#she cant get her head round it
Thinking about how Sydney doesn't once question Dimitri being on a roadtrip with her, despite not 6 months earlier her attending his funeral with Rose.
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Divorce Saga Domon - A Haunted Honk Prequel
Hello Internet Stranger looking up G Gundam on Tumblr dot com!
This is an idea for a fic set in an Alternate Universe involving Queer Non-Canon Relationships between the characters of the series.
If you are not looking for this content please scroll on.
If you ARE looking for this content - and you're ok with reading my and other's Headcanons for this Alternate Universe I've haphazardly spun up -
Then go ahead and feel free to:
Check The Tags Of This Post For The Pairings
and click the Read More below!
Ended up outlining a completely different fic as a Segway for an explanation instead of making progress on the Royal Flush Haunted Honk AU's Clown Motel Fic like I wanted to but uh....
For y'all's review for the AU: A Prequel Outline - Divorce Saga Domon
Hey real quick - I'm thinking of maybe changing the timeline to 2 years post canon as opposed to 3 years and change post canon.
The reason being: I had a thought that this scene could either be part if the fic or if it's getting to big then it could be a stand alone tie-in prequel fic as part of this AU but - like
Immediately Post Divorce Domon Needs Space and runs off. As one does. And he runs to Earth because he just wants to Get Lost for a while.
He has Argo smuggle him out to avoid detection.
Argo has Andrew help stow Domon in a storage hanger of a Neo Canadian supply ship that's returning to the US - they have trade often enough and share agricultural resources - which leads to Domon ending up in New York when he hits Earthside pavement.
He's privately worked on his English the last couple of months and after being dropped in New York with a different hairstyle, outfit, and accent he's unrecognizable. 
He considers making his way west to get some solitude in the wilderness, but something about that initial plan feels off now that he's on the ground.
Chibodee is also Earthside for a special series of prize fights aimed at raising charitable appeal for the US in the eyes of Neo Americans.
Domon decides to hit up Chibodee for a fight on a day between matches hoping it'll clear his head and give him the clarity to decide on a course of action. What ends up happening is an unexpected heart to heart via blows and a breakdown.
Domon is happy for Rain and Kyoji, and he knows it's not true; but he feels like he lost a piece of himself when his relationship with Rain fell apart.
Domon's instinct is to run after that but Chibodee knows this city and Domon doesn't hide out for long before Chibodee drags him back to his place to stay and just "Chill out and breathe. You don't have to be anyone but yourself here. You can take as long as you need to find out what everything changing means for you." Friends and teammates stick together.
So Domon spends a few weeks with Chibodee sparring and hanging out in New York. Chibodee does a frankly awesome job at containing his feelings because he's focusing on Domons feelings and being a good friend first and foremost. Whatever he's feeling can wait until after Domon is done going though it.
There's a bit of a twinge in Domon's heart as he leaves that he can't really place.
After he returns to Neo Japan and gets settled back into life with his family, The Dreams start.
They're mainly set in New York. Small things first like noticing Chibodee's smile and his eyes. Then sparring sessions that begin to turn lurid.
He thought these kinds of dreams would stop after he was married.... he doesn't know what to do about this.
I just figure it gives more clarity and sense of time for the journey from Comphet Marriage Dissolution to Feelings to Confession. Idk.
But I got stuck on a bit and then had this thought and needed to get it down before I lost it and it was so long it made sense to make it its own post as opposed to several replies.
The Maize and Clown Motel will probably still be 3 years and change post canon for clarification.
@thedragonchilde @amplexadversary @youreaclownnow
#Domon Kasshu/Chibodee Crocket#Royal Flush#Chibodee Crocket/Domon Kasshu#Royal Flush Haunted Honk AU#mobile fighter g gundam#I imagine he hasn't had time for a Big Gay Crisis yet but the time is absolutely now#Kyoji absolutely helps him through this crisis because he had a normal environment and university to figure his own shit out.#Kyoji has to figure out WHY Domon is imploding and explosive and avoiding everyone a second time though.#This doesn't seem related to the Divorce but it doesn't seem immediately obvious either. 🤔#Cue Schwarz FINALLY getting a fucking break and immediately coming to stay with Rain and Kyoji at their place.#Domon was aware that they had been living together in Neo Japan briefly before Schwarz was called back to Neo Germany for questioning#Once his rank was stripped of him he was back with Kyoji for a short period before the Divorce as part of Kyoji and Dr. Kasshu's study of#DG Cells. Once they had a breakthrough - Schwarz was sent abroad with a small military group and Doctors Without Borders group to assist#With immediate infection cases on behalf of Neo Japan as part of reparations. So Domon hadn't seen him in quite some time.#Domon certainly wasn't expecting to see him in the garden when he rounded the corner of the Mikamura residence#Leaned over Kyoji who appears to have been working outside on his laptop. Fingers intertwined a hand on Kyojis jaw and locked in a kiss.#Which ends pretty much instantly as they sense Domon and break apart. It occurs to Kyoji and Schwarz that Kyoji never#Got the chance to actually tell Domon much about himself and the man he'd grown into while Domon was training in Hong Kong with Master Asia#This might be a pretty significant shock to him.#I can't decide between Domon running from his Gay Revelation or IMMEDIATELY Losing His Shit at the thought of Rain's SECOND marriage ending#And knowing for sure now the reason why his and Rain's marriage didn't work out. He really does prefer men.#Bu HOW DARE Kyoji do this to her!!! She's been through enough!!!! This will HURT her SO BADLY!!! (Projection of guiiillllttt)#Back to square 1 fir a moment like damn#And once he starts fighting Kyoji about it (Thank God the ressurection gave them the option to make Kyojis new build similar to Schwarz's)#It comes out that Rain cant go through this AGAIN and he won't let him do this to her! Her honor means something to Domon#And it should mean something to Kyoji too as HER HUSBAND#Kyoji and Schwarz catch on the Again bit and Kyoji makes it clear that Rain has known about his situation with Schwarz since they returned#That they're quite literally inseparable and that Rain married him knowing this. She's fully aware and an active participant.#Domon takes a leg sweep and doesn't quite make his recovery as Schwarz steps in#Pinning his arms and one leg in place so he can't run from Kyojis question. Kyoji grabs Domon's hair to turn his head and asks
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angelfrombeneth · 5 months
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Theodore Nott x Fem!Reader
Summary: *REQUESTED* Reader and Theodore are best friends. Reader gets wrapped up in her first love scandal and Theodore cant handle it. He cant cope that its not him.
Warnings: Angst, Slight Fluff, The most heart warming love confession ever. Mentions of sex but hardly.
A/N: The request wasn't super specific so I decided to go with something like this.No smut, because I have a really similar request which specifically asks for smut so that one will have smut.
"Teddy don't be a twat" You smacked his head as you sat beside him.
"What! Its not my fault the instructions were unclear" He scoffed.
You and Theo both were sat in potions as you both were paired up for a task. Theo thought he was being funny reading the ingredients not in the correct order and ultimately fucking up the mixture.
"This is why I hate pairing up with you in class" You groaned.
"Hey Y/N!" You looked up to see Cedric leaning against the front of your workbench.
"Oh, Hey Cedric" You smiled.
"I was wondering" He smiled at you, his eyes flickering to the side for a moment for placing a hand ontop if yours. "Would you wanna go out sometime? Maybe for a meal or something?" He grinned.
You smiled as you sat up in your seat. "I'd love that"
"Ill meet you at 6, outside your commonroom on Friday?"
You nodded as he smiled, caressing your hand before walking back to his seat.
You heard a scoff beside you, your neck cracked to look at Theo, who had a huge scowl on his face. "Your going on a date with him? He's such a prick"
"Oh fuck off Theo" You rolled your eyes as you stood up gathering your books before exiting the class.
Theo caught up with you, walking beside you. "No seriously, he's such a priss. Why's you wanna date.. that" You scoffed at his statement before scaling the stairs down to the Slytherin Commonroom.
"Theo shut up-" You turn to see Pansy. "Oh my god! Pans!" You squealed as you ran at her.
You felt Theo's moody presence slip away with Draco and Mattheo who walked over to him as soon as you ran to Pansy.
"Cedric asked me on a date!" You squealed.
"No way- Oh my god, this will be so good" Pansy smiled, grabbing your hand. "You can test the waters before the date at the party tonight!"
"Party?" And with that Pansy yanked you to your feet and you scrambled up the stairs being dragged behind her as the next 4 hours entailed getting ready for the party.
Slytherin parties were always off the chain. Every other house could party for sure, but the amount of shit Slytherin would gather for the party. All the alcohol and drugs like it was some free tester aisle of a muggle store. It would always end very heated whether everyone was hooking up or someone started a fight. It was always the same old shit.
You decided on a basic little black dress, you can never go wrong. The dress was short and frilled. To be fair it looked more like one of those frilly tops that remind you of a dress. Your assets were out on display, but it was a party why not.
"Girl, that dress is definitely not your size but it's so cute!" She chuckled as you spun around. You fixed the top, making sure there will be no nipple slips. "You have literally the perfect body; tits, ass and thighs. I'm so jealous"
"Pans shut up, you are so hot I won't even leave for the party we can have our own" You both giggled as you leaned forward kissing her cheek before grabbing her eyeliner and finishing up your makeup.
By now the party was in full swing for atleast an hour and you two were only just getting done. You held hands as you exited Pansy's dorm and skipped downstairs giggling. Not to mention the two if you had pregamed before.
You two did you rounds round the party greeting everyone and stealing shots from groups. You both got to your friends on the couch in the back corner as you stood like bambi, struggling to stand straight in your heels from how fucked you were.
"Woah- Careful" You heard as you felt a hand snake around your waist steadying you. You look up to the side and catch Theo's dark eyes staring down at you.
"Thanks" You giggled leaning into his chest, pulling his arms over your shoulder, holding his hands as you looked to the group. Pansy situated herself on Enzo's lap the two of them giggling at you and Theo.
"So Y/N, any updates with Mr Badger? I was told about your date" Mattheo smirked, he wasnt trying to wind Theo up, he didnt know but Theo still got pissed.
You felt Theo tense behind you but you didn't take notice of it as you continued to okay with the rings on his hands. "We haven't been on the date yet, but he seems nice"
You heard Theo scoff as you turned to look up at him. "Nice my ass" He mumbled. You rolled your eyes, not wanting to argue as you continued conversation with your friends.
Theo was enjoying the company, enjoying the feeling of your body snuggled against him as you played with his rings. God, he was falling, quick. He was too busy daydreaming to even notice you had sauntered away to the other side of the room.
"Ced~" You smiled as you stood beside him.
"Hey Y/N- You look gorgeous tonight" He chuckled, taking your hand and pulling you to stand between his legs. His hands gripping your thighs, dangerously close to your ass.
"So do you" You smiled, running your hand softly up and down his chest. "M' excited for our date" You giggled.
"Me too.. Its not everyday you get to be in the presence of a goddess" He licked his lips.
"Stop it you!" You chuckled, hitting his shoulder.
"Cant help myself" His hands threatening to touch the curve of your ass.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, chuckling down at him as he pulled you closer by your thighs, placing his lips onto yours as he kissed you softly.
It was needy, very needy. He gripped your ass as you leaned over kissing him more passionately as you say on his knee.
Third POV
Theo couldn't cope at the sight. The second Pansy pointed it out, his hand tightened around his bottle. Anger filling his body as he watched another man kiss you. Another man touch you. That should be him. Not Cedric. Him. Jealously bubbled inside of him, very quickly.
Theo was too focused on the scene that the glass bottle shattered at the pressure. All his friends turned to look at the sound and him. He looked down at his bloody hand as he wiped it on his shirt, before groaning and turning to push through the crowd.
Everyone was confused by the sudden action by Theo, they had no clue what caused it, or even a smidge of knowledge how much Theo loved you.
Theo rushed away, pushing through people trying to get further and further away from the hurt. His hand covered in blood and throbbing as he stopped at the stairs. Turning to look in your direction, noticing your still with him. He bit his lip, holding in any emotion as he continued up the stairs.
Your POV
A many days later, after the party, you and Cedric went on your date. It was lovely, he was very attentive which you loved. You didn't see him much the few days after but chalked it up to him being busy.
It wasn't till it was 4 days after your date with Cedric you noticed the boy was still yet to talk to you. It left a sour taste in your mouth and you wanted to confront him. Why was he ignoring you.
Suddenly someone bumped into you, quickly apologising as they sprinted down the hall. Curious you followed them, it was a first year probably not a huge deal
You had no expectation for the kid, but it wasn't what he was running to caught your eye. It was down a dark corridor you turned to see Cedric and Theodore.. talking? Before you could even call at them, Theo pounces on Cedric. Your eyes wide as you froze. You were too far down the hall to do anything but noticed Mattheo, Draco, Enzo and Blaise all struggling to pull Theo off Cedric. Cedrics friends yelling as Cedric was frankly getting battered.
You sprinted down the hall towards them, aa they got ripped apart as you approached. Cedric and Theo's face all bloody.
"What the fuck is wrong with you??" You screamed as you looked at Theo.
He looked shocked, taken back. "Me?? He started it!"
"Sock it Theo, there was no need" You helped Cedric to his feet. "Let me take you to the hospital wing" And with that the two of you left.
Third POV:
"Shut up Nott, you're so up her ass. Don't be mad she hasn't put out for you yet. It's a long list. She's just a hole to fill. You'll have your turn " Cedric laughed.
Theo doesn't know how he got in this situation, he was just walking then saw Cedric and now he was ontop of the boy pummelling his face in. He was talking shit about you, lying about you. He was horrible.
But the worse thing for Theo was when he saw you. Saw your face when you looked between the two of them. His heart broke when you reached for Cedric, cheking if he was OK and whisking him away.
Theo was going insane.
Your POV:
It had been a day since the fight. Both boys were in the hospital wing but you refused to see Theo why would he do that. He was your bestfriend, and Cedric was just.. a guy. A guy that made you happy. Its like Theo was punishing you for being happy.
You were sat in potions noticing Theo hadn't show up, and you were pissed. He was being selfish, this was a group project.
You go to the hospital wing to find Theo, but Madame Pomfrey told you he was dismissed last night but Cedric was still there. You looked over at Ced, noticing his curtain was shut, I guess he had company, you thought and just walked out. If Theo wasn't in class then there's only one placed he'd be.
You scaled the stairs to the Astronomy reaching the top as you took a moment to get your breath. You noticed Theo by the railing and you sigh.
"Theo you can't skip class"
He turned to look at you, inhaling the smoke from his cigarette as he looked at you. "Well I am so it doesn't fucking matter. Don't you have a baby to coddle?"
"Fuck off Theo, don't be a prick" You scoffed
"He's a bad person Y/N. Why won't you fucking listen to me"
"You don't even know what he said about you. He called you a slut. Your nothing but a hole to fill" He sneered.
"What the fuck is wrong with you! Are you jealous I'm happy?" You laughed at him, distressed with the situation.
"You aren't happy" He snapped.
"How do you know? How do you know what's good for me!" You stare at his back, rage building up inside of you as you yelled out at him.
"BECAUSE IM GOOD FOR YOU.." Theo yelled. He turned to look at you, his breath erratic. "I know whats good for you and its me.. not him, no one else. Its me, it'll always be me" His teeth are gritted as he looked as you as you stand in shock. "I love you Y/N! It's always been you. Every fucking waking moment I think about you, your fucking stupid coconut smelling hair! The way your lip dimple shows when you smile a certain way. I spend every waking moment thinking about you. I live and breathe for you Y/N."
You stand there stunned as you look down at him.
"Haven't I made it fucking obvious? I fought the fucking freak for you! Yes initially he did nothing but.. He called you horrible things.. I can't bare to see you with another man that isn't me. I think about you so much bella.. Morning, noon and fucking night, I think about you.." His voice cracked as he stared down at you before he took your hand, kneeling down infront of you holding your hand. "It'll always be you.." He softly kissed your hand.
Your eyes slightly glassy from the confession as you stand speechless.
"Please say something bella.." Theo looked up at you, his hands grasping yours.
You burst out into tears, ripping your hand away from him as you cover your face. "You are so annoying Theo- I- I didn't know you felt like this" You sobbed as you wiped your eyes. Your mascara smudged all over your face.
Theo stood up, cupping your face between his hands as he wiped your tears with his thumbs as he chuckled, a tear rolling down his eye.
"I guess we are both stupid.." He chuckled lightly.
"You're such an asshole" You hit his chest playfully, laughing slightly through the sobs. His hand catching yours as you hit his chest, before his lips crashed against yours.
The pair of you finally became one.
If you enjoyed this fic and want to buy me a coffee, you can do so here!
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cheriladycl01 · 1 month
Can you do a cute one shot please where reader gets drunk and she’s a super lovey and cute drunk and just wants cuddles with Max or Lando please?? Love 🍷 anon who is deffo not drunk and crying over max edits 🥰🥰
Drunk in Love - Lando Norris x Drunk Reader x Max Verstappen
Plot: Your were drinking for England after your first podium. To the point where you can’t tell the difference between your boyfriend Lando Norris and team-mate Max Verstappen.
Warning: Throwing up, General drunkenness.
A/N: This request was hard to choose whether i wanted it centered around Max or Lando, so i added Max being cutie.
Credit to il-predestinato for the GIF
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You'd gotten your first podium and you were in a celebrating that in a London Club after the British GP. There was a load of drivers in the club with you including your boyfriend Lando Norris.
You were being offered drinks from pretty much everyone in the room, it was absolutely insane and you'd taken so many drinks without even thinking how much you'd had.
You vision was so blurry, and you were at the point where being this intoxicated was scaring you and you just wanted to get back to your apartment that you kept in London while Lando had the Monaco apartment.
"Lan!" you cry looking up at who you thought was your boyfriend because of the shirt he was wearing. It the shape, same colour and same material when you leaned in to touch it as what Lando was wearing.
Your vision was beyond fucked and you couldn't even make out your boyfriends beautiful face.
"Baby!" you cried at him, tugging him towards you, your eyes blurring more with tears as you struggle to get his attention. The body turns round, and Max is now looking down at his friends very drunk state.
"Y/N?" he asks looking over at you bending down.
"Lan, please baby. I love you but I want to go home!" you say nuzzling into his neck and wrapping your arms around his middle.
"Oh-erm Y/N" Max tries but because of how loud the club is your drunk self cant even tell that it's Max and his Dutch accent that is talking to you and trying to pry you off of him.
"Why are you trying to get me to let go! You love cuddles!" you pout looking down.
"Do you not love me anymore?" you gasp before sobs start to rack through your body at the thought of Lando, the love of your life no longer wanting to be with you.
"Hey, Hey shush!" Max comforts you, pulling you in for a hug and brushing you hair with his hand in a polite manner. You nuzzle into the hug, and you started to feel strange, this didn't feel like a Lando hug, it didn't feel like your Lando full stop.
This body was taller, but not as built as Lando. It didn't feel right. And you couldn't help but wonder who on earth this imposter was.
Max was asking around him, trying to get Charles and Carlos to find where Oscar, Logan and Lando had all wondered off to away from you.
"You are my boyfriend! WHO ARE YOU?" you ask your eyes squiting to try have a better look at the man in front of you.
"Y/N it's me Max!" he smiles kindly putting his hand on your upper arm to steady you as he can see your swaying.
"I want Lando, please get Lando!" you ask with little gasps of breath, sounding like hiccups while you try to catch you breathe a little.
"Carlos has gone looking for him, look come sit down here next to Charlie and Daniel, i'll go help Carlos!" Max says leading you next to Charles who moves over a little in the booth to give you room to get in.
You sit there quietly waiting for Lando's return.
Max was practically running round the club, looking to spy Lando or even Carlos so they could team up and look for the trio together.
After looking he finds them out on the balcony looking down at the busy London street below.
"Lando!" Max shouts making all their heads snap round.
"What's up?" Lando asks putting his drink down making it clink on the glass of the table.
"It's Y/N she's like ... I've never seen her this drunk before. She didn't even know I was me, she thought i was you!" he explains and Lando looks between Oscar and Logan with a shocked look.
"We left her for what... like half an hour!" Lando sighs before following Max back inside leaving Oscar and Logan to their own devices out on the balcony.
"Baby?" Lando asks tentatively, seeing you slouched against Charles.
"Lan!" you exclaim, jumping up and launching yourself at him. You hug him and he wraps you into a familiar warm bear hug and you know that it's him now.
"There's MY Lan!" you smile, nuzzling into him. He kisses your forehead before pulling you back and bending down to your level to look over your face. He could see how spacey your eyes look and that it's for sure about time you should be leaving.
"Come on baby lets go!" he smiles and you shake your head with a soft whine.
"My feet hurt so much" you say groggily and he cant help but laugh at the little pouty expression on his face.
"That's okay, I can carry you baby" he smiles and lifts you up as though you were the weight of a feather. He carries you bridle style all the way back to your apartment which was actually on a 15 minute walk through London.
"I love you so much! I'm sorry about tonight!" you sighed at him, not enjoying filming guilty for making him leave this early.
"Why are you sorry darling!" he laughs as he places you down in the now moving elevator of your apartment building.
"Because i made you leave early from the fun because I don't feel well!" you pout, grabbing his arm and hugging it close against you. He just smiles down at you. You were normally very affectionate anyway but drunk you was very clingy and needy.
Not that Lando minded, he actually loved it.
"Come on baby, it's bed time for the both of us. No need to feel guilty, I was kinda wanting to come back for a nice cuddle session with you anyway!" he grins and you then look down.
"Shower!" you complain looking at him as the lift doors open to your pent house. He carries you straight through to the bathroom, you collapse to your knees throwing up all the contents from that night.
Tears brim your eyes hating the sensation, while Lando rubs your back soothingly trying to help make sure you can breath.
"Okay, lets wash this down and then get you in there to clean up yeah hunny?" he smiles at you, grabbing the shower head down and turning the water on washing the sick from the floor of the shower down the drain until its gone. He helps you step in undressing you, then himself.
He helps you shower, not trusting you alone in the shower by yourself in this state before drying you off and brushing you teeth for you.
You both snuggle up in the big bed, you cuddling into him playing with his curls.
"I love you!" you whispers looking up at his expression.
"I love you more" he smiles placing a kiss on your lips before turning the lights off with the remote and laying his head back to sleep.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall l @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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yujification · 5 months
ik its nothing much to go off of but
wife!yunjin who is nothing short of obsessed with your pussy… especially her fucking you with a strap bc she wants to get you pregnant so bad but cant bc shes stuck with her dumb vagina :(
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i’ve been actually thinking abt this A LOT anon thank you for opening my mind
cw: praise, breeding kink, strap referred to as a cock
pussy drunk yunjin is my favorite thing in the WORLD. she always wants it, no matter how. she’ll take anything you give her. she loves watching you unravel and come on her strap because she just thinks you’re so pretty with your jaw slack and sweat dripping down your head and neck, beads of perspiration sticking your your hairline. she’s just more than pleased that you’re enjoying yourself, and making you come makes her come. she’s so gentle when she fucks you, making sure not to hurt you or go too quick. she knows you can take all of it, but loves watching her faux cock disappear into your glistening cunt, the sight alone making her bite her lip while her own pussy clenches around nothing, soaking her panties until they’re embarrassingly wet and practically ruined.
baby just really wants to breed you, she figures that that’s what marriage is for. she loves you— you’re hers and she’s yours, and filling you up with her come would make her so happy, and likes to imagine that’s what’s happening when she fucks you, mattress gently creaking under you :( she has good stamina too, fucking you through several orgasms, round after round, just to make sure her baby is as happy as she is (plus she likes seeing you all fucked out and sweaty). even after your third orgasm, she’s still consistently with her thrusts, rolling her hips into you until she’s able to watch your pretty lips part again, meeting them in a rather urgent kiss, mumbling against your mouth, “it’s okay, come for me, angel”. you’re her dream girl and she wants you to know.
and when you ride her strap, it’s possibly even better? you get a good view of her face and you get to watch her chest heave and eyes flutter when it almost feels a little too real. she’s grabbing onto your thighs and ass, fondling and pulling and massaging while you rock and bounce on her cock, praises escaping her lips like second nature, “such a good girl, you’re so good for me, baby,” while she orgasms for the third time since you started, still wishing she could come inside you.
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182-ash · 10 months
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Poly Sam and colby x reader headcannons bc I love these guys and I think they'd be cute boyfriends @oli-ivia helped me with some of these.
Colby is a human furnace and Sam is always freezing so they share hoodies all the time especially you and Sam stealing colbys
Sam cant sleep without both of u there so he likes to sleep/cuddle in the middle of you and colby- this makes it difficult when they go filming without you and Sam struggles to sleep so colby ends up facetiming you
When you have a headache they are very sweet and colby puts you in his hoodie with big hood so you can hide away- they turn off all the lights and talk really softly- colby lays you on his chest and gives you head massages and back rubs
Sam plays with colbys hair which makes him very sleepy and he he leans into the touch
^ colby is a workaholic even when sick so Sam uses this technique to get colby to stop working and actually rest
^when Sam gets sick, it really hits him bad so he tries not to kiss you guys when you're sick but colby always looks so sad he can't resist
^ Sam's just so sleepy the whole time he's sick and you just spend the day in bed with him because he's too tired to argue that you'll get sick too
This one's a bit longer but my current favourite thing on earth are jellyfish (its the audhd okay) so that's what inspired this
They're filming a TFIL video with you as a guest and they've 'broken in to an aquarium overnight' so you could see jellyfish and other ocean stuff undisturbed- sam and colby wanted you to be safe so they've actually booked the aquarium overnight but not told the fans because that would make the video a bit boring
^when you get in you immediately grab Sam's hand and run to find the jellyfish (or your favourite animal there) and just sit in front of the tank and watch- Sam pulls you into his lap
^After a little time Corey or someone is like: "dude- we gotta do smth so the fans have an interesting vid to watch"- Colby: "just let her sit- we can do stuff without her- she's enjoying it" cut to you happy Stimming sat in Sam's lap by the tanks
^they take turns sitting with you because A. Sam needs to be in the vid a bit and B. Colby was getting jealous that Sam was getting to spend all that time with you (listen he just wants to hug his partner alright- he can't resist how adorable you look in Sam's lap so happy)
^when they decide Sam should be in the video more but he wants to stay with you they give him the other camera so he can film you and him (you give lots of facts about the animal you're watching- its jellyfish for me) so the video ends up being 'colby and the others running round like idiots doing stupid impressions of the fish cut with cute clips of you in Sam's lap stimming and smiling and telling facts'
I could say lots more about that scenario but I don't want to talk too much on one thing so I might write smth separate abt it if u want so now on to more general ideas again
Such sweethearts when you're upset- they'll give you space if you want or they'll sit with you and talk about it- if you're okay with touch they'll pull you in for a hug and rub your back to calm you- colbys an anxious man as we know so he knows good breathing exercises for you
You guys find a stray cat and take it in- you call it smth stupid like 'cat'- cat likes you the most which will always slightly annoy the boys
When colby gets drunk, specifically wine drunk, he loudly sings along to cheesy love songs to you and Sam
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poppy-metal · 1 month
miss poppy im sorry for flooding ur inbox but i have patrick with a corruption kink on the brain. patrick who finds it so cute that u’ve never smoked before, telling u to just take one hit of his cig and he can’t help but smile as u cough to the point of tears. patrick who offers to give u a massage but tells u to take ur top off and maybe ur bra too because “it’ll feel so much better for u this way”. patrick who invites u to his place to hang out and maybe get high and asks if u watch porn, and when u shake ur head and tell him not really, u can almost see the twinkle in his eye as he offers to show u the nasty shit he watches (he sees ur thighs clench together……..and tells u it’s okay if u like watching it….)
know he watches disgusting stuff like anal creampies and titfucking videos just vile gross sex but it makes your pussy clench when he has you on your tummy. neck pulled back with a fist in your hair making you watch the girl on the screen get her asshole obliterated in a lockerroom by a huge cock. you can't help the clench of your pussy around patricks dick pounding in and out of you at the sight even if its morally impermissible. and he feels it, feels the the tight little clutch of your hole on him and huffs as he comes down on your slick back, practically smothering you into his mattress with his weight.
"yeah, you like that shit? see how she takes it up her tight little ass. that's what I'm gonna do to you one of these days -" the hole in question, clenches around nothing at the promise, against your will, like its hungry for it. you feel the coarse hair covering his pelvis rub back and forth over the round curve of your ass as he rocks in and out of you. "- gonna open that hole of yours up on this dick. fuck it how i fuck this pussy."
"patrick -" you gasp, eyes fluttering at his crude words. the video in front of you. your eyes open again because you cant look away from the visual, the womans tightly furled hole becoming soft and gaping as the dick plunges in and out of it, a thick layer of cream outlining the rim. the wet smack of the mans balls reverberating off her pussy. you imagine your hole opening up like that for patrick, going from tight to loose, eating up his fat cock just like your cunt does. "- y-you cant- you cant - its too tight - i dont want it - pat- oh- ohhh-"
"then why can't you take your eyes off it, huh? quit sucking on my dick from watching some chicks ass get pounded and I'll stop."
you can't. you can't look away. can't stop your pussy from squeezing around him.
patricks groan of approval vibrates through your whole body as he presses you further into the bed. really start hammering his hips into your ass to plunder that pussy.
"that's what i fucking thought. gonna be my little anal princess - shit - aren't you? gonna let daddy have this ass."
his palm comes down hard on one of your bouncing cheeks as he says it, prompting you to squeal. the laptop playing the video falls off the bed but neither of you care, lost in it now. pretenses gone as you arch your back and fuck your pussy back onto his cock.
"yes! yes, daddy, s'yours - yes, yes, yes -"
"good girl."
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elexaria · 4 months
price has a very strange relationship with simon. absolutely loves him to bits, dont get me wrong. but he can’t help but feel a weird pang of jealousy every now and then. hes a complex bloke too, but you dont see him brooding around on missions! i think a part of him sees simon as a younger john price, or even an extension of himself in some ways.
he gets his boxer briefs in a twist when simon invites the lads round his place for some drinks, and his eyes practically bulge out of his head when he sees mrs riley. she’s absolutely gorgeous, a 10 doesn’t even summarises her beauty enough.
my god. she’s like an oasis in the fucking desert, and he cant not stare every chance he gets. the sight of her wearing a cute apron as she puts batches of party food into the oven has his romantic heart racing so fast. he clenches his jaw when he catches simon’s hand at the small of her back, the cute giggles and kissing making him sour up. simon’s not a man like price.
pricey could definitely take care of her better. if she was mrs price, she’d barely be able to be productive with him around, having her apron lifted up for easy access as price slips his cock inside of her while the lads are too busy guffawing and roaring with laughter to even notice :(
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jinnie-ret · 8 months
9th member whos family is extremely unsupportive of their career choices, skz do their best to cheer them up after a loud argument that the boys overhear. their family is rude and downright mean to their 9th member and they cant let them be put down by their family so they remind her that theyre her family. love your writing.
family is complicated
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: emotionally abusive parents
word count: 1.6k
summary: after your troubling phone call is overhead by all of the boys, they comfort you and reassure you that they are your true family
Thank you sm for your request!! I hope you enjoy this one too :)))
"Y/Nnie! Lunch is ready," Chan called the maknae into the kitchen, plating up some food for her. Although they lived in different dorms now, Y/N staying with 3RACHA and Hyunjin, and Lee Know and Felix staying with VocalRACHA, they decided to do a whole group meal today.
Everyone was sat waiting at the table, before a sluggish looking Y/N padded into the kitchen, wiping sleep away from her eyes.
"Aw bless her, she looks exhausted," Felix whispered and frowned to Han, who nodded along.
"It's her mum and dad again, don't mention them yeah?" Han quietly replied, offering a light smile to Y/N when she plonked herself down into the chair opposite him.
"Mmm, what's for breakfast?" Y/N blinked her eyes rapidly, where redness could be seen around the lids. After an endless streams of texts from her parents last night, she cried herself to sleep, the boys doing their best to comfort her before she allowed herself to break down.
"It's lunch time, silly," Hyunjin fondly giggled as he ruffled her hair and placed a cup of tea down in front of her. "Here, peppermint tea, I know it's your favourite."
"Thanks Jinnie," Y/N tilted her head upwards and he smiled and scrunched his nose at her in response.
"It's nice having lunch together like this, I feel like we haven't done it in a while," Jeongin commented, twirling some ramen with his chopsticks.
"We had fried chicken at the company like two days ago," Changbin pointed out and laughed.
"Yeah but it's different being sat around the table with a home cooked meal," Lee Know nodded and agreed with Jeongin.
"It's different now, like sometimes I get a facetime and just have Seungmin staring at me whilst he eats like," Han starts laughing, and mimics the face the puppy like member of the group would pull.
"What do you think about eating on your own, Seungmin? Now that we've split into different dorms," Chan asked curiously from one end of the table.
"I love it so much," Seungmin genuinely and joyfully says, causing everyone to break out into laugh, Hyunjin's iconic cackle sticking out amongst them all. Even Y/N, in a tired quiet mood, broke out into a smile.
But that happy mood, was torn in half by the ringtone that blared from Y/N's phone. She picked up her phone and sighed when she saw the contact name, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Are you ok, Y/N?" Minho queried gently from next to her, making his tone more caring and comforting like he always did when he spoke to her. She was similar to Felix in that she had a sensitive heart.
"I'm f-fine, umm, I've got to take this," Y/N scoots out of her chair from the dining table, and walks round the corner from the kitchen into the hallway that followed down to their individual bedrooms.
"I'm worried about her," Jeongin spoke up, a frown tugging on his features, the corners of his mouth pulled downwards.
"I swear if that's her parents-" Changbin gritted his teeth.
"When will you come home and leave that useless job behind you?"
"Mum, why do you always do this to me? I'm doing something that I truly love and you always dismiss it!"
"I don't care about what you enjoy doing. You're not thinking about your family. How could you leave us like this? It's disrespectful. You've betrayed us!"
"I send money to you every month! I support you! I do everything I can, mum!"
"Your everything isn't good enough, Y/N. You're an embarrassment to the whole family."
"Mum don't say that!"
Then there was the sound of the phone call being hung up on, and Y/N quickly dashed past the opening of the hallway to rush into the bathroom.
"Don't tell me what I can and cannot do, girl. I thought you may have changed your mind after my wise words last night, but I can see you're still as stupid and ignorant as ever."
"Y/N-" Han stood up to stop her and grab her attention, but she had already slammed the door.
"Have they always been that bad?" Seungmin questioned, appalled at the phone call they all overheard.
In her tired state, Y/N must have put the call on loudspeaker, and not realised that the boys had heard it too.
"I knew they were bad but... hearing her own mother yell at her like that... I thought the texts were bad," Chan sighed and shook his head. His hands rested on the table and he cracked his knuckles together.
"Why, what happened with the texts? Hannie said just to act normal but..." Felix brought up what he had said earlier.
"Yesterday she got some threatening texts from her dad, telling her he'd fly over to Seoul and personally drag her back home, and if she didn't 'comply and obey him' he'd make sure that she'd 'pay for it'," Hyunjin sighed, quoting the exact words he read from Y/N's phone himself.
"That bastard threatened violence?!" Lee Know exclaimed in disbelief, his fist clenched tightly around the edge of the table.
"We should check on her," Jeongin got up as he shook his head, walking round to the bathroom and knocking on the door. "Y/Nnie? Do you want to talk about what happened, love? We all heard," he added onto the end.
"No, it's fine, Innie. I'm ok, please don't come in," Y/N's voice cracked. "I just want some time to myself," she whimpered from the cold bathroom floor, rocking back and forth as she tried to process the words her own mother threw at her once more. Her mind was frantically pulling her in all sorts of different directions, saying 'what if' a thousand times.
"Sweetheart, please talk to us, we're worried about you," Felix's deep voice came from the other side of the door.
"I'm fine," Y/N sniffled, shakily standing up as her head pounded from all of the stress.
"You're not, we can hear it in your voice, Y/Nnie," Lee Know said firmly, a hint of frustration in his voice but only because he cared about her so much.
"Please open the door, Y/N," Jeongin tried again, hand resting against the door.
"She's not going to, mate," Bang Chan sighed, slumping down into the sofa, stretching out his neck and body. "She said she wants to be alone."
But then, the lock to the bathroom door clicked, revealing an exhausted looking Y/N who had tear streams down her face, as well as red eyes and a red nose.
"I don't want to talk about it," Y/N could barely look up at the three members that had been stood outside of the bathroom waiting for her.
"That's fine, just come sit with us, yeah?" Felix grabbed her hand gently.
"Don't shut us out, please," Lee Know ducked his head down to look into her eyes, and the girl nodded, still looking down at her feet. He rested his hand on her lower back as they encouraged her to head through to the lounge.
"Come here," Hyunjin opened his arms immediately as soon as she entered the room and just like that she was glued to his side.
"Y/N, I know you won't want to talk about it, but let us talk to you, ok?" Changbin started, "The way you have been treated by your parents, is by all means, not ok."
"And we want you to know, because we heard what your mum said, you are enough for us," Seungmin added on.
Their kind words caused her to let out a sob, and she heard coos and hushes around her of 'oh, Y/N!'.
"Darling, please don't get upset," Han crouched down in front of Y/N and wiped her tears away, and Hyunjin's arms tightened around her.
"I-it's just, it's-" Y/N couldn't get her words out before another sob ripped from her throat.
"Y/Nnie, breathe, it's ok love, take your time," Chan gently spoke up, causing her to listen to his words and actively take some deep breaths.
"We won't let you feel down ever again from the things they had said or done to you," Lee Know promised.
"We're your family, Y/Nnie," Jeongin cracked a small smile, eyes glistening with tears of his own.
"I wish you had been my family from the start. I feel like I've wasted so much of my life already," Y/N cried out, her hands digging into her legs.
"Oh, if we could have been a group from the start I'm sure we would have. Just think this, you've got us now. I know it's easier said then done, but don't worry about the past. Let's just think about our future, ok?" Changbin said from next to her on the sofa, gently pulling her hands away from her lap to prevent her from causing more harm.
"But what if-" Y/N stuttered and stopped herself from continuing once more.
"There are no what ifs with us, Y/N," Hyunjin rubbed circles into her shoulders.
"Yeah, you're stuck with us now," Han joked, trying to lighten the mood, and it worked.
For a few more moments you revelled in the comfort of being with your members, your family before going on with the rest of your day. And if anyone asked Chan if he blocked your mum and dad's phone numbers, he'd say no, of course. If they were really worried, they had other ways of getting in contact. It wouldn't hurt anyone. Just make your lives easier as a family.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky
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Since the last one was so fun I thought I would do another!
ASL shapes post
I’m begging and pleading you to look at Keep Reading 👇
Shape language is defined as “a concept used in art and animation to communicate meaning based on shapes we are familiar with” (source). This concept uses circles, triangles, and squares to convey an idea of the “personality” of the design without using any words.
In designs, using circles and rounded edges in your silhouette and detailing gives the design a soft and squishy look. They tend to be harmless, approachable, or changeable.
Designs using squares gives the design a solid, sturdy, and strong look. They are supportive, reliable, and inflexible
Lastly, triangle designs are sharp and directional. They are dynamic, dangerous, and unpredictable.
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Here are the main silhouettes I used! I'll just go down the list here since theres so many of them
(edit from me after writing all of this down: ✨Drinking game!✨ take a shot everytime i say either square or rectangle. You'll be dead by the end. Anyway, enjoy!)
⚔️: Even in his base design, Zoro is essentially a giant rectangle. He's stable, reliable, and supportive. but even though he is all that, i think he definately deserves some triangle imagry so i tried to squeak one in there.
🍊:Nami is her own breed of triangle. She's not unpredictable, per say,, just very very hostile. and I love her for that. but she is also very reliable, she has to be for her job. So i award her 2 triangles and a square
🌱: you may notice a trend by now that everyone has a square. that's because every one of the straw hats are all hella reliable, and thats not excluding Usopp. Even though he feels like he's not cut out for the awful situations he's often in, he somehow always squeezes by victorious. But also, he is friend shaped. so he gets 2 circles and a square.
🍳: Similarly to Zoro, Sanji is also just a gigantic square. His torso is the main box, but his les are always in a position of stability, closely resembling a square. But also, his head is soft and round, portraying his kindness. As such i award him with two squares and a box-y circle.
🩺: just.. i mean just look at any picture of base chopper. HES JUST A GIANT CIRCLE. He got a big ol' noggin, a round body, and two little stick legs. he deserves a square though, so I gave him a square for his feets.
🔎: Robin has the same shape layout as Sanji. She is also very reliable and very kind. where she differs though is that she still has so much mystery to her, that i still tried to incorporate triangles as smaller details in her design. Two rectangles, a circle, and many small triangles. She has the range.
🛠️:Franky is a gigantic square with almost no non-square angles to him. he has his shoulders, his glasses, and his crotch that are not quadrilateral and of course that signifies how reliable and stable he is. Cant knock this cat over. he gets 3 squares.
🎸: Brook was a bit hard to pick which shape would be his majority, so I didn't. He got all of them. He's polite and kind, but also mischievous and full of surprises. And of course. Square attributes. one square one circle and one triangle.
🌊: For Jinbe, I... yes, the guy is a gigantic square, but also he's just kinda always doin shit that I don't expect him to do, so i think he also deserves a triangle. I dont know how i would add a third shape in him since his gigantic square body takes up the majority of his figure, so i just used two. One square, and one triangle.
And that just about covers all of them! if you read all this, thank you so much for listening to my ramblings!
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nyashykyunnie · 15 days
˗ˏˋ Pirate King! Jinwoo x Siren! Reader ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ ˎˊ˗
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕁𝕚𝕟𝕨𝕠𝕠˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
[ TW: Yandere Jinwoo, Violence , all Shadows Mentioned are in Human Form ]
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅ Part 1 ♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ Across the oceans with the stars as my guide, my Bride, I will find you ] ¡! ❞
Jinwoo was a huge mommy's boy, that's for sure. But like any other son, he idolizes him to the point that he begs Il-hwan to take him out to his mini ship trips to which the old man humors the little boy and teaches him how to be a good sailor boy.
Il-hwan often took Jinwoo in his short trips, mostly just to let the boy be more physically active. After all, young boys oughta be active to grow into healthy and happy men.
Well... That was until Il-hwan lost sight of Jinwoo who wandered off into the island the little boy was accompanying him into to deliver some goods.
While poor Sung Il-hwan's heart was about to burst from his chest— His son meanwhile... Was busy getting heart eyes and butterflies fluttering in silly little tummy.
Jinwoo was your typical idiot child after all, he is reckless and wanders off despite his father's strict orders not to be 10 steps farther away from him.
He just got curious at the pretty little shimmering shells on the sand that seemingly created a path for him to follow.
So what does he do? Duh, he follows it.
As he does so, Jinwoo carefully picks up each shell so he can turn them into a cute little seashell necklace or crown for his baby sister who was just recently born. She's his little princess and he wants to make her as pretty as she possibly can because she is his baby angel.
While picking up the last shell, Jinwoo was startled and fell back when he heard a splash on the waters. He thought for sure that it is his father but instead he was met with a curious gaze peeking behind a moss-covered rock. The orbs were wide and beady, similar to his but more naive. Adorned on the stranger's head were several pearls acting like a glittering stars against the lovely wet strands.
Jinwoo had dropped all the precious seashells he had picked up, but was too distracted on your gaze that the sheepish boy cant help but fumble around on himself.
"E-erm..." Jinwoo speaks up, but soon panicked as he saw your frightened expression. "W-wait, no, no... Don't be scared! I won't hurt you, promise!"
He says, hurriedly lowering himself and then stretching his tiny palms out to you to show that he meant no harm.
Well, how could such bright and round grey eyes show hostility anyway?
So, you also started fumbling around, pushing yourself closer to the curious human and pressing his palms against yours.
Jinwoo seemed to have had his breath hitch when your skins had touched. He kept sputtering out nonesense, before his tiny little digits intertwined with your with his face red to the very tip of his ears.
"Pretty..." Jinwoo mumbles shyly.
It was an odd language to you, but somehow you could tell that this curious little human was very gentle.
And when you beamed, he grins right after.
Innocent and lovely smiles on both your precious faces.
Jinwoo tugs at your hand, leading you to the water so you two could play. He didn't seem to care at the fact that both of you are two different species. While he had legs that could walk and run, you had a lovely tail that you use to traverse the lovely oceans.
You showed Jinwoo the prettiest parts of the waters, while he in turn showed you some tricks he could do. From hopskotch to doing cartwheels and climbing trees just to see you beam as he swung upside down.
Your voice was soundless, and he understood that you did that to protect his ears. There were stories that a siren's voice can burst one's eardrums unless you are bonded to one.
Jinwoo didn't know how long he played with you, but he eventually became tired and just curiously stared into your pretty and dreamy orbs seemingly carved out of the milky way while your foreheads are pressed together.
He then feels a swirl in his heart, a faint, blue glow eminating from underneath the fabric of his shirt. The boy realizes the peculiar feeling, looking down at himself.
But weirdly enough, he wasn't a tad bit alarmed at the mystical sight.
Just as he was about to ask you— Il-hwan's panicked and booming voice echoed from the forest behind the both of you and it instantly scared you away.
Jinwoo helplessly watched you dive into the waters, instantly disappearing into the distant blue.
As soon as Il-hwan sees his little boy, he immediately embraces a dumbfounded Jinwoo who was seemingly too frozen to say anything at all.
"Jinwoo, son, what has dad told—...." Il-hwan pauses, his words disappearing in his throat as he sees Jinwoo's tearful face.
"M-my siren"
"Siren?" Il-hwan scrunches his forehead.
"Dad, my siren!" Jinwoo yells, his face completely panicked as he starts to cry. "My siren, dad my siren! You have to get my siren back!"
"Jinwoo!..." Il-hwan's heart breaks at his son's wailing.
Jinwoo for one was never an insolent or needy child, he had always been good and obedient. Even a bit more closed off than most kids, he's a shy boy who never speaks much. But seeing the state of the poor child this distressed made Il-hwan's heart tremble with sadness.
All he could do was cradle the small boy who kept begging for him to find his dear siren.
⋅ ˚ ₊ ‧ ଳ ‧ ₊ ˚ ⋅ ⋆ ౨ৎ ˚ ⟡ ˖ ࣪
Jinwoo could never really forget that day, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't. Not that he would want to anyway. It would be the same memory night after night.
The sight of that precious siren, how his father spent hours trying to console him a she had his mental breakdown about his precious little 'Friend'.
He would grow into a fine young man, too fine in fact.
The desire to meet you again burned in his heart like a flame dancing in the pits of hell.
Jinwoo wants to find you.
Jinwoo has to find you.
He needs to.
After all, he worked several years earning a reputation in the seas as a cruel tyrant. Not that he is really a villain, no, in fact— He was just passing by a bunch of bastards trying to hijack his ship— The ship he spent hundreds of golds on in order for him to pursuit your missing figure. The nitwits just couldn't sit down and shut up for once.
He spent all of his youth practicing and preparing, researching as much as he can about sirens.
Their habitats, their breeding routes, and their most known locations.
Jinwoo is not an idiot, he actually returned to the very spot he had met you in but found no signs of siren activity. Not even a path of seashells was laid out anywhere even as he circled the shore hundreds of times.
Frustrating? Yes.
But nothing was more frustrating than the fact that all these fucking hooligan pirates were trying to ruin his chances of finding your precious existence in these vast oceans.
He can't waste time playing petty mind games and bargaining.
Jinwoo's gamble is him trying to find a sliver of your trace.
And as he stood bloodsoaked atop of the remains he had mauled so grotesquely, his head tilted upwards with the most faded and lifeless purple orbs gazing at the pouring rain— He felt a sharp stab at his chest.
"Captain!" Beru wails, dropping his sword as he hurriedly assisted his master who had almost collapsed on the floor.
"My liege, you've pushed yourself too much" Bellion says as he took off his cloak and draped it over Jinwoo's figure who was still clutching his chest as if out of breath. "I beg you, captain, please breathe."
"I can't rest not," Jinwoo grits his teeth, moaning in pain as he feels another sharp stab in his heart.
It felt as though his insides are being burned alive, roasting him from within while his heart throbbed like it had a dagger embedded in it's flesh twisting so torturously slow.
Between death and this pain, Jinwoo would have rather chosen the afterlife if it weren't for the fact that he's so fixated on seeking for his precious siren.
His crew would gather around, panicking and attempting to be of help but to no avail
Since eventually, Jinwoo would have passed out from the agony he feels.
⋅ ˚ ₊ ‧ ଳ ‧ ₊ ˚ ⋅ ⋆ ౨ৎ ˚ ⟡ ˖ ࣪
"It's not looking good," Igris sighs, running his hand through his long strands after patching up Jinwoo's chest with a bandage. "His injuries are getting more severe by the day."
"Where did it come from?" Beru asks hastily, gritting his teeth. "Did my liege's siren curse him?"
"Far from it," Igris explains. "If the siren had indeed cursed captain, then there is no reason why his the skin directly on top of his heart would rot and create cracks like it's made of glass. The injury not only affects his heart, but also eats him from the inside out. The black ichor spilling out of the wound shows that this is a divine punishment"
"Divine Punishment?!" Beru bellows, his expression turning dark. "Our liege is a gentle soul, why would he of all the bastards of this godforsaken world would suffer such ailment?!"
"Beru, your temper." He sighs, pulling the blanket up to Jinwoo so that their captain could rest more easily. "He has not offended any god, nor is he being punished for his misdeeds."
He takes a deep breath, "It's the aftereffects of being seperated from their mate."
"Mate? But our liege is human?" Beru inquires, flabbergasted.
"Yes, but he has bonded with a siren" Igris scoffs, crossing his arms as if mocking Beru's lack of comprehension. "Our liege told us of the story, of how he met a lovely little siren his age when he was but a wee little lad. A glow suddenly emanated from his chest as if there was a star being planted in his body. That is a typical way for sirens to propose innocently. And our liege has wholly accepted the bonding ritual. Unfortunately, the siren had fled. Prolonged separation from one's mate can result in the symptom's our liege has been showing. His young body is strong hence why he could keep the injuries at bay most of the time. But it seems that our captain will reach his limit soon if we do not find that siren soon."
"...." Beru droops, feeling hopeless.
"Best we let him rest for tonight," Igris simply taps his shoulder, signaling for his colleague to leave the captain's quarters too.
⋅ ˚ ₊ ‧ ଳ ‧ ₊ ˚ ⋅ ⋆ ౨ৎ ˚ ⟡ ˖ ࣪
Jinwoo had woken up in the middle of the night, he was completely exhausted from the battle that took place in the afternoon.
He reached out and downed the mug of water waiting at his bedside before getting up and donning a coat over his shoulders to take a simple walk on the empty deck.
"Where are you, really?" Jinwoo sighs, bringing his finger up where a tiny little fish made of water playfully nuzzled his digit. "My darling bride, how am I to gift you all the treasures I've coveted if I cant even have you here, hm?"
Jinwoo had discovered that the little fish friend he had been secretly summoning from his heart was in fact a proof that he and the siren had bonded. If humans had their rings, sirens would have these little creatures as proof of sacramental union.
It was adorable, really.
Sure, one could say that he is only searching for the siren with the sole purpose of prolonging his life but that wasn't his goal.
Even if the bond didn't exist, Jinwoo would still choose the same path as he does now.
If he dies, his siren would die too.
And as a stubborn, reckless and steadfast king of the pirates who even has power above the holy king himself— Jinwoo wouldn't back down in this.
So long as he sees a star twinkling above the unruly oceans, he will continue to sail in search of his precious bride.
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꒰ A/N: Wont be making any fics for the next two weeks because exams yay but this will have a part 2 so dw and be patient xD... I'll let this marinate ꒱
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fyeahnix · 7 months
Sevika is unbelievably protective and possessive over her girlfriend. Not at all unheard of for her girl to be sitting perched on her lap during Sevika's usual card games in the back of The Last Drop. Everyone in the bar gives her SO a wide berth because they know one wrong look could get their shit rocked.
She takes that protectiveness very seriously, because if she gets tapped on the shoulder with one whisper in her ear about someone bothering her girl, she will pause her own card game to deal with whomever had the fucking nerve.
Sevika's arm wrapped your waist instinctively as you approached. You shimmied, inching closer to soak up her warmth and protectiveness. No eyes 'round the table paid you any mind, and if they had, you were sure you'd have called it a night right then and there.
You leaned in, rested your palm on her muscled thigh. Focused as she was on the game, she still canted her head to lend you her ear.
A quick gripe and complaint, one that tightened her brows and tightened your clammy hand on her thigh.
"Who?" she said.
You repeated with detail that could rival a facial composite. She slapped her cards on the playing table—a move that directed all eyes at her—and scooted you back three inches to rise to her full height.
She signaled the table to continue playing, but her attention was fully focused on you.
Only you.
"Point 'em out to me."
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sixosix · 7 months
heyooo!! can I request Izuku when his fingers accidentally brush against the readers??? And they grab his hand and he gets all flustered <333 sorry I just can’t get this scenario out of my head!! He’s so silly!! /pos
a/n omf i cant believe my izuku readers r still alive… i havent caught up in the manga since forever so if theres anything wrong, thats why LOL i missed izuku so much T__T, wc 1k
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Izuku is guarding a terrible, terrible secret. One that he wouldn’t even admit if his classmates roped him into an intense game of Truth or Dare, unless drunk, probably. Which will never happen.
Class 1-A Dorms roars with laughter. Izuku swears he can feel the building shaking as the students occupying the vast space of the living room burst into another fit of cackles. The other building could probably hear it, and they’d get a noise complaint the next morning, from 1-B, no less.
They’re watching a movie. Comedy, perhaps; Izuku wasn’t paying much attention when they were picking, but he could pick up the clues of what the characters on screen are saying, his classmates jostling his shoulders as they giggle, and, of course, the same mp3 laugh track that plays for the rest of the film.
Izuku is tucked into the far corner of the couch, squished between Todoroki and Uraraka. Uraraka laughs with her whole body, her head thrown back as she claps in delight. Todoroki laughs once, a huff of amusement, just a curl of his lips.
And on the floor, nestled between where Izuku dutifully keeps his knees spread so as to not hurt, sits you—the whole reason why Izuku is struggling to focus on the movie in the first place.
He’s eternally grateful that keeping the lights dim while watching films is a thing, or else everyone would’ve long noticed his burning face. He looks like a strawberry, and feels like a strawberry left under the sun. Todoroki had cast him a glance, vague amusement playing on his stoic face. Izuku wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in there forever.
“Sorry, Izuku,” you say, loud enough to be heard over the film but quiet enough that it’s only shared between the two of you. He wills his legs not to jump up in surprise. “Can I just lay for a bit? I’m getting kinda sleepy.”
“No problem,” Izuku says after a beat, managing to not fuck up and stammer embarrassingly in front of you. Or should it be behind you?
You tilt your head upward, meeting his eyes. “Thank you.”
“Y-Yes. I mean, you’re welcome.” Dammit.
Izuku breathes a sigh of relief when your attention is promptly stolen by the laugh track, and Kaminari yelps a cackle.
He catches something from the corner of his eye, paling at the sight of a terrifying expression on Uraraka’s face. If devils had round eyes and rounder cheeks, smiling in a way that fits their nature, it would be a picture of evilness Uraraka is portraying at this moment.
He squints inquisitively at her.
Uraraka grins. “Your hand,” she whispers, then does something he can’t quite figure out.
Confused, Izuku shows her his hand, scars and all.
Uraraka looks unimpressed, and Izuku wilts. He can’t hear her properly, with the movie picking up pace and sound effects. Uraraka makes a grand demonstration of splaying her hand and resting it on the crown of her hair, then gestures wildly at your head. 
As soon as understanding dawns on Izuku, his face feels drained of blood, horrified. “No,” he mouths desperately. “No.” Again, for good measure.
“Yes,” she mouths back, taking matters into her own hands by quite literally taking his hand and moving to place it on your head. But he panics and jostles your hands resting on his lap instead.
Izuku pales. The characters in the movie shriek. “Sorry,” he squeaks out, then glares at Uraraka, who’s holding in her laughter.
He heaves a heavy breath when you cast him a curious glance.
“You—Sorry, I, my hand—No, I mean, I didn’t mean to do that,” he blurts uselessly, waving his arms around in a desperate attempt to hide his face, which is surely the same shade as anything red.
What the hell, his brain hisses. Izuku, you idiot, you’ve done it now.
He watches with bated breath as you take his hand instead of laughing at his face. He watches as you lace your fingers with his instead of seeing your face scrunch up in disgust. His heart flutters, threatening to fly off his chest and into the shared warmth of your hands.
Instead, he deflates like a red balloon, his mouth forming words that sound like nitpicking vowels from a series of keyboard smashes.
“I don’t mind,” you say. “Relax. I want you to hold me.”
It’s a little hard to relax when your words float around in his mind like a broken record.
Once the movie ends and the noise subsides, his classmates collectively keep their messes—namely, the thrown popcorn and spilled soda on the carpet—and return to their rooms. But Izuku can’t do that, not when he has a Y/N who is still resting against his lap.
He waves goodbye at Uraraka and Iida, the former making kissy faces and Iida solemnly sending him his prayers.
Izuku resigns himself to his fate, sighing softly. Well, despite everything, he likes the fact that you never once let go of his hand.
“I like your hands,” you say, as if answering his thoughts. Izuku jolts and can’t help it because he thought you were asleep.
“You… do?”
Izuku thinks his hands are ugly, scars running all the way to his shoulders like protruding veins. He hates seeing it.
“I do,” you say, squeezing it tenderly. “I’m glad it’s still together and working after all you’ve done to it. I like them.”
Izuku bites his bottom lip, harsh enough that it’s nearly drawing blood, lest he says something stupid like, ‘I like you’. He doesn’t, thankfully. Yet it’s there, on the tip of his tongue. If you asked him what’s on his mind, he would’ve said it.
But he guards his secret a little while longer and hopes that someday he’ll be able to share it with you.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, finding the courage to squeeze your hand. Much to his delight, you do it back and smile. He’s melting. “Can we, uhm, stay here for a bit?”
You laugh, rising from your position. Izuku nearly panics and holds you down because he doesn’t want to lose this moment just yet. But he finds himself stunned when you settle beside him and rest your head against his shoulder instead. “Sleep,” you say. “We’ll stay here for a bit.”
“O-Okay, yeah,” he whispers, reaching for your hand once more.
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munivrse · 8 months
༺☆༻ Luxurious
bada spoils her baby
c/w: spoiled ass reader. down bad bada. suggestive. a little more than suggestive? not full on smut though. what does bada like more than checks? money!
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── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
bada likes to spoil you, loves it, even. the way your eyes lit up when you saw a piece of clothing, shoes, or jewelry that you liked… that was priceless to her. so naturally she takes you out, hands you her card and tells you to “go get what you want, baby.”
she’ll stick with you for a bit- today she helped you pick some items out. she asks an attendant to find them in your size. once she receives the clothes, she guides you to a dressing room. when you open the door, she hurries you and herself into the tight space,
she shushes you and makes her way to sit on the bench in the room. she tells you it’ll be fine and that she wants to make sure everything fits right. the first dress you put on is white with lace trim. bada groans at the sight. where would you ever wear that?
“is it pretty?”
bada looks you up and down, “of course it is sweetheart, everything is pretty on you.”
you roll your eyes, “i should’ve never asked.”
you continue trying some items on, but your final piece of clothing from this shop catches bada’s eye. Its a miniskirt with a zipper accent in the front that is fully functional.
“come closer.”
you walk up to her and her hands are on your hips, moving up to your waist where the the waistband sits. she thumbs the fabric, feeling how thick the material is.
“this is nice.”
one hand reaches for the zipper, pulling it down slowly.
your hands fly to her own, “bada lee!”
she looks up at you, pressing a kiss against your upper thigh, “trust me pretty girl.”
she fully unzips the garment letting it fall to your feet, “such easy access, we’re definitely buying this one.”
she leaves wet kisses above the waistband of your panties. you let a breathy sigh leave your mouth. bada stops and pinches your thigh,
she goes back to kissing your lower stomach, sucking marks into your soft skin. a small moan makes its way out of you and bada stops again,
“you wanna be caught don’t you? wanna let everyone see how pretty you are?”
your thighs rub against each other and bada notices. she leaves one soft kiss against your panties,
“say the word and i’ll do it.”
her hand squeezes your thigh as she continues to press her lips against your clothed cunt. you’re whining, legs shaking and bada cant decipher if you’re turned on, nervous, or just cold.
“cmon baby. tell me what you want.”
you shake your head, “not now.”
bada removes herself from you, hands withdrawing immediately, “good girl. buy what you want today. i’m gonna wait in the car for you, call me when you’re leaving, okay?”
you smile down at her, hands moving her bangs out of the way and cradling her face. she looked so pretty from this angle.
“of course. i love you.” you press a kiss to her forehead.
a light blush spreads across bada’s face,
“i love you too baby.”
she leaves you to your own devices.
when you text her to tell her you’re on your way, she pulls around to the front of the entrance, gets out of the car, and leans against it, waiting to help you load your bags. when you come from the double doors, she smirks when she sees your multiple designer shopping bags, she doesn’t even want to think about the potential damage done to her bank account. a lazy smile makes its way on her face as she rounds the car to grab the bags from you, opening the trunk and setting them inside.
“did you have fun?”
you grin, “yes! can i show you what else i got when we get home?”
“of course baby.”
bada is sat on the couch when you come out from changing. she thinks she might die when you come out in your first outfit. Its a very short black dress with lace trim on the bottom which shows off your legs, something that bada believes should be criminal.
“very pretty. how much was this?”
you let out a nervous chuckle, “don’t worry about that… it looks nice right?”
bada shakes her head, “very nice. what’s next?”
the next outfit is more conservative (thank god). it’s something bada thinks even she would wear. you’ve got a nice pair of black cargos on, a cropped tighter top, and mauve air jordan 1’s on your feet. she distantly thinks she should ask if she could borrow them in the future.
bada gives you a nod of approval, “twirl for me pretty girl.”
you do as you’re told of course.
bada hums, “those pants fit you really well. come here.”
bada spreads her legs to make room for you to stand in front of her. she pulls you closer to her and puts her hands in the back pockets of your jeans, squeezing.
you yelp and grab her hands, “you are such a pervert!”
bada throws her head back and laughs “I can’t help it. i just wanted to make sure they fit.”
you glare at her and leave the living room. when you return, you have a small bag of cosmetics with you. you fish through them and pull out a lipstick.
“i’ve seen this all over tiktok- apparently this lipstick is supposed to be really durable and long wearing,” you put it on your lips, “isn’t it a pretty color?”
bada is just so enamored with you. she gleams up at you, nodding her head.
“can i test them out on you?”
“anything you want honey,” bada grabs you by your hips, pulling you to sit on her lap, “show me.”
you kiss her cheek and notice a little mark left on her. your face morphs into a frown, “it left a mark…”
bada takes this as an opportunity to see you in more lipstick colors- “maybe it’s just that color. try another one?”
you huff in response. you already had one on!
“can i put it on you instead? I don’t want to take this one off.”
bada sees this as an even better opportunity. she tries not to show her excitement at the idea of leaving marks on you on purpose.
you turn around in her lap to dig through your bag. you pull out a cherry red and show it to her, “this would be so cute on you!”
your hand cradles bada’s face as you delicately put the lipstick on her face. bada’s lips twitch. the way you look so serious and focused on the application was so fucking cute it took everything in her not to lean forward to kiss you.
you finish and put the cap back on the lipstick, “okay - kiss me!”
bada giggles and places a kiss to your lips. after your lips she kisses your cheeks… and after your cheeks she starts kissing your jawline…
“bada-” you sigh. your hands grip her hair to pull her away from you, “i told you to kiss me just to test it out. why are you trying to seduce me right now.”
bada looks up to you, eyes already hooded. she makes direct eye contact as she dips her head down again to kiss down your neck. in between kisses she mumbles out, “jus’ checking on the… durability of the lipstick.”
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uluvjay · 8 months
threesome w mitch and auston
- 🧍🏻‍♀️
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Auston Matthews x fem reader! x Mitch Marner
Best friends share everything right?
Warnings?; SMUT, p in v, unprotected sex(use protection), oral(m receiving), cursing, slight degradation, praising, risky sex, getting caught, I cant think of anymore.
Sorry for any errors!
Austons hand covered her mouth doing his best to keep her pathetic moans from spilling out and revealing what exactly they were doing in their basement.
The couple had lied and said they were running down to grab a few more bottles of wine for their large group of guests upstairs-but in reality Auston had taken her down there to fuck her stupid.
Hearing the squeak of the hinges from the door atop the carpeted stairs Auston leaned into the girls ear; whom was bent over the sectional that rested in front of the projector screen.
“If you get us caught so help me god you won’t be able to walk straight for a week, understood?” He questioned and the clench of the girls cunt around his cock was all he needed as an answer.
“Guys? You’ve been gone a while, everything okay?” They heard the all to familiar voice of Mitch call as his feet made their way down the stairs.
The couple tried to make up an excuse to keep him on the stairs but they were to late as the Brunette had already caught sight of them in a very unholy situation.
“Guys what the hell!” Mitch exclaimed at his friends, however his eyes never moved away.
Auston was about to yell at his closest friend to go back upstairs and act like this never happened but the feeling of his girlfriend’s cunt clenching around him, had a smirk appearing on his face.
And as he looked over to his best to find a slight blush covering his pale cheeks and eyes glued to where the couple connected under the skirt of his girlfriends flowy dress, another idea popped into his head.
“Mitch you either gotta stay or go back up stairs, your call but make it quick before she starts acting like a brat” the tattoo covered man spoke
“I-uh-what?” Mitch stumbled over himself, making sure he heard the man correctly.
“You can either stay or leave, but hurry up and make your pick” Auston shrugged as he began moving his hips again.
Auston smirked at the cry that escaped your throat as Mitch made his was further into the room, hesitantly trying to find where he should slot himself.
“Why don’t you show Mitchy how good that mouth is baby? Huh? Show him how good you can be” he cooed at her.
“Okay” she blushed and motioned for Mitch to come stand in front of her.
When Mitch finally managed to move his body into range of the girls hands she pulled him even closer by his belt and began removing it.
Pulling his pants and boxers down just enough for his cock to spring out the girl was met with a delightful sight. Mitch was about the same length as Auston just a tad bit skinner.
She worked his semi hard cock for a moment while Auston regained a pace behind her, his hands holding her hips.
A shudder ran down Mitches spine as her tongue finally came into contact with the head of his cock, slowly swirling around the angry tip.
“Fuck” the blue eyed man groaned as she finally took him into her mouth all the way, her cheeks hollowed as she began moving back and forth.
Her moans from Austons movements behind her were vibrating his cock and sending shocks through his body.
“Such a desperate thing for taking both of us” Auston hissed.
“M’ not desperate” she babbled as she pulled away from Mitches cock for some much needed air.
“Mhm sure” Auston laughed as he slowed his pace and fucked her deeper, coaxing an almost to loud moan that was muffled by Mitch pulling her back to his cock.
His hands tangled into her locks, guiding her movements this time round. Tears had began to stream down the girls face, pretty little tracks of her bleeding mascara messing up her flawlessly done makeup.
“Such a good mouth” Mitch groaned as a slight gag came from your throat.
Auston smirked at the sight of his friend, hands tangled in your locks while his head was thrown back with a clenched jaw and shut eyes.
“M’ getting close” she pulled away from Mitches cock for a moment to speak.
“Can feel you clenching me, c’mon and come for us pretty girl” Auston encouraged, feeling his own knot forming in his stomach.
You could came with a hard shudder at his words, the feeling of him splitting you open and Mitch taking you from the front was just too much for you to hold off.
“Shit, I’m gonna come pretty girl” Mitch groaned as he felt his thighs begin to shake and his thrusts become matched to austons-who was also coming up on his high.
“I’m gonna fill you and you’re gonna swallow Mitches come, understand baby?” Auston spoke, his thrusts becoming hurried and sloppy as he felt that euphoric feeling creeping up faster and faster.
“I understand” you breathed for a second before Mitch was pulling your mouth back onto his cock.
Within seconds both men reached their highs within milliseconds of one another, Auston growled as he filled your hot core with his cum.
Mitches thighs shook as he looked down at your fucked out face that was covered in sweat, spit, and tears-he didn’t think you’d ever looked prettier.
Slowly pulling out of her both men tucked themselves away before helping the girl to her feet, Auston ran a hand through her hair before lightly speaking.
“Gonna go tell everyone you got sick and then we can move this into the bedroom.”
“To the bedroom?” You questioned, and while your voice waivered the way your eyes lit up at his words had Auston knowing that you wanted nothing more than to get both men into your bed.
“Yeah, think mitchy should get to feel how tight that pretty little cunt of yours is” he smirked before taking off up the stairs and making sure you were safe in Mitches arms.
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wosohermoso · 10 months
Lucy Bronze
Jealousy - 18+
Warnings: smut (fingering), fluff, angst
Reader gets jealous when a waitress tries to hit on Lucy. (Do i make a pt.2 where Lucy gets jealous?)
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Myself and Lucy hadn’t been dating long, our relationship still a secret from most people besides our close friends and family. We hadn’t actually planned on telling anyone so soon considering it had only been a few months, but with being around Lucy’s friendship circle and teammates, word of us being together kind of just - spread - although we were in no means trying to hide it.
We had been on holiday in Spain with a few of Lucy’s teammates for just over a few days now, all just enjoying the few days we had together after the World Cup, but me and her had decided to go for dinner away from the others just to spend some quality time together.
As we sit at the table waiting to be served, Lucy reaches over from opposite me, intertwining our fingers in a subtle but romantic way.
“You look gorgeous” She smiles, her thumb delicately brushing over my fingers.
“You don’t look too bad yourself” I giggle, her eyes burning into mine as she lets out a small chuckle.
“Y’know y-” Lucy begins to speak before she’s cut off by the waitress.
“Are you ready to order?” She smiles at me, and i peer down at the menu. My Spanish isn’t the best, so I order in English, letting her know what food I wanted. The waitress jots down my order with a small smile before turning to Lucy.
“-and for the pretty lady?” She says, watching Lucy carefully as her hand subconsciously leaves mine to pick up the menu. I giggle, Lucy is a pretty lady, there is no denying that. I don’t mind when others compliment her, especially knowing that shes mine. She deserves to know that she’s beautiful.
“What would you recommend?” Lucy asks as she looks back up at the waitress.
The waitress grins, placing her hand on the table besides my girlfriend as she leans over at the menu. She tucks a stray hair behind her ear before speaking.
“For you? I mean you cant go wrong with pasta. We have this-” she points “this tastes amazing, and its cooked specially by the head chef”
Lucy nods, “I’ll take your word for it”
The waitress takes note of our order before leaving and Lucy’s attention falls back on me.
“We’ve only got a few days left here and I want to make the most out of it, I was thinking tomorrow we could go to the beach- without the others obviously, I wanna spend as much time with y-”
“Wine- for you, hermosa” Lucy is cut off abruptly by the waitress placing one glass of white wine down on the table in front of Lucy. “Did you want a drink?” She then asks me.
My eyes narrow slightly, but still I keep my composure. Neither of us had ordered our drinks yet but she had come over with a glass for only my girlfriend. “Uh- yeah could I get a wine too please?” I ask with a small smile.
“One wine, is that all?” She asks and I nod.
After a short while our food arrives, “Pasta, for you-” she says, placing Lucys dish in front of her, “alllmost as beautiful as you” She says, earning a slightly awkward chuckle from Lucy. “And a pepperoni pizza for you” She states, placing my naff pizza in front of me. “Enjoy” She says, her hand resting briefly on Lucys shoulder before she leaves.
“What is her issue?” I blurt out earning a small look from Lucy.
“The waitress?” She asks, raising her brow slightly.
“Yeah. I don’t know. She’s acting strange.” I say as a shake my head a little.
Lucy shrugs, “no idea but this pasta looks incredible”
I roll my eyes. I was hardly ever the jealous type, but when tall, pretty, blonde waitress with a figure to die for very obviously has a thing for my girlfriend, its hard to not feel slightly annoyed. And when I look up to see her sat by the kitchen blatantly trying to catch Lucys eye, it only angers me even more.
“Shes staring at you” I state.
“Who?” Lucy frowns a little glancing round at the waitress.
“Don’t turn around, what the fuck?” I grab her hand, diverting her attention back to me.
Lucy looks at me with a small smirk.
“She probably just knows who I am” She chuckles. God her ego is so high, but i love it.
We finish our food in a comfortable silence, a few conversations about life together springing up between mouthfuls. Once we’re done, Lucy places my empty plate on top of hers and scoots them to the edge of the table and after a short while, the waitress returns.
“I see you’re helping me out” She grins at Lucy, motioning towards the plates that she had neatly stacked up to be taken. Lucy smiles at her “I try” she shrugs.
“Would you help me out in finding your instagram?” The waitress very confidently asks. Lucy looks up at her, her mouth open ever so slightly.
“Mine?” She asks in disbelief. The waitress nods.
“I- I mean yeah? Lucy replies, taking the waitresses phone. I watch her search for her own instagram before handing it back. I don’t think it meant anything, Lucy was just a people pleaser, but there’s a time and a place and that most definitely was not the right place - or time.
I sit back in my chair, my arms crossed as the waitress thanks Lucy. I had never been one to not stand my ground and so fighting the urge to say something was a fight I most definitely had lost.
“Do you wanna ask her to shag while you’re at it too?” I say under my breath, my eyes burning into the Blonde.
“Y/n?!” Lucy frowns at me in confusion. The waitress hadn’t heard it but Lucy definitely did. My eyes avert to Lucy with a cold glare, why on earth had she just given her her instagram right in front of my face. The waitress then thanks Lucy, giving her another small rub on the shoulder before leaving.
We were in the car in a not so comfortable silence. I must admit we were only in silence because I was in the worst mood known to man.
“You gonna speak or…?” Lucy strains out, her right hand rested on the steering wheel while her left placed comfortably on her thigh.
I stay silent.
“Y’know, jealousy looks quite nice on you” She states, earning a cold glare.
“What do you mean?” I frown, looking at her in complete disbelief.
“Jealousy. It looks good on you.” She states again before giving me a quick glance.
“If you think im jealous you can think again Lucy” I roll my eyes, shuffling slightly in my seat.
“Mkay” Lucy simply replies.
Once we arrive back at the villa we were renting, I take my shoes off, heading straight to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, Lucy following shortly behind. I feel her presence behind me as I lean over the sink.
“Whats wrong?” She asks softly, placing a small peck on my shoulder. I say nothing.
“Are you still jealous about that gir-”
“Lucy I told you, I’m not jealous.” I state before turning around. Lucy places her hands either side of me, resting comfortably on the counter behind me. She scans my face with a small smirk.
“I’ll take your word for it” She shrugs.
“Like you took her insta” I roll my eyes, earning a small chuckle.
“No. She took mine..”
“Luce?! You need to stop being so cocky about it because honestly it’s not a good look. We were on a date.. and she was all over you like a weeping back boil” I frown, attempting to cross my arm with my water still in my hand.
“So you are jealous” She grins at me, delicately taking my water from my hands and placing it behind me. “Why are you jealous?” She says lowly, her lips feathering against my neck. She cannot serious right now. The stubbornness in me heightened.
“Im not.” I state. Before giving her shoulders a small pat and worming out of the embrace she had me in.
I make my way to our bedroom and sit in defeat on the bed. I was kinda hoping she’d follow and maybe give me a cuddle, make me aware that there was absolutely nothing to worry about, but Lucy was so carefree. She probably didn’t mean anything by the whole interaction with the waitress, I just found it slightly disrespectful, but I knew I was being silly.
It takes Lucy a good half hour before she joins me, giving me a small light tipped smile as she slouches onto the bed besides me above the covers, before leaning over and giving me a quick peck on the lips. She could tell I still wasn’t in the best of moods, but I was slowly starting to get over the uncomfortable date we had had. That was until I saw her scroll through her insta notifications and hover over the new follow she had gotten. It was the waitress. Dont click on it. She clicked on it. She gave the waitresses insta a small skim over before swiping off. I was glad she didn’t follow back, but still I was annoyed. Not at Lucy, just the blonde.
I reach over, taking Lucys phone and locking it before placing it on the bedside table and very abruptly repositioning myself so that I was straddling my girlfriend. Lucy looks up at me in disbelief before opening her mouth to speak, “What are you doi-”
“Shut up.” I cut her off before smashing my lips onto hers.
It doesn’t take her long to widen her mouth, letting my tongue brush against hers, her hands instantly trailing along my thighs before resting on my ass. My tongue roamed her mouth as I took out almost all of my frustration out on her lips while the frustration in other places only grows. Lucy’s breath hitches as my lips trail down her neck, sucking harshly at the sensitive spot just below her ear as my hand creeps up under her shirt to squeeze at her breast. “Jesus christ, y/n” She groans out, her fingertips roaming my thighs and ass as I continue to make out with her neck, sucking and licking every one of her sweet spots. Her hands graze up my back, creeping their way under my shirt where her nails dig into my skin ever so seductively before coming back down to rest on my waist. Our lips meet again, more passionately than before, earning another small groan.
I felt her shuffle underneath me, her knees bending as she raises her hips slightly to try and get just a little bit of friction where she needed it most.
I reposition my legs so that I’m in between hers, before training my kisses down once more. Placing seductive but soft kisses back down her neck to her collarbone as I pull up her top, revealing her braless breasts. I try my hardest not to moan out at the sight of her as I dip my head down to suck delicately on her right nipple, my left hand working its magic on the other. Lucy’s nipples were always sensitive, and I knew that with just a small touch she’d be a complete and utter moaning mess. Her breath begins to shake as I caress her breasts, my tongue flicking against her nipple before my mouth moves on to the other. I feel her hand leave my hip and drag up my back before her fingers tangle in my hair, pulling at the roots sensually. Her hips buck slightly and I knew exactly where she needed me most.
My hands glide down her body as my lips find their way back to hers, my hand very swiftly slipping into her panties. She was wet. So wet. Just how I liked her.
I start to rub slow circles against her clit as her breath shakes and her eyes tighten shut. Her hands finding her way under the waistband of my shorts where they grip onto my ass tightly.
“Get your hands off me” I say, Lucy’s eyes widening in confusion. I smirk down at her. “Hands. Off”
She removes her hands from my shorts, holding them up by her head in defeat as my fingers pick up pace, earning the most leg clenching moan from my girlfriend. “What has gotten into you?!” She breathes out, before moaning against my lips. I pull my head away slightly.
“Jealousy.” I state, before my fingers plunge inside her.
Her back arches in pleasure, and at that moment she had no care for what I had to say, and to be honest, neither did I. I watch her squirm underneath me as my fingers curl inside her, hitting the spot she needed it most. “God, y/n” she moans out.
My fingers leave her as I kneel between her legs, pulling her shorts down her thighs and off her legs in a quick and swift motion. I gaze down at her slightly swollen clit, and oh how I wished my tongue against it right now.
She watches me in frustration as I tease her pussy. My fingers delicately grazing over her hole. “Y/n please..” She groans out as I stare at her.
I was hardly ever dominant with Lucy. But today was different. Today all I wanted to do was claim her as my own, make her know that shes mine and only mine.
My fingers slowly slip back inside her, moving slowly but harshly against her gspot. Soft moans escape her lips as I work my magic.
My other hand caressing her nipples, pinching, squeezing and rolling them in all the right ways as she squirms underneath me before it trails down between the valley of her breasts, down her stomach, and find their way to her clit. And with that I do everything I can to send her completely over the edge. “Y/n” She moans out, louder than before, the tension between my own legs only growing. “Let me touch you” She whimpers, her hands entering my shorts yet again.
“No” I say, as I slow down the pace of my fingers, briefly taking my fingers out of her to remove her hands from me. Lucy lets a small huff of defeat out as my fingers re enter her.
I curl my fingers inside her feeling her tighten around me, her back arching in pleasure. She was close, so close, but I could tell she was holding back. She wanted to touch me so bad, she’s a people pleaser - like I said. But she should have thought about that when she gave the flirty waitress her instagram earlier.
Her eyes tighten as I feel her clench around me and I quicken the pase of my fingers against her clit. Her body almost rolls over as she comes undone, moaning out my name in pleasure as she cums around my fingers, dripping down a little to my knuckles. She pants aggressively, small moans still escaping her lips as she comes down from her high and my fingers leave her body.
“Y/n, let me-” She quivers as her hands try to roam my body yet again.
“No, you’re not done yet” I cut her off, grabbing her wrists to lift her up, “get in the shower” I state, getting up off of the bed and dragging her with me.
I hear her let out a short giggle as she holds on to my hand and follows me into the bathroom, before spinning me round and pushing me up against the sink.
“Told you jealousy looks good on you” She grins down at me. I frown slightly.
“Knees. Now” I state, guiding her down by her shoulders.
She was in for it tonight.
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