s bloodline may be dormant (and they are or are not aware of the supernatural) unforeseen circumstances can sort of jumpstart said bloodline
with or without knowing it, people with supernatural abilities or bloodlines tend to gravitate to each other
there are few rules that the supernatural community follows, the most important being to not expose themselves to the mundane
within the supernatural community there are different categories; creatures/those with creature blood (vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters), those with abilities (psychics, druids, witches), sentries (those tasked with keeping the supernatural hidden, and hunters (mundanes who became aware and choose to fight it)
explaining the name, real fake psychic:
when he first started working for the SBPD shawn faked being a psychic to avoid arrest
after season 4, shawn has an encounter with the supernatural that essentially gives him real psychic abilities
he keeps up his fake psychic charade because he can’t really say ‘hey guys i was faking it before but guess what? it’s real now!’
now i will go a little into some of the changes/headcanon/general facts of some characters in my au, starting with the main man
he’s mexican! this is not central to the story really but it’s my headcanon so i will work it in because i can
somewhere down the line there is maybe some kind of long forgotten supernatural family member, meaning shawn has supernatural blood
the combination of his childhood and eidetic memory and genius is all him but it definitely gets a small push from his possible bloodline, especially in how he visualizes
after The Incident™️ shawn gets real psychic abilities, at first it’s vague and he doesn’t know what’s happening, but then things get too weird and even he can’t ignore it
true psychics are rare, a lot of people only have some aspects (like divination, clairaudience, etc) but of course, shawn ends up with more than the usual
his abilities, especially at the beginning and when they develop more, are rather painful because he is receiving so much more input now, leading to headaches at least
shawn getting real powers is the catalyst to those around him awakening as well, and now that he and the others are aware of the supernatural, it seems to be more present than they realized
he’s an amplifier
his ability is kind of a paradox, on its own it doesn’t do much because it is mostly dormant outside giving him the supersniffer, but once shawn awakens it causes a ripple effect, they are now in the supernatural world and as a result gus in turn awakens as well
he can amplify his and other’s abilities; this helps shawn because gus can help him focus on certain visions or to make sense of some things he sees, this makes shawn claim that his is now literally magic head
it is a paradox because without shawn’s powers gus’ wouldn’t have come through and gotten stronger, but he also helps shawn’s get stronger, it’s a loop
gus gets the dormant bloodline from both his parents
shawn is not the only one gus helps
she is an empath
she is naturally an empathetic person but once she awakens it gives her more of an understanding that she never had before
juliet gets her bloodline from her mother’s side
once they all figure it out, juliet can also help shawn in a different way, as she can now feel the emotions coming through his visions
gus is able to help juliet develop her abilities more, and she develops a type of danger sense, which comes in handy in their job
her bloodline is weaker so she’s not the strongest empath, and her prolonged exposure to a shield made it harder for her abilities to develop as well
he is a nullifier
lassie’s ability is that he is essentially immune to the supernatural to a point, things like curses, jinxes, telepathy, etc do not work at all or barely affect him, most physical attacks would still work because he is still human (like poisons or tactile telepathy)
however, this also affects positive things such as blessings or good luck charms
his ability is like an aura around him, meaning that those close around him may be affected as well, such as o’hara who, as his partner, is often exposed and it put a hamper on her own abilities
shawn is also affected, but in a good way; the constant bombarding of psychic readings stop when he touches lassiter, and even just being around him can ease the headaches
this is eventual shassie
unlike the others, lassie is an anomaly, he has no actual supernatural bloodline, he is the first in his (recent) line
he is a non-believing, non-aware, mundane person
he notices shawn acting stranger than usual, he also avoids coming to the house more than usual
he has his own Incident™️ in which he witnesses something that shows shawn is now telling the truth when he says he’s psychic
is a whitexican; not exactly relevant other than the fact if goes with my mexican shawn headcanon
it is her side that had the supernatural bloodline
just like her son, if she were to awaken she would probably develop some minor abilities, most likely clairaudience
for the most part, unaware of the supernatural
anyone born into or active in the supernatural community stays away from the police as they tend to live outside mundane laws and prefer to police their own
few key players in charge of or above the police may be aware or are a part of the community
the fact that a psychic and friends with abilities work for the police becomes controversial
chief vick is unaware but someone close to her is not
if anyone wants to add anything or simply ask questions or talk about feel free to do so! i love talking about real psychic shawn <3
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purpleskittlessuck · 2 days
i am begging for psych fic recommendations PLEASE. i will take anything. preferably h/c actually but still anything!!! i’m begging!!!!!
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mores0 · 10 months
Shawn told Gus, long before it happened, that he was going to leave. And Gus was probably supportive, because they were both leaving in their own ways, it’s just that Gus wanted to go to college, while Shawn just wanted to- go. And Shawn’s life was kind of falling apart. Like, his parent’s got divorced, his mom left, and then he got arrested, which- yeah. That probably made things between Shawn and Henry go from bad to fucking- explosive, I’d imagine.
And so, that was it, they were both going to leave soon and who knows what after that. And they probably like, made a whole entire list of all the fun stupid things they wanted to together before then.
But then, like, a week later or so, there was someone tapping on Gus’s bedroom window, and it’s like- the middle of the night- so Gus startles awake and is like “oh shit.” And he forces himself to look outside the window anyways- and it’s just Shawn sitting there. And he glanced over at his clock and it was actually like 1:13 in the morning, so he’s half like “what the fuck Shawn?” And half concerned.
So he goes over to his window and opened it up and was like “Shawn, do you know what time it is? Why did you wake me up, what’s wrong?”
At first, Shawn couldn’t get anything out. But then he was just like “I’m leaving.”
And for a second, Gus thought that he was joking, but then he noticed that Shawn had his backpack with him, and his face was just- a mixture of sad, anxious, and desperate. So, yeah, this was for real. He wasn’t ready.
He wanted to say that- tell Shawn how he can’t leave before they finish their list, or he goes off to college, because- he wasn’t ready to let go of his best friend yet.
“But you’re going to get hungry.” Was what he ended up saying instead. Because, deep down, he knew that Shawn needed to leave. Shawn was struggling, has been for a long time, and it was killing him to see, because he’s the only one that does. And if Shawn needed to run off to- find himself or something to be happy again- then he’ll have Shawn’s back, because he wanted his friend to be happy again above all else.
But back to the present, Shawn just kind of shrugged which wasn’t acceptable, was it? So he forced Shawn to get inside, and they both snuck into the kitchen where Gus did his best to pack him a sandwich as well as some juice when he realized that he might get thirsty too, without waking his family up.
And then they were both standing at the door- and this was really it. They might not ever see each other again after this, and the thought made Gus’s eyes well up- but he wasn’t going to cry- was what he kept repeating in his head. But then Shawn pulled him into the tightest hug that anyone’s ever given him, and Shawn’s back was trembling and- fuck- now he might actually cry.
But, by some miracle, he didn’t, and they said their goodbyes, with Shawn promising to send postcards, before leaving. Then Gus went back to his room where he laid face down in bed and just- let everything out.
14 years later, they found the fucking list while looking through Gus’s old stuff, and Shawn was like “Oh, we have to do it.” So they did, and it was some of the most fun that they had, like, ever. Even if they couldn’t do some of the stuff on it because the places just- didn’t exist anymore.
And, once it was getting late and they began to settle down, Shawn started to talk about how back when they were teenagers, Gus was what kept him going, really. Which confused Gus a bit, why he was bringing that up now, but he nodded anyways.
But then Shawn continued, telling him how when he left, he just wanted to- disappear. So doing this- Psych, and everything else now felt like getting a second chance at life, and how- indescribably happy he was that they were. And then Shawn thanked him.
And he cried. And Shawn teased him at first, but a few moments later, he began to tear up too, so. Checkmate.
And that’s when Gus knew that he was going to stay.
Okay, so, I know that this is different from the posts I usually make, but that’s because I’ve been trying to write this as an actual fanfiction for like- the past month, but writers block has been killing me and it just wasn’t turning out, so I decided to just write it on Tumblr as a weird mix between fanfic and rambling, because I just wanted to get it out of my brain. And, it wasn’t as detailed as I wanted it to be, but whatever I guess. Idk if this was any good, but I hope you enjoyed reading anyways, have a great day (:
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What would you guys say if I was working on a Shassie fic with minor Gus/Juliet based on the B99 episode Johnny and Dora? 👀
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